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  • Raitanen, Henna (2020)
    In this study, the goal was to determine which nutrient, phosphorus or nitrogen, limits the phytoplankton growth at the Vanajavesi freshwater site. The aims were to detect spatial and temporal changes and find out if the wastewater treatment plant (hereafter, WWTP) located by the study site affects the nutrient concentrations and the limiting nutrient. The reliability of determining limiting nutrient by bioassays and measuring the phytoplankton response to different treatments as fluorescence was also evaluated. The study was conducted because knowledge of nutrient limitation is essential when allocating resources to reduce nutrient loading and planning other remediation practices in eutrophicated waterbodies. According to the EU Water Framework Directive, all waterbodies in the EU must be in a good ecological status by the year 2027. This goal is yet to be achieved in Vanajavesi; the ecological status of the river Vanajanreitti is poor and that of lake Vanajanselkä is moderate. The samples for bioassays were taken from five different locations. Three sampling sites were in the river and two by the lake. Based on the direction which the water flows, one of the sampling sites was before the outlet from the WWTP and the rest after it. The bioassays were carried out with the water and natural phytoplankton community taken from the study site. The experiment was conducted five times: in November, March, May, July and August. The temperature and light conditions in the incubation room were set to mimic those in Vanajavesi at each given time. Part of the preparations was to filter out the zooplankton using 50 μm plankton net. There were four different treatments: control without nutrient additions, nitrogen addition, phosphorus addition and nitrogen and phosphorus additions. Fluorescence from the 2 litre incubation bottles was measured every 1-3 days during each experiment. Chlorophyll a was determined in laboratory before and after the experiments. Nutrient concentrations were also determined before each experiment. Small seasonal and temporal changes were observed in the nutrient concentrations and the limiting nutrient. These changes were most likely due to changing seasons, effluent from the WWTP and denitrification at lake Vanajanselkä. Phosphorus limited phytoplankton growth year around at all places. At the end of the summer also nitrogen was limiting. In July co-limitation was detected in all sampling sites. In situations of co-limitation there was either no secondary limiting nutrient, or it was phosphorus. Only once, in August at the sampling point before the outlet from the WWTP, was the secondary limiting nutrient nitrogen. On average the nutrient concentrations were higher in the river than in the lake. Chlorophyll a concentrations and some nutrient concentrations were higher after the WWTP. However, no significant negative impact due to WWTP could be detected, especially at lake Vanajanselkä and the WWTP did not result in a change from phosphorus limitation to nitrogen limitation. Bioassays and the phytoplankton yield measured with a fluorometer was a reliable way of determining the limiting nutrient. Chlorophyll a concentrations verified the fluorescence results. The probe used in this study measured only the fluorescence of chlorophyll a. Even more accurate result of the phytoplankton biomass would have been obtained with a probe that measures also the fluorescence of phycocyanin, the photosynthetic pigment in cyanobacteria, because cyanobacteria has less chlorophyll a than other phytoplankton groups. As Vanajavesi is phosphorus limited or co-limited by phosphorus and nitrogen year around, reductions in phosphorus loading will likely improve the water quality. The main source of phosphorus to Vanajavesi is the nutrient loading from agricultural practises on the drainage basin. Efficient management of this diffuse loading will cause the phytoplankton biomass, especially the biomass of harmful cyanobacteria, to decrease. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria is not dependent on the nitrogen concentrations in the water column, but the concentration of phosphorus. Significantly reducing the phosphorus loading is a prerequisite for the Vanajanreitti and Vanajavesi to be in a good ecological status by the year 2027.
