Browsing by Subject "early childhood education"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
(2019)The usability of digital games in education has been studied from many perspectives; games are an effective learning method, but using them has also risks. Teachers' beliefs and perceptions on benefits and disadvantages of digital games have been researched in many European countries. Teachers' perceptions of digital games in teaching have been largely positive, but teachers have also been avoiding games in learning, especially in education of young children. The aim of this study was to find out the perceptions of Finnish early childhood education teachers on the benefits and disadvantages of digital games in teaching. The study is a qualitative thus having also quantitative features in data collection and data analysis. The main method of data collection was a questionnaire distributed to ECEC teachers on Internet. The indicator is based on a study by Allop & Jessel (2015), which explored the beliefs and reflections of European teachers on the use of digital games in education. The material consists of answers to a questionnaire distributed to answerers in teacher platforms on Internet (N = 25), who said they had acted as a teacher of early childhood education in the previous year. The results are broadly in line with those of previous researches: Early childhood education teachers generally regard the use of digital games in teaching important, but resources and staff skills easily become an obstacle to their exploitation. Since most teachers saw the importance of digital games but lacked resources to exploit them, it is important to find a solution that would make it easier for teachers to use digital games appropriately in teaching.
(2017)The purpose of my research was to find out Riihimäkis municipal nurserys kindergarten teacher experience of their mental well-being. My research questions are: What affect about nurserys kindergarten teachers mental well-being? Where did kindergarten teachers get their strength mental wellbeing? What things kindergarten teachers experience challenging or hard for mental well-being now and future? While watching the media and after listening to working in the field, I notice a lot of discussion about kindergarten teachers mental well-being. Because of this I was interested on the subject. I wanted to research what are typical problem areas about kindergarten teachers mental well-being, in other words what things affects mental well-being, give strength or make working hard, and what can be done for things. My research was done by oriented theory, and using a semi-structured questionnaire, which participated 25 kindergarten teachers. My reseach was qualitative and my approaches was phenomenographic. The results showed that mental well-being in job encourage positive atmosphere, ac-ceptance of diversity and appreciation of another work. People hoped open discussion be-cause speechlessness and failure to handle matters affects interaction problems and nega-tive atmosphere. Teachers think that good atmosphere, working interrelationships and struc-tural factors affects mental well-being at job. Good atmosphere is supportive and relaxed. There should be suitably humor. Structural factors are exemple working shift and clear divi-sion of labor. There should be time for interaction, in work community, with childrens parent and with children. Noise and hurry is things that affects hard time. These affects stress and feeling of inadequacy. Teachers told that there is too much work out of group, and that dis-turps working time with group. It is very difficult to carry out high quality early childhood edu-cation in hurry. They try to control stressing situations that they take care of themselves like identify their own resources and being gracious themselves. They try to handle things in main thing first and they try to anticipate and organize again at need. Successful experience, others support, positive feedback, childrens joy and when they see childrens development, gives power and meaning for job.
(2024)Tavoitteet. Tutkielmassani keskityin tutkimaan sitä, miten sisaruksen syntymän tuomat eri nivelvaiheet vaikuttavat isosisaruksen varhaiskasvatukseen osallistumiseen ja minkälaisia muutoksia tapahtui. Tutkielman aihe on melko vieras, ja tarkoituksenani on tuoda kaksi lapsuuden keskeisintä elementtiä yhteen. Sisaruus on itsessään haastava tutkimusaihe, sillä aiemman tiedon perusteella perheen sisäiset sisarussuhteet eivät ole edes samanlaisia. Sisaruuden aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on keskitytty vain yhteen muuttuvaan tekijään kerrallaan, joka on usein ollut perheen sisäinen. Tutkielmassani olen laajentanut sisaruuden käsittelyn varhaiskasvatusympäristöön Bronfenbrennerin ekologisen teorian avulla. Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin fenomenografisen lähestymistavan avulla, jolloin pääpaino oli tutkittavien ihmisten kokemusmaailmassa tutkittavan ilmiön suhteen. Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluilla ja niissä hyödynnettiin virikekuvia. Haastattelut toteutettiin yksilöhaastatteluina, joihin osallistui yhteensä 5 huoltajaa. Haastateltavien valikointi perustui lasten pieneen ikäeroon, samassa päiväkodissa olemiseen sekä luottamussuhteeseeni huoltajien kanssa. Sisarusparit olivat olleet samanaikaisesti samassa päiväkodissa 3.5kk–1v 10kk haastatteluhetkellä. Aineiston analysointi toteutettiin aineistolähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä, jossa aineistosta löydettiin erilaisia nivelvaiheita joko perheen tai varhaiskasvatuksen sisältä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineistosta löytyi yhteensä 6 nivelvaihetta, joista viisi oli isosisaruksen varhaiskasvatukseen osallistumisen kannalta vaikuttavia. Muutokset olivat nivelvaiheissa joko laadullisia, ajallisia tai molempia samanaikaisesti. Ajalliset muutokset näkyivät varhaiskasvatuksessa vietetyssä ajassa esimerkiksi lyhyempinä päivinä, satunnaisina vapaapäivinä tai taukoina. Laadulliset muutokset liittyivät isosisaruksen varhaiskasvatuksessa olemisen muutoksiin esimerkiksi käytöksen tai tunteiden muutoksilla. Tutkielmasta on mahdollista soveltaa aihetta jo ennestään tutkittuihin sisaruuteen vaikuttaviin tekijöihin, ja mikä niiden vaikutus on ollut varhaiskasvatukseen osallistumiseen tai tutkia, miten isosisaruksen läsnäolo vaikuttaa nuorimman lapsen varhaiskasvatukseen osallistumiseen. Näiden lisäksi tutkielman aihetta voidaan soveltaa pitemmälle lapsuuteen ja nuoruuteen sekä tutkia sisaruuden merkitystä osana muita siirtymiä.
