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  • Kantola, Inkeri (2015)
    Koulutusalan osaamisesta on tullut Suomessa viime vuosina tärkeä vientituote, ja yhä enemmän suunnitellaan ulkomailla toteutettavia koulutusvientihankkeita. Osa tällaisista hankkeista rekrytoi suomalaisia luokanopettajia ulkomaille opettamaan ja kehittämään paikallista perusopetusta. Luokanopettajat päätyvät toimimaan kulttuurisesti mutta myös kielellisesti täysin uudenlaisessa työskentely-ympäristössä vaihtaessaan opetuskielen suomesta englantiin ja ryhtyessään opettamaan paikallisille oppilaille sisältöaineita englannin kielellä. Uusi kielellinen konteksti on erityisen haastava myös siksi, että koulutusviennin kohdemaissa paikallisilla oppilailla ei välttämättä ole ennestään englannin kielen taitoa, mutta opettajalla ja oppilailla ei ole muuta yhteistä kieltä. Tällaista opettamisen lähestymistapaa, jossa sisältöaineita opetetaan englannin kielellä, voidaan kutsua CLIL-opetukseksi (Content and Language Integrated Learning). CLIL-määritelmällä voidaan viitata hyvinkin erilaisiin opetusympäristöihin ja -käytäntöihin. CLIL-opetusta on tutkittu paljon, mutta tutkimuksessa on keskitytty enimmäkseen oppilaiden suorituksiin eikä niinkään siihen, kuinka opetuskielen vaihtaminen vaikuttaa opetuskäytäntöön. Suomalainen koulutusvienti ulkomailla on varsin uusi konteksti CLIL-opetukselle. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan opettajien kokemuksia yhdestä koulutusvientikontekstista. Laadullisessa tapaustutkimuksessa haastateltiin viittä suomalaista luokanopettajaa, jotka olivat osallistuneet koulutusvientiohjelmaan Abu Dhabin emiirikunnassa Arabiemiraateissa ja opettaneet paikallisille oppilaille sisältöaineita englannin kielellä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, 1) kuinka opettajat reagoivat uuteen kielelliseen opetusympäristöön, 2) millä tavalla opettajien opetuskäytäntö erosi Abu Dhabissa verrattuna heidän edelliseen opettajankokemukseensa ja 3) kuinka uusi kielellinen konteksti vaikutti opettajien ammatilliseen eheyteen. Haastattelut analysoitiin temaattisen analyysin menetelmällä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että uusi opetuskonteksti oli ollut kaikille opettajille yllättävä. Tarkastelemalla tätä seikkaa opettajan haavoittuvuuden käsitteen kautta voidaan päätellä, että yllättynyt reaktio aiheutui ristiriitaisesta tilanteesta, jossa opettajien käsitykset itsestään opettajina ja oppimistulokset eivät kohdanneet totutulla tavalla. Luokanhallinnan haasteiden vuoksi opetuskäytäntö oli opettajien mielestä enimmäkseen muuttunut opettajajohtoisemmaksi kuin aiemmin, ja sopivien menetelmien löytäminen oli ollut odottamattoman vaikeaa. Neljän opettajan käsitys itsestään opettajana oli muuttunut negatiivisella tavalla, mutta lähes kaikki pystyivät hyväksymään muutoksen ja kääntämään sen kehitykseksi, ja osalle kokemus toi uutta itsevarmuutta. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan myös CLIL-käsitteen käyttöä koulutusvientikontekstissa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että sellaisista CLIL-ympäristöistä, jotka selkeästi eroavat eurooppalaisista CLIL-ympäristöistä, tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta ja keskustelua. Kaikista haastatteluista kävi ilmi opettajien tarve ymmärtää tällaisen opetuskontekstin haasteita paremmin jo ennen työskentelyn aloittamista. Tutkimustulokset ja käytännön esimerkit koulutusvientiympäristöistä voivat helpottaa opettajien henkistä ja käytännön valmistautumista uudenlaiseen työhön.
  • Kunttu, Tiina (2014)
    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused teaching approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. It has gained increasing popularity in the European educational systems, but it still in the process of establishing it position in the field of language teaching. CLIL teachers have a demanding occupation and the teachers need many kind of skills that are needed in order to teach language and content simultaneously. CLIL teachers face problems like the lack of teaching materials, in-service training and support and mentoring and inadequate resources for teaching. According to the previous research it would be vital to provide extra hours for planning, preparing materials and collaboration and quality in-service training for CLIL teachers. The aim of this study is to examine what kind of problems CLIL teachers have encountered, what kind of solutions they have come up with those problems and what kind of support they would need in their work. This is a qualitative research. The data was collected via a questionnaire and five interviews. 24 CLIL teachers from Greater Helsinki answered the questionnaire and five of them were also interviewed. The data was analysed with the help of previous research. The solutions were analysed using content analysis. The problems CLIL teachers encountered were a lack of teaching materials, inadequate teaching resources, in-service and pre-service training, a lack of support and mentoring, problems with language and teaching language, collaboration and practical teaching work. The teachers solved problems they had encountered with colloquial collaboration, different classroom routines, in-service training and professional literature. They also supported the students' language learning and maintained their own language skills, shared experiences with their colleagues, prepared teaching materials themselves and in collaboration and adapted their teaching methods when needed. Teachers said that they would need better teaching materials, more teaching resources, more time for collaboration and discussion with their colleagues, better tailored in-service training, networking with other CLIL teachers and peer support in order to solve the problems they encounter in their work better.
