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  • Léger, André (2012)
    The European Union was widely contrived by French leadership, and based on a French system. Until the joining of the United Kingdom in 1973, the status of the French language had remained unchallenged in the European Economic Community. Since then, France has had to extensively defend the significant status of their language in the European Union and, more precisely, in European institutions. With every enlargement, the use of French statistically suffered. Nevertheless, its status as a working language remained the same. The 2004 and 2007 enlargement of the European Union introduced a total of twelve new countries, none of which had French as a primary lingua franca. With a continual rise in the use of English on one side, and the addition of thirteen official languages by the enlargements on the other, France needed to legitimise the important status its language had.historically possessed in the European Union. The fear of a monolingual Europe was apparent and France needed to orchestrate a new language stegy in order to combat the predicted outcome. A makeover of its own language policy was employed, and this study seeks to find the new methods applied by France. As such, an in dept examination of Frances language policy, concentrating on the European enlargement of 2004 and 2007, is presented by using the thirteen point language-spread method developed by Ulrich Ammon. By Analysing French government reports on language issues, and European Union documents on multilingualism, an overview of the political history of the French language inside EU institutions is presented, including an analysis of the historical and important relation France has had with its language. The results of the study conceptualise the French language spread-policy by using two counteracting strategic models. On one hand, France sought to safeguard the status of its language by speaking and demanding French in European institutions, while on the other hand, by presenting their language as one respecting multilingualism and European cultural plurality. With a policy focused on teaching the French language Central and Eastern European elites, the main objective of France was to solidify their language as a second European lingua franca alongside English. In concluding terms, the language-spread policy is presented as something more than merely influencing the European population on the need to know French. It is used as instrument helping a nation achieve political power by having a strong language status in a Union with 23 official languages.
  • Nummi, Laura (2016)
    Tutkielmani tarkastelee Randa Abdel-Fattahin (s. 1979) romaania Does My Head Look Big in This? (2005) teesiromaanina. Teesiromaani on teos, jolla on tietty ideologia, jonka puolelle lukijaa suostutellaan erilaisten temaattisten ja kerronnallisten rakenteiden kautta. Tutkin millaisia lukijan suostuttelun keinoja kohdeteokseni käyttää. Keskityn erityisesti siihen, miten kohdeteokseni minäkertoja-päähenkilön kehitystarina ja identiteetin rakentumisen kuvaaminen toimivat lukijan taivuttelun välineenä. Lisäksi tarkastelen kohdeteostani nuortenromaanina, ja tutkin teesiromaanin ja nuortenromaanin yhteisiä piirteitä. Aineistonani on Susan R. Suleimanin teos Authoritarian Fictions: The Ideological Novel as a Literary Genre (1983), jossa Suleiman määrittelee teesiromaanin ja esittelee teesiromaanille tyypillisiä piirteitä. Lisäksi käytän aineistonani nuortenkirjallisuuden tutkijoita, joiden avulla tarkastelen teostani nuortenromaanina ja vertailen nuortenromaanin ja teesiromaanin yhteisiä piirteitä kohdeteoksessani. Osoitan tutkielmassani, että kohdeteokseni on teesiromaani. Siinä toteutuvat monet teesiromaanin piirteet, kuten positiivisen oppikertomuksen rakenne, jossa romaanin sankari kehittyy monien seikkailujen kautta tietämättömyydestä romaanin ideologian mukaisen totuuden haltijaksi. Kohdeteokseni sisältää teesiromaanille tyypillisen dualistisen arvomaailman, joka asettaa romaanin tapahtumat ja hahmot joko tukemaan romaanin ideologiaa tai vastustamaan sitä. Lisäksi kohdeteoksessani on teesiromaanille tyypillistä redundanssia eli liikasanaisuutta, jonka avulla teesiromaani pyrkii välittämään ideologiansa lukijalleen mahdollisimman selväsanaisesti ja välttämään väärät tulkinnat. Kohdeteokseni pyrkii opettamaan lukijalleen miten islaminuskoon tulisi suhtautua sekä yleisemmällä tasolla miten erilaisuuteen tulisi suhtautua. Osoitan myös, että nuortenromaanit ovat teesiromaanin tavoin opettavaisia ja että useat teesiromaanin piirteet ovat ominaisia myös nuortenromaanille. Osoitan, että kohdeteoksessani on useita piirteitä, jotka ovat yhteisiä sekä nuortenromaanille että teesiromaanille. Näitä piirteitä ovat esimerkiksi positiivisen oppikertomuksen rakenne sekä sankarillinen päähenkilö, johon lukijan toivotaan samaistuvan.
  • Fredman, Johannes (2015)
    Cytochrome P-450 2B6 (CYP2B6) is a monoxygenase enzyme contributing to the metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics. Significant genetic variability in CYP2B6 exists in different ethnic groups, contributing to interindividual differences in pharmacokinetics and drug response. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequencies of CYP2B6 single nucleotide variations (SNVs) in the Finnish population. The frequencies of nine CYP2B6 SNVs were determined in 261 healthy Finnish volunteers by allelic discrimination with TaqMan 5'-nuclease assays. The variant allele frequencies of CYP2B6 c.419G>A (p.Arg140Gln), c.516G>T (p.Gln172His), c.785A>G (p.Lys262Arg), c.1172T>A (p.Ile391Asn), and c.1459C>T (p.Arg487Cys) were 0.58% (95% confidence interval 0.20-1.7%), 19.3% (16.1-22.9%), 23.8% (20.3-27.6%), 0.4% (0.11-1.39%), and 13.2% (10.6-16.4%), respectively. None of the subjects carried the CYP2B6 c.136A>G (p.Met46Val), c.296G>A (p.Gly99Glu), c.415A>G (p.Lys139Glu), or c.983T>C (p.Ile328Thr) SNVs. The variant alleles of CYP2B6 occur in Finnish population in similar or slightly lower frequencies as described in previous studies with other European Caucasian subjects.
