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  • Pynnönen, Henna (2009)
    Methylation analysis by Ciucanu and Kerek (1984) and Hakomori (1964) and the meaning of circumstances in the reaction, reaction parameters and structure of the sample were reviewed in this study. The experimental work consisted of methylation analysis of glucose, cellobiose, isomaltose, pullulan, commercial dextran and dextrans produced by lactic acid bacteria Weissella confusa and Leuconostoc citreum. The success of the methylation was controlled using the IR-method. Methylated samples were treated by methanolysis and acid hydrolysis. The structure analyses were carried out with GC-MSspectra. Two different columns: DB-1 and HP-5 were compared in the GC-analysis. Two hours methylation in the ultrasonic bath gave good methylation results. It was easy to control the methylation by IR-method. OH-peak (3400 cm-1) was absent and CH3- peaks (2900 and 2800 cm-1) were high after successful methylation. IR-spectroscopy is a valuable tool to check if methylation has been successful. Samples could be remethylated before hydrolysis and derivation if necessary. After methanolysis there were ?- and ?-pyranose forms from each methylated monosaccharides. Due to reduction after the acid hydrolysis method, there was only one methylated form from each product. The structures of glucose, cellobiose, isomaltose and pullulan were solved by both hydrolysis methods. Recovery of these samples was good but the deviation was large. The structure of commercial dextran and dextran produced by W. confusa were solved by methanolysis method and partly by acid hydrolysis method. Recovery of these samples was poor. The methylation succeeded only in one of the dextran samples produced by L. citreum. The methylation analysis of dextrans could be developed in the future by increasing the temperature and the time of mixing and by adding some glycerol.
  • Markkanen, Marianna (2024)
    Ikääntymiseen liittyvä lihasmassan määrän väheneminen ja lihasten toiminnan heikentyminen ovat merkittävimpiä gerastenialle altistavia tekijöitä. Gerastenia on kliininen oireyhtymä, jolle on ominaista alentunut stressinsietokyky, sekä fysiologisten ja neurologisten toimintojen kumulatiivinen heikentyminen. Proteiini yhdistettynä liikuntaan on tutkimuksissa parantanut ikääntyneiden liikunta- ja toimintakykyä ja siten gerastenian oireita ikääntyneillä. Maidossa luontaisesti esiintyvä, MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) -yhdiste, on tutkimuksissa osoittanut lupaavia terveyttä edistäviä vaikutuksia ikääntyneiden fyysiseen suorituskykyyn. Pro gradu -tutkielmani ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako MFGM-yhdistettä ja proteiinia sisältävien välipalatuotteiden käyttö yhdistettynä kevyeen liikuntaharjoitteluun ikääntyneiden naisten gerastenian asteeseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, eroaako tutkittavien proteiininsaanti tutkimuksen alussa eri gerastenian asteen omaavien henkilöiden välillä. Voimapala-tutkimus oli 12-viikon satunnaistettu kontrolloitu tutkimus. Osallistujat olivat yli 70-vuotiaita, kotona asuvia naisia, joiden proteiininsaanti lähtötilanteessa oli alle 1,2 g/painokilo/pv. Osallistujat satunnaistettiin interventio- (n=51) ja kontrolliryhmiin (n=50). Interventioryhmä nautti päivittäin yhden välipalatuotteen, joka sisälsi 23 grammaa maitoproteiinia ja 3,6–3,9 grammaa MFGM-yhdistettä. Molempia ryhmiä ohjeistettiin suorittamaan kotona kevyt liikuntaohjelma päivittäin koko tutkimuksen ajan. Gerastenian asteen arviointiin käytettiin Friedin fenotyyppimallia, jossa on viisi kriteeriä: Tahaton laihtuminen, uupumus, vähäinen fyysinen aktiivisuus, hitaus ja heikkous. MFGM-yhdistettä ja proteiinia sisältävien välipalatuotteiden käytöllä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää vaikutusta yli 70-vuotiaiden naisten gerastenian asteeseen. Tutkittavista 3 %:lla oli gerastenia ja 46 %:lla esigerastenia tutkimuksen alussa. Proteiinin saanti lisääntyi interventioryhmässä 0,2 g/kg/pv (p<0,001) tutkimuksen aikana. Tutkittavien proteiininsaannissa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa gerastenian asteiden välillä. Vaikka MFGM-yhdisteellä ja proteiinilla ei tässä tutkimuksessa havaittu olevan vaikutusta ikääntyneiden gerasteniaan, muutamien aiempien tutkimusten perusteella MFGM-yhdisteellä on havaittu ikääntyneiden liikunta- ja toimintakykyä edistäviä ominaisuuksia. MFGM-yhdiste sisältää useita bioaktiivisia yhdisteitä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa gerasteniaan eri mekanismeilla. Gerastenia on monitekijäinen oireyhtymä, joten MFGM-yhdisteen, ravitsemuksen ja liikunnan yhdistävillä monikomponentti-interventioilla, voitaisiin saavuttaa hyviä tuloksia gerastenian hoidossa. MFGM-yhdistettä on tutkittu ikääntyneillä toistaiseksi hyvin vähän, joten lisää tutkimuksia aiheesta tarvitaan erityisesti niillä ikääntyneillä, joilla on jo gerastenia.
