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  • Jussila, Terttu (2012)
    In my master's thesis I have studied the characteristics of pedagogically well-designed web-based learning environment, where the contents are presented according to the principles of biology didactics. I have created a website called Virtuaalimetsä (Virtual Forest). Virtuaalimetsä is a web-based learning environment of Finnish forests for the pupils of classes 5 and 6 in primary school. Virtuaalimetsä is made to support both teaching and learning of biology. It offers lots of information and a variety of tools to develop thinking skills. The information of Virtuaalimetsä has its basis in biological research, but the academic nature of this information has been modified to be understandable to children. In this modification the didactics of biology and natural sciences has had a great role. The contents of Virtuaalimetsä fulfill the requirements of National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. With the information from research of blended learning Virtuaalimetsä website has become an effective learning environment. In planning and creating Virtuaalimetsä I had four objectives: 1. Objectives concerning blended learning: to create a good web-based learning environment 2. Objectives concerning learning materials: to increase learners' knowledge and develop their thinking skills, and to create proper tools to achieve this 3. Objectives concerning teaching: to support traditional teaching with a meaningful web-based learning environment 4. Objectives concerning environmental education: to awake a sense of environmental responsibility especially in relation to forests. To achieve these objectives I have studied research about blended learning and didactics of biology. Characteristics of a good web-based learning environment appears to be a proper pedagogical goal, clear research-based information, tools to develop thinking skills, information structuring and intense contemplation, as also logical and pedagogically operational website with good navigation tools. As the leading rules of teaching biology can be mentioned emphasizing the wholeness of nature, system thinking, proper use of concepts, holistic examination of ecological phenomena, using children's previous ideas as a basis for learning and developing observation skills. Virtuaalimetsä has six parts: Metsäkartta (Forest Map), Metsäpolku (Forest Path), Metsäsanasto (Forest Vocabulary), Testaa taitosi (Test your skills), Metsän kasvit (Forest Plants) and Opettajalle (For teacher). This division has been made consistently with the learning tools, and most parts offer a specific way to enhance learning. Virtuaalimetsä is further divided into sub-parts according to different themes: Metsä elinympäristönä (Forest as a habitat), Metsätyypit (Forest types), Metsän kerrokset (Forest layers) and Metsäluonnon monimuotoisuus (Biodiversity in forests). Forest Map concentrates on mind maps and concept maps. These help children to create ideas of wholes and concepts. Concept maps enhance active and meaningful learning and develop learners' meta-cognitive skills. Forest Path has the biological information of Virtuaalimetsä. The information is so presented that learners can get a good picture of forest nature as a whole and as a systemic structure. Information is presented at a concrete level, and new information is continuously connected to the context of forest. Thus the information is kept together, and no single detail is left detached. Many biological concepts are presented, and they help to compose a meaningful image of forests and of the nature of biological phenomena. In Virtuaalimetsä forest environment also gives a familiar ground to examine matter cycle, energy flow and population dynamics. These phenomena represent different kinds of interaction patterns and causal structures in nature, and that is why they improve development of biological thinking and understanding. To awake environmentally responsible attitudes Virtuaalimetsä offers a great deal of necessary information to contemplate environmental problems. Test you skills is a place for exercises. Exercises help in repetition, they give a possibility to test skills and most importantly they activate learned information. Many of the exercises are describing, comparing and classifying exercises, which help to understand the concepts. Exercises that involve explaining help to organize and analyze information. Forest Plants -part has a link to Helsinki University's Pinkka -learning environment. In Pinkka there is a section made especially for Virtuaalimetsä with 30 forest plant species. Plant identification has its own part in Virtuaalimetsä, because knowledge about species has a crucial role in understanding nature and ecosystems. In Forest vocabulary all the concepts presented in Virtuaalimetsä are explained in alphabetical order. In For teachers the idea of Virtuaalimetsä is explained in nutshell. There are also tips for teachers of how to use Virtuaalimetsä in teaching, and how to use information and cognitive tools for example in teamwork, whole class discussions or outside the classroom. The structure of Virtuaalimetsä website has been made into a logical and easily navigated whole by dividing the site according to the different cognitive tools and forest themes. Links are clearly presented, and studying is guided by explaining the contents of each part in advance and by giving tips of how to move in the site. There are also left many possibilities for learners to plan their own course of study. Multiple presentations are present: the information is presented both as pictures and text, and to minimize cognitive load all the information of one subject is presented on the same page.
  • Hämäläinen, Heini (2017)
    Aims. Previous studies have shown, that an environment that supports the fulfilment of basic psychological needs such as autonomy, competence and relatedness, has a major impact on human's well-being. Those studies have also found out that spending time in forest environment decreases stress, increases energy and enthusiasm, improves attention and concentration, and also enhances team spirit and willingness to relate with others. The aim of this thesis is to study how well pupils experience autonomy, competence and relatedness in natural science lessons. The study also explores how teacher's pedagogical choices in classroom and in forest can create circumstances that support the fulfilment of basic psychological needs of the pupils. Methods. This thesis is a case study about well-being of 4th grade pupils in natural science lessons. The study was conducted in one school in southern Finland in the spring of 2016. There were 25 pupils participating in the study. During the research period, the data of this mixed methods -study was collected by two ways. Pupils were given questionnaires that measured the fulfilment of their basic psychological needs, and their teacher kept an informal diary about the lessons. Statistical methods were used to describe the data collected by questionnaires, and non-parametric tests were used in analysis. Teacher's diary was analysed by a qualitative theory-based content analysis. Results and Conclusions. In this study, the basic psychological needs of the pupils were fulfilled reasonably well in all lessons. When comparing the learning environments, the results were a little bit better for those lessons that were held in forest environment. The connection between competence and learning environment was found to be statistically significant. In this study, plenty of circumstances were found to contribute to the fulfilment of basic psychological needs. In conclusion, the well-being of pupils can be enhanced by activating them and encouraging them to participate, and by offering them opportunities to have an impact on the issues that are important to them. In addition, the well-being of pupils can also be enhanced by offering appropriately challenging tasks, and by fostering safe and approbative atmosphere.