(2018)The purpose of this Bachelor’s Thesis was to examine how distributed pedagogical leadership showed in the interviews of daycare center leaders. In this Thesis, the subject is examined, analyzed and interpreted in the framework of Fonsén’s (2014) broad phenomenon concentrating on the following dimensions: context, organizational culture and management of substance. The governance and legislation of early childhood education has been under amendment procedures during the past years and the process is ongoing. Research has shown that the base for high-quality early childhood education is formed by high-quality pedagogical leadership. The standpoint of distributed pedagogical leadership looks deeper on pedagogical leadership and transfers to examine it on an interactional level. From this point of view, leadership can be seen as a shared responsibility, for which everyone is responsible for basic mission on their positions expanse. This study is a part of an international leadership research ”Discourse of leadership in diverse field of early childhood education” lead by Elina Fonsén. For this thesis I interviewed four daycare center leaders from Helsinki. The method of the interview was a focus group and my role was to be a facilitator in the situation. This research was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. The study was reported as a dialog with theoretical frame, empirical material and researcher of this study. The results of the study showed that in the leaders’ discourses it is possible to construe features of “pre” distributed pedagogical leadership. For example, this was visible from the discourses when leaders were speaking about kindergarten teacher’s pedagogical leadership being responsible of pedagogy in the group. On the other hand, leaders also simultaneously evaluated the quality the kindergarten teacher’s pedagogy. The results of the study also show that the focus of leadership in early childhood education is shifting from individual management towards distributed leadership. When basic mission was developed only by the leaders in the past, nowadays the whole staff is involved in developing the basic mission.
(2019)Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miksi lasten fyysinen aktiivisuus on tärkeää varhaiskasvatuksessa ja mitkä menetelmät lisäävät sitä. Fyysisen aktiivisuuden lisääminen on ensiarvoisen tärkeää varhaiskasvatuksessa. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on pohdittu fyysisen aktiivisuuden, sekä hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden merkityksellistä yhteyttä. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan hyvinvointi kulkee vahvasti käsi kädessä liikkumisen kanssa. Varhaiskasvatuksessa lasten ulkoilulla on ollut suuri merkitys sekä lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen että liikkumiseen. Tutkimuksen aineistona on kuusi tieteellistä artikkelia ja se on toteutettu narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineiston artikkelit käsittelevät lasten liikuntaa ja fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja sen tärkeyttä sekä menetelmiä, jotka lisäävät fyysistä aktiivisuutta varhaiskasvatuksessa. Jokainen tutkimuksen artikkeli on esitelty erikseen myöhemmin kirjallisuuskatsauksessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset näkyivät fyysisen aktiivisuuden lisäämisen tärkeydessä muun muassa sekä karkea motoristen että hienomotoristen taitojen kehittymisen vuoksi. Fyysisen aktiivisuuden avulla pystyttiin myös vaikuttamaan lasten oppimiseroihin. Lasten kokonaisvaltainen hyvinvointi oli kytköksissä fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen. Lasten kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin kuuluu sosiaalinen, psyykkinen ja fyysinen kehitys. Nämä kaikki kolme kehityksen osa-aluetta vaikuttavat sekä lapsen hyvinvointiin että liikkumiseen. Tutkielmani aineiston artikkeleissa toistuivat samat elementit fyysisen aktiivisuuden lisääjinä, kuten ulkoilu ja ympäristötekijät. Ympäristötekijöihin kuuluvat muun muassa päiväkodin henkilökunta ja tilat, sekä päiväkotien resurssit ylipäänsä. Oppimisympäristöllä oli merkittävä vaikutus fyysisen aktiivisuuden lisäämisessä. Erilaiset lelut ja leikit lisäsivät fyysistä aktiivisuutta. Tutkimuksissa osoitettiin myös, että aikuisen tuki voi olla tärkeää lapsen fyysisen aktiivisuuden lisäämisessä.
