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  • Gofurova, Shakhnoza (2024)
    This cross-sectional study explores language choice and acculturation processes among Uzbek immigrants in Finland and also focuses on the role of English proficiency in integration. Language choice is a fundamental aspect of sociolinguistics, which explores how individuals use language in various social contexts. Acculturation theory suggests that when individuals from one cultural group come into contact with another, they may experience changes in cultural behaviors, attitudes, and values. Language choice plays a crucial role in this process, as it reflects both individual preferences and societal pressures to assimilate or maintain one’s cultural identity. Data from 33 immigrants were collected through an online questionnaire via the E-Lomake software. Additionally, short interviews were conducted with 5 immigrants to explore experiences of discrimination in both host and home countries. The data were analyzed using a mixed-method approach, employing quantitative analysis for Likert-scale questions and qualitative analysis for the comments section and interviews. The results show that short-time male immigrants tend to use English in their daily interactions with locals, whereas women prefer Finnish. Although Finnish was the main language of communication with the host society among long-term immigrants, it did not become the language of the family. Moreover, the importance of English was the highest among the respondents, surpassing the importance of their mother tongue, Finnish, and other languages. It is noteworthy that immigrants considered Russian to be more useful than Swedish in Finland. Furthermore, despite their positive attitudes towards their mother tongue and willingness to keep it as the main language for their children, immigrants were generally well integrated into Finnish society, as evidenced by the overall high scores on the host national identity. However, those who were using Finnish in their daily lives and had at least moderate proficiency in this language showed a higher sense of belonging and host national identity compared to those who lacked the proficiency at all. Additionally, the analysis revealed a factor that hinders the integration process even more than language choice or length of residence - the experience of discrimination in the host country. Given that discrimination among immigrants was mostly observed in the work-related context, this study suggests that authorities should pay more attention to policies of inclusion, diversity, and fair recruitment processes. Furthermore, as English language skills are not seen as a barrier to immigrants’ integration but rather as a useful tool for relocating to Finland and facilitating the early stages of integration, it is important to create more English-speaking workplaces to attract highly educated immigrants to the country.
  • Bergroth, Ona (2020)
    Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee seksuaalivähemmistöihin kuuluvien naisten identiteetin rakentumista kielen näkökulmasta. Tutkielma perustuu neljän yksilön haastatteluihin, joissa keskeisenä teemana ovat oma identiteetti, coming out -tarinat ja LGBTQ-yhteisön sisäinen terminologian käyttö. Tämän lisäksi tutkitaan englannin kielen asemaa globaalin LGBTQ-yhteisön yhteisenä kielenä; englannin kielen keskeisyys näkyy myös haastateltavien kielenkäytössä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kahdesta Zoom-alustalla toteutetusta videohaastattelusta, joista kumpaankin osallistui kaksi toisilleen tuttua haastateltavaa. Keväällä 2020 puhjenneesta koronapandemiasta johtuen haastattelut suoritettiin etäyhteyden välityksellä. Haastattelut tallennettiin haastateltavien luvalla suoraan Zoomin kautta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin äänitallenteita ja niiden pohjalta tehtyjä muistiinpanoja. Haastatteluaineiston analyysi tässä tutkielmassa yhdistelee sosiolingvistiikan ja