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  • Lumperoinen, Hanna (2015)
    In this master´s thesis it was studied if the harvesting and cultivating of energy wood is ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable if it is done by following Forestry Development Centre Tapio´s guidelines for Best Forestry Practices for Energy Wood harvesting and cultivating. The aim of the study was also to find out how energy wood harvesting and managing practices should be developed according to experts. Best Practice Guidelines for Forest Management and Energy Wood Harvesting and Cultivation is a handbook for forest owners and professional foresters. The handbook describes operations models for energy wood harvesting and cultivation that are based on research and good practices. The guidelines have been compiled as an extensive cooperation process with Forest Development Centre Tapio. The aim of Best Practice Guidelines for Forest Management is to ensure that forest management is ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable. 34 experts and researchers were interviewed for this study. All of these interviewees have participated in the Energy wood harvesting and cultivating guidelines project. The response percentage in these interviews was 81. In the interview, claims based on the guidelines were presented to the interviewees. The answers were evaluated by using 7-step Likert scale. In addition, it was possible for the interviewees to give informal arguments after every claim. The claims were from 21 different topics collected from the guidelines. In every topic, all three dimensions of sustainability were examined. Social and cultural sustainability were combined in the claims, so a total of 63 claims was presented. The results indicate that the majority of the recommendations in the guidelines is sustainable. Only in the claims dealing with stump lifting, low-quality tree removing, whole tree harvesting on VT-sites and foliage and branch collecting, the average calculated from all Likert –answers was negative. In the informal arguments, the most important concerns were nutrient loss from forests and forest owners´ economical benefits in energy wood harvestings. The results indicated that the biggest benefits from social and cultural sustainability are the positive effects on employment in homeland. The results indicated that there is need for Best Practice Guidelines for Forest Management in Finland. The biggest need for the recommendations is among forest harvesting workers, for example harvester drivers and forest workers. In this work it was shown that energy wood harvesting and cultivating in Finland is usually sustainable if the recommendations are followed. In future research it should be studied how energy wood harvesting and cultivating guidelines should be developed in the operations whose sustainability was questioned. It seems that the harvesting of small diameter energy wood is based partly on state subsidies. Therefore, in future research, it should be studied how big an effect the subsidies have on the profitability of energy wood harvesting. It should also be studied how Best Practice Guidelines should be developed so that they could support practical forest workers as effectively as possible. It might also be good to do research on this same area using some other approach.
  • Laakso, Janne (2015)
    Suomi on maailman soisin maa, jonka pinta-alasta kolmasosa on joko suota tai turvemaata. Suot ja turvealueet ovat tärkeä osa maamme luontoa ja sen monimuotoisuutta. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeätä tutkia soiden ja turvemaiden järkevää ja kestävää käyttöä sekä kansantaloudellisia vaikutuksia. Tässä pro gradu-tutkielmassa pyritään vastaan kahteen kysymykseen. Mikä rooli energiaturpeella on Suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa ja kuinka energiaturpeen hinta muodostuu? Lukijalle pyritään antamaan kuva turvetuotannon moninaisista hyödyistä ja haitoista. Tutkielmassa aihetta lähestytään kansantaloudellisesta näkökulmasta ja pääpainotus on energiaturpeessa. Energiaturpeesta on kirjoitettu paljon, mutta taloustieteellinen näkökulma on jäänyt vähemmälle huomiolle. Akateemisissa tutkimuksissa pääpaino on ympäristöasioissa ja turpeen tuotannosta ja käytöstä aiheutuvissa ympäristöhaitoissa. Taloudellisia näkökulmia esiintyy eri tutkimuslaitosten ja elinkeinoelämän instituutioiden julkaisuissa. Turpeen tuotannolla ja käytöllä on Suomessa pitkä historia. Energiaturpeen ympärille on kehittynyt merkittävä teollisuus, jolla on suurta yhteiskunnallista painoarvoa. Energiaturpeella on poikkeuksellinen rooli Suomalaisessa energiantuotannossa, jossa sen osuus primäärienergian kulutuksesta on noin 5 – 8 prosenttia. Energiaturpeella onkin tuotettu Suomessa noin 19 – 29 terawattituntia energiaa vuosittain 2000-luvulla. Toimialan arvioitiin vuonna 2009 tuottavan Suomen kansantalouteen noin 440 miljoonan euron kokonaisnettovaikutuksen. Turpeen tuotanto ja käyttö työllistää suoraan tai epäsuoraan yhteensä 12350 henkilötyövuotta. Nämä työpaikat syntyvät usein alueille, joissa vaihtoehtoisen työn saaminen olisi hankalaa. Energiaturpeen tuotantoa ja käyttöä on perusteltu sen kotimaisuudella, huoltovarmuudella ja aluepoliittisilla tekijöillä. Energiaturpeen hinta on viime vuosikymmeninä ollut tasainen ja kilpailukykyinen. Jyrsinturpeen hinta käyttöpaikalla on vaihdellut 8 – 14 €/MWh välillä vuosina 2000–2013. Palaturpeen hinta on vuorostaan vaihdellut noin 9 – 22 €/MWh välillä. Energiaturpeen kustannuksiin vaikuttavat monet tekijät ja jokainen tuotantoalue on yksilöllinen. Toisaalta aiheesta tehdyt tutkimukset eivät pysty antamaan energiaturpeen hinnanmuodostumiseen tarkkaa vastausta, mutta verrattaessa tuotantokustannuksia ja hintoja voidaan olettaa alan olevan kannattavaa toimintaa. Yhteiskunnan kannalta energiaturpeen tutkiminen taloudellisesta näkökulmasta olisi hedelmällistä. Tämä antaisi perusteluita ja näkökulmia nykyiseen turvekeskusteluun.
