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Browsing by Subject "Governance"

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  • Kedrin, Ivan (2018)
    The research belongs to the sphere of anti-corruption and attempts to enrich the knowledge on Bosnia and Herzegovina's anti-corruption policy and its features. The research question is associated with the facts that Bosnia and Herzegovina pursues the inconsistent policy in the sphere and analysts notice flaws in the policy. The present research introduces the assumption that anti-corruption reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina were aimed at decreasing the level of attention to state's internal policy on the part of international organizations and at simplifying and accelerating the admission to the European Union. The current project is linked to neo-institutionalism as methodological framework. The general purpose of the investigation is to identify the conditions and processes related to the choice of such a policy by the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Exploring the research question the qualitative content analysis and expert interviews are applied. The qualitative content analysis is used to take into account reports of international organizations monitoring the process of reforms in the country while expert interviews serve as a method for the profound examination of the Bosnian case. Thus, the results anticipated involve a complete analysis of the anti-corruption agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina and findings giving a valid explanation for the inconsistencies in its implementation.
  • Miras, Eva (2020)
    The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how people displaced by climate change can be accommodated within the European Union's existing migration governance system while taking into consideration the recent failures and injustices of this system during the so-called refugee crisis. The intention for framing the discussion about climate-induced migration in the context of the refugee crisis is not to compare or equate the two phenomena but to highlight the many injustices and protection gaps that exist under the current migration regimes, and to analyze how climate change will impact these regimes and the legal protections provided for migrants, asylum seekers, and displaced peoples. To begin this analysis, this thesis first looks at the relationship between climate change and migration, where it is determined that climate-induced migration is a complex and multi-causal phenomenon that can impact human mobility in multiple ways. People displaced by climate change face multiple protection gaps in both international and EU law, and there is currently no distinct instrument or coherent policy approach from the EU that is directly applicable to ‘climate migrants’ or climate-induced migration. The second part of this analysis looks at the fractured structure of EU migration governance and how the systems and mechanisms in place failed to adequately protect asylum seekers during the refugee crisis, with a focus on the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). This analysis showed that the EU failed to implement its supranational migration policies efficiently during the refugee crisis, which had a detrimental impact on securing and ensuring the legal protections of migrants and asylum seekers. Part of this failure was due to the lack of unity and trust between Member States, and also because the EU adopted an increasingly securitized approach to migration, abandoning its human rights obligations in order to create a false sense of security. The conclusion of this study found that the increasing securitization of both climate change and the EU’s migration and asylum policies will likely have negative consequences for people displaced by climate change and seeking protection in the EU. The continual and persistent portrayal of climate-induced migration as a potential security threat has hindered the development of any effective policies to address the issue, and the EU has shown little political will to radically rethink its current migration laws, mechanisms, or governance systems. The impacts of climate change will only further contribute to the protection gaps and marginalization that migrants and asylum seekers already face, and the way forward is to continue funding scientific research that captures the complex and multi-causal nature of climate-induced migration, which will help move migration and asylum policies beyond their current securitized outlook and provide evidence-based policies that will better protect those displaced by climate change.
