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  • Sipilä, Suvi (2020)
    Clean and high-quality code affects the maintainability of software throughout the software lifecycle. Cleanliness and high-quality should be pursued from the software development phase. Nowadays, the software is developed rapidly, which is why the code must be easy to maintain. When the code is easy to maintain, it can basically be managed by any software developer. The thesis conducted a literature review of clean and high-quality code. The thesis aimed to find out what is clean and high-quality code in the class and function level. The purpose of the thesis was to explain why clean and high-quality code is necessary and how the clean and high-quality code can be improved with different tools such as metrics, refactoring, code review, and unit tests. The thesis also included a survey for software developers. The survey sought an answer to how clean and high-quality code practices are implemented in working life from the perspective of software developers. 103 software professionals responded to the survey. Based on the responses, 82,5 \% of respondents felt that they always or usually write clean and high-quality code. The main reasons why clean and high-quality code cannot be written were the challenges of the old codebase and schedule pressures. Writing code is a very people-oriented job, so we must understand the code and its purpose. The code must be simple and carefully written. When the code is clean and high-quality, it is easier to read and understand, and thus easier to maintain.
  • Vuoristo, Varpu (2021)
    Puolueiden kannatusmittaukset vaalien välillä tehdään kyselytutkimusten avulla. Näitä mielipidetiedusteluita kutsutaan kansankielellä termillä gallup. Tässä työssä perehdytään poliittisten mielipidetutkimusten historiaan sekä tehdään lyhyt katsaus galluppien nykytilanteeseen Suomessa. Tässä maisterintutkielmassa on ollut käytössä kyselytutkimuksella kerätyt aineistot. Aineistoissa on kysytty vastaajien äänestyskäyttäytymistä seuraavissa vaaleissa: kuntavaalit 2012, eduskuntavaalit 2015 sekä kuntavaalit 2017. Tutkielmassa esitellään kyselytutkimuksien kysymyksen asettelu, aineistojen puhdistamisen työvaiheita sekä perusteet mitkä tiedot tarvitaan tilastollisen mallin sovittamista varten. Teoriaosuudessa esitellään yleistettyjä lineaarisia malleja. Menetelmänä sovitetaan yleistetty lineaarinen malli valittuihin ja puhdistettuihin aluperäisten aineistojen osa-aineistoihin. Näissä osa-aneistoissa on tiedot vastaajien äänestyskäyttäytymisestä kahdeksan eri eduskuntapuolueen kesken. Lisäksi tilastollisen mallin sovittamista varten osa-aineistossa on tiedot vastaajien sukupuolesta sekä asuinpaikasta NUTS 2 -aluejaon mukaisesti. Sukupuoli ja viisi eri aluetta toimivat mallissa selittävinä muuttujina, kun taas puoluekannatus selitettävänä muuttujana. Aineiston käsittely on toteutettu R-laskentaohjelmalla. Tuloksissa on esitetään taulukointina selittävien muuttujien vaikutusta tarkasteltavan puolueen äänestämiseen, niin itsenäisinä selittäjinä kuin niiden yhteisvaikuksina. Jokaista kahdeksaa puoluetta tarkastellaan kaikkien kolmen vaaliaineiston osalta erikseen. Analysoinnin työkaluina toimivat suurimman uskottavuuden estimaattit sekä niiden luottamusvälit.
  • Kaasinen, Joel (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)
    The study of compressed data structures strives to represent information on a computer concisely — using as little space as possible. Compressed bit vectors are the simplest compressed data structure. They are used as a basis for more complex data structures with applications in, for example, computational biology. Functional programming is a programming paradigm that represents computation using functions without side-effects (such as mutation). Data structures that are representable in and suitable for functional programming are termed functional data structures. Functional data structures are also persistent: operations on them do not destroy previous versions. This thesis provides implementations of functional compressed bit vectors in the purely functional programming language Haskell. The implemented structures are analyzed and benchmarked against established imperative (C++) implementations. Applications of compressed bit vectors are also surveyed. This includes compressed wavelet trees, an implementation of which is also presented.
