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Browsing by master's degree program "Logopedian maisteriohjelma"

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  • Urrio, Leena (2019)
    Aims. This study examines the expressions of 4–5 year old bilingual (Russian-Finnish) children with and without developmental language disorder and the aim is to examine, how the morphosyntactic repertoires of these children differ from each other, what type of morphosyntactic changes are observable in these expressions and is it possible to track traces that illustrate the effect of crosslinguistic transfer of Russian language on the morphosyntax of Finnish language. Examining the language development of bilingual children with and without developmental language disorder is important, because more information about the linguistic features that indicate developmental language disorder is needed. This study is one of the first studies in Finland that examines the morphosyntax in the Finnish-language expressions of bilingual children, whose first language is a minority language. This study is part of the PAULA-project, which examines the effects of a small group intervention targeted to children with refugee and foreign backgrounds. Methods. The material of this study consists of video footage from the PAULA-project’s language assessment situations. The children’s skills were assessed with the Finnish Test of Phonology, the Reynell Developmental Language Scales (test of receptive speech) and The Cat Story 3 picture sequencing narrative task and in three short play situations. The expressions of four typically developing bilingual 4–5-year-old children and three 4-year-olds with developmental language disorder were transcribed from the video footage. The language samples were analyzed with the Index of Productive Syntax (IPSyn). Verb and noun inflection were also examined with qualitative methods. Results and conclusions. The morphosyntactic repertoires of case markers in the typically developing children’s nominal phrases turned out to be more extensive than the repertoire of the children with developmental language disorder. Use of adverbials in verb phrases indicated that the typically developing children were able to produce more complex phrases than children with developmental language disorder. In this study, the morphosyntactic features that seem to indicate developmental language disorder in the Finnish-language expressions were inappropriate use of case markers or the complete lack of case markers in noun phrases, frequent errors in subject-verb agreement, and ungrammatical word formation. Effects of crosslinguistic transfer were identified in the use of negatition, past tense and code-switching.
  • Luoma, Anna-Sofia (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Kuulovamma voi aiheuttaa sanahaun, toiminnanohjauksen ja sanaston kehittymisen viivettä. Näitä taitoja tarvitaan sanasujuvuustehtävässä ja Nopean sarjallisen nimeämisen (RAN) testissä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa musiikkiharjoittelun on huomattu vaikuttavan positiivisesti normaalikuuloisten lasten kielellisiin taitoihin ja toiminnan ohjauksen säätelyyn. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten alle kouluikäiset, kuulovammaiset lapset suoriutuvat sanasujuvuustehtävästä ja RAN-testistä ennen musiikki-interventiota ja sen jälkeen ja vaikuttaako musiikki-interventio tulosten kehittymiseen. Tutkimus on osa MULAPAPU-tutkimushanketta. Menetelmät. Tähän tutkimukseen osallistui neljätoista 2–6-vuotiasta kuulovammaista lasta, jotka käyttivät molemminpuolisia sisäkorvaistutteita tai kuulokojeita tai toisessa korvassa istutetta ja toisessa kojetta. Tutkimuksen mittausmenetelminä käytettiin RAN-testiä ja sanasujuvuustehtävää. Sanasujuvuustehtävässä tarkasteltiin hyväksyttyjen sanojen lisäksi sanahaunstrategioita sekä klusteri- ja virhetyyppejä. Tutkimusasetelma oli vaihtovuoroinen: osalla lapsista oli odotusperiodi ennen interventiota ja osalla sen jälkeen eli lapset toimivat itse omina verrokkeinaan. Tehtäväsuoriutumista ja intervention aikaista kehitystä tarkasteltiin tilastollisesti taustamuuttujaryhmittäin, joihin tutkittavat jaettiin kuulolaitteiden, sukupuolen ja ikäryhmän mukaan. Musiikki-intervention vaikuttavuutta tarkasteltiin interventioperiodin ja odotusperiodien aikana tuloksissa tapahtuneita muutoksia vertailemalla. Tulokset ja pohdinta. Koko ryhmää tarkasteltaessa tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia intervention aikana tapahtui eniten sanasujuvuustehtävän vaatekategoriassa. Taustamuuttujaryhmistä iällä oli vahva yhteys parempaan suoriutumiseen ja suurempaan kehitykseen. Vanhempien lasten ryhmä kehittyi nuorempia tilastollisesti merkitsevästi enemmän intervention aikana ja sai merkitsevästi parempia tuloksia eläin ja vaatekategoriassa intervention jälkeisellä mittauskerralla. RAN-tehtävässä tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia ei tapahtunut. Odotusperiodeilla tutkittavat eivät kehittyneet tilastollisesti merkitsevästi kummassakaan tehtävässä, mutta interventioperiodilla vanhemmista lapsista koostunut kevään 2020 ryhmä kehittyi vaatekategoriassa usean muuttujan kohdalla tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Tulosten perusteella musiikkia kannattaa käyttää kuulovammaisten lasten kuntoutuksessa jo ennen kouluikää, sillä se voi vaikuttaa positiivisesti lasten sanahakuun.
