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  • Seikola, Anniina (2011)
    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health published a report on development needs of elder care and geriatric pharmacotherapy in 2006. The major concern in this report was related to several challenges in pharmacotherapy of the aged, such as deficiencies in medical knowledge of nurses working with elderly people. One way to improve the medication expertise of those various parties involved in caring elderly people is continuing education (CE). The aim of this study was to explore pharmacotherapy-related training needs of health care professionals involved in the home care services for the elderly in the Social and Health Care Cooperation Region of Lohja, Siuntio, Inkoo and Karjalohja (the LOST Region). This study was started by conducting a survey among nurses working in home care services for the elderly in the LOST Region in 2009 (response rate 47%). To deepen understanding of the key findings of the survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) and face-to-face interviews were conducted among nurses, nursing aids, their managers and physicians (1 FGD among nurses, n=6; 1 FGD among their managers, n=6; and face-to-face interviews with 4 physicians). The survey data were analyzed separately for nurses (n=9), practical nurses (n=53) and home aids (n=9), but results were the same in every group. Of the theoretical training needs, topics related to pharmacokinetics and special characteristics of using medicines in the elderly, effects, adverse effects and interactions of medicines, were most important. In addition, the theoretical training needs covered professional ethics issues, such as accuracy and carefulness of nursing practice. The main training needs related to collaborative practice in pharmacotherapy concerned monitoring medicine user's condition and medication, and dosing medicines (right medicine, dose, strength, dosage) in the right time, and administration routes of medicines. Focus group discussions and face-to-face interviews of the physicians provided a deeper understanding of the results of the survey. One of the main findings of this qualitative part of the study was challenges in cooperation in home care services in the LOST Region. Implementation and monitoring geriatric pharmacotherapy can be improved by improving multiprofessional cooperation and training for nurses and physicians working in home care services. The most important diseases and disorders for which the nurses would like to have shared operational guidelines were diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, pain, memory and psychiatric disorders. Training needs also covered special characteristics of pharmacotherapy for the elderly, and formulations and administration routes of medicines. Finally, a synthesis was made of the results of the survey, focus group discussions and face-to-face interviews. On the basis of the synthesis, a proposal for a multiprofessional training was developed for the LOST Region. The training plan includes topics related to geriatric pharmacotherapy and improving collaborative practices and communication as identified by those involved in different stages of the study.
  • Jyrkkä, Anu (2017)
    The number of home-dwelling aged is increasing in Finland. Rational medication use is one of the factors, which ensures the good functional abilities needed for independent or assisted living at home. No timely research on the medication use of the home-dwelling aged in Finland is published. Research on their medication use makes it possible to identify the drug related problems. Identifying drug related problems and rationalizing or deprescribing medications belong to risk management which aims at avoiding adverse drug events that might impair functional abilities. The aim of this Master's Thesis was to describe the medications used by the home services assisted home-dwelling aged, to study the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication use (PIM) and clinically significant (SFINX Class D) drug-drug interactions and to study anticholinergic and serotonergic loads of medications used. Additionally, correlation between the use of PIMs according to Beers criteria and functional abilities measured by RAVA™ was studied. This study was conducted as a part of a larger interventional and randomized study in Town of Lohja, 'Development of a Coordinated, Community-Based Medication Management Model for Home-Dwelling Aged in Primary Care'. The cross-sectional baseline data was collected in autumn 2015. The study cohort (n=188) consisted of home-dwelling aged who were assisted by home services aged 65 