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  • Sahlman, Paula (2018)
    This thesis is a part of Development through Sports discussion, particularly from gender perspective and its effort to improve women’s position and status in developing countries by using sport as a tool. The study aims to depict the position and effects produced by gender in the field of sport and education by the means of ethnography. The perspective of the study is holistic in its attempt to acknowledge the impact of Tanzanian society, economy and politics for girls’ and women’s position within sport and education. The study was carried out with 7-week long fieldwork in a Tanzanian teacher training college. The college was a boarding school and the study focused mainly on students of physical education. The data of the study was collected with participant observation, informal discussions, semistructured thematic interviews and structured survey questionnaire. Also study material used in the college was collected, such as course outlines and directions given to the students. The interviews were analysed with thematic analyse. The space of girls and women in the masculine field of sport in Tanzania is narrow and challenging. For sociocultural reasons, it is difficult for women to obtain the motorical and psychosocial skills needed in teaching physical education in childhood and youth. It is more difficult for girls and women to have access and to move in masculine spaces that in addition to sport and sporting fields, is salaried work done outside home. Salaried work is necessary for financing the studies, but acquiring the money has moral effects. The morally acceptable financiers of women’s education are families – fathers and husbands mainly. Moral conflicts are caused if a woman acquires the funding through transactional sex and/or uneducated, physical labour. By moving in these masculine, independent spaces of sport and money, the morality and value of a woman can be questioned and thus inhibit the development of women’s position in society and women’s financial independence.
  • Sahlman, Paula (2018)
    This thesis is a part of Development through Sports discussion, particularly from gender perspective and its effort to improve women’s position and status in developing countries by using sport as a tool. The study aims to depict the position and effects produced by gender in the field of sport and education by the means of ethnography. The perspective of the study is holistic in its attempt to acknowledge the impact of Tanzanian society, economy and politics for girls’ and women’s position within sport and education. The study was carried out with 7-week long fieldwork in a Tanzanian teacher training college. The college was a boarding school and the study focused mainly on students of physical education. The data of the study was collected with participant observation, informal discussions, semistructured thematic interviews and structured survey questionnaire. Also study material used in the college was collected, such as course outlines and directions given to the students. The interviews were analysed with thematic analyse. The space of girls and women in the masculine field of sport in Tanzania is narrow and challenging. For sociocultural reasons, it is difficult for women to obtain the motorical and psychosocial skills needed in teaching physical education in childhood and youth. It is more difficult for girls and women to have access and to move in masculine spaces that in addition to sport and sporting fields, is salaried work done outside home. Salaried work is necessary for financing the studies, but acquiring the money has moral effects. The morally acceptable financiers of women’s education are families – fathers and husbands mainly. Moral conflicts are caused if a woman acquires the funding through transactional sex and/or uneducated, physical labour. By moving in these masculine, independent spaces of sport and money, the morality and value of a woman can be questioned and thus inhibit the development of women’s position in society and women’s financial independence.
  • Nikarmaa, Pilvi (2022)
    Anti-gender movements that oppose women’s and LGBTQI+ rights have gained more support and visibility in Europe during the last ten years. These movements pose a threat to human rights as well as liberal democratic values as they depict feminist policies and the promotion of gender and sexual equality as a threatening “gender ideology”. Understanding how anti-gender discourses are constructed and employed is essential to addressing their influence in society. This Master’s thesis tackles this issue in the Finnish context. This study provides a nuanced understanding of how the notions of gender and sex are discursively constructed in the texts of a Finnish anti-gender organisation, Aito Avioliitto. Moreover, this Master’s thesis examines how the distinction constructed between gender and sex differs from the one made in feminist theory. The empirical material of this study consists of a sample of texts published on the website of Aito Avioliitto. Critical Discourse Analysis, which focuses on the relationship between language and power, is applied to analyse these texts. Moreover, the social constructionist theory of knowledge and feminist theories of gender and sex provide the theoretical framework for the analysis. The results of the analysis are categorised into three discourses: the discourse of “natural sex”, the discourse of “ideological gender” and the discourse of “deviant transgender”. Through these discourses Aito Avioliitto constructs sex as a purely biological, binary and permanent category; gender as an ideological and threatening notion that is used for immoral purposes; and transgender as deviance from normal, caused by “gender ideology”. These discourses disregard and oppose feminist theorising which has for decades problematised naturalistic attitudes concerning sex and explored the variety of sex and gender. The findings of this Master’s thesis propose that the anti-gender discourses employed by Aito Avioliitto reproduce and enforce unequal gender relations in Finnish society. Through the identified discourses, Aito Avioliitto positions people in unequal relations depending on their gender identities. Moreover, Aito Avioliitto’s discourses relate to current social struggles, such as the trans law reform. By depicting “gender ideology” and transgender as a threat to society, Aito Avioliitto legitimises neglecting trans rights in Finland.
