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  • Otama, Liisa (2015)
    Optiset isomeerit ovat fysikaalisilta ja kemiallisilta ominaisuuksiltaan ovat yhtenevät, mutta niiden biologiset ominaisuudet voivat poiketa toisistaan huomattavasti. Isomeerien analysointi onkin siksi tärkeä osa narkoottisten yhdisteiden tutkimusta. Usein toinen enantiomeereistä ei aikaansaa elimistössä toivottua vaikutusta ja siten sen muodostumista halutaan kontrolloida jo synteesivaiheessa. Toisaalta, joskus epätoivottu enantiomeeri saattaa olla haitallinen ja siksi sen pitoisuutta esimerkiksi lääkeaineessa kontrolloidaan lailla. Myös kiraalisten huumausaineiden analytiikassa on tärkeää selvittää näytteessä vallitsevana oleva enantiomeeri. Syklodekstriinejä käytetään yleisesti hyödyksi enantiomeerien analytiikassa. Ne ovat syklisiä oligosakkarideja, jotka muodostuvat tyypillisesti kuudesta kahdeksaan glukopyranoosiyksiköstä. Syklodekstriinien rakenne muodostaa onttoa katkaistua kartiota, jonka ulkopuoli on sisäpuolta hydrofiilisempi. Hydrofiilisen ulkokuoren ansiosta natiivit syklodekstriinit ovat suhteellisen vesiliukoisia. Hydrofobinen sisäosa puolestaan on omiaan sitomaan analyyttien hydrofobisia osia joko kokonaan tai osittain muodostaen syklodekstriini-analyytti –inkluusiokompleksin. Luonnossa esiintyvät α-, β- ja γ-syklodekstriinit ovat varauksettomia mutta lisäämällä näihin varauksellisia funktionaalisia ryhmiä voidaan varausta muuttaa. Syklodekstriinien käyttö kiraalisessa kapillaarielektroforeesissa perustuu niiden kykyyn muodostaa enantiomeerien kanssa inkluusiokomplekseja. Tavallisimmin syklodekstriinit lisätään suoraan taustaelektrolyyttiin, jolloin enantiomeerit voidaan erottaa päällystämättömällä kapillaarilla. Kapillaarielektrokromatografiassa kiraaliset selektorit kuitenkin sidotaan yleensä stationaarifaasiin. Inkluusiokompleksin muodostuessa enantiomeerien elektroforeettinen liikkuvuus joko nopeutuu tai hidastuu, riippuen kompleksin ja syklodekstriinin varauksesta sekä systeemin polariteetista, jolloin ne saadaan erotetuksi toisistaan.. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa kehitettiin menetelmä metorfaanienantiomeerien erottamiseksi kiraalisella kapillaarielektroforeesilla käyttäen syklodekstriiniselektoreita. Dekstrometorfaani on yleinen lääkeaine esimerkiksi yskänlääkkeissä, kun taas levometorfaani on luokiteltu huumeeksi. Menetelmällä saavutettiin erinomainen kiraalinen resoluutio analyysiajan jäädessä alle yhdeksään minuuttiin.