  • Julia, Forsman (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Kuulovammaisilla on usein vaikeuksia puheen prosodian kuten äänenkorkeuksien havaitsemisessa. Nämä vaikeudet haittaavat muun muassa puheen ja kielen kehitystä sekä puheen emootioiden havaitsemista. Musiikillisen toiminnan on havaittu tutkimusnäytön perusteella edistävän kuulovammaisten lasten puheen prosodisten piirteiden havaitsemista ja kielellistä kehitystä. Tutkimuksia musiikkitoiminnan vaikutuksista kuulovammaisten lasten prosodisten piirteiden havaitsemiseen on tehty kuitenkin vasta vähän. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaista on molemminpuolisesti (bilateraalisesti) kuulovammaisten, bilateraalisesti kuulolaitteita käyttävien lasten äänenkorkeuksien ja -kestojen havaitseminen ja parantaako musiikki-interventio niiden havaitsemista. Lisäksi tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin, eroaako nuorempien ja vanhempien kuulovammaisten lasten sekä kuulokojeita/bimoodaalisesti kuulokojetta ja sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien (KK/SIKK) ja molemminpuolisia sisäkorvaistutteita käyttävien (SI) kuulovammaisten lasten äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitseminen sekä intervention aikainen kehitys toisistaan. Tässä tutkielmassa vertaillaan tiedettävästi ensimmäistä kertaa kuulokojeita/bimoodaalisesti kuulokojetta ja sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien ja molemminpuolisia sisäkorvaistutteita käyttävien kuulovammaisten lasten äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitsemista ja kehitystä toisiinsa. Menetelmät. Tämän tutkielman koehenkilöt koostuivat MULAPAPU-tutkimuksen tutkittavista. Viisitoista 3–7-vuotiasta kuulovammaista lasta suoritti äänenkorkeuksien sekä -kestojen havaitsemisen tehtävän, jonka avulla kerättiin äänenkorkeuksien ja -kestojen erottelukynnysarvoja. MULAPAPU-tutkimus toteutettiin vaihtovuoroisella tutkimusasetelmalla, jolloin musiikki-intervention vaikuttavuutta voitiin tarkastella vertaamalla interventionperiodin aikaista kehitystä ennen interventiota ja intervention jälkeen tapahtuneeseen kehitykseen. Tulokset ja pohdinta. Tilastollisesti merkitseviä tuloksia intervention vaikuttavuudesta ei saatu, vaikka tulokset äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitsemistehtävässä paranivat ryhmätasolla intervention aikana. Yksilötasolla useampi SI-lapsista edistyi äänenkorkeuksien havaitsemistehtävässä musiikki-intervention aikana verrattuna KK/SIKK-lapsiin ja puolet molempien kuulolaiteryhmien tutkittavista kehittyi äänen kestojen havaitsemisessa. Myös vähintään puolet nuoremmista ja vanhemmista tutkittavista edistyi intervention aikana. Äänenkorkeuksien ja äänen kestojen havaitsemisen harjaannuttamisesta musiikkitoiminnan avulla on mahdollisesti hyötyä kielellisten taitojen edistämisessä, millä on myönteinen vaikutus kuulovammaisten lasten elämänlaatuun.
  • Manninen, Emmi (2021)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Objectives. Previous research has shown that different types of speech and language impediments are very common amongst young offenders. These difficulties can affect different linguistic subskills, such as speaking, understanding, reading and writing. They are often undiagnosed and can be confused with other afflictions, for example, behavioural problems. Difficulties can affect education and can weaken an offender’s ability to cope in different situations during the judicial process and prison sentences. In previous international studies, speech and language difficulties have been apparent both using objective measurements and also according to the offenders’ own opinions of their capabilities. In Finland, this is the first study of its kind. The objective of this study was to investigate Finnish-speaking young adult offenders’ own perspectives of their language and literacy skills. In addition, the aim was to investigate how possible language and literacy difficulties have had an effect on them in different situations, and whether these young adult offenders are willing to improve their skills. This study also investigated whether they are interested in receiving external support, such as speech and language therapy Methods. This was an empirical, qualitative research project, and the data was collected using semi-structured interviews. In total, ten Finnish-speaking young adult (male) offenders aged between 18 and 29 from two prisons in Finland participated in this study. Findings and conclusions. Young adult offenders mostly assessed their own language and literacy skills to be average, though they also mentioned different problems affecting their speech, understanding, reading and writing skills. Such difficulties had an impact on their interactions with different authorities, but also their abilities to cope within the judicial process and any prison sentence. They felt that their lawyers had provided important help in linguistically challenging situations. Most of the participants were keen to develop their language and literacy skills with external support. The results show that it is important to recognise offenders with language and literacy difficulties in the Finnish legal system, and to train authorities and staff working with them to recognise these difficulties more effectively. This could be a task for a speech-language therapist (SLT) or a special legal interpreter with the guidance of an SLT. Recognising language and literacy difficulties and supporting offenders who struggle with them can help to create a non-discriminatory judicial process, improving offenders’ commitment to rehabilitative activities and promoting their integration in society.
  • Pesonen, Riina (2020)
    Aims. The aim of my study was to find out how much children, ages one to three, use functionally different kinds of pointing gestures, and whether their usage has a connection to children’s productive language development. I also surveyed in what kind of situations children use pointing gestures, and what kind of features are associated with their usage. Earlier studies have shown that the use of pointing gestures is at its largest at the age of 1,5 years, and that both the initiative pointing features and the declarative pointing features have a connection to the language acquisition of a child. The increase in number of pointing gestures precedes the growth of the productive vocabulary. It has been estimated that the combinations of pointing gesture and single word production in children predicts the skill to combine individual words into longer expressions. children begin to use combinations of pointing gestures and words about four months before they begin to combine individual words into longer expressions. It’s been noticed in earlier studies that different type of pointing gestures has different type of features, for example there is usually sound or word production with declarative pointing but imperative pointing often occur without word production. Methods. The source material of this longitudinal study consisted of a video material of five (n=5) children. For every child’s part, a 30-minute long video of a spontaneous playing or eating situation was analyzed at five different age points (1;0, 1;6, 2;0, 2;6 and 3;0). ELAN-software was used to mark the variables that were observed. The results were analyzed by statistical methods. The use of pointing gestures in different kinds of situations and the features associated with them were surveyed by the means of conversational analysis. Results and conclusions. The use of pointing gestures was at its height at the age point of 1;6, after which their use decreased. Initiatives and declarative pointings were the most commonly occurred functions. Answers and imperative pointings performed by pointing gestures appeared remotely in the entire source material, and no change in them was discovered between the age points. The amount of produced words grew bigger than the amount of pointing gestures a little before the children’s second birthday. Initiatives and declarative pointings were used by the children to draw an adult’s attention or to ask for the naming of objects. The children used imperative pointings most commonly when they wanted an object. Responsive pointings were used by the children to answer questions of adults. Initiatives, and declarative and imperative pointings were almost always related to production of language, unlike the responsive pointings. The results support former research data on the use of pointing gestures, and its connection to the development of children’s productive language acquisition. The results also support the importance of initiative and declarative pointing gestures in the development of a child's speech. The analysing of pointing gestures as a part of children’s interaction can aid to acquire a more thorough understanding of the development of a child’s speech and interactional skills during their first years.
