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Browsing by master's degree program "Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies"

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  • Koho, Emil (2022)
    People constantly face environmental stimuli and appraise them as events of potential benefits (challenge appraisal) or events of harm and loss (threat appraisal). The reason why employees react to organisational changes as threats or challenges remains unclear in the literature. With an existing large panel of participants (OnlineResearch Finland), this Master’s thesis aimed to understand how employees’ trust towards their supervisor links with cognitive appraisals. Following previous research, the trust variable was further divided into reliance and disclosure. Based on Transactional Theory of Stress and Coping by Lazarus & Folkman, employee’s trust towards the supervisor was hypothesised to predict employees' reactions to organisational changes, in a way that trust would be positively related to challenge appraisals and negatively related to threat appraisal. Using Gillespie’s 10-item trust inventory, regression analysis indicated that both reliance and disclosure were positively related to challenge appraisal in single time-points, and negatively related to threat appraisal in over-time analysis. The results indicate trust has an important role in employees’ reactions to changes and hypotheses were partly accepted, but it seems employees' initial reactions derive from alternative factors, and further research is needed to better understand causal relations between these variables.
  • Wenman, Ellen (2024)
    The way the field of Global Development Studies treats the concept of development” is far from consistent. Furthermore, with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals the focus of Global Development Studies has become even more divided. There is particularly a gap in the literature when it comes to examining the current definition of development in Global Development Studies. This thesis tries to bridge this gap by exploring how development is defined in contemporary development studies journals and institutes. This thesis follows the notion that meaning imposed on concepts make a difference, thus, concepts cannot be employed freely without perpetuating some type of mental structures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review how contemporary scholars in Global Development Studies infer meaning on the concept of development through their academic articles. The study was conducted as an integrative literature review and thoroughly explored the implicit meanings given to development. The material used as data for the study were articles published by two institutes, the Global Development Studies research unit at the University of Helsinki and the International Institute of Social Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and in three key journals, Development and Change, Globalizations, and World Development. The analysis was carried out in two stages, a primary deductive analysis on the abstracts of 259 articles, and a secondary inductive analysis on 19 representative articles read in their entirety. Using the theoretical framework of Nightingale (2019) on Narratives of Sustainable Development, eight narratives of development were formulated and utilised as a framework in the primary analysis. The results show that most scholars in Global Development Studies employ the concept of development freely, without explicit consideration given to its meanings. The narrative of development as Freedom is most frequently contributed to in the articles, and a focus on human capabilities is prevalent throughout most of the articles reviewed. Whereas alternatives to development is present as a recurring narrative, the classical approach to development, particularly as something done in favour of the Global South and with a focus on economic factors, is still more salient in the results. Additional studies on this topic with a larger scope and a more open search strategy would be welcomed. Future research should also be conducted on other areas of importance to development, such as the working papers produced by multilateral organisations, to further inform our understanding of how the meaning of development is constructed.
  • Tuvikene, Maris (2023)
    This master’s thesis contributes to the limited research on gender equality discourses among elite occupational groups in Finland. The objective of the study is to examine how gender (in)equality is discursively constructed in the accounts of women middle managers. More specifically, it investigates which discourses are central in rationalizing gender (in)equality and analyses their implications on the visibility and legitimacy of gender inequalities. Theoretically, the study builds on feminist organizational sociology and especially on Joan Acker’s concept of ‘inequality regimes’. 8 semi-structured interviews with women middle managers form the material for the study. The interviewees work in the field of knowledge work in Finnish-based organizations. The interview data is constructed in interaction, with the researcher asking questions about gender and gender equality at work. Critical discourse analysis is used to understand how the discourses are used to resist or reproduce inequality. A meritocracy discourse and a diversity discourse emerged as central in rationalizing gender (in)equality, along with various postfeminist discursive moves. The meritocracy discourse drew from the rationale that skills and competence should be the basis of wages and advancement. The discourse was utilized to reveal gender-based discrimination or to counter affirmative action measures. The diversity discourse valued different social backgrounds as a business advantage. It was used to speak for the need to recruit people from different backgrounds and to emphasize the diversity of gender beyond a binary concept. The diversity discourse was also utilized to downplay gender equality as less important than other, more modern aspects of diversity. When diversity discourse was used to signify various personal differences, its potential impact on diversity or gender equality was lost. The postfeminist discursive moves, apparent throughout the data, minimized the significance of gender inequality in various ways, such as placing responsibility elsewhere or downplaying the relevance of gender in inequal situations. Overall, the postfeminist moves justified the existing situation. The results indicate how gender inequality is maintained discursively in organizations by legitimizing the status quo and not challenging systemic disadvantages. The role of women middle managers as proponents for gender equality is conflicted, as their position of relative power is constrained by managing gendered disadvantages in their career, the business-oriented logic of private sector organizations and by the difficult task of raising gender inequality as an issue in organizations where it is not deemed relevant. Change is possible if diversity is pursued by concrete actions and gender inequalities are not made light of, but raised as a significant topic in organizations, on its all levels.