queer-teorian tutkimushistoriaa, ja tärkeimmät teoreettiset käsitteet ovat Judith Butlerin performatiivisuuden teoria sekä Eckertin sosiolingvistiikan alalle tuoma käytäntöyhteisö (community of practice). Näiden lisäksi sosiolingvistiikan konseptit indeksikaalisuus ja asenne (stance) toimivat analyysin perustana. Coming out -tarinoita peilataan myös aiempiin samaa aihetta käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin. Tutkimusnäkökulma on deskriptiivinen ja kvalitatiivinen. Tutkielman tulokset on jaoteltu haastattelukysymysten mukaan: ensin käsitellään haastateltavien omaa identiteettiä, minkä jälkeen keskustelu laajenee käsittelemään yhteisön sisäistä terminologiaa ja kielivalintojen merkityksiä. Tuloksissa käsitellään eri termien eksklusiivisuutta ja inklusiivisuutta, konnotaatioita ja termien välisiä hierarkioita ja linkkejä. Tämän lisäksi käsitellään termien historiaa ja niihin liittyvien asenteiden muutoksia, esimerkiksi aiemmin halventavina käytettyjen termien (slur) takaisinottoa ja käyttöä nykypäivän arkikielessä. Haastateltavien näkemyksiä nykypäivän kielenkäytöstä peilataan aiempaan tutkimukseen terminologian muutoksista. Haastateltavat tuovat myös esille englannin kielen keskeisen aseman seksuaalivähemmistöjen terminologiassa, joka ulottuu myös muita kieliä äidinkielenään puhuvien kielenkäyttöön. Tutkielman keskeisimmät tulokset ovat, että termien konnotaatiot sekä yksilön identiteetin että yhteisön tasolla ovat vahvasti aika-, paikka- ja kontekstisidonnaisia. Yksittäisellä identiteettikategorialla, kuten nimikkeellä queer, ei siis ole yhtä sidottua merkitystä ja konnotaatiota, vaan esimerkiksi historiallinen tausta ja termin käyttöyhteys vaikuttavat sen merkitykseen ja puhujien asenteisiin. Lisäksi omaa identiteettiä kuvailevia termejä voidaan käyttää eri tavoin eri sosiaalisissa tilanteissa, koska konnotaatiot ovat sekä puhujasta että kuulijasta riippuvaisia. Näin ollen identiteetin performatiivisuus korostuu tutkielman tulosten analyysissä – kuten aiempi tutkimus on osoittanut, identiteetti on kielessä ja sosiaalisessa kontekstissa rakentuva ilmiö. Haastatteluaineistosta ilmenee myös, että LGBTQ-yhteisön kielenkäyttö on jatkuvassa muutoksessa uusien termien syntymisen myötä. Seksuaalivähemmistöjen kielenkäytön tutkiminen onkin jatkuvasti relevanttia, etenkin globaalin käytäntöyhteisön näkökulmasta.
  • Pavlyshche, Tereza (2019)
    Fashion blogs are invention of the new millennia. Starting with something as simple as commenting on the outfit or a fashion event using this online medium, modern bloggers transformed it now into a successful business venture and a massive network for sharing ideas, tips and personal struggles with their followers. Thus, nowadays, a successful fashion blogger can be anything from a minor celebrity in the blogosphere, to a major international influencer in the fashion industry. Being personally fascinated by the way modern fashion bloggers run their blogs and manage to create a personal brand, I have decided to focus my research on creation of an online identity fashion bloggers go through whilst managing their personal blogs. Intentionally, or unintentionally personal fashion bloggers develop a certain type of writing and content creation that allows them to connect to many people. Fashion bloggers try to produce an idea that will guarantee them professional success. However, their personal background partially already set them up to be more connected to a certain group of people rather than the other. It is visible in their looks, ethnicity, lifestyle, personal interests and in opinions what type of people would be the majority of their followers. As a results, the network of followers that will be build by the blogger will determine what type of content she will be producing to attract even more readers. This is what will be discussed in this thesis: how fashion bloggers behave and what they primarily focus on in their blogs to keep up the online persona they are constructing.
