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  • Ekanayake, Chandima (2023)
    Strawberries and raspberries have high demand in Europe and mostly consumed as fresh. Berries are highly perishable and so, their postharvest physiology and shelf life are important. Packaging is needed to keep the berries in good quality during the time in storage. Plastic clamshells are the commonly used type of packages for the berries but there are environmental concerns due to the heavy disposal of plastics. To overcome this problem, a fiber package is going to be introduced. It is biodegradable, biobased, made with renewable raw material and the final product is recyclable. This research focused on the mentioned fiber package and its functionality as a berry package and as possible replacement for plastic (RPET) clamshells. Homogenous batches of raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) were stored in plastic packages and fiber packages at two different temperatures (+3 °C and +17 °C/+16 °C). Decay incidence, weight loss, surface area of the berry, color, firmness, total soluble solid concentration, acidity, and package staining were measured over the storage period. Results showed that berries stored in fiber packages at +3 °C had higher soluble solid concentrations than the berries stored in plastic packages at the same temperature. Berries stored in fiber packages at both temperatures showed higher weight losses. Fiber packages absorbed more moisture from raspberries and strawberries than plastic packages. However, raspberries can be kept upto 8 days and strawberries can be kept upto 5 days under the marketable condition in fiber packages at +3 °C.
  • Rahko, Juhani (2012)
    Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are an important crop for the food security of developing countries, and farmed area of potatoes in those countries is expanding constantly. It would be important to solve the problems of potato production and distribution in Tanzania. The research problem of this thesis was to examine the value chain of potatoes in Tanzania and factors that prevent the industry’s development. Furthermore, the aim was to evaluate agricultural policies affecting potato value chain and illustrate the present state of potato production and marketing chain in contrast to other crops. The research was conducted by executing 14 semi-structured expert interviews in Tanzania in June 2011. In addition to this, two researchers answered in written form. The interviewees were researchers, agricultural extension officers, managers of nongovernmental organisations, dealers of agricultural market place, a agricultural project coordinator, and officials from the ministry of agriculture as well as from the ministry of trade and marketing. Theoretical framework in this thesis is based on structure-conduct-performance (SCP)-paradigm. Moreover, the basic conditions and public policy of the industry are to be found out. The results indicate that the government does not affect much to the operation nor the development of the potato value chain: potato is not the government priority in Tanzania. On the other hand, there are no straight policy measures or institutional barriers that are hindering the conditions of smallholders or other actors in the chain, either. Bad seed quality is most likely the biggest challenge on the production part. Difficulties to get loans and the lack of investments and farmers’ groups are hindering the production. The biggest infrastructural issue is poor road network in the countryside. As a suggestion based on the results is that two instances should be created: a national potato board and marketing centres in the villages. The prerequisite for those instances to be possible to establish and function well is the activity of the government. Especially to operate the market centers properly, it is important that the village leaders and farmers would be committed to its activities.
  • Liuha, Lea (2017)
    Kationinvaihtokapasiteetti (KVK) maaperässä perustuu savimineraalien, orgaanisen aineksen ja oksidien negatiivisesti varautuneisiin pintoihin, joista oksidien merkitys on vähäisin. Pintojen varaus on joko pysyvää tai variaabelia eli pH:sta riippuvaa. Suurin osa maan variaabelista varauksesta on orgaanisessa aineksessa, ja lähes kaikki pysyvä varaus on savimineraaleissa. Analysoidut KVK-arvot ilmoitetaan joko efektiivisinä (puskuroimaton) tai potentiaalisina (pH-puskuroitu) riippuen uuttoliuoksen pH-puskuroinnista. Efektiivisen ja potentiaalisen KVK:n välinen ero muodostuu variaabelista varauksesta ja sen suuruuden ilmaisee titrattavissa oleva vaihtuva happamuus. Maan efektiiviselle KVK:lle voidaan laskea likiarvo saveksen, orgaanisen aineksen ja pH-arvon mukaan. Teoriassa vaihtuvan happamuuden ja efektiivisen KVK:n avulla voidaan laskea potentiaalisen KVK:n arvo. Suomalaisten kivennäismaiden potentiaalisen KVK:n ja vaihtuvan happamuuden likiarvojen laskemiseksi määritettiin uudet yhtälöt käyttäen hyväksi vanhojen julkaisujen tulosaineistoja. Vaihtuvien kationien pitoisuuksien käyttökelpoisuutta laskennallisen KVK:n muuttujiksi tutkittiin. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin orgaanisen aineksen osuutta maan KVK-arvosta hapettamalla maan orgaaninen aines vetyperoksidikäsittelyllä, jonka jälkeen käsitellyistä ja käsittelemättömistä maista määritettiin kyllästysmenetelmällä KVK-arvot käyttäen neutraalia ammoniumasetaattia. Vetyperoksidikäsittelyn tehoa tutkittiin määrittämällä käsitellyistä ja käsittelemättömistä maista orgaanisen aineksen pitoisuudet hehkutushäviönä ja orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuudet kuivapolttomenetelmällä. Lisäksi happo- ja emästitrauksilla tutkittiin vetyperoksidilla käsiteltyjen ja -käsittelemättömien maiden pH-puskurointikykyä. Orgaanisen aineksen KVK-arvoksi saatiin keskimäärin 153 cmol(+) kg-1 , ja vaihteluväli oli 101 – 234 cmol(+) kg-1. Vetyperoksidikäsittely alensi maiden orgaanisen aineksen määrää keskimäärin 3,79 OM % (vaihteluväli 2,33 – 5,96 OM %) ja orgaanisen hiilen määrää keskimäärin 2,56 C % (vaihteluväli 1,46 – 4,81 C %). Vetyperoksidikäsittely happamoitti maita, mutta sen ei havaittu vaikuttavan merkittävästi pH-puskurointikykyyn, joka oli savimailla lähes kaksinkertainen karkeampiin maihin verrattuna. Saveksen ja orgaanisen aineksen määrät yhdessä pH-arvon kanssa olivat yhtälöissä tärkeimmät maan ominaisuudet, jotka vaikuttavat laskettavan KVK:n likiarvoon. Viljavuusanalyysin tuloksista saatavien alkali- ja maa-alkalimetallipitoisuuksien, orgaanisen aineksen määrän ja pH-arvon avulla voitiin laskea karkeampi likiarvo potentiaaliselle KVK:lle
  • Imponen, Joni (2015)
    Metsäkanalintujen elinympäristövaatimukset tunnetaan Suomessa hyvin ja elinympäristöihin kiinnitetään yhä enemmän huomiota osana metsän- ja luonnonhoidon toimia. Metso (Tetrao urogallus) ja pyy (Tetrastes bonasia) ovat elinympäris-töjen valinnassaan melko tarkkoja ja lajien välillä on selkeitä eroja. Elinympäristöjen ennakkotarkasteluun ei tällä hetkellä ole olemassa monipuolisia metsäsuunnittelun työkaluja ja lentolaserkeilauksella kerättyä aineistoa ei ole käytetty metsä-kanalintujen elinympäristötutkimuksiin Suomessa. Tässä kvalitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Maanmittauslaitoksen vuonna 2012 keräämän lentolaserkeilausai-neiston soveltuvuutta potentiaalisten metso- ja pyyelinympäristöjen ohjaamattomaan luokitukseen. Aineiston pulssitiheys oli 0,74–0,8 / m2. Tutkimusalueena oli noin 1 200 hehtaaria Metsähallituksen omistamaa metsätalousmetsää Hämeenlinnan Evolla. Tutkimusalue jaettiin 16 x 16 metrin soluihin. Laserkeilausaineistosta laskettiin viisi elinympäristöä kuvaavaa lisäpiirrettä: latvuspeitto CC, alikasvostunnus US, puuston korkeusosuuden tiheystunnus k60_den, korkeusosuuden keski-hajonta H60_stdv sekä pituustunnus H_max. Menetelmänä käytettiin solukohtaista ohjaamatonta luokitusta (K-means), joka jakoi solut 43 luokkaan. Edelleen kohdennettuun maasto-otantaan valittiin 16 luokkaa. Säteeltään kiinteitä 9 metrin ympyräkoealoja mitattiin alueelta kaikkiaan 168 kpl, joista selkeitä pyykohteita ja vähintään arvosanalla 8 arvioituja metsokohteita oli molempia 12 kpl. Ohjaamaton luokitus ei nostanut esiin yhtä tai useampaa potentiaalisia kohteita kuvaavaa luokkaa, vaan potentiaalisten kohteiden lisäksi luokissa oli paljon ei-potentiaalisia soluja. Vähintään arvosanalla 8 arvioitujen metsokohteiden lisäpiirteet täyttäviä kohteita oli suhteellisesti eniten luokissa 3, 7 ja 8 osuuksilla 40,4 %, 35,6 % ja 31,8 %. Vastaavasti pyylle osuudet luokissa 4, 18 ja 20 olivat 38,4 %, 28,5 % ja 23,8 % minimiarvosanalla 6. Tutkimusalue sisältää arvioitujen kohteiden lisäpiirteiden perusteella hyviä elinympäristöjä metsolle (Arvosana ≥ 8) 15,0 % ja pyylle (Arvosana ≥ 6) 9,2 % sen pinta-alasta. Korkeimman arvosanan kohteiden lisäpiirteiden arvojen herkkyysanalyysissä alueet olivat vastaavasti 8,5 % ja 14,4 % kunkin lisäpiirteen ± 30 % marginaaleilla. Arvosanarajoite toimi loogisesti eli lisäpiirteiden vaihteluväli kapeni arvosanan kasvaessa. Tuloksena saadut poten-tiaaliset solut olivat toisiinsa erittäin kytkeytyneitä molemmissa analyyseissä vaikka käytetty menetelmä oli täysin riip-pumaton solujen sijainnista toistensa suhteen. Pyyhavainnot olivat potentiaalisuutta kuvaavalla solulla neljässä ja hyvin lähellä potentiaalisuutta kuvaavaa solua kahdessa havainnossa kuudesta, kun lisäpiirteiltään potentiaaliset solut valittiin arvosanoihin perustuen. Käytetyn aineiston kyky kuvata tässä tutkimuksessa määritettyjä potentiaalisia kohteita on siis lupaava. Aineiston kykyä tulee kuitenkin edelleen testata ennen kuin luotettavia metsäsuunnittelun työkaluja voidaan soveltaa operatiiviseen käyttöön.
