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  • Mikkonen, Kasperi (2019)
    Playing video games is a popular way to spend time and mobile gaming is one of the most growing entertainment industries in the world. Gaming is often associated with high level of motivation from the user as well as many negative and positive outcomes. Commitment towards games has invited countless of researches to examine what makes them so intriguing and motivating. This growing understanding gives developers more tools to design even better games and allows game-like features to be used in other contexts as well. This master’s thesis examines automatically gathered early log-data (n=100 000) from two free-to-play mobile games in order to create a model for retention. A model created using early log-data (first three days of play) creates opportunities to recognize potential players in an early phase and to evaluate early iterations of games that are in development. Furthermore, individual features are analyzed to study, what are the factors that influence coming back to the game at a later point (30 days after the installation of the game). The research questions in this thesis are: 1) Can commitment towards mobile games be modeled using early log-data? 2) How accurate predictions the created model can do? 3) What are the most important in-game features that predict retention? The model is created using a decision tree analysis, which was selected as a method due to its transparency and because it has been used before in earlier studies with similar designs. In both games, the rate of coming back to the game after 30 days of installation was 7.6%. A working model for retention was formulated which was able to predict coming back to the game with 33% accuracy. The most important in-game features that affect retention were the number of victories, the number of starts and the number of in-app-purchases during the three-day period after the game’s installation. Surprisingly, in-game rewards and achievements were the most insignificant features when predicting retention although they are often specifically designed to elevate user motivation. These results can influence design decisions made in game development by setting the focus on the factors that influence player commitment and behavior. Achievements and in-game rewards might feel too artificial and superficial compared to winning in game. If the system gives direct feedback of the effect of time and monetary sacrifice to the player’s performance, one might be able to reduce the number of players that decide to leave the game. The results also can be used to examine how game-like features are used in non-game systems where the goal is to tie together the high-level of motivation seen in games and socially impactful endeavors. Further studies of in-game behavior might also give new insights on game addiction and its negative effects on player well-being and business.
  • Mustonen, Neea (2018)
    Background: The etiology of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is largely unknown. Infections and microbial exposures are believed to play a role in the pathogenesis and in the development of islet autoimmunity in genetically susceptible individuals. Objective: To assess the relationships between early childhood infections, islet autoimmunity, and progression to T1D in genetically predisposed children. Methods: Children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility (N=790; 51.5% males) from Finland (n=386), Estonia (n=322), and Russian Karelia (n=82) were observed from birth up to the age of 3 years. Children attended clinical visits at the age of 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months. Serum samples for analyzing T1D-associated autoimmune markers were collected and health data recorded during the visits. Results: Children developing islet autoimmunity (n=46, 5.8%) had more infections during the first year of life (3.0 vs. 3.0, mean rank 439.1 vs. 336.2; p=0.001) and their first infection occurred earlier (3.6 vs. 5.0 months; p=0.005) than children with no islet autoimmunity. By May 2016, seven children (0.9%) had developed T1D (progressors). Compared to non-diabetic children, T1D progressors were younger at first infection (2.2 vs. 4.9 months; p=0.004) and had more infections during the first 2 years of life (during each year 6.0 vs. 3.0; p=0.001 and p=0.027, respectively). By 3 years of age, the T1D progressors had twice as many infections as the other children (17.5 vs. 9.0; p=0.006). Conclusions: Early childhood infections may play an important role in the pathogenesis of T1D. Current findings may reflect either differences in microbial exposures or early immunological aberrations making diabetes-prone children more susceptible to infections.