  • Rauha, Jenni (2024)
    In Finland, time is understood through clock-time, instead of process time or relational time that is dominant in care. During parental leave, experiences of time are plural, as different gendered, cultural, and societal structures affect temporalities. The aim of this research is to examine temporalities as they are experienced by Finnish middle-classed mothers. The thesis provides an ethnographic account of how mothers in Finland create and manage daily routines during parental leave, as well as how becoming a mother unveils clashing values regarding time. The data for the thesis was collected in a suburban neighbourhood in Helsinki by participating in a weekly baby group organised by a local church and interviewing nine of the participating mothers. Narratives from the interviews are complimented by fieldnotes gathered by participant observation, informal ethnographic conversations, and the author’s own experiences regarding the topic. Thematic analysis reveals connections between temporality, everyday practices, subjectivity, and gender. For the mothers, everyday life consists of routines, which require both attuning to the baby’s biological rhythms, as well as active management. Routines form a temporal space, where days become repetitious and slow. Simultaneously time feels particularly fast-flowing, as the past becomes difficult to remember, the future hard to imagine. However, the growth of the baby makes the passage of time visible. Through caring, time becomes increasingly relational, as women take on the role of a primary caregiver, which marks parental leave as particularly gendered temporality. Research contributes to the theoretical discussions of subjectivity and relationality through exploring connections between subjectivity and temporality. The thesis argues that the pull between the need for ‘own time’ and sense of meaning that is gained through time with the baby shows the conflict between women’s neoliberal individualised subjectivities and relational self.
  • Laivo, Soila Pauliina (2018)
    This thesis answers to a question “Why adolescent girls drop out of school in Northern Uganda?” In Uganda, approximately 70% of the children drop out of public school before 7th grade, the final year of primary school. In northern Uganda, girls drop out of school in more significant numbers than boys, and it happens around the age when girls reach puberty. Northern Uganda is also a particular location because it is recovering from long conflict, affecting strongly the whole population living in the area. The thesis is based on two-month ethnographic fieldwork in northern Uganda during the spring of 2015. To answer the main research question this study seeks to analyse it through taking a look how the school, the community and the girls themselves experience and talk about dropping out, education and growing up in the current post-conflict state of the social life. The thesis argues that the dropout rate is linked to the adolescence as life-stage of becoming an adult that is making the girls to make decisions about the future. The analysis is done through three different perspectives – the educational, societal and personal narratives of the youth. The first perspective is the education and schooling in northern Uganda. It explores the concept of ’educated person’ by Levinson and Holland through sexual education and gender in education. The study shows that Ugandan public primary and secondary education is deriving its ideas and understanding of educated person from the national curriculum, which often conflict with the local concepts of the educated person in the Acholi community, influencing the blamed and real reasons for dropping out. The second perspective looks into the community and the societal pressures the girls are facing when growing up. It will describe family, kinship, marriage and gender in post-conflict context and show how in these areas of life, the past conflict, “loss of culture”, generational conflicts and subsequent disobedience are presented as reasons behind the challenges to stay in school. The third perspective tells the stories of the girls met and talked to during the ethnographic fieldwork in Northern Uganda. It answers the question “What is happening in the life of a girl when she drops out of school?”. It is argued that the girls take actions of a gendered agency to further their lives and become adults. Thus, dropping out of school cannot just be explained as a simple event just suddenly happening without their own will. It will further answer the question “What makes some girls stay in school?” to show how those girls still in school manage the crosscurrents of growing up in Acholiland. The thesis argues that the girls in northern Uganda are active appropriators and social agents who through their own actions contest, struggle and penetrate the structures in their society while also at the same time reproduce them. In Northern Uganda, both the community and the state together with different international agencies will have plans and expectations for the girls’ future. The study shows how the girls navigate the school, community and peer expectations and sociocultural and economic structures to stay or finally drop out of school. These structures are state organised and aid-infused formal schooling and society in amidst of post-conflict recovery which creates a framework where the girls are acting. The school presents the modern and globally orientated educated person, and in contrast to it, the community is looking for to restore ‘traditional’ way of life. It is argued that these two sides are often in conflict and in the middle of this conflict the girls act and solve their way out of it, looking for adulthood and gaining respectable status in the society. The schools, the community and even sometimes the development actors see the girls as passively following the things they will encounter. The thesis will show that they are not. The girls either stay in school or drop out of it, but more often as a consequence of their own decisions and actions than passively because the school or the community could not support them. It is demonstrated that dropping out of school looks more of line a tactic for the future as a respectable grown-up than mere problem to be solved.
