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  • Väisänen, Heini Elena (2010)
    Suomessa tehdään vuosittain noin 10 000 aborttia. Abortinjälkeistä hedelmällisyyttä on suomalaisessa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltu melko vähän etenkin yhteiskuntatieteellisesti, vaikka abortti koskettaa tuhansia naisia vuosittain. Tutkielmani tavoitteena on selvittää, millaista on abortinjälkeinen hedelmällisyyskäyttäytyminen, eli ketkä päätyvät uuteen aborttiin, ketkä synnytykseen ja ketkä eivät tule uudelleen raskaaksi. Tulosten perusteella päätellään, onko abortoivien joukossa erotettavissa ryhmiä, joille abortti voi muodostua yhdeksi ehkäisyn muodoksi ja keille se on kertaluontoinen tapahtuma. Tulokset sidotaan aiempaan teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen hedelmällisyystutkimukseen. Aineisto koostuu raskaudenkeskeytysrekisterin tiedoista vuosilta 2000–2008 ja siihen yhdistetyistä abortoineiden naisten syntymärekisteritiedoista samoilta vuosilta. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin niitä 63 763 naista, jotka tekivät seuranta-aikana ensimmäisen aborttinsa. Uuteen aborttiin heistä päätyi 7 743 ja synnytykseen 11 497 abortinjälkeisessä raskaudessaan. Ensimmäisen abortin (eli indeksiabortin) aikaisten taustamuuttujien vaikutusta seuraavan raskauden lopputulokseen analysoitiin elinaikamallinnuksen menetelmin (pääosin Coxin regressio). Lisäksi tarkasteltiin indeksiabortin ja uuden raskauden välillä mahdollisesti muuttuneen parisuhdestatuksen sekä sosioekonomisen aseman vaikutusta hedelmällisyyskäyttäytymiseen logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Tulosten avulla oli mahdollista erottaa toisistaan eri tavoin abortin jälkeen käyttäytyviä ryhmiä. Uudelleen abortoivat erityisesti nuoret, lapsia jo saaneet, alemmassa sosioekonomisessa asemassa olevat ja sellaiset, joilla ei ollut parisuhdetta. Synnyttämään päätyivät 20–34-vuotiaat, opiskelunsa päättäneet, korkeassa sosioekonomisessa asemassa olevat, lapsettomat ja parisuhteessa olevat. Lisäksi maaseudulla asuminen lisäsi hieman synnytyksen todennäköisyyttä ja mikäli indeksiabortti oli tehty sikiön sairauden perusteella, todennäköisyys synnyttää kasvoi selkeästi. Raskaaksi tulivat harvemmin uudelleen yli 30-vuotiaat, lapsia saaneet ja korkeassa sosioekonomisessa asemassa olevat. Monet heistä olivat lisäksi leskiä tai eronneita. Mikäli indeksiabortin jälkeen opiskelija meni töihin, hänen synnytystodennäköisyytensä kasvoi selkeästi. Samoin kävi, jos indeksiabortin aikaan yksin elänyt muodosti uuden parisuhteen ennen toista raskauttaan. Saatujen tulosten perusteella on erotettavissa ryhmiä, joihin tulisi erityisesti kiinnittää huomiota jo ensimmäisen abortin aikaan, sillä heidän riskinsä abortoida uudelleen on muita korkeampi. Suurin vaikutus oli lapsimäärällä ja parisuhdestatuksella. Sosioekonomisen aseman sekä asuinalueen vaikutus jäi odotettua pienemmäksi, mutta ei kuitenkaan olemattomaksi.
  • Pylkkö, Marika (2016)
    This study looks at the ethnic categorization of darker skinned people and problems related to their participation in higher education through the theories of the French anthropologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the national censuses of Brazil the populace is categorized according to skin color. According to these publications, darker skin-colored Brazilians are underrepresented in higher education. Affirmative action politics has found it’s place within public discourse in Brazil beginning from the 1990’s, and as a consequence some institutes of higher eduction have adapted racial quotas for darker-skinned individuals. At the same time, affirmative action policies have been criticized on the basis that it suggests that inequality is by nature ethnic when such inequalities could just as well be socioeconomic. Historically Brazil has been considered a society free of racism, or in other words 'a racial democracy'. Ethnic categorization is analyzed using Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts habitus and symbolic power. The idea of habitus is used to refer to any attitudes and manners internalized by an individual, with which that individual evaluates, interprets and choses to act in the reality that they perceive. With symbolic power this work refers to to all the different forms of capital mentioned in Bourdieu’s work that relate to recognition and appreciation. Therefore, the aim of this work is to analyze the socially constructed, various colloquial and everyday phenomena related to classification by skin color. I look at how habitus and symbolic capital related differentiation happens and what significance it might have for the discourse between ethnic categorization and education. In order to answer the research question i collected material from fieldwork in North-Eastern Brazil for 2 months. In collecting the material I used ethnographic field work methodology, especially participant observation, semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Among the interviewed are a public school principal, a teacher, two dark-skinned university students and one private school university student. In addition, I utilized material on situations encountered by dark-skinned people in Brazil that have been published in previous studies. The interviewed had experienced situations in which symbolic evaluations related to their ethnic background and skin color can be considered significant. Additionally, many example of this arise from previous literature. In the situations that I observed social evaluations explained the habituslike actions of the people I observed. These examples can be assumed to have significance for construction of hierarchical society in Brazil in accordance with Bourdieaun theory.
  • Salleh-Hoddin, Amiirah (2017)
    Research on the ethnic Malay minority in Singapore has attempted to examine the issue of the community’s academic underachievement over the years tend to only look at it through the lens of historical and socio-political factors. This exploratory study is thus to contribute to the limited literature on Malays in Singapore from a socio-psychological perspective, especially in relation to Malay ethnic identification, perceptions of prejudice, and academic underachievement. Results of the study show that beliefs about ethnic injustice, but not academic performance, had more of an effect on psychological disengagement among ethnic Malay-Muslim students in Singapore. Higher ethnic identification predicted greater psychological disengagement, particularly discounting processes, as well as accounted for lower academic self-concept in general and also in the two subscales of academic confidence and academic effort. Rather than used as a justification to continue the harmful narrative of ‘cultural deficit’ and ‘minority mindset’, it is hoped that knowing the relationship between ethnic identification and academic self-concept and psychological disengagement processes in the academic domain would help inform future research in finding new targeted ways to counter these behaviours and increase achievement.