  • Malm, Pia (2023)
    More than 75% of global food production benefits from insect pollinators. As the number of pollinators is declining, food security may be at risk. Bees are commonly considered as the most efficient pollinators, and this is reflected in the number of studies on crop pollination by bees. However, other taxa also visit crop flowers and may have a significant role in pollination. Ants are known to visit flowers for many different reasons, but their contribution to pollination is not clear. Raspberry is an economically important crop which highly benefits from animal pollination. The aim of this study was to examine the potential contribution of ants to raspberry pollination, in Coffs Harbour, Australia. The contribution of ants to pollination was evaluated in a bagging experiment comparing fruits from open pollination, ant-only visitation pollination, and exclusion of all pollinators, by recording ants’ abundance and diversity on raspberry flowers by transect walks and examining pollen carried on their bodies by inspecting swab samples under the microscope. The open pollination treatment had significantly higher numbers of drupelets and fruit weight than the pollinator exclusion treatment. The ant pollination treatment resulted in higher numbers of drupelets and fruit weight compared to the pollinator exclusion treatment. The abundance of ants varied considerably in different locations. Ants were the most abundant visitors in half of the studied locations. Ants were more active in the morning, while the proportion of honey bees and stingless bees increased after 11 a.m. compared to ants. Ten different ant species were found to visit raspberry flowers and raspberry pollen was found on ants’ bodies. This study shows the importance of ants in the pollination of raspberry flowers and their influence on raspberry fruit formation. All flower visitors should be studied to establish their relative contribution to crop pollination to ensure growers can plan the pollinator management for each crop and environment separately. This study shows that the role of the ants in crop pollination may have been underestimated.
  • Liu, Lingdai (2015)
    The literature review introduced properties of native cellulose and common water-soluble cellulose derivatives, pathways to develop antimicrobial packaging from cellulosic materials, mechanisms of existing antimicrobial packaging systems and characterization of antimicrobial films. Special emphasis was given to potential of cellulose betainates (CB) as inherently antimicrobial, low-toxic materials for development of antimicrobial films. The aim of this study was to investigate overall potential of CB as antimicrobial films. CB together with commercial cationic starch (CS) and chitosan (CH) added with different amounts of sorbitol were prepared into films by solution casting. Mechanical properties, moisture and oxygen barrier attributes, and microscopic characteristics of aforementioned films were determined. In addition, antimicrobial potential of CB were tested against Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli compared to CS and CH by agar diffusion assay for films and measurements on optical density at 600nm for aqueous polysaccharide solutions. CB forms self-standing films with relatively low mechanical strength and stiffness while possessing good flexibility and medium barrier properties against water vapor and oxygen. CB films is antimicrobial against E. coli but not against L. innocua according to agar diffusion assay. Based on growth inhibition ratio (GIR%) from solution-phase tests, L. innocua was also more resistant than E. coli against CB at concentrations below 512 µg/ml. CB exhibited similar antimicrobial activity to that of CH within 512–1280 µg/ml. However, an increase in viscosity of CB solution at higher concentration (2560 µg/ml) as well as excessive microorganism (~108cfu/ml) in initial inoculum led to decrease in their antimicrobial efficacy. In conclusion, CB is antimicrobial against E. coli in film, and potential to exert similar antimicrobial potency as that of chitosan in solution with adequate quantities. Therefore, CB is a promising candidate as for fabrication of antimicrobial films. However, the antimicrobial mechanism, antimicrobial spectrum of CB and the applicability of CB films require further explorations.
  • Virtanen, Selina (2023)
    The seeds of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) contain volatile and non-volatile off-flavour compounds which are perceived as beany flavour, bitter taste, or astringent sensation, and which can impair the acceptability and liking of faba bean. The aim of this study was to investigate how hydrocolloids added to faba bean protein concentrate (FPC) affect its bitterness. The hypothesis was that the bitterness of FPC was significantly suppressed by the added hydrocolloids. A sensory evaluation study was conducted for six slurry samples that contained 25 % (w/w) FPC in water and of which five samples contained also one of the following ingredients selected based on preliminary tests: carboxymethyl cellulose, wheat starch, guar gum, NaCl, or sucrose. A trained panel (n = 10) assessed the bitterness and thickness of the samples on a line scale (from 0 = “not at all bitter/thick” to 10 = “very bitter/thick”) in three independent sessions. Additionally, the viscosities and pH of the samples were measured to study the possible changes that occurred during storage of the samples. Only a slight difference was found in the bitterness of the samples. The wheat starch sample was assessed as the least bitter and the thickest in mouth, and it was also the most viscous sample. However, these results need to be looked at critically as the viscosities of the samples decreased during the three-day storage, and as the panelists did not agree on the bitterness ratings of the samples. Hence, further research is needed to better understand the significance of hydrocolloids in masking the bitterness of faba bean.
  • Santalahti, Tanya (2022)
    Carbon neutral agriculture plays a key role in climate change mitigation. However, Finnish farmers are struggling with the impacts of climate change and the profitability crisis. This study aims at providing market insight on potential sources of income for Finnish farmers in carbon neutral agriculture by 2030. However, this thesis does not focus on the question whether carbon neutral agriculture is achievable. The role of policy instruments is also investigated to determine whether they facilitate or prevent changes. The thesis is commissioned by Envitecpolis Oy. Six experts from the agriculture field were interviewed and the data were analysed with theory-driven content analysis. The analysis is based on the future signals sense-making framework (FSSF) that focuses on the weak signals, drivers and trends found in the data. Each theme includes two categories; the nonlinear and linear paths of change. In addition, policy instruments were divided into promoters and disrupters of change. The relevant weak signals identified are innovations, the formation of premium markets, the adoption of paludiculture, novel and existing market mechanisms for carbon neutral practices, the substitution of materials and energy in production, digitalization, the increasing requirements for producers by food industry and by consumers and lastly, strengthened cooperation between actors in agriculture. The drivers of change, such as climate change, knowledge and advances in technology, significantly influence the adoption of these weak signals. However, various trends function as blockers of change whilst some trends are inevitable large change processes. In light of the results, weak signals of potential sources of income are not likely to become mainstream by 2030. However, existing or emerging issues may play a key role in providing additional income for farmers. National agriculture policy and the EU Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) are complex schemes that are gradually emphasizing climate issues. However, these policies fail to incentivize farmers to adopt practices for carbon neutral agriculture. Recommendations for future research include the cost-effectiveness of climate change mitigation measures and a follow-up on the sources of income for farmers in 2030.
