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  • Jackson, Emilee (2016)
    Through the lens of race, otherness, and belonging this research investigates how Muslim Americans are represented in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal between January 2016 and January 2017. By employing content analysis, this research analyzes and compares different tones, frames, messages, and topics used by these two newspapers to create a better understanding of the representation Muslim Americans receive. Through these methods, my research found that there is little difference in the representation of Muslim Americans between two publications with differing political tendencies. Further, the representations given to Muslim Americans in both publications are highly negative with a focus on terrorism and U.S. politics.
  • Jääskeläinen, Matias (2020)
    This thesis is about exploring descriptors for atmospheric molecular clusters. Descriptors are needed for applying machine learning methods for molecular systems. There is a collection of descriptors readily available in the DScribe-library developed in Aalto University for custom machine learning applications. The question of which descriptors to use is up to the user to decide. This study takes the first steps in integrating machine learning into existing procedure of configurational sampling that aims to find the optimal structure for any given molecular cluster of interest. The structure selection step forms a bottleneck in the configurational sampling procedure. A new structure selection method presented in this study uses k-means clustering to find structures that are similar to each other. The clustering results can be used to discard redundant structures more effectively than before which leaves fewer structures to be calculated with more expensive computations. Altogether that speeds up the configurational sampling procedure. To aid the selection of suitable descriptor for this application, a comparison of four descriptors available in DScribe is made. A procedure for structure selection by representing atmospheric clusters with descriptors and labeling them into groups with k-means was implemented. The performance of descriptors was compared with a custom score suitable for this application, and it was found that MBTR outperforms the other descriptors. This structure selection method will be utilized in the existing configurational sampling procedure for atmospheric molecular clusters but it is not restricted to that application.
  • Lindholm, Tanja (2015)
    Suomesta tavataan kaksi majavalajia: alkuperäinen euroopanmajava (Castor fiber) ja vieraslaji amerikanmajava (Castor canadensis). Euroopanmajava metsästettiin sukupuuttoon 1800–luvulla ja viimeinen euroopanmajava ammuttiin tiettävästi Sallan Eniönjoesta vuonna 1868. Vuonna 1935 aloitettiin majavien uudelleenistutukset 17 Norjasta tuodulla euroopanmajavalla. Vuonna 1937 Suomen majavakantaa vahvistettiin seitsemällä Amerikasta tuodulla amerikanmajavalla. Tahallisesta vieraslajin tuomisesta ei kuitenkaan ollut kyse, vaan vasta vuonna 1973 todettiin Castor-suvun koostuvan kahdesta eri lajista. Alueilla, joille istutettiin molempia lajeja, on jäljellä ainoastaan amerikanmajava. Syyt ovat edelleen epäselviä. Molempien lajien kannat ovat edelleen keskittyneet alkuperäisten istutusalueiden läheisyyteen, ja amerikanmajavakanta on muutamia poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta saanut kasvaa ilman euroopanmajavan kilpailun vaikutusta. Jos lajien elinympäristövaatimukset ovat samat, eivät lajit voi esiintyä rinnakkain. Näin ollen on tärkeää tuntea molempien lajien elinympäristön käyttö mahdollisemman tarkkaan aluekohtaisesti ja ennakoida, johtaako majavalajien kohtaaminen kahden lajin rauhaisaan yhteiseloon vai mahdollisesti euroopanmajavan häviämiseen läntisestä Suomesta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli vertailla lajien elinympäristön vaatimuksia ja sitä kautta tuoda lisätietoa euroopanmajavan suojeluun. Tutkimusalueeksi valikoitui keskinen Pirkanmaan alue, missä lajien välinen etäisyys on ainoastaan 11 kilometriä linnuntietä. Aineisto koostuu vuoden 2013 Luonnonvarakeskuksen koordinoimista valtakunnallisten majavalaskentojen pesätiedoista sekä erilaisista paikkatietoaineistoista. Elinympäristönkäytön mallin muuttujat on tuotettu CORINE Land Cover 2012 (CLC2012), vuoden 2011 Valtakunnallisen Metsien Inventoinnin (VMI) ja Maanmittauslaitoksen maastotietokannan digitaalisiin paikkatietoaineistojen avulla. Alueelle luotiin 60 satunnaispistettä, jotka kuvaavat tarjolla olevaa elinympäristöä. Lajien elinympäristöjen käyttöä analysoitiin kahden logistisen regressioanalyysimallin avulla, joista ensimmäisessä tarkastellaan ydinaluetta (50m) ja toisessa elinpiiriä (1km). Analyyseissä verrattiin lajeja keskenään sekä satunnaispisteisiin. Ennen regressioanalyysejä tarkasteltiin muuttujien kolineaarisuutta Variance Inflation Factor:in (VIF) avulla, jonka jälkeen tarkasteltiin aineiston yhteensopivuuttaa mallin kanssa Akaiken informaatiokriteerin (AIC) avulla. Pienin AIC ilmaisee parhaan mallin korkeimman selitysasteen ja mallin yksinkertaisuuden (parsimonisuuden) kompromissina. Ydinalueella ei havaittu merkitseviä eroja elinympäristön vaatimuksissa lajien välillä. Majavien elinympäristönkäyttö ei kuitenkaan ollut satunnaista. Kuusen tilavuudella oli positiivinen vaikutus euroopanmajavan esiintymiseen ja lehtipuiden tilavuudella oli positiivinen vaikutus amerikanmajavan esiintymiseen verrattuna tarjolla olevaan ympäristöön. Elinpiirianalyyseissä