  • Peijari, Minerva (2020)
    This thesis aims to study if personal values mediate the effect of gender on pro-environmental behavior, PEB. It is important to investigate the antecedents of PEB, since the current climate crisis is caused by human behavior. Among the most influential areas of behaviors are those related to energy. Therefore, two energy related behaviors were chosen to represent PEB in this study: energy use reduction and intention of buying an energy efficient appliance. Values have been shown to affect behavior and there is some evidence of gender differences in values, thus gender and values were chosen as predictors of the behaviors. The theoretical basis for this argument lies in Schwartz theory of basic values and several models on antecedents of PEB, e.g. the Value-Belief-Norm Theory. The material comes from the 2016 dataset of the European Social Survey Round 8 (ESS8), which included a module on climate change and energy and used the Portrait Values Questionnaire for measuring values. The data is limited to the Finnish nationally representative sample. The hypotheses examine whether Finnish women behave more proenvironmentally than Finnish men do, and whether women’s higher self-transcendent values and men’s higher self-enhancement values explain this difference in PEB. Hypotheses were tested through hierarchical stepwise regression analysis and mediation analysis. The results were as expected, with small, but statistically significant, differences between men and women in both values and behavior. On average, Finnish women have more self-transcendent values and behave more pro-environmentally, than Finnish men do. The mediation was supported even when covariates were included, which further supports the findings. The only exception to this was the mediation of gender on energy efficacy behavior through self-enhancement values. Explanations for this and the other results are discussed, as well as critique of the binary definition of gender and other limitations. This study adds to the understanding of antecedents of pro-environmental behavior, which is fundamental to achieving effective behavior change.
  • Kivelä, Lotta (2023)
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 prompted Finland to re-evaluate its national security and led to increased support for NATO membership. This study examines how Finnish news media portrays national security at the time of heightened sense of insecurity. The objective of the study is to explore and expose the nexus of security and gender within the NATO discussion context. Drawing on feminist security studies, this study views security as a gendered concept. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating security studies, gender studies, and media studies. The thesis investigates the gendered nature of security by using traditional masculine and feminine values as tools in discourse analysis. Additionally, the thesis analyses whose voices are heard in the media. This case study focuses on the NATO discussion in Helsingin Sanomat, Iltalehti, and Yle from January to March 2022. The thesis comprises two parts from the perspective of methodology and data. The quantitative content analysis of 671 online news articles examines gender representation in the media, while the qualitative analysis of 70 opinionated online news media articles employs thematisation and Wodak’s approach to critical discourse analysis. The findings of this study imply that the dominant notion of security in the media is narrow and masculine. The hegemonic notion of Finnish national security aligns with traditional masculinity, emphasising militaristic, physical, and rational characteristics. The analysis shows that growing insecurity appears to correspond with decreasing feminine notions of security. The study argues that the prevailing security discourse in the media is exclusive to the performances of militarised masculinity. Additionally, security is predominantly discussed by male voices in the media. Finally, this thesis argues that the dominant narrow, masculine, and militaristic notion of security is not contested in the media, thereby lacking a comprehensive understanding of securities and insecurities as well as inequalities. The study addresses a need for further critical research to examine the interrelation of national security, militarism, and gender in Finland.
  • Gathuo, Monica (2022)
    Women of colour across the globe have played key roles in leading resistance to oppressive regimes, across time and space. Beginning with the anti-slavery freedom movement in the colonial era from the 16th century onwards, and into the digital spaces of the twentieth first century, women of colour’s activism has been pivotal to securing social justice. While this phenomenon has gained momentum in international scholarship, there is very little research on the women of colour digital activism in Finland. This study seeks to answer the following research question: How do women of colour in Finland use digital media to raise their voice[s]? The notion of raising one’s voice signals the need to move from an abject silenced position to take up space in public discussion. For the purpose of this thesis, digital media platforms and spaces represent potential or actually powerful routes for forging solidarity, spreading awareness, advocacy and campaign work in pursuit of social justice. In this thesis, the notion of raising one’s voice has a second implication: it refers to activism aimed at supporting those who are not heard to amplify their voices in public spaces. The study was conducted in the form of 19 semiconstructed interviews with women of colour living in Finland who engage in activism in digital platforms. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. The findings, based on data derived from a thematic content analysis of the interviews, suggest that women of colour in Finland use digital media platforms as a resource to facilitate their participation and amplify their voices in public conversations from which they would otherwise be silenced.
