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  • Leppänen, Linnea (2022)
    Objective of the study. The beginning of teacher’s career, in other words, the induction phase, has been noticed in previous studies to be very challenging and stressful for them. During the induction phase teachers often decide on the continuation of their careers. In previous studies related to teachers in the induction phase, it has been noticed that they have higher stress levels than more experienced teachers. They also feel that their workload is excessive. This master’s thesis objective was to study the induction phase teachers’ workload forms and factors. I also make subject teachers’ workload risk profiles with person-oriented research. The main objective of this thesis is to increase understanding of the induction phase subject teachers’ workload to improve teachers’ working conditions. Methods. The data of this thesis consisted of six induction phase subject teachers’ interviews. The interviewed subject teachers were chosen at discretion for this study. The data on my study was collected as a part of a larger joint research project of the Universities of Tampere, Helsinki, and Easter Finland funded by the Academy of Finland entitled “Early career Teachers’ Professional Agency across four European countries -Key for Sustainable Educational Change?”. The data from these interviews were analyzed qualitatively with theory-based content analysis. Result and conclusions. In the induction phase subject teachers experienced a lot of workload. Teachers were burdened by stress the most. Stress was caused by excessive workload, time pressure, and the lack of support. According to the results, prolonged stress caused burnout. All the burnout dimensions (cynicism, decreased professional self-esteem, and exhaustion) came up in teachers’ speeches. This master’s thesis showed that in the induction phase subject teachers had a risk to become exhausted due to excessive workload. Subject teachers’ workloads are important to identify in order to improve teachers’ well-being at work.
  • Åhman, Monica (2023)
    The global COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the everyday life of teaching professionals. Induction phase teachers’ commitment to the profession takes place specifically during the first years of their career, which COVID-19 pandemic has been threatened. Previous studies have shown that the professional agency in the classroom is an important part of teachers’ professional identity and commitment to work among induction phase teachers. Work engagement is a concept related to work well-being, which is used to studying well-being through the meaningfulness of the work. Based on the results of previous studies, teachers experience work engagement, also during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work stress, a phenomenon that weakens work engagement, has increased among teachers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers’ work stress has increased. The feeling of inadequacy in the teacher-student interaction is a part of comprehensive work burnout, and based on the results of previous studies it has been found to be negatively related to teachers’ experiences of professional agency in the classroom. The aim of this thesis is to provide information about induction phase teachers’ professional agency in the classroom, work engagement, work stress and feeling of inadequacy in the teacher-student interaction connections during the COVID-19 pandemic. The material used in this study was collected as a part of a wider international research project “Early Career Teachers’ Professional Agency Across Four European Countries” (Soini, Pietarinen, Pyhältö & Toom, 2018-2022). The target group of the research project were elementary school teachers, subject teachers working in middle school and special education teachers in elementary school (grades 1-9). The research material was collected between the years 2020-2021 from Finnish teachers, and 209 teachers responded. The IBM SPSS Statistics 28 -program was used in the analysis of the data. Sum variables were formed (professional agency in the classroom, vigor, dedication, absorption and feeling of inadequacy in the teacher-student interaction). Connections between variables were examined using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Differences in background variables (gender and teacher group) were examined by using t-tests. The results of this study showed that there were statistically significant connections between the examined variables. Teachers in the induction phase who experience strong professional agency in the classroom reported that they experienced work engagement together with a lesser work stress and feeling of inadequacy in the teacher-student interaction. Those teachers who experience work engagement reported lesser work stress and feeling of inadequacy in the teacher-student interaction. There were no statistically significant results between gender and teacher groups.
  • Walinen, Päivi (2024)
    Objective of the study. Teachers' professional agency can be used to examine how teachers learn in their work. There exists little earlier research on the professional agency among teachers in the induction phase, even less has it been studied during the global pandemic. It was therefore necessary investigate the topic in detail. This study had two research questions. The first step was to examine what kind of key learning experiences basic education teachers had during the Covid-19 pandemic in their teacher-student interactions. Second, it was examined how the professional agency of basic education teachers appeared in their teacher-student interaction situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. The research material consisted of eleven individual interviews with basic education teachers in the induction phase. The data were collected as part of the " Early Career Teach-ers' Professional Agency Across Four European Countries – Key for Sustainable Educational Change? research project carried out in 2018–2022 funded by the Suomi Akatemia. The inter-view had three themes which related to the interviewees' 1) significant learning experiences and professional development, 2) the professional community in the early stages of their ca-reers, and 3) working during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interviews were analyzed using the method of qualitative theory-driven analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the key learning experiences of induction phase teachers were related to remote and in-person classroom situations with groups of students and individual students. The professional agency of the teachers in the induction phase was strongest in classroom situations. The independent activities of teachers were emphasized in the chosen strategies. Teachers were motivated by commitment to students. Teachers' self-efficacy was illustrated by coping with work tasks dur-ing the Covid-19 pandemic. Compared to previous studies, this study especially highlighted teachers' willingness to meet their students individually. The teachers had a positive attitude towards the use of new IT applications and platforms, which they planned to utilize even after the exceptional circumstances. The findings can be applied to supporting the professional agency of teachers at the beginning of their careers and in the versatile implementation of teaching outside the exceptional circumstances.