  • Laapas, Mikko (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2008)
    Tämä työ käsittelee Suomen ilmastoa puutarhakasvien näkökulmasta painopisteen ollessa lämpöilmastollisissa piirteissä ja kasvien talvehtimiseen liittyvissä tekijöissä. Työssä esitellään puutarhakasvien, erityisesti monivuotisten puuvartisten kasvien selviytymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, ja näiden pohjalta kartoitetaan ilmastollisia olosuhteita eri puolilla Suomea viimeisen noin viiden vuosikymmenen ajalta. Lisäksi pyritään arvioimaan tuleville vuosikymmenille ennustetun lämpenemisen aiheuttamia muutoksia Suomen puutarhatuotannon menestymismahdollisuuksissa. Nykyilmaston osalta tarkastelu perustuu vuosien 1960-2006 päivittäisiin lumi- ja lämpötilahavaintoihin kymmenellä havaintopaikalla lounaisrannikolta Koillismaalle. Puutarhakasvien kannalta hyödyllisiä ja haitallisia ilmaston piirteitä pyrittiin kuvaamaan erilaisilla indekseillä, ns. kynnystapahtumien ajankohdilla ja erinäisten raja-arvojen ylittymisillä. Tulevaisuuden jaksojen 2010-39 ja 2040-69 osalta tilannetta tarkasteltiin A2- ja B1-skenaariossa. Työssä käytettiin ns. delta-menetelmää, missä 19 ilmastomallin keskiarvona saadut arviot kuukausikeskilämpötilojen noususta lisättiin havaintopaikkojen päivittäisiin vuosien 1971-2000 lämpötilahavaintoihin. Olosuhteet puutarhakasvien menestymiselle vaihtelevat paljon tarkastelussa olleella kolmelle kasvimaantieteelliselle vyöhykkeelle sijoittuvalla alueella. 1990-luvun alusta lisääntyneet leudot talvet näkyvät hyvin talvehtimisoloja kuvaavissa muuttujissa. Toisaalta havaintopaikkojen pienilmastolliset tekijät korostuvat erityisesti alueiden hallatilanteita tarkasteltaessa. Tulevaisuuden osalta monien puutarhakasvien talven selviytymisedellytyksiin vaikuttavien tekijöiden voidaan odottaa yleisesti parantuvan ilmaston lämmetessä, tosin Suomen ilmastossa pakkasvahinkojen riski on silti olemassa. Toisaalta entisestään leudontuvat talvet lämpöjaksoineen tulevat lisäämään mahdollisuutta kasvien kylmänkestävyyden heikkenemisestä aiheutuville ongelmille. Myöhäisten hallojen esiintymisen aiheuttamat vahingot riippuvat niitä edeltäneen ajan kasvuolosuhteista. Tällöin kasvukauden alun ajankohdassa, sen alkupuolen lämpimyydessä ja hallojen esiintymisen ajankohdassa tapahtuvien muutosten nettovaikutus ratkaisee myöhäisten hallatilanteiden kukinnalle muodostavan riskin tulevaisuudessa. Tästä ei saatu yksiselitteisiä tuloksia tämän tutkimuksen puitteissa, sillä hallariskiä kuvaavan indeksin käyttäytyminen oli varsin epämääräistä.
  • Mattila, Mari (2023)
    Tilastokeskuksessa haluttiin kehittää omakotitalojen lämmitysöljyn käyttöä ja lämmitystapaa ku- vaavia tilastoja. Asumisen rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen ylläpitämä energiatodistusrekisteri näh- tiin yhdeksi mahdolliseksi aineistoksi, jota kehittämisessä voisi käyttää. Kun energiatodistusrekis- terin aineistoa alettiin tarkastella, huomattiin, että energiatodistusrekisteriin valikoituu keskimää- räistä suurempia ja uudempia rakennuksia. Valikoituneisuuden oletettiin muodostuvan keskeiseksi ongelmaksi energiatodistusrekisterin hyödyntämisessä. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muotoutui, ovatko rakennuskannan öljylämmitteisten omakotitalojen tiedot lämmitystavasta ja pinta-alasta energia- todistusrekisterissä yleistettävissä koko rakennuskantaan. Koska valikoituneisuus on yksi puuttuneisuuden ilmenemismuoto, tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa pää- tettiin keskittyä puuttuneisuuteen. Puuttuneisuuden mekanismi on tutkimuksen teoriaosan kes- keisimpiä käsitteitä. Puuttuneisuuden mekanismi voi olla täysin satunnainen, satunnainen tai ei- satunnainen. Puuttuneisuuden mekanismi vaikuttaa siihen, mitä tilastollisia menetelmiä aineiston mallintamiseen soveltuu. Tässä tutkimuksessa puuttuneisuuden oletettiin olevan ei-satunnaista. Kun puuttuneisuuden mekanismi on ei-satunnainen, puuttuneisuutta käsitellään yleensä satunnai- silmiönä. Tutkimuksen aineistolle ja puuttuneisuutta kuvaavalle puuttuneisuusindikaattorille muo- dostetaan tilastollinen malli, johon voidaan soveltaa uskottavuuspäättelyä. Tutkimuksessa malliksi valittiin Heckmanin valintamalli. Malli on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi silloin, kun aineisto on valikoitunut tutkittavan ilmiön perusteella. Esimerkiksi öljyn kulutus voidaan esti- moida vain öljylämmittäjistä muodostetun aineiston perusteella. Hackmanin mallilla voidaan ottaa huomioon se, että ölyn kulutus puuttuu niiltä taloilta, jotka eivät lämmitä öljyllä. Kun Heckmanin malli oli estimoitu, sen hyvyyttä arvioitiin ristiinvalidoimalla. Ristiinvalidoinnissa ennustettiin öljylämmityksessä pysymistä. Malli ennusti vain noin 58 % tapauksista oikein. Tätä onnistumisprosenttia pidettiin liian pienenä, jotta mallia kannattaisi käyttää Tilastokeskuksessa energiankulutustietojen korjaamiseen. Syitä mallintamisen epäonnistumiselle voi olla esimerkiksi se, että öljylämmityksen vaihtaminen tapahtuu pitkän aikaikkunan sisällä. Mallin selittäjien vaikutus vasteeseen voi vaihdella eri ajan- kohtina. Malli ei ottanut aikaa huomioon, vaan kaikki asuntokunta kuvaavat muuttujat oli keskiar- voistettu. Malliyhtälö saattoi olla väärä myös siitä näkökulmasta, että siitä saattoi puuttua tärkeitä kotitalouskohtaisia selittäjiä, joita ei vain ollut rekisteriaineistosta saatavilla.