  • Jaale, Marko (2007)
    Saaristomeren pinnanalaisen ravintoverkon rakennetta sekä ravinteiden alkuperää ja kulkeutumista tutkittiin hiilen ja typen pysyviä isotooppeja hyväksi käyttäen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat suspendoitunut partikkeliaines (SPM), sedimentin pintakerros, pohjaeläimet, kalat ja makrolevät. Näytteitä otettiin toukokuussa, kesäkuussa ja lokakuussa. Ravinnelähteiden arvioinnin ohella tutkittiin voiko sisäsaariston kalankasvatuksen vaikutusta määritellä analysoimalla kalanrehupellettejä. Lisäksi arvioitiin joidenkin lajikohtaisten tai lajien välisten ominaisuuksien erojen vaikutusta (esimerkiksi eläimen koko ja kudosten C:N –suhde rasvapitoisuuden kuvaajana) δ-arvojen määräytymiseen. Myös joitain tarkennuksia tehtiin lajien ravinnonkäyttöluokituksiin. Sisäsaaristossa toukokuussa pian lumien sulamisen aiheuttaman kasvaneen jokivirtaaman jälkeen SPM:stä havaittiin korkeita δ13C- ja δ15N-arvoja (keskimäärin -16 ‰ ja 9 ‰, vastaavasti). Ulkosaariston asemilta saatiin paljon alempia arvoja (-24 ‰ ja 4 ‰, vastaavasti). Sisäsaaristossakin arvot laskivat kesäkuuhun mennessä (-26 ‰ ja 5 ‰, vastaavasti) ollen kuitenkin hieman korkeampia kuin samaan aikaan tutkituilla ulommilla välisaariston asemilla. Kasviplanktonin lajistokoostumusta tutkittiin touko- ja kesäkuussa, mutta suuria eroja ei ajankohtien välillä havaittu. Lokakuussa sateisen loppukesän jälkeen δ13C oli tasainen (-23 ‰ - -24 ‰) koko tutkimusalueella, mutta δ15N oli taas huomattavasti korkeampi sisäsaaristossa (8 ‰) kuin ulkosaaristossa (4 ‰). Päinvastoin kuin yleensä tutkimuksissa on esitetty, tässä tutkimuksessa korkeat δ13C ja/tai δ15N-arvot kuvannevat lisääntynyttä jokien tuomaa terrestristä alkuperää olevaa ravinnekuormaa. Lisäksi kauden aikana suuresti vaihtelevat, mutta silti voimakkaasti korreloivat δ13C ja δ15N indikoivat hiilen ja typen olevan pääosin samaista alkuperää. Kirjallisuudessa ravinnepulssien yhtäaikaisesti korkeat δ13C ja δ15N katsotaan alkuperältään ihmis- tai eläinperäisiksi ja yleensä liitetään karjanlannan käyttöön lannoitteena. Tätä ei kuitenkaan voitu Saaristomerellä osoittaa, koska terrestrisiä ravinnelähteitä ei tutkittu. Kuitenkin muista tunnetuista SPM:n δ-arvoja voimakkaasti muokkaavista tekijöistä voitiin poissulkea ravinnerajoitteisuudesta johtuva fraktionaation muutos sekä synteettisten lannoitteiden käyttö ja kalankasvatus ravinnelähteinä. Pintasedimentistä saatiin paljon tasaisempia δ13C- ja δ15N-arvoja kaikilla näytteenotoilla (keskimäärin -24 ‰ ja 4 ‰, vastaavasti), jotka kuvannevat sedimentoituvan aineksen pitkäaikaisia keskiarvoja. Havaittavissa oli hienoinen laskeva suuntaus kohti ulompia asemia ja monista pohjan lähellä tai sedimentissä elävistä eläimistä saatiin samaan tapaan laskevia arvoja. SPM:n vaihtelevat ja eläinten δ-arvot korreloivat heikosti lukuunottamatta joitakin suspensionsyöjiä (Balanus improvisus ja Mytilus edulis). δ13C ja C:N korreloivat negatiivisesti joillakin lajeilla (Macoma balthica, Monoporeia affinis ja Mytilus edulis), joka johtunee muuttuvasta rasvojen osuudesta kudoksissa. Ainakin näiden lajien käyttöön ravinnelähteiden arvioinnissa kannattaa suhtautua varauksella. Makrolevien δ15N oli n. 4 ‰ korkeampi sisäsaaristossa kuin ulommilla asemilla, joka myöskin heijastanee jokien tuoman terrestristä alkuperää olevien ravinteiden vaikutusta. Fucus vesiculosus, tutkimuksen ainut varsinainen monivuotinen levä, sai 6 ‰ korkeampia δ13C-arvoja kuin muut levät keskimäärin. Gammarus sp:n Idothea baltican δ15N seurasi makrolevien δ15N:n vaihtelua, mutta δ13C:n perusteella arvioituna ne suosivat rehevöitymisen seurauksena runsastuvia rihmaleviä sisäsaaristossa, kun taas F. vesiculosus näytti kasvattavan tärkeyttä ravintona ulkosaaristossa. Hiilen ja typen pysyvät isotoopit osoittautuivat tehokkaiksi työkaluiksi ravinteiden lähteiden ja kulkeutumisen tarkasteluissa erityisesti sisäsaaristossa, vaikkakin joitakin lajikohtaisia piirteitä on otettava huomioon ja joidenkin biologisten prosessien, kuten denitrifikaation osuus fraktionaation aiheuttajana pitäisi määrittää ennen kuin luotettavia arvioita ravinnelähteistä voidaan tehdä.
