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  • Auvinen, Joona (2019)
    Tutkielmassa analysoidaan evoluutioteorian käyttämistä kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa epistemologisesta näkökulmasta. Historiallisesti evoluutioteorian käyttö tällaisessa tarkoituksessa on ollut hyvin harvinaista. Evoluutioteorian käyttäminen kognition luotetettavuuden arvionnissa on kuitenkin saanut kasvavaa huomiota viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana, minkä johdosta on syytä selvittää, ansaitseeko evoluutioteoria sille joidenkin tarjoaman suuren roolin epistemologiassa. Tutkielman metodologia perustuu 1980-luvulta lähtien suosiota kasvattaneeseen arvolähtöiseen epistemologiaan, joka pyrkii vastaamaan kysymykseen episteemisesti arvokkaiden asioiden joukosta. Episteemisiin arvoihin nojaava lähestymistapa epistemologiaan soveltuu sen arviointiin, millaisen roolin evoluutioteoria ansaitsee kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa, sillä tämä lähestymistapa pitää epistemologiaa joistain toisista lähestymistavoista poiketen normatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan evoluutioteorian käyttämistä kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa veritismi nimellä tunnetun episteemisiä arvoja koskevan kannan näkökulmasta. Kyseisen kannan mukaan ainoastaan todet uskomukset ovat episteemisesti itseisarvoisia. Näin ollen tutkielman tarkka tutkimuskysymys on se, missä määrin evoluutioteorian käyttö kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa edistää veritismin mukaista tavoitetta, eli tosien uskomusten uskomista. Tämän kysymyksen arviointi jakautuu tutkielmassa kahteen osaan. Ensinnäkin tutkielma pyrkii vastaamaan siihen, voiko evoluutioteorian käyttäminen kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa tuottaa poikkeuksellisen episteemisesti itseisarvoisia uskomuksia. Toiseksi tutkielma pyrkii vastaamaan siihen, voiko evoluutioteorian käyttäminen kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa tuottaa episteemisesti instrumentaalisesti arvokkaita uskomuksia siten, että kognition todennäköisyys tuottaa tosia uskomuksia kasvaa. Veritismi on hyödyllinen viitekehys analysoida evoluutionteorian käyttämistä kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa ennen kaikkea sen vuoksi, että lähes jokainen epistemologi hyväksyy tosien uskomusten olevan episteemisesti itseisarvoisia. Tutkielman tulokset ovat siis hyödyllisiä lähes jokaiselle epistemologille riippumatta moniin muihin kysymyksiin liittyvistä erimielisyyksistä. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan evoluutioteorian käyttäminen kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa voi tuottaa poikkeuksellisen episteemisesti itseisarvoisia uskomuksia. Tämä tulos perustuu siihen, että veritismin sisällä on mahdollista tehdä ero enemmän ja vähemmän episteemisesti itseisarvoisten tosien uskomusten välillä riippuen kyseessä olevien uskomusten kiinnostavuudesta. Tutkielmassa käy kuitenkin ilmi, että tämä tapa löytää poikkeuksellisen suurta episteemistä itseisarvoa joutuu muun muassa nojaamaan veritismin luonteen tietynlaiseen tulkintaan. Erottelu enemmän ja vähemmän episteemisesti itseisarvoisten tosien uskomusten välillä ei siis ole täysin ongelmatonta veritismin sisällä. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan evoluutioteorian käyttäminen kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa ei kuitenkaan voi lähes koskaan tuottaa episteemisesti instrumentaalisesti arvokkaita uskomuksia lisäämällä kognition todennäköisyyttä tuottaa tosia uskomuksia. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että evoluutioteorian käyttäminen kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa on veritismin näkökulmasta motivoitua ainoastaan, jos näin saavutetaan henkilön näkökulmasta hyvin kiinnostavia, ja näin ollen hyvin episteemisesti itseisarvoisia tosia uskomuksia. Tutkielman johtopäätökset veritistisestä arvosta, joka liittyy evoluutioteorian käyttämiseen kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa, ovat siis melko pessimistiset. Tämä on tutkielman mukaan tärkeää pitää mielessä etsiessä vaihtoehtoisia episteemisiä arvoja koskevia viitekehyksiä, joiden sisällä evoluutioteorian käyttämistä kognition luotettavuuden arvioinnissa voi analysoida.
  • Larja, Liisa (2011)
    The designing of effective intervention tools to improve immigrants’ labor market integration remains an important topic in contemporary Western societies. This study examines whether and how a new intervention tool, Working Life Certificate (WLC), helps unemployed immigrants to find employment and strengthen their belief of their vocational skills. The study is based on quantitative longitudinal survey data from 174 unemployed immigrants of various origins who participated in the pilot phase of WLC examinations in 2009. Surveys were administered in three waves: before the test, right after it, and three months later. Although it is often argued that the unemployment among immigrants is due either to their lack of skills and cultural differences or to discrimination in recruitment, scholars within social psychology of behavior change argue that the best way of helping people to achieve their goals (e.g. finding employment) is to build up their sense of self-efficacy, alter their outcome expectances in a more positive direction or to help them to construct more detailed action and coping plans. This study aims to shed light on the role of these concepts in immigrants’ labor market integration. The results support the theories of behavior change moderately. Having positive expectances regarding the outcomes of various job search behaviors was found to predict employment in the future. Together with action and coping planning it also predicted increase in job search behavior. The intervention, WLC, was able to affect participants’ self-efficacy, but contrary to expectations, self-efficacy was found not to be related to either job search behavior or future labor market status. Also, perceived discrimination did not explain problems in finding employment, but hints of subtle or structural discrimination were found. Adoption of Finnish work culture together with strong family culture was found to predict future employment. Hence, in this thesis I argue that awarding people diplomas should be preferred in immigrant integration training as it strengthens people’s sense of self-efficacy. Instead of teaching new information, more attention should be directed at changing people’s outcome expectances in a more positive direction and helping them to construct detailed plans on how to achieve their goals.