  • Rask, Hanna (2018)
    This thesis discusses social remembering of difficult past in the context of Indian Residential Schools in Canada. Perceiving remembering as social practice of making the past meaningful for the present, the thesis focuses on the role of local memory practices in bringing a silenced history into focus of public attention and historical reconstruction. Residential schools were originally established by the Canadian government and churches for assimilating indigenous children into Euro-Canadian settler society through separation from their cultural background. Although operated for more than a hundred years between the late 19th and 20th centuries, the schools remained a silenced topic in the history of the country until the 1990s. Exploring local practices of commemoration and education around the old Shingwauk Residential School in Northern Ontario, the thesis discusses how negotiation over the meaning of a troubling past takes place in the intersections of public, political discussion and local level social interactions. Remembering as social and political practice is here understood not exclusively as a basis of shared identity grounded on common understanding of the past. Rather, the thesis focuses on challenging, negotiation and transformation as essential aspects of social memory. The thesis takes part in discussion on the relationship between past and present in debates over colonial history: whether residential schools are regarded as a single policy situated in the past, or whether they are recognized as part of the broader colonial history that still shapes the contemporary Canadian society. The analysis in this thesis is based on three-month field research conducted in the summer of 2016 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, on the site of the late Shingwauk School that nowadays hosts Algoma University. The research focused on the following memory practices that have developed around the school since the 1970s: a history-documenting and archiving project, a former students’ association, and an archives centre, dedicated to preservation of and education about the history of the school. The research was based on qualitative methods of thematic interviews and participant as well as direct observation, and supported with archival sources. Local negotiations over the memory of residential schools are discussed in relation to three different elements of the research context. The first part of the analysis focuses on the mutual emergence of public discussion on the history of residential schools and the local memory practices. The thesis argues that those local practices have contributed to uncovering the silence around the schools in public discussion and historical documentation. The second part looks at the relationship between memory and place: how the site of the Shingwauk School is today integrated in negotiation over the historical significance of residential schools. The old school is perceived as a site of transmitting the memory of past injustice, inseparable of the contemporary debates over addressing the legacy of that past on local as well as national level. Finally, contemporary educational practices of the archives centre and the former Shingwauk students are discussed as social spaces of negotiating the place of residential schools as part of the broader history of colonization for the public memory of Canadians of different backgrounds. The thesis argues that local practices of commemoration and education work as a counterforce against silencing and forgetting by creating social space between public discussion on residential schools and everyday experiences of people who might otherwise find that history distant to themselves. Local actions for preserving the memory of the Shingwauk School are intertwined with broader concerns over awareness about and engagement with the history of residential schools especially among the non-indigenous public. The thesis maintains that local initiatives of remembrance that emphasize continuity between the past and the present can challenge the rhetoric that attempts to obscure the enduring legacy of colonialism in Canadian society by situating residential schools into a past that has already reached its closure.
  • Dakash, Susanna (2017)
    Recent years have witnessed a polarisation of public discussions on migration and refugee policies in Europe, and the position of immigrants and multiple ethnicities in European nation-states. While most research conducted on the issue takes a majority perspective, this thesis aims to examine the minority voice in public debates. The objective of this thesis is to gain an understanding on how three politicians in Finland with an immigrant background – Abdirahim Hussein, Nasima Razmyar and Ozan Yanar – account for minority and majority relations and immigrant belonging and participation in their blog posts, and what identity positions they construct for themselves, for other immigrants and for majority members. The theoretical framework for this thesis draws from social constructionism and three branches of discursive research: discursive psychology, positioning theory and rhetorical psychology. The data, collected from online blog posts between April 2014 and December 2016, consists of 68 blog posts. The blogs selected deal with immigration and intergroup relations. A thorough analysis revealed five different interpretative repertoires that the poli-ticians use to account for minority-majority relations: the hierarchy, the humanistic, the antagonistic, the collectivistic and the individualistic repertoires. The identity positions the repertoires offered for the politicians were, respectively, those of the success story, the mo-ral human being, the good citizen and the contributor. The positions constructed for other immigrants were those of second-class citizens, the ordinary people, the victims and the diverse community members. The individualistic repertoire casts both groups in the posi-tion of independent choice-makers. Moreover, the analysis pointed out the positions that were constructed for the majority public (the positions of dominant group, the ordinary people, the victims of false politics, the diverse community) and for political opponents (the position of dissidents). The closer examination of these repertoires and the subject positions they made available suggested that they functioned to legitimise immigrant belonging and participation by evoking universal human principles of morality and collectivity, by constructing a more inclusive Finnishness, and by undermining the credibility of those critical of immigration. Moreover, the analysis indicates that politicians of immigrant background have to manage at least three interdependent group relations – the relationship with their own and other ethnic minority groups, with the public consisting mainly of majority members, and with the mainstream or extreme political opponents. The most central references for this thesis were, among others, Verkuyten’s (2005) Ethnic Identity, Billig’s (1995) Banal Nationalism, Billig’s (1987) Arguing and Thinking, Potter and Wetherell’s (1987) Discourse and Social Psychology, Suoninen’s (1992) Perheen kuvakulmat, and Varjonen’s (2013) Osallistuja vai ulkopuolinen?.