  • Sarajärvi, Aija (2021)
    Climate change is one of the biggest global threats. Food production is one of the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. It has been estimated that food systems account for 19 – 29 % of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Many studies have shown that products of animal origin cause more environmentally harmful emissions than plant-based products. In order to reach the 1,5 degree target, diets need to become more sustainable and more plant-based. The life cycle of food is being studied more today to identify their climate and environmental impact. The purpose of this study was to determine life cycle assessment of a plant-based protein product. The life cycle assessment started with the initial production and ended with the finished product in the factory. The study did not take into account the transport of products to stores and consumer activities. The study examined six different scenarios, which were e.g. dealing with the conversion of mixed electricity to wind power and the impact of the new alternative packaging on the results. The study was made by openLCA and the databases used Ecoinvent 3 and AGRIBYLASE 3.0. Life cycle assessment was examined using the ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H). The impact categories were global warming, land use, water consumption and freshwater eutrophication. According to this study, converting mixed electricity to wind power can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 49 – 50 %. Converting electricity to wind also significantly reduces land use, water consumption and freshwater eutrophication. Greenhouse gas emissions and phosphorous emissions of plant-based protein are lower than animal origin products. Packaging materials accounted for 7 to 13 % of greenhouse gas emissions. Based on this study, it is recommended to change the primary electric source to wind power.
  • Syrjänen, Aino (2023)
    Human-induced nutrient enrichment has led to eutrophication, which is globally a severe environmental problem in aquatic ecosystems. Eutrophication has a variety of deteriorating effects on marine ecosystems in the form of e.g., cyanobacterial blooms, bottom water hypoxia and anoxia, as well as increased fish and benthos mortality. The Baltic Sea is especially prone to eutrophication due to the combined effects of restricted water exchange and extensive nutrient loads. Nutrient enrichment reinforces primary production which further enhances organic matter remineralisation in the sediment – water interface, leading to oxygen depletion in the bottom waters. Decreased oxygen concentrations on the seafloor can lead to the release of phosphorus bound to reducible iron oxides. The so-called ‘vicious circle’ of internal loading is formed through the further enhanced nutrient release from the sediments into the water column due to the reduced bottom water conditions resulting from increased supply of organic matter into the system. However, the processes controlling phosphorus transport from land to sea through the ‘coastal filter’ remain poorly understood. In this study, sediments from Paimionlahti estuary were examined for phosphorus content and bulk elemental composition. Sedimentary phosphorus contents were determined through chemical extractions. The extracted fractions of phosphorus (P) include Fe oxide bound P (Fe-P), authigenic apatite P (Ca-P I), detrital apatite P (Ca-P II), and organic P (org-P). The fraction of Fe-P dominated in the upper sediment layers in most sites, whereas more unreactive fractions associated with P burial remained constant through sediment depth. The generally unreactive forms of P illustrated increasing trends towards open sea areas, partly explained by changes in the overall sediment composition as well as by potential differences in environmental conditions among sampling sites. The highest amounts of Fe-P were recorded in sites with the highest sediment accumulation. The results demonstrate that P from rivers is transformed and processed in the coastal zone, delaying its transport to the open sea.