lajien välillä havaittiin merkitseviä eroja, joissa euroopanmajava esiintyi alueilla, missä kuusen tilavuus ja sekametsän osuus oli suurempi verrattuna amerikanmajavan elinpiiriin. Kasvavalla kuusen tilavuudella, sekametsän osuudella sekä vesistöjen määrällä oli positiivinen vaikutus euroopanmajavan esiintymiseen ja rakennetuilla alueilla negatiivinen vaikutus euroopanmajavan esiintymiseen verrattaessa tarjolla olevaan ympäristöön. Amerikanmajavan elinympäristön käyttö ei poikennut satunnaisesta. Tulokset saattavat heijastaa rantavyöhykkeen metsäsukkession eri vaiheita, mutta on huomattava, että lajien välillä oli merkittäviä eroja. Elinympäristön muuttujat selittivät huomattavasti enemmän euroopanmajavan esiintymistä alueella verrattuna amerikanmajavaan. Toisin sanoen euroopanmajavan elinympäristön vaatimukset ovat spesifimmät/tarkemmat/ominaisemmat. Tulosten avulla on mahdollista ennustaa niin amerikanmajavan leviämistä alueella kuin hyödyntää tietoja euroopanmajavalle tärkeiden elinympäristöjen suojelussa.
  • Riihikoski, Roope (2018)
    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to research the usage of different mixed reality devices in sales and marketing. The technology is improving fast and has now abled the mixed reality devices to be more accurate and precise. They can now deliver the expectations that they have not been able to do in the past. Growing number of companies are using this technology in their sales and marketing activities. There are numerous studies made on mixed reality devices but not in the area of sales and marketing. This study wants to find out how MR technologies work in sales and marketing and in different phases. Methods: The study consists of two parts. Study one investigates three groups: customers, companies that want to use MR technologies in sales and marketing and developers who design and create programs to these MR technologies. The groups answered series of marketing and sales related questions after using VR device called HTC VIVE. The first study compares three groups, companies, developers and customers. The second study seeks the differences between developers that an- swered questions related to MR, VR and AR. After these two studies there is a part to find out the goals of using these devices on sales and marketing. Results: The results in the study 1 showed that VR technology works in marketing when customers attention is wanted. In sales, closing a deal and making more profitable co-operation with customers, VR was preferred. The customers were more pessimistic towards VR than companies and developers. In the study two The MR technology was dividing companies and developers the most. VR was the most preferred in both marketing and sales activities. Still overall image of all the groups was positive towards these devices in sales and market- ing. Factor analysis test demonstrated that the goals of the usage of MR devices where loaded in three factors. 1. At the end of the sales and marketing funnel 2. Beginning of the sales and marketing funnel. 3. Branding. Overall the test revealed that MR technology had a positive image among all groups when used in sales and marketing. VR was preferred the most in every sales and marketing activity. AR and MR had differences among developers and companies. Companies preferred MR over AR and developers had an opposite opinion.
  • Närhi, Leena (2023)
    The use of virtual reality learning environments is rapidly expanding in various disciplines. However, there are only a few comparative studies in education. This thesis explores the effectiveness of a virtual reality (VR) and a physical learning environment on students’ learning outcomes and motivation by comparing the virtual reality and the physical learning environment during one day of studies. The participants were fourth-year mechanical engineering bachelor students (N = 14) at a university of applied sciences in Finland. The intervention was implemented as part of the course module, where students learned the structure and the functioning of the harvester head engine, which was part of a logging machine. A quasi-experimental design was set up, and in the morning, one-half of the students started their studies in virtual reality and the other half in the physical learning environment. In the afternoon, student groups switched learning environments. Motivation and learning outcomes were measured by pre-test and post-test questionnaires. Additionally, students’ learning outcomes were measured by completed study tasks during the interventions and by observing. The teacher assessed the data related to learning as grades. The one-way repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted to analyse the effectiveness of the learning environments on motivation and learning outcomes. The development of learning outcomes was statistically significant (p < .00) in both learning environments during the morning and the afternoon. No difference was observed between the learning outcomes gained in the two learning environments. There was an interaction (p < .01) between intrinsic motivation and learning environments in the morning. While in the afternoon, intrinsic motivation developed positively (p < .01) in both environments. The results suggest that studying in two different learning environments maintains interest and helps to achieve significant learning outcomes during the one-day studies. When studying began in a physical learning environment, intrinsic motivation developed positively throughout the day.
