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  • Kokkoniemi, Maiju (2019)
    Objective of the study. Previous studies have concluded that applying collaborative learning methods in university courses, such as a small group work, enhances profound understanding of a learning issue and students’ thinking processes. In a group, students bring up new ideas and process, justify them from different perspectives, evaluate explanations and try to form a shared understanding of the theme to be studied. Questions have been found to be effective for improving students’ deep and collaborative knowledge elaboration, but the interrelationship between these two has not been investigated extensively, thus, only in the context of medical education. The objective of this study was to analyse how questions are used in a small group discussion for enhancing undergraduate students’ collaborative elaboration of knowledge in the context of biosciences. Methods. In this study, the video data collected from a small group discussion in a field course in biology were analysed. The focus of the analysis were the utterances in the group discussion of eight first-year bioscience students and their teacher. The aim of the group work and the discussion was to find out the students’ prior knowledge and elaborate ideas for defining a research problem. Theory-based content analysis was used to classify different question types and the quality of elaboration in answers that the students expressed. Finally, different question types were compared in relation to the quality of subsequent answers. Results and conclusions. In line with previous studies, the students elicited factual and declarative questions checking prior knowledge and the accuracy of their ideas. The teacher presented explanative and meaningful questions when asking the students to interpret and meta questions when encouraging other students to join a discussion. The students rarely elaborated and explained learning issues collaboratively. When answering, the students accepted different ideas without explaining or elaborating them further. When the teacher was involved in a discussion, the teacher explained and clarified issues on behalf of the students. The results emphasised the interpretation that students are used to express simple questions that do not challenge their thinking but that teachers can use explanative and meaningful questions to support students to elaborate their ideas thoroughly. The results show that applying collaborative learning methods requires that students are taught to ask meaningful questions and that pedagogical programs aiming at learning question strategies enhancing collaborative learning are developed and made available for teachers.
  • Leppänen, Pinja (2022)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomen kielen essiiviä ja sen venäjänkielisiä vastineita teksteissä. Tavoitteena on luokitella essiivin venäjänkieliset vastineet ja vertailla näiden merkityksiä ja käyttöä tutkimuskirjallisuuden sekä venäjää äidinkielenä tai kotikielenä puhuville suunnatun empiirisen kyselytutkimuksen pohjalta. Tutkielman avulla pyritään selkeyttämään essiivin kääntämistä koskevia kysymyksiä, mistä voi tulevaisuudessa olla hyötyä esimerkiksi kielenopetuksessa. Essiivi on hyvin monikäyttöinen sijamuoto, joka esiintyy erilaisissa konstruktioissa ja saa näissä erilaisia merkityksiä. Venäjän kielestä ei löydy essiiville yhtä absoluuttista vastinetta, ja tämän vuoksi sen kääntäminen on esimerkiksi opiskelijoille monesti hankalaa. Tutkielmassa essiiviä ja sen käyttöä tarkastellaan rakenteiden näkökulmasta. Näin ollen essiivin merkityksiä ja sen venäjänkielisiä vastineita ei tarkastella irrallisina yksikköinä, vaan osana erilaisia syntaktisia rakenteita. Rajaan tutkielmani lähinnä essiivisijaisten predikatiiviadverbiaalien vastineiden käsittelyyn, mutta luon silti yleiskatsauksen myös essiivin leksikaalistuneisiin merkityksiin. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla esittelen essiivin erilaisia käyttöyhteyksiä ja merkityksiä, määrittelen tutkielman kannalta keskeiset käsitteet, teen alustavaa luokittelua essiivin venäjänkielisistä vastineista ja luon katsauksen essiivin kuvaukseen venäjänkielisissä suomen kieliopeissa. Havainnollistan essiivin ja sen vastineiden käyttöä tutkimuskirjallisuudesta, sanakirjoista ja rinnakkaiskorpuksista sekä kyselyn vastauksista poimittujen esimerkkien avulla. Tärkeimpänä lähdekirjallisuutena toimivat Ahti Nikunlassin artikkeli Об эквивалентах финского эссива в русском языке (1998) sekä suomen ja venäjän kielioppia sekä syntaksia käsittelevät teokset, kuten Iso Suomen kieliopin verkkoversio (VISK 2008) ja Russkaja grammatika II Синтаксис (АГ-80). Alustavan analyysin ja luokittelun pohjalta tehty kyselytutkimus toteutettiin Google Forms -alustalla ja kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 153 venäjää äidinkielenä tai kotikielenä puhuvaa henkilöä. Kysely sisälsi monivalintatehtävän, avoimia käännöslauseita, aukkotäydennystä sekä lauseiden arviointitehtävän. Tavoitteena oli testata essiivin oletettuja käännösvastineita mahdollisimman monipuolisesti. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että suomen essiivi voidaan kääntää ainakin 17 eri tavalla riippuen siitä, millaisen syntaktisen rakenteen osana essiivi esiintyy ja millainen on essiivin syntaktinen ja semanttinen suhde rakenteen muihin osiin sekä ympäröivään kontekstiin ylipäänsä. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että suomen essiivin ja venäjän instrumentaalin välinen semanttinen yhteneväisyys vaikeuttaa usein oikean vastineen löytämistä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan myös todeta, että joissakin käyttöyhteyksissä essiivillä voi olla useampia samanmerkityksisiä tai hieman tyyliltään eroavia vastineita venäjän kielessä.