  • Zi, Yu (2019)
    The concept of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has been rapidly adopted in Finland and received with positivity. Having high quality CLIL materials is seen as one of the most essential components of a successful CLIL programme. However, the challenges of producing materials for teaching through a foreign language have widely been acknowledged and have remained for at least three decades. Finland is, in fact, behind many other European countries in terms of CLIL materials production. This study sets three main objectives to address the research gap in CLIL materials design. The first objective is to find out the types of materials teachers use in lower secondary CLIL classrooms in Finland. The second and third objectives are to identify and to evaluate teachers’ approaches to text modification. The study focuses on five secondary teachers who teach non-language subjects to grades 7-9 in English. The qualitative data consist of thematic interviews and teaching materials designed by the participants. A thorough review of over 60 studies is conducted in order to provide a theoretical framework for the evaluation of input modification strategies. The results show that the participants commonly employ these four types of materials: 1) textbooks in Finnish, 2) textbooks in the target language, 3) self-written materials, and 4) adaptations of authentic materials. In the case of adapting authentic materials, the study identified all three main approaches to text modification: simplification, elaboration and rediscursification. All participants used some types of rediscursification strategy. Regardless of their previous teaching experience, most participants use elaboration, though the choice of its substrategy is limited to adding redundancy by paraphrasing. More experienced teachers seem to avoid using simplification strategies whilst less experienced teachers adopt a wide range of strategies of simplification. This study can provide the professionals in the field of CLIL education (e.g. material writers, publishers) with an insight into the reality of how the materials are used by CLIL practitioners. The results may also contribute to CLIL teacher education and in-service training by informing teachers of the commonly used input modification strategies and raising awareness of the effectiveness of these techniques.
  • Vo, Quynh Le (2021)
    As the effects of climate change have become increasingly more visible in recent years, interest in climate adaptation has grown in both research and policy contexts. However, although Southeast Asia is one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change impacts, there has not yet been an effort to comprehensively track how Southeast Asian countries and communities are adapting to climate change. I apply a systematic review methodology developed for adaptation research to map adaptation responses identified in the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) projects in Southeast Asia in 2016-2020. My results show that close to a fifth of the ADB’s adaptation projects in Southeast Asia is implemented in Cambodia, while Thailand and Timor-Leste are the least covered countries. In general, the characteristics of my examined projects are relatively similar to global adaptation trends. Flooding, drought, storms, and other heavy rainfall events are the most frequently addressed climate hazards by both the projects I examined as well as by UNFCCC climate fund projects and by adaptation responses documented in scientific papers. The sectors addressed and actors targeted by ADB projects were also typical to multilateral funding institutions, focusing on the agricultural and water sectors as well as national and local governments and farmers. Capacity building was the most frequent adaptation response category, indicating that adaptation implementation as delivered by the ADB is still in a relatively early phase in most Southeast Asian countries. In addition to results related to climate adaptation in Southeast Asia, I also demonstrate the applicability of a systematic review methodology for tracking climate change adaptation responses implemented by multilateral development banks, given sufficient information is made available on relevant projects.
  • Käyhkö, Janina (2017)
    Climate change causes climatic risks (hazard-exposure-vulnerability) that are experienced in agriculture as problems with increased precipitation, droughts, pest invasions and weather variability. Agriculture needs to adapt to these changing conditions to secure its continuation in future. It is the farmers, who in last hand take action for adaptation. Farmers are recognized as a stakeholder group in agricultural with plenty of skills to tackle varying weather conditions. In fact, farmers are already implementing adaptation measures, although it is not always driven by or aimed at climate change explicitly. Adaptation policies aimed at farm-scale are being planned and developed. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading scientific source of adaptation policy recommendations. Currently it is recommending risk management approach for managing the known and unknown climatic risks that societies and sectors like agriculture are facing. In agriculture, for example, crop loss insurances are part of climate risk management. Farmers are making adaptation decisions at farm-scale based on their own beliefs and experiences, on information from variable sources, and guided by policies and legislation. The primary driver for taking adaptive action at farm, according to protection motivation theory (PMT), however, is the perception of risk – if the risk is assessed high enough and the adaptation is assessed possible. In this thesis, PMT and the theory of risk perception are used to explain farm-scale adaptation. Adaptation is examined as climate or weather variation driven adaptation measures implemented by farmers autonomously or guided by policies. A case study approach and stakeholder interviews were used because of the novelty of the study topic. By examining the case of ‘adaptation in Uusimaa agriculture’ through the perceptions of interviewed farmers and extension officers, an overview on farm-scale adaptation with its variety of influencing factors, and better understanding of risk perceptions as adaptation drivers is reached. Findings of the study show that farmers in Uusimaa are taking adaptation measures, but adaptation policies are not yet guiding adaptation at farm level and that farmers are divided by the ways they respond to climatic risks. Further studies on adaptation policies and agricultural adaptation should recognize the varying risk responses, the need for better adaptation policy guidance and farmers’ adaptation experiences and skills.