  • Kouzmina, Maria (2017)
    Tiivistelmä Merkelin solun syöpä (MSS) on aggressiivisesti käyttäytyvä neuroendokriininen ihosyöpä, joka kasvaa nopeasti, ja lähettää etäpesäkkeitä hyvin aikaisessa vaiheessa. Suomessa todetaan vuosittain alle kymmenen uutta MSS –tapausta, joten kyseessä on hyvin harvinen tauti. MSS -potilaiden keski-ikä on diagnoosihetkellä 75 vuotta, ja merkittävin riskitekijä MSS:lle onkin potilaan korkea ikä. Muita MSS:lle altistavia tekijöitä ovat UV-altistus ja polyoomavirusinfektio. Potilaiden ennusteeseen vaikuttaa eniten kasvaimen koko ja syövän levinneisyys taudin toteamishetkellä. Kirjallisuuden perusteella MSS lähettää etäpesäkkeitä tavallisimmin paikallisiin imusolmukkeisiin, mutta MSSn leviäminen muihin elimiin tunnetaan huonosti. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoimme kaikki Suomessa vuosina 1999-2012 hoidetut MSS-potilaat, joilla todettiin syöpätaudin systeeminen metastasointi. Näitä potilaita löytyi Suomesta yhteensä 30 kappaletta. Selvitimme potilaiden kliiniset tiedot, sekä analysoimme yhteensä 187 radiologista tutkimusta sisältäen tietokone-, magneetti-, ja PET-kuvia sekä potilaiden luustokartat. Kuvantamistutkimusten perusteella selvitimme, mihin elimiin ja kudoksiin MSS todennäköisimmin lähettää etäpesäkkeitä sairauden eri vaiheessa. Lisäksi analysoimme, muodostuuko MSS - taudissa etäpesäkkeitä kerralla aina useampi, vai ilmestyvätkö etäpesäkkeet yksittäisinä muutoksina. Aineiston avulla tutkimme myös sitä, millä viiveellä etäpesäkkeet ilmestyvät taudin toteamisen jälkeen, ja mikä on etäpesäkkeiden merkitys potilaiden elinajan ennusteseen. Tutkimuksemme perusteella maksa ja keuhkot ovat yleisimmät elimet, joihin MSS lähettää etäpesäkkeitä. Yli puolella potilaista todetaan etäpesäkkeitä systeemisissä imusolmukkeissa. Mielenkiintoinen löydös on se, että jopa 63%:ssa tapauksista etäpesäkkeitä löytyy vähintään kahdesta elimestä yhtäaikaisesti. Tutkimus osoitti, että etäpesäkke ilmestyy keskimäärin 2 vuotta taudin toteamisen jälkeen, ja että potilaat elävät keskimäärin vain kymmenen kuukautta etäpesäkkeen toteamisen jälkeen. Tutkimuksemme merkittävin löydös on se, että yleisimmät kohde-elimet MSS – taudin epäpesäkkeille ovat maksa ja keuhkot. Toinen hyvin tärkeä löydös on se, että MSS lähettää etäpesäkkeitä kohdee-elimiin jopa puolella potilaista jo kahden vuoden sisällä taudin toteamishetkestä. Tutkimustyömme perusteella MSS-potilaiden hoitoprotokollia ja seuranta-aikoja tulisi tarkentaa.
  • Karhu, Juho (2014)
    Optical parametric oscillators (OPO) are sources of coherent light, often used to produce laser like light in wavelength regions where ordinary laser operation is challenging. In terms of chemistry, most attractive such a region is in mid-infrared, where strong fundamental vibrational transitions occur. OPOs are based on nonlinear polarization, which some materials exhibit when radiated with strong coherent light and effectively allow transferring optical power from one wavelength region to another. Even a simple OPO setup can offer watt-level of continuous-wave power in mid-infrared. There are ongoing challenges with the stability of OPO output frequency and continuous tuning of the wavelength, both of which are important for a light source used in high-resolution molecular spectroscopy. Theory and literature part of this thesis first covers the fundamentals of the theory behind OPO, centering on a continuous-wave single resonant operation. Afterwards, we look into the more well-known features affecting the stability of the OPO, as well as some common schemes used to combat the instabilities. In the experimental part, we measure and attempt to characterize some features of instabilities we have previously noticed that are not readily explained by known instability sources. The OPO's output wavelength occasionally changes in discrete jumps known as mode hops. There appear to be some preferences to the magnitude of these jumps that do not seem to fit in the current understanding of OPO operation. We followed the frequency changes of a typical singly resonant continuous-wave OPO for longer time periods and offered some possible explanations for the observations. We utilize a few methods to increase the number of mode hops to produce meaningful statistical data.
  • Ricarova, Julie (2022)
    Faculty: Faculty of Arts Degree programme: Russian Studies (MARS) Author: Julie Ricarova Title: Friend or Foe? Russia as seen by Czech presidents Level: Master’s Month and year: May 2022 Number of pages: 63 Keywords: Russia; Czech Republic; presidents; bilateral relations; foreign policy; opportunities and threats; small state theory Supervisor or supervisors: Katalin Miklóssy Where deposited: Helsinki University Library Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to analyse the attitudes of presidents of the Czech Republic towards Russia and how they identify threats and opportunities of bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and Russian Federation. The study will do so with the use of small state theory as a tool for explaining how political elites approach the state identity and ideology, and consequently how they understand threats and opportunities in bilateral relations with Russia. Soon after the fall of communism during the autumn of 1989, the independent Czech Republic was established in 1993. As a former Soviet bloc satellite, the newly emerged small state of the Czech Republic sought to integrate into the western democratic structures such as NATO and the EU. January the 1st in 2023 will mark thirty years of independent Czech Republic existence. Equally divided in three decades by three different presidents who all served two executive terms, each of them understood the relations with Russia differently through the framework of their political and personal background and according to what kind of Russia they faced during their presidency. The thesis will analyse speeches and interviews of the presidents and identify their narratives about Russia. The result of this thesis is a close analysis of the Russia discourse of all three presidents. Since the presidents in the Czech Republic have a significant role in setting an agenda of foreign policy and in representing the state abroad, researching narratives of the presidents about Russia brings an important understanding to Czech-Russian relations. Furthermore, the process of establishing an approach of political elites towards Russia is highly relevant in the context of small European states. The Czech Republic serves as a good case study of how political elites from countries previously affiliated with the Soviet Union assess the bilateral relations with Russia.