(2020)The aim of this study is to collect together the theoretical and pedagogical aspects of bullying and its prevention among early childhood education. The target is to create and see the big picture of the hole phenomenon, based both on the crucial and on the latest research works on the field. In addition, one aim of the study is to collect together the information of existing pedagogical operating models, which can be used to prevent and intervene bullying. The study was carried out by reading and analysing through already existing and published researches, articles, books, e-publications and websites. The work was marked out by two Finnish dissertation researches of bullying among early childhood education (Laaksonen, 2014; Repo, 2015a). Interest was also directed to that material, which has been published after these dissertation researches. The research is a theoretical research. That means that the subject has been studied by using existing research literature. Because bullying is strongly a group phenomenon, the subject was studied by using the sociocultural framework. The complexity of bullying phenomenon appears clearly in this study. To be able to prevent bullying, it is essential to understand the diversity of phenomenon. In early childhood education the work against bullying is based on prevention. That means that it is present strongly in everyday life in the kindergartens. Significant factors in bullying prevention work can be found in the levels of operational culture and socioemotional skills. Significant factors on the operational cultural level are for example the sensitive presence of the adults in the group and utilization of diverse pedagogy. On socioemotional level the significant factors in prevention of bullying are in turn for example interaction- and emotional skills and self regulation skills. When the group is healthy, the risk for bullying in the group decreases.
(2023)In recent years, language awareness (LA) has gained prominence as a fundamental concept in education, often intertwined with the complexities of multilingualism in contemporary educational settings. This research presents a systematic literature review aimed at investigating the concept of LA within the context of early foreign language learning. Drawing upon the theoretical framework proposed by James and Garrett (1995), encompassing the performance, cognitive, social, affective, and power domains, the study seeks to assess the current state of LA research within the context of foreign language learning in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Employing a deductive content analysis approach as a structured framework, this research focuses on two primary objectives. Firstly, it conducts an in-depth exploration of the scope and depth of LA research within early foreign language learning. Secondly, it comprehensively explores the pedagogical strategies employed to foster LA in ECEC. The analysis relied on a corpus of seven relevant articles obtained from searches in ERIC and JECER databases. The study's findings reveal the prevalence of affective and social LA domains in ECEC settings, with a strong association to the beliefs and attitudes of ECEC teachers concerning linguistic diversity. Furthermore, the results shed light on the potential for teachers to develop LA pedagogies that cultivate dynamic multilingual learning environments. This potential is intrinsically tied to the pivotal role of fostering collaboration between home and ECEC, acting as a catalyst for the promotion of multilingualism within ECEC settings.
(2018)This study examined how children with special needs can be supported in kindergarten if their parents are unwilling to receive support for their child or refuse it. Another aim was to examine why parents refuse support according to kindergarten´s teachers. In the kindergarten it is not exceptional phenomenon that parents are not willing to cooperate with the professionals and refuse support. According to the National Core Curriculum of Early Childhood Education and Care: “In early childhood education for every child should be given support for the development and learning if the child needs it although child´s parents won`t commit to cooperation”. This is contradictory to the fact that often getting the resources to support the child requires a diagnosis. In order to get the diagnosis, however, parental permission is needed. The study was carried about as a qualitative study. There were 27 early childhood teachers who responded to the questionnaire that was published on a Facebook-group. Children with special needs were mostly supported with pedagogical support if their parents refused supporting. Structural support, with some more resources, was only given a few cases. Emotional and behavioral disorders and speech and language impairments were men-tioned the most often in the responses. There were many different reasons for the parents to refuse the support. The most mentioned was that parents didn´t think that their child needed any support. Parents were also afraid of the stigma associated with support. In conclusion the reasons for the parents´ refusal of support included attitudes of surroundings, contextuality of the child´s behavior and matters such as the parents´ own wellbeing. When parents refuse supporting, children are supported in pedagogical ways without added resources. However, multi-professional cooperation is utilized.
