University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation form and publishing an electronic dissertation in Helda
University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation form
Doctoral candidates should fill in the electronic doctoral dissertation form three weeks before the public examination of the dissertation at the latest. The purpose of the dissertation form is to integrate the collection and storing of all information on dissertations as well as their abstracts. Currently the information is used by the Helsinki University Library, by the University Communications Department and also by the University calendar of events. The collected information is also made available in DART- Europe E-thesis portal. In addition, the abstracts of the dissertations in medicine are stored in Medic - the Finnish reference database of health sciences produced by Meilahti Campus Library Terkko.
If the date of the public examination changes, please contact the library ( before submitting the doctoral disseration form again.
The abstracts submitted with the dissertation form are published in University of Helsinki Digital Repository Helda. Two abstracts are submitted, a popular abstract in Finnish or Swedish and a scientific abstract in English. The recommended maximum length for the scientific abstract is 1-2 pages, for the popular 1 page (about 2400 characters). If the abstract is longer, it should be sent separately as an attachment (text file, Microsoft Word is recommended) to In this case, please fill in a notification (such as "Abstract will be sent separately") to the text field for the abstract in the form. If the doctoral candidate wishes to publish an abstract in a language not mentioned above, the abstract should be sent to as an e-mail attachment.
Publishing an electronic dissertation in Helda
The doctoral candidate is required to publish the doctoral dissertation as a digital publication in Digital Repository Helda. The format of digital dissertations in Helda is PDF. The publishing of an digital dissertation in Helda is free of charge for the doctoral candidate.
If your dissertation is based on articles, it is sufficient if the summary part of the dissertation is published in Helda. However, the articles can be included in the digital dissertation, if you have checked that the publishers allow this.
In addition, 20 printed copies of the dissertation are required. The distribution of the printed copies should be checked from the faculty of the doctoral candidate. It is possible to apply for financial support to cover the expenses of the printing of the dissertation. For further information, see Instructions for Students.
Separate ISBN numbers are required for each version of the dissertation, i.e. different numbers for the printed version and the PDF version. If necessary, ISBN numbers can be obtained from the Finnish ISBN Agency (e-mail
The author of the dissertation should sign a publishing agreement ( with the University of Helsinki. You will receive a request to sign the agreement in the UniSign system.
The electronic version of the dissertation is normally published in Helda five days before the public examination of the dissertation, at the latest.
The file may be sent to the Libray as an e-mail attachment. If the electronic version of the dissertation has been ordered from Unigrafia, Unigrafia will deliver the file directly to the Library.
To summarize, please remember the following when publishing your dissertation in Helda
- The electronic University of Helsinki dissertation form, preferably at least three weeks before the public examination of the dissertation (N.B.: this is a recommendation, the form can be sent later as well).
- The dissertation as a PDF file, preferably two weeks before the public examination. If your dissertation is printed in Unigrafia, Unigrafia will take care of sending the file to the Library. N.B. If the file is over 20 MB, please contact the Library before sending it.
- The author must approve the publication agreement by which she/he authorises the publication of the dissertation online. The agreement is approved in UniSign service. You will receive a request for acceptance to the e-mail address you filled in the doctoral dissertation form (please submit a address if possible). If it is not possible to accept the agreement in UniSign, please contact the library (
Contact addresses
Mailing address:
Helsinki University Main Library
P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30)
00014 University of Helsinki
- University of Helsinki dissertation form
- Publishing agreement (PDF)
- En route to the Doctorate - by University Communications
- The Finnish ISBN Agency