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  • Sundelin, Erica (2022)
    Denna magisteravhandlings syfte är att undersöka perspektiv på sexförsäljning i artiklar från fyra olika dagstidningar. Två av dessa dagstidningar är finländska medan de två övriga är sverigesvenska. En av de finländska tidningarna är finskspråkig och den andra är finlandssvensk. Mitt syfte har varit att undersöka huruvida det förekommer likheter och skillnader i perspektiven på sexförsäljning mellan de finländska och de sverigesvenska artiklarna. Eftersom mitt finländska undersökningsmaterial utgjorts av både en finskspråkig och en finlandssvensk tidning har avsikten också varit att jämföra perspektiven på sexförsäljning som framgår av de finländska tidningarna. Detta för att se ifall det finns variationer mellan den finskspråkiga och den finlandssvenska tidningen. Jag har undersökt ämnet genom att utföra en kvalitativ och komparativ innehållsanalys av dessa tidningars artiklar som berör sexförsäljning. Mitt undersökningsmaterial har därmed bestått av artiklar om sexförsäljning som hämtats från de finländska tidningarna Helsingin Sanomat och Hufvudstadsbladet samt de sverigesvenska tidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Artiklarna som jag analyserat har publicerats mellan år 2016 till år 2022. Jag har valt en sådan tidsperiod, då jag önskat undersöka perspektiven på sexförsäljning från en så aktuell tidsperiod som möjligt. Antalet artiklar som jag analyserat har varierat mellan två till totalt 68, vilket visar på en stor variation. Utfallen av min undersökning har analyserats mot bakgrund av feministisk teori, som fungerat som min teoretiska referensram. Utfallen som min undersökning resulterat i visar att det förekommer både likheter och skillnader i perspektiven på sexförsäljning mellan de finländska och de sverigesvenska tidningarna. De båda tidningarna pekar på att utsatthet är en aspekt som starkt sammankopplas med sexförsäljning. Samtidigt lyfter båda tidningarna också fram att det även förekommer självständigt och frivilligt sexsäljande. Både i Finland och i Sverige lyfts det fram kritik mot ländernas nuvarande lagstiftningar samt funderingar om vilket juridiskt förhållningssätt som är det mest lämpliga gällande sexförsäljning. Skillnaderna mellan perspektiven syns bl.a. i hur olika mycket uppmärksamhet ett sexköp av en person i en särskild yrkesposition väckt. Offentliga personer som köpt sex har t.ex. observerats betydligt mer i Sverige. En annan skillnad är också att artiklarna om stödåtgärder för sexsäljare och sexköpare behandlats mer i de sverigesvenska artiklarna. Den finlandssvenska tidningen har betonat utsatthet något starkare än den finskspråkiga. Den finskspråkiga tidningen lyfter även fram fler exempel på sexförsäljning i många olika länder medan den finlandssvenska ger fler exempel på fall av sexköp som ägt rum i Sverige. Den finskspråkiga tidningen talar om sexförsäljning som ett arbete mer ofta än den finlandssvenska tidningen. Sexförsäljning förekommer inte lika mycket i gatumiljöer i Finland som i Sverige. Ett mycket tydligt gemensamt utfall är även att det är tydligt att ämnet är komplext och att det finns många olika perspektiv som bör tas i beaktande i diskussioner om fenomenet.