  • Saarinen, Eero (2023)
    The emergence of antibiotic resistance is a growing concern globally. The horizontal spread of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) causes multi drug resistant strains that can be harmful to human- and animal health. This risk must be considered when new bacterial strains are used in the plant protection industry, therefore this master’s thesis presents a new bioinformatical method to evaluate the potential of ARG to horizontally transfer to another bacteria. This thesis will walk through analyses that can be used to hunt for ARGs and mobile genetic elements (MGE) in bacterial whole genome sequence data. Also, this thesis presents a new computational analysis tool called MGEradar that reveals MGEs that are linked to a specific ARG. Also, this thesis presents a simple metod for studying the prevalence of an ARG among other bacterial strains of the suspect species. MGEradar, the prevalence analysis and the bioinformatical pipeline can be helpful tools to evaluate the intrinsicness and mobility of an ARG. For the evaluation of the bioinformatical method, the genomes of Escherichia coli and Bacillus thuringiensis are examined to determine the MGEs associated with two ARGs, mcr-1 and fosB.
  • Lenius, Jevi (2024)
    Ryhmän II metabotrooppisten glutamaattireseptorien (mGluR2/3) osuutta päihderiippuvuudessa on tutkittu paljon. Suurin osa tutkimuksista kohdistuu ryhmän II mGlu2/3-reseptorien agonisteihin. Kirjallisuudessa on kuitenkin viitteitä siitä, että mGlu2/3-reseptorien antagonismilla voisi olla myös vaikutusta päihteiden aiheuttamaan palkitsevuuskäyttäytymiseen. Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää glutamaattireseptorien mGluR2/3 antagonistin (LY341495) vaikutusta 3,4-metyleenidioksimetamfetamiinin eli MDMA:n aiheuttamaan ehdollistettuun paikkahakuisuuteen käyttäen hiiriä koe-eläiminä. Tutkimuksissani käytetty LY341495:n annostus oli 3 mg/kg ja MDMA:n 15 mg/kg. Kaikki injektiot annettiin vatsapeitteiden läpi vatsakalvo-onteloon. Ensimmäisessä kokeessani tutkittiin mGluR2/3 antagonismin vaikutusta MDMA-paikkahakuisuuden muodostumiseen. Toisessa kokeessani selvitettiin LY341495:n vaikutusta sekä jo muodostuneeseen että sammuneeseen MDMA-paikkahakuisuuteen. Edellä mainittujen kokeiden yhteydessä tutkittiin mGluR2/3 antagonismin ja MDMA:n välisiä interaktioita. Tuloksien perusteella ei pystytty osoittamaan LY341495:n vaikutusta huumemuistin muodostumiseen epäonnistuneen MDMA-ehdollistumisen takia. mGluR2/3 antagonismilla ei ollut vaikutusta muodostuneeseen eikä sammuneeseen huumemuistiin. Kirjallisuuden mukaan LY341495 itsessään lisää eläinten liikkumista. Kokeessani LY341495 kuitenkin vähensi MDMA:n aiheuttamaa lokomotorista stimulaatiota. Sama vaikutus oli havaittavissa MDMA-käsittelyä saaneissa eläimissä jopa kuukausi MDMA-vieroituksen jälkeen. Tämä ilmiö voisi selittyä MDMA:n aiheuttamilla pitkäaikaisilla neuroplastisilla muutoksilla, jotka kohdistuvat dopamiini- ja/tai glutamaattijärjestelmään. Sekä MDMA että mGlu2/3-reseptoreihin vaikuttavat aineet ovat vilkkaan tutkimuksen alla erilaisissa mielenterveyden häiriöissä, kuten PTSD:n ja päihderiippuvuuden hoidoissa. On siis mahdollista, että edellä mainittuja aineita tullaan käyttämään laajemmin ihmisten hoidoissa, jolloin on tärkeää ottaa huomioon kokeissani havaitut interaktiot ja tehdä aiheesta lisää tutkimusta.