  • Suomalainen, Anna-Katri (2021)
    Vocal symptoms and voice disorders may have a detrimental effect on the quality of life. Earlier research has shown that individuals working in professions with heavy vocal loading are more susceptible to voice problems than the general population. Studies have also shown that kindergarten teachers are especially susceptible to voice problems, but studies addressing vocal symptoms and voice ergonomic risk factors concerning day care center personnel in Finland are scarce. The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of vocal symptoms in day care center personnel in Finland, and to find out how the symptoms affect the personnel’s daily life. The study also investigated which voice ergonomic risk factors have a statistically significant association with frequently occurring vocal symptoms. In total, 72 kindergarten teachers and children’s nurses from 19 daycare centers in southern Finland participated in the study. Data were collected through an online questionnaire, which included demographic information, health and voice-related questions, Screen6, Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and Voice Activity and Participation Profile (VAPP). Sections concerning voice ergonomics in work environment included working culture, working posture and indoor air quality. The data were analyzed using SPSS 27 software. Of the participants, 29 percent experienced two or more symptoms daily or weekly, which, according to previous research, can be defined as a voice problem. The most common frequently occurring vocal symptom was a need for throat clearing or coughing while speaking, which occurred among 32 percent of the participants daily or weekly. The scores on the VHI and VAPP, however, showed that the vocal symptoms did not have a significant negative effect on daily activities. There was a statistically significant association between frequently occurring vocal symptoms and asthma medication, heartburn, respiratory infections during the last 12 months, absence from work due to voice problems during the last 12 months (not related to respiratory infections), noise, colleagues’ distractive voice use, muscle tension in shoulders, chin and in the back of the neck, dry indoor air, dusty indoor air and poor indoor air quality in the workplace in the mornings. The results are similar to previous findings, and they strengthen the idea that in order to be able to prevent voice disorders, it is essential to pay special attention to voice and voice ergonomics in day care centers.
  • Tikkanen, Minea (2021)
    Aim of the study. Multilingualism is globally more common than monolingualism and especially sequential multilingualism is increasing also in Finland. Reading is essential skill in our society, and it is a way to fully participate in information society. According to previous research, learning to read while also acquiring more than one language may differ from monolingual reading acquisition. The purpose of this study is to add knowledge about early reading of sequentially multilingual children and compare it to monolingual peers. This study aims to answer to the question if early reading of multilingual children differs from early reading of monolingual children at the age of 6 to 7. Additionally, the aim is to investigate the relations between early reading and linguistic factors and background factors. Methods. Participants of the study were multilingual pre-schoolers and first graders (n = 38) and monolingual pre-schoolers and first graders (n = 37). Reading tasks were letter-knowledge, rapid automatized naming, phonological awareness, pseudoword repetition and syllable reading. Linguistic factors were speech comprehension and verbal fluency and background factors time of exposure to Finnish language, parental education, and familial risk for reading difficulty. Mann-Whitney’s U-test was used to statistically analyse group differences. The relations between early reading and linguistic factors and background factors were investigated with Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients. Results and discussion. Multilingual children performed poorer than monolingual children in letter-knowledge and phonological awareness in all the participants and pre-schoolers. In first grade multilingual children performed poorer to monolingual children only in pseudoword repetition. There were statistically significant relations between speech comprehension and letter-knowledge, and speech comprehension and phonological awareness. A relation was found also between verbal fluency and rapid automized naming. The relations were slightly different in monolingual and multilingual children. There were barely any statistically significant relations between early reading and background factors. These results are in line with the view that multilingual early reading is different than monolingual, but multilingual children perform quite well considering their language proficiency in Finnish. The gap in reading skills between monolingual and multilingual children also narrows from pre-school to first grade.