  • Hyppölä, Oona-Maaria; Hyppölä, Anniina (2018)
    The 2010s have witnessed increasing political and public concern over child and family-related issues in Russia, with child welfare and family policy being elevated to the top of the state’s political agenda. The Russian conservative government has prioritised the protection of traditional family values and family as the mainstay of Russian society and thereupon introduced major policy and welfare reform programmes, one of which works towards deinstitutionalising the country’s entire child welfare system. Building upon the idea of every child’s right to a family, this child welfare reform aims at dismantling the existing system of institutional care for children, replacing placements in institutions with community and home-based, family-like forms of alternative care, including foster care. Service provider responsibilities are hence, being transferred from the state to private and third sector stakeholders operating in the field of child and family welfare. Among these agents providing alternative care are the so-called Children’s Villages. These Villages, as the name suggests, are largely NGO-run communities of foster families, caring for children left without parental care in a non-institutional setting. This thesis takes a range of Russian Children’s Villages as its case study in an attempt to investigate foster parents’ perceptions of parenting and thus shed light on the present-day development of the alternative care system in Russia. The aim is to bridge together bottom-up narratives and top-down political ideology via qualitative analysis of micro-level constructions of parenthood and government-promoted ideas on family. The ongoing process of deinstitutionalisation of child welfare in Russia provides the larger political context for our inquiry that fosters a social constructionist approach and, through thematic content analysis, seeks to answer the following research questions: How do foster parents perceive parenthood/parenting in the context of Russian Children’s Villages? How do their perceptions intersect with government-promoted ideas on family? The primary data consist of focus group and expert interviews with foster parents and child welfare professionals conducted on site in six Children’s Villages in Russia in 2017. The altogether nine interviews, with a total of 58 respondents have been conducted by two other researchers in the ‘A Child’s Right to a Family: Deinstitutionalisation of Child Welfare in Putin’s Russia’ research project that our thesis is also part of. Our findings suggest that parenting takes multiple, concurrent and reciprocal forms, whereby it is largely a cyclical process and a jointly constructed and negotiated experience in the social context of the Children’s Villages. The Villages and the individuals therein are not merely care deliverers assuming service provision responsibilities from the public sector, but they carry considerable innovate potential and valuable ideas on family and parenting vis-à-vis the desired development of systems of alternative care in today’s Russia. Yet, the political arena in Russia remains ambivalent, enabling and coercive at the same time, introducing policies that are often either contradictory or incompatible. Alongside ambitious liberal tendencies and reformist programmes we may observe illiberal and restrictive political and legislative processes that undermine the sustainable fruition of the more progressive reforms amid structures that hold onto authoritarian traditions. While the traditional value base of the conservative government fails to fully embrace the plurality of family systems in modern Russia, the family structures in the Children’s Villages demonstrate that family diversity is very much a contemporary reality in Russian society – and foster families one of its emerging forms.
  • Petersen, Shandi (2012)
    The objective of this study was to examine whether representations of nonhuman animals could affect prejudice toward immigrants. Previous research has indicated that belief in a large divide between humans and other animals may underlie dehumanization and prejudice, whereas a belief in the continuity between humans and nonhuman animals can decrease dehumanization and prejudice. Based on Costello and Hodson’s (2010) study, an experimental framework was designed with two conditions, the animals are like humans (experimental) condition and the geology (control) condition. Specifically, the effect of the animals are like humans editorial on prejudice toward immigrants was examined, as well as the potentially mediating roles of humanization (traits and emotions), empathy, and recategorization. Values were also analyzed, to determine if and how one’s moral universe relates to these variables. Further, the social representations held about the groups Finn, Immigrant, Animal, and Human were examined, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The participants were Finnish students from Laurea Polytechnic and the University of Helsinki (N = 195), all of whom self-selected to take part in an online survey. After being randomly divided into the experimental (n = 99) and control (n = 96) groups and reading the applicable editorial, participants answered questionnaires measuring prejudice, dehumanization (traits and emotions), empathy, recategorization, animal-human similarity, and values. They also completed a word association task. The results of the intervention were mixed. The editorial did not have a direct effect on prejudice, or on most of the potential mediators. Only humanization emotions was significantly affected. Beyond the experimental manipulation, humanization (traits and emotions), empathy, and recategorization, as well as gender, school, and program of study all affected prejudice, accounting for 33.3% of its variance. Values relating to moral universe (universalism concern, nature, and tolerance; power resources and dominance) were significantly correlated with prejudice, humanization (traits and emotions), empathy, and recategorization. The trait and emotion scales were also examined for their content, and all traits and half of the emotions were significantly attributed to either Finns or immigrants, corresponding to stereotypic social representations of each group. Finally, word associations for Finn, Immigrant, Animal, and Human were examined in total and by experimental group, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Cohesive hegemonic social representations were most commonly expressed for the Finn, Animal, and Human groups, whereas Immigrant was more variable, comprising multiple polemic representations. Parallels between the Immigrant and Animal groups were discussed, and the valences given to all groups were analyzed and found to differ significantly across groups. Additionally, a significant effect of the experimental condition on the Immigrant group was found. The mixed results are discussed in light of methodological concerns and cultural implications. Overall, results indicate that representations of nonhuman animals may affect prejudice toward immigrants, and that targeting these representations could be a promising prejudice reduction method. Further research accounting for the issues raised by this study should be conducted.
  • Hubbard, Alexander (2014)
    This thesis seeks to undertake a critical analysis of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s philosophical anthropology as found within his Discourse on Inequality, and his subsequent prescriptive theories within both The Social Contract and other works. The particular focus of the thesis is the manner in which subjectivity alters over time, especially in relation to the development and role of complex forms of conceptuality, its structural and psychological components, and the catalysts provoking such change. Relying upon a set of methodological categories and placing specific demands of philosophical rigour on Rousseau’s thought we seek to assess Rousseau’s narrative in order to discover how successfully explained the alterations that individuals undergo within it are. To accomplish this we apply a working definition requiring the ‘explanation’ of social and psychological changes in contrast to the less philosophically successful ‘description’ of such events, enabling us to discover those moments in Rousseau’s account which betray what we term ‘explanatory gaps’. What is discovered is that crucial moments within Rousseau’s narrative reveal a lack of explanatory rigour in relation to the complex alterations of subjectivity outlined in his works, most especially in relation to free will, the ground of amour propre, and the transformation of the latter into Rousseau’s moi commun.