  • Makkonen, Joanna (2016)
    Glutamatergisen hermosolutoiminnan häiriöt vaikuttavat olevan yhteydessä mielenterveys- ja mielialahäiriöihin. Metabotrooppiset glutamaattireseptorit ovat yksi mahdollinen kohde kun etsitään nykyisiä lääkkeitä tehokkaampia vaihtoehtoja näiden sairauksien hoitoon. Hiirten marmorikuulien hautaamiskokeen ajatellaan mittaavan hiirten ahdistuneisuutta ja pakko-oireisuutta, ja metabotrooppisen glutamaatti-2/3-reseptorin antagonisti LY-341495:llä on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa havaittu hautaamiskäyttäytymistä lievittäviä vaikutuksia tässä testissä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli havainnoida LY-341495:n jo tunnettuja vaikutuksia hiirten käyttäytymiseen marmorikuulien hautaamiskokeessa ja selvittää, ovatko vaikutukset riippuvaisia mGlu3-reseptoreista. Lisäksi tutkimme LY-341495:n vaikutusta hiirten liikeaktiivisuuteen ja sitä, onko vaikutus samanlainen mGlu3R-poistogeenisillä hiirillä kuin villityyppi-hiirillä. Emme havainneet LY-341495:llä olevan vaikutusta villityyppi-hiirten marmorikuulien hautaamiskäyttäytymiseen tai liikeaktiivisuuteen. LY-341495 ei vaikuttanut myöskään mGlu3R-poistogeenisten hiirten marmorikuulien hautaamiskäyttäytymiseen. Havaitsimme kuitenkin LY-341495:llä olevan tilastollisesti merkittävä mGlu3R-poistogeenisten hiirten liikeaktiivisuutta lisäävä vaikutus. mGlu2-reseptorin toiminnan estyminen mGlu3-reseptorin suhteen poistogeenisillä hiirillä näyttää johtavan yliaktiivisuuteen. Pystyynnousu-aktiivisuuden lisääntymisestä ei kuitenkaan voi päätellä LY-341495:n vaikutusta mielialaan. Tuloksemme eivät tukeneet sitä, että LY-341495:n vaikutus villityyppi- tai mGlu3R-poistogeenisiin hiiriin olisi pakko-oireisuutta lievittävä.
  • Muhonen, Eija (2015)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on esitellä Markovin ketju Monte Carlo -menetelmistä (MCMC) tunnetuin eli Metropolis-Hastings algoritmi. Menetelmää sovelletaan geometrisia muotoja sisältävien kuvien terävöittämisessä. Luku kolme esittelee tilastolliset inversio-ongelmat. Inversio-ongelma on käänteinen ongelma, jossa on saatu data ja halutaan tietää mistä data on peräisin. Tiedetään myös miten data on saatu, mutta data sisältää aina mittausvirhettä, joten lähtötilannetta ei voi laskea suoraan saadusta datasta. Usein alkutilanteesta tiedetään kuitenkin jotain. Tutkielmassa datana on käytetty sumennettua valokuvaa, jossa mustalla taustalla on valkoinen suorakaide. Lähtötilanteesta siis tiedetään, että kyseessä on yksivärinen tausta ja siinä on yksivärinen suorakaide. Neljännessä luvussa esitellään Markovin ketjut ja käydään läpi niiden tärkeimmät ominaisuudet, joita tarvitaan ketjujen konvergointiin. Viides luku esittelee MCMC-menetelmät. Ne perustuvat Markovin ketjujen konvergointiin tasapainojakaumaansa kohti ja suurten lukujen lakiin. Tarkoitus on löytää tiedetylle tasapainojakaumalle sopiva Markovin ketju ja ottaa ketjusta näytejono. Näytejonon keskiarvo suppenee kohti oikeaa tulosta näytejonon kasvaessa. MCMC-teorian mukaan näytejonon ensimmäisen arvon valinnalla ei ole väliä, joten se arvotaan lähtötilanteesta tietämämme perusteella. Tämän jälkeen tehdään alkuarvoon satunnainen muutos. Alkuarvo ja sen muunnos mallinnetaan samalla tavalla, kun tiedämme datan saadun. Mallinnuksista verrataan kumpi on lähempänä saatua dataa. Jos muunnos on lähempänä, se hyväksytään varmasti seuraavalle kierrokselle. Satunnaisella todennäköisyydellä se hyväksytään huononpanakin vaihtoehtona. Seuraava muunnos tehdään aina viimeisimmästä hyväksytystä muunnoksesta. Joka yrityksestä näytejonoon lisätään seuraavalle kierrokselle jatkanut arvo. Lopulta näytejonosta lasketaan keskiarvo, joka on haluttu tulos. Toteutus esitellään kuudennessa luvussa. Toteus on tehty Matlab-ohjelmalla. Toteutusta ajetaan eri arvoilla ja tuloksia vertaillaan vähentämällä oikean kuvan pikselien arvoista saadun kuvan pikselien arvot. Toteutusta on testattu valokuvilla, joissa on yksi tai useampi suorakaide. Menetelmällä on testattu useita eri parametreja toteutukselle ja tuloksissa etsillään luvussa seitsemän. Luvussa kahdeksan käydään läpi johtopäätöksiä.
