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  • Norta, Julia (2020)
    Englannin asema tieteen valtakielenä vahvistuu jatkuvasti, mikä näkyy Suomessa esimerkiksi siten, että korkeakoulututkintojen opinnäytteet, erityisesti maisterintutkielmat kirjoitetaan yhä useammin englanniksi. Näiden tutkielmien kielellisen laadun kannalta on olennaista, että opiskelijat, joille englanti ei ole äidinkieli, saavat tukea tekstiensä kirjoittamiseen. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään esimerkki siitä, miten tällaista tukea voidaan tarjota niin kutsutun writing conference -menetelmän avulla. Tutkimuskirjallisuudessa writing conference tarkoittaa vuorovaikutteista palautteenantomenetelmää, jossa opettaja ja oppilas käyvät kahdenkeskisen keskustelun oppilaan tekstistä tai kirjoittamisprosessista. Tarkoituksena on yleensä myös työstää yhdessä oppilaan tekstiä ja sitä kautta edistää oppilaan kirjoitustaidon kehittymistä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan englanninkielisiin tutkielmateksteihin tehtyjä revisioita writing conference-tilanteessa, jossa englantia vieraana kielenä puhuvat maisteriopiskelijat muokkaavat tekstejään englantia äidinkielenään puhuvan kirjoittamisen opettajan johdolla. Tutkielman laajuuden rajaamiseksi analyysi kohdistuu yhteen akateemisen kirjoittamisen kannalta keskeiseen kielen piirteeseen eli koheesioon liittyviin revisioihin. Tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka paljon koheesiopirteisiin puututaan, millaisia revisioita niihin tehdään ja millaisen roolin opettaja omaksuu revisioiden tekemisessä. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty osana suomalaisessa yliopistossa pidettäviä writing conference -tapaamisia. Aineisto sisälsi kuusi tapaamista, joissa kussakin yksi insinööriopiskelija ja opettaja muokkasivat opiskelijan maisterintutkielman johdantolukua. Opettaja videoi tapaamiset tietokoneen ruudun nauhoitustoiminnolla siten, että muokattava teksti näkyi opettajan ruudulla ja tekstistä käyty keskustelu tallentui videolle. Videot ja niistä tehdyt litteraatit analysoitiin kvalitatiivisesti. Kustakin sessiosta koodattiin kaikki kahteen koheesiopiirteeseen, referenssiin ja konnektoreihin, liittyvät revisiot Hallidayn ja Hasanin (1976) koheesioteorian pohjalta, jonka jälkeen revisiot luokiteltiin neljään ryhmään. Tämän jälkeen analysoitiin, miten revisiot tehtiin keskittyen tyypillisiin piirteisiin opettajan toiminnassa. Tulokset osoittivat, että koheesioon puututtiin suhteellisen vähän. Koheesiotyypeistä enemmän puututtiin referenssiin. Noin puolet revisioista oli korvauksia (substitution) kun taas poistoja (deletion) tehtiin hyvin vähän. Opettajan tyypillisiä toimintatapoja revisioiden tekemisessä olivat kysymysten esittäminen, eri vahvuiset direktiivit, revisiotarpeiden selittäminen sekä joissain tapauksissa opetusmateriaalien käyttö. Tulosten valossa voidaan todeta, että writing conference -tapaamiset luovat potentiaalisen kanavan tutkielmatekstien laadun kohentamiselle sekä vieraan kielen kirjoitustaidon kehittämiselle, joten menetelmää voitaisi tulevaisuudessa käyttää laajemminkin akateemisen kirjoittamisen opetuksessa.
  • Klutas, Anni (2016)
    In my thesis, I scrutinized the World Bank, OECD and UNICEF's aims to achieve legitimacy in Brazilian education policy by using knowledge-related governance strategies. In theoretizing the concept of legitimacy, I've employed perspectives from soft governance and knowledge governance. Thus, I was empirically interested in the question of which strategies international organizations (IOs) use to construe knowledge and 'truth' about Brazilian education, as well as how they rationalize and constitute meanings and essentiality of knowledge. My analytical angles to investigate knowledge governance are different strategies of quantification and comparison, so-called 'best practices', depolitization and acting as a spokesperson. The research is stemming from Foucauldian governance studies and is inspired by the triangle of knowledge, truth and power. I used discourse analytical analysis method with an understanding of discourse as a historical and cultural concept that displays, produces and re-produces different power relations. My method of analysis lies in between theory- and data-driven; on one hand, I used comprehension of knowledge governance and legitimacy in reading the data, on the other hand, the final theoretical perspective came to be as it is only after initial analysis. The data consisted of both interviews with the IOs and documents produced by the IOs. According to my study, there are seven different strategies of knowledge and truth governance. Those are capacity building, evidence-based policymaking, national sovereignty, public and local advocacy, external evaluator, global competition and numeric truth. The essential and intriguing part in those strategies is the positioning of oneself in relation to Brazil: knowledge is often produced either together, involving local actors, or clearly from outside, by performing as a neutral and distant expert. However, from perspective of governance studies, these positions are all different strategies of governance, which constitute the truth that serves also – or foremost? – IOs' own agendas. Therefore, I conclude the research in a discussion on how knowledge production could, at least in theory, become more democratic.