  • O´Connor, James (2006)
    The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 that were the catalyst for the US global war on terror have given high visibility to neoconservatism. However, analysis of US foreign policy has not translated such exposure into sufficient understanding of neoconservatism and the broader issue of US nationalism. To emphasise that identity politics is a never-ending project of shaping not only collective perceptions of the self but also of others as enemies , evil states , allies and so on, I construct a model of multi-directional processes of identification. These are found to be fundamentally oppositional, contradictory and highly combative. Within such a framework I locate neoconservatism as only the latest in a long US exceptionalist lineage that has always been deeply antithetical in nature. To develop this oppositional model I examine the political theories of Carl Schmitt. Here many significant parallels with the US exceptionalist genealogy in both past and present forms are identified, chiefly in Schmitt s heavy dependence on perceptions of animosity and struggle. Based on this analysis I isolate two principal operations essential to Schmittian and US identification processes: the continual creation and maintenance of exceptions and distinctions. The two-part model of oppositional processes of identification thus developed is applied to a selection of neoconservative writings from a US prominent think tank on the war on terror using theories and methods of rhetorical analysis adapted from Kenneth Burke and Jacques Derrida. In the subsequent critique particular attention is given to the problems that arise due to the conflict-driven nature of these identification processes. I argue that one of the major consequences of identifications projected identities of both the self of one s own country, government and people, and of others being mostly negatively defined is an increased tendency towards conflict at all levels, including war. The paper concludes that the oppositional and exceptionalist discourses that Schmitt and US neoconservatism exemplify advocate highly exclusionary, combative worldviews and practices that, if allowed, will not only expel more conciliatory voices but in seeking to monopolise all debate will also seriously damage future possibilities for sustainable and peaceful conduct of foreign policy.
  • Zhou, Hanxiao (2019)
    The linkage between the import prices and the exchange rate is an important topic in the open economy macroeconomics. However, there is a few literature focusing on the elasticity of the import prices with respect to the exchange rate especially in Finland. The aim of this study is to estimate the Exchange Rate Pass-through (ERPT) on the aggregated Finnish import prices. With the time series of Finnish Import Price Index, the aggregated foreign Producer Price Index and the aggregated foreign exchange rate index from 2001 to 2017, the analysis suggests the short-term ERPT on Finnish import prices is 36.3% and the long-term ERPT is 70.7%. Finland’s domestic demand has little impact on the short-term ERPT on Finnish import prices, while it likely reduces ERPT by 1 to 5 percentage points in long term.
  • Virkola, Tuomo (2013)
    Fiscal policy is the only available sovereign macroeconomic stabilization tool for countries that have adopted a fixed exchange rate regime. Among these countries are the members of the euro zone that have adopted a common currency. However, there exists little empirical evidence on the effectiveness of fiscal policy measures under such an economic environment. The effects of fiscal policy shocks have been mostly studied in the United States or other non-European countries operating under flexible exchange rate regimes. This thesis studies the effects of discretionary fiscal policy shocks in small open economies under different exchange rate regimes. The empirical analysis is based on a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model that takes advantage of institutional knowledge on tax collection lags and automatic movements in government expenditure and net taxes. In particular, the thesis suggest that by estimating the effects of fiscal policy shocks in two structurally similar countries that have opted for different monetary policy regimes (Finland and Sweden) one can convincingly control for the economic environment and study the effect of exchange rate regime on fiscal policy transmission. Further, the thesis proposes to augment the baseline model with quarterly fiscal forecasts and to study the effects of fiscal policy under fiscal foresight, i.e., when economic agents may anticipate and respond to fiscal policy measures prior to their implementation. The results suggest that the effects of fiscal policy shocks depend on the exchange rate regime. The effects of fiscal policy shocks under a fixed exchange rate tend to be more expansionary when compared to a floating exchange rate regime. The quantitative estimates of the effects of fiscal policy shocks tend to be associated with notable uncertainty, but it is argued that the qualitative difference is robust to a variety of sensitivity tests. In addition, the thesis suggests that fiscal foresight may affect the identification of fiscal policy shocks and hence the estimated dynamic results within conventional SVAR models. The findings are consistent with previous fiscal policy literature that has considered fiscal policy shocks within different exchange rate regimes, but also with studies that have incorporated fiscal foresight into SVAR models.