  • Kukkonen, Aleksi (2021)
    Objectives: Bisphenol A (BPA) is commonly used plasticizer that has endocrine disrupting properties. Fetal exposure to BPA has been associated with offspring behavioural problems. These associations may be mediated through BPA-induced alterations in the offspring DNA methylation (DNAm). This study examined whether fetal BPA exposure associates with behavioural problems and whether DNAm biomarker score for early pregnancy BPA exposure is linked with behavioural problems in the offspring. Methods: Participants were 442 mother-child pairs of the Finnish PREDO-cohort. I measured BPA from the early pregnancy urine samples and assayed DNAm in the cord blood with Illumina 450k or EPIC array. Mothers reported behavioural problems of their offspring with the Child Behaviour Checklist/1.5-5 (CBCL/1.5-5) at the mean child age of 3.8 years (SD = 1.0 years). I used LASSO regression to create a DNAm score for early pregnancy BPA exposure and tested the associations between BPA exposure, the DNAm score, and CBCL/1.5-5 scores with linear and logistic regressions. Results: After adjustments, early pregnancy BPA exposure was associated with higher risk for clinically meaningful internalizing (p = .02) and externalizing (p = .04) behavioural problems in the offspring. The DNAm score included eight CpG sites, explained 4.8% of the BPA variation, and was borderline significantly associated with a risk for clinically meaningful internalizing (p = .05) and externalizing behavioural problems (p = .06). Conclusions: Early pregnancy BPA exposure associated and DNAm biomarker for BPA exposure borderline associated with offspring behavioural problems. DNAm biomarker score for fetal BPA exposure showed promise and should be studied further in subsequent studies.
  • Tervonen, Annika (2022)
    Sydämen kantasoluterapia on tutkimuksessa oleva hoitokäytäntö, jolla yritetään sydämeen kantasoluja siirtämällä saada aikaan arpeutuneen kudoksen paranemista, ja siten sydämen pumppauskyvyn parantumista. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus on osa isompaa tutkimusprojektia, jossa tätä kantasoluterapiaa yritetään toteuttaa sydämen omilla eteiskorvakkeen kantasoluilla. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa selvitimme, miten sydämen ultraääntä voidaan käyttää sydämen kantasolututkimuksissa vasteen seurannassa, ja mitkä menetelmät ovat luotettavia ja mitkä eivät, sekä miten tulosten luotettavuutta voidaan parantaa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa selvisi, että sydämen ultraäänellä voi saada luotettavia tuloksia jotka toimivat hyvin kardiologisten ja sydänkirurgisten kliinisten tutkimuksien seurannassa, kunhan käytetään oikeita mittausmenetelmiä, ja minimoidaan tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat tulosten luotettavuuteen negatiivisesti. Selvitimme myös, milloin sydämen ultraääni tulokset ovat epäluotettavia, ja mitkä tekijät tähän johtavat. Vertasimme myös sydämen ultraääntä ja sydämen magneettitutkimusta, ja havaitsimme, että ultraäänellä voidaan välillä saada lähes yhtä luotettavia tuloksia kuin magneettikuvauksella, jos mittausmenetelmä on oikea. Sydämen ultraäänen käytöstä sydämen kantasoluterapiatutkimuksissa ei ole kuin muutama julkaisu, ja aihe vaatiikin lisää tutkimista.
  • Örn, Richard (2022)
    Aortic stenosis is the most important type of valvular heart disease among elderly patients, that often lead to valve replacement interventions. As the age structure shifts towards older age and life expectancy continues to rise, the prevalence of aortic stenosis is presumed to rise, resulting in more patients and additional expenses. Echocardiography is the most important tool for assessing aortic stenosis among patients. An experienced clinician can determine the severity of the disease with echocardiography alone, although the complete picture of a patient’s health must be evaluated during examination. The choice of intervention and timing thereof should be done by a heart team consisting consists of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, radiologists, interventional radiologists and anaesthesiologists. Intervention is done by replacing the stenotic aortic valve with a functional synthetic valve either by surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) or by transcatheter aortic valve implant (TAVI). Echocardiography is used for evaluating prognosis and selecting type of care for each patient, based on the ECHO findings. This overview presents the use of transthoracic echocardiography as a tool for assessment of disease severity among patients with aortic stenosis, as well as advantages and limitations. The overview incudes a study of the clinical outcome of 30 patients with aortic stenosis treated with surgical aortic valve replacement and transcatheter aortic valve implant within the AS-AMYL study at the Helsinki University Hospital.