  • Räty, Meri (2018)
    Kasvillisuus emittoi biogeenisia haihtuvia yhdisteitä. Niitä hapettaa ilmakehässä erityisesti O3-, OH- ja NO3-radikaalit. Osa hapetustuotteista on heikosti haihtuvia, jolloin ne voivat osallistua sekundäärisen orgaanisen aerosolin (SOA) muodostukseen. Koska aerosolihiukkaset toimivat mm. pilvipisaroiden tiivistymisytiminä, on näillä suuri vaikutus ilmastoon. Hapetustuotteisiin ja niiden haihtuvuuksiin vaikuttavat myös muut ilmakehän reaktiiviset yhdisteet, kuten esimerkiksi typen oksidit (NOx). Syklisen biogeenisen yhdisteen otsonihapetus on yksi reaktioista, jossa muodostuu tehokkaasti reaktiivisia peroksiradikaaleja (RO2). Nämä voivat nopean autoksidaatioprosessin kautta saavuttaa korkeita happilukuja. Peroksiradikaalit reagoivat myös muiden radikaalien tai toisten peroksiradikaalien kanssa. Reaktioketjut päättyvät lopulta pysyvämpien tuotteiden muodostumiseen. Muodostuneista hyvin hapettuneista orgaanisista molekyyleistä (HOM) osa on monomeerejä ja osa kahdesta monomeeristä koostuvia suurempia dimeerejä. Kun ympäristössä on typen oksideja, myös organonitraatteja muodostuu. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan syklohekseenin hapettumisesta syntyviä tuotteita. Syklohekseeni on yksinkertainen syklinen hiilivety (C6H10), jolla on endosyklinen kaksoissidos. Sellainen perusrakenne on yhteinen myös monille ilmakehässä esiintyville monimutkaisemmille biogeenisille yhdisteille kuten esimerkiksi α-pineenille. Tutkimus tehtiin teflonkammiossa ja hapettimena käytettiin otsonia, joka on tärkeä ilmakehässä vuorokauden ympäri vaikuttava hapetin. Kammiossa tehtiin myös NOx- ja siemenaerosolikokeita, jotta voitaisiin tarkastella typen oksidien vaikutusta sekä tuotteiden haihtuvuuksia. Tätä tutkielmaa varten prosessoitiin CI-APi-TOF -massaspektrometrillä mitattua raakadataa. Analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin sen lisäksi myös muuta valmiiksi prosessoitua dataa. CI-APi-TOF -raakadata prosessoitiin TofTools-spektrianalyysityökalulla, joka pyörii Matlab-ohjelmassa. Myös muu analyysi tehtiin Matlab R2016:lla. Siemenkokeissa heikoimmin haihtuvat yhdisteet tiivistyivät tehokkaasti siemenaerosolin pinnalle. Haihtuvuutta heikentävien tekijöiden havaittiin olevan suuri massa, sekä suuri happiluku. Lukuun ottamatta organonitraatteja, yhdisteiden haihtuvuus laski selkeästi suurin piirtein massavälillä 225-250 Th ja happiluvusta 7. Organonitraatit olivat sen sijaan haihtuvampia kuin muut lähimassaiset yhdisteet (haihtuvuuden lasku n. 250-300 Th). NOx lisäsi keskimääräistä haihtuvuutta myös siten, että sen reaktioissa muodostui enemmän haihtuvampia monomeerejä, samalla kun heikosti haihtuvien dimeerien muodostuminen väheni. Tämä viittaa siihen, että NOx voi heikentää SOA:n kasvua syklohekseenin kaltaisten yhdisteiden hapettumisesta.
  • Manninen, Juho-Matti (2015)
    Suuntaviivat lukion matematiikan opetukselle antaa opetussuunnitelma. Lukion uudessa opetussuunnitelmassa, joka astuu voimaan syksyllä 2016, tulee korostumaan teknisten apuvälineiden rooli matematiikan opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Näihin teknisiin apuvälineisiin sisältyy myös symbolisen laskennan ohjelmistot. Tämän vuoksi on ajankohtaista selvittää, millaisilla tavoilla symbolista laskentaa voidaan hyödyntää matematiikan lukio-opetuksessa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli löytää konkreettinen tapa symbolisen laskimen hyödyntämiselle lukion pitkän matematiikan integraalilaskennan opetuksessa. Tutkielman alussa esitellään symbolisen laskimen taustaa ja aiheesta aikaisemmin tehtyjä opinnäytetöitä. Tämän jälkeen tuodaan esille tutkielmassa käytettävät teoreettiset viitekehykset: instrumentaalinen lähestymistapa, pedagogisen kartan taksonomia ja Zimmermannin matematiikan kahdeksan aktiviteettia. Näiden viitekehysten lisäksi esitellään proseduraalisen ja konseptuaalisen tiedon moderni tulkinta. Tutkielmassa tutustutaan myös siihen, millaista integraalilaskentaa symbolisilla laskimilla ja GeoGebra-ohjelmistolla voi tehdä. Näiden taustatietojen ja teoriaosan viitekehyksien avulla suunniteltiin opetuskokeilu, joka toteutettiin yleislukion pitkän matematiikan integraalilaskennan kurssilla. Tutkielmassa kuvaillaan opetuskokeilun sisältö ja raportoidaan siitä tehdyt havainnot ja opiskelijoilta saatu palaute. Opetuskokeilusta havaittiin, että symbolisen laskimen avulla voidaan luoda opetustilanteita, joissa opiskelijat saavat toimia aktiivisemmin oman matemaattisen tietonsa rakentajina. Havaintojen ja opiskelijoilta saadun palautteen perusteella tämä koettiin mielekkääksi tavaksi opiskella matematiikkaa. Symbolinen laskin on siis mahdollista yhdistää osaksi matematiikan opetusta ja sen avulla voidaan luoda uudenlaisia oppimisympäristöjä. Opetuksen suunnittelutyön ja oman opetuksen reflektoimisen tukena voidaan käyttää pedagogista karttaa.