  • Toepfer, Thomas Neil (2020)
    The description and analysis of oral language use is a daunting task. In this study, I have attempted to look not only into oral language but also to probe a bit deeper into the interaction taking place between an interviewer (S) and an interviewee (Int) in a typical oral proficiency interview (OPI). An OPI has been described many times, but apparently no description of this particular S/Int interaction has been made. Nevertheless, the practitioners of the art, or skill if you will, of OPI make a variety of claims about the relative effectiveness of various strategies in testing. It would seem that most of these are primarily based on anecdotal evidence. This study may be the beginning of a look at what interaction is occurring, particularly in the Finnish setting. This study presents the analysis of three actual test interviews carried out by trained interviewers working for the National Certificate (NC) of Language Proficiency (of Finland). All three interviews were at the Advanced Level in the NC scaling system. In my study, I concentrated on the testing research of the late 1990s with its eclectic focus. I chose those factors identified in studies as most pertinent to interaction: speech act, discourse analysis, lexicality contra grammaticality, floor, back channelling, overlapping, introspection, repairs and repetitions, accommodation, and negotiation of meaning. In results differing somewhat from certain earlier studies, I identified various forms of the multiplicity of interaction which did occur in these interviews. In fact, it was shown that these OPI proceeded to a great extent under the control, initiation, and interaction of the candidates. The interviewers managed their task well, eliciting a broad and varied language sample from each candidate.
  • Markkanen, Anttoni (2021)
    Pleomorfinen adenooma (PA) on yleisin sylkirauhasten hyvänlaatuinen kasvain. Hoitamattomana niihin kehittyy maligniteetti noin 5-10% tapauksista. Malignisoituneista kasvaimista yleisin on carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (CxPA). Tämän lisäksi niillä on taipumus uusiutua, recurrent pleomorphic adenoma (RPA) riittämättömän kirurgisen hoidon yhteydessä, mutta uusiutumia tavataan kuitenkin myös adekvaatin kirurgisen hoidon jälkeen. Uusiutuvat kasvaimet aiheuttavat hoidollisia haasteita. Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena oli selvittää ja tutkia mahdollisia histopatologisia muutoksia, sekä solusyklin säätelyyn liittyvän cyclin D1 proteiinin ja solujen proliferaatioon vaikuttavan Ki-67 proteiinin roolia liittyen pleomorfisen adenooman uusiutumiseen ja malignisoitumiseen. Cyclin D1 ja Ki-67 proteiinin ilmentymistä tutkittiin immunohistokemiallisin menetelmin. Ki-67 proteiinin ilmentymistä tutkittiin tutkimuksessamme patologiassa yleisesti käytetyn MIB-1 vasta-aineen avulla. Aineistona tutkimuksessamme käytettiin retrospektiivisesti kerättyä potilasaineistoa (n=65) ja potilasaineiston perusteella laadittiin tutkittavat kasvainryhmät. Tutkittavat kasvainryhmät koostuivat tavallisista hyvänlaatuisista PA kasvaimista (n=26), uusiutuneista kasvaimista (n=20) sekä maligneista CxPA kasvaimista (n=19). Uusiutuneiden kasvainten ryhmä jaettiin lisäksi alaryhmiksi, jotka koostuivat uusiutuneiden PA kasvainten primääreistä kasvamista (PA-prim) sekä primäärejä kasvaimia seuranneista uusiutuneista kasvaimista (PA-rec). Vertailimme kasvainryhmien välisiä eroavaisuuksia kasvainten kliinisten tietojen, histopatologisten ominaisuuksien sekä cyclin D1 ja MIB-1 ilmentymisen osalta. Tutkimuksemme perusteella MIB-1 ilmentyminen oli kohonnut CxPA ja PA-rec kasvaimissa, mutta ei PA-prim kasvaimissa. Tämä viittaa mahdollisesti siihen, että MIB-1 ilmentymisen eroavaisuudet näissä kasvaimissa voivat kehittyä vasta primäärin kasvaimen jälkeen. Cyclin D1 ilmentymisessä sekä histopatologiassa ei havaittu merkitseviä eroavaisuuksia ryhmien välillä.
  • Kristensen, Kasper (2013)
    Foucauldian concepts of bio-power and biopolitics are widely utilized in contemporary political philosophy. However, Foucault’s account of bio-power includes some ambivalence which has rendered these concepts of bio-power and biopolitics rather equivocal. Foucault elaborates these concepts and themes related to them in his books Discipline and Punish (1975) and History of Sexuality: An Introduction (1976), and also in his Collège de France-lectures held from 1975 to 1979. Through a detailed analysis of these works this research suggests that there are differences in Foucault’s account of bio-power. The aim of this thesis is to shed light to these differences, and consequently, clarify Foucault’s account of bio-power and biopolitics. This research is divided into two main sections. The first analyzes Foucault’s works of 1975-76. In those works Foucault investigates relations of power and knowledge through a framework of what he called the normalizing society. Foucault identifies two essential forms of power operating in the normalizing society: individualizing discipline and population targeting bio-power. Together they form a network of power relations that Foucault calls power over life. By this concept Foucault designates the process by which human life in its totality became an object of power and knowledge. In this framework bio-power and biopolitics are essentially connected to particular system of norms which creates its power effects through medicine, human sciences and laws and regulations. The two pivotal reference points for normalizing techniques are race and sexuality. The second section focuses on Foucault’s lectures of 1977-79 and his other works published approximately until 1982.In these works Foucault elaborates the subject of governing population from different angle and with novel concepts. He abandons the view according to which one could locate a uniform architecture of power operating in society. Rather, he begins to analyze society as being constituted by multiple different forms of power and political rationalities. The crucial research question is what kinds of modifications take place in techniques of government when relations of power and knowledge are changed. In these investigations bio-power and biopolitics are identified with liberal apparatuses of security and pastoral power. The conclusions deduced in this thesis are that Foucault’s preliminary analysis of bio-power in the context of normalizing society is not sufficient to produce a firm analytical ground for concepts of bio-power and biopolitics. However, in his later elaborations of these concepts Foucault manages to demonstrate how political rationalities and different forms of power are related to the ways in which human life is governed and modified. Thus Foucault succeeds in creating analytical tools by which to have better understanding through what kinds of rationalities human life is managed in contemporary societies.