  • Malmsten, Annina Maria (2023)
    Promoting carbon sequestration and storage is an important part of climate change mitigation. Soils play a prominent role in this, as they contain the largest terrestrial carbon pools. Urban soils have been shown to contain significant amounts of carbon, and thus, urban green spaces have the potential to contribute to climate regulation through soil carbon sequestration and storage. Many green spaces in cities consist of managed lawns containing significant amounts of soil organic carbon, although management activities such as mowing can also be a source of carbon emissions. A low-maintenance alternative to lawns is urban meadows. The benefits in terms of soil carbon sequestration in urban meadows, however, are still poorly documented. This study aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the ecosystem services urban meadows provide, which is valuable in the planning of urban green infrastructure. I quantified soil organic carbon content in 140 urban meadows of different land use types in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area to determine their value in terms of carbon storage and to compare this with the soil carbon storage in highly managed urban lawns. The meadow types explored included valuable grasslands, which have special nature or cultural values, landscape meadows, road verge grasslands, and rocky outcrops. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0–10 cm using a soil corer. The soil organic matter content and bulk density were measured. Existing data from the soils of city park lawns in Helsinki were used for comparison in the analysis. The soil organic carbon content in the different meadows, as well as in the lawns, was then analysed using land use type and site productivity as explanatory variables. Results show that park lawn soils have a significantly higher carbon density (kg C per square meter) than any of the meadow types. Out of the meadow sites, valuable grasslands had the highest carbon density. The higher carbon content in park lawn soils may be due to increased productivity due to frequent mowing, as well as the fact that these lawns were likely established on nutrient-rich soil. Interestingly, the highest %C was detected in rocky sites. However, the total carbon stocks of rocky sites are lower due to the soil cover being shallow and large portions of the sites not having soil cover at all. To answer the question of whether a lawn should be converted into a meadow in hopes of increasing carbon sequestration and storage, future studies should focus on meadows that were formerly lawns, and that had the same or similar initial conditions as a typical lawn.
  • Yrjölä, Veikko (2023)
    While the effects of agricultural land use on biodiversity are beginning to unravel in Europe and North America, Africa remains poorly studied. Biodiversity in a broad sense provides ecosystem functioning and services, whose importance has become obvious to humankind in the quickly changing modern world. In Ghana, the practice of mango farming continues to grow in popularity due to suitable climate and potential source of livelihood. With increased demand and production of mango, natural habitats, namely savannahs, are being converted to plantations. The effects of such habitat conversion on local biodiversity are unknown for most taxa, thus providing an interesting study system for biodiversity research. Given the direct relation between functional diversity and ecosystem services, in this work I compare the taxonomic and functional diversity of ground-living spiders between mango orchards and savannah. I chose spiders (Arthropoda; Araneae) as model organisms as they critically contribute to several ecosystem services, such as biological pest control and nitrogen cycling, while being ubiquitous and abundant, thus easy to collect in the field. Spiders were captured with pitfall traps from six mango and four savannah areas in the Northern region of Ghana. A total of 424 individuals and 53 (morpho)species were identified and counted. Additionally, six morphological and four ecological traits were quantified for each (morpho)species. With these data, I calculated taxonomic richness and evenness, functional richness, dispersion, and evenness, and beta diversity of the different assemblages in the R environment. These metrics were then compared between spiders collected from mango orchards and savannah. Mango orchards showed lower taxonomic and functional evenness than savannah, contrary to all other alpha diversity measures. The two habitat types share many of the same diversity of ground-living spiders, but species and traits are distributed less evenly in mango orchards due to incomplete niche differentiation between species. Both taxonomic and functional beta diversity were significantly different between habitat types indicating that mango orchards sustain a similar richness of species as savannah, but the species composition is different. In conclusion, mango orchards have the potential to conserve some aspects of the original diversity, but species composition and the way species interact are substantially different. We should strive to find the best practices to produce mango without radically changing the natural biodiversity patterns.
  • Davoudi, Amin (2018)
    In the Internet age, malware poses a serious threat to information security. Many studies have been conducted on using machine learning for detecting malicious software. Although major breakthroughs have been achieved in this area, the problem has not been completely eradicated. In this thesis, we are going through the concept of utilizing machine learning for malware detection and conduct several experiments with two different classifiers (Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes) to compare their ability to detect malware based on Port-able Executable (PE) file format headers. A malware classifier dataset built with header field values of portable executable files was obtained from GitHub and used for experimental part of the thesis. We conducted 5 different experiments with several different trial settings. Various statistical methods have been used to assess the significance of the results. The first and second experiment show that using SVM and Naive Bayes classification methods for our dataset can result in high sensitivity rate. In the rest of the experiments, we focus on ac-curacy rate of both classifiers with different settings. The results show that although there were no big differences in the accuracy rates of the classifiers, the value of variance of ac-curacy rates is greater in Naive Bayes than in SVM. The study investigates ability of two different methods to classify information in their distinctive way. It also provides evidences that show that the learning-based approach provides a means for accurate automated analysis of malware behavior which helps in the struggle against malicious software.