  • Oksanen, Anni (2013)
    MELAS-syndrooma (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) johtuu useimmiten mt.3243A>G mutaatiosta mitokondriaalisessa DNA:ssa (mtDNA). Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voitaisiinko iPS-soluista (induced pluripotent stem cells) tuottaa tautimalliksi sopivia MELAS-potilaan kudoksia. Tätä selvitettiin MELAS-potilaan soluista iPS-teknologian avulla tuotettuja teratoomia tutkimalla. Tutkimuksen toisena päätavoitteena oli tutkia mitokondriaalisen hengitysketjun toimintaa kyseisissä teratoomissa. Yksittäisistä mtDNA:n mutaatioista johtuville taudeille ei ole pystytty vielä tuottamaan eläinmalleja, joten iPS-soluista luotujen teratoomien käyttö tautimallina avaisi monia uusia ovia MELAS-tutkimukseen. Teratoomista tehtyjä leikkeitä värjättiin sekä perushistologiaa että mitokondrioiden hengitysketjun proteiineja kuvaavilla värjäyksillä, ja värjättyjä leikkeitä tarkasteltiin valomikroskoopin avulla. Teratoomat sisälsivät sekä endo-, meso- että ektodermiperäisiä kudoksia ja kuten MELAS-potilaiden kudoksille on tyypillistä, solukkojen hengitysketjun kompleksi I:n määrä oli selvästi vähentynyt verrattuna kontrollinäytteisiin. Tämän tuloksen pohjalta iPS-soluista luotuja teratoomia voi pitää uutena tautimallina MELAS-syndroomalle.
  • Kopra, Eija (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2002)
    Prostaglandiinit ovat hormoninkaltaisia yhdisteitä, jotka osallistuvat välittäjinä hyvin moniin elimistön fysiologisiin toimintoihin. PGF2α:n vaikutukset kohdistuvat lisääntymistoimintoihin, ja sen pääasiallinen tehtävä on luteolyysin aiheuttaminen useilla eri lajeilla. PGF2α muodostuu muiden prostaglandiinien tavoin monityydyttymättömistä rasvahapoista niin kutsutun arakidonihappokaskadin kautta. PGF2α erittyy synteesin yhteydessä kohdusta paikalliseen verenkiertoon, mistä se naudalla kulkeutuu suoraan munasarjaan venoarteriaalista reittiä pitkin. Kiimakierron lopulla luteolyysiin johtava PGF2α:n vapautuminen tapahtuu useina erillisinä pulsseina. Muissa kiimakierron vaiheissa eritys on vähäisempää eikä pulsseja havaita. PGF2α:lla on lyhyt puoliintumisaika, ja se metaboloidaan systeemisessä verenkierrossa nopeasti lyhyemmiksi yhdisteiksi. Tämä asettaa omat vaatimuksensa näytteenotolle ja analysoinnille. Kirjallisuusosassa kuvataan tarkemmin PGF2α:n eritystä, vaikutuksia, metaboliaa ja analysointia naudalla. Tutkimusosassa pyrimme selvittämään, onko kloprostenoli- ja GnRH-käsittelyllä aiheutettu lyhyt kiimakierto seurausta ennenaikaisesta PGF2α:n vapautumisesta, ja muistuttaako tämä mahdollinen PGF2α-eritys luonnollisen, spontaanin luteolyysin aikaista PGF2α-eritystä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että lyhyitä kiimakiertoja esiintyy sykloivilla naudoilla silloin, kun kiima indusoidaan kloprostenolilla kiimakierron päivänä 7 - 10 ja ovulaatio indusoidaan GnRH:lla joko samanaikaisesti tai 24 tuntia myöhemmin. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 24 hiehoa, 12 koe- ja 12 kontrolliryhmässä. Kuudelle eläimelle kummassakin ryhmässä annettiin kloprostenoli-injektio 6. päivänä ovulaatiosta ja toisille kuudelle 7. päivänä ovulaatiosta. Koeryhmien 12 hieholle annettiin GnRH-injektio 24 tuntia kloprostenoli-injektion jälkeen. Seitsemällä koeryhmän hieholla todettiin lyhyt, 8 - 12 päivän mittainen kiimakierto. Muilla hiehoilla, lopuilla koeryhmän ja kaikilla kontrolliryhmän eläimillä, kiimakierrot olivat normaalin pituiset (17 - 22 vrk). Lyhyen kiimakierron hiehoilla havaittiin merkitsevää PGF2α-eritystä useina pulsseina, ja eritykseen liittyi progesteronipitoisuuden lasku. Muilla hiehoilla kyseisiä muutoksia ei todettu. Tutkimus osoittaa, että ennenaikainen PGF2α:n vapautuminen aiheuttaa luteolyysin myös silloin, kun lyhyt kiimakierto on seurausta 24 tunnin välein annetuista kloprostenoli- ja GnRH-injektioista. Lyhyissä kiimakierroissa PGF2α-eritys muistuttaa luonnollisen luteolyysin aikaista eritystä, vain ajankohta on eri.
  • Montonen, Markku (2012)
    Magnetic properties of Kevitsa intrusion are studied in this thesis. The goal is to find a reason for a negative magnetic anomaly observed in the center of dunite layer of the Kevitsa intrusion. This thesis concentrates mainly on petrophysical measurements made from drill hole samples, but also previous geophysical measurements from the study area are used. The first approximation is that the negative magnetic anomaly is caused by a strong remanent magnetization which has a direction that opposes geomagnetic field and induced magnetization. This kind of remanent magnetization is most likely formed during a reversed polarity period of geomagnetic field. An approximately 55 meters thick layer of strong remanent magnetization can be observed in drill hole KV297, which is located on the negative surface-magnetic anomaly. The average Königsberger ratio in the samples from this layer is 4.2 and the average inclination of remanent magnetization is -42.4 degrees. Declination of remanent magnetization stays unknown, because none of the samples were directional. One can also observe two distinct magnetic layers in the dunite layer of drill hole KV297. The lower one of these magnetic layers extends to approximately 160 meters. Both of these layers are strongly magnetized, but only the upper one has a strong remanent magnetization. In drill hole KV200 one cannot observe a strong remanent magnetization, but this drill hole is not located on the negative surface-magnetic anomaly either. However, the samples from the drill hole KV200 have a strong magnetic susceptibility. Based on these observations one can conclude that the dunite layer of the Kevitsa intrusion is overall strongly magnetic, but only the center part of it has a strong remanent magnetization. This layer of strong remanent magnetization is the cause of negative magnetic anomaly observed on the surface. The direct mathematical models, which are based on the measured petrophysical data, are consistent with the magnetic anomaly observed on the surface. In the models the declination of remanent magnetization is set to 240 degrees.
