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Browsing by Subject "kustannukset"

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  • Nurmi, Tuomas (2020)
    Automated dispensing cabinets can improve patient safety by reducing medication errors, and consequently, the incidence of adverse drug events, as well as reduce the number of outdated drugs and the size of ward inventory. They can reduce the amount of time nurses and other staff spend on distribution and ordering of medicines, and time spent on taking inventory. In conjunction with an electronic narcotics registry, they may significantly reduce the time needed for filling, checking and correcting narcotics registry forms. This study evaluated the impact of automated dispensing cabinets on the amount of time nurses spend on selecting and picking doses for patients, as well as its effect on the size of ward inventory and wastage of drugs. The amount of time nurses, pharmacists, and technical staff spent on narcotics registry related activities in the hospital ward and hospital pharmacy was also measured. No evidence was found to support the conclusion that automated dispensing cabinets speed up selection and picking of doses, and they may in fact slow it down. With current number of narcotics distributed in the hospital annually, the overall time taken by narcotics registry activities can be 10.9 full time equivalents. Most of this time, roughly 8.7 FTE, consists of nurses filling narcotics registry forms while administering drugs, though only a tiny proportion of each nurses’ time is spent on this activity. On average, it the cost of labor needed to fill one form is 9.3 €. An electronic narcotics registry in combination with and ADC could reduce this down to 0.36 € - 1.16 € per narcotics package by removing the need to fill redundant information in different registries.
  • Alakoski, Anna (2012)
    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Finland. Health care costs increase annually and cost of cancer is significant to the society. Because resources are scarce more information is needed about the costs of diseases as well as treatment effectiveness. In addition to clinical effectiveness it is important to assess the value of healthcare technologies from the patient's point of view by measuring the treatment's effect on patients' quality of life. In this thesis a literature review was made on the following topics: cost of treating prostate cancer, prostate cancer patients' quality of life and cost-effectiveness of prostate cancer. The aim of the research was to determine what the drug costs are in relation to the total cost of treatment for prostate cancer in different stages of the disease and assess how the quality of life changes during the first year of treatment depending on the form of treatment. Drug costs were calculated from the health care payer's perspective in a six month cross-sectional study. The study population included a total of 629 prostate cancer patients treated in the Helsinki and Uudenmaa hospital district (HUS). The quality of life study population (N=367) was different of that used to calculate drug costs. The quality of life was measured according to an ongoing cost-effectiveness research at HUS. It was measured with 15D-instrument before receiving cancer treatment and three, six and twelve months after the beginning of treatment. Drug costs in relation to the total cost of prostate cancer treatment were significant. In patients with meta-static cancer drugs were 53 % of the total cost of cancer treatment. In remission patients the total costs of cancer treatment were the lowest compared to other diseases stages, but drug costs were still 30 % of the total costs. For patients receiving palliative treatment, local or relapse cancer patients, and patients whose cancer was just diagnosed, the total drug costs were 19%, 13% and 0%, respectively. Policlinic visits and policlinic procedures were also a significant cause of the total costs. Quality of life of prostate cancer patients is incredibly good compared to age-standardized population. However the patients' quality of life decreases statistically and clinically significantly during the first year of treatment. Before treatment 15D score was 0,91 and after 12 months it was 0,88. When assessed in different treatment groups the quality of life decreased the least in patients treated with waiting. The largest statistically significant change occurred in patients treated with radiation. The strength of the study is that the costs were calculated per patient according to real resource use. The study also had limitations. The costs of primary care were not included in the calculations. Also cancer related pain medication, depression and erectile dysfunction drugs should be included in the drug costs. The follow-up time of measuring quality of life was too short. In the future it would be important to study the cost-effectiveness of medication as well as the cost-effectiveness of the different forms of treatment in prostate cancer.