  • Waldmannstetter, Sonja (2024)
    In today's media landscape, parasocial relationships (PSRs) form a significant aspect of recipients' lives. This study explores the realm of PSRs with favourite characters from TV series belonging to social minorities. Building upon Horton’s and Wohl's theoretical foundation from 1956, research in this area has continually evolved. The study aims to decipher the complex layers of meaning individuals attribute to their PSRs and the subsequent impacts on identity development, personal growth, and perceptions of social minorities. Employing a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, 12 participants aged between 25 and 35, with a favourite character from a social minority, were selected. Four main themes emerged: "Meet the Character," "Self-Perception," "Fulfilling Needs," and "Learning." The results illustrate the profound influence of PSRs on viewers, extending beyond mere entertainment. Participants described their favourite characters as friends, role models, and sources of comfort, forming deep and emotional bonds that contribute to a sense of belonging and support. Furthermore, the study investigates how PSRs actively contribute to personal identity development and self-growth. Participants consciously drew parallels between themselves and their favourite characters, adopting positive traits and fostering a sense of individuality. Additionally, the study sheds light on the educative and transformative role of PSRs in shaping perceptions of social minorities. While participants reported heightened awareness and understanding of challenges faced by these groups, the study emphasizes the importance of accurate and positive representation in the media. For individuals belonging to social minorities, the authentic portrayal of their identity provides a sense of affirmation and acceptance. The findings advocate for further exploration of PSRs in the context of television series, identification, and self-perception, emphasizing their potential to promote understanding, empathy, and informed discourse about social minorities.
  • Vainikka, Hannele (2017)
    Tarkastelen tutkielmassani kolmea Hollywood-fiktioelokuvaprojektia sekä kuutta elokuvarooleihin valittua henkilöä. Näitä ovat Harry ja Daisy Earles sekä Violet ja Daisy Hilton elokuvassa Freaks (1932), Harold Russell elokuvassa The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) ja Susan Peters elokuvassa The Sign of the Ram (1948). Elokuvateollisuudessa vammattomat näyttelijät ovat usein näytelleet elokuvien vammaisten roolit, mutta kyseisissä elokuvissa vammaisten hahmoja esittävät vammaisiksi määritellyt ihmiset. Tavoitteenani on selvittää, miten vammaisuutta on käsitelty amerikkalaisissa aikalaiskeskusteluissa. Tutkimusaineistonani on elokuvien lisäksi elokuviin pohjautunut kirjallisuus sekä sanoma-, aikakausi- ja elokuvalehtiä. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen lehtikirjoituksia sekä analysoin kuvamateriaalia käyttäen Rosemarie Garland Thomsonin neljää visuaalisen retoriikan mallia. Lisäksi tarkastelen elokuvien tekoprosessia sekä elokuvien saamia arvosteluja liittäen ne aikakausiinsa, jolloin freak show -ilmiön suosio hiipui, useat toisessa maailmansodassa maataan puolustaneet miehet olivat vammautuneet ja vammaisten naisten oli vaikea työllistyä. Tutkielmani osoittaa, että kääpiöiksi ja friikeiksi kutsuttujen Earlesien pienuutta korostettiin sekä lehtikirjoituksissa että -kuvissa. Myös siamilaisina kaksosina pidetyistä Hiltoneista kirjoitettiin viihteellisesti, mutta molempia sisaruskaksikkoa myös patologisoitiin. Amputoiduksi veteraaniksi kutsuttua Russellia puolestaan normalisoitiin ja Hollywood-näyttelijänä tunnettua ja rampana pidettyä Petersiä pidettiin edelleen lahjakkaana näyttelijänä. Tutkielmastani myös ilmenee, että Earleseista ja Hiltoneista julkaistiin kokovartalokuvia, kun taas Russellin ja Petersin vammaa ja heidän käyttämiään apuvälineitä harvemmin esitettiin lehtikuvissa, vaikka lehtikirjoituksissa ne usein mainittiin. Garland Thomsonin visuaalisen retoriikan mallit toimivat tutkielmassani vammaisista otettujen valokuvien tulkinnan käyttökelpoisina apuvälineinä, joskin kuvien kontekstointi edellyttää muutakin tutkimuskirjallisuutta. Lisäksi tarkasteluni osoittaa, että jokaisen elokuvan vastaanottoon vaikutti se, että elokuvissa näytelleitä ihmisiä pidettiin vammaisina. Freaks-elokuvan arvosteluissa eroteltiin harvoin elokuvan friikkejä ja heitä näytelleitä ihmisiä toisistaan ja heidän roolisuorituksiaan ei enimmäkseen arvioitu. Russell ja hänen esittämänsä elokuvahahmo sekoittuivat usein toisiinsa ja kriitikot sekä pitivät että eivät pitäneet Russellia näyttelijänä. Monet elokuvakriitikot olivat toivoneet näkevänsä Petersin jälleen valkokankaalla ja he kehuivat hänen näyttelemistään elokuvassa, mutta he eivät pitäneet hänen esittämästään hahmosta. Vaikka vammaisuus on historiantutkimuksessa usein nähty osana medikaalihistoriaa, tutkimukseni osoittaa, että vammaisuutta kannattaa tarkastella myös medikaalisten instituutioiden ulkopuolella.
