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  • Taggart, Peter (2021)
    This qualitative study explores the extent to which nostalgia for the Soviet era of social provision motivated Russians to protest against raising the retirement age in 2018. Social rights as formulated in the Soviet era still inform expectations of a paternalistic welfare system in Russia today, in spite of a gradual state withdrawal from the social sphere. Meanwhile, the Russian state continues to espouse a rhetorical commitment to social provision. This thesis compares local news media and Vkontakte discussions of the reforms across three Russian cities (Saint Petersburg, Togliatti and Pskov), and is guided by Zubarevich’s concept of ‘Four Russias’. This thesis argues that, for many Russians, nostalgia for the Soviet era of social provision motivated them to protest. Nostalgic sentiments varied between regions - in Saint Petersburg, many residents reflected on the Soviet past critically (reflective nostalgia), while people in Togliatti longed for the reinstitution of Soviet norms and institutions (restorative nostalgia). Little nostalgic sentiment was noted in Pskov. Fears of a diminished quality of life in retirement and mistrust of the actions of the federal administration were other motivations to protest. This thesis sheds light on the gap between social welfare provision and state rhetoric in Russia, highlights the limits of nostalgic rhetoric for political aims, and explores how expectations of the state vary between Russian regions.
  • Ikonen, Sakari (2018)
    This thesis covers the factorization properties of number fields, and presents the structures necessary for understanding a proof on Iwasawa's theorem. The first three chapters aim to construct a ring of integers for arbitrary number fields, and prove that such a ring exists. We prove that our ring of integers is a Dedekind ring, giving us unique factorization on the set of prime ideals. We prove that there exists an isomorphism between principal and factorial divisors and ideals, define an equivalence relation on the set of all divisors, and show that the equivalence classes form the ideal class group. The class number of a field is defined as the order of the ideal class group. We define ramification of primes, and the invariants related to a prime P called the ramification index, inertia degree and decomposition number. We expand on the Galois theory of finite extensions, by introducing a topology on an infinite algebraic Galois extension, and a Galois correspondence between closed subgroups and intermediate fields. We show how to define the decomposition- and inertia group in the infinite case. The maximal unramified field extension, the Hilbert class field, whose Galois group is isomorphic to the ideal class group, is introduced. We introduce a p-adic metric on the ring of integers with the help of valuations, and construct the p-adic integers as a completion with regards to the metric. We prove some structure results for this ring. The lambda-modules are constructed as a limit of modules over group rings, where the group rings are generated by the p-adic integers, and a suitable multiplicative cyclic group. The final result is a proof of Iwasawa’s theorem as found in Washington, Introduction to Cyclotomic fields. We view the Galois group of the p-adic extension as a lambda-module, and from the structure theorems of lambda-modules, we prove results that carry on to the galois groups of the intermediate fields, culminating in a formula for the exact power of p, that divides the class number of the n-th intermediate field.
  • Roslin, Waltter Frank Oliver (2020)
    From 2017 pharmaceutical companies have had the option to apply for conditional reimbursement. With a temporary legislative experiment, the government intended for a more facilitated introduction of novel medicines as well as to enable access to new products for the patients who needed them. Additionally, conditional reimbursement was used to ensure Juha Sipiläs governments cuts on the pharmaceutical expenditures and explore the compatibility of the new risk-sharing measure with the Finnish reimbursement scheme. In recent years, Risk-sharing in pharmaceutical reimbursements has increased in Europe to mitigate uncertainties relating to new medicines. At the core of the risk-sharing model is the confidential risk-sharing agreement negotiated between the company and the government. In its current practice, all these agreements have been financial based. The application of conditional reimbursement has increased the number of available products and most likely positively impacted the patients access to treatment. The research was conducted mainly as a doctrinal analysis, while also utilising law and economics when comparing the current Health Insurance Act (1224/2004) regarding conditional reimbursement, and the related preparatory works of the government to other legislation and the result of the experiment. Based on the analysis an interpretation was given regarding the compatibility of conditional reimbursement for the Finnish reimbursement scheme, as well as proposals for its alterations. The research showed that conditional reimbursement has a good possibility to become a permanent part of the Finnish reimbursement scheme, however changes to the current practice needs to be made. The confidentiality of the agreements has reduced the transparency of the reimbursement scheme. Transparency should be added with accepting a new agreement type and through increasing the number of performance-based agreements. Additionally, there is a new for more research concerning the economic impact of the experiment over reimbursement expenditures and the increases of the levels of social welfare. However, based on the gathered data the compatibility of conditional reimbursement for the Finnish reimbursement scheme can be vouched for.