  • Aakko, Iida (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Kasvavan tutkimusnäytön perusteella ultraäänilaitteen visuaalista palautetta voidaan hyödyntää äännevirhekuntoutuksessa. Ultraäänikuva voi auttaa asiakkaita havaitsemaan kielen sijainnin ja liikkeet äänteen tuoton aikana edistäen äänteen motorisen tuottotavan oppimista. Aiempien utkimuksien mukaan visuaalisesta palautteesta voivat hyötyä erityisesti ne asiakkaat, jotka ovat saaneet aiempaa äännevirhekuntoutusta mutta eivät ole oppineet tavoiteäännettä. Tutkimusta on toistaiseksi tehty vähän muilla kuin englannin kielellä. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitetään perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin verkkosovellus, jolla voidaan arvioida ultraäänikuntoutuksen vaikutusta [r]-äänteen tuottotapaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin yhdenmukaisuutta, sen soveltuvuutta äännevirheiden arviointimenetelmäksi sekä arvioijan kokemuksen vaikutusta arviointituloksiin. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan myös alustavasti ultraäänilaitteen soveltuvuutta [r]-äännevirhekuntoutukseen. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on monitapaustutkimus, johon osallistui neljä 10–11-vuotiasta poikaa. Kaikilla osallistujilla oli primaari [r]-äännevirhe. Tutkimusaineisto lasten [r]-äänteistä ja niiden varianteista kerättiin interventiossa kolmena ajankohtana: intervention alussa, puolessa välissä ja lopussa. 11 arvioijaa (6 puheterapeuttia ja 5 logopedian opiskelijaa) ja arvioi kuulonvaraisesti 181 sanoista eristettyä äännenäytettä verkkosovelluksella. 12 näytettä arvioitiin kategorisesti ja 169 jatkuvan muuttujan asteikolla. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin, ja lasten äänteiden arviointituloksia tarkasteltiin ryhmä- ja yksilötasolla. Tulokset. Arvioijien yhdenmukaisuus (ICC2) oli intervention alun arviointituloksissa 0,83 (p<0,001), intervention puolivälissä 0,89 (p<0,001) ja intervention lopussa 0.92 (p<0,001). [r]-äänteen tuottotavassa oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero intervention alun ja lopun mittausten välillä ryhmä ja yksilötasolla (Wilcoxonin järjestettyjen sijalukujen testi, p<0,001). Äänteen tuottotavoissa oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero myös intervention alun ja puolivälin sekä puolivälin ja lopun mittausten välillä ryhmä- ja yksilötasolla (p<0,001), paitsi puolivälin ja lopun mittauksien välillä lapsilla 1 (p ≈ 0,78) ja 3 (p ≈ 0,62). Puheterapeuttien ja logopedian opiskelijoiden arviointituloksien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero intervention alun arviointituloksissa (Mann-Whitneyn U-testi, p ≈ 0,0036), mutta eroa ei ollut intervention puolivälin (p ≈ 0,067) eikä lopun arviointituloksissa (p ≈ 0,80). Johtopäätökset. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin verkkosovellus vas-janaa käyttämällä osoittautui luotettavaksi menetelmäksi suomen kielen [r]-äännevirhekuntoutuksen vaikutuksen arvioimisessa, sillä arvioijien antamien arviointituloksien yhdenmukaisuus oli hyvää tai erinomaista tasoa. Arviointitulokset vas-janalla kuvastivat [r]-äänteen ja sen varianttien tuottotapaa. Alustavien tuloksien perusteella kaikki neljä lasta vaikuttivat hyötyneen [r]-äännevirheen ultraääni-interventiosta. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin tuloksia tulisi verrata jatkossa akustisiin analyyseihin tai ultraäänikuvien kvantitatiivisiin analyyseihin suuremmalla otoskoolla intervention laajemman vaikuttavuuden selvittämiseksi. Perkeptuaalisen arvioinnin verkkosovellus on sellaisenaan valmis jatkotutkimuksessa käytettäväksi.
  • Hurskainen, Wilma (2021)
    Abstract There is evidence of heavy screen time use being associated with poor lexical development in preschool (2–5 -year-old) children. On the other hand, it has been shown that from about 3 years of age onwards, children can learn from age-appropriate, language-promoting screen content. However, the previous evidence is mixed, and so far the knowledge of screen time used by Finnish children, its possible association with lexical development and parents´ attitudes towards their children´s screen time is very limited. It was the aim of this study to gain preliminary information on the quantity and quality of 2;6–3;6-year-old children´s screen time and its association with the children´s lexical development in Finnish language environment. A further aim was to gain information on Finnish parents´ attitudes towards the impact of screen time on language development and whether these attitudes were associated with either the quantity or quality of children´s screen time. This study used data from the LEINIKKI research project. The sample included 50 healthy, monolingual Finnish-speaking children aged between 2 years 6 months and 3 years 6 months. The quantity and quality of the children´s screen time and the parents´ attitudes were measured with a structured questionnaire. The children´s lexical development was assessed using the vocabulary section of the LEINIKKI parent report instrument and two subtests (receptive vocabulary and picture naming) of the WPPSI-III intelligence test. The associations between screen time and lexical development and between parents´ attitudes and screen time were studied by correlation analysis, Mann Whitney U tests, Poisson regression analysis and chi square tests. A higher amount of solitary screen time was significantly associated with poorer outcome in the WPPSI-III subtest that measures receptive vocabulary. There was also a negative trend between the amount of solitary screen time and the LEINIKKI method´s vocabulary points. However, a further analysis with Poisson regression model revealed that when background variables were added to the model, the screen time did not have a significant impact on lexical development. The quality of screen time was not associated with the lexical outcome. The parent´s positive attitude towards the screen time was associated with a higher amount of screen time but not the quality of the screen time. The attitude did not explain the variance in the quantity nor the quality of the children´s screen time.
  • Kallionpää, Anne (2022)
    Gesture use plays an important role in children's early communication, because it provides children with a way of expressing themselves already before they are able to speak. Earlier studies have shown that gestures and gesture-word combinations may also play a role in predicting later language development. However, there is not much research evidence concerning the gesture use of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) children yet. At the same time, many studies have shown that VLBW children face an increased risk of later difficulties in language development. Since gestures might provide insight into child's later language development already before the child is able to speak, gestures could make it possible to detect potential language difficulties early on. Therefore, it would be important to gain more information about the gesture development of VLBW children also. In this master's thesis, I aim to study the gesture use of VLBW children by comparing the gestures and gesture-word combinations of 18-month-old VLBW children to those of 18-month-old full term (FT) children. Another aim is to compare the gestures and gesture-word combinations of 18-month-old children to their expressive vocabularies and early grammatical skills at two years of age. The data of this thesis has been collected as part of a bigger study, The language development of very-low-birth-weight children, which is a sub study of the PIPARI study (Development and functioning of very-low-birth-weight infants from infancy to school age). The participants of this master's thesis study were 10 VLBW and 10 FT children. The participants' gestures were analysed from 10-minutes-long videotaped sessions by categorizing gestures into ritualized requests, deictic, iconic and conventional gestures as well as play schemes. In addition, gesture-word combinations were counted from the videotapes. Children's language skills at two years of age (the size of expressive vocabulary and the mean length of the three longest utterances, M3L value) were measured with the help of the Finnish version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories. Mann-Whitney U-test and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used in the statistical analysis. There were no statistically significant differences in the gesture use or the amount of gesture-word combinations between 18-month-old VLBW and FT children. Neither VLBW nor FT children had statistically significant correlations between 18-month-old gestures and 2-year-old language skills. Instead, the gesture-word combinations of 18-month-old VLBW children did correlate statistically significantly and quite strongly with 2-year-old VLBW children's expressive vocabularies and M3L values. For FT children the correlation between gesture-word combinations and expressive vocabulary did not reach statistical significance, while the correlation between gesture-word combinations and M3L values was almost statistically significant considering the significance level of 5 %. That is to say, based on this study, it seems that for VLBW children especially gesture-word combinations may have an important role in providing information of later language skills.
