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  • Orava, Heli (2019)
    CRPS:n, kuten muidenkin kroonisten kipuoireyhtymien, tiedetään huonontavan elämänlaatua. CRPS-potilailla esiintyy usein psyykkisiä oireita kuten masentuneisuutta ja ahdistuneisuutta. Toisin kuin aiemmin on luultu, psyykkisten tekijöiden ei ole osoitettu olevan osallisina CRPS:n synnyssä, mutta ne saattavat kuitenkin fysiologisten mekanismien ja käyttäytymismallien kautta vaikuttaa potilaiden kokemiin oireisiin. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin 22 CRPS tyyppi I -potilaan elämänlaatua ja sen yhteyttä masentuneisuuteen, kivun hyväksymiseen sekä kipuun liittyviin pelko- ja ahdistusreaktioihin käyttäen 15D-elämänlaatumittaria sekä BDI-II, CPAQ ja PASS 20 -kyselyitä. 15D-mittarin perusteella CRPS-potilailla on tilastollisesti merkitsevästi huonontunut elämänlaatu verrattuna terveiden vertailuryhmään (p<0,01). Vaikeammat psykiatriset oireet vaikuttavat myös olevan yhteydessä huonompaan elämänlaatuun tutkituilta osin. Tulosten perusteella CRPS-potilaiden psyykkisten tekijöiden huomioiminen hoidossa voi olla tärkeää elämänlaadun kannalta.
  • Bergdal, Rebecka; Harjutsalo, Valma; Groop, Per-Henrik; Mutter, Stefan (2024)
    Objective. Hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia are well-known risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in type 1 diabetes. The impact of long-term cumulative exposure to these risk factors is less explored. We investigated the relationship between cumulative glycemic and lipid exposure and CAD in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Research Design and Methods. This longitudinal study included 3,495 adults with type 1 diabetes from the FinnDiane cohort, without end-stage kidney disease and no history of CAD or stroke at the study baseline. Total cumulative glycemic exposure (CGEtot) and cumulative hyperglycemic exposure (CGEhg), accounting only for time spent above an HbA1c of 7% (53 mmol/mol), were calculated from diabetes diagnosis. Results. During a median follow-up of 19.4 years, 534 participants had their first-ever CAD event. CGEhg (odds ratio 1.03 [95% CI 1.02-1.05], P <0.001) and cumulative exposure to LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol all significantly increased the odds for incident CAD. The highest tertile of CGEhg associated with a 2-fold odds increase for incident CAD. CGEtot was not significantly associated with CAD after adjusting for cumulative lipid exposure. Conclusions. Both hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia are independently associated with CAD in type 1 diabetes. These findings emphasize the importance of reaching an HbA1c below 7% (53 mmol/mol) as well as calling on health care professionals to not settle for suboptimal glucose control, but to continue their support and encouragement towards better management of diabetes.
  • Kaartinen, Taavi (2018)
    In vitro studies have shown that esomeprazole, the S-isomer of omeprazole, is a metabolism dependent inhibitor (MDI) of cytochrome P450 2C19, an essential drug-metabolizing enzyme. In this study, we characterized the effects of esomeprazole in vivo on CYP2C19, 3A4, and 1A2 using pantoprazole, midazolam, and caffeine, respectively, as probe drugs. In addition, we estimated the half-life of CYP2C19 by observing its recovering activity after inhibition. In a 5-phase study 10 healthy volunteers were administered 20 mg pantoprazole, 50 mg caffeine and 0.5 mg midazolam before and 1, 25, 49 and 73 hours after a 7 day pretreatment with 80mg esomeprazole twice daily. Esomeprazole increased the (R)-pantoprazole’s exposure up to 5-fold and the significant increase lasted at least 72 hours, which suggests strong MDI of CYP2C19. Esomeprazole had a minor effect on CYP3A4 and no effect on CYP1A2. The turnover half-life of CYP2C19 was estimated to be 46 hours. This estimation will be useful in the future for in vitro-in vivo extrapolations and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of CYP2C19. Concomitant use of drugs metabolized by CYP2C19 should be considered cautiously because of the clinically relevant strong and prolonged inhibition of CYP2C19 by esomeprazole. Alterations in exposures to drugs metabolized by CYP2C19 are expected after discontinuation of esomeprazole treatment for at least 3-4 days.