  • Ahtola, Sandra (2019)
    I avhandlingen analyseras hur två olika finländska partiers kvinnoförbund, Gröna Kvinnorna och Centerkvinnorna, tolkar begreppet jämställdhet. Syftet är att studera och få svar på frågan hur kvinnoförbunden konstruerar avsaknaden av jämställdhet som ett politiskt problem. Utgångspunkten i avhandlingen är att jämställdhet förstås som ett diskursivt producerat begrepp. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår från två diskursanalytiska teoriskolor: Carol Lee Bacchis policy-konstruktivistiska ”What’s the Problem”-approach och Lombardo et al.:s kritiska ramanalys. Som metod tillämpas komparativ diskursanalys. I avhandlingen jämförs de politiska programmen med varandra både inom och mellan förbunden. Utgående från de två metoderna ovan har tre frågebatterier skapats. Dessa tar fasta på problemrepresentationer av ojämställdhet och lösningar till dem, vems röst som inkluderas eller exkluderas inom dem och vem som gynnas eller missgynnas av dem samt hur begreppet jämställdhet fastställs genom att det avgränsas, utvidgas och anpassas i olika sammanhang. Som material används kvinnoförbundens politiska program. Utgångspunkten i avhandlingen är att kvinnoförbundens politiska program presenterar förbundens syn på jämställdhet. Analysens resultat visar att skillnader i konstruerandet av jämställdhet som ett politiskt problem framkommer både inom kvinnoförbunden och mellan förbunden. Ur analysen framkommer en försvagning av jämställdhetsperspektivet i det senaste politiska programmet för båda kvinnoförbundens del. Som helhet är skillnaden beträffande hur kvinnoförbunden konstruerar ojämställdhet stor mellan förbunden, även om konsensus kring flera jämställdhetsfrågor förekommer och flera kategorier av lösningar återfinns hos båda förbunden. För Gröna Kvinnornas del genomsyrar ett jämställdhetsperspektiv nästan alla de olika temaområdena som de lyfter upp. Gröna värderingar och intersektionalitet betonas också. Centerkvinnorna förespråkar framför allt en politik som tar fasta på bland annat familjers och äldre personers välmående, utan att tillämpa ett specifikt jämställdhetsperspektiv. När ett jämställdhetsperspektiv väl tangeras gäller det bland annat familje- och arbetslivsfrågor. Analysen visar också hur språket på flera sätt kan ha en begräsande verkan för jämställdhet och hur det kan medföra diskursiva motsättningar, som både policyaktörer och forskare behöver ta ställning till. Analysens resultat bekräftar Lombardo et al.:s teori om jämställdhet som ett omstritt koncept och belyser det i en finländsk kontext. Jämställdhet bör förstås som ett begrepp som inte har en fastställd definition, utan som något som ständigt genomgår förändringar vilket har olika åverkningar i olika sammanhang.
  • Kaskinen, Martta (2018)
    This thesis is a contribution to the discussion on gendered representations of Global South subjects in development NGOs’ communication in the West, and the imaginaries of development they create and maintain. Empirically, it focuses on the context of Finland and particularly, on Finnish NGO fundraising campaigns that concentrate on girls’ and women’s rights in the Global South. The changes in the Finnish political field within which NGOs operate gives contextual relevance to studying NGOs’ private fundraising in Finland. In 2016, the Finnish government cut public funding for development NGOs by 43 %, which forced many organisations to rethink their funding channels. NGOs have since reported increase in competition for donors, which has contributed to the NGO fundraising ‘markets’ increasingly functioning with a capitalistic market logic. Public discussions on development and distant human rights issues thus get increasingly reduced to advertisement appeals, as NGOs must to ‘sell’ the rights-holders’ deservingness of donations. At the same time, the Finnish spectator-donors’ imaginary power in ‘making a change’ is reinforced. This trend is not compatible with NGOs’ other important societal mission, which is the global education of Finnish citizens. A study conducted in 2015 shows that Finnish people’s knowledge on development in the Global South is extremely pessimistic. From a postcolonial perspective on knowledge production and power, this thesis challenges the ‘ends justify means’ argument by questioning whether pessimistic and colonial imaginaries should be the price to pay for fight against inequality – and ultimately, are these means productive for global equality. The empirical example campaigns for this thesis were Uncut by the International Solidarity Foundation, Maternity Wear for a 12-year-old by Plan International Finland, and Women’s Bank Walk by the Finn Church Aid –administered Women’s Bank. The ethnographic research consisted of 10 NGO and expert interviews, 8 short interviews with participants and volunteers in a campaign event, document analysis, discussions, participant observation, and online data collection. The data was analysed using qualitative and visual discourse analysis tools, against the theoretical framework of relevant postcolonial, post-humanitarian, feminist, and de-colonial theories. The main findings of the research are that although NGOs consciously strive for the ‘respectful representation’ of women and girls in the Global South, the capitalist marketing framework used in fundraising communication is not productive for challenging the underpinning colonial discourse. Rather, by a rhetorical logic of empowerment, the power relations are denied – which only reinforces subordination, albeit disguises it better. However, there are significant differences between NGOs on how their power in representation and knowledge production is understood and reflected upon.
