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  • Söderling, Kenneth (2019)
    Abstract The demand for land and wood products is increasing at alarming rate in Sub-Saharan Africa. The sustainable forest plantations are becoming a solution to meet the demand and reduce the pressure of natural forest logging. The Forest Stewardship Council certification ensure the sustainability of the forest companies. The certification is unpopular in Sub-Saharan Africa. The lack of information of costs and benefits, discourage the implementation of the certification. The aim of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the financial basis of FSC certification for forest plantation company in Sub-Saharan Africa. The literature review and interview with the companies revealed the cost and benefit components of the certification. The data questionnaire was performed to have actual values from the companies. The data questionnaire includes pre-certification costs, annual certification period costs and benefits. I managed to have information of three plantation from two companies, the Miro Ghana and Sierra Leone and New Forest Company Tanzania plantations. The analysis is based on cost and benefit analysis principles. The equation counts pre-certification costs, and discounts annual certification period costs and benefits to present time. The timeline for this study is 30 years. The results show that the FSC certification benefits outweighs the costs in two cases out of three. The net-present value of the certification is 393US$/Ha for Miro Ghana, 555US$/Ha for Miro Sierra Leone and -1053US$/Ha for New Forest Company Tanzania. The most important components are the price premium, annual labor costs and annual infrastructure maintenance cost. The forest plantation companies should certify their operation, if they are able to enter markets where price premium occurs. The future research should include the costs and benefits of certification to society and environment, to have information of social costs and benefits.
  • Das, Emon (2024)
    The European Union aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, and Finland targets to be carbon-neutral by 2030. There is progress towards the goal, but the current measures are inadequate. Therefore, a new technology is the need of the hour. Biochar has been considered one of the most affordable negative emission technologies. Biochar has a considerable potential to mitigate climate change by adding carbon to the soil. Additionally, it is a beneficial soil amendment that improves soil properties and controls nutrient runoff from agricultural land. Therefore, biochar is a promising carbon farming tool for achieving climate goals. Although the climate benefits of biochar are pretty well known, economic studies on biochar amendments in agriculture are lacking. The thesis aims to investigate the economic profitability of investing in biochar for private farmers. Additionally, this study focuses on determining whether biochar benefits society. The objective is to provide farmers with a cost-effective solution to earn a private profit from biochar, which benefits society when net greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient runoff are accounted for. This thesis performs a cost-benefit analysis as a method. Analytical and numerical models are developed to calculate the net present values of farmers' private profit and social welfare. Mathematica is used for simulations. As a case study, the thesis focuses on Finnish boreal agricultural soil cultivated with barley, with a 5 t/ha biochar application rate. The thesis finds that the net present value of profit with biochar becomes positive in ten years but never exceeds that of without biochar. However, the net present value of social welfare with biochar becomes positive and surpasses that of without biochar within 4 to 6 years. As biochar application is beneficial for society but not profitable for farmers, two policy instruments are studied: a fertilizer tax to lower the privately optimal fertilization to the socially optimal level and an investment subsidy to make biochar use profitable. Simulation shows that with 100% investment subsidies, both policies make the investment in biochar profitable for the farmers within 0 to 1 year. A 90% investment subsidy makes biochar profitable within 3 to 6 years, whereas an 80% investment subsidy generates profit with biochar within 6 to 11 years. There is minimal economic research on biochar. As the European Council is giving importance to carbon farming, carbon storage and carbon addition, there is an immense opportunity in future to work on this topic.