  • Hedström, Anna (2020)
    The ability to regulate release of noradrenaline, dopamine and GABA is one of the most important roles of the nicotinic receptors. The release of neurotransmitters following stimulation of nicotinic receptors is addressed in the thesis, with focus on dopamine and noradrenaline. Release of neurotransmitters, mediated through nicotinic receptors, has been researched using various methods, including brain slices, microdialysis and synaptosomes. Research using synaptosomes have provided valuable information regarding nicotinic receptors and their ability to regulate neurotransmitter release. Research using receptor specific antagonists have provided information regarding the stoichiometry of nicotinic receptor in different regions of the brain. The primary focus in the thesis, was the characterization of [3H]dopamine release following stimulation of nicotinic receptors with varenicline and acetylcholine, using synaptosomes from mouse striatum. Using a-conotoxin-MII, the [3H]dopamine release was divided into a-conotoxin- MII-resistant and -sensitive release. [3H]Dopamine release was mediated through a6b2*- and a4b2*-receptors from striatal synaptosomes. The involvement of other receptors could not be ruled out, but based on these results and results from previous studies, the involvement of other nicotinic receptors is supposedly low.
  • Huhtala, Unna (2023)
    Objectives. The aim of this user-centered design-based research was to create a disc golf bag suitable for running use, designed for active disc golf enthusiasts. The research was based on the FEA model developed by Lamb and Kallal (1992) for the development of clothing design. This model considers user needs and preferences in product design-based, with the fundamental principles of product functionality, expressiveness, and aesthetics. Previous bag and backpack studies have shown that it is essential to consider proper fit, even weight distribution, ergonomics, and the weight of the bag/backpack in relation to the carrier's weight. Methods. The data for this thesis were collected from an active disc golf enthusiast, whose needs and preferences were the basis for product development. The participating individual played the role of an expert in the research. The research questions consisted of three parts: "What are the user's design criteria for a functional disc golf bag?", "How to develop an ergonomically functional disc golf bag for running use?", and "Does the developed bag meet the user's preferences and the product's suitability?". The research data was obtained through theme interviews, prototype testing and evaluation, as well as voice messages, which were transcribed according to design criteria. The research progressed iteratively between the researcher and the user. After gathering user data, the researcher analyzed the material, followed by collecting additional user data and analyzing it. Data collection took place progressively, following the research questions, starting in the autumn of 2022, and concluding in the autumn of 2023. Results and Conclusions. As a result of the design-based research, the user evaluated the product to be functional and in line with their desires, needs, and expectations. The user highly valued the product developed in collaboration with the researcher, which supports their hobby. The results indicated that the developed bag is functional, ergonomic, and practical. The user's satisfaction was also reflected in the product's usability and its ability to meet their needs. This reinforced the success of the development research and demonstrated that involving the user in the design and development of the product can be extremely beneficia.
  • Lind, Ronnie (2020)
    Byggnadens kvalitet är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att det vid fastighetsköp efter köpslutet uppstår meningsskiljaktigheter köpare och säljare emellan. Avgörande är då ifall byggnaden är avtalsenlig till sina egenskaper och ifall den besitter kvalitetsfel enligt JB 2 kap. 17 §. Enligt rådande lagstiftning ansvarar säljaren för fel som funnits på fastigheten vid köpslutet, även om felet har framkommit i ett senare skede. Detta betyder att säljaren även ansvarar för väsentliga kvalitetsfel som varken köparen eller säljaren kände till vid undertecknande av köpeavtalet. Köparen har dock en undersökningsplikt och kan inte hänvisa till ett kvalitetsfel denne borde ha uppmärksammat vid en normal granskning av objektet. Syftet med föreliggande avhandling är att undersöka möjligheterna för säljaren att friskriva sig från ansvar för kvalitetsfel på fastighet som denna enligt lagen skall ansvara för. Enligt JB 2 kap. 9 § får köparens rättigheter begränsas endast genom att det i avtalet preciseras till vilken del det avviker från det lagstadgade. Fokus i avhandlingen ligger på denna paragraf och huruvida avvikelsen kan anses tillräckligt individualiserad för att uppfylla kraven? I avhandlingen observerades att den största utmaningen angående begränsning av ansvar uppstår vid friskrivning gentemot dolda fel samt vid användning av generella friskrivningsklausuler. Eftersom kvalitetsfelen vid dolda fel är okända ter sig individualiseringen av felen problematisk. Enligt färskaste rättspraxis har dock delvis den strikta tolkningen angående friskrivning gentemot dolda fel luckrats upp. Generella friskrivningsklausuler av typen, ”säljes i befintligt skick” har redan i lagförberedningen till JB ansetts som en klausul som kan vara överraskande och oskälig sett ur köparens synvinkel och bör därför lämnas obeaktad. Problemet med generella klausuler är att de vanligtvis endast ger en allmän bild av byggnadens kvalitet och därmed saknar den precisering av sättet på vilket köparens ställning avviker från det lagstadgade. En friskrivning från ansvar för fel är möjlig då klausulen är tillräckligt entydig så att köparen inser innebörden med det förändrade rättsläget. Dock bör noteras att det alltid är fråga om en helhetsbedömning där faktorer tillhörande varje enskilt fall inverkar på slutresultatet.
