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Browsing by study line "Kasvintuotantotieteet"

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  • Grönlund, Jani (2022)
    Tehostuneet viljelykäytänteet sekä maankäytön muutokset ovat ajaneet pölyttäjät ahtaalle. Pölyttäjämäärän muutoksen takia on syytä selvittää, kuinka suomalaiset viljelijät näkevät pölyttäjien tilanteen. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää kyselytutkimuksen avulla, mitä suomalaiset viljelijät tietävät pölyttäjistä sekä mitä he ovat tehneet tai valmiita tekemään tiloillaan pölyttäjäystävällisyyden puolesta. Pölyttäjäystävällisyydellä tarkoitan sitä, kuinka viljelijä ottaa pölyttäjiä hyödyttävät toimenpiteet huomioon tilallaan. Tavoitteena oli selvittää myös millaista tietoa viljelijät haluavat hankkia ja mistä, sekä millaisia eroja eri tuotantosuuntien välillä on. Tutkimus suoritettiin maaliskuussa 2021 verkossa jaettavana avoimena kyselytutkimuksena. Kysely lähetettiin eri organisaatioiden kautta useille suomalaisille pää- tai sivutoimisille viljelijöille. Levitystavan takia tarkkaa otantakokoa ei tiedetä, mutta kyselyyn vastasi 261 viljelijää. Näistä tavanomaisen tuotannon valinneita oli 62 %, luomutuotannon 35 % ja muita 3 %. Vastauksia tuli lähes kaikista Suomen maakunnista. Tilastollisesti merkittävästi eniten pölyttäjäasioista tiesivät luomutuottajat, ja tavanomaiset viljelijät taas vähemmän. Tuotantotyyppien välillä ei havaittu merkittävää eroa. Lähes kaikki vastaajat kokevat maatalousluonnon hoitamisen tärkeänä, ja osaltaan siihen liittyen viljelijöillä on erilaisia motiiveja pölyttäjien suojeluun, kuten taloudellinen maataloustuotantonsa tukeminen tai arvoihin perustuva monimuotoisen maatalousluonnon välittäminen jälkipolville. Vastaajat ovat tehneet erilaisia pölyttäjiä hyödyntäviä toimia tiloillaan, kuten lisänneet peltojen talviaikaista kasvipeitteisyyttä, sekä vähentäneet kasvinsuojeluruiskutuksia. Myös peltojen reuna-alueita on hoidettu pölyttäjäystävällisesti. Tuloksista kävi selvästi ilmi, että nykypäivän viljelijä hankki tietämyksensä useista eri tietolähteistä. Suurin osa viljelijöistä luotti erilaisiin ammattilehtiin ja -julkaisuihin. Noin puolet taas kertoi etsivänsä uutta tietoa itse esimerkiksi internetistä, tai osallistumalla maatalousalan koulutuksiin ja webinaareihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että suomalaiset viljelijät olivat kiinnostuneita pölyttäjien tilasta. On erittäin oletettavaa, että kyselyyn vastasi vain pölyttäjistä kiinnostuneet viljelijät ja kyselyn lopputulos on hieman kaunistellumpi kuin tilanne todellisuudessa voisi olla.
  • Sultana, Dalia Mrs (2021)
    Anthocyanins are an important class of flavonoids under the class of phenolic compounds and contribute to flower color variation. Gerbera hybrida is a flowering plant of Asteraceae family having mainly two colors of flowers – orange and red. Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) is a key enzyme catalyzing a reaction in anthocyanin biosynthesis, the reduction of dihydroflavonols to leucoanthocyanidins. GDFR1-2 and GDFR1-3 are two allelic forms of gerbera DFR differing in substrate specificity for the dihydroflavonols - dihydrokaempferol, dihydroquercetin and dihydromyricetin and also differ in 13 amino acids where eight are considered to be important for substrate specificity. GDFR1-2 has strong preference for dihydrokaempferol and GDFR1-3 doesn’t have any preference for the three substrates. In order to find out the amino acids responsible for substrate specificity, swap mutations were generated between GDFR1-2 and GDFR1-3 by two PCR methods– first, running separate PCR from the templates of GDFR1-2 and GDFR1-3, making a heteroduplex by mixing separate PCR where non-matching nucleotides are expected to be corrected by E. coli and, second, by running PCR from mixed templates with short extension time of PCR to make swaps by template switching. The second method was found more effective than the first method. 81 lines (named GDAT1-81) were sequenced and 35 unique swap mutants were found. In this work the DFR assay was done from six randomly picked GDAT lines where GDAT5 had a swap in one amino acid showing still a similar pattern of substrate specificity as the reference (GDFR1-3) indicating that the mutated amino acid doesn’t have any role in substrate specificity. GDAT14 had an extra mutation (S167P) along with 2 swaps showing incapability of reducing dihydrokaempferol, demonstrating that the mutated amino acids are important and other 4 lines were identical to either GDFR1-2 or to GDFR1-3. This was a preliminary test with 6 lines. In order to get more explanations about the roles of amino acids in substrate specificity, DFR assay was done for all the 81 lines in experiments outside of this thesis and five patterns of substrate specificity were identified indicating that substrate specificity of DFR can be altered by changing only three important amino acids. The amino acids at the position 85,135 and 181 in DFR coding sequence have been identified having important roles in substrate specificity. In addition, the amino acid at position 167 may have a function in making the gerbera DFR able to reduce dihydrokaempferol.
