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  • Rainekari, Juhamatti (2017)
    Tarkastelen tässä tutkielmassani Carl Schmittin ja Hans Kelsenin Weimarin tasavallan aikaista ajattelua suhteutettuna aikakauden poliittisiin virtauksiin ja 1800-luvun saksalaisen oikeustieteen perintöön. Kriisiajan oikeustieteen tarkastelulla pyrin osaltaan valottamaan politiikan ja oikeuden välistä suhdetta. Järjestelmän perusteita koskevan konsensuksen murentuessa myös mahdollisuus juridisen ja poliittisen välisen erottelun ylläpitoon heikentyy. Aloitan esittelemällä tasavallan historiallisen kehityslinjan 1918 vallankumouksesta syksyyn 1932, jolloin parlamentaarisen demokratian perustan voidaan viimeistään katsoa murtuneen. Tarkastelen tasavallan historiaa ensisijaisesti pitkittyneenä luokkakonfliktina SPD:n ja työväenliikkeen sekä keisarikunnan aikaisen eliitin välillä. Weimarin kontekstissa kysymys parlamentarismista oli kysymys myös alempien sosiaaliluokkien mahdollisuudesta osallistua parlamentin välityksellä valtiotahdon muodostamiseen. Seuraavaksi tarkastelen Weimarin perustuslain institutionaalisia ratkaisuja, joissa vahvalla plebisitäärisellä legitimiteetillä varustetulla presidentillä pyrittiin tasapainottamaan parlamentin valtaa. Edelleen pyrin kartoittamaan historiallis-ideologisia tekijöitä Weimarin parlamentaarisen järjestelmän ongelmien taustalla. Lopulta esitän tiivistetysti labandilaisen oikeustieteen paradigman, josta tasavallan ajattelu versoi. Carl Schmittiä tarkastelen aikakauden antiparlamentaaristen ajatusvirtausten teoreettisena henkilöitymänä. Järjestelmän perusta oli irrationaalinen päätös jaottelussa sen ystäviin ja vihollisiin luoden homogeenisen kansakunnan ja mahdollistaen siten hallitsijoiden ja hallittujen välisen demokraattisen identiteetin. Liberaali parlamentarismi oli sen sijaan aristokraattisena järjestelmänä menettänyt oman ideaalisen oikeutuksensa siltä osin, kuin parlamentti ei enää ilmentänyt diskursiivista rationaliteettia, vaan siitä oli tullut ainoastaan yhteiskunnan eri valtakeskittymien välisen kaupanteon forum. Suhteutan kuitenkin sekä Schmittin demokratiakäsityksen että tämän parlamentarismikritiikin ajan historialliseen kontekstiin argumentoiden Schmittin teoreettisen kehikon olleen poliittisesti, ei kognitiivisesti motivoitunut. Hans Kelseniä tarkastelen taas eräänä harvoista aikakauden liberaalin puolueperusteisen parlamentarismin puolestapuhujista ja siten tämän juridista ja demokratiateoriaa toisiaan täydentävinä. Ideologiakritiikin hälvennettyä illuusiot järjestelmää edeltävän suvereenin valtiotahdon, kansakunnan kokonaisedun tai ylipositiivisen luonnonoikeuden mahdollisuudesta, oli parlamentarismi mahdollista ymmärtää järjestelmänä, jossa moninaisten yhteiskunnallisten ryhmittymien vastakkaisista intresseistä oli mahdollista muovata rauhanomainen kompromissi ja kodifioida se positiiviseen oikeuteen. Kriittis-relativistinen maailmankuva edellytti tällaisen intressien pluralismin hyväksymistä. Schmittiläinen kansakunnan homogeniteettiin perustuva malli oli sen sijaan vastaavalla tavalla metafyysinen, kuin teologisesti legitimoitu absoluuttinen monarkia. Lopuksi tarkastelen tasavallassa käytyä keskustelua lakien perustuslainmukaisuuden valvonnasta ja Preussin vallankaappausjutun oikeuskäsittelyä, jossa Schmittin ja Kelsenin teoreettisten mallien käytännön soveltuvuus on näkyvillä. Schmittin mukaan presidentti oli valtiosäännön varjelijana oikeutettu tekemään poliittiset päätökset siitä, milloin perustava valtiollinen järjestys oli uhattuna. Järjestyksen perustava ratkaisu oli Saksan kansan yhtenäisyydestä tehdyssä valinnassa ja parlamentti näin yhteiskunnan pluralisoitumisen viime kädessä perustuslainvastainen heijastuma. Kelsen taas argumentoi lakien perustuslainmukaisuuden tuomioistuinten toimesta tapahtuvan valvonnan puolesta. Ilman lakien perustuslainmukaisuuden riippumatonta valvontaa, ei valtiolla tosiasiallisesti ollut perustuslakia lainkaan eikä ilman perustuslain tehokkaita vähemmistösuojasäännöksiä valtiota voinut pitää demokraattisena.