  • Juvonen, Jaakko (2020)
    Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien hallinta on nyt ja tulevaisuudessa tärkeää. Tämä tutkielma keskittyy antamaan tietoa päätöksenteon tueksi ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien hydrometeorologisten riskien hallintaan, joita ilmastonmuutos aiheuttaa vedenlaadussa Puruvedellä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on arvioida jatkuvapeitteisen metsän kasvatuksen (CCF) ja suojavyöhykkeiden soveltuvuutta luontopohjaisiksi ratkaisuiksi (NBS), joilla saadaan pidettyä järven vedenlaatu nykyisellään tai parantamaan sitä. Tutkimuskysymys on: ”Onko taloudellisesti järkevää käyttää jatkuvapeitteistä metsän kasvatusta ja suojavyöhykkeitä ravinnekuormituksen vähentämiseen tutkimusalueella, jotta vedenlaatu alueella säilyy vähintään nykyisellä tasolla” Aiempi tutkimus on osoittanut jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkasvatuksen olevan taloudellisesti varteenotettava vaihtoehto kasvattaa metsää. Lisäksi tutkimus on osoittanut, että CCF ja suojavyöhykkeillä voidaan vähentää vesistöihin kohdistuvaa ravinnekuormitusta metsämailta. Näistä NBS:istä aiheutuvia kustannuksia ja hyötyjä arvioidaan tutkielmassa kustannus-hyötyanalyysin keinoin, jossa tarkoituksena on laskea projektista johtuvat hyödyt ja kustannukset ja verrata näiden nettonykyarvoa. Mikäli projektista seuraava yhteiskunnan nettohyöty on positiivinen, tulisi projektia suositella. Tutkimusalueen virkistysarvo arvioitiin käyttämällä hyödyksi Luonnonvarakeskuksen aiempia arvottamistutkimuksia. Virkistysarvoja verrattiin NBS:stä aiheutuviin taloudellisiin menetyksiin metsänomistajille. Kustannukset saatiin hyödyntämällä kokoluokka-rakenteista metsän optimointimallia. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä on metsästä saatava maksimoitu tuotto metsänomistajille ja verrata sitä optimointitulokseen, jossa päätehakkuu on rajoitettu. Tämän lisäksi suojavyöhykkeillä olevan metsän maksimoitu arvo laskettiin, josta saadaan suoraan metsänomistajille aiheutuva menetys, koska alueet poistuvat kokonaan metsätalouden piiristä. Jatkuvapeitteinen metsänkasvatus oli kummassakin tapauksessa taloudellisesti optimaalinen tapa kasvattaa metsää. Tämän lisäksi arvioitu yhteiskunnan nettohyöty projektista on positiivinen, joten NBS:iä voidaan tältä perusteelta suositella keinoiksi vedenlaadun säilyttämiseksi tutkimusalueella. Tutkimuksen tuloksiin on kuitenkin suhtauduttava varauksella, koska analyysiä tehtäessä tutkimusalueen ravinteiden huuhtoutumismallit ovat vielä tekeillä, joiden valmistuttua tarkempi tieto NBS:ien vaikutuksista on saatavilla.
  • Tanhuanpää, Taru (2023)
    The accumulation of biological material, i.e., biofouling, on ship`s hulls is a significant issue both for the shipping companies and the environment. Biofouling on a ship`s hull increases friction, leading to increased fuel consumption and hence, an increase in the fuel costs and emissions from shipping. Furthermore, the EU maritime traffic will be included in the EU Emissions Trading System in 2024, meaning that shipping companies must pay for their carbon dioxide emissions. This creates an additional economic incentive for the companies to prevent biofouling. The main methods for preventing biofouling on a ship`s hull are different coatings and possible in-water cleaning of the coated surfaces. The coating types include biocidal coatings, fouling release coatings, and hard coatings. Despite the notable problems from biofouling, there is currently no international regulation concerning biofouling management of shipping companies. A holistic understanding of this complex issue is needed to develop more sustainable shipping in the future. In this thesis, I analyze this topic by further developing an existing Bayesian network model, which is a decision tool for examining the outcomes from different biofouling management strategies. My focus on the topic is the costs of shipping companies from biofouling and its management. The existing model concerns the costs of coating, in-water cleaning, and fuel consumption. In this thesis, I add emission allowance costs and uncertainty to the fuel prices in the model to study whether these additions would change the profitability of different biofouling management strategies. My hypothesis is that to minimize the costs of biofouling and its management, shipping companies should increase the in-water cleaning times when the emission allowance costs are included in the model. The study revealed that the most cost-effective coating type, for a general cargo ship and a tanker, is a fouling release coating. For a passenger ship, the cost-effectiveness depends on the age of the coating, but a biocidal coating is the most cost-effective option when the age of the coatings is two years. My additions to the existing model did not change the result concerning the cost-effectiveness of the coating types. The results also revealed that the future inclusion of maritime transport to the EU Emissions Trading System will increase the costs of shipping companies from biofouling. Despite this, my hypothesis got rejected since the inclusion of the emission allowance costs did not lead to increased in-water cleaning times. My changes in the fuel prices led to a decrease in the in-water cleaning times, for some ship types, compared to the original model. This is not due to the uncertainty itself but because the fuel price distributions, which I used, led to lower expected fuel costs than in the original model. The study highlights that fuel costs might be one of the most important factors in determining whether enhanced biofouling management will be profitable for shipping companies in the future.