  • Rinne, Pauliina (2021)
    Pikkukeskosilla (syntymä <32 rv ja/tai syntymäpaino <1500 g) on kohonnut riski kielenkehityksen haasteisiin. Heillä on ryhmätasolla havaittu viivästymää ja haasteita sekä ymmärretyssä että ilmaistussa kielessä. Varhaisten sanaston prosessointitaitojen eli kuullun puheen prosessoinnin tehokkuuden yhteyttä sanaston kokoon on tutkittu vasta vähän. Sanaston prosessointitaitojen on pikkukeskosilla havaittu olevan yhteydessä myöhempään sanaston kokoon, mutta taitoja ei ole verrattu samassa ikäpisteessä. Prosessointitaitojen yhteyttä sanaston koostumukseen ei ole tutkittu vielä lainkaan. Tämä pro gradu -työ on osa Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa toteutuvaa Auditory environment by Parents of Preterm infant; Language development and Eye movements (APPLE) –tutkimusprojektia. Tämän pro gradu –työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista tietoa silmänliikkeisiin pohjaava sanaston prosessoinnin arviointimenetelmä antaa pikkukeskosten ilmaistun sanaston koon ja koostumuksen kehityksestä 18 kuukauden korjatussa iässä. Tutkittavien ryhmä koostui 20:stä pikkukeskosena (<32 rv) syntyneestä lapsesta (11 tyttöä ja 9 poikaa). Tutkimusmenetelminä 18 kuukauden iässä käytettiin silmänliikkeisiin pohjaavaa sanaston prosessoinnin arviointimenetelmää ja Varhaisen kommunikaation ja kielen kehityksen arviointimenetelmän Sanat, taivutukset ja lauseet -versiota. Tarkasteltavia muuttujia olivat sanaston prosessointitaidoista reaktioaika ja katseluaika, sekä sanaston kehityksen osalta ilmaistun sanaston koko, eri sanakategorioihin kuuluvien sanojen määrä ja sanojen osuus sanastossa. Muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä tarkasteltiin Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatiokerrointa käyttäen sekä lineaaristen regressiomallien avulla. Tuloksissa havaittiin useita tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä pikkukeskosten sanaston prosessointitaitojen ja sanaston koon ja koostumuksen muuttujien välillä. Tehokkaampi sanaston prosessointi oli yhteydessä suurempaan ilmaistun sanaston kokoon (r .51). Sanaston prosessointitaidot olivat yhteydessä myös sanaston koostumukseen (r .51–.65). Tilastollisesti merkitsevistä yhteyksistä muodostetut regressiomallit osoittivat, että katseluajan muuttujat selittivät merkitsevästi ilmaistun sanaston kokoa ja koostumusta (R² .42–.57). Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset antavat uutta tietoa ilmaistun sanaston koon ja erityisesti koostumuksen kehityksen tarkasteluun suhteessa sanaston prosessointitaitoihin.
  • Hämäläinen, Ella (2021)
    Objectives. Preterm infants spend the beginning of their lives in newborn intensive care units (NICU). The sound environment preterm infants experience in NICU differs from the typical one in uterus. It is known that the sound environment in the early stages of life affects in preterm infants language development which is why the research of the early sound environment is important. Language Environment Analysis system (LENA) is an automated tool for recording and analysing language environments. The objective of this study is to evaluate the validity of LENA system in Finnish speaking and NICU environments. LENA system gives automatically values for following variables: male and female words, total of adult words, vocalizations, conversational turns and silence. Values given by LENA system will be compared with human coder estimates. The validity of LENA system has not been studied inclusively in NICU and there is only few studies in Finnish speaking environment. This master's thesis is part of the LangLENA study and some of the data analyzes performed in this work were used as a reliability analysis in an already published article that evaluates the validity of LENA system (Ståhlberg‐Forsén, ym., 2021). Methods. Research material of this master´s thesis consisted of 30 minute recordings from four children. Recordings had been gathered by LENA system in NICU. 30 minute recordings were picked from a longer material by using parental closeness diaries to ensure parents speak in the recordings. Research material was collected in LangLENA research project. Human coder and LENA estimates agreements were compared by calculating intraclass correlation values ICC (3,1) for every variable. Results and conclusions. According to this research it seemed that LENA system provides valid information from total number of adult and male words in Finnish NICU environment but the information on female words, vocalizations, conversational turns and silence is not valid. Due to the small amount of data, the results of the study cannot be generalized. However according to this and former studies it seems that LENA system is a valid method to examinate the amount of adult speak in Finnish environment but not a valid method to examinate the amount of vocalizations, conversational turns and silence in NICU environment.