  • Tahvanainen, Mariia (2022)
    Tutkielmassa käsitellään venäläisen rap-artisti Oxxxymironin eli Miron Fjodorovin konseptialbumia Gorgorod vuodelta 2015. Albumi on Oxxxymironin toinen studioalbumi. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan rap-lyriikoita konseptuaalisuuden ja intertekstuaalisuuden näkökulmista tekstianalyysin keinoin. Aiemmin teosta on tutkittu yksittäisissä artikkeleissa, mutta tämä tutkimus tarjoaa laajemman analyysin konseptialbumin sisäisistä sekä ulkoisista viittaussuhteista. Oxxxymironin omalaatuinen tyyli kirjoittaa tekstejä ja sisällyttää niihin intertekstuaalisia viittauksia sekä yhteiskunnallisia kysymyksiä tekee konseptialbumin tutkimuksesta erityisen mielenkiintoisen, sillä Oxxxymiron on itsekin tunnettu yhteiskunnallisena vaikuttajana sekä kirjallisuudentutkijana. Oxxxymiron on tunnettu jopa taiteellisista rap-lyriikoistaan ja hänen tuotantoaan voidaan kutsua taiteelliseksi rapiksi. Tutkielma vastaa kysymyksiin siitä, miten runolliset piirteet, intertekstuaaliset viittaukset ja albumin kappaleet muodostavat yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden eli konseptialbumin, sekä miten tekstin sisäiset viittaussuhteet rakentavat yhtenäistä tarinaa. Albumin yhtenäisyyttä tutkin esimerkiksi Pekka Tammen kysymysten pohjalta sekä tekstiä tekstissä Juri Lotmanin teoriaan nojaten. Rap-lyriikoiden runollisia piirteitä analysoin Auli Viikarin runousopin pohjalta. Keskeisenä aineistona on kaikki Gorgorod-albumin laululyriikat, joita tutkitaan tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla. Erityisesti tutkielmassa keskitytään raamatullisiin, mytologisiin ja historiallisiin viittauksiin, mutta myös muihin, kuten kirjallisuuteen ja populaarikulttuuriin liittyviin viittauksiin. Tutkielman tuloksista tulee ilmi, miten Oxxxymironin käyttämät intertekstuaaliset viittaukset luovat niin albumin sisällä kuin sen ulkopuolellekin laajoja viittausten verkostoja. Lukuisat vertaukset kehittävät yhteyksiä niin historiaan kuin tunnettuihin kertomuksiin, ja Gorgorodin tapauksessa voidaankin puhua laajasta hypertekstistä. Viittaussuhteet muodostavat albumilla monia eri kerronnan tasoja monessa eri aikatasossa, mikä lisää albumin juoneen ikään kuin monia pienempiä kertomuksia. Myös runolliset piirteet ja troopit osaltaan rakentavat albumin yhtenäisyyttä. Tutkielman tulokset tarjoavat laajemman katsauksen yhden Venäjän suosituimman rap-artistin Gorgorod-albumiin käsitellen albumin lukuisia intertekstuaalisia viittauksia sekä kieltä nimenomaan yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden muodostumisen näkökulmasta. Näin ollen tutkielma tarjoaa tarkemman analyysin venäläiseen rap-lyriikkaan.
  • Knebler, Judith (2022)
    Ever since the 1980s, political parties have used commercial marketing agencies to conduct their election campaigns. The use of these agencies resulted in what Nicholas O'Shaughnessy has coined political marketing, the marketing of a political product through commercial marketing techniques. This thesis evaluates the normative dimension of this technique, evaluating how it may impact party diversity through the case study of the past three German federal election cycles. To come to a conclusion on the normative dimensions of the utilisation of political marketing the thesis references both O'Shaughnessy's political marketing theory and Otto Kircheimer's catch all party theorem to evaluate the impact political marketing has on party representation. This thesis argues that the political marketing theory and catch all theorem intersect theoretically, making the point that political marketing can both be a symptom and cause of parties transforming into catch all parties, thus constituting a threat to democratic diversity. As its method the thesis uses an audiovisual analysis using the method of iconography. Through it analyses the audiovisual communication of German parties in the past three election cycles by looking at their election advertisement videos. This thesis concludes, through its theoretical framework, analysis of the case study and interpretation, that the advertisements show two main features of a catch all parties defined by Kircheimer: A homogenisation of stylistic means of parties not ideologically affiliated, and de- ideologisation and personification. This means that according to this thesis the German pluralistic party system turning into a system of catch all party system is exemplified and exarcebated by the utilisation of political marketing techniques, a process that is illuminated by the election advertisements of the main political parties.
