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  • Katila, Pauliina (2014)
    Currency undervaluation is a well-known and commonly used method for stimulating economic growth. Although the exact effects of exchange rate arrangements on international trade are highly debated, the fact that strong interlinkages between the two exist is unquestionable. This thesis departs from the generally accepted truth that an undervalued currency functions in practice as a subsidy to exports and tariff on imports. By using the method of legal dogmatics, the thesis analyzes how currency undervaluation can be assessed under international law, focusing on the examination of whether invoking the provisions of the IMF Articles of Agreement or WTO agreements to challenge currency undervaluation could be successful. In order to understand the issues behind this question, the first part of this thesis provides a short overview of the history of international regulation of currencies and the rise and fall of the Bretton Woods system. Parting from the principle of monetary sovereignty and its implications, the thesis provides a cursory glance at the development of international obligations regarding currencies and exchange rates. The second part deals shortly with the relevant provisions of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement and the shortcomings related thereto. Article IV(1)(iii) of the IMF Articles of Agreement places an obligation on member states to avoid manipulating exchange rates in order to gain an unfair competitive advantage over other members. Despite in theory providing an answer to the problem of currency undervaluation, this provision is in practice essentially inoperative, due to the subjective element included in it. Even in the unlikely case that the IMF were to reach the decision that one of its members was in breach of this Article, it has no effective dispute settlement system it could avail itself of if the said member state did not comply with the IMF’s recommendations to remove the breach. With the IMF being unable to effectively deal with the issue, the attention of politicians and academics alike has turned to the WTO, which provides an extremely effective dispute settlement mechanism. Due to its tariff-cum-subsidy effects, currency undervaluation makes it possible for WTO members to circumvent their obligations under the WTO agreements by nullifying, or at least diminishing, the effects of tariff concessions and eluding the prohibition on granting export subsidies. This thesis aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the WTO provisions that are most probable to be invoked with the aim of curbing currency undervaluation: Article XV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the WTO provisions on subsidies. As an integral part of this examination, the thesis first discusses the relationship between the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization in currency-related matters and the division of jurisdiction between the two institutions. The main finding in this regard is that although the interpretation of these provisions could in theory be stretched in order to cover currency undervaluation, the WTO cannot at present provide a sustainable answer to the issue of currency undervaluation. This thesis argues that the problems in adjudicating currency manipulation essentially arise from historical developments and the failure to adapt the instruments of international law to a new economic reality. This, together with the fear of overlapping jurisdictions between international institutions, has led to a loophole in international economic law. Initially the division of authority between the WTO and the IMF was clear: exchange rate issues under the par value system were a matter to be dealt with exclusively within the IMF. After the breakdown of the par value system, misuse of monetary policies became easier and more frequent, but nothing was done to reinforce the authority of the IMF. This has led to a situation where the IMF has the jurisdiction to deal with exchange rate issues, but lacks an effective enforcement mechanism to ensure that its rulings are followed. The WTO on the other hand has at its disposal an extremely effective dispute resolution mechanism but lacks jurisdiction regarding currency issues.
  • Luja, Darek (2023)
    This thesis analyses Joe Abercrombie’s fantasy trilogy, The Shattered Sea, from a cognitive literary perspective. Its focus is on the surprise regarding the storyworld and how our cognitive reading habits can be manipulated in order to surprise us. The analysis utilises theories on narrative surprise and shows how internal focalisation, popular cultural knowledge and genre expectations can be used to mislead readers and then surprise them. The storyworld of Joe Abercrombie's The Shattered Sea is at first a seemingly ordinary fantasy world. The reader is told early on that elves, who are now extinct, have left various relics and elf-ruins behind. As the story continues, the reader finds out that the elves were really us – modern humans. This triggers a narrative frame shift that makes the reader realise that the seemingly ordinary fantasy world is actually a post-apocalyptic world. By putting various clues together, the reader is also able to deduce that the story appears to take place in Northern Europe, only far in the future. The first analysis chapter focuses on the various clues that precede the surprise and two scenes that aim to initiate the frame shift. The chapter is concluded with a discussion that studies the tools used to mislead the reader from the real nature of the storyworld. The second part of the analysis will focus on the effects that the frame shift has to the reading of the rest of the story. Because the story is consistently told from an internally focalised perspective, the post-apocalyptic storyworld does not overwrite the fantasy world but becomes tangled up with it. Thus, even after the frame shift, through the perspective of the narrating characters a fantasy world full of magic and wonders is still portrayed. Simultaneously, the reader as a modern human is aware that this is essentially just a matter of perspective as, for example, the magical elvish relics turn out to be modern objects mundane to us. A curious reader will have to actively put together bits and pieces of the rather limited information in order to answer various questions that the story evokes. This includes figuring out, for instance, how much time has passed since the Breaking and what the event was that destroyed our civilisation. This thesis builds upon existing theories regarding narrative surprises in the way it shows how our cognitive reading habits and expectations can be used to mislead us. It explores how various elements can simultaneously be at work together in order to surprise the reader. The layering of the two storyworlds in The Shattered Sea also shows our cognitive capabilities when reading a narrative.