  • Zych, Weronika (2013)
    National identity can be constructed by the nation-state to produce shared meanings and narratives with which the citizens associate. One way for the nation to ‘imagine’ itself is through the museum; these institutions construct and alter identities by exhibiting artefacts and stories that connect the past with the present and sharing text, images and material objects that exemplify ideals of heritage and culture. This master thesis approaches the construction of identity as it is created and shaped in national museums, focusing on how these institutions act as ideological agents and how they contribute to the creation and understanding of national identity. Specifically, this thesis examines how Sámi heritage and culture are articulated and incorporated into the discourse on Finnish national identity. The thesis questions: how do Sámi-related exhibitions contribute to the narrative on national identity? Do the geographical locations of the museums, the layouts of exhibitions, and the voices interpreting and presenting the exhibition displays play a role in how the Sámi are included as part of the nation’s identity? Utilising the case study method, this thesis investigates two museums in Finland that house a permanent exhibition on the Sámi people and culture: the National Museum of Finland, located in Helsinki, and the Siida – The National Museum of the Finnish Sámi and Nature Centre, located in Inari. Situated at the cross-section of the growing literature on nation building and identity construction, and how these ideologies are balanced within the museum setting, the research presented here attempts to understand how identity is articulated and adapted in different contexts and locations. The thesis concludes that the exhibition and presentation of artefacts of Sámi culture in museums can greatly influence in the development of national identity. Indeed, curators and scholars must pay close attention to the social and political spheres of all groups they exhibit if museums are to continue maintaining the reputation as institutions of knowledge and culture.
  • Jarmala, Veikko (2017)
    Oikeudellinen jatkuvuus (vir. õiguslik järjepidevus) on Viron tasavallan valtioidentiteetin perusta. Vuodesta 1944 lähtien pakolaisyhteisö oli alusta alkaen maanpaossa haaveillut Viron vapauttamisesta ja tasavallan palauttamisesta. Se piti yllä pakolaistoiminnassaan oikeudellista jatkuvuutta, vaikkakin sen määrittelyprosessi ei ollut lainkaan sovinnollista pakolaisuuden alkuvuosina. Ulko-Viro ja koti-Viro olivat etäällä toisistaan aina 1980-luvun loppuun asti, jolloin Neuvostoliiton uudistuspolitiikka avasi mahdollisuuden yhteydenpitoon. Perestroika nosti ensin vaatimukset Eestin SNT:n suuremmasta itsehallinnosta, jota alkoi ajaa perestroikan tueksi perustettu Viron kansanrintama johtajanaan Edgar Savisaar. IME-ohjelman (Isemajandav Eesti) tuli pelastaa neuvosto-Eesti, mutta kansanrintaman vastustajaksi perustettu Interliike alkoi taistella kaikkia uudistussuunnitelmia vastaan. Vuoteen 1989 alussa tasavallan palauttamista tavoitelleet restitutionistit keksivät idean rekisteröidä kaikki jäljellä olevat Viron tasavallan kansalaiset. Ennen miehitystä voimassa olleen vuoden 1938 perustuslain mukaan valta Virossa kuului Viron kansalle eli kansalaisille. Se oli ainoa legitimiteetin lähde, joka Viron tasavallasta oli jäljellä. Tuli siis rekisteröidä Viron kansalaiset ja palauttaa tasavalta sen kansalaisten kautta. Näin syntyi kansalaiskomitealiike, joka syksystä 1989 alkaen käänsi Eestin SNT:n itsehallintosuunnitelmat kohti itsenäisyyttä ja hyvin pian kohti tasavallan palauttamista. Kyse on tiettävästi ainoasta laatuaan maailmassa, että de facto hävitetyn valtion kansalaiset palauttavat oman kansalaisyhteisön ja valitsevat oman edustuslaitoksen. Maaliskuun 30. päivänä Eestin SNT:n johtoa edustanut korkein neuvosto ja kansalaisten edustuslaitos Viron kongressi päättivät tehdä yhteistyötä ja maahan julistettiin siirtymäaika, jonka tuli päättyä Viron tasavallan perustuslaillisen tilan palauttamiseen. Vuonna 1991 Neuvostoliitto yritti pitää vaikka väkisin Baltian maat osana itseään, vaikka käytännössä ne olivat jo itsenäisiä. Tasavallan palauttajat korostivat, että neuvostomiehityksen jättämää perintöä ei saa legitimoida. Neuvostoliiton paineen alla käytiin yhtä aikaa kamppailua palauttajien ja kansanrintaman sekä muiden enemmän tai vähemmän Eestin SNT:n pohjalta itsenäisyyttä ajaneiden välillä. Lopulta elokuun vallankaappausyritys 1991 pakotti osapuolet sopuun ja julistamaan Viron tasavallan itsenäisyyden palautetuksi. Siirtymäkausi kuitenkin jatkui aina syksyyn 1992, joten palautetun itsenäisyyden ensimmäinen vuosi maata johdettiin neuvostoaikana valitun parlamentin kautta. Tasavallan palauttamisen varmisti vuoden 1938 kansalaisuuslain käyttöönotto, jonka pohjalta Viron tasavallan kansalaisuus palautettiin henkilöille, jotka olivat olleet Viron kansalaisia päivä ennen neuvostomiehitystä eli 16.6.1940, tai heidän jälkeläisilleen. Tämän jälkeen vuoden 1992 aikana Viron tasavallan kansalaiset palauttivat maan perustuslaillisen järjestyksen hyväksymällä yli 90 prosentin osuudella maan uuden perustuslain. Viron ulkopuolella maan kansalaisuuslegalismia ei ole aina kunnolla ymmärretty, kuten ei myöskään sitä, kuinka radikaaleja muutoksia neuvostoaika Viron väestöön jätti. Tästä huolimatta maa on kyennyt juurikin oikeudelliseen jatkuvuuteen nojaten toteuttamaan maaassa omaisuusreformin ja myöntämään kansalaisuuksia vierasmaalaisille lähes Ison-Britannian tahtiin. Virolaisessa nationalismissa kansalaisuuslegalismiin pohjautuvan kansalaisnationalismin (civic nationalism) asema on merkittävä, ja se yhdistyy omalaatuisella tavalla perustuslain asettamaan velvoitteiseen säilyttää viron kieli, kansa ja kulttuuri kautta aikojen.. Samoin periaate “vääryydestä ei seuraa oikeutta” on ollut yksi keskeinen periaate, joka on taannut Viron nopean kehittymisen länsimaiseksi liberaalidemokratiaksi. Historiasta kumpuava jatkuvuus yhdistyy nyky-Viron identiteettiin niin voimakkaasti, että palauttamisesta on tullut jatkuva prosessi. Viron tasavalta on ollut nyt kauemmin itsenäinen kuin se ehti olla vuosina 1918-1940, mutta silti sen tasavaltaa palautetaan joka päivä. Näin ollen historian nojaavalla kumpuavalla periaatteella on yhteiskuntaa eteenpäin työntävä vaikutus. Restitutionistien pelkäämää ns. kolmatta tasavaltaa ei tullut, mutta valtiota ei voi palauttaa tasan samankaltaiseksi kuin se ennen miehitystä oli, eikä se ole ollut tarkoituskaan. Tärkeämpää on identiteetti ja periaate, ettei vääryydestä seuraa oikeutta. Toisaalta Virossa käydään jatkuvasti keskustelua historiasta ja jatkuvuudesta; ja ennen kaikkea siitä, mikä mahdollisesti heikentää jatkuvuutta. Tähän teemaan liittyen on tutkielman lopussa osuus, joka käsittelee Viron ensimmäisen presidentin Konstantin Pätsistä käytävää keskustelua.