  • Räisänen, Titvi (2023)
    A clean area is an area isolated from its environment to prevent contamination of final product during aseptic processing. The clean area can be divided into four different grades from A to D, which all have different cleanliness standards. Grade A is the highest grade where preparing products that are not terminally sterilized must be performed. Airlocks are located between different grades to prevent free airflow, and enable necessary precautions, such as putting on protective garments and disinfecting material surface. These procedures reduce risk of contamination of the higher grade. The purpose of this study was to create a protocol to help evaluate material disinfection and transfer processes in the hospital pharmacy of Turku University Central Hospital and to determine surface bioburden of material stored in the grade C area. Surface samples of the examined material were taken in accordance with in-house guidelines by using contact plates and swabs depending on the surface of the material examined. After incubation, colony forming units were counted. Samples were taken from primary packages of ingredients and equipment stored in grade C area, as well as from material transfer boxes and cut flush plastic folders used in the clean area. Samples were taken both before and after routine disinfection of this material. 45 % of the samples taken before disinfection were contaminated. The lowest contamination rates were observed from items made from glass and those that were stored in their secondary package. In five plates grew more than 25 colonies, of which two had biofilm covering the whole surface of the plate. These samples were taken from larger plastic items, such as an infusion bag and a plastic folder. High bioburden is possible on the surface of material stored in grade C clean room, despite precautions. 25 % of the samples taken after routine disinfection were contaminated with a maximum of two colonies per plate. Despite disinfection, viable microbes may remain on the surface of material. Material with risk of high bioburden were selected for the protocol. Items were disinfected and transferred to grade B area as a simulation of normal processes. Different operators performed the protocol a total of eight times. 14 % of samples were contaminated with a maximum of two colonies per plate, except for one plate with 15 colonies. This repetition exceeded the limits set for the protocol. One repetition had zero contaminated samples. The bioburden of material surface after disinfection is affected by operators, cleanliness of the grade C area, and manipulation of the storage. A high bioburden increases risk of unsuccessful disinfection, and recontamination is possible in a non-sterile environment. Bacillus and Staphylococcus -species were identified from the samples taken during the protocol. Bacillus-species are usually isolated from soil, can tolerate harsh and low nutrient environments, and can form spores. Staphylococcus-species are part of the human skin microbiome. Microbes inside clean area are originated from personnel or surface of material transferred there. Material surface bioburden creates a contamination risk of aseptically prepared products, and thus material transfer and disinfection are critical stages during aseptic processing.
  • Soronen, Päivi (2019)
    Nitrogen (N) availability often limits plant growth in the boreal forest ecosystem. There has been a lack of reliable method to study soil N supply as in traditionally used potassium chloride (KCl) extraction sampling and sample preparation disturb soil structure and stimulate N mineralization, leading to the overestimation of inorganic N forms ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) and underestimation of organic N forms such as amino acids. Diffusion-based microdialysis technique for the sampling of soil diffusive N fluxes gives an opportunity to study soil N supply at a scale that is relevant for plant N uptake, as microdialysis probe has a membrane that reminds the plant fine root in its scale and also, to some extent, in its function. During sampling, the movement of water inside the microdialysis probe induces diffusive flux of solutes across the membrane surface along the concentration gradient. The aim of this study was to test the performance of microdialysis technique at different soil moisture content levels and its capability to monitor temporal changes in diffusive N fluxes in laboratory experiments (ex situ). Soil fine-scale N dynamics were further studied by comparing the diffusive N fluxes in the field (in situ) in boreal forest soil to multiple factors that are thought to affect forest soil N availability. In this study, soil diffusive NH4+, NO3- and amino acid N fluxes were sampled ex situ from sieved soils taken from three different sites – clear-cut, spruce stand (MT spruce) and pine stand (VT pine) in Lapinjärvi, Finland in November 2017. In ex situ microdialysis experiments, the diffusive N fluxes were observed at three different soil moisture content levels and after N addition. In situ microdialysis sampling was run at the logging residue experiment of the Lapinjärvi clear-cut site and at the MT spruce site in June 2018 and at the pine logging residue experiment in Kiikala, Finland in September 2018. The