  • Aschan, Julia (2018)
    Under de senaste åren har det flitigt diskuterats att de finska elevernas språkkunskaper försvagats. För att detta påstående ska stämma betyder det att de språkregler eleverna numera behärskar inte i lika hög grad stämmer överens med målspråkets normer som tidigare. Syftet med denna avhandling är att ur ett grammatiskt och lexikalt perspektiv kartlägga ifall det skett någon förändring i provtexter i svenska som det andra inhemska språket i studentexamen under de senaste årtiondena. Hypotesen är att det har skett någon slags förändring i det språk skribenterna använder. Forskningsfrågorna lyder som följande: 1. Vilka avvikelser från målspråksformen förekommer det i studenters uppsatser i studentexamen? 2. Hur har avvikelserna förändrats med tiden? Materialet för denna undersökning består av 26 studentexamensuppsatser i A-svenska, varav hälften är skrivna år 1994 och andra hälften år 2014. Uppsatserna är bedömda med 62-78 poäng, vilket betyder medelgod nivå. Analysmetoden är felanalys. Avvikelserna identifieras och kategoriseras i syntax, morfologi, lexikon samt ortografi. Resultaten visar att det har skett en förändring i det språk som studenterna använder. Skribenterna år 2014 är sinsemellan mer jämna, dvs. avvikelsefrekvenserna mellan de uppsatser som bedömts med under 70 poäng skiljer inte lika stort från de uppsatser som bedömts med över 70 poäng jämfört med 1994. De som bedömts med 62-68 poäng år 1994 har en större avvikelsefrekvens överlag och framförallt i huvudsatsordföljden jämfört med 2014. Däremot har de som år 1994 bedömts med 70-78 poäng en mindre avvikelsefrekvens än 2014. 1994 gör skribenterna överlag fler avvikelser på nivå 4 på Processbarhetsteorins inlärningsskala (PT) medan skribenternad 2014 har en större avvikelsefrekvens i framförallt nominalfrasen som ligger på nivå 3 i PT men samtidigt har de bara en lite större avvikelsefrekvens i syntaxen, som ligger på en högre nivå i PT än nominalfrasen, än vad skribenterna 1994 har. Fastän skribenterna 2014 har en större avvikelsefrekvens på en lägre nivå i PT än skribenterna 1994 har 2014 däremot en mindre avvikelsefrekvens i de betydelsetunga lexikonen verb och substantiv. Där 1994 har större avvikelsefrekvens i de allra vanligaste verben gör 2014 avvikelser i framförallt i sådana verb och substantiv som är ämnesspecifika. Skribenterna 2014 har ett mer kommunikativt språk eftersom syntax och lexikon är de komponenter som anses vara viktiga för kommunikationen, medan skribenterna 1994 noggrannare följer stegen i PT.