  • Perälampi, Heidi (2020)
    Goals Economics and fertility are widely studied areas, and the link between economics and fertility is well proven. However, less research exists concerning economics as a life course factor to fertility. The first aim of this study is to research whether the 90's depression impacted Finnish children's future fertility. The hypothesis is that if the family's economic situation decreased during the 90's depression, the children would be less willing to have children of their own later in life. The other aim is to clarify whether this effect is different depending on children's age during the depression. Methods Participants in this study were selected among the FinnFamily-register data, consisting of a longitudinal following of 60000 Finish families for four generations. Among the FinnFamily data, 43 432 participants who were born between 1975-1989 were included in this study. Participants and their parents were followed to the end of 2012. Analyses were made using Cox regression. The robust covariance matrix -method was used to allow correlation among members of the same family. Results and conclusions A change in the parents' economic situation during the 90's depression was not connected to a decrease in the child's future fertility. Neither evidence of interaction between parents' income change and child's age was found. However, it was found that the decrease and a major increase in parents' income during the 90's depression was connected to the increase in the probability of having a first child in later life. The connection between income decrease and later fertility remained statistically significant after controlling the education level, sex, age cohort, and number of siblings. The connection between a major income increase and later fertility disappeared when the number of siblings was controlled. The finding was somewhat unexpected, and more research is needed to clarify the reasons behind this effect. Particularly longitudinal research, including measurements of participants' subjective experiences and narratives associating with parents' economic difficulties, is needed in the future.
  • Eriksson, Jasmin (2019)
    Synnytyksen käynnistyksen yleisimmät syyt Suomessa ovat yliaikaisuus ja lapsivedenmeno, jotka ovat miltei tasavertaiset yleisyydessään. Vuonna 2017 Suomessa synnytyksistä käynnistettiin 28,9 % ja tällöin lapsivedenmeno oli toiseksi yleisin syy käynnistykseen HYKS:ssä. HYKS:ssä synnytys käynnistetään 12 tunnin kuluessa lapsivedenmenosta GBS-positiivisilla synnyttäjillä ja 24 tunnin kuluttua GBS-negatiivisilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lapsivedenmenon vaikutusta synnytyksen kulkuun ja lopputuloksiin niillä synnyttäjillä, joiden synnytys on käynnistetty lapsivedenmenon takia. Tutkimus on retrospektiivinen ja aineisto koostuu HYKS synnytyssairaaloiden synnyttäjistä vuodelta 2017. Synnyttäjien esitiedot, tiedot synnytysten käynnistyksestä ja etenemisestä sekä synnytysten päätetapahtumat ja syntyneiden lasten tiedot on kerätty sairaskertomuksista Obstetrix- ja Miranda-potilastietojärjestelmistä. Tiedot on analysoitu SPSS-taulukkolaskentaohjelman avulla. Tutkimuksessa todettiin ensisynnyttäjyyden, synnyttäjän lyhyen pituuden, ylipainon, aiemman keisarileikkauksen ja epäkypsän kohdunkaulan käynnistyksen alussa liittyvän lisääntyneeseen keisarileikkauksen riskiin, kuten aiemmissakin tutkimuksissa. Infektioita todettiin enemmän ensisynnyttäjillä ja keisarileikkaukseen päätyneillä. Synnytyksissä, jotka olivat keskimääräiseltä kestoltaan pidempiä lapsivedenmenosta ja/tai synnytyksen käynnistyksen alusta syntymään, ilmeni enemmän synnytyksen aikaisia tai jälkeisiä infektioita. GBS-positiivisille synnyttäjille annetaan HYKS:n hoitokäytännön mukaisesti ennaltaehkäisevä antibioottihoito lapsiveden mentyä ja heidän lapsillaan oli vähemmän infektioita kuin GBS-negatiivisten synnyttäjien lapsilla. Lapsivedenmenon ajankohdalla ei ollut vaikutusta lasten infektioiden esiintymiseen. Lapsivedenmenon vuoksi käynnistetyissä synnytyksissä äitien ja lasten infektioiden esiintyvyys ei poikennut muista HYKS:ssä vuonna 2017 käynnistetyistä synnytyksistä.