  • Salmi, Hanna-Kaisa (2021)
    During the past decade Finland has become an increasingly multilingual country, and the need for understanding bilingual development of children has grown. The purpose of this study is to analyze conversational self-repair used by sequential bilinguals. Examining children´s self-repairs provide information of their ability to monitor conversation and the development of their language skills. The aim is to investigate how 4-to-5-year-old children who adopt Finnish as their second language use self-repair to solve problems in speaking and to create mutual understanding. The repairs that are self-initiated or other-initiated by the adults are taken into account. The focus is to investigate how the self-repair is initiated, in which part of the repair sequence the correction takes place, and what is repaired. The data of this study is taken from the PAULA research project, which aims to investigate the impact of small group activities on supporting the language learning of children who acquire Finnish as their second language. The data was recollected in 2018 in a city that is located in southern Finland. The subjects of study (N=7) were between 4;11 and 5;7 years old. They were normally developed sequential bilinguals who participated in the small group sessions that took place in their daycares. The material (1h 49 min) consisted of video recordings of two different types of tasks, a fishing game and grocery store play. The video data was transcribed and analyzed by the means of conversational analysis. The results show that children who adopt Finnish as their second language initiate repairs in many lexical (e.g. repetitions, adding and changing words) and non-lexical ways (e.g. cut-off or non-verbally). Other-initiated repair sequences was pointed out by questions (e.g. what, which, or why), giving semantic or phonological cues and making direct corrections. The results shows that the self-repair was preferred. Most of the children´s self-repairs took place in the same turn with the problem and in the third position. However, some of the repair sequencies formed much more complex patterns. The self-repair was used to correct vocabulary, semantics, and the situation. In addition, nonverbal means became central both in marking the need for repair and using it as a repair. Nonverbal repairs were used for example to replace missing vocabulary, to create common understanding of the situation, or to guide the interpretation of the words and meanings. The results encourage to monitor children’s ability to repair their speech in verbal or nonverbal manner to support the speech and language skills that they are acquiring.
  • Elo, Laura (2020)
    Background and aims. Aphasia is a linguistic disorder most commonly caused by stroke. Aphasia manifests itself as difficulties in understanding and producing spoken or written language. Rehabilitation from aphasia requires the ability to learn. Previous studies have shown that individuals with chronic aphasia are able to learn and remember novel vocabulary in varying degrees. In addition, studies have shown that self-repair of speech is interrelated with linguistic recovery. However, the relationship between self-repair of connected speech and novel word acquisition in the non-chronic and chronic stages of aphasia has not previously been studied. The objective of this thesis is to describe the self-repair of connected speech and novel word learning ability in aphasic individuals and to determine whether self-repair and the ability to learn novel words are interrelated in the subacute (0–3 months) and chronic (12 months) stages of aphasia. Participants and methods. Four aphasic individuals were examined 0–3 months and again 12 months post-stroke within the Opi Sanoja research project at the University of Helsinki. Participants completed a computer-assisted learning experiment in which their aim was to learn the associations between novel words and images. Connected speech was collected from participants’ speech samples in a picture narration task, a stroke narrative and a thematic interview. The speech samples were transcribed according to the conventions used in conversation analysis and self-repairs were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively at both points in time. The relationship between self-repair and novel word acquisition was analyzed on a case-by-case basis and a group-level basis using scatter graphs and regression plots. Results and conclusions. Self-repairs of connected speech decreased and changed during the first year after stroke for all participants. The ability to learn novel words varied among the participants, but some participants were able to learn new words in the subacute and chronic stages of aphasia. On a case-by-case basis, no relationship was found between self-repair of connected speech and the ability to learn novel words in the subacute or chronic stages of aphasia. The learning ability in the subacute stage did not appear to predict the amount of self-repairs, nor the length of non-repaired problem sequences in the chronic stage. At the group level, in the subacute stage, there was a weak positive correlation between learning ability and self-correction rates, which turned negative in the chronic stage. There appeared to be a weak negative correlation between the length of non-repaired problem sequences and the ability to learn in the subacute stage, which disappeared in the chronic stage. However, group-level results were unreliable due to small sample size.
  • Lukkari, Eerika (2021)
    Aim. Rehabilitation of oral comprehension is important but challenging; there are few effective methods for rehabilitating oral comprehension. Virtual reality may provide effective rehabilitation methods, but research data on the use of virtual reality in speech therapy rehabilitation is scarce and the data have focused on adult aphasia patients and children with autism spectrum. These studies have provided promising evidence for the use of virtual reality in speech therapy, but there is a need for more research on virtual reality so it can be used effectively in speech therapy rehabilitation. The aim of this pilot study is to find out how the developed virtual reality exercise is suitable for oral comprehension rehabilitation and what kind of user experiences typically developed children aged 4–10 have from exercise. Methods. Eight typically developed children aged 4 to 10 years were selected for this pilot study. The material consisted of linguistic-cognitive assessments, the exercise with head mounted display and the data of the exercise, interviews with children and video recordings. The data of the exercise (total result, duration of the exercise, interruptions during the exercise and the angle of the gaze) were analyzed statistically and the interview data both statistically and qualitatively. Results and conclusions. The results show that the exercise performed in virtual reality provides reliable objective information about the relationship between gaze behavior and speech comprehension, and the variables, overall result, duration, interruptions, and angle selected for the study indicate performance in the exercise. The exercise developed based on these results is fit for purpose. The subjects found the exercise and virtual reality training interesting, but the motivation of the exercise still needs to be developed. The results cannot be generalized due to the small sample size, but due to the lack of relevant research data, they provide valuable information on the use of virtual reality in children’s speech therapy rehabilitation and support the view that virtual reality can provide effective rehabilitation methods for speech comprehension in the future.