results from the in situ microdialysis were compared with soil moisture content, pH, C-to-N ratio and temperature as well as with the net N mineralization and net nitrification rates, microbial biomass C and N contents and the concentrations of volatile monoterpenes and condensed tannins, factors that are assumed to affect N availability in forest soil. Nitrogen fluxes sampled ex situ showed that the total amino acid flux in the soil taken from the clear-cut site was only half of that in the MT spruce soil whereas NO3- flux was two times higher at the clear-cut site than at the MT spruce site. MT spruce soil with a moisture content of 60 % water-holding capacity (WHC) had significantly higher NH4+ flux than the same soil in its field moisture content (44 % WHC). Nitrogen pulse was detected in all soil samples as increased NH4+ flux after the N addition, followed by a subsequent decrease near to the initial level. In situ microdialysis sampling showed that the total amino acid fluxes were 5–15 nmol N cm-2 h-1 and they dominated the total diffusive N fluxes in Lapinjärvi and Kiikala. On average, the smallest share of the total free amino acids (54 %) was observed at the control plots of the logging residue experiment in Lapinjärvi. No correlation between the KCl-extractable NH4+-N concentration and the diffusive NH4+ flux was found, but instead the KCl-extractable NH4+-N concentration showed a significant positive correlation with the diffusive fluxes of both total free amino acid N and nitrate. Moreover, the diffusive NH4+ flux correlated positively with the net N mineralization rate. In general, ex situ microdialysis sampling showed 2–10 times higher amino acid fluxes and 10–20 times higher ammonium fluxes than the in situ microdialysis that reflects the effect of sampling, sample storage and preparation. The effect of soil moisture on the diffusive N fluxes could be further studied in laboratory experiments and in situ. The results of this study showed that the diffusive fluxes of different N forms are decoupled from the bulk soil concentrations. Moreover, microdialysis could be possibly used to quantify the transformation processes of N compounds in soil. These results increase the evidence that microdialysis has potential to detect temporal changes in N fluxes and possibly give new information about the ongoing processes at soil microsites.
  • Usvapelto, Ilona Maaria (2018)
    In discussion on natural kinds one of the central debates is held between monistic and pluralistic view. While monists argue that things are what they are due to their microstructure, pluralists suggest there are several equally legitimate ways to define the nature of a subject. As compounds, proteins raise questions such as "How we should define natural kinds?" and "What makes an object a member of certain kind?" This thesis examines the problems that microstructural monism faces in defining macromolecules and whether it is able to answer the counter arguments. Recently studies on microbiology have shown that some proteins are able to perform secondary tasks. This ability is called moonlighting and it has raised a need for refining the theories defining proteins. To do so, in this thesis the central problems associated with the functions of proteins are introduced. After this, the solutions offered by the contemporary discussion are considered in order to decide whether microstructural essentialism can survive from challenges set by moonlighting. This thesis is divided into three sections. The first section (the chapters one, two and three) will introduce the basic terminology, the key concepts, and will provide the frames of the discussion. In the second section (the chapters four and five) the relevant structure and properties of proteins will be examined more closely. In addition to this, the current discussion is introduced in more detail. The section three (the chapters six, seven and eight) weighs various challenges set by functionality and proposes a view according to which microstructuralism may indeed be able to answer these challenges. However, this requires remodeling of the microstructural argument and reviewing its basic assumptions. This is done by reflecting and analyzing writings of Jordan Bartol, William Goodwin and Emma Tobin, with works of Sandra Mitchell, Paul Needham, Jaap van Brakel, Raphael van Riel and Robert Van Gulick. This thesis concludes that both, microstructuralism and pluralism, have trouble in explaining the structure and dynamic nature of proteins. While pluralism offers a promising ground of explaining the complexity of proteins, it does not emphasize enough the significance of chemical structure. Compared with traditional microstructuralism and pluralism, the views of Jordan Bartol and William Goodwin are in better harmony with current scientific research and, moreover, offer a more appealing answer from the metaphysical point of view. Bartol's view requires adapting dualism of kinds, where macromolecules are classified to chemical and biological kinds. Goodwin is able to hold on to monism by allowing additional levels of explanation. This thesis concludes that Goodwin's theory therefore offers the most promising ground to build a coherent theory of macromolecules. Additionally, Goodwin's levelled microstructuralism is able to retain monism.