  • Bergman, Paula (2017)
    Imputoinnilla tarkoitetaan sellaisia tilastollisia menetelmiä, joiden tarkoitus on täydentää puuttuvuutta sisältävää aineistoa. Puuttuvuus on iso ongelma tutkimuksissa, ja usein puuttuvat havainnot ja jopa kokonaiset havaintorivit jätetään huomiotta analyysejä tehdessä. Tämä voi kuitenkin merkittävästi vääristää analyysien tuloksia. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään erilaisia puuttuvuuden tyyppejä, käydään läpi puuttuvuuden mahdollisia syitä ja perehdytään erilaisiin imputointimenetelmiin. Imputointimenetelmien käyttöä havainnollistetaan esimerkeillä, jotka liittyvät GeneRISK-tutkimuksen perustietokyselyyn. GeneRISK-tutkimuksella pyritään selvittämään erityisesti sydän- ja verisuonitautien taustalla piileviä perinnöllisiä riskitekijöitä, sekä sitä, kuinka riskitiedon saaminen vaikuttaa yksilöiden myöhempään terveyskäyttäytymiseen. Puuttuvuuden tyyppi vaikuttaa imputointimenetelmän valintaan, ja tutkielmassa esitelläänkin niin täysin satunnainen, satunnainen, kuin ei-satunnainenkin puuttuvuus. Lisäksi sivutaan suunniteltua puuttuvuutta ja aineiston rakentamisvaiheessa syntyvää puuttuvuutta. Jos vastauksia puuttuu yksittäisiltä vastaajilta osasta kysymyksiä, on kyse erävastauskadosta, ja jos aineistosta puuttuu kokonaisia havaintorivejä, puhutaan yksikkövastauskadosta. Tutkielmassa keskitytään erävastauskatoon. Tutkielmassa käytetään GeneRISK-tutkimuksen Kymenlaakson sairaanhoito- ja sosiaalipalvelujen kuntayhtymä Carean perustietokyselyaineistosta 18.1.2016 jäädytettyä otosta, ja sieltä valikoituja 1278 havaintoriviä. Tutkielmaan valikoitiin kiinnostuksen kohteena oleviksi muuttujiksi ruokailuun ja liikuntatottumuksiin liittyviä muuttujia, sekä taustamuuttujia. Aineistosta poistettiin kaikki sellaiset rivit, jotka sisälsivät puuttuvuutta näissä muuttujissa, ja tämän jälkeen täydelliseen aineistoon simuloitiin eri tyyppisiä puuttuvuuksia. Puuttuvuutta pyrittiin korjaamaan niin yksinkertaisilla imputointimenetelmillä kuin kahdella erilaisella moni-imputointimenetelmälläkin. Yksinkertaisiin imputointimenetelmiin lukeutuu mm. mediaani-imputointi. Ehdollisten mallien moni-imputoinnin ja yhdistettyjen mallien moniimputoinnin on osoitettu kirjallisuudessa toimivan paremmin kuin yksinkertaisten imputointimallien, mutta tätä ei tässä tutkielmassa pystytty osoittamaan. Yhtenä syynä tähän saattaa olla kiinnostuksen kohteeksi valikoituneiden muuttujien väliset riippumattomuudet, sekä vastaajien keskinäinen samankaltaisuus. Edelleen hyvin yleinen tapa käsitellä puuttuvuutta on jättää se kokonaan huomiotta. Tutkielmassa kuitenkin huomataan, kuinka radikaaliin aineiston hupenemiseen se voi johtaa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaankin erityisesti se, kuinka tärkeää puuttuvuutta on tarkastella monelta eri kantilta aina puuttuvuuden syistä aineiston jatkokäyttötarkoituksiin asti.
