Browsing by study line "General and Adult Education (in Swedish)"
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(2021)Paramedics meet critically injured patients and deliver advanced pre-hospital care. The profession requires comprehensive knowledge and education. A worry for patient safety and an increase in the popularity of learner-centered education has increased the use of simulation in paramedic education. Simulation enables students to safely practice on, for example, acute situations and teamwork. Despite that simulation is nowadays widely used in education of paramedics, and is viewed as an effective method for learning, there are few studies conducted in Finland of how students experience simulation. In previous international studies, it is shown that a higher satisfaction leads to an increase in engagement, learning, competence and finally better care for patients. Higher self-confidence can enhance critical thinking skills, leadershipskills and identification of knowledge gaps. The aim of this study is to explore and describe how paramedic students in a university of applied sciences experience satisfaction and self-confidence concerning simulation. Previousstudies of satisfaction and self-confidence and the model conducted by National League for Nursing and Pamela Jeffries is used as theoretical background for this study. The data was gathered via an electronic survey which was distributed to the paramedic students, a total of N = 92. The survey was answered by N = 29. A quantitative, descriptive method was used for this study and all group comparisons were measured with nonparametric tests. The results show that paramedic students are generally very satisfied with simulation. They also perceive high self-confidence. Some students experience disadvantages with fidelity in simulation and some experience levels of stress, but these do not have a negative effect on the overall level of satisfaction and self-confidence. The inexperienced students were more satisfied with the teacher than the experienced students. Work experience was significant with levels of satisfaction with debriefing. Debriefing seems to be an important factor which leads to students being satisfied with simulation.
(2023)Goal. This research considers what measures teachers can utilize to counter conspiracy theories. The study aims to investigate what recommendations six written texts offer teachers when they encounter conspiracy theories in the classroom. How many young people under 18 subscribe to conspiracy theories and how much influence conspiracy theories have on them remains uninvestigated. Research has shown that conspiracy theories threaten society and public health. Research is consistent with the idea that conspiracy theories threaten democracy and people’s health. Methods. This qualitative study employs inductive content analysis. The study includes six written texts from the National Board of Education (Finland), the National Agency for Education (Sweden), the National Union of Teachers, Expo, Grundskoletidningen, and Göteborgs-Posten. The material was analyzed using the qualitative research tool Atlas.ti. Ten minor subject categories under three significant themes arise from the texts. These thematic units are 1) Background factors to conspiracy theories, 2) Conspiracy theories are a threat to society, and 3) Conspiracy theories and school. These thematic units were analyzed using the material from the background theory. Results and conclusions. The results of the study exhibit that conspiracy theories are difficult to counter and that it is almost impossible to change the mind of a conspiracy theorist. Such theories appear from different historical, cultural, and human origins spread through various platforms of communication finding a greater reach into populations. People who felt a loss of control or powerlessness received explanations from conspiracy theories. The study showed that citizenship, education, and securing a job serve as reducing factors to the belief in conspiracy theories.