  • Rashid, Mamunur (2021)
    Secondary metabolites are bioactive compounds that help the plant to adapt in different adverse environmental conditions but are not an essential part of plant developmental processes and also secondary metabolites have pharmaceutical value because of their antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Type-III polyketide synthases (PKSs) are a group of polyketide synthases that produce secondary metabolites with diverse biological activities in plants. The main objective was to localize the PKSs G2PS1, G2PS2, FvCHS2-1, HlVPS into the peroxisomes for synthesizing secondary metabolites in plants. The experiment was performed by amplifying the genes with specific Px-targeting signal. Then the genes cloned into destination vector pEAQ-HT-DEST1. The plasmid constructs were transformed to Agrobacterium tumefaciens and agro-infiltrated to Nicotiana benthamiana and Petunia hybrida leaf tissue. Western blotting results revealed that all proteins were expressed in infiltrated leaves of both tobacco and petunia but HPLC chromatograms showed that only the protein FvCHS2-1 produced novel peaks for metabolites in tobacco.
  • Zhanybekova, Zhanargul (2022)
    Abstract Background. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.,) is a protein-rich grain crop and a good source of many nutrients. However, the productivity and composition of this crop can be limited by several biotic and abiotic stresses. Acid soil leads to a reduction in water uptake, and influences on major biological and chemical processes. However, some plants can manage stress. Mostly, low pH reduces plant vegetative organs and a has a negative effect on physiological processes such as gas exchange, photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentration, and transpiration. The aim of this study was to find homolog genes in close spp. and o test selected gene response as a factor in resilience to rootzone acidity in Vicia faba L. Methods. Four faba bean genotypes were selected for our experiment based on germplasm screening in aquaponic conditions from a previous study. According to obtained results of morpho-physiological measures from a previous experiment, IG11204 and Bourdon showed tolerance to acid only. DULUC is tolerant to acid and Al treatments. In contrast, Nora38 demonstrated susceptibility to both stresses. Selected genotypes were grown under the same experimental conditions in order to proceed with samples for further analysis (total RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, gel-electrophoresis, validation of selected gene by RT-qPCR). Results. Selected genes have been identified as hub genes in A. thaliana (alternative oxidase 1A, glutamate dehydrogenase 1, zinc fingers superfamily protein), which demonstrated an increase in expression levels under acidic pH stress. We have found homolog genes in the Hedin cultivar. Selected homolog gene were used to check its expression in four genotypes under Al3+ and acidic stresses using RT-qPCR. Finally, up-regulation of the GDH1 was detected by acid and also occurred by Al3+ treatments. Discussion. Our analysis of gene expression revealed that GDH1 was expressed differently between control and treated groups. However, its activity was detected for both stresses. The expression of GDH1 transcripts in this study, also concurs with findings where GDH1 in A. thaliana were expressed under Al3+ stress. Furthermore, it was confirmed that they are novel Al3+ resistance genes, which are regulated by the transcription factor STOP1 (sensitive-to-proton-rhizotoxicity1). GDHs are involved in stress tolerance, and pH-regulated metabolic pathways – GABA shunt. It participates in the regulation of cytosolic pH, carbon fluxes into the TCA cycle, nitrogen metabolism, deterrence of insects, protection against oxidative stress, osmoregulation and signaling in plant cells under different stress conditions. The GABA shunt is enhanced by stresses, which cause cytosol acidification. Genes expressed in conditions of low pH partly overlap with those expressed in plants exposed to Al3+ stress. Generally, acidic soil is associated with the co-occurrence of Al3+ and H+ rhizotoxicities.
  • Järvi, Karoliina (2024)
    Plant hormones (phytohormones) are important substances that regulate physiological processes like fruit development in plants. Auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins are thought to be the most important phytohormones during fruit development. The aim of this work was to investigate whether auxin affects the temporal and spatial patterns of cytokinin during fruit development of woodland strawberry. Additionally, this work also examined the effect of auxin on the fruit development from morphological point of view. F. vesca plants transformed with TCSn:VENUS-H2B cytokinin reporter construct were used as plant material. Three different treatments were used: pollination, emasculation and auxin application after emasculation. Developmental stages S1-S5 and S9 (S1 at flower opening, S2 two days after that, further stages every third day except S9 22 days after flower opening) were observed. In the morphological analysis, the fruits (receptacles) were weighted and measured. The analysis of cytokinin pattern was done by observing the expression of VENUS fluorescent protein using confocal microscopy. The results showed that the treatments influenced fruit morphology. The emasculated receptacles had very minimal growth, pollinated grew into normal fruits and auxin treated developed similar to the pollinated. The distribution and amount of cytokinin differed between the treatments. The auxin treated and pollinated samples showed more cytokinin signal in the pith and cortex tissues than the emasculated samples. The vascular tissue showed clear cytokinin signal among all treatments in the earlier (S1-S3) stages. Conclusion was that exogenous auxin application impacts the cytokinin pattern within the receptacles in a manner similar to pollination. In addition, it was confirmed that auxin is needed for proper fruit development in woodland strawberry. In future, it would be interesting to study the effect of cytokinin on auxin, to gain more information about the interaction of these two phytohormones.