  • Eerikäinen, Karri (2017)
    Metsähallituksen Luontopalveluiden erätalousyksikkö myy vuosittain noin 56 000 metsästyslupaa valtion monikäyttömetsiin. Metsähallitus saa vuosittain tuhansia palautteita niin riistanhoidosta kuin metsätaloudestakin saalisilmoitusten mukana. Palaute koskee pääosin metsätalouskäytössä olevia metsiä ja on suurimmaksi osin sävyltään negatiivista. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin 6032 saalispalautetta valtion mailla metsästäneiltä vuosilta 2005 - 2014. Aineiston perusteella tehtiin tarkentava kysely, mihin vastasi 819 henkilöä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin metsästäjien käsitystä valtion harjoittamasta metsätaloudesta. Tutkimuksesta kävi ilmi, että metsästäjien käsitykset valtion harjoittamasta metsätaloudesta eroavat merkittävästi siitä, miten Metsähallitus tällä hetkellä hoitaa monikäyttömetsiä. Ilmeisesti yksityismetsien hoito eroaa niin paljon valtion harjoittamasta metsätaloudesta että se herättää erilaisia kysymyksiä ja tunteita metsästäjissä. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että metsästäjät suhtautuvat negatiivisesti metsätalouden toimenpiteisiin. Metsätalouden teknisessä oikeellisuudessa sen sijaan ei ole huomautettavaa. Metsästäjällä on tietynlainen mielikuva ja ennakkokäsitys metsästysalueesta ennen metsästysreissua, ja useimmiten metsästysalue ei vastaa peitteisyyden ja vanhojen metsien osuuden osalta odotuksia. Vastaajien metsätaloudellinen osaaminen itsearviona oli tilastollisesti merkittävä muuttuja arvioitaessa erilaisia väittämiä metsätalouden ja riistanhoidon rajapinnasta. Myös ikä ja koulusivistys olivat tilastollisesti merkittäviä taustamuuttujia eräissä kyselyn väittämissä.
  • Häyrinen, Kaisa (2022)
    Aims. The aims of this master’s thesis were to find out why the new generations are still choosing hunting as their hobby and the significance of the game meat in the hunters’ households. Also, one interest was how important hunting is seen in the future during these unstable times. The Finnish hunting culture has changed over the time and hunting is not seen as an obligatory lifeline for the families rather than a relaxing hobby. On the other hand, hunting and the game meat can be seen as part of the self-sufficient household. The research questions of this thesis were: 1. Why some people of the new generations still choose hunting as their hobby? 2. How significant role does the game meat have in the hunters’ households? Methods. This thesis was carried out according to the qualitative research methods. 15 interviews of the topic were done in the summer 2022 and the informants were adults who hunt as their hobby. All the material collected during the interviews was analysed by using material-oriented methods. Results and conclusions. Finnish hunting culture has remained quite stable over the years because the new generations are still adapting hunting as a hobby. It is not only seen as a family tradition anymore and can also be inspired by friends or spouses. Meaning of the hunting has also changed because more often people are only looking for spending relaxing free time with friends which includes eating and drinking well, sauna and discussions with similar minded people. Even though hunting is more of a relaxing hobby than a mandatory activity, the appreciation towards the nature and the animals is extremely high. The game meat is used in different purposes, often it is offered during celebrational feasts and some use it as a protein supplement in their everyday, mostly vegetarian diet. For some people the game meat means self-sufficient household and being able to get rid of the meat produced by the livestock industry.
  • Teikari, Niko (2019)
    Riistaeläinseurannat luovat pohjan kestävälle ja suunnitelmalliselle metsästykselle. Valkohäntä- Odocoileus virginianus ja metsäkauriin Capreolus capreolus osalta nykyisten jälkiseurantojen haasteena on yhä useammin vaihtelevat lumikelit, eikä nykyisillä menetelmillä saada tietoa kantojen ikä- ja sukupuolirakenteista. Näiden pienten hirvieläinten kannat ovat kasvaneet voimakkaasti 2000-luvulla ja myös seurantamenetelmiä olisi syytä kehittää kohti tarkempia kanta-arvioita. Teknologian kehittymisen myötä riistakameroiden käyttö – keliriippumaton menetelmä kerätä edullisesti tietoa lajikohtaisista lukumääristä ja rakenteista – on lisääntynyt eläinkantojen arvioinneissa. Valtakunnallisen kamera-avusteisen kannanseurannan yhtenä edellytyksenä olisi saada metsästäjien omistamat riistakamerakuvat riistantutkimuksen käyttöön. Toisin sanoen riistakamerakäyttäjien myönteinen suhtautuminen kuviensa luovuttamiseen kannanarviointiin olisi menetelmän pohja, koska heillä on tekijänoikeus kuviinsa ja päätösvalta niiden käytöstä. Metsästäjien motiiveja riistalaskentoihin on tutkittu aikaisemmin, mutta motivoituminen riistalaskentaan ei välttämättä riitä motivoimaan omien riistakamerakuvien välittämiseen. Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää tätä suhtautumista luovutusaikeiden taustalla ja arvioida mahdollista käytettävissä olevaa riistakameramäärää valkohäntä- ja metsäkauriin kamera-avusteisen kannanarvioinnin tueksi. Suomen riistakeskus toteutti syksyllä 2017 riistakamerakyselyn, joka lähetettiin otoksen lähes 28 000:lle Oma riista -palveluun (riistahallinnon asiointipalvelu) rekisteröityneelle käyttäjälle valkohäntä- ja metsäkauriin levinneisyysalueella (11 riistakeskusaluetta). Vastauksia kertyi noin 12 500 (45 % otoksesta), joista yli puolet oli riistakamerakäyttäjiltä. Heistä muodostettiin latentilla luokka-analyysilla homogeenisiä osajoukkoja, eli profiileja, kuviensa luovuttamisehtojen suhteen. Profiileihin kuulumisen todennäköisyyksiä arvioitiin puolestaan multinominaalisen regressioanalyysin keinoin käyttäen riistakamerakäyttäjien toiminta- ja taustatietoja kovariaatteina. Riistakeskusalueellisen profiloinnin pohjalta muodostettiin myös arvio kuviensa luovutukseen myönteisesti suhtautuvien henkilöiden omistamien kameroiden lukumäärästä pinta-alaa kohti. Tunnistetut profiilit edustivat viittä suhtautumistapaa: myönteistä (30 %), anonyymiä (15 %), neutraalia (23 %), vastikkeellista (14 %) ja kielteisestä suhtautumista (18 % Oma riista- palveluun rekisteröityneistä kameraharrastajista). Myönteiseen suhtautumiseen vaikuttivat eniten aiempi kokemus kuvien lataamisesta mihin tahansa verkkopalveluun, asuminen riistanhoitoyhdistyksen alueella, jossa riistakameraa (tai kameroita) käyttää, korkeampi koulutusaste, sekä tärkeimpinä metsästyskohteina metsä- tai peltokanalinnut. Arvio tutkimusalueen kokonaisriistakameramäärästä oli noin 53 000. Suhtautumiseltaan myönteisten kameratiheys tuhannella hehtaarilla vaihteli riistakeskusalueittain 0,6–3,0 kameran välillä. Oma riista -palvelun käyttäjät muodostivat käyttökelpoisen perusjoukon tutkimuskysymysten tarkastelulle ja heistä tunnetut taustatiedot mahdollistivat vastaajien painottamisen perusjoukon kaltaiseksi. Tuloksia voidaan pitää edustavana koko tutkimusalueen kattavissa tarkasteluissa, mutta sen sijaan riistakeskusalueellisiin profilointeihin ja kameratiheyksien arvioihin on syytä suhtautua suuremmalla varauksella. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että Oma riista -palvelun käyttäjillä on merkittävä riistakamerakapasiteetti käytössään ja heistä noin kolmannes olisi aikomukseltaan valmis luovuttamaan riistakamerakuviaan kannanarvioinnin tueksi. Näin ollen kamera-avusteisen seurantamenetelmän käyttöönoton pullonkaula ei ole ainakaan myötämielisten metsästäjien kameroiden riittävyys.
  • Veinola, Sari (2020)
    An unforgettable, unique and individually felt customer experience can be called a memorable experience. One of the ways enterprises are able to gain competitive advantage is to produce memorable experiences to customers. This has become more and more essential in the success of all kinds of products and services. Service organizations design the customer experience in order to become specialized and to increase customer loyalty. This is also perceived in the restaurant business, which so far has not much utilized the principles of experience economy. The objective of this study is to understand how a memorable customer experience is created in a fine dining restaurant, particularly through food, and how this kind of an experience can be designed and developed to become a competitive asset and means of differentiation of a restaurant. In this study, the characteristics of customer experience and the means of impacting its quality and the depth of the experience are researched. The memorability of an experience is strongly attached to feelings experienced, through which the experience produces value and meaning to the customer. Meaningfulness in a customer experience increases the engagement with the enterprise and produces new visits, which in turn enhances competitive advantage and differentiation on the market. The study is based on the qualitative approach. The framework consists of researches and literature focusing on the nature and development of customer experience. In this research, the restaurateur and the designer of a fine dining restaurant specialized in experiences and originality were interviewed. The secondary material consisted of the social media channels and commenting platforms of the restaurant, the restaurateur's blog, and restaurant reviews both on Finnish and international websites. The restaurant is specialized in vegan food, and wildfood in particular, the aim of which has been to increase the differentiation and feeling of experience of the restaurant concept. Because of this, wildfood specialists have also been interviewed, which has resulted in a versatile insight of wildfood and its special nature as a restaurant concept. In this study, the tools of a restaurant to produce memorable experiences and develop the customer experience are analysed based on the framework. Based on the findings of the study, a memorable experience consists of multisensory individual and personal experiences, feelings and memories and stories built on these, and the feeling of authenticity which is perceived through ethical and ecological food with transparent origins. The pursuit of memorable experiences, particularly through food, works in the restaurant in question as a distinct asset. The speciality of the restaurant, wildfood, is also an essential part of the concept and creation of memorable experiences.