(2022)The purpose of this research is to study how the personnel of early childhood education and care (ECEC) describe the child and learning in the child’s individual ECEC plan and to analyse how well the children’s plans comply with the national core curriculum of ECEC. In 2016, ECEC in Finland changed from daycare to pedagogy when the national core curriculum of ECEC was published and became the national norm. Mansikka and Lundkvist’s (2019) review of the ECEC curriculum from 2005 and the curriculum from 2016 showed that the concept learning is more valued in ECEC today. A Finnish study from the beginning of 2000 indicated that the ECEC personnel had expectations of how the child should behave. A child was expected for example to be social, to follow rules and to play calmly in a way that is considered suitable for the child’s gender (Alasuutari, 2010.) Since the research mentioned above was made, the Finnish ECEC has developed a lot because of the new ECEC law and the national core curriculum. It is interesting to study what kind of impact this development has had on the view of children and learning. The research data consisted of children’s individual ECEC plans. The length of these plans was 1–3 pages and a total of 27 plans were collected. The plans were collected from daycare centers within the same organization. I made a qualitative content analysis of the research data. The analys proceeded in three parts and the research data was compressed in each part. When the first part was done, I had hundreds of words categorized into 18 categories. Finally, four categories of the child view and two categories of the learning view remained. The child view in the children’s individual plans and in the ECEC curriculum were mainly similar. One difference was found in the individual plans. In the children´s individual plans a desire for a compliant child was found. The child was expected to participate in activities and to be compliant in transitions for example when moving from indoors to outdoors. The impact of the physical environment on children's learning was not mentioned in the individual plans, but the ECEC curriculum highlighted the impact of the physical environment. The role of the adults in a child's learning was emphasized in both types of documents, but the child’s role seemed to be forgotten in the children´s individual plans. In the ECEC curriculum the concepts learning and development are used as two separate concepts while the two concepts are used as synonyms in the children’s plans. This study indicates that the two concepts have different meanings. They are used separate in theory but are used as synonyms in practice
(2020)The aim of this study is to examine coaching from an adult learning perspective and to form an understanding what kind of adult learning processes are involved in coaching. In addition, the purpose is also to form an understanding of potential elements that contribute to learning and elements that can slow down, or even hinder learning. Related to this is the exploration of methods and tools used by coaches to facilitate the learning experience. The research data for this qualitative research was collected by interviewing seven ICF coach practitioners. Theory-guided content analysis was used to analyse the interview mate-rial. Andragogy, experiential learning and transformative learning were used as reference theories that could possible explain the findings from the research material. The findings show that the adult learning processes that are at play in coaching are related to reflective activity, which create awareness that then trigger action. An action with successful outcome, a tested hypothesis proves effective, creates a durable and concrete change, or transformation, in the way of thinking and or acting in the person. All three adult learning theories, that provided the framework for this study, were found to be relevant in one way or the other. None of the theories could alone explain the learning processes that happen in coaching. Andragogy provides a good framework for the overall practical process steps in coaching. Experiential learning provides a good framework in explaining the process of reflective thought, hypothesis testing and action. Transformative learning, on the other hand, provide an understanding of the processes that happen when the testing of hypothesis succeed and transformation occurs in the learner. The fundamentals elements contributing to a positive coaching experience were found to be several. Client’s aptitude for coaching, coach's professionality, a good dyadic relation based on trust and external support from manager and organization were among the important contributing factors.
(2020)At the time of conducting this study, the Finnish upper secondary schools were facing a major change in the school system. Universities were changing their admission system, and a reform in upper secondary education resulted in a new curriculum for the school year 2021, five years after the current curriculum was put into use in 2016. Guidance counseling has gained a more prominent role in the curriculum and individual counseling and development has become increasingly emphasized. The proportion of upper secondary school teachers who often experience stress has risen from 14% to 17% between 2017 and 2019, and previous research indicates that guidance counselors are at risk of burnout. Stressors have been discovered to be lack of timely resources, lack of role clarity and a large workload. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Finnish guidance counselors’ well-being at work, and how they experience their workload. This is explored on the basis of the variables job satisfaction, satisfaction regarding job duties, social support, time resources, access to further training, experienced challenge and experienced stress. The data was collected with an electronic questionnaire sent out to the guidance counselors in Swedish speaking upper secondary schools in Finland, a total of N = 42. The questionnaire was answered by a total of N = 22, all of which were analyzed in the study. The program IBM SPSS 25 was used in the processing and analysis of the data. All group comparisons are performed with nonparametric tests: Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test by ranks and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The results showed that the guidance counsellors generally experienced a high level of job satisfaction. Symptoms of stress or perceived burnout had a negative correlation with several factors: job satisfaction, perceived social support, timely resources at hand, and a higher experience of stress and challenge. Work experience was also significant for job satisfaction. Despite this, the guidance counselors with experiences of stress or burnout reported a high job satisfaction.
