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Browsing by master's degree program "Maataloustieteiden maisteriohjelma"

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  • Lind, Noora (2021)
    The use of fertilizers has made it possible to increase agricultural yields, enabling the world’s growing population to be fed. The use of mined phosphorus has created mostly linear phosphorus flow from mines through farms to lakes and oceans. This has clearly deteriorated aquatic ecosystems globally. USA, China and Morocco control over 85 % of global phosphorus reserves and Europe is very dependent on imported phosphorus. To gain phosphorus balance in Europe, it would be important to recycle phosphorus. Recycled fertilizers come from derived currents of agriculture, food industry, forest industry and communities. Only a few studies have been made regarding the effects different recycled fertilizers have on plant’s phosphorus uptake. The aim of this study was to find out how four different recycled fertilizer treatments (ammonium sulphate, liquid digestate, meat bone meal, vinasse) affect barley’s phosphorus uptake and soil aggregate stability, when compared to mineral fertilizer treatment and non-fertilized control treatment. Study material was collected from HYKERRYS 2 -project’s experiment field in growing season 2019. Phosphorus in dry matter was measured and biomass, phosphorus uptake to biomass, fertilizer use efficiency and phosphorus uptake from soil phosphorus reserves were calculated from barley plant samples collected at growth stage 65 (BBCH). Soil aggregate stability analyses, dry sieving and wet sieving, were made to soil samples collected after harvest. Barley’s phosphorus content in dry matter was highest with non-fertilized treatment but other treatments had no differences between them. In biomass quantity or phosphorus uptake on biomass there were no differences between treatments. Fertilizer use was most efficient with ammonium sulphate and least efficient with digestate. Phosphorus uptake from soil phosphorus reserves was least efficient with digestate and mineral fertilizer. The share of soil water stable aggregates had no differences between treatments, but water turbidity was lowest with ammonium sulphate. The results show that recycled fertilizers are fit to replace mineral fertilizers when considering plant’s phosphorus uptake, because there were no notable differences in barley’s phosphorus content, biomass, phosphorus uptake on biomass or soil aggregate stability between different recycled fertilizers and mineral fertilizer. When viewing the results, it should be considered that the soil in experimental field had high phosphorus content and high soil organic matter content to begin with, which made it more difficult to detect the differences than it probably would have been if the soil phosphorus content had been lower. There was also no information available about the forms of the phosphorus in the recycled fertilizers, which made the interpretation of the results difficult, because different forms of phosphorus are differently available for plants. In order to target the use of recycled fertilizers effectively based on crop and soil quality, more knowledge is needed on both the phosphorus forms in recycled fertilizers and recycled fertilizer’s effects on plant’s phosphorus uptake on soils with lower nutrient and organic matter contents.
  • Ryske, Iiris (2021)
    The modern food production consumes substantial amounts of fossil energy. Meanwhile, the bioenergy that is embedded in the side streams of food production – such as manure and excess grass biomass, is lost. That energy could be utilized by anaerobic digestion in biogas plants, which would also contribute to an efficient nutrient cycling since the nutrient-rich digestate can be used as a fertilizer. Agroecological symbiosis is a local model for a sustainable food system that is based on the cooperative actions of food production stakeholders around a biogas plant. The aim of this study was to discover what the application of agroecological symbiosis would mean for energy self-sufficiency, nutrient cycling, food production and the structure of agriculture on municipal level. The study subject area was the agricultural area in the municipality of Saltvik on Åland, where grassland for forage and pasture cover 40 % and grains 38 % of the agricultural land area. There are 0,56 livestock units per agricultural hectare. The current state of the food production was modelled based on local farming statistics. Based on that, three scenarios (S1-S3) with increasingly wide modifications were created. In the first scenario (S1), only the digestion of side streams in a biogas plant was added compared to the current system. On the second scenario (S2), 25 % of the agricultural land area devoted to grain production was altered to green manure leys, and in the third scenario (S3) 50 %. The reduction of grain area led to a lower degree of local self-sufficiency of grain feed, which was corrected by reducing the number of animals. The released share of grassland for forage was used for cultivating peas for direct human use. That way the scenarios represented a possible situation, where plant-based food production is increased and animal-based is decreased. The energy self-sufficiency was estimated by the relation of potential bioenergy production and fossil energy use. The rate of energy self-sufficiency rose scenario by scenario, as it was 58 % in S1, 69 % in S2 and 83 % in S3 due to the increased amount of bioenergy produced, as well as the decreased amount of fossil energy used. Simultaneously the portion of recycled nutrients used for fertilization was increased. Compared to the 46 % share of recycled nitrogen in the current system, 5, 9 and 17 percentage units more were used in the S1-S3, respectively. As for phosphorus the corresponding percentage units compared to the original 70 % were 3, 4 and 5 in S1-S3, respectively. The local self-sufficiency of feed remained unchanged and the food production nearly unchanged in each scenario compared to the current state. The study demonstrated the current potential to produce renewable energy in Saltvik based on agricultural side streams to a degree that would cover over half of the current fossil energy use of local food production. By shifting the focus of food production towards plant production, and by expanding the area of green manure furthermore increased the energy and nutrient self-sufficiency.