  • Ayiwe, Emonie (2022)
    Breakdance is a hip hop dance which originated in the South Bronx of New York City in the 1970s. Hip hop is a global phenomenon which values authenticity, community and individuality. Breakdancers often dance with others to develop their style and create a community of like-minded individuals. Dancers may travel to other countries to compete for titles and develop their skills by participating in workshops. The current study explored expressions of identity in South Korean breakers. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis served as the theoretical framework for the study. It is often used in identity research exploring how individuals make sense of their identity in a given situation, phenomena or context. Trough IPA, the embodied practice of dance can be assessed where one’s feelings, emotions and the body can be made salient. Five South Korean male breakdancers from five different cities were interviewed. With the use of semi-structured interviews, questions aimed to be non-directional and open to interpretation. The analysis showed that the dancers expressed their identity in breaking in different ways. Individuality was valued through developing one’s own dance style and having a nickname. Some dancers indicated using their body to express themselves and experiment with different styles of dancing. Music acted as a way to introspect, to identity feelings and emotions in oneself. For a few of the dancers, the clothes they were while dancing were the same as their everyday clothes. Further, the breakdancers placed importance in dancing and learning from others to develop their dancing style. Importantly, for all of the dancers, it was crucial to acknowledge and understand the roots of hip hop. The dancers explored their journeys in breaking and continuously referred to their past and present. The breakers’ identity was affected by their dancing style, clothing, music, the use of their body and their relationship to other breakers. The current research adds to the already existing but limited research on sense making processes of breakdaners. Future research could explore the notions of community and sense of belonging in other hip hop subcultures, and develop research focused on breakdancers’ meaning making processes.
  • Audley, Andrew (2019)
    This research explores the themes of identity, particularly Russophone identity in Kharkov, Ukraine. It explores the formation, salience, and gradation of this identity with regards to Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorization Theory. Furthermore this research explores the response and understanding of different events in Ukraine's recent history in relation to different identities. It also aims to explore potential futures of the Russophone identity in Kharkov, as well as aspects of Ukrainianisation. This research concludes that Social-Identity Theory and Self-Categorization Theory alone are not sufficient to explain the development and existence of Russophone identity in Kharkov. Finally, this research shows that there is a direct link between identity and understanding of the Ukraine Crisis, perceived threat, and future directions in Kharkov. This research further postulates that Russophone identity will increasingly be threatened within Ukraine, that could lead to further problems and division, and will likely lead to push-back.
  • Väisänen, Karra (2019)
    Tutkielma tarkastelee englanninkielisiä tatuointeja Suomessa ja sitä, kuinka suomalaiset ilmaisevat identiteettejään niiden kautta. Tämä tutkielma tuo tatuointien tarkasteluun mukaan aivan uuden, lingvistisen, aspektin. Tatuointeja on tutkittu aiemmin paljon varsinkin psykologian ja kulttuurintutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Nämä tutkimukset ovat usein perustuneet tatuoitujen henkilöiden haastatteluihin ja niissä on narratiivisista aineistoista selvitetty tatuointien ottamisen syitä. Tutkijat ovat huomanneet, että tatuoinneilla on suuri merkitys identiteetin ilmaisemisessa ja minäkuvan luomisessa. Kyselyyn osallistui 136 vastaajaa. Kysely toteutettiin kyselylomakkeen avulla internetissä, ja siihen oli mahdollista vastata joko suomeksi tai englanniksi. Osallistujiksi haettiin Suomessa asuvia henkilöitä, joilla oli englannin kieltä tatuoituna ihoonsa. Ikäjakauma oli suuri, 19-55 vuotta, ja 82 % kyselyyn vastanneista oli naisia ja 18 % miehiä. Melkein kaikki osallistujat mainitsivat äidinkielekseen suomen (3 % kertoi puhuvansa ruotsia äidinkielenään). Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että englantia käytettiin tatuoinneissa ilmaisemaan erilaisia identiteettejä: riippuen englannin kielen tärkeydestä vastaajan elämässä englanninkielisen tatuoinnin nähtiin muuttavan identiteettejä sekä positiivisesti että negatiivisesti. Erityisesti yksilöille, jotka eivät pitäneet englantia henkilökohtaisesti tärkeänä, englannin kielellä oli tatuoinnissa vain esteettinen funktio. Yleisimmät syyt tatuoinnin ottamiselle vahvistivat aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia: tatuointeja otettiin niiden voimaannuttavan vaikutuksen vuoksi, ikuistamaan jokin vaihe yksilön elämässä ja ilmaisemaan sidettä ystävään, kaveriin tai lemmikkiin. Englanti valittiin tatuoinnin kieleksi, koska sen koettiin olevan jollain tapaa ”parempi” ja kauniimpi kuin suomi ja koska tatuoinnin lähteen (esim. sitaatti, laulun sanat) alkuperäinen kieli haluttiin säilyttää. Lisäksi havaittiin, että yksittäisten tatuointien merkitys oli pienempi enemmän tatuoiduille henkilöille kuin henkilöille, joilla oli vähemmän tatuointeja. Käsivarret ja jalat olivat useimmin tatuoidut paikat sekä miehillä että naisilla. Osallistujien ikä ja englannin kielen tärkeys vaikuttivat merkittävästi heidän vastauksiinsa: englanti ja heidän englanninkieliset tatuointinsa olivat huomattavasti tärkeämpiä nuoremmille henkilöille. Vastaajien sukupuolella ja koulutustasolla ei havaittu olevan suurempaa vaikutusta vastauksiin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että huolimatta stigmasta, joka tatuoituihin henkilöihin liitetään, tatuoinneilla on huomattavan suuri vaikutus yksilön identiteetille – joillekin tatuointien merkitykset ovat todella henkilökohtaisia, toisille taas on erittäin tärkeää, mitä muut ajattelevat heidän tatuoinneistaan.
  • Kela, Leena (2023)
    Since the early 2000s, European nation-states have exhibited an increasing tendency to prohibit the use of Islamic veils. This has typically been justified by claiming that Muslim practices such as veiling symbolize the oppressive, non-secular, fanatical, and ultimately non-European nature of Islam. Historically, Europe has indeed tended to essentialize and Other Muslims, that is, construct simplified “us vs. them” understandings of “Western” and “Muslim” identities. In the more recent decades, however, globalization and growing cultural diversity have brought up concerns over the future of such understandings. I therefore argue that veiling bans are much less about the veils per se and more about what increasing, visible diversity means for familiar constructions of “European”, “Finnish”, and “Muslim” identities. As a result of these concerns, a demand for minorities and immigrants to demonstrate loyalty to the local “national” culture has become prevalent. While a national ban like the one in France and several other European countries has not (yet) been implemented in Finland, there have already been political discussions of whether such a ban should be ratified. Moreover, surveys and polls have shown that Islam is persistently viewed as a foreign religion that is inherently different from “Finnishness”, suggesting that the debate over Muslim minorities’ place in Finland will continue to come up. The decisions that are made will affect how religious minorities are approached. Therefore, in this thesis, I analyze how Finnish people justify bans on Muslim women’s veils in their comments under Helsingin Sanomat online news articles, examining what Islamic veils are perceived to mean. The analysis will further demonstrate how such comments work to (re)construct exclusionary Finnish identity. The key research question which I answer is: How do readers of Helsingin Sanomat online news articles justify the banning of Islamic headscarves in their comments? The qualitative content analysis of overall 209 comments from the time period of 2016–2022 reveal that Muslim women’s veils were perceived to challenge “Finnishness” because they were thought to symbolize oppression, partiality, resistance to integration, danger, extremism, and even poor health. The findings therefore demonstrate that Muslim identity is constructed as the foreign and illiberal opposite to liberal Finnish identity, and denying Muslim women certain fundamental rights, such as freedom of religion, is justified by arguing that it is a way to protect the otherwise liberal, enlightened “local” societies. It is argued, then, that as long as Muslim women continue to veil themselves, they cannot be accepted into the “in-group”. Overall, the findings of this thesis provide a nuanced understanding of how Islam, Muslims and especially veiled Muslim women are perceived by Finnish individuals in particular, especially from an intersectional perspective.