  • Kivelä, Hilla (2022)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe the effects that the distance learning period, caused by the Corona pandemic, had on the field of Finnish liberal adult education, from the viewpoint of senior students. The main research question was the following 1) What are the reasons for the senior student to choose between distance learning and contact learning. In addition to liberal adult education, this thesis addresses traditional adult education, life-long learning, as well as distance learning phenomena. The thesis emphasises how liberal adult education has adapted to distance learning and how the senior students, who were used to the traditional classroom learning situation, now prefer to learn. The study method was mixed. The thesis was set on the study field of adult education and voluntary learning. The study was conducted via a voluntary questionnaire, which included open questions and multiple-choice questions. The thesis material consisted of the answers made by the senior students N = 188. The material was analysed with the methods of content analysis, as well as numerically. The written sources included international articles, scientific studies, and books. The thesis concluded that the senior students have vastly different kinds of viewpoints on what is good learning and teaching. The senior students are not a homogenic group that share similar pref-erences. Only a small majority of the study sample preferred contact teaching in a classroom to dis-tance learning. Those who preferred contact teaching felt the sense of community important. Rather than the technological side of online learning, the social and pedagogical side proved out to be a bigger explanation why they do not wish to take part in distance learning classes. Preferring either of the studying methods is not only connected to a person’s skillset, resources, and home support but to the content and substance of the course itself. Hybrid teaching was noted to be in demand in the answers of the students. Organizing it might challenge the institutes of liberal adult education. The role of Finnish liberal adult education in the future is providing accessible, voluntary, and equal education for everyone.
  • Winter, Andrea (2019)
    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on soveltaa monikielisyysdidaktiikan periaatteita suomalaisen peruskoulun saksanopetukseen. Tutkielmassa laaditaan opetus- ja oppimateriaalia saksan B2-oppimäärän opettamiseen monikielisyysdidaktiikan pohjalta. Kieliä vertaileva opetus tukee tutkitusti oppilaiden kielitietoisuutta ja monikielisyyttä. Tutkielman teoriatausta koostuu monikielisyystutkimukseen perehdytyksestä, monikielisyysdidaktiikan periaatteiden analysoinnista sekä peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman (2014) että eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen perusteiden erittelystä. Sen avulla kuvailen ja perustelen laatimaani opetus- ja oppimateriaalia. Tutkielman teoreettinen lähtökohta on monikielisyystutkimus. Sen avulla selvitetään toisen vieraan kielen oppimiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja havainnoidaan sitä, miten kielet eroavat toisistaan. Lisäksi avataan monikielisyyden ja kielitietoisuuden käsitteitä. Monikielisyysdidaktiikka tukeutuu kielten opettamisessa aiemmin opittuihin kielitaitoihin. Niiden avulla oppilaat opiskelevat uutta kieltä nopeammin ja muistavat helpommin opittuja tietoja. Tämä vieraan kielen pedagogiikkaan kuuluva suuntaus pyrkii yhdistämään vanhaa ja uutta kieliin liittyvää taitoa ja tietoa vertailemalla kieliä kolmella eri tietotasolla: deklaratiivisen, proseduraalisen ja kulttuurienvälisen oppimisen tietotasolla. Deklaratiiviseen tietoon kuuluu muun muassa fonologiaa, sanastoa, morfologiaa ja syntaksia koskeva tieto. Proseduraalisella tietotasolla käsitellään oppimaan oppimisen taitoja, toisin sanoen tietoa omasta oppimistyylistä, oppimisstrategioista ja opiskelutaidoista. Kulttuurienvälisessä oppimisessa muokataan ja kyseenalaistetaan omiin kulttuurisiin taustoihin perustuvia näkökulmia. Opetussuunnitelman ja eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen perusteet antavat puitteet monikieliseen ja monikulttuuriseen kieltenoppimiseen. Suomalaisissa peruskouluissa pakollisen vieraan kielen opiskelu alkaa viimeistään kolmannella luokalla (tavallisesti englanti). Sen lisäksi peruskoulun oppilaat opiskelevat kuudennesta kouluvuodesta lähtien toista vierasta kieltä pakollisena (yleensä ruotsi). Valinnaisen saksan kielen opiskelu (B2-oppimääränä) alkaa kahdeksannella luokalla kolmantena vieraana kielenä englannin ja ruotsin jälkeen. Tästä johtuen on mahdollista käyttää aiemmin saatuja kielitaitoja saksan opetuksessa. Laatimani oppimateriaali koostuu kahdesta kappaleesta, joihin sisältyy harjoituksia, pelejä, reflektoinnin ja itsearvioinnin tehtäviä sekä arviointiehdotuksia. Tämän materiaalin kautta oppilaat perehtyvät seuraaviin teemoihin: Tutustuminen, harrastukset ja vapaa-aika. Tärkeimpiin havaintoihin kuuluu, että monikielisyysdidaktiikan periaatteet ovat opetussuunnitelman ja eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen perusteiden ansiosta soveltuvia saksan B2-oppimäärän opettamiseen. Lisäksi aiemmin opitut kielitiedot ja -taidot englannin ja ruotsin opetuksesta tarjoavat optimaalisen pohjan kieliä vertailevaan ja kielirajoja ylittävään saksan opetukseen. Jatkotutkimuskohteena voitaisiin tutkia esimerkiksi, miten monikielisyyttä huomioivat ja kielitietoisuutta edistävät harjoitukset vaikuttavat kielen oppimisprosesseihin sekä oppilaiden motivaatioon.