  • Heikkilä, Aada (2022)
    Objectives. The purpose of this article- based master´s thesis is to study the connection between the years children spent in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and their social behaviour. The research problems were formed based on the fourfold table of social orientations by Jyrki Reunamo (2020) and the research material. In this research I decided to concentrate on the years children spent in ECEC because earlier research concerning children´s social behaviour is often focused on the quality of ECEC. This research presents one perspective to the social debate about how ECEC affects children´s growth and development by describing how the years spent in ECEC affect children´s social orientations and their main object of attention and contact. Methods. The data used in this research is a part of already existing research material collected within the Progressive Feedback project. The data was collected by observing children in ECEC units in 2017- 2021. About 200 specially trained ECEC professionals performed the observations. The research data includes 20 457 observations of 972 six-year-olds from 360 child groups in 18 municipalities in Finland. The material was analysed with IBM SPSS Statistics 27 programme with crosstabulation function using the years of attendance in ECEC, social orientation, child´s main object of attention and contact, closest social child contact and child´s gender as variables. Results and conclusions. According to this research, the years children spent in ECEC have a connection to their social orientations and their main object of attention and contact. The longer the children had been in ECEC, the less adaptive behaviour was observed. The children that had been in ECEC for under a year were observed to be less participative than other children. Dominant orientation increased the longer the children had been in ECEC. The children that had been in ECEC for over four years aimed their attention more rarely to non-social objects and adults. These same children aimed their attention more often to several children than their peers that had spent fewer years in ECEC. The years spent in ECEC seem to affect girls´ and boys´ social orientations and main object of attention and contact differently. The results could be useful when political decisions concerning ECEC, for example the two year-long pre-primary education, are made. The article The years children spent in early education in relation to their social relations and objects of attention is supposed to be published in European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ)
  • Lindholm, Minttu Minerva (2021)
    The aim of this master thesis was to study, how the children’s need of support appears in the context of early childhood education and what kind of governance is related to it. The aim of this thesis was to study these phenomena as a part of wider inequality development in the so-ciety. The theoretical framework of this thesis takes the concepts of normalization and gov-ernance with Foucauldian power theorizing as somewhat loose background. Former research has shown that the performed need of support is related to multiple characteristics and skills of the individual, neglecting the wicked problems like ostracism, racism and poverty having their influences on the individual as well, and thus legitimating many forms of governance. This kind of research is not done so much in the context of early childhood education and the aim of this thesis is to shed light to how these phenomena operate there. For this thesis I interviewed seven employees working in the early childhood education and made a discourse analysis of the in -depth interviews. My aim was to shed light to the way of speech, which is used when describing and defining the need of support, as well as the forms of governance, which are legitimated by the need of support. The results of my thesis revealed a very individual approach, where the need of support was almost without exceptions reduced to the traits, lack of skills or neurochemical processes of the children. Further, there was a clear differentiation produced between the ”normal” children and those of in need of support. A paradoxical perception is, that even though the personnel in many cases acknowledge there is flagrant injustice beneath the need of support, the back-ground is blurred in the name of equality. Thus, it is possible, that the burden of the environ-mental and even societal problems is leaved to individual children and the interventions can even be harmful as directed perhaps in the wrong place.
  • Westendorff, Aurelia (2023)
    This thesis analyzes representations of racial anxiety in interracial encounters in the novels Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid and Luster by Raven Leilani utilizing critical race theory. The novels’ depictions of racial anxiety experienced by their respective Black female protagonists are examined using Sara Ahmed’s phenomenology of race. I show how the environments depicted in the novels represent specific white spaces which extend themselves differently towards Black and white bodies and therefore produce racial anxiety in the novels’ main characters. Furthermore, I show how the novels describe white racial anxiety as a particular expression of what Shannon Sullivan refers to as white liberalism. While Such a Fun Age depicts white characters whose concern for their public image as morally good drives them to committing covert acts of racism masked as anti-racism, Luster depicts characters whose white racial anxiety, or lack thereof, leads them into acts of nihilistic self-destruction and careless malevolence. This study contributes to the research on new contemporary fiction classified as millennial writing by showing how the experience of racism is represented from the viewpoint of millennial Black women. The novels address both situations of overt racism and covert racism in order to reveal how both of these function conjointly to uphold systems of racial oppression. The emergence of millennial novels like Luster and Such a Fun Age represents a distinct moment in the history of racial justice movements, where rapidly increasing social media activity has accelerated public discourse about subtle racism, performative allyship, and white fragility, alongside a continuous explosion of shared police brutality videos and discussions about institutionalized racism. Growing social media engagement therefore brought on a debate about different forms of racism that are interconnected as they are rooted in the same habits of whiteness. The works of Raven Leilani and Kiley Reid show this duality by depicting Black protagonists exposed to a broad range of covertly as well as overtly racist behaviors.