  • Udeh, Eva (2022)
    This research aims to examine the identity construction processes of sexual and gender minorities who are also a part of visible ethnic minorities. There is very little research conducted on the topic by social psychology scholars in the Finnish context. The present research is interwoven with critical social psychology drawing its’ framework from intersectional theory, queer theory, and notions of hybrid identity, theorized by Ang (2001), Bhabha (2012) & Hall (1999). The main framework of the study is constructionism which treats the established understandings of the social world and identities as phenomena that are constructed in social practices, rather than as natural truths (see e.g. Gergen, 1985). This research examines how and in relation to which social environments BIPOC and queer identities are constructed, whilst considering how local and global interlocking systems of oppression and privilege challenge and enable such identity negotiations which are done from a state of “in-betweenness” of cultural identities as visible ethnic minorities often describe, and hybridity theories suggest. Using the framework of intersectionality and hybridity capacitates the examination of both, challenges, as well as possibilities of identity construction from the intersections of BIPOC and queer identities in the Finnish context. The research questions are: 1. What kind of challenges and possibilities of cultural identity construction do BIPOC and queer people face in the Finnish context? a. How were the intersections of their identities negotiated? b. How did hybridity figure in their identity negotiations? The data consists of three focus group interviews conducted in the context of insider research. The analysis method used was Reflexive Thematic Analysis. As a result, three themes were generated from the data: (1) Hybrid identity as a necessity, (2) Queerness is white, and (3) Hybrid identity is inherently queer. The analysis suggests that queerness and BIPOC:ness create an intersection of identities, which demand and enable hybrid construction of identities, not only in terms of cultural or BIPOC identity but also in terms of queerness. However, identity construction is done in relation to the available communities which either support and enable exploring and constructing such identities or challenge and limit these processes.
  • Sun, Lianyi (2022)
    Employment is important for the immigrants’ legal stays and subsistence. This research detects the effects of bonding and bridging social capital in achieving immigrants’ job-seeking goals. In this thesis, social capital is defined as resource which are embedded in immigrants’ intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic relationships for immigrants to achieve job-seeking goals. Loosely defined, bonding social capital refers to resource that embedded in within-group connections, while bridging social capital refers to resource that embedded in between-group connections. This group is ethnic immigrant group in this thesis. Further, this thesis observes how the interactions between bonding and bridging social capital impact on immigrants’ accesses to jobs. Moreover, this thesis explores immigrants’ intimacies with social capital through comparing their age and career fields. In-depth interview was adopted to collect data. Data analysis was conducted through line-by-line coding. This research finds out that both bonding and bridging social play the role of broker who link immigrants to the local labour market. However, their roles as the brokers vary by when and how. Bonding social capital makes efficient influences on immigrants’ job-seeking goals at the very early stage of immigration. The unconditional ethnic-based supports from bonding social capital are highly steady. However, compared with the bridging contacts, the quality of job referrals made by bonding contacts are less appreciated. Bridging social capital accelerates the process of immigrants’ job-seeking through helping them earn local work experiences, which are vital for finding the following full-time job. Bonding and bridging social capital impacted each other mutually. When bonding and bridging social capital cooperate, immigrants are likely to attain accesses to richer resources. When bridging contacts witness immigrants becoming estranged with bonding contacts and become close with bridging contacts, immigrants’ bridging social capital tends to be enriched. Younger immigrants are less intimate to vertical bonding social capital, which is embedded in the immigrants’ powerful contacts inside of the immigrant community. Immigrants whose career fields require highly quantifiable career skills tend to have short-term needs of social capital for pursuing jobs.