  • Akhondzadeh, Soheila (2016)
    Background: Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most common type of ovarian cancer and is the most lethal gynecologic cancer due to its late diagnosis. Compared to ovarian cancer, endometrial carcinoma, as the most common gynecologic malignancy, is referred to as the “curable cancer”, as it can be detected early. As aberrant promoter methylation patterns are a common change in human cancer, detection of promoter methylation status may help in early diagnosis. In this study, we used a custom-designed methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MS-MLPA) assay as a rapid and easy method, to simultaneously detect the methylation status of multiple genes in ovarian and endometrial cancer samples. Aims: To design and test an MS-MLPA assay for analyzing promoter methylation of four genes associated with ovarian and endometrial cancers. The selected genes were HNF1 homeobox B (HNF1β), Ten-eleven translocation 1(TET1), L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM), and AT-rich interactive domain 1A (ARID1A). These genes are known to have expression changes by DNA methylation. Methods: The promoter DNA methylation patterns of these four genes were analyzed in 15 cancer cell lines and 5 normal cell lines and DNAs using bisulfite sequencing. Six synthetic probe pairs were designed and optimized by applying them to cancer and normal cell lines and normal DNAs and comparing the results with those of bisulfite sequencing. Finally, the MS-MLPA assay was performed on patient specimens according to the MRC-HOLLAND MS-MLPA general protocol and methylation frequencies were calculated from MS-MLPA data. Results and conclusion: The MS-MLPA assay gave accurate methylation results with the 170 samples assayed. The HNF1B, L1CAM, and TET1 Genes were observed methylated in tumor samples whereas they were not methylated in the normal samples or showed very little methylation, suggested to be favorable diagnostic markers. MS-MLPA robustly and sensitively detects the promoter DNA methylation status.
  • Rasooli Mavini, Zinat (2014)
    Massive improvements of the services in the public cloud provide many opportunities for online users. One of the most valuable services of this virtual place is the infrastructure to store data in distributed storages. The public cloud storages let different organizations and enterprises to use the high availability of data, in a cost efficient way, with lowered maintenance burden. However, utilizing the large scale capacity of (public) cloud storages is not mature trend yet among the individual customers, businesses, and organizations. The cloud storages are still unreliable places for the sensitive and confidential information or back-up copies from trust and privacy perspective. Hence, some public and private organizations, universities, as well as ordinary citizens avoid uploading their critical files to the cloud. The thesis suggests the idea of customer-oriented data storages as a solution to the shortcomings of public cloud storages. This idea would be a new way to customize the cloud storages which bears more involvement of the customer in managing aspects, as a solution to the current distrust issue on the cloudbased storages and would be a great courage to different type of customers. Furthermore, the thesis evaluates feasibility of the proposed customer-oriented cloud storage architecture based on scenarios inspired from the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) evaluation approach. Results of the evaluating discussion on the proposed solution in boosting trust in cloud storages and providing more control for cloud storage customers are presented.
  • Ilmoniemi, Timo (2016)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia asiakkaiden havaintoja palvelun laatuun ja yrityksen imagoon liittyen. Laatuun ja imagoon liittyvät näkökohdat liittyvät tutkimuksessa Metso konsernin OneMetso konseptiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevat asiakasyritykset edustavat sellu- ja paperiteollisuutta sekä voimantuotantoa. Käsitteistöltään tutkimus perustuu laatua ja yrityksen imagoa käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen. Kirjallisuuskatsaus esittelee laatuun ja erityisesti palveluiden laatuun liittyviä erityispiirteitä. Olemassa oleva palveluiden laatua koskeva kirjallisuus perustuu pitkälti yritysten ja yksityishenkilöiden väliseen suhteeseen ja teoreettiselta pohjaltaan SERVQUAL tai Nordic model malleihin. Edellä mainittujen mallien ulottuvuuksia on hyödynnetty myös tässä tutkimuksessa, mutta painotus on yritysten välisessä (B2B) asiayhteydessä. Tämän alan tutkimuksia on tehty viime vuosikymmenenä. Tutkimuksen tulokset perustuvat kyselytutkimukseen joka on tehty Metson sellu- ja paperi sekä voimantuotannon asiakkaille. Kyselyn on tehnyt puhelinhaastatteluihin erikoistunut yritys. Kyselytutkimuksen vastaukset on tässä tutkimuksessa tilastollisesti analysoitu käyttäen ei-parametrista testausmenetelmää. Perustuen vastausten jakaumaan käytetty testausmenetelmä kaikille kysymyksille oli riippumattomien näytteiden Mann-Whitneyn U testi. Tilastollisen testauksen tuloksien perusteella nollahypoteesi hylätään kahdessa asiakkaille esitetyssä kysymyksessä kaikkiaan neljästätoista. Automation ja Power segmenttien asiakkaiden havainnot ovat yhteneviä useimmissa laatuun liittyvistä kysymyksistä. Saadut tulokset tukevat Metson One Metso konseptia. Jatkotutkimuksen aiheena toimisi keskittyminen yrityksen nykyisiin muuttuneisiin segmentteihin syventäen samallamkyselyn laatunäkökohtia.
