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  • Pihlajakoski, Marjo (2022)
    Operations of pharmaceutical supply chain and medication management practices will be evaluated as part of the ongoing social and health services reform in Finland. One of the goals is to develop digital medication management tools and services to meet the needs of both healthcare professionals and medicine users. The aim of this study was to examine population's willingness to use on new digital services by community pharmacies to promote rational pharmacotherapy and to support cooperation between those involved in the medication use process. The material for this study consisted of the national population survey conducted in 2020 for the VN TEAS report “Activation of price competition for pharmaceutical products and the population's expectations for pharmacy operations” (online survey for 18–79-year-old adults, n = 1650). The survey respondents represented well the target population expect those with higher educational level were over-represented. The current study focused on questions related to digital medication management services provided by community pharmacies, which were divided into the following 4 topics to form sum variables: 1) purchasing and dispensing process of medicines (4 items), 2) customer`s communication with pharmacy and health care personnel (2 items), 3) pharmacy and healthcare personnel`s communication with the customer (4 items) and 4) support services for medication self-management (12 items). The associations of the background variables to the sum variables were calculated using cross-tabulation and the Chi-Square test. Frequencies and percentages were used to present. The majority (85–90%) of the respondents were in favor of the possibility of sending messages electronically between the customer, the community pharmacy and other healthcare personnel by using a shared communication channel, such as My Kanta to update medication information online. Multimorbidity, medication use, and higher medication costs increased the respondent’s positive attitude towards the electronic communication channel. Three-quarters (76%) of respondents were willing to use electronic medicine purchasing and dispensing services. Younger respondents (18–34 years) were more interested in these services than older ones. The electronic medication self-management support services had more discrete opinions among respondents. More than half of the respondents indicated their strong willingness to use at least one of the medication self-management support online services listed in the survey instrument. Those aged 18–34 years (69%), those with higher education (62%), those living in the Province of Southern Finland (60%) and those living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (67%) were more positive than others. Of the respondents who opted for pharmacy's remote online services, 55% were willing to seek advice for reconciling their medication list. According to the survey, Finnish adults are willing to use new electronic services by community pharmacies. In particular, they were willing to use a shared electronic communication channel between the customer, the pharmacy and other healthcare personnel, such as MyKanta to update information related to their medication. The willingness to have support self-care support for medication self-management primarily from the pharmacy's online services was lower than the willingness to use online purchasing and dispensing services. Of the remote medication self-management services medication reconciliation had the highest demand. Future research should focus on enhancing use of electronic medication self-management services provided by community pharmacies. Further research should also be targeted to understand medicine user needs for support as it may vary between patient groups, requiring segmentation of services.
  • Tyyskä, Miia (2009)
    Diabeetikoiden määrä lisääntyy jatkuvasti. Samalla hoitokulut ovat kasvaneet merkittävästi. Paras tapa hillitä kustannusten kasvua on hoitaa diabetesta mahdollisimman hyvin. Näin voidaan ehkäistä myös diabetekseen liittyvien oheissairauksien syntyä. Diabeteksen hoidossa on tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota hoidon jatkuvuuteen ja potilaan hoitoon sitoutumiseen. Apteekin henkilökunnan asema on noussut yhä keskeisemmäksi diabeetikon hoitoon sitoutumisen edistäjänä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä on apteekin farmaseuttisen henkilökunnan rooli diabetespotilaan hoitoon sitouttamisessa, elämäntapamuutosten toteuttamisessa ja niiden pysyvyyden varmistamisessa. Asiaa tarkasteltiin voimaantumisen teorian näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten voimaantuminen yksilössä tapahtuu, miten sitä voidaan apteekkineuvonnalla edistää ja mikä on apteekin rooli ulkopuolisena voimaannuttajana. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty Mäntyharjun Havu apteekissa ja se on osa laajempaa tutkimusta, jonka päätavoitteena on kehittää ja testata apteekkeihin soveltuva yksilökeskeinen toimintamalli tyypin 2 diabeteksen hoidon tukemiseen. Toimintamalli perustuu säännöllisiin neuvontatapaamisiin apteekissa. Pro gradu -tutkielmaan analysoitavaksi valittiin tutkimusjoukosta (n=19) ne, joilla tapahtui apteekkiohjelman aikana eniten positiivisia muutoksia yksilötasolla sekä elämäntapamittareilla mitatuissa arvoissa että kliinisissä parametreissa (n=4). Kvaliatiivisessa analyysissä käytettiin sekä deduktiivista että induktiivista lähestymistapaa. Vaikka diabeetikoilla oli tietoa sairaudesta ja elämäntapojen merkityksestä, niin käytännön tasolla jokainen henkilö kaipasi hoitoon ja erityisesti muutosten toteuttamiseen tukea ulkopuoliselta taholta. Apteekin rooli ulkopuolisena voimaannuttajana koettiin erityisen keskeiseksi. Tapaamiset loivat oikeanlaisen ympäristön ja ilmapiirin elämäntapamuutosten toteuttamiseen ja voimaantumisprosessin etenemiseen. Voimaantuminen ruokavaliomuutoksiin oli koko intervention aikana melko nousujohteinen prosessi. Sen sijaan voimaantuminen liikunnalliseen elämäntapaan oli aaltoilevaa. Apteekkitapaamiset sosiaalisena tapahtumana paransivat asiakkaan hoitoon sitoutumista. Asiakas koki, että häntä kohdellaan yksilönä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Voimaantuakseen yksilö tarvitsi aikaa. Vuoden mittaisen intervention aikana voitiin saavuttaa pysyviä muutoksia elämäntapoihin, mikäli yksilöllä itsellään oli halu ja motivaatio sitoutua tukiohjelmaan. Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että tämänkaltaista apteekkiohjelmaa tarvitaan. Nykyisessä kiireyhteiskunnassa ihmiset arvostavat, jos jollakin on aikaa paneutua yksilöön itseensä ja hänen sairautensa hoitoon kokonaisvaltaisesti.
  • Kuitunen, Sini (2014)
    The role of community pharmacy is to ensure and promote medication safety in treatment of outpatients. In Finland a national four-year medication safety program Apila was launched in 2012. The Apila program aims to improve medication safety with pharmaceutical counselling and followup, support development and implementation of new tools and practices promoting medication safety, increase awareness of medication safety as part of patient safety and increase co-operation between community pharmacies and other social- and healthcare services. The objective of this study was to investigate medication safety situation of Finnish pharmacies in the beginning of Apila program. Research data was collected electronically at the end of 2012 by using a two structured survey instruments. Target of the study was the whole pharmaceutical staff of Finnish community pharmacies. There were two separated study samples. Survey instruments were alike for both samples with the exception of one section. One survey was sent to all independent pharmacy owners (n=593) and managers of university pharmacies (n=18). The other survey was sent to one member of pharmaceutical staff in every community pharmacy (n=618) and university pharmacies (n=17). The response-rate of pharmacy owners (O) was 39 % (n=241) and response-rate of pharmaceutical staff (S) was 29 % (n=182). Representativeness of data was good compared to standard population. According to study the barriers built into the dispensing process worked well. Verifying dose (O: 100 %, S: 98 %), interactions (O: 97 %, S: 94 %) and duplicated medications (O: 79 %, S: 70 %) was a common part of dispensing process. Over half of pharmacies had a written standard operating procedure to medication counselling given when dispensing prescribed (O: 74 %, S: 60 %) and over the counter medicines (O: 60 %, S: 60 %). About 90 % of the pharmacies had a standard operating procedure to reporting and managing dispensing errors (O: 92 %, S: 84 %). According to almost all respondents (O: 96 %, S: 91 %) medication errors were reported in their workplace. Though discussing dispensing errors with whole staff (O: 73 %, S: 53 %) and changing course of action after managing dispensing errors (O: 85 %, S: 63 %) was not as common. The respondents were of the opinion that pharmacy had closer co-operation with home care and social services than with health care services. Some pharmacies had agreed with local healthcare how to manage interactions (O: 39 %, S: 23 %), contraindications (O: 36 %, S: 19 %) and prescribing errors (O: 28 %, S: 15 %) discovered in pharmacy. The study indicates that Finnish community pharmacies have good abilities to identify medication related problems. Co-operation between community pharmacies and other social- and health care services should be promoted, because it seems to be superficial. The biggest challenges in risk management are complete invocation of data collected through error reporting and including medication safety audits into quality management. Pharmacy owners' answers to the questionnaire were more positive than staff members', which indicates that actions to promote medication safety should be made more visible. Coordination of medication safety should be emphasized both national and individual pharmacy level. Low response-rates weaken the reliability of the study, but the results are suggestive.