  • Pessi, Jenni (2013)
    Polymer microspheres hold great potential as oral drug delivery system for therapeutic proteins. Microspheres prepared with biocompatible and biodegredable polymers have been extensively studied, since the oral delivery of therapeutic proteins is challenging due to the conditions in the GI-tract. The aims of this research were to apply microfluidics on polymeric microsphere preparation process, to determine what kind of formulations are suitable for this technology, to establish a controlled preparation process that produces advanced particles and to create a template for oral protein drug delivery. With microfluidic fabrication it is possible to gain control over the process and content of each droplet. However, finding suitable formulations for microfluidics is demanding. In this study, biphasic flow was employed to successfully produce double (W/O/W) emulsion droplets with ultra thin shells. Once the process and formulation variables were optimized constant droplet production was achieved. Flow rates used were 500 µl/h in the inner and in the middle phase and 2500 µl/h in the outer phase, respectively. Two formulations were selected for further characterization: 5 % poly(vinyl alcohol) in water in the outer phase, 3 % polycaprolactone in ethyl acetate in the middle phase and either 10 % or 20 % poly(vinyl alcohol) and polyethylenglycol (1:4) in water in the inner phase. All the particles were found to be intact and contain the inner phase, as verified by confocal microscopy. Further, the particles were monodisperse and non-porous, as observed by scanning electron microscopy. Particle size was found to be around 20-40 µm, variation in the particle size within one batch was small and the particles were stable up to 4 weeks. The encapsulation efficiency of the particles was remarkable; as high as 85 % loading of the model compound, bovine serum albumin. Particles released 30 % of their content within 48 hours. In conlusion, developing functional formulations for micfoluidic technology was possible, the microparticles encapsulated the model protein extremely well and all in all microfluidic technology had a lot of potential for droplet manufacturing for pharmaceutical applications.
  • Lifländer, Rami (2020)
    Throughout the history, there has been a wide selection of drugs developed for therapy of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Despite a broad spectrum of different therapeutic strategies to deaccelerate and try to reverse the progression of cardiovascular diseases has been achieved, only a modest amelioration of the health of the CVD patients was achieved, as the mortality remains high by being the cause of nearly one in every three deaths yearly, myocardial infarction being involved in majority of these cases. Novel solutions are being studied to overcome this problem, one of them being nanoparticles, which may provide potential solution by carrying drugs to the desired location. Microfluidics technique may further improve the properties of nanoparticles, being a platform that allows the production of homogenous and repeatable batches that are non-dependent by the operator using it. In this thesis, it is described how microfluidics-based preparation of spermine-functionalised acetalated dextran nanoparticles co-loaded with a trisubstituted isoxazole and curcumin perform in physicochemical and in vitro experiments, in order to evaluate their potential in the application of ischemic myocardial injury therapy.
  • Immonen, Johanna (2019)
    Aims Sleep is needed to maintain brain homeostasis. Chronic insufficient sleep has been associated with elevated levels of inflammatory markers. Microglia are the resident immune cells of the brain. As microglial morphology correlates with their functional state, the current study aimed to characterize microglial morphology after insufficient sleep and recovery sleep. We hypothesised that microglia adopt an activated state after insufficient sleep, indicated by a deramification of the branches and an enlargement of cell bodies compared with the controls. Methods We caused insufficient sleep with acute sleep deprivation by 9 h of gentle handling, and conducted sleep fragmentation for 14 days in mice. The tissue was collected after perfusing the animals with PFA. The brain tissue from ventral hippocampus was immunostained for microglia and imaged with a confocal microscope. Ramification and soma size were quantified by tracing the branches and segmenting the somas. Results Neither the acute sleep deprivation nor the chronic fragmented sleep did result in any differences in morphology compared with their control groups. Surprisingly, the soma size was significantly smaller following the recovery sleep after fragmented sleep compared with the controls. Conclusions Microglial morphology and thus function may not be affected by acute sleep deprivation and chronic fragmented sleep in ventral hippocampus. Microglial soma size was significantly smaller after recovery sleep following chronic fragmented sleep compared with the control. This could have been due to larger soma sizes in this control group compared with other controls. Further studies are needed.
  • Lindell, Katja (2023)
    Microgreens are small edible leafy greens, slightly more developed than sprouts but younger than babyleafs. Compared to mature greens, microgreens are more nutrient-dense, while growing them requires fewer resources. Despite their benefits, microgreens are not yet widely consumed in the Nordics. There is a lack of understanding of why microgreens' high acceptance and multiple benefits haven’t yet resulted in higher consumption. Furthermore, there is no published research on microgreen consumption in the Nordics. To understand the barriers and drivers to microgreen consumption, this thesis asks: what are the factors that influence microgreen consumption in Sweden? An online survey was conducted to provide a representative sample of the Swedish population, and quantitative analysis methods were used to draw conclusions about microgreen consumption in Sweden. The results of the study indicate that a variety of factors, including background characteristics, attitudes, normative beliefs, and control beliefs, influence microgreen consumption in Sweden. The significant barriers and drivers vary between groups with different past consumption habits. The findings of the study contribute valuable insights for businesses and policymakers to promote and enhance the consumption of microgreens in Sweden while also initiating discussions and paving the way for potential future research in the field.