  • Rehn, Victor Emanuel (2020)
    Interaktionen mellan ledarskap och arbetshälsa är ett mindre utforskat område och speciellt studier om ledarskap inom socialt arbete är ovanliga. Socialbyråns arbetsmiljö är ett återkommande forskningsområde inom socialt arbete. Tidigare forskning är inriktad på hur de anställda på socialbyrån hanterar den utmanande arbetsmiljön och de problem som finns där. Intresset för välbefinnandet hos personer i arbetslivet har ökat samtidigt som psykisk ohälsa blivit allt vanligare. Syftet med föreliggande pro gradu-avhandling är att undersöka arbetshälsa och gott ledarskap inom vuxensocialarbete samt vilka positiva effekter ett gott ledarskap kan ha på anställdas arbetshälsa. Genom att tillämpa positiv psykologi som perspektiv i avhandlingen möjliggörs ett fokus på det som är bra och gott i denna interaktion mellan ledarskap och arbetshälsa utan att helt förbise de utmaningar som finns. Forskningsfrågorna som ställs är 1: Hur beskrivs bra arbetshälsa inom vuxensocialarbete? 2: Hur beskrivs bra ledarskap inom vuxensocialarbete? och 3: Vilken betydelse tillskrivs ett gott ledarskap för en god arbetshälsa? Att studera ledarskapets positiva inverkan på arbetshälsan hos de anställda i kontexten av en socialbyrå ökar förståelsen för hurdant ledarskap de anställda anser att är gott. De anställda på en socialbyrå består av socialhandledare, socialarbetare och ledande socialarbetare. Materialet består av fyra gruppintervjuer med anställda på en socialbyrå, totalt åtta informanter. Som analysmetod används kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten har visualiserats i tre bilder enligt de forskningsfrågor som ställs i föreliggande avhandling. Fyra aspekter som informanterna i avhandlingen anser höra till en bra arbetshälsa är kompetens, arbetsgemenskap, flexibilitet och autonomi. I ett gott ledarskap ser de substanskunskap, flexibilitet, närvarande och förtroende som centrala aspekter. Slutligen i ett gott ledarskap för arbetshälsan återfinns fyra aspekter: flexibelt, skapar arbetsgemenskap, närvarande och kompetent. Resultaten visar på betydelsen för de anställdas arbetshälsa då en socialbyrå som arbetsplats har en funktionell dialog och närvarande kolleger och närchefer. De kontinuerliga förändringarna i samhället gör också att det sociala arbetets utformning ständigt förändrar sig. Det medför nya utmaningar för den offentliga socialservicens arbetsprocesser och socialbyråns anställda. De anställda på socialbyrå behöver tillräckligt med tid för sina egna relationer med sina kolleger och närchefen, inte enbart tillräcklig tid för arbete med klienter. Den ledande socialarbetaren har möjlighet att utgöra ett stort stöd och starkt bidra till sina medarbetares arbetshälsa om den ledande socialarbetare får tillräckligt med tid och utrymme för det. Ett gott ledarskap tillskrivs en stor betydelse för en bra arbetshälsa.
  • Malkamäki, Arttu J. (2015)
    This thesis aims to assess the state and development of beekeeping in Uruguay. Uruguay exports more than 90% of its honey and supplies regularly to the demanding markets in the EU and the US. As marginalized actors in the global honey chain, the beekeepers' livelihoods are largely dependent on the shifts of globalization, predominantly on the patterns of global economy. Proliferation of voluntary certification schemes such as Fairtrade International and European Union Organic Farming have become evident features of these patterns. Adoption of voluntary certification schemes has impacted particularly the development trajectories of smallholders, which is why particular attention in this thesis was laid on them. It was, however, quickly understood the development is dependent on several factors on different levels. To conceptualize these levels, value chain governance and voluntary certification schemes in them were seen shaping the livelihood outcomes of the smallholders. Combining governance and horizontal livelihood approaches, which represents the main innovation of this thesis, was used to identify action points and upgrading strategies feasible for the beekeepers as actors engaged in the global honey chain. In addition, this thesis further highlights the context of beekeeping as a livelihood, honey as a commodity with certain features and market dynamics, as well as Uruguay as the main geographical scope. Research methods were qualitative. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2014 with four different respondent groups along the global honey chain: importers of honey in the EU; representatives of local institutions and export agencies in Uruguay; and the beekeepers themselves, which of some were organized in cooperatives. From the collected data, the development trajectories were analyzed deductively to identify the viable strategies to improve sustainable livelihood outcomes. Based on results, the global honey chain was found buyer-driven since the buyers bear the most powerful role. The structure replicates features of market and captive types of governance, suggesting there is a high degree of power asymmetry and coordination. Higher coordination, however, favors successful upgrading. By identifying the activities performed by actors in the chain, the action point was found in the production node due to the recent increase in activities. High costs of inputs and low margins throughout the chain were observed, particularly in the export node. Beekeepers' baseline conditions were determined as access to livelihood assets, which were found generally weak. State of the fundamental aspect of beekeeping, access to natural assets, was found alarming. The decreased floral resources in Uruguay are due to the rapid proliferation of changes in land use, accelerated by the main vulnerability causing shocks in production and with implications on prices: the climate variability. A key finding, however, was that the proliferation of Eucalyptus grandis in Uruguay has created a dependency by compensating the losses in production based on other flowerings. Furthermore, the emergence of pests has brought risk of losing colonies and increasing costs in treatment and prevention. Natural assets set the main constraint over sustainability of beekeeping in Uruguay, but possibilities to compensate smallholders was found among social assets, which clearly were not optimized at their current levels. This notion largely represents the main conclusion in this thesis: horizontal contractualization of the beekeepers through collective action is the only strategy with a reasonable balance between revenues and risks. In all other scenarios, the risks are likely to become unbearable, unless an external agent would be willing to guarantee the risks up to some point to initiate the process. Collective action was found as a precondition of vertical contractualization, which could include affiliation in voluntary certification schemes. Fairtrade International was predominantly found as a more attractive scheme, but could in this context benefit only a large cooperative with already good resources. Affiliation in a certification scheme, however, would not remove the main constraints faced by the sector in Uruguay, which are the decreasing production per hive and the costs running relatively faster than the prices received, resulting in a decreasing profitability. Whereas more beekeepers are excluded from the chain, the ones remaining practice beekeeping largely based on love and tradition. Future research is suggested to take a more sophisticated approach to cost-benefit analyses to support further decision-making on the level of the beekeepers, as well as on the level of policy-makers. In addition, prospective approaches to develop and assess the potential of systems such as payments for ecosystem services in the context of beekeeping are highly recommended.