  • Ylisirniö, Mika (2014)
    Potenssisarjamenetelmällä on mahdollista ratkaista differentiaaliyhtälöitä potenssisarjayritteellä niiden säännöllisten pisteiden ympäristöissä. Menetelmä on mahdollista yleistää Frobeniuksen menetelmäksi, jonka avulla differentiaaliyhtälöiden ratkaiseminen onnistuu yleistetyllä potenssisarjayritteellä myös yhtälöiden singulaaristen pisteiden ympäristöissä, kun singulaariset pisteet eivät ole luonteeltaan 'oleellisia'. Työn tarkoituksena on esitellä ja johtaa Frobeniuksen menetelmä vaiheittain ja vahvistaa sillä löydettyjen ratkaisujen oikeellisuus. Työssä keskitytään vain toisen kertaluvun, lineaarisiin ja homogeenisiin differentiaaliyhtälöihin, joiden kaikki funktiot ovat reaaliarvoisia. Aluksi työssä kerrataan muutamia menetelmän johdossa vaadittavia analyysin määritelmiä ja tuloksia esitiedoiksi oletettujen lähteiden pohjalta. Työn toisessa luvussa menetelmän pohjustukseksi tutustutaan Cauchy-Eulerin yhtälöihin ja luokitellaan yhtälön singulaariset pisteen heikkoihin ja vahvoihin erikoispisteisiin. Osoittautuu, että näistä oleellisia ovat vahvat erikoispisteet ja Frobeniuksen menetelmällä yhtälöiden ratkaiseminen onnistuu heikkojen erikoispisteiden ympäristöissä. Luvun lopuksi johdetaan testi erikoispisteiden luonteelle pisteiden luokittelun helpottamiseksi. Työn kolmannessa luvussa menetelmän motivoimiseksi esitetään lyhyt, suuntaa-antava kuvaus siitä, miten Frobenius alun perin sai idean menetelmäänsä, minkä jälkeen siirrytään työn päätavoitteeseen eli Frobeniuksen menetelmän johtamiseen. Menetelmän johtaminen etenee vaiheittain ja johtamisen aikana löydetyt tulokset kootaan lauseiksi. Johtamisen päätteeksi esitetään muutamia yleisiä huomioita menetelmän käytöstä. Työn lopuksi viimeisessä luvussa annetaan yksinkertainen esimerkki differentiaaliyhtälön ratkaisemisesta menetelmän avulla. Työn päälähteenä on Kenneth Howellin teos Ordinary Differential Equations, An Introduction to the Fundamentals (2014), joka on toistaiseksi internetistä vapaasti luettavissa. Työn toisena tärkeänä lähteenä on R. Kent Naglen, Edward B. Saffin ja Arthur David Sniderin teos Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (2008).
  • Velasquez, Maria (2020)
    Kansainvälisen välimiesmenettelyn oikeudellisen tutkimuksen eksponentiaalisesta kasvusta huolimatta, välimiesten syytesuojaan siviilikanteilta on kiinnitetty oikeuskirjallisuudessa ja –tutkimuksessa hyvin vähän huomiota. Välimiesten syytesuojaa käsittelevän akateemisen kirjallisuuden nykytila on edelleen heikko ja rajallinen - huomattava osa siitä on peräisin useiden vuosikymmenten takaa. Oikeuskäytäntö on myös vähissä ja rajallista. Tämän seurauksena suuri määrä välimiesten syytesuojaa koskevia kysymyksiä on edelleen kiistanalaisia. Tästä johtuen aihe on jätetty melkein kokonaan kansallisten tuomioistuinten ja paikallisten lainsäätäjien vastuulle, mikä puolestaan on johtanut merkittäviin eroihin lähestymistavoissa kansainvälisellä tasolla. Suurimmassa osassa kansallisista ja ylikansallisista (esim. UNCITRAL-mallilaki) välimiesmenettelylaeista ei oteta kantaa välimiesten asemaan eikä osapuolten ja välimiesten välisiin suhteisiin - itse asiassa useimmassa laeissa ei viitata osapuolten ja välimiesten väliseen sopimukseen tai muuhun oikeussuhteeseen millään tavoin. Tällainen tutkimuksen ja tiedon tyhjiö on ongelmallista ja yllättävää, kun otetaan huomioon aiheen merkitys ja sen kokonaisvaikutus kansainvälisen välimiesmenettelyn käytäntöön. Nyt voidaan kuitenkin sanoa, että välimiesten syytesuojan osalta on olemassa laaja kirjo vaihtoehtoja. Toisessa päässä on tarjolla lähes absoluuttisen syytesuojan malli ja toisessa epäsuoran vastuun ja vahingonkorvausvelvollisuuden malli. Niiden välimaastosta löytyy myös tietynlainen nimenomainen syytesuoja (engl. express immunity), joka löytyy erityisesti Englannista. Tältä osin Yhdysvaltojen ja Englannin mallit myös eroavat selvästi toisistaan, joten niistä ei yleisesti voida puhu common law –maiden mallina. Kaiken kaikkiaan useimmissa maissa välimiehet nauttivat jonkintasoisesta syytesuojasta toimiensa suhteen. Näin on etenkin Yhdysvalloissa, jossa välimiehille myönnetään melkein ehdoton vapaus siviilikanteista, siitäkin huolimatta, että he toimisivat vilpillisesti, korruptoituneesti tai välinpitämättömästi. Hieman kevyempi versio tästä syytesuojasta löytyy Englannista, jossa välimies menettää syytesuojansa vain, jos osapuolet voivat osoittaa, että välimies on toiminut vilpillisesti tai kohtuuttomasti keskeyttänyt toimensa välimiehenä välimiesmenettelyprosessissa. Koska vilpillisyyttä on vaikea todeta, englantilaiset välimiehet pysyvät melko immuuneina myös tilanteissa, joissa välimies on saattanut toimia tahallisesti. Toisessa ääripäässä on puolestaan pohjoismainen malli, joka ei vain laajenna välimiehen vastuuta tahallisuuteen, mutta myös törkeään huolimattomuuteen. Niinpä voidaankin todeta, että vaikka pohjoismainen malli onkin oikeudellisten ennakkotapausten tai kirjattujen lakien kannalta vähiten kehittynyt malli, se on välimiesten vastuun ja vahingonkorvausvelvollisuuden kannalta tiukin malli. Siksi se luo osapuolille parhaimman turvan välimiehen vastuuseen saattamisesta tilanteissa, joissa välimies on mahdollisesti käyttäytynyt epäasiallisesti. Tämän lisäksi se myös tehokkaasti suodattaa pois pätemättömät henkilöt, jotka saattaisivat muissa maissa hyväksyä nimityksen välimieheksi kevyemmin perustein. Tämä johtuu siitä, että oletus Pohjoismaissa on, että sen sijaan, että välimiehet olisivat automaattisesti vapaita siviilioikeudellisesta vastuusta, välimiehiä arvioidaan ensin hyvän uskon ja törkeän huolimattomuuden kansallisten normien mukaisesti ennen kuin heille voidaan myöntää syytesuoja siviilikanteilta. Näin ollen voidaan päätellä, että pohjoismainen malli todellakin tarjoaa uuden ja tiukemman välimiesten syytesuojaa koskevan mallin, joka eroaa täten merkittävästi Yhdysvaltojen ja Englannin malleista.