  • Ervola, Asta (2010)
    Agriculture’s contribution to climate change is controversial as it is a significant source of greenhouse gases but also a sink of carbon. Hence its economic and technological potential to mitigate climate change have been argued to be noteworthy. However, social profitability of emission mitigation is a result from factors among emission reductions such as surface water quality impact or profit from production. Consequently, to value comprehensive results of agricultural climate emission mitigation practices, these co-effects to environment and economics should be taken into account. The objective of this thesis was to develop an integrated economic and ecological model to analyse the social welfare of crop cultivation in Finland on distinctive cultivation technologies, conventional tillage and conservation tillage (no-till). Further, we ask whether it would be privately or socially profitable to allocate some of barley cultivation for alternative land use, such as green set-aside or afforestation, when production costs, GHG’s and water quality impacts are taken into account. In the theoretical framework we depict the optimal input use and land allocation choices in terms of environmental impacts and profit from production and derive the optimal tax and payment policies for climate and water quality friendly land allocation. The empirical application of the model uses Finnish data about production cost and profit structure and environmental impacts. According to our results, given emission mitigation practices are not self-evidently beneficial for farmers or society. On the contrary, in some cases alternative land allocation could even reduce social welfare, profiting conventional crop cultivation. This is the case regarding mineral soils such as clay and silt soils. On organic agricultural soils, climate mitigation practices, in this case afforestation and green fallow give more promising results, decreasing climate emissions and nutrient runoff to water systems. No-till technology does not seem to profit climate mitigation although it does decrease other environmental impacts. Nevertheless, the data behind climate emission mitigation practices impact to production and climate is limited and partly contradictory. More specific experiment studies on interaction of emission mitigation practices and environment would be needed. Further study would be important. Particularly area specific production and environmental factors and also food security and safety and socio-economic impacts should be taken into account.
  • Husa, Miikka Helmer (2021)
    Climate change and the biodiversity loss have created a need to change forest management in commercial forests. Carbon sequestration, climate change adaptation, and biodiversity conservation can be promoted in commercial forests through various measures, and this thesis examines what factors affect non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners’ willingness to adopt such forest management practices. Additionally, the aim was to examine whether these factors vary among different measures. A systematic literature review was conducted to summarize previous research on the subject and to serve as reference for an empirical analysis. In the empirical part of the study, survey data of 405 Finnish NIPF owners was utilized to establish binary logistic regression models for forest owners’ willingness to adopt 13 distinct forest management practices. In the empirical analysis statistically significant factors varied among assessed forest management practices, although some patterns were recognized. The most striking consistencies were found concerning older forest owners reluctance towards deadwood in general, and positive effect of environmental motivation in willingness to adopt variety of measures, as long as they do not conflict with biodiversity. Overall, the results imply that the diversity of NIPF owners concerns also their stances on various forest management practices, and they are not indifferent in terms of what forest management practices they are willing to adopt. Thus, when designing and implementing policies and advisory services aiming to promote carbon sequestration, climate change adaptation, or biodiversity protection in commercial forests, policy makers should take into account forest owners’ heterogenous preferences regarding different forest management practices.
  • Pensar, Alexandra Sofie Annette (2019)
    This thesis deals with the questions on whether it would be possible to consider the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), more precisely Article 2 (the right to life) and Article 8 (the right to private and family life), to impose positive obligations on its Member States to prevent climate change and whether a Member State failing to prevent climate change sufficiently could be considered violating the ECHR. Climate change is a human rights issue. The effects of climate change are projected to interfere with the enjoyment of most, if not all, human rights, if further dangerous climate change is not prevented. Despite this fact, neither the international community, nor national states, have been able to address and prevent climate change sufficiently. As a counteraction to these failures, civil society has attempted to take the matter into its own hands, and turned to so-called climate change litigation as a possible solution to prevent further climate change. What first seemed impossible, holding a State liable for not preventing climate change sufficiently, was recently achieved on a domestic level. In October 2018, the Dutch Appeal Court interpreted Article 2 and 8 of the ECHR to create a positive obligation to prevent climate change and found the Dutch state, due to its insufficient climate policies, to be in breach with such obligation. This groundbreaking case created ripples on the water, and several climate change litigation cases have since then emerged around the world. The aim of this thesis has been to consider the potential and limitations of bringing a climate change case in the context of the ECHR and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). This thesis has considered if there is foundation to argue that Article 2 and 8 of the ECHR impose a positive obligation on its Member States to prevent climate change (research question 1). This was done by turning to the existing positive ‘environmental’ obligations that have been developed by the ECtHR, without the right to a ‘healthy environment’ or similar being enshrined in the ECHR. An analogy between the existing green jurisprudence and its positive obligations and climate change was attempted. Although encountering some difficulties, it was concluded that there is foundation to argue that climate change and its effects both are within a State’s awareness and to be considered a real and immediate threat, thus creating a positive obligation on States to prevent further climate change. In other words, the first research question of this thesis was answered with cautious optimism. This thesis has also considered if a State failing to prevent climate change sufficiently could be considered in violation with Article 2 and 8 of the ECHR (research question 2). In order to answer this question, some of the challenges a climate change case would face were presented. It was noted that a climate change case, in particular framed from a preventative angle, would have a difficult time even passing the admissibility stage, as it is likely that such an application would be considered actio popularis and not fulfil the victim status required. In addition, the doctrine of margin of appreciation, which generally is considered wide in the context of the environment, was perceived as a major obstacle, which a climate change case most likely would not be able to overcome. In addition, causality and uncertainty, generally being known to create difficulties for climate change cases, would also be challenging in the context of the ECHR and ECtHR. However, it was also noted that the ECHR is to be interpreted as a living instrument in the light of present-day conditions. It was considered that the doctrine of living interpretation could provide somewhat of an avenue for the ECtHR to take a more activist approach, and adapt a more evolutive interpretation. This could provide a solution to at least some of the challenges a climate change would face. It was, however, also noted that utilising the doctrine to its max, might come with consequences that may have negative impacts on the legitimacy of the ECtHR. Thus, the conclusion was that based on a traditional interpretation on the ECHR and existing case law, it would be unlikely fhat the ECtHR would consider the failure to prevent climate change sufficiently to constitute a violation of Article 2 and 8. In other words, the second research question was answered negatively. In conclusion, this thesis argues that there is foundation to consider that Article 2 and 8 of the ECHR could impose a positive obligation to prevent climate change, whilst it would be unlikely that the ECtHR would consider a State, failing to prevent climate change sufficiently, to be in violation with such obligation.