(2016)The purpose of this research is to find out how children’s participation comes about in local pre-school curriculums. Secondly I want to find out how educators’ role to support children’s participation comes about in the local pre-school curriculums. Children’s participation is important from several points of views – from individual to the whole community’s viewpoint. This is why it’s important to make children’s participation visual also in pre-school, so that children can grow and be supported to become influencing adults. The new local pre-school curriculums and the rising culture of participation makes children’s participation a topical and interesting phenomena to research about. As research material were seven local pre-school curriculums from large Finnish cities. All of these curriculums are based on National Pre-school Curriculum (2014). Material was ana-lized with theoretical content analysis and quantification. Results show that it is clear that in pre-school children’s participation is an important empha-sis. From the material there was found plenty of mentions about children’s participation and the role of an educator to it. Children’s participation was emphasized in the execution of ac-tivity. However, these mentions were really general, and the more specific forms and ways concerning children’s participation were left to be planned by the units where pre-school is organized. When the different roles of educator’s and the phases and qualities of participation are made visible enable its use in daily activities. This supports the progress of the participation’s cul-ture. As a follow-up research it would be worthwhile to research children’s participation through observing.
(2018)The aim of this study was to explore what are the factors that kindergarten teachers’ think make their job reasonable. In public conversations often discussed topics of early childhood education are the burden factors of the teachers profession, such as massive groups of children and lack of subtitudes. Because the positive sides of kindergaten teachers’ job are not discussed very often, I wanted to explore what are the factors that make kindergaten teachers job reasonable, especially since it’s often considered as a profession of calling. Kindergarten teachers’ thoughts of their job resources is not very widely searched topic in Finland, but researches of teachers’ experiences and international studys of kindergarten teachers’ job show that job resources are good. Studies have found, that children and their growing and learning are common and important job resources in any teachers’ job. Other significant factors are work community, leadership and work autonomy. This study is qualitative. It has been made in a mid-sized town in southern Finland. Three kindergarten teachers, who work in kindergartens with children from 3 to 5 year old, were interviewed for this study. Every interviewee has a bachelors degree from university and had work experience for at least five years. Interviews were semi-structured and they were analysed using the thematic analysis method. The results of this study are in line with earlier studies. All the interviewees liked working with children and considered seeing children grow and learn as a significant job resource. Good work climate and functioning co-operaton with workmates were considered as important job resources. Results also show that with right attitude worker can protect oneself from burden factors. In this study it was also shown that job resources have an influence on each other. For example, clear division of work enabled the utilization of one’s professional knowledge, which for it’s part affected to the work climate. Results show that there are many job resources in kindergarten teachers’ work.
(2019)The aim of the study was to investigate the ways in which teachers of early childhood education use nature as a learning environment to support children's development and how children are able to form a relationship with nature. The objective was to investigate teachers' pedagogical methods in using nature as a learning environment and other factors affecting a child's development in this context. In addition, the aim of the study was to determine the impact of the use of nature as a learning environment on the formation of children’s relationship with nature. The theory section focuses on concepts related to the study and the studied effects of nature as a learning environment on child development. The theory section also discusses the pedagogical possibilities of using nature as a learning environment in the context of early childhood education. In addition, the theory section highlights the factors that enable or prevent the development of a child's relationship with nature, and the effects of this relationship on a child’s development. The research questions are: 1. How do teachers use nature as a learning environment to support child development? 2. What have teachers discovered about the impact of using nature as a learning environment on the formation of children’s relationship with nature? The research method was qualitative and the material was gathered using semi-structured interviews. The material was gathered by interviewing three early childhood education teachers working in Helsinki in the municipal sector. The interviews were conducted individually. The analysis of the material was carried out using a theoretical content analysis method. The basis for classification was a theory-based analysis frame with its upper and lower classes. The study found that teachers use nature as a learning environment in diverse ways to support children’s development. Pedagogical activities in nature focus mainly on mathematics, physical activity, mother tongue and literature and environmental education. The teachers agreed that the use of nature as a learning environment benefits children in many ways. Particular benefits were observed in children’s motor skills and socio-emotional development. Children who previously had a weak connection with nature were able to form a stronger relationship with nature. It can be concluded from the research results that the use of nature as a learning environment in the context of early childhood education contributes to the development of children in many ways. Also, it can be said that the time spent in nature contributes to the relationship that the child forms with nature.