  • Nurmi, Kurt (2022)
    Viral promoters are an essential part of a normally functioning virus. Their main task is to drive the transcription of genes which govern hijacking of cell function and replication of viral particles. In addition to supporting normal function of a virus, they can be used to drive the transcription of transgenes which can be used in different therapies. In oncolytic therapies, transgenes can be used to prime the host system against neoplasms which has been shown to generate long term anti-tumour immunity. Human adenoviruses (Ad) are commonly used as a platform for oncolytic virotherapies. Human Ad’s replicate poorly in mouse tumour cell lines, yet some promoters, which are included in the viral constructs to drive the transcription of beneficial transgenes, are able to function. Currently it is unknown whether E3, the native promoter of adenovirus 5 of the E3 region, is capable of functioning in murine cell lines. In this thesis we study whether human cytomegalovirus promoter (CMV) and E3 differ in their efficacy to drive the transcription of the mOX40L and mCD40L transgenes. In the experimental part of this thesis, we compared the efficacies of two viral promoters, AdE3 and AdCVM, in transcribing mOX40Land mCD40L in vitro. Efficacy of transcription was assessed through immunofluorescence and flow cytometry in human and murine cell lines. Furthermore, the effects of promoters on viral infection, killing and replication were evaluated in burst assay and the colorimetric MTS proliferation assay. MTS and burst assay were conducted to confirm if viral infection, killing and replication occurs in human and murine cell lines. Both AdE3 and AdCMV were able to infect and kill human cell lines and cell viability decreased in correlation to the number of viral particles used. In murine cell lines, no decrease in cell viability was detected in the 4T1 cell line. In burst assay, viral replication was observed for both AdE3 and AdCMV in the human MDA-MB-436 cell line. In murine CT26 cell line, no replication was observed for AdE3 or AdCMV constructs. Immunofluorescence assay was performed to visualize transgene expression and localization. Results indicated that mOX40L was localized on cell surface while mCD40L was detected both outside and inside of the cytosolic compartment. Flow cytometry results revealed that both AdE3 and AdCMV constructs are capable of efficiently transcribing mOX40L in human cell lines. In the flow cytometry results for AdE3, two large cell populations with different fluorescence intensities were detected. AdCMV lacked this feature which is postulated to be due to higher lytic activity of the viral construct. In murine cell lines, HCMV could produce mOX40L, but production in murine cell lines was severely attenuated compared to human cell lines. mOX40L produced by the AdE3 construct did not differ from the baseline and was deemed incapable of producing mOX40L in murine cell lines. For the purpose of studying novel virotherapeutics the results of this thesis would indicate that human CMV can be used to drive expression of transgenes in murine cell lines. Despite this, it is preferable to use host specific viruses and promoter sequences for a better translation between mice and humans. Viruksen promoottorit ovat keskeisessä osassa toimintakykyisessä viruksessa. Virus promoottorin päätarkoituksena on geenien transkriptio, mitkä vastaavat solun keskeisten toimintojen kaappaamisesta ja virus partikkeleiden replikaatiosta. Näiden toimintojen lisäksi promoottoreita voidaan käyttää transgeenien transkriptiossa, mitä voidaan hyödyntää sairauksien hoidossa. Onkolyyttisissä terapioissa transgeenejä voidaan käyttää virittämään kehon immuunipuolustus taistelemaan kasvainkudosta vastaan. Ihmisen adenovirusta käytetään usein onkolyyttisten viroterapioiden alustana. Ihmisen adenovirus (Ad) replikoituu hyvin heikosti hiiren syöpäsoluissa, mutta osa adenovirukseen sisälletyistä eksogeenisistä promoottoreista, joita käytetään terapeuttisten transgeenien transkription ajamiseen, kykenee toimimaan ja tuottamaan haluttua proteiinia. Tällä hetkellä ei tiedetä, kykeneekö E3, joka on adenoviruksen E3 lokuksen promoottori, toimimaan hiiren solulinjoissa. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitämme ihmisen sytomegalovirus promoottorin (CMV) ja E3 eroa niiden tehossa ajaa mOX40L ja mCD40L transgeenien transkriptiota. Kokeellisessa osuudessa vertailimme kahden virus promoottorin, E3 ja CMV, eroa niiden tehossa ajaa mCD40L ja mOX40L transkriptiota in vitro. Transkription tehoa tutkittiin immunofluoresenssin ja virtaussytometrian avulla ihmisen ja hiiren syöpäsolulinjoissa. Tämän lisäksi promoottorien vaikutusta virus infektioon, replikaatioon ja kykyyn tappaa soluja arvioitiin burst kokeella ja kolorimetrisellä MTS menetelmällä. MTS ja burst kokeiden avulla varmistettiin AdE3 ja AdCMV virusten kyky infektoida, tappaa ja replikoitua ihmisen ja hiiren syöpäsolulinjoissa. Sekä Ad3 ja AdCMV todettiin kykenevän infektoimaan ja tappamaan ihmissyöpäsoluja ja solujen viabiliteetin lasku korreloi virus partikkeleiden määrän kanssa. Hiiren 4T1 syöpäsoluissa ei todettu solujen viabiliteetin laskevan. Burst kokeessa havaitsimme sekä AdE3 että AdCMV kykenevän replikoitumaan ihmisen MDA-MB-436 solulinjassa. Hiiren CT26 solulinjassa kummankaan viruksen ei havaittu kykenevän replikoitumaan. Immunofluoresenssi kokeessa visualisoimme transgeenien ilmentymisen ja paikantumisen. Tulokset osoittivat, että mOX40L paikantui solun pinnalle. mCD40L havaittiin puolestaan sekä solun ulkopuolella että sytosolissa. Virtaussytometria kokeen tulokset osoittivat, että sekä AdE3 ja AdCMV pystyivät tehokkaasti ilmentämään mOX40L ihmisen solulinjoissa. AdE3 virtausytometria tuloksissa löydettiin kaksi solupopulaatiota, joilla oli toisistaan poikkeavat fluoresenssi intensiteetit. Tätä ilmiötä ei havaittu AdCMV:lla infektoiduilla soluilla, mikä saattoi johtua korkeammasta lyyttisestä aktiivisuudesta. Hiirisolulinjoissa CMV kykeni ilmentämään mOX40L, mutta transkription teho oli selvästi alhaisempi verrattuna ihmissolulinjoihin. E3 promoottorin ilmentämä mOX40L ei eronnut kontrollista ja sen todettiin olevan kykenemätön tuottamaan mOX40L hiirisolulinjoissa. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että ihmisen CMV promoottori kykenee ilmentämään transgeenejä hiiren 4T1 ja CT26 solulinjoissa. On kuitenkin huomattava, että isäntälajille natiivien virusten ja promoottorien käyttö olisi tarkoituksenmukaisempaa tulosten käännettävyyden kannalta hiiristä ihmisiin.