  • Laurikkala, Nella (2022)
    Digitalization of health care and the corona pandemic have increased availability and use of online services provided by community pharmacies. In Finland, willingness to use online pharmacy services has been studied from population approach. Less is known about the user satisfaction with the core online pharmacy services such as dispensing and medication counseling services. This study aimed to investigate satisfaction with the University Pharmacy’s online services ( from customers’ approach. Primarily, customer satisfaction with dispensing and medication counseling services was assessed. In addition, characteristics affecting customer satisfaction were analyzed. The conceptual framework of the study was Andersen's Model of Health Services Use. The data for this study was collected by a cross-sectional survey conducted in August 2020 among University Pharmacy’s online pharmacy customers who had made a purchase during the last three months. The survey instrument consisted mainly of structured Likert-scale questions, which were used to form two sum variables: satisfaction on online dispensing services (3 variables, Cronbach's alpha 0.803) and satisfaction on online counseling services (2 variables, Cronbach's alpha 0.883). Satisfaction on online dispensing services was studied through willingness to recommend and use the services in the future. Satisfaction on online counseling services was studied through a comparison of medication counseling on an online pharmacy and a conventional pharmacy. IBM SPSS (28) -software was used for statistical analysis consisting of bivariate (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests) and multivariate (generalized linear model) analyses to identify factors affecting satisfaction with dispensing and medication counseling services. Of 15 172 invitations sent to fill out the survey, 2555 eligible responses were received (16 %). Of the respondents, 92 % had concomitantly used the services of a conventional pharmacy. . The mean of satisfaction on online dispensing services on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being the most positive option "completely agree") was 4.3 (SD 0.8). Similarly, the mean of satisfaction on online counseling services was 3.7 (SD 0.9). According to the multivariate analyses, significant characteristics affecting satisfaction on online dispensing services were age, form of living (alone/family with children/couple), purchase of prescription or OTC medicine, frequency of internet use and previous visits to a conventional pharmacy. Characteristics affecting satisfaction on online counseling services were education, purchase of prescription medicine, use of chat information service, frequency of internet use and previous visits to a conventional University Pharmacy outlet. The services on online pharmacy rated most important by the respondents were services about medicine availabilities (in conventional University Pharmacy outlets and during a shortage) and information about medicines (prices, Kela reimbursements and information about customers' prescriptions). Customers were satisfied with online dispensing and counseling services. Online dispensing services received a higher satisfaction rate than online counseling services. Customers who had used the chat service and purchased a prescription medicine online were more likely to assess online counseling services to be equal or better than in a conventional pharmacy. Active use of internet and purchases of medicines online were factors connected to higher satisfaction with online dispensing services. Most online pharmacy customers had also visited conventional pharmacies. The results from this study can be utilized in the development of online and other pharmacy services.
  • Haatanen, Henri (2022)
    In the modern era, using personalization when reaching out to potential or current customers is essential for businesses to compete in their area of business. With large customer bases, this personalization becomes more difficult, thus segmenting entire customer bases into smaller groups helps businesses focus better on personalization and targeted business decisions. These groups can be straightforward, like segmenting solely based on age, or more complex, like taking into account geographic, demographic, behavioral, and psychographic differences among the customers. In the latter case, customer segmentation should be performed with Machine Learning, which can help find more hidden patterns within the data. Often, the number of features in the customer data set is so large that some form of dimensionality reduction is needed. That is also the case with this thesis, which includes 12802 unique article tags that are desired to be included in the segmentation. A form of dimensionality reduction called feature hashing is selected for hashing the tags for its ability to be introduced new tags in the future. Using hashed features in customer segmentation is a balancing act. With more hashed features, the evaluation metrics might give better results and the hashed features resemble more closely the unhashed article tag data, but with less hashed features the clustering process is faster, more memory-efficient and the resulting clusters are more interpretable to the business. Three clustering algorithms, K-means, DBSCAN, and BIRCH, are tested with eight feature hashing bin sizes for each, with promising results for K-means and BIRCH.
  • Ylipoti, Kerttu-Maaria (2020)
    Take away food has increased in popularity in the past years. However, there are not many cardboard-based take away packaging options for restauranteurs. Plastic materials such as expanded polystyrene are most commonly used for take away packaging, but the single-use plastics directive by the European Commission has added polystyrene as one of the materials to be banned by 2021. Additionally, consumers are also becoming more educated on material sustainability, which brings added pressure and opportunity for developing new alternatives to the market. This case study implemented customer-dominant logic (CDL) to the design process of a cardboard-based take away package. In CDL, value-creation is perceived as a personal, subjective and holistic process, where the customer is in the center of the value formation process. The aim was to create a CDL based design framework and test whether it resulted in a cardboard-based take away package which created value for the consumer. The case study also aimed to uncover the factors of take away packaging which contributed to the value creation for customers. The results were collected through three consumer studies, which used qualitative methods such as responsive interviews and the Value Toolkit®. It was concluded that cardboard as a material was seen as renewable and easy-to-recycle. The cardboard-based package was successfully designed, as it was rated highest in comparison to a polystyrene-based package and a compostable bagasse package in the final consumer study. It was discovered that out of the four value types: performance, experience, status value, and responsibility, consumers thought performance was the most important in take away packaging. The CDL based framework for package design was successful. The framework can further be studied with collateral case studies, where one design team uses the CDL based framework and the other uses a more traditional approach to design.