(2023)The aim of this research is to highlight the challenges and opportunities of the two-year pre-primary education trial. To find out how the pedagogy in the trial has been adapted to achieve the goals in the curriculum to further develop early childhood education in Finland. Previous research shows that educators play a central role in children's development and learning. The research also indicates that there are some challenges in early childhood education. It is therefore necessary that this experiment be investigated to see if the idea behind the experiment is really implemented and worked. The research questions that have been highlighted are how the two-year pre-primary education trail is perceived among the pedagogues and how the pedagogy has been adapted to achieve the goals in the curriculum. Eight educators in Swedish Finland working in the pre-primary education where the two-year pre-primary education trial is being carried out participated in the study. In this study, an educator can be a teacher in childhood education, a childcare worker, or a sociologist. This study was done through a qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews with the educators. The results showed that the educators have a positive approach to two-year pre-primary education. The educators see the lack of support from management and staff resources as the biggest challenges with the trial. The educators also highlight many possibilities with the trial. A two-year pre-primary education brings extended opportunities for both children and educators, which creates an equal and qualitative education. The results also reveal that the five-year-olds attending the one-year pre-primary education have very different levels of knowledge, which affects equal education according to the pedagogues. Overall, the educators believe that the trial of two-year pre-school education forms a good whole for the children's development and learning. The results for the second research question indicate that the educators take into account the age differences in the children participating in the trial and that they work in a play-pedagogical way. The informants agree that the trial of the two-year pre-primary education has a positive effect on the children's development and learning.
(2022)Aim. Since the spring of 2020 a large number of students were forced to study from home because of the coronavirus. As a result of the pandemic, a discussion has been raised about contact teaching and the importance of physical interaction on site. The purpose of the study is therefore to develop knowledge about how the relationship between personal, learning and environment-specific factors has changed during the pandemic. There have been divided opinions about whether the pandemic and the new study routine has affected the students perception of the learning environment, the students self-efficacy, the study-related burnout and the academic achievement. Even when you look at the earlier research done on the consequences of the pandemic, it shows varying results. Methods. The survey is based on a quantitative analysis. Data was collected by using the electronic HowULearn questionnaire, administrated by the Centre for university teaching and learning (HYPE). The data was collected at four separate occasions and divided into two groups, pre-pandemic (spring 2018- spring 2019) Npre= 207, and during pandemic (spring 2020- spring 2021) Npand=166. The first group consisted of 141 Swedish speaking social science students and 66 educational students, while all students in the second group were social science students. Although the sample consisted of students from different faculties, the sample was treated as a whole. Using the statistical program SPSS, the collected data was analyzed, using factor analysis, t-test, variance analysis and regression analysis. Results and conclusion. The results showed that the Swedish speaking students experienced their studies in various ways during the coronavirus. In general, the students thought that the education kept a high standard even during the remote teaching period. Also, the feedback that the students received has been considered more rewarding and giving during the pandemic. No differences were found in the students' self-efficacy. As what comes to the possibility for collaboration, the students found it to be more difficult during the pandemic then prior to it. During the pandemic the students considered themselves more emotionally exhausted then before. Based on the regression analysis, the results showed that the academic achievement during the pandemic, unlike before, was affected by only difficulties in learning and cynicism, which reflects the limiting effects of remote learning.