  • Saloranta, Aila (2022)
    Speech pathologist is in charge of AAC implementation in Finnish health care. A speech impaired person can also be granted additional support from an AAC teacher as adaptation training. This service supports other means of rehabilitation. There is only little research on the teamwork of speech pathologists and AAC-teachers both internationally and in Finland, but it appears so that the teamwork has been rare but there is motivation for increasing the teamwork. This thesis tries to sort out the experiences of speech pathologists and communication teachers working inside the Helsinki metropolitan area regarding teamwork between the two different professional groups. This thesis focuses on what kind of experiances the professionals have, the factors affecting the teamwork and finding out what kind of teamwork is seen as beneficial for each professional´s own work. The subjects of this thesis were 21 speech pathologists and 12 AAC teachers working inside the Helsinki metropolitan area. The subjects worked as entrepreneurs or in private enterprises, basic health care, special health care or organizations. The working experience of the subjects varied between 1 and over 10 years. The data was gathered by a questionnaire and analyzed with inductive content analysis. The teamwork between speech pathologists and AAC teachers appears to not be common and sometimes there is no teamwork ar all. Both the speech therapists and AAC teachers are however motivated in increasing and developing the teamwork. The most important factors affecting the teamwork are challenges in timing, lack of knowledge and the flow of information. Both professional groups felt sharing information, joint goalmaking, setting a division of labour, joint planning and learning from each other to be beneficial. The challenges that hinder the teamwork cand be lessened by for example adding information and education in the matter.
  • Lampenius, Aida (2023)
    Children who are unable to express themselves with speech can use various communication aids. Often communication partners support and motivate the child to use an aid in various ways. This study increases understanding of how a speech and language therapist (SLT) can support using a speech generating device (SGD) and turn-taking in play interaction. Play interaction in which someone uses an SGD has been studied little. A typical interaction situation for a child is playing. Play is a natural and motivating context to strengthen and practice a child's communication skills. It is, therefore, relevant to know how to support aided play. When the partner can support and activate the child using the SGD to produce turns in the play interaction, the child using the SGD will get the opportunity to participate play and play can be made as flowing and successful as possible. The data of this thesis consisted of three play situations between an SLT and a school-aged child. The device that the child used for communication was tablet-based TAIKE -communication application. The data was filmed during speech therapy sessions. Conversation analysis was used as the method of the thesis. The next-turn-proof procedure was used for analysis. In addition to next-turn procedure, sequence structure was utilized in the analysis to perceive larger sequential context. In this thesis, the child produces the first and the second position turns with TAIKE as well as collaborative turn sequences with the SPL. The SPL supported the child using the SGD through various partner strategies, including time giving, modelling, sabotage, and verbal and gestural cues. The SLT regulated strategies to guide and support the use of the child's SGD if he did not act as expected by the SLT. The SLT varied strategies from motivating to direct cues and, if necessary, used more strategies sequentially or simultaneously. In this thesis, the child who practices using an SGD was noted to be more active in producing turns with the SGD when the communication partner supports him. In this thesis the natural orientation of conversationalists to alignment activities when interacting is not enough for the child using an SDG. The partner strategies used by the SPL take the play forward, strengthen the interactive roles of the conversationalists and guide to turn preference. The play interaction is an appropriate context to practice producing turns with an SGD and play can be seen as one strategy to support a child to use their device. Partner strategies used in play interaction give a child the opportunity to practice play and means to take the play forward. In their clinical work, speech therapists should consider how partner strategies can be a part of the motivational play and how play can be utilized as a strategy to support using an SGD.
  • Takala, Jenni (2020)
    The aim of this study is to examine speech-language therapists’ evaluations after the clients’ responses in naming exercises in order to unpack the actions and structures of evaluations on interaction in the speech-language therapy of children with developmental language disorder (DLD). Especially evaluations during exercises after the client’s response are significant when supporting the client’s learning, even though feedback can be included in many stages of therapy. Previous studies of speech-language therapy interaction have mostly focused on therapy interaction generally, or on feedback in adults’ speech-language therapy, but research on evaluations in children’s speech-language therapy are still very few. At the moment the speech-language therapists’ knowledge of therapy interaction and evaluative actions is mainly empirical. Detailed analysis and knowledge of feedback would benefit speech therapists’ and speech therapy students’ ability to analyse their own evaluative actions, and ability to help parents to improve their interaction skills with their child. The method used in this study was conversation analysis developed by sociologists Harvey Sacks, Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson. The data consisted of 10 videotapes of DLDs speech-language therapy, filmed by Tuula Tykkyläinen for her doctoral thesis in late 1990s. Naming tasks with third turn feedback from 10 therapy videos were included in this study. Subjects were four speech-language therapists and five children ages 5;0 - 6;0. The naming and feedback sequences were transcribed in detail, and the feedback actions and structures were analysed. The frequencies of feedback structures were counted. With feedback actions speech-language therapists either approved the child’s naming response, or in case of incorrect responses, helped the child to produce correction or produced themselves the correct naming. There were found structural similarities in the feedback turns and ways speech-language therapists facilitate learning and the interaction between the speech-language therapist and the client. The post-expansions of feedback turns were also found to be significant in the rehabilitation of naming along feedback turns. The results mainly confirm previous findings and increase the knowledge on speech-language therapists’ evaluations. The results help observation and conceptualization of evaluative actions especially in the speech-language therapy of children with DLD.