  • Kinnunen, Julius (2024)
    Vuoden 2022 energiakriisi johti energiaköyhyyden huomattavaan nousuun kansallisella tasolla Suomessa. Energiaköyhyyttä ei ole Suomessa määritelty virallisesti, eikä sille ole myöskään olemassa virallista mittaustapaa, minkä vuoksi sen akateeminen tutkimus on Suomessa hyvin puutteellista. Tämä rajoittaa huomattavasti julkishallinnollisen päätöksenteon tehokkuutta energiaköyhyyden riskien ehkäisemisessä. Tämän tutkimuksen pääasiallinen tavoite on mitata vuoden 2022 energiakriisin vaikutusta suomalaisten kuntien energiaköyhyysriskiin. Jotta kyseinen riski voidaan mitata, tämä tutkielma alkaa kirjallisuusanalyysillä, jossa energiaköyhyyttä kartoitetaan laajamittaisesti ensin kansainvälisesti ja sitten Suomen tasolla. Tämä tutkielma pohjustaa energiaköyhyysriski-indeksin (EPRI), jonka avulla suomalaista energiaköyhyyttä voidaan mitata ja täten ymmärtää paremmin. Riski-indeksi kasataan kunnallisella tasolla, jolloin kuntien ja maakuntien välisiä eroja pystytään tunnistamaan ja vertailemaan paremmin. EPRI kasataan käyttämällä pääasiassa Tilastokeskuksen ja Energiaviraston avointa dataa talokantoihin, lämmitysmuotoihin, kotitalouksien vuosituloihin sekä energian hintaan liittyvissä tiedoissa. Indeksi standardisoi datan ja käyttää painotukseen variaatiokerrointa. Tässä tutkielmassa tullaan siihen lopputulokseen, että vuoden 2022 energiakiriisi nosti suomalaisten energiaköyhyysriskiä huomattavalla tasolla, jota olisi voitu vähentää, mikäli ilmiötä olisi tutkittu aikaisemmin kattavammalla tavalla. Tutkielman lopputulosten myötä työssä ehdotetaan toimia, joilla energiaköyhyysriskiä voitaisiin hillitä ja vähentää jatkossa paremmalla ennakoinnilla ja tehokkaalla julkishallinnollisella päätöksenteolla.
  • Ajao, Racheal (2024)
    This study aims to investigate the integration experiences of African immigrant women in Finland. The women who have partaken in this study have either passed through Finland’s official integration system, or have integrated through other means, namely higher education or work. In contemporary times, integration has become an irreplaceable part of the foundation of modern society. Immigration has increased drastically, particularly in ethnically homogenous countries, such as Finland. However, the migration movements of African women remain underrepresented, despite them making up a notable amount of the African migration flows. African migration has been arguably male dominated; however, there has been an increased feminization of immigrant flows for a little more than the past decade from the African continent, particularly sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to aid in filling in this gap in research and analyses the shared experiences of a small group of African women in Finland. Using the Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorization Theory by Tajfel and Turner, we observe the way these women may categorize themselves within their new host culture, and how this may affect their integration experience. Berry’s Acculturation Model is applied due to the four acculturation strategies he proposes, which can be found within the way the women that partake in this study interpret and apply integration. The Interactive Acculturation Model by Bourhis et al., builds upon this and considers intercultural encounters. The primary research question is: “How do African immigrant women interpret their integration experience in Finland?” The models are used to facilitate the understanding of their interpretations. This study employs two focus groups and two interviews, both of which were used to allow for in-depth retellings and stories. Using reflexive thematic analysis, the data that emerged was analysed and interpreted. The primary themes that emerged from this data are language, cultural maintenance and discrimination, all of which served as core components for the women sharing their experiences concerning integration. The themes of language and cultural maintenance were consistent with previous research and published information concerning the experiences of immigrants in Finland; however, the last theme serves as a bit of an outlier, specifically concerning the perpetrators of discrimination. Overall, results indicated that Finland remains structurally discriminatory and Finnish language oriented. The Finnish labour force, despite needing immigrant workers, remains difficult for immigrants to navigate and find a position within. Social relationships between immigrants and the Finnish remains tricky, with certain women indicating that the drastic differences in culture meant they do not have Finnish friends, solely acquaintances. Maintaining one’s birth culture is important for all; adopting new cultural values from the host society remains difficult for some. Using reflexive thematic analysis, the social identity theory and the acculturation models, this study can understand the position of African immigrant women in Finnish society. Their shared experiences are analysed. These experiences contribute to the aim of the study, which is to provide a voice to an underrepresented group of migrants in Finland.
  • Singh, Garima (2022)
    From socio-economic disparities to the denial of opportunities to fully leverage their capabilities, women with disabilities often face multiple discrimination in the employment sector. Within the landscape of workplace dynamics, gender structures wield significant influence wherein women with disabilities frequently encounter devaluation, stereotypes, and low societal expectations, all of which contribute to reinforce perceptions of incompetence at the workplace further leading to internalized insecurities and powerlessness amongst women with disabilities. Finland, long committed to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, embedded ideals of equality and social justice within its very constitutional fabric long before the ratification of European community law and international laws such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The Constitution of Finland unequivocally champions equal participation and the prohibition of all forms of discrimination, charging the nation with the solemn duty of integrating equality and equitable treatment into its legislative framework. However, despite progressive policies and international convention advocating for disability rights, the intersectional challenges faced by many women with disabilities remain inadequately understood and addressed. By focusing exclusively on this nuanced interplay of experiences and policies tailored to women with disabilities, this thesis aims to highlight the complex dynamics that shape their presence in the Finnish employment sector. This study critically examines the existing policies and frameworks meant to safeguard the rights and promote the inclusion of women with disabilities in the employment sector. By analyzing international treaties like the UNCRPD and national legislation, this research evaluates the efficacy of current strategies in addressing the unique needs of women with disabilities. Furthermore, it explores the role of organizational cultures and practices in fostering an inclusive environment for women with disabilities, highlighting areas where policy implementation falls short and identifying opportunities for improvement. Through this analysis, the study aims to provide insights that can inform future policy interventions and advocacy efforts aimed at enhancing the employment outcomes of women with disabilities. The study, involving findings from interviews with women with disabilities (n=10), reveals the critical role of accessible workplaces, reasonable accommodations, and supportive organizational cultures in facilitating the integration and success of women with disabilities in employment. Furthermore, the study identifies gaps in policy implementation and the need for greater awareness and enforcement of disability rights. Overall, this research contributes valuable insights to the discourse on disability rights and gender equality, advocating for more inclusive practices and policies to empower women with disabilities in the Finnish employment sector. The challenges identified in accessing and maintaining employment for women with disabilities carry significant implications for demographic trends and labor market dynamics, particularly at the policy level. Addressing these barriers through targeted policies and initiatives is crucial for unlocking the productive potential of women with disabilities and alleviating labor market shortages effectively.