  • Tiihonen, Iiro (2020)
    1640-luvulla Britteinsaarilla kuohui poliittisesti, mikä heijastui myös ajan painotoimintaan. Monet historioitsijat ovat katalogien ja kirjakokoelmien pohjalta tulkinneet, että Englannin sisällissota ja sitä edeltäneet tapahtumat olivat kasvavan painotoiminnan aikaa. Tätä kasvua on tulkittu monella tapaa: se on nähty yhteiskunnallisen epävakauden osoituksena, julkisen sfäärin syntymisen signaalina ja osoituksena siitä, että edeltävien vuosikymmenien sensuuri romahti sisällissodan ja sitä edeltäneiden tapahtumien myötä. Tutkielmassani analysoin painotuotannon kasvun uskottavuutta käyttäen apunani kirjahistorian piirissä esitettyjä kriittisiä näkemyksiä. Erityisesti käsittelen painotuotteiden selviytymisen ja teosten materiaalisen ulottuvuuden mahdollista vaikutusta siihen, mitä kasvavan teosmäärän takana tapahtuu. 1640-luvulla monilla painotuotteilla oli korkeampi todennäköisyys selviytyä nykypäivän kokoelmiin kuin aiempina vuosikymmeninä. Lisäksi kaikkiin painotuotteisiin tarvittiin paperia, jonka tarjonta ei monien tutkijoiden mielestä ollut 1600-luvulla kysyntään joustavasti reagoivaa. Kvantitatiivisen analyysin perusteella edes teosten selviytymisasteessa tapahtuvan muutoksen huomioiminen teosmäärän kasvun kannalta skeptisillä oletuksilla ei muuta käsitystä siitä, että sisällissodan aikana teosten määrä kasvaa erityisesti tiettyinä vuosina. Toisaalta paperiarkkeihin perustuva analyysi ei näytä kasvua sisällissodan aikana, ja tarkempi analyysi paljastaa suurempien painotuotteiden määrän vähenevän. Tulokseni korostavat sisällissodan vaikutusta painotuotteiden ja tiedon tuotantoon. Rajalliset materiaaliset resurssit priorisoitiin tyydyttämään tarvetta uutisille ja pamfleteille, ja suuremmat painotuotteet jäivät taka-alalle. Sisällissodan poliittisen merkityksen lisäksi tällä tuloksella on arvoa varhaismodernin talouden ymmärtämiselle. Viime vuosina edellytykset ottaa teosten selviytyminen ja materiaaliset aspektit kvantitatiivisessa analyysissa huomioon ovat parantuneet merkittävästi. Helsingin yliopiston Computational History -ryhmä on työskennellyt tehdäkseen varhaismodernit Britteinsaaret kattavasta ESTC:stä (English Short Title Catalogue) tutkimukseen soveltuvan aineiston. Käytän tätä koneluettavaa ja ohjelmointikielillä käsiteltävää ESTC:tä työni pääasiallisena lähteenä. Vaikka ESTC:tä pystyy periaatteessa analysoimaan kuten mitä tahansa muutakin dataa, on se sekä konventioiltaan että syntyprosessiltaan haastava aineisto. Lisäksi kvantitatiivinen analyysi vaatii sellaisia valintoja ja oletuksia, joihin sisältyy paljon epävarmuutta. Merkittävä osa työtäni onkin kysymys siitä, miten data-analyyttisia metodeja voi soveltaa historiallisen aineiston tutkimiseen.
  • Korpela, Marjo (2022)
    In this thesis I look at the evolution of portrayals of English working-class women, more specifically in the north of England by close readings of three novels. First, I discuss the working-class female characters in Elisabeth Gaskell’s North and South from 1854. I then continue the analysis with Miss Nobody by Ethel Carnie from 1913, widely considered the first published woman of a working-class background. Lastly, I look at a more recent novel, Saltwater by Jessica Andrews from 2019. Across different time periods, these novels deal with similar issues of regional, gender and class divide, and provide narratives of working-class women which have been and still are underrepresented in literature. I discuss the novels through three different themes: gender, class, and region, which have been separated into subchapters for clarity of structure. Intersectionality offers the theoretical background for analyzing the three overlapping factors of identity. The historical outlook describes the developments, which have played a part in creating and maintaining these categories of class, gender, and regional divide in England. In this thesis, I show how these novels portray the development of the regional divide and chance of shifting class identity as women, and how despite changes over time in society, there are many similarities in their experiences as northern working-class women. The novels reflect changes in society whereby women gradually become more independent through employment opportunities, and social mobility becomes an achievable goal. Nonetheless, similar issues such as sexual harassment are found in all three narratives. Regionally, North and South and Miss Nobody represent the north of England in its industrial era, whereas Saltwater represents the post-industrial north reeling from the loss of industry. Despite the vast period these novels represent, all of them provide similar descriptions of ‘it’s grim up north’ simultaneously describing but also maintaining a stereotypical image of the northern areas of England. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed how deeply ingrained class structures and regional inequalities still are especially for women in England, demonstrating how important awareness and further research of these issues is.