  • Sood, Nitin (2017)
    In the Monsoon season of 2015, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, revealed his ambitious programme ‘Digital India’ which aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. However, the gender dimension of digitalisation is absent in the conversations about Digital India. In the said background, the thesis strives to address the lacunae in the debates and investigate what digitalisations means for expanding women’s capabilities in India. The premise of the thesis was grounded in two conceptual notions. Firstly, Amartya Sen’s and Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach served as the normative framework and as a tool for evaluating digitalisation in India. Secondly, information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) formed another fundamental building block for the thesis. The principal objective of the study was to investigate women’s wellbeing in the digitalisation process in India. Nine organisations, working in the field of women’s rights and/or digitalisation, were interviewed to gather the principal data. In the research, knowledge acquired was rearranged with the support of the theoretical framework. The qualitative content analysis method was employed through which three distinct categories were discovered: independence, sexuality and control. In the analysis, these three categories were utilised to dissect the impact of digitalisation on women’s capabilities in India. The findings of the thesis demonstrate that digitalisation efforts expand women’s internal capabilities. Women have acquired independence through gaining economic capabilities through e-commerce, where women are able to sell their products to a larger audience. Furthermore, technologies allow the incorporation of women’s voices in the flow of information, addressing issues that matter to them and rendering their view on events. Many interviewees stressed the importance of access to information that women gain with ICTs. However, Modi’s government treats digitalisation as a panacea for India’s challenges and views ICTs as ends rather than means. The Government fails to address the socio-cultural norms that impede on women’s capabilities to utilise ICTs even if they acquire digital literacy. As seen through the study, women have shown poorer conversion rates in transforming ICT-commodities into capabilities and functionings. Thus, the current implementation of digitalisation in India is at a risk of generating more inequalities as opposed to reducing them.
  • Miranda Kullaa, Aura (2023)
    This thesis dives into the lives and experiences of Finnish nonbinary people. With this project, I aim to participate in the expansion of Finnish gender diversity research, and it is also my own contribution to the ethnography of Western nonbinary people. I used participant observation in online groups, interviews with nonbinary individuals, and reflected on my own experiences as a nonbinary person. I also traced the history of sexuality and gender diversity, and the development of queer anthropology from both a Euro-American and a Finnish point of view in order to create a strong historical context for the analysis of current nonbinary identities. I went through the many challenges that transgender people face in Finland, without forgetting the positive effects of being nonbinary on their lives. Using Gershon's theory, I illustrated how porous social orders can be found in the lives of nonbinary people, and how, with the extensive knowledge of queer social orders, the cisheteronormative dominant social order could be adjusted to be more accepting and equal. This thesis had several goals, but the main goal was to create more visibility for nonbinary identities and allow them to tell their own stories in their own words. By amplifying the voice of a marginalized group, I hope to serve that minority to the best of my ability and promote a more equal society where gender diversity is visible and common, but also valued as it deserves.
  • Koskinen, Viola (2023)
    In this thesis I examine the Finnish Border Guard’s (FBG) institutional understandings about migrant sex work and it’s policing. Through stating that the entry of a non-EU/EFTA citizen may be denied at the borders if there is a reason to suspect them of selling sexual services, the Finnish Aliens Act 148 § gives the FBG a role in policing migrant sex work at the national borders. As the law attributes the border enforcing officials with considerable discretionary power while no public information is available about the implementation of the law, the FBG’s institutional conceptions about the law and its implementation become objects of research. With an interview data consisting of four interviews with FBG officials working in superior positions, I present an analysis of the institutional understandings that guide the interpretation of the law. I use a combination of content analysis and frame analysis to examine the two closely intertwined aspects of the institutional conceptions that the interviewees draw from: the descriptions of the practices done at the borders and the institutional framework that gives meaning to these practices. Using content analysis I map out the officials’ descriptions of the ‘correct’ interpretation and implementation of the law on a practical level. Here, I look at how the discretional space between the letter of law and the concrete practices is bridged in the interviewees’ accounts. With the help of frame analysis I examine the underlying conceptions that the interviewees draw from when describing the institutional stance to migrant sex work. Here I analyse the framing of migrant sex work as a phenomenon and the FBG’s role in policing it. In the institutional framework of the FBG, migrant sex work is framed as a ‘public order problem’ that should be hindered through crime prevention and immigration control. In this framework, migrant sex work is criminalised and framed as a threat to the national stability, while the FBG is positioned as an institution ensuring the safety and stability of the Finnish society.
  • Akyazan, Abdurrahman (2023)
    Migrants may find themselves in a vulnerable position after migration due to the new social structure (e.g., labor market opportunities, language problems, migration legislation, or networks in the new country). Since they lose their power in the society at large, this change may also affect power relations in their families. As a result, gender roles at home may also change. While existing studies on migration focus on migrants' socio-economic integration into host societies, their family formation and gender roles at home are not well explored. Rather than attributing these roles solely to 'cultural' reasons, I attempt to find answers through an exploration of the immigration experiences. This study has the potential to fill a gap in the literature on migration and gender studies and to contribute to this field in Finland. In this qualitative study, I attempt to explore how Turkish married migrants experience their gender roles and power relations at home after migration. Through thematic analysis of six interviews with three male and three female Turkish migrants, I identified four themes: "status loss after migration," "status loss and willingness to move back," "loneliness after migration," and "rejection of traditional gender roles." One of the most important findings of the study is that those who moved to Finland through family reunification experience a strong sense of status loss, which lead to marital dissatisfaction or a desire to leave the country. Furthermore, labor market opportunities push Turkish women to more traditional roles, while language barriers and a lack of networks hinder their integration into the country. It is important to note that most of the participants reject traditional gender roles as an ideology. However, there are other factors that contribute to their adherence to these roles.