  • Grönlund, Liselotte (2022)
    Det finns en växande medvetenhet bland beslutsfattare om att klimatförändringen ger upphov till så omfattande finansiella risker att de kollektivt utgör en systemrisk och ett hot mot den finansiella stabiliteten. Bankreglering och banktillsyn har därmed en viktig roll att spela i att förverkliga EU:s klimatförändringsmål och i att minska den systemrisk som klimatförändringen utgör. Som en reaktion på lärdomarna från den senaste globala finanskrisen har makrotillsyn etablerat sig som en ny sorts finansiell reglering, vars mål är att förhindra överdrivet risktagande i det finansiella systemet och mildra dess effekter på den reala ekonomin. Även om det finns en växande debatt bland forskare och beslutsfattare om tillsynsmyndigheternas och bankernas roll i att identifiera och hantera klimatrisker, är diskussionen om hur makrotillsyn skulle kunna användas för att hantera systemrisker i samband med klimatförändringen fortfarande begränsad. Den Europeiska kommissionen har också erkänt behovet av att undersöka hur tillsynsreglering kan ta hänsyn till klimatförändringens finansiella risker i sin strategi för hållbar finansiering från år 2021. Denna magisteravhandling undersöker därmed egenskaperna av klimatrelaterade finansiella risker och diskuterar de alternativ som beslutsfattare inom makrotillsyn har för att integrera sådana risker i banktillsyn. Med hjälp av teorier om ekonomisk reglering ger avhandlingen därmed en översikt av diskussionen kring den ekonomiska grunden för och lämpligheten av att använda makrotillsynsreglering av banksektorn för att hantera klimatförändringen som en systemrisk. Även om denna magisteravhandling i stort sett anser att användning av makrotillsynsreglering för att hantera klimatförändringsrisker är rättfärdigat, medför dess implementering flera utmaningar för tillsynsmyndigheter. Tillsynsmyndigheter kommer att ställas inför politiska val och speciellt EU:s lagstiftare kommer att behöva ta hänsyn till skillnader mellan de olika medlemsstaternas makroekonomiska målsättningar. Trots bristen på säkerhet gällande klimatförändringsriskernas exakta natur och tidpunkt och de politiska svårigheterna kring tillämpningen av makrotillsynsreglering, kan och bör finansiella tillsynsmyndigheter och banker aktivt stödja en smidig övergång till en ekonomi med låga koldioxidutsläpp och ta steg för att minimera skadorna för det finansiella systemet och ekonomin i framtiden.
  • Peters, Dana (2021)
    Concern about global warming can lead to climate change anxiety, a form of anxiety characterized by excessive worry about the climate crisis and associated consequences on the natural world and human society. It has been suggested by previous research that humor can be used to manage feelings of anxiety. This study seeks to determine if this phenomenon can be applied specifically to climate change anxiety. The research combines a comprehensive literature review with an online survey that leveraged climate change themed internet memes as a proxy for humor to gather opinions about the intersections between these two topics. The survey data supplemented claims made by existing literature, indicating that climate change themed internet memes and humor in general can be useful coping mechanisms to mitigate feelings of climate anxiety. The survey was completed by 93 respondents; most of these participants were women, located in the US, and/or between the ages of 20 and 29. Results from the survey showed that people tend to feel best about their environmental anxiety when they are taking active steps to solve the problem. Conscious decisions such as reducing waste or participating in activist movements are easier to recognize and self-report than more passive coping skills. Reliance on humor was reported as a supplementary coping skill, but many respondents indicated that looking at humorous climate change themed memes did influence their feelings about climate change overall. The scope of this study was relatively small in scale, therefore the results presented in this thesis may not be indicative of broader social trends and likely require further research.