  • Hynninen, Henrik (2023)
    This thesis looks to find what types of narrative themes emerged during the 2010s from articles published in The Finnish American Reporter related to the topics of preservation and celebration in the Finnish North American context. Additionally, this thesis examines what types of activities were featured as acts of preservation and celebration of Finnish culture and which of these acts were seen as success stories or failures. To get acquainted with the topic, this thesis introduces academic research related to the concepts of identity, ethnicity, heritage, preservation of heritage, celebration of heritage, immigration, and Americanization. These topics are further complemented by looking into what types of research has been conducted on Finns in North America prior to this thesis, and by telling the history of the Finnish community in North America. The main dataset for this thesis consists of 370 feature articles published in The Finnish American Reporter between January 2010 and December 2019. This study takes a qualitative approach and qualitative content analysis was used during the data collection process to identify relevant articles. These articles were then analyzed with narrative analysis tools in order to find themes that developed across the articles. This study finds that teamwork and collaboration was an essential theme across all the articles, which made the preservation and celebration of Finnishness possible. The variety of Finnish communities, experiences and activities were also carrying themes throughout all the articles. Several different Finnish cultural activities examined here were featured as success stories, but failures were also present in the articles. Many of the articles demonstrated Finnish communities and organizations fighting hard against the decline of Finnishness in North America.
  • Hill, Anttoni Graham Joonatan (2023)
    Within the conventions of horror fiction, which allow for the production of ethically extreme and polarising narratives and characters, animals are often placed into a characteristic framework of being othered and perceived as adversarial monsters. This thesis articulates how such narratives can pose animals as adversaries to humans, and argues that such characterisations of animal characters are unfairly justified. The positioning of animal characters as malevolent beings often fails to acknowledge the anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism involved in such characterisations, both on the level of producing such characters and ethically evaluating such characters. This thesis formulates this argument as the anthropocentric fallacy, utilising close reading and theories on anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism, human-animal relations, monster theory and protagonist-antagonist relations as a theoretical approach, and provides two case studies of killer animals in which anthropocentrism plays a crucial role in the murderous behaviour of these animals. The two narratives under study, Jack London’s “The Devil-Dog” (1914) and Clive Barker’s “New Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1984), provide a variation on how human-influence plays a role in these killer animals’ behaviour. The narrative of “The Devil-Dog” attempts to dilute the immorality of the violence a dog, Bâtard, is subjected to by positing that Bâtard is equally as malevolent as his master, Black Leclère. “New Murders in the Rue Morgue” is more explicit in recognising the influence of humans in creating a murderous ape. However, the narrative poses the ape as the monster of the narrative, resulting in an othered and unfair portrayal of an animal as a monstrous figure in spite of the narrative’s anthropocentric self-awareness. These narratives thus elicit the anthropocentric fallacy in attempting to position animals within the trope of horror conventions as being adversarial and malevolent monsters.
  • Juhala, Jaripekka (2020)
    Epistle of Barnabas, included in the collection of Apostolic Fathers, is an early christian text composed betweed \AD 70–135, today mostly known for its anti-Judaism. It enjoyed some popularity in the early church, being for example included in Codex Sinaiticus. The purpose of this work is to treat in depth a set of introductory questions, which rarely receive in-depth treatments: unity, form, dating and provenance. In the past interpolatory theories have been proposed to explain some incoherencies in the text. There's also an abrupt transition in \ibibleverse{Barnabas}(17:) from theological to ethical teaching, a section known as the Two Ways, and an ancient Latin verion omits the Two Ways section. Nevertheless the text shows highly unified style and the Two Ways themes are present throughout. The Latin version is clearly secondary. The text should be treated as unity. Despite clear epistolary features, it's often been suggested that the text isn't a true letter but a treatise. The epistolary features have been explained as fiction, pseudepigraphy or following literary conventions. As the epistle is anonymous but includes repeating personal references, no clear parallel exists. The explanations given for the epistolary features are unsatisfactory, and today the text is often recognized as a real letter. Various more precise datings have been suggested based on allusions in chapters \ibibleverse{Barnabas}(4:) (10 kings) and \ibibleverse{Barnabas}(16:) (temple). When evaluated, all the suggestions are revealed to be problematic, including the lately popular ones based on the Hadrianic temple of Jupiter, which might have never existed. Its best to settle with the range \AD 70–135. Various locations have been suggested as the origin of the epistle with many different lines of evidence. These are handled in detail, including the more exotic ones. The insight that a letter has both an origin and a destination makes it possible to settle one of these: The destination must have been in Egypt based on the early reception of the text there. The main contributions of this work are settling the destination of the epistle and bringing the problems of the dating based on the Hadrianic temple to light. Evaluating these questions is an important basis for reconstructing the purpose of the epistle. Also a couple of interesting subjects for future study were noticed along the way.