  • Jaramillo, Felipe (2013)
    The dissertation elaborates a theoretical approximation to the subject of gender parity and democracy. The study contends that parity serves as an institutional mechanism that helps create a political space for the contestation of gender power relations (génos relations). After examining in detail the definitional borders of democracy and explicating the formation of democratic identity, grounded on Foucault’s notions of power, I analyze génos relations, as social constructions that mold the desires and beliefs of men and women. Accordingly, I explain how democracy needs to provide spaces of deliberation so as to guarantee the possibility for the political discussion of the predominant practices that distinguish male/female interaction. In the conclusion, I make a plea for the essentiality of difference when undertaking the task of analyzing the topics of democracy and gender, supporting the theoretical and practical approaches that propose to create a more democratic world by learning from heterogeneity.
  • Fagerlund, Siiri Eveliina (2019)
    The #MeToo campaign started on social media in 2017, empowering women who had experienced sexual harassment and- violence. From the start the campaign was criticized for the lack of intersectionality in representation. In the autumn of 2018, the leading figure of the campaign, Asia Argento, was accused of having sexual relations with 17-year-old Jimmy Bennet. The new story presented a differing narrative from the main storyline of #metoo, that eventually resulted in heated online debates where gender, power relations and sexual violence were present and debated. The campaign has inevitably shaped society, and the way we talk about sexual violence in an online setting. This thesis focuses on the narrative of Asia Argento on social media; how she is narrated in relation to her gender and categories of #metoo and sexual harassment. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze how women are viewed on social media in the post #metoo context. The theoretical framework of this thesis builds on existing literature on feminism, gender as a cultural construct, sexual violence and power relations as part of gender and feminism, social media, hate speech and how these subjects are discussed on social media in the #metoo context in which its own communicative practices apply. The main source material is provided by Rossi (2015), Daniels (2016), Kantola (2015), Kitzinger & Thomas (1995) and Meikle (2016). The qualitative study applies feminist epistemology to analyze 75 comments collected from 5 news outlets: CNN International, the New York Times, CBS News, Fox News and ABC News. The data was collected with random sampling to enable a broad demographic of commentators, that were later fully anonymized apart from their gender. The analysis was conducted using categorical-content analysis. Argento is analyzed through three themes: women, #metoo and sexual violence. The findings indicate that white women are fair game on social media, as their appearance, merits and femininity is denied. The loss of credibility of #MeToo movement is highlighted through Asia Argento, whereas the women supporting her are processed similarly as Argento. The latest case further impacts the narrative of the victims, as the status of the victim is negotiated. The findings indicate that the power relation between genders strongly impacts how the society treats women. Victim blaming, and mob-shaming are apparent, as the social media has enabled freedom of speech. The findings further indicate that social media is a patriarchal environment, that nurtures misogyny. Hence, hostility, stereotypes and generalizations are apparent, resulting in an environment where the weak are silenced and dominant voices are being emphasized. This does not only apply to women, but to men as well, as they too are being faced with belittling and emasculation. The thesis analyzes the narrative of a woman in the era in which gender and gender roles are still being defined. It takes a closer look at social media, and how women are perceived on social media in the post #metoo context.
  • Tokmazishvili, Mariam (2013)
    Abstract The aim of this study is to critically analyse and unfold common discourse on emigration in Georgian talk radio show “Migration Routes”. It is largely focused on non-elite talk on emigration from Georgia with the purpose to find different metaphors that were involved in the talk. The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. how is emigration and emigrants linguistically constructed in talk radio show? 2. Is there evidence that can be found in the speakers’ use of language that promotes dramatization of female emigrants from Georgia? 3. What functions do such discourses have in the society? I have chosen Critical Discourse Analysis as a methodological approach to better analyse naturally occurring spoken material. For the analyses of material, the following scheme has been implemented: 1) identification of thematic content areas of the material; 2) analysis of the dominant rhetorical devices in the talk (e.g. the use of metaphor, referential vagueness, extreme case formulations, etc.); 3) argumentative strategies that lie behind emigration discourse, which at the first glance seems to be very positive. In total, eleven talk radio shows have been listened and analysed. Three discursive strategies have been used by the actors of talk radio show to convey ideologies, attitudes and common sense knowledge: victimization of migrants, avoidance of concrete discussion on the empowerment of migrants and use of positive rhetoric with contradictory implications. It has been revealed that speakers of this radio programme enjoyed drama talk on emigrants which in turn reinforced myths, idealized discussions and perpetuated portrayal of emigrants as “victims”, “lost generation”. Discourse around representation of female emigrants from Georgia was contrasting in essence. Most commonly, it was linked to negatively connoted metaphors such as “virtual parent”, “guest”, “other”, “sacrifice”, “battle”, “and “fear”. However, the other side of female emigration was understood as positive in terms of their success stories and professional as well as personal achievements. Behind the good intention to cover emigration topic and bring their voices into the public, the way it has been achieved resulted in symbolic understanding of emigration which was on the surface.