  • Heikkinen, Tiina Katariina (2016)
    Due to anoxic conditions and slow decomposition, pristine peatlands are usually considered as sinks of carbon dioxide but sources of methane. After drainage for forestry purposes, carbon dioxide emissions usually start to increase and methane emissions decrease. Nowadays about 830 000 hectares of forestry drained peatlands in Finland are considered as low productive and non-suitable for commercial forestry as they are too nutrientpoor or too wet. Restoration has been seen one way to after-use these areas but its effects on greenhouse gas fluxes, especially on very nutrient-poor bogs, is mainly unknown. The aim of this thesis was to find out the effect of restoration on methane fluxes from low productive nutrient poor raised bogs. Methane fluxes were measured from 14 sites (7 restored, 6 drained, 1 pristine) near Sipoo, Tammela and Parkano during the summers of 2014 and 2015. Also water table level and peat temperature from 5 and 30 cm depth were measured. Vegetation of the gas measurement plots was surveyed using the Braun-Blanquet method in Sipoo and Tammela sites. Restoration (ditch blocking and/or tree removal) was done 4‒22 years before measurements. Restored sites were wetter than drained sites but drier than pristine sites. Peat temperature was higher in the ditches of restored sites and the coverage of cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum) increased a little. Both drained and restored sites were methane sources during the growing season. The annual flux of restored sites (4.02 ± 1.21 g m-2 yr-1) was little bit higher than drained sites (2.86 ± 1.57 g m -2 yr-1). The highest flux was measured from pristine sites (8.38 g m-2 yr-1). Methane fluxes from the ditches increased most and they were close to the fluxes from hollows of pristine site. The age of restored site did not affect the methane fluxes although the highest fluxes were measured from the youngest site. The results were not, however, statistically significant due the huge variation within and between the sites. The fluxes of restored sites were closer to the fluxes of pristine peatlands found from literature compared to drained sites, which means that restoration was successful and there was not a big problem for climatic point of view.
  • Nordling, Paulina (2013)
    Sibbo storskog är ett enhetligt skogs- och jordbruksområde som täcker delar av Sibbo kommun samt Vanda och Helsingfors städer. Den privatägda marken på området används i huvudsak för aktivt jord- och skogsbruk. År 2011 inrättades Sibbo storskogs nationalpark på statsägd mark i Sibbo storskog. Nationalparken är splittrad till formen och dess läge skapar förutsättningar för stort rekreationstryck. Detta befaras leda till negativ inverkan på privatskogsbruket. Tidigare forskning om nationalparkers inverkan på omgivningen har främst fokuserat på lokalbefolkningen och närområdet som helhet. Målsättningen med denna undersökning var att ta reda på vilken inverkan Sibbo storskogs nationalpark har för specifikt de privata skogsägarna och deras verksamhet, samt hur konflikter mellan användning och skötsel av nationalparken och privatskogsbruket i Sibbo storskog kan förebyggas. Materialet samlades in med en enkät riktad till privata skogsägare i Sibbo storskog och med intervjuer med privata skogsägare i Sibbo storskog och vid Noux nationalpark. Syftet med intervjuerna i Noux var att få ett jämförande material från ett område vars läge och rekreationstryck är jämförbart med det i Sibbo storskog, men där nationalparken har existerat under en längre tid. Resultaten visar att inverkan från nationalparken förknippad med områdets användning för rekreation redan förekommit i Sibbo storskog. Hotbilder för framtiden var utöver dessa främst relaterade till utvidgning av nationalparken och planläggning av mark-användningen som ansågs försämra förutsättningarna för utövandet av normalt skogsbruk. Ca 40 % av skogsägarna ansåg att nationalparken kommer att påverka negativt på de egna skogsarbetena i framtiden. Genom att göra nationalparken enhetligare med markbyten inom Sibbo storskog eller med frivilliga skyddsavtal och försäljning av mark kan konflikter förebyggas. Ca 30 % av skogsägarna var under vissa förutsättningar intresserade av markbyten med staten. Ett förnuftigt styrande av rekreationen och information till nationalparkens besökare är andra metoder med vilka problem med områdets användning för rekreation kan förebyggas. En viktig del av konflikthanteringen utgörs av deltagande, information och kommunikation. Samarbetet mellan Forststyrelsen och privata skogsägare har kommit i gång. En stor del av konflikterna som hotar privatskogsbruket gäller dock markanvändningen utanför nationalparkens gränser och därför bör också samarbete med kommun och stad uppmuntras till.
  • Peltola, Emilia (2016)
    Global sustainability challenges create opportunities for companies providing solutions to these challenges. According literature a strong sustainable brand is attractive for customers, shareholders and future talents. A strong brand is a major competitive advantage for companies in global markets. In brand management communication has a vital role, and therefore developing communication is important in creating and managing brand value. The aim of this study was to find out the current status of the case company’s (Metso Corporation) environmental communication in order to develop it to strengthen company’s image as a sustainable solutions provider. In the theoretical part, the concepts of a brand, communication and environmental communication were studied, as well as the role of a communication in brand building and management. The empirical part of the study consists of interviews in across the case company’s value chain (subcontractor, Metso employees, customers and customer’s customers). Answers were gathered and analyzed under themed entities. Current state of brand awareness and environmental communication were studied, as well as opportunities and challenges of environmental communication in general. Current state analysis gave background information for future development. Results varied depending on the actor of the value chain: case company was seen differently among employees than outside of the company. Final conclusion was that there is a need to develop the environmental communication. Case company has environmental solutions for customer’s needs and a great story to tell, it is just about to communicate it to the target audience.