  • Mäkeläinen, Aleksi (2013)
    This paper aims to find out how should a Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system development process be organized in a functional organization in order to make it as efficient as possible. A real global organization and their ERP development process currently in use at their site in Helsinki Finland is being used as an example of the structure and functionality of these systems as well as the challenges which organizations usually face in the post-implementation phase of ERP systems. The name of the company has been classified since the research contains some classified information. The target Company is currently in the post-implementation phase of their new ERP system which went live a few years ago. I will describe the tools currently in use as well as their functionality as accurately as possible. The main objective of this thesis is to find out new ways to organize a development process in a functionally organized organization such as the target Company. One of the biggest challenges for the target Company (considering IT) is change management – how to control all the changes taking place in a constantly evolving business environment where changes in the ERP-system are not limited to one system or one location? The governance model in use at the target Company is being used as an example of the functionality of the development tools which can be used in order to ensure the integration of global and local solutions. Their system is compared to other models found from literature and other real-life organizations. Main references in the theoretical part are theories from the field of sociology as well as especially chosen theories from the field of organizational studies with a sociological twist. The most important referred academics are: Wanda J. Orlikowski, Hyötyläinen & Kalliokoski, Harold J. Leavitt, Shayne C. Kavanagh, Nurminen, Reijonen & Vuorenheimo and McLaughlin & Skinner. In the empirical part ERP implementations are not being studied just as technological changes, they are observed as larger multidimensional social processes involving individual agents, technologies and job requirements as well as other key elements of change. Since answers are sought for questions such as why some people feel the way they do towards the current process, a qualitative method has been chosen as the scientific method of this research. The target Company employee’s general feeling towards the current change process has been concretized by interviewing 18 participants from different organizational functions and several levels of organizational hierarchy. Five general themes typical to each organizational function are lined up. The idea of the qualitative analysis is to find out key discourses and themes of all of the functions, and underline themes and discourses that seem to be universal to the organization in question. After analyzing the discourses and themes on an organizational level, five universal problematic discourses remain. Eventually five 'development ideas' aimed to solve them are presented as the final analytical implications. The development ideas presented in this thesis help the target Company to streamline their current development process, future implementation projects as well as their current management processes related to the ERP development process.
  • Kilpi, Lyydia (2015)
    The study explores how mineral resources are rendered governable through the EITI, a global multi-stakeholder governance mechanism focusing on transparency. The study focuses on Mozambique, a country with growing mining and petroleum sectors and low rankings on governance indices. Stakeholders views on extractive sector governance in Mozambique are analysed through the theoretical framework of governmentality. A governmentality approach focuses on how we govern and are governed, and the nexus between thought and governing. The data for this study consists of 20 interviews conducted in Maputo, Mozambique with government officials, civil society actors, representatives of extractive companies and development partners. The interview data was analysed by conducting a qualitative content analysis. The EITI is a governance mechanism within which governments, civil society actors and companies collaborate to publish and communicate information about the oil, gas and mining sectors. The role the EITI assigns to non-state and private actors and the value it places on liberal ideals show that the EITI reflects a neoliberal understanding of governance. Mozambique has implemented the EITI since 2009. This study demonstrates that in Mozambique, despite EITI implementation, the adoption of neoliberal governance is not complete. Actors deploy neoliberal and other techniques of governance selectively to further their agendas. The state remains a central hub for mineral resource governance, and different actors attempt to influence governance through the state apparatus. Transnational influences, such as development aid, steer the state towards adopting neoliberal governance. Civil society continues to have limited influence over mineral resource governance despite participation in the EITI. However, the adoption of neoliberal forms of governance may open up opportunities for civil society to influence governance.