  • Sandström, John (2019)
    Finland har världens högsta incidens för typ 1 diabetes (T1D). Incidensen har ökat mångfalt under de senaste årtiondena i Finland och i andra utvecklade länder. Bl.a. detta och sjukdomens säsongberoende natur har riktat blickarna mot säsongberoende miljö-faktorer som utlösare av sjukdomsprocessen. Denna studies syfte var att undersöka om detta säsongberoende kan påvisas också i Finland och hur den förhåller sig till kön och ålder. Studiepopulationen bestod av 0–14 åriga finländska barn som hade diagnosticerats med T1D under åren 2002–2015. Säsonganalyser gällande diagnostidpunkten gjordes med hjälp av Poissons regressionsanalys, som säsongmodifierades. Vi observerade inci-densmönstret i förhållande till debutmånad samt säsongberoendets förhållande till kön och ålder. Diabetikerbarnen jämfördes med den teoretiska populationsenliga riskgrup-pen bestående av totalt antal levande 0–14 åringar i Finland per månad. Vår studie utvisade ett starkt säsongberoende. Säsongberoendet påverkades inte av kön men verkade bli kraftigare med stigande diagnosålder. Incidensen för pojkar var högre än hos flickor. Den årliga incidenstrenden var sjunkande fr.o.m. år 2006. Intressant var också att den yngsta åldersgruppen uppvisade den klart mest sjunkande incidenstrenden bland grupperna vilket väcker frågor om rotavirusvaccinets roll gällande incidensföränd-ringen. Rotavirusvaccinet infogades i det nationella vaccinationsprogrammet år 2009. Resultaten kan generera nya insikter angående sjukdomens patogenes och etiologi.
  • Nousiainen, Arttu (2022)
    Lisääntyvä antibioottiresistenssi (AMR, antimicrobial resistance) on maailmanlaajuinen uhka ihmisen terveydelle. Vuonna 2019 arvioitiin AMR:n aiheuttamien ylimääräisten kuolemien määräksi jo 1.27 miljoona; luku ylittää malarian tai HIV-infektion vastaavat arviot. Sairaaloissa AMR ongelma johtaa pidentyneisiin hoitojaksoihin, vakavampiin infektioihin ja suurempaan kuolleisuuteen ja myös leikkaushoidossa tarvittavan profylaksian käyttö on vaarassa. On selvää, että moderni lääketiede ei toimi nykyiseen tapaan ilman antibiootteja. Moniresistentit Enterobakteerit ovat yleistyneet viime vuosina kaikkialla; korkeimman antibioottiresistenssin alueilla ne aiheuttavat jo suurimman osan esimerkiksi virtsatieinfektioista. Näiden bakteerien esiintyvyys on suurinta Etelä- ja Kaakkois-Aasiassa,Saharan eteläpuolisessa Afrikassa sekä Etelä-Amerikassa. Kehitys on hälyttävää myös Euroopassa. Merkittävänä syynä tähän on resistenssin leviäminen alueelta toiselle matkailun, kaupan ja eläinten mukana. Korkean riskin alueilla vierailevista jopa 30-90% kantaa palatessaan moniresistenttejä suolistobakteereita. Tässä työssä tutkimme 783:n Benin matkaajan ESBL-PE (extended-spectrum betalactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae) bakteerin kantajuutta ulostenäytteistä, jotka kerättiin ennen matkaa, Beninissä, heti matkalta paluun jälkeen ja säännöllisin väliajoin sen jälkeen.. Ennen matkaa ESBL-PE kantajien osuus oli 4.4% ja heti matkan jälkeen 54%. Matkan aikana ja heti paluun jälkeen kerättyjen näytteiden perusteella 80% kolonisoitui matkan aikana. Kuukauden kuluttua paluusta kerätyissä näytteissä esiintyvyys oli enää 24%. Tutkimuksessa tuli tilastollisesti merkittävä ero niiden välillä, jotka antoivat näytteen paluupäivänä tai sitä seuraavana päivänä verrattuna niihin jotka antoivat näytteen vasta kolmen päivän kuluttua (68% vs 48%). Riskitekijäanalyysin perusteella D-vitamiinin talviaikainen käyttö saattoi jopa suojata ESBL-PE kolonisaatiolta. Tutkimus osoitti, että matkailijoista merkittävä osa dekolonisoituu jo ensimmäisten päivien ja viikkojen aikana. Jatkossa tarkoituksena on selvittää, miksi jotkut kannat onnistuvat kolonisoimaan suoliston pitkäksi aikaa.