  • Strodel-Paananen, Larissa (2021)
    The objective of this research was to find out how parents view daycare centers’ capabilities to recognize and support children with sensory processing disorders. When there are challenges in sensory processing, they are caused by the central nervous system. In the disorder, the brain is not able to parse, analyze, or unify information received from the senses. When the brain isn’t able to process information correctly, the human body won’t function correctly. This makes learning more difficult, as well as tolerating normal daily life and stressful situations. The challenges of sensory processing disorders have mainly been researched from the perspective of occupational therapy. There is hardly any research from educational science or special education’s point of view. This research is based on Jane Ayer’s sensory integration theory and modern research that supports it. This topic was approached from the parents’ perspective. This research was done by using qualitative methods. The data was gathered with a questionnaire and the subjects were chosen through snowball sampling. In total there were 47 subjects. The research was analyzed with the help of content analysis and narrative analysis. According to the findings of the research, daycare centers have low abilities to face children with sensory processing disorders. Understanding the challenges these children experience varied, according to the parents. The parents had experienced stigmatizing, blaming, and belittling of the issues from the daycare centers. In some cases, even the children had been blamed. According to the findings of the research, the symptoms of sensory processing disorders are diverse. Further, the problems of learning and behavior associated with the disorders are severe. One of the biggest difficulties in a daycare environment was that is extremely straining. Allowing the children to have a calm space was viewed as important. According to the research, a lack of information is the main reason why identifying sensory processing disorders is so difficult. Supporting children with these disorders in daycares is insufficient for the same reason. Therapy was seen as a tremendous help and a great asset for the whole family. There is a huge demand for further education and training.
  • Ratilainen, Anni (2019)
    Goals. This study focuses on a game and playing as a method of supporting the student’s independent language production in the beginning of language learning. For long games have been used to facilitate language teaching, and lately, they have gained academic interest. Whilst the majority of studies deals with digital games and applications, this study the focuses on interactional and non-digital games played in groups. The theoretical basis is functional and usage-based view on language learning, together with the idea of grammar learning as an implicit-driven process that ensues language usage. The view is in the initial stage of language learning and development of oral language profiency. This study explores a traditional method of language learning through new data and current theory. This study examines what kind of structure does the game provide for the interaction of language learner, what kind of speech does language learner produce during the game and what is the role of teacher in the game session. Methods. The study was carried out as part of the project Meeting in the middle at the University of Helsinki. Research data was collected in a preparatory classroom in Helsinki. The study was a qualitative case study that examined a game session where four preparatory class pupils and an instructor play an educational game called ‘Fish Game’ for 20 minutes. The video data was analysed with microethnography and with simple quantitative mapping. Findings and conclusions. The game appeared vital in supporting student’s own language production and verbal communication in the target language, Finnish. The factors that supported students to understand and produce new language were identified: the structure, rules and visual and physical clues of the game, the familiarity and frequency of interaction, the lingual schemas of other players and a frequent phrase. In addition to the actual game phrases, the interaction consisted searching for words and simultaneous conversations, expressions of turns and negotiations of the rules. The teacher’s presence appeared meaningful to the practice of playing, as she coordinated and guided the pupil–pupil interaction, helped pupils when needed and answered their question, solved conflicts and problems, created positive atmosphere and formed connections in between the pedagogic goals and playing. In comparison to previous research, this study emphasizes teacher’s role as a lingual model, support for language production and language corrector. According to these data, it seems that affordances appear continuously during the game, but teacher’s presence and actions among other things affect on how the pupils make use of the affordances.