  • Saari, Kiia (2022)
    The aim of the study was to find out how the thickening of fish oil affects the total digestibility of fat in dog food. The study used solid fat paste compared to liquid salmon oil. Both fat preparations were studied as a supplement to complete dog food. The research hypothesis is that the thickening treatment of oil for dogs does not affect its digestibility. The study was carried out in collaboration with the University of Helsinki and Olini Oy, and the test fats were produced in Olini Oy's own experimental kitchen. The experimental group of the study was 12 volunteer dogs, which were fed with pre-calculated and weighed experimental feed. The dogs lived with their owners at home and were fed experimental feed twice daily. The total duration of the experiment was three weeks. The acclimatization period of the experimental feed lasted for 7 days, after which the dogs were given a paste-like fat supplement. During the first 5-day collection period, faecal samples were collected in plastic bags from the experimental dogs. There was a two-day break between treatments when no faecal samples were collected. In the second collection period, the dogs were fed an oil supplement, and the feces were collected for 5 days. Every dog was performed with both treatments. Dry matter, ash, organic matter, crude protein, crude fat, gross energy and AIA tracer were analyzed from the feed and faecal samples used in the experiment. The apparent digestibility of the fat paste diet was numerically lower for all the nutrients than that of the oil diet. There was a statistically significant difference in the apparent digestibility of crude protein and crude fat. Although the difference was statistically significant, it was not very biologically significant in practice. In practice, the total digestibility of fat paste is almost as good in dog digestion as that of liquid oil. Artificial thickening alters the molecular structure of the oil, which can have effects on the absorption of fatty acids into the bloodstream. A product completely similar to that used in this study, has not previously been prepared for animal feed, so further research would be needed.
  • Kouvo, Markus (2024)
    Due to climate change, extreme weather phenomena are becoming more common, making food production increasingly challenging. Simultaneously, emissions must be reduced, biodiversity loss prevented, and food produced in an energy and cost-effective manner. With the increasing challenges in food production due to climate change, proactive measures must be taken, which is why it is important to develop and implement new cultivation methods promoting more sustainable food production. One such method is intercropping, a new-old cultivation approach that improves both the sustainability and yield stability of agricultural ecosystems. This master’s thesis discusses the differences in greenhouse gas emissions from intercropping and monocultures during a single growing season. The study compares the intercropping of oats (Avena sativa L.), peas (Pisum sativum L.), and camelina (Camelina sativa) with the monocultures of the respective crops. The study examines the temporal variation of emissions, the cumulative and yield-scaled emissions, and the factors affecting them. The research data was collected as part of the Diversilience and the LuoVaMix projects in a field experiment in Hyvinkää in 2022. The experiment included five different experimental treatments, two of which were intercropped with three species, and three of which were monocultures. CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions were measured using closed static chamber method every other week. Additionally, information on plant and soil properties and weather conditions were measured in the experimental area. No significant differences were observed in greenhouse gas emissions between the treatments and no significant differences were found in cumulative emissions for any of the greenhouse gases studied over the growing season. Yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions as CO2-equivalents were lowest in the monoculture oats, which also had the highest yield. The results of this study increase knowledge of greenhouse gas emissions from three-species intercropping during the growing season.
  • Pekkonen, Sonja (2021)
    Maissinviljelyn yleistymiseen 2000-luvun aikana Suomessa ovat vaikuttaneet uudet lajikkeet, joilla on nopeampi kehitysrytmi ja parempi kylmänsietokyky. Ilmaston lämmetessä viljelyn odotetaan kasvavan entisestään. Nautakarjan rehuksi viljeltäessä rehumaissin etuna verrattuna nurmisäilörehuun on kertakorjuulla saatava suuri kuiva-ainesato ja suuri energiapitoisuus. Tässä maisterintutkielmassa selvitettiin korjuuajankohdan ja lajikkeen vaikutusta rehumaissin sokeri- ja tärkkelyspitoisuuteen sekä in vitro -sulavuuteen. Aineisto kerättiin Helsingin yliopiston Viikin tutkimustilalla kasvukauden 2019 aikana tehdystä kenttäkokeesta. Osaruutukokeessa pääruututekijänä oli korjuuajankohta (101, 123 ja 144 vrk) ja osaruututekijänä lajike (P7326, P7034, MAS 10.A, MAS 08.F). Lisäksi tutkittiin lämpösumman vaikutusta sulamattoman neutraalidetergenttikuidun (iNDF) pitoisuuteen käyttäen aineistona Viikissä kolmena peräkkäisenä kasvukautena (2017-2019) tehtyjen ruutukokeiden tuloksia. Maissirehun sokeripitoisuus pieneni ja tärkkelyspitoisuus suureni myöhempinä korjuuajankohtina. Ravintoarvo oli suurin korjattaessa rehu 144 vrk kylvöstä. Rehun sulavuus oli suurimmillaan 123 vrk kylvöstä, mutta sulavuus ei laskenut tilastollisesti merkitsevästi korjattaessa rehu 144 vrk kylvöstä. Lajikkeista MAS 08.F sisälsi eniten sokeria ja vähiten tärkkelystä, joten sen ruokinnallinen laatu oli heikoin. MAS 10.A:n sokerin ja tärkkelyksen yhteispitoisuus oli suurin ja sulavuus muita lajikkeita parempi. Lajikkeiden koostumuksen muutokset eivät vastanneet aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia, joissa aikaisemmat lajikkeet sisälsivät enemmän tärkkelystä kuin myöhäisemmät lajikkeet. Lämpösumman kasvaessa rehun iNDF-pitoisuus lisääntyi. Kun lämpösumman kertymä laskettiin käyttämällä rajana +10 °C keskilämpötilaa iNDF-pitoisuus kuiva-aineessa kasvoi astetta kohden kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin laskettaessa lämpösumman kertymä käyttämällä rajana +5 °C keskilämpötilaa. Etelä-Suomen olosuhteissa on siis mahdollista korjata laadukas rehumaissisato nautakarjalle. Riittävän pitkä kasvuaika mahdollistaa tärkkelyksen kertymisen tähkään, mikä kompensoi kasvin ikääntyessä tapahtuvaa kuidun sulavuuden heikentymistä.