  • Vainio, Suvi (2016)
    The objective of the study is to analyse and compare colour-emotion associations on adults cross-culturally. Previous research has identified the need for studies that explore new colour-emotion associations, compare these findings cross-culturally and are based on large samples. Some previous colour-emotion associations have been identified. However, few studies have investigated gender differences and positive associations for national flag colours. Based on these facts four research problems are: 1) What kind of associations can be found between emotions and colours among the Finnish, the Chinese, the Norwegian and the Greek adults? 2) what are the strongest colour-emotion associations among these nations? 3) what are the main differences in the strongest colour-emotion associations between Finland and the other three nations? and 3) what is the relationship between colours in the country flag with associations related to these colours? The data (n=689) is based on an international study led by the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. The Geneva Emotion Wheel (GEW) method was used as a self-report assessment of emotions. Participants were asked to associate 12 colour names with any of the 20 emotions (displayed on the GEW) and rate their intensity in their native language. The data was collected in Finland (n=136), China (n=154), Greece (n=262) and Norway (n=137). Finland and Norway were chosen as these individual Nordic cultures are assumed to be similar contrast to group oriented China. Greece was added to the study as the colours of the country flag are similar in Finland and Greece (blue and white) in contrast to China and Norway that both have red. A series of Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U analyses suggested that there are several strong colour-emotion associations that vary between the cultures. There were fewer differences between the Finnish and the Norwegian associations than between the Greek and the Chinese associations indicating that the colour-emotions are learned and based on a variety of cultural factors rather than colour preferences, gender or biology. Only few gender differences were present. Internal consistency was very coherant in each country, indicating that group orientation vs. individualism does not affect to colour-emotion associations that significantly. Some universal patterns (e.g red-anger), were also present in this study. Positive and negative colours were identified. A positive relationship between the colours in the country flag and associations related to these colours could not be confirmed fully. There were more positive associations related with blue and white in Greece and Finland than in China but associations with red were not more positive in Norway than in Finland or Greece. These findings and limitations of the study are discussed and recommendations for further research are provided.
  • Ikonen, Jaakko (2016)
    The long-lasting and persistent issues of high unemployment levels and increases in long-term unemployment have presented a difficult challenge to welfare states. The political focus in addressing unemployment has slowly shifted from large supply-side solutions towards activation, which aims to guide the unemployed into employment as swiftly as possible by increasing the responsibilities of welfare recipients and reforming the terms of social aid and the service system in order to promote a more active and self-reliant approach among citizens. This paper aims to add to the understanding of activation policies by studying views that the long-term unemployed hold on the concept of activation and their participation in activation measures. The research question is 1) How do respondents view activation and particularly work-based activation measures, with a strong focus on examining whether they consider activation meaningful or beneficial in their situation and 2) How do the unemployed view the legitimacy and justification of activation policies? The perspective of the unemployed in this study is provided through eleven in-depth research interviews conducted with long-term unemployed participants from the city of Rauma, the forerunner of current Finnish activation policies. The 18 190 word final transcription of the interviews is analysed through qualitative content analysis, which is used to produce a condensed description of the researched phenomenon. The inductive approach of the study manifests as a reliance on the experiences of the interview subjects in creating an understanding on activation, rather than approaching their reality through a predetermined theory or presupposed notions. The respondents consider their participation in activation to serve one of the following purposes: 1) inclusion in society or 2) a bureaucratical means of categorizing and controlling them during their unemployment. As lack of employment and the associated inactivity are difficult issues for the respondents, their mostly positive reaction to work-based activation measures is natural. Respondents appreciate the activities provided to them and give intrinsic value to the provision of these activities, somewhat regardless of their actual contents. As the respondents generally have very low hopes of finding work, participation in activation measures satisfies many needs which are typically fulfilled through work, including those related to status, recognition, social interaction and meaningful activities. Reactions towards compulsory participation in activation measures can be categorized as either positive, negative or conflicted. As can be expected, these views reflect broader social discourses on unemployment and activation. The most alarming finding of this study is that while many participants are satisfied with taking part in activation measures, this activation does not help them towards their objective of finding employment. The respondents share a desire to find paid work but don't see how participating in active labour market policies will benefit them in this field. While the respondents identify many important aspects of life where they directly benefit from participation in activation measures, it is problematic that a large part of participants have almost completely given up on their goal of finding work.
  • Ikonen, Jaakko (2017)
    The political focus in addressing unemployment has slowly shifted from large supply-side solutions towards activation, which aims to guide the unemployed into employment as swiftly as possible by increasing the responsibilities of welfare recipients and reforming the terms of social aid and the service system in order to promote a more active and self-reliant approach among citizens. Reforms concerning unemployment policies and welfare are controversial, as proven by political debates, various movements visible especially on social media and academic works looking at the paradoxes of activation. This study produces an account on the ways in which the subjects of activation policies and practices, i.e. the long-term unemployed, approach the policies by answering the following research questions: 1.) What meaning do activation policies and particularly work-based activation measures have in the lives of the long-term unemployed? 2.) Do the long-term unemployed generally consider work-based activation measures beneficial and legitimate in their situation? The aim is to find out how activation policies are positioned in regards to the subjects' views on their own unemployment and place in society. Answering the second research question will show the perceived utility the long-term unemployed hold for these policies, which have stated aims such as increasing labour-market integration and combating marginalisation, and present prevailing attitudes towards the obligatory nature of activation and conditionality of welfare The perspective of the unemployed in this study is provided through eleven in-depth research interviews conducted with long-term unemployed participants from the city of Rauma, the frontrunner of current Finnish activation policies. Transcribed interviews were analysed through qualitative content analysis, which is used to produce a condensed description of the researched phenomenon. The theory of social marginalisation is central to this study and the accounts of the long-term unemployed are analysed against this context. Most of the respondents approach activation measures through the content and structure they produce. Activation provides a platform for social interaction and acts as a replacement source for the social aspects associated with paid employment. A majority consider activation measures to serve the general purpose of promoting inclusion in society. Most of the respondents oppose forced participation in activation measures and the conditionality of unemployment benefits. This study contributes insights into the role social marginalisation has in determining an individual's approach to activation measures. Those respondents who could be considered to be marginalised, especially in terms of reduced social participation, hold activation measures in high regard and consider them to be more beneficial than those respondents who are content with their level of social participation and generally cope quite well with prolonged unemployment. In other words, activation measures seem more attractive to those closer to social marginalisation. An alarming finding of this study is that while many participants are satisfied with taking part in activation measures, this activation does not help them towards their objective of finding employment. The respondents share a desire to find paid work but don't see how participating in active labour market policies will benefit them in this field.