(2019)The aim of this bachelor thesis was to study multiculturalism in Finnish children´s literature. The study concentrates specially to observe if there are other ethnic- and cultural backgrounds appearing expect what could be perceived as Finnish and how they are represented. The subject for the research surfaced from the information that there is significant amount of people with multiculturalism background in Finland. Through the study was the find if the finish children books reflect the current realities of the population. In the theory section I defined multiculturalism as a term and introduced history of children’s literature and children’s picture books as a device in education of children. The research was carried out by choosing the most popular children’s picture books sold in 2017-2018. The books were chosen if they were written originally in finnish. The reason for this was that the picture books had to portray Finland´s perspective of multiculturalism. The research method used was qualitative. The research was carried out using theory-driven content analysis. The content analysis enabled the analyzing and classification of the data. Theory-driven analysis proceeded with the condition of the data while at the same time bringing terms from the theory. In the study I found out that ethnic- and cultural backgrounds were not apparent in the picture books in any other way than in darker skin color of the character and differing background was not for example referenced in the text. Furthermore, there were no main character of different ethnic and cultural background in the picture books. All the characters with potential multicultural background were minor characters.
(2018)Aims. Sexual education in early childhood aims to protect and support child’s sexual development (WHO, 2010). Even though the contents of sexual education can be found in the Finnish national early childhood education curricula, the specific term sexual education cannot be found in them. The aim for this study was to get familiar with studies concerning sexual education in early childhood in order to identify the arguments for sexual education and deduce the aims for sexual education. The intent of the researcher was to understand why sexual education is important and which goals should it try to achieve. Methods. This study was conducted as a narrative literature review with the goal of forming an image of the arguments and aims for the sexual education in early childhood. The study material consists of five peer-reviewed journal articles that addressed the sexual education of early childhood and were published between the years of 1997 and 2017. The material was analysed by thematic analysis which made it possible to bring forth meaningful themes in the light of the study questions. Results and conclusions. In the center of the arguments for sexual education was an understanding of the meaning of sexuality for humanity. According to the arguments, sexuality is already an integral part of human life in childhood and children should be given information about sexuality in their early years. The themes that concerned the aims for sexual education emphasized the aim of supporting children’s sexuality through a holistic approach. According to the results, sexual education should increase children’s knowledge of sexuality, teach them skills that they need in relationships and prepare them to take care of their own safety and wellbeing, while considering their age and developmental stage.
(2019)Creativity is highly valued in the world of education and developing children's creative skills is considered important. This is reflected, for an example, in the early learning plan (finnish “varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet”) and in the national core curriculum (finnish “perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet”). The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers (early education teachers and primary school teachers) perceive creative children and creative process. The research is carried out as a qualitative theory-based content analysis and the research material is based on three Finnish master's theses. One master's thesis examines the views of early childhood educators on creativity, the second on the perceptions of early childhood educators and primary school teachers, and the third is solely about the perceptions of primary school teachers. Early childhood education teachers perceptions and primary school teachers perceptions on creativity have been considered separately and as a whole. The study revealed that both early education teachers and primary school teachers think that a creative child is insightful, enthusiastic, interested, determined, distinctive, free and brave. Creative children have the courage to think outside the box and do things their own way, even against the rules. Creative children are intelligent, have a good imagination, come up with solutions to problems, know how to identify problems and give new meanings to things. Creative children have knowledge and skills of the field that they are creative in, they are gifted, artistically talented and rich in ideas. Teachers recognized the stages of the creative process and other factors related to the process. They think that creative process can be the result of a brainstorm or a new idea, and that the beginning of the creative process can be preceded by a chaotic state. The communal aspect of a creative process was particularly present in the primary school teachers comments and the early education teachers comments included clear stages of the creative process. Teachers believe that an adult plays a significant role in the generation of children's flow experiences. Teachers play a key role in the development of children's creativity and through their perceptions, one can increase understanding of how well the early education or school environment supports children's creativity. Finding out the teacher's perceptions provides a good starting point for further research to find out, for example, how well teachers' daily activities with children support the development of children's creativity.
