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Browsing by Subject "laadullinen sisällönanalyysi"

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  • Aulio, Mikko (2023)
    Supplementary bird feeding is a popular pastime, as well as one of the most important types of human–wildlife interaction, in Western countries. Bird-feeder sites are visited by birds, mammals, as well as other animals; some of these species are wanted visitors, some unwanted. Supplementary food at feeding sites offers visitors benefits, at least during winter. However, effects at the species, population and community level can be complex, and none of these levels necessarily benefit automatically from supplementary feeding. On the other hand, bird feeding generally increases human wellbeing. Animal attitudes affect the way we think about non-human animals. It has been discovered that how we view animals visiting feeding sites affects the ways in which people feasibly change the supplementary feeding they provide. Research on the subject has mostly been Anglo-American in context to date. Animal attitudes also affect official rules and regulations that govern the supplementary feeding or control measures of wildlife, for example. In this thesis, I have investigated the responses from a 2021 survey by the Finnish Museum of Natural History (Luomus) and BirdLife Finland. The survey was concerned with supplementary bird feeding and recent changes thereof. The survey got over 14,000 responses, over 9,000 of which included answers to open-ended questions. I sifted through the open-ended responses to find out which animal species and other organisms affect supplementary bird feeding provided by the respondents, and why. I utilised both quantitative and qualitative research methods to uncover such organisms and their effects. I used qualitative content analysis as my main method. I discovered that there are many types of primarily animal-/organism-related reasons behind changes in bird-feeding behaviour. I categorised these 28 reasons under seven subcategories within three main categories. Many of the reasons can have both negative (stop/decrease/shorten) and positive (start/increase/extend) effects on supplementary feeding. A discernible portion of the reasons are propped by one animal attitude or another. The category-based assortment of reasons acts as the main finding of this study, and it reflects the complexity of animal attitudes. I have additionally listed all taxons (species/groups of organisms) found in the survey responses along with their effects on supplementary feeding. I have produced novel information on which animal-related factors affect supplementary bird feeding in Finland, and why. Were we to better understand the inherent complexity of animal attitudes, authorities’ facts-based decision-making and a favourable general attitude towards endangered-species conservation could be enhanced. Zoonosis control could also gain new perspectives from novel information.
  • Haapanen, Liisa (2013)
    In this master's thesis, I examine 21st century criticism of economic growth. The aim of the study is to understand what economic growth represents to growth critics. The research question is: what are the central themes of contemporary growth critique? The research material consists of three books: Tim Jackson's Prosperity without growth – economics for a finite planet (2009), Peter Victor's Managing without growth – slower by design, not disaster (2008) and the Finnish translation of Serge Latouche's Petit traité de la décroissance sereine (2007, Finnish translation Jäähyväiset talouskasvulle published in 2010). A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the material. In this method, manifest and latent meanings of the text are condensed and categorized in order to identify the key themes of the text. The analysis reveals three central themes in the criticism of economic growth. Each offers a different perspective to economic growth, to the proposed alternatives and to the opposition between growth protagonists and antagonists. First theme is growth as a phenomenon, which focuses on concrete ecological and social impacts of economic growth. The main argument of the growth critics is that the social and ecological costs of growth exceed its benefits in the western countries. In addition, they argue that economic growth cannot be viably combined with reducing ecological impact of human activities. The second theme is growth as an institution, which focuses on the institutional dependence on growth as well as institutional structures supporting growth. The critics' opinion is that these institutions now form a vicious circle in which people serve the economic growth and not vice versa. Also the proposed institutional change for disentangling society from growth is relevant to this theme. The third theme is growth as an ideology, which focuses on economic growth as a hegemonic belief and value system as well as a political goal above other goals. Under this theme, the growth critics promote emancipation and outline an alternative ideology. One main conclusion of the study is that the growth critics are not in favour of the opposite of economic growth, i.e. they do not promote a diminishing economy as an end in itself. Instead, their critique opens up a discussion on an alternative society which does not revolve around the economy and its size. However, this alternative is not pictured very clearly in the research material. It seems that the growth antagonists are able to describe what they oppose more elaborately than what they support. Another conclusion is that there is an internal tension within current growth critique. When examining economic growth as a concrete phenomenon the critics suggest indifference towards economic growth. Yet, under the other two themes the approach is everything but nonchalant since dismantling the institutions and ideology of growth will hardly be achieved without intentional resistance. Since the three books analyzed lean on and draw from earlier and contemporary references critical to economic growth, the three themes might be utilized in analyzing and understanding growth critique in general. However, this should be verified in further studies. What is more, when applied to other texts one might discover new themes not covered in this study. Because this study concentrates on the aspects that the three books representing growth critique have in common, in the future one should examine whether there are different schools of thought within the 21st century growth critique. Another interesting subject for further studies would be to apply the three themes to analyzing degrowth visions and possible degrowth experiments.