  • Tarplee, Mark (2024)
    150 years ago, soccer was an unorganized game in England, yet today it is at the heart of global contemporary culture and attracts billions of fans. The English Premier League is the most popular league in the world with a vast global following. Support for English soccer teams has historically been associated with working-class locality and loyalty, but due to various developments, huge numbers of non-national fans now support English teams. This study uses the theoretical framework of globalization applied to football by Giulianotti and Robertson, and Tajfel and Turner’s social identity theory to investigate how non-national soccer fandom is possible and why it becomes part of a supporter's identity. Although studies have been conducted on this topic, there is a lack of research focusing on Finnish supporters, female supporter, reasons for continued support, and wider interest in England and English entertainment. This study explores Finnish soccer fandom of English teams and aims to answer the following questions: 1) What reasons are given by Finnish soccer fans for their support of English teams? 2) In which ways do Finnish soccer fans of English teams express their support and loyalty to their chosen club? 3) To what degree do Finnish soccer supporters of English teams have a wider interest in England and other English entertainment? My theoretical background provides four main themes and 11 sub-themes which guide both my methodology and results. This study comprises a multi-method approach of 11 semi-structured interviews with Finnish soccer supporters and four participant observations in bars in Finland. Moreover, two content analyses of Manchester United’s and Liverpool FC’s websites are conducted. The findings for all three methods are analyzed using qualitative content analysis to ensure consistency in the study. The findings are plentiful and are organized by sub-themes for each research question, with accompanying quotes from the interview participants. My findings show that Finnish soccer fans initially and continue to support English clubs for a variety of reasons such as family, player from Finland, loyalty, and community. Furthermore, my findings show that Finnish soccer fans are loyal to their English clubs and express their support strongly in a variety of ways. Finally, my findings show that Finns generally have a wider interest in England and English entertainment that goes beyond fandom of their English soccer clubs.
  • Rastas, Anni Frida (2024)
    The aim of this thesis is to investigate and offer new perspectives on the concurrent emergence of embodied affects and politics in the care and conservation of birds in an urban environment. It is based on expanding research focused on affective-political multispecies entanglements, and reconsiderations of urban as lively. This work pursues to highlight the complex relationships through which people ‘learn to be affected’ by and with birds, in a contemporary Finnish city. The thesis is based on ethnographic research carried out periodically in Helsinki during 2021 and 2022. It draws from the experiences of and embodied learning with 15 people who actively observe birds, through semi-structured interviews; participatory observation during bird walks and guided bird excursions in parks and conservation areas; as well as written stories of bird encounters. As a multispecies ethnography, the birds are also active participants in the research. The work focuses on the multiplicity of observations and identifications between people and birds in the city, as well as the concurrently emerging care and conservation. These occur both in relation to the decline of bird populations and to the hunger and pain of individual birds. The contextually normative expert knowledge - emphasising the natural scientific paradigm, especially the identification of populations and species - both guides and conflicts with the complex human-bird relationships. The embodied-affective intensities related to identifying birds appear central, but often come out more subtly in ornithologically oriented observation practices and discourses. In human-bird relations, especially with "urban birds”, where mutual reciprocity and intimate care are more clearly in focus, expert natural scientific knowledge also guides thinking. However, these negotiations are often accompanied by uncertainties and conflicts, as people try to evaluate ways to approach "wild" creatures, who also appear as individual, social and deeply intertwined with human life. The care and conservation of birds emerges in negotiations of wildness, intimacy, multispecies communication, trust, expertise and differentiation which are infused with power relations. Simultaneously, understandings of the possibilities of socio-ecological diversity in the city are formed in unexpected encounters with beings that do not stay solely in ‘animal places’.