  • Manner, Tupuna (2021)
    International maritime transportation of goods is an inevitable part of global trade and economics. Over 90 percent of global trade are seaborne. Shipping is considered as cost-effective transport mode and it emits less greenhouse gases than e.g. freight or air cargo. Global trade is expected to rise. Shipping industry must be able to answer to the increasing demand of delivering shipping services while adapting to sustainability requirements such as reducing GHG emissions. Shipping interests both public and private sectors and engages complex cross-border supply chain stakeholders from various interest groups. International sustainability and maritime policies are affecting shipping industry from multiple levels. Both the European Union and the United Nations are implementing new normative tools and mechanisms to enhance a sustainability trajectory into all areas of business and society. Traditional treaties and conventions are supplemented by new objectives to meet the overarching sustainable development and economic growth requirements. Three complex subject matters are discussed – the international maritime regulatory scheme, climate and sustainability regulatory scheme and, the wicked problem of reducing shipping industry GHG emissions. An interdisciplinary method is used. The overarching research theme is – what actions and measures are needed in order to safeguard that shipping industry can answer (i) to the increasing demand of delivering shipping services and, (ii) to the increasing sustainability requirements. Two research questions are asked: 1) who governs international maritime affairs and shipping sustainability objectives in the context of shipping GHG emissions reductions, and 2) how to implement the GHG reductions objectives in the shipping industry? In order to attain sustainable development objectives into shipping industry practices, innovative administrative solutions and governance models are needed from the maritime affairs policy makers on both national and international level. Interdisciplinary and innovative solutions are needed to tackle emissions reductions objectives.
  • Pojoga, Marina Anca (2014)
    This Master’s thesis examines the way neoliberalism is being performed at a microscopic level by examining a project on immigrant women’s integration in Finland. The research is contextualized within the administrative changes brought by the New Public Management and the increase of immigrant integration-related projects with European funding. By using grounded theory method the research heavily relied on the empirical data as source of finding a suitable theoretical frame. The analysis was based on Michel Foucault’s work on governmentality and Michel Callon’s concept of agencements, which helped to better understand participants’ subjectivity in the project, while Erving Goffman’s work shed light on the dynamics of power in interaction between the project participants. This thesis focuses on analyzing the first year of the Integra project, organised as four cooperation forums where various stakeholders were invited to discuss openly about immigrant integration issues in Finland. The primary data for the thesis consists of eight focus group discussions collected from all the forums, which was later on supplemented by semi-structured interviews with the project organizers and key participants from the group discussions. The empirical data revealed that the stakeholders present in the forum actively used their agency while the group discussions followed an informal pattern as encouraged by the organizers’ methods. Despite the informal, grassroots characteristic of the project, power relations were configured in a complex manner combing techniques of self and techniques of domination. The neoliberal elements of the Integra project can be tracked in the way the project was organised; the availability of resources and criteria for such projects; the way participants display themselves in the forums; and the diffuse aspects of power and the neoliberal principles that guide the discussions in the forum. In the discussion subchapter several concerns are raised on how the neoliberalism is being performed at a grassroots level in our ‘project society’ and the effects it has on shaping the immigrants’ integration politics.
  • Saari, Leevi (2021)
    This thesis analyses the regulation of platform economy in the European Commission. The rise of large technology corporations as the underlying infrastructure of much of social activity has received fervent attention in recent years. However, there is still little consensus on the implications of this process. Does the new platform economy affect only market processes, or does it have broader societal consequences? Further, is platform economy something truly new or is it only a continuation of past forms of corporate power? These questions have acute practical importance. On the 15th of December 2020, the European Commission released a proposal for legislation that seeks to address the power of large platform corporations, called the “Digital Markets Act”. What kind of corporate power does this proposal seek to regulate? And what does it suggest about the regulatory paradigm of the European Commission? The contribution of this thesis consists of three parts. The first part is conceptual. In Chapter 2, an original analytical framework for classifying different dimensions of platform power is proposed. This framework helps to illustrate the continuities and novelties in the capabilities of platform corporations and bring together disconnected strands of research from different disciplines. The second part is empirical. In Chapter 3, the development of platform regulation in the European Commission from Spring 2015 to December 2020 is explained and the framework developed in Chapter 2 is used to analyze a recent proposal for regulation of platform economy, the Digital Markets Act. The last part of the contribution is theoretical. In Chapter 4, the Commission’s proposal is mapped on the horizon of potential alternative contrast spaces, which helps to illuminate the underlying political choices and clarify possible contradictions between different authors. The key conclusion of the work is that the European Commission has sought to address platform economy primarily as an aberration of efficient market processes. This has impacted the type of knowledge that is used in policymaking as well as the range of stakeholders consulted for the legislation. As a consequence, the European Commission ends up seeing platform corporations as actors whose capabilities are limited to manipulation of market activities. Systematic treatment of alternative framings is used to illuminate opportunities for broader analyses on the role of platform economy in the global political economy.