  • Djupsjöbacka, Viktor (2014)
    Symbolisk integrering innebär att hitta den obestämda integralen till en given funktion f, dvs. att hitta en sådan funktion g att g(x) = ∈t f(x) dx. Den här avhandlingen behandlar det specialfall där integranden f är en rationell funktion, vilket betyder att f kan skrivas som kvoten av två polynom. I kapitel 2 introduceras den grundläggande algebra som vi behöver. I kapitel 3 stiftar vi bekantskap med Euklides algoritm för att hitta den största gemensamma delaren, samt utvecklar algoritmer för lösning av diofantiska ekvationer och uppdelning i partialbråk. I kapitel 4 definierar vi resultanten av två polynom. Kapitel 5 behandlar kvadratfri faktorisering av polynom, och vi bevisar Yuns algoritm för kvadratfri faktorisering. I kapitel 6 tar vi in differentialalgebraiska begrepp och använder hermitesk reduktion för att skriva om integralen av en godtycklig rationell funktion i en rationell och en logaritmisk del. I kapitel 7 inför vi logaritmiska och algebraiska utvidgningar och beräknar den logaritmiska delen av integralen med Rothstein-Tragers metod. Resultaten sammanfattas i en deterministisk algoritm för symbolisk integrering av rationella funktioner.
  • Lönn, Gustaf (2013)
    Arbetet behandlar symbolisk integrering av rationella funktioner. Begreppet symbolisk innebär att algoritmerna arbetar med funktioner som objekt istället för att behandla dem numeriskt. En algoritm för symbolisk integrering i detta arbete har alltså ett uttryck för en rationell funktion som indata och ett uttryck för dess primitiva funktion som utdata. Integrering i sig är ett analytiskt problem, så för att kunna behandla det algoritmiskt överför vi det till ett algebraiskt problem. Istället för rationella funktioner behandlar vi rationella uttryck. Då K är en kropp, är ett rationellt uttryck ett element i kroppen K(x), där x är ett obestämt element. För själva integreringen använder vi oss av differentialalgebra och definierar algoritmerna i en differentialkropp. Delsteg som krävs i algoritmerna är bl.a. kvadratfri faktorisering, partialbråksuppdelning och resultantberäkningar. Det visar sig att integralen av ett rationellt uttryck kan delas upp i två delar, en rationell del och en logaritmisk del. Den rationella delen kan beräknas genom enbart manipulation av rationella uttryck (Hermites reduktion), medan den logaritmiska delen kräver att vi introducerar utvidgningar till differentialkroppen (Rothstein-Tragers algoritm). Ett element θ, för vilket D(θ) = \frac{D(u)}{u} gäller, betecknas θ = log(u) och ger en logaritmisk utvidgning till en differentialkropp. Denna typ av utvidgning gör det möjligt för oss att bestämma integralen för vilket rationellt uttryck som helst i den ursprungliga differentialkroppen. Rothstein-Tragers algoritm garanterar dessutom att detta sker med så få algebraiska utvidgningar som möjligt, vilket är ett bra resultat med tanke på algoritmens effektivitet. Liouvilles sats, som säger att explicit integrerbara funktioner alltid har ett visst utseende, presenteras också kort.