  • Kokkonen, Henriikka (2024)
    The background of the research was a societal need to find a compensatory for peat, which is widely used as a horses’ bedding material in Finland. It is estimated that exploitation possibilities and availability of peat is decreasing in the future. Because of the horses' welfare, it is needed to be researched what kind of bedding material would be as agreeable material for horses as peat is. In this research, the effects of two different bedding materials, reed canary grass pellets and peat, on horses' resting and sleeping behavior were investigated. The research was a part of the UNIHEPO-project, and it was executed in Ylä-Savo Vocational College, in Hingunniemi unit, at Kiuruvesi in November-December in 2022. The study consisted of two 21-day experimental periods. In the first period individual pens were littered by reed canary grass pellets of 15 centimeters. In the second period individual pens were littered by 15 centimeters of peat. Altogether 16 clinically healthy riding horses were involved, and they were kept in the same individual stalls. Horses’ behavior was recorded by videocameras, and their rest and sleep behavior were observed from both periods’ two (2) first and last days between 4 pm and 6 am. The average total duration of horses’ rest and sleep behavior were determined by dividing horses’ total duration of behavior by the number of behavioral periods. The differences between bedding materials were tested by linear repeated measurement to mixed models. The results of the research gave more information about horses’ rest and sleep behavior and how reed canary grass pellets affect horses' rest and sleep behavior compared to peat litter. The results showed that horses' rest behavior was longer on peat. Reed canary grass pellets increased horses’ activity of the neck and decreased the length of laying down periods during the first days of the period. On peat horses’ total duration of sleep was found to be longer and the rest that appeared to be paradoxical sleep was also longer. The horses laid on lateral and sternal recumbency more often and longer on peat periods. Results show that in the future more research is needed to be done into other bedding materials and their effects on horses’ rest and sleep behavior to promote horses’ wellbeing.
  • Laine, Nora (2023)
    Pollination is highly important ecosystem service for food production. Especially the importance of insect pollination is high since many crops depend on insect pollination or benefit significantly from it. Populations of insect pollinators have declined globally over many decades and there are several reasons for it. For example, changes in landscape structure due to agricultural intensification causes declines in pollinator habitat such as field margins. Field margins are important for nesting and foraging of many insect pollinators. The aim of this study is to find out how the flowering plants in the field margins of turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) affect the abundance and species richness of insect pollinators. The data of turnip rape has been collected from 34 field margins in the summer of 2017 in the Uusimaa region and the data of caraway has been collected from 30 field margins during summer 2019 also in Uusimaa region. Both insect pollinators and flowering plants were observed and recorded. Out of all the observed insect pollinator species hoverflies were abundant in both the field margins of turnip rape and caraway. The total coverage of flowering plants positively affected the abundance of insect pollinators in the field margins of caraway but the same result wasn´t detected on turnip rape. The total coverage of flowering plants on average was higher in the field margins of caraway than in the field margins of turnip rape. Also, the abundance of insect pollinators in total and the amount of insect pollinator species was higher in the field margins of caraway than turnip rape. The total coverage of flowering plants didn’t affect the amount of insect pollinator species in either the field margins of turnip rape or caraway. The abundance of inflorescences of Fabaceae in the field margins of caraway had a positive effect on the number of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) but the same result was not detected in the field margins of turnip rape. Also, the number of inflorescences of vetches (Vicia) positively affected the number of bumblebees in the field margins of caraway but not in the field margins of turnip rape. The results of this study show that the number of flowering plants in field margins affects the abundance and occurrence of insect pollinators. Further research would be important to understand the effect of field margins of multiple different crops to insect pollinators in order to secure insect pollination as an ecosystem service also in the future.
  • Salo, Inkeri (2021)
    Recognizing and evaluating the benefits of trees is important for creating sustainable, safe and recreational urban spaces. i-Tree Eco software is developed by USDA for evaluation and valuation of ecosystem services of urban trees and forests. The objective of this research was to find out how does the quality of collected data affect i-Tree Eco modelling. Two different types of data and modelling results were compared in this research. All trees of the park Kupittaanpuisto in Turku were measured and evaluated according to the i-Tree guidance in late summer 2018 (later inventory). The contrasting data was selected from the tree register maintained by the city of Turku (later tree register). i-Tree Eco models several ecosystem services, of which carbon storage, carbon sequestration, avoided surface water runoff and pollution removal were analyzed in this research. The software estimates the structural value of the trees considering the land use and tree condition as well. The results show that the quality of data affects modelling results. Based on the total inventory data, the amounts of carbon sequestration, avoided surface water runoff and pollution removal were higher than the amounts modelled according to the tree register data. On the other hand, the structural value and carbon storage were bigger based on the register data than on the total inventory measurements. Lack of canopy dimensions and estimates of canopy condition had an impact on the modelling results. According to the total inventory, there were 1315 trees in the Kupittaanpuisto (ca. 34 ha), the structural value was approx. 2 430 000 €, carbon storage was 563 t, annual carbon sequestration 12 t, annual avoided surface water runoff 811 m3 and annual pollution removal 307 kg. On grounds of this research it can be stated that canopy measurements and canopy condition estimates are needed to make more accurate estimates of ecosystem services when using i-Tree Eco. This research showed that trees in the Kupittaanpuisto produce many ecosystem services and the trees are valuable. In the future, the results can be used as a reference for other research projects on ecosystem services of urban trees in the Nordic countries.