  • Tjeder-Virkkilä, Kristiina (2024)
    Tausta ja tavoitteet. Puhevammaiset henkilöt käyttävät usein kommunikoinnin apuvälineitä arjen kommunikoinnissaan. Nykyiset kommunikoinnin apuvälineet mahdollistavat kommunikoinnin, mutta niiden avulla voi olla haastavaa osallistua arjen vuorovaikutustilanteisiin. Teknologinen kehitys on mahdollistanut uudenlaisten apuvälineteknologioiden kehittämisen. Kehitteillä on esimerkiksi puettavia kommunikoinnin apuvälineitä, niin sanottuja älyvaatteita. Uusien kommunikoinnin apuvälineiden kehittäminen on tarpeen, jotta puhevammaisilla henkilöillä on mahdollisuus kouluttautua, tehdä töitä, muodostaa sosiaalisia suhteita ja osallistua tärkeisiin aktiviteetteihin. Puhevammaisten henkilöiden kommunikointitarpeet ovat viime vuosikymmenten teknologisen kehityksen ja digitalisaation myötä laajentuneet verkkovälitteiseen vuorovaikutukseen. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä puhevammaisten nuorten nykyisten kommunikoinnin apuvälineiden käytettävyydestä ja viestintäteknologian käytöstä. Tutkielma avaa myös puhevammaisten nuorten näkemyksiä älyvaatteen käyttömahdollisuuksista kommunikoinnin tukena. Tutkittavat ja menetelmä. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin järjestämällä ideointityöpaja, johon osallistui kolme puhevammaista nuorta. Ideointityöpaja toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna haastatteluna. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin, jonka avulla tulokset ryhmiteltiin kolmeen teemaan: kommunikointi nuorten arjessa, nuorten suhde viestintäteknologian käyttöön ja nuorten näkemykset älyvaatteen käyttömahdollisuuksista kommunikoinnin tukena. Tulokset. Ideointityöpajaan osallistuneet puhevammaiset nuoret olivat pääosin tyytyväisiä nykyisiin kommunikoinnin apuvälineisiinsä. Nuorten kokemat rajoitteet apuvälineen käytössä vastasivat aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia aiheesta. Kommunikoinnin apuvälineen käytettävyys erilaisten viestintäsovellusten kanssa, toiminnallisissa harrastuksissa ja vaihtelevissa sääolosuhteissa vaikuttivat heidän osallistumiseensa arjessa. Ideointityöpajaan osallistuneet puhevammaiset nuoret olivat taitavia ja monipuolisia teknologian käyttäjiä. Kiinnostus teknologian mahdollisuuksia ja kehitystä kohtaan vaihteli kuitenkin osallistujien välillä, osallistujista yksi käytti viestintäteknologiaa vähäisemmissä määrin. Teknologian ja viestintäteknologian merkitys näyttäytyi nuorten arjessa erittäin tärkeänä, ja side viestintäteknologiaan arjen mahdollistajana oli voimakas. Älyvaatteen toimintaidea herätti nuorissa jonkin verran varautuneisuutta, nuoret kyseenalaistivat sen tarvetta ja yksi osallistujista ilmaisi huolta esimerkiksi tahattomien liikkeiden aiheuttamista vahinkoviesteistä. Nuoret suhtautuivat toisaalta uteliaasti älyvaatteen käyttömahdollisuuksiin erilaisissa toiminnallisissa harrastuksissa ja mahdollisuuteen ideoida ja olla mukana kehittämässä uusia kommunikoinnin apuvälineitä. Johtopäätökset. Osallistamalla teknisesti taitavia puhevammaisia henkilöitä kommunikoinnin apuvälineiden suunnitteluun on mahdollista kehittää apuvälineitä, jotka tukevat yhä paremmin puhevammaisten henkilöiden moninaisia kommunikointitarpeita. Tulevaisuudessa kommunikoinnin apuvälineiden kehitystyössä tulisi hyödyntää puhevammaisten runsasta kokemustietoa osana moniammatillista kehitystyötä, jotta uudet kehitettävät apuvälineet vastaisivat yhä paremmin puhevammaisten henkilöiden tarpeita, ja jotta apuvälineissä voitaisiin hyödyntää uusimpien teknologioiden mahdollisuuksia ja apuvälineiden hylkäämisaste pienenisi.
  • Lappalainen, Anni (2024)
    Aphasia is a language disorder acquired after language learning, usually caused by a cerebrovascular accident or a stroke. The severity and type of aphasia symptoms vary individually. Naming difficulties are one of the most common and long-lasting symptoms of aphasia. Self-corrections of one's own speech are a significant part of successful interaction, and they indicate the ability to monitor speech. Aphasia symptoms may impair the ability to monitor. The aim of this master's thesis is to examine the self-repairs of participants with varying degrees of aphasia in naming tasks. The aim of the thesis is to examine the quantity, quality and success of self-corrections. The aim of the thesis is also to examine the not-corrected errors of research subjects in naming tasks. The thesis was carried out as a multi-case study. Four participants with different degrees of aphasic symptoms were selected from the existing material of the Opi Sanoja research project. The participants were selected based on their aphasia quotient determined by the WAB test. The material consisted of audio recordings of the performance of the participants in the Boston naming test, and the naming section of the research project's word learning assignment during two different research visits. Notations were formed from the data using ELAN software. The number of self-corrections and the self- correction elements used, as well as the uncorrected errors of the subjects were analysed and categorised. The data was analysed at individual level. The self-repair elements used, as well as the number of self-repair initiatives, varied between the study participants. The most commonly used self-correction element in the entire data was the interruption of the expression, most often followed by the repetition or rephrasing of a word or syllable. All subjects made successful self-corrections in the Boston naming test. Successful corrections were corrections that improved the phrase closer to the target word. In the naming section of the word learning task, two out of four participants made successful self-correction initiatives. In this study, the amounts of not-corrected errors of the participants were in the same order in both tasks. The participant with the most severe aphasia made the most not-corrected errors and the participant with the least severe aphasia made the least. Due to the small number of participants (N = 4), the generalizability of the results is weak. However, in this data, regardless of the severity of aphasia, the participants tended to correct their own expression at least when naming familiar objects, in which case the ability to monitor speech is at least partially preserved. The severity of aphasia also seems to be related to the preservation of speech monitoring ability when examining uncorrected errors.