  • Takamäki, Saana (2021)
    Anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations have raised alarmingly high in the atmosphere during the last century and there is an urgent need for cost-effective climate policies to tackle climate crisis. European Union’s Emission Trading System (EU ETS) is the major market instrument for decreasing the emitted greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively in the European Union. In addition, EU member states apply complementary and partly overlapping policies with EU ETS. Such demand-reducing policies do not affect the total amount of emissions at the EU level when the emission cap is binding because of the observed “waterbed effect”. However, the effectiveness of overlapping demand-reducing policies has changed due to the implemented Market Stability Reserve, which absorbs allowances from the market while endogenizing the emission cap. Furthermore, market agents can unilaterally cancel emission allowances from the market to tighten the emission cap. Previously Finnish Government committed to phase-out coal by 2029 in order to decarbonize the national energy system. However, there is no full certainty regarding to what extent does the Finnish coal ban reduce total emission at the EU level. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to quantify the cumulative impact of Finnish coal ban and its effectiveness to reduce emission at the EU level. This thesis determines how many allowances shall be unilaterally cancelled at different years to guarantee that the coal ban has a full effect on the total emissions at the EU level. A scenario analysis is conducted through model simulations to showcase how the effectiveness of coal ban could be maximized while minimizing the costs related to unilateral cancellation. This thesis contributes to the limited literature on unilateral cancellations as an instrument to strengthen the effectiveness of overlapping demand-reducing policies within the EU ETS. The results show that the unilateral cancellation is more cost-effective when implemented after the MSR has stopped absorbing allowances from the market because until then, the unilateral cancellation policies are rather low in cost-effectiveness. In addition, earlier the coal phase-out policies are implemented the higher is the effectiveness of the coal ban due to the higher synergies between Market Stability Reserve and demand-reducing policies.
  • Zhao, Chuanhui (2020)
    The research of this thesis was focused on anaerobic digestion of cow manure mixed with different types of biowaste, especially those material that are available in Finland. The research was conducted by search, collection, and analysis of different data in literature. Topic of the thesis was predetermined by the Co-Creation Lab project of Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), which was seeking solution to achieve carbon neutral cow milk production. The solution was co-approached by three participants conducting thesis from technological, economical, and legislative points of view, in which I was responsible for writing mainly the technological part, and general findings in economic efficiency and legislative terms by the other two co-creators were also included in this thesis. The research was mainly related with the whole cycle of biogas production, including basics about anaerobic digestion (AD), applications of the biogas and digestate as a product and by-product of AD. Substrates for AD were researched with a focus to find the best combination of cow manure (CM) and biowaste in regard with methane yield outcome, especially a mixture of CM and silage waste that suits the cow farming situation in Finland. Methane yields for mono-digestion of various types of biowaste and co-digestion of CM with different biomass were collected and analyzed. Premises for biogas plant establishment were researched briefly, including facility composition, and consideration of feasibility and raw material availability. CM with grass containing 75% timothy and 25% meadow fescue grass at 70%:30% mixing ratio could be the best combination of CM: grass co-digestion, followed by 0.5:0.5 mixed CM and perennial ryegrass. Furthermore, CM mixed with food waste at 52:48% ratio could be the best combination among co-digestion of CM with biowaste other than grass, followed by CM and food waste mixed with 68%:32% ratio, and CM with oat straw mixed at 1:2 ratio could be a considerable combination of CM and crop waste.
  • Vuorio, Emma (2017)
    This study aims to find out if differentiation of the features of the 4P of the product milk can create value to customers in a particular customer segment. Creating value is in the core in every company´s actions. Customers buy products and services that create value to them and are willing to pay from the value they get. The more the product creates value, the more the customers are willing to pay. This study focused on the customer segment of young women with academic background who live in the capital region. Milk is a bulk product consumed widely in Finland. The product also has significant role in the nutritional history of the country and has a big role in Finnish nutritional recommendations. However the consumption of milk has decreased over the years. The theoretical background of this study is based on the following theories: marketing strategy and the 4P, customer value and differentiation. These theories formed the theoretical framework which gave the focus to the empirical experiment. The approach of the study was qualitative because qualitative research aims to understand the phenomenon it studies and the approach is more suitable for analysing verbal data. Qualitative research wants to get a deeper understanding and it gives room for individual´s thoughts and experience. The study was executed and a group interview using theme interview methods. For the study chosen features of the 4P of the product milk were differentiated and group interview focused on them. The differentiated features were the following. For product organic milk and milk with added protein, for price milk with a lower price, for place online shopping and for promotion advertising milk on social media. The findings of this study were that in some cases differentiation of the features if the 4P of the product milk can create value for customers but in most cases it does not. The focus group felt that the most valuable differentiated feature of the 4P was organically produced milk and other factors that supported the well-being of the production animals and the environment. If a company selling or producing milk tries to create value to its customers through differentiation of the features of the 4P, it needs to consider carefully which features to focus on.