  • Siegenthaler, Ansel (2019)
    Karelia has numerous questions regarding to whom its soul belongs with accompanying loyalties, identities and senses of belonging. Underlying assumptions may affect personal, political or business perceptions. Through explorations in discourse through selections of memory, ontology and reality we examine the necessity to rethink perceptions about Russian and Finnish relations as seen in the Karelian borderlands. Further, addressing how Karelia is constructed in Soviet literature and more contemporary opinion. Discourse from two periods of time is digested to reflect on the nature of knowing, remembering, learning and realizing. I include Soviet novels from 1940s to the 1980s about Karelia and newspaper letters to the editor and editorials from 2000 to 2015 to serve as gauges of perceptions and time periods. The discourse is examined for patterns and evidence of perceptions. The examined discourses suggest there is a disconnection between knowing and experiencing. Evidence is seen through government steering committees in Soviet literature and in memory and political exposure in popular opinion. Communicative acts in Soviet literature and published opinion pieces show how Karelian discourse can be affected. By addressing these perceptions we create opportunities to develop more realistic knowledge to aid in personal, political or business relations.
  • Ibarra Karmy, Isabel Nicole (2021)
    Language and identity go together in an inextricable manner, and this thesis examines two novels which have tried to depict the complicated lives of characters who use more than one language, as they face discrimination for doing so, and even for lacking skills in one of their languages. I compare and contrast the uses of Chicano English in The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo by Oscar Zeta Acosta (1989) and of African American English (also known as Vernacular English) in a recent novel, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (2017). The protagonists in both novels frequently engage in code-switching, and both characters reflect on their language choices as they seek to find their identity. Borrowing insights from Sociolinguistics, this literary analysis focuses on life changing situations for the characters, where they are depicted as being in an “in-between” space, banished from both cultures. I propose that it is this banishment, which initially acts as a source of shame for the characters and thus prevents them from having a clear identity, that ultimately leads them to question themselves into defining who they are. Both of the protagonists learn to turn the source of shame into a source of pride. In spite of the fact that the novels were written nearly thirty years apart, the analysis reveals that they have much in common, thus acting as a reflection of the struggles people from minorities have to go through in today’s society. Therefore, it is fundamental that we teach future generations about such struggles and create a world where bilingualism—even imperfect bilingualism or multilingualism—is readily accepted, making it easier for people to embrace all sides of themselves.
  • Ruohio, Ilona (2016)
    Pro gradu -tutkielmani aiheena on ’toiseuden’ ilmenemismuodot (‘othering’) englantilaisen The Economist -viikkolehden nekrologeissa. Tarkastelen ’normiin’ ja ’toiseuteen’ liittyvää henkilökuvausta kriittisen diskurssianalyysin viitekehyksessä. Valitsin lehden tutkimus-kohteekseni, koska sillä on suuri vaikutusvalta maailmanlaajuiseen lukijakuntaan ja sen arvoihin ja asenteisiin. Vuosina 2010 – 2014 The Economist -lehdessä julkaistiin 255 nekrologia. Näiden joukosta valitsin henkilökuvauksen yleisvaikutelman perusteella 10 nekrologia tarkemman kielellisen analyysin kohteiksi. Viisi tekstiä vaikutti kunnioittavaan sävyyn kirjoitetuilta ja toiset viisi negatiivisesti värittyneiltä. Analyysimenetelmänä käytän Fowlerin luokittelua, joka pohjautuu Hallidayn systeemis-funktionaaliseen kielioppiin ja keskittyy transitiivisuuden tarkasteluun. Analysoin verbi-, adjektiivi- ja substantiivirakenteita, verbien konnotaatioita sekä semanttisia rooleja. Nämä rakennevalinnat liittyvät laajaan sosiokulttuuriseen kontekstiin, kielen interpersonaaliseen ja ideationaaliseen funktioon ja saavat merkityksensä niiden kautta. Tekemäni analyysi osoittaa, että ’normia’ edustavat henkilöt ovat aineistossa enemmistönä ja saavat osakseen positiivisia ja arvostavia verbejä, adjektiiveja ja substantiiveja, kun taas ’toiseksi’ luokiteltavia henkilöitä on merkittävästi vähemmän ja heitä kuvataan negatiivisin verbein, adjektiivein ja substantiivein. Lisäksi ’normin’ edustajat kuvataan ’toisia’ useammin toimijan (Agent) semanttisessa roolissa ja ’toiset’ saavat ’normin’ edustajia enemmän kokijan (Experiencer) ja kohteen (Affected) rooleja. Tutkimukseni tulos vastaa van Dijkin representaatiostrategiaa ‘ideological square’, jonka mukaan ’normi’ esitetään positiivisessa ja ’toiset’ negatiivisessa valossa. Tarkasteltavassa aineistossa ’normia’ (Us) edustavat valkoihoiset heteromiehet, ja ’toiseutta’ (Them) taas naiset ja värilliset.