  • Renkonen, Taina (2014)
    How is geopolitical knowledge produced though guided tours? This Master's thesis examines this question by comparing guided walking tours conducted in the Old City of Jerusalem. The theoretical framework of the study combines critical geopolitics, multidisciplinary tourism research, and landscape studies. From this perspective tourism is approached not as a mere industry but as a potentially efficient identity-political tool. The data, which was collected through ethnographic participant observation, included both 'traditional' tours recommended by the Official Tourism Office as well as 'alternative tours' connected to the wider anti-Occupation movement within the Israeli civil society. These tours were compared in the light of the following research questions: (1) What kind of geopolitical visions the tours produced about the city and the wider conflict? (2) How landscape was utilized in order to articulate these viewpoints? (3) How did the answers of the previous questions relate to the wider social and political context? Iconographical framework structured the analysis of these tours and attention was paid to visual landscape texts, verbal narratives as well as corporeal choreographies. The analysis revealed two contrasting narratives of the city. Tours representing the official tourism sector promoted geographical imagination in which Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. This stance was supported by three discursive landscapes. 'Biblical landscape' produced Jerusalem as a part of the Holy land shared by Jews and Christians where Islam and Muslims were presented as outsiders. 'Zionist landscape' established a continuum for it in the context of modern nation-states by focusing on the national narrative behind the State of Israel. 'Orientalist landscape' focused on the present conflict in multiple scales and justified the Israeli policy towards its adversaries. Alternative tours were based on a geographical imagination in which East Jerusalem is perceived as being Israeli-occupied territory and thus part of the larger process of colonizing the historical Palestine. The space of the Old City was divided into two discursive landscapes. 'Lost landscape' illustrated how the historical Palestine had been transformed into the State of Israel; whereas 'Occupied landscape' focused on mapping the expansion of the ongoing occupation and highlighted the asymmetrical power relationships between the conflicting parties. The study demonstrated that guided tours can be utilized both for advocating nationalist agenda and as tools of resistance.
  • Tarnanen, Ainokaisa (2017)
    Transportation in cities is facing the challenges of congestion and environmental impact caused by the increase in traffic flows. These issues can be reduced by promoting more sustainable transport modes, such as cycling. To increase its modal share, cycling has to be an attractive and competitive choice compared to other travel modes. Digital Geography Lab in University of Helsinki has developed comparable measures for modelling accessibility with different travel modes in Helsinki region. However, cycling is missing from the data because it has been previously modelled with simplistic assumptions of constant travel speed. Little research has been carried out to assess the applicability of this assumption. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a more realistic GIS model for calculating optimal routes and travel times of cycling in Helsinki region taking into account the feasibility of the model. Other objectives are to find out what factors affect cyclists' travel speed and can the environmental factors be used as impedances in the travel time model, what kind of spatial differences the cycling speeds have, and how realistic it is to model cyclists' travel times with constant speed on a regional scale. According to previous research, among the various things affecting cycling some of the main environmental factors are slope, junctions and traffic lights. The effects of these factors to cycling speeds in Helsinki region were analysed based on individual cycling routes and on a route and segment level from the whole data with linear regression models. GPS data of cycling was collected from volunteers who had been tracking their cycling in Helsinki region with mobile sports applications. Basic background information of the cyclists was also collected to analyse the variations in speed between different background variables. Road network for cycling and walking by Helsinki Region Transport was used as the modelling network. A GIS-based map-matching method for the cycling GPS data was developed by applying a method developed for map-matching GPS data of cars. Slope was calculated for route segments using NLS 2 meter digital elevation model and the traffic light information was derived from Digiroad. Python scripts used in modelling are available on GitHub. The cycling speeds vary by cycling frequency: cyclists who stated to cycle almost every day of the week, 3-5 times a week, or a few times a week have median speeds of 24 km/h, 22 km/h and 18 km/h, respectively. Uphill slope and signalized junctions decelerate and downhill slopes accelerate cycling speeds on individual routes. Looking at the whole data, speed has a weak negative correlation between slope and different junction types. On a regional scale the effect of signalized junctions is the greatest, whereas uphill slope has the greatest effect on route-based mean speeds. The regression models do not explain the variation in cycling speeds very well (R2 ≈ 0.1) so a travel time model based on constant speeds corresponding to the different median speeds of frequent and less frequent cyclists was implemented on the network. Spatial examination shows that mean cycling speeds in parts of central Helsinki are 0.8 times slower than in rest of the area, so the cycling speeds of the model were slowed down on those segments. Slope, traffic lights and other junctions affect cycling speeds on an individual level but not on the regional scale. Based on model validation the travel times of the constant speed model correlate strongly with the real travel times of the GPS data. The model taking into account the slower parts of central Helsinki is marginally better but the difference is only slight and affecting only the routes going via the city centre. The difference in travel times caused by different constant speeds is much greater. Constant speed can hence be seen as an adequate assumption to model cyclists' travel times in Helsinki region but the personal and spatial differences in cycling speeds should be taken into account.