  • Turunen, Anna Kaarina (2023)
    Lack of finance is a major constraint for the smallholder soybean farmers in northern Ghana. The area is affected by soil degradation, poverty, and food insecurity, while a majority of the people in the area get their livelihood from agriculture. As a possible solution for the three problems, a natural biofertilizer and biocontrol agent, rhizobium bacteria, can be introduced to the rhizospheres of the soybean. This is usually done by applying rhizobium bacteria to the seeds of a legume prior to planting. This rhizobial inoculation technology improves plant growth, nutrient availability and uptake, as well as yields, thereby increasing the income and food security of the smallholder farmers. A credit to be invested in rhizobium inoculation technology would provide smallholder farmers with the opportunity to improve soil fertility and increase farm productivity, improving their food security and enabling them to earn additional income. The private market for rhizobial inoculants is nascent, but many of the farmers report financial constraints. To create a functioning market and to realise the social and environmental benefits of soybean cultivation and rhizobium inoculation technology, it is important to understand the causes of credit constraints of smallholder farmers and how to reduce them. In this thesis, I study the prevalence and the determinants of credit constraints among smallholder soybean farmers by applying a logistic regression model to a sample of 133 smallholder farmers in northern Ghana. I first define credit constrained status of the farmers and conclude that the prevalence of observable credit constraints in the sample is 57.1%. I conclude that there are two broad categories of variables affecting a farmer’s status as credit constrained. The first of these is the type of guarantees that a farmer can offer to the lender. Such guarantees are represented by membership in a farmers' association (and hence access to possible joint guarantees), existing assets such as ownership of cows, and a farmer's experience in soybean production (reflecting knowledge of good investment decisions in the sector). The second category relates to the supply of credit and the factors affecting it. The factors affecting credit supply identified in this study are regional disparities and loans targeted to a certain group, such as women. By influencing the supply and conditions of credit, the financial constraints of smallholder farmers can be alleviated. Such policy interventions, combined with other leverage points such as social learning and access to information, contribute to the adoption of desirable farming practices. Because of the many benefits of rhizobial inoculation in soybean production, its adoption could be promoted by offering credit directed particularly for the adoption of this technology. This would benefit not only the farmers but have broader benefits in the form of climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Lohva, Henri (2016)
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a popular organism in the production of biofuels, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This is thanks to a good understanding of its metabolism, GRAS status and the ease of modification. Traditionally its genetic modification has been based on the use of selectable markers. Modifying multi gene pathways has required a sequential process consisting of multiple single gene disruptions together with marker recycling. Additionally, many industrial S. cerevisiae strains are polyploid and lack the same tools for their modification as laboratory strains. In this study we sought to develop CRISPR/Cas9 based genetic engineering method for the modification of industrial S. cerevisiae strains. The CRISPR/Cas9 system is based on the adaptive immunity system of bacteria. It makes use of the Cas9 endonuclease which produces double stranded DNA brake to any location determined by a gRNA molecule. This causes the activation of DNA repair mechanisms which can be utilized to for the genomic integration of a template DNA. This makes transformation events much more likely and thus enables producing multiple modifications at once and removes the need for the of use selectable markers. In our approach Cas9 and gRNA were transformed into the cell in a plasmid together with a separate template DNA molecule. We used this method to remove lyp1, ura3 and can1 genes from diploid and polyploid industrial S. cerevisiae strains multiple genes at a time. Simultaneously we evaluated the effect of the NHEJ repair mechanism on CRISPR/Cas9 by repeating the tests with a deletion strain missing the ku70 gene required by NHEJ. Finally the method was used for the metabolic engineering by integrating the five gene violacein metabolic pathway into two loci in a single transformation event. This study demonstrated the CRISPR/Cas9 method is well suited for the modification of industrial S. cerevisiae strains and is capable of modifying up to three loci at a time in a polyploid yeast strain.
  • Huhdanmäki, Tuukka (2021)
    CRISPR-Cas9 is one variant of newly emerging technologies utilizing targeted mutagenesis based on Cas family proteins and guide RNA that enable binding and modifying selected target sequence. The aim of the master’s thesis was to compare different methods of CRISPR-Cas9 induced gene editing in the genus Nicotiana and other secondary protocols necessary to identify successful mutations. PDS1 and PDS2 genes coding phytoene desaturase in plants were selected as target genes as mutant genotype produce visually identifiable photobleaching phenotype. CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex mediated transformation uses separately produced Cas9 protein and guide RNA that when combined perform transient gene editing in cell. This method was planned to be used but Cas9 protein was challenging to produce in soluble form and final transformation was not achieved. This study suggests that acquiring ready-to-use Cas9 protein might be preferable choice when targeting only few transformations with CRISPR-Cas9 RNP-complex. Agrotransformation is well established method for genus Nicotiana and using Single Transcriptional Unit CRISPR-Cas9 system it is straightforward procedure from plasmid design to transformation. Successfully transformed plants were redeemed from transient agroinfiltration and stable agrotransformation experiments. Off-target mutations are possible and selective outbreeding may be needed. This method lacks the several advantages of CRISPR-Cas9 RNP-complex such as instant gene editing in cell, avoiding RNA interference and transformation over species boundaries, but is simple and functional in genus Nicotiana. Successful mutations were detected using commercial T7E1 and with natural CEL I endonuclease from celery extract. Celery extract can be used as cost-effective alternative to T7E1 for verifying or replicating previously confirmed results.