  • Pekkala, Sannukka (2017)
    Immigration has increased in the capital region of Finland. It is predicted that the number of immigrants will continue to rise in the future. Nature and green areas are easy to be found in Finland, also in the capital region. Previous studies have shown that nature can enhance psychological, physiological and social well-being. However, we know little about the relation between nature, integration and immigrants' well-being. In addition, it remains unclear how immigrants relate to nature, and what nature means for people from different cultures. The purpose of this thesis was to describe, analyze and interpret the meaning of nature for eight immigrants living in the capital region. One of the goals of this thesis was to analyze how immigrants would see nature as a place for enhancing well-being, and that way, possibly support the process of integration. This study was carried out as a case study research in August-September 2016. The participants were eight adult immigrants living in the capital region. The participants' ages varied between 30 to 55 years and they had lived in Finland from 2 to 12 years. This thesis included theme interviews and three guided nature walks in the capital region. The data consisted of theme interviews done before the nature walks and feedback forms filled in the end of the last walk. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. According to the content analysis, the immigrants seemed to have mainly positive and everyday relation to nature. Immigrants also told that moving to Finland had had an impact on their relation to nature by waking it up or making it stronger. Nature close by was thought to be a meaningful place for rest and relaxation, and a significant source of day-to-day well-being. According to immigrants, moving in and learning about nature could have a positive impact for the integration process by supporting social and cultural integration, enhancing well-being, and introducing new places. Participants also brought up that both cultural and practical topics related to nature could be more significant part of the integration education.
  • Woivalin, Emma (2020)
    Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää metsästetyn sorsanlihan elintarvikehygieenistä laatua mikrobien kokonaispesäkeluvun ja Escherichia coli -bakteerimäärän avulla, sekä kartoittaa sorsissa esiintyvien elintarvikevälitteisten patogeenien esiintyvyyttä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus tutustuu sinisorsaan lintulajina sekä sorsan metsästykseen yleisellä tasolla. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin metsästettyjen sorsien pintasivelynäytteitä. Ruhonäytteistä todettiin aerobisten bakteerien kokonaismäärän keskiarvo 3,5 log10 pmy/cm2 ja E. colin 1,2 log10 pmy/cm2. Tutkimuksessa eristettiin Listeria monocytogenes bakteeria 13 %:ssa näytteistä ja Yersinia enterocoliticabakteeria 3 %:ssa näytteistä. Näytteistä 9 % oli PCR:llä Campylobakteeri-positiivisia ja kaikki olivat Salmonella negatiivisia. Sorsanlihan hygieeninen laatu osoittautui hyväksi tai kohtalaiseksi. Näytteiden välillä esiintyi vaihtelua. Tutkimus osoittaa, että sorsanliha voi sisältää myös ruokamyrkytyksiä aiheuttavia bakteereja, mistä syystä ruhon käsittelyn ja lihan valmistuksen hyvät hygieniakäytännöt tulisi muistaa sekä ammatti- että kotikeittiöissä.
  • Nikupeteri, Tiina (2022)
    Tämä lisensiaatintutkielma sisältää kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja tutkimusosuuden. Dreeveri-rotuisilla koirilla tavattava metsästyksen yhteydessä syntyvä keuhkoödeema (ns. jahtiödeema) on non-kardiogeeninen eli ei-sydänperäinen tila, jossa keuhkojen välitilaan ja keuhkorakkuloihin kertyy nestettä. Non-kardiogeenisen keuhkoödeeman aiheuttajana voivat olla useat erilaiset mekanismit, kuten keuhkojen verisuonten läpäisevyyden lisääntyminen, kohonnut verenpaine keuhkojen kapillaarisuonissa sekä elimistön lisääntyneen katekoliamiinierityksen aiheuttamat muutokset. Dreevereillä keuhkoödeeman tarkkaa syntytapaa ei tiedetä. Sairauden diagnostiikka perustuu tyypilliseen oirekuvaan, keuhkojen röntgenkuvaukseen sekä muiden syiden, kuten tulehduksellisten tekijöiden ja sydänperäisten sairauksien poissulkemiseen. Oireilu rajoittuu yleensä itsestään levossa, eikä siihen ole spesifistä hoitoa. Sairaus on dreevereillä osittain perinnöllinen. Tutkimusosan tavoitteena oli kartoittaa dreeverien keuhkoödeematapauksien tyypillistä oirekuvaa, sairastumiselle altistavia tekijöitä sekä metsästyksen ja harjoitustaustan vaikutusta sairastumiseen. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin suomalaisen ja ruotsalaisen rotujärjestön valmiilla kyselykaavakkeella aiemmin kerättyjä tietoja. Kysymyksillä selvitettiin sairastuneiden dreevereiden ikä, sukupuoli, sairastumisajankohta, oirekuva, koirille tehdyt tutkimukset ja koirien saama hoito, metsästystavat, harjoitustausta sekä asuinolosuhteet. Muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä tarkasteltiin tilastollisen analyysin avulla. Tilastollisen merkitsevyyden rajaksi asetettiin p ≤ 0,05. Koirien tyypillisiä oireita olivat yskä, tihentynyt ja syventynyt hengitys sekä väsymys. Urosten todettiin sairastuvan narttuja nuorempana (p=0,005). Urosten sairastumisiän mediaani oli 29,8 kuukautta, narttujen 43,3 kuukautta. Uroksilla esiintyi narttuja tyypillisemmin yskää (p=0,003), ja yskivien koirien todettiin sairastuvan nuorempana (p<0,001) kuin ei-yskivien. Yskän voidaan olettaa korreloivan vakavamman oirekuvan kanssa, kun keuhkoihin kertynyt neste nousee korkeammalle hengitysteihin ja ärsyttää yskänreseptoreja. 52,9 % koirista oli saanut vähintään viisi ödeemakohtausta. Mitä enemmän koiralla oli kohtauksia, sitä todennäköisemmin sillä oli kohtauksen aikana useampia tyypillisiä oireita (yskä: p<0,001, tihentynyt hengitys: p=0,017, syventynyt hengitys: p=0,004) yksittäisen oireen sijaan. Tutkielman perusteella ei voida tehdä johtopäätöksiä sairauden yleisyydestä tai terveiden ja sairaiden koirien eroista, sillä kyselytutkimuksessa käsiteltiin ainoastaan oireilevia koiria. Myös aineistojen suuri kokoero maiden välillä ei anna täysin luotettavaa kuvaa suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten koirien välisistä eroavaisuuksista. Tutkimus antaa kuitenkin kattavan kuvan koirien oireista, sukupuolen ja iän merkityksestä sekä sairaita koiria yhdistävistä tekijöistä. Tutkimuksen avulla on myös mahdollista keskittyä tietyn ikäisten ja tietyllä tavalla oireilevien koirien tutkimiseen, mikäli aiheesta tehdään tulevaisuudessa kliinisiä tutkimuksia.