  • Perttula, Sini (2012)
    The green markets are growing all the time and many different environmental performance measures (EPMs) such as forest certificates, eco-labels, footprint calculations and environmental management systems have emerged in the past few decades. These measures help companies to prove the origin of wood and the environmental friendliness of their products and production processes. This qualitative study examined how Finnish wood products companies use different environmental performance measures in both supply and demand side of the wood products market and the practices and problems related to environmental communication. Seventeen personal interviews among Finnish wood products value chain professionals were conducted in order to find the industry perspectives on the development needs in environmental performance of the wood products. The results of this study indicate that the most commonly used environmental performance measures in Finnish wood product companies are forest certificate PEFC and the standard of ISO14001. In contrast, the use of other ecolabels as well as Life Cycle Assessment methods (LCA) and related tools were relatively uncommon. The main drivers for use of EPMs were customer requirements (especially in certain environmentally sensitive export markets) and strategic decisions to act responsibly. The most important issue in environmental performance measures was perceived to be the ability to document trustworthiness of company operations. Also the origin of wood was recognized as an important issue. It also seems that forest certificates and ISO14001 standard are more important in the export markets than in the domestic markets. The supply chains for wood products are often long and complex and therefore the environmental information of the products does not always reach the end-consumers. The communication between wood product companies in the B2B markets is mainly based on personal relationships. Environmental issues are mentioned, but in most of the companies, they are still in passive use. Companies that want to stand out in the future need to start focusing on new green strategies and providing more detailed environmental information on their products and processes.
  • Pyörälä, Jiri (2013)
    This study is a part of the research project of uneven-aged forest stands ERIKA by Finnish Institute for Forest Research. The aim of this study was to identify the growth and quality of Norway spruce wood and sawn wood products from uneven-aged forest stands in South Finland. The properties ex-amined were fiber length, wood density, modulus of elasticity and visual grade according to Nordic standards of visual grading. 64 trees were measured for fiber length and sawn wood of 40 trees (355 pc.) was measured for density, modulus of elasticity and visual grading. The variation of fiber length was modeled in respect to distance from pith and ring width using a mixed model. The variation of density, modulus of elasticity and visual grade was analyzed in respect to the within-tree location with two-sided variance analysis. In respect to cambial age and ring width the properties were analyzed by means of regression modeling. According to the results fiber length, density and MOE did not differ significantly from those characteristic to spruce in even-aged stands: most variation was among-tree which gives a reason to think that the changes in within-tree growth rhythm do not affect these proper-ties within an individual tree. Visual grading for sawn wood gave that there was a good amount of class A (~ 20 %) but class C (> 33 %) was more common than class B (> 25 %): Timber was knotty especially near pith and loose knots were dense on lumber boards. Twisting was high near pith in timber boards but did not differ from the usual. There was remarkable amount of compression wood and decay in the material. The within-tree variation of visual grade was equal to the among-tree varia-tion. Due to the small sample size the results are not yet applicable to uneven-aged forests in general, but they give an impression that there might not be any major differences between the quality of even-aged and uneven-aged wood. First of all, the results give light to the characteristics of uneven-aged spruce wood properties that might be of interest for further research.
  • Lemmetty, Johanna (2008)
    Nykymuotoisen metsäsuunnittelun ongelmaksi on koettu heikko asiakaslähtöisyys. Sitä voidaan kuitenkin kehittää tuntemalla metsänomistajien tarpeet paremmin. Sen vuoksi tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää tapaustutkimuksen keinoin teemahaastattelulla metsänomistajien aitoja tarpeita, jotka liittyvät metsäsuunnitelman hankkimiseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat erillismetsäsuunnitelman tilanneet metsänomistajat, koska he olivat tilanneet suunnitelman omasta aloitteestaan joko metsäkeskukselta tai metsänhoitoyhdistykseltä. Haastatellut 12 henkilöä ovat aktiivisia metsänomistajia, jotka arvostavat hyvää ja tuottavaa metsää. Metsänomistajien aitoja tarpeita ovat metsänhoidolliset syyt. Metsäsuunnitelma on puukaupan apu, metsänhoitotöiden järjestyksen ja kiireellisyyden määrittäjä, metsän kokonaistilanteen selventäjä, metsän arvon ilmentäjä ja etämetsänomistajalle mielenrauhaa tuova asiakirja. Aloite suunnitelman hankkimiseen oli tullut metsänomistajalta itseltään, joten metsäammattilaisten myötävaikutus tilauspäätökseen oli vähäinen. Pääsääntöisesti metsänomistajat olivat vahvassa vuorovaikutuksessa metsäsuunnittelijan kanssa, mutta osalla yhteydenpito oli vähäistä suunnitteluprosessin aikana. Viisi metsänomistajaa 12:sta oli ollut suunnittelijan mukana maastossa. Metsänomistajat olivat pääpiirteissään tyytyväisiä suunnitteluprosessiin ja kokivat suunnitelman vastanneen tarvetta. Tutkittujen metsänomistajien toimeliaisuudesta kertoo se, että lähes kaikki olivat tehneet uuden suunnitelmansa avulla puukauppoja, taimikonhoitoa tai molempia. Monet metsänomistajat kertoivat tekevänsä metsänhoitotöitä itse, mutta useat tukeutuvat osittain ja jotkut jopa kokonaan ammattilaisen apuun. Erillismetsäsuunnittelussa itsessään on asiakaslähtöisyyden piirteitä, mutta erillismetsäsuunnitelmia tilanneita tutkimalla on hankala vastata nykymetsäsuunnittelun pahimpaan ongelmaan, asiakaslähtöisyyden puutteeseen. Uusi suunnittelujärjestelmä antanee mahdollisuuden lisätä neuvonnan määrää ja tehdä erilaisia metsäsuunnitelmia metsänomistajille. Vaikka metsänomistajat kaipaavat yhä enenevässä määrin kokonaispalvelua, tänäkin päivänä metsänomistajat ovat omatoimisia. Asiakaslähtöisyyden parantamista voidaan auttaa edelleen tutkimuksen keinoin. Järkevintä olisi tutkia mm. niitä metsänomistajia, jotka ovat tilanneet aikaisemmin suunnitelman, mutta uudella aluesuunnittelukierroksella ovat jättäneet sen tilaamatta. Olisi hyvä tietää, mikä heidän mielestään on ollut suunnitelmassa vikana ja miksi metsänomistaja on jättänyt suunnitelman tilaamatta.