  • Bäckström, Laura (2022)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin, toteutuuko uudelleenkääntämisen hypoteesi Eeva-Liisa Mannerin kolmen runon neljän englanninkielisen käännöksen kontekstissa. Hypoteesin toteutumista selvitetään laadullisin ja määrällisin tutkimusmenetelmin, ja tavoitteena on saada numeerinen arvo jokaisen käännöksen kotouttamisen ja vieraannuttamisen asteesta, joiden pohjalta toteamuksia uudelleenkääntämisen hypoteesin toteutumisesta voidaan tehdä. Tutkielma jatkaa kandini aihetta. Materiaali koostuu kolmesta Eeva-Liisa Mannerin suomenkielisestä modernista runosta, ja näiden runojen neljästä englanninkielisestä käännöksestä Ritva Poomilta (1986), Herbert Lomakselta (1991 ja 1997) ja Emily Jeremiahilta (2009). Näistä käännöksistä ensimmäinen on suunnattu amerikkalaiselle yleisölle kulttuurinvälitysvihkosen (chapbook) muodossa ja loput brittiläiselle yleisölle isompien käännösrunoteosten muodossa. Tutkielman teoriatausta koostuu runokääntämisestä ja sen eri metodeista (Lefevere 1975 ja Vahid Dastjerdi ym. 2008), uudelleenkääntämisen hypoteesista ja siihen linkittyvistä kotouttamisen ja vieraannuttamisen käännösstrategioista sekä näiden asteittamisesta ja esiintyvyyden mittaamisesta (Van Poucke 2012). Tutkielman metodi on monivaiheinen ja koostuu laadullisesta käännösvertailusta, vertailun nostattamien käännösyksiköiden arvottamisesta kotouttamisen ja vieraannuttamisen asteittaisella jatkumolla sekä näiden arvotettujen käännösyksiköiden esiintyvyyden laskemisesta runokäännöksissä määrällisin menetelmin. Tutkielman tuloksiin pohjaten on mahdollista todeta, että uudelleenkääntämisen hypoteesi toteutuu pääosin tämän tutkielman materiaalissa, mutta ei välttämättä jokaisen käännöksen välillä. Toteutumiseen näyttääkin linkittyvän taustatekijöitä. Tulosten perusteella tällaisia taustatekijöitä voivat olla käännösten välillä kulunut aika, käännöksen tarkoitus, saman kääntäjän tekemät uudelleenkäännökset, kääntäjien kieli- ja kulttuuritaustojen läheisyys toisiinsa sekä lähtötekstiin, kääntäjän käännöskokemus ja mahdollisesti jopa kääntäjän sukupuoli. Lisätutkimukselle uudelleenkääntämisen hypoteesiin sekä yleisesti kotouttamiseen ja vieraannuttamiseen vaikuttavista taustatekijöistä on tarvetta. Tutkielman analyysi todisti myös, että tutkielman asetelman määrittelemisessä esimerkiksi uudelleenkääntämisen hypoteesin ja materiaali- sekä kielipiirteiden erityisyyksien suhteen on parantamisen varaa, ja niihin tulisi keskittyä huolella uusissa tutkimuksissa.
  • Nikolaou, Evangelos (2005)
    The aim of this paper is to present the evolution of the Francovich doctrine within the European legal order. The first part deals with the gradual development of the ECJ's case law on State liability in damages for breach of EC law. Starting from the seminal Francovich and Brasserie du Pêcheur, the clarification of the criteria set by the Court is attempted with reference to subsequent case law, whereas issues concerning the extent and form of the compensation owned are also mentioned. The second part concerns one of the more recent developments in the field, namely State liability for breaches of Community law attributed to national judiciary. The Court's ruling in Köbler is examined in connection with two other recent judgments, namely Commission v. Italy of 2003 and Kühne & Heitz, as an attempt of the ECJ to reframe its relationships with national supreme courts and appropriate for itself the position of the Supreme Court in the European legal order. The implications on State liability claims by the ruling in Commission v. France of 1997 constitute the theme of the third part, where it is submitted that Member States can also be held liable for disregard of Community law by private individuals within their respected territories. To this extent, Schmidberger is viewed as a manifestation of this opinion, with fundamental rights acquiring a new dimension, being invoked by the States, contra the individuals as a shield to liability claims. Finally, the third part examines the relationship between the Francovich doctrine and the principle of legal certainty and concludes that the solutions employed by the ECJ have been both predictable and acceptable by the national legal orders.
  • Bujold, Sophie (2024)
    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 caused an immediate shift in the global order, especially regarding the security situation in Europe. Subsequently, Finland was forced to reexamine its traditional position of military non-alignment due to heightened security concerns, and in May 2022, applied to join the North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO). These events have propelled Finland closer to the United States of America and have resulted in a relationship between the two countries that is closer now than it ever has been before. The changing relationship between Finland and the U.S. warrants research, in particular due to the fact that historical research on the relationship is lacking. Finland and the U.S. have deep historical roots and significantly, important defense ties which span decades, and which have supported Finland’s ability to defend itself. Finland also has a historically extensive partnership with NATO, which has provided it with avenues to build its relationship with the U.S. Investigating how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to further developments in American-Finnish cooperation serves to shed light on the relationship between the two countries. This thesis analyzes 21 official sources of communication coming from the top of the American government to examine the following question: how is the American government’s strategic perspective of Finland defined following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Through constructivist discourse analysis and the employment of a securitization lens, the findings demonstrate that the American government strategic perspective of Finland in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is defined by two points: Finland benefits U.S. security and Finland promotes U.S. values.
  • Podshivalova, Polina (2013)
    The aim of this thesis is to examine the representations of Russian-European relations in the articles covering the Pussy Riot case in four Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Kommersant, Vedomosti, and Izvestia. The subject matter is relevant due to the fact that in recent years relations between Russia and Europe have become stagnant and unproductive. There are a variety of reasons that underpin the deterioration of Russian-European relations, including the world economic crisis and NATO expansion. However, coverage of these changes in the Russian press is influenced not only by the actual situation, but also by the discourses of political parties as well as by Russian national political culture. Because media representations convey values, beliefs, and meanings, the representations in Russian newspapers play a crucial role in shaping the way people see themselves and the country they live in. Media representations also have potential to influence how people perceive their relations with others and have an impact on their behavior. It means that Russian-European relations are eventually partly constructed by the way they are represented in the Russian press. The main research question is: how are relations between Europe and Russia represented in the articles covering the Pussy Riot case and in the context of Russian political culture and the discourses of different Russian political powers? The Pussy Riot case and associated events are a suitable angle for the research because they have invoked wide spread discussion in mass media and demonstrated some fundamental differences in Russian and European cultures. The Pussy Riot case is a criminal process of three members of the punk band Pussy Riot who were charged with hooliganism. The research is conducted within the theoretical frames of media discourse and international relations theory. The basic supposition implies that media discourse is, to a large extent, shaped by the discourses of diverse political forces and by a national political culture. In order to answer the research question, a critical discourse analysis of the relevant texts has been conducted on three levels: linguistic, intertextual, and the macro level of social structures. In the course of the analysis, it has been possible to retrieve a variety of representations of Russian-European relations. These representations are: political, cultural, and religious collision, Europe as a mentor, Europe as a savior, Europe as an economic partner, Russia as an integral part of Europe. The first one is more widely employed by the pro-government publications. The second and the third seem to be more relevant for the liberal press, while the last two representations are associated with the opinions of particular experts and politicians. Overall, the results enable us to conclude that the representation of Russian-European relations as a collision is hegemonic. It purports that regardless of what Putin’s government states in official papers and speeches meant for the European audience, it still does not consider Europe as a friend.