  • Sweins, Petra (2015)
    Successful vocabulary acquisition requires encoding of newly learned spoken words into a long-term storage. At the neural level, this means optimal establishment of novel neural connections and rapid formation of memory traces for words. In adults the rapid formation of memory traces is seen as an enhanced neural response at 50 ms after word recognition point to novel words after short exposure. To explore the rapid word memory trace formation in children with dyslexia, we recorded online neural activity using electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs) during a short (~35mins) session of passive exposure to a novel pseudo-word in school-aged dyslexic children and matched fluently reading controls. The memory trace formation for the novel word was investigated by comparing the average ERPs of trials in the early and late part of the exposure. In fluently reading children, the neural response to the unfamiliar pseudo-word at early latencies after word disambiguation point increased significantly by the end of the session, putatively indicating memory trace formation for the novel word. In contrast, the neural response at the early latencies did not show any change in the group with dyslexia between the early and late stages of the exposure, indicating impaired rapid formation of memory traces for novel words. We propose that rapid neural learning of new spoken words is impaired in dyslexic children, possibly due to deficient phonological processing, development of phonological representations and phonological short-term memory, and hinders efficient vocabulary growth.
  • Tuohinto, Krista (2018)
    Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV), also called human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), was discovered following the AIDS-epidemic as the causative agent of Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), an angiogenic endothelial tumor of the skin, and of two rare lymphoproliferative diseases, primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and multicentric Castleman disease (MCD). Infection by KSHV displays two life cycle phases; latent and lytic replication. In latency, the virus stays dormant within the host, expressing only a few genes and no viral particles are produced. Latency is the default mode of infection, however, upon appropriate induction the virus reactivates to express all of its genes and replicate viral DNA during the productive lytic replication, culminating with the release of infectious progeny particles and lysis of the host cells. Virus reactivation from latency to the lytic replication is an essential step in the KS pathogenesis. Upon KSHV infection, endothelial cells (EC) undergo reprogramming towards spindle cell, the principal proliferating cell in advanced KS lesions. The transcription factor prospero related homeobox gene Prox1 has an important role in mediating the effects of KSHV on EC reprogramming, contributing to the KS development. Prox1 is the master regulator of lymphatic endothelial cell fate, and its expression is manipulated during the KSHV infection. However, the role of Prox1 in the KSHV life cycle and lytic reactivation has not been studied. To elucidate the role of Prox1 in KSHV reactivation from latency, the effect of ectopic expression of Prox1 on the lytic gene and protein expression in both latent and reactivated KSHV-infected cells was studied. This led to a significant increase in KSHV lytic gene and protein expression, suggesting Prox1 as a positive regulator of KSHV lytic replication. Moreover, Prox1 wild-type, but not its DNA-binding deficient mutant, could significantly increase the release of infectious virions. To investigate the expression levels of Prox1 during KSHV infection, infection kinetics assay was performed, which showed an increase in the Prox1 levels during acute infection. Intriguingly, this was followed by a progressive decrease in the Prox1 levels as latency was established. In conclusion, the focus of this thesis is to investigate the role of Prox1 in KSHV reactivation, and to provide a deeper insight into the virus reactivation mechanisms that can be utilized for future therapeutic strategies against KSHV-mediated tumorigenesis of KS. Keywords: KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma, Prox1, virus reactivation, lytic replication
  • Lauma, Lauri (2021)