  • Antila, Hannele (2023)
    The environmental effects of agriculture are on display nowadays. There are many things than can be done in livestock and grass production to help solve these negative environmental impacts of agriculture. Grass production in Finland is the base of livestock production and grazing is an important part of it. Grazing affects the biomass on the pastures and thus affects the carbon sequestration potential in the grazing areas. To control the loss of biomass in the pastures grazing should be regulated. This regulated grazing is called adaptive grazing. This project’s goal was to find out how adaptive grazing system actually works and how it affects the biomass in the pastures. Pastures’ biomass, it’s removal and re-growth affect the emissions of grazing. This is why the amount of biomass is important to find out. Hypothesis is that with adaptive grazing the removal of biomass is easier to control than in continuous grazing. This research was done in Finland, Southern Ostrobothnia in two beef production farms. Both of the farms had two pastures in the research with different trial arrangements. One of the farms was testing slow and fast adaptive grazing models and the other tested over and optimum grazing models. To measure the changes in the pastures’ biomass, biomass samples were taken and NDVI-maps formed. Samples were taken in June and August of 2021. According to the results there were clear differences between the different grazing types and their effects to the pasture’s biomass. When the pasture was separated to be grazed in lanes it was noted that the removal of biomass was smoother than when the animals got to graze a larger area at once. The uneven removal of biomass affected the re-growth of the pasture and therefore the coming grazing cycles. The results of this research gave references to the idea that adaptive grazing could affect the removal of biomass thru grazing in the pastures. It was noted that separating the pastures to smaller areas (lanes) to be grazed at once grants more even removal of biomass that grazing the whole pasture at once. These findings support the hypothesis. However, more detailed and carefully planned data collection would have been needed in order to find out how the amount of biomass actually changes before and after grazing and how it affects the re-growth of the pasture.
  • Mattila, Moona (2024)
    Grazing is a species-typical behavior for cows. In Finland, some dairy farms graze their cows, but grazing is decreasing as herd sizes increase. However, consumers demand more welfare to dairy cows, and many Dairies have started paying an additional price for milk if farms graze their cows. The research was carried out as part of the GRAZE-WEL project, in which the University of Helsinki and the Natural Resources Institute Finland are involved. The study viewed at the welfare of dairy cows on 15 Finnish practical dairy farms, of which 8 were freestalls and 7 were tiestalls. Of the farms in the study, all tiestalls grazed their cows in accordance with the law, and 4 freestalls grazed. A welfare assessment visit was carried out to the farms twice during the study, before and after the possible grazing season, so that the effects of grazing could be compared. During the welfare assessment visit, cow`s body condition class, cleanliness, knee and hock lesions and degree of lameness were classified. Average results were calculated and analyzed using the SAS statistical program`s generalized linear mixed model. The housing types studied were tiestall with grazing, freestall with grazing and freestall without grazing. The body condition of cows of all housing types decreased during the summer. The effect of classification time on body condition was statistically significant. Cows in both housing types with grazing were cleaner at the end of the grazing season than before the grazing season. The cleanliness of the cows was significantly affected by the time of classification. Knee and hock lesions decreased during the grazing season only in tiestall cows. The common factor of housing type and classification time had a significant effect on the classification results of knee and hock lesions of tiestall cows and non-grazed freestall cows. The lameness of cows decreased during the summer only in cows with tiestall housing. Tiestall cows benefited the most from grazing, as their welfare results improved in all areas during the summer. The welfare results of grazed freestall cows during the indoor feeding season were better than those of other housing types and remained the most consistent throughout the study.
  • Liimatainen, Anniina (2020)
    Suomessa voidaan tuottaa tuleentumattomana korjattavaa maissia (Zea mays L.) nautakarjan karkearehuksi. Viljelijöiden kiinnostus rehumaissin viljelyä kohtaan on kasvanut sekä Suomessa että koko Pohjois-Euroopassa 2000-luvun aikana, sillä maissista voidaan korjata määrältään moninkertainen verrattuna muihin yksivuotisiin rehukasveihin ja säilörehunurmeen, ja sillä uusia maissilajikkeita voidaan viljellä entistä pohjoisemmissa olosuhteissa. Kiinnostuksen lisääntyminen näkyy maissin viljelyalassa, joka on suurentunut Suomessa voimakkaasti 2000-luvun aikana, vaikka ala onkin edelleen pieni. Alan ennustetaan kasvavan tulevaisuudessa entisestään ilmaston läm-penemisen vuoksi. Maissinviljelyä ei kuitenkaan ole tutkittu laajalti Suomessa, joten tutkimustiedolle on suuri tarve. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoite oli selvittää, miten lajike ja sadon korjuuajankohta vaikuttavat maissisäilörehun määrään (tuore- ja kuiva-ainesato) ja laatuun (tärkkelys-, neutraalidetergenttikuitu- (NDF), raakavalkuais- (RV) ja tuhkapitoisuus). Kenttäkoe tehtiin Helsingin Viikissä kasvukauden 2019 aikana. Koe oli osaruutukoe, jossa pääruututekijänä oli korjuuajankohta (101, 123 ja 144 vrk kuluttua kylvöstä) ja osaruututekijänä lajike (4 kpl). Kahdelta jalostajalta valittiin kaksi lajiketta, jotka olivat aikaisuudeltaan, FAO-arvoltaan, erilaisia. Kuiva-ainesato oli sitä runsaampi, mitä myöhemmin sato korjattiin, mutta tuoresato niukentui korjuukertojen myötä. Sadon tärkkelyspitoisuus suureni ja NDF-, RV- ja tuhkapitoisuudet pienenivät, kun sato korjattiin myöhemmin. Sato oli sekä runsain että laadukkain, kun se korjattiin 144 vrk kuluttua kylvöstä, jolloin kasvusto oli taikina- tai jauhotuleentunut (lajikkeesta riippuen). Lajike vaikutti vain sadon laatuun. MAS 08.F sisälsi vähiten tärkkelystä ja eniten NDF:ää, joten sen ruokinnallinen laatu oli heikoin. Lajikkeiden väliset erot eivät vastanneet ennakko-odotuksia tai muiden tutkimusten tuloksia, joten MAS 08.F:n eroavuuden ei voitu olettaa johtuvan kyseisen lajikkeen aikaisuudesta (FAO-arvosta). Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että maissista voidaan korjata Etelä-Suomessa runsas ja laadukas säilörehusato. Optimaalisin korjuuajankohta on silloin, kun kasvusto on saavuttanut taikina- tai jauhotuleentumisen tai pian ensimmäisten yöpakkasten jälkeen.