  • Gratt, Benno (2011)
    The thesis aims at investigating the local dimension of the EU cohesion policy through the utilization of an alternative approach, which aims at the analysis of discourse and structures of power. The concrete case under analysis is the Interreg IV programme 'Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein', which is conducted in the border region between Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the principality of Liechtenstein. The main research question is stated as such: What governmental rationalities can be found at work in the field of EU cross-border cooperation programmes? How is directive action and cooperation envisioned? How coherent are the different rationalities, which are found at work? The theoretical framework is based on a Foucaultian understanding of power and discourse and utilizes the notion of governmentalities as a way to de-stabilize the understanding of directive action and in order to highlight the dispersed and heterogeneous nature of governmental activity. The approach is situated within the general field of research on the European Union connected to basic conceptualisations such as the nature of power, the role of discourse and modes of subjectification. An approach termed 'analytics of government', based on the work of researchers like Mitchell Dean is introduced as the basic framework for the analysis. Four dimensions (visiblities, subjectivities, techniques/practices, problematisations) are presented as a set of tools with which governmental regimes of practices can be analysed. The empirical part of the thesis starts out with a discussion of the general framework of the European Unions cohesion policy and places the Interreg IV Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein programme in this general context. The main analysis is based on eleven interviews which were conducted with different individuals, participating in the programme on different levels. The selection of interview partners aimed at maximising heterogeneity through including individuals from all parts of the programme region, obtaining different functions within the programme. The analysis reveals interesting aspects pertaining to the implementation and routine aspects of work within initiatives conducted under the heading of the EU cohesion policy. The central aspects of an Interreg IV Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein – governmentality are sketched out. This includes a positive perception of the work atmosphere, administrative/professional characterisation of the selves and a de-politicization of the programme. Characteristic is the experience of tensions by interview partners and the use of discoursive strategies to resolve them. Negative perceptions play an important role for the specific governmental rationality. The thesis contributes to a better understanding of the local dimension of the European Union cohesion policy and questions established ways of thinking about governmental activity. It provides an insight into the working of power mechanisms in the constitution of fields of discourse and points out matters of practical importance as well as subsequent research questions.
  • Mafra, Rubem (2024)
    This thesis analyses the evolution of heterodox economic thought on innovation and policy directives. The literature review offers an overview of the progression over the 20th century on how innovation shapes economic long-term growth, by analysing the Schumpeterian definition of innovation and then the relationship between development waves and these innovations. In addition, the literature review will also provide an overview of the progression of public policy on innovation framework. The aim of this thesis is to critically analyse the theory and to understand its limitations, as most of the current literature builds on the existing knowledge without critically revisiting what has been published. The innovation theory gained a lot of prominence in the last century and by revisiting the previous developments, this thesis can contribute to the current literature by identifying gaps with potential for further developments, and hypothesising further research topics, to push the knowledge frontier. The results pinpoint gaps in the heterodox theory of innovation and offer potential suggestions of better directives for policy-making. Additionally, they are intended to provoke a broader discussion around the topic and promote improvements to innovation theory.
  • Lehti, Jasmina (2017)
    The most recent Global recession forced several central banks to lower their short term nominal interest rates to zero. The monetary policy is faced with the zero lower bound where the interest rates cannot be further decreased. In this situation, the monetary policy is impotent to stimulate the economy. The fiscal policy has become more important in context of Global recession. The persistent effects of the Global recession can be partly explained with a debt overhang. The Global recession was preceded with a period of debt leveraging and followed with a period of reducing the amount of debt in the economy. This process of debt reduction is called deleveraging. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the fiscal policy effectiveness in liquidity trap that is induced by deleveraging. This thesis analyses the effects that an expansion in government purchases has on output in liquidity trap economy. This analysis can be interpreted as an evaluation on the effectiveness of fiscal policy to stimulate the economy. This thesis is going to study the size of this effect with government spending multiplier. This thesis is partly conducted as literature review. Firstly, this thesis analyses the size of the government spending multiplier in different models and under different economic assumptions. Secondly, this paper presents a model that is based on a specific paper. Based on the paper in question, this thesis discusses the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in deleveraging induced liquidity trap environment. Based on the specific model, this thesis presents the factors affecting the size of its government spending. From my own analysis on this specific model, I find additional factors that affect the government spending multiplier. The specific model used in this thesis relies on a heterogenous household framework with sticky prices. The model economy is faced with a shock that reduces the debt limit. This limit controls the amount of borrowing in the economy. There are two types of households in this model. The patient households smooth their consumption over the periods and the more impatient households consume their entire income and borrow up to the debt limit. The shock forces more impatient households to pay back their debt and lower their consumption. The central bank can stimulate the demand of the patient households if the nominal interest rates are positive. If the shock is large enough the nominal interest rates cannot compensate the decreased demand. When the nominal interest rates are in the lower bound, the economy is in liquidity trap. The liquidity trap can be characterized as zero lower bound equilibrium with decreased output and negative inflation. Based on this specific model, this paper finds that when the monetary policy in constrained by the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates the effectiveness of fiscal policy will be increased. Furthermore based on the same model, this thesis finds that the fiscal policy is more effective in liquidity trap when part of the households is constrained by the borrowing and liquidity constraints. This paper argues that the government spending increase is an effective tool to stimulate economy in liquidity trap that is a result of a large enough deleveraging shock. In this thesis, the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in liquidity trap is analysed with log-linearised model. Based on literature review this thesis discusses that even though the linearisation simplifies the model analysation it can also produce misleading policy implications. Therefore, the implications of the used linearisation method can be argued to produce too optimistic views on government spending multiplier.