  • Närvänen, Eija (2020)
    Objective. The FRIENDS programme is a group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme, developed for the prevention and treatment of child and adolescent anxiety and depression. In the context of prevention, FRIENDS has been extensively researched; however, little research has been conducted on FRIENDS in a treatment setting and with different populations. To help fill this gap, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Finnish version of FRIENDS in reducing internalising symptoms in children diagnosed with psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders. Methods. The present study was conducted at Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) Child Psychiatry outpatient clinics in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland. The participating children (n = 99, mean age = 9.45 years, range 6–13 years, 68.7 % boys) were randomly assigned to either FRIENDS (n = 52) or a waitlist control group (n = 47), which received treatment as usual for a period of 3 months before the intervention. The children’s internalising symptoms were assessed using parent- and teacher-report questionnaires (Child Behavior Checklist and Teacher’s Report Form) at referral to treatment, pre-treatment, post-treatment, and six-month follow-up. Results and conclusions. In both groups, there was a medium-sized statistically significant decrease in parent-reported internalising symptoms immediately after the intervention; however, these improvements were not retained at six-month follow-up. Teacher-reported internalising symptoms followed a similar pattern of decrease during the intervention and increase during follow-up; however, these changes were smaller in magnitude and did not reach statistical significance, possibly due to loss of statistical power caused by missing data. Neither parent- or teacher-reports showed an intervention effect, with children’s internalising symptoms exhibiting similar changes regardless of whether they belonged to the intervention group or the waitlist control group, which received treatment as usual during the wait period. These results raise questions on the durability of treatment effects and the superiority of FRIENDS over active waitlist control conditions or treatment as usual when treating children diagnosed with diverse psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders in a community setting where treatment adherence and integrity may not be ideal.
  • Tapper, Julius (2015)
    The role of decompressive craniectomy as a cure in traumatic brain injuries has been widely been discussed. Therefore our aim was to assess the independent effect of decompressive craniectomy the outcome and mortality of the patient. We conducted an open-cohort retrospective study on adult blunt TBI patients. Patients were divided into three groups; conservative treatment, acute craniotomy and mass lesion evacuation (craniotomy) and decompressive craniectomy. Outcome was assessed using Glasgow Outcome Scale and overall mortality six months after the operation. The adjusted multivariate analysis did not show an independent association between decompressive craniectomy and mortality. Decompressive craniectomy prooved to be an independent risk factor for poor neurological outcome with an OR of 3.06. In conclusion, operating TBI patients with decompressive craniectomy was found to be a life-saving intervention for patients who in other cases were destined to die. For stronger evidence this subject needs more research of a prospective type.
  • Pihlajamäki, Lilli (2017)
    Folate has been shown to be important in muscle metabolism and in controlling nucleotide pools. As nucleotide pools are expected to decrease during differentiation while mtDNA increases, we studied whether folate availability controls increasing mtDNA amount. The aim of this study was to determine, how folate deficiency affects the differentiation of human myoblasts into myotubes and mitochondrial DNA copy number development. We cultured human and mouse myotubes in differentiation media with and without folate. Proper differentiation of the cells was determined by imaging and by studying key transcription factors. MtDNA copy number and gene expression of folate metabolism genes were measured using quantitative PCR. We concluded that the differentiation protocol was successful and that mtDNA copy number developed similarly in differentiating human and mouse myotubes. Further, clear differences were observed in folate metabolism gene expression patterns between the two cell types but not between cells cultured with and without folate.