    Psychological pain is a concept, that describes pain in the mind, also know as psyache. It is a phenomenon closely related to suicidal acts (Shneidman, 1996; Baumeister, 1990, Troister and Holden 2010). Psycyhological pain is a relatively new concept and not yet that well known, atleast among general practicioners. For example in the USA 5,6% of the general population and 53% of the patients with severe mental illness are thought to suffer from psychological pain (American Psychiatric Association, 2003). Depression and hopelessness are perhaps the most well known factors in the development of suicidal ideation, atleast for people not familiar with the research literature of this field. However Troister and Holden (Troister and Holden, 2012) compared the effects of psychological pain, depression and hopelessness. The results were that out of depression, hopelessness and psychological pain psychological pain is the only variable that contributes significantly to a change in suicidal ideation. In this study the contributions of depression and hopelessness were reduced to statistically nonsignificant levels. Furthermore psycological pain has been identified as a high risk factor for suicide with a greater predictive power than depression (Olié et al., 2010; Pereira et al., 2010; Troister and Holden, 2010; Li et al., 2014; Troister et al., 2015). Neuroimaging can be used in psychiatric diagnostics and also in psychiatric research. In diagnostics neuroimaging can be used to for differentiate between psychiatric and somatic causes of a psychosis, as psychosis can arise from a psychiatric disorder or from for example a brain tumor. Neuroimaging can be used for example in the field of pain research. There is overlap between neural networks of physical and psychological pain, but it seems like these different types of pain have some unique brain areas as well (Meerwijk et al., 2013). In addition to neuroimaging one of the ways of measuring psychological pain is through questionnaires, of which there are several. Perhaps because of these overlapping neural networks of pain some of the medication used to treat physical pain seems to have a positive effect on suicidal population suffering from psychological pain. It seems like the dose needed to treat psychological pain is a lot smaller than a dose needed to treat equivalent physical pain (Yovell et al., 2016).
  • Welling, Mia (2016)
    För den här avhandlingen har den operativa vården av metakarpalfrakturer undersökts. Syftet med studien har varit att kartlägga de opererade frakturernas egenskaper och beskriva patientmaterialet. Sammanlagt 95 fall av operererade metakarpalfrakturer vid Tölö och Hertonäs sjukhus från år 2012 ingår i den här undersökningen. Patientberättelser och röntgenbilder har använts som materialkälla. Information om bland annat frakturernas uppkomstmekanismer och felställningar har plockats fram. Resultaten visar att den typiska patienten som har opererats för en fraktur i metakarpalbenet var en ung man som hade skadat handen till följd av ett avsiktligt slag mot någonting. Frakturer i den femte metakarpalen var vanligast och det vanligaste frakturstället var skaftet. Gällande val av operationsteknik var operationer med plattor vanligare och de var i synnerhet överrepresenterade vid frakturer i skaftet. Det här var första gången som den här typens forskning om metakarpalfrakturer gjordes vid Tölö sjukhus.
  • Houttu, Piritta (2016)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosuudessa käytiin läpi sidostamisen perusteet ja dentiinin rakenne sekä selvitettiin vanhentamisen vaikutusta yhdistelmämuovien ja sidosaineiden sidoslujuuteen. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin MMP-entsyymien aktiivisuuden vaikutuksia sidoksen kestävyyteen. Yksivaiheisen itse-etsaavan Scotch Bond Universal- sidosaineen käyttöohjeen mukaan sillä sidotettaessa voidaan jättää erillinen etsaaminen kokonaan tekemättä tai erillisellä fosforihappoetsauksella voidaan käsitellä joko pelkkä kiille tai molemmat kiille ja dentiini. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten dentiinin erillinen fosforihappoetsaaminen vaikuttaa Scotchbond Universal-sidosaineen sidoslujuuteen ja sidoksen murtumatyyppiin keinosyljessä vanhennetuissa näytteissä. Tutkimukseen käytettiin 30 kappaletta yliopistohammasklinikalla poistettuja hampaita. Hampaat valettiin akryyliin ja niistä hiottiin osa kruunua pois. Sitten dentiiniosaan tehtiin yhdistelmämuovitäytepilarit. Sidosaineena käytettiin yksivaiheista itse-etsaavaa Scotchbond Universalia. Puolet näytteistä sidostettiin valmistajan ohjeen mukaan ja puolissa käytettiin erillistä fosforihappoetsausta ennen sidosaineen viemistä. Näytteitä vanhennettiin keinosyljessä kahdeksan kuukauden ajan. Sidosaineen ja dentiinin välistä sidoslujuutta testattiin kohdistamalla yhdistelmämuovipaikan tyveen työntövoima. Testaus tehtiin Shear Bond Tester T-63010K-laitteella. Lisäksi näytteiden murtumatyyppejä tarkasteltiin stereomikroskoopilla.