  • Bäckroos, Sini (2021)
    Ornamentit ovat hyödyllisiä kumppaniehdokkaiden arvioimisessa ja kilpailussa toisia lisääntymishalukkaita yksilöitä vastaan. Naaraiden ornamenttien kehittymistä edistää koiraan korkeat lisääntymiskustannukset, kuten poikasten hoito ja pesän rakentaminen. Kehitystä rajoittavat naaraan ornamenteista koituvat kustannukset, jotka rajoittavat jälkeläisten määrää ja selviytymistä munasoluihin käytettävissä olevien resurssien kautta. Ihmisten toiminnasta johtuva lisääntyvä rehevöityminen vähentää näkyvyyttä ja siten haittaa ornamenttien käyttöä niin kumppaneiden houkuttelussa ja arvioinnissa kuin samaa sukupuolta olevien kilpailussa. Lisääntymiskauden aikana sekä kolmipiikkikoirailla että naarailla on havaittavissa ornamentteja. Itämeren rehevöitymisen on havaittu vaikuttavan kolmipiikkien lisääntymiseen usealla tavalla, kuten seksuaalivalinnan heikkenemisellä ja muutoksilla munien kuoriutumistodennäköisyyteen. Kolmipiikkinaaraiden ornamentin käyttötarkoitukset ja rehevöitymisen vaikutukset siihen ovat kuitenkin vielä tuntemattomia. Tutkin rehevöitymisen vaikutusta kolmipiikkinaaraan ornamenttiin avoimessa ja suojaisassa habitaatissa sekä ornamentin yhteyttä naaraan hedelmällisyyteen. Selvitin, vaikuttaako ornamentin voimakkuus naaraan kumppaninetsintäaktiivisuuteen, koska ornamentin on aiemmin havaittu kertovan lisääntymismotivaatiosta. Lisäksi testasin, suosivatko koiraat ornamentillisia naaraita ja vaikuttaako näkyvyys koiraan valintaan. Tulosteni mukaan naaraan ornamentti ei ilmaissut naaraan hedelmällisyyttä eikä habitaatin suojaisuus vaikuttanut ornamentin kehitykseen. Ornamentin ylläpito ja kumppaninetsintä ovat molemmat resursseja kuluttavia toimintoja. Saadakseen kumppanin heikompilaatuisen naaraan on mahdollisesti panostettava enemmän koiraan etsimiseen kuin ornamenttiin ja siksi havaitsin heikompiraitaisten naaraiden olevan aktiivisempia kumppaninetsinnässä. Naaraiden ornamentti voimistui naaraan ollessa kosiskelevan koiraan seurassa. Kolmipiikkikoiraat suosivatkin ornamentillisia naaraita ja kykenivät valitsemaan ornamentillisen naaraan näkyvyyden heikkenemisestä huolimatta. Toisaalta näkyvyyden heikkeneminen vähensi koiraan kosiskeluaktiivisuutta. Kolmipiikeillä molemmat sukupuolet käyttävät ornamentteja kumppaninvalinnassa, mutta naaraan ornamentin hyödyt koiraalle vaativat vielä lisää tutkimusta.
  • Tauru, Antti (2024)
    As an almost enclosed sea, the Baltic Sea is generally defined as eutrophic, as external nutrient loading has exceeded the natural processing capacity of the system during the last 50-100 years. Nutrients have also accumulated in the sediments of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is naturally sensitive to eutrophication due to the combination of very long residence times and stratification increasing deep sea anoxia. Research questions for this systematic review are: how much have the nutrient concentrations and the trophic state of the Baltic Sea changed from the Litorina stage to the end of the pre-industrial era compared with the industrial era – year 2000, how has the nutrient status of the Baltic Sea changed between the year 2000 and the 2020´s and how do the future (modelled) scenarios of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea compare to the present state? This systematic review followed the PRISMA process. To be included in this thesis, each article found in the search had to fulfil at least one inclusion criterion without any exclusion criteria. The aim of the criteria was to find all time-unlimited original studies and necessary review articles. The databases of my thesis are Helka, Helda, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Moreover, I included in my thesis some relevant reports from HELCOM, Finnish Environment Institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland, and Ministry of the Environment. Overall, 89 articles qualified answering at least one research question. 66 articles answered one research question. 19 articles answered two research questions 1-2 and 2-3, but none discussed the combination 1 and 3. Four articles answered all research questions. Over the millennia, hypoxia and cyanobacteria blooms took place in many parts of the Baltic Sea. As the Litorina Sea stabilized, there was more oxygen in the deep basins whilst phosphate decreased in the surface waters. At the beginning of the industrial era, nitrogen and phosphorus loads started to rise significantly. When it comes to the future scenarios of the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, the trophic state might generally 1) decrease, 2) improve somewhat, or 3) improve to a good status in most basins. A near-pristine Baltic Sea is not reached in any of the scenarios.