  • Kääriäinen, Elisa (2020)
    Sosiolingvistisessa pro-gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastellaan englannin kielen perinteisiä sukupuolittuneiksi koettuja kielenpiirteitä, niihin yhdistettyjä sukupuolistereotypioita ja niiden esiintymistä viimevuosien Hollywood -menestyselokuvissa. Tutkielmani selvittää, tunnistetaanko nämä perinteiset, vuosikymmeniä vallinneet uskomukset sukupuolittuneista kielenpiirteistä edelleen ja tutkii sitä, mihin sukupuoleen nämä kielen piirteet yhdistetään. Lisäksi tutkielma tarkastelee näiden kielellisten sukupuolistereotypioiden leviämistä Suomeen ja tämän leviämisen mahdollista yhteyttä Hollywood -menestyselokuvassa esiintyvään dialogiin. Tutkielman tulokset pohjautuvat verkossa toteutettuun kyselytutkimukseen. Tutkielmani teoriatausta perustuu ensisijaisesti kielitieteilijä Robin Lakoffin teoksessaan Language and a Woman’s Place (1975) esittämiin väittämiin spesifeistä kielipiirteistä, jotka voidaan katsoa perinteisiksi englannin kielen kielellisiksi sukupuolistereotypioiksi. Tutkielma pyrkii valottamaan massakulttuurissa käytetyn englannin kielen vaikutusta sukupuolittuneiden kielistereotypioiden muodostumiseen ja vahvistumiseen. Analyysin kohteeksi ovat valikoituneet Hollywood-menestyselokuvat elokuva-alalla vallitsevan sukupuoliepätasa-arvon sekä Hollywoodin mittavan vaikutusvallan vuoksi. Lisäksi Hollywood-elokuvien dialogia ei ole aiemmissa tutkimuksissa tarkasteltu näiden stereotyyppisten perinteisten kielipiirteiden näkökulmasta. Kyselytutkimuksessa pyydettiin osallistujia arvioimaan kymmentä vuorosanasitaattia, jotka oli valikoitu vuosina 2017–2018 tuotetuista Hollywood –menestyselokuvista ja jotka sisälsivät Lakoffin nimeämiä, sukupuolittuneiksi koettuja kielenpiirteitä. Kyselyn avulla tutkittiin, mitkä kielelliset piirteet vaikuttavat mielipiteen muodostumiseen puhujan sukupuolesta, kun vuorosanasitaattien puhujaa eikä kontekstia tiedetä. Osallistujien tuli valita mihin sukupuoleen he yhdistävät kunkin vuorosanasitaatin kolmesta vaihtoehdosta: nainen, mies ja en osaa sanoa. Lisäksi osallistujilla oli mahdollisuus vastata vapaaehtoiseen avoimeen kysymykseen, jossa pyydettiin kommentoimaan annettua vastausta. Kyselyyn oli mahdollista osallistua, mikäli henkilö puhui äidinkielenään joko Amerikan englantia tai suomea. Kyselyyn osallistui 100 henkilöä ja sen tulosten analyysi toteutettiin vertaamalla saatuja vastauksia vastaajien iän, sukupuoli-identiteetin ja äidinkielen perusteella. Tutkielman päälöydöksiä olivat se, että perinteisesti sukupuolittuneiksi koetut kielen piirteet tunnistettiin pääosin hyvin, sekä se, että osallistujien vastaukset eivät muutamaa poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta eronneet merkittävästi toisistaan. Ensin mainittu löydös osoittaa, että osallistujat tunnistavat kielen piirteet ja yhdistävät ne siihen sukupuoleen, johon stereotypiat on perinteisesti liitetty. Jälkimmäinen löydös puolestaan merkitsee sitä, että englannin kielen sukupuolistereotypioiden tunnistaminen ei katso ikää, sukupuoli-identiteettia eikä äidinkieltä. Lisäksi kyselyn laadullisesta aineistosta nousi esille kiinnostava sivulöydös: vuorosanasitaattien semanttinen sisältö sekä kyselytutkimukseen vastanneiden sitaateille luomat kuvitteelliset kontekstit vaikuttivat suuresti siihen, mihin sukupuoleen vuorosanasitaatit yhdistettiin. Löydös on merkityksellinen, sillä se viittaa siihen, että kielelliset sukupuolistereotypiat pohjautuvat mahdollisesti enemmän kielen semanttisiin ja pragmaattisiin ominaisuuksiin kuin näihin vuosikymmeniä tutkittuihin, perinteisesti sukupuolittuneina pidettyihin kielen piirteisiin.
  • Huhtilainen, Hannes (2017)
    Tämä tutkielma on kriittinen diskurssianalyysi talouskeskustelusta Ison-Britannian poliittisissa väittelyissä. Siinä tutkitaan eri retoristen strategioiden, erityisesti eufemisoinnin, dekonkretisaation ja nominalisaation käyttöä ideologioiden välineenä ja vertaillaan niiden toteutumista eri poliitikkojen ja puolueiden diskurssissa. Tutkielma on pääosin kvalitatiivinen, mutta tutkimustuloksia perustellaan osittain myös kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Tutkielman teoreettiseen viitekehykseen sisältyy kriittisen diskurssianalyysin ja retoriikan teoriaa (erityisesti Fairclough 1992, Wodak 1989, Kress & Hodge 1979 ja Fowler ym. 1979) sekä keskustelua ideologian käsitteestä ja poliittisista ideologioista (Heywood 2007, Gramsci 1971, Mannheim 1971 ja 2002). Pohjustukseksi aineiston analysoinnille ja tulosten tulkinnalle tutkielmassa käydään läpi vuosien 2010 ja 2015 taloudellista ja poliittista ilmapiiriä sekä esitellään aineistossa esiintyvien puolueiden vaaliohjelmien tärkeintä talouspoliittista sisältöä. Vaaliohjelmissa yleisimmin käytettyjä konsepteja havainnollistetaan Paul Raysonin (2010 ja 2015) Wmatrix- ohjelmalla koostamien konseptipilvien avulla. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty neljästä eri puoluejohtajien välisestä väittelyistä, joista kaksi on vuodelta 2010 ja kaksi vuodelta 2015. Aineisto kerättiin ensin videotallenteina, mutta analyysissä käytettiin väittelyiden transkriptioita. Analysoidun videoaineiston yhteispituus on noin kaksi tuntia ja 50 minuuttia. Tutkielmaa valmisteltiin pilottitutkimuksella, jossa analysoitiin rajatusti noin puolet varsinaisen tutkielman aineistosta. Analyysivaiheessa aineisto käytiin systemaattisesti läpi ja ideologisia merkityksiä sisältävät sanat ja lauseet taulukoitiin. Taulukoita käytettiin työkaluna luomaan kokonaiskuvaa yksittäisten puhujien retoristen strategioiden käytöstä sekä helpottamaan poliitikkojen ja puolueiden keskinäistä vertailua. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että retoristen strategioiden käyttö talouskeskusteluissa on laajalti yhteydessä ideologioihin. Eufemisoinnilla poliitikot pyrkivät esittämään omia ratkaisujaan muiden ajatuksia parempina, esimerkiksi viittaamalla oman puolueensa suunnittelemiin budjetin pienennyksiin säästöinä ja muiden puolueiden vastaaviin ratkaisuihin leikkauksina. Dekonkretisaatiolla erityisesti verbilausekkeiden yhteydessä pyritään keskustelemaan talousongelmien ratkaisuista ympäripyöreästi ja abstraktilla tasolla nimeämättä varsinaisia talouspoliittisia toimenpiteitä. Nominalisaation kautta esitetään tietynlaista talouspolitiikkaa pakollisena, häivytetään toimijuutta ja siirretään vastuuta pois omalta puolueelta. Ideologisilta taustoiltaan erilaiset puhujat käyttävät eufemisointia, dekonkretisaatiota ja nominalisaatiota melko samoilla tavoin, mutta eroavaisuuksia on havaittavissa siinä, millaisia käsityksiä ja millaista talouspolitiikkaa näillä kielellisillä keinoilla pyritään ajamaan. Aineiston pohjalta olisi mahdollista tutkia laajemminkin esimerkiksi toimijuutta, representaatiota tai vaikuttamista. Myöhemmässä tutkimuksessa olisi myös kiinnostavaa vertailla tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia talouskeskusteluun muissa englanninkielisissä valtioissa tai muissa poliittisissa konteksteissa, esimerkiksi Ison-Britannian parlamentissa.