  • Paajanen, Anna (2021)
    Background: The population in many countries is becoming more diverse and heterogenic and the population of people from foreign background is growing in Finland as well. We wanted to find out how public sector dentists in Finland find this phenomenon. The aim of this study was to better understand how the foreign background of a patient affects the dentist’s work. Methods: The research was carried out as a semi-structured interview study. We interviewed 6 dentists from Helsinki municipality public dental care between December 2019 and January 2020. Each interview took approximately an hour. After the interviews were transcribed verbatim, two members of research group read individually the interviews to find emerging themes. Results: The most common problems that arose in the interviews were problems within communication and interpretation. The dentists also noticed different expressions of pain among foreign background patients compared to native Finnish patients. The periodontal diseases and importance of selfcare in treating those were also observed not to be familiar to many foreign background patients. The time a patient had lived in Finland was thought to affect the experienced difficulties and prejudice faced by the interviewed dentists. Conclusion: In this qualitative research we were already able to identify some of the common difficulties the dentists experience while treating patients from foreign background despite the small number of participants.
  • Paunonen, Benjamin (2021)
    Tämän syventävän tutkielman tarkoituksena on paneutua tarkemmin kirurgisiin avauksiin dentoalveolaarikirurgiassa. Dentoalveolaarinen kirurgia tarkoittaa kirurgiaa, joka kohdistuu hampaisiin ja niitä ympäröivään pehmytkudokseen ja luuhun. Tavoitteena on tuoda esille kirurgisia limakalvon avausmalleja ja menetelmiä, joita on mahdollista hyödyntää esimerkiksi hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoiden peruskoulutuksessa ja erikoistumisvaiheessa lisämateriaalin muodossa. Viiltojen suunnittelu on tärkeää ja harkittua jokaisen limakalvoavauksen yhteydessä. Jokaisessa leikkauksessa noudatetaan kirurgisia perussääntöjä. Riittävän näkyvyyden saavuttaminen on yksi perusedellytyksistä, lisäksi valon merkitys ja erittyvien nesteiden asianmukaisesta poistosta on huolehdittava. Kirurgiaa harjoittavan hammaslääkärin avustajan merkitys on myös suuri. Hyvä ja potilasturvallinen kirurginen toimenpide on vaikeasti toteutettavissa onnistuneesti ilman pätevää apua. Kirurgisten toimenpiteiden onnistumisen edellytyksenä on anatomian asianmukainen tuntemus. Kudoksien käsittelyssä on otettava huomioon paranemiseen vaikuttavat tekijät: Limakalvoja siirtäessä ja käsitellessä tulee käyttää hellävaraisesti kirurgisia atuloita, koska liiallinen vetäminen ja runsas epäfysiologisten kemikaalien käyttö vahingoittavat kudoksia herkästi ja heikentävät operoidun alueen paranemisen ennustetta. Dentoalveolaarisessa kirurgiassa avauksien ja viiltojen nimet perustuvat pääasiassa niiden muotoihin. Perinteisiä läppä- ja viiltotyyppejä ovat trapetsiläppä, kulmaläppä, kirjekuoriläppä, Y-viilto, X-viilto, pedikkeliläppä ja Ochsenbein-Luebkeinin läppä. Frenuloplastioissa käytetään niille tyypillisiä viiltoja. Dentoalveolaarisen avauksen jälkeen haava on suljettava. Tyypillisin tapa sulkea kirurginen haava on yhdistää haavareunat vastakkain ompelemalla. Haavan sulkemisen lisäksi paikallinen hemostaasi täytyy saada aikaiseksi verenvuodon tyrehdyttämiseksi. Kirurgiaa tekevän hammaslääkärin on tiedostettava kirurgisten edellytysten, anatomian, suunnittelun, indikaatioiden, hyötyjen ja haittojen lisäksi myös mahdolliset komplikaatiot.