  • Mannerla, Miia (2009)
    The Baltic Sea suffers from eutrophication caused by the increased use of nitrogen- and phosphorus based fertilizers in agriculture. When these nutrients end up in the water ecosystem, they increase the growth of filamentous algae causing turbidity at many locations. The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) breeds at the shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, which are often eutrophied. In these locations turbidity of the water may interfere with the mating cues used by the three-spined stickleback, which in turn may lead to decreased fitness of the population. I attempted to find out how turbidity alters the use of visual and olfactory cues in the mate choice of the three-spined stickleback, as well as to see if these changes decrease the viability of the following generation. Female three-spined sticklebacks choose their mates based on visual and olfactory cues. During the reproductive season stickleback males turn bright red and attract females to their nests by a conspicuous courtship dance. Females use males' red colouration, size and courtship intensity as visual cues when choosing an appropriate mating partner. They also pay much attention to olfactory cues. Female sticklebacks are able to smell MHC-encoded peptides which are secreted to the males' skin. The allelic combination of MHC determines which pathogens the individual has resistance for, and this resistance may be inherited by the offspring. I empirically tested the use of olfactory and visual cues in the mate choice of the three-spined stickleback using turbid and clear water as treatments. In mate choice tests a female was made to choose from two males in circumstances where she was allowed to use only one of the cues (visual or olfactory) or both cues simultaneously. The redness and size of the males was measured. Artificial inseminations were performed to produce offspring, whose growth rate was measured to evaluate fitness. Based on the results of these experiments, turbidity alters the use of mating cues of the three-spined stickleback. Visual cues seem to be important in clear water, whereas in turbid water olfactory cues increase in importance in relation to visual cues. The sample size was limited to reliably test offspring fitness effects, but it seems that the alteration in the use of mate choice cues may influence population viability in the long term. However, additional research is needed to determine this.
  • Boman, Rasmus (2020)
    The interactions within plankton communities are complex, and realistic modelling of these interactions create a challenge in large-scale environmental models. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate whether Bayesian networks could be a suitable method in the modelling of these communities. Besides observing the interactions between different groups within phyto- and zooplankton communities, another goal was to focus on the potential change on the ecosystem level. To achieve this, dynamic Bayesian networks with hidden variables were used to observe whether structural changes in plankton communities could reveal larger trends in the aquatic ecosystem. To compare performance and accuracy of the model, two Bayesian food webs with differing causal links between observations were built. Of the two models, the simpler construct utilizing hidden Markov model fared better, and a clear trend was detected in the hidden variable. This trend in the time series signify that the relationships between the observed variables have changed during the study period. The plankton data set was collected from the Archipelago Sea between 1991 and 2016 and the results from the model were further analyzed alongside with this observational plankton data. In the samples the total biomass of phytoplankton grew throughout the study period, whereas at the same time the total biomass of zooplankton declined. As the Bayesian network considers the observable variables while maximizing the fit of the hidden variable, the observed trend in the hidden variable indicate that some unobservable variables are affecting both phyto- and zooplankton communities. This clear trend detected by the hidden variable might be related to a trend of increasing eutrophication in the study area, but to better understand the drivers causing this change further research is needed. Besides detecting underlying trends, the dynamic Bayesian networks are a promising method to study the interactions within plankton communities.