  • Bäckström, Kim (2022)
    A US government agency estimated the national cost of inadequate software testing to be \$60 billion annually, and that was 20 years ago. As the role of technology and software has been rapidly increasing worldwide for decades, it suffices to say that the worldwide fiscal effect of poor testing practices today is probably ``quite a bit``. An increasing number of industry-focused survey studies on testing have been published worldwide in recent years, signalling an increased need to characterize the testing practices of the software development industry. These types of studies can help to guide future research efforts towards subjects that are meaningful to the industry, and provide practitioners with an opportunity to compare their own practice to those of their peers and recognize the main improvement areas. As no secondary study devoted to these types of survey studies could be identified, the opportunity was seized to carry out a literature review was to find out what the data from these studies can tell us when aggregated. The precise topics focused on were the usage of test levels, test types, test design techniques, test tools and test automation. Looking at these studies in aggregate tells us about some general trends: unit testing, functional testing and regression testing are popular everywhere, and also quite popular regardless of the surveyed population are performance testing and usability testing. The popularity of the other test levels and test types vary from survey to survey or region to region. Black-box techniques and experience-based techniques are more popular than white-box techniques. Exploratory testing, error guessing, use case testing and boundary value analysis are some of the most popular test design techniques. Much of the industry relies on manual testing over automated testing and/or have inadequately adopted the usage of testing tools.
  • Niemi, Leo (2018)
    In-ear-kuulokkeet ovat 2010-luvun jälkipuoliskolla maailman myynnillisesti voimakkaimmin kasvava kuuloketyyppi. Samaan aikaan trap-musiikki, yksi hiphopin alagenreistä, on noussut populaarimusiikin valtavirtaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan erään in-ear-kuulokkeen taajuusvasteen vaikutusta neljän suomalaisen trap-kappaleen äänenväriin. Taajuusvaste on audiolaitteen yksiselitteisesti tärkein ominaisuus. Taajuusvasteen on havaittu olevan myös kuulokkeilla kuunnellun musiikin äänenvärin kannalta välineen tärkein ominaisuus. Musiikin tuotantoportaan tavoitteena on ollut, että musiikki kuulostaisi mahdollisimman hyvältä toistettuna kaiuttimilla hyvin akustoidussa huoneessa. Osana nykyaikaista mobiilia elämäntapaa musiikin kuuntelu on siirtynyt kuitenkin kasvavissa määrin ulos musiikinkuuntelijoiden kodeista joukkoliikennevälineisiin, liikuntapaikkoihin ja toimistoihin, joissa musiikinkuunteluvälineinä toimivat pääosin erilaiset kuulokkeet. In-ear-kuulokkeiden ja kaiuttimien toistamien signaalien matkat äänilähteeltä kuulijan tärykalvolle poikkeavat toisistaan. Optimaalinen kaiuttimien käyttöympäristö on hyvin akustoitu huone, jossa huoneen aiheuttamat epätoivotut akustiset ilmiöt ovat kontrolloitu. Silti esimerkiksi seisovat aallot ja heijasteet, sekä kuulijan pää ja vartalo vaikuttavat signaalin spektriin. In-ear-kuulokkeita käytettäessä signaalin spektriin vaikuttaa muun muassa suljetun tilan liitäntävahvistus (TVIG) sekä suljetussa korvakäytävässä syntyvät epäluonnolliset resonanssitaajuudet. Tutkimuksessa verrataan in-ear-kuulokkeen taajuusvasteen vaikutusta kappaleiden äänenväriin optimissa kuunteluhuoneessa toistettujen, taajuusvasteeltaan tasaiseksi ekvalisoitujen kaiuttimien tuottamiin vaikutuksiin. Äänenvärin muutosta tarkastellaan erityisesti kappaleiden kirkkauden ja kappaleiden kokonaisen sekä instrumenttikohtaisten spektrin muutoksien osalta. Kirkkauden muutoksen tarkasteluun sovelletaan spektrin keskipisteen kuvaajaa. Spektrin muutosten tarkasteluun sovelletaan pitkäaikaista keskiarvospektriä eli LTAS-kuvaajaa. Äänenvärillisten muutosten tulkitsemiseen käytetään kahdessa musiikintuotanto-oppaassa käytettyjä äänenväriä kuvailevia attribuutteja. Jotta taajuusvasteiden aiheuttamia muutoksia kappaleiden kokonaiseen ja niiden yksittäisten instrumenttien äänenväriin olisi mahdollista tarkastella, analysoitiin tutkimuksessa ensin musiikkinäytteiden instrumenttien taajuuskaistojen leveys kuulonvaraisesti käyttäen apuna reaaliaikaista spektrogrammia. Tämän jälkeen aineisto ekvalisoitiin taajuusvastein ja ekvalisoiduista näytteistä tuotettiin LTAS- ja spektrin keskipisteen kuvaajia. In-ear-kuulokkeen taajuusvasteen vaikutus näkyi sekä kappaleiden kokonaisäänenvärissä että yksittäisten instrumenttien äänenvärissä. Taajuusvaste korosti bassotaajuuksia ja matalia keskitaajuuksia aina 550 hertsiin asti ja vaimensi tätä korkeampia taajuuksia. Taajuusvaste ei vaikuttanut olennaisesti bassosoitinten äänenväriin, mutta korosti niiden äänenvoimakkuutta suhteessa taajuuskaistalla korkeammalla sijainneiden soitinten äänenvoimakkuuteen. Taajuusvaste muutti räppien sekä pad- ja lead-syntetisaattoreiden äänenväriä tummemmaksi ja hi-hatin ja virvelin äänenväriä etäisemmäksi ja tylpäksi. HP6-vaste kasvatti signaalin dynaamista skaalaa 16 desibeliä ja madalsi spektrin keskipisteen sijaintia 7.7%.