  • Lehto, Heidi (2013)
    This research examines the constructions of different identities and narrations of volunteering as they intersect with a culture of travel. The focus will be on how gender relates to the interpretations of experiences of volunteering and travelling in India from the viewpoint of Western women. It has been argued that travel is a genderized and gendering activity, yet gender considerations are largely unaccounted in the field of tourism research. Due to the rapid diversification and increase in travel, there have been numerous calls for studies examining the intersections of gender and travel, as well as travel and volunteering. This qualitative research addresses the shortage by exploring women's accounts of volunteering and travelling in India within the context of wider travel discussions. A gender-aware travel and voluntourism research forms the theoretical base for the thematic content analysis, which applies narrative constructionist approach. The data consists of semi-structured and conversational interviews with 7 women between the ages 20-32, and they were conducted in Finland and in India between December 2007 and January 2011. As the research explored some of the identity scenarios these women faced on their travels in India, the findings indicate that travelling and volunteering provide possible identity positions which can at times be quite empowering, but which also can entail challenges and multiplicity of conflicting identities. These ambivalent narrative positions and roles rely to some extent on the traveler discourse, which does not offer much in terms of gendered conceptualizations. It is proposed that voicing their experiences provides us glimpses of some of the oppositional forces in play in travel discourse, thus illuminating how the contradictory ideals of travelling, ethnicity and gender become a complex and contested space of value discussion. The findings suggest that Western women violate the boundaries between ‘public’ and ‘private’ space; by choosing to travel and volunteer abroad, they disrupt the discourses of femininity both home and in India. These restrictions are processed and negotiated within the narrations of cultural sensitivity, independence and self-definition, consequently constructing and enhancing moral narratives of ‘self’, as well as gaining sense of control, through travel. In their negotiations for various identity positions within the travel and gender contexts, self becomes a reflexive project for the Western women.
  • Laine, Ella (2023)
    Naisten ja seksuaali- sekä sukupuolivähemmistöjen oikeuksia vastustava antigender-liikehdintä on lisääntynyt sekä Euroopassa että muualla maailmassa. Antigender-liikehdintä vastustaa uhkaksi määrittelemäänsä ”gender-ideologiaa”, eli sosiaalisen sukupuolen käsitteen valtavirtaistumista, naisten lisääntymisoikeuksien laajenemista sekä seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen oikeuksien laajenemista. Antigender-liikehdintä on uhka ihmisoikeuksien toteutumiselle. Vaikka liikehdintä on toistaiseksi Suomessa pienimuotoista, monissa Euroopan maissa antigender-toimijat ovat jo saaneet aikaan konkreettisia lainsäädännöllisiä muutoksia esimerkiksi naisten aborttioikeuteen sekä seksuaalivähemmistöjen oikeuksiin. Tämä tutkielma käsittelee antigender-liikehdintää suomalaisessa kontekstissa. Aito avioliitto ry on suomen keskeisimpiä antigender-toimijoita. Tutkielman teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii ontologisen turvallisuuden näkökulma, jossa antigender-liikehdintää tarkastellaan pyrkimyksenä ontologisen turvallisuudentunteen saavuttamiseen yhteiskunnassa, jossa erilaiset sukupuoleen ja seksuaalisuuteen liittyvät kulttuuriset ja lainsäädännölliset muutokset ovat aiheuttaneet joillekin ryhmille ontologisen turvallisuudentunteen horjumista. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu Aito avioliitto ry:n verkkosivuillaan julkaisemista artikkeleista, uutisista ja muusta materiaalista. Aineiston analyysin menetelmänä toimii kehysanalyysi. Tunnistan analyysin perusteella Aito avioliitto ry:n julkaisuista kolme keskeistä kehystä. Transideologia uhkana lasten kasvurauhalle -kehyksessä määritellään sukupuolen moninaisuus -ajattelu ja sosiaalisen sukupuolen käsite uhkana lasten kehitykselle. Heteroavioliitto yhteiskunnan tukipilarina -kehys painottaa heteroavioliiton merkitystä yhteiskunnallisen tasapainon kannalta ja erityisesti lasten hyvinvoinnin näkökulmasta. Sananvapauden kaventuminen -kehys määrittelee suvaitsevaisuuden ja moninaisuuden käsitteiden olevan todellisuudessa hyökkäys konservatiivisia ja perinteisiä arvoja vastaan, joiden tarkoituksena on hiljentää konservatiivisia ääniä yhteiskunnassa. Kehyksissä määritellään gender-ideologia yhteiskuntajärjestykselle vaaralliseksi aatteelliseksi voimaksi, joka uhkaa erityisesti lasten turvallisuutta. Heteroavioliitto määritellään yhteiskuntaa ja moraalista järjestystä ylläpitävänä instituutiona. Aito avioliitto ry perustelee ja legitimoi argumenttejaan tieteeseen, luonnollisiin tosiasioihin sekä moraalisiin käsityksiin vedoten. Kehystämällä seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen oikeuksien vahvistuminen luonnollista järjestystä uhkaavaksi, Aito avioliitto ry pyrkii herättämään yleisössään ontologisen turvattomuuden tunteen. Aito avioliitto ry:n toiminta voidaan nähdä pyrkimyksenä ontologisen turvallisuudentunteen vahvistamiseen yhteiskunnassa, jossa sukupuoleen ja seksuaaliseen liittyvät murrokset aiheuttavat joissain ihmisissä ontologisen turvallisuudentunteen heikkenemistä.
  • Kankkunen, Hanna (2019)