  • Raekivi, Pauliina (2021)
    The Finnish medicine reimbursement system is complex and several different conditions required by the Health Insurance Act (1224/2004) and the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) must be met in order to receive medicine reimbursement. The understanding of medicine reimbursement criteria from the perspective of medicine users has not been studied in Finland before, and little research has been done on the subject internationally. Medicine user-oriented research on the medicine reimbursement system, both in Finland and internationally, has largely focused on the financial opportunities of medicine users to purchase medicines and their opinions on the fairness of medicine reimbursements. The aim of this study was to obtain information on the understanding of medicine reimbursement criteria and the background factors affecting it, the implementation of price, generic substitution and medicine reimbursement counselling in pharmacies, seeking advice on medicine reimbursement, and the financial difficulties of buying prescription medicines. The material used in this study was from the population survey (n=1650), which examined the activation of price competition for pharmaceutical products and customers' expectations of pharmacy operations. The understanding of medicine reimbursement criteria, the price counselling provided in a pharmacy, the effect of financial challenges on the non-buying of medicines and the use of sources of advice related to the medicine reimbursement were described as frequency distributions. The effect of background factors on the understanding of medicine reimbursement criteria was compared using the chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. About a third (31%) of respondents told that they do not understand the basis on which medicine reimbursement is usually received for prescription medicines, and 13% had unclear why they had not been reimbursed for their prescription medicine in the past year. Especially younger age, low income, low medication use, depression and other mental health problems, lack of long-term illness, and insufficient medicine reimbursement counselling in a pharmacy were found to be associated with poorer understanding of medicine reimbursement. 72% of the participants in the study felt that they usually receive sufficient information about the prices of medicines and 61% about the reimbursement of medicines when buying prescription medicines from a pharmacy. Less than half (47%) of respondents felt that they have usually received sufficient information about how the amount of reimbursement for medicines is determined. Slightly over 70% of respondents said that they are usually told about the cheapest medicine available when buying a prescription medicine and/or are suggested to switch to a cheaper one. About 60% were usually told about the difference between the two interchangeable medicines. 88% of respondents would seek information about medicine reimbursement primarily from a pharmacy or pharmacy´s online services. About 3% of all respondents in the study had not bought a medicine prescribed by a doctor for financial reasons in the last six months. Based on the study, about a third of medicine users have remained unclear regarding medicine reimbursements, and not everyone feels that they have received sufficient counselling and information about medicine prices and medicine reimbursements when buying prescription medicines from a pharmacy. Counselling from a pharmacy was found to be related to understanding of medicine reimbursement criteria. Advise on the pricing, medicine reimbursement and generic substitution should continue to be actively provided to medicine users, so that the counselling meets the requirements of the law and the knowledge of the reimbursement system of medicine users can be improved. Based on the results of this study, counselling should be targeted in particular at younger, low-income and from mental health problems suffering medicine users, as well as those who are less familiar with reimbursement issues, for example due to low morbidity or medicine use.