  • Kairala, Viivi Matilda (2023)
    Climate change is the most pressing and dangerous crisis that the world faces today, as it concerns not only the lives of our generation but the future of the world. Especially the so-called small island nations have been viewed as particularly vulnerable to climate change in international climate change discourse. However, these views, both in academia and political negotiations, have often ignored the views of islanders themselves. There is a need for a better understanding of how islanders conceptualize vulnerability and other types of agencies such as resistance in order to create better policies to battle climate change. In this thesis, I set out to find answers to three questions: how island representatives conceptualize their vulnerability and resistance to climate change, how these concepts have changed during the years following the influential Paris Agreement in 2015, and whether there are differences between how islands talk about the concepts. In this thesis I analyzed 40 speeches by nine Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) countries in five Conference of Parties (COP) -meetings from 2016 to 2021. The transcripts of speeches were collected from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) website and analyzed using critical discourse analysis, with the help of decolonial theory to interpret the results. Firstly, island representatives conceptualized climate vulnerability as a phenomenon caused both by climate change and colonial systems. Islanders both recognized themselves as vulnerable, but also used the concept to criticize colonial systems that both cause these vulnerabilities and prevent finding solutions to them. Thus, climate vulnerability is both a real threat to the islanders and a way to criticize colonial systems. Secondly, by using the concept of resistance, island representatives demonstrated the complex, varied ways of existing on the islands by presenting themselves as moral leaders and large ocean nations. Thus, islanders have the capability to be both leaders and followers, small and large, and vulnerable and resistant – one must not simplify the complex island experiences using only one term, vulnerability. Thirdly, both vulnerability and resistance as concepts have undergone changes throughout the six-year period studied, as urgency to find solutions has grown. These changes imply that the ongoing phenomenon of climate change is affecting the ways islanders understand and perform their vulnerability and resistance in the international arena. Thus, researchers and policymakers need to pay attention to more possible changes in the future. Finally, there are both similarities and differences between AOSIS countries in how they conceptualized climate vulnerability and resistance, proving that the diversity of island experiences should not be simplified in academia or climate negotiations.
  • Leinonen, Helmi (2023)
    Discussion around climate crisis and companies’ role in its mitigation has been accelerating especially in the past few years. Companies are in a crucial role if the targets set in the Paris Agreement are wished to be fulfilled. Companies have also noted the importance of the topic. Corporate environmental responsibility and sustainability themes have gotten a firm foothold in corporate world and companies can control them by utilizing different corporate governance mechanisms. This thesis aims to examine the importance of corporate governance and sustainability management in companies. Purpose is to study whether there is a link between the level of companies’ climate maturity and different corporate governance mechanisms that are used to manage companies’ sustainability. In addition, this thesis examines if there are differences in the results depending on size, industry, or country where companies are headquartered. Scope of this thesis is corporate environmental responsibility and climate sustainability in the context of greenhouse gas emissions. Companies are divided into two groups based on their climate maturity which is determined by whether they have set science-based emission reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. Analysis is conducted with statistical analysis, logistic regression and is carried out with Stata. Data is originally from a corporate study and consists of 46 medium and large-sized Nordic companies from various industries. Sustainability criteria in management’s incentive plans and in companies’ investment decisions had a positive and significant link to companies’ climate maturity. Chief Sustainability Officer and board-level sustainability committee were insignificant in the model. Larger companies were more connected to climate maturity most likely because they have more resources to develop their sustainability and corporate environmental responsibility. In addition, larger companies are often obligated to disclose their sustainability performance and face pressure from the public to decrease their negative effects which can encourage them to set more advanced targets. It seems that the most effective measures are mechanisms with concrete criteria, compared to the more symbolic measures with no direct effect. Companies should focus on creating actions with impactful measures that create change in their organizations whereas policy makers should aim to create regulation directing companies towards these measures. Scientific research can help by providing knowledge of the most impactful corporate governance mechanisms. Sample size was relatively small, which prevents from making highly generalized conclusions. With a larger dataset, companies’ maturity could have been determined on a wider scale, different analysis methods could have been used and sustainability could have been considered in a more comprehensive perspective.
  • Tervo, Inkeri (2023)
    Climate migration raises both justice and human rights concerns, yet no existing treaty explicitly addresses it, leaving climate migrants in a legal limbo. This study assesses how the European Union's international protection system can evolve to effectively mitigate the vulnerability of climate migrants. The analysis incorporates the principle of non-refoulement from the European Convention on Human Rights and the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities in climate agreements. Using a legal doctrinal approach, the study analyses existing legal frameworks, uniquely integrating the perspective of vulnerability theory. This ethical framework emphasizes the universal vulnerability of individuals and seeks strategies to reduce vulnerability, rooted in societal structures and legal constructs. The study applies vulnerability theory specifically to the context of climate migration. Vulnerability analysis reveals that both the vulnerabilities driving migration and the uncertain legal status of climate migrants are products of the international community necessitating a collective response. The study centers on the 1951 Refugee Convention and the interpretation of the principle of non-refoulement by the European Court of Human Rights. It examines the right to life in the context of environmental disasters and its application to socio-economic rights. The research investigates the compatibility of the European Union’s international protection residence permit system with the non-refoulement principle and climate agreement burden-sharing principles. Relevant sources include recommendations from the United Nations Refugee Agency, decisions from the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union, along with existing scholarly literature. The Qualification Directive (2011/95/EC) mirrors the refugee definition of the Refugee Convention. The study reveals that individuals seeking international protection due to the adverse effects of climate change may have legitimate fears of persecution when addressing climate change's adverse effects in the broader social policy framework. Additionally, the study argues that adopting a vulnerability-based approach, especially under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, can broaden the scope of the non-refoulement principle in the context of climate change and enhance substantive equality, addressing climate migrants' material deprivation in their countries of origin. However, the European Convention on Human Rights does not regulate residence permits; instead, they fall under European Union law. The Court of Justice of the European Union has clarified that subsidiary protection necessitates the deliberate infliction of severe harm by a specific actor and cannot be attributed to general deficiencies in the country of origin. This perspective diverges from the interpretation of the European Court of Human Rights. To bridge the gap in current protections, the European Union should introduce a new category of residence permits for climate migrants, humanitarian protection, recognizing the connection between human rights and the environment. Such humanitarian protection would reflect fair burden-sharing, safeguard against refoulement, and address the vulnerability experienced by climate migrants within the framework of international human rights law.