  • Vattulainen, Jenni (2020)
    Linear scoring of livestock and farm animals has been in use since the 1980’s. In Europe, the first linear evaluations in horse breeding were conducted in 1989. In Finland, the linear evaluation was introduced into breeding evaluation of warmblood horses in 2015. So far, there is only a limited amount of research available about the heritabilities calculated from linear evaluation. Some of the studies have shown that the judge has a statistically significant effect on the linear conformation evaluation of the horse. The heritabilites from these studies have varied within different researches. The highest siginificant heritabilities have been found for conformation traits. For now, only warmblood horses are being evaluated linearly in Finland. The aim of this study was to estimate the heritabilities of the leg and movement traits from show data between 2015 – 2019 and to estimate the genetic correlations between different traits. All in all 26 traits were analyzed in the study. There were 915 horses in the data. Observations were gathered from 29 different shows in Finland. Both geldings, mares and stallions were represented in the data, mares being the largest group of gender. From one singular age group, the two – year- old mares had the greatest amount of observations. Based on the year of birth, horses born in 2015 had the most observations. The year of birth did not, however, have any significance on the results. Both the age and the gender of the horse did have a statistic significance on the results. Also the location of the show and the year of observation had some significance. Heritibilities of leg traits based on this data were extremely low, ranging between 0,00 – 0,11. The heritabilities of type and movement traits ranged between 0,00 and 0,28. Standard errors of heritabilities ranged between 0,09 – 0,14. Genetic correlations between the traits ranged between weak to strong. Standard errors of genetic correlations ranged between 0,04 – 0,13. To get reliable heritability parameters, more data and research is needed about the linear scoring of horses.
  • Jokiniemi, Juha (2022)
    Dronejen käyttö on lisääntynyt voimakkaasti viimeisten vuosien aikana. Ensimmäiset dronet on kehitetty jo 1900-luvun alussa. Myös lämpökameroita on käytetty jo useamman vuosikymmenen ajan. Näiden yhteiskäyttö on yleistynyt 2010-luvun aikana. Dronen ja lämpökameran avulla on tutkittu erityisesti kasvien lämpöstressiä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia käyttömahdollisuuksia droneen kiinnitetyllä lämpökameralla on ja ovatko kameran antamat tulokset riittävän tarkkoja esimerkiksi täsmäviljelyssä hyödyntämiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin kuvausprosessin käyttökelpoisuutta ja lämpökameran kalibrointia. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin lämpökameran rinnalla kolmea muuta eri lämpötilan mittausmenetelmää. Tutkimus suoritettiin Helsingin yliopiston Viikin tutkimustilalla. Kuvattavana kohteina olivat nurmi, jonka kasvuaste oli Zadoksin (BBCH) asteikolla 12–13, edellisenä syksynä kultivoitu maa sekä kynnetty maa. Tutkimuksessa oli käytössä itserakennettu drone (Tarot Ironman:n runko) sekä Flir Duo Pro R -lämpökamera. Tutkimus suoritettiin touko-kesäkuussa 2022. Lämpökuvien käsittely tehtiin Pix4D ja Matlab-ohjelmilla. Lämpökameralla saatiin kuvattua kaikki peltolohkot. Jokaisesta koelohkosta mitattiin vertailulämpötilat, jotta voitiin tutkia ilmasta otetun kuvan paikkaansa pitävyyttä. Kontrollipisteet mitattiin GCP-pisteiden (Ground Control Point) läheisyydestä kolmen metrin etäisyydeltä merkkitolpasta. Dronella otettujen lämpökuvien ja Ahlbornin mittarin tulosten välinen korrelaatiokerroin oli 0,67; joka on kohtalaisen korkea. Flir-käsilämpökameran ja dronella otettujen lämpökuvien välinen korrelaatio ei osoittautunut tilastollisesti merkitseväksi. Tähän vaikutti luultavasti Flir-käsilämpökameralla otettujen mittauspisteiden epätarkkuus kunnollisen kuvaustelineen puuttuessa. Maaperäskannerin tuottaman lämpökartan ja dronella otettujen lämpökuvien välinen korrelaatio oli -0,11. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös kameran kulma-anturissa olevan jotain häiriötä, koska kaikki sen ottamat kuvat olivat virtuaalisella karttatasolla 90 astetta väärässä kulmassa. Tämä saatiin korjattua kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla. Dronen lämpökameran kalibrointi todettiin riittäväksi tutkimuksen olosuhteissa. Droneen kiinnitetty lämpökamera on riittävän tarkka mitattaessa lämpötiloja ilmasta, jos olosuhteet ovat kameralle oikeat. Tulevia kuvauksia varten kasvustoon tulisi saada lisää kiintopisteitä, jotta analysointiohjelma saisi muodostettua kohdealueelta luotettavan lämpökuvan. Myös säähän olisi kiinnitettävä huomiota, sillä vähäinenkin pilvisyys vaikuttaa lopputulokseen kameran ominaisuuksista johtuen. Myös maasta mitattujen kontrollipisteiden tarkkuuteen tulisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota, sillä niillä on suuri vaikutus tuloksiin, koska maan lämpötila voi vaihdella hyvin pienenkin alueen sisällä. Tässäkin tutkimuksessa vierekkäisten mittauspisteiden välillä oli jopa useiden asteiden lämpötilaeroja.