  • Mattero, Saara (2015)
    The Financial Transaction Tax, or FTT, was supposed to alleviate the financial burden of the Member States, curb out-of-control high-frequency trading and force the wealthy bankers to take responsibility in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Instead, the tax was seen in many ways an infringement of national sovereignty and a sign of creeping federalisation; taking the powers of the European Union to areas outside its competencies and impeding heavily on the national financial markets. This thesis is interested in the Parliamentary discourse around the FTT and how the controversial topic was presented, contested and justified by the Members of the Parliament, the MEPs. What is the impact of the tension between national and supranational decision-making levels, political ideology and personal utility-maximising on the voting decisions of the representatives? Furthermore, attention should be paid not only in how the MEPs voted in the plenary but also how they framed the issue in the plenary speeches. The representatives retain a strong incentive to appeal to their constituencies to maintain voter satisfaction and ultimately, to become re-elected. The theoretical framework is drawn from research on European integration, politicisation, the political groups in the European Parliament and theories of rational choice institutionalism. The research is conducted as a case study with mixed methods: through quantitative analysis of the MEPs’ voting decisions to enlighten the national and supranational tensions and qualitative analysis of the MEPs’ plenary debate before and after the vote. The results confirm largely the assumptions rising from the theoretical literature: the voting results reveal the strong pressures arising from conflicting national interests against the integration-advancing proposal. Representatives from the FTT-opposing Member States are clearly restricted in their actions, whereas MEPs from supporting Member States are almost unison in their support across group borders. If the Member State does not have a strong opinion on the FTT, most Members vote according to group instructions. The analysis from the debate proves that no single definition of the FTT exists - instead the justifications and notions of the tax range from global solidarity to staunch defenders of national sovereignty. The themes arising from the plenary discourses can be divided under three politicisation frames: a normative one emphasising the role of the banking sector as the root of the financial crisis with suffering citizens, a functional frame with ‘rational’ economic arguments and an authoritarian frame over the power struggle between national and supranational level decision-making. In general, MEPs from the large groups adhere more to an economic normalisation narrative of regulated capitalism vs. neoliberalism, whereas the smaller political groups in the ends of the political spectrum are more ideologically orientated in their speeches. The merits of the thesis lie in depicting the different forms of narratives the MEPs use regarding their background while proving the enduring influence of national pressures in supranational decision-making.
  • Kuuskoski, Kasperi (2024)
    In the context of collective bargaining, decentralization refers to the process in which national and sectoral wage agreements lose prominence as the primary institution of wage-setting, and are replaced by negotiations conducted at the firm or establishment level. In the Finnish context, the collective bargaining institution has faced a gradual decentralization process during the 21st century, exemplified by the loss of prominence of the previously common national income policy agreements, and the transformation of some key sectoral agreements into groups of firm-level agreements. In this thesis, I analyze the decentralization of collective bargaining in Finland both through qualitative institutional exploration and quantitative empirical analysis. I first present the Finnish bargaining institution and its decentralization process in detail, comparing it to its international equivalents and drawing insights from these comparisons. I then move on to empirically analyze how local bargaining provisions in collective agreements affect wages using high-quality individual-level panel data matched with a novel collective agreement dataset. Theoretical literature has shown that decentralized or local bargaining can have various effects. Based on theoretical considerations, the balance of bargaining power between employers and employees can influence the effects to a great degree. If unions carry most of the bargaining power, local bargaining is likely to lead to higher average wages, rent-sharing and reduced wage dispersion. If firms have the edge with bargaining power, local bargaining is expected to increase wage dispersion and weaken the link between firm profits and wages. Evidence from empirical studies on the effects of local bargaining is relatively scarce. Most studies show that local bargaining is associated with a small positive premium on average wages. In addition, there is substantial evidence of a relationship between local bargaining and the increase of rent-sharing. However, the evidence on the effects on wage dispersion is mixed. I find that local bargaining has steadily increased in prevalence during the 21st century, though its distribution across industrial and occupational lines is uneven. Controlling for unobservable heterogeneity using a fixed effects approach, I find that local bargaining provisions in Finnish collective agreements are generally associated with a small premium in wages. The estimated effects are small enough to likely not affect economic outcomes in a large way. Specifically, local installments that do not institute fallback clauses specifying minimum increases in cases where negotiations fail, are associated with a wage premium of 0.5–1.7%. The existence of fallback clauses leads to outcomes resembling the absence of local bargaining. Finally, I find that local bargaining clauses enforcing primarily local wage negotiations lead to mixed outcomes. If negotiations are conducted over the size of the increase, the effect is positive, but if they are conducted over the execution of the increase, the effect is negative.