(2020)A good occupational health is what every human wish for. Because people spend a lot of their time at the workplace the concept occupational health is an important factor to consider as a leader. Also due to a raise in the retairement age and changes in worklife, occupational health has become a current and known topic at workplaces. Occupational health refers to wellbeing at work and that an employee should experience physical, psychological and social wellbeing at the workplace. In this study the teachers occupational health is in focus. This study aims to find out wether a headmaster conducting a healthpromoting leadership would be of advantage for the teachers, when it comes to experiencing a good occupational health. It also aims to find out if teachers have any certain expectations regarding healthpromoting leadership and what thoughts they have conserning the topic occupational health and their own experienced occupational health. Background and contextual research consist of theory and previous studies on leadership, leadership in schools, healthpromoting leadership, educational leadership and occupational health. The thesis is a qualitative research project with a phenomenograpic perspectiv. The data was collected in fall 2019 and the sample consisted of eight teachers from swedishspeaking schools in the south of Finland. The data was collected through semistructured interviews and was later on analysed with help of inductive content analysis. The result refers to that most of the teachers have sometime during their career experienced a minor setback concerning their occupational health and consider therefore a healthpromoting leadershipstyle to be desireble. The teachers expectations are many and individual. Their expectations refer to being present, structured and flexible, and communicativ as a headmaster. Characteristics of the headmaster that the teachers refer to as being important for their occupational health are trust, honesty and personality. Other important leadership qualities for a headmaster to have is to give support and structure, and to be good at allocating resources and time. The research result can hopefully contribute to a better occupational health for the teachers true healthpromoting leadership. In addition, the result can give an indication, not only to the headmasters, but also to municipalities and state institutions, concerning what has to be accomplished and altered within education for the teachers to achieve a good and sustainable occupational health.
(2019)The MeToo movement struck like a flash of light through social media worldwide in 2017. Since then, the dialogue concerning sexual harassment has continued, despite the discussion remaining subdued in several places. The deep-rooted culture of silence seems to choke the words in our throats. How should the prevailing silence be broken? The purpose of this research is to investigate the forms of sexual harassment that occur at Finnish workplaces and the consequences these harassments have for individual victims and entire work communities. Furthermore, I am interested in how sexual harassment is prevented in Finland. The theoretical framework consists of definitions of sexual harassment and the MeToo phenomenon as well as an examination of current legislation, previous research and the construction of the culture of silence. The research was conducted as a qualitative study with a phenomenographic research approach. In addition, an educational-feminist perspective has been used, which is illustrated as the perception that knowledge is produced collectively and is context-bound. The material consists of five semi-structured interviews. The material collected from the interviews was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results revealed that the informants ask for clear practices for action when there is a suspicion that sexual harassment takes place in the workplace. Further, different ways of harassment are described as well as workplace cultures, which enable harassment, discrimination and the current culture of silence. The consequences of sexual harassment vary between individuals, two of the informants sought outside help, two did not mention the topic at work and one did not experience the harassment at work as particularly anxiety-provoking. With my research, I want to highlight concrete practices through which Finnish work communities can effectively fix and prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment.
(2022)Aim. Employee selection is an activity that strongly affects the competitiveness of organizations and their opportunity for success. Decision making in employee selection is often believed to be rational and objective, but research has shown that rationality is not the only factor in recruiters decision making (Goings et al., 2021). It has been shown that intuition is part of human decision making and that intuition is present during employee selection regardless of the recruiters will (Miles & Sadler-Smith, 2014). Research has highlighted intuition as a cognition that through domain specific experience can develop into a form of expertise. This expertise is called expert intuition and can be used as support for decision making (Salas et al., 2010). The aim of this study is to explore recruiters use of intuition with focus on work experience and how it affects recruiters use of intuition in decision making. Methods. The study was conducted as a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews as method for data collection. The participants consisted of eight recruiters whose work experience varied between 3 and 20 years. The collected data was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results showed that the recruiters used intuition in their decision making and the majority of them felt that intuition plays an important part in employee selection. The recruiters used their intuition mostly during the job interview and at the end of the recruitment process. Intuition was also seen as useful while reviewing CVs, LinkedIn profiles and in situations where time is limited. The recruiters felt that their work experience had led to development of their intuition and to an increased thrust in their intuition. The majority of the recruiters felt that their work experience had neither led to an increased or decreased use of intuition in their decision making.