  • Järnstedt, Janne (2010)
    The objective of this study was to develop a method for estimation of forest stand variables and updating the forest resource data, based on a well known and widely used method among forest sector, aerial photography. The second objective was to produce information of cost-effectiveness and accuracy of digital surface model (DSM) generated from very high resolution aerial images in comparison of methods based on aerial laser scanning (ALS). The study area covering circa 2000 hectares is located in state owned forest in Hämeenlinna, Southern Finland. The study material consisted of 85 digitised and orthorectified colour-infrared (CIR) aerial photographs, LiDAR measurements of the corresponding area and field measurements of 402 concentric circular plots. Both the remote sensing data and the field measurements were acquired in 2009. In this study, the accuracy of DSM generated from very high resolution CIR - aerial images was examined in the estimation of forest stand variables. Estimation of forest stand variables was made using non-parametric k-nearest neighbour method. Sequential forward selection was used for selecting features from remote sensing data and the examination of accuracy was done with cross validation. The variables examined were mean diameter, basal area, mean height, dominant height and mean volume. Relative RMSE -values of DMS estimation were at the best with mean diameter, basal area, mean height, dominant height and mean volume 33,67 %, 36,23 %, 25,33 %, 23,53 % and 40,39 %. For the reference ALS-data, relative RMSE-values were 25,26 %, 27,89 %, 19,94 %, 16,76 % ja 31,26 %. Photogrammetric DSM was best suited for estimating dominant and mean height and produced estimates slightly more inaccurate than those of reference ALS-data. When estimating mean diameter, photogrammetric DSM was slightly better, but at mean volume estimation, ALS-data proved again to be a little more a accurate than photogrammetric DSM. At basal area estimation, ALS-data gave considerably better results than photogrammetric DSM. This research showed that the photogrammetric DSM suits well for updating the forest resource data, and also satisfies the requirements in a more economic way.
  • Jumppanen, Heimo (2014)
    Recreational use of forests promotes both health and well-being thus reducing health care costs, which in turn gains the whole national economy. When moving around in the forests the recreational users value the attractive landscapes and the facilities for outdoor activities provided by the forests. A great deal of the recreational use takes place in commercial forests, which means that in forest management planning there is a need to take into account the interests of different stakeholders. According to previous preference studies recreational users in Finland in general prefer open forest stands with old trees and dislike large clearcut areas, logging residues and tracks made by the logging machinery. Also the forest owners in Finland have been showing a growing interest towards uneven-aged (continuous cover) forestry and matters concerning forest landscape and recreational use of forests. In order to produce forests suitable for recreational use by means of forest management planning there is a need for better information on how and to what extent the recreational users notice the structural features of a forest stand (e.g. density, tree species etc.) when judging on the scenic beauty of the stand or it’s suitability for their leisure activities. This was the aim of this study as well as to find out how well the methods used in this study work in finding the answers to these questions. The study was done as a survey in Ruunaa hiking area where the respondents were asked to fill a questionnaire where they were met unlike in previous preference studies, where the interviews have been done in predefined places. According to the results the judgement of how attractive a forest stand is is affected not only by the structural features of that forest stand. This has also been the conclusion of many previous studies. In case of Ruunaa the lake scenes and the sounds of the rapids form an essential part of the landscape and this affected the valuations. Structural features were seen only in the landscape close to the beholder. When the respondents compared the interview site to a commercial forest of same age, they found that the commercial forests were suitable for various leisure activities as well as the interview site, thoug Ruunaa was considered to be better for activities related with nature (e.g. birdwatching or botanical interests). One of the original aims of the study was also to find out how the respondents related to the small scale gap felling experiments in Ruunaa. No respondents were met at these felling sites, but some of the respondents told they had seen them and that they didn’t seem to have anything against the gap fellings.
  • Wang, Jue (2015)
    Forest carbon offset projects have been growing vigorously in China in the last ten years. It is necessary to form an overall picture of the projects, to analyze the quality of their development processes, and to shed light on the development of upcoming projects. In order to evaluate their development process, a framework of assessment was built up and applied in practical project assessment. In this thesis, firstly, the situation of the global carbon markets and Chinese forest carbon offset projects was introduced. Especially, different international and domestic carbon accounting and other carbon related standards were presented and compared. Secondly, the previous studies about the assessment of sustainable development impacts of the forestry carbon projects were reviewed; the approaches and indicators were compared and summarized. Then, in combination with checklists and multi-criteria approaches, a new assessment framework was established, consisting of a set of indicators and a four-level scoring system. Finally, 16 Chinese forestry projects which have applied different carbon standards were evaluated with this assessment framework. Their performances were compared and analyzed, the characteristics of standards were also compared. According to the results of the assessment, the successfully registered Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects gained higher scores, suggesting their development processes were of higher quality. The projects applying Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) in pair with another carbon accounting standard also tended to get higher scores, indicating the positive effect of CCBS on the consideration of sustainable co-benefits. The international standards are stricter than domestic standards, which can be seen from the comprehensiveness and meticulousness of the Project Design Documents (PDDs). The result of the assessment corresponds to the previous understanding about the projects and standards, which supports the validity of the assessment framework.