  • Reime, Kaisa (2017)
    The role of public catering services in nutrition policy and health promotion is of great significance. Local procurement and meal choices that meet dietary recommendations can improve food security. The origin of food in public procurement or the relationship of dietary recommendations and the meals being served have not been examined on a national level. The purpose of this study was to find out how much local food (national produce) is being offered in public catering services. In addition, we wanted to examine how the food being served met dietary recommendations. Factors related to serving local food and to meeting dietary recommendations were examined as well. The cross-sectional study was carried out as an online survey (n=295). In all, 118 representatives of public catering services responded to the survey. The online form was comprised of three parts: Back ground factors, local food procurement rate and dietary recommendations. Numerical results were saved and basic parameters were determined with Excel 2016 and SPSS 23 programs. The dependence of variables was examined with cross tabs and Chi-square test. Open questions and their answers were themed. The amount of local procurement among milk and meat products and eggs was high (> 90 %) in most (75−89 %) of the public catering services. Grains excluding rice were mostly (82 % of respondents) procured locally. The origin of procurement of fresh fish, berries and vegetables varied. High quality, safety, availability, good logistics and procurement contracts enhanced local procurement. Price was not mentioned as the main limiting factor to local procurement. Regarding red meat, 31 % of respondents reported having decreased its use as meal ingredient. The supply of red meat had decreased most in towns (p≤0,05). The average amount of red meat of all procured meat was 46 % (SD 22 %). Supplying red meat was more frequent in countryside public catering units than in towns (p=0,004). In all 66 % of respondents reported having increased serving vegetables at meals. The use of plant-based protein was still rare. Sharing information, product availability and easy-to-use recipes were reported as factors enhancing the use of plant-based protein. Taste preferences, attitudes and low supply of easy-to-use food products were regarded as limiting factors to plant-based protein use. Public catering services value highly local procurement but due to low availability, low supply of easy-to-use products or inefficient procurement contracts achieving high local procurement rate is sometimes challenging. The use of plant-based protein as ingredient in meals can be promoted by effective communicative and instructive measures and improving both product availability and supply of easy-to-use food products.
  • Jekunen, Jaakko (2020)
    In my Master’s thesis, I offer a novel interpretation of Gilles Deleuze’s (1925-1995) conception of transcendent thinking. As a first approximation, transcendent thinking is an unconscious disruption of quotidian thinking (i.e. empirical thinking). Deleuze’s conception is an important attempt at explaining the emergence of thought from material reality. Additionally, it offers insights into the conditions of creating something new in thinking. In Deleuze’s account, these two are closely connected. My interpretation is mainly based on Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition (1968), but I also draw from Deleuze’s other works and philosophers he discusses. Deleuze’s reading of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) is important for my interpretation. I proceed by close readings of Deleuze and compare my interpretations to others from secondary literature. My thesis is divided into five chapters and I begin by introducing my reading of the relevant features of Deleuze’s overall project in Difference and Repetition. In chapter one, I introduce Deleuze’s novel philosophy of difference. According to Deleuze, all continuity we experience is constituted by the interplay of internal difference and hidden repetition. In chapter two, I introduce the relevant features of Deleuze’s ontological scheme in Difference and Repetition. According to it, actual objects are constituted through the process of different/ciation; two figures of internal difference, the differential relations of virtual Ideas and intensive differences, produce the actual objects we perceive in our experience. Situating Deleuze’s transcendent thinking into his overall project is necessary to interpret it correctly and to grasp its significance. Next, I interpret what Deleuze means by thinking. In chapter three, I read Immanuel Kant’s (1724–1804) determining judgment (e.g. “This is a dog”) as providing a case of Deleuze’s empirical thinking. This kind of thinking is what human subjects experience in the quotidian. However, transcendent thinking goes beyond empirical thinking. In chapter four, I show how transcendent thinking is comprised of a series of encounters where the different faculties (i.e. cognitive capabilities) of the thinker are elevated to their transcendent exercise. This series starts as sensibility encounters sensible intensity and it continues as subsequent faculties are traversed by a virtual Idea. In these encounters, the faculties confront their internal differences, which reveal their limits and what is most singular to them. However, intermediary encounters do not correspond to any conscious empirical experiences, nor does the whole of transcendent thinking either. In the final chapter of my Master’s thesis, I begin by arguing that my interpretation ameliorates on previous readings. First, it reveals that transcendent thinking is a case of different/ciation unravelling through the faculties of a psychic system. Second, my reading distinguishes between empirical thinking and transcendent thinking—both being kinds of thinking, for Deleuze. Third, it clarifies that learning is an instance of transcendent thinking (not vaguely thinking in general). Next, I discuss how transcendent thinking reveals the possibility of creation in thinking. Empirical thinking is incapable of change because in it, the faculties function according to the model of recognition: the thinker only recognizes what is already known using pregiven concepts. Transcendent thinking, as a case of different/ciation progressing through the faculties, changes the faculties and, in doing so, transforms the composition of the psychic system. This process is carried out on the level of being and results in something new emerging in thinking. However, transcendent thinking is involuntary and unconscious, leaving the conception of creative agency in Difference and Repetition restricted.