  • Nurmi-Kettunen, Johanna (2014)
    Background: Lack of physical activity brings about numerous unfavourable long term health outcomes and is therefore a major public health concern. There is consistent evidence that physical activity is predicted better with autonomous than controlled forms of motivation. Meta-analyses have also shown that self-regulatory techniques, such as planning or self-monitoring, are related to increased behavioural execution. Objectives: A model integrating Self-Determination Theory and Control Theory was tested to examine the influence of autonomous motivation and self-regulatory techniques, including their interactions, on adolescents’ physical activity. The relationship between the autonomy of motivation and action planning, coping planning and self-monitoring was compared to the leisure time physical activity. Methods: Finnish adolescents (N =411, mean age 17.8 years) from ten upper secondary schools responded to an electronic survey during school hours. A follow-up measurement was conducted 3-5 weeks later. Motivation and planning were examined at the baseline. Self-monitoring and physical activity were measured in both baseline and follow up. Results: Autonomous motivation is more strongly associated to physical activity than controlled motivation. From the specific forms of motivation, external regulation did not have a relationship with neither physical activity nor self-regulation techniques. High self-regulation technique use has a stronger positive correlation to physical activity than low use. Action planning, coping planning and self-monitoring were found to partially mediate the relationship of autonomous motivation and physical activity. Conclusions: Research on the determinants of adolescents’ physical activity increases understanding on this topic that has not been sufficiently studied and guides the way to effective intervention planning. Self-determination theory and control theory function as complementary frameworks. The support of both autonomous motivation and the use of self-regulation techniques can be recommended while targeting adolescent’s physical activity.
  • Lehtovaara, Meri (2014)
    Tavoitteena tällä tutkielmalla on tuottaa ja lisätä tietoa adoptoitujen lasten päätymisestä lastensuojelun asiakkaiksi. Tarkoituksena on tarkastella ja analysoida, mitkä psyko-sosiaaliset tekijät adoptoitujen lasten elämässä ovat johtaneet lastensuojelun asiakkuuteen. Tutkimuksen taustalla on Pelastakaa Lapset ry:ssä tehty havainto adoptoitujen lasten lastensuojelun asiakkuuksien lisääntymisestä. Etsin tutkielmalla vastauksia siihen miten lastensuojelun asiakkuus on alkanut ja millaisina adoptoitujen lasten lastensuojelun asiakkuuden alkamisen syyt näyttäytyvät. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on psykososiaalinen ja kiintymyssuhteeseen liittyvä tarkastelu, joka kohdistuu adoptoitujen lasten sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja psyykkiseen kokemiseen. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä ovat Pelastakaa Lapset ry:n sosiaalityöntekijät, joilla on ollut työn tai aiemman kokemuksen kautta tullutta tietoa näistä lapsista. Aineisto on kerätty viitenä ryhmähaastatteluna ja tulososuudessa on kyseessä sosiaalityöntekijöiden kollektiivinen näkemys asiasta. Analyysimenetelmänä on ollut aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimusaineistossa asiakkuudet ovat alkaneet monin eri tavoin; vanhempien oman, lastensuojelun ja ympäristöltä tulevan huolen perusteella. Lastensuojelun asiakkuuden alkaminen on monimuotoista. Joissakin tapauksissa huoli lapsesta ja perheestä on ilmaantunut melko nopeasti lapsen Suomeen tulon jälkeen. Joidenkin lasten kohdalla puolestaan koulunkäynnin aloitus ja murrosikä näyttävät liittyvän myös lastensuojelullisen huolen ajoittumiseen. Adoptoitujen lasten lastensuojeluprosesseissa on neljä keskeistä osa-aluetta, jotka näyttävät vaikuttavan osaltaan tutkimusaineistossa esiintyvien lasten lastensuojelun asiakkuuden syntyyn: 1) perheyhteisön vuorovaikutuksessa esiintyvät ongelmat 2) lapsen käytös- ja mielenterveysongelmat 3) adoptiovanhemman päihde- ja mielenterveysongelmat ja 4) adoptiovanhemman tai -vanhempien uupuminen ja pulassa oleminen. Adoptoitujen lasten lastensuojelun asiakkuuteen vaikuttavia psyko-sosiaalisia ongelmia ovat perheyhteisön vuorovaikutuksessa olevat ongelmat, jotka ensisijaisesti liittyivät adoptiovanhemmuuteen ja adoptiovanhempien kykyyn ymmärtää ja vastata lapsen tarpeisiin. Lastensuojelun asiakkaaksi tulleilla perheillä oli osittain alentunut kyky vastata lapsen tarpeisiin tunne- ja vuorovaikutustasolla. Adoptiovanhemmilla saattoi olla myös päihde- ja mielenterveysongelmia, jotka luonnollisesti heikensivät myös kykyä vastata lapsen tarpeisiin. Lastensuojelun asiakkuuteen päätyneillä adoptiolapsilla saattaa olla käytös- ja mielenterveysongelmia, jotka johtuvat yleensä adoptiolapsen menneisyydestä ja koetuista traumoista. Keskeistä näyttää olevan miten adoptiovanhempi pystyy hyväksymään menneisyyden osana lasta, puhumaan siitä lapsen kanssa ja hyväksymään ja näkemään lapsen oireilevan käyttäytymisen osana menneisyyden traumaa. Jos vanhempi ei kykene tähän ja saa riittävää tukea voi heillä olla suurempi riski uupua lapsen kanssa ja se voi johtaa haluun irtautua kokonaan lapsesta. Adoptiovanhemman myönteinen, avoin ja sensitiivinen suhtautuminen ja vuorovaikutus lapsen kanssa, voi siten ennustaa vahvempaa kiinnittymistä ja sitoutumista lapseen tulevaisuudessa.