  • Posti, Unna (2022)
    Suomessa metsästystä harrastetaan aktiivisesti. Metsästyksen apuna käytetään usein riistaviettistä koiraa, joten metsästyskoiria on Suomessa paljon. Luonnossa vapaana juokseva koira kohtaa useita eri taudinaiheuttajia, jotka voivat olla terveysriski niin koiralle kuin myös ihmisille. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseni tavoitteena on koota yhteen tietoa näistä taudinaiheuttajista, miten tartunnan voi tunnistaa riistasta tai koirasta, millainen on tartuntareitti ja kuinka tartuntaa voidaan ehkäistä. Katsauksessa keskitytään Suomen kannalta oleellisiin taudinaiheuttajiin. Lisäksi perehdytään taudinaiheuttajien kykyyn tarttua ihmisiin, ihmiselle aiheutuvan sairauden oireisiin sekä tartunnan ehkäisyyn. Tutkielmassa käsitellään myös viranomaistoimin ehkäistäviä ja torjuttavia eläintauteja, jolloin lainsäädäntö velvoittaa tautiepäilyssä toimenpiteitä. Tutkielmaan on sisällytetty luonnonvaraisissa eläimissä esiintyviä viruksia, bakteereja sekä sisä- ja ulkoloisia. Katsauksessa on hyödynnetty aikaisemmin tutkittua tietoa taudinaiheuttajien levinneisyydestä ja esiintyvyydestä suomalaisessa riistassa. Lisäksi katsaukseen on tuotu esille koirilla esiintyneitä tautitapauksia, joihin liittyy riistassa esiintyviä taudinaiheuttajia. Luonnossa vapaana kulkevan koiran suojaaminen taudinaiheuttajilta on haastavaa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan merkittävin tartuntariski olivat kypsentämätön riistanliha ja elimet. Riistanliha ja elimet tulisi kypsentää riittävästi ennen tarjoamista koiralle. Lisäksi riistan käsittelystä syntyvä teurasjäte tulee hävittää asianmukaisesti, eikä jättää luontoon koiran saataville. Katsauksessa eniten esiin nousseita taudinaiheuttajia olivat loiset. Tartuntoja ei voida täysin ehkäistä ja tartunnan saanut metsästyskoira voi olla oireeton, joten koiran säännöllinen lääkitseminen loisia vastaan on tärkeä keino ehkäistä oireiden myöhempi alkaminen. Samalla ehkäistään loisten lisääntyminen ja leviäminen ympäristöön. Koira voi toimia oireettomana kantajana myös ihmisille tartunnallisille sairauksille, kuten ekinokokkoosille. Normaalisti terveelle koiralle oireeton tartunta voi olla koiralle kohtalokas, jos koiran immuunipuolustus on heikentynyt. Näin ollen metsästykseen tulisi käyttää vain yleisterveitä koiria. Tutkielman liitteenä on kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella koottu taulukko taudinaiheuttajista ja tartuntalähteistä metsästyskoiralle. Taulukossa eniten taudinaiheuttajia esiintyy villisioilla, mikä on huomioitava käytettäessä koiraa apuna villisikojen metsästyksessä.
  • Heinonen, Samuel (2017)
    Future of forestry planning has attracted interest in recent years. Useful forest resource data has been collected with the help of laser scanning. The data is available free of charge for forest owners in metsää -platform. Are forest owners any longer interested in paying for an owner-specific forestry plan? If is, so what kind of forestry plan would they be interested in? Are forest owners interested in seeing their forests through virtual services? Forestry organizations have sought cost-effectiveness through their actions by utilizing new operating models and technologies. However, it is it is possible that the forest is visited several times by many different professionals before harvesting or silvicultural work. Forestry organizations are interested in developing virtual forestry services that often require video or photo shooting in forest. Would it be possible to perform several stages of the required work at the same visit and by one professional to reduce additional costs such as travelling? The aim of this study was to find out the market for forestry planning required going in the forest from a forestry entrepreneur's point of view. There is an increase of forestry services which are implemented by a forestry entrepreneur. The survey was conducted by an ACBC-survey of 99 forest owners and by a normal survey of 21 forestry organizations. Collecting information about people in the forestry sector is challenging. Therefore, the research provides a lot of new information on the market situation of forest-related services. The study showed that there is a market for owner-specific forestry plan. Forest owners are interested in very traditional products. Interest in reforms is found, but they are not particularly important. There is more demand for FSC-forestry planning than service providers. Virtual forestry services do not generate much interest among forest owners. Organizations that sell forestry plans are often willing to order the implementation of the work from a forest service entrepreneur. Most of them are interested in expanding their forestry planning task to pricing silvicultural work and logging planning. Owner-specific forestry planning is getting closer and closer to the implementation of the operative work. Technology is also improving fast. Thus, it's difficult to say how forestry resource information will be collected after ten years. Regardless of how the information is collected, planning according to the objectives of the forest owner and representing the plan in an easily understandable form seems to be an important part of future forestry service.