    Identity is a much-studied topic within social psychology, and it has historically been linked with rapid societal change, such as a shift to modernity or postmodernity. Nepal is one of the fastest developing and urbanizing countries in South Asia, which opens up for identity negotiation as societal structures and discourses shift. Previous anthropological research on young women in Nepal and Kathmandu has highlighted the tension present in constructing identities as modern and Nepali, both because of conflicting discourses available for women as well as hegemonic constructs of Nepali womanhood within development discourse. This thesis investigates how young women working in development NGOs in Kathmandu construct Nepali womanhood and position themselves in relation to these constructions. Building on previous anthropological and sociological research on women in Nepal, a Critical Discursive Psychological approach is introduced for inquiry on the topic. Identity is approached through the concept of subject positions and the critical discursive psychological theoretical tools of ideological dilemmas and interpretative repertoires are used to answer the research questions. The data was collected by semi-structured thematic interviews that included one-on-one, dyad and small group interviews. The data included for final analyses was collected through interviews with 11 participants selected through purposive sampling. The research process was marked by reflexivity and the analyses reshaped the research questions to a focus on the constructions of Nepali womanhood and the subject positions available, in relation to the dilemma of being a modern Nepali woman. The themes brought up by the participants were centred around gender inequality and marriage, both of which were also at the root of the dilemma. From the data three main interpretative repertoires were proposed, namely cultural, neoliberal and development repertoire. The main construction of Nepali womanhood was that of woman as mother, as ideal Nepali, as individual with agency, and as woman in need of development. In solving the dilemma and renegotiating the constructs of Nepali womanhood the participants positioned as atypical either by othering, accepting, resisting or altering. The main result is that the women interviewed actively renegotiate the meaning of both Nepaliness and what it means to be modern when negotiating their identities and thus construct alternative positions. Finally, methodological and theoretical concerns are raised and ideas for further research, such as including men working in the same field in Kathmandu, are proposed.
  • Pylvänäinen, Laura (2020)
    This thesis studies the discourses of power and anti-violence activism related to feminicides in Mexico. Feminicides are defined as killings of women because of their gender. Although feminicides have existed throughout the history of Mexico, the issue became a focus of attention among the masses nearly 30 years ago because of the wave of violence in Ciudad Juárez. Today, according to the official data of the State, three women are victims of feminicides in Mexico daily. However, the number is most likely substantially higher given the underreporting of feminicides and that some states still do not distinguish them as separate crimes from homicides. It is estimated that approximately ten women are killed as victims of feminicides in Mexico every day. The theoretical framework for this study is rooted in the Foucauldian scholarship of power. More precisely, Michel Foucault’s theory of power as relational or productive and the idea of power being everywhere but nowhere, in particular, imposes the principal understanding of how violence is implicated in multiple structures of power relations. The study was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews, with data being gathered by interviewing six feminist activists who are working against feminicides in Mexico. After this, the interviews were analysed with methods of discourse analysis. The study finds the total of five main discourses with their sub-discourses: 1. Structures (Patriarchal culture and Deficient understanding), 2. The State (Politics and Impunity), 3. Truth (Bending truth and Clash of genders) 4. Pervasive violence, and 5. Women’s networks. The results of the analysis suggest that the power related to violence against women comes indeed from everywhere: power comes from structures of the society, from education, from the State and the law (and impunity), from the truth (or what we accept as truth), from non-State agents such as criminal organisations and women themselves. They are all connected so that even criminal organisations and politicians are interweaved in the same network of power, and in the case of Mexico, not even very far from each other. Women themselves exercise power through relations, networks and cooperation and this is the dimension of power that women consider their most important asset. To keep themselves secure in a potentially hostile environment, activist women maintain a set of safety rules and regulations that they follow in their everyday lives. In conclusion, power influencing violence against women is located deep in the patriarchal structures and practices in Mexico. This is why it is challenging to tackle the problem of continuing gendered violence in Mexico: it does not have any centre. This means that also globalised networks of organised crime, as well as the overall patriarchal culture, influence on discourses that power and gender-based violence are given. Also, it is noteworthy that power should not be considered only oppressive or dominating as that interpretation would give women only the role of passive victims. Women also possess power that they exercise through social relations and collective activist networks. In sum, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of feminicides and violence against women in Mexico. Furthermore, through the unique interview data, the results collect valuable information on all the main challenges that are hampering the activists’ work against violence.