  • Sudulaganti, Raviteja (2015)
    RFID technology emerged as the promising technology for its ease of use and implementation in the ubiquitous computing world. RFID is deployed widely in various applications that use automatic identification and processing for information retrieval. The primary components of an RFID system are the RFID tag (active and passive), the reader and the back-end server (database). Cost is the main factor that drove RFID tags to its immense utilization in which passive tags dominate in today's widely deployed RFID practice. Passive tags are low cost RFID tags conjoined to several consumer products (like clothes, smart cards and devices, courier, container, etc) for the purpose of unique identification. Readers on the other hand act as a source to track and record the passive RFID tag's activities (like modifications, updates and authentication). Due to the rapid growth of RFID practice in the past few years, measures for consumer privacy and security has been researched. The uncertainties that arise with the passive RFID tags are handling of user's private information (like name, ID, house address, credit card number, health statement, etc) which are posed to considerable threat from the adversary. Passive tags are inexpensive and contain less overhead and are considered good performers and consequently lack in providing security and privacy. Lightweight cryptography is an area of cryptography developed for low cost resourced environment. Mutual authentication is defined as the process of verifying an authorized tag and a reader (reader and server respectively) by an agreed algorithm to mutually prove their legitimacy with each other. Adversary is a third party who tries to hear the ongoing communication between the tag and the reader (reader and server respectively) anonymously. In this thesis, symmetric lightweight ciphers like Present and Grain are introduced as mutual authentication protocols to rescue the privacy aspects and properties of the RFID tags. These ciphers are simple, faster and suitable to implement within the passive RFID network and reasonably lay a foundation for the preservation of privacy and security of the RFID system. Lightweight ciphers use hash functions, pseudo random generators, SP networks and linear feedback shift registers to randomize data while mutual authentication scheme uses lightweight ciphers to manage authorize the legitimacy of every device in the RFID network.
  • Pigg, Pauliina (2014)
    Tutkielma jakautuu otsikon mukaisesti kahteen osaan, jotka ovat symmetriset polynomit ja resultantti. Osiot eivät ole täysin erillisiä, sillä resultanttia laskiessa voidaan hyödyntää symmetristen polynomien ominaisuuksia. Aluksi määritellään symmetrisen polynomin käsite sekä esitellään symmetriset perusfunktiot. Symmetrinen polynomi käytännössä tarkoittaa polynomia, joka pysyy muuttumattomana, vaikka sen muuttujien järjestystä vaihdettaisiin mielivaltaisesti. ‘Symmetriset polynomit’- osuuden ydin on symmetristen funktioiden peruslause, joka kiteytettynä tarkoittaa, että jokainen symmetrinen polynomi voidaan yksikäsitteisesti esittää symmetristen perusfunktioiden avulla. Lisäksi esitellään polynomiyhtälön kertoimien ja kyseisen yhtälön juurien symmetristen perusfunktioiden välinen yhteys. Resultantti on eräs kahdesta polynomiyhtälöstä muodostettu matemaattinen lauseke. Työssä esitellään resultantin lause sekä osoitetaan se todeksi kahdella eri tapaa. Toinen todistustavoista pohjautuu symmetrisiin perusfunktioihin, ja toinen tapa polynomiyhtälöistä muodostettavien determinanttien käyttöön. Resultantille voidaan laskea arvo suoraan sijoittamalla resultantin lausekkeeseen lukuarvot, jotka saadaan annetuista polynomiyhtälöistä. Resultantin parhaimpia käyttöominaisuuksia kuitenkin on, että sen avulla voidaan selvittää kahden polynomin yhteiset nollakohdat sekä mahdollinen tuntematon muuttuja. Tämän mahdollistaa muuan muassa se, että resultantin arvo on nolla, kun se muodostetaan yhteisen juuren omaaville polynomiyhtälöille. Resultanttia on hyödynnetty jopa todistettaessa RSA-salauksen luotettavuutta. Työn lopussa esitetään myös algoritmi, jolla resulantin arvo voidaan laskea.