  • Gockel, Janette (2023)
    This thesis sought to remedy the lack of information about the main differences and similarities between the European Union’s (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) privacy and data protection policies. To do so, it outlined both organizations’ publicly available privacy and data protection policies, as well as defined the big picture of the global legal instruments related to the topic. To understand what the impact of these policies to the members of both was, a comparison was made between Finland and Germany. The chosen methodology was comparative law. The key results indicated that main emphasis of the EU is on human rights protection. This is proven by the GDPR, which recognizes privacy as a fundamental human right. The need to safeguard the privacy of users is prioritized throughout the EU’s jurisdiction by aiming to protect data. There is a strong contrast compared to NATO, which puts the strategic interests of their allies first. NATO aims to ensure that it can leverage data as a strategic resource. Members of both must find balance between these different interests, while being part of the international community. In principle, where the EU and international agreements handle civilian matters in privacy and data protection, there NATO covers military matters. However, the rising geopolitical tensions has led to a situation where the role of the EU might be changing. The political decisions the EU is now taking will shape the future of the EU-NATO cooperation as well as privacy and data protection policies, to be possibly used in a more strategic way.
  • Willamo, Teemu (2017)
    This Master’s Thesis deals with stellar magnetic activity, both as it is seen in the Sun, our closest star, and in other, more extreme examples of stellar activity. For the Sun, much higher quality data is available, and for a much longer time, so it remains by far the best studied star, although stars, that are much more magnetically active, have been discovered. This thesis will review the most common forms of magnetic activity, as observed both in the Sun and in other stars. A special focus is given to BY Draconis -type stars. These are young stars, whose photometric brightness variations are caused by large, cool starspots, similar to the sunspots seen on the Sun. A particular BY Draconis -star, V889 Herculis, is analysed in detail, using spectroscopic and photometric methods. From spectroscopy, by the Doppler imaging method, a surface temperature map can be constructed for the star. From photometry, both short-term and long-term variations of the star can be studied. During the 20 years time span of the photometric data, the star seems to have gone through similar activity cycles as the well known 11 year solar cycle. The aim of this thesis is to compare solar and stellar activity in general, and specifically V889 Her to the Sun. Based on the analysis, the basic properties of V889 Her, seen in previous studies, are confirmed: a large polar spot is present on its surface, and there are clear changes in its activity. As the stellar parameters, like mass and surface temperature, of V889 Her are very similar to the Sun, and it is also a single star, the main difference is age. As a young star, V889 Her is still magnetically much more active than the Sun today, but probably it will continue to become more and more similar to the present Sun, losing its high activity with increasing age. Similarly, V889 Her shows us what the Sun most likely was like billions of years ago.
  • Ottensmann, Linda (2020)
    It is challenging to identify causal genes and pathways explaining the associations with diseases and traits found by genome-wide association studies (GWASs). To solve this problem, a variety of methods that prioritize genes based on the variants identified by GWASs have been developed. In this thesis, the methods Data-driven Expression Prioritized Integration for Complex Traits (DEPICT) and Multi-marker Analysis of GenoMic Annotation (MAGMA) are used to prioritize causal genes based on the most recently published publicly available schizophrenia GWAS summary statistics. The two methods are compared using the Benchmarker framework, which allows an unbiased comparison of gene prioritization methods. The study has four aims. Firstly, to explain what are the differences between the gene prioritization methods DEPICT and MAGMA and how the two methods work. Secondly, to explain how the Benchmarker framework can be used to compare gene prioritization methods in an unbiased way. Thirdly, to compare the performance of DEPICT and MAGMA in prioritizing genes based on the latest schizophrenia summary statistics from 2018 using the Benchmarker framework. Lastly, to compare the performance of DEPICT and MAGMA on a schizophrenia GWAS with a smaller sample size by using Benchmarker. Firstly, the published results of the Benchmarker analyses using schizophrenia GWAS from 2014 were replicated to make sure that the framework is run correctly. The results were very similar and both the original and the replicated results show that DEPICT and MAGMA do not perform significantly differently. Furthermore, they show that the intersection of genes prioritized by DEPICT and MAGMA outperforms the outersection, which is defined as genes prioritized by only one of these methods. Secondly, Benchmarker was used to compare the performance of DEPICT and MAGMA on prioritizing genes using the schizophrenia GWAS from 2018. The results of the Benchmarker analyses suggest that DEPICT and MAGMA perform similarly with the GWAS from 2018 compared to the GWAS from 2014. Furthermore, an earlier schizophrenia GWAS from 2011 was used to check if the performance of DEPICT and MAGMA differs when a GWAS with lower statistical power is used. The results of the Benchmarker analyses make clear that MAGMA performs better than DEPICT in prioritizing genes using this smaller data set. Furthermore, for the schizophrenia GWAS from 2011 the outersection of genes prioritized by DEPICT and MAGMA outperforms the intersection. To conclude, the Benchmarker framework is a useful tool for comparing gene prioritization methods in an unbiased way. For the most recently published schizophrenia GWAS from 2018 there is no significant difference between the performance of DEPICT and MAGMA in prioritizing genes according to Benchmarker. For the smaller schizophrenia GWAS from 2011, however, MAGMA outperformed DEPICT.