  • Anttila, Tuomas (2020)
    Nutrient recycling has a huge potential in Finland, but the recycling fertilizer market remains immature. Recycled nutrients should be developed into fertilizers and business activity around them to develop the market as well. Fertilizers must be profitable for the manufacturer and cost-effective for the farmer. Therefore, the fertilizers must be priced correctly. The aim of this study was to find out farmers willingness to pay for different types of manure-based recycling fertilizers, which factors affect farmers fertilizer choices and what are farmers opinions on recycling fertilizer attributes and use. Moreover, the pricing of existing recycling fertilizers was compared to their attributes like nutrient content and form. According to present results, the factors affecting farmers willingness to pay were form, eligibility to organic farming and price of the recycling fertilizer, as well as cultivated area and production sector of the farm, amount of manure produced on the farm, being part of environmental compensation scheme, and also the farmers relation to farming (part-time, full-time) and how long has he been farming. Farmers preferred fertilizers with dry form, and the willingness to pay of organic farmers was higher than that of traditional farmers. Willingness to pay for different recycling fertilizers was mostly much lower than market prices, but there are potential customers to be found, especially among organic farmers.
  • Salovaara, Katri (2021)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena oli hankkia tietoa karjakohtaisesta elinikäistuottavuudesta ja siihen kytkeytyvistä tekijöistä Suomessa. Aineisto kerättiin valiolaisilta Tuotosseurantaan kuuluvilta maitotiloilta. Varsinainen tutkimusaineisto koostui yli 120 lehmän tiloista ja aineiston lopullinen määrä oli 191 tilaa. Tutkimusosuus koostui kahdesta osiosta. Tilastoanalyysia varten luotiin uusi yhdistetty muuttuja EKM/elinpäivä maitoa meijeriin, jossa yhdistettiin käytettävissä olevia tuotosindi-kaattoreita. Monimuuttujaisen lineaarisen regressioanalyysimallin avulla testattiin valittujen hyvinvointi- ja tuotosindikaattoreiden yhteyttä luotuun vastemuuttujaan. Tilasto-osuuden jälkeen toteutettiin tapaustutkimus haastattelemalla kymmentä yrittäjää heidän korkeiden elin-ikäistuottavuustietojensa taustoista. Tilastoanalyysissa havaittiin lypsytavan, poistettujen lehmien keski-iän, keskituotoksen, kokonaisjalostusarvon, lehmien ja ensikoiden poistoprosenttien ja poikimavälin selittävän reilun kolmasosan tilojen välisestä vaihtelusta tutkimusaineiston tiloilla. Lypsytapa nousi tuloksissa merkittävimmäksi selittäväksi tekijäksi siten, että asemalypsytiloilla EKM/elinpäivä maitoa meijeriin oli keskimäärin noin 1,56 kg suurempi kuin automaattilypsytiloilla. Taustalla voivat olla automaattilypsytilojen vaatimukset lehmien jalka- ja utarerakenteen suhteen. Näiden eläimen rakenteeseen yhdistyvien tekijöiden heikko laatu oli myös tapaustutkimuksessa usein poiston taustalla. Tilakohtaisessa tapaustutkimusosuudessa tärkeimmiksi tekijöiksi elinikäistuottavuuden taustalla nousivat matala hoitokynnys, ennakoiva eläinterveydenhuolto ja varhainen puuttuminen jo sairauden subkliinisessä vaiheessa. Toisaalta haastatteluissa kävi ilmi myös yrittäjien myönteinen suhtautuminen työhönsä, arvostus lehmiään kohtaan ja korkea motivaatio panostaa eläinten terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Tähän tutkimukseen luotua yhdistettyä muuttujaa EKM/elinpäivä maitoa meijeriin voidaan tietynlaisena osatuottavuusmittarina. Sen avulla voidaan kuitenkin tarkastella karjakohtaisen kestävyyden ja tuottavuuden yhdistelmää ja niiden muodostumista. Nykyaikaisen maitotilan toiminnassa voidaankin ajatella yhdistyvän kolme osa-aluetta: taloudellinen kannattavuus, ekologisuus ja eläinten hyvinvointi. Toisaalta eri osa-alueet voivat myös tukea toisiaan, kun tilan toiminta on oikein johdettua ja toimenpiteet osataan kohdistaa oikein ja eri osa-alueiden toimintamekanismeista ja kytköksistä toisiinsa on riittävästi tietoa. Vaikka elinikäistuottavuutta ei tässä tutkimuksessa kytketty taloudelliseen kannattavuuteen, voidaan kestävien, pitkäikäisten lehmien ajatella avaavan mahdollisuuksia myös jalostusvalinnan tehostamiseen. Maidontuotantoon voidaan valita vain parhaiden lehmäyksilöiden vasikat, kun uudistustarve pienenee ja jalostukseen käytettävät lehmät voidaan valita suuremmasta joukosta eläimiä. Tutkimus tulee tällaisenaan Valion Voimalehmä-hankkeen käyttöön.