  • Linnoinen, Maaria (2019)
    Objectives. Perinatal risk factors, e.g. low birth weight, can increase risk for depression. Whether perinatal risks are linked to received treatment and rehabilitation of depression and cognitive deficits in depression is largely unknown. The aim of the study was to examine the use of antidepressants, received rehabilitative psychotherapy and cognition among adults with lifetime depressive symptoms by comparing whether they differ in the perinatal risk group and in the control group. Methods. The study is part of a longitudinal birth cohort research project examining long-term ef-fects of perinatal risk factors. The present sample included 67 adults with perinatal risk factors and 20 control adults. All of the participants (n = 87) had experienced lifetime depressive symptoms. Lifetime depressive symptoms were assessed by lifetime depression and/or current depressive symptoms (DEPS ≥ 9). The use of antidepressants and received rehabilitative psychotherapy were compared between groups by χ2-tests. Cognition was assessed with several neuropsychological tests and compared between groups by t-tests. The effects of the most prevalent perinatal risk fac-tors and education on cognition was controlled by separate analyses of variance. Results and conclusions. The use of antidepressants was indicatively more prevalent in the perinatal risk group, although no statistically significant difference was observed. No difference between groups was found in received rehabilitative psychotherapy. Processing speed and visual perceptual performance was significantly poorer in the perinatal risk group compared to the control group. Low birth weight was linked to poorer cognitive performance in the perinatal risk group. Furthermore, lower level of education in the perinatal risk group explained difference in cognitive performance. The results suggest that perinatal risk factor may be linked to more prevalent use of antidepressants, which may reflect more severe lifetime depressive symptoms compared to controls. Perinatal risk factors do not seem to be linked to received rehabilitative psychotherapy and cognitive performance among adults with lifetime depressive symptoms.
  • Vikman, Kira (2019)
    Objective. Psychopathy is linked to income and years of employment. Unemployment, then, is a risk for both the individual and the society and can complicate the integration of psychopaths to the society. Yet, research on the relationship of psychopathy and unemployment is scarce. Psychopathy is thought to be divided into subtypes called prototype and successful psychopaths. The latter are traditionally viewed as more intelligent than prototype psychopaths. The aim of this study was to examine the predictive power of psychopathy to unemployment separately in legal and illegal work contexts. The moderating effect of intelligence was also explored. Methods. The data of the current study was employed from the Pathways to Desistance study. The data consisted of juvenile offenders collected from 2000 to 2010 in Phoenix and Philadelphia, in the United States (n=1083). The participants were 14 to 19 in the beginning of the study. Psychopathic traits were assessed with PCL:YV and intelligence with WASI at the seventh year follow-up. The relationship between psychopathy was assessed with binary logistic regression analysis. Results and discussion. Psychopathic traits and lower intelligence predicted the risk of unemployment in the legal work context. In the under-the-table context, psychopathy increased the risk of unemployment only among those with lower intelligence. The risk for unemployment among psychopathic individuals can be explained by their personality, psychopathology and the continuance of antisociality. The findings indicate that psychopathy has a consistent negative impact on employment and give partial support for the protective ability of intelligence but do not support the concept of successful psychopathy. The reforming impact of work and job opportunities might be different for psychopathic individuals. Therefore, further research is needed to develop effective solutions to political decision-making and enhanced integration practices.
  • Kauhanen, Jenna (2018)
    Histamine is an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). It is involved e.g. in the sleep-wake cycle, endocrine and energy homeostasis as well as in synaptic plasticity and learning. It is produced from L-histidine by histidine decarboxylase (HDC). Almost all species have histamine in their body although the amount varies between species. Histaminergic neurons are located in the tuberomamillary nucleus (TMN) of the posterior hypothalamus. There are four different histamine receptors in mammals and they are all metabotropic GPCR receptors. The first three (Hrh1, Hrh2 and Hrh3) are located in the brain while Hrh1 and Hrh2 along with Hrh4 that is mainly found in mast cells, are found in the periphery. Receptors have different functions e.g. Hrh1 regulates wakefulness and alertness while Hrh2 is involved in learning and memory. It is established that histaminergic neurons contain GABA-producing enzyme GAD1 and GABA itself. In the present study we aimed to evaluate GABAergic phenotype of the hypothalamic histaminergic neurons with double fluorescent in situ hybridization. Specifically, we were interested in co-existence of VGAT, which is responsible for vesicular release of GABA, and HDC mRNA. The animals used in this study were mouse and zebrafish. The percentage of mouse HDC-neurons that expressed GAD1 was 99.65% and co-expression for VGAT was also high (94.53%). This coexistence was verified also in the zebrafish model. Our data suggest that histaminergic neurons containing VGAT mRNA and are potentially able to release GABA. If GABA is released in a paracrine manner like histamine, it causes tonic inhibition that counterbalances the effects of histamine during wakefulness. The fact that VGAT mRNA was also found in zebrafish histaminergic neurons indicates that histamine-GABA system is preserved among species.