  • Lukka, Aira Mari (2016)
    Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee kahta 2000-luvun suosituinta populaarikulttuurin tuotantoa: sankaritarinoita ja omaelämäkerta kirjallisuutta. Käyttämällä hyödyksi Joseph Campbellin monomyytti teoriaa tutkielmassa tarkastellaan neljän omaelämäkerran kerrontaa narratiivisella metodologialla. Tarkoituksena on selvittää, onko lukijan mahdollista löytää omaelämänkirjoista sankarimyyttiin viittaavia yhtäläisyyksiä ja täten päätyä mielikuvaan sankarista. Kerrontaa tarkastellaan myös postkolonialistisen ja ihmisoikeus näkökulmasta, jolloin syvennytään tarkemmin Campbellin teoreettiseen mahdollisuuksiin selittää mitä sankarit ovat ja mitä ihmiset pitävät tämän päivän sankareina. Tarkasteluun on valikoitunut neljä omaelämäkertaa: Mahatma Gandhin, Nelson Mandelan, Malcom X:n ja Ayaan Hirsi Alin teokset. Nämä teokset valikoituivat niiden suosion ja julkisesta näkyvyydestä mitä näillä henkilöillä mahdollisesta on ollut ja on edelleen. Tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus ja metodologiana on käytössä konstruktiivinen narratiivinen analyysi, jolla tarkastellaan kertojan paljastamia asioita niin itsestään ja ympäröivästään maailmasta. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa esitellään Campbellin sankarimyytti teoria, omaelämäkerronnan tutkimus sekä postkolonialistisen teorian ja ihmisoikeus teorian näkökulma, jolla syvennytään sankariuden mahdolliseen näkyvyyteen omaelämäkerronnassa valikoiduissa teoksissa. Campbellin teoriasta on etenkin hyödynnetty monomyytin yksinkertaisinta muotoa: lähtö, initiaatio ja paluu. Tutkielmassa päädytään siihen tulokseen, että jokaisessa omaelämäteoksessa on nähtävillä sankarimyyttiin viittaavia rakenteita. Kerronnassa on löydettävissä lähtöä, initiaatiota ja paluuta muistuttavia muotoja. Tämän lisäksi postkolonialistinen sankarimalli seuraa samankaltaista kaavaa mitä 1900-luvun kolonialistisen maailman sankarit näyttivät. Kertojat käsittelevät teemoja, jotka nostavat esille postkolonialistia kysymyksiä. Ihmisoikeuskysymykset taasen tuovat viholliselementin elämäkertojen kerrontaan. Tämän lisäksi kertojat kuvaavat kokemuksiaan epätasa-arvoisissa yhteiskunnissa, jotka toimivat myös ihmisoikeusrikkomusten todistuksina.
  • Al Husaini, Sara (2023)
    The increasingly strong position of the English language raises discussion both locally and globally. In this thesis I expand on the discussions taking place in Finland by exploring the language attitudes of foreign language speakers regarding the English language. The goals of this thesis are to find out how foreign language speakers in Helsinki and the capital region experience the English language and how they would experience a possible language policy change that would add English to Helsinki's service languages. Furthermore, my thesis examines whether the Helsinki city councilors support the addition of English to the city's official service languages. In my thesis, I used theories dealing with language attitudes and language policy, as well as previous studies such as the national survey on language attitudes conducted by Leppänen et al. (2009). I collected research material by preparing two separate surveys, one of which I distributed online to foreign language speakers and the other to the city councilors of Helsinki. All in all, I received 282 answers from foreign language speakers and 31 answers from the city council members, which I examined using quantitative analysis and previous studies that relate to language attitudes. According to the results of this thesis, almost 80% of foreign language speakers find the addition of English to the service languages to be beneficial and a factor that would make it easier for them to stay in Finland. Therefore, based on the results, it can be concluded that the attitudes of foreign language speakers are mostly positive towards the English language. Furthermore, nearly half of the city councilors that responded to my survey support adding English to the official service languages in Helsinki. The results of the study provide a directory to the language attitudes of foreign language speakers residing in Helsinki and the capital region; hence, the results could possibly be used when researching and deciding on future language policies for the city of Helsinki.