  • Seppälä, Riikka (2011)
    This study approaches the problem of poverty in the hinterlands of Northeast Brazil through the concept of structural violence, linking the environmental threats posed by climate change, especially those related to droughts, to the broader social struggles in the region. When discussions about potentials and rights are incorporated into the problematic of poverty, a deeper insight is obtained regarding the various factors behind the phenomenon. It is generally believed that climate change is affecting the already marginalized and poor more than those of higher social standing, and will increasingly do so in the future. The data for this study was collected during a three month field work in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba in Northeast Brazil. The main methods used were semi-structured interviews and participant observation, including attending seminars concerning climate change on the field. The focus of the work is to compare both layman and expert perceptions on what climate change is about, and question the assumptions about its effects in the future, mainly that of increased numbers of ‘climate refugees’ or people forced to migrate due to changes in climate. The focus on droughts, as opposed to other manifestations of climate change, arises from the fact that droughts are not only phenomena that develop over a longer time span than floods or hurricanes, but is also due to the historical persistence of droughts in the region, and both the institutional and cultural linkages that have evolved around it. The instances of structural violence that are highlighted in this study; the drought industry, land use, and the social and power relations present in the region, including those between the civil society, the state and the private agribusiness sector, all work against a backdrop of symbolic and moral realms of value production, where relations between the different actors are being negotiated anew with the rise of the climate change discourse. The main theoretical framework of the study consists of Johan Galtung’s and Paul Farmer’s theory of structural violence, Ulrich Beck’s theory of the risk society, and James Scott’s theory of everyday peasant resistance.
  • Väänänen, Mika (2019)
    For millennia, phenomena of the magnetosphere have intrigued mankind. Studies of the geomagnetic field were first initiated to locate precious minerals, later on continued for purposes of navigation and in the modern times for scientific interest and protection of modern society. Strong changes in the interplanetary magnetic field and pulses of charged particles originating from the Sun pose serious risks to many cornerstones of our lifestyle, such as the power grid, telecommunication and space safety. Understanding the interaction between the interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind and the geomagnetic field is crucial in building protection systems for these critical technologies. Magnetometers are practically the only instrument to monitor changed in the magnetic environment and thus a key instrument in broadening this understanding. In this thesis I describe two projects: development of a digitization algorithm for old, analog magnetometer data and the design and building process of two small magnetometers: one for ground based measurements and one for space applications. The aim of the digitization project was to digitize a magnetic timeseries produced in 1970s and 1980s. The quality of the dataset is very high, but since the data is saved on photographic film as graphs, proper time series analysis is difficult. During the project, I used a custom-made film scanner and developed a MATLAB program to read out the measured values from the scanned films. The aim of the magnetometer building project was to show that it is possible to build science grade magnetometers from commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components, enabling magnetometric campaigns where state of the art instruments would be prohibitively expensive. One magnetometer was built based on the Honeywell HMC5883L sensor, controlled by a Raspberry Pi miniature computer. This magnetometer was placed at the Metsähovi Radio Observatory. Another magnetometer, the CubeMAG, was based on the Honeywell HMC2003 sensor and controlled by an STM32F100 microcontroller. This magnetometer will be one of the science payloads of the ESTCube-2 satellite. The magnetometer placed in Metsähovi showed promising results, recording one strong geomagnetic storm which was also recorded with observatory quality instruments at the Nurmijärvi geophysical observatory. The resolution of the HMC5883L was too low to record most interesting features of the storm, but was high enough to show that the Metsähovi observatory is a suitable place for a more sensitive magnetometer. As of writing this thesis, ESTCube-2 is in development and preparing for launch and scientific results from the CubeMAG are not available. Initial laboratory tests show promising results, with the significantly higher resolution of the HMC2003 compared to the HMC5883L being able to record very small changes in the surrounding magnetic field.