(2022)Research shows that women are treated differently than men in news reporting, and sports reporting is no exception. Female athletes are underrepresented in media and are often de-scribed in terms of other attributes than their performances. Research exists regarding how equally media reports about sports, but there is a lack of research regarding the way, in which newspapers write about gender equality in sport, and whether such research perhaps would lead to a more equal reporting. Agenda-setting journalism can affect readers’ views on sports and may thereby contribute to maintaining the lower status of women’s sports. Because newspapers are part of one’s informal learning, agenda-setting journalism can indirectly have an impact on one’s informal learning. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to examine how two daily Finnish newspapers write about gender equality in sports, by analyzing all articles that have been published in 2020 that deal with aspects related to gender equality in sports. The thesis assumed a qualitative research approach. In the gathering of the data, altogether about 100 articles were identified in the two newspapers, whereafter the identified articles were analyzed thoroughly using qualitative content analysis. In the analysis seven themes emerged, which were then analyzed and interpreted to answer the research questions. In 2020 HBL and HS reported about gender equality in sports on a broad spectrum. The re-sults showed differences in the newspapers’ sports reporting. HBL wrote more frequently and comprehensively about gender equality in sports, they reflected upon their responsibility and how the situation could improve. HS had several journalists among the analyzed articles than HBL. Many articles in HBL were defined as opinion pieces which touched upon injustices fe-male athletes experience and brought attention to problems, HS had no opinion piece. Con-clusions that can be made are that HBL to a larger extent highlights existing injustices and brings attention to problematic situations and unequal terms. HBL reflects upon their own role and acts through for instance their project where the goal is a gender equal sports journalism. HS doesn’t as clearly take a stand on unfair terms and doesn’t consider their responsibility as a big newspaper with power to influence people. An agenda-setting journalism has large part in how the readers regard (women’s) sport, and to not clearly promote gender equality can re-sult in that one’s informal learning is affected. It can lead to readers being unaware of the ex-isting situation.
(2022)Previous studies have shown that the workload has increased for teachers due to Covid-19, which can have affected their job satisfaction. At the same time, other challenges have been reported in the teaching profession that creates a concern regarding the number of teachers who want to change jobs. Research also shows that it has been challenging for principals to balance the various tasks of leadership during Covid-19, which raises questions regarding what kind of leadership needs to be prioritized by principals during a longer period of crisis. The purpose of this study was thus to find out what kind of support primary school teachers need to maintain job satisfaction during Covid-19, how primary school teachers describe principals' leadership and what kind of leadership primary school teachers consider important during Covid-19. Previous studies in the research area that concern primary school teachers' job satisfaction and principals' leadership were used as a background for the study. Seven certified primary school teachers with at least one year of work experience during Covid-19 participated in the study. The study used qualitative research methods and semi-structured interviews as data collection method. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using inductive content analysis. The study was based on a phenomenological perspective. In line with previous research, the results of the study showed that the informants thought that the collegial support had been the most important support for maintaining job satisfaction during Covid-19. The informants also thought that they needed more peace of mind than they had during Covid-19, because it took a lot of time to get acquainted with new rules and restrictions. The results showed that the informants thought that principals had a greater focus on administrative leadership than the pedagogical leadership during Covid-19. At the same time, the informants believed that principals did not have the opportunity to lead during Covid-19, but instead acted as mediators of information. In line with previous research, clear communication was highlighted as an important part of principals' leadership during Covid-19. It was also clear that according to primary school teachers, it is important that the principal is physically present in the school and visible to the teachers during Covid-19.