  • Asumaa, Janne (2018)
    Kerrin metriikka kuvaa pyörivän mustan aukon aiheuttamaa aika-avaruuden kaareutumaa. Käytännössä kaikki mustat aukot pyörivät jonkin verran joten Kerrin metriikka on olennainen osa kosmologiaa. Viime vuosina pyörivät mustat aukot ovat nousseet valokeilaan gravitaatioaaltojen löytämisen vuoksi. Nämä gravitaatioaaltohavainnot on tehty nimenomaan mustien aukkojen yhdistymisen seurauksena. Tässä työssä tulen käsittelemään Kerrin metriikkaan liittyvää teoriaa sekä selvittämään gravitaatioaaltojen linkittymistä pyöriviin mustiin aukkoihin.
  • Suvanto, Kasperi (2024)
    Tutkielmassa käsitellään pyrimidiiniemästen, etenkin sytidiinin, suojaryhmiä nukleiinihappokemiassa. Katsauksessa tarkastellaan suojien eri ominaisuuksia, kuten niiden kiinnitystä ja poistamista, sekä millaisia olosuhteita ne kestävät. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltyjä suojia ovat esimerkiksi sytidiinin asyylisuoja ja karbamaattisuojat, tymidiinin bentsoyylisuoja ja uridiinin metoksietoksisuoja. Tymidiinin suojausta on tehty myös valoherkällä p-hydroksifenasyylillä, joka on varsin ainutlaatuinen. Sytidiinin tapauksessa suojaryhmiä löytyi monia erilaisia, joita voi soveltaa eri käyttökohteisiin. Kokeellisessa osuudessa on tutkittu 2’-deoksisytidiinin suojaryhmän vaikutusta liukoisuuteen käyttämällä 3,3,3-trifenyylipropionyyliryhmää emässuojana. Liukoisuuden huomattiin parantuvan huomattavasti verrattuna sytidiinin bentsoyylisuojaukseen. Lisäksi tutkimusosuudessa on valmistettu 3-(3-(bentsyylioksi)-2,2-bis(bentsyylioksi)metyylipropoksipropionihappoa, jota votaisiin mahdollisesti käyttää emässuojaryhmänä sytidiinille.
  • Lovikka, Ville (2014)
    The aim of this Master's Thesis was to broaden the understanding of formation of binary agglomerations in aqueous solutions. The central topic was supramolecular interactions and methods controlling the interactions in order to tailor the properties of nanocomposites. Specific attention was paid to catalytic activity, the responsivity to a magnetic field and controlling the catalytic activity of agglomerations by magnetic means. The results could be utilized in bottom up material applications. In the literature section of the thesis several topics are introduced, such as nanomagnetism, electrostatic interactions, diffusion and the formation mechanisms of agglomerations. Magnetoferritin and PAMAM-dendrimer are presented with their potential applications, which are magnetically stabilized reactors, noninvasive in situ imaging, sensing in optically thick media, spintronics and nanoelectronics, magnonic metamaterials and other applications that require high ordering and controllability of nanocomposites. In the experimental section the focus is on the agglomeration between the magnetoferritin of Pyrococcus furiosus archaea and PAMAM G3 dendrimer in aqueous solutions. The properties of the agglomerations were studied as a function of solution parameters. The parameters were pH, ionic strength, the generation of the dendrimer and the existence of the magnetoferritin mineral core. The effects of agglomeration on magnetic field responsivity and catalytic activity for the peroxidase reaction between 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine and hydrogen peroxide were studied. The agglomeration sizes were monitored by dynamic light scattering and the proceeding of the indicator reaction by UV–VIS spectroscopy. The structures of the agglomerations were studied by small angle x-ray diffractometry. TEM was utilized to confirm the size, shape and structure of the agglomerations. The average electrokinetic potentials of the magnetoferritin and PAMAM were studied by zetapotential measurements. The catalytic activity of magnetoferritin diminished when it was agglomerated by PAMAM-dendrimer. The effect of precipitation could not be well studied with the current setup. A possible sidereaction was detected between mobile PAMAM and the product of the H2O2–TMB indicator reaction. Increase in the ionic strength resulted in faster agglomeration, which was against the expectations and differed from results of otherwise rather similar research projects. The addition of salt was expected to weaken the agglomeration by shadowing the electrostatic potentials. The effective mechanism is speculated to be caused by the size differences of the components and the shortening of Debye length as the ionic strength is increased. In that case the addition of salt might weaken more ferritin–ferritin repulsions than ferritin–PAMAM attractions. Increase in ionic strength also weakens the ordering in agglomerations. The electrokinetic potentials were shown to have varying effects on supramolecular behavior. Further studies are needed to understand better how such effects change the effective catalytic activity and the magnetic field responsivity of nanocomposites.