  • Kiriama, Aino (2020)
    The study investigated primary school teachers´ concepts concerning Finnish as second language (F2) pupils´ assessment at the primary school at the grades two to six. They were also defined Finnish as second language learners based on the National Core Curriculum 2004, The theoretical part provided a brief overview of the challenges in learning Finnish as a second language and the significance of mother tongue studies to strengthen multicultural identity and to learn language - also academic language in mother tongue which eases academic SLA (second language acquisition). Learning second language has two tasks: learning as a tool and as a goal to learn the contents of subjects and study modules. After that, the study discusses on pupil assessment and the usage of Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages learning and teaching and how to assess each student’s language learning profile. The main pedagogical principles of pupil assessment were also introduced. The key concept of the study is language awareness; linguistically responsive teaching by the teachers who teach and assess F2-pupils in a linguistically responsible way. The main research questions are: How do teachers encourage Finnish as second language pupils in learning by pupil assessment and what kind of collegial assessment cooperation teachers have. The research focused to three essential pupil assessment forms; diagnostic, formative and summative assessment. The semi-structured interview was used as a research method to interview 15 teachers. In the analysis of the interview material via content analysis, findings of phenomena could be divided into three-pupil assessment field. The discussion of results shows that several class teachers have different ways of assessing pupils who do yet manage Finnish language. Teachers of pupils’ own mother tongue saw challenging heterogeneous groups of students as well as teaching and assessing students who speak a different dialect of another country or region than the teacher. F2 teachers have a supporting role in S2 assessment and also in advising and guiding their colleagues on assessment issues - for example, in science, history and mathematics assessment. Further research may focus on the study of students' self-assessment, with its emphasis on the foundations of the national curriculum for basic education in 2014.
  • Paloheimo, Reetta (2021)
    The current research has proven that recognition of prior learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET) is based on lifelong learning. Also, that recognition of prior learning means making competence visible and giving formal status for evaluated competence. According to earlier studies, implementations of recognition of prior learning have been for example interviews, tests, personal learning plans and documents. It has also found that these implementations have an influence for example on documentation, showing proficiency or evaluation of own competence. In addition, it has been shown there are also some benefits of recognition of prior learning, such as students’ increasing motivation and productivity of VET organizations, and on the other hand some challenges like lack of resources and national insufficient instructions. The aim of this study was to increase understanding about implementations of recognition of prior learning and also the motivations behind these implementations. The study examines what kind of implementations of recognition of prior learning exist in VET. Furthermore, the study looks into reasons, benefits and improvement expressed for the implementations. The qualitative study involved persons who have participated in the recognition of prior learning in VET: four of these were part of personnel, and two of these students. The data was collected through semi-structured theme interviews. The interviewees were gathered through the contacts of Finnish National Agency of Education. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews with remote access. The data was transcribed and analyzed by using content analysis. More specific analysis was applied by Mayring’s model of inductive category development and reflectively discussed with theorical bases. This study showed that recognition of prior learning is a uniform process. Prior learning was recognized through discussions, interviews, sorting out, documentation, diplomas and other documents, tests and proof in sectors of vocational education and yet centralizing work to specific persons. The reasons expressed for implementations were portability and usability of competence data, organizing, examination of timeliness of competence, mandatory by law, organization financing, answering to students’ personal needs and personal studying paths or common teaching frame. Improvement suggested for implementations of prior learning recognition were functionality of systems, trust in competence in working life, having academic curriculums, recognition of informal learning, time and human resources, increasing the information of studying and making work easier. The last three of these were mentioned also as benefits. The results verified general meanings and challenges in recognition of prior learning.