  • Sarja-Lambert, Tiina (2024)
    The legalization and evolving laws around the world regarding to cultivation of Cannabis sativa L. have led to a growing demand for optimized methods of mass propagation of cannabis plants. A micropropagation is a vital tool in this context, as it offers advantages such as rapid multiplication of elite clones, reduced space requirements, and produces clean plant material minimizing risks with diseases and pests. With micropropagation, the cannabis industry can ensure consistent quality and higher yields. Micropropagation methods for cannabis have been developed in numerous research, but the effect of light on the success of micropropagation has been studied fairly little. Using specially tailored LED lighting in cannabis production has proven to increase yield, cannabinoid content and affect the plant morphology. Thus, there is reason to believe that the effect of light intensity and spectra could have the same effect also in vitro. This research aimed to compare the effects of three different spectra and intensity levels on the multiplication rate and rooting of Cannabis sativa L. in vitro. Using hemp type cultivar Carmagnola, three different spectra: sunlike NS12, red and blue dominant AP67, and their combination AP67NS12 (C65, Valoya Oy, Helsinki, Finland) and three different intensity levels 30, 70, and 170 μmol m-2 s-1. Results of this study show that intensity has a significant effect on the formation of shoots, shoot height, number of leaves, and number of rooted plants. The lower intensity of 30 μmol m-2 s-1 results to more desirable morphological characteristics in all cases than the high intensity of 170 μmol m-2 s-1. Spectrum had significant effects on the number of shoots, number of leaves, and number of rooted plants. Treatment with spectrum NS12 resulted into the highest number of shoots, leaves, and tallest shoots. Treatment with spectrum AP67 can increase the number of rooting plants. This study gives encouraging results that optimizing light quality and quantity can have a positive effect on the desired morphological traits in the micropropagation of cannabis.
  • Kukkola, Annukka (2022)
    Biochars are produced from organic materials using pyrolysis and are used as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility and plant growth. Biochars are particularly beneficial to soils with high acidity, low carbon (C) content, nitrogen (N) content and other nutrient contents. However, it is not well-studied whether the beneficial effects of a biochar exist for the long-term. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of one-time application of spruce biochar on soil and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) properties in the long-term. For this purpose, soil and plant properties were measured from the biochar field experiment in a boreal nutrient deficient Umbrisol where spruce biochar was applied eight years earlier. The experiment had a split-plot design with biochar application rates (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 t ha-1) as the main-plot factor. The effects of fertilisers alone and their interaction with biochar were studied with three treatments (control, mineral fertiliser and meat bone meal (MBM)) as the sub-plot factor. Soil moisture content at 0–15 cm depth, as well as pH, plant available nutrients, total C and N content and C/N ratio of the soil were measured. Barley growth was assessed indirectly by measuring leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD), leaf area index (LAI), plant stand density, biomass, C and N content, C/N ratio, grain yield and weight of 1000 grains (TGW). No consistent significant effects of biochar on soil moisture content or soil chemical properties were observed. Biochar application did not have significant effects on leaf chlorophyll, leaf area index, plant density or biomass of barley. The highest biochar application rate of 30 t ha-1 tended to increase grain yield and TGW but the increases were not statistically significant. Mineral and MBM fertilisers produced similar grain yields although N was likely less available from MBM earlier in the growing season. Biochar and fertiliser interaction did not have significant effects on any of the measured properties. The lack of effects of biochar may be explained by the high amount of initial soil organic matter as well as low liming effect and low nutrient content of the used biochar. In addition, the lack of significant effects of biochar also suggests loss of biochar from topsoil due to weathering and downward displacement of biochar over the period of eight years. In this study, biochar application did not have negative consequences on the measured soil and crop properties. Therefore, it should be safe to use. Biochars may provide a viable option to sequester carbon in boreal agriculture. Further research on this is still needed to investigate the long-term effects of different types of biochars on different types of soils.
  • Härkönen, Aino (2019)
    Biochars are soil amendment materials produced via pyrolysis of biomass. They are resistant to degradation and can be used as a way to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Biochars can improve soil structure and water and nutrient retention capacity, and significant positive effects on soil aggregate stability, water retention capacity and nutrient availability have been observed in acidic soils with low carbon content. The positive effects of biochar on soil properties can also increase crop yields. However, most studies on the effects of biochar have been conducted in tropical or temperate climates, and currently very little is known on its effects on the yield formation of cereals, and more specifically, barley. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of softwood biochar on field soil moisture and nutrient contents, as well as its effects on yield components of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 8 years after its application (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 t ha-1) to boreal soil. In addition, the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers, alone and together with biochar, on soil moisture, nutrient contents and barley yield components were studied. Biochar did not have significant effects on soil moisture or nutrient contents or on barley yield components. Fertilization had significant effects on contents of soil moisture and nutrients, electrical conductivity, pH and the biomass, leaf chlorophyll content, number and weight of seeds and the final yield of barley. The non-significant effects of biochar can be due to the high amount of carbon already present in the soil, and similar results have been observed on the research site in previous years. The added biochar may also have been misplaced by soil management or degraded by weathering. The growing season of 2018 was drier and warmer than the long-term average and drought during the beginning of the growing season combined with issues with weeds negatively affected crop development and yield components.