  • Yli-Puntari, Sanni (2022)
    The advantages of foliar fertilizers are to provide the necessary plant nutrients to the crop at the optimal time of growth and the miscibility of foliar fertilizers with plant protection products in the same tank mix, thus avoiding additional costs. The aim of this experiment was to determine whether the foliar fertilizers which are most commonly used by sugar beet farmers can be safely mixed with standard Conviso® One herbicide tank mixture without mixing problems or without phytotoxic symptoms on Smart KWS sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Altissima-Group). There was no previous study about the compatibility of foliar fertilizers in the standard Conviso® One tank mix and the result of this experiment were believed to provide significant information for the cultivation of Smart sugar beet. Two subtests were performed; a field trial for phytotoxic symptoms and a miscibility and 24 -hour standing test to determine the effect of hard and soft water on miscibility. The field test was organized at the one trial site of Sugar Beet Research Center in Meltola, Paimio and the mixing and standing trial was performed indoors in the same location. In both experiments, 11 different foliar fertilizers were tested. During the experiment visual mixing and application evaluations of sugar beet were performed. Sugar beet leaf and root samples were collected from the experiment area and one row of sugar beet was harvested for yield and quality analysis. There were two hypotheses; the miscibility of the standard Conviso® One tank mix together with foliar fertilizers doesn`t show any miscibility problems during the mixing or spraying, and the tank mixture doesn`t decrease the yield or quality of Smart sugar beet. The conclusion of this experiment was that the tested foliar fertilizers can be safely mixed into the basic Conviso® One tank mix without any miscibility problems during the mixing, spaying or after 24-hour standstill period. Miscibility problems were not observed with either water type (hard or soft) during mixing or after 24-hour standing time. The tank mixture didn`t have negative effect to Smart sugar beet yield but the treatments showed a difference in the potassium content of the root, which is one of the factors determining the quality of the sugar beet.
  • Hujanen, Eeva (2021)
    Lihan kulutuksen ja tuotannon odotetaan kasvavan tulevaisuudessa ja se tulee aiheuttamaan muutoksia globaaleihin ruokajärjestelmiin. Viljeltyä lihaa eli solumaatalouden menetelmillä valmistettua lihaa on ehdotettu yhtenä ratkaisuna lihantuotantoon liittyvien ongelmien, kuten haitallisten ympäristövaikutusten ja eläinkärsimyksen vähentämiseen. Viljelty liha on uusi teknologia, eikä vielä laajasti saatavilla. Viljeltyä lihaa on tutkittu kvantitatiivisesti kuluttajatutkimuksen näkökulmasta, jolloin kohteena on usein ollut tuotannon lopputuote, viljelty liha ja siihen suhtautuminen. Jos viljelty liha kehittyy tulevaisuudessa samanlaiseksi kuin tavanomaisesti tuotettu liha, ne eroavat silloin lähinnä tuotantomenetelmältään. Tämä työ tarkastelee millaisia käsityksiä kasvispainotteista ruokavaliota tai kasvisruokavaliota noudattavat helsinkiläiset nuoret aikuiset liittävät tavanomaisesti tuotetun lihan ja viljellyn lihan tuotantoympäristöihin ja tuotantomenetelmiin, sekä millaisia merkityksiä tuotantotavalle annetaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena aineistolähtöisenä tutkimuksena ja aineisto kerättiin käyttämällä puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluihin osallistui 10 kohderyhmän kriteerit täyttänyttä henkilöä. Aineisto analysoitiin systemaattisesti käyttäen temaattista analyysiä. Aineiston koodauksessa ja temaattisen käsitekartan luomisessa käytettiin apuna Atlas.ti -ohjelmaa. Lihan tuotantoympäristöt ja -menetelmät käsitettiin kolmen pääteeman kautta: (1) yhteiskunta ja kulttuuri, (2) teknologia sekä (3) ympäristö ja luontosuhde. Pääteemat kuvataan työssä erillisinä ja lisäksi niiden välisten kytkösten kautta, joita käsityksissä ilmeni. Tavanomaisen lihantuotannon ja viljellyn lihan tuotannon keskeisimmäksi eroksi käsitettiin eläinkärsimyksen ja syntyvien ympäristöhaittojen määrä. Tieto tuotantotavasta koettiin tärkeäksi, eikä viljeltyä lihaa ja tavanomaisesti tuotettua lihaa nähty identtisinä ruokina, koska niiden tuotantoympäristöt ja -menetelmät poikkesivat toisistaan. Eri tavoilla tuotettua lihaa arvostettiin eri syistä. Tämän tutkielman yksi tärkeimmistä havainnoista on, että käsityksistä muodostetut teemat ja lihantuotannon osatekijät ovat vahvasti kytkeytyneitä toisiinsa. Teemojen kytkeytyneisyys käsityksissä ilmentää lihantuotannon integroitumista yhteiskuntaan. Mikäli viljelty liha korvaa tulevaisuudessa tavanomaista lihantuotantoa, tulisi viljellyn lihan tuotannon vastata tavanomaisen tuotannon ongelmiin ja kehittyä kestäväksi osaksi ruokajärjestelmää. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi tutkia ja syventää tietoa ihmisen suhteesta ruokajärjestelmiin ja tutkia niiden kestävyyttä taloudellisten ja ympäristöllisten näkökulmien lisäksi yhteiskunnallisista, sekä ruoka- ja luontosuhteen näkökulmista.