  • Jaramillo, Felipe (2013)
    The dissertation elaborates a theoretical approximation to the subject of gender parity and democracy. The study contends that parity serves as an institutional mechanism that helps create a political space for the contestation of gender power relations (génos relations). After examining in detail the definitional borders of democracy and explicating the formation of democratic identity, grounded on Foucault’s notions of power, I analyze génos relations, as social constructions that mold the desires and beliefs of men and women. Accordingly, I explain how democracy needs to provide spaces of deliberation so as to guarantee the possibility for the political discussion of the predominant practices that distinguish male/female interaction. In the conclusion, I make a plea for the essentiality of difference when undertaking the task of analyzing the topics of democracy and gender, supporting the theoretical and practical approaches that propose to create a more democratic world by learning from heterogeneity.
  • Kauranen, Ina (2020)
    This Master’s thesis studies feminist politics by exploring internal organizing practices and the principles guiding them in grassroots activism. The internal organizing practices of feminist movements have not been studied extensively; this thesis aims to fill some of that gap and underline the insights into the political ideas and desires of activists that can be gained when internal practices are analyzed. The research objectives are to shed light on the politics of internal practices, highlight the knowledge and experience generated in grassroots movements as well as analyze the political ideas and desires of feminists by focusing on their organizing practices. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with altogether twelve feminist grassroots organizers. The concept of knowledge-practices is used to highlight the perspective of activists as knowledge-producers and that knowledge is generated through embodied and lived experience. Prefigurative politics as a form of knowledge-practice is used to focus on the politics of practices and the groups as a space for experimenting with and creating the desired feminist future in the present. Feminist principles are identified and analyzed as well as how they are put to practice according to the research participants. The research shows that the feminist activists interviewed view feminism as a broad concept which entails an active strive for equality and a struggle against all forms of inequality. Additionally feminism is described as something in itself, as opposed to being only a reaction towards inequality. The study contributes with perspectives that view feminism as a particular way of being in and organizing the world in which all forms of oppression and inequalities are recognized and to be dismantled. The study finds that the activists emphasize low and transparent hierarchies over non-hierarchical organizing and that organizing should be according to the time and energy resources in a group. Despite their importance, the principles prove difficult in practice. The challenges and tensions that occur when organizing according to the discussed feminist principles become a central part of organizing as well as of this study. Diversity and inclusivity are presented as feminist principles by the research participants, but the analysis in the thesis shows that they also reproduce the power structures they are intended to dismantle. The study suggests that accessibility and safer spaces provide more practical perspective on organizing according to feminist principles. While the thesis gathers feminist practices and principles, it is also concluded that feminist practices are contextual and situated. Feminist principles are emphasized, but how organizers put the principles to practice varies according to the specific needs and desires of groups.
  • dos Santos Ferreira Leandro, Ana Rita (2022)
    This thesis sets out to investigate how the ideas of what it means to be a woman and femininity are constructed and propagated through the film Raya and the Last Dragon, the latest Disney Princess film, in the form of stereotypes. Previous studies show that Disney Princess films, from The Walt Disney Company, produce effects on the behaviour and thoughts of children when it comes to gender roles. As propaganda became associated with totalitarian regimes, studies about media effects rarely coin said effects as caused by propaganda. Therefore, propaganda as a field of analysis lacks a body of literature and a consensual set of analysis rules. This thesis contributes to the establishment of propaganda as a field of analysis, by defining it under Jacques Ellul’s categorisation. The study relies on a qualitative analysis based on the propaganda analysis model proposed by Garth Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell. The empirical material consists of the film Raya and the Last Dragon, and it is available on Disney+, the streaming service of The Walt Disney Company. The findings of this thesis illuminate how the ideas of a woman and of femininity are constructed in Raya and the Last Dragon and allow to understand, against the literature review, if these constructions have changed and evolved when compared to previous Disney Princess films. The results indicate that the film presents a world where women and men are seen as equal, leading it to break previous stereotypes associated with women and femininity. By presenting a female-centric story, with independent characters who have diverse personalities and clothing, who fight and have no romantic interests, the film subverts the trope of a passive woman in a dress waiting to be rescued by a man from a powerful evil woman. Additionally, the film rotates around the relationship between Raya and Namaari, using the patriarchal trope of plotting a woman against a woman to focus on female friendship. Yet, as the filmmakers are conditioned by their positionality, some stereotypes are still oriented by patriarchal logic and a western perspective, namely the omnipresence of a patriarchal figure that guides the protagonist. In the end, besides its contributions to the field of propaganda analysis, the thesis updates the tradition of studies done on the gendered stereotypes present in the Disney Princess films.