  • Pellosniemi, Cecilia Laura Elvira (2016)
    Two major developments have shaped the international community’s involvement in efforts to bring justice to situations of armed conflict: the turn to anti-impunity and the global protection reflex. The former focuses in international criminal law and accountability, while the latter has informed both humanitarian intervention and the protection of fundamental human rights, as advocated by the humanitarian community. The proliferation of international commissions of inquiry (CoIs) can also be placed in this context. The mechanism has been increasingly deployed in the aftermath of the so-called Arab Spring. Also in the case of Syria, the Human Rights Council (HRC) has set up a permanent Independent International Inquiry Commission, in order to monitor the observation of International Human Rights Law (IHRL) by the parties to the conflict. The Syrian CoI’s mandate can be scrutinised from two perspectives: the formal HRC-given mandate, and its self-proclaimed mandate, which it exerts in its reports and public appearances. While the former focuses on ending all alleged violations to protect the population, the latter should, according to the CoI, be interpreted in a manner, which is the most conducive to civilian protection. In my research, I aim to find out, whether the Syrian CoI has respected its formal and its self-proclaimed mandate. Fundamental to both are the development of IHRL in a manner that is more favourable to civilian protection. While CoIs have been considered a fundamental mechanism in the promotion of global justice, they been both praised and criticised for their progressive interpretations of IHRL, among other things. Also at the beginning of its mandate, the Syrian CoI was said to have assigned IHRL protection responsibilities to non-state armed groups (NSAGs), in a manner that is expansive compared to the state-centric, status quo reading of international law. However, despite its mandate, it seems that the CoI quickly abandoned its willingness to engage in rights-based legal analysis, and even less so in the development of IHRL. I make my assessment of the CoI’s human rights analysis based on three fundamental issues, which mark the current discussions on the application of IHRL in armed conflict. In order to see if the CoI is following its rights-based mandate, I evaluate the CoI reports based on three questions: how it applies IHRL next to or independent of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), whether it considers rights catalogues holistically – particularly economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, and whether it is willing to assign IHRL responsibilities to NSAGs. Based on my analysis of the CoI’s repots through these three questions, I argue that after a progressive beginning, the Syrian CoI no longer follows its formal or self-proclaimed mandate, nor UN guidance on IHRL fact-finding. Facts also have an advocacy function, and rather than engaging in promoting a protection reflex in the international human rights system, the CoI focuses on matters of anti-impunity, claiming that it cannot do anything, until the UN Security Council refers the Syrian case to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Moreover, the CoI has given political statements that fall well beyond the parameters of its mandate. This has a negative bearing on the CoI’s credibility. I argue that the CoI should act as an ally of the humanitarian community by promoting IHRL protection concerns to the parties and more globally, and I propose a number of concrete recommendations in order for the CoI to better balance the two complementary goals of anti-impunity and civilian protection. These recommendations are highly relevant as UN planning for transitional justice is already fully operational, and international actors are once again demonstrating a willingness to insert ‘managerialism’ in a transitional setting. By employing a more holistic conception of rights protection and by truly acting as a voice of the civilians whilst remaining self-critical, the CoI is more likely to lift itself out of irrelevance in the global division of labour. My analysis is based on both critical literature, and the acknowledgement that my own pro-rights view bears its risks.
  • Heinonen, Eeva K. M. (2018)
    The aim of this thesis is to offer an interpretative analysis of the epistemological role of animals in the early modern intellectual culture. I seek to investigate those ideals of knowledge-making that guided early modern people to write about animals in highly intertwined literary genres referred to here as the perspectives of the emblematic worldview, travel writing and anatomy. More specifically, I focus on the knowledge claims related to the elephant as a special, unfamiliar animal that intrigued the authors and readers alike. I regard the representations of this animal as tangible epitomes of the past epistemic practices which endeavoured to capture the visions of animals into the anthropocentric cognitive universe. My purpose is to make a critical reading of these practices by asking what the desired forms of making zoological knowledge were, and how the knowledge of this type was acquired and produced in practice during the early modern era. The timeframe of this study covers the period from 1620s to 1720s. My textual source material consists of natural historical treatises, religious sermons, fable books, geographical atlases, travel writings, advertising pamphlets, local newspapers, medical monographs and anatomical observational reports all of which have been published in England. In addition to these written sources, I also interpret several frontispieces and other images which are taken from these diverse literary products. I analyse this material by relying on the constructivist framework of the new intellectual history and its emphasis on language and textuality. In the previous research, this interdisciplinary mode of study has been referred to as “cultural studies of scientific knowledge”. More specifically, I seek to follow the perspective used by Katherine Acheson who has studied the connections between disparate fields of knowledge and their shared illustrative conventions during the early modern era by extending the field of literary criticism towards visual culture studies. In the course of my study, I address also other scholars who have paid attention to the literary culture of this era, applied rhetorical analysis to historical sources, and theorised about past epistemic practices. These scholars include James J. Bono and Peter Harrison, who have investigated the religious epistemology of the early modern intellectual culture, Jonathan P. A. Sell and David Spurr, who have explored the rhetorical universe of travel writing, and Ken Alder, Bruno Latour and Steven Shapin, who have contributed to the theoretical study of the past forms of knowledge-making. The results of this study imply that the perspectives of the emblematic worldview, travel writing and anatomy were characterised by distinct ideals of knowledge-making which guided the authors to give different interpretations of animals and their meaning in the world. For the theologians and other writers embracing the emblematic worldview, the created universe was a symbolic network of religious signs where idealised animal characters delivered heavenly wisdom to the sinned humans. Although some of the religiously oriented travel writers seem to have shared this view, the authors in this genre aimed, for the most part, to provide secular descriptions of the exotic beasts that both terrified and entertained the curious observers in the tropics. Their desire to map the fauna of such foreign locales by utilising the practices of scholarly observing reflects their adherence to the new sense-based epistemology and its emphasis on the first-hand witnessing of natural facts. This epistemology appears to have dominated particularly the worldview of the physicians and other practitioners of anatomy who examined myriads of animal bodies in order to comprehend and marvel the divine mechanics hidden beneath their skin. Nevertheless, this study suggests that there were also other, somewhat conflicting tendencies that affected the early modern knowledge-making practices. Firstly, the authors could employ knowledge claims simultaneously from different literary genres thus blurring the boundaries between the three perspectives of the emblematic worldview, travel writing and anatomy. With respect to the elephant, for example, the theologians could rely on the latest natural historical information when they elaborated the nature of the biblical Behemoth. Similarly, the anatomists did not hesitate to enhance their dissection reports of the deceased elephants with references to travellers’ tales and prevailing religious beliefs. Secondly, the tension between the old and the new epistemic practices was often complex and multifaceted. Although the authority of the emblematic worldview was declining in the face of the new sense-based epistemology, it seems that some remains of this traditional explicatory framework did survive in the margins of the knowledge-making practices. These remaining traces of the emblematic worldview derived from theology, and reflected the heavy influence of religion that appears to have permeated every aspect of the early modern intellectual culture. It was especially the old idea of nature as the second divine book that continued to inspire the authors across the different genres. The theologians and the anatomists, who were most prone to utilise this trope, did clearly modify the meaning of the metaphor according to the changing epistemic practices. Accordingly, the natural epistle that the anatomists read was an open and direct book which lacked the symbolic significations that could still be found from the interpretations of the theologians and other authors who read the divine word by esoteric means. Regardless of their differing backgrounds, however, all of these authors contributing to zoological study during this era seem to have regarded animals through the anthropocentric religious framework where brute beasts existed below human beings and outside the established norms of moral reference applied to men. In this context, it would seem that the common ideal for reading the book of nature was derived from the biblical myth told in the Genesis which eulogised Adam’s capability of naming and mastering the animals in Paradise. Apparently, this was one of the powerful ancient legends that could still stubbornly resist the prevalent trend of relinquishing all traces of the emblematic lore.