  • Pulliainen, Merja (2021)
    Homelessness has been described as a wicked problem due to its complexity and persistence. In the past few decades, Finland has implemented strategies and measures to tackle homelessness and to prevent it. The results have been effective, and homelessness has decreased significantly. However, despite the success of these implementations, there are still thousands of homeless people in Finland who lack a place to call home. As it remains, homelessness is one of the most challenging problems facing Finnish society. In Finland the explanations for the homeless phenomenon have usually wavered between individual characteristics and structural factors. Substance abuse and mental health problems, divorce or a break-up, rent arrears and over-indebtedness are usually highlighted as individual factors for homelessness. In Finland, the most significant structural factor for homelessness is the inadequacy and shortage of affordable rental housing. There is a shortage of affordable housing especially in the Helsinki metropolitan area, where homelessness nationally is concentrated. This ethnographic study approaches the homeless phenomenon in Finland by exploring the daily lives of two homeless men who also suffer from substance use problems. The study is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the men’s pathways to homelessness and factors that have contributed to these. This is followed by the men’s conceptualisations of home, what it means to them, and how they make home as homeless people. The second part of the results shed light on the men’s survival strategies, daily activities and their encounters with fellow street people. The data, which consists of fieldwork observations and unstructured interviews, were collected between autumn 2015 and winter 2016. Thematic analysis was applied to analyse the data. The results show that the men’s pathways to homelessness are complex, stemming from both individual and structural factors. Troubled childhoods, lack of education and employment, low levels of income, bad credit, lack of supporting social networks and addiction problems contribute to the men’s situations as homeless people. However, this study shows that many of these factors that are usually considered as individual, are actually more connected to structural factors such as insufficient level of social security and inadequate access to social and health care. The study illustrates that people who are in vulnerable positions to begin with, are more likely to be exposed to these structural factors, the main factor being the lack affordable housing. The participants’ conceptualisations of home show that not all housing is considered home. In adverse circumstances home can be for example a staircase or prison. Furthermore, the research findings show that the everyday life of a homeless person is occupied with attempts to meet basic needs such as eating, washing and finding a place to stay. Much of the men’s daily lives are also devoted to making money, which is usually acquired by stealing. The results indicate that the men’s social contacts consist mainly of people who use substances or are otherwise in similar situations, though encounters with fellow people are not always positive and the threat of violence is often present.
  • Vaik, Margit (2022)
    The study concentrates on living spaces and home in the context of labour migration among Estonian construction workers in Finland. Estonians are the biggest group of migrants in Finland (Statistics Finland, 2019), and from the perspective of labour migration a popular country for work, mainly due to financial reasons. The aim of this thesis is to find out how Estonian male construction workers’ living spaces and sense of home is transformed during labour migration and factors influencing it. Migration in the context of home has not been studied as widely as different migration processes in Europe and concepts of home. Liquid migration is one of the key concepts in current migration research in the European context, and it is used to present the migration background for this study. In more detail labour migrants’ reasons for migrating, decisions regarding staying in the host country and family and social aspects are covered. Three definitions of home are presented to cover the home theme. The analysis draws from Friberg’s (2012) framework on migration process and several conceptualizations of home. Data of the study consists of 6 semi-structured interviews carried out with male Estonian construction workers in Finland. The results fit into the framework of migration processes, with different aspects of home being important in every stage. In the initial stage, home stays in Estonia, although the men start to work in Finland. In the transnational commuter stage various characteristics of home become important in Finland, but as family stays in Estonia, home is there, too. For settlement stage, home shifts to Finland, if the decision is taken and family joins the migrant in Finland. In conclusion, various characteristics of home and labour migration processes are connected in different stages.