  • Lähteenmäki, Juha (2020)
    Covid-19 epidemy spread to Finland in early 2020. Epidemy caused a worldwide crisis to which officials reacted with restrictions and orders. In Finland, the government gave its first notice in March 2020. This study examines changes of human mobility during a period on which Finnish Government had given guidance to work remotely and to avoid gatherings and later closing the border of Uusimaa Region. This research uses mobile phone data to observe changes in mobility and for determining the possible connection between mobility and new covid-19 cases. A literature review was assembled targeting articles published and in peer review process during 2019–2020 detailing mobile phone data. The review also examined mobile phone data in studies of coronavirus. All together 38 articles were chosen and categorized based on the mobile phone datasets used in them and the level of aggregation of data. This research used Telia’s origin-destination data aggregated to municipality level with temporal resolution of one day (24 hours). From the data sum of trips between different municipalities for one day can be observed as well as trips within a single region. Another dataset was used with information of the number of the mobile phone activities within a municipality during each day. Enriched datasets were calculated from the original data showing mobility and activity ratio for the period from March 2nd to March 29th, 2020 for every municipality and region. The baseline for the ratio was week 6 (February 3rd to February 9th, 2020). Third dataset containing the trips was constructed and data in it organized on the origin and destination of the trips and trip length. The datasets were compared to background material with information on housing, summer house ratio, centrality of municipality, amount of work-related inter-municipality commuting and to datasets provided by Google and Apple with information on changes of mobility. Results show that mobile phone data is suited to observe mobility. In March 2020 mobility decreased in most of the municipalities. The intensity of decrease as well as the beginning of decrease varied between municipalities. The amount of connections and routes between municipalities decreased more steeply in central municipalities. Longer trips of more than 120 km decreased the most. Explanatory results were provided, but none of them correlated strongly and significantly enough to explain the variations of the mobility ratio. Municipalities with more city-like housing gave intriguing results in Pearson’s correlation test when compared to mobility and trip volume decrease. A clear connection could not be found between mobility ratio and growth ratio of new covid-19 cases, but in Helsinki and Uusimaa Health Care District results were more promising.
  • Lassila, Elina (2021)
    Pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee pystyvyyden tunteen ilmaisuja Helsingin yliopiston Johdatus yliopistomatematiikkaan -kurssin kurssipalautteissa. Tutkielmassa esitellään pystyvyyden tunteen teoriaa ja tutkimusta. Aineiston analyysi tarjoaa mielenkiintoisen näkymän suomalaisten yliopisto- opiskelijoiden matemaattiseen pystyvyyden tunteeseen. Teoreettinen viitekehys on Albert Banduran sosiaalisen oppimisen teoriaan (Social learning theory) kuuluva pystyvyyden tunteen teoria (Self-efficacy theory). Pystyvyyden tunteella tarkoitetaan yksilön käsitystä itsestään oppijana niin kykyjen, selviytymisen kuin ennakko-odotustenkin suhteen. Korkean pystyvyyden tunteen on todettu edistävän kaikenlaista oppimista, joten se tarjoaa hyödyllistä tietoa myös matematiikan oppimisen ja opettamisen näkökulmasta. Johdatus yliopistomatematiikkaan -kurssipalautteessa (syksy 2018) kartoitettiin matematiikan oppimiseen liittyvää pystyvyyden tunnetta. Palauteaineistossa oli 286 vastaajaa. Suurin osa kurssin opiskelijoista oli opintojen alkuvaiheessa. Tutkielmassa hahmotellaan pystyvyyden tunteen syntyä ja ilmaisuja opiskelijoiden vastausten perusteella. Millaisia pystyvyyden tunteen ilmaisuja palautteista löytyi? Mitä pystyvyyden tunteen teorialla on annettavanaan erityisesti matematiikan opiskelemisen ja opettamisen näkökulmasta? Tutkimustuloksena nousi esille vastaajien melko korkea pystyvyyden tunteen taso. Pystyvyyden tunteen ilmaisuja oli löydettävissä erityisesti ensimmäisen vuoden tietojenkäsittelytieteen opiskelijoiden vastauksista. Yli puolet opiskelijoista kertoi kurssin vaikuttaneen positiivisesti matemaattiseen kiinnostukseen. Kurssilla tarjottu ohjaus keräsi runsaasti positiivista palautetta ja oli tukena oppimisessa.
  • Nummi, Vilhelmiina (2024)
    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the quantum field theory of strong interaction and therefore describes one of the fundamental forces in the universe. Quarks and gluons, together called partons, interact via strong force, and their interactions can be observed in high-energy collisions involving hadrons. Hadrons always contain some composition of quarks. The simplest way to obtain a partonic outgoing state in a collision, is through an electron-positron annihilation that produces a photon, which scatters, forming a combination of partons. Partons, unlike leptons, have properties known as color and flavor. There are six different types of quarks, all of which can be produced in a collision at sufficiently high energies. The energy involved in a hard collision of an electron and a positron is carried through the entire process. Generally, the partons’ binding to each other, known as color confinement, is so strong that they are observed as hadrons. Hadrons are color-neutral, meaning that the colored quarks are arranged such that they result in a color-neutral particle. This thesis focuses on calculating partonic collision outcomes on a small scale using perturbative QCD. At high energies and short distances, quarks are weakly coupled, allowing them to be considered relatively free from parton-parton interactions. By comparing the outcomes of electron-positron collisions, namely the electromagnetic and strong force (leptonic and partonic) outcomes, we can receive information on their differences when interacting. By constructing the process of leptonic annihilation, we can observe probabilities of charged particle outcomes that scatter from a photon. Furthermore, we calculate the cross-sections of the processes resulting in several partonic configurations. One of the results of this thesis is the ratio between the hadronic and leptonic outcomes stemming from the same initial collision. With partonic outcome cross-section calculated up to next-to-leading order, the ratio exhibits the impact of color factors as well as the running coupling of the parton-parton interaction.