(2023)Reaserch shows that children do not get the recommended amount of daily intensive physical activity. The program named “Småbarnspedagogiken i rörelse” (Child care on the move) is a program that intend to help leaders and teachers to engage the children to get more physical activity during their day at the childcare center. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the impact that the program had on leaders that want to inspire their personal to expand the amount of physical activity for the children, and what methods they have used. The main theory for this study is Bronfenbrenners ecological model. In the study participated three municipalities from southern Finland. A survey with open questions was sent to the leaders of childcare centers with an electronic link. The material from the survey was analyzed by content analysis. The main result of the study was that the children did not get enough of the intensive physical activity and that the leaders had experienced challenges with the program. The most common challenge was that the leaders did not get the staff to participate in the work to increase physical activity for the children. Training in how to lead change would be needed for the leaders.
(2023)This master’s thesis was written in association with University of Helsinki’s SATSA-project (Social and cultural sustainability in ECEC) and explores how directors of early childhood education understand sustainability and what responsibility they address themselves in maintaining socially and culturally sustainable organization cultures in their respective kindergartens. Sustainability issues are highly significant within today’s society and the policy for ECEC also emphasizes sustainability to a high degree (Utbildningsstyrelsen, 2022). It appears that the role of directors of ECEC has not been examined to any larger extent from a sustainability perspective in previous research. The objective of this study is to develop a deeper understanding for organization cultures and leadership in ECEC and the relationship between them from a sustainability perspective. Based on this objective the following research questions were formulated: 1. How do directors of early childhood education describe a sustainable organization culture? 2. What responsibility do directors of early childhood education address themselves in maintaining socially and culturally sustainable organization cultures? To answer these research questions the study was carried through with a qualitative method and phenomenography as the research approach. The data consists of seven recorded and transcribed interviews with directors of ECEC. These half-structured interviews were carried out remotely with directors from several kindergartens around Svenskfinland. The data was analysed with a phenomenographic analysis process inspired by Dahlgren and Johnsson (2019). The results of the study showed that directors of ECEC described sustainable organization cultures by focusing on cultural and social aspects such as structures, agreements, diversity, connection, open communication, and well-being. They pointed out economic and ecological aspects of sustainability to a lesser extent. The result also showed wide descriptions of areas of responsibility. The directors saw themselves having an important role in maintaining socially and culturally sustainable organizations cultures by taking care both of their own and their staff’s well-being and by maintaining structures in their respective kindergartens. They saw presence, availability, cooperation with the staff and a responsibility of the big picture as their significant roles in maintaining the organization cultures. To be able to understand the broad role of directors of ECEC in their work, it needs to be looked at from a sustainability perspective. Furthermore, the implementation of sustainability in organization cultures could be clarified for example with the help of educating the directors. This way the directors could form a unified vision on what sustainability could implicate in an early childhood education context from a leadership perspective.
(2021)Due to advanced technology and globalization people have greater physical flexibility which also applies to workplaces. Employees in offices can work in more flexible ways which makes distance work even more common. The traditional office environments that we have been using for a long time are making way for more flexible offices, the most flexible of them is called agile workplace. Everyone is located in the same space, both leaders and workers, in the agile workplace office. Distance work is more common and the hierarchy be-tween the leader and the workers is smaller. The aim for this study is therefore to take a closer look at what challenges and possibilities the leaders experience in the agile workplac-es as well as how leaders experience stress and well-being in these offices. The purpose is also to study how the situation with the virus covid-19 year 2020 affected the leaders and their experience of stress and well-being during this time. Nine (9) interviewees participated in the study. The informants were leaders in agile work-places. The study used a qualitative research method with phenomenological semistructured interviews. The interviews were then analysed by a thematic analyse method with an induc-tive approach. Results indicate that challenges occur regarding the noises and disturbances in the offices. There also occur challenges regarding tasks that demand concentration and when dealing with confidential material. Possibilities was found in the environment itself as well as the freedom and flexibility in the office environment. The agile workplace created possibilities regarding quick and effective communication, great social interaction and the office contrib-uted with great ergonomics. The interviewees had good well-being and did not experience stress due to the office environment. Covid-19 had not affected the informants significantly. Some experienced occasional stress due to the virus. They had more leisure time which af-fected their well-being positively while the social contacts had been erased which had a neg-ative effect on their well-being.