  • Pykäri, Janina (2022)
    Light is crucial for aquatic ecosystems, as photosynthesis supports the higher trophic levels. Light attenuates in water due to absorption and scattering by optically active substances (OAS), the main ones in coastal environments being chlorophyll-a (chl-a), particulate matter and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Light attenuation measurements are also important indicators of many environmental changes. Traditionally, Secchi depth has been used to monitor changes in light attenuation. However, Secchi depth (ZS) is a not an accurate estimate of light attenuation, and conversion to light attenuation coefficient (Kd) is needed to study light conditions as aquatic organisms observe them. Therefore, calibration between methods is important. In this study, light attenuation was estimated with Secchi disc, a light meter and light loggers to scrutinize the possibilities of autonomous measurements in this context. The aims of the study were 1) to compare three methods for estimating light attenuation and 2) to identify the environmental drivers affecting the relationships and accuracy of these methods, and 3) to assess the possibility of using conductivity as a proxy for light attenuation. The main hypotheses were that the differences in conversion between ZS and the two sensor-based methods in different concentrations of optically active substances can be explained by contribution of scattering to light attenuation, and that variation in different Kd-estimates is due to the different measurement spectra. The effect of three OASs (chl-a, particulate matter, CDOM) on differences among light attenuation estimates were quantified in Pohjanpitäjänlahti bay. Light attenuation was mainly controlled by CDOM, followed by particulate matter and chl-a. Conductivity was found to be a good proxy for light attenuation. However, there was a mixed signal if the differences among methods could be explained by OAS concentrations or conductivity, as the hypotheses were supported with one device pair but not with the other. Therefore, the differences among light measurement methods might stem from the characteristics of the devices or measurement errors. However, all the methods were found suitable for tracking changes in light attenuation and a summary table of the advantages and disadvantages of each method is presented to help choose a suitable method to estimate light attenuation e.g., in future studies or environmental monitoring.
  • Särkikoski, Sanna (2019)
    The idea for this study was to unify the heights systems in the tide gauge data available from freely available sources and to make a surface interpolation of the Baltic Sea surface heights. There were some data availability problems in the south-east coast of the Baltic Proper which lead us to limit the study area to the northern Baltic Sea. We compared the surface interpolation made for the years 2007–2016 with the NEMO-Nordic reanalysis product sea levels in order to determine if the interpolated surface could be a used as an approximation of the sea surface heights in the Baltic Sea. Correlation between the interpolated surface and the model were 0.59–0.77 depending on the location. The model sea levels had a sudden change in the overall sea levels in mid-winter 2013–2014 and also a different trend before and after this jump. We also calculated correlations separately for each year from 2007 to 2016 for three mid-basin points. The correlations were between 0.91–0.98. We found the interpolation to be quite susceptible to errors and missing measurements, which makes it difficult to create the surface interpolation for the southern Baltic Proper with the current data availability problems. Therefore, other methods are needed in order to approximate sea levels in that area.
  • Laitinen, Elmeri (2021)
    Goals Length of human lifespan is an important measure of societal welfare. Mortality is largely linked to physical health, but psychological well-being has also been shown to predict mortality, happier people living longer lives. Psychological well-being can be construed as both subjective well-being (SWB) and eudaimonic well-being (EWB), and measures belonging to both of these constructs have been shown to individually predict mortality. No study to date has, however, compared these differing measures of psychological well-being as predictors of mortality. This study compares measures of life satisfaction (a part of SWB) and purpose in life (a part of EWB) as predictors of mortality. Methods The data used in this study comes from the Midlife in the US (MIDUS) survey, a large-scale longitudinal study spanning almost 20 years. MIDUS includes measures for life satisfaction and purpose in life, as well as data on mortality and many health behaviors with a sample of N=3768. Effects of life satisfaction and purpose in life on mortality were analysed with multiple Cox proportional hazards models. Results Life satisfaction predicts mortality when modeled alone, as does purpose in life. When modeled together, only purpose in life predicts mortality. This finding stands when additional health behavior variables are controlled, but when the sample is stratified by sex, the relation between life satisfaction and mortality also reaches marginal significance for women but not men. Conclusions This study shows that purpose in life might be a better predictor of mortality compared to life satisfaction. The results also give preliminary support for a hypothesis that purpose, and by proxy EWB, is closer to the evolutionary and physiological core of psychological well-being.