  • Noroila, Miina (2022)
    Finnish society is increasingly pluralistic regarding religion, and especially Muslims are rapidly growing in numbers. The population structure of Muslims in Finland is increasingly young, yet young Muslims’ experiences are currently under-studied. Muslims have been present in Finland since the early 19th century, along with other ethnic and religious minorities. Still, ever since then, Finland has been viewed as culturally homogeneous. This is connected to the view of Lutheranism as an intrinsic part of the Finnish national identity. This has led to an exclusion of people who do not belong to the category of Finnishness, and thus resulted in anti-Muslim racism. The objective of this master’s thesis is three-fold. The first aim is to contribute to the currently scarce research on social media representations of Islam and Muslims. Secondly, the existing media research on Islam and Muslims is heavily concentrated on media produced by non-Muslims, rather than media produced by Muslims themselves. Especially, research on media representations produced by young Finnish Muslims themselves are next to none. Thirdly, previous research shows that young Muslims in Europe are mostly studied in relation to issues of extremism, radicalization and violence. The manifolded nature of Muslim identities is not considered enough in the academia, and thus it is important to adopt an intersectional research approach that considers Muslims’ different identity categories, such as religion, ethnicity and age. This is done through qualitatively examining young Finnish Muslims in a previously unstudied social media environment: podcasts. The thesis answers two research questions: 1. ‘How do young Muslims negotiate their identities, especially in relation to Finnishness?’ and 2. ‘How are experiences of racism discussed in podcasts produced by young Muslims in Finland?’ The data of the thesis consists of four episodes from three different podcasts produced by young Finnish Muslims, ‘Ramadan Radio: Limitless Talks’, ‘Kahden kulttuurin väkeä’ and ‘Kh4nVision Podcast’. The thesis adopts a social constructionist approach to studying identity, based on the assumption that knowledge is produced in interaction with others. The chosen analytical methodology is critical discourse analysis (CDA). Six dominant discourses emerged from the data in the analysis: 1) intersectional identities as problematic; 2) code-switching between different identities; 3) Islam as an identity marker; 4) agency in change; 5) assigning responsibility of racism to the structures; and 6) internalized racism. The results reflect a complicated reality of being a young Muslim in Finland. In the podcasts, young Muslims negotiate their intersectional identities in relation to Finnishness from a problem-based perspective. Experiences of racism are manifested in the podcasts in numerous ways, from code-switching to reproducing racist language. The results of the study indicate that young Finnish Muslims’ identity is socially constructed and religious and ethnic identities are interconnected. The results of the thesis also show that discourse of identities is tightly connected to the context of production and the assumed audience of the content. The results support previous research findings, demonstrating that Muslims choose to emphasize different parts of their identity in contexts where Islam is not at center stage.