  • Lehtinen, Outi (2018)
    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan työntekijöiden hyödyntämistä työnantajabrändin rakentamisessa. Aihetta lähestytään affektiivisuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaista affektiivista työtä työntekijät tekevät organisaation työnantajabrändin rakentamisessa. Organisaatiot panostavat aiempaa enemmän houkuttelevan työnantajamielikuvan rakentamiseen työnantajabrändäämisen keinoin. Houkutellakseen työntekijöitä organisaatiot viestivät siitä, mitä ne tarjoavat työntekijöille ja hyödyntävät työntekijöitään rekrytointiviestinnässä organisaation kasvoina. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kolmen esimerkkiorganisaation 14:sta uratarinavideosta eli rekrytointiviestintävideoista, joissa organisaatioiden työntekijät kertovat kokemuksistaan työsuhteesta organisaatiossa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen ja aineistoa on analysoitu teemoittelun sekä diskurssianalyysin avulla, affektiivis-diskursiivisella menetelmällä. Analyysin ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, mistä työntekijät uratarinavideoilla puhuvat. Toisessa vaiheessa tarkasteltiin, millaista affektiivista työtä työntekijät tekevät työnantajabrändin rakentamisessa. Affektiivisesti latautuneita kohtia peilattiin työnantajabränditeoriassa esitettyihin työnantajabrändin persoonallisuuden piirteitä kuvaaviin symbolisiin ominaisuuksiin. Tämän perusteella muodostettiin uratarinavideoilla työntekijöiden esimerkillistämät symboliset ominaisuudet. Tutkimustulosten perusteella uratarinavideoilla työntekijät tuovat puheessaan esille työsuhteeseen liittyviä ominaisuuksia. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni neljä erilaista toistuvaa teemaa, jotka ovat työn mielekkyys, kehittäminen ja kehittyminen, yhteisöllisyys sekä muutos. Työntekijöiden kautta ilmenneitä symbolisia ominaisuuksia ovat vilpittömyys, innostuneisuus, iloisuus, pätevyys ja vaativuus. Symbolisten ominaisuuksien vaikuttavuutta työntekijät vahvistavat affektiivisella työllä. Uratarinavideoilla työntekijät luovat affekteja, jotka potentiaalisesti herättävät affektiivisia reaktioita uratarinavideoita katsovissa potentiaalisissa työntekijöissä. Affektiivinen työ ilmeni työntekijöiden puheessa, ilmeissä, tunnereaktioissa, eleissä ja puheäänessä. Puheessa työntekijät tuottivat affektiivisuutta affektipitoisilla sanoilla sekä puhumalla affektiivisia reaktioita herättävistä aiheista. Työntekijät tekevät affektiivista työtä avaamalla henkilökohtaisia ajatuksiaan, kokemuksiaan ja tunteitaan. Työntekijöiden affektiivinen työ organisaatioiden työnantajabrändin rakentamisessa heijastaa laajempaa ilmiötä, jossa tavalliset ihmiset ovat astuneet julkisuuden areenoille esimerkiksi todellisuustelevision ja sosiaalisen median kautta. Myös tunteiden esille tuonti on lisääntynyt. Affektiiviseen työhön suhtaudutaan kriittisesti, mutta sillä on nähty olevan positiivisia seurauksia sen rakentaessa kollektiivista subjektiivisuutta ja sosiaalisuutta. Uratarinavideoilla työntekijöiden tekemää affektiivista työtä voidaan pitää monitulkintaisena.
  • Simberg, Nina (2012)
    This research examines the flow of African foreign news in two Namibian and two Tanzanian newspapers. The materia] consists of 1424 foreign news articles from two privately and two government owned newspapers in Namibia and Tanzania. The objective of the research is to study what African foreign reporting is like in twoNamibian and two Tanzanian newspapers and how extensive it is. In addition differences and similarities between the countries and the four newspapers are examined. The research also clarifies how African foreign news coverage in Namibia and Tanzania fits into patterns found in previous international news flow research. News flow within Africa is interesting to study because of a strong feeling of African common identity and unity but also because foreign news can affect our worldview. News flow within and into Africa is in this paper studied with the starting point in theories of media imperialism, globalization and in the light of the heated political debate about a New World Information and Communication Order during the 1970s and 1980s. News values and determinants found in research in international news flow are also summarized. African foreign news within Africa is examined with a quantitative content analysis, which is based on an extensive foreign news flow study conducted by UNESCO in 1979. In addition, semi -structured interviews with one editor from each of the examined newspapers have been added to provide explanations and depth to the results. The results show that news flow in these two Sub-Saharan African countries still follow many of the old patterns found in studies from the 1960s onwards. Nevertheless, the flow of international news into Africa has shifted its focus from Western Europe and USA to Asia. Inside the continent the own geopolitical region is still covered most. Topics such as international and domestic politics as well as economic news are covered largely both within and outside Africa. Large international news agencies still play an important role in covering events within Africa. Some alternative sources are, nevertheless, used more frequently especially in feature stories. News from other developing regions in the world is scarce in the examined material. Interestingly, the ownership structure of the four newspapers does not seem to affect the content of foreign African news and the differences between the two examined countries are also relatively small.
  • Schmitz, Amédé (2016)
    The 2022 World Cup in Qatar has already generated extensive media attention prior to the event. Migrant workers at construction sites connected to the staging of the football championship are at the center of this attention: various actors criticize the working conditions of migrant workers and call for more rights for labor migrants. This discourse represents a global problem, depicting the vulnerable situations for many migrants in the country of destination. The host countries often neglect rights of migrant workers, while the country of origin has only limited power to protect their workers abroad. But how and by whom, then, are migrant workers protected if neither by the residing country nor by the country of origin? Based on the discourse about the rights of migrant workers in Qatar ahead of the 2022 World Cup, this study analyzes how different actors negotiate the rights of migrant workers in times where there are yet no clearly institutionalized frameworks that adequately protect migrants. In order to reveal the discourse participants and subsequent analyze their claims, this research applies a unique combination of media analysis and document analysis. Through the theoretical framework of Sassen’s concept of studying globalization (2003) and Fraser’s theory of abnormal justice disputes (2008), the research analyzes ten reports of various state and non-state, national and international actors that engage in the discourse about rights of migrant workers. As the results show, the discourse participants identify Qatar’s legislations as the most powerful framework to protect migrant workers. While too weak to actually enforce rights, the international human and labor rights system nevertheless acts as a guideline for national legislations. Moreover, beyond the national governance (in form of a government) and the international governance (in form international organizations and NGOs), the discourse as such provides an abstract form of governance. Aside from these results, the study furthermore contributes to the methodological discussion about how to frame and scrutinize a discourse about a complex and divers topics, such as rights of migrant workers, and further develops the theoretical debate about justice claims in a globalized world.