  • Mosalam, Mohamed (2021)
    The objectives of the study were to assess the efficiency of transient expression of sgRNA/Cas9 construct in Petunia V26, where sgRNA targeted a cytosine deaminase gene (CodA) that converts 5-fluorocytosine into the toxic compound 5-fluorouracil. Disrupting CodA by transient expression of sgRNA/Cas9 introduced a conditional negative selection system that allowed plants with mutated CodA to regenerate on media containing 5-fluorocytosine. The single transcriptional unit vector pMOH2 was designed to carry two amplified sgRNAs guiding Cas9 targeting at HinfI cutting sites. The expression vector was transformed into Petunia V26 using Agrobacterium tumefaciens (pGV2260). Successful mutations were detected on 62.5 mg/L 5-fluorocytosine. Large numbers of in vitro shoots were regenerated from the transformed leaves on a modified MS-media containing 1 mg/L zeatin. The study revealed that transient expression of the sgRNA/Cas9 construct is efficient and can be used to target other genes in Petunia V26. pMOH2 targeted its sites successfully, and proved that CodA can be used as a conditional negative selection marker to detect cells with an edited genome.
  • Mollberg, Janne (2012)
    Tämän tutkielman pääongelmana oli selvittää mitä hyötyjä CRM:stä saadaan henkilökohtaisessa myyntityössä. Tutkimuksen alaongelmana selvitettiin, mitä ongelmia tai haittoja CRM olemassa olosta on ilmaantunut yrityksille henkilökohtaisen myyntityön kannalta. Näiden edellä mainittujen vastausten lisäksi saatiin myös vastauksia, mitä hyötyjä yritykset tavoittelevat CRM:n käytöllä, CRM:n käytöön liittyvät toiveet tulevaisuuden CRM:ään sekä mitkä ovat CRM:n vaatimukset henkilökohtaiselle myyntityölle. Tutkielman teoriaosassa on käytetty pääasiassa ulkomaisia ja kotimaisia CRM:ään liittyviä artikkeleita ja kirjallisuutta. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, johon aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluilla. Teemahaastattelut toteutettiin haastattelemalla neljää pitkän kokemuksen omaavaa CRM asiantuntijaa. Suurimmat CRM:n hyödyt myyjätasolla olivat tehokkuuden lisääntyminen keskittymällä oikeiden asioiden tekemiseen ja kannattavien asiakkaiden palvelemiseen. Tehokkuuden lisääntyminen näkyy ennen kaikkea myynnin nousuna. CRM järjestelmän asiakastietoja ja -historiaa kyetään käyttämään tehokkaasti mm. kohdennettuihin markkinointitoimiin. CRM järjestelmän koettiin tuovan myös systemaattisuutta, jolla asiakkaita pystytään palvelemaan tasaisen laadukkaasti. CRM:llä tavoitellaan yrityksen näkökulmasta parempaa myyntiä, tehokkuutta, laadun parantumista, keskittymistä oikeisiin asioihin ja lisäksi se on väline esimiehille myyntimiesten toimenpiteiden seuraamiseen. Kaikki edellä mainitut tavoitteet olivat myös sellaisia, joissa yritykset kokivat onnistuneensa. CRM:n haasteena koettiin henkilökohtaiset erot myyjien välillä, sisällön vaatimukset myyjien tietojen täyttämiselle ja ajoittainen myyjien vastarinta CRM järjestelmää kohtaan. CRM:ltä odotetaan tulevaisuudessa parempaa linkitystä toimintojen välille, enemmän automatisoitua tietoa eri toimintojen välille mm. myynnin ja taloushallinnon, CRM järjestelmän tulisi myös tulevaisuudessa pystyä itse paremmin analysoimaan tietoa mm. asiakashistorian perusteella ja tuoda se myyjän esille oikealla hetkellä. CRM järjestelmän tulee olla myyjille mahdollisimman helppoa ja nopeaa.