  • Pandey, Kailash (2022)
    A well-adjusted regulation of vascular development is crucial for plant growth and development. CLASS III HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE ZIPPER (HD-ZIP III) genes play a decisive role in cambial stem-cell maintenance, xylem cell fate determination, and ensuring proper patterning of vasculature. LITTLE ZIPPER (ZPR) microproteins are involved in the post-translational regulation of HD-ZIP III via a negative feedback mechanism. The protein-protein docking has predicted that HD-ZIP III and ZPR interact at the b-ZIP domain, which is an evolutionarily conserved region. The expression and mutant phenotype of ZPR in root vasculature haven’t been previously described. In this study, we developed the reporter lines and checked the expression in the Arabidopsis root. ZPR1 and ZPR3 showed a distinct and continuous expression from root tip to elongation and differentiation zone. In the cross-section, the expression was detected in cambium and xylem cells. Unlike ZPR1, ZPR3 showed a stronger expression towards the phloem side. Although ZPR2 didn’t show any endogenous expression, expression was detected in the primary root tip and lateral root initiation site upon xylemin treatment. Exogenous auxin application increased the expression of ZPR3, but it required a longer response time. The expression results suggest that ZPR follows the HD-ZIP III expression pattern, however, each ZPR shows some variation from the others. In the mutant analysis, zpr1 showed increased cellular proliferation in the vasculature, but zpr2 had no difference compared to the wild type. The results suggest that ZPR and HD-ZIP III have their function in a similar region in the root vasculature. However, further empirical evidence is necessary to elucidate the interaction of HD-ZIP III and ZPR, and its role in the regulation of root vascular development.
  • Kulmala, Konsta (2024)
    The high quality of seed is a basic requirement for producing high yields of good quality. The production conditions may vary and their effect to seed quality have not been fully understood. The aim of this study was to define how stress during growing season affects germinability of barley seeds and the yield potential of the next generation. The plants were exposed to different stress conditions in a greenhouse and in a pot test hall. The stress conditions included plant disease infection in different growing stages, low and high temperature in different growing stages, drought, water logging and early harvest. The germinability of the seeds was studied one, three, six and nine months after the harvest. The obtained results were inconsistend as for many stress treatments the germinability results of the samples varied between different measuring time points and were variously lower or higher compared to results of the control sample. The only stress condition that clearly lowered the germinability was early harvest. The second part of the work was to study the effect of stress conditions on the crop yield of the next generation. The seeds produced under stress conditions were grown in optimal conditions and thus it was studied whether the stress of the previous generation affects the crop formation of the next generation. No clear dependence was observed between the stress treatments of the previous generation and the yield performance of the next generation. As further research, it would be beneficial to study the effect of the stress conditions on vigour of the next generation seeds.
  • Vigelius, Liisa (2022)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, voisiko tomaatin (Solanum lycopersicum) typpilannoitusta vähentämällä hidastaa ansarijauhiaisen (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) populaation kasvunopeutta ja siten parantaa biologisen torjunnan tehokkuutta. Ansarijauhiainen on merkittävä kasvihuonetuholainen, jota torjutaan yleisesti jauhiaiskiilukaisella (Encarsia formosa), mutta torjunnan tehokkuus ei aina ole riittävä, jos ansarijauhiaisen populaation kasvunopeus on suurempi kuin jauhiaiskiilukaisella. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa ansarijauhiaisen on havaittu hyötyvän tomaatin typpilannoituksesta. Tutkimuksessa jauhiaisia munitettiin vuorokauden ajan klipsihäkeissä tomaateilla, joille annettiin typpipitoisuudeltaan neljää erilaista lannoiteliuosta. Lannoiteliuosten typpipitoisuus muuttui tomaatin kehitysvaiheen perusteella kaupallisten viljelmien käytäntöjen mukaisesti. Jauhiaisten kuolleisuus ja kehitysaika munasta aikuiseksi määritettiin. Kehitysaika laskettiin kummallekin sukupuolelle erikseen. Kuoriutuneista naaraista osa munitettiin kahden viikon ajan gelatiinikapseleista valmistetuissa häkeissä muninnan määrän selvittämiseksi. Typpilannoituksen vaikutusta tomaatin typpipitoisuuteen arvioitiin jauhiaislehtien klorofylli-indeksien perusteella. Tulosten perusteella typpilannoituksella ei ollut merkitsevää vaikutusta jauhiaisten kuolleisuuteen ja kehitysaikaan eikä jauhiaislehtien klorofyllipitoisuuksiin. Yllättävänä havaintona naaraat kuoriutuivat koiraita aikaisemmin kaikilla typpitasoilla: hyönteisillä on yleisempää, että pienikokoisemmat koiraat kuoriutuvat ensin. Kokeen toinen vaihe epäonnistui, eikä muninnan määrää per naaras saatu analysoitua. Näyttäisi siltä, että typpilannoituksen tulisi olla huomattavasti nykykäytäntöä vähäisempi, jotta sillä voisi hillitä jauhiaispopulaation kasvunopeutta. Tämä tulisi kuitenkin varmistaa lisäkokein, ja samalla selvittää vähennetyn typpilannoituksen vaikutukset jauhiaiskiilukaisen torjuntatehoon sekä mahdolliset satovaikutukset. Myös sukupuolten välistä kehitysaikojen eroa olisi tutkittava lisää, jotta saataisiin selville taustalla vaikuttavat syyt tai mekanismit.
