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Browsing by Subject "Uskontotiede"

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  • Paukkonen, Nikolai (2018)
    In this work I study the orientations of buildings excavated in Tel Kinrot in Galilee in Israel. Generally it has been thought that the east was a preferred orientation in the regional Iron Age culture, whereas the west was averted. Reasons for this are not clear, though. In my thesis I examine if this suspected anomaly is also present in Tel Kinrot. In addition, I also study which factors could determine this phenomenon. The reasons for this could vary, and my goal is to find out whether this was influenced by so called rational factors, such as climate, lighting or topography, or whether the main determinant was actually religion and cosmology. I assess the buildings excavated in Iron Age layers in Tel Kinrot on their doorway orientation based on the archaeological plans available, followed by examination of the results in tables and binomial distribution. My study shows that of the 10 doorways discernible in Tel Kinrot only one is aligned towards the western part of the compass, whereas the rest are oriented towards the eastern side. Thus it seems clear that the phenomenon of eastern preference is present in Tel Kinrot as well. The influence of cosmology for building orientations can be identified all around the world in different cultures, present with both every day dwellings and temples and palaces. In the Near East the East is favored also from the linguistic perspective, since the words denoting east have often positive connotations, and west is often related to negative concepts. These dichotomies include sunrise–sunset, birth–death, front–back or future–past. The Hebrew Bible contains this kind of thinking as well: for example, Ezekiel 44 contains a description of the temple in Jerusalem, where its main gate is said to be directed towards the east. Examining the possible practical factors reveals that the preference for east is probably not based on them. For example, to maintain colder temperatures inside the buildings should be oriented towards north or northwest. The eastern wind can be extremely hot and dry, whereas the western wind is pleasantly chilling, so in that case as well the east should be avoided, rather than preferred. Thus it seems clear that the phenomenon is determined by factors related to religion and cosmology.
  • Rämä, Jamie (2023)
    Tämä tutkielma vastaa kysymykseen siitä, millaisia representaatioita uskonnolla on queer-kauhuelokuvassa. Tutkielmassa tarkastelin seitsemää eri queer-kauhugenreen sijoittuvaa elokuvaa, joiden analysoinnin pohjalta muodostin johtopäätökseni. Aineistoni valitsin elokuvatutkimuksen genreteorioiden perusteella. Teoreettinen viitekehys tutkielmassa perustuu queer-teoriaan ja sen postmoderneihin ja post-strukturalistiin lähtökohtiin, jotka pyrkivät kritisoimaan strukturalistista näkemystä asioista pysyvinä ja monoliittisina. Queer on käsite, joka kyseenalaistaa heteronormatiiviset ja patriarkaaliset diskurssit sukupuolesta ja seksuaalisuudesta. Metodina tässä tutkielmassa toimii kriittinen diskurssianalyysi, joka tarkastelee diskurssien suhteita sosiaalisiin elementteihin, kuten ideologiaan, valtaan ja sukupuoleen. Metodissani hyödynsin myös audiovisuaalisen kerronnan teorioita. Tutkielmassa tuli esille se, kuinka queer-kauhuelokuvassa uskontoa representoidaan esittämällä se joko perinteiden ylläpitäjänä taikka sitten heteronormatiivisuutta murentavana queer-uskontona. Elokuvissa representoidaan queer-uskonnollisuutta, joka voi toimia elokuvan hahmoille vapauttavana tai vangitsevana kategoriana. Uskonto näyttäytyy elokuvissa myös taustana draamalle ja hahmojen queereille suhteille. Uskonto nojaa analysoimissani elokuvissa myös usein populaarikulttuuriin ja vanhempiin tarinoihin.