  • Kemppainen, Emmi (2016)
    This thesis addresses the role of international law in terms of access to medicine in the global South. More specifically, it ex-plores how on the one hand, international law has a restricting influence on the access and, on the other hand, it can help those in need to argue for the access to medicine. The thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of public interna-tional law, both intellectual property law and human rights law, in the challenges of access of medicine. The key goal highlight the dimensions of both international IP regime and human rights regime, which are affecting to access to medicine and find out how the overlapping spheres can be used to argumentations either to increase to access to medicine in developing countries or to promote other kinds of goals. One of main questions that this master thesis aims to answer is to out how protection of pharma-ceutical patents under the TRIPS Agreement affects the global South. First, the understanding of international intellectual property regime is crucial to comprehend the collision of regimes. The thesis provides answers to questions on the benefits of patent system and why patents matter in pharmaceutical industry. How-ever, the concentration in relation to IP law is on the TRIPS Agreement, which often cited to be one of the main reasons of inadequate access to medicine in developing countries. Therefore the objectives and purposes and the scope of patenting in the TRIPS Agreement are discussed as well as TRIPS-plus regimes. In addition, developments during and after Doha ministerial meetings and how developing countries have used TRIPS provisions in order to promote access to medicine are discussed as the TRIPS flexibilities actually provide (developing) countries means to promote access to medicine. Secondly, the right to health and access to medicine as a part of it are further discussed in order to bring the understanding of other side of the regime conflict into the same table. Several human rights instruments have confirmed the status of access to medicine in human rights law and states have obligations to take actions for improvement of access to medicine. Nonetheless, further concentration to the relation of human rights law and intellectual property law makes it evident, that even though human rights norms may be claimed to have a primacy over intellectual property law provisions in a collision situation states are likely to follow trade law provisions as the WTO system has stronger enforcement mechanisms than human rights sphere. The division of the world to global from a global North and South brings tensions to the question, as the North holds most of the pharmaceutical patents but the actual need of the pharmaceuticals is mostly demanded in the South. The study intends to uncov-er the occasionally hidden power relations and use the platform provided by international law to draw attention about injustice against dominant consensus and narrative of the North. The thesis focuses in details on North-South differences in opinion and the role of pharmaceutical companies during drafting the TRIPS Agreement as well as later on. The questions related to private actors in public law making and fairness of law are also mentioned. The social realities of developing countries in which the collision of the regimes has in real life effects to access to HIV medi-cines are explored through case examples from India and Brazil. Both countries have been active within the discussion of the effects of the pharmaceutical patenting to access in medicine although strategizes chosen by the states are however a bit differ-ent: India has focused on the pre-grant opposition, strict criteria for patentability and protection of its own pharmaceutical indus-try while Brazil has based its arguments on compulsory licensing and its main concern is connected to its wide health program. All in all, access to medicine in the developing countries remains to be a challenge, as the prices continue to be too high. How-ever, both human rights regime and intellectual property law provide developing countries with means to increase access to essential medicines. On the other hand, both regimes can be used against the needs of developing countries. As the questions of power disparities and political will remain to be significant in the context of access to medicines, in the end the choice is to be done whether and how act in manner that no one is left behind.
  • Nguyen, Hang (2013)
    Background: Finland’s health care system has been internationally recognized. However, the issue of inequity in access to health care services has been an ongoing matter in recent years. The labor status is said to have an important impact on the level of physician visits. This thesis aims to examine the potential differences in physician visits among four groups in the structure of the labor market. Methods: The data was a postal survey in 2003 and was attracted from the Health and Social Support Project (HeSSup). Visits to physicians in public health care, occupational health care, and private health services during 12 months were used as indicators of service utilization. Respondents were categorized as employees who were full time employed, part time employed and those who experiencing short term and long term unemployment.Binary logistic regression was used to obtain odds ratio to examine for the differences in doctor visits among these groups of employees. Results: Full time participants visited a physician in occupational health care most often, whereas long term unemployed respondents had physician visits most often in public health care. An analysis based on labor market status showed that the lowest odds ratio in occupational health care for the unemployed and in particular among the long term unemployed (OR 0.368, 95% CI 0.247 – 0.547). Conclusion: The use of physician services varies based on labor market status. It is relative high among the full time employed and it is relatively low among the unemployed. The main reason for this variance lies in the existence of the three different pathways of the Finnish health care system.