  • Sinisalo, Aino (2015)
    End stage renal disease (ESRD) burdens both society and patient trough lower quality of life and the cost of treatment, as well as through lost productivity. In 2012, the incidence of ESRD was 81 patients per one million inhabitants in Finland. Annual number of kidney transplantations range from 150 to 210. The costs of specialized medical care, adherence to medication and health related quality of life (HRQoL) of kidney transplant patients were analyzed in this study. The aim of the study was to provide research to support the improvement of the kidney transplant patients' health care process and future research on the cost-effectiveness of kidney transplantation. In addition, the aim was to produce information to support health care decision making and resource allocation. The study population included 320 patients who had received a kidney transplant in HYKS. Of the included patients, 198 answered the questionnaire and 122 formed a control population of which only cost data was available. The cost data was collected from the HUS Ecomed-database. Medication adherence was measured with the BAASIS- and VAS-instruments and the HRQoL with the generic 15D-instrument. Forty-three per cent of the patients were non-adherent. There was no statistical difference in the adherence of patients with different dialysis modalities. The correct timing of taking the immunosuppressive medication proved to be its biggest challenge. The average quality of life for kidney transplant patients was measured at 0.87. There were no statistically significant differences in the 15D scores between adherent and non-adherent patients or different dialysis modalities. Instead, there were statistically significant differences between dialysis modalities in some of the 15 dimensions. The 15D score was on average lower among patients with a higher MRCI-score or a longer dialysis period prior to transplantation. The average cost for the specialized medical care of the kidney transplant patients was 34 331 euros on the year prior to the transplant, 52 834 euros one year after the transplant and 8 537 and 7 791 euros on the second and third year after the transplant, respectively. Average costs for all three years after the transplantation combined were 68 932 euros. Based on the results of this study, non-adherence to medication proved to be a considerable issue for kidney transplant patients. The HRQoL after a kidney transplantation was moderately high, although lower than in the age standardized general population. Adherence to medication, HRQoL or the dialysis modality were not associated with cost of the specialized medical care after the kidney transplantation and there was no single factor associated with these post transplant costs. The strength of the study is a comprehensive longitudinal analysis of special care costs and the factors associated with them. On the other hand, health related quality of life is only measured once, which is a limitation. The cost analysis would have been more comprehensive if all the health care cost and other direct costs such as travel and time cost as well as indirect costs such the loss of productivity had been included.
  • Kampman, Johanna (2016)
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease with prevalence around 0.8 % in Finland. Joint inflammation causes pain, tenderness and swelling in joint as well as loss of functional and work capacity. Patients need healthcare resources and medical treatments cause substantial costs to patient and society. Severity of RA can be measured by Disease Activity Score (DAS28) and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Previous studies suggest these measures are related to higher direct and indirect cost. The aims of this study are to determine cost of RA in Finland and analyse cost by disease activity and functional disability. Literature review was performed by using some methods from systematic reviews to identify previous studies examining cost of RA by DAS28 and HAQ scores. Secondly in this master thesis was made a quantitative cost analysis which study population was identified from the National register for Biologics in Finland (ROB-FIN) and patient records of the Central Finland Central Hospital. The cost data for direct and productivity costs was received from Finnish national registries. Costs were determined from the followed six months after patients' (N=2285) first routine outpatient visit to specialized healthcare. Distribution of costs was examined by DAS28 and HAQ score based classification. Additionally cost related to RA was determined separately between biologic and non-biologic drug users. Total average costs of the study population were 11 720 € biannually. Direct costs, productivity costs and total costs were higher for patients with higher DAS28 and HAQ scores. Increase in average total costs between best and worst DAS28 and HAQ classifications were 7817 -15 838 € and 8545 - 16 718 €, respectively. In the cost categories changes in both directions were detected between different DAS28 and HAQ score classifications. Drug costs comprised largest part of direct costs (56 %). RA related average total costs increased from best to worst DAS28 and HAQ class for both biologic and non-biologic drug users (p<0,01). Similar study based real life register data is not previous made in Finland. Studies in other countries can`t be directly adapted to Finnish healthcare system, treatment traditions and productivity costs. This study provides information for real-life cots of RA and how they are related to disease activity and functional disability. This information can be used in modelling of cost-effectiveness.