  • Ruf, Jana (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan terveysalan henkilökunnan kokemuksia kielellisistä toiminnoista monikielisessä työympäristössä. Työperusteinen maahanmuutto on lisääntynyt Suomessa viime vuosina. Terveysalalla työskentelee yhä enemmän vieraskielisiä sairaanhoitajia ja lääkäreitä, joiden on osattava kommunikoida oman alan ammattikielellä suomeksi. Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään erityisesti päivystävän vuodeosaston kielellisiä toimintoja sekä monikielisen työympäristön kommunikaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksen pääaineisto koostuu päivystävän vuodeosaston henkilökunnan haastatteluista. Haastateltavia on yhteensä 18, joista 12 on suomenkielisiä ja 6 vieraskielisiä. Haastateltavat ovat sairaanhoitajia, sairaanhoito-opiskelijoita, osastonhoitajia, apulaisosastonhoitaja ja fysioterapeutti. Haastattelut on toteutettu puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun avulla. Haastatteluissa terveysalan henkilökunta vastasi mm. omaa taustaa, kielitaustaa, työpaikan kielellisiä tilanteita, monikielistä työympäristöä ja perehdytystä koskeviin kysymyksiin. Haastattelujen lisäksi täydentävänä aineistona on käytetty vuorovaikutusaineistoa, osaston kielimaisemaa sekä pro gradu -tutkielman tekijän omia havaintoja tutkimusympäristöstä. Aineiston analysointi osoittaa, että päivystävän vuodeosaston henkilökunta kohtaa työssään monipuolisia kielellisiä tilanteita, joista selviytyminen edellyttää ammattikielistä kielitaitoa kaikilla kielitaidon osa-alueilla. Vieraskieliset sairaanhoitajat ja opiskelijat kokivat, että he osaavat paremmin vastaanottaa kieltä kuin tuottaa sitä. Haastavimpina tilanteina sekä vieraskieliset että suomenkieliset mainitsivat puhelimessa puhumisen, kirjaamisen sekä kielellisten virheiden korjaamisen. Kommunikaatiota haittaa erityisesti puuttuva ammattikielen taito. Vieraskielisiltä toivotaan hyvää kielitaitoa, rohkeaa ja aktiivista kielenkäyttöä sekä oma-aloitteisuutta. Suomenkielisiltäkin toivotaan aktiivisuutta sekä positiivista suhtautumista vieraskielistä kohtaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että informantit toivovat esimerkiksi pitkää perehdytystä sekä perehdytykseen sisältyvää kielellistä ohjausta, jotka voivat helpottaa heidän mielestään uuden vieraskielisen työntekijän kielitaidon kehitystä. Tilanteiden läpikäyminen työpaikalla suomenkielisen kollegan tai mentorin kanssa voisi ehkäistä vastaavia kielellisiä haasteita tulevaisuudessa. Työpaikan järjestämien koulutuksien avulla voisi edistää mahdollisesti koko työyhteisön monikulttuurisuuden sekä suomen kielen tuntemusta. Hyvä ilmapiiri, joka on salliva ja jossa on helppo kysyä, ja positiivinen suhtautuminen vieraskieliseen ovat tärkeitä edellytyksiä vieraskielisen suomen kielen oppimiseen.
  • Niilekselä, Pia (2017)
    Entrance to academic studies does not automatically lead to commitment in one's studies. There may be differences in student commitment across different learning environments. In the present study, combinations of problems in studying medical students experience were investigated in a lecture-based learning environment (n = 246) and in a problem-based learning environment (n = 231). Also differences between the combinations in task avoidance and differences between the combinations in academic achievement were investigated in each learning environment. Medical students were classified in different learning environments by K-means cluster analysis by cases into groups based on the following variables: exhaustion, lack of self-regulation, lack of interest and distress. Three groups of commitment among medical students were identified in the lecture-based learning environment: committed, carefree and dysfunctional students. The profiles were related to task avoidance but not to study success. The committed students expressed less task avoidance than the carefree students and the dysfunctional students. The latter two groups of medical students did not differ from each other in this case. Also three groups of commitment among medical students were identified in the problem-based learning environment: committed, committed carefree and dysfunctional students. The profiles were related to task avoidance and study success. The dysfunctional students expressed more task avoidance than the committed carefree students and the committed students. The latter two groups of medical students did not differ from each other in this case. The committed students and the committed carefree students gained better grades than the dysfunctional students. However, the former two groups of medical students did not differ from each other in this case. The implications of the study for research are discussed.