  • Fagerlund, Siiri Eveliina (2019)
    The #MeToo campaign started on social media in 2017, empowering women who had experienced sexual harassment and- violence. From the start the campaign was criticized for the lack of intersectionality in representation. In the autumn of 2018, the leading figure of the campaign, Asia Argento, was accused of having sexual relations with 17-year-old Jimmy Bennet. The new story presented a differing narrative from the main storyline of #metoo, that eventually resulted in heated online debates where gender, power relations and sexual violence were present and debated. The campaign has inevitably shaped society, and the way we talk about sexual violence in an online setting. This thesis focuses on the narrative of Asia Argento on social media; how she is narrated in relation to her gender and categories of #metoo and sexual harassment. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze how women are viewed on social media in the post #metoo context. The theoretical framework of this thesis builds on existing literature on feminism, gender as a cultural construct, sexual violence and power relations as part of gender and feminism, social media, hate speech and how these subjects are discussed on social media in the #metoo context in which its own communicative practices apply. The main source material is provided by Rossi (2015), Daniels (2016), Kantola (2015), Kitzinger & Thomas (1995) and Meikle (2016). The qualitative study applies feminist epistemology to analyze 75 comments collected from 5 news outlets: CNN International, the New York Times, CBS News, Fox News and ABC News. The data was collected with random sampling to enable a broad demographic of commentators, that were later fully anonymized apart from their gender. The analysis was conducted using categorical-content analysis. Argento is analyzed through three themes: women, #metoo and sexual violence. The findings indicate that white women are fair game on social media, as their appearance, merits and femininity is denied. The loss of credibility of #MeToo movement is highlighted through Asia Argento, whereas the women supporting her are processed similarly as Argento. The latest case further impacts the narrative of the victims, as the status of the victim is negotiated. The findings indicate that the power relation between genders strongly impacts how the society treats women. Victim blaming, and mob-shaming are apparent, as the social media has enabled freedom of speech. The findings further indicate that social media is a patriarchal environment, that nurtures misogyny. Hence, hostility, stereotypes and generalizations are apparent, resulting in an environment where the weak are silenced and dominant voices are being emphasized. This does not only apply to women, but to men as well, as they too are being faced with belittling and emasculation. The thesis analyzes the narrative of a woman in the era in which gender and gender roles are still being defined. It takes a closer look at social media, and how women are perceived on social media in the post #metoo context.