  • Linna, Jutta (2024)
    Datafication, the continually expanding technological trend to convert different aspects of people’s lives in computable form and commodifying them, has proven to be economically significant in the last few decades. The trend has been accompanied by increasing social criticism regarding its underlying practices and ideologies, and cooperative models have been proposed as alternatives to combat issues originating from the operating models of profit-seeking data-driven companies. The thesis discusses datafication through the case of the Finnish network of cooperatives, S Group, and inspects how it frames datafication in relation to its collectively and ideologically managed business model and its customer-owners. As the owners of the cooperative are also targets of its data-based manipulations, the relationship between them is intricate and sometimes contradictory. The theoretical framework of the thesis considers the power imbalances and information asymmetries concerning the subjects and objects of data. It is divided to three perspectives: Collective perspective of cooperative action, individual perspective of consumer agency, and the relationship perspective intersecting the former two through the manipulation of decision-making environments (nudging). All three perspectives are discussed first by their original definitions, followed by discussion relating to the effects of datafication on them. The research problem in the thesis is how the aggregation of individuals purchase data into instruments of collective action is presented in the context of cooperative trade. It is researched with an interpretative grounded theory approach of collecting and analysing the research material. The material was compiled from public informational communications articles, especially press releases, news articles, and blogs collected from S Group's websites. Three interdependent levels at which human behaviour and social activity is managed are identified in the thesis: Individual level, community owners’ level, and national population level. S Group justifies these levels by their connection to each other and by assigning benefits related to the cooperatives operating principles, ideology, and practical operations to each level. Framing these benefits is additionally strengthened by the strategies of nudging and enabling used to optimistically promote datafication and consenting to it further. The results of the thesis cannot be generalized nor was this the aim of it. Instead, the thesis’ purpose is to bridge the gap between individual and collective considerations in relation to datafication. Additionally, its aim is to encourage discussion of the fair prerequisites of datafication, one of them being real possibilities of participation for individual consumers as the producers and object of data.
  • Riisla, Katrin (2016)
    Objectives. The schooling system is in great turmoil in Finland at the moment. More effective knowledge creation and sharing among teachers are needed in order to develop the Finnish schooling system and to increase the study results of the students. Previous literature agrees that sharing and acquiring knowledge function as precondition for innovation and value creation in organizational and network contexts and thus makes knowledge vital for contemporary organizations. The transition between an individual's and a collective's knowledge creation, however, has not been widely studied. This study explores the development of a new "Compass Model for Shared Pedagogical Leadership in an activity-theoretical Change Laboratory intervention in the Finnish Viikki Teacher Training School from a knowledge creation perspective. The thesis examines how the transition from individually held knowledge of teaching transform into collective knowledge and a collaborative model of practicing. Further, it combines knowledge creation literature with the theory of expansive learning, which has not yet been done in detail. Methods. The interventionist and ethnographic methodology of the study draws on theoretical concepts, models, and methods from Cultural Historical Activity Theory and from the studies of individual and collective knowledge creation. The data analysed in this study consisted of six meetings carried out in the Viikki Teacher Training School by using the Change Laboratory method. The methodology of the study consists of a thematic analysis and analysis of transitions in knowledge creation during the Change Laboratory process. The analysis of transitions is a new qualitative method developed for this study based on findings in the data. Results and conclusions. The study shows that the knowledge creation of the teachers transitioned on a rough timeline from individually held knowledge of teaching to collaborative practice through multiple small cycles of expansive learning and social processes of knowledge building. Decrease in organizational tensions, creation of shared understanding and increased collaboration enabled the transition of knowledge creation from individual to collective. The collectively created model for shared pedagogical leadership promoted collaboration.
  • Eestilä, Sari Tuuli Kristiina (2021)
    In recent years, loneliness has been talked about in the media relatively often. There are multiple studies about harmfulness of loneliness for one's health and safety both nationally and internationally. The aim of this master's thesis is to find out how the loneliness discourse has changed in the Finnish parliamentary discussions and why. The main research questions are: How often has loneliness been brought up between the years 1980 and 2019 in the Finnish governmental documents and which actor groups and themes can be identified in the discussion. In addition, the thesis will look at by whom have the actor groups and themes been brought up. The data of this thesis are governmental documents: governmental proposals, expert opinions and debate initiatives. The used methods are both quantitative and qualitative. In the first part, the data is analyzed using quantitative content analysis, more specifically categorization. By processing the data this way, one gets an answer to the first two research questions: how often has loneliness been brought up and which actor groups and themes can be identified in the discussion. In the second part of the thesis, the findings are analyzed using narrative analysis as a qualitative method. This reveals what kind of narratives are linked to findings and in which context and by whom they have been brought up. In the third part of the thesis, there is a brief review on the wider Finnish (socio)political environment and how it might have affected the results. The most important findings in this thesis are that the loneliness discussion has increased and peaked only in the 2010s. The most often mentioned group is child loneliness. Loneliness as a subjective feeling is relatively new topic in the parliamentary discussions. It started to emerge only in the 2000s and peaked after 2015. In the 2000s, organizations used the prevention of loneliness as an argument to get funding or to justify the importance of their work. This proves that in the 2000s loneliness had become something that is considered harmful. Security is a new viewpoint in the loneliness discussion: in 2010s it has started to emerge in the media as a security problem, partly because of school shootings and radical lone operators. In the 2020, the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) mentions that lone operators are among the biggest security threats in Finland. While the demands towards the state has increased, loneliness in the Parliament has always been talked about through something else, or as a "side effect" of another problem.