  • Piira, Laura (2022)
    Ontuminen on hevoselle hyvinvointiongelma ja yksi yleisimmistä syistä, miksi eläinlääkäri tutkii hevosen. Ontumatutkimukset vievät ison osan hevospraktikoiden työajasta ja sen tavoitteena on tunnistaa ontuma ja paikallistaa sen aiheuttaja. Ontumatutkimuksissa hevosen liikkumista on perinteisesti arvioitu subjektiivisesti, mutta se ei useiden tutkimusten perusteella ole luotettava tapa arvioida hevosen ontumisen astetta. Hevosten objektiivista ontumatutkimusta varten on kehitelty useita erilaisia menetelmiä, joista yksi vaihtoehto ovat inertiaaliset sensorit. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on esitellä hevosten ontumatutkimuksiin kehitetyt inertiaaliset sensorit ja selvittää soveltuvatko ne hevosen ontuman arviointiin ja millä edellytyksillä. Katsauksessa keskitytään inertiaalisten sensoreiden ominaisuuksiin eläinlääkärin näkökulmasta. Hevosille kehitetyt inertiaaliset sensorit ovat langattomia hevoseen ulkoisesti kiinnitettäviä liiketunnistimia, jotka koostuvat valmistajasta riippuen kiihtyvyysanturista, gyroskoopista ja magnetometristä. Laitteisto on siirrettävissä helposti paikasta tai hevosesta toiseen ja laitteistoa voidaan käyttää missä tahansa olosuhteissa, joissa voidaan suorittaa perinteinen visuaalinen ontumatutkimus. Laitteistoa voi käyttää käynnissä tai ravissa ja soveltuu käytettäväksi myös ratsastaessa tai ajaessa. Antureiden tutkimuksen aikana keräämä informaatio tallentuu järjestelmässä olevalle muistikortille tai siirtyy langattomasti tietokoneelle, jossa tieto analysoidaan tarkoitukseen suunnitellulla ohjelmistolla. Keskeisimmät analysoitavat arvot ovat antureiden kiinnityskohtien vertikaaliset siirtymät, joiden perusteella voidaan tehdä päätelmiä hevosen symmetriasta. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan tilanteesta riippuen verrata standardiin, saman hevosen aiempaan liikkumiseen tai verrata jalkapareja keskenään. Inertiaalisia sensoreita on verrattu useissa tutkimuksissa visuaaliseen havainnointiin ja muihin objektiivisiin ontuman tunnistus menetelmiin (voimalevy, optinen liikkeen tunnistus). Inertiaaliset sensorit mittaavat hevosen liikkumista tarkasti ja niillä on todettu olevan riittävän hyvä toistettavuus kliinistä käyttöä varten. Niiden avulla voidaan havaita niinkin lievät ontumat, joita ihmissilmä ei kykene erottamaan. Menetelmä soveltuu käytettäväksi myös ympyrällä sekä taivutuskokeiden ja diagnostisten puudutusten tulosten objektiiviseen arvioon. Mittausvirheitä voi syntyä, jos iho liikkuu kiinnityskohdassa luurakenteeseen nähden tai jos anturit kiinnitetään hevoseen epäsymmetrisesti esimerkiksi lonkkakyhmyihin. Katsauksen perusteella inertiaaliset sensorit soveltuvat apuvälineeksi arvioida hevosen ontumaa, mutta eivät korvaa eläinlääkäriä, jonka tehtäväksi jää edelleen arvioida ontuman merkitystä hevoselle, paikallistaa ontumisen aiheuttaja ja suunnitella jatkohoito ja seuranta. Inertiaalisista sensoreista voisi olla hyötyä erityisesti aloitteleville hevospraktikoille ja sellaisille hevospraktikoille, jotka eivät ole erikoistuneita ortopediaan, mutta tekevät hevosille ontumatutkimuksia. Laitteistosta voisi olla hyötyä myös kokeneemmille hevosortopedeille silloin, kun arvioidaan lieviä ontumia tai vastetta puuduteinjektiolle. Inertaaliset sensorit soveltuvat myös ontuman kehityksen seurantaan, jos saman eläinlääkärin ei ole mahdollista tutkia hevosta uudestaan.
  • Yin, Xiaoqing (2017)
    In the era of globalisation, uneven development among regions facilitates and fuels the flow of capital to cheap-labour developing countries. Simultaneously, labour from the global South is swarming into the well-paid global North. The influx of immigrant labour plays a unique role in the informal sectors and is the cause of the boom of the ethnic economy in the receiving countries. At the same time, the debate on exploitation of these immigrants in developed countries like Finland is ongoing. This essay uses in-depth interviews and participatory observation to examine the reasons shaping the gap between the local labour legislation and actual practice. It further seeks to investigate the factors that facilitate the exploitation of immigrant workers as well as potential obstacles to defending their rights, using the example of Chinese immigrant labour. After three months of intensive interactions with Chinese victims of labour exploitation and project workers from the Chinese Victim Support project, this thesis concludes that Chinese immigrant labour’s weak bargaining power in the local labour market is conditioned by the institutional legal set-up, the exclusiveness of the dual labour market and immigrant labour’s dependency on the ethnic economy as well as ineffective Trade Union support. This essay will further outline potential areas of improvement for external institutions, e.g. authorities, Trade Unions and NGOs to monitor the implementation of Collective Agreements and to incorporate immigrant workers into the available labour protection system. These factors lead to a low-wage competition among ethnic Chinese economy and further facilitate the vicious circle of co-ethnic exploitation. The improvement of the situation requires more efficient cooperation and regulation between all the institutional forces, enhanced regulations as well as awareness raising among the victims themselves.
  • Hokkanen, Marie-Estelle (2020)
    Objectives: Early recognition of developmental challenges in infancy is central for being able to start interventions earlier with possible better outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of using eye-tracking at seven months to predict adaptive behavior outcomes at two years. Adaptive behavior implies the child's adaptation to their specific living environment and it includes aspects of conceptual, social and practical adaptation. Here, I studied several eye-tracking based markers of visual attention in infancy for their possible association with adaptive behavior at two years, such as saccadic reaction time (SRT) and measures of attentional preference for faces and emotional facial expressions. SRT has been shown to be a general attentional marker in infancy associated with many developmental and clinical aspects while attentional preference for faces and emotional facial expressions are pronounced at seven months and have been hypothesized to play a role in socio-emotional development. Infants were also studied with respect to attentional behavioral tendencies based on their SRT measures. Methods: This study employed material from the Toibilas-study at BABA center at Helsinki University Hospital. The study consisted of 45 children of either typical development (n=26) or children of high developmental risk (n=19) due to their prior treatment at the neonatal intensive care unit. The high-risk group was assumed to increase variability of the sample. Infants participated in eye-tracking measurements at seven months old using two different eye-tracking paradigms; a SRT task and a task measuring attentional bias for facial vs. non-facial as well as emotional facial expressions vs. neutral facial expressions. The same children were assessed for adaptive behavior at two years of age by a parent filled-questionnaire. Associations between attentional behavioral markers at seven months and adaptive behavior at two years were analyzed using linear models. The models also accounted for behavioral attentional tendency as identified from a set of SRT measures. Results and conclusions: A bigger attentional preference for faces compared to non-faces was associated with better overall adaptive behavior score as well as adaptive behavior composites for conceptual and practical adaptive behavior. This is in line with the hypothesis that attentional bias for faces is important for socio-emotional development. A significant association between identified behavioral attentional tendencies and the conceptual composite score of adaptive behavior was found. This finding suggests that recognizing attentional tendency may be useful for predicting later developmental trajectories. The present work provides preliminary evidence for the proof of principle that eye-tracking based metrics may provide clinically relevant predictions in infants, however novel prospective datasets are needed for clinical validation.