  • Peura, Aino (2024)
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the second most leading cause of cancer related deaths in Finland, accounting for over 900 deaths annually. The majority of breast cancer related fatalities are caused by therapy resistance leading to metastasis. Several studies have established the role of soft matrix in promoting the undifferentiated and oestrogen receptor negative phenotype of breast cancer cells, which are also resistant to a variety of commonly used chemotherapeutics and hormonal therapies. On the contrary, traditionally tumor tissue is has been considered as extremely stiff, and the stiffness of the tumor microenvironment has been established to promote the growth and the metastasis of several cancer types. In this study we adressed how microenvironmental stiffness alters the phenotype of antitumor immune response by culturing primary breast tumor tissue in PDEC-model. We established, that the soft microenvironment promotes immune suppression in primary breast cancer by upregulating the production of immuno suppressive cytokines and polarizating macrophages towards more M2 or alternatively activated ones. Moreover, in the soft microenvironment, cytotoxic CD8+ T-cells are lost. These effects are created by tumor tissue derived paracrine signaling and by inhibiting these signals with small molecules we were able to reverse the observed immunosuppression. These results provide us a novel information how microenvironmental stiffness alters the phenotype of the antitumor immune response
  • Kovakoski, Elina (2020)
    Microplastics are widely studied subject and have raised concern towards water security worldwide but the vector effect of microplastic has not yet fully understood. In this study the ability of microplastic to attach hydrophobic organic compounds is tested with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. The ability to attach hydrophobic organic compounds has been proved by microplastics but not with diclofenac. Diclofenac is also causing water security threats nearby wastewater treatment plants because it is biologically active and can cause stress to the aquatic organisms even in small quantities. The aim of this study is to see if microplastic has vector effect for the diclofenac. If microplastic retains diclofenac on its surface area it would decrease the stress factor effect of diclofenac towards the investigated macroalgae Aegagropila linnaei. The possible change of oxidative stress levels in A. linnaei is measured by peroxidase enzyme activity. The aim is to see if the enzyme activity raises or decreases when A. linnaei is exposed to microplastic with and without diclofenac. If the peroxidase enzyme activity decreases in macroalgae while exposing A. linnaei to both microplastic and diclofenac it would strengthen the vector effect hypothesis. As a result, the peroxidase enzyme activity seems to have a decreasing trend when the diclofenac concentrations increase. Diclofenac affected to peroxidase enzyme activity but microplastic does not show any signs of binding of diclofenac in this study, and therefore microplastic cannot act as a vector for diclofenac.
  • Niiranen, Mailis (2021)
    The microproduction of solar photovoltaics (PV) has grown enormously in recent years in Finland, and it is expected to grow even further due to the ambitious renewable energy targets and the on-going smart energy transition. Nevertheless, there is a lack of country-level statistical analysis on the topic. This thesis studies which sociodemographic, economic, and geographical factors explain the microproduction of solar electricity in Finland. The thesis consists of a literature review and statistical analysis on the electricity distribution system operator (DSO) level. The response variables are the number of prosumer contracts and the capacity of solar PV microproduction. The data, which were gathered from various open sources, is analyzed in a descriptive manner followed by multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis uses the ordinary least square method. In addition, profitability calculations are made to study economic incentives and barriers to the adoption of a PV system. The results suggest that the microproduction of solar PV is connected to non-urban areas and higher mean age. Instead, there are not that many separate prosumers in urban areas, but single systems’ capacities are more extensive there. The analysis showed that electricity price has a significant impact on the microproduction of solar PV. The profitability calculations support this result: electricity price substantially affects the viability of solar PV system investment. Thus, the introduction of financial incentives could enhance the adoption of solar PV systems among households. This thesis offers a comprehensive overview of small-scale solar electricity production in Finland. However, the characteristics of the microproduction of solar PV are complex and involve various interactions that are difficult to capture in aggregated data. This offers an opportunity to repeat the analysis with a more detailed geospatial dataset in the future.
  • Veija, Tuukka (2014)
    Introduction: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare neuroendocrine cancer of the skin that has a strong propensity to relapse and metastasize. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and immunosuppression contribute to MCC. Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) is detected in 70% to 80% of MCC tumors, but the significance of MCV infection is not yet understood. MicroRNAs (miRNA) have been reported to associate with many types of cancer, and miRNA profiles of other cancers with a virus etiology have been defined. The aim of this study was to compare the expression of five miRNAs, miR-34a, miR-30a, miR-1539, miR-142-3p and miR-181d in formalin fixed paraffin embedded MCC tumor samples according to MCV status using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Materials and methods: Sufficient RNA was extracted from 26 tumor samples and from control skin sample using the miRNeasy FFPE Kit (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA, USA). Reverse transcription of the RNA was done using the miScript II RT Kit (50) (QIAGEN). QRT-PCR was executed with miScript SYBR Green PCR Kit (QIAGEN).and LightCycler 480 instrument (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany). Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to evaluate differences in miRNA expression. Results: We found a statistically significant underexpression of mir-34a in MCV-negative tumors compared to MCV-positives. The other four miRNAs studied did not show significant expression differences according to MCV-status. There was no statistically significant difference in miRNA expression according to tumor location or metastasizing. Conclusion: The difference in miRNA expression according to MCV-status suggests distinct pathogenesis of the tumors. The role of underexpressed miR-34a in MCV-negative tumor pathogenesis remains unclear but it might be consequential in the tumorigenesis of MCV-negative tumors.