  • Hakalisto, Liisi (2018)
    The topic of this thesis is to observe how the Centre Party of Finland (Suomen Keskusta), the Social Democratic Party of Finland (Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, SDP) and the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus) have perceived the information and communication technology (ICT) and its role in the Finnish society between 1999 and 2015 in their party statements and manifestos. The role of ICT in the society is observed especially through the concepts of information society and digitalisation. The topic of this thesis thus ties into the broader 1990s and 2000s discussion on information society and digitalisation. The primary sources for the study include the Centre Party, the Social Democratic Party and the National Coalition Party's party programmes, general election manifestos, municipal election manifestos and party conference statements from 1999 to 2015. The primary sources are analysed by the following electoral terms: 1999-2003, 2003-2007, 2007-2011 and 2011-2015. The 2015 general election manifestos are also included in the set of primary materials, as are the government programmes for each electoral term. The role of government programmes in the study is to support the analysis of the party statements and manifestos. The parties' arguments and perceptions of information and communication technology are analysed using post-structural policy analysis. The main framework for the analysis is Carol Bacchi's What's the problem represented to be analysis. The objective of the thesis is to observe how the parties have represented information and communication technology as a policy problem in their statements, programmes and manifestos during each electoral term. In addition, the objective is to analyse both in the case of each party and between different parties how the problem representations are constructed, with which policy areas ICT is associated in the texts and how these problem representations change and evolve from one electoral term to the other. In addition to Bacchi's WPR-analysis, the analysis also draws from Kari Palonen's concept of politicisation which describes politics as action. In this thesis, the main function of politicisation is to describe how by politicising an issue, the parties open up both political space surrounding the politicised issue and also new opportunities for political action. The main findings of this thesis are that information and communication technology is represented in the parties' general election manifestos and party conference statements using two main representations; either as a means for solving existing social and public policy problems or as a part of a broader discourse on societal change. When represented as a means for solving existing social and public policy problems, ICT is discussed positively, optimistically and mostly to suit the perspective of the party's ideological standing. In the parties' statements and manifestos, the discourse on societal change is strongly tied into economic factors, such as the national competitiveness. ICT is depicted as a matter supporting and enhancing national competitiveness, and information society and digitalisation, in particular, as objectives that will strengthen future national competitiveness. Another finding is that the term “information society” disappears from the parties' manifestos and statements in the early 2010s, when the discussion surrounding ICT in the manifestos and statements shifts to digitalisation.
  • Palomäki, Veli-Matti (2017)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miksi Kiinassa – erityisesti Pekingissä osana paikallista rockkulttuuria ja ei-kaupallisia musiikkipiirejä – on niin monia musiikkiyhtyeitä, jotka yhdistävät musiikissaan mongolilaisen perinnemusiikin vaikutteita rock- ja metallimusiikkiin, ja miksi nämä yhtyeet ovat menestyneet niin hyvin. Tutkimuskysymys on jaettu useisiin alakysymyksiin, joiden tarkoituksena on auttaa ymmärtämään taustalla vaikuttavia syitä. Tutkielmassa taustoitetaan ensin kiinalaisen rockkulttuurin erityispiirteitä ja perehdytään siihen, mitä oikeastaan tarkoitamme, kun puhumme kiinalaisesta rockmusiikista. Tutkimuksen yhtenä alakysymyksenä on pyritty selvittämään, onko kiinalaisessa rockmusiikissa jotain erityistä elementtiä, jonka johdosta voisimme puhua siitä omana musiikkityylinään. Tutkielmassa taustoitetaan seuraavaksi Kiinan mongolivähemmistöä ja mongolien musiikkikulttuuria Kiinassa ja pohditaan, miksi mongolilainen musiikki on pitkään nauttinut Kiinassa niin suurta suosiota verrattuna moniin muihin vähemmistömusiikkikulttuureihin. Varsinaisen analyysin kohteena on kuusi musiikkiyhtyettä, joiden jäsenistä ainakin osa kuuluu Kiinan mongolivähemmistöön ja jotka toimivat pääsääntöisesti Pekingissä. Pääasiallisena tutkimusmetodina on käytetty puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja. Tutkielmaa varten tehtiin yhteensä neljätoista haastattelua noin puolentoista vuoden jakson aikana (elokuusta 2014 joulukuuhun 2015). Haastattelut toteutettiin kaikki kenttätyönä Pekingissä ja yhtä lukuunottamatta kaikki kiinan kielellä. Tutkimusaineiston pohjalta voidaan esittää, että yhtyeiden harjoittaman eri musiikkityylien yhdistämisen taustalla on tyypillisemmin ollut kokeilunhalu ja pyrkimys luoda yli rajojen menestyvää musiikkia kuin vähemmistöidentiteetin tietoinen korostaminen. Useat haastatellut muusikot kokivat kuitenkin tärkeäksi herättää tietoisuutta kotiseutunsa ympäristöongelmista ja useimmat heistä toivat esiin vahvan sisämongolialaisen identiteetin. Haastatteluissa ja yhtyeiden sanoituksissa usein esiin tullut “mongolialainen henki” on tulkittavissa ennemmin kulttuurisesti kuin tiettyyn paikkaan sidottuna, ja monet kokivat nationalismin tarpeettomana tai vanhentuneena konseptina. Yhtyeistä useampi on moniin muihin kiinalaisiin rockyhtyeisiin verrattuna poikkeuksellisen suosittu ulkomailla, ja yhtyeiden vaikutus Kiinan ei-kaupallisissa musiikkipiireissä on ollut merkittävä. Olen tutkimustuloksiin pohjaten valmis esittämään, että mongolivaikutteinen rock- ja metallimusiikki on kehittynyt Kiinassa omaksi tyylilajikseen kiinalaisen rockmusiikin alalajina. Samanaikaisesti se vaikuttaa han-kiinalaisesta musiikista poikkeavana omana kulttuurientiteettinään myös kiinalaisen rockkulttuurin rajojen ulkopuolella.