  • Wood, Steffaney (2020)
    Cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales, including Baltic Sea bloom-forming species Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon flosaquae, Dolichospermum spp., produce resting stages, known as akinetes, under unfavorable conditions. These akinetes can persist in the sediment and germinate if favorable conditions return, simultaneously representing past blooms and possibly contributing to future bloom formation. The present study characterized cyanobacterial akinete survival, germination, and potential toxin production in 40-to-175- year-old brackish water sediment archives in order to understand historical bloom expansion, akinete persistence, and cyanobacteria life cycles in the northern Baltic Sea. Results showed that cyanobacterial akinetes can persist in and germinate from northern Baltic Sea sediment up to 424 and 174 years old, at coastal and open-sea locations respectively. Akinete abundance and viability decreased with age and depth of vertical sediment layers. Increases in sediment organic matter content and akinete abundance largely corresponded with the historical expansion of anthropogenic eutrophication-fueled blooms of cyanobacteria in the northern Baltic Sea, beginning in the mid-twentieth century. The detection of potential hepatotoxin production from akinetes and revived cultures was minimal and restricted to the coastal sediment core. Phylogenetic analysis of culturable cyanobacteria from the coastal sediment core indicated that the majority of strains likely belonged to benthic genera Anabaena. Findings also supported the notion that, in comparison with Nodularia and Aphanizomenon spp. akinetes, Anabaena/Dolichospermum spp. akinetes play a more significant role in their life cycle and bloom initiation strategies. Further research is recommended to accurately quantify akinetes and create a higher rate of toxin gene detection from brackish water sediment samples in order to further describe species-specific benthic archives of cyanobacteria. Overall, measuring cyanobacterial akinete abundance, germination experiments, and genetic methods can be effectively used to determine akinete persistence, viability, and potential toxin production in brackish water sediment samples. This study highlights the prolonged survival of cyanobacterial akinetes in northern Baltic Sea sediment samples, up to 174 years old.
  • Valo, Janne (2014)
    The thesis reviews the issue of cyber attacks and international law in terms of jus ad bellum, the law concerning the recourse to force by states. The thesis takes the view that the existing rules on the use of force, namely Articles 2(4) and 51 of the United Nations Charter and the corresponding rules of customary international law apply to attacks regardless of the way they are carried out and thus, they apply to cyber attacks as well. Two central examples of different kinds of cyber attacks are presented to illustrate the issue: the attacks against Estonia in 2007 and Stuxnet, the malware that targeted Iranian nuclear facilities and was discovered in 2010. Before covering the main question of if and when cyber attacks may constitute uses of force or armed attacks, the thesis takes a brief historical look at how the just war doctrine and the regulation of war have evolved to their current state. The thesis argues that while cyber attacks are a new phenomenon with certain unique aspects, they are a part of the evolution and continuum of armed conflict. The thesis takes a look at the different approaches (instrument-based, target-based and effects-based) to assessing the question of whether or not a cyber attack crosses the threshold of a use of force or an armed attack. The effects-based view is found to be most appropriate one. It is argued that particularly cyber attacks that cause death, injury, damage or destruction qualify as uses of force. As cyber operations make it possible to cause severe economic consequences without the use of physical force, the question of economic force is discussed as well. The thesis argues that while the prevailing view is that Article 2(4) does not cover the use of economic force, the question may arise in the context of cyber attacks, and an attack with such consequences may result in a reappraisal of the issue in state practice. Turning to armed attacks, the thesis argues that cyber operations may also qualify as armed attacks. Accepting the prevailing view that distinguishes between uses of force and armed attacks, the thesis claims that for a cyber operation to rise to the level of an armed attack, the consequences must be sufficiently grave. It is argued that for example a denial-of-service attack does not fulfil the criteria of an armed attack, but an attack that causes fatalities or severe damage or destruction would cross the threshold and justify self-defence. The thesis also discusses the question of anticipatory self-defence in the context of cyber attacks.
  • Pineda, Jack (2014)
    This research will be comprised of five main parts which are directly correlated to achieve some well-based conclusions. The first part will be regarding cybersecurity in general and cybersecurity in the European Union. Here we will give some data that will show the relevance of the topic in our daily life, while at the same time demonstrating why it is so important to have a good cybersecurity strategy to protect the Union’s citizens. In the second part, we will analyse the cybersecurity-related legislation in the European Union, which will give us a good head start as to how we stand in the European Union. The third part will consist of the analysis and description of the law enforcement agencies cooperation with companies in the European Union and how this cooperation can be successful enough for the benefit of the whole Union. In the fourth part we will discuss injunctions in the European Union, in general, and then we will specifically discuss injunctions in the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain. Last, but not least, we will analyse the United States’ legislation and law enforcement agency regarding cybersecurity. Also, during the course of our research, we will interview two Associate General Counsels of one of the biggest technology firms in the world, Microsoft. Microsoft is a leading company in the cybersecurity space with a broad range of experience of working to disrupt malware and botnets, through private law and through law enforcement partnership.