  • Lindholm, Anni (2023)
    Biologisten lääkkeiden käyttö on merkittävästi lisääntynyt 2000-luvulla, mikä on hoidollisten hyötyjen ohella lisännyt lääkekustannuksia. Vaihtokelpoisten ja halvempien biosimilaarien käyttöä on edistetty koulutuksella, lääkemääräyskäytäntöjen ohjauksella ja lainsäädännöllä. Vuosina 2024–2025 useat avoterveydenhuollossa käytettävät biologiset lääkkeet tulevat apteekissa tapahtuvan lääkevaihdon (apteekkivaihdon) piiriin. Potilaiden näkemykset biologisista lääkkeistä ovat tärkeä tutkimusaihe hoitotulosten, lääkevaihdon, rationaalisen lääkehoidon edistämisen ja lääkepolitiikan kehittämisen näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia potilaiden näkemyksiä biologisten lääkkeiden hinnoista, kustannuksista ja niiden merkityksestä. Tavoitteiden mukaiset tutkimuskysymykset liittyivät: 1) potilaiden preferenssiin lääkkeiden hoidollisesta arvosta lääkkeen hintaan verrattuna (ensisijainen tutkimuskysymys) ja yhteiskunnan lääkesäästöistä, 2) lääkkeiden hinnan merkitykseen lääkevaihdossa (potilaiden taloudellisten taustatekijöiden vaikutus ja euro-määräinen hyväksymis/maksuhalukkuus lääkevaihdossa) ja 3) potilaan oman lääkehoidon kustannettavuuteen. Tutkimus perustui Yliopiston Apteekin (YA) ja Helsingin yliopiston (HY) tammikuussa 2021 toteuttaman kyselytutkimuksen aineistoon. Kyselyyn vastasivat YA:n kanta-asiakkaat sekä Reumaliiton ja IBD- ja muut suolistosairaudet ry:n viestinnän kautta tavoitetut henkilöt. Kysely oli kohdistettu reuma-, IBD- (tulehduksellinen suolistosairaus) ja ihopsoriasispotilaille, jotka käyttivät alkuperäistä biologista lääkettä (BA), biosimilaaria (BS) tai perinteisiä pienimolekyylisiä lääkeitä (PL). Vastaajia oli yhteensä 1338 (BA-käyttäjiä 226, BS-käyttäjiä 71 ja PL-käyttäjiä 1041). Tulosmuuttujina käytettiin yksittäisiä kysymyksiä ja summamuuttujia. Lääkekäyttäjäryhmän ja muiden taustamuuttujien yhteyttä tulosmuuttujiin tutkittiin kaksi- ja monimuuttuja-analyyseillä. Suurin osa (83 %) potilaista oli sitä mieltä, että lääkkeen hinta ei saisi vaikuttaa lääkkeen valintaan biologista lääkettä määrättäessä, ja 62 %:n mielestä biosimilaarien käyttö auttaisi säästämään terveydenhuollon lääkekustannuksissa ja mahdollistaisi suuremman potilasmäärän hoidon biologisilla lääkkeillä. Potilaan taloudelliset taustatekijät eivät olleet monimuuttuja-analyysin perusteella yhteydessä näkemyksiin biologisten lääkkeiden lääkevaihdosta tai kiinnostukseen lääkevaihdosta. Jos biologisen lääkkeen hypoteettinen omavastuuhinta potilaalle olisi 600 euroa vuodessa, 14 % alkuperäisvalmisteen käyttäjistä olisi valmis vaihtamaan biosimilaariin, jos sen kustannus olisi hänelle 30 % nykyistä pienempi. Biosimilaarien käyttäjistä 38 % olisi valmis maksamaan lisää saadakseen alkuperäisvalmisteen. Biologisten lääkkeiden käyttäjillä (BA 36 % ja BS 44 %) oli ollut enemmän taloudellisia ongelmia lääkkeiden ostossa kuin perinteisten lääkkeiden käyttäjillä (25 %) (p <0,001). Potilaat suhtautuivat yleisesti myönteisesti biosimilaarien käyttöön lääkekustannusten hillitsemiseksi, mutta pitivät hoidollisia perusteita hintaa tärkeämpänä. Potilaan taloudelliset tekijät eivät olleet yhteydessä näkemyksiin lääkevaihdosta tai vaihtohalukkuuteen. Merkittävä osa potilaista on kiinnostunut vaihdosta edullisempaan biosimilaariin. Tulokset korostavat biologisiin lääkkeisiin ja lääkevaihtoon liittyvän lääkeinformaation merkitystä.