  • Salomäki, Mia (2022)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on yhteistoiminnallisen hallinnan tutkimuksen näkökulmasta tutkia millä tavoin Etelä-Karjalan ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan varautumisen yhteistyöfoorumit ovat muodostuneet ja mitkä seikat ovat siihen vaikuttaneet. Tutkimus pohjautuu Yinin (2003) tapaustutkimuksen replikoinnin logiikkaan, jota hyödynnettiin kahden esimerkkitapauksen tarkasteluun. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluita toteuttamalla, joiden myötä pyrittiin luomaan ymmärrystä Etelä-Karjalan ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan varautumisen yhteistyöfoorumeiden toimintaan osallistuneiden julkisen, yksityisen ja kolmannen sektorin turvallisuustoimijoiden yhteistoimintaa koskevista kokemuksista ja näkemyksistä. Sekä alueellisen että kansallisen varautumisen prosessien laajemmaksi hahmottamiseksi haastateltiin lisäksi valtion alue- ja keskushallinnon edustajia. Asiantuntijahaastatteluiden tarkoituksena oli etenkin lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, miten yhteistyöfoorumeiden toiminta on alueilla käynnistynyt, millaisia prosesseja foorumityöskentelyyn sisältyy sekä millaisena sektorit ylittävä yhteistyö alueellisen varautumisen ja turvallisuuden kysymyksissä näyttäytyy. Aineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin Emerson, Nabatchi ja Baloghn (2012) yhteistoiminnallisen hallinnan integratiivista viitekehystä soveltuvin osin. Lisäksi hyödynnettiin Emerson ja Nabatchin (2015) yhteistoiminnallisen hallinnan regiimien muodostumista kuvailevaa typologiaa. Tulokset osoittavat, että Etelä-Karjalan yhteistyöfoorumin voidaan katsoa kuuluvan oma-aloitteisesti muodostettuihin yhteistoiminnallisen hallinnan regiimeihin, kun taas Etelä-Pohjanmaan yhteistyöfoorumin voidaan katsoa ennen sote- ja maakuntauudistuksen kaatumista kuuluneen nk. ulkoa johdettuihin regiimeihin. Ulkoinen häiriö järjestelmän kontekstissa aiheutti kuitenkin Etelä-Pohjanmaan yhteistyöfoorumin siirtymisen oma-aloitteisesti muodostettuihin regiimeihin, luoden yhteistoiminnalle jälleen uudenlaisia haasteita. Yhteistoimintaan ohjaavat ajurit auttavat lisäksi ymmärtämään yhteistoiminnan käynnistymiseen vaikuttaneita seikkoja, joista aloitteellinen johtajuus nousi erityisen merkittäväksi molemmilla alueilla. Tutkimus osoittaa, että sektoreiden rajat ylittävän yhteistoiminnan kehittymistä ei tulisi tarkastella lineaarisena prosessina. Viitekehyksen mukaisesti esitetään sen sijaan, että turvallisuustoimijoiden väliset yhteistoiminnan dynamiikat koostuvat kolmesta keskenään vuorovaikutuksessa olevasta syklisestä prosessista, eli “periaatteellisesta” osallistumisesta, jaetusta motivaatiosta ja yhteistoiminnallisista valmiuksista. Yhteistoiminnan dynamiikoiden sisäiset elementit auttavat lisäksi selittämään niitä seikkoja, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet Etelä-Karjalan ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan varautumisen yhteistyöfoorumeihin osallistuvien turvallisuustoimijoiden välisen verkostoyhteistyön kehittymiseen.
  • Lee, Min-Young (2023)
    This interdisciplinary implementation case-study maps the administrational institutional discriminative structures in organizing services related to adult education (Economic Affairs and Employment) in Helsinki in 2011-2017 – seen from a more critically constructive perspective. This period was dominated by populism and polarized ideas in society on a general level, and the administrational leadership was governed by typical New Public Management ideas such as decentralization, fragmentation, and a market- and results-based orientation. This study uses the lens of public civil servants’ inter-subjective administrative experiences at the local, regional, and central levels. According to Lipsky’s theory of Street-Level Bureaucrats and the Dilemma of the inndividual, there are differing goals between upper and lower level administration when delivering public services. Although public planners might not work at child-care centers, public spaces, schools, in nature, or at home themselves, the planner´s information may have some significant role in the policy development. This analysis looked more into such intra- and interorganizational data which could explain the occurrences of differing goals: • within the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment – mostly local and regional level compared to central level decisions (intra-organizational); • within the City of Helsinki (intra-organizational structures, bilingual service); and • between the city of Helsinki and the state of Finland (inter-organizational structures). This study uses deductive, hermeneutic methods that the phenomenological methodology recommends. Reimagining and self-reflecting (socially contextual) non-verbal communicational skills are used to understand the collective organizational meanings of intra- and interorganizational interactions in overwhelmingly demanding environment. The findings of this research indicated that the organizations were very fragmented, and at least temporarily inwarded and overlapping in service (especially within the regional administration between different kinds of educational purchase in Finnish, and between Swedish and Finnish structural integration service due to own developed local and regional networks). The market-based initial mapping system (which is the port for occupational education), would have benefited the service users’ access to trainings and employment from • achieve a joint local multicultural and critical functional tool for the personnel, • more intra-organizational collaboration within Ely-center (centralizing) between the “regular” public employment and business service in general, and the initial mapping service for both Swedish and Finnish (not separate), • offering a series of personnel training of multicultural education, and • increasing quality planning and customer service by more non-discriminative and/or inclusive recruitment