  • Hattunen, Anna (2021)
    Ortodoksisten talousteorioiden mukaan kaupankäynti on luonnollinen prosessi, joka ikään kuin tapahtuu itsestään. Naiset ja heidän kokemuksensa sivutetaan usein tämän talousnäkemyksen seurauksena. Maailman Kauppajärjestöä (WTO) on esimerkiksi kritisoitu sen heikoista, sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistävistä toimista. Yksi WTO:n sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistävä toimi on ”Buenos Airesin julistus”, jonka tavoite on edistää naisten osallistumista maailmankauppaan. Vuonna 2017 yli sata WTO:n jäsenmaata allekirjoitti kyseisen julistuksen. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan tätä WTO:n ensimmäistä mittavaa pyrkimystä edistää naisten taloudellisia oikeuksia. Tutkielmassa vastataan tarkemmin siihen, miten Buenos Airesin julistukseen päädyttiin. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan myös, kuinka sukupuolikysymykset ja naisten oikeudet ovat muuttuneet ja muovautuneet globaalissa hallinnassa ja perehdytään erityisesti toista maailman sotaa edeltäviin vuosikymmeniin. Kun tarkastellaan sukupuolen ja vapaakaupan suhdetta, voidaan paremmin ymmärtää, miten ajan saatossa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat vaikuttaneet Buenos Airesin julistuksen syntyyn. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan WTO:n roolia sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäjänä. Feminististä poliittista taloutta sekä postkolonialistisia talousaatteita hyödynnetään tutkielman teoreettisena viitekehyksenä. Vapaata kauppaa analysoidaan reformistisesta näkökulmasta. Feministisessä talousteoriassa painotetaan usein, että kauppa ei ole ainoastaan luonnollinen prosessi. Kauppa määritetään sosiaalisena konstruktiona, johon lukuisat tekijät vaikuttavat. Tutkielman analyysin perustana toimii Peggy Antrobusin teoria sukupuolten ulottuvuuksista globaalissa hallinnassa. Ajatus sukupuolten epätasa-arvosta on muuttunut, mikä käy ilmi tutkielman analyysistä. Sen lisäksi analyysissa osoitetaan, että sukupuolten tasa-arvoa koskevat kysymykset ovat lisääntyneet kansainvälisesti. Buenos Airesin julistuksen taustalla on monia vaiheita, joita globaalin hallinnan erilaiset trendit myös vahvistavat. Nykyisen hegemonian mukaan vapaakauppa hyödyttää kaikkia ihmisiä tasapuolisesti. Kriittinen tutkimus on kuitenkin osoittanut tarpeen edistää sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa. Näin ollen tutkielman analyysissa tarkastellaan myös WTO:n roolia sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistämisessä. Sen sijaan että WTO yrittäisi löytää ja purkaa sukupuolten epätasa-arvoon vaikuttavia juurisyitä, analyysissä selviää, että WTO pyrkii ensisijaisesti tukemaan naisten taloudellista voimaantumista ja yrittäjyyttä. Tutkielman johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että globaalissa hallinnassa tapahtuvilla muutoksilla ja kansainvälisillä organisaatioilla on merkittävä vaikutus sukupuolten tasa-arvoon. Tutkielman johtopäätöksissä pohditaan myös sitä, miten sukupuolikysymykset on otettu huomioon historian saatossa. Johtopäätöksissä korostetaan lopulta luotettavan datan, valvonnan ja evaluoinnin keskeistä merkitystä vapaan kaupan sukupuolittuneiden vaikutusten tutkimuksessa.