  • Luotio, Aurora (2019)
    This study researches the effect of third party funding in international commercial arbitration. Third party funding is a new financing method in international arbitration which was originally used in litigations, especially in the US. Third party funding was initially used by financially distressed parties who otherwise were not able to arbitrate. Nowadays, the ways to utilize TPF are versatile. Alongside the traditional way, TPF can be used for risk management, balancing the books, and as a corporate finance method. The use of third party funding can influence parties’ rights in international arbitration. The best feature of third party funding is said to be its capability to improve access to justice. This study researches the correctness of this argument. Access to justice is one of the human rights, which the high costs of arbitration can limit. Third party funding can give an opportunity to arbitrate for those companies that would not be able to proceed to arbitration without external funding. However, the use of third party funding can create conflicts of interest. Funders and arbitrators can have connections between them that raise doubts on the independence and impartiality of the arbitrator. Independent and impartial arbitral tribunal is one of the requirements of due process and distrust against the arbitration tribunals can reduce the integrity of international arbitration. Also, doubt on the independence and impartiality of an arbitrator can have severe consequences as it can lead to an arbitrator or arbitral award being challenged. Arbitrators have a duty to disclose possible conflicts of interest. However, arbitrators might be unaware of the presence of a third party funder if the funded party does not disclose it. In most seats, parties do not have this kind of responsibility for disclosure. Early disclosure has been suggested to solve the conflict of interest situations. The arguments on behalf of and against disclosure requirements are researched as part of this study. Hong Kong is the first country that has added mandatory disclosure requirements to its legislation. The question remains whether this is the way that other countries should follow as well. The alternatives are to update the UNCITRAL Model Law which will slowly change some of the national laws, carry out the required changes in the rules of arbitration institutes or create a soft law instrument for third party funding related issues. Portfolio funding as third party funding method is also researched in this study. In portfolio funding, funder’s return does not depend on single arbitration but instead on how all the different cases are succeeding in the portfolio. It offers funders a way to balance the risk more effectively. It can offer significant benefits also to the funded party as usually the requirements set for funded cases are lower in a portfolio than when funding is offered individually. As traditional third party funding is usually offered mainly to claimants, portfolio funding makes funding possible also for respondents, and therefore, improves their access to justice. Lastly, this thesis is researching the arrival of third party funding to the Finnish markets. The situation of Northern countries and especially Finland is unusual compared to other European countries. Finnish legislation does not prevent third party funding, and therefore, the most probable reason for the absence of third party funding is that there has not been enough demand for it as Finnish companies are very unfamiliar with third party funding. However, Finland has potential, and funders should take notice of that.
  • Kyytinen, Annika (2023)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan postmodernin ironian ilmenemistä George Saundersin novelleissa "CivilWarLand in Bad Decline (1996) ja "Pastoralia" (2000). George Saunders on merkittävä yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, jonka tuotanto koostuu pääosin novelleista. Ironiaa esiintyy useissa hänen novelleissaan, ja tutkimus osoittaa valittujen novellien edustavan juuri postmodernia ironiaa. Molemmat novelleista sijoittuvat historiallisiin teemapuistoihin. Tutkimus tarkastelee puistojen postmodernia luonnetta suhteessa esimerkiksi Umberto Econ ja Jean Baudrillardin käsityksiin hypertodellisuudesta ja simulacrumista. Puistot vaativat työntekijöiltään äärimmäisyyksiin menevää totuudenkaltaisuuden tavoittelua, mutta samanaikaisesti ne edustavat keinotekoista ja totuudesta lähes tunnistamattomaksi irtaantunutta mukaelmaa. Novellien puistot toimivat myös satiirisina kuvauksina yhdysvaltalaisesta työväenluokasta. Molempien novellien kertojat toimivat perheidensä elättäjinä. Puistojen johtajat kohdistavat heihin jatkuvasti uhkakuvia irtisanomisesta. Työnantajilla on suhteessa työntekijöihin korostetun suuri valta, jota vastaan kapinoiminen tuntuisi käytännössä mahdottomalta. Tutkimus osoittaa novellien postmodernin luonteen, kun työntekijät joutuvat luovuttamaan lähes koko ihmisarvonsa toimiakseen korvattavana pelinappulana taloudellisen hyödyn tavoittelussa. Tutkimuksen novellien molemmat kertojat menettävät lopulta itsensä, toinen henkensä, toinen ihmisyytensä kautta. Novellien postmoderni pyrkii yhdistämään toivottomuuden sekä amerikkalaiseen yhteiskuntaan ja rakenteisiin kohdistuvan kärkevän ironian.
  • Baloch, Suvi (2022)
    Violence against women is a deep-rooted global injustice, yet it is less often scrutinized as a category of political economy. In this research relating to human rights advocacy in Pakistan, I seek to do so. I study the ways in which local women's rights organizations attempt to hold state to account for eliminating the malice and removing its structural causes. In particular, I examine how feminist constructions of VAW and advocacy practices towards curbing it take part in the politics of development. The research is based on fieldwork which I conducted in the mid-2010's in urban Pakistan. Interviews with 17 informants representing 12 women's rights groups, NGOs and government agencies constitute the primary data. I use ethnographic lens in mapping the organizational field, yet my main deconstructive method is critical discourse analysis. The research is underpinned by post-development theory, postcolonial feminist critique, anthropology of modernity and feminist violence research. The findings consist of three discourses and two developmental logics. Each discourse explains VAW as an issue of individual infringement of rights and a question of state structures with a distinct orientation – those of gender equity, legal protection and political reform. The discourses are rooted in 'human rights developmentalism' and neoliberalism, yet they are still locally contingent in varied ways. The developmental logics of 'saviorism in solidarity' and 'commonsense hope' render visible ways in which the organizations deploy civilisation narrative and an unquestioned hope in aid's capacity to deliver 'development' as political resources. I argue that the discourses construct VAW by reference to apolitical notions of 'backwardness' not only to justify organizational advocacy practices that center upon delivering "higher awareness and morals" to the "ignorant masses". Instead, such notions contribute to building a counter discourse to the misogynous state ideology as well as an alternative political space that enables women's rights organizations persevere in Pakistan. While the discourses fail the 'beneficiaries' of aid by upholding empty developmentalist promises, they nevertheless do not exacerbate VAW. The research suggests that development ideologies, albeit contributing to global inequalities, may serve as meaningful political tools for undoing local adversities.