  • Savela, Mailis (2020)
    Paineistettu kuumavesiuutto on menetelmä, jossa rahkasammaleesta saadaan uutettua arvokkaita ainesosia veteen ympäristöystävällisesti. Rahkasammaleesta uutetulle nesteelle on olemassa monia jatkojalostusmahdollisuuksia esimerkiksi erilaisten kemikaalien raaka-aineena. Rahkasammaleen uuttoprosessissa syntyy uuton läpikäynyttä rahkasammalmateriaalia, jolle olisi taloudellisesti kannattavaa löytää jatkokäyttöä, mikäli rahkasammaleen uuttoa harjoitettaisiin teollisessa mittakaavassa. Kokeessa tutkittiin uuttoprosessin läpikäyneen rahkasammaleen sopivuutta kasvien kasvualustamateriaaliksi. Uutettua rahkasammalta sekoitettiin käsittelemättömään rahkasammaleeseen 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 ja 0:100 kuivapainon suhteessa ja niiden vedenpidätyskykyä, sähkönjohtokykyä ja pH:ta seurattiin kasvihuonekokeessa. Kontrollikäsittelynä toimi turve. Lisäksi seurattiin kasvualustan vaikutusta basilikan taimettumiseen, pituuskasvuun, lehtien lukumäärään sekä kuiva- ja tuorepainon kertymiseen. Viljelyn aikana seurattiin myös mahdollisten kasvua inhiboivien yhdisteiden poistumista kasvualustoista, kun niitä huuhdeltiin neljä kertaa laimealla lannoiteliuoksella. Jatkokokeessa seurattiin uutetun rahkasammaleen vaikutusta yksi-, kaksi- ja monisirkkaisten testikasvilajien taimettumiseen ja tuorepainon kertymiseen. Uutettu rahkasammal ei sopinut basilikan kasvualustaksi tai sen osaksi, sillä siinä kasvaneiden kasvien kasvu oli erittäin heikkoa. Sen sijaan käsittelemättömässä rahkasammaleessa basilika kasvoi yhtä hyvin kuin turpeessa. Uutetun sammaleen vedenpidätyskyky oli selvästi matalampi kuin käsittelemättömän rahkasammaleen. Jatkokokeessa yksi- ja kaksisirkkaisilla testikasvilajeilla parhaan tuorepainon tuotti käsittelemätön rahkasammalalusta, ja 25 % uutettua rahkasammalta sisältävä alusta tuotti paremman kasvun kuin turve ja 50 % tai enemmän uutettua rahkasammalta sisältäneet alustat. Monisirkkaisten kasvien kasvu ei heikentynyt, vaikka kasvualustassa oli 25 % uutettua sammalta. Useimpien kasvilajien taimettuminen oli heikompaa ja hitaampaa 100 % ja 75 % uutettua sammalta sisältäneillä kasvualustoilla kuin käsittelemättömässä rahkasammaleessa ja 25 % uutettua sammalta sisältäneessä kasvualustassa. Uutetun rahkasammaleen kasvua inhiboiva vaikutus ei täysin selity sen fysikaalisilla ominaisuuksilla, kuten esimerkiksi heikolla vedenpidätyskyvyllä. Uuttoprosessin aikana on saattanut syntyä jokin kasvua inhiboiva yhdiste, jonka pitoisuus alustassa ei vähentynyt riittävästi, vaikka uutettua sammalta sekoitettiin käsittelemättömään rahkasammaleeseen.
  • Johansson, Annika (2021)
    Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr) and Parastagonospora nodorum (Pn) are necrotrophic fungal pathogens responsible for foliar diseases tan spot (TS) and stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), respectively. Both Ptr and Pn harbour necrotrophic effectors (NEs) to promote disease development. NEs elicit symptoms in the host in an inverse gene-for-gene manner, in which the recognition of NE by the host carrying a corresponding sensitivity allele leads to disease susceptibility. Ptr and Pn are prevalent in spring wheat fields in Finland, but Finnish spring wheat cultivars do not currently possess high level of resistance to either pathogen. The main objective of this study was to validate selection tools for TS and SNB resistance in Finnish spring wheat breeding program. A total of 150 spring wheat accessions were genotyped with six literature-derived Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) markers associated with sensitivities to four NEs ToxA, ToxB, SnTox1 and SnTox3. A subset of 63 spring wheat accessions were further tested for their sensitivity to ToxA, SnTox1 and SnTox3, and for TS and SNB susceptibility at the seedling stage by artificial inoculation assays with fungal isolate mixtures. Field data on adult plant susceptibility was derived from official variety trials and from disease screenings carried out within a spring wheat breeding program at Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd. The association of KASP markers and NE sensitivities with seedling and adult plant susceptibility was tested, as well as the correlation of disease susceptibility at the seedling stage and in adult plants. ToxA sensitivity was found to have a significant role in TS susceptibility both at the seedling stage and in adult plants, suggesting that removing of ToxA sensitivity would result in spring wheat lines more resistant to TS. KASP marker for ToxA sensitivity was found to be tightly linked to TS susceptibility, thus serving an effective tool for TS resistance selection. ToxA and SnTox3 sensitivities were found to be important factors in SNB susceptibility at the seedling stage, and KASP markers for ToxA and SnTox3 sensitivities were associated with adult plant susceptibility. TS and SNB resistance were found to be complex traits, and further research is needed to better evaluate the role of NE sensitivities and other factors affecting disease susceptibility. This study provides the first insight into the role of NE sensitivities in TS and SNB susceptibility in Finnish spring wheat, and results obtained in this study are directly applicable for TS and SNB resistance breeding in Finnish spring wheat breeding programs.