  • Lehtiö, Anu (2017)
    Tämä tutkimus käsittelee suosittujen suomalaisten äitiysblogien asiantuntijaretoriikkaa kaupallissa yhteistyöpostauksissa. Blogeja käsitellään tilana, jota sävyttää bloggaajien asiantuntijuuden ja kaupallisten tavoitteiden yhdistyminen. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan miten bloggaajat hyödyntävät asiantuntijuuttaan osana toimivaa kaupallista yhteistyötä. Bloggaajien asiantuntijuutta lähestytään realistisen asiantuntijuusteorian näkökulmasta. Bloggaajien asiantuntijuus nähdään aitona. Tämä mahdollistaa blogikirjoitusten tutkimisen relevantteina asiantuntijuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimus sijoittuu blogimarkkinoinnin ja asiantuntijuuden tutkimuksen välimaastoon. Analysoitavat blogit ja kirjoitukset valittiin suosion perusteella. Suosion valinta ainoaksi kriteeriksi perustui kaupallisen viitekehyksen tärkeyteen. Mitä enemmän blogilla on lukijoita sitä todennäköisemmin kaupalliset viestit tavoittavat laajan yleisön. Äitiysblogien asiantuntijuutta tarkasteltiin retorisena ja kulloiseenkin yhteystyökontekstiin reagoivana. Aineisto koostui 60:stä erillisestä kaupallisesta yhteistyöpostauksesta, joista etsittiin yhdistäviä piirteitä. Asiantuntijuutta ilmaistaan aina suhteessa johonkin näkökulmaan. Bloggaajien käyttämät asiantuntijuuden näkökulmat ilmenivät tekstissä erilaisten positioiden aktivointina.Tyypillisimmät positiot perheblogeissa määrittyivät lapsi-aikuinen, lapsi-äiti, äiti-nainen ja mina-perhe dikotomioiden kautta. Posiot ilmentävät erilaisia tarvetiloja ja identiteettejä, jotka avaavat erilaisia asiantuntijuusretoriikan mahdollisuuksia. Suoraan postauksen aiheeseen, eli myytävään tuotteeseen tai tavaraan, liittyvät positiot nimettiin taitotasoiksi. Bloggaajat ilmensivät asiantuntijuutensa lähtökohtaa suhteessa omaan taitotasoonsa. Tasot ovat asianharrastaja, neutraali ja noviisi. Taitotasoja käytettiin ilmaisemaan myös tunnetilaa suhteessa mainostettuun asiaan. Tasomuutokset ilmensivät tuotteen aikaansaamaa muutosta. Asiantuntijuusretoriikkaan liittettyjä ekspertiisejä arvioitiin realistisen asiantuntijuusteorian käsitteistöllä. Keskeisiksi nousivat interaktiivinen ja reflektiivinen kyvykkyys, sekä perhe-elämään ja bloggaamiseen liittyvät taidot. Interaktiivinen ja reflektiivinen kyvykkyys viittaavat bloggaajan taitoon ilmaista ekspertiisiään ja kykyyn ajatella luovasti oman ekspertiisinsä puitteissa.
  • Södergran, Fanny (2015)
    Avhandlingen bygger på att undersöka coaching som en för Finland relativt ny typ av privat serviceform som antar sig området arbetslöshet, vilket traditionellt betraktas som en social och välfärdspolitisk fråga.
  • Jauhiainen, Johannes (2010)
    This thesis explores democratization in contemporary Tunisia through three hypotheses and their critics from independent in 1956 to the post-transitional state it is in 2018. The thesis is a single case study and the method used is process tracing. The first hypothesis explored in the thesis claims that democratization springs above all from a change in values from traditional to modern and subsequently to post-modern. The fundamental causal claims of the thesis are based on the research of American political scientist Ronald Inglehart. The second hypothesis, claims that that a changes in the socio-economic fabric of society along with political contestation would be the most effective factors to promote democratization. This hypothesis in turn is rooted in the works of Barrington Moore Jr. The third, and last hypothesis is based on the notion, that economic development would have the most explanatory power with regards to democratization. This hypothesis in turn is based on research by Seymour Martin Lipset. In addition, the thesis also includes a segment addressing the reasons to why the Tunisian transitions succeeded. The reason to choosing Tunisia as a case, includes that it constitutes a recent case and somewhat of an outlier, through which one can explore theories of democratization and transitions along with their appropriate methods and measurements. Hence an indirect aim of the thesis is also to stimulating the discussion on how to better promote and conceptualize a system of governance, which is considered the best in guaranteeing human development, peace and sustainability.