  • Inkinen, Taru (2020)
    American political culture has become increasingly polarized from the 1970s onwards. Among the many factors that have contributed to the rise of behavioral polarization between Democrats and Republicans is the emergence of partisan media. In this thesis, I compare the coverage of American liberal and conservative media of two political #MeToo scandals in the autumn of 2017: those of Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Al Franken. I conduct a quantitative and qualitative frame analysis of online media articles by CNN, Fox News, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal from the first three days of each scandal. I find that liberal and conservative media differ in their coverage of the two events. First, they show differences in how they frame sexual harassment scandals. Second, the partisan leanings of the politicians seem to affect framing decisions and the volume of reporting. My findings are in line with recent research on behavioral polarization, and how partisan strength and disdain towards the opposing party may rise within a nation. Since partisan media tend to skew news topics to be more favorable to their own political leaning, people who subscribe to liberal outlets may form a very different understanding of political issues compared to those who follow conservative media.
  • Ahti, Ilona (2015)
    Animal activists have been criticized in the media ever since the animal rights movement was born in Finland in the 1990s. Justice for Animals filmed undercover footage of tens of Finnish pig farms in 2007-2011 and released the footage on A-studio, and on their website. The disturbing images caused a heated debate on factory-style farming and animal rights in Finland. The conduct of the animal activists was met with both praise and criticism. On one hand, they were seen as criminals, on the other hand, they were given the role of heroes, whose actions revealed shortcomings in the food production industry. The prevalence of narrative elements in television news has been debated, because they are not seen to have a clear plot or main characters. Traditional narrative methods often synthesize retrospective main narratives that hide counter-arguments and hierarchies. The deconstruction antenarrative method, instead, focused on the analysis of power struggles by examining substories. The research process aimed to examine the kinds of roles that Justice for Animals was given in the substories of Yle television news. The other research question asked what kinds of dramaturgical inequalities were found in the news stories. The data consisted of news stories from Yle Fem and Yle TV1 in December, 2009. The deconstruction method consisted of eight steps that broke the text down into dualisms and hierarchies, among others. The last step considered the grand narrative formed by the separate news stories. The analysis revealed that Justice for Animals was given contradicting roles even within the same news story. Some of the visual and verbal substories portrayed them as heroes, while others questioned their legitimacy. The drama analysis revealed three forms of dramaturgical inequality that were connected to capitalism, sexism and the drama between people living in cities and the countryside. The roles given to animal activists in television news were more positive than they were in the 1990s. Animal activists were not equated with criminals to the same extent, but instead they were even portrayed as heroes at times. This may be linked to the heterogenization of Finnish culture and changes in the media field. The most surprising result of the analysis was that there were such significant differences in the roles that Justice for Animals was given in the visual and verbal substories of Yle Fem and Yle TV1.