  • Mauranen, Aleksanteri (2018)
    Tässä maisterintutkielmassa tutkin romanialaisen taloustieteilijän Nicholas Georgescu-Roegenin (1904–1994) vaikutusta ekologisen taloustieteen koulukunnan muodostumiseen. Laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin tutkin Georgescu-Roegenin avainajatuksia kahdeksan tekstin (artikkeleita, luentoja ja postuumisti julkaistu käsikirjoitus vuosilta 1970–1989) valossa ja vertaan niitä ekologisen taloustieteen ominaispiirteisiin. Teen myös katsauksen Georgescu-Roegenia käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen ekologisen taloustieteen kentällä. Näin saan kaksi näkökulmaa hänen intellektuaaliseen vaikutukseensa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella arvioin myös Georgescu-Roegenin sosiaalista vaikutusta ekologisen taloustieteen syntyvaiheilla. Kaiken kaikkiaan selvitän Georgescu-Roegenin avainajatuksia ekologisen taloustieteen kannalta ja hänen roolejaan koulukunnan varhaisessa kehityksessä. Georgescu-Roegenin keskeiset ajatukset jäsentyvät työssäni 24 teeman alle, jotka vuorostaan muodostavat viisi kattoteemaa. Ensimmäinen kattoteema, entropia ja luonnontieteet, kuvaa Georgescu-Roegenin ajattelun läpäisevää biofyysistä maailmankuvaa, jota ilman hänen johtopäätöksiään ei voi syvällisesti ymmärtää. Toinen kattoteema, ihmiskunnan historia ja tulevaisuus, kattaa hänen käsityksensä ihmisestä ja ihmiskunnasta sekä erityisesti siitä auttamattoman kestämättömästä tilanteesta, johon entropian laki hänen mukaansa ihmiskunnan sitoo. Kolmas kattoteema, varsinainen taloustiede, käsittelee Georgescu-Roegenin käsityksiä taloustieteen filosofisesta perustasta, sen teoreettisista ja käsitteellisistä ongelmista sekä eräitä teknisempiä ja matemaattisempia erityiskysymyksiä. Neljäs ja viides kattoteema muodostuvat pääasiassa jo aiemmissa kattoteemoissa esiin tuoduista ajatuksista uudelleen järjesteltyinä: kritiikki kokoaa Georgescu-Roegenin kritiikkiä erityisesti muita tutkimussuuntauksia kohtaan sen kohteen mukaan järjestettynä, ja ratkaisut puolestaan esittelee hänen ratkaisuehdotuksiaan niin taloustieteen kuin koko ihmiskunnankin tasolla. Ekologisen taloustieteen kannalta Georgescu-Roegenin keskeisimmät ajatukset koskevat erityisesti ensimmäistä ja kolmatta kattoteemaa. Aineen, energian ja entropian lain suuri merkitys taloudellisessa prosessissa sekä Georgescu-Roegenin uudelta taloustieteeltä edellyttämät eettinen normatiivisuus ja poikkitieteellisyys ovat ekologisen taloustieteen peruspilareita. Ekologinen taloustiede vastaa monilta osin niihin kritiikkeihin, joita Georgescu-Roegen oman aikansa taloustieteen suuntauksiin kohdisti. Hänen sosiaalis-intellektuaalinen merkityksensä voidaan tiivistää viiteen rooliin: varhainen tiennäyttäjä ja kriitikko; varhainen kokoaja ja teoreetikko; vaikuttava, mutta hankala mentori; kuuseen kurkottava erakko ja kiistelty klassikko. Mahdollisia jatkokysymyksiä samalta suunnalta voisivat olla esimerkiksi Georgescu-Roegenin pääteoksen, The Entropy Law and the Economic Processin (1971), klassikkoaseman tarkastelu tai samantyyppinen vaikutusanalyysi muista ekologisen taloustieteen varhaisista uranuurtajista. Myös ekologisen taloustieteen käytännön tutkimustodellisuuden suhde sen ääneenlausuttuihin periaatteisiin ansaitsisi lähempää tarkastelua. Entropian lakia olisi kiinnostavaa tutkia taloustieteen näkökulmasta joko analysoimalla aiheesta käytyä runsasta keskustelua tai pureutumalla entropian käsitteen antroposentrisyyden ja objektiivisuuden väliseen jännitteeseen.