(2022)Tavoitteet. Lapsen oikeuksien sopimuksen solmimisen jälkeen varhaiskasvatuksessa on noussut lasten osallisuuden teema keskeiseksi kehittämisen kohteeksi. Tässä tutkimukses sa selvitettiin varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien käsityksiä ja kokemuksia musakärrytoiminnas ta sekä mahdollisuuksista edistää lasten osallisuuden kokemuksia ja kielen oppimista. Tut kimuksessa tarkasteltiin osallisuutta, kielen oppimista ja vuorovaikutustaitoja, jotka ovat keskeinen osa inklusiivista varhaiskasvatusta. Sosiokulttuurisen kielenoppimisnäkökulman mukaan kieltä opitaan käyttämällä sitä vuorovaikutuksessa. Päiväkotiyhteisön kannalta ratkaisevaa on tukea tarvitsevien lasten ja suomen kieltä opettelevien lasten hyötyminen laadukkaasta oppimisympäristöstä, johon musakärrytoiminta sisältyy. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaas tatteluilla Teamsin välityksellä ja tutkimukseen kuului myös havainnointitehtävä haastatelta ville opettajille. Haastattelut suoritettiin yksilöhaastatteluina, joihin osallistui kolme varhais kasvatuksen opettajaa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tulosten mukaan haastateltavat arvioivat musakärrytoiminnan hyväksi ja sopivaksi malliksi kaikille varhaiskasvatusikäisille lapsille. Erityisesti se vahvisti lasten, joilla oli erityisen tuen tarpeita ja suomea toisena kielenä opettelevien lasten osalli suuden mahdollisuuksia ja kielenoppimista. Toiminnan avulla nekin lapset, jotka eivät voi neet kommunikoida puheen avulla, pääsivät ja rohkaistuivat osallistumaan toimintaan ja saivat kokemuksia osallisesta oppimisesta. Kielen oppimisen osalta lasten vuorovaikutus lisääntyi, sanavarasto laajeni ja motivaatio kielen oppimiseen kasvoi. Musakärrytoiminta innosti ja rohkaisi opettajia käyttämään musiikkia enemmän ja tuotti näin lisäosaamista ja motivaatiota aikuisillekin. Tulosten mukaan musakärrytoiminta arvioitiin monipuoliseksi, pedagogiikkaa ja osallisuutta lisääväksi malliksi. Tärkeimmät syyt tälle olivat välineiden laadukkuus, verkostotapaamiset ja osaamisen lisääntyminen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että haastateltavien mukaan musakärrytoiminta tukee lasten osallisuutta ja kielen oppimista monipuolisesti. Osallisuutta koskien kehitettävää löytyi lasten suunnitteluun osallistumisessa. Mallilla on myös laaja-alaisempia ulottuvuuksia pedagogiikkaan. Käytännön jatkosovelluksissa on hyvä ottaa huomioon kokonaisvaltaisen oppimisen ja laaja-alaisen osaamisen mahdollisuudet.
(2016)This study is meant to examine the variety of opinions of educators (kindergarten teachers,childminders) about one group of children in day care. The goal is to find if educators that work with one group of children see the same three (3) children alike. This study collects the opinions of one team of kindergarten educators together to compare them with each other. Research questions are 1. How do the members of the team describe the children of the group? and 2. How do these opinions about children differ or support each other? Results are formed out of individual interviews answers, which are observed from human’s individuality’s perspective, considering characteristics such as temperament and personality. Categories of temperament and development of personality are presented in this study’s theory for their influence to educators’ findings and opinions about children. In this study both the children’s and educator’s individuality is emphasized, and it also brings different perspectives to the material. Earlier studies have shown that human’s individuality affects to interactions development and its maintenance. There is also research that shows how teachers opinion of a child affects how teacher evaluates the child, and therefore also child’s identity. This study emphasizes the importance of professional attitude. One kindergarten group in metropolitan area took part in this study. There are three educators working in that group; two kindergarten teachers and one childminder. Research material was collected with individual interviews alone with each team member (3). Children to this study were picked coincidentally, and according to these children the educators answered to 12 same questions. In coincidence all three children were boys. In addition to these ready-made questions interviewees were asked to exemplify some of their answers with examples of situations. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, after which they were categorized and analyzed. In results the team turned out to be quite similar according to their answers and opinions about the children were alike. A couple of the answers were different but any great contrasts weren’t found for example between educators or between a particular child and educator. One child separated educator’s opinions more than two other children. By all appearances the team is close, cooperative and familiar with the children.