  • Ala-Mutka, Eero; Rimpelä, Jenni; Fyhrquist, Frej; Kontula, Kimmo; Hiltunen, Timo (2018)
    Tutkimuksen tavoite: Hydroklooritiatsidi on usein käytetty verenpainelääke, jonka yleinen haittavaikutus on veren uraattipitoisuuden nousu. Veren korkea uraattipitoisuus lisää riskiä sairastua sydän- ja veri- suonitauteihin. Halusimme tutkia hydroklooritiatsidin aiheuttaman plasman uraattipitoisuu- den nousun geneettistä taustaa, jota on vielä vasta vähän tutkittu. Potilaat ja menetelmät: GENRES on satunnaistettu, kaksoissokkoutettu ja lumekontrolloitu tutkimus, jossa 35-60- vuotiaille verenpainetautia sairastaville suomalaisille miehille annettiin neljää eri verenpai- nelääkettä neljän viikon jaksoissa. Jokaista verenpainelääkejaksoa edelsi 4 viikon lumelääke- hoitojakso. LIFE on satunnaistettu ja kaksoissokkoutettu tutkimus, jossa verrattiin losartaanin ja atenololin tehoa verenpainetaudin hoidossa. Ellei losartaanilla tai atenololilla saavutettu riittävän hyvää verenpainevastetta, rinnalle liitettiin hydroklooritiatsidi. Tutkimme 214 suo- malaisella miehellä GENRES-aineistossa genetiikan vaikutusta hydroklooritiatsidin aiheut- tamaan plasman uraattipitoisuuden nousuun koko perimän kattavalla assosiaatioanalyysillä. Teimme toistoanalyysin GENRES-tutkimuksen parhaille tuloksille käyttäen 465 suomalaisen LIFE-tutkimuspotilaan näytteitä. Valitsimme toistoanalyysiin SNP:t, joiden P-arvo oli alle 5 x 10-5 GENRES:ssä. Tulokset: GENRES-tutkimuksessa keskimääräinen plasman uraattipitoisuuden nousu hydroklooritiatsi- dihoidon aikana oli 50 ± 39 μmol/l. GENRES-tutkimuksessa löysimme 31 lokusta, jotka liit- tyivät hydroklooritiatsidin aiheuttamaan plasman uraattipitoisuuden nousuun P-arvolla < 5 x 10-5. rs1002976 lähellä VEGFC-geeniä assosioitui hydroklooritiatsidin aiheuttamaan muutok- seen molemmissa aineistoissa merkitsevästi. rs950569 lähellä BRINP3-geeniä replikoitui LI- FE:ssa osittain merkitsevästi. Aikaisemmin hydroklooritiatsidin aiheuttamaan uraattipitoi- suuden nousuun liitettyjen SNP:iden ja geenien analyysi tuotti lisää tietoa PADI4- ja ABCC4- geenien vaikutuksista. Yhteenveto: Olemme löytäneet muutaman uuden SNP:n ja löytäneet lisää tietoa jo tunnettujen geenivaih- teluiden vaikutuksesta hydroklooritiatsidin aiheuttamaan seerumin uraattipitoisuuden nou- suun.