  • Heiskanen, Suvi (2010)
    Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is studied to take part in the migration neurons and development of brain. It is proven to participate also in the mediation of endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is a crucial physiological mechanism in mediating wound healing and menstrual cycle among other functions. It is also important in some patophysiological processes like diabetic retinopathy and tumour outgrow. Tumour is shown to need its own vascularisation after reaching a size of 2-3 mm as a diameter in order to proceed growing. This makes Cdk5 a potential therapeutic target in regulating angiogenesis. In order to be activated, Cdk5 forms a complex together with its neuronal activator p35 or p39, or with their respective cleavage products p25 or p29. The mechanisms, how Cdk5 is activated in human ehdothelial cells has not been studied before. This master thesis is to evaluate the existence of Cdk5 activators p35 and p39 and their respective cleavage products in spreading human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to mimic the cell migration by freshly plating the cells. In our studies we performed western blot analysis and quantitative PCR analysis to investigate the expression of p35 and p25 in spreading HUVECs in different time points. We also performed an immunofluorescence assay to investigate the localisation of p35 and p25 in spreading HUVECs using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The expression of p35 and p25 was also studied after growth factor stimulation (VEGF, FGF). The expression of the activator p39 in spreading HUVECs was studied using quantitative PCR method. Finally we investigated the interaction of Cdk5 with its activator p35 and its cleavage product p25 in spreading HUVECs using immunoprecipitation (IP). We were able to show in our studies that the activators p35 and p25 are expressed in HUVECs and that their expression is changing in spreading HUVECs in different time points. Additionally we were able to show, that p35 and p25 are partly localized in periphery in spreading cells. We were able to show that also the activator p39 is expressed in spreading HUVECs, but its relative amount was shown to be only a small portion of p35 in HUVECs. We were able to prove the interaction of Cdk5 with its activator p35 and p25 using immunoprecipitation, although the result could not be completely verified. Stimulation with growth factors showed no appreciable changes in the expression of p35 or p25. Based on the results, we can state that both the activator p35 and p39, and at least p25, the cleavage product p35, are expressed also in HUVECs. As they are neuronal activators of Cdk5 and Cdk5 has shown to participate in the mediation of angiogenesis and endothelial cell migration, the results amplify our hypothesis that also these activators might have a role in mediating endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis. Nevertheless to assure it, to specify the possible different roles of each activators and their interaction with Cdk5, further studies are needed.
  • Gruzdaitis, Päivi (2011)
    Complications of atherosclerosis such as myocardial infarction and stroke are the primary cause of death in Western societies. The development of atherosclerotic lesions is a complex process, including endothelial cell dysfunction, inflammation, extracellular matrix alteration and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration. Various cell cycle regulatory proteins control VSMC proliferation. Protein kinases called cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) play a major role in regulation of cell cycle progression. At specific phases of the cell cycle, CDKs pair with cyclins to become catalytically active and phosphorylate numerous substrates contributing to cell cycle progression. CDKs are also regulated by cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors, activating and inhibitory phosphorylation, proteolysis and transcription factors. This tight regulation of cell cycle is essential; thus its deregulation is connected to the development of cancer and other proliferative disorders such as atherosclerosis and restenosis as well as neurodegenerative diseases. Proteins of the cell cycle provide potential and attractive targets for drug development. Consequently, various low molecular weight CDK inhibitors have been identified and are in clinical development. Tylophorine is a phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of several human cancer cell lines. It was used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammatory disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tylophorine on human umbilical vein smooth muscle cell (HUVSMC) proliferation, cell cycle progression and the expression of various cell cycle regulatory proteins in order to confirm the findings made with tylophorine in rat cells. We used several methods to determine our hypothesis, including cell proliferation assay, western blot and flow cytometric cell cycle distribution analysis. We demonstrated by cell proliferation assay that tylophorine inhibits HUVSMC proliferation dose-dependently with an IC50 value of 164 nM ± 50. Western blot analysis was used to determine the effect of tylophorine on expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Tylophorine downregulates cyclin D1 and p21 expression levels. The results of tylophorine's effect on phosphorylation sites of p53 were not consistent. More sensitive methods are required in order to completely determine this effect. We used flow cytometric cell cycle analysis to investigate whether tylophorine interferes with cell cycle progression and arrests cells in a specific cell cycle phase. Tylophorine was shown to induce the accumulation of asynchronized HUVSMCs in S phase. Tylophorine has a significant effect on cell cycle, but its role as cell cycle regulator in treatment of vascular proliferative diseases and cancer requires more experiments in vitro and in vivo.