  • Talvensaari, Terhi (2016)
    The aims of this study were to update an accounting model suitable for profitability calculations in family forestry, to test the MELA-software for evaluating stand and bare land values and to test the presented accounting model with two family forest properties located in Päijät-Häme area. Owners of the case forest properties provided bookkeeping notes, tax information, timber sales details, felling information, an estimation of entrepreneurial work and the amount of wood products taken for private use from year 2013. Forest Management Association Päijät-Häme provided numerical forest plans including stand level information from properties as well as association-level average stumpage prices and unit costs from years 2012 and 2013 for MELA-software calculations. MELA-software was employed to calculate the values of stands and bare land. The accounting model for family forestry was updated according to the requirements of international accounting standards (IFRS/IAS) and the forest stand liquidity effects of amended Finnish forest act of 2014. Profit and loss statement and balance sheet were illustrated by presenting average results per hectare for the case forest properties. Total net values of the forest property, divided into stumpage value, bare land value and goodwill value, were placed as non-current assets on the balance sheet. The changes in goodwill and stumpage values were also taken into account in the profit and loss statement. Current assets of the balance sheet included only items, which will be realized in the near future, like sold but not yet felled trees or harvested round woods, which are waiting for the transport. Additionally the balance sheet was amended with short-term tax income liabilities. The profitability of private forest properties was analyzed by using relative profitability indicators, which were return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). The case forest properties had different structures in business and growing stock and therefore the accounting model could describe interesting results, even though the analyzed fiscal period was only one year. The results of the study can be utilized in developing profitability information services for forestry, for example the Economy Doctor by Natural Resources Institute Finland.
  • Aalto, Laura (2023)
    Metsiin ja metsien käyttöön kohdistuu yhteiskunnassa monenlaisia odotuksia, jotka osittain saattavat jopa kilpailla toistensa kanssa. Metsäpolitiikassa asetetaan tavoitteita monipuolisesta, aktiivisesta ja tavoitteellisesta metsien käytöstä. Suomessa yksityismetsänomistajat muodostavat suurimman yksittäisen metsänomistajaryhmän ja heidän päätöksensä ja toimintansa vaikuttavat oleellisesti metsien käyttöön. Toiselle metsänomistus voi olla liiketoimintaa, kun toiselle se on taas lähempänä omaisuudenhallintaa. Joka tapauksessa metsä on osa omistajansa varallisuutta ja taloutta. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaiset taustapiirteet vaikuttavat metsänomistajien käyttämiin kannattavuuden arviointitapoihin, ja onko löydettävissä sellaisia tekijöitä joihin vaikuttamalla voitaisiin tukea yritysmäisen yksityismetsätalouden toimintaedellytyksiä. Metsänomistuksen yritysmäinen toiminta voi liittyä muuhunkin kuin puunmyyntiin, ja tutkielmassa selvitetään lisäksi, miten metsänomistajien kannattavuusnäkemykset vaikuttavat kiinnostukseen myydä hiilensidontaa tai luontoarvoja metsistään. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään Metsänomistaja 2020 -tutkimushankkeen aineistoa. Käytetty aineisto tulee kyselyn perusosan lisäksi osaotoksesta, joka käsitteli muun muassa metsätalouden kannattavuutta, metsien tuottamia hyötyjä ja ekosysteemipalveluita. Tutkimuksessa käytetään logistista regressiota, jonka avulla tutkitaan miten selittävinä muuttujina käytetyt metsänomistajien ja heidän tilojensa taustapiirteet selittivät kannattavuuden eri arviointitapojen käyttöä. Multinomiaalista logistista regressiota käytetään apuna selvitettäessä, miten metsänomistajien kannattavuusnäkemykset vaikuttavat heidän kiinnostukseensa tuottaa ja myydä ekosysteemipalveluita. Tulosten perusteella metsätalouden kannattavuuden arviointitapojen käytön vetoa kasvattavissa taustapiirteissä on metsänomistajan aktiivisuuteen ja metsäpalveluiden käyttöön viittaavia tekijöitä. Toisaalta myös miessukupuoli, korkeampi koulutus, ammattiasema palkansaajana tai yrittäjänä, korkeampi tulotaso, sekä metsäammattilaisen oma-aloitteinen yhteydenotto metsänomistajaan kasvattavat vetoa arvioida kannattavuutta jollain mittarilla. Tulosten mukaan kannattavuutta tarkkailevilla metsänomistajilla on myös kohonnut veto olla kiinnostunut ekosysteemipalveluiden myynnistä verrattuna kannattavuutta tarkkailemattomiin metsänomistajiin. Myös käytettyjen kannattavuusmittareiden lukumäärä kasvattaa vetoa olla kiinnostunut ekosysteemipalveluiden myynnistä. Metsätaloudellisesti aktiiviset metsänomistajat vaikuttavat siis ajattelevan laajemmin metsänsä ansaintamahdollisuuksista. Jatkossa yksityismetsänomistajien kannattavuustutkimuksissa olisi tarpeen syventää tarkastelua metsätalouden kannattavuuden arvioinnin ja erilaisten metsäpalveluiden käytön suhteesta. Tämä vahvistaisi johtopäätöksiä metsäpalveluiden käytön yhteydestä metsätalouden kannattavuuden arviointitapoihin ja niiden merkityksestä yritysmäisen metsätalouden lisäämisessä.