  • Farah, Idil (2024)
    This thesis delves into the identity of Somali women and its intricate connections with their sense of belonging and overall well-being. The central theme revolves around intersectional theory, weaving together the intersecting identities of Somali women. Utilizing focus interviews, pair and group interviews, and ethnography, the aim was to explore individual and communal perspectives on identity, specifically examining how the multicultural environment, belonging, and perceptions of well-being shape the lives of young Somali women. Within the realm of immigration and diaspora studies, the second generation often confronts complex and ambiguous notions of home, identity, and a sense of belonging. Additionally, the concept and phenomenon of identity can exhibit either a static or entirely variable nature, emphasizing the importance of studying this intricate subject. The theoretical foundation of this research rests on the theory of intersectionality. By employing this theory, the study aims to understand the complexities of individuals' identities. This framework acknowledges the dynamic interplay among diverse social identities, recognizing the intricate mechanisms through which systems of power and privilege shape their lived experiences. Besides intersectionality theories, the thesis utilizes anthropological theories of belonging as by comprehending the notion of belonging, we can gain understanding into the elements that foster or impede a sense of belonging. The theories of wellbeing used in this thesis helps us understand well-being, encompassing its pursuit and moral assessment, within diverse cultural contexts. The analysis and ethnographic evidence presented in this thesis indicate a complex experience for Somali women in Finland. They often perceive themselves as not aligning with the prevailing collective identity presented in society, leading to a sense of being "othered." Despite this, Somali women consistently rely on their intersectional identities for peer support and embrace the evolution of their identities as a natural part of growing up and living in Finland. Through ethnographic descriptions of a trip abroad and attending a wedding, the thesis explores how belonging manifests in physical spaces. In the well-being chapter, factors that enhance or impede well-being are examined from both communal and individual perspectives. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan somalinaisten identiteettiä ja sen yhteyksiä heidän yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteeseen sekä hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuksen keskeinen teema pyörii intersektionaalisuuden teorioiden ympärillä ja kutoo yhteen somalinaisten risteäviä identiteettejä. Fokushaastatteluja, pari- ja ryhmähaastatteluja sekä etnografiaa hyödyntäen tavoitteena oli tutkia yksilöllisiä ja yhteisöllisiä näkökulmia identiteettiin, erityisesti kuinka monikulttuurinen ympäristö, kuuluminen ja hyvinvoinnin käsitykset muovaavat nuorten somalinaisten elämää. Maahanmuutto- ja diasporatutkimuksen alalla toinen sukupolvi kohtaa usein monimutkaisia ja moniselitteisiä käsityksiä kodista, identiteetistä ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteesta. Lisäksi identiteetin käsite ja ilmiö voivat olla joko staattisia tai täysin muuttuvia, mikä korostaa tämän monimutkaisen aiheen tutkimisen tärkeyttä. Tämän tutkimuksen teoreettinen perusta nojaa intersektionaalisuusteorioihin. Näitä teorioita hyödyntäen tutkimuksessa pyritään ymmärtämään yksilöiden identiteetin monimutkaisuutta. Tämä viitekehys tunnustaa erilaisten sosiaalisten identiteettien dynaamisen vuorovaikutuksen ja tunnistaa monimutkaiset mekanismit, joiden kautta valta- ja etuoikeusjärjestelmät muokkaavat heidän elämiään kokemuksiaan. Intersektionaalisuus teorioiden lisäksi opinnäytetyössä hyödynnetään antropologisia kuulumisen tunteen teorioita, sillä kuulumisen tunteen ymmärtämisellä voidaan saada ymmärrystä niihin elementteihin, jotka edistävät tai estävät kuulumisen tunnetta. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käytetyt hyvinvoinnin teoriat auttavat ymmärtämään hyvinvointia, mukaan lukien sen tavoittelua sekä moraalista arviointia erilaisissa kulttuurisissa konteksteissa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitetyt analyysit ja etnografiset todisteet osoittavat kuinka somalinaisilla on monimutkaisia kokemuksia Suomessa. He kokevat usein itsensä olevan epä sopusoinnussa yhteiskunnassa vallitsevan kollektiivisen identiteetin kanssa, mikä johtaa "toiseuden" tunteeseen. Tästä huolimatta somalinaiset luottavat johdonmukaisesti risteäviin identiteettiinsä vertaistukeen ja omaksuvat identiteettinsä kehittymisen luonnollisena osana Suomessa kasvamista ja asumista. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan etnografisten kuvausten kautta ulkomaanmatkaa ja sekä tapahtumsisa kuten häissä käymistä ja miten kuuluminen ilmenee fyysisessä tilassa. Hyvinvointiluvussa tarkastellaan hyvinvointia edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä sekä yhteisöllisestä että yksilöllisestä näkökulmasta.