(2020)Perinteisen ydinperheen rinnalle on noussut yhteiskunnan ja kulttuurin muuttuessa erilaisia perhetyyppejä. Aiemman tutkimustiedon mukaan nämä erilaiset perhetyypit ovat vähitellen siirtyneet myös lastenkirjallisuuteen. Lastenkirjallisuuden avulla lapset voivat oppia ja kohdata erilaisia asioita. Perheiden monimuotoisuus tavoittaa varmasti jokaisen lapsen viimeistään peruskoulussa. Lastenkirjallisuus on yksi muoto, jonka kautta lapset voivat saada tietoa perheiden monimuotoisuudesta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella lastenkirjallisuudessa esiintyviä perheitä ja erilaisia perhetyyppejä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ja vertaillaan kahden eri murroskauden aikana julkaistujen realististen lasten kuvakirjojen perheiden ja perhetyyppien eroja. Tutkimuksen avulla halutaan selvittää, miten perhetyypit eroavat 1910–1950-lukujen ja 2010-luvun lastenkirjoista. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimukseen valittiin kirjoja kahdelta eri lastenkirjallisuudessa tapahtuneelta murroskaudelta. Analysoitaviksi kirjoiksi valittiin kuusi kirjaa, kolme molemmilta murroskausilta. Kirjoiksi valittiin Jalmari Finnen Kiljusen herrasväki, Laura Ingalls Wilderin Pieni talo suuressa metsässä, Astrid Lindgrenin Melukylän lapset, Anneli Kanton Vilma Virtanen ja uimataito, Elisa Niemisen Lotta Torvinen ja salaperäisen käärön arvoitus ja Katriina Rosavaaran Villiina ja isosiskopakkaus. Kirjoista löytyi neljää eri perhetyyppiä: ydinperhe, suurperhe, ”aviopari ilman lapsia, puolisot eri sukupuolta” ja sateenkaariperhe. Lähes kaikki kirjan perheistä voitiin tyypitellä useammaksi kuin yhdeksi perheeksi. Eniten kirjoissa oli ydinperheitä. Eri murroskausilla julkaistujen kirjojen perhetyypeissä oli jonkin verran eroja. Kirjan perhetyyppeihin ja murroskausien eroihin vaikuttavat yhteiskunnassa vallitsevat olosuhteet ja tilanteet sekä mielipiteet ja käsitykset perheistä. Tutkimuksen avulla voidaan löytää lapsille hyviä kirjoja, jotka käsittelevät erilaisia aikakausia ja perheitä. Näiden kirjojen avulla lapsi voi tarkastella omaa perhettään suhteessa muiden perheisiin. Esimerkiksi varhaiskasvatuksessa tutkimukseen valittuja kirjoja ja kirjojen perheitä voidaan tarkastella esimerkiksi keskustelun, leikin ja kuvataiteen avulla.
(2024)Tavoitteet. Kiusaaminen on paljon tutkittu ilmiö koulumaailman puolella, mutta ollut pitkään melko vähäisellä huomiolla varhaiskasvatuskontekstissa. Tutkimusten mukaan (Repo ja Sajaniemi, 2012) kiusaamisen yleisin muoto varhaiskasvatuksessa on vertaisen poissulkeminen ja tutkimukseni keskittyy tarkastelemaan tätä kiusaamisen muotoa. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on tutustua varhaiskasvatuksessa työskentelevien ammattilaisten ja lasten näkemyksiin poissulkemisesta sekä työntekijöiden mahdollisuuksiin ehkäistä lasten välisiä poissulkemisen tilanteita. Menetelmät. Tavoitteena tällä tutkielmalla oli kuvailevan narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin kuvata, millaisia merkityksiä lasten väliselle poissulkemiselle annetaan ja miten sitä voidaan ehkäistä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tuottaa syvällisempää ymmärrystä ilmiöstä. Tutkimusaineiston keruussa käytettiin Boolen-hakutekniikkaa sekä manuaalista hakua. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu seitsemästä vertaisarvioidusta, suomen tai englanninkielisestä eri maissa tehdyistä tutkimusartikkeleista. Aineistoksi valikoituneet tutkimusartikkelit sijoittuivat vuosien 2012–2023 väliin. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä toimi aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin kautta teema-analyysi, jossa tutkimusaineiston tuloksista ja johtopäätösosioista saadut tulokset koottiin yhteen tutkimuskysymyksittäin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksista nousi esiin erityisesti poissulkemiselle annetuista merkityksistä kolme teemaa, jotka nimettiin seuraavasti: poissulkemisen muodot, poissulkemiseen liitettävät syyt ja lapsen tietoisuus poissulkemisilmiöstä. Työntekijän mahdollisuuksista ehkäistä poissulkemista omassa ryhmässään nousi tutkimusaineistosta kolme teemaa; työntekijän ammattitaidon kehittäminen, toimintakulttuurin kehittäminen sekä lapsen taitojen kehityksen tukeminen. Tulosten myötä pystytään tunnistamaan poissulkemisilmiön sisällä eri muotoja ja ymmärtämään, mitä varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijä voi tehdä ehkäistäkseen sitä omassa ryhmässään. Työntekijöiden ammattitaidon kehittäminen nousee tärkeäksi tekijäksi poissulkemisen ehkäisemiseksi. Jatkotutkimusideoiksi nousevat tämän tutkimuksen pohjalta eri kulttuureiden ja kontekstien merkityksen tutkiminen poissulkemisilmiölle sekä kiusaavan lapsen näkökulman tutkiminen.