  • Uusitalo, Mari (2022)
    Cronobacter spp. are opportunistic human pathogens. They can cause infections in infants and illness in older children and adults. There is also a high case fatality rate. Cronobacter spp. are found in dried foods, such as powdered infant formulas and Cronobacter spp. have caused serious cases of infection in worldwide. Therefore, Cronobacter spp. should not be present in powdered infant formulas that reach consumers. Cronobacter do not survive heat treatment. It is therefore likely that Cronobacter will migrate to the product from the environment or from heat-sensitive nutrients added after pasteurization. The data for the study was collected from the production control systems of the powder plants. Data was used for the period 2018-2020. Two powder plants, Plant A and Plant B were compared. Cronobacter results of environmental were compared with different climate variables using regression analysis, for example. Statistical analysis was performed with Minitab software. It was investigated whether the positive Cronobacter results were related to the microbiological results in the products. One subject of the review was whether seasonal variability was present in Cronobacter environmental samples. It was also examined whether explanatory factors were found for the Cronobacter results of individual targets. Based on the results of the study, there was no clear relationship between positive environmental sample results and weather conditions. Seasonal variation is also unrelated to environmental sample results. There was no statistical association between positive Cronobacter environmental results and microbiological results of the products. When examining the sampling targets, most of the positive results were found in the floor sampling targets. Based on the results, it would be a good idea to consider whether it is necessary to make changes in the hygiene areas or tighten the hygiene requirements. The use of additional shoe covers should be on option, for example. The prevention of Cronobacter in the environment is particularly important. Possible contamination of the products poses not only health risks but also financial damage. Rejection of production batches due to Cronobacter contamination can be economically significant.
  • Rautapää, Henriikka (2018)
    Cryptosporidium parvum is a coccidian parasite. It causes an intestinal infection, named cryptosporidiosis. C. parvum infects mainly young calves and can be transmitted zoonotically to humans. C. parvum causes watery diarrhea, which is usually self-limiting. Cryptosporidiosis can be life-threatening to small children, immunocompromised patients and weak calves. C. parvum spreads mainly by the fecal-oral route by oocysts. It multiplies intracellularly, usually in the enterocytes of the small intestine. The life cycle is spent in a single host. Oocysts are extremely resilient and can cause large epidemics when household water or food gets exposed. Aim of this study was to research subtypes of protozoan C. parvum that occurred in calves in Finland 2012-2017, and research their divergence geographically and temporally. Additionally subtypes of 10 C. parvum -isolates from humans were studied and results were compared to subtypes found in calves. Fassisi BoDia, a rapid test designed to identify the four most common pathogens that infect young calves (rotavirus, coronavirus, C. parvum and E. coli K99/F5-type) was tested. The rapid test also detects possible mixed infections. Test is immunocromatographic and the diagnostic method to find C. parvum’s specific protein is based on monoclonal antibodies. Sample collection for determination of subtypes consists of 100 fecal samples from calves and 10 human fecal samples. Fassisi BoDia rapid test was tested with 67 fecal samples from calves. Subtyping was made by multiplying the protein gp60 coding gene with nested-PCR and by analyzing sequences of the gene. Research was made in Evira research unit of veterinary bacteriology and pathology in Kuopio. Subtype IIaA15G2R1 was the most common in calves. Distribution of this subtype had increased in Finland after subtype results from earlier years. Subtype IIaA15G2R1 was mainly found in western Finland, especially around Pohjanmaa. Subtype IIaA18G1R1 was the only one found in human samples, the same subtype was not found from calf samples in this study. Sensitivity of the Fassisi BoDia rapid test for C. parvum was 91,7 % and specificity was 83,9 % reliability.
  • Lempiäinen, Antti (2011)
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly important topic in forest industries, and other global companies, in recent years. Globalisation, faster information delivery and demand for sustainable development have set new challenges for global companies in their business operations. Also the importance of stakeholder relations, and pressure to become more transparent has increased in the forest industries. Three dimensions of corporate responsibility economic, environmental and social, are often included in the concept of CSR. Global companies mostly claim that these dimensions are equally important. This study analyses CSR in forest industry and has focus on reporting and implementation of social responsibility in three international companies. These case-companies are Stora Enso, SCA and Sappi, and they have different geographical base, product portfolios and therefore present interesting differences about forest industry strategy and CSR. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has created the most known and used reporting framework in CSR reporting. GRI Guidelines have made CSR reporting a uniform function, which can also be measured between companies and different sectors. GRI Guidelines have also made it possible to record and control CSR data in the companies. In recent years the use of GRI Guidelines has increased substantially. Typically CSR reporting on economic and environmental responsibility have been systematic in the global companies and often driven by legistlation and other regulations. However the social responsibility has been less regulated and more difficult to compare. Therefore it has previously been often less focused in the CSR reporting of the global companies. The implementation and use of GRI Guidelines have also increased dialogue on social responsibility issues and stakeholder management in global companies. This study analyses the use of GRI´s framework in the forest industry companies´ CSR reporting. This is a qualitative study and the disclosure of data is empricially analysed using content analysis. Content analysis has been selected as a method for this study because it makes it possible to use different sources of information. The data of this study consists of existing academic literature of CSR, sustainability reports of thecase-companies during 2005-2009, and the semi-structured interviews with company representatives. Different sources provide the possibility to look at specific subject from more than one viewpoint. The results of the study show that all case-companies have relatively common themes in their CSR disclosure, and the differences rise mainly from their product-portfolios, and geographic base. Social impacts to local communities, in the CSR of the companies, were mainly dominated by issues concerning creating wealth to the society and impacting communities through creation of work. The comparability of the CSR reporting, and especially social indicators increased significally from 2007 onwards in all case-companies. Even though the companies claim that three dimensions of CSR economic, environmental and social are equally important economic issues and profit improvement still seem to drive most of the operations in the global companies. Many issues that are covered by laws and regulations are still essentially presented as social responsibility in CSR. However often the unwelcome issues in companies like closing operations are covered just briefly, and without adequate explanation. To make social responsibility equally important in the CSR it would demand more emphasis from all the case-companies. A lot of emphasis should be put especially on the detail and extensiveness of the social reponsibility content in the CSR.