  • Annala, Mikko (2015)
    Historia viittaa vahvasti siihen, että ihmislaji on sisäsyntyisesti aggressiivinen. Ymmärtämällä mielen perustaipumuksia ja -mekanismeja aggressiivisuutta voidaan vähentää. Osa ihmisen aggressiivisuudesta selittyy persoonallisuuden piirteillä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään häpeäherkkyyden, narsistisen persoonallisuuden sekä syynulkoistamistaipumuksen yhteyksiä eri aggressiivisuuslajeihin. Häpeä on kivulias, minään kokonaisvaltaisesti suuntautuva emootio, jonka ajatellaan tavallisimmin johtavan sosiaalisista tilanteista vetäytymiseen. Uudemman näytön mukaan häpeää useammin kokevat ihmiset eli häpeäherkät ovat kuitenkin myös muita taipuvaisempia käyttäytymään aggressiivisesti. Myös narsistiseen persoonallisuuteen on yhdistetty käyttäytymistaipumuksia, jotka ovat toisiinsa verrattuna lähes vastakkaisia: narsismin on havaittu olevan yhteyksissä sekä seurallisuuteen ja optimismiin mutta myös aggressiivisuuteen ja neuroottisuuteen. Sama persoonallisuuden piirre voi motivoida sekä adaptiivista että epäadaptiivista käyttäytymistä. Häpeäherkkyys ja narsismi todennäköisesti ennustavat aggressiivisuutta vain yhteisvaikuttaessaan muiden persoonallisuustekijöiden kanssa. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään tekijöistä yhteen, syynulkoistamistaipumukseen. Kognitiivinen syyn ulkoistaminen voi olla häpeäherkkien automatisoitunut tapa suojella minää kanavoimalla intensiivinen häpeän tunne muualle. Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa on esitetty, että syyn ulkoistaminen saattaa kytkeytyä myös narsismin patologisiin puoliin. Tässä tutkielmassa oletetaan, että syynulkoistamistaipumus välittää osittain sekä häpeäherkkyyden että narsismin yhteyksiä verbaaliseen aggressiivisuuteen sekä aggressiivisiin aikomuksiin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 391 korkeakouluopiskelijan otosta ja data kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla. Analysointiin käytettiin bootstrap-mediaatioanalyysia, regressioanalyysia, eksploratiivista faktorianalyysia sekä osio- ja moniosiovastaavuusanalyysia. Tulokset osoittavat, että syynulkoistamistaipumus välittää häpeäherkkyyden yhteyttä verbaaliseen aggressiivisuuteen sekä riitaisiin ja pahantahtoisiin aikomuksiin. Tutkimuksessa saatiin myös tilastollisesti merkitsevää mutta vahvuudeltaan viitteellistä näyttöä siitä, että syynulkoistamistaipumus välittää myös narsismin ja verbaalisen aggressiivisuuden sekä pahantahtoisten aikomusten yhteyttä. Vastaavankaltaista näyttöä on häpeäherkkyyden ja verbaalisen aggressiivisuuden osalta, mutta narsismimallin mukaisia tuloksia ei ole esitetty aiemmin. Kognitiivinen syynulkoistamistaipumus näyttää olevan yksi tekijä, joka saa sekä häpeäherkät että narsistiset ihmiset käyttäytymään aggressiivisesti. Tulevan tutkimuksen tulee etsiä lisää aggressiivisuusyhteyttä välittäviä persoonallisuuden ominaisuuksia ja tilannetekijöitä, kiinnittää erityishuomiota narsismi- ja aggressiivisuusmittausten validiteettitarkasteluihin, erotella epäadaptiivinen narsismi luotettavasti sen muista puolista sekä tuottaa lisää kokeellista ja pitkittäisnäyttöä. Tutkielman: keskeisimmät lähteet: Anderson & Bushman, 2002; Tangney & Dearing, 2002; Pincus & Lukowitsky, 2010; Stuewig, Tangney, Heigel, Harty & McCloskey, 2010.
  • Orengo, Carita (2014)
    Children have participated in wars throughout history. Even today there are hundreds of thousands of child soldiers around the world despite international prohibitions. Whereas research of former child soldiers in their home countries indicates that participating in war negatively affects their social, emotional, psychological, and physical well-being, little is known about the challenges they face when forcibly migrating to the West. This vulnerable group has not only experienced the major transition from a military to a civilian environment but also that of entering a new culture. Due to the dearth of research on their lives in a new culture, it is necessary to learn more about this particular group in order to provide assistance which coincides better with their specific needs. The aim of this social psychological study was to learn how five former child soldiers from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Somalia, and El Salvador, respectively, described their experiences of having been child soldiers and having lived in Finland or Sweden. Open ended interviews were conducted to gather these descriptions. Both their subjective and shared experiences were examined using Giorgi’s descriptive phenomenological method, which emphasizes the significance of human experiences and allows the researcher to remain open to the participants’ descriptions without imposing formal theories on them. The findings of this study suggest a temporal and thematic structure of the phenomenon of child soldiery, which includes their experiences of refuge in Finland/Sweden. The results also support previous research of former child soldiers and cross-cultural psychological research of refugees and immigrants in acculturation. Overall, the experience of child soldiery meant forced or voluntary separation from family, multiple losses, lack of control and other hardships. It also had a strong emotional aspect, both negative and positive. While all faced various struggles in the aftermath of war, some continued to behave according to the practices they had learned in the armed group while others behaved pro-socially, both when reintegrating to civil society and adapting to a new culture. For most participants the encounter with a new culture largely amplified the traumas they had experienced as child soldiers.