(2018)The purpose of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to study different opinions of worldview education among those who work on the field of early childhood education or study the domain of science. These opinions are divided into five different approaches to worldview education (antireligious, monoreligious, multireligious, interreligious and intrareligious approach) which are based on Ubani’s (2015 & 2013) and Sterkens’ (2001) studies of religious and worldview education in primary school and early childhood education. The data of the study were collected by internet survey which was shared to three different Facebook-groups. All the groups are intended for early childhood educators and students regardless of their duty on the field or educational background. The survey consisted of both quantitative and qualitative questions but only the qualitative ones are included in this study. The qualitative part of the survey consists of six optional questions. The data of the study consists of forty-two respondents (n=42) and a total of 203 (n=203) responds to optional questions. This study is a case study of those respondents. The data were analysed with theory-based qualitative content analysis based on Ubani’s (2015 & 2013) and Sterkens’ (2001) studies. All the responses were classified to separate groups based on five different approaches to worldview education. If the responses had opinions which belong to several different approaches, these responses were classified into several groups. The purpose of the study is not to classify respondents into different approaches of worldview education but to examine how the different opinions of the approaches of worldview education are appeared in the responses. In addition to that, study is a case study of these respondents without aspirations to generalize the results of the study. Results of the study show that all the approaches to worldview education appeared on the respondents’ opinions of worldview education. However, all the opinions within one approach to worldview education did not appear and all the approaches and opinions were not as common as others. Results of the study show that opinions that point toward a multireligious approach opinions were most general among responses.
(2023)Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksia työhyvin-voinnista. Varhaiskasvatus on ollut paljon esillä mediassa ja keskustelussa on ollut muun muassa alalla vallitsevat epäkohdat ja haasteet, sekä huoli niin lasten kuin aikuistenkin turvallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokevat oman sekä yleisesti varhaiskasva-tuksen opettajien keskuudessa vallitsevan työhyvinvoinnin tilan tällä hetkellä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin millaiset tekijät edistävät ja heikentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien työhyvinvointia ja millainen merkitys niillä on työnteossa varhaiskasvatustyössä. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena keväällä 2023. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin e-kyse-lylomakkeella. E-kysely jaettiin ammattiryhmän Facebook-ryhmässä nimeltä ”Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat”. Kyselyyn vastasi 14 varhaiskasvatuksen opettajana työskentelevää henkilöä. Aineiston avulla vastattiin tutkimuskysymyksiin, joiden tavoitteena oli selvittää miten varhaiskasvatuksen opet-tajat kokevat oman työhyvinvointinsa tilan tällä hetkellä, sekä millainen kokemus heillä on yleisesti varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien keskuudessa vallitsevasta työhyvinvoinnin tilasta tällä. Lisäksi tutki-muksessa selvitettiin mitkä tekijät edistävät ja heikentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien työhyvinvoin-tia ja millainen merkitys niillä on työntekoon varhaiskasvatustyössä. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat arvioivat yleisen alalla vallitsevan työhyvinvoinnin tilan selvästi heikommaksi kuin omansa. Yksilöiden työhyvinvoinnin tilan arviot näyttäytyivät moninaisena, osalla heikompana ja osalla lähelle erinomaista. Yleisellä tasolla työhyvinvointi nähtiin suhteellisen heikkona. Vastausten perusteella päiväkotikohtaisia eroja varhaiskasvatuksen laadussa ja toiminnassa on suuresti, mutta epäkohtia sekä haasteita kuitenkin voidaan löytää lähes kaikkialta. Vastaajat kokevat, että työhyvinvointi vaikuttaa työhön varhaiskasvatuksessa monella tapaa. Työssään viihtyvät iloitsivat esimerkiksi toimivasta tiimistä ja kannustavasta ilmapiiristä, kun taas työstään väsyneet nostivat esiin muun muassa epäammattimaisen tiimin ja haasteet palautumisessa. Merkittävimpinä työhyvinvointia edistävinä tekijöinä pidettiin työkavereita, hyvää esimiestyötä ja työyhteisön yleistä ilmapiiriä. Merkittävimmiksi työhyvinvointia heikentäviksi tekijöiksi taas nostettiin henkilöstövaje, vähäinen esimiehen tuki ja suuret ryhmäkoot. Tutkimus antoi todenmukaista tietoa kyselyyn vastanneiden kokemuksista työhyvinvoinnista. Vaikka tulokset olivatkin yksilöiden vastauksia, niistä voidaan päätellä varhaiskasvatuksen työhyvinvoinnin tilaa myös laajemmin.
Now showing items 1-20 of 27