  • Heinonen, Jyrki (2020)
    Conventional Data warehouse main theme is ’single version of truth’ with either dimensional modeling option or normalized 3NF modeling. These both techniques have issues because on the way to data warehouse data is cleansed/transformed and data ends up changed, hence loosing information. Data Vault modeling - as response to these issues - is detail oriented and tracks history keeping the audit trail intact. This means we have ’single version of facts’ or ’all the data, all of the time’. Data Vault methodology and architecture can handle Big Data and NoSQL, which are also covered in this work on the Data Lake section. Data Lake tools have evolved strongly during the last decade and response to the ever expanding data amounts using distributed computing tactics. Data Lake can also ingest different types of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Data warehouse (and Data Lake) processing is moving from on-premises server rooms to the cloud data centers. Specifically Apache and Google have developed and inspired a lot of new tools, which can process data warehouse data on petabyte-scale. Now the challenge is that not only operational systems generate data to data warehouse but also huge amounts of machine-generated data has to be processed and analyzed on these practically infinitely scalable platforms. Data warehouse solution has to cover also machine-learning requirements. So the modernization of data warehouse is not over but still all these methodologies, architectures and tools are in use. The trick is to choose the right tool for the right job.
  • Pasanen, Amanda (2022)
    Urban energy transitions play a key role in achieving climate targets and keeping the climate crisis from escalating. The district heating system of Helsinki has been characterised as a path-dependent and locked in system that will face difficulties in transitioning away from fossil fuels. In 2021 the city owned energy company Helen announced that it will quit coal burning in 2024, which is five years ahead of the national coal ban prohibiting coal use for energy in 2029. The coal phase out of Helsinki is a concrete example of a demanding coal phase out in a northern city with high energy demand. This thesis aims at answering the research question on how the multilevel policy mix, consisting of policy instruments on the municipal level, the national level, and the international level, contributed to the coal phase out of Helsinki. Through a case study approach relying on ten expert and stakeholder interviews as well as complementary material consisting of key strategy documents, this thesis aims to widen the understanding of the role of policy and politics in sustainability transitions and urban energy transitions. This study covers both policymaking and implementation processes as well as system impacts of the policy mix contributing to the coal phase out of Helsinki. Through empirical reviews the thesis contributes to the conceptualisation of policy mixes on multiple governance levels by studying the combined impact of policy instruments formed at the local, national, and international level. Regulatory policies on the national and international level (emissions trading, national ban on coal, taxation etc.), policies supporting low-carbon solutions on the national level (tax-exemptions) and climate target setting as well as support for low-carbon solutions on the municipal level (deregulation, innovation competitions) altogether contributed to the coal phase out. The findings of this study are in line with previous research emphasising the destabilisation of fossil fuel regimes to achieve transitions towards sustainability. Incorporating the elements of policy processes and strategies as well as policy effects and feedbacks into the concept of policy mixes is important to assess the efficacy and long-term impacts of policy mixes. The coherence of policies on multiple governance levels and the balance between regime destabilising and niche creating policies is also important in ensuring transitions towards sustainability. The results of this study support previous research findings on cities being important arenas and actors for sustainability transitions. Policies from different governance levels intersect on the urban level and decisions on infrastructure transformation are made on the municipal level.
  • Semberg, Satu Eveliina (2024)
    Finland and Estonia have been displaying contrasting views on dependence on Russian energy. Finland, echoing Germany’s Ostpolitik, regards mutual dependency as key to peace and prosperity. In contrast, Estonia, along with the Baltic states and Poland, views Russia’s gas monopoly as a threat to European security. The aim of this study is to examine the language used in discussions about Russian energy and dependence on Russian energy in the parliamentary debates of Finland and Estonia. Discourse theory is utilized as a methodological tool to examine securitization narratives on Russia and Russian energy. The research covers two distinct time frames: February 1 to December 31 of both 2014 and 2022, representing the immediate aftermath following the Russian annexation of Crimea and the subsequent Russian invasion of Ukraine. The findings reveal differences in the securitization discourses of Russian energy. In 2014, the Finnish parliament actively resisted securitization in a context of already desecuritized energy policy environment, while Estonia engaged in securitization during the same period. By 2022, Estonia continued to emphasize the threat posed by Russian energy, whereas an evident change can be seen in Finland. The long line of Finnish Russia policy, trusted neighborly relations, is told to have come to an end, signaling a shift towards securitization. Both countries prioritize renewable energy as a means to reduce reliance on Russian energy. An essential finding in both of the time periods is that in Estonia the origin of the imported energy is problematized, landing securitization on Finland as Russian energy transit country. Estonian discourses advocate for transparency in cross-border energy trade, a discussion notably absent in Finnish data. Overall, the study underscores the divergent approaches of Finland and Estonia towards Russian energy and security. However, the gap between security perceptions on Russian energy between said countries has converged.