  • Mäntynen, Mira (2023)
    Indoor gardening is continuously increasing among consumers. Consumers and greenhouse entrepreneurs are looking for ways to optimize growing conditions for their plants to produce high quality and good yield. So far, the effects of LED lights on the plant biomass production and on the composition of volatile aroma compounds have been investigated. However, the effects of different lights on the taste and odor of homegrown herbs is yet to be discovered. The aim of this study was to investigate how different light conditions would affect the composition of compounds that are mainly responsible for the specific flavor of selected model plants. The main goal was to investigate what type of volatile compounds could be obtained in plants grown under different light conditions. The second goal was to investigate how non-volatile saliva soluble compounds could be modified due to the different growing conditions. Coriander and dill were selected as model plants. Coriander is globally utilized herb while dill is one of the most used herbs in the Nordic countries. Due to their strong flavor, both of these herbs divide consumer opinions and therefore investigation of their flavor modification is important. Coriander and dill were grown in domestic smart gardens manufactured by Plantui Oy. Used light conditions included control, green and blue light. Control light composed of a combination of blue, green and red light. Light source was LED lights. The herbs were grown at +22 °C and at humidity of 56.5 %. Used nutrients were ready-made mixtures by Plantui Oy. The composition of artificial saliva was optimized with commercial coriander and dill for the investigation of flavor compounds. Coriander and dill samples were extracted with the developed artificial saliva after which the volatile compounds were analyzed by a combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and non-volatile compounds by a combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to investigate the composition of volatile compounds while partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to investigate the differences in the non-volatile compounds. Used light conditions altered the chemical composition of herb leaves. Also, light conditions had a visible effect on plant growth. For example, herbs grown in blue light germinated weakly and produced less biomass. The profile of volatile compounds in corianders grown under green and blue light differed from those grown under control light. For dill, the profiles differed only for the samples grown under blue light. Majority of the volatile compounds were components of the essential oils of herbs and compounds that enhance stress tolerance. When looking at saliva soluble non-volatile compounds, coriander grown under blue light was different from the one grown under control light while for dill a difference was observed both under blue and green light. Based on the results, special light recipes can be developed to modify the flavor of coriander and dill. Further research is still needed, especially on the effects of light conditions in plant cell signaling and thereby on the morphological changes in plants and as a consequence on their flavor compounds.
  • Kurunsaari, Jani (2022)
    Amerikankarpalo (Vaccinium macrocarpon) on hapan punainen marja, joka on kotoisin Pohjois-Amerikasta. Karpalon suosio on lisääntynyt viime aikoina sen tutkittujen terveysvaikutusten johdosta. Karpalon terveysvaikutukset ovat herättäneet halun viljellä niitä myös Suomessa. Suomen kasvukausi on kuitenkin lyhyt, eivätkä karpalot ehdi kypsyä täällä riittävästi. Siksi karpalon tunneliviljelyä on ryhdytty kokeilemaan. Tästäkin huolimatta marjat saatetaan joutua keräämään raakoina. Valon tiedetään vaikuttavan etyleenin ja antosyaanien muodostumiseen, joten karpaloiden jälkikypsytys valojen alla pitäisi olla mahdollista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten valospektrit vaikuttavat eri kypsyysasteissa kerättyjen amerikankarpaloiden etyleenin, antosyaanien ja värin muodostukseen. Amerikankarpalolajikkeen Pilgrim- marjoja kerättiin kolmella eri kypsyysasteella vihreinä, valkoisina ja punertuvina. Käsittelyinä käytettiin sinistä, punaista ja laajaa (AP673L Valoya) valospektriä. Kontrollina toimi pimeys. Jokainen kypsyysaste sai 0 vrk:n, 7 vrk:n ja 14 vrk:n käsittelyn. Käsittelyiden jälkeen karpaloista mitattiin etyleenin muodostumisnopeus, kokonaisantosyaanipitoisuus ja väri. Valokäsittelyllä, kypsyysasteella ja näiden yhdysvaikutuksella oli merkitsevä vaikutus karpalon etyleenin, värin ja antosyaanien muodostumiseen sadonkorjuun jälkeen. Erityisesti sininen valo vaikutti merkittävästi värin muodostumiseen vihreinä kerätyillä karpaloilla. Käsittelyiden väliset erot tasaantuivat valkoisina kerätyissä karpaloissa. Punertuvina kerätyissä karpaloissa värin muodostumisessa ei ollut eroja käsittelyiden välillä. Kaikki valokäsittelyt kiihdyttivät etyleenin muodostumista vihreinä kerätyissä karpaloissa. Valkoisina kerätyissä etyleeniä muodostui enää sinisen valon alla. Punertuvina kerätyissä karpaloissa etyleenin muodostumisessa ei ollut eroja käsittelyiden välillä. Antosyaaneja muodostui vihreinä ja valkoisina kerätyissä karpaloissa eniten sinisen valon alla. Punertuvina kerätyissä antosyaaneja kertyi eniten laajan spektrin alla. Tutkimus osoitti, että raakoina kerättyjä karpaloita voidaan kypsyttää valon avulla. Tämä saattaisi mahdollistaa karpaloiden kypsyttämisen varastoinnin aikana. Sinisen valon vaikutuksesta karpalon viljelyssä kannattaisi tehdä jatkotutkimuksia.