  • Lehtinen, Sami (2016)
    This work is about the qualitative theory of autonomous ordinary differential equation (ODE) systems. The purpose of the work is threefold. First, it is intended to familiarize the reader with the essential theory of autonomous systems in dimension n. Second, it is hoped that the reader will learn the importance of planar autonomous systems, such the beautiful result of the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. Third, since the theory is utilised in applied science, considerably space has been devoted to analytical methods that are used widely in applications. The fundamental theory of existence and uniqueness of solutions to ODE systems are presented in Chapter 2. Then, Chapter 3 treats with the essential theory of autonomous systems in dimension n, such as the orbits and the limit sets of solutions. In Chapter 4 we consider planar autonomous systems. What makes planar systems different from higher dimensions is the existence of Jordan Curve theorem, which has made it possible for the theory to go much further. In particular, the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem, which is a statement about the long-term behavior of solutions to an autonomous system in the plane. Note that the Jordan Curve theorem is stated without proof, since the proof is terribly difficult but the result is obvious. Lastly, in order not to lose sight of the applied side of the subject, Chapters 5 and 6 are devoted to analytical methods of autonomous systems. First, Chapter 5 treats with local stability analysis of an equilibrium. Then, in Chapter 6 we work with a relatively large study of an abnormal competing species model based on the science fiction movie The Terminator (1984), which should be taken with a pinch of salt. In its dystopian world there are two powerful forces of Men and the Terminator cyborgs trying to get completely rid of one another. Lack of space has, however, forced us to simplify some of the individual behaviour. These simplifications are partly justified by the fact that the purpose is to present how the theory can be applied even in a (hopefully) fictional situation and, of course, to answer the puzzling question whether the human race would stand a chance against the Terminators.
  • Store, Joakim (2020)
    In software configuration management, branching is a common practice, which can enable efficient parallel development between developers and teams. However, the developers might not be aware of the different branching practice options and how to exactly formulate a branching strategy. This could lead to an opposite effect towards productivity, and other issues as well. The focus of this thesis is in what branching practices are considered as beneficial, what affects their usability, what risks are involved, and how to plan these practices in a structured manner. There are plenty of branching practices presented in the literature, which can either complement each other or be completely incompatible. A lot of the practices' beneficiality depends on the surrounding context, such as the tools in use and project characteristics. The most relevant risk to branching is merge conflicts, but there are other risks as well. The approaches for planning a branching strategy, however, are found to be too narrow in the reviewed literature. Thus, Branching Strategy Formulation and Analysis Method (BSFAM) is proposed to help teams and organizations plan their branching strategy in a structured manner. Additionally, the issues of branching are explored in the context of an organization that has multiple concurrent projects ongoing for a single product. Information on this is gathered through a survey, semi-structured interviews, and available documentation. The issues that were found can be attributed to a lack of proper base strategy, difficulties in coordination and awareness, and test automation management in relation to branching. The proposed method is then applied in that same context in order to provide solutions to the organization's issues, and to provide an example case. BSFAM will be taken into use in upcoming projects in the organization, and it will be improved if necessary. If the proposed method is to be adopted more widely and its resulting information published, it could provide further research towards how different branching practices fit in different contexts. Additionally, it could help in new, generally better, branching practices to emerge.