  • Melkko, Linnea (2019)
    This thesis examined the views and assessment methods of profitability in forestry used by the Finnish private forest owners and analysed the differences in these in relation to the theory of forest economics. The study provides in-depth and analytically generalized information on the phenomenon. The data were collected in the spring of 2019 and consists of 52 responses to a semi-structured survey sent to private forest owners. This is an extensive and collective case study based on a mixed methods design. The key findings include an in-depth description of the phenomenon and a typology of the assessment methods for profitability. To explain the phenomenon, the csQCA-technique based on Boolean algebra was used. Some multiple conjunctural causations were identified concerning the assessment of relative profitability and the lack of the assessment of profitability. The thesis provides also information on the effects of non-market values on the phenomenon.
  • Salo, Tuukka (2016)
    The purpose of the act on the financing of sustainable forestry (Kemera-law) is to advance economically, ecologically and socially sustainable silviculture and use of the forests. A private forest owner may receive financial support from the State for forest management, forest improvement work and for nature management. The purpose of this thesis was to find out the factors affecting the private forest owners’ participation in the Kemera cost sharing program and are there differences between forest owners’ objectives in forest ownership and opinions about Kemera-subsidies depending on the participation in the cost sharing program. The data used in this thesis is from a survey that was implemented in the spring of 2016 as a part of a project in Tapio Oy. Also additional information from The Finnish Forest Centre was used in the regression analysis. The factors affecting the use of Kemera-subsidy was analyzed with logistic regression. The differences in the forest ownership objectives and in the opinions about the Kemera-subsidy depending on the participation to the Kemera cost sharing program were determined by descriptive analysis. With the used factors, the regression analysis did not succeed in making a model that would successfully predict the participation to the cost sharing program. However, the results implied that the factors positively affecting the participation to the cost sharing program were forested area owned, forest owners’ self-determined activity and use of external services in forest. The differences between the forest owners’ objectives depending on the participation in the cost sharing program imply that the participants did not value the non-monetary values less than those who had not participated in the cost sharing program, but they did value monetary values more. The average opinions about Kemera-subsidy did not vary much depending on the participation to the cost sharing program. Those who had participated in the cost sharing program in the last 10 years were a little more satisfied about the Kemera-subsidies. The majority thought that the best incentive in the Kemera-subsidy is the gained benefit in the future. The most common reason not to participate in the cost sharing program was the challenging applying.
  • Rautavirta, Marjukka (2020)
    This study introduces a new policy instrument called Forest conservation tax deduction. Finnish Forest Industries Federation (FFIF) has presented the Forest conservation tax deduction at the idea level. The aim of the Forest conservation tax deduction would be to encourage forest owners to voluntarily conserve applicable parts of their forests for a fixed duration in exchange for compensation. Compensation for forest conservation comes in the form of a tax deduction that can only be taken out from taxes directed at forestry capital income. In this way, the instrument could work as an encouragement to increase wood supply to the market and simultaneously placing important natural sites under conservation. There is no policy instrument in Finland that would increase conservation and at the same time secure access to wood for industrial use at the time of writing this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to present and further develop the new Forest conservation tax deduction on the basis of the proposal of the FFIF in more detail and to clarify the content of the policy instrument. The thesis examines, among other things: whether there is a need for a new instrument, whether it is legally feasible and how the instrument would work. The material for this thesis consists of the instruments and legislation currently in use. The material used is the de minimis regulation, environmental support aid of the Temporary Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry and forest gift tax deduction. The new instrument is based on the instruments currently in use and the research method is to present the operation of the new instrument through the application of the instruments currently in use. The current environmental support aid for voluntary temporary protection suffers from an under-budget and low human resources. Monitoring the effectiveness of this policy has also shown that the forest owners have often conserved a target area without compensation. For these reasons, it is important to assess whether the current instrument achieves its objectives in a cost-effective way for the society. In addition, the legislation of the current instrument is temporary and will require the approval of the European Commission after the end of its term. Forest conservation tax deduction is proposed to be a permanent and continuous form of preservation regulation. This instrument could also be used in future to ease safeguarding forest species in need of temporary protection. The instrument is proposed to be based on a de minimis regulation which consecutively does not need to be approved by the European Commission. This in turn would reduce the amount of bureaucracy involved. The Forest conservation tax deduction is a legally feasible instrument. This thesis demonstrates that Forest conservation tax deduction is a potential policy instrument for temporary protection. However, the introduction of the instrument as an active regulation would require further study, as the instrument and its operation are considered only at a general level. The details of the tax aid are left largely open and therefore require further work. The thesis has not examined the cost-effectiveness of the new instrument and therefore does not compare this aspect to the current active instrument. The thesis also does not examine how Forest conservation tax deduction as a policy instrument affects the timber trade and forest protection. These should be taken into account in future study. A regional experiment would also provide a better understanding of forest owners' attitudes towards the instrument.
  • Nisula, Kalle (2019)
    In Finland, forest road network has played a significant role in the society throughout history by serving landowners, stakeholders of timber trade, forest management operators, agricultural- and other entrepreneurs. Different forest recreational users such as berry pickers, mushroom pickers and hunters benefit also from good quality forest roads. Wide forest road network help also in preventing forest fires, building fires and it provides help for human and animal rescue missions. In Finland, large number of private forest roads have reached end of their working life and require therefore wide renovations in near future so that the high quality can be maintained. The large-scale determination of forest roads quality is vital so that situation of lower level road network can be followed, and decisions can be maid whether forest roads can be utilized in timber harvesting operations for example. The growing trend in size and weight of timber transport vehicles will cause more careful route planning to the harvest site when forest roads are in bad shape. Good quality forest roads will reduce fuel consumption in timber transport, vehicle damages and road damages. The main objective in this study was to determine the potential of open access geographic information data and especially open access low-density airborne laser scanning data to evaluate the quality of forest roads. Area-based laser scanning inventory method was used with reference data from field plots. Field data was collected from area of research in November 2018 and it consisted from predefined sample plots that were evaluated with the means of traditional forest road quality factors. The aim was to find these quality factors from ALS data and from other open access data and predict forest road quality class using non-parametric k-nearest neighbor method. The results show that metrics calculated from ALS data were quite important in evaluating forest road quality classes. Metrics that illustrate point height distribution, height averages and metrics extracted from digital elevation model which illustrate slope were the most significant in this study. The results show also that the correlation of individual metrics and forest road quality class from reference data was not very high. However, the quality class of forest roads could be predicted correctly at least 69,8 % accuracy when k-nearest neighbor method was used, and all metrics were used. The method used in this study can be utilized to predict forest road quality class relatively accurately, but the accuracy could still be improved. One way to improve this method would be to use high density ALS data and more accurate reference data. It could also be interesting to use this method in another area of research and inspect how the results would differ from this study.