  • Hämäläinen, Taina (2013)
    There are many studies concerning the supply of labor. However, although overtime work is a common phenomenon, it is rarely the topic of these studies. This thesis studies remuneration policy and the prevalence of overtime work for professional engineers in Finland. The data used in this study are annually collected survey data, for the period 2002-2011. The data represent union members of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (UIL ry). The data mainly consist of senior salaried employees. Remuneration policy and the incidence of overtime work are studied by descriptive methods and by regression models. A multinominal logit model is used for the overtime remuneration policy estimation. The method is used to impute missing data for those who do not work overtime. The Tobit regression model is applied as the overtime model. The findings of this thesis are that an individual’s position affects both the incidence of overtime work and remuneration policy. Individuals in a managerial position more often work overtime and bonus payment systems are the main incentive for this. This overtime model is reasonable for those senior salaried employees who are covered by the Working Hour Act. According to the Working Hour Act, those who work, for instance, as a specialist or in an expert position should be compensated for overtime work. In the overtime function for middle management, experts, and salaried employees the income effect initially dominates as remuneration for overtime increases, but finally, as overtime remuneration further increases, more individuals actually tend to work more overtime. As work experience increases, individuals work less overtime at first, but the relationship turns out to be U-shaped. Overtime work is less common for women and those in the public sector. The overtime model provides only a weak positive indication of the incidence of overtime for those who have recently been promoted to a new position or duties. The findings are only partly in accordance with empirical studies. The differences are explained by the characteristics of senior salaried employees. The results of this thesis might stem from the nature of their duties, the working environment and also from individual characteristics. That is why I assume here that long-run career objectives affect the incidence of overtime. In conclusion, there still remains the question of whether short-run or long-run factors have more explanatory power. For example is overtime work motivated by overtime rates or wage levels in the long run.
  • Luostarinen, Marika (2022)
    This master’s thesis focuses on exploring the impact of basic income experiments and pilots in the Global North on the social dimension of well-being and their implications for families. The background to this research is that basic income has a definition but often basic income experiments do not fully fulfil this definition. Studies indicate that a good economic situation has a positive effect on well-being. Studies also suggest that social relationships, social activities, a sense of belonging, and good interpersonal relationships can increase well-being. By supporting families, society supports individuals and the people close to them. Supporting parents in particular often has a direct impact on the well-being of their children. However, previous studies have focused more on the effects of basic income on employment. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of basic income experiments on the social dimension of well-being and the impact on families. Previous research on the effects of poverty on the well-being of families and individuals through social relationships and a sense of belonging serve as a frame of reference for this thesis. The research questions were: What are the results of basic income experiments in the Global North regarding the social dimension of well-being? Based on these results, what kind of problems could basic income address? News articles from the Basic Income Earth Network website (BIEN, from January 9, 2014 to May 31, 2022 (n=2250) are used as the data for this thesis. The methods of the thesis were web scraping and a scoping review. The material of the thesis consisted of the analysis of the results of ten different experiments. Therefore, the final results from the experiments were collected through a scoping review of ten reports for more in-depth analysis (n=10). The results of the thesis indicated that basic income helped those who participated in basic income experiments to deepen their social relationships, improved their sense of belonging, relieved stress, and had a positive effect on family relationships. However, the results also suggested that well-being may be a subjective experience and many factors may have influenced these outcomes. In addition, the results showed that the effects on individuals as well as families were positive and similar, but there were also differences. Future research could focus on a more in-depth study of the effects of the basic income experiment on social well-being and sense of belonging. In addition, the long-term effects should be examined, in particular the impact of basic income on the increased risks of poverty over the course of life and at different stages of life.
  • Li, Tingyang (2020)
    This thesis examines the macroeconomic impact of Covid-19, constructing a DSGE model incorporating wage rigidity and consumption habit. This paper captures the characteristics of the Finnish economy, such as high wages and high consumption habits, and aims to analyze the macroeconomic impact of Covid-19 in Finland. Based on the New Keynesian DSGE model and combined with the SVAR method, focusing on the adverse effects of Covid-19 and analyzing how to mitigate its negative effects. After building the DSGE model, Bayesian estimation was performed using the parameters of Kilponen (2016) as the prior distribution, after which impulse response analysis was performed. At the same time, the effectiveness of fiscal policy and monetary policy is analyzed. The results of the empirical model support the conclusions in the theoretical model. The results show that the decline in utility due to insufficient consumption preferences significantly impacts consumption and output, causing aggregate consumption to decline and remain below steady-state levels for a long time. The level of labor supply is negatively affected by underconsumption. But the shock to consumer preference increased investment, offsetting some of the negative shock to output. Inflation and real interest rates also took a downward hit. Real interest rates first fall and then rise but remain below a stable level for a long time as the supply of capital rises when the demand for capital falls. A negative shock to technology causes aggregate consumption and aggregate output, and labor and capital goods to fall. In contrast, a fall in capital value causes Tobin's q to fall. Looking at the impact time of the impulse response, we find that the negative impact on macroeconomic variables is large and long-lasting. A positive government spending shock of one standard deviation would directly increase aggregate output, but its impact on output would be diminished. Compared with fiscal policy and monetary policy, the role of government spending is more likely to bring the economy into a stable state, and its response is more sensitive. We find that fiscal policy has a more significant impact on macroeconomic regulation; this suggests that monetary and fiscal policy need to work together in the context of high inflation and low interest rates. Fiscal policy drives economic recovery and can provide strong support for the realization of monetary policy.