  • Jokinen, Viljami (2010)
    Hyytymisjärjestelmä on evoluution tuloksena muodostunut, verenvuotoa ja veren epätarkoituksenmukaista hyytymistä estävä biokemiallinen kokonaisuus. Järjestelmä osallistuu monia komponentteja varsinaisten veren hyytymistekijöiden lisäksi. Monimuotoinen ja useilla tasoilla säädelty hyytymismekanismi on keskeisessä roolissa muun muassa traumaattisissa tiloissa, joihin liittyy verenvuotoa. Lisäksi yhtymäkohtia muihin biologisiin järjestelmiin on osoitettu. In vitro-tuloksissa selkeä yhteys magnesiumin merkityksestä hyytymisessä on osoitettu, kun taas in-vivo-tulosten tulkinta on moniselitteisempää. Pyrimme tutkimuksella selvittämään magnesiumin vaikutusta modifioituihin APTT ja PT mittauksiin ensinnäkin arvioidaksemme, kuinka paljon nykyinen menetelmä vääristää tuloksia jättäessään magnesiumin huomioitta ja toisekseen arvioidaksemme sen erityistä merkitystä näihin yleisiin mittauksiin liittyvissä hyytymisreaktioissa. Tuloksissa ilmeni magnesiumin selkeä vaikutus APTT- ja PT-mittauksiin. Vaikutus oli hyytymisaikaa pidentävä, joskin tietyillä pitoisuuksilla havaittiin hyytymisen suhteellista tehostumista."
  • Kultalahti, Henric (2023)
    As life expectancy increases, the effectiveness of cervical cancer screening programs needs to be reassessed for the older population. We addressed the effect of test history in and outside organized screening at age 50–64 years on later cervical cancer risk. A case-control study was conducted by deriving 229 cases of 65–79-year-old women with invasive cervical cancer in 2010–2019 from the Finnish Cancer Registry. Ten controls were matched for each case by birth year and hospital district. The effect of test uptake and abnormal results in 50–64-year-olds on cancer risk was investigated using conditional logistic regression and adjusted for self-selection. Test uptake within the 50–64-year age-group showed 75% lower odds of cervical cancer (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.25; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.18–0.35). Untested women had 4.9 times higher odds than those tested with normal results (aOR = 4.86; 95% CI, 3.42–6.92). Having at least one abnormal test result increased the odds by 2.5 when compared to only normal results but showed lower odds when compared to untested women. The importance of testing is exhibited by the result showing a reduction of odds of cancer to one-fourth for those tested compared to untested. Similarly, receiving abnormal results was protective of cancer compared to having no tests highlighting the importance of proper follow-up. Therefore, screening history should be considered when further developing cervical cancer screening programs with special interest in non-attenders and those receiving abnormal results at older ages.
  • Miao, Zefeng (2014)
    Gemfibrozil is a fibric acid derivative used in the treatment of dyslipidemia. It activates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α (PPARα) and alters lipoprotein metabolism gene expression. PPARα may also regulate the expression of drug disposition genes (e.g., CYP3A4). The aim of this study was to investigate possible effects of gemfibrozil on drug transporter gene expression in human whole blood. In a randomized crossover study, 10 healthy volunteers took 600 mg gemfibrozil or placebo twice daily for 6 days (Filppula et al. 2013). On the morning of day 3, a venous blood RNA sample was collected from each participant into a PaxGene® tube. The expression of 18 ABC, 24 SLC and 10 SLCO transporters was investigated using reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) with OpenArray® technology on a QuantStudio™ 12 K Flex Real-Time PCR system (Life Technologies, Paisley, UK). FPGS, TRAP1, DECR1 and PPIB served as reference genes. A total of 31 transporters, including 15 ABC transporters, 13 SLC transporters and 3 SLCO transporters were significantly expressed in whole blood during the placebo phase. Gemfibrozil appeared to alter the expression of three transporters. The expression of SLCO3A1 was increased by 34% by gemfibrozil (P=0.004), but gemfibrozil reduced the expression of ABCG2 and ABCC3 by 31% (P=0.018) and 50% (P=0.045), respectively. However, none of the differences remained statistically significant after correction for multiple testing. In conclusion, these data suggest that gemfibrozil might alter the gene expression of certain drug transporters in human blood.