  • Porokuokka, Jaakko (2019)
    Vakiintuneen käsityksen mukaan merkittävä osuus englannin kielestä perustuu valmiiksi tuotettuihin fraaseihin, joiden avulla kielenkäyttäjät voivat edistää ilmaisunsa sujuvuutta sekä ymmärrettävyyttä. Aiemman tutkimustiedon perusteella kaavamaisesta kielestä (engl. formulaic language) hyötyvät paitsi englannin kieltä äidinkielenään puhuvat myös kielenoppijat. Aihetta käsittelevä kirjallisuus on kuitenkin antanut viitteitä siitä, että englannin kielelle ominaisen kaavamaisen ja idiomaattisen ilmaisutavan oppiminen on yksi haasteellisimmista osa-alueista kyseistä kieltä vieraana kielenä puhuville oppijoille. Pro gradu -tutkielmani aiheena on kaavamainen kielenkäyttö suomalaisten lukioikäisten englannin kielen oppijoiden tuottamassa puheessa. Keskityn tutkielmassani yhteen aiemmin määriteltyyn kaavamaisen kielenkäytön luokkaan: epätarkkoihin ilmauksiin (engl. vague expressions). Tutkielmani aineistona on kaksi oppijakorpusta, FUSE- sekä Hy-Talk -korpukset, jotka koostuvat suomalaisten lukiolaisten suullista englannin kielen taitoa testaavien kokeiden tallenteista. Tutkielmani sisältää sekä määrällisiä että laadullisia piirteitä. Selvitän ensinnäkin korpusohjelmiston avulla, missä määrin kokelaat käyttävät tarkastelun kohteena olevia ilmauksia vertaamalla tuloksia myös aiempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkielmani laadullisessa osuudessa selvitän epätarkkoja ilmauksia ja niiden tekstiympäristöjä tutkimalla, millaisia käyttötarkoituksia varten kokelaat hyödyntävät kyseisiä fraaseja sekä missä määrin havaitut tarkoitukset ovat linjassa aiemman tutkimustiedon kanssa. Lisäksi tutkin, ovatko kokelaiden Hy-Talk -kokeesta saamat kokonaisarvosanat yhteydessä epätarkkojen ilmauksien tiuhempaan ja monipuolisempaan käyttöön. Aineiston perusteella suomalaiset kielenoppijat hyödyntävät puheessaan epätarkkoja ilmauksia laajasti ja monipuolisesti jopa englantia äidinkielenään puhuviin verrattuna. Laadullisessa tarkastelussa ilmeni, että kokelaat käyttivät tarkasteltuja ilmauksia pitkälti samoja käyttötarkoituksia varten kuin natiivit, mikä osaltaan antaa viitteitä tällaisten fraasien näkyvästä roolista suomalaisten englannin kielen oppijoiden puheessa. Epätarkkojen ilmauksien määrän ei havaittu muodostavan tilastollisesti merkittävää vastaavuussuhdetta suullisen kielitaidon kokeessa saatuun korkeampaan kokonaisarvosanaan. Kokelaiden käyttämien epätarkkojen ilmauksien monipuolisen käytön puolestaan havaittiin olevan tilastollisesti yhteydessä korkeampaan kokonaisarvosanaan.
  • Laakso, Tapio (2018)
    Since the Great Depression of 1930s technological unemployment debates have re-emerged every 20 years. This thesis examines the automation debates in Finland in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and again in the mid-1990s. The aim is to understand, why the debate re-emerges and what is the nature of the debate? The sources of the study consists of articles published in 1977–1999 in Helsingin Sanomat. Newspaper articles are complemented with other documents referred to by Helsingin Sanomat. Text analysis is used to study the documents and emerging narratives are incorporated with international context. A public debate on technological unemployment begins in situations where high unemployment combines with technological revolution. Automation anxiety was especially caused by the penetration of automation into new sectors of the economy. Technological unemployment has served as a tool for political mobilization calling for solutions to threats from new technology. In this work these solutions are referred as mediation mechanisms of technological change. Reducing working hours, education and redefining the concept of work are examples of these mediation mechanisms that emerged in the debate. The recurrence of the automation debate tells about the dynamics of techno-economic development, adaptation to change, and the production of new socio-institutional structures. From this point of view ‘the end of work’ or the threat of mass unemployment do not appear as false predictions but as arguments for required and necessary mediation mechanisms of technological change. Technological unemployment is a potential consequence of political choices and development of the society.
  • Salminen, Otto (2018)
    The thesis sheds light on European Union´s attempts to increase the voting turn out and decrease democratic deficit in the European Parliament elections by focusing on Spitzenkandidaten process, a reform implemented the first time in the 2014 elections. Still, in the spring 2018, the Spitzenkandidaten process is under discussion on the EU level whether it should be applied also in the future elections when the new parliament and the new President for Commision will be elected. The research has aimed to produce essential and topical information for the decision makers when making up one´s minds whether to support or not to support the reform. The research takes a closer look on the EU citizens´ views and public opinion on the process. The theories and criticism of earlier research are applied and tested by studying three research questions. The research questions are formulated as follows: 1) To what extent the attitudes towards the European Union explains whether the Spitzenkandidaten process is or is not considered to represent progress for democracy within the EU among the citizens´ of the Union? 2) To what extent the position on the scale of political left and political right explains the attitudes towards the Spitzenkandidaten process among the citizens´ of the Union? 3) To what extent the level of awareness about the processes of decision making in the European Union explains whether the Spitzenkandidaten process is or is not considered to represent progress for democracy within the EU among the citizens´ of the Union? The data studied in this thesis contains the data set of the Parlemeter of the European Parliament (EB/EP 82.4). The data was processed and analyzed with SPSS version 24 (SPSS Inc., Chicago IL). The results of the ordinal regression analysis show that more a person thinks his/her country's membership of the EU is a good thing, the more likely person is willing to think that the Spitzenkandidaten process represents progress for democracy. In addition, image on the EU has statistically significant relation with the attitude towards the Spitzenkandidaten process. The better image of the EU a person has, the more likely person is willing to think that the Spitzenkandidaten process represents progress for democracy. The ordinal regression analysis shows that the citizens` position on the scale of political "left" and "right" does not explain statistically significantly the attitudes towards the Spitzenkandidaten process among the citizens´ of the Union. According to the ordinal regression analysis, the better level of political awareness, both objectively and subjectively measured, the more likely person is willing to think Spitzenkandidaten process to represent progress for democracy. This research and its findings emphasize the role of political awareness as one of key elements to focus on when combating the democratic deficit in the European Union. The finding of this research support the findings in earlier research: Democratic deficit occurs until the EU-citizens understand how the Union effect on their lives (Wass 2014: 37). To be able to form opinions about the innovations like Spitzenkandidaten process in the future, citizens would need to be better informed about the reforms. More focus should be given to the active communication between the EU decision makers and the citizens.