  • Rehana, Sajeda (2016)
    Development is a fundamental issue for many countries especially, developing nations. The media can play an important role in national development by connecting the government, people and development process. Thus, development journalism is one form of media function that emphasizes on advancement of living conditions of people by investigating and scrutinizing development plans, policies and actions of the government. This is why I decided to examine development issues in the media of developing country, Bangladesh. Specifically, my purpose was to explore how Bangladeshi journalists represent development issues in their media as notion of development journalism implies that it should focus on advancement of ordinary people. To conduct the research, I selected three most popular and influential newspapers (e-version) of Bangladesh in which one English and two other Bengali. These are: The Daily Star, Prothom Alo and Jugantor and the data regarding the development news stories were selected from January 2018 to June 2018. By applying mixed method, I carried out the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of development issues, for qualitative approach frame analysis was used. The study was based on the Modernization and Participatory theory of development communication and it explored representative nature of development news published by those newspapers in that period as well frequency of development news and themes in those papers. The findings revealed that development issues get little attention to the Bangladeshi media. Newspapers of this study published less than 3 percent development news in the time duration of January 2018 to June 2018 which showed a disappointing trend towards the practice of development journalism. The analysis also showed that among 13 development news themes, energy and infrastructure was the most published news topic followed by trade and business, education; on the contrary, gender equality and women empowerment, ethnic and minority rights, environmental sustainability, good governance and administrative reforms were the least preferable themes. Among three papers The Daily Star and Prothom Alo covered more diverse themes than that of Jugantor. In addition to those, development priorities exhibited in three newspapers overall reflected Bangladesh’s government development goals; however, discrepancies among them implied development journalism differ on the basis of each newspapers’ structural imperatives. Finally, this study examined the representative nature of development news in three newspapers of Bangladesh. The analysis revealed that journalists of Bangladeshi print media prefer unidirectional or modernization development communication approach (59%) in development journalism practice, it also showed a moderate portion (41%) of the representation of the participatory approach. This indicate they represent a combined approach of development communication approach with persuasive communication and Western-styled development model along with acknowledging the general peoples’ view although the participatory portion is not satisfactory to the expectation level of development journalism practice.
  • Ziyu, Xing (2022)
    This thesis is aimed to investigate the long-run and short-run relationship between renewable, nuclear energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions in Finland. The historic development and current situations of the energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions are discussed. Then Johansen cointegration test and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) are applied in the empirical analysis to further exploit the causal relationships between the variables. There are four variable employed in this thesis: renewable energy consumption (REC), nuclear energy consumption (NUC), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and CO2 emissions (COE). The data of the variables span from 1977 to 2020 and mainly come from official databases and reports from the Finnish government and international organizations, such as Statistics Finland, Our World in Data, World Bank, etc. The results indicate that there is the positive bidirectional long-run relationships between NUC, REC and GDP. Also, the unidirectional long-run relationships of GDP, REC, NUC with COE are estimated. The increase in GDP and NUC are estimated to increase COE in the long run, while REC is estimated to decrease COE. Furthermore, the negative short-run relationships between REC, NUC and COE are found, which shows that, in the short run, renewable and nuclear energy consumption in Finland is estimated to reduce the CO2 emissions. The findings from the thesis indicate renewable energy consumption is both economic and environmental-friendly. Nuclear energy is also good for economic growth in the long run and environment in the short run, but needs to be cautiously treated with regard to environmental protection in the long-run strategies. Also, there has been the trend of impact decoupling in Finland in the short term. However, further research is needed to test the EKC hypothesis and its turning point.
  • Ligi, Mirjam (2022)
    In the 2020s, environmental degradation and human rights issues in the context of globalized economy and trade have turned sustainability and responsibility into a trend in politics and business. In the context of trade, the EU portrays itself as a global leader in fair and sustainable trade through its ‘new generation’ free trade agreements (FTA) which include commitments on environmental and labor rights. This thesis studies the role of values, norms, and ideas in the EU’s trade policy, particularly in the EU’s ‘new generation’ free trade agreements. The main research question seeks to answer how the EU promotes its fundamental values in its trade policy with third partners. The sub-questions offer the scope for the research problem: How does the EU diffuse its founding normative values in trade agreements? Which other values and norms does the EU promote in its trade relations? How does the transference of norms appear in trade relations with the EU? The research problem is placed in the constructivist tradition in international relations and global political economy, followed by the discussion of Normative Power Europe (NPE) which explores the EU’s non-coercive power to influence norms and values globally. The methodology is focused on explaining-outcome process tracing in which evidence from the case of EU-South Korea FTA is analyzed through a theorized explanation of norm diffusion as a causal mechanism. In addition to the original FTA document, academic literature about the FTA and the final report of the FTA’s panel of experts procedure were used to examine the theorized explanation. The main findings show that in the case of the EU-South Korea FTA, the EU prioritizes economic and political interests over its fundamental values of human rights and environmental issues in its FTA strategy, negotiations, and the final agreement. Business groups have had a stronger influence on the EU’s policy positions during FTA negotiations compared to non-business organizations. There is also a discrepancy between the EU’s communiqués about its leading role in sustainable trade and the legal capacity of the final agreement: the sustainable development chapter of the EU-South Korea FTA includes commitments on multilateral agreements instead of EU-specific rules, a weaker dispute settlement system compared to its trade-related chapters and a civil society mechanism which in practice has received criticism due to its ineffectiveness in environmental and labor rights questions. Competition with the US could also have influenced the modest normative demands for the FTA. Ultimately, combining an agenda of sustainable development with the management of the EU’s trade relationships is a balancing act between political and economic interests over normative interests. If a normative agenda is not set in the center of the EU’s trade policy, it is likely to remain as a tool for communication for domestic audiences.