  • Baloch, Suvi (2022)
    Violence against women is a deep-rooted global injustice, yet it is less often scrutinized as a category of political economy. In this research relating to human rights advocacy in Pakistan, I seek to do so. I study the ways in which local women's rights organizations attempt to hold state to account for eliminating the malice and removing its structural causes. In particular, I examine how feminist constructions of VAW and advocacy practices towards curbing it take part in the politics of development. The research is based on fieldwork which I conducted in the mid-2010's in urban Pakistan. Interviews with 17 informants representing 12 women's rights groups, NGOs and government agencies constitute the primary data. I use ethnographic lens in mapping the organizational field, yet my main deconstructive method is critical discourse analysis. The research is underpinned by post-development theory, postcolonial feminist critique, anthropology of modernity and feminist violence research. The findings consist of three discourses and two developmental logics. Each discourse explains VAW as an issue of individual infringement of rights and a question of state structures with a distinct orientation – those of gender equity, legal protection and political reform. The discourses are rooted in 'human rights developmentalism' and neoliberalism, yet they are still locally contingent in varied ways. The developmental logics of 'saviorism in solidarity' and 'commonsense hope' render visible ways in which the organizations deploy civilisation narrative and an unquestioned hope in aid's capacity to deliver 'development' as political resources. I argue that the discourses construct VAW by reference to apolitical notions of 'backwardness' not only to justify organizational advocacy practices that center upon delivering "higher awareness and morals" to the "ignorant masses". Instead, such notions contribute to building a counter discourse to the misogynous state ideology as well as an alternative political space that enables women's rights organizations persevere in Pakistan. While the discourses fail the 'beneficiaries' of aid by upholding empty developmentalist promises, they nevertheless do not exacerbate VAW. The research suggests that development ideologies, albeit contributing to global inequalities, may serve as meaningful political tools for undoing local adversities.
  • Ellinor, Juth (2022)
    Målsättningen för denna studie var att ta fasta på skillnader mellan kön när det kommer till att kandidera i val. För det första undersöktes om kvinnor i större utsträckning än män kandiderat i val till följd av uppmuntran från andra, snarare än på eget initiativ. För det andra granskades om nivån av politisk jämställdhet i de länder respondenterna kandiderar i påverkar eventuella könsskillnader, och om könsskillnaderna är större i länder med lägre politisk jämställdhet. Teorin inkluderade uppmuntran, ambition, jämställdhet och representation samt strukturella hinder för kvinnor i politiken. Detta är en kvantitativ studie med statistisk dataanalys och den data som användes för analysen är insamlad av Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS), ett gemensamt multinationellt som samlar in data om kandidater som kandiderar till nationella parlamentsval i olika länder. För att kunna jämföra resultaten från analysen med politisk jämställdhet användes ett för denna avhandling skapat jämställdhetsindex. Resultaten för denna studie var både förväntade men också överraskande. Som väntat kandiderar kvinnor i större utsträckning än män tack vare uppmuntran från andra. Förvånansvärt nog kunde vi konstatera att den politiska jämställdhetsnivån har en påverkan på skillnader mellan könen och att effekten av kön, och därmed könsskillnaderna, är större i länder med en högre nivå av politisk jämställdhet. Med detta sagt lyckades denna studie både fastställa men också förkasta antaganden grundade på tidigare politisk feministisk forskning.
  • Alajoki, Lotta (2017)
    Women’s movements in Bolivia have long been divided into different feminist groups and organizations on the one hand, and indigenous women’s movements on the other. Indigenous women have generally considered feminism to be an urban, middle-class ideology that is not compatible with their conception of gender and does not represent them. They have preferred to be active within the indigenous movement, which stresses the idea of decolonization as key to achieving gender equality. Even with these differences, attempts have been made by different women’s movements to work together in order to have a stronger voice around gender-specific issues in the national debate. In this thesis, frame analysis is employed to examine such efforts of cooperation. The data is a report published in connection with a conference that brought together representatives from several different women’s organizations, with the goal of advancing dialogue between them. The frames that these activists use are examined in order to analyse how those frames address differences between women and what kind of frames are most successful in using differences as strength. The frames that emerge from the data are grouped into three broad categories. First, there are universalistic frames that see a common identity of women and a shared experience of oppression as a starting point for solidarity. Second, there are local frames that ground themselves in the specific struggles to find common ground between different women’s movements in the Bolivian context. These frames base the idea of solidarity on common goals and agendas. Third, there are frames that take a personal approach and present personal accounts of struggles and processes of change. These frames are able to incorporate multiple identities into a personal narrative and to treat solidarity and coming together as an ongoing and open-ended process. The frames in this data that are best able to celebrate differences as strength are certain local and personal frames that move away from broad, conceptual definitions of patriarchy and feminism and towards lived experiences and shared struggles. They focus on the process of coming together and building alliances, which opens them up to differences and to dialogue. However, a more profound analysis of power and privilege is still lacking in all these frames.