  • Mattila, Kaarle (2018)
    Cost-effective mitigation of climate change is essential for climate policy. Forest rotation age is a silvicultural measure by which forest carbon stocks can be influenced with in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, Article 3.4. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how lengthening the forest rotation periods would affect the profitability of forestry and carbon sequestration. The discounted net revenues of the forest owner’s economical optimal (Faustmann’s rotation model) were compared with 10 and 20 years longer rotation periods, where the additional carbon dioxide sequestrated was compensated with prices 20 € and 50 € per ton of CO2. All calculations were made with a 2 % and a 4 % interest rate. Ten test sites were selected from a list of forest stands in Eastern-Finland, 5 of which were Norway spruce stands and 5 were Scots pine stands. The forest growth of these stands was simulated with Motti-simulator, a software developed by Metsäntutkimuslaitos (METLA) to estimate tree growth at forest stand levels. The results indicate, that lengthening the rotation period increases the carbon stocks of forests. The additional carbon dioxide sequestrated obeys the rule of decreasing marginal utility, so that the increment is greater for the first 10 years than the following 10 years lengthening of lengthening. The unit costs for carbon sequestration were between 2.3 – 18.1 (€/ton of CO2) for Norway spruce and 0.2 – 15.9 for Scots pine. However, the carbon sequestration was by average higher and more cost-efficient for Norway spruces than for Scots pines. The discounted net revenues of the forest owner increased in almost every case, which implies that the carbon sequestration is profitable in the right circumstances. The incompleteness of carbon trading is an obstacle for the commercialization of forest carbon sequestration. In the future, more research data is required to enable a more efficient execution for the forest carbon sequestration markets.
  • Juntheikki, Joni (2014)
    Purpose of this thesis is to estimate the carbon sequestration potential in eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. This study also aims to show how beneficial these plantations are for carbon sinks. The aim of this research is calculate total carbon balance in eucalyptus plantations and compare the results to degraded lands. This study is first-of-its-kind study in Uruguay, but not unique globally. The objective was to use a modeling approach to formulate the results. The methodology of this study is based to the dynamic growth model (CO2fix V3.1). Model is developed to calculate and estimate forest carbon fluxes and stocks. In this study the model was utilized for estimating how much carbon is sequestered in eucalyptus plantations and soils. In this thesis the model was used to simulate eucalyptus forest plantations that stem from numerous studies and different data. Ad hoc Excel model was generated to form calculated results from the simulated data. A separate sensitivity analysis is also formulated to reveal a possible different outcome. The framework is based on a stand-level inventory data of forestry plantations provided by the Ministry of Uruguay (MGAP) and companies. Also multiple scientific reports and previous studies were used as guidelines for simulations and results. The forest stand, yield, soil and weather data used for this study are from three different departments. There are over 700 000 hectares of different species of eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. The theoretical framework was tested computationally with eleven simulations. CO2fix was parameterized for fast-growing eucalyptus species used in different parts of Uruguay. The model gave outputs per hectare and then this result was scaled up to the national level. This study will also estimate how much grassland (Pampa) and former pasture land could sequester carbon. Situation prior to plantation is a baseline scenario and it is compared to the expected carbon sequestration of plantations. The model is also used to calculate the effect of changing rotation length on carbon stocks of forest ecosystem (forest vegetation and soil) and wood products. The results of this study show that currently the 707,674 hectares of eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay have the potential to sequester 65 million tonnes of carbon and reduce 238 million tonnes of CO2. The calculated carbon storage is 38 and simulated 25 million tonnes of C, products are deducted from the equation. During 22 years (1990–2012) the annual carbon sequestration benefit (afforestation-baseline) without products is 1 757 847 Mg C. The results suggest that it is reasonable to establish eucalyptus plantations on degraded, grassland (Pampa) and abandoned pasture land. The implications of the results are that eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay actually enhance carbon sequestration, are carbon sinks and store more carbon than grassland and abandoned pasture land. Plantations have a vast sequestration potential and are important in mitigating of CO2 emission and effects of the climate change. The findings endorse the significance of plantations to increase carbon sinks and this role will broaden in the future. The most relevant findings of this study are that afforestation increases the soil carbon in 10-year rotation plantations by 34% (101.1>75.6) and in 12-year rotation 38% (104.4>75.6 Mg Cha-1) in a 60-year simulation. The net (afforestation-baseline) average carbon stock benefit in the soil is 25.5 Mg C ha?1 in a 60-year simulation. The (CO2Fix) model indicate that the total average carbon sequestration for eucalyptus plantations is 92.3 Mg Cha?1. The average total carbon storage ranges from 25.8–138.5 Mg Cha?1 during a 60-year simulation. The simulations show that the net annual carbon storage in the living biomass is 29.1, 25.5 (soil) and 37.6 Mg C (products) on the average scenario. There is some fluctuation in the sequestration results in other 10 simulations. Previous studies have showed that the average carbon stock for eucalyptus plantations varies from 30–60 Mg C ha-1, when soil and products are deducted. The capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester carbon in the long run could be even more strengthened if a rotation length increases. Extending rotation from 10 to 12 years increased the average soil carbon stock from 25.5 to 28.8 Mg C (by 13%) in 60 year simulation. The results also indicate that mean annual precipitation (MAP) alters the carbon sinks of the forest ecosystem. There are some limitations in this study and they are clearly explained and analyzed. Hence, most of the results are estimations. Ministry and companies need to prolong planting of trees and even intensify annual programs in order to achieve carbon sequestration targets. Further research is needed to get an estimate of the total forest ecosystem carbon storages and fluxes.