  • Xiong, Ying (2009)
    As the global economy grows rapidly, certain environmental and societal problems have become challenges. This pushes more and more global companies to integrate those concerns in their business operations, in the form of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This thesis analyzes leading global companies’ CSR performance by using forest and IT industry as comparable cases, in order to point out the strength and weakness of CSR practice, and to indicate the proposal for CSR development. The study also describes the differences in emphasizing CSR between forest industry and IT industry, and between globally and in China market. The method of content analysis is introduced to the study. Based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines as classification frame, relevant information from the CSR reports of analyzed sampling units was classified into corresponding indicators and then transformed into the numbers that represent companies’ CSR performance. The result of the study shows that on a global scale environmental and economic responsibilities are the mainly focused areas of CSR by global companies while companies’ performance of human rights responsibility is very poor. In the future, global companies should work harder on human rights by taking actions to analyze violent risks and prevent discrimination instead of only releasing policies. Concerning differences between industries, forest product companies emphasize economic, environmental and labor practice responsibilities much more than IT companies do. IT industry is able to learn the experience from forest industry to improve its weak areas. The other finding in the study is that nearly no global companies publish separate unit CSR reports in China or sufficient information of CSR activities in China. It indicates that CSR is still at the very beginning status in China and global companies are recommended to take more responsibility for its development.
  • Ilmoniemi, Timo (2016)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia asiakkaiden havaintoja palvelun laatuun ja yrityksen imagoon liittyen. Laatuun ja imagoon liittyvät näkökohdat liittyvät tutkimuksessa Metso konsernin OneMetso konseptiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevat asiakasyritykset edustavat sellu- ja paperiteollisuutta sekä voimantuotantoa. Käsitteistöltään tutkimus perustuu laatua ja yrityksen imagoa käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen. Kirjallisuuskatsaus esittelee laatuun ja erityisesti palveluiden laatuun liittyviä erityispiirteitä. Olemassa oleva palveluiden laatua koskeva kirjallisuus perustuu pitkälti yritysten ja yksityishenkilöiden väliseen suhteeseen ja teoreettiselta pohjaltaan SERVQUAL tai Nordic model malleihin. Edellä mainittujen mallien ulottuvuuksia on hyödynnetty myös tässä tutkimuksessa, mutta painotus on yritysten välisessä (B2B) asiayhteydessä. Tämän alan tutkimuksia on tehty viime vuosikymmenenä. Tutkimuksen tulokset perustuvat kyselytutkimukseen joka on tehty Metson sellu- ja paperi sekä voimantuotannon asiakkaille. Kyselyn on tehnyt puhelinhaastatteluihin erikoistunut yritys. Kyselytutkimuksen vastaukset on tässä tutkimuksessa tilastollisesti analysoitu käyttäen ei-parametrista testausmenetelmää. Perustuen vastausten jakaumaan käytetty testausmenetelmä kaikille kysymyksille oli riippumattomien näytteiden Mann-Whitneyn U testi. Tilastollisen testauksen tuloksien perusteella nollahypoteesi hylätään kahdessa asiakkaille esitetyssä kysymyksessä kaikkiaan neljästätoista. Automation ja Power segmenttien asiakkaiden havainnot ovat yhteneviä useimmissa laatuun liittyvistä kysymyksistä. Saadut tulokset tukevat Metson One Metso konseptia. Jatkotutkimuksen aiheena toimisi keskittyminen yrityksen nykyisiin muuttuneisiin segmentteihin syventäen samallamkyselyn laatunäkökohtia.