  • Moisseinen, Nella (2018)
    Aivoverenkiertohäiriö (AVH) on maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävimpiä kielen ja auditiivisen havaitsemisen vaikeuksien aiheuttajia. Viime vuosikymmeninä musiikin ja kielen harjoittamisen on havaittu edistävän aivoissa paitsi modaliteetin sisäistä (kieli–kieli, musiikki–musiikki) havaitsemista myös siirtymävaikutusta erityisesti musiikista kielen havaitsemiseen. Tämä Pro Gradu -tutkielma selvitti äänikirjojen ja musiikin kuuntelun vaikutuksia varhaiseen puheen ja musiikin havaitsemiseen ensimmäisestä aivohalvauksesta toipuvissa aivoissa. Kontrolloituun tutkimusasetelmaan kuului kaksi interventioryhmää, joista toinen kuunteli päivittäin äänikirjoja ja toinen musiikkia ensimmäisten kahden kuukauden aikana aivohalvaukseen sairastumisesta; kontrolliryhmä ei saanut kuunneltavaa materiaalia. Potilaiden (N = 55) varhaista puheen ja musiikin havaitsemista aivoissa mitattiin äänisarjassa poikkeavan tavun (puhe) ja soinnun (musiikki) magneettisella poikkeavuusnegativisuusvasteella (magnetic mismatch negativity, MMNm) akuuttivaiheessa sekä seurantamittauksissa kolme ja kuusi kuukautta aivohalvaukseen sairastumisesta. Magnetoenkefalografisten (MEG) vasteiden lähteet aivoissa paikannettiin erotuskäyrien miniminormiestimaateilla (MNE) potilaiden yksilöllisissä, rakenteellisiin magneettiresonanssikuviin (MRI) perustuvissa aivomalleissa. Vasteiden lähteet rajoitettiin kuuteen puheen ja musiikin havaitsemisen kannalta keskeiseen alueeseen (keskimmäinen ja alempi otsalohkopoimu, ylempi ja keskimmäinen ohimolohkopoimu sekä supramarginaalinen ja kulmapoimu). Ryhmä- ja leesion hemisfäärin interaktiot analysoitiin tilastollisesti toistomittausten varianssianalyysillä näillä alueilla. Lisäksi interaktiotulokset korreloitiin (Pearson) neuropsykologiseen kuntoutumiseen verbaalisen muistin, työmuistin, kielen ja musiikin havaitsemisen osa-alueilla aivovasteiden laajemman osallisuuden selvittämiseksi auditiivisessa tiedonkäsittelyssä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että äänikirjojen kuuntelu tehosti varhaista kielen havaitsemista vasemmanpuoleisilla otsalohkon alueilla kontrolliryhmään verrattuna; MMNm:n lateralisoituminen vasemmalle ilmeni kolme kuukautta aivohalvaukseen sairastumisesta ja oli lisäksi yhteydessä verbaalisen muistin paranemiseen äänikirjaryhmällä. Musiikin havaitseminen puolestaan herätti MMNm- ja P3a-komponentin yhdistelmän, jonka amplitudi vasemmalla alemmalla otsalohkopoimulla korreloi negatiivisesti työmuistin ja verbaalisen muistin paranemiseen kuusi kuukautta aivohalvaukseen sairastumisesta. Musiikin kuuntelu paransi suoriutumista, kun äänikirjojen kuuntelu oli yhteydessä kasvavaan amplitudiin ja heikkenevään työ- ja verbaaliseen muistiin; ilmiö todennäköisesti liittyy musiikin aikaansaamaan aktivaation levittäytymiseen aivoissa. Yhdessä tulokset viittaavat siihen, että äänikirjojen kuuntelu voi kehittää varhaista auditiivista havaitsemista kielimodaliteetin sisällä, joskaan se ei suoraan tue myöhempää, tarkkaavuuteen ja/tai musiikkimodaliteettiin liittyvää havaitsemista. Musiikin kuuntelu sen sijaan ei tue varhaista puheen havaitsemista suoraan, mutta voi edistää aivohalvauksen jälkeisiä plastisia muutoksia havaitsemisen ja verbaalisen muistin kannalta edullisemmalla tavalla.