  • Latva-Käyrä, Petri (2012)
    The intensity and frequency of insect outbreaks have increased in Finland in the last decades and they are expected to increase even further in the future due to global climate change. In 1998-2001 Finland suffered the most severe insect outbreak ever recorded, over 500,000 hectares. The outbreak was caused by the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.). The outbreak has continued in the study area, Palokangas, ever since. To find a good method to monitor this type of outbreaks, the purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of multitemporal ERS-2 and ENVISAT SAR imagery for estimating Scots pine defoliation. The study area, Palokangas, is located in Ilomantsi district, Eastern-Finland and consists mainly even-aged Scots pine forests on relatively dry soils. Most of the forests in the area are young or middle-aged managed forests. The study material was comprised of multi-temporal ERS-2 and ENVISAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. The images had been taken between the years 2001 and 2008. The field data consisted 16 sample plots which had been measured seven times between the years 2002 and 2009. In addition, eight sample plots were added afterwards to places which were known to have had cuttings during the study period. Three methods were tested to estimate Scots pine defoliation: unsupervised k-means clustering, supervised linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and logistic regression. In addition, it was assessed if harvested areas could be differentiated from the defoliated forest using the same methods. Two different speckle filters were used to determine the effect of filtering on the SAR imagery and subsequent results. The logistic regression performed best, producing a classification accuracy of 81.6% (kappa 0.62) with two classes (no defoliation, >20% defoliation). LDA accuracy was with two classes at best 77.7% (kappa 0.54) and k-means 72.8 (0.46). In general, the largest speckle filter, 5 x 5 image window, performed best. When additional classes were added the accuracy was usually degraded on a step-by-step basis. The results were good, but because of the restrictions in the study they should be confirmed with independent data, before full conclusions can be made that results are reliable. The restrictions include the small size field data and, thus, the problems with accuracy assessment (no separate testing data) as well as the lack of meteorological data from the imaging dates.
  • Kammonen, Laura (2015)
    Vieraslajien on todettu olevan uhka erityisesti ympäristölle, mutta niillä on myös merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia, sosiaalisia ja taloudellisia vaikutuksia. Vieraslajien haitallisten vaikutusten ja torjuntatöihin käytettävien resurssien on ennustettu kasvavan tulevaisuudessa huomattavasti. Tämän vuoksi Euroopan unionissa tarvitaan unionin laajuista säätelyä ja toimintaa haitallisia vieraslajeja koskien. Tässä työssä arvioidaan, kuinka EU:n vieraslajiasetus tulee vaikuttamaan Suomeen yhteiskunnallisesti ja ympäristöllisesti. Arviot on tehty asiantuntijahaastatteluiden perusteella. EU:n vieraslajiasetuksen myötä EU-jäsenmaat alkavat seurata EU:n vieraslajiluettelon lajien levinneisyyttä, estää niiden leviämistä ja hävittää niitä. On odotettavissa, että luetteloon ei tule Suomessa merkittäviä lajeja, mikä merkitsisi vähäisiä vaikutuksia Suomessa nykyiselle ympäristölle tai yhteiskunnallisille toiminnoille ja toimijoille. Luettelon sisällöstä riippuen vaikutukset voivat kuitenkin olla myös erittäin merkittävät, tai ne voivat lisääntyä tulevaisuudessa esimerkiksi uusien invaasioiden myötä. EU:n vieraslajiasetuksen voimaantuloa seuraavina vuosina sen toimeenpano vaatii toimivaltaisilta viranomaisilta lisääntyvää työpanosta liittyen lajien seurantoihin ja selvityksiin. Tämän lisäksi saattaa tulla torjuntaan ja hävittämiseen liittyviä velvoitteita, jotka ovat riippuvaisia siitä, kuinka moni EU:n vieraslajiluettelon lajeista koskettaa Suomea. Toimivaltaisia viranomaisia lukuun ottamatta on todennäköistä, että asetuksella ei ole merkittäviä suoria vaikutuksia seuraavien vuosien aikana Suomessa. Vaikutukset integroituvat muihin tehtäviin ja toimintoihin. On todennäköistä, että joidenkin kasvien kasvatus ja myynti joudutaan lopettamaan, mutta vaikutus on tuottajille, myyjille ja kuluttajille kokonaisuutena pieni ja väliaikainen. Korvaavia lajeja otetaan käyttöön tarvittaessa. Kansalaiset osallistuvat enemmän vieraslajien vapaaehtoiseen torjuntaan ja hävittämiseen. Tiedotus vieraslajiasiasta lisääntyy monella tavoin, sekä virallisten kanavien että esimerkiksi elinkeinoelämän ja järjestöjen kautta. Jos EU:n vieraslajiluettelossa on Suomessa merkittäviä lajeja, vaikutuksia kohdistuu viranomaisten ohella esimerkiksi yrittäjille tai maanomistajille. Kustannuksia voi syntyä muun muassa hävittämisestä ja poikkeuslupakäsittelyistä. Hyödyt taas ovat esimerkiksi ympäristöllisiä ja taloudellisia. Suurin hyöty tulee ennaltaehkäistyjen ja torjuttujen haittojen kautta. Ympäristö (esimerkiksi elinympäristöt ja lajit) on merkittävin hyötyjä asetuksesta: haittojen ennaltaehkäisyllä torjutaan erityisesti monimuotoisuuden heikentymistä. Torjunnan avulla myös