  • Alahuhta, Veera (2022)
    This thesis examines the social interaction and media ideologies of Finnish TikTok users and how they are different from the discourses about TikTok in Finnish news media. My aim is to understand how TikTok is seen as a social media platform and what kind of social interaction and face-work users do when encountered with differing views of their media ideologies. I use Gershon’s framework of media ideologies to understand the implied and explicit opinions of Finnish TikTok users of the proper ways of using the medium and to compare those views to Finnish news media’s representations of the app and its use. By analysing discourses of the online news of Finnish Public Broadcasting Company (YLE) and the online news of Finland’s biggest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat (HS), I identify main categories of discourse about TikTok and its use. To understand the users’ perspective, I have conducted online ethnography in TikTok with two separate user accounts to collect data from videos, comments and video replies. From this data, I identify multiple media ideologies voiced out among the users of TikTok. Lastly, I compare these two data sets to see where they overlap and where they live separate lives. In order to understand the social phenomena related to the debates over different media ideologies, I utilise Erving Goffman’s concept of face and face-work. By exploring these questions with these methods and theoretical frameworks I wish to contribute to the discussion of how young users might adopt new ways of interacting and expressing themselves within a new medium, and how that might be different from the views of the people outside that medium. The goal of my thesis is to create an analytical overview on social interaction and media ideologies in TikTok, especially among Finnish TikTokers and how that differs from the discourses represented in Finnish news media
  • Nieminen, Aleksi (2018)
    Tutkimus käsittelee arkkipiispa Thomas Becketin (k. 1170) kuolemanjälkeistä pyhimyskulttia vuosien 1170 ja c.1540 aikana Englannissa. Tutkimus tarkastelee kulttia pääsääntöisesti hallitsijoiden kautta kansallispyhimyksen käsitteiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on selvittää niitä syitä miksi suuresta suosiostaan huolimatta Thomas Becketistä ei tullut Englannin kansallispyhimystä. Tutkimuksen lähtöoletuksena on, että Becketin poliittinen elämä ja kuninkaan vastainen toiminta olivat suurimpina haitallisina vaikuttimina kansallispyhimyksen asemaan. Tutkimus pyrkii myös tarkentamaan Becketin pyhimyskultin kuninkaiden vastaista imagoa. Tutkimuskysymystä lähestytään kaksiosaisella metodilla, joka pyrkii ensin selvittämään Thomas Becketin suosiota kuninkaiden keskuudessa ja sen jälkeen kultin suosiota tarkastellaan yleisemmällä tasolla. Näin pyritään selvittämään millä perustein voitaisiin väittää Thomas Becketin olleen kansallispyhimyksen asemassa keskiajalla. Becketin kuninkaallista suosiota pyritään selvittämään kuninkaiden matkareittien, testamenttien, hagiografian, ihmekertomusten, liturgian ja aikakirjojen avulla. Tutkimusaineistosta paljastuu hyvin elinvoimainen kuninkaallinen kultti, joka jatkui käytännössä aina Henrik VIII ja reformaatioon saakka. Yleisemmällä tasolla kultin suosiota tarkastellaan pyhimyksen nimeen vihittyjen kirkkojen kautta. Vaikka tutkimuskirjallisuudessa Thomas Becketiä luonnehditaan yleisesti Englannin suosituimmaksi pyhimykseksi, niin silti vihittyjen kirkkojen määrissä hän ei vedä vertoja Raamatusta tutuille pyhimyksille. Lisäksi tutkimuksesta paljastuu, että Thomas Becket oli kirkkotilastojen valossa huomattavasti suositumpi naapurimaassa Skotlannissa. Kirkkojen lisäksi tarkastellaan tehtyjä oblaatioita Canterburyn katedraalissa sijaitsevalle Thomas Becketin haudalle. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että pyhimyskultti oli elinvoimaisimmillaan 1200-luvun alussa ja vaikka kultin suosio vaihteli voimakkaastikin vuosisatojen aikana, niin 1500-luvun puolella kultin suosio näyttää kääntyneen laskuun. Siitä huolimatta pyhimys säilyi voimakkaana symbolina kirkon ja ihmisten oikeuksien puolustajana aina loppuun sakka, kunnes Henry VIII määräsi Becketin pyhäinjäännökset tuhottavaksi 1538. Kultin suosiossa on ollut kyse sen paradoksaalisuudessa, koska pyhimystä pyydettiin samanaikaisesti sekä horjuttamaan että tukemaan hallitsijan valtaa. Aikaisempi tutkimus on keskittynyt hyvin paljon joko kultin alku- tai loppuvuosiin ja vaikka tämä temaattinen tutkimus pyrkii tekemään läpileikkauksen Becketin kultista, niin kultin tarkemmat vaiheet 1300– ja 1400–luvuilla ovat vielä melko pitkälti hämärän peitossa.