  • Lehtomaa, Jere (2017)
    The incomplete global coverage of current emissions trading schemes has raised concerns about free-riding and carbon leakage. EU ETS, the first and currently the biggest carbon market, is at the fore of such fears. Carbon-based import tariffs have thereby been proposed to compensate domestic industries for the cost disadvantage against their rivals in non-regulating countries. This thesis uses an applied general equilibrium (AGE) model to assess the impacts of a hypothetical EU carbon tariff on the Finnish economy. The carbon content of imported goods is first estimated with an environmentally extended input-output analysis, and the tariff is levied according to the anticipated price of EU emission allowances. To examine the sensitivity of the results, five additional scenarios are then constructed by altering the key simulation parameters. The tariff is imposed on the most energy-intensive and trade-exposed industries in 2016 and simulated until 2030. The results suggest that carbon tariffs are detrimental to the Finnish economy. The negative outcome is determined by high material intensity and a growing dependence on imported materials throughout the industry sector. As a result, the tariff-induced increase in import prices adds up to a notable growth in total production costs. Moreover, the negative impact is most pronounced within the export-oriented heavy manufacturing sector that the tariff was designed to shelter in the first place. The few sectors that gain from the tariff were not directly subject to it, but utilize the secondary impacts as the economy adapts to the shock. The findings imply that due to the deeper integration of global value chains, the appeal of protective tariffs, even if environmentally motivated, can be harmfully over-simplistic.
  • Pörsti, Saara Kyllikki (2022)
    Climate change have widespread increasing negative health impacts on urban residents. The impacts vary in different temporal and spatial dimensions and include health impacts such as increases in heat related illnesses, respiratory issues, and vector-borne diseases. Vulnerability and exposure to those impacts depend on different interacting factors from city level systems to individual characteristics. Papers that study how cities’ moderating factors impact on different climate change induced health impacts are an important part for setting adaptation policies. Little is known how city systems and system factors (social and physical environment and policy and planning) moderate climate change induced health impacts in cities and their role in different vulnerability and exposure outcomes. With an analytical framework that utilizes systems approach and follows conceptual framework that considers city systems as moderating factors to different vulnerability and exposure outcomes, this thesis answers the questions: How are the city systems and system factors, and climate risk elements (vulnerability, exposure) related? And what are the different types of interactions that lead to vulnerability and exposure outcomes? The main data of this qualitative case study is collected with 18 expert pair-interviews. The experts are selected from four residential areas that represent different municipalities in Helsinki and Turku. The interviews are transcribed and coded with Atlas.ti. The findings of this study emphasize that moderating factors have an impact on different vulnerability and exposure outcomes. The results also show that adaptation measures that would consider cities moderating factors, would have a significant impact on reduced exposure and vulnerability to begin with. Identification of different city system, climate risk and health impact pathway synergies doesn’t promote better adaptation policies as such. Better understanding of efficient adaptation policies require further studies of the consequences resulting from the policy decisions in physical and social environment in the long run.