  • Ojala, Birita (2021)
    The american cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a woody perennial plant. Cranberry fruit has been studied for its many different health benefits due to the high level of human health-promoting compounds such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. The growing season is too short in Finland, and the fruits must be harvested before frost. Studies have shown that post-harvest lighting can affect the quality of fruits. Light treatment increases the anthocyanins content and red color in fruits. Lighting during storage might improve also shelf life. The aim was to find out how different light treatments affect different quality characteristics of fruits. In this thesis, the effect of three different light treatments on the accumulation of anthocyanins and phenols during 14 days following harvest in american cranberry fruits was investigated. The light treatment was APL (multispectrum), blue and red light. The control was dark treatment. In addition, the color of the fruits, the sugar content and titratable acids were measured. Light treatments increased anthocyanin content in all varieties compared to dark control. The most effective was APL treatment. The phenol content first (7 days) increased in all varieties, after which the increase continued only in Early Black and Howes varieties. There were statistically significant differences between the light treatments only for these varieties, but only 14 days after the treatments. The treatment did not have significant effect on sugar content or the titratable acids. The berries turned red in light treatments and the color intensity increased. The treatments differed significantly from the dark, but not with each other. The results of this thesis indicate that it would be possible to ripen cranberry fruits during storage. The berries could be harvested half ripe and ripened during storage using lights. There would also be a demand for domestic cranberries in the food industry, allowing imported cranberries to be replaced by a domestic alternative.
  • Grönroos, Sanna (2021)
    Organic agriculture is growing steadily in Europe. Demand for organic products and pressure from policy changes in the EU have created a need for organic seed material. One of the limiting factors is the lack of organic variety testing. Currently no official organic Value of Cultivation and Use (VCU) trials or standards for organic variety testing excist in the EU. Plant breeding companies like Boreal Plant Breeding want to offer varieties for organic farmers but they lack information on the performance of their varieties in organic conditions. The main objective of this experiment was to determine the most important variety traits in organic agriculture in Finland and which of the Boreal Plant Breeding oat varieties exhibit the most favourable traits for organic growing conditions. Relationships between observed traits were also examined. A wide range of observations and measurements were performed from the trial throughout the growing season. Quality analysis of the yield were performed after harvest. The objects of examination during growing season included growth development, leaf area index (LAI), nutrient status with SPAD (Soil and Plant Analysis Development) measurements, plant height and yield components. Plant height and LAI appeared to be the best indicators for evaluation of performance potential of oat in organic conditions. SPAD value wasn’t found to have a connection to oat yield nor was it an indicator for oat LAI. High LAI increased oat height, yield and yield component shoots/m2 but effected negatively on the yield component panicles/m2 during the end of stem elongation. Plant height was a good indicator of yield level. The number of weeds and LAI value didn’t have a connection in this experiment and neither did weed number and yield. The early and late varieties varied in their reaction to the low-input growing conditions. Early varieties had generally lower yield but better yield quality than the late varieties. ‘Nella’ showed potential to be a variety with good yield quality and high yield in low-input conditions in Southern Finland. Area of cultivation and the end use of the oat are important factors in variety selection.