  • Oppong Adomaa, Angelica (2014)
    This study examines the impact of forest industry securities on the portfolio risk in the frame of portfolio theory, and performs comparison of international forest industry enterprises as investment objects by using methods of fundamental analysis. During the past decade the global balance of forest industry has been shifting. While the demand for forest industry products in Western countries has been declining, the total demand for forest industry products on the global level has been growing. The growth of total demand has been generated by emerging markets. In Finland forest industry has been considered as a steady industry sector, which has been rewarding investors with stable profits. The previous researches show that compared to the average risk of securities, forest industry securities tend to have a lower risk. The objective of this study is to examine the geographical diversification of forest industry securities and its benefits to the risk in a Finnish stock portfolio between 2003 and 2013. The theoretical framework of this study includes portfolio theory and fundamental analysis. The principal aim of portfolio theory is to maximize expected return for a given amount of risk, or equivalently minimize risk for a given level of expected return. The risk is interpreted as variance of portfolio expected returns. By choosing securities which have only very little correlation with each other we obtain the best diversification benefits, hence minimize portfolio risk. Fundamental analysis provided key indicators for analyzing economic preconditions of the companies which reflected efficiency, solvency and market liquidity. The portfolio risk was calculated from a market portfolio, which included forest industry securities from five alternative countries; Finland, Germany, USA, Latin America, China. After including the securities to the portfolio their weight was optimized. The market portfolio was represented by OMXH CAP -return index as it consists of a weighted sum of every asset traded at Helsinki Stock Exchange, hence is perfectly diversified portfolio. The results showed that in the geographical comparison the German forest industry stocks provided the best diversification benefits. Including German forest industry stocks to a Finnish market portfolio decreased portfolio risk by 2.77 %, where the forest industry stocks of other countries where able to decrease portfolio risk less than 1 %. Compared to other countries, German forest industry stocks had the smallest correlation with OMXH CAP -return index. Performing fundamental analysis of forest industry companies on a country level did no provide explicit results what comes to the investment attractiveness as financial key indicators of companies had considerable fluctuation within a country.
  • Hirvonen, Martti (2013)
    Determining the market value of forest properties is needed for several purposes. In Finland the most used methods for valuation of forests are summation approach, income approach and market approach. Real estate valuation methods are standardized by the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). The council publishes standards that have been the premise for real estate valuation also in Finland. However, standard for the valuation of forests doesn’t exist due to significant problems in every method used. From International Valuation Standards Councils perspective valuation should always be market-based. Figures for the calculations should be derived from the market. This has been problematic for forest properties as the specific forest inventory data has been too expensive and difficult to collect. The new forest inventory data system of The Finnish Forest Centre, which is based on airborne laser scanning, creates new possibilities for combining the data with the market prices. This enables a better examination of the valuation methods used and a possibility for the creation of a standardized method. The purpose of this study was to compare the attributes and suitability of the most used valuation methods when determining the market value of forest properties. Research material of this study consists of 15 representative forest property transactions (areas over 10 hectares) from Central Finland and the laser scanning based inventory data of these properties. The attributes investigated were the size of correction from total value when using summation approach, the internal rate of return in the income approach, possible net income for the near future and the accuracy of these valuation methods. In addition, taxation of forest revenues, transfer taxes, administration costs of forests and trade costs were applied in examination of these methods. Processing and calculations of data were carried out with MELA, Motti, Tforest and Excel programs. The average internal rate of return was 5,3 percent and median 4,3 percent, which is similar to previous studies. Investments in forest properties are categorized to an average risk-return investment class. The correction from total value when using summation approach was similar to previous studies as it varied from -2 to -60 percent and was -26 percent on average (and -13 percent when expectation values were left out). The possible net income from these forest properties from the period of five years could cover 64 percent of market prices; however notable differences were among properties. When taking taxes, administration and trade costs into account the average internal rate of return sets down between 3 - 4 percent. The total value correction in summation approach is only -4,5 percent on average (+12,9 percent without expectation values). The problems of the valuation methods can be seen when looking at the accuracy of the methods. Standard deviation of every method varies from 25 - 35 percent when comparing them to the market values. Notable is that with a very simple method; multiplying the growing stock with the average stumpage prices, the results are as accurate as with more complex methods. The most accurate results for the whole research material were calculated with the income approach using 5 percent interest rate. Also using the summation approach and taking taxes, administration and trade costs into account was very accurate. More research is still needed for every method. Perhaps in practical valuation tasks the market value of forest properties should be investigated using multiple methods side by side, as IVSC has proposed. The results of this study are similar to previous studies and therefore support the intention for combining the new laser scanning based forest inventory data to the market prices. The use and research of extensive and up-to-date market data of forest properties could also open new possibilities in valuation of non-market benefits.