  • Rantanen, Milla-Maarit (2020)
    Semiconductor radiation detectors are devices used to detect electromagnetic and particle radiation. The signal formation is based on the transportation of charges between the valence band and conduction band. The interaction between the detector material and the radiation generates free electrons and holes that move in opposite directions in the electric field applied between the electrodes. The movement of charges induces a current in the external electrical circuit, which can be used for particle identification, measurement of energy or momentum, timing, or tracking. There are several different detector materials and designs and, new options are continuously developed. Diamond is a detector material that has received a great amount of interest in many fields. This is due to its many unique properties. Many of them arise from the diamond crystal structure and the strength of the bond between the carbon atoms. The tight and rigid structure makes diamond a strong and durable material, which allows operation of diamond detectors in harsh radiation environments. This, combined with the fast signal formation and short response time makes diamond detector an excellent choice for high energy physics applications. The diamond structure leads also to a wide band gap. Thanks to the wide band bap, diamond detectors have low leakage current and they can be operated even in high temperatures without protection from surrounding light. Especially electrical properties of semiconductors strongly depend on the concentration of impurities and crystal defects. Determination of electrical properties can therefore be used to study the crystal quality of the material. The electrical properties of the material determine the safe operational region of the device and knowledge of the leakage current and the charge carrier transportation mechanism are required for optimized operation of detectors. Characterization of electrical properties is therefore an important part of semiconductor device fabrication. Electrical characterization should be done at different stages of the fabrication in order to detect problems at an early stage and to get an idea of what could have caused them. This work describes the quality assurance process of single crystal CVD (chemical vapour deposition) diamond detectors for the PPS-detectors for the CMS-experiment. The quality assurance process includes visual inspection of the diamond surfaces and dimensions by optical and cross polarized light microscopy, and electrical characterization by measurement of leakage current and CCE (charge collection efficiency). The CCE measurement setup was improved with a stage controller, which allows automatic measurement of CCE in several positions on the diamond detector. The operation of the new setup and the reproducibility of the results were studied by repeated measurements of a reference diamond. The setup could successfully be used to measure CCE over the whole diamond surface. However, the measurement uncertainty is quite large. Further work is needed to reduce the measurement uncertainty and to determine the correlation between observed defects and the measured electrical properties.
  • Aaltonen, Serja (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2007)
    ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is an experiment at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), where a heavy-ion detector is dedicated to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus interactions at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) energies. In a part of that project, 716 so-called type V4 modules were assembles in Detector Laboratory of Helsinki Institute of Physics during the years 2004 - 2006. Altogether over a million detector strips has made this project the most massive particle detector project in the science history of Finland. One ALICE SSD module consists of a double-sided silicon sensor, two hybrids containing 12 HAL25 front end readout chips and some passive components, such has resistors and capacitors. The components are connected together by TAB (Tape Automated Bonding) microcables. The components of the modules were tested in every assembly phase with comparable electrical tests to ensure the reliable functioning of the detectors and to plot the possible problems. The components were accepted or rejected by the limits confirmed by ALICE collaboration. This study is concentrating on the test results of framed chips, hybrids and modules. The total yield of the framed chips is 90.8%, hybrids 96.1% and modules 86.2%. The individual test results have been investigated in the light of the known error sources that appeared during the project. After solving the problems appearing during the learning-curve of the project, the material problems, such as defected chip cables and sensors, seemed to induce the most of the assembly rejections. The problems were typically seen in tests as too many individual channel failures. Instead, the bonding failures rarely caused the rejections of any component. One sensor type among three different sensor manufacturers has proven to have lower quality than the others. The sensors of this manufacturer are very noisy and their depletion voltage are usually outside of the specification given to the manufacturers. Reaching 95% assembling yield during the module production demonstrates that the assembly process has been highly successful.
  • Abbas, Hassan (2018)
    Mobile users surpassing desktop users have tempted mobile network operators to deploy traffic shaping policies to utilize the resources efficiently. These policies have significantly lowered the quality of service of applications. Present systems can accurately detect the traffic discrimination of different application protocols for instance BitTorrent in context to HTTP protocol and extract the quality of the service statistically by comparing the data. This thesis proposes a method that tries to understand the system performance and applications behavior along with the network performance in requesting and delivering the desired quality of service. We devised a framework which tests an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) and their policies on the 4G Network regarding the Type of Service flags in the IP Header. We investigate whether the network path allows applications like Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Viber to set the Type of Service (DSCP Class) in their IP Header. We implemented the framework as an Android application which sets the DSCP Class in the IP Header for each respective application’s data. Our results show that major mobile network operators in Finland do not allow the applications to set DSCP classes in their IP Header for the better quality of service.
  • Nousiainen, Katri (2018)
    The human brain is divided into left and right hemisphere, and there are functional differences between the hemispheres. A hemispheric difference is called the lateralization of the brain function, and the degree of lateralization is described by the laterality index. The most investigated domain of the lateralized brain functions is language, which is a left hemisphere dominant function in the majority of the population. Functional magnetic resonance imaging provides a noninvasive method for studying the brain functions indirectly through the bloodoxygenation-level-dependent effect. The language-related functional magnetic resonance imaging can be used in the localization of the Broca’s speech area and determination of the dominant hemisphere in epileptic patients. The purpose of this thesis is to assess a method for calculating the laterality index from functional magnetic resonance imaging data. The data is acquired during three language task paradigms with five subjects and analyzed statistically. The methods used for the laterality index calculations are reviewed, and a new calculation method is presented. Result tables of laterality indices and hemispheric dominances per used regions of interest are generated. The presented laterality index calculation method successfully determined the speech laterality of three subjects out of five as a left hemispheric dominance. The language laterality of two subjects was not successful due to corrupted functional data and contradicted results between different paradigms. The major source of error is the subject’s head motion during the functional imaging. Together with the information about the head motion’s extent, the generated table could provide relevant extra information to epileptic patients’ functional magnetic resonance imaging data and could serve for clinical purposes in the future.