  • Dikareva, Evgenia (2021)
    The gut microbiota has a major impact on the health and early life development in humans. Viruses infecting prokaryotes, called bacteriophages, are the most abundant group of the gut virome that shapes the prokaryotic community. They have been shown to directly interact with the human host or indirectly by interfering with the gut bacterial community. While in the recent years many studies have explored the human gut virome, the field is currently under active investigation, but no standardised protocols for creating high-throughput virome extractions or bioinformatic pipelines for sequences analyses is available. The first aim of this study was to (1) compare the most promising methods for viral particle concentration (dithiothreitol (DTT) and polyethylene glycol (PEG)), DNA extraction afterwards and scaling the methods for high-throughput procedure. The second aim was to (2) compare four bioinformatics tools: Centrifuge, MetaPhlAn, Gut Virome Database (GVD) and a combination of Centrifuge, MetaPhlAn, VirFinder and Blast (Consensus) by analysing shotgun metagenome sequencing results of infant’s stool samples at three time points: 1, 6 and 12 months. The adjustments for high-throughput DNA extraction, resulted in five protocols. The highest yield of DNA was achieved for 1- and 12-months samples with the PEG method. On the other hand, the DTT method was the best for 6-month samples. The infant’s age was the only significant factor driving the viral composition differences on family level for MetaPhlAn (p = 0.004), Centrifuge (p = 0.001) and Consensus (p = 0.001) methods. However, the number of annotated reads and the virome composition depended exclusive on the software used (p = 0.001). All the methods identified phage families: Siphoviridae, Podoviridae and Myoviridae. GVD was the only method that annotated up to 90% of reads to viruses. In conclusion, our results suggest that the PEG extraction method may be best suited for large-scale virome enrichment, as it allowed to obtain the highest DNA yield, was suitable for high-throughput extractions and allowed to create a virome with a high variability in phage representation. For the novel virus identification, GVD method would be used further as it annotated most of the reads to phages.
  • Kontio, Salla (2022)
    Spontaneous and voluntary movements of infants effectively reflect the developmental integrity of brain networks. When it comes to the research of motor development, the use of intelligent technology has shown to provide objective, automated, and scalable methods for movement assessment. In addition to intelligent technology, research on the usage of surveys – in this case parental surveys – has looked at the untapped potential that parental viewpoint. Guardians have a unique and holistic image of the child’s development, thus data from parental surveys could be used to further help us to assess infant’s development. For this study, I studied how the parents’ time estimate on the positions their child spends time in holds up against the machine-learning based data obtained with the smart jumpsuit. Using the data acquired from the smart jumpsuit during the recordings, we can see the amount of time the child spends in each position. Aim was to study the relationship between these variables and gain further understanding on the utilization of parental perspective in the assessment of motor development. Data was collected from 19 video recordings and videos were annotated with Anvil video annotation software for child’s posture and movements, and the annotations were used for training a machine learning-based classifier of the smart jumpsuit. Only data regarding postures was extracted for further analysis. Parental surveys were carried alongside of recordings. In the survey of parental estimate, we asked the parent to assess how much time the child spends in a specific posture. Positions which the survey focused on were prone, supine, side, sitting, crawling, and standing. Data from the recordings as well as data from parental surveys were visualized with radar plots. In addition, correlation was visualized in a linear regression. Positions which had both correlation of higher than 0.5 and a significant p-value were sitting (p < .001**), crawl posture (p < .05*), standing (p < .001**), and supine (p < .05*). Results suggested that parents were successfully assess the time spent in following postures: sitting, crawling, standing, and supine. This indicates that parents have a holistic understanding of their child’s motor development, and the knowledge could be useful in the overall assessment of development, especially when it comes to children with developmental delay. The parent’s ability to accurately assess a child’s motor development helps the parent support the child’s development.