  • Jäämaa, Salla (2010)
    Lung transplantation (LTx) is a generally accepted therapy for end-stage lung patients meeting the international criterias. Chronic dysfunction of the allograft, called Brochiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS), is the most important complication limiting the long term survival of these patients. Known risk factors for developing BOS are episodes of acute rejection, CMV-pneumonitis and HLA-immunization. Other risk factors have also been suggested, as one of them gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and the possible microaspiration caused by it. In this study we followed during one year 15 patients who underwent a bilateral LTx in Helsinki University Central Hospital. Our aim was to find out if it is possible to determine bile acids from lung allograft recipients' bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) by using a commercially available kit and thus possibly find a useful method to verify the microaspiration in these patients. Our study demonstrates that most patients do have bile acids in their BALF samples during the first year after LTx and that this does not correlate with the reflux symptoms experienced by the patients. We were unable to show correlation between the bile acids in BALF and BOS developed by some patients, but our results indicate that BOS is preceded by repeated episodes of BALF neutrophilia.
  • Auno, Sami (2023)
    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide. Around one-fifth of people with epilepsy are diagnosed with drug-resistant epilepsy. Some of them benefit from epilepsy surgery. Before surgical treatment, the location of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) must be carefully identified to achieve a good surgical outcome. New methods for locating the EZ are constantly being developed. The aim of this study was to investigate whether long-range temporal correlations (LRTC) can be used for non-invasive localization of the EZ in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. The study involved 10 patients with epilepsy who had previously undergone epilepsy surgery and an MRI. We used the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method to quantify the LRTCs in four different frequency bands in 200 cortical regions based on the patients' individual source reconstructions. We correlated the DFA values with distances from the resection areas and cortical locations of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). In addition, DFA maps were visually inspected by three clinicians to identify the most likely EZs. The study found that DFA maps were significantly correlated with distance from the location of the resection only in the patients with type II focal cortical dysplasia (FCD II) and were associated with IED sites only in the FCD II patients. In addition, visual analysis of the DFA maps showed that in the FCD patients, there was a high interobserver agreement and accuracy in defining the affected hemisphere and lobe. These findings suggest that LRTCs could provide a non-invasive method to identify EZ and facilitate the preoperative evaluation of epilepsy patients.
  • Pirinen, Riku (2023)
    In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the application of machine learning (ML) within the medical field. This development has been made possible by the emergence of high-performance modern computers. Deep learning (DL), a subfield of ML, uses advanced computer algorithms to solve complex tasks that would normally require the cognitive capabilities of the human brain. Meningiomas are the most common intracranial tumor excluding metastases. They are usually diagnosed on head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Meningiomas can also be visible on computed tomography (CT) although detecting them on non-contrast enhanced head CT is challenging. Notably, CT is more readily available than MRI and head CTs far outnumber head MRIs. This means many meningiomas are not detected on head CT. DL has shown capability in tasks that are difficult for humans, and we hypothesized that a DL algorithm could detect meningiomas from non-contrast-enhanced head CTs. In this thesis, we developed a deep learning algorithm for the detection of clinically relevant meningiomas in non-contrast-enhanced head CT scans and assessed its performance on previously unseen data. All images were from patients who required neurosurgical intervention for the treatment of their meningiomas. They were sourced from the Helsinki University Hospital (HUH) Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), a database of over 21 million imaging studies. We found that our algorithm has a good positive predictive value in detecting meningiomas. In other words, the algorithm rarely predicts abnormal findings in normal head CT scans. On the other hand, a positive prediction is likely to be correct. Such an algorithm, in theory, could aid radiologists and clinicians in image interpretation especially during busy on-call hours as it gives few false alerts.