  • Virtanen, Julia (2021)
    ABSTRACT Tiedekunta/Osasto - Fakultet/Sektion 3⁄4 Faculty Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry  Osasto - Sektion - Department Department of Agricultural Sciences Tekijä - Författare - Author Julia Virtanen Työn nimi - Arbetets titel - Title Farmers and biodiversity Oppiaine - Läroämne - Subject Agricultural sciences, agroecology Työn laji - Arbetets art - Level M.Sc. Thesis  Aika - Datum - Month and year February 2021  Sivumäärä 3⁄4 Sidoantal 3⁄4 Number of pages 45 pages Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The aim of this study was to identify farmers' opinions about biodiversity and compare their opinions with the measured biodiversity data from their own fields. The goal was to find out what are the main reasons for biodiversity conservation and what kinds of farming activities were seen as most important tools to conserve farmland biodiversity. This study was executed as a commission to the Finnish Environment Institute as a part of JustFood -research project. There were 33 farmers representing both organic and conventional farming. The results showed that there wasn't statistically significant difference between the two farming types regarding farmers' appreciation of biodiversity. The biodiversity data and overall farmers' appreciation values included scattering between farming types and within both groups. The most of the farmers stressed the importance of ecosystem services as a reason to conserve biodiversity. A third of the farmers emphasized the intrinsic value of biodiversity. Altogether, farmers in this study were rather interested in conserving biodiversity in their own farms regardless of the farming type or cultivated crops. Avainsanat - Nyckelord - Keywords biodiversity, farmer perceptions, agroecosystems, biodiversity conservation, JustFood Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Sciences Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Further information Mikko Kuussaari (SYKE), Marjaana Toivonen (SYKE and the University of Helsinki), Iryna Herzon (University of Helsinki) HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO - HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI
  • Koskinen, Elisa (2021)
    Cropping conditions are changing also at northern areas due the climate change. Extreme weather conditions demand more buffering capability from the soil and adjusting ability from the plants. Crop rotation and tillage system are in essential role while the change proceeds, as they effect to productivity, pest control and soil health. This study studied the effects of crop rotation on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield and pests in two tillage methods, plowing and no-till. This long term (2005-2019) field experiment was arranged in Jokionen, southern Finland. In the experiment, there were two cropping systems: barley monoculture and five years crop rotation (pea – spring wheat – oats – turnip rape/rapeseed – spring barley). Both cropping systems were carried out in ploughed and no-till environment. This study examined the years 2009, 2014 and 2019, when the whole experimental area was on spring barley. In our study, crop rotation did not have considerable effect on barley yield, but tillage method had. Yields were bigger in the ploughed system than in the no-till system. Crop rotation reduced weeds in the plowing system and increased them on no-till. Crop rotation reduced the stem and root rot diseases in spring barley. Tillage method and crop rotation had also effect on leaf blotch severity, especially on scald (Rhynchosporium commune). Only a few insect violations appeared during the examination years, so the effects of crop rotation on occurrence of insects could not be evaluated. Long term crop rotation experiments give valuable information about the strengths and weaknesses of different rotations. Role of the diverse crop rotation will increase further in Finland. More attention needs to be paid to interaction between crops and tillage systems, avoiding soil compaction, focusing to improve soil health and structure so the plants would have good opportunities to use their whole yield potential.
  • Latva, Katariina (2023)
    Ruoantuotanto ja sen kestävyys ovat yhä useammin esillä arkipäivän keskusteluissa, sekä politiikassa ja mediassa. Tutkimusten mukaan lasten ja nuorten tieto siitä mistä ruoka tulee, on vuosien mittaan huonontunut, sillä kaupungistuvassa yhteiskunnassa maatalous ei ole enää osa nykynuoren arkipäivää. Vuonna 2014 tuli kestävän ruoantuotannon opetuksesta ensimmäistä kertaa osa yläkoulun biologian opetussuunnitelmaa; aihetta tulisi näin ollen koulussa opettaa opetussuunnitelman mukaisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten yläkoulun biologian opettajat kokevat kestävän ruoantuotannon opetuksen ja mitä haasteita se heille tuottaa. Opettajat saivat myös antaa ehdotuksia opetuksen kehittämiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena vuonna 2022 yläkoulun 7–9 luokkien biologian opettajille Suomessa. Kyselyyn vastasi 46 opettajaa. Kestävyys ruoantuotannossa miellettiin keskimäärin ensisijaisesti ekologiseksi kysymykseksi, vaikka kestävyyden määritelmä on paljon laajempi. Kyselyyn vastanneiden opettajien mukaan perehdytys aiheeseen omissa opinnoissa oli olematonta tai sitä ei ollut lainkaan. Kestävä ruoantuotanto koetaan kuitenkin tärkeäksi aiheeksi, jota tulisi opettaa peruskoulussa. Kysymys siitä, kuuluuko opintokokonaisuus osaksi biologian opintoja, jakoi mielipiteitä. Opettajat olivat avoimia ja kiinnostuneita maatila- ja asiantuntijavierailujen järjestämisestä paikan päällä tai etänä, sekä kokivat sen hyväksi tavaksi oppia uutta ruoantuotannosta. Kuitenkin niin opetuksessa kuin vierailuissa haasteeksi osoittautuivat vahvasti aikarajoitteet, kustannukset ja aiheen opetuksen hankaluus. Haastavina opetuksen aiheina esille nousivat kotieläintuotanto, kasvintuotanto ja eläinten hyvinvointi. Tutkimuksen mukaan opettajat kaipaavat opetuksen tueksi monenlaista materiaalia. Valmiit oppimiskokonaisuudet antaisivat mahdollisuuden käyttää aikaa opetukseen viisaasti ja myös saatavilla oleva tieto olisi ajankohtaisen tutkitun tiedon mukaista. Hankepohjaista toimintaa kaivataan, jotta hyväksi havaittuja toimintatapoja voitaisiin hyödyntää ympäri Suomen. Oppiainerajat ylittävä yhteistyö kestävän ruoantuotannon ympärillä voisi auttaa nuoria löytämään urapolkuja ruoan ja sen tuotannon parista. Saadaksemme kestävästä ruoantuotannosta kiinnostavan, sekä pysyvämmän osan biologian opintokokonaisuutta, tulee opettajia tukea opetuksessa, sekä luoda heille käyttöön kiinnostavaa materiaalia ja kokonaisuuksia, joista innostuvat niin oppilas kuin opettaja. Näin voimme vaikuttaa tulevaisuuden kuluttajien tietoisuuteen ruoasta ja sen tuotannosta, sekä kannustaa kestäviin valintoihin omassa arjessamme.