  • Huttu, Martta (2016)
    In the United States pharmacists have prescribed medicines and managed patient's drug therapy since the 1970s, and in the United Kingdom pharmacists have been authorization to prescribe medications since 2003. The discussion about the right of Masters of Science in Pharmacy will be renewed prescriptions during the last decade in Finland but few Finnish studies have been published from the subject. In the document Medicines Policy 2020 published by Ministry of Social Affairs and Health states that by prescribing should be used cost-effective modes of operation. The knowledge about pharmacist prescribing benefits and costs, and also prescribing practice in Finland, is needed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of pharmacists' authorization to prescribe and to support the decision-making concerning pharmacist prescribing. The aim of this master's thesis is to gather all existing knowledge about the economic and other effects of pharmacist prescribing using a systematic literature review method. The aim of theoretical part of this master's thesis is to explain the Finnish prescribing, the participation of pharmacists in drug therapy management in Finland and internationally pharmacist prescribing. The empirical part of this master's thesis is also to assess the quality of the studies of pharmacist prescribing benefits and costs using quality assessment checklists. In addition, this thesis describes the principles of the cost and benefit analyses, economic evaluations and systematic literature reviews. As a result of the literature search were found 1825 references. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 17 studies were selected to include in the systematic review. Of these studies three were economic assessments, 8 randomized controlled trials and 6 observational studies. The quality of these studies was assessed using four quality assessment checklists. On the basis of a systematic literature review pharmacist prescribing has been studied in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, anticoagulation, chronic pain, emergency contraception and minor ailments and renewal of long-term medicines. Pharmacists reduced blood pressure by providing follow-up care with prescribing compared with the usual care, but not compared with the case management, which does not include prescribing. In addition, the follow-up care was to improve the treatment results of type II diabetes. The results obtained in the care of dyslipidemia were partly unclear. In the clinic follow-up care with prescribing could be reduced LDL-cholesterol, but not the risk of cardiovascular disease compared with the control group. In the pharmacy follow-up care had no effect on the treatment of patients with LDL-cholesterol compared with the control group. In addition, pharmacist prescribing improved how well patients stayed within INR target range. Pharmacist medication review with pharmacist prescribing achieved in the care of chronic pain patients differed few from the results of pharmacist medication review with feedback for a general practitioner. Pharmacist prescribing could reduce errors in inpatient medication compared with usual care. Much uncertainty is connected to the results of the study. The limited amount of studies, heterogeneity of the studies and methodological quality make the evaluation of real effects more difficult. The included studies of pharmacist prescribing were so heterogeneous. In addition treated disease, assessed benefits and scope of working environment were varied in included studies. Pharmacist prescribing was often studied as part of other care or pharmaceutical service, such as chronic disease management or medication review. The quality assessment of the included studies revealed several sources of bias. The available research information is the insufficient reliable evaluation of economic and other effects of pharmacist prescribing and the need for the further research is big.
  • Mäntylä, Juhani (2012)
    Inflammatory bowel diseases are among the fastest growing chronic disease of young people in Europe and they are increasing in Western countries for unknown reasons. Illness often occurs at a young age and the symptoms persist generally throughout life, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common diseases in this category. Inflammatory bowel diseases often cause persistent symptoms and require treatment usually for life, affect the quality of life and the ability to go to work. Conventional treatment usually consists of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drug therapy or surgical intervention. In difficult cases, the biologic drug treatment is used. New biological drug products (TNF-blockers) have improved, in particular in Crohn's disease, a response to treatment. The aim of this study is to provide information about the effectiveness and the costs of the biological treatment in inflammatory bowel diseases. The main results presented are the changes of the quality of life during the observation period measured with the generic and disease-specific HRQoL instruments. The results are also reported on the matter of costs for quality-adjusted life-years gained during the follow-up period. The study consists of FinnIBDQ (inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire) survey (n=2831) and the follow-up survey of the patients who used biologic drug products (n=189). Patients were selected into the follow-up if they reported using the biologic drugs to treat the illness. FinnIBDQ-survey was conducted in 2006/2008 and follow-up questionnaire in 2011. As a generic HRQoL instrument was the 15D-instrument used which is a standardized measure of the health related quality of life. 15D-instrument produces a single index number between 0-1. IBDQ is a disease-specific HRQoL instrument, which consists of 32 questions. The total number of points varies between 32 and 224 from the worst to the best. Patients' medical history, symptoms, medication and health care use were studied in their own partition on the questionnaire. Biological drug therapy group belonged at the baseline (n=148) improved the quality of life (p=0.004) during the follow-up. A disease-specific HRQoL instrument (IBDQ) shows the quality of life has changed in parallel (p=0.003)with the 15D-instrument. Dimensions, where progress was achieved (p<0.05) were the elimination, the usual activities, discomfort and symptoms, as well as vitality and sexual activity. In the research group (n=51), the average cost per patient per QALYs gained during the follow-up period proved to be very high, at over 5 million euro's. During this time, the patient gained an average of 0,01 quality adjusted additional years of life. The evidence of the long-term impact of the biologic drug treatment on the patient's quality of life is still scarce. In most of the research concerned with the benefits of biological treatment, the effectiveness data is derived from the pharmaceutical manufacturers' short-term clinical efficacy studies, or taken from any other quality of life studies.