  • Lehtinen, Maaret Hannele (2024)
    Good nutritional status contributes to health, functional capacity, and quality of life. The food provided to patients in hospitals is formulated to contribute to their recovery and is an integral part of their care. For nutritional care to be successful, it is important that patients eat the food they are offered, so both the food and the dining environment should be pleasing to patients. Personal habits have a big influence on what kind of food and eating situation each person finds pleasurable. The data analysed in this study were collected by interviewing patients. The interviews were conducted at a stage when the interviewees had at least two days of experience of patient dining. For this study, a thematic interview was chosen as the research method, as the phenomena and issues to be surveyed are not yet very well-known and the interviewees themselves wanted to be given the opportunity to raise issues that were relevant to them. The supervisors of this thesis were Heini Karp, PhD, licensed dietician, and Anu Joki, PhD. The interviews revealed that patients were quite satisfied with the hospital meals, both in terms of food and organisation. The size of portions was the single most important issue that all interviewees highlighted as a factor affecting satisfaction and which they would like to influence themselves. The interviews also showed that the possibility to make choices - even small ones - improves the dining experience in hospital. As there are already several portion sizes available and the aim is to provide the right size portion for each patient, changes to these practices could be implemented relatively easily and at low cost. A typical way to find out patients' satisfaction with hospital food is through form-based surveys. They may not reveal all the underlying reasons for the results obtained, making it difficult to correct the situation and improve hospital catering based on the results. Interview-based research on patient satisfaction with the food service experience is relatively scarce. More research would be needed to assess the transferability of the results. In particular, there is a need for a study that takes into account the age distribution and the different needs of patients of different ages.
  • Soila, Tuomas (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisessa mediassa esitettyjä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden käyttäjien kuluttajakuvia. Kuluttajatutkimukseen ja sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden tutkimukseen pohjaten tutkielmassa rakennetaan kuvaa suomalaisesta sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden käyttäjän roolista (kuluttajakuvasta) toimijana sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden rakenteen muutoksessa viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana. Tutkimus on tehty käyttäen laskennallisen yhteiskuntatieteen menetelmiä. Aineistona on käytetty Ylen ja Alma Median verkkoaineistoja vuoden 2007 ja alkuvuoden 2017 väliltä. Aineistosta on etsitty laskennallisen sisällönerittelyn avulla palveluiden käyttäjään viittaavia termejä käyttämällä Hybra-Core analyysiekosysteemiä. Aineistossa esiintyy kolme erilaista käyttäjänäkökulmaa: potilasnäkökulma, kansalaisnäkökulma ja markkinanäkökulma. Näiden näkökulmien suosio ilmenee myös samassa järjestyksessä. Potilasnäkökulmassa palveluita tarkastellaan potilaan/asiakkaan suhteena oikeuksiin ja henkilökohtaisiin tarpeisiin. Kansalaisnäkökulmassa tarkastellaan kansalaisen, kuntalaisen ja veronmaksajan suhteena palveluiden järjestämiseen, niistä päättämiseen ja niiden rahoittamiseen verotuksen kautta. Markkinanäkökulmassa palveluita tarkastellaan kuluttajan ja valitsijan yksilökeskeisenä oikeutena hankkia itselleen parhaita palveluita ja ottaa vastuuta elämästään. Sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut ovat olleet rakenteellisten uudistusten keskellä koko 2000-luvun. Suuri osa tätä muutosta on ollut palveluiden käyttäjän aseman parantaminen suhteessa palveluihin. Tutkimuksen mukaan käyttäjänäkökulman korostaminen on kasvanut vuosien 2007-2017 välillä. Suuremmassa osassa aineiston artikkeleista esiintyy käyttäjänäkökulma kuin aikaisemmin. Tutkimuksen mukaan olemmekin siirtymässä kohti keskustelukulttuuria, jossa käyttäjänäkökulma on enenevässä määrin tärkeä. Tässä keskustelussa on viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana ollut tärkeimpänä potilasnäkökulma, seuraavaksi tärkein on ollut kansalaisnäkökulma. Kolmas eli markkinanäkökulma ei ole erityisen merkittävä.
  • Sharifi, Nashmil (2016)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan potilaskuluttajien mielikuvia ja käyttökokemuksia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelusetelistä. Julkisen sektorin sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelutotantoa tehostetaan jatkuvasti. Samalla pyritään lisäämään myös kuluttajien valinnanvapautta ja aktiivisuutta. Nämä muutokset ovat johtaneet julkisen sektorin markkinoitumiseen eli kvasimarkkinoiden syntymiseen, jonka myötä konsumerismi eli kuluttajalähtöisyys on levinnyt julkisen sektorin palveluihin. Palveluseteli on nähty tärkeänä keinona kvasimarkkinoiden sujuvuuden sekä kuluttajalähtöisyyden edistämisessä. Aineisto koostuu kahdentoista kuluttajan ja kahden palveluseteliasiantuntijan yksilöhaastatteluista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu sosiologian toimijuus- ja luottamusteorioihin, joiden avulla tarkastellaan kuluttajaa palvelusetelin käyttäjänä. Toimijuusteorialla analysoidaan potilaskuluttajien roolia ja asemaa palvelusetelin käytössä. Luottamusteorialla puolestaan hahmotetaan sekä palveluntuottajan valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä että kuluttajien asennetta julkista sektoria, palveluntuottajia ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia kohtaan. Olen hyödyntänyt aineiston analyysissä teemoittelua ja tyypittelyä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että onnistunut palvelusetelin käyttö sekä helpottaa kuluttajien arkea että lisää heidän valintamahdollisuuksiaan. Pitkien jonotusaikojen välttäminen ja erityisesti ikäihmisille tarjottu kodin siivousapua helpottivat haastateltavien arkea merkittävästi. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että palvelusetelin sujuva käyttö edellyttää kuluttajilta vahvaa toimijuutta sekä aktiivista kuluttajuutta. Kuluttajien luottamus julkiseen sektoriin, palveluntuottajiin ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisiin edisti potilaskuluttajien positiivista suhtautumista palvelusetelijärjestelmään ja samalla myös madalsi palvelusetelin käyttökynnystä.