  • Anttonen, Johanna (2020)
    Residual feed intake (RFI) is a measurement method used in animals to determine feed efficiency. Improving feed efficiency has been found to be more cost-effective than maximizing daily gain. Determining the feed efficiency is laborious as the measurement periods are long and expensive. The problem is the limited capacity of the measuring devices in relation to the number of animals, because the animals daily dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and metabolic body weight (MMBW) must be measured over a sufficiently long continuous period. The aim of the study was to optimize the measurement of residual feed intake to reduce workload. In this case, the costs of measurement would be lower, and the utilization rate of measuring equipment would be improved. The study sought a critical limit on the amount of data required. Measurements were removed from the data until it was found that the reliability of the results was affected. The hypothesis was that the fewer measurements and the shorter the measurement period, the greater the risk of error in the results. The study material included 105 dairy bulls and the experiment lasted 56 days. DMI was measured for each animal and the animals were weighed once a week during the experiment, a total of nine times (double weighings at the beginning, middle and end of the measurement period). The growth curves were used to calculate the ADG and MMBW of the animals. In addition, the area of the area of the cross-section of the longissimus muscle (M.longissimus dorsi) and the thickness of the back fat of each bull were measured with an ultrasound device at the end of the experiment. RFI was calculated for seven different measurement periods. The original 56-day period was shortened to seven days at a time until the period was 28 days. Ultrasound measurements were added to the 56-day measurement period model only. In addition, the number of weighing was reduced from nine to five and three times from the original 56-day model. The addition of ultrasound measurements weakened the statistical model compared to the initial 56-day measurement period. The animal RFI results changed the most in the 28-day and 35-day models. The reliability of the results decreased the least in the 49-day and five-weighing models. The ADG and MMBW averages remained almost the same in the models until 35 days. The shorter the measurement period, the more the DMI values changed. Based on the results, shortening length of the RFI measurement period to 42 days had no market effect on the results. A 42-day measurement period is enough for DMI, but a longer measurement period is recommended for ADG. Three weighings did not change the ADG as much as the 49-day measurement period and was more reliable than the 42-day measurement period. Adding longissimus muscle and back fat to the RFI model did not improve the reliability of the model and thus did not provide added value. Based on this study, ultrasonic measurements are not required to determine RFI, and the workload can also be reduced by shortening the measurement period or reducing weighing times.
  • Vehkaoja, Senja (2024)
    Linear classification is used in cattle breeding to estimate animal’s production traits. Classification can be done early for a young animal. Muscularity scores in classification are used to estimate the animal’s slaughter traits. During slaughter, carcasses are scored based on muscularity, fatness and weight. The price of the carcass is based on these scores, so it is important for the farm’s profitability to improve slaughter traits. If conformation scores are used to make breeding decisions to improve slaughter traits, those classification scores need to correlate with the slaughter scores both phenotypically and genetically. Phenotypic scores are important especially when choosing animals for breeding because breeding values are not calculated for conformation traits in Finland. The aim of this study was to estimate phenotypic and genetic correlations between Finnish linear classification scores and slaughter scores in beef cattle. Phenotypic correlations were estimated for Angus, Hereford, Charolais, Limousin and Simmental. Genetic correlations were estimated for Hereford and Charolais. Phenotypically the strongest correlation in every breed was between inner thigh width and slaughter traits (-0.20-0.71). Weakest phenotypic correlation in every breed was between thigh length and slaughter traits (0.01-0.21). Genotypic correlations were similar compared to phenotypic correlations in Hereford and Charolais breeds. In both breeds the correlation between hip height and carcass conformation was negative (-0.11 and -0.20), but the genetic correlations between inner thigh width and muscularity score and carcass information were strong positive (0.48-0.81). Phenotypic correlations estimated simultaneously with genetic correlations were also similar but significantly weaker compared to straight phenotypic estimations. That’s possibly because the data used in straight phenotypic estimations was more narrowed compared to the data used in genetic estimations. Heritabilities were estimated for the traits used in genetic correlation estimations. Those estimated heritabilities were moderate (0.18-0.39) in both Hereford and Charolais breeds which is similar result to earlier studies. Based on this research, linear classification muscularity scores can be used as a reliable indicator trait when choosing animals for breeding to improve slaughter traits, especially carcass conformation.
  • Kutilainen, Kukka (2024)
    Weed diversity has been found to have many positive effects on the field ecosystem. Diverse weed communities benefit crops by reducing competitive pressure from individual weeds and maintain ecosystem services. Organic fields have been found to have quantitatively more weed species than conventionally cultivated fields. This study compared the difference in weed diversity, which refers not only to the number of weed species but also to the evenness of their abundance, between organic and conventionally cultivated fields. The differences in diversity between organic fields and the factors influencing these differences were also examined. The study used data collected by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) from spring cereal field weed surveys, which have been collected since the 1960s. The fifth three-year monitoring, the data of which are used in this study, was carried out between 2020 and 2022 and included 90 organic fields, for which conventionally cultivated counterparts from the same areas were selected for this study. For each field plot, 10 sampling points were randomly selected. The number of weed species found and the number of individuals were counted from the sampling points. Biomass samples of weeds and cereals were collected from four sampling points out of the ten. The results compared organic fields with conventionally cultivated fields and looked at differences in organic fields in relation to geographical location, different farming practices and how long the field had been under organic cultivation. Weed diversity was assessed using three different variables: the average number of weed species and the Shannon diversity indexes H' and E, which describe species abundance and evenness. Differences in weed species and diversity were found between organic and conventionally cultivated fields. More weed species were found quantitatively in organic fields, but the evenness of weed species in the plots was similar for both production methods. The prevalence of the most common weed species was higher in organic fields compared to conventionally cultivated fields. Differences in diversity and dry matter content of cereals between organic fields were influenced by geographical location. Among the cropping practices, the use of undersown crops reduced species evenness and fertilization increased dry weight of cereals. The time the organic field had been in organic production did not affect weed diversity or dry weight of the cereals.