ekosysteemipalvelut säilyvät, ja kansalaiset hyötyvät torjutuista haitoista esimerkiksi elinkeinoelämän ja terveyden suhteen. Välillisesti hyödytään siitä, että muissa maissa tehdyt toimenpiteet vähentävät meihin kohdistuvia vieraslajiriskejä. Lisäksi tietoisuus ongelmasta ja valistus Suomessa ja ulkomailla vähentävät leviämisriskejä sekä lisäävät torjuntaa ja hävittämistä. Ajallisesti suurimmat varmat vaikutukset tulevat viiden vuoden sisällä EU:n vieraslajiasetuksen voimaantulosta. Nämä koostuvat valtion organisaatioiden valvonta- ja seurantatoimenpiteistä. Myös kokonaisuutena pieniä ja väliaikaisia haittoja voi kohdistua elinkeinoelämälle, erityisesti puutarha-alalle. Tämän lisäksi voi tulla vähäisiä hävittämis- ja torjuntatoimia. Suurimmat vaikutukset sekä ympäristöllisesti että yhteiskunnallisesti voidaan nähdä torjuttujen haittavaikutusten kautta. Yleensä etukäteen tehty torjunta on halvempaa ja helpompaa, minkä lisäksi lajeja ei välttämättä edes pystytä poistamaan enää leviämisen jälkeen. Näiden syiden vuoksi ennaltaehkäisty on erittäin tärkeää.
  • Iskanius, Linnea (2019)
    As we live in a world of limited resources facing multiple global challenges, like climate change, we will need to find new ways to sustainable produce and consume in respect for people today and the next generations to come. While keeping in mind the ecological limitations, the global economy needs to grow in order to ensure the prosperity of the people. The aim of this thesis is to examine, how the European Union Bioeconomy Strategies have influenced the progress of bioeconomy inside the Union as a whole and inside different Member States. The European Union published its first Bioeconomy Strategy back in 2012 and updated it in 2018 in the light of new regulations and discoveries. The aim for these two Strategies was to introduce bioeconomy better to the European Union Member States, and to encourage investments and new research to benefit all bioeconomy sectors while creating sustainable businesses and form a more innovative, resource efficient and competitive society. One of the main accomplishment of the 2012 Strategy was its influence on Member States, of which many started drafting their own Bioeconomy Strategies in correlation to their own strengths and available resources. This thesis will firstly look into the changes within the two European Union Strategies, secondly explore the Spain, Finland and Latvia’s Bioeconomy Strategies in relation to the EU Strategies, and additionally summarize the finding and compare the three Member States in question. Finally some speculations and suggestions are formed from the basis of these comparisons.
  • Vanhatalo, Kalle M. (2012)
    As an alternative to complex 3D-modelling of structure, the canopy spectral invariants are a novel concept to describe the average behavior of photons in a vegetated canopy. The probabilities of canopy absorption and scattering can be summarized with only three parameters (?L, p and R): The green leaf single scattering albedo (?L) describes the wavelength-dependent probabilities of absorption for each time a photon interacts with a leaf. In the event of scattering, a photon’s probabilities of reinteraction (photon recollision probability p) and exiting the canopy in a given direction (directional escape factor R) can be described as independent of wavelength; as the size of the scattering elements is considerably larger than wavelengths in the shortwave radiation budget, p and R depend only upon the structural arrangement of the scattering elements. In this work, a recently published (2011) approach to infer remotely sensed (spaceborne) hyperspectral imagery (also referred to as imaging spectroscopy data) based on the canopy spectral invariants was tested in a case study on southern boreal forests at full leaf development. An atmospherically corrected image taken with the Hyperion imaging spectrometer aboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) spacecraft was interpreted with a single reference transformed green leaf scattering albedo. Transforming of a traditionally defined leaf albedo means correcting the measurements for the effect of surface reflectance, resulting in probabilities of leaf scattering and absorption given a photon interacts with the leaf internal constituents. Utilizing such transformed albedo as reference results in reference (canopy) spectral invariants describing the relative difference between the reference and the scattering properties of (theoretical) mean leaves at the scale of inference (pixel). The results of the study are parallel to those of previously published and ongoing research: In essence, even while the individual parameters p and R depend on the reference, the ratio R/(1–p) (directional escape factor to total escape probability) was found practically independent of the selection of the reference, thus implicating a possibility to develop a physically-based algorithm to infer hyperspectral imagery in vegetated areas. Moreover, the reference (canopy) spectral invariants were found as highly applicable in retrieval of forest structural properties such as dominant forest type (broadleaved, coniferous, mixed) and a quantitative estimate of the broadleaf fraction of a forest area.