  • Mesimäki, Sakari (2020)
    For decades, Japan has experienced growing political disengagement. Political apathy is particularly pronounced among the youth, who see politics as quarrelsome, difficult and irrelevant to their lives. This thesis explores a movement by a community of young Tokyo creatives to counter such negative meanings by making politics a normal and ‘cool’ part of youth culture and everyday life. It focuses on three media projects through which this effort is pursued: NEUT Magazine, HIGH(er) Magazine and Making-Love Club. They represent continuities with an earlier effort to normalise political participation by the Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy (SEALDs) protest movement, which emerged briefly in 2015-2016 amidst what has been described as a resurgence of contentious politics following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. This thesis argues that political apathy in Japan is the result of a decades long process where confrontational partisan politics has been stigmatised, and where civil society has been depoliticised and made subservient to the agenda of the neoliberal state. It doubts whether the post-2011 resurgence of protest movements truly represents a renewal for popular political participation and argues that closer attention to how ordinary citizens perceive politics can produce a better understanding of political disengagement in Japan. It asks: How, in practice, does the creatives’ movement seek to normalise politics? What kind of political subject is presupposed by this process? And what is its significance for the political participation of youth in neoliberal Japan? Drawing on linguistic anthropology, the effort to normalise politics is conceptualised as a ‘metapragmatic project’ aiming to change the negative image of politics through ‘metapragmatic strategies’ that recontextualise political discourse to establish new meanings. The analysis is based primarily on data collected during approximately three months of field work in Tokyo, through interviews, participant observation at public events, and from print and online content published by the three media. The movement’s strategies avoid the marginalisation of its political discourse by accommodating existing language ideologies that privilege neutral and non-confrontational styles of discussion. By integrating political discourse within youth culture and everyday life, it makes politics attractive and accessible as a signifier of ‘cool’ to be consumed for constructing one’s identity and establishing social distinction. Appealing to the values of diversity and inclusion, and presenting everyday life contexts and experiences as grounds for political participation, the movement seeks to expand notions of legitimate political agency. The subject interpellated through these meanings and strategies is a liberal, individualist political consumer who sees politics as a field for pursuing self-actualisation and social distinction. It is a subjectivity that represents, effectively, a politicisation of how young, individualist neoliberal subjects already engage the world through consumption. In interpellating such subjects, the project to normalise politics creates a new space for critical political discourse. In politicising the consumptive practices of previously apolitical subjects, it demonstrates how neoliberal logics can provide the grounds for expansions of political agency, not only its curtailment. Continuing attention to the development of this discursive space, and how subjects come to engage with politics within it, can enable a more sophisticated understanding of political participation in Japan.
  • Hattori, Mai (2020)
    This study aims to identify diverse masculinities of fatherhood and the subject positions in Japanese news media. In post-war Japan, Japanese men upheld breadwinning masculinity, also called Salaryman masculinity, which positioned the domestic sphere as the domain of women. In contemporary Japan, men are socially expected to play the care roles instead of solo financial provider roles within the household. However, conventional patriarchal ideology has persisted, assigning men as breadwinners and women as primal caregivers as complemental partners. Hybrid masculinity that adopts caring role but upholds the dominating power over women has been also observed. Since masculinity reconstructs patriarchal power relations, this study attempts to investigate the complex discourses of constructed masculinities of fatherhood and the subject positions that men can adopt in contemporary Japan. As this study focuses on the power dynamics of masculinity, this study is situated within the field of critical social psychology and is grounded in social constructionism. This study applies the concept of Hegemonic masculinity developed by Connell (1987). Foucauldian discourse analysis is adopted to approach the discourses and subject positions. The research questions are: RQ1) What kind of masculinities of fatherhood are constructed in Japanese news media? and RQ2) What kind of subject positions are provided for Japanese fathers in the news media? In total, 31 articles, provided by 14 news medias, are collected from Yahoo! News online news platform, of which the range of published date is May 2019 to October 2019. As a result, this study identifies five discourses: Men work discourse, Men are not good at childrearing discourse, Time with family is precious discourse, Men participate in childrearing discourse, and Equal parenthood discourse. The subject positions attached to the discourses are suggested as: Breadwinner, Secondary caregiver, Involved father, In a higher status than women, and Equal partner of women. Whereas breadwinning masculinity still has upheld the domination over women, the masculinity that explicitly rejects the traditional gender role is also identified. In addition to the traditional hegemonic salaryman masculinity, hybrid masculinity that exploits the femininity to maintain the hegemonical power is identified. Within several discourses, emphasized femininity is constructed by women by positioning themselves as primary caregivers. With the help of the analysis framework of Foucauldian discourse analysis developed by Willig (2008), this study illustrates the practices and possible psychological experiences by men. This study proposes to the government and public institutions to constitute gender-neutral discourses within the policies and services. This study contributes to critical social psychology by adding to articulated knowledge of possibilities for making sense of the relation between masculinity and domestic sphere. Furthermore, this study proposes the possible shifts of gender relations towards equality by identifying gender-equal discourse that has not been observed in other current masculinity studies in Japan.