  • Kainulainen, Tuija (2015)
    The significance of OTC product sales has risen in pharmacies because of lower margins obtained from medicines and thus a fall in the revenue. Manufacturing enterprises must pay particular attention to the success of product launches to ensure that their products end up on pharmacy shelves instead of competitors. The study intended to determine if the known key factors of successful launch also apply when launching a product to pharmacy market and if any of these factors was thought to be the most important one from pharmacists' perspective. In addition it was researched if there would be some important factors to be considered exclusively in product launches to pharmacy market and which factors have the greatest impact on pharmacies decision making about the product selection. The study was conducted as a survey directed to pharmacists, in which just launched D-vitamin product Elivo Vahva+ D50 was used as an example product. As a second part of the study few participants were interviewed by e-mail. According to the study pharmacies are interested in products that fit their selection, in other words, they are proven to be effective and useful for customers. They should bring some added value to the existing selection, to be visually attractive, price-reasonable and with a large enough target group. Representative visits, product visibility in the media, as well as the customers demand have the greatest impact on pharmacies decision making about which products to include to the selection. In addition, belonging to a pharmacy chain often brings with it the obligation to keep certain products in the shelves. Least impact on the decision making was with the electronic newsletter and pharmacy events. Pharmacies profit margin, as well as the possible purchase discounts and OTC products compensation practices are also taken into account in selection decisions. It is important that the company invests in their representatives education and offer reliable product knowledge and sales arguments to pharmacies for example with personnel training or at least in the form of brochures. When deciding the timing of the launch, seasonal variations in sales as well as competitors market entries needs to be taken into account. If it's not possible to be the first in the market, the product needs to have a real added value compared to others.
  • Hynynen, Marko (2017)
    Smoking poses a significant threat to public health. Major public health benefits could be attained if we could increase the incidence of smoking cessation on the national level. However, smoking cessation is often difficult, therefore different medical means have been devised to make it easier for people to quit. One of these medical means is nicotine replacement therapy(NRT). Since NRT entered the market it has been contested which kind of role counselling should have when people purchase NRT. NRT was deregulated In Finland in 2006. Prior to this thesis there has not been carried out studies that would have tried to investigate where the retailer shops are located after deregulation. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the deregulation affected to the distribution of NRT sales in different NRT-outlets and pharmacies in 2006-2015. It is also aim to investigate if the new outlets have tangibly increased the coverage of NRT-outlets network in diverse municipalities, more sparsely populated rural municipalities. Finnish Medical Agency‘s (FIMEA) data about NRT-outlets between the years of 2006-2015 was used as source data for this thesis. This data was analysed by comparing the number of NRToutlets and pharmacies in diverse municipalities. The municipalities have been classified regarding the area and population of diverse municipalities, among other parameters. The PDF sheet of FIMEA’s NRT-outlet data was converted into an Excel file, and using that as a basis different diagrams were made. The number of NRT-outlets grew steadily until during the year 2011 there was a slightly bigger increase in the number of NRT-outlets as NRT became available in restaurants too. Afterwards the growth of NRT-outlets diminished. It can be seen from the results that NRT-outlets, more than pharmacies, are concentrated to the crowded municipalities. On the other hand, there has hardly been an increase in the coverage of NRT-outlet network in more sparsely populated rural municipalities since deregulation took place. However, many of the municipalities that have a pharmacy and one or a few other NRT-outlets are located in Southern Finland surrounding bigger city municipalities or in Central Finland.