  • Pyöriä, Lari (2014)
    In our research we studied if the overexpression of VEGF-A would save the impaired tumor growth in PROX1 silenced colorectal cancer xenografts. We conducted both small hairpin PROX1 and VEGF-A gene transfers to SW1222 colorectal cancer cells using lentiviral vectors. SW1222 cell lines were then injected to Nod scid gamma mice and grown for 14 days for analysis. We also established 3D cocultures of genetically modified SW1222 cell line together with lymphatic endothelial cells or blood endothelial cells to analyze lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis in vitro. We found out that overexpression of VEGF-A rescues the growth of PROX1 silenced tumors. Large necrotic areas in the central of the PROX1 silenced tumors remain even though VEGF-A overexpression induces greater vascularity in these xenografts. In 3D cocultures silencing of PROX1 did not affect in vitro lymphangiogenesis or angiogenesis.
  • Ahveninen, Lotta (2022)
    Objectives. Ageing is accompanied by neurobiological changes, such as changes in grey matter (GM) volume and cortical thickness, that mediate a gradual cognitive decline, which can, in turn, be potentially offset by stimulating leisure activities. Choir singing is an especially feasible musical activity with positive effects on physiological, psychological, cognitive, and social functioning in old age. Research investigating the effects of choir singing on the ageing brain is limited. As part of the Brain, Ageing, and Vocal Expression (BRAVE) project, this study aimed to investigate the effect of ageing and choir singing on GM structure. Methods. Using a cross-sectional design and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and surface-based morphometry (SBM), this study compared GM structure between young (20-39 years; n=35), middle-aged (40-59 years; n=34), and old (60-90 years; n=31) participants and investigated the interaction of age and choir singing on GM structure with amateur choir singer (n=54) and controls (n=46). Results and conclusions. Age had a significant and widespread effect on GM structure, with old participants showing lower GM volume and cortical thickness than young (in bilateral sensorimotor, auditory/language, visual, and limbic areas, midbrain, and cerebellum) and middle-aged (in right visual cortex, thalamus, hippocampus and left auditory cortex) participants. Middle-aged participants also showed lower GM volume and cortical thickness than young participants (in bilateral sensorimotor, language, and visual areas, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and right hippocampus and amygdala). These results corroborate the current understanding of neurobiological ageing. No significant interaction of age and choir singing was found on GM structure, which could be explained by methodological factors. Further research is needed to determine whether choir singing can support brain structure or function across healthy ageing.
  • Myllykangas, Sami (2024)
    This 12-week study explored the efficacy of gene therapy using AAV-Pro-MSTN and AAV-VEGF-B vectors on 40 male mice to enhance muscle growth, vasculature, and metabolic functions in a diabetic mouse model. The mice were randomly split into five groups: one healthy group on a chow diet, one diabetic control group on a high-fat diet (HFD), and three diabetic groups on HFD, each receiving different gene therapies. Alterations in body composition were quantified, and metabolic rates and physical activity levels were assessed. The results indicated that combined gene therapy with VEGF-B and Pro-MSTN promoted muscle growth and mitigated muscle atrophy. However, changes in capillary density and muscle fiber size were not statistically significant. Healthy mice exhibited higher activity levels than diabetic controls. Diabetic control mice showed a reduction in lean mass, whereas treatment groups experienced significant reductions in fat mass and increases in lean and total mass. Diabetic controls had increased oxygen consumption (OC) and energy expenditure rates than the healthy mice, indicating a higher metabolic rate due to their diabetic state and diet. Treatment with VEGF-B and Pro-MSTN led to even higher OC compared to the diabetic control group. Statistical analysis confirmed significant group and mass effects on metabolic parameters, underscoring the potential of gene therapy in treating diabetes in mouse models, though further studies are needed for validation.