(2020)Digital learning environments were introduced in the 1990s and have since then become a well-established part of today´s education. This study is written as the use of virtual learning environments increases rapidly, although it is still surrounded by challenges and uncertainty in regard to experiences, results and efficiency. Simultaneously, our society demands more of Finland´s educators than ever before, and the teaching staff is in greater need of support to manage the complexity of their work. The need for flexible, well-functioning in-service training was evident already at the beginning of the 2000s, which this study and the larger project are a response to. The aim of this study was to examine the efficiency of in-service training in a virtual context, to bring light to the challenges the participants still face, and to examine how the participants experience meaningful learning. The theoretical basis was Ausubel´s theory of meaningful learning, with additions by Jonassen as well as Ruokamo and Pohjolainen. The experience of meaningful learning was examined by five categories: commitment to teamwork, interest for the subject, discussion, professionalism and evaluation. The study is a part study in the LUMATIKKA-project, which is a cooperation between the Finnish National Agency for Education and a large number of universities. The data used in this study was gathered in 2018, through a survey sent out to participants in five courses within the project. The survey was completed three times per course to measure the experience of the participants and was filled out by N= 102 individuals. The statistical programme SPSS was used to process and analyse the material. The results showed that the participants had a positive experience in the LUMATIKKA-project, although the means of the categories commitment to teamwork and discussion declined during the courses. The participants who took part in the courses targeted at their specific school level were more satisfied than their colleagues in the general courses. No differences were found between the sexes. Differences were found in regard to age, showing that the younger participants were more negative than their older colleagues. Differences were found in regard to educational stage, stating that the teachers in grades 7-9 were more negative than their colleagues. Despite the differences in the sample, all participants were overall positive and stated that the courses felt meaningful to them. By offering well-functioning in-service training to teachers, we can support them in their profession and increase their competencies needed to educate the people of tomorrow.
(2024)Aims. The main goal of this study is to view if certain phenomena are present regarding men’s career advancement in female dominated industries. The main theory used in this study is the theory of the glass- escalator by Williams (1995). In this theory men advance quicker than women in female dominated industries, but also end up in specific specialties within the workplace. Other central concepts include gender segregation of the labour market and gendered organisations. The aim of the study is to shed light on phenomenon that possibly contribute to inequality in the workplace. Methods. The study was conducted as a quantitative survey in selected departments of a certain university hospital in Finland. The examined group included clinically working nurses, assistant head nurses and head nurses. The selection of departments was based on findings in existing theories. The questionnaire received 453 responses. The data has been analysed with the SPSS statistics program, using mostly cross tabulation. Findings and conclusions. The glass-escalator phenomenon could not directly be observed in the data. Other related phenomena could however be detected. In Williams (1995) study it was noted that men who work in female dominated industries were predominantly found to be working in departments that could be identified as stereotypically masculine, which she called men’s enclaves. The phenomenon was repeated in this study where men were mostly working in the acute and psychiatric departments. It also appeared that though men weren’t overrepresented in the head nurse positions (the highest position in this study), there were significantly more men working as assistant head nursers in relation to women working as assistant head nurses.