  • Lipsunen, Werner (2023)
    This thesis examines the implementation of general purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) acceleration to a non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) equation solver in the context of a computational photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell model. The goal is to find out whether GPGPU acceleration of the NEGF equation solver is a viable option. The current model does not yet have electron-photon scattering, but from the results it is possible to assess the viability of GPGPU acceleration in the case of a complete PEC cell model. The viability of GPGPU acceleration was studied by comparing the performance difference of two graphics processing unit (GPU) solutions against a multi core central processing unit (CPU) solution. The difference between the two GPU solutions was in the used floating-point precision. The GPU solutions would use LU factorization to solve the NEGF equations, and the CPU solution a banded solver (Gauss tridiagonal) provided by Scipy Python package. The performance comparison was done on multiple different GPU and CPU hardware. The electrical transport properties of the PEC cell were modeled by a self-consistent process in which the NEGF and Poisson equations were solved iteratively. The PEC cell was described as a semiconductor device connected with a metal and electrolyte contacts. The device was assumed to be a simple one dimensional tight-binding atom chain made of GaAs, where the transverse modes in the y–z plane are treated with a logarithmic function. The computational model did lack electron-photon scattering, which would be implemented in the future. From the benchmark results, it can be concluded that the GPGPU acceleration via LU factorization is not a viable option in the current code or in the complete model with electron-photon scattering and the assumed approximations. The parallel multi-core CPU code generally outperformed the GPU codes. The key weakness of the GPU code was the usage of LU factorization. Despite of this, there could be an opportunity for GPGPU acceleration if a more complex lattice structure and more exact scattering terms would be used. Also, a GPU accelerated tridiagonal solver could be a possible solution.
  • Tompuri, Seppo (2014)
    Tietokonepelit on kehitetty perinteisesti joko pöytätietokoneille tai pelikonsoleille. Räjähdysmäisesti kasvaneet mobiilipelimarkkinat ovat kuitenkin haastaneet nämä pelialustat. Mobiilipelien kehitys tapahtuu usein samalla tyylillä kuin pöytätietokoneille ja pelikonsoleille, vaikka niistä löytyy pöytätietokoneista ja pelikonsoleista poikkeavaa tekniikkaa, joka mahdollistaa perinteisestä poikkeavan käyttäjäsyötteen. Nykyaikaisista mobiililaitteista löytyy muun muassa erilaisia ympäristöä tarkkailevia sensoreita sekä usein myös GPS-vastaanotin. GPS-vastaanotin tarjoaa pelin käyttöön pelaajan sijaintitiedon. Sensorit puolestaan tarkkailevat mobiililaitteen ympäristöä, kuten mobiililaitteen kiihtyvyyksiä kolmessa ulottuvuudessa. Sensoreilta saatua dataa voidaan käyttää käyttäjäsyötteessä joko suoraan tai muokattuna. Niiltä saadun datan avulla on myös mahdollista päätellä pelaajan tekemät eleet, jotka voidaan hahmontunnistuksen avulla sitoa osaksi pelin käyttäjäsyötettä. Tällainen mobiililaitteiden mahdollistama uudenlainen käyttäjäsyöte mahdollistaa uudenlaisia peligenrejä, jotka käyttävät pelaajan liikettä ja sijaintitietoa osana pelimekaniikkaa. Tämä työ esittelee ne pelimoottorin osat jotka ovat mukana GPS- ja sensoridatan keräämisessä ja käsittelyssä sekä esittelee tässä työssä suunnitellun GPS- ja sensoridataa hyödyntävän arkkitehtuurimallin mobiililaitteille. Työssä perehdytään aluksi aiheeseen liittyviin käsitteisiin sekä pelin reaaliaikaisuudesta huolehtivaan pelisilmukkaan ja sen erilaisiin arkkitehtuurimalleihin. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi pelimoottorien suoritusaikaisesta arkkitehtuurista ne puolet, jotka liittyvät GPS- ja sensoridatan keräämiseen. Lopuksi esitellään ja arvioidaan tässä työssä suunniteltu arkkitehtuurimalli GPS- ja sensoridatan hyödyntämiselle mobiililaitteiden pelimoottoriarkkitehtuurissa. Työn ohessa tämän ehdotetun mallin toimivuus todennetaan Windows Phone 8 laitealustalle tehdyllä toteutuksella ja tämän toteutuksen lähdekoodia käytetään apuna ehdotetun mallin esittelyssä.
  • Tyrväinen, Lasse (2016)
    Learning a model over possible actions and using the learned model to maximize the obtained reward is an integral part of many applications. Trying to simultaneously learn the model by exploring state space and maximize the obtained reward using the learned model is an exploitation-exploitation tradeoff. Gaussian process upper confidence bound (GB-UCB) algorithm is an effective method for balancing between exploitation and exploration when exploring spatially dependent data in n-dimensional space. The balance between exploration and exploitation is required to limit the amount of user feedback required to achieve good prediction result in our context-based image retrieval system. The system starts with high amount of exploration and — as the confidence in the model increases — it starts exploiting the gathered information to direct the search towards better results. While the implementation of the GP-UCB is quite straightforward, it has time complexity of O(n^3) which limits its use in near real-time applications. In this thesis I present our reinforcement learning image retrieval system based on GP-UCB, with the focus on speed requirements for interactive applications. I also show simple methods to speed up the algorithm running time by doing some of the Gaussian process calculations on the GPU.