  • Leppilampi, Valtteri (2023)
    Enterovirukset ovat tärkeitä patogeenejä, jotka kuuluvat Picornaviridae-heimoon. Enterovirus-sukuun kuuluu lukuisia tärkeitä ihmisen patogeenejä, kuten poliovirus, enterovirus 71 ja coxsackievirukset. Yhdisteet, jotka sitoutuvat viruksen rakenteeseen ja estävät viruspartikkelin laajenemisen ovat tutkituimpia enterovirusinfektiota vastaan tarkoitettuja antiviraaleja Testasin kahden yhdisteen, CL213:n ja epigallokatekiinigallaatin (EGCG) inhibitorista aktiivisuutta coxsackievirus A9 (CVA9) -infektiota vastaan. Solukulttuureihin perustuvilla menetelmillä määritettiin molempien yhdisteiden inhibitorisen aktiivisuus CVA9-infektiota vastaan. Lisäksi aktiivisemman CL213:n vaikutus CVA9:n lämpöstabiilisuuteen määritettiin. Jotta varmistettaisiin, sitoutuuko yhdiste kapsidiin, viruksen rakenne kompleksissa yhdisteen CL213 kanssa selvitettiin cryo-elektronimikroskopian avulla. Tulokset osoittivat, että CL213 on voimakas CVA9-infektioinhibiittori in vitro ja se lisää viruksen lämpöstabiilisuutta. CVA9:n rakenne kompleksissa CL213:n kanssa selvitettiin 2.5 Ångströmin tarkkuuteen kryoelektronimikroskopialla. Vaikka lämpöstabiilisuustestauksen tulokset viittaavatkin siihen, että yhdiste sitoutuu viruksen rakenteeseen ja viruksen rakenteen ikosaedrisellä rekonstruktiolla (icosahedral reconstruction) oli korkea resoluutio, yhdisteeseen sopivaa tiheyttä (engl. density) ei löydetty viruksen rekonstruktiosta. Tämän vuoksi yhdisteen tarkka toimintamekanismi jää epäselväksi. Yllättävä tulos tutkimuksissa oli se, että EGCG, jonka on aiemmin osoitettu inhiboivan CVA9-infektiota, ei ollut lainkaan aktiivinen näissä antiviraalisen aktiivisuuden määrityksissä. Todennäköisesti ilmiö johtuu siitä, että EGCG:n toiminta perustuu puhdistetun viruksen saostamiseen ja aggregointiin liuoksesta, mutta yhdisteen aktiivisuus katoaa, kun virus on solujen kasvatusliuoksessa. Koska kumpikaan yhdiste ei tulosten perusteella sitoutunut viruksen rakenteeseen, CVA9:n ja enterovirus 71:n VP1 proteiinin hydrofobisten taskujen (engl. VP1-hydrophobic pocket) rakenteita verrattiin, jotta voitaisiin selvittää ovatko yhdisteet, joilla on nanomolaariset IC50 arvot, hyviä lähtökohtia yhdisteiden jatkokehitykselle. Vaikka molempien virusten rakenteista löytyy kyseinen hydrofobinen tasku, suurin osa yhdisteiden sitoutumiseen vaadittavista sivuketjuista eivät ole konservoituneita. Tehokkaiden antiviraalisten yhdisteiden kehitys enterovirusinfektioita vastaan on siis edelleen merkittävä haaste.
  • Helisten, Alma (2019)
    Zika virus (ZIKV) is an arthropod-borne virus of the genus Flavivirus. It is transmitted by Aedes mosquitos but also sexually, via blood transfusions and perinatally from mother to foetus. Before the outbreaks in Yap Island in Micronesia (2007) and French Polynesia (2013), ZIKV has caused only sporadic human infections in Africa and Asia. The latest and most remarkable epidemic started in Brazil in 2015 and it has later spread to many countries of South and Central America. Zika virus infection is typically asymptomatic or causes a self-limiting febrile illness with rash, headache, arthralgia and conjunctivitis. During the latest epidemic, the increasing numbers of newborns with microcephaly has attained wide concern. Later, the causality between Zika virus infection and microcephaly has been proven. The virus has also been connected with other neurological disorders, such as Guillain Barré syndrome. Causes of the abrupt epidemics and the increasing amount of neurological symptoms associated with ZIKV infections are still unclear. In this study, we compared the infectivity of three Asian and one African ZIKV strain in 10 human and three mosquito cell lines. We noticed that a recent ZIKV isolate from foetal brain infected several cell lines more efficiently than two other Asian strains from symptomatic febrile patients from Martinique and French Polynesia. The three viruses of Asian lineage are closely related, but contain specific mutations in their genome. Further studies are warranted to specifically determine the mutations resulting in the increased infectivity of the foetal brain isolate. (244)
  • Kangasniemi, Taru (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1991)
    Tarhakettujen pentukuolleisuus vaihtelee vuosittain 15%-30% :iin. Tärkeimpiä syitä pentukuolleisuuteen ovat erilaiset infektiot, myrkytykset, ravintoperäiset tekijät, hormonaaliset häiriöt, käytöshäiriöt ja perinnölliset tekijät. Vuosittain löytyy tarhoja, joissa pentuja syntyy ja jää eloon huomattavasti alle keskiarvon. Valtion eläinlääketieteelliseen laitokseen (VELL) lähetetään verinäytteitä näiden ongelmatarhojen ketuista parvovirusvasta-ainetutkimukseen. Tässä jatkotutkimuksessa kartoitettiin vasta-aineet Brucella canis, Leptospira interrogans serovariantit canicola, sejroe ja icterohaemorrhagiae, Listeria monocytogenes ja Toksoplasma gondii agensseille. Tarhoja oli tutkimuksessa mukana 18, näytteiden yhteismäärä 243 ja kutakin antigeenia käyttäen tutkittiin 199-209 seerumia. Toksoplasma-vasta-aineet määritettiin 204 näytteestä 18 tarhalta. Positiivisia näytteistä oli 37 kpl (18%) ja tarhoista 12 (67%). Listeria-vasta-aineet tutkittiin 199 näytteestä 17 tarhalta. Yhtään positiivista seerumia ei ollut. Leptospira-vasta-aineet tutkittiin kolmea antigeenin käyttäen 205 näytteestä 18 tarhalta. Yksi positiivinen Leptospira sejroe-tiitteri löytyi (0,5%). Brucella-vasta-aineet tutkittiin 17 tarhalta ja näytteitä oli yhteensä 209. Odotetusti positiivisia ei löytynyt. Työn kirjallisuuskatsaus käsittelee tutkittujen patogeenien taudinkuvaa, epidemiologiaa ja patogeneesia, levinneisyyttä, diagnostiikkaa, hoitoa ja ehkäisyä. Lopuksi pohditaan muita mahdollisia syttä pentukuolleisuuteen.