  • Kaartinen, Taavi (2018)
    In vitro studies have shown that esomeprazole, the S-isomer of omeprazole, is a metabolism dependent inhibitor (MDI) of cytochrome P450 2C19, an essential drug-metabolizing enzyme. In this study, we characterized the effects of esomeprazole in vivo on CYP2C19, 3A4, and 1A2 using pantoprazole, midazolam, and caffeine, respectively, as probe drugs. In addition, we estimated the half-life of CYP2C19 by observing its recovering activity after inhibition. In a 5-phase study 10 healthy volunteers were administered 20 mg pantoprazole, 50 mg caffeine and 0.5 mg midazolam before and 1, 25, 49 and 73 hours after a 7 day pretreatment with 80mg esomeprazole twice daily. Esomeprazole increased the (R)-pantoprazole’s exposure up to 5-fold and the significant increase lasted at least 72 hours, which suggests strong MDI of CYP2C19. Esomeprazole had a minor effect on CYP3A4 and no effect on CYP1A2. The turnover half-life of CYP2C19 was estimated to be 46 hours. This estimation will be useful in the future for in vitro-in vivo extrapolations and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of CYP2C19. Concomitant use of drugs metabolized by CYP2C19 should be considered cautiously because of the clinically relevant strong and prolonged inhibition of CYP2C19 by esomeprazole. Alterations in exposures to drugs metabolized by CYP2C19 are expected after discontinuation of esomeprazole treatment for at least 3-4 days.
  • Koskela, Outi (2012)
    Pharmacogenetics is the study of variations in DNA sequence as related to drug response, i.e. pharmacokinetics, drug efficacy and adverse effects. The literature review of the thesis covers pharmacogenetics of analgesics. The most studied genetic variations affecting the analgesics response are the 118A>G variant of µ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) and several variations in the genes coding for cytochrome (CYP) P450 enzymes. Also variations in the COMT gene and the ABCB1 gene coding for P-glycoprotein have been shown to modify the response to analgesics. Genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 enzymes was studied in the experimental part of the thesis. The aim of the study was to determine if the allele and haplotype frequencies of the CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 gene variations are different between Finnish breast cancer patients and healthy volunteers. The results will be further used to explore whether the genetic polymorphism of these metabolic enzymes affects the response to a certain drug substance. The study population consisted of 996 Finnish breast cancer patients. Common genetic variants affecting the enzymatic activity of CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 were studied. In addition to gene copy number, ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the CYP2D6 gene were genotyped. For CYP3A4 gene, genotyping was done for intron 6 SNP rs35599367 shown to decrease CYP3A4 gene expression. CYP3A5 SNP 6986A>G leading to splicing defect and premature STOP codon was also genotyped. Genotyping and copy number determination was done using PCR-based TaqMan® 5'-nuclease method. CYP2D6 haplotype analysis and phenotype predictions were derived based on genotype data. According to CYP2D6 enzyme activity individuals are commonly classified as poor metabolizers (PM), intermediate metabolizers (IM), extensive metabolizers (EM) or ultra-rapid metabolizers (UM). The frequencies of CYP2D6 phenotypic classes in our study population were the following: PM, 2.8%; IM 2.0 %; EM 87.7% and UM 7.6%. The haplotype and phenotype frequencies determined for breast cancer patients coincide with the values observed earlier for Finnish healthy volunteers. In our study population, the minor allele frequency (MAF) of the CYP3A4 rs35599367 SNP was 2.7% and the MAF of the CYP3A5 6986G>A SNP 7.6%. The MAF of CYP3A5 6986G>A SNP found in our study is in line with the previous findings for Finnish healthy volunteers. There are no previous publications on the frequency of CYP3A4 rs35599367 SNP in Finnish population. In conclusion, no differences were detected in the frequency of the studied CYP2D6 and CYP3A5 genetic variations between Finnish breast cancer patients and healthy volunteers. Frequency of CYP3A4 rs35599367 SNP in Finnish healthy volunteers should be determined in order to compare it with our findings in the population comprising of breast cancer patients. The results of this study can be further used to explore the effects of CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 genetic polymorphism on drug response.
  • Yli-Hynnilä, Anna (2021)
    Taenia saginata on ihmisen suolistoloinen, jonka väli-isäntänä toimii nauta tai muu märehtijä. Väli-isännän lihaksiin asettuvaa larvaa kustutaan nimellä Cysticercus bovis, ja lihaksissaan kystikerkuksia kantava nauta sairastaa kystikerkoosia. T. saginataa esiintyy maailmanlaajuisesti. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan syömällä huonosti kypsennettyä tai raakaa elinvoimaisia kystikerkuksia sisältävää lihaa. Ihmisellä ohutsuolessa asustava T. saginata aiheuttaa harvoin oireita, ja ihmisellä tartunta on harvinainen. Mato voi kuitenkin aiheuttaa epämääräisiä vatsavaivoja ja psyykkistä kuormitusta. Lisäksi T. saginatan ihmiskantajat ovat naudalle tartunnan lähde. Tartunnan saanut nauta on usein ihmisen tavoin oireeton, eikä sitä pidetä suurena uhkana elintarviketurvallisuudelle, mutta se aiheuttaa taloudellisia menetyksiä liha-alalla vakuutusten, ruhojen arvon vähenemisen, hylkäysten, kylmäkäsitttelyn sekä ylimääräisen käsittelyn vuoksi. Kystikerkoosia torjutaan lain määrittelemällä lihantarkastuksella. Joulukuussa voimaan astuneessa Komission täytäntöönpanoasetuksessa 2019/627 määritellään, ettei poskiviiltojen tekeminen post mortem -tarkastuksessa ole pakollista, jos C. boviksen esiintyvyys on pienempi kuin yksi miljoonasta, esiintyvyys osoitettu 95 % varmuudella tai viimeisen 1–2 vuoden aikana teurastetuissa eläimissä ei ole havaittu yhtään tapausta. Jo nykyistä edeltänyt asetus (EY) 854/2004 sallii lihantarkastuksessa tehtävien viiltojen vähentämisen, mikäli serologisia testejä on käytetty tai tila on todettu vapaaksi kystikerkoosista. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus selvittää T. saginatan esiintyvyyttä sekä kartoittaa ja vertailee T. saginatan erilaisia havainnointimenetelmiä. Katsaus arvioi myös lihantarkastuksen toimivuutta kystikerksten löytämiseksi sekä esittelee kystikerkoosin riskitekijöitä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus tarjoaa tietoa, joka on hyödynnettävissä esimerkiksi lihantarkastuksen menetelmiä uudistettaessa ja riskiperusteista lihantarkastusta suunniteltaessa. Kystikerkoosin esiintyvyys on muun muassa serologisin menetelmin saatujen tulosten valossa merkittävästi suurempi kuin lihantarkastukseen nojaavat teurastamojen valvontaraportit osoittavat. Lainsäädäntöön perustuva lihantarkastus ei havaitse isoa osaa tartunnoista, joten tarkemmat menetelmät olisivat tarpeen. Esiintyvyys vaihtelee paljon eri maiden ja alueiden välillä riippuen eläintenpitokäytännöistä ja olosuhteista. ELISA-menetelmistä (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) Ag-ELISA-testi voisi olla Suomen oloissa toimiva testi, jos kystikerkoosin seurantaa tarvitaan. Koska kaupallisia testejä ei kuitenkaan vielä ole saatavilla ja kynnys niiden käyttöönottoon on todennäköisesti suuri, sydämen lisäviiltojen tekeminen voisi olla muutos, joka parantaisi lihantarkastuksen herkkyyttä. Teurastamojen voisi olla helpompi myös nykyisellään helpompi sopeutua niiden tekemiseen. Toisaalta suunta on päinvastainen uuden, lihantarkastusta keventävän asetuksen (EKN 2019/627) kanssa.