  • Helovuori, Susanna (2012)
    This study examines how consumers experience the electronic services within the healthcare sector. The electronic services are changing the traditional patient role more into a consumer role through increased responsibilities. In order to analyze this change, the role theory was used as a theoretical framework. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role setting between patients and doctors and understand if e-health can change a passive patient role into an active and capable consumer one. Also, the way doctors are perceiving and reacting to this change was taken into account. Therefore not only patients but also doctors are being interviewed for the research. This study also examines the characteristics of service experience in health markets. Ten patients and four doctors were interviewed for this study. Electronic services in healthcare sector are constantly increasing. This trend is making patients more involved and active in the treatment process. This paper shows that the patients are ready to adopt the role of a responsible and active patient. However limitations still exist considering that not all patients are capable of using computers. This paper also shows that the traditional paternalistic doctor-patient relationship is shifting more towards a cooperative one. The patient is now more of a cooperative partner as the passive supporting cast role has switched to an active lead actor role. The doctors who were interviewed for this study also show their support for this change.
  • Jokiranta, Meri (2022)
    Rypsirouhetta käytetään lypsylehmien ruokinnassa valkuaislisänä. Valkuaislisän tarkoitus on täydentää lypsylehmien ruokintaa niin, että korkeatuottoisten lehmien tuotospotentiaali saadaan täytettyä. Erilaisilla kemiallisilla ja fysikaalisilla käsittelyillä on mahdollista lisätä valkuaisrehujen pötsissä hajoamatonta osuutta, jolloin valkuaisen aminohapot ohittavat pötsihajotuksen ja imeytyvät ohutsuolesta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli vertailla pötsisuojatun testirehun ja suojaamattoman perusrehun vaikutuksia lypsylehmien maitotuotokseen ja maidon koostumukseen. Molemmat valkuaisrehut olivat rypsirouhetta, mutta ne oli käsitelty eri tavoilla. Molemmat rehut oli hygienisoitu kuumennuskäsittelyllä. Testirehu oli tämän lisäksi suojattu pötsihajotusta vastaan vesi-etanoli-uutolla, jossa vesiliukoiset hiilihydraatit oli liuotettu. Käsittelyn tarkoitus oli lisätä rehun ohitusvalkuaisen osuutta ja sitä kautta maitotuotosta. Kokeessa oli 12 ayrshire-rotuista lehmää, jotka olivat kokeen ajan vapaalla seosrehuruokinnalla. Koe toteutettiin cyclic change over -mallin mukaisesti. Kokeessa oli kuusi erilaista ruokintaa, kaksi kuuden lehmän blokkia ja kolme 21 vuorokauden jaksoa. Lehmät oli jaettu blokkeihin kokeen alussa olevan tuotostason mukaan. Kokeessa verrattiin matalan ja korkean valkuaistason vaikutuksia, sekä perusrehun ja testirehun ja näiden seoksen vaikutuksia maitotuotokseen ja maidon pitoisuuksiin. Tutkimuksessa mitattiin kuiva-aineen syönti ja ravintoaineiden saanti ja näennäinen kokonaissulavuus, maitotuotokset ja maidon pitoisuudet sekä valkuaisrehujen typpifraktiot. Korkea valkuaistaso lisäsi kuiva-aineen syöntiä 0,9 kg/pv ja energiakorjattua maitotuotosta 1,4 kg/pv verrattuna matalaan valkuaistasoon, jolla kuiva-aineen syönti oli 23,2 kg/pv ja energiakorjattu maitotuotos 35,1 kg/pv. Korkea valkuaistaso lisäsi myös raakavalkuaisen, neutraalidetergenttikuidun ja tärkkelyksen saantia. Perusrehun korvaaminen testirehulla ei lisännyt maitotuotosta. Rypsirouhe on hyvä valkuaisrehu lypsylehmien ruokinnassa, mutta sen pötsisuojaus ei välttämättä lisää maitotuotosta ja maidon valkuaispitoisuutta.
  • Orpana, Sini (2018)
    Dropout is a serious problem in lifestyle interventions. Dropout is inadequately analyzed and inconsistently reported in weight loss and lifestyle intervention literature even though it is considered to be one of the most important aspects in assessing trial success. Attrition decreases the statistical power of the study, weakens the reliability and validity of the results, decreases generalizability of the outcomes, and deteriorates the accuracy of given recommendations. In addition, withdrawal leads to poor intervention outcomes and wasted resources. Dropout rates in weight loss intervention range from 7 to 90 percent. The analysis of this study comprised of the first two years of a three-year intervention called PREVIEW. The participants analyzed in this thesis (N = 2088) were overweight or obese prediabetic adults with an age of 52 ± 11.5 years at the start of the trial. Participants came from six European and two Australasian countries. Two thirds of the participants were women and the majority were Caucasian. The final prediction model was computed with multivariate logistic regression. Forty-four percent of the participants dropped out by year two. Dropouts were younger, had a higher baseline BMI, and lost less weight in the weight loss phase than the completers. Compared to Australia, the odds for dropping out were higher in the other countries analyzed. The odds for dropout in an ascending order were: Australia, Finland, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, Spain and Denmark. Compared to university education, the odds for dropping out were higher for participants with secondary vocational education, secondary school education, or education indicated as ‘other’. The findings of this thesis may be used in the development of similar trials and in public healthcare. In lifestyle intervention programs, special attention could be directed to individuals who are likely to drop out. In addition, as dropout is dependent of the explanatory variables, the results may also benefit future analysis of data from PREVIEW.