or older and living in Lohja. They were randomized into intervention (n=101) and control groups (n=87). Majority of them were women (69%) and their mean age was 83 years. The mean number of medications used was 13. Data on prescription drugs (both regular and irregular) was collected from their medication lists. Most severe, class D drug interactions were checked out from reports of SFINX database. Potentially inappropriate medication (Beers 2015), anticholinergic load and serotonergic load were checked out from reports of Salko database. Medications were analyzed in both groups separately. RAVA evaluation was conducted by home care nurses and practical nurses. Pearson's correlation coefficient was calculated to analyse the associations between the amount of potentially inappropriate medication and functional ability in addition on crosstabs. The most commonly used drug classes were central nervous system medications (n=184, 98 %) and cardiovascular medications (n=176, 94 %). The most common drug was paracetamol (n=155, 82 %). Benzodiazepines and related drugs was used by 43 % (n=80) and antipsychotics 17 % (n=32) participants. At least one anticholinergic medication (two or three points) according to Salko database was used by 27 % participants; 13 % had concomitantly more than one serotonergic drugs. Prevalence of the clinical significant drug-drug interaction was 8 %. Almost four out of five had potentially inappropriate medications according to the Beers 2015 criteria of which the most common drug was pantoprazol (n=60, 21 %). The number of the PIMs used by the study participants did not correlate between the functional ability measured by RAVA class (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.024). Aged among home care services are highly medicated and the potentially inpropriate medication use is common. Coordinated models and interprofessional medication reviews are needed to ensure rational and safe medication therapy of the aged. However, correlation between functional ability measured by RAVA class and Beers medicines use was not shown.
  • Rantanen, Ilona (2023)
    Väestön ikääntyessä sairastavuus lisääntyy ja käytettyjen lääkkeiden määrä kasvaa altistaen lääkkeiden haitta- ja yhteisvaikutuksille. Iäkkäiden suuri sairastavuus, monilääkitys ja lääkkeiden aiheuttamat haitat voivat kasaantuessaan huonontaa elämänlaatua ja toimintakykyä. Lääkehoidon arviointien avulla voidaan tunnistaa ja ratkaista monilääkittyjen iäkkäiden lääkitysongelmia. Jos potilaan lääkehoidon kokonaisuutta ei arvioida säännöllisesti, lääkkeitä voidaan määrätä lisää perusteettomasti, mikä voi johtaa lääkkeiden kasautumiseen ja estettävissä olevien haittojen lisääntymiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto perustuu Lohjan kaupungin kotihoidossa vuosina 2015-2017 toteutettuun interventiotutkimukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida pseudonymisoiduissa lääkehoidon arviointiraporteissa (n=43) tunnistettuja lääkitysongelmia (drug-related problems, DRPs) 65 vuotta täyttäneillä PCNE-luokittelujärjestelmän avulla. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tarkistaa erilaisten lääkehoidon tietokantojen ja työkalujen avulla olivatko farmasistien muutosehdotukset ja huomiot valideja ja hoitosuositusten mukaisia. Lisäksi tutkittiin, mihin ATC- pääryhmiin ja edelleen lääkeaineisiin muutosehdotukset kohdistuivat sekä miten ne toteutuivat. Muutosehdotuksille ja huomioille (n=167) yleisimmin koodattu PCNE-luokituksen mukainen ongelma (P) oli P2.1 “Lääkkeen haittatapahtuma (mahdollinen)” (65,3 % n=109). Yleisin koodattu syy (C) oli C1.1 “Epätarkoituksenmukainen lääke suhteessa suosituksiin” (34,1 %). Ehdotuksista toteutui seurannassa 37,7 % (n=63), joissa yleisimmät interventiot olivat I3.5 ”Lääkkeen lopetus tai tauotus” (n=27) ja I3.2 ”Annosmuutos” (n=23). Yleisimmin muutosehdotukset ja huomiot kohdistuivat hermostoon vaikuttaviin lääkkeisiin (43,7 %), ruuansulatuselinten sairauksien ja aineenvaihduntasairauksien lääkkeisiin (26,3 %) ja sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien lääkkeisiin (15,0 %). Muutosehdotuksista ja huomioista 37,1 % (n=62) liittyi Fimean Lääke 75+ -tietokannan mukaan iäkkäille varauksin soveltuviin (ns. C-luokka) ja 23,9 % (n=41) iäkkäillä vältettäviin lääkeaineisiin (ns. D-luokka). C-luokan lääkeaineisiin liittyneistä ehdotuksista toteutui 27,4 % ja D-luokan lääkeaineisiin liittyneistä ehdotuksista toteutui 37,5 %. Farmasistin muutosehdotuksista ja huomioista valideja oli 98,2 % (n=164/167). Farmasistien osaamista tulisikin hyödyntää enemmän lääkitysongelmien ratkomisessa, mikä tukisi lääkärien sekä muiden sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten työtä.