  • Mustakallio, Vili (2020)
    This study examines the climate responsibility, a sub-category of corporate social responsibility (CSR), of two oil companies, ExxonMobil and Shell. The study is a comparative case study of the climate responsibilities of two private oil companies, that makes use of academic literature and recent primary sources of the case companies, such as sustainability reports and statements. The study has a theoretical emphasis, and at first, it discusses the theoretical debates involving CSR. The separation of ownership and control in corporations that occurred in the early 20th century enriched the later discussion about the contradictions between capitalism and CSR, which was emerging slowly. From the 1970s, the practice of CSR became more familiar, and for instance, the orthodox liberal viewpoint became more positive about it: It was possible to combine profit-maximizing and CSR. Later, in the 21st century, governance studies gave a new perspective on interdisciplinary CSR studies. The study shows that climate responsibility might differ extensively between two same-sized oil companies. ExxonMobil’s climate responsibility has changed in the past twenty years: First, the company doubted whether climate change was true. Later, it admitted that it is a fact, and the company has committed to the Paris Climate Agreement. However, it commits to greenwashing regarding finding solutions. The company emphasizes its expertise and authority and is against government climate regulation. For ExxonMobil, the responsibility remains on the level of talk. It is not attempting to withdraw from oil. Shell’s climate responsibility, however, materializes in practice, too, even though the company has committed to greenwashing in the past. Shell has invested substantially in renewable energy sources and states that it aims to transform its business model to correspond with ambitious climate objectives. Further, contrary to ExxonMobil, Shell relies on a climate scenario, which follows an estimate that global warming from the pre-industrial era will not exceed 2°C. The study underlines that instrumental factors can explain the forms of corporate climate responsibility. However, the study does not exclude institutional, relational, nor philanthropic reasons for climate responsibility. This study discusses broad instrumentalism, which includes profit-maximizing and pursuit of corporate power. Profit-maximizing explains the form of climate responsibility that both companies practice. ExxonMobil’s climate responsibility speech is explained by maintaining a reputation and advertising matters, that is, short-term profits. However, its climate responsibility in practice remains modest, even irresponsible: The company is not withdrawing from oil nor investing in renewable energy sources. That is because, whereas the new oil resources are becoming harder and harder to exploit, ExxonMobil has relatively large oil resources compared with other oil companies. In turn, Shell’s climate responsibility is explained, especially by the long-term profits. Shell has relatively low oil reserves. Thus, it prepares for future regulation and positions as a progressive actor regarding energy transition to maximize profits in the 22nd century. Also, the case companies differ in the way they pursue corporate power. In the case of ExxonMobil, its climate responsibility speech is an attempt to pursuit corporate power against government regulation and to obtain autonomy. On the other hand, in climate issues, Shell highlights cooperation with the government and other stakeholders instead of self-regulation through its CSR. In the end, the thesis discusses the implications of the results to a broader question of global climate governance. When sustainability has become a growing business, and there are challenges in global climate governance, it is important to recognize the limits of climate responsibility, and more broadly, the limits of corporate social responsibility as a long-term solution. However, in the short term, the climate efforts of corporations are necessary to fill the regulatory gaps of global climate governance.
  • Teppola, Karoliina (2020)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on analysoida nuorten eteläkorealaisten aikuisten kokemuksia tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta ja saavuttamisen tarpeesta. Näkökulmana käytetään teoriaa kulttuurien ulottuvuuksista ja kulttuurisista arvoista, joiden kautta eri kulttuureja on mahdollista vertailla niiden yksilökeskeisyyden eli individualismin ja yhteisöllisyyden eli kollektivismin kannalta. Tutkimus pyrkii hahmottamaan, miten eteläkorealaiset aikuiset kokevat tavoitteiden saavuttamisen korealaisessa yhteiskunnassa, jonka on kuvailtu asettavan erityisesti nuorten sukupolvien harteille merkittäviä paineita niin opiskelun kuin työelämänkin saralla. Tutkimuksen taustalla ja punaisena lankana kulkee teoria Koreasta maana, jossa kulttuurin individualistiset ja kollektivistiset elementit ovat näkyvillä samanaikaisesti muodostaen monella tapaa uniikin yhtälön perinteisiä konfutselaisia arvoja ja modernia, länsimaalaistunutta elämäntyyliä. Tutkielma esittelee individualismin ja kollektivismin peruskäsitteiden lisäksi juuri korealaiselle kulttuurille erityisiä kollektivismin ja individualismin erityispiirteitä ja pohtii niitä motivaatioteorian ja korealaisen nyky-yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta. Tutkielma ammentaa kulttuurintutkimuksen lisäksi mm. psykologiasta ja yhteiskuntatieteistä, sekä uutisartikkeleista ja sosiaalisesta mediasta, jotka rikastuttavat teoriataustaa ajankohtaisuudellaan ja ihmisläheisyydellään. Varsinaiseksi tutkimusmetodiksi on valittu narratiivinen tutkimus, jonka vahvuus on niin ikään mahdollisuudessa kuulla vastaajia suoraan heidän omien kertomustensa kautta. Narratiivit on koottu sähköisellä kirjoituspyynnöllä, ja sen kautta tarinansa jakoi yhteensä kuusi nuorta korealaista, joiden joukossa on sekä opiskelijoita että jo työelämään siirtyneitä. Sekä kirjoituspyyntö että saadut tarinat on kirjoitettu koreaksi. Narratiivien kautta välittyviä kokemuksia tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta analysoidaan teemoittelun ja kategorisoinnin keinoin. Keskeisiksi teemoiksi kerätyissä narratiiveissa nousevat se, millaisina suorittajina nuoret korealaiset itsensä näkevät, kuinka he kokevat ympäröivän korealaisen yhteiskunnan vaikuttavan tavoitteiden saavuttamiseen, ja millaisia syitä heillä on tavoitteidensa taustalla. Tavoitteiden saavuttaminen on vahvasti osa heidän minuuttaan, ja siinä yhdistyivät niin yhteisölliset periaatteet kuten yhteiskunnan auttaminen, että yksilöllisemmät unelmat ja oman sydämen seuraaminen. Vertautuminen muihin värittää korealaisten saavutuskokemuksia ja esimerkiksi hyvään yliopistoon pääsemistä pidetään tärkeänä etappina ja päämääränä. Samanaikaisesti tavoitteiden saavuttamisen pakollisuus sekä suorituspaineet herättävät lannistusta, jossa heijastuu vahvasti korealaisen yhteiskunnan kilpailuhenkisyys. Tutkielma tuottaa yksityiskohtaista tietoa siitä, kuinka korealaisen yhteiskunnan suorituskeskeisyys heijastuu nuorten aikuisten kokemuksiin heidän tavoitteidensa saavuttamisesta ja myös heidän minäkuvastaan. Myös individualististen ja kollektivististen elementtien yhteenkietoutuminen korealaisessa kulttuurissa tuodaan esiin konkreettisin esimerkein ja sanoin vastaajien omista tarinoista.