  • Kanerva, Silja (2018)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan koulutuksen ylisukupolvisuutta, eli periytyvyyttä. Koulutusta pidetään merkittävimpänä tekijänä sosioekonomisen aseman määrittymisessä. Suomessa isän koulutuksen yhteyttä lapsen koulutukseen on tutkittu ja todettu, että isän koulutus ennustaa lapsen koulutusuraa. Äidin koulutuksen yhteyttä lapsen koulutukseen Suomessa on kuitenkin tutkittu vain vähän. Naisten kouluttautuminen on Suomessa ollut merkittävää jo vuosikymmeniä, joten äidin koulutuksen yhteyttä lasten kouluttautumiseen on tarpeen tarkastella kokonaiskuvan saamiseksi. Tutkielmassa selvitetään erityisesti äidin koulutuksen ja lapsen koulutuksen välistä yhteyttä. Tutkimus tehdään sukupuolittain, tarkastellen kouluttautumisen kahta nivelvaihetta, siirtymistä peruskoulusta toiselle asteelle ja toiselta asteelta korkeakouluun. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat Suomessa asuvat 30 vuotta täyttäneet, vuosina 1979–1982 syntyneet aikuiset, heidän suoritetut tutkinnot sekä heidän vanhempiensa koulutusaste. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Tilastokeskuksen keräämä työssäkäyntitilaston Elinolot ja kuolinsyyt -rekisteriaineistoa (EKSY8707), joka on 11 prosentin otos Suomen väestöstä. Tutkimusjoukoksi poimittiin vuosina 1979–1982 syntyneet, joiden tiedot on päivitetty vuosittain vuoteen 2012. Kohortit valikoituivat sen mukaan, että, he ovat ehtineet 30 vuoden ikään ja ehtineet kouluttautua. Vuonna 1979 syntyneitä on aineistossa 7582, vuonna 1980 syntyneitä on 7561, vuonna 1981 syntyneitä on 7592 ja vuonna 1982 syntyneitä on aineistossa 7831. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja log-lineaarista mallintamista sekä ristitulosuhteiden (odds ratio) ja interaktioiden tarkastelua. Tutkielman tuloksien mukaan, tutkitussa kahdessa nivelvaiheessa, siirtymässä peruskoulusta toiselle asteelle ja toiselta asteelta korkeakouluun äidin koulutus on vahvasti yhteydessä tyttären ja pojan kouluttautumiseen. Ensimmäisessä nivelvaiheessa äidin koulutus on vahvemmin yhteydessä tyttären kuin pojan koulutukseen, kaikissa äidin koulutusluokissa. Äidin koulutuksen yhteys lapsen koulutuksen mukaan vaihtelee sen mukaan, mikä isän koulutus on, ja yhteys on samansuuntainen. Toisessa nivelvaiheessa, eli siirtymässä alempaan korkeakoulutuksen suorittamiseen, on korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneiden äitien tyttärillä ja pojilla on selvästi suurempi vetosuhde jatkaa kouluttautumista korkeakouluun toisen asteen tutkinnon suorittaneiden äitien tyttäriin ja poikiin verrattuna.
  • Kuusisto, Amiika (2015)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan äitien päihdetaustan yhteyttä koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen sekä äidin ja vauvan välisen vuorovaikutuksen laatuun ja laadun muutokseen. Lisäksi kartoitetaan sosiaalisen tuen lähteiden ja määrän eroavuuksia äitien välillä. Tutkimusaihe on ajankohtainen ja tärkeä muun muassa siksi, että yhteiskunnan taloudellisen taantuman myötä sosiaaliset ongelmat ja köyhyys koettelevat yhä useampia lapsiperheitä myös Suomessa. On kriittisen tärkeää saada ajantasaista tutkimustietoa sosiaalisen tuen puutteen ja päihteidenkäytön vaikutuksista lapsen varhaisvaiheeseen, jotta tukirakenteita ja ennaltaehkäisevää työtä voidaan kehittää vaikeimmissa oloissa elävien pikkulasten ja heidän vanhempiensa auttamiseksi. Valtion budjetissa tulisi myös taata raskaana olevien päihdeäitien palvelut syntyvien lasten terveysriskien minimoimiseksi. Tutkimuksen aineisto perustuu Beltin ja työtovereiden (Belt ym., 2009; 2012) interventiotutkimukseen. Siinä päihdetaustaisille äideille tarjottiin mahdollisuus osallistua ryhmämuotoiseen psykoterapiaan (n = 26) tai saada yksilöllisesti suunnattua psykososiaalista tukea (n = 25). Kontrolliryhmä (n = 50) muodostettiin ei-päihdetaustaisista äideistä. Interventiotutkimuksessa sosiaalista tukea (Harter, 1985; Parkes, 1986) tarkasteltiin äitien odotusaikana toteutetulla lomaketutkimuksella, yksilön raportoiman koetun tuen kannalta. Vuorovaikutusta äidin ja lapsen välillä mitattiin Biringenin (2000; 2014) emotionaalisen saatavillaolon menetelmällä (Emotional Availability Scales, EAS) kahtena ajankohtana, vauvan ikävaiheissa 4 kk ja 12 kk. Päihteidenkäytön osalta tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin sekä huumeiden että alkoholin käyttöä. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet äidit (n = 101) raportoivat laittomien huumeiden käyttöään kahdeksasta eri huumeesta. Alkoholinkäytöstään äidit vastasivat seitsemään osioon standardoidusta AUDIT–kyselystä (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Saunders ym., 1993). Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään selvittämään äitien päihteidenkäyttötaustan yhteyttä koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen sekä äidin ja vauvan välisen vuorovaikutuksen laatuun. Lisäksi tarkastellaan sosiaalisen tuen määrää ja laatua eri osallistujaryhmien keskuudessa sekä vuorovaikutuksen laadun muutosta kahden mittauskerran välillä. Tulosten perusteella äitien päihdetaustalla on yhteys sosiaaliseen tukeen. Päihdetaustaiset äidit raportoivat kontrolliryhmää vähemmän sosiaalista tukea kunkin tuen lähteen (perhe, ystävät, tärkeät ihmiset) osalta erikseen sekä kokonaisuutena. Äidin päihdetausta ennustaa vähäisempää raskausaikaista sosiaalista tukea. Tulosten perusteella äitien päihdetausta vaikuttaa myös vuorovaikutuksen laatuun vauvan kanssa. Tämä näkyy äidin alempina vuorovaikutuspistemäärinä emotionaalisen saatavillaolon skaaloilla (EAS). Muutos päihdetaustaisten äitien osalta kahden mittauksen välillä oli kuitenkin positiivinen ja lapsen kannalta suotuisa: äitien vuorovaikutuksen EAS-kokonaispisteet olivat korkeammat jälkimmäisellä mittauskerralla. Myönteinen muutos voi liittyä intervention vaikutukseen. Saadut tulokset tukevat aikaisemmassa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa esitettyä johtopäätöstä siitä, että riskitekijät kuormittavat varhaista vuorovaikutusta ja sosiaalisia suhteita. Tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että interventioilla voi olla myönteinen vaikutus lapsen ja äidin vuorovaikutussuhteeseen.