  • Välimäki, Mia (2017)
    Suurimassaisia synteettisiä polymeerejä käytetään mitä erilaisimmissa prosesseissa eri teollisuuden aloilla, esimerkiksi vedenkäsittelyyn liittyvissä applikaatioissa. Tällaisten suurimassaisten polymeerien (10 – 20 miljoonaa g/mol) analysointi ja kvantitatiivinen määritys esimerkiksi vesinäytteistä on usein ongelmallista ja monesti mahdotonta polymeeriliuoksen suuren viskositeetin ja huonon erottumisen vuoksi etenkin nestekromatografisilla menetelmillä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää uusi kapillaarielektroforeettinen, kvantitatiivinen analyysimenetelmä suurimassaisten polymeerien analysointiin nestekromatografisten menetelmien rinnalle. Tutkielman kirjallisessa osassa kartoitetaan synteettisten polymeerien ominaisuuksia ja kapillaarielektroforeesin mahdollisuuksia suurten polymeerien karakterisoinnissa. Synteettisten polymeerien erottumisprosessi kapillaarielektroforeesissa poikkeaa pienten yhdisteiden erottumisesta ja voi perustua esimerkiksi molekyylin varaustiheyteen tai haaroittumiseen. Menetelmällä voidaan saada tietoa esimerkiksi polymeerimolekyylin lohkorakenteesta tai misellisestä rakenteesta. Lisäksi kapillaarielektroforeesilla voidaan määrittää polymeerien pitoisuuksia kvantitatiivisesti. Kapillaarigeelieketroforeesia voidaan puolestaan käyttää esimerkiksi polymeerin moolimassan ja –jakauman määrittämiseen. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa kehitettiin kapillaarielektroforeettinen määritysmenetelmä lineaariselle Kemirassa valmistetulle satunnais-kopolymeerille (AMD-ko-AA), jonka varaustiheys oli 58 mol-%. Lisäksi tutkittiin mahdollisuutta analysoida pinta-aktiivisia aineita samasta vesinäytteestä ja samalla menetelmällä. Pinta-aktiivisen aineen mallikemikaalina käytettiin kaupallista natriumdodekyylibentseenisulfonaattia. Polymeerin suuren moolimassan vuoksi se hajotettiin ennen analyysiä kapillaariviskometrilla. Alustavissa testeissä CE:llä kummallekin mallikemikaalille etsittiin soveltuva elektrolyyttiliuos. Jatkotestit tehtiin kaupallisella boraattipuskurilla ja menetelmä optimoitiin kapillaarielektroforeettisten parametrien osalta. Optimoinnin jälkeen menetelmälle tehtiin suppea validointi käytettävissä olleen laiteajan puitteissa. Lopuksi kehitetyllä menetelmällä analysoitiin prosessivesiä ja niistä määritettiin sekä polymeeri- että surfaktanttipitoisuus.
  • Rautanen, Tomi (2018)
    Scientific methods have been developed to aid the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Efficient analysis methods are imperative for detection and characterization of compounds banned by the Convention. Synthesis is essential for producing reference chemicals. Sulfur can be found in the V-type nerve agents and sulfur mustards. In this work, analysis methods as well as synthesis of some sulfur containing chemical warfare agent metabolites is discussed. Liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry are the most common analysis methods used in the chemical warfare agent space and these methods are emphasized in this work. In addition, experimental work is presented. The aim of the experimental work was to synthetize DPAET-CP (Diisopropylaminoethanethiol-Cysteine-Proline), which is an important peptide adduct biomarker of VX. Solid phase peptide synthesis was performed to create the dipeptide, thiolation was used for synthesis of DPAET and the two moieties joined together via disulfide bridge formation. Nuclear magnetic resonance and liquid-chromatography – mass spectrometry analyses of the product were carried out.