  • Savkiv, Dmytro (2017)
    In this research I am going to target an important topic of media influence and propaganda. In this research, my goal is to identify and analyze the main strategies of Russian disinformation and propaganda actions and how do they affect the politics of the aforementioned countries under review. At the same time, I will go into the analysis of the Russian internal framework and how do polittechnologies and informal policies at home set a narrative, which is built to support the flywheel of propaganda. Generally, during the course of my thesis, I`ll target four main topics. The phenomenon of Russian informal politics and media propaganda, main channels and approaches existing in the field of informational warfare, the importance and relevance in the modern world of such concepts as hybrid warfare and the politics of disinformation, in order to demonstrate how the export of Russian disinformation and propaganda shape the politics of Ukraine, Finland and Germany. The period under review is 2014-2018. I see the main significance of my research in its relevance. The events and political technologies, which are going to be discussed in my dissertation, have occurred very recently and are still happening, what makes them very relevant for the contemporary studies. I hope that this research can bring a significant input into the study of informal politics and propaganda, demonstrate the experience of the countries under review and expand on the potential political decisions against Russian disinformation strategies both by the measures of politics and media policies. The selection of countries aims to represent different aspects of the Russian political technologies, specific for each of the aforementioned region. Ukraine, Finland and Germany belong to different geographic regions, have different mentalities, and thus experience heterogeneous effects of Russian propaganda and political influence. The dissertation is going to be conducted through the research-based method, including articles and databases produced in 2014-18 in the aforementioned region and specific literature on the subject. The methodology of my research is going to consist of analysis of the politics, party building, social media, elections and activity of the private and governmental organisations in the region under review. The language of the publications used in my research include English, Russian, Ukrainian and German. My analysis is supported by the relevant images and graphs, which are set to support my argument where it is going to be necessary. Main conclusion, which can be drawn from this thesis, is that nowadays, Russian disinformation is a very topical and important subject. The strategies of influence in their majority are not new, but they are evolving, same as the informal and hybrid warfare, unleashed in 2014. Taking into the account the slice of the literature and media publications, analyzed in this thesis, it is possible to argue that the threat will continue. It is also possible to argue that the channels of this influence are likely to remain the same as those, discussed in this thesis.
  • Eklund, Max Julius (2013)
    The importance of universities providing quality-assurance schemes has increased during the last two decades due to, among other things, an increased tendency in public administration to use evaluations as a tool to enhance efficiency and the changed nature of the state-university relationship. Moreover, we can witness an increased integration of European higher education. Also Finnish higher education has been exposed to these trends and external evaluation and quality assurance systems has become a recurring phenomenon. The objective of this research was to analyse organizational responses at universities to the demand of showing a QA-scheme, and to increase understanding on the role of audits in relation to national and supranational developments, from a perspective of organizational intuitionalism. In so doing, attention is put on what kinds of effects and practices a national form of evaluation has, if compared at the organizational level of two universities. The methodological approach builds on insights from qualitative methods, new-institutional theory and organizational institutionalism. The empirical materials used consisted of documents and half-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analysed through the creation of reference codes in the program ATLAS TI. The reference codes were created according to logics of analytic coding. In the research, four core themes were witnessed. First, in implementing processes or reforms that might be perceived critically in universities, the role of commitment and semantics become of high importance, as does a degree of hierarchy. Second, responding to the demand of showing a quality assurance-scheme and succeeding in audits are not seen to be of high importance by university leadership in that only scarce resources were allocated to the exercise. Third, developing the QA-system was clearly accepted to be a response to European developments but this is hardly an instrument for governance that the Ministry of Education would value in comparison to other instruments. Finally, the recommendations made by the audit teams are not as neutral as they seem, in that they do define what the Universities should accomplish. However, the loosely coupled structure has in many ways lessened many of the impacts and recommendation gained from the audits.
  • Freese, Kaari (2023)
    In previous studies it has become clear that external support is essential for the success of separatist movements in their claim for self-rule. Independence is impossible to achieve without international recognition, which makes external support an integral part of separatist movements. Of particular interest is the role of external support when it comes to the level of conflict: is the support helpful to the minority and does it make the conflict escalate even further? The aim of this study is to look into external support granted to separatist movements and to see if this support is escalating in nature. With the help of existing theories on separatist conflict escalation, the comparative method is deployed using a grading system to shed light on the escalating nature of external support. The research question is “What kind of external support is granted to separatists by states and is the support escalating in nature?”. Separatist groups always reside in states, so essentially the study focuses on the dynamics of three actors that emerges from the internationalized conflict situation; the relationship between the host state and the separatist group is of importance, since it determines the process of escalation, but so is the relationship between the supporter and the separatists, and the supporter and the host state. Two cases were randomly selected for the analysis after checking for similar conditions with the help of the All Minorities at Risk dataset (AMAR). In this thesis, the conditions are that both separatist movements have a significant level on the separatism scale, have expressed claims for self-rule, have past grievances with the host-state, and most importantly have received external support. On the other hand, their key difference is that the other is in an active state of conflict, whereas the other is pursuing its separatist claims peacefully. The two cases that were selected are the Tibetans (peaceful) and the Kashmiris (in conflict). In the analysis, the support that India grants for Tibetans and the support that Pakistan grants for Kashmiris are given grades based on the escalating nature of the support. The lower the grade, the more escalating the support is according to existing theories on escalation. The result of the analysis is that both cases received the grade -0,5, which indicates some kind of escalating nature. The grade might indicate a broader trend considering separatism in the region.