  • Sormunen, Minja (2023)
    The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how queer and pansexual self-identified people make sense of the concepts of ‘queer’ and ‘pansexual’. Based on interviews with queer- and pansexual-identified people, this study seeks to understand how and why the terms queer and pansexual are being used and what these terms mean for the individuals using them. By doing so, the study contributes to the lack of knowledge regarding why these two terms are gaining popularity in Finland. The study ultimately examines the distinct features of both queer and pansexual identity categories and explores the meanings of categories for identity-construction. Recent scholarship studying sexual identity categories has noticed that queer and pansexual identities have been gaining popularity among sexual and gender minorities and have increasingly been adopted over more traditional identities of lesbian, gay or bisexual. This shift is understood to be connected to the fact that traditional binary sexual categories are being challenged by broader non-binary sexual categories of, for instance, queer and pansexual. (see e.g. Callis, 2014; Morandini et al., 2017.) However, there is very little research examining this phenomenon in Finland. The research questions of this study are: 1. How and for what purposes do queer- and pansexual-identified people use the terms queer and pansexual? and 2. What kinds of tools of identity-building these categories are? This study suggests that pansexual and queer identity categories are different from each other in distinct ways. The term pansexual was mainly used to signify sexual orientation, whereas queer formed a significant identity category for the interviewees. Queer is a tool of identification that allows existing outside of a cis-heterosexual set of norms, enables identity to exist as fluid, complex, and multiple, and forms a community membership that creates feelings of safety and belonging
  • de Carvalho, Emma (2024)
    This thesis takes an affective approach to studying the meanings and mobilisations of women’s bodies in the artwork of the Woman Life Freedom movement in Iran and Kurdistan. The Woman Life Freedom (‘Jin Jiyan Azadi’ in Kurdish) movement was born following the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini on September 16th, 2022. Amini, a 22-year-old woman, was arrested for improperly wearing her veil, and was later abused by Iranian security forces. She suffered fatal wounds which led to her eventual passing. Widespread protests erupted across Kurdistan and Iran, demanding justice for Amini, and for other women and people who have been victims of the Iranian state. The protests quickly morphed into a sustained movement, which is still ongoing at the time of writing. The movement is referred to as the JJA movement in this thesis, an acronym of ‘Jin Jiyan Azadi’. Artists have taken part in the movement by creating and sharing artwork on social media. Women’s bodies feature heavily in this artwork and are significant tools of political resistance. The research question is the following: How is the female body mobilised as a political symbol in visual art of the JJA movement? The methodology consisted of combining compositional analysis and affective analysis to study the representation of women’s bodies in thirty artworks of the JJA movement. This visual data was collected from the social media site Instagram. Multiple criteria were used to select appropriate artworks, and the chosen artworks went through many stages of manual coding on the ATLAS.ti software. A variety of Iranian, Kurdish, and diasporic literature was used to enrichen the image analysis and draw nuanced conclusions on the role of women’s bodies in the artwork. Additionally, existing scholarship on affect has been used and applied to the analysis. Throughout the project, it was seen that many artists have creatively represented women’s bodies in interaction with other bodies as well as specific symbolic objects (including national flags, landmarks, hair, fists, and blood). These visual connections were affectively decoded to draw out larger political and social meanings of the body. Based on the analysis, two main conclusions are presented. First, it is argued that women’s bodies are mobilised as political symbols of Iranian and Kurdish nationhood and transnational solidarity, and second, that they have become embodied sites of liberation, strength, dreaming and memory in the artwork of the JJA movement. This thesis contributes to the growing body of academic research on the JJA movement, as well as research on visual and digital representations of bodies in Sociology. Three directions for future research are outlined in the final chapter.
  • Akyazan, Abdurrahman (2023)
    Migrants may find themselves in a vulnerable position after migration due to the new social structure (e.g., labor market opportunities, language problems, migration legislation, or networks in the new country). Since they lose their power in the society at large, this change may also affect power relations in their families. As a result, gender roles at home may also change. While existing studies on migration focus on migrants' socio-economic integration into host societies, their family formation and gender roles at home are not well explored. Rather than attributing these roles solely to 'cultural' reasons, I attempt to find answers through an exploration of the immigration experiences. This study has the potential to fill a gap in the literature on migration and gender studies and to contribute to this field in Finland. In this qualitative study, I attempt to explore how Turkish married migrants experience their gender roles and power relations at home after migration. Through thematic analysis of six interviews with three male and three female Turkish migrants, I identified four themes: "status loss after migration," "status loss and willingness to move back," "loneliness after migration," and "rejection of traditional gender roles." One of the most important findings of the study is that those who moved to Finland through family reunification experience a strong sense of status loss, which lead to marital dissatisfaction or a desire to leave the country. Furthermore, labor market opportunities push Turkish women to more traditional roles, while language barriers and a lack of networks hinder their integration into the country. It is important to note that most of the participants reject traditional gender roles as an ideology. However, there are other factors that contribute to their adherence to these roles.
  • Vennonen, Anna (2023)
    Cryptocurrency emerged in response to a growing distrust in traditional financial systems, representing an attempt to re-imagine money on a global level. Unlike previous alternative currency movements, cryptocurrencies allowed greater scalability, portability, security and ‘more than money’ use-cases. This led to widespread adoption and narratives of cryptocurrency’s revolutionary potential. Since the invention of Bitcoin in 2008 more than 23,000 cryptocurrencies have been traded, along with the development of non-fungible tokens, decentralised autonomous organisations, and ‘metaverses’, which make up the new layer of internet infrastructure enthusiasts call ‘Web 3’. Alongside talk of cryptocurrencies’ speculative appeal, are visions of a blockchain-supported economy that are about much more than money: representing new forms of operating, living and imagining value. Yet others remain perplexed by the way value seemingly arises ‘out of nothing’. This thesis takes cryptocurrency as an opportunity to explore the social construction of value. Through seven months of fieldwork online and in Helsinki in 2022, it provides an ‘on the ground’ view from the cryptoscene. This work explores users’ motivations and understandings of value, their subjectivities, ideals and values, and the social relations that hold everything together. The study contributes findings that emphasise cryptocurrencies’ entanglement with ideological beliefs, values and ethical projects, suggesting cryptocurrency use extends beyond individual rational economization. Analysing ideals from the scene, the work highlights new labours and ethics which inform users’ subjectivities, encouraging self-responsibility, rationality and discipline. Despite the scene’s rhetoric of individualism, communities and social relations are found to play an important role in mediating trust and value, working to re-embed a notion of ‘the social’.