  • Fonselius, Essi (2022)
    Aims of the study. It is well known that many adolescents do not get enough sleep. However, there is little research about the possible connection between adolescent sleep and family functioning. In addition, these studies vary greatly in, e.g., methodology and ages of the participants and only a few studies have used actigraphy. The aim of the present study is to examine the associations between family functioning and adolescent sleep, more specifically sleep duration, sleep quality and sleep timing. Methods. The present study was a part of SleepHelsinki!, a population-based research project based in the University of Helsinki. Sleep and family functioning of 308 adolescents (70.5% females), aged 15–18, were measured. Both subjective (PSQI) and objective (actigraphy) measures of sleep were used. Linear and logistic regressions were used to statistically analyze the associations between family functioning and sleep timing and subjective sleep quality. Results and conclusions. The association between family functioning and sleep duration was non-significant. When sex was adjusted for, the association between family functioning and sleep timing remained non- significant. However, the association between subjective sleep quality and general family functioning was statistically significant. Furthermore, problematic family functioning was related to a higher risk of poor sleep quality. Male sex was related to a higher risk of having a challenging circadian rhythm. Based on the results of the present study, family functioning is connected to subjective sleep quality and more problematic family functioning is a risk factor for lower quality sleep in adolescents.
  • Levitski, Andres (2020)
    Objectives Fatigue is a major factor affecting driving performance and traffic accident risk. Driving conditions influence how people experience fatigue while driving. Driving in demanding conditions may increase vigilance in tired drivers; however, it may also increase cognitive load and become an additional source of fatigue. The current study investigated how driving on a slippery road interacts with fatigue caused by sleep deprivation and how it influences driving performance. Methods Twelve male participants (aged 19–21) drove 52.5 km in a driving simulator in four different conditions (day vs night and dry vs slippery road). Subjective sleep-related fatigue was measured with the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale and physiological fatigue in blink durations with electro-oculography. Three measures were used for driver performance: standard deviation of lateral position, mean steering wheel movement amplitude and mean steering wheel movement peak velocity. After each driving session, participants negotiated a cone track. The success rate for this task was analysed separately. Results Driving on slippery roads improved performance in all three performance metrics in sleep-deprived drivers. The three-way interaction between driver condition, road condition and time-on-task was significant for subjective sleep-related fatigue but not for performance. Sleep-deprived drivers became increasingly sleepy over time when driving in slippery conditions; however, this did not negatively affect their performance. Conclusions Driving in demanding weather conditions can increase the fatigue experienced by drivers; however, this change may not be initially detectable in performance. Large individual variability in response to both fatigue and driving conditions requires further research.
  • Kaisto, Soila (2020)
    Objectives. This study examines the effects of low birth weight (LBW) and perinatal hyperbilirubinemia (HB) on interference control in adulthood. The study questions are whether LBW and HB are associated with interference control difficulties in adulthood, and whether increasing cognitive load affects the association. Based on previous research on perinatal risk factors and executive functioning, the hypotheses were that individuals with LBW and HB would show a greater change in reaction times from congruent to incongruent stimuli in the Flanker task than controls and that adding a dual-task would slow the performance more in the risk groups than in controls. Methods. The participants (N = 274) in this study were collected from a large longitudinal cohort study of Finnish children with perinatal risk factors and their healthy peers. Those with purely one perinatal risk factor (LBW or HB) and completion of the Flanker task at the 40-year neuropsychological assessment were included in this study. The controls (N = 78) had completed the Flanker task but had no perinatal risk factors. The repeated measures of analyses of variances was used to examine the relationship between risk groups and the Flanker task. Results and conclusions. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in the changes in reaction times from congruent to incongruent stimuli in the Flanker task. However, the LBW group performed overall slower compared to controls. In Dual Flanker task, LBW group’s performance was poorer compared to controls, especially in reaction times to incongruent stimuli, indicating difficulties in cognitive flexibility. In Dual Flanker task, the difference in reaction times from congruent to incongruent stimuli decreased in all groups. There were no differences between HB group and control group. All differences became nonsignificant when general intelligence (FSIQ) was considered. This could be due to the fact that performance in both FSIQ and Flanker task require cognitive flexibility and speed.