  • Makkonen, Eedla (2019)
    Laos is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. Rural people’s livelihoods are mostly reliant on rice production and collection of forest products. There is very little research available about large-scale tree plantations and agroforestry in Laos. However, there is a clear need for information about the livelihood of the local people affected by companies that lease land from the local rural population for large-scale plantations in Laos. Stora Enso (SE) has trial plantations in Laos that combine tree-growing and food production. The Stora Enso Village Program (SEVP) focuses on sustainability that includes community engagement and helping local villagers to farm in safe conditions. The main aim of this study was to assess the productivity of taungya agroforestry systems in the SEVP trial plantations, and to measure the socioeconomic impacts at the village and household level. The following research questions are addressed: 1. To describe the Stora Enso Village Program in Laos, 2. To evaluate the conditions of the plantations established by SE in six villages in Saravan and Savannakhet Provinces, 3. To evaluate the socioeconomic impacts of the village program at the household and village levels in terms of: i) What kind of incomes do the local families get? ii ) How have the agricultural activities, which are part of the taungya agroforestry system, affected plantation productivity? iii) Who is benefiting from Stora Enso’s “village program” and how? Six research villages were selected, including five villages where Stora Enso operates and one where the company does not operate. Biophysical plantation measurements were done in 28 study plots in five villages. Plantation production was measured from the trees in the taungya agroforestry areas in each village. In each trial village, the Village Head was interviewed about basic village information such as population, livelihood and geographic information. Two Focus Group Discussions were conducted in each village, with information about villagers’ livelihoods and changes to livelihoods after the SEVP was started in the village. Participatory mapping exercises were carried out to determine the location of the households in the villages for random household selection. Interviews were conducted in 15 households in each village (90 households in total) to gather household-specific information such as incomes, livelihood activities and experiences of the taungya agroforestry sites. Village crop production in the taungya agroforestry sites were estimated at the household level. Results showed that employment opportunities increased in the village mostly in the first years of plantation cycle. The villagers were pleased with the land preparation carried out by Stora Enso and the crop yield in agroforestry areas, however, this was limited to when the plantation trees were smaller. Lack of labour, shade from plantation trees, and long distances to the plantation areas were the main reasons why villagers did not use the plantation areas for crop production. Plantations were generally in good condition, however, there were some insect and other stem damages. Lack of agricultural machinery and big distances from households to the agroforestry areas led to variation between villages´ crop production. There was limited work available for the villagers who wanted to work. The key findings of this thesis highlight the benefits of extra incomes and work opportunities for the local people in the villages and the positive outcomes in terms of the SEVP funds being used to build infrastructure and schools for the villages. The result of the study shows that the location of the villages affected negatively on villages that were far away from the market place and had limited possibilities to sell surplus crops. Cash crop production only occurred in the villages near the main roads and markets. Long distance to the taungya agroforestry area also limited the usage of the areas. This study has shown how the SEVP provides some benefits at both the village level and the household level. At the village level - positive impacts from village fund include improved infrastructure such as roads, water systems and electricity, while at the household level, positive impacts include employment opportunities and support to grow crops in the taungya agroforestry system. However, there are also challenges and limitations, such as agroforestry potential for producing crops between tree rows are not fully utilized during tree rotation, and most of the plantation employment opportunities are only available in the first years of plantation establishment. The SEVP is a trial program that attempts to integrate local communities’ needs by producing food and cash crops in the plantation area. The concept needs further development, more trials and research to improve the system, but has potential to be replicated in other places. It needs to be designed to suit the specific context of the local communities according to local culture and needs.
  • Vatka, Ilari (2017)
    When Finland joined the European Union in 1995 the national agricultural policy was quickly replaced with Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The new policy requires geographical integration amongst member states, including efficient transmission of the production costs. Due to Finland’s difficult geographical location, production costs are substantially higher in the country and farmers are depending on the direct payments provided by CAP which complicates the integration with the competitive production costs and prices within the European Union. Removal of the trade barriers, insufficiency in production and exporting of goods open the gate for import companies to enter the market with similar products and lower prices. The study has been conducted in cooperation Finland’s largest import company in the meat sector, PNM-Pan Nordic Meat Ltd. and examines the price dynamics between the purchase price of the imported goods and their end consumer price in Finland. Two categories of the meat sector are taken into consideration: cattle and poultry. The main purpose of this study is to examine whether the purchase price of the imported goods is affecting the general price levels for the end consumers. The relationship of these two prices is being examined through cointegration tests and the asymmetric error correction model. The study introduces the theoretical background of each tested approach, after which they are conducted with R-software that offers tools for time series econometrics. Previous studies show that beef prices in Finland are mostly shaped by the domestic consumption but are rather sensitive e to major shocks coming from outside of Finland. Poultry markets are steered off from being affected by changes outside of Finland due to heavily contracted production but can still be predicted based on the price development within the European Union. The results showed that, for both products, the time-series appear to be nonstationary on the level form and Johansen’s and Engle-Granger approaches both confirmed the cointegration between the prices. In the short term, beef prices seem to be evolving rather independently whereas the end consumer price of chicken is dependent on the purchase price. In the long term, the purchase price of beef was found to be exogenous and the end consumer price endogenous which implies that the purchase price is setting the end consumer price. Chicken prices rather revealed that, on the long-term, the end consumer price is exogenous and the purchase price, in turn, endogenous. However, the Granger causality test for chicken revealed that purchase price is Granger causing the end consumer price. Thus, based on the price information received from other EU countries, it is possible to predict the price levels in Finland. Yet the price development of these two products is still heavily constructed by the domestic demand and supply but we can see that the trend is following the changes happening outside Finland. It seems that even though the price levels in Finland are mainly the result of domestic factors, they are sensitive to changes within the European Union through the import markets.