  • Silén, Sanna-Mari (2012)
    Individually tailored smoking cessation, SC, service provided by community pharmacies is a chargeable special service for customers motivated to quit smoking. The service is based on the PAS service model developed in Great Britain and it has been provided by Finnish community pharmacies since 2006. It includes 4-6 meetings with a specially trained pharmacist, who provides counselling, support, SC plan and follow-up. In this pilot study, the service was investigated from customers' viewpoint, assessing their SC outcomes and experiences. The pilot study was a cooperation project of Division of Social Pharmacy and Association of Finnish Pharmacies. It was a part of a larger SC project co-ordinated by Pulmonary Association Heli and financed by Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. This pilot study assessed the feasibility of the service from customer's viewpoint. It assessed weather the service could increase customers' ability to stay abstinent in different phases of the service. Customers' experiences in relation to SC service and SC itself were also assessed. 14 voluntary pharmacies in different geographical locations in Finland participated in this intervention study and they recruited altogether 36 customers. Before customer recruitment pharmacies received education and introduction of the SC service provided by the Association of Finnish Pharmacies. As part of study protocol, the pharmacies informed local healthcare professionals about the pilot study and asked them to send suitable customers to the service. Pharmacies were paid an expert reward for each customer and they were able to provide SC service to the customers either free or with a low charge. Customers' smoking status and experiences about SC service were assessed with two enquiry forms, which they had filled at the beginning of the service and after three months they had started the service. Their background information was collected with specific background forms during the first meeting and their progress in SC service was investigated by service progress forms. 20 of the 28 customers who returned the first enquiry form and 13 of the 17 customers who returned the second enquiry form were abstinent (55,6 % and 36,1 % of all customers, respectively). All the quitters used some pharmaceutical treatment. Customers who quitted assessed their ability to stay abstinent higher than those who were unable to quit, at the outset and during the service. The customers considered service useful and support of the pharmacist was found important. The customers also considered it significant for pharmacies to provide the SC service. Approximately 32 % of the customers who returned the first enquiry form and 41 % who returned the second enquiry form would pay for the service. They would pay 45 € on average (10-100 €). Multidisciplinary service model was not working as expected, since only a small number of customers were recruited by other healthcare professionals. As a result some of the pharmacies recruited customers also from the pharmacy counter without any contact to other healthcare. 36 % of the 36 customers were abstinent at three months. The control group, planned for the pilot study, failed in recruitment and thus we can only compare our findings to other international studies of the SC service, which have provided similar results. Individually tailored SC service provided by pharmacies is suitable SC support for motivated customers. Customers considered service important and useful, but poor willingness to pay creates challenges for pharmacies to provide this kind of service.
  • Nieminen, Emmi (2016)
    Adverse drug events (ADE) are a major problem which deteriorates the quality of drug therapy. They cause significant morbidity and mortality each year. ADEs are often caused by incompatible drug combinations, drug-drug interactions (DDIs). Interprosessional collaboration between health care professionals is important in improving medication safety and preventig drug interactions. The aim of this study was to investigate the most common clinically significant drug-drug interactions in outpatient care and the role of pharmacist in preventing them. The study material was an interaction data which was collected in Helsinki University Pharmacy during August 2015. DDIs and the action needed by presecribers or pharmacists to handle them were collected. Only clinically significant interactions of the SFINX interaction database i.e. D- and C-interactions were recorded. The most common D-interactions (interactions to be avoided) were fluoroquinolones or tetracyclines combined with metal ions (calcium, iron, magnesium, aluminium) (14.7 % of D-interactions) and codeine or tramadol combined with CYP2D6 enzyme inhibiting antidepressants (12.6 %). C-interactions concerned most commonly interactions between antihypertensive drugs and NSAIDs (26.2 % of C-interactions). 59.6 % of D-interactions were interactions that might result in adverse drug reactions and 40.4 % were interactions that might result in therapeutic failure. For C-interactions numbers were 49.4 % and 50.6 %, respectively. Only a few interactions (1.6 %) led to contact with the prescriber from the pharmacy, and more often (1.8 %) the pharmacist advised the patient to contact the prescriber. 32.6 % of the interactions led to pharmacist's advice. The most typical interactions which can be prevented by pharmacist's advice were chelation interactions which can be prevented by taking drugs many hours apart from each other. 59.7 % of the interactions produced no action in pharmacy. Those concerned situations where the prescriber had planned the treatment and weighed up the benefits and risks of the medication, or interactions where the drugs had been in contemporary use for a long time, and thus the pharmacist assumed that the prescriber had planned the treatment. Pharmacists should intervene in drug-drug interactions easier. To avoid unnecessary calls, communication between prescribers and community pharmacies should be developed. Pharmacists' role in preventing DDIs could be improved for example by education and by updating the operations models in collaboration with other health care. Safe and efficient drug treatment should be ensured with interprofessional collaboration, and the responsibility should not be shifted to the patient alone.