  • Loponen, Mika (2006)
    The thesis concentrates on two questions: the translation of metaphors in literary texts, and the use of semiotic models and tools in translation studies. The aim of the thesis is to present a semiotic, text based model designed to ease the translation of metaphors and to analyze translated metaphors. In the translation of metaphors I will concentrate on the central problem of metaphor translations: in addition to its denotation and connotation, a single metaphor may contain numerous culture or genre specific meanings. How can a translator ensure the translation of all meanings relevant to the text as a whole? I will approach the question from two directions. Umberto Eco's holistic text analysis model provides an opportunity to concentrate on the problematic nature of metaphor translation from the level of a text as a specific entity, while George Lakoff's and Mark Johnson's metaphor research makes it possible to approach the question from the level of individual metaphors. On the semiotic side, the model utilizes Eero Tarasti's existential semiotics supported by Algirdas Greimas' actant model and Yuri Lotman's theory of cultural semiotics. In the model introduced in the thesis, individual texts are deconstructed through Eco's model into elements. The textual roles and features of these elements are distilled further through Tarasti's model into their coexistent meaning levels. The priorization and analysis of these meaning levels provide an opportunity to consider the contents and significance of specific metaphors in relation to the needs of the text as a whole. As example texts, I will use Motörhead's hard rock classic Iron Horse/Born to Lose and its translation into Rauta-airot by Viikate. I will use the introduced model to analyze the metaphors in the source and target texts, and to consider the transfer of culture specific elements between the languages and cultural borders. In addition, I will use the analysis process to examine the validity of the model introduced in the thesis.
  • Tuokko, Katja (2012)
    The accession to the European Union (EU) in 1995 has been one of the most important decisions made in the post-Cold War Finland. A decade after the end of the Cold War period, Finland had become a full member of both the EU and the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) entering the inner circle of European decision-making. Deepening European integration created a challenge for Finnish parties which had traditionally based their ideology on national default lines. For Vasemmistoliitto (VAS), the dimension of European integration created a challenge. In the 1990’s, VAS, established as a successor of Suomen Kansan Demokraattinen Liitto (SKDL), had to form its opinion on European integration. As other European radical left parties, VAS too, struggled to find its ideological basis on the post-Cold War Europe. This study discusses VAS position on European integration from the establishment of the party in 1990 until 1998. By means of qualitative content analysis, it seeks to answer what the VAS position on European integration was and why did it change. Party archives, two interviews of VAS party secretaries and newspaper material have been used as primary sources of the analysis. The main finding of this study is that VAS position on European integration was characterized by the party’s will to be seen as fit to govern. VAS leadership avoided taking an official position to the EU membership and finally in 1997, after a member referendum, the party adopted a pro-EMU line. As all major parties supported European integration, anti-EU and anti-EMU positions would have meant a role in opposition ranks for VAS for years to come. In the 1990’s, VAS was characterized by inner conflict and the rise of social populism inside the party. As the majority of VAS voters were against European integration, VAS position on Europe did not reflect the opinions of the voters of the party very well. VAS was traumatized by the deep inner split of its predecessor SKDL and isolation from the mainstream Finnish politics. The long path in opposition that SKDL had experienced was a frightening future scenario for VAS. In order to advance values and politics central to the party, VAS had the urge to be seen as fit to govern and as a reliable coalition partner. The Nordic sister parties’ decades long path in opposition only strengthened the will of VAS to be there where the decision were made. The accelerating pace of European integration in the 1990’s partly urged VAS to rethink in which direction it as a radical left-wing party was heading to. The questions on the EU and the EMU were a stimulus for VAS to define what kind of values it aimed to advance.
  • Vähälä, Aretta (2020)
    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on sekä esitellä terminologian teorian ja menetelmien perusteita ja soveltaa niitä käytännössä määrittelemällä kolme elokuvatuottamiseen liittyvää englanninkielistä termiä, analysoimalla niiden olemassa olevia suomenkielisiä termivastineita ja muodostamalla niille uusia vastineita. Tutkielman tarkoitus on myös selvittää, miksi ja millä perustein kieliyhteisö ottaa käyttöön tai hylkää termivastineita. Aineisto koostuu elokuvatuottamiseen ja elokuvarahoittamiseen liittyvistä englanninkielisistä termeistä ja niiden suomenkielisistä vastineista, joita käytetään elokuviin ja elokuvatuottamiseen liittyvässä tekstimateriaalissa, kuten lopputeksteissä, tiedotteissa ja hakemuksissa, sekä muissa viestintätilanteissa. Suomalaisella elokuva-alalla käytetään termivastineita, jotka eivät ole syntyneet tavoitteellisen termityön tuloksena. Termivastineet saattavat olla puutteellisen käännöstyön tuloksia, tai ne saattavat olla sekakielisiä yhdyssanoja, jotka eivät välttämättä kuvaa niiden takana olevia käsitteitä kovin tarkasti. Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee näitä termivastineita ja ehdottaa niille tarvittaessa vaihtoehtoja. Tutkielman löydökset tukevat väitettä siitä, että puutteellisesti tehty termityö hankaloittaa viestintää. Ne myös osoittavat terminologian olevan tärkeä työkalu kääntäjälle. Löydökset myös tukevat väitettä siitä, että erityisalan asiantuntijoiden apu on termityössä korvaamatonta. Löydöksiin sisältyi myös havainto siitä, kuinka kieliyhteisö saattaa hylätä toimivalta vaikuttavan termin ja ottaa käyttöön termin, joka ei täytä termeille asetettuja vaatimuksia. Tutkielmassa esitetään myös keinoja, joilla kieliyhteisöä voidaan motivoida muodostamaan ja ottamaan käyttöön asianmukaisia termejä. Tutkielman aineiston koko on liian pieni, jotta löydösten perusteella voitaisiin tehdä laajempia yleistyksiä elokuva-alan termistöstä, mutta ne viittaavat siihen, että alalla tehty tavoitteellinen termityö olisi välttämätöntä, jotta asianmukaisten ja toimivien termien käyttö alalla lisääntyisi.