(2022)The purpose of this study is to find out in what ways mothers experience that the coronavirus pandemic has affected the interaction with their youngest child. I also wish to contribute to early childhood education by finding out how we can support children with an insecure, but organized, and disorganized attachment style and to find out in what type of way the parents wish to receive support in their parenting. Earlier studies show that the parent´s sensitive intonation to the child affects its security, the ability to regulate emotions, and the relationship with the parent. This is called attachment. Children with inadequate attachment to their mothers have a higher risk of developing depression-like symptoms. The child´s ability to mentalize develops in relation to the parent and is a prerequisite for the child to develop empathy and compassion. Children with a secure attachment style have a better ability for mentalization during childhood. The material for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews with seven mothers whose youngest child was born in the year 2020. The material was analyzed inductively based on qualitative content analysis. The results showed that the mothers believed that the coronavirus pandemic had isolated them from their everyday life. They felt more tired, more irritated, and had been forced into more flexibility than before. The mothers hadn´t felt alone despite the coronavirus pandemic since their partners had teleworked from home. Three of the interviewed mothers had regular contact with a psychologist or a psychotherapist during their pregnancy. Two of them had continued their therapy after the childbirth. One of the interviewed mothers showed indications of depression. All mothers described their relationship with their newborns and how their interaction took place during everyday life during the coronavirus pandemic. Five of the mothers showed indications of a secure attachment style and two of the mothers showed indications of flaws in their attachment relationship to their newborn. The mothers´ foremost expectation of the day-care staff was trustful and open communication, support in their parenting, and the supporting of their children´s social relations. To support the parents and the children´s interaction, it would be desirable that the daycare staff and the staff at the child health guidance clinics were educated according to the mentalization guide.
(2024)Maisterintyö tutkii ohjelmistokehityskonsulttien oppimisen halua ja kykyä tukevia tekijöitä. Teoreettinen viitekehys ja aikaisempi tutkimustausta selittävät oppimista sosiokulttuurisen ja kognitiivisen oppimisteorian avulla. Molemmat näkökulmat ovat tarpeellisia tässä tutkimuksessa, koska asiantuntijatyön vaatimukset oppimisella ovat vahvasti sidoksissa sosiaalisen osaamisen tasoon ja kapitalistiseen kulttuuriin. Toisinaan oppimisen halua ja kykyä voidaan ymmärtää laajemmin yhdistämällä kognitiivinen näkökulma sosiaaliseen rinnalle, joka käsittää henkilökohtaiset edellytykset oppimiselle merkittävinä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena haastattelututkimuksena, jossa seitsemän asiantuntijan kokemusten syväanalyysi pyrkii vastaamaan viiteen tutkimuskysymykseen. Oppiminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen ovat henkilökohtaisia prosesseja, joiden ymmärtämiseen vaaditaan kattavaa analyysiä asenteista, uskomuksista ja ympäristöstä, jotta eri tekijöiden vaikutukset tuloksiin voidaan huomioida. Tutkimuksen tulokset kertovat, että oppimista haittaavien asioiden poistaminen ja hyvinvointia tukeva ympäristö, merkityksellisyys, tietoisuus, työssä oppiminen ja yhteisö ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä konsulttien halussa ja kyvyssä oppia.
(2020)Since the nature of work is constantly changing, many people might have to educate them-selves again or even change their career. Up to 60% of Finland’s working population has changed their profession or branch of industry during their career and about half of those have re-educated themselves. When changing the career or work, one has to acquire a new professional identity. Construction of a new professional identity is a long process and is affected by many different factors. Since the change of career is common and the construction process of professional identity long and complex, it is important to study this topic. The aim for this study is to examine how career changers can acquire a new professional identity. In addition, I will examine how education provider and workplaces can support the development of a new professional identity among career changers. The data was collected by using qualitative research methods and a phenomenographic approach was used. The data was collected between December 2019 and January 2020. The sample consisted of seven interviewees, who all had changed careers and participated in a short training within IT- industry. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and was analyzed through thematic analysis. The results showed that the interviewees could easily acquire their new professional identity after changing their career. Affecting factors were weak engagement with the previous career, motivation for and engagement in the new career as well as support from both the edu-cation provider and workplace. The education provider was able to support the identity pro-cess through offering an education with clear structure and aim, a comfortable atmosphere and activities which prepared the participants for working life. Furthermore, the education provider was able to support participants in recognizing their own strengths and weakness-es, which supported the construction of the new professional identity. Workplaces could support the process by providing opportunities for discussion, a supportive team and a clear structure in the work. Colleagues attitudes played a big part as well.
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