  • Patpatia, Sheetal (2020)
    Antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria has increased in recent years. When antibiotics do not work, alternative therapies are developed to prevent major bacterial epidemics. Phage therapy is one of the alternative possibilities to cure infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. Due to the narrow host range of phages, hundreds or even thousands of phages are required to cover the various bacterial pathogens. For a reliable selection process, high-throughput rapid host range screening of phages is needed to cover the future demands. In addition, collaboration between laboratories is highly important, as the collections of phages of individual laboratories are not broad enough. Thus, the transportation of phages between laboratories is one of the key elements to provide successful phage therapy for patients. The aim of the study was to use gel-based products as protective matrix in phage host-range screening and transportation. The optimal conditions were selected to set a baseline for high-throughput rapid host range screening process, and to set up a ready-to-screen plate assay for phage transportation. In addition, the purpose of the study was to evaluate whether hydrogels could be used as a long-term storage matrix for phages and future product development. Fourteen Escherichia coli phages were used to optimize the liquid culture assay for the E.coli strains. The hydrogel based assays were conducted with two Escherichia and two Staphylococcus phages. For long-term storage, phages were mixed with different consistencies of hydrogels and stored in three different conditions for up to six months at +4oC. The transportation experiments were conducted with phages stored with optimized hydrogel consistencies. The phage viability was measured using liquid culture method. Results show that liquid culture method on microtiter plate is a convenient way to screen bacteriophages in high-throughput assay and that phages can be stored reliably in hydrogel format. When stored in microcentrifuge tubes, phage stability was shown to last for at least six months. When stored as drops on microtiter plate, the phages retained their viability for up to two months. These plates can be used as a robust means for phage transportation.
  • Kivimäki, Karolina (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tutkittavat jakautuvat peroraalisen sokerirasituksen perusteella käyttämällä k-means-algoritmia ja selvittää, jakautuvatko tutkittavat eri ryppäisiin jo vakiintuneen glukoosinsiedon luokitteluperusteen mukaisesti, vai muodostuuko myös uudenlaisia ryhmiä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin mihin GCK-kantajat sijoittuivat ryppäissä. Aineisto perustuu Botnia-tutkimukseen ja sen myöhempiin osatutkimuksiin. Tutkittavat olivat diabeetikkoja ja terveitä kontrolleja (N=4319). GCK-kantajia oli 113. Tutkittavat ryhmiteltiin sokerirasituksen kymmenen muuttujan (glukoosi 0 min, 30 min, 60 min ja 120 min; insuliini 0 min, 30 min, 60 min ja 120 min sekä C-peptidi 0 min ja 120 min). Ryhmittelyssä käytettiin K-means algoritmia ja R-ohjelmaa. Syntyneiden ryhmien erojen havaitsemiseen käytettiin Anovaa, ja kahdenväliset erot laskettiin Tukeyn testillä. T-testiä käytettiin vertaamaan ryppään GCK-MODY-kantajien piirteitä vastaavan ryhmän keskiarvoihin. K-means ryhmitteyssä erottui kolme ryhmää glukoosirasituksen perusteella. Ryppäät erosivat toisistaan odotetusti ryhmittelyyn käytettyjen muuttujien suhteen, mutta lisäksi eroavaisuuksia todettiin myös lipiditasoissa ja BMI:ssä, vaikka näitä muuttujia ei ollut ryhmittelyssä käytettykään. GCK-kantajien glukoosirasituskäyrien muoto mukaili koko aineiston vastaavaa, ja he olivat joka ryhmässä keskiarvoa nuorempia ja hoikempia. GCK-kantajat erottuivat kaikista selvimmin vastaavan ryhmän ei-kantajista ryppäässä 1. Ryppäässä 3 GCK-kantajilla oli hieman korkeampi HDL-kolesteroli ja matalampi BMI kuin muilla saman ryppään tutkittavilla, ja ryppääseen 3 päätyivätkin ne GCK-kantajat, joiden glukoosiaineenvaihdunta oli keskimäärin eniten häiriintynyt.