  • Virta, Juhani (2018)
    Kielellä on suuri vaikutus siihen, miten jäsennämme maailman ympärillämme. Äidinkieli (ensimmäinen kieli, L1) on suuressa asemassa tässä prosessissa ja toimii usein ”linssinä” miten prosessoimme informaatiota. Tässä työssä tutkitaan miten äidinkieli vaikuttaa uuden (keinotekoisen) kielen oppimiseen. Aineisto työhön kerättiin 28 osallistujalta, joista 16 oli äidinkielenään suomea puhuvia ja 12 äidinkielenään englantia puhuvia. Osallistujat tekivät tietokoneella suoritettavan testin, jossa mitattiin reaktioaika-analyysilla osallistujan kykyä oppia sanoja uudesta kielestä. Testin aikana osallistujalle esitettiin sana-kuva pareja, joissa tiettyä kielellistä ominaisuutta esitettiin animaatiolla ja sitä kuvaavalla sanalla. Sanat koostuivat taivutetuista sanamuodoista, joissa kantasanaan oli liitetty pääte. Osa ominaisuuksista oli vain suomessa liitteinä käytettäviä päätteitä (illatiivi: taloon vrt into the house, ja elatiivi: talosta vrt out of the house), osa molemmissa kielissä liitteinä käytettäviä päätteitä (monikko: talot vrt. houses ja negaatio: taloton vrt. houseless) ja osa täysin uusia liitteinä käytettäviä päätteitä (oranssi ja liike yläkulmaan). Testin tarkoituksena on mitata osallistujien kykyä erottaa pääte kantasanastaan ja kuinka tätä sääntöä voidaan soveltaa uusiin kantasanoihin. Analyyseistä ei paljastunut merkittäviä ryhmäkohtaisia eroja. Molemmat osallistujaryhmät pystyivat oppimaan, sisäistämään ja soveltamaan kaikkia kielellisiä ominaisuuksia, mikä viittaa siihen, että kielellisten ominaisuuksien oppiminen saattaa olla hyvinkin nopeaa myös sellaisten ominaisuuksien osalta joita ei omasta äidinkielestä löydy.
  • Niemelä, Oona (2017)
    Craft workshops and workshop events have become more common in our society. Functionality, Do It Yourself mentality is being made use of in many ways. The goal of this study was to examine different kinds of open workshops and to look at workshops from different angles. There were three points of views observed: Participants, instructors/organisers and customers. The objective was also to study what makes a good workshop and what goes in to planning one and to see how creative learning shows in workshops and how it can be supported. The study's research method was research interview. Collection of data was done in two different methods and analysed by Grounded theory. In the first phase of the study data was collected with an internet questionnaire. The questionnaire had common questions and questions where one can give their own view. The questionary was open to the public for one month from which 59 answers where gathered. In the second phase of the study data was collected with half structured theme interviews. People for the interviews were gathered through the questionnaire and through direct contact. The interviews were held four times and 6 people were interviewed in total. Different views were attempted to include in the theme interviews also. Interviewed were, one participant, one producer, one museum lecturer, two culture producers and a director of an art house. The internet questionnaires answers were analysed statistically and the open questions and interviews by content analysis. Different angles of the data where compared through Grounded theory. The saturation point between both data sets was looked at. The study concludes, that workshops are functional and their interaction is ongoing in real time. Workshops are being held from many different points of views and they can have different goals at their base. A good workshop is possible when goals are known and thought out with care. Development of creativity is possible in workshops and can be woken up when the facility, materials, atmosphere and of course instructions are supporting creativity. Craft workshops can work also as a means of learning and give its participants sensations of success and social interactions. These can advance the wellbeing of a participant in many ways
  • Niemelä, Oona (2017)
    Craft workshops and workshop events have become more common in our society. Functionality, Do It Yourself mentality is being made use of in many ways. The goal of this study was to examine different kinds of open workshops and to look at workshops from different angles. There were three points of views observed: Participants, instructors/organisers and customers. The objective was also to study what makes a good workshop and what goes in to planning one and to see how creative learning shows in workshops and how it can be supported. The study's research method was research interview. Collection of data was done in two different methods and analysed by Grounded theory. In the first phase of the study data was collected with an internet questionnaire. The questionnaire had common questions and questions where one can give their own view. The questionary was open to the public for one month from which 59 answers where gathered. In the second phase of the study data was collected with half structured theme interviews. People for the interviews were gathered through the questionnaire and through direct contact. The interviews were held four times and 6 people were interviewed in total. Different views were attempted to include in the theme interviews also. Interviewed were, one participant, one producer, one museum lecturer, two culture producers and a director of an art house. The internet questionnaires answers were analysed statistically and the open questions and interviews by content analysis. Different angles of the data where compared through Grounded theory. The saturation point between both data sets was looked at. The study concludes, that workshops are functional and their interaction is ongoing in real time. Workshops are being held from many different points of views and they can have different goals at their base. A good workshop is possible when goals are known and thought out with care. Development of creativity is possible in workshops and can be woken up when the facility, materials, atmosphere and of course instructions are supporting creativity. Craft workshops can work also as a means of learning and give its participants sensations of success and social interactions. These can advance the wellbeing of a participant in many ways