  • Bäckström, Mia (2017)
    Background: Dexmedetomdine is a α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, which by binding to the α2-adrenergic receptor in the sympathetic nervous system exhibits sedative effect. Additionally, it has an analgesic and anxiolytic effect. Dexmedetomidine is registered as a sedative for use in the intensive care unit and in USA, additionally, in surgical settings. The study was conducted to characterize the pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers through pharmacokinetic analysis methods. Methods: The clinical study was conducted on healthy 10 voluntary subjects each receiving dose of 1 µg/kg both intravenously (IV) and subcutaneously (SC). The study session lasted for 10 hours, with a wash-out period of at least 7 days between consecutive administrations. Arterial blood samples were taken to determine the plasma concentrations of dexmedetomidine. The pharmacokinetics of the IV and SC dose were determined by noncompartmental analysis (NCA) and, additionally, population modeling using nonlinear mixed effects model (NONMEM) was used to determine the pharmacokinetics of the IV dose. Results: The population's mean clearance after the IV dose was 40.0 L/h and for SC 45.6 L/h. The elimination half-life was 2 hours for IV, whereas terminal half-life was 9 hours for the SC dose. The SC bioavailability was 120 %. From the population modeling the typical elimination clearance, volume of distribution in central compartment, inter-compartmental clearance, and volume of distribution in the second compartment were 39.6 L/h, 13.7 L, 116 L/h, and 77 L, respectively. Conclussion: The obtained pharmacokinetic parameter values from NCA for IV were in line with the results from previous studies. For the SC dose the pharmacokinetic parameter values had high SD indicating high inter-individual variations. However, when the 8th subject was excluded from data analysis less SD was obtained and the result resembled more the results from other extravascular studies. The pharmacokinetic population results for IV dexmedetomidine were similar to previous studies on healthy subjects. Weight was used as a covariate, and was modeled by allometrically scaling the parameters. From the results it is shown that the covariate improved the model's goodness of fit.
  • Vanhala, Antero; Lehto, Anna-Rosa; Maksimow, Anu; Kivivuori, Sanna-Maria; Torkki, Paulus (2021)
    Objective: The choice of patient outcomes in clinical quality registries is crucial for comparable and relevant data collection. Ideally, a uniform outcome framework would guide the assessment of outcomes. We set out to find a suitable published framework and validate it in clinical quality registries. Study design and Setting: A literature review was conducted to find an outcome framework that is patient-centric, easy-to-use, shared with clinical research, and allows registry evaluation. Chosen outcome framework was validated by extracting and classifying outcomes from 63 clinical quality registries at HUS Helsinki University Hospital, Finland. Results: COMET taxonomy was chosen from 23 published frameworks. HUS Clinical quality registries showed great variation in outcome domains and in number of measures. Physiological outcomes were present in 98%, resource use in all, and functioning domains in 62% of the registries. Patient-reported outcome measures were found in 48% of the registries. Conclusions: The COMET taxonomy was suitable for evaluating the choice of outcomes in clinical quality registries while some improvements are suggested. HUS Helsinki University Hospital clinical quality registries exist at different maturity levels showing room for improvement in life impact outcomes and in outcome prioritization. This article offers a comparison point for other registry evaluators.
  • Hämäläinen, Heikki (2016)
    Tämä työ tutkii Clojure-ohjelmointikieltä, joka on erityisesti rinnakkaisohjelmointiin suunniteltu Lisp-kielen murre. Clojure tukee vahvaa liitosta Java-ympäristöön ja sillä kirjoitetut ohjelmat suoritetaan JVM-virtuaalikoneella. Tutkielmassa käydään läpi Lisp-kielten historia, rinnakkaisohjelmoinnin yleiset haasteet ja funktionaalisen ohjelmointiparadigman perusteet. Lisäksi käsitellään Java-kielen ja JVM-virtuaalikoneen ja Clojure-kielen rinnakkaisohjelmointipiirteet. Tutkielman analyysiosassa verrataan Clojuren ja Javan rinnakkaisuusratkaisuja muun muassa tehokkuuden ja käytettävyyden osalta. Clojuren rinnakkaisuusratkaisuista transaktiomuisti osoittautui laskennallisesti hyvin raskaaksi. Lisäksi rinnakkaisratkaisujen lukottomuudesta seuraa se, että tietyt rinnakkaisohjelmointiongelmat ovat hankalia toteuttaa ilman, että käytetään Javan rinnakkaisratkaisuja. Erityisesti synkronisten rinnakkaisratkaisujen osalta kielessä olisi kehittämisen varaa. Javaan verrattuna Clojuren rinnakkaisuusratkaisut ovat hieman yksinkertaisempia käyttää. Tämä johtuu kuitenkin pitkälle Clojuren dynaamisesta tyypityksestä ja funktionaalisesta perusrakenteesta.