  • Luoma, Maaria (2018)
    Inappropriate polypharmacy refers to a situation where more than appropriate amount of medicines are used by a patient. Aged people with multiple morbidities and medications use a lot of health care services and are thus especially vulnerable to iatrogenesis, the health hazards resulting from the acts of a health care system. As a part of normal ageing, geriatric syndromes (e.g. falls, delirium and urinary incontinence) are clinical conditions and symptoms crossing several organ systems and they cannot be connected to a certain individual disease. Geriatric syndromes complicate recognition of adverse drug reactions on aged. This increases the risk of prescribing cascade, where medicines are prescribed to treat adverse drug reactions caused by another medicine. In this master´s thesis the root causes for inappropriate polypharmacy and drug-related problems (DRP) with home-dwelling aged were researched retrospectively from the viewpoint of risk management. Research method was based on root cause analysis (RCA) that was simplified suitable for this research. Research material was based on an intervention research conducted in 2015– 2017 on home-dwelling aged receiving regular home care from the City of Lohja, Finland. In the intervention research, a coordinated community-based medication management model for home-dwelling aged in primary care was developed to identify homedwelling aged with clinically significant drug-related problems. As research material, there were five (n=5) patient cases used who received comprehensive medication review (CMR) in the intervention research to solve their drug-related problems. The research material composed of individual patient interviews conducted at patients’ homes as a part of their CMR visits. Also, the nurses (n=3) of home care and physicians (n=2) from local health centres having participated in the treatment of the home-dwelling aged in question, were interviewed individually. Markings made in the patient records were utilized as well as research material. The interviews of the nurses and physicians were recorded, transcribed and analysed with inductive content analysis considering principles of root cause analysis. According to the nurses and physicians, central clinically significant medication-related problems with home-dwelling aged are various prescribing care parties, multiple medications, the increased use of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and natural products, the uncertainty of health care professionals of the medication of a home-dwelling aged as well as the occurrence and medication of pain and sleeping disorders with aged. Other essential problems related to the health care system are various attending physicians, obscurely recorded medication data in patient record system, the use of benzodiazepines and other psychopharmaceuticals and ignored renal function in medicine dose adjustment. Problems related to home-dwelling aged are attachment for medicines, resistance to change and desire to take care of their own medication. In addition, memory disorders and vertigo were mentioned as problems related to the medication of aged. Seven root causes for inappropriate polypharmacy and drug-related problems were observed: lack of health care resources, segmented treatment between various health care parties, varying skills and knowledge of health care professionals, ambiguous division of responsibilities between health care professionals, challenges in communication between different care parties, the heterogeneity of patient record systems and problems related to their use as well as the knowledge, opinions and personal situation of a home-dwelling aged. Based on the research, the medication of home-dwelling aged should be improved by striving for centralizing care in one physician either on private or public health care. Among home care nursing personnel there is a need for additional training on medications and pharmacists should participate in regular medication reviews for home-dwelling aged. Patient record systems and data transmission between them should be improved and medication data should be recorded more precisely. Cooperation and communication between home care and health centre should be developed and the division of responsibilities should be clarified. Participation of the home-dwelling aged and their relatives in the care should be promoted. Furthermore, geriatric expertise should be utilized better in the care of the home-dwelling aged.