  • Külm, Meri (2023)
    Elokapina (Extinction Rebellion Finland) has been active since late 2018 and has become one of the most prominent actors in the Finnish civil society. It represents the more radical wing of the environmental movement and has caused much societal discussion over its action tactics, most notably using civil disobedience. By late 2023, its demands to the Finnish government have not been attained, raising questions about the movement’s effectiveness in achieving the desired outcomes. This thesis looks at movement outcomes and movement-party interaction in the Finnish environmental movement through the case of Elokapina. This work is a holistic view of strategic interactionism, which analyses the movement’s interactions through a lens of movement consequences and the dilemma framework developed by James M. Jasper. To gain a holistic view of the perceived effectiveness of Elokapina’s approaches, the study includes the perspective of politicians in addition to the activists themselves. The research questions are: 1) How effective do activists and politicians perceive Elokapina to be in attaining its goals? 2) How do activists and politicians perceive Elokapina’s strategic choices? and 3) How do activists and politicians view the influence of movement-party relationships on Elokapina? The thesis is qualitative in nature, and the data consists of interview data. Semi-structured interviews with six activists from Elokapina and six Members of the Finnish Parliament were conducted at the beginning of 2023. Based on the analysis, Elokapina is considered more effective from the activist’s point of view. Still, politicians also recognised the movement’s significant role in keeping the climate and environmental crisis on the societal agenda and creating political pressure. Both activists and politicians brought out a multitude of movement outcomes that exemplified Elokapina’s effectiveness despite the official demands not being reached. Interviewees evaluated Elokapina’s strategic choices with a large variety of opinions, which were, at times, contradictory to each other. The most prominent dilemmas that the movement seems to face are about shifting goals, choosing targets, being “naughty” or “nice”, and dilemmas concerning the political arena. The findings show that Elokapina’s direct influence on the political parties is secondary, and the political pressure is created indirectly through the media and by strengthening the climate emergency discourse. The movement-party relationships are diverse, and other prominent players in the arena are the media and police. The analysis concludes that Elokapina is considered an effective actor in the environmental movement, and its consequences are diverse. The movement’s strategy is a constant process with no clear answers, and movement-party interaction is secondary in attaining Elokapina’s goals.
  • Ollila, Mirkka Elisa (2022)
    This thesis examines the effects of the legal framework of the indigenous peoples defined in the study on different aspects of the lives of the Kola Sámi living in the Kola Peninsula. In Russia, both the Constitution and Federal laws guarantee the protection of indigenous peoples’ way of life through various rights. Despite this, several scholars and the media have increasingly written about the challenges related to the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples, especially during the last decade. In this thesis, the effects of Sámi rights are examined by using the theory of legal pluralism, which takes into account the colonial nature of laws and their outcome. The data of the study consists of f interviews, 21 news articles and one podcast. Due to the restricting political atmosphere in Russia in 2022 and the research pressure on the Sámi people, the data has been compiled using different, mutually supporting and reinforcing qualitative methods. The research topic is approached with content analysis, which emphasizes the three main themes identified from the background literature, in light of which the effects of Sámi rights are discussed. These three themes are bureaucracy, environment and economy. In addition to the three main themes, the analysis identifies three different fields of influence of Sámi rights: control of rights through self-governance and self-determination; obstacles related to the pursuit of traditional livelihoods; and contradictions in the existence of rights de jure. The results show that the realization of Sámi rights is secondary to the interests of the state and local actors. The colonialist attitude of the Russian Federation towards its Arctic regions manifests itself in the primacy of the capitalist benefit of the Kola Peninsula at the expense of the rights and traditions of the Kola Sámi. The results show that during V. V Putin’s current administration, the nature of the rights of the Kola Sámi has become repressive and further limiting. In order to fulfill Arctic interests, the Sámi are controlled and assimilated through their legal framework. Obstacles and difficulties in the exercise of rights as well as harassments against the Kola Sámi contribute to the alienation of the population from their environment and traditions. Thus, in this thesis, the effects of Sámi rights are seen as intentional, oppressive and suppressing the population instead of their protection.