  • Hakonen, Elina (2024)
    Kaupunkien ja maatalouden lähteistä johtuva vesistöjen mikrobiologinen kontaminaatio muodostaa merkittävän riskin ihmisten, eläinten ja ympäristön terveydelle. Saastumisen lähteiden tunnistaminen auttaa ymmärtämään sen luonnetta ja auttaa estämään uusia saastumisia. Mikrobilähteiden jäljitys tunnistaa tehokkaasti vesistöjen saastumisen lähteet geenimerkkien kautta, tarjoten tarkan ja herkän tavan tunnistaa mikrobiperäisen saastumisen luonnetta. Tässä tutkimuksessa valittiin 10 geenimerkkiä, jotka kohdistuivat viiteen taudinaiheuttajaan ja viiteen mikrobisaasteeseen vesiympäristöissä. Kun valittujen geenimerkkien alukkeiden ominaisuudet eivät olleet yhteneväisiä SmartChip qPCR-asetusten kanssa, suunniteltiin uudet alukkeet NCBI:n Primer BLAST -työkalulla valitun geenimerkin havaitsemiseksi. Sopivilla ominaisuuksilla varustetut alukkeet analysoitiin in silico analyysillä käyttäen primer-BLASTN työkalua, jotta alukkeiden tarkkuus kohde geeniin varmistettiin. qPCR tuotteet analysoitiin Sanger-sekvensoinnilla, jotta voitiin havaita, olivatko odotettuja. Tämä analyysi tarjosi tietoa alukkeiden mahdollisesta väärin sitoutumisesta. Tämä kymmenen alukkeen kokonaisuus suunniteltiin korkean yhteensopivuuden saavuttamiseksi SmartChip qPCR:n sykliolosuhteiden kanssa. Se luotiin myös tarkasti heijastamaan geenejä ja organismeja, jotka esiintyvät ympäristön vesinäytteissä.
  • Åberg, Minna-Maaria (2015)
    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa perehdytään luomun markkinointiin mainoskuvan analyysin keinoin. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan kvalitatiivista mainosanalyysiä apuna käyttäen, mitä mainoskuvat viestivät luomusta ja millä keinoin. Luomumainokset ovat elintarvikemainonnan osa ja luomu yhä nousevan ekologisen tietoisuuden aikana ajankohtainen tutkielman aihe. Tutkielmassa syvennytään mainoskuvan katselukokemukseen siten, että tutkija tekee analyysin kuudesta (6) luomumainoksesta, jotka ovat Finfood – Suomen Ruokatieto Ry:n (nykyinen Ruokatieto Ry) toimeksi antamia tai sellaisia, joissa näkyy luomumerkki. Mainokset on kerätty vuosilta 1998–2004, joten niistä saadaan näkökulma siihen, miten luomumainostaminen on tapahtunut aiemmin ja miten mainonta on kehittynyt näiden vuosien aikana. Tutkielman tavoite on selvittää, mitä ja miten luomumainoksilla on viestitty luomusta. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään visuaaliseen rakenteeseen ja yhteneväisyyteen ja pohditaan, millaisia mielikuvia mainokset herättävät. Elintarvikemainosten tehokkuutta tutkitaan usein kvantitatiivisesti, esimerkiksi myynnin kehitystä seuraamalla. Mainoskuvassa on kuitenkin myös kvalitatiiviselle tutkimukselle hyvää aineistoa löydettävissä, sillä mainoskuvat ovat sisällöltään rikkaita. Tavoite saavutetaan tutkimalla, mitkä elementit aiheuttavat mainoskuvassa tämän sanattoman kommunikaation ja miten päällisin puolin yksinkertaiselta tuntuvan kuvan kielioppi kertoo mainostettavasta aiheesta. Tutkielmasta saadaan tätä ajatusta kuljettamalla sivutuotteena tulokseksi, mitä luomusta on mainoskuvilla viestitty. Tulevaisuudessa on tärkeää, että mainostaja ymmärtää tuottamansa visuaalisen materiaalin vaikutukset ja syyt syvällisesti. Suomessa on monia erilaisia mainosalan ja media-alan toimijoita, jotka tuottavat tutkimusdataa ja mainonnan mittaristoja. Suurasiakkaat, kuten Ruokakesko Oy, tilaavat mittaristoja, sekä ylläpitävät omia mainonnan mittaristojaan. Samat tahot myös tilaavat mainokset. On tilaa tutkielmalle, jossa perehdytään elintarvikemainontaan tuorein silmin, syvästi sisällölliseltä näkökannalta. Mainoskuvan analyysillä visuaalisen kieliopin avulla voidaan avata uusia näkökulmia mainoksiin. Tutkielmassa halutaan myös tuottaa lisää materiaalia mainoskuvan tutkimuksen saralla. Tutkielman pääkysymys oli; mitä ja miten luomumainoksilla on viestitty luomusta, johon löytyi monia vastauksia mainoksista. Luomusta on viestitty, että luomun ostaminen on erilainen tapa ajatella kotitalouden ruokaostoksia. Luomukuluttajalle on viestitty vahvasta ja uskaliaasta valinnasta, jolla on vaikutusta. Mainoskuvat luokittelevat luomun luonnonläheisyyteen, lisäaineettomuuteen ja turvallisuuteen kulutusvalinnoissa. Monessa tutkielman mainoksessa luomun vihreä värimaailma ja sloganit, www-sivut sekä tiedottavuus ovat mainoksen pääelementtejä. Mainokset kertovat luomun olevan ennen muuta turvallinen valinta, joka perustuu tulevaisuuteen.