  • Kim, Yealim (2020)
    English has become a global language, and students around the world know English is an essential foreign language to expand their knowledge. For the same reason, English has been the most common foreign language that students learn in South Korea and Finland. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the curricula in South Korea and Finland to see the similarities and differences of the two countries’ English education. Although both countries focus on teaching English by using the communicative approach, their outputs in English education differ from each other. The study analyzes the curricula and textbooks by using Curriculum-Analysis Procedure. Then, the study analyzes the textbooks based on Littlejohn’s task analysis sheet. According to the analysis, the Finnish curriculum provides more specific learning goals than the Korean curriculum even though the Finnish curriculum does not specify teaching methods to teachers. The Korean curriculum provides specific word limitations for each level, and it provides specific teaching methods. However, the Korean curriculum’s learning goals are rather vague. The analysis on the textbooks suggests an interesting result. Although the Korean textbooks provide a higher number of oral tasks than the Finnish textbooks, the results demonstrate that the Korean textbooks are focused on repetition. Also, the Korean textbooks are quite regulated since the tasks ask students to focus on certain task types. On the contrary, the Finnish textbooks include a smaller number of oral tasks than the Korean textbooks, but the oral tasks encourage students to produce their own sentences rather than focusing on form. The Finnish textbooks try to provide as diverse task types as possible.
  • Nurmi, Visa (2019)
    In diagnosis of many viral and some other microbial infections, measurement of IgG avidity is a globally emerging approach for identifying primary infections and estimating the time of clinical onset. While many calculation methods have been introduced for conversion of the raw data into a numerical avidity value, little information exists on their comparison and whether the complex and laborious ones show superior performance. We here compare diverse approaches for avidity calculation, and introduce for clinical use a new, highly sensitive and specific one. Enzyme immune assay (EIA) absorbance data from 135 parvovirus B19 IgG-positive sera were analyzed in parallel with the new and two reference methods (Avidity1.2 software representing gold standard methodology; avidity index (AI) widely used due to its simplicity). When sample dilutions were selected on the basis of optimal EIA absorbances, all three approaches performed equally (receiver operating characteristic area-under-curve, AUC, discriminating primary infection from past immunity 0.969-0.971). When the samples were reanalyzed at either lower or higher absorbance levels, avidity status (low, borderline or high) was altered, on the average, in 3.7 % of the samples with the new method, in 5.6 % with Avidity1.2 and in 28 % with AI. The new approach was further validated with extensive serum panels for cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasma gondii, rubella and Epstein–Barr virus (AUC 0.990-1.000). It allows for accurate measurement of antimicrobial IgG avidity even from samples with low IgG level, while the globally popular AI approach provides an alternative for samples with sufficiently high IgG level.
  • Neuvonen, Tuomo (2014)
    Energiapuun käyttömäärät ovat kasvaneet viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana huomattavasti. Energiapuun hankinta voidaan hoitaa ainespuun hakkuun kanssa samanaikaisesti integroituna hakkuuna tai erillishakkuuna, jossa hankittu puu menee vain energiakäyttöön. Energiakäyttöön menevästä puusta osa korjataan pieniläpimittaisena kokopuuna, jossa puuta ei erikseen karsita ennen sen haketusta. Kokopuun korjuumenetelmiä on useita, joista tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kokopuun paalausta sekä kokopuun hankintaa korjurilla. Kokopuupaalain on metsätraktorin alustalle kiinnitetty paalainyksikkö, joka sitoo paalainyksikköön syötetyt puut tiiviiksi paaleiksi. Paalainpohjaisen logistiikkaketjun tehokkuuden lisäys perustuu kasvaneeseen metsä- ja kaukokuljetuksen tuottavuuteen ja sen myötä alentuneisiin kustannuksiin. Korjuri pohjautuu myös metsätraktoriin ja huomattavimpana muutoksena tähän on korjuriin asennettu hakkuulaite. Korjurin logistiikkaketjun tehokkuuden lisäys perustuu ketjun metsätoiminnoissa tarvittavaan yksinkertaiseen yhden koneen korjuuketjuun. Korjuri tuottaa kokopuuta irtonaisena. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kokopuupaalaimen ja korjurin toimintamallien eroja aikatutkimuksen avulla sekä vertailla koko logistiikkaketjujen kustannuksia toisiinsa. Tutkittu paalain oli Logman 811FC -alustakoneeseen pohjautuva Fixteri Oy:n valmistama Fixteri II -paalainyksikkö. Vertailukoneena oli Timberjack 810B -metsätraktoripohjainen korjuri. Molemmissa koneissa oli joukkokäsittelevä Nisula 280E+ -hakkuulaite. Paalien lähikuljetus hoidettiin Ponsse Wisent -metsätraktorilla. Koneiden tuottavuuksissa oli huomattavia eroja. Fixterin tuottavuus oli keskimäärin 33 % korjurin tuottavuutta alhaisempaa. Erityisesti Fixterin tuottavuuteen vaikutti sen paalainyksikön prosessoinnin aiheuttama odottamisaika, jolloin koneen kuljettaja ei voinut työskennellä normaalisti. Poistamalla kaiken odottamisen Fixterin tuottavuutta olisi mahdollista nostaa jopa 22 %. Metsäkuljetuksessa paaleja voitiin kuljettaa yhdessä lastissa 80–95 % irtonaista kokopuuta enemmän. Haketuksessa irtopuuaineksen usein vaatima tienvarsihaketus on noin kaksi kertaa terminaali- tai käyttöpaikkahaketusta kalliimpaa. Huolimatta paalien logistiikkaketjun tehokkuudesta ja hintaedusta, tässä tutkimuksessa saatujen tuottavuuksien perusteella ei paalauksen kilpailukyky ole vielä samalla tasolla korjurin kanssa. Mikäli Fixterin paalainyksikön odotusajat saadaan minimoitua, kasvaa Fixterin kilpailukyky huomattavasti. Myös laajemmat, useampia kohteita ja kuljettajia sisältävät vertailututkimukset voisivat tuottaa tarkempaa tietoa näiden menetelmien kustannuseroista. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään myös paalien kuivumista, mutta aikataulusta johtuen tästä ei saatu selviä tuloksia. Alustavat tulokset eivät kuitenkaan osoittaneet paaleille selvää etua kuivumisnopeudessa. Paalien kuivumista tulisikin selvittää tarkemmin pidemmällä aikavälillä.
  • Fan, Qiuyu (2020)
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative brain disorder in which the disease process may take decades until the symptoms become evident. To date, no ideal biomarker has emerged that would enable early detection of AD. Environmental and lifestyle factors are thought to affect the risk of developing AD, possibly through epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation (DNAm). DNAm has been shown to differ in the blood and brain of subjects with AD compared with subjects without AD, suggesting that DNAm may be involved in the pathogenic process of AD. This study aims to detect the difference in blood DNAm at baseline between cases who later developed AD and controls who remained AD diagnosis-free during follow-up in a sample selected from a Finnish population-based cohort. Leucocyte genome-wide DNAm was profiled on approximately 850,000 CpG sites by using Infinium MethylationEPIC assay. Each CpG was regressed on the outcome of AD diagnosis during follow-up, controlling for subjects’ age at sampling, sex, smoking status, blood cell counts, working stress level, slide, and array. Specific differentially methylated positions (DMPs) were further explored using pathway analysis. Finally, the methylation level of the candidate gene (APOE) selected from the literature was compared with the sample of this study. After correction for multiple testing, the later diagnosis of AD was not significantly (adjusted p-value < 0.05) associated with methylation level at the baseline at any DNAm site. There was, however, a robust hypomethylation of DMPs among the cases, as 90.9% of the DMPs (p-value < 0.05) were hypomethylated in the case group. The 200 genes annotated by DMPs with the smallest p-values were involved in two neuronal pathways: “Axon guidance associated with semaphorins Homo sapiens” (p-value = 0.0058, adjusted p-value = 0.065) in Panther 2016 and “Semaphorin interactions Homo sapiens” (p-value = 0.00005, adjusted p-value = 0.078) in Reactome 2016. No significant difference existed in DNAm of the candidate gene (APOE) between cases and controls, while cg26190885 at the promoter region of APOE showed nominal significance (p-value = 0.04). In conclusion, no strong evidence was found to support the hypothesis that systemic changes in DNAm are involved in the pathogenesis of AD or that DNAm marks could be detected in blood before the symptoms become evident. A genome-wide pattern of hypomethylation measured by the Infinium MethylationEPIC assay was observed in the case group, serving as a venue for further investigations.
  • Hartzell, Kai (2023)
    The concept of big data has gained immense significance due to the constant growth of data sets. The primary challenge lies in effectively managing and extracting valuable conclusions from this ever-expanding data. To address this challenge, the need for more efficient data processing frameworks has become essential. This thesis delves deeply into the concept of big data by first introducing and defining it comprehensively. Subsequently, the thesis explores a range of widely used open-source frameworks, some of which have been in existence for a considerable period already, while others have been developed to enhance the efficiency and particular aspects further. At the beginning of the thesis, three popular frameworks—MapReduce, Apache Hadoop, and Spark—are introduced. Following this, the thesis introduces popular data storage concepts and SQL engines, highlighting the growing adoption of SQL as an effective way of interaction within the field of big data analytics. The reasons behind this choice are explored, and the performances and characteristics of these systems are compared. In the later sections of the thesis, the focus shifts towards big data cloud services, with a particular emphasis on AWS (Amazon Web Services). Alternative cloud service providers are also discussed in brief. The thesis culminates in a practical demonstration of data analysis conducted on a selected dataset within three selected AWS cloud services. This involves creating scripts to gather and process data, establishing ETL pipelines, configuring databases, conducting data analysis, and documenting the experiments. The goal is to assess the advantages and disadvantages of these services and to provide a comprehensive understanding of their functionalities.