  • González Latorre, Eduardo (2015)
    Field work is needed to obtain reliable estimates when forest inventories are carried out. Field measurements traditionally have been the main source of information for inventories. But nowadays, also remotely sensed data collected using active or passive sensors mounted on satellite and aerial platforms are used to help in the estimation of forest parameters. Although the use of remotely sensed data is of great help in forest inventories, field data still plays a very important role as reference data, for results calibration and accuracy assessments. Considering that time and budget required for field work are generally some of the main concerns in forest inventory planning, the development of faster, cheaper, simpler, more accurate or more reliable field inventory methods and tools is a topic of great interest. TrestimaTM is a forest inventory system based in the interpretation of images taken with a mobilephone. Its accuracy and efficiency in estimating forest parameters was studied using sample plots in Russian. A total of 156 field plots were measured. The forest parameters measured were: the plot basal area and sample trees’ diameters and heights. The data collected with Trestima was meant to replicate a typical relascope sample plot inventory (variable radius plot inventory). Measurements obtained using traditional tools were used as reference data. The data collected for the inventory included plots at forest stands with different structures: from young to mature stands; and mixed stands to stands dominated by different species (most often Norway Spruce, Picea abies, (L.) H. Karst). The plots’ basal areas ranged from 7 to 62 m2/ha, the tree diameters from 3 to 60 cm and the tree heights from 3 to 35 m. The time used to measure the plots with the Trestima and the reference methods were collected. The data for each forest variable and the time invested in taking the measurements were organized as paired samples and compared using the statistic estimators of bias and RMSE, as the paired Student's t-test. Compared to the reference measurements, Trestima underestimated the basal area with a bias of 1.2 m2/ha (3.7%), but the differences were not statistically significant. In mixed stands, Trestima overestimated spruce basal area (bias of 13.9%), but for spruce dominated stands underestimated it (bias of 4.9%). Trestima overestimated tree diameters with a root mean squared error (RMSE) from 5.5 to 7.9%, depending on the tree species. but underestimated tree heights with an average RMSE of 3.7m (17.5%). The Trestima sample plot measurements were done faster than with traditional tools. Trestima measurements were in average 1.6 minutes (14.8%) faster. The Trestima system provided results comparable to the reference method for all the measured forest parameters. The worse results were obtained for the measurement of the tree heights. The interpretation of the results for the basal area, indicated that the system could benefit from taking into consideration stand structure, especially for species specific estimations. Trestima provided faster measurements of the forest parameters. One important advantage, is that Trestima produces automatically geographically referenced data, which can be used during later analysis, for example, interpretation of remotely sensed data or forest planning.
  • Taivalantti, Tuuli (2019)
    Non-wood forest products (NWFP) refer to wild berries, mushrooms, herbs and other special NWFPs gathered from forests. Finnish forests have been certified with forest certificates (PEFC and FSC) and as organic wild collection areas. The globally largest organic wild collection areas in Finland have provided organic NWFP raw material for the commercial trade. However, NWFPs are not certified in Finland within forest certificates, unlike in some other European countries. The aim of this study was to collect expert perceptions of NWFP certification, its possible benefits and creation of added-value, and qualifications for applying forest- and organic certificates to NWFP certification. This qualitative study was carried out in thematic interviews to Finnish experts in NWFP and forestry fields. The results indicate that both forest and NWFP experts see the importance of NWFP certification to increase in future. Majority of interviewees appreciate the forest origin as a differentiating factor, which is important to verify. Both expert groups were familiar with organic wild collection areas in Finland. According to experts, the organic wild collection areas are possibility in the exports of NWFPs, though in domestic markets, organic labeled NWFPs rarely create added value for the customers. Majority of interviewees viewed the application of forest certificates to certify NWFPs positively. However, opinions towards it were more divided among the group of forest experts.
  • Anttila, Teemu T. T. (2017)
    Industrial clusters are a worldwide phenomenon and a vital economic development strategy. The approach is defined to be an interrelationship between its participants, suppliers and related industries that produce synergy in a particular location. Clustering has become to be a crucial feature in nation’s economic development. However, the approach has not yet been studied widely in Sub-Saharan African countries and the existing number of empirical studies are limited. Therefore, this leaves a gap for an up-to-date study to investigate the possibilities of developing an efficient forest industry cluster in Angola. The purpose of the study was to critically assess and to define the potential of different wood processing industries in connection to develop an efficient forest industry cluster in the Province of Huambo. The objective was to create a comprehensive picture of the existing market situation through a field study and to develop the future concept of wood processing industries. Research methods were qualitative in the empirical part of the study and quantitative in the investment calculations. The primary data were collected through a semi-structured field interviews and observations of existing operators. Interviews were conducted in January and February 2017 to obtain knowledge about the prevailing market situation and about the existing wood product manufacturers. The data were collected with nine interviews, which were transcribed. Pictures and video clips were recorded to support the observations from the factories in the data collection. Based on the field study and observations, investment alternatives were decided and calculated to different wood processing industries. Profitability of the investments were calculated with the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Multiple of Invested Capital (MOIC) and Wood Paying Capability (WPC) at stumpage. Attention was paid to the uncertainty in the calculations with the help of sensitivity analysis. The literature review was based on the cluster theory, collective efficiency and the capital expenditure projects. As a result of this study, an investment model was developed in a shape of a cluster. The cluster model contains five different dimensions: sustainable plantation forestry, production of primary wood products, production of secondary wood products, wood residues sufficient utilization and production of sustainable energy. This study suggests that veneer peeling and sawn timber production could be selected for the primary wood production, carpentry and furniture for the secondary processing and wood residues to produce sustainable energy. The corresponded 10-year investments NPVs varied from USD 606 000 to USD 974 000 at an interest rate of 15%. The maximum IRR achieved was 31.6% and the minimum was 16.8%. The highest WPC at stumpage achieved was USD 69.8 and the lowest was USD 44.1. The MOIC ranged between 2.4 and 4.0 times the invested capital. This study suggests that the Company could develop an efficient forest industry cluster around veneer peeling with the support from other wood processing industries to the region.