  • Chesnut, Sally (2022)
    Emerging research suggests that bacteriophages (phages) may exhibit alternative infection strategies that deviate from the preconceived lytic or lysogenic life cycles. Carrier cell infection is an alternative phage life cycle where complete virus particles are formed and remain within host cells, without cell lysis or integration into the host genome. Phage Φ6 (Φ6), the type member of the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus family Cystoviridae, is a lytic phage that can also establish a carrier cell within its plant pathogenic host, Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) phaseolicola strain HB10Y (HB10Y). This thesis contributes to current limited knowledge and provides an insight on the underlying mechanisms of the Φ6 carrier cell infection. This study has agricultural and ecological relevance and may contribute to future plant therapeutic options. Synthetic carrier cell lines harboring Φ6 tri-segmented genome or Φ6 genomic constructs in which the coding regions in the S- and/or M- segments were replaced by heterologous sequences from tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) were created using a reverse genetics method. Spontaneous Φ6 carrier cell lines were also isolated from HB10Y after exposure of the host to excess phage. Spontaneous carrier cells were not stable, but rather occasionally released phage into liquid culture. Synthetic carrier cell lines were subjected to secondary phage infection and were found to be less susceptible than wild type (WT) to Φ6 but not Φ8, a more distant member of Cystoviridae. Studies suggest that carrier cell resistance to secondary infection (superinfection exclusion) is exhibited through the Φ6 S-segment gene 8. To test how temperature affects the stability of Φ6 carrier cells, spontaneous carrier cell line culture was incubated at RT and 30°C, and phage productivity was compared. Elevated temperature induced carrier cell stability. Comparison of the growth curves between Φ6 synthetic and spontaneous carrier cell lines and their respective WT strains showed that Φ6 carrier cell infection does not greatly affect host growth.
  • Kiiskinen, Elina (2022)
    Inclusion bodies are intracellular limited aggregates that consist of subcellular components, such as proteins, that have folded incorrectly, accumulated, and not been eliminated by cells protective systems. Neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion bodies are formed in many human neurodegenerative diseases but have also been found in some canine neurodegenerative diseases. Malfunction of protein degradation systems has been linked to formation of inclusion bodies but the underlying purpose behind inclusion body formation is still often unknown. Lagotto Romagnolo (LR) is an old Italian dog breed. Several neurological diseases, such as benign familial juvenile epilepsy and cerebellar cortical abiotrophy, are known to occur among LR dogs. Eosinophilic neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion bodies have been discovered in brain samples of LR dogs with benign familial juvenile epilepsy and in LRs without clinical signs of disease. This licentiate thesis consists of a literature review and a histological study. The literature review introduces neuronal inclusion bodies and their known contents in general, as well as human and canine diseases linked to these inclusion bodies along with cellular processes that might be linked to the formation of inclusions. The most common staining methods used for neuronal inclusion bodies are also presented briefly. The study is a descriptive, retrospective study aiming to define the content of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion bodies of LR dogs. The study material consisted of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain samples from four LR dogs that underwent autopsy at Section for Veterinary Pathology, University of Helsinki, from 2012 to 2018. One female dog with and three female dogs without neurological signs, all with a finding of intraneuronal cytoplasmic inclusions in the brain sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin-stain, were chosen for further stainings. The geniculate nuclei brain samples were stained histochemically for glycoproteins, lipoproteins, basic amino acids, and fibrin. Immunohistochemical stains used were ubiquitin, a-synuclein, β-amyloid, p62, LC3 and 1C2. The inclusions stained positively with Mallory phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin staining (PTAH) in all tested samples. PTAH is a histochemical stain with a high affinity to basic amino acids lysine, arginine, and histidine. Neuronal inclusion bodies that are positive on PTAH have been found as spontaneous age-related lesions in laboratory mice. In electron microscopy, the inclusion material was electron dense and finely granular with some small vesicular profiles without a limiting membrane. In conclusion, the neuronal inclusion bodies in geniculate nuclei of LR dogs in this study contain basic amino acids and not carbohydrates, lipids, or fibrinous material. The inclusion bodies are, however, not targeted for degradation as no p62, LC3 or ubiquitin signal was detected. Aggregation of a-synuclein or β-amyloid were also not detected within the inclusion.