  • Jylhä-Ollila, Pekka (2020)
    K-mer counting is the process of building a histogram of all substrings of length k for an input string S. The problem itself is quite simple, but counting k-mers efficiently for a very large input string is a difficult task that has been researched extensively. In recent years the performance of k-mer counting algorithms have improved significantly, and there have been efforts to use graphics processing units (GPUs) in k-mer counting. The goal for this thesis was to design, implement and benchmark a GPU accelerated k-mer counting algorithm SNCGPU. The results showed that SNCGPU compares reasonably well to the Gerbil k-mer counting algorithm on a mid-range desktop computer, but does not utilize the resources of a high-end computing platform as efficiently. The implementation of SNCGPU is available as open-source software.
  • Cauchi, Daniel (2023)
    Alignment in genomics is the process of finding the positions where DNA strings fit best with one another, that is, where there are the least differences if they were placed side by side. This process, however, remains very computationally intensive, even with more recent algorithmic advancements in the field. Pseudoalignment is emerging as a new method over full alignment as an inexpensive alternative, both in terms of memory needed as well as in terms of power consumption. The process is to instead check for the existence of substrings within the target DNA, and this has been shown to produce good results for a lot of use cases. New methods for pseudoalignment are still evolving, and the goal of this thesis is to provide an implementation that massively parallelises the current state of the art, Themisto, by using all resources available. The most intensive parts of the pipeline are put on the GPU. Meanwhile, the components which run on the CPU are heavily parallelised. Reading and writing of the files is also done in parallel, so that parallel I/O can also be taken advantage of. Results on the Mahti supercomputer, using an NVIDIA A100, shows a 10 times end-to-end querying speedup over the best run of Themisto, using half the CPU cores as Themisto, on the dataset used in this thesis.
  • Laanti, Topi (2022)
    The research and methods in the field of computational biology have grown in the last decades, thanks to the availability of biological data. One of the applications in computational biology is genome sequencing or sequence alignment, a method to arrange sequences of, for example, DNA or RNA, to determine regions of similarity between these sequences. Sequence alignment applications include public health purposes, such as monitoring antimicrobial resistance. Demand for fast sequence alignment has led to the usage of data structures, such as the de Bruijn graph, to store a large amount of information efficiently. De Bruijn graphs are currently one of the top data structures used in indexing genome sequences, and different methods to represent them have been explored. One of these methods is the BOSS data structure, a special case of Wheeler graph index, which uses succinct data structures to represent a de Bruijn graph. As genomes can take a large amount of space, the construction of succinct de Bruijn graphs is slow. This has led to experimental research on using large-scale cluster engines such as Apache Spark and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) in genome data processing. This thesis explores the use of Apache Spark and Spark RAPIDS, a GPU computing library for Apache Spark, in the construction of a succinct de Bruijn graph index from genome sequences. The experimental results indicate that Spark RAPIDS can provide up to 8 times speedups to specific operations, but for some other operations has severe limitations that limit its processing power in terms of succinct de Bruijn graph index construction.
  • Lankinen, Juhana (2020)
    Due to the unique properties of foams, they can be found in many different applications in a wide variety of fields. The study of foams is also useful for the many properties they share with other phenomena, like impurities in cooling metals, where the impurities coarsen similarly to bubbles in foams. For these and other reasons foams have been studied extensively for over a hundred years and continue being an interesting area of study today due to new insights in both experimental and theoretical work and new applications waiting to be used and realized in different industries. The most impactful early work in the study of the properties of foams was done in the late 1800s by Plateau. His work was extended in the early to mid-1900s by Lifshitz, Slyozov, Wagner and von Neumann and by many more authors in recent years. The early work was mostly experimental or theoretical in the sense of performing mathematical calculations on paper, while the modern methods of study have kept the experimental part -- with more refined methods of measurement of course -- but shifted towards the implementation of the theory as simulations instead of solving problems on paper. In the early 90s Durian proposed a new method for simulating the mechanics of wet foams, based on repulsive spring-like forces between neighboring bubbles. This model was later extended to allow for the coarsening of the foam, and a slightly changed version of this model has been implemented in the code presented in this thesis. As foams consist of a very large number of bubbles, it is important to be able to simulate sufficiently large systems to realistically study the physics of foams. Very large systems have traditionally been too slow to simulate on the individual bubble level in the past, but thanks to the popularity of computer games and the continuous demand for better graphics in games, the graphics processing units have become very powerful and can nowadays be used to do highly parallel general computing. In this thesis, a modified version of Durian's wet foam model that runs on the GPU is presented. The code has been implemented in modern C++ using Nvidia's CUDA on the GPU. Using this program first a typical two-dimensional foam is simulated with 100000 bubbles. It is found that the simulation code replicates the expected behaviour for this kind of foam. After this, a more detailed analysis is done of a novel phenomenon of the separation of liquid and gas phases in low gas fraction foams that arises only with sufficiently large system sizes. It is found that the phase separation causes the foam to evolve as would a foam of higher gas fraction until the phases have mixed back together. It is hypothesized that the reason causing the phase separation is related to uneven energy distribution in the foam, which itself is related to jamming and uneven distribution of the sizes of the bubbles in the foam.