  • Rosa, Sabrina (2022)
    Forests are highly valued for the wide range of ecosystem services they provide and are increasingly expected to play a role in providing solutions to both rural development and global challenges. In countries where forest ownership structure is characterized by a high share of private ownership, non-industrial, private forest owners eventually determine the type and extent of management of a large part of national forest resources. In Italy, where this is the case, the potential of forests remains largely unexploited, and the alleged lack of active management even threatens to increase forest vulnerability. In this context, the new Italian Forest Strategy aims to untap the forests’ potential and enhance the delivery of their services by promoting an active, sustainable management, but is faced with the challenge of reviving the interest of private owners in managing their land. Despite being implicitly entrusted with the responsibility of stewardship of forest resources, the Italian forest owner is still a mysterious figure, due to data scarcity, and is mostly absent from the political and economic scene. Characterizing forest owners, understanding their values, objectives, and other factors affecting their behavior is crucial to develop appropriate and effective policy instruments that will sensitize and incentivize them to “own” their land in the way that society would expect of them. This work contributes to filling the data gap on Italian forest owners by presenting a case study from a region of the western Alps, the Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley. By the way of a structured questionnaire and in-depth semi-structured interviews, we investigated how forest owners perceived forest management and the role they played, could play, or would be willing to play in forest stewardship. The results show that forest owners unanimously believe that forests need to be managed, a term which they mostly associate to maintenance, intended as taking care of the forests in order to keep it healthy and prosperous. However, they still hold a rather traditional view of forest uses, in which social and societal functions of forests are rarely addressed or related to owner’s responsibility. Also, they do not perceive the forest as economically valuable, and the current lack of economic sustainability of forest operations is driving forest abandonment, which indicates that economic factors are a driving force for stewardship decisions. Five stewardship types, ranging on a gradient of low to high stewardship behavior, characterize the Aosta Valley forest owners: the oblivious and self-willed stewards (types that emerged from participants’ narratives), and the wishful, dutiful, and committed steward types (types represented by the participants). The wishful and dutiful types offer two targets of interest for policy intervention: the first is longing for a greater role in forest stewardship but needs guidance to act, and the second, whose stewardship behavior is driven by their moral norms towards their heritage, could be motivated to extend their existing range of action or diversify the ecosystem services they foster. Overall, we found that forest owners displayed willingness to increase their stewardship behavior but lacked the capacity to take on this responsibility alone in the current context. Raising stewardship levels will require regional forest authorities to engage more deeply with private owners and their forests, as well as strong supporting policies that should not neglect financial incentives in the difficult context of mountain forestry but should also aim to revalorize the forests and forest sectors, including the non-wood sector, which can help tackling the challenge of ensuring the societal outcomes of forest stewardship.
  • Ilvonen, Suvi (2021)
    The importance of multipurpose forests is increasing since forests can simultaneously provide solutions for climate change mitigation, biodiversity protection, and the diverse needs of humans. Therefore, forest management practices, various management objectives, and forest-related policies become necessary parts of sustainable forestry. A notable share of forest management decisions depends on the preferences and motives of private forest owners, and an increasing number of owners are interested in other than timber values in their properties. In addition, changes in forest ownership structures and varied use of forest management alternatives emphasize understanding private forest owners’ management motives. This thesis aims to examine Finnish private forest owners and their forest management preferences regarding the support of biodiversity values and interest in wood-material production for the needs of the bioeconomy. The survey data were collected in spring 2020 and included a choice experiment with three forest management schemes. Two hypothetical management contracts, timber-oriented, and nature-oriented strategies, were used as alternatives for the conventional management practices. The long-term effects from each management scheme were described with the changes in profit, biodiversity, carbon stock, climate change-induced damages, and one-time subsidy. The survey data were analyzed using conditional logit, random parameters logit, and latent class logit models. Forest owners consider biodiversity values and raw material supply for the bioeconomy important. However, the results suggest that, on average, forest owners may not be willing to accept the timber-oriented management contract, whereas the nature-oriented management strategy is generally a more preferred option. The latent class model reveals three forest owner types with different preferences and management objectives. The largest share of the respondents is identified as Traditionalists who prefer conventional management practices to other alternatives. They might be reluctant to change their strategies despite the level of subsidies. The smallest group, Environmentalists, is oriented towards environmental and natural values in their forests and would most likely use continuous cover forestry and safeguard biodiversity values. The monetary support does not necessarily impact their management decisions. The rest of the respondents are described as Profit-oriented owners who may be a potential target for various forest management contracts. They consider their property more often as financial security and could be motivated by compensation. The possibility for productive and viable forests has a considerable impact on forest owners’ management decisions. However, the results indicate broad interest in various management alternatives, and the segment-based analyses reveal different forest management objectives among the owners. Therefore, understanding the diversity between forest owners helps policymakers to target specific policy goals more effectively.