  • Ylipoti, Kerttu-Maaria (2020)
    Take away food has increased in popularity in the past years. However, there are not many cardboard-based take away packaging options for restauranteurs. Plastic materials such as expanded polystyrene are most commonly used for take away packaging, but the single-use plastics directive by the European Commission has added polystyrene as one of the materials to be banned by 2021. Additionally, consumers are also becoming more educated on material sustainability, which brings added pressure and opportunity for developing new alternatives to the market. This case study implemented customer-dominant logic (CDL) to the design process of a cardboard-based take away package. In CDL, value-creation is perceived as a personal, subjective and holistic process, where the customer is in the center of the value formation process. The aim was to create a CDL based design framework and test whether it resulted in a cardboard-based take away package which created value for the consumer. The case study also aimed to uncover the factors of take away packaging which contributed to the value creation for customers. The results were collected through three consumer studies, which used qualitative methods such as responsive interviews and the Value Toolkit®. It was concluded that cardboard as a material was seen as renewable and easy-to-recycle. The cardboard-based package was successfully designed, as it was rated highest in comparison to a polystyrene-based package and a compostable bagasse package in the final consumer study. It was discovered that out of the four value types: performance, experience, status value, and responsibility, consumers thought performance was the most important in take away packaging. The CDL based framework for package design was successful. The framework can further be studied with collateral case studies, where one design team uses the CDL based framework and the other uses a more traditional approach to design.
  • Wood, Steffaney (2020)
    Cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales, including Baltic Sea bloom-forming species Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon flosaquae, Dolichospermum spp., produce resting stages, known as akinetes, under unfavorable conditions. These akinetes can persist in the sediment and germinate if favorable conditions return, simultaneously representing past blooms and possibly contributing to future bloom formation. The present study characterized cyanobacterial akinete survival, germination, and potential toxin production in 40-to-175- year-old brackish water sediment archives in order to understand historical bloom expansion, akinete persistence, and cyanobacteria life cycles in the northern Baltic Sea. Results showed that cyanobacterial akinetes can persist in and germinate from northern Baltic Sea sediment up to 424 and 174 years old, at coastal and open-sea locations respectively. Akinete abundance and viability decreased with age and depth of vertical sediment layers. Increases in sediment organic matter content and akinete abundance largely corresponded with the historical expansion of anthropogenic eutrophication-fueled blooms of cyanobacteria in the northern Baltic Sea, beginning in the mid-twentieth century. The detection of potential hepatotoxin production from akinetes and revived cultures was minimal and restricted to the coastal sediment core. Phylogenetic analysis of culturable cyanobacteria from the coastal sediment core indicated that the majority of strains likely belonged to benthic genera Anabaena. Findings also supported the notion that, in comparison with Nodularia and Aphanizomenon spp. akinetes, Anabaena/Dolichospermum spp. akinetes play a more significant role in their life cycle and bloom initiation strategies. Further research is recommended to accurately quantify akinetes and create a higher rate of toxin gene detection from brackish water sediment samples in order to further describe species-specific benthic archives of cyanobacteria. Overall, measuring cyanobacterial akinete abundance, germination experiments, and genetic methods can be effectively used to determine akinete persistence, viability, and potential toxin production in brackish water sediment samples. This study highlights the prolonged survival of cyanobacterial akinetes in northern Baltic Sea sediment samples, up to 174 years old.
  • Chesnut, Sally (2022)
    Emerging research suggests that bacteriophages (phages) may exhibit alternative infection strategies that deviate from the preconceived lytic or lysogenic life cycles. Carrier cell infection is an alternative phage life cycle where complete virus particles are formed and remain within host cells, without cell lysis or integration into the host genome. Phage Φ6 (Φ6), the type member of the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus family Cystoviridae, is a lytic phage that can also establish a carrier cell within its plant pathogenic host, Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) phaseolicola strain HB10Y (HB10Y). This thesis contributes to current limited knowledge and provides an insight on the underlying mechanisms of the Φ6 carrier cell infection. This study has agricultural and ecological relevance and may contribute to future plant therapeutic options. Synthetic carrier cell lines harboring Φ6 tri-segmented genome or Φ6 genomic constructs in which the coding regions in the S- and/or M- segments were replaced by heterologous sequences from tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) were created using a reverse genetics method. Spontaneous Φ6 carrier cell lines were also isolated from HB10Y after exposure of the host to excess phage. Spontaneous carrier cells were not stable, but rather occasionally released phage into liquid culture. Synthetic carrier cell lines were subjected to secondary phage infection and were found to be less susceptible than wild type (WT) to Φ6 but not Φ8, a more distant member of Cystoviridae. Studies suggest that carrier cell resistance to secondary infection (superinfection exclusion) is exhibited through the Φ6 S-segment gene 8. To test how temperature affects the stability of Φ6 carrier cells, spontaneous carrier cell line culture was incubated at RT and 30°C, and phage productivity was compared. Elevated temperature induced carrier cell stability. Comparison of the growth curves between Φ6 synthetic and spontaneous carrier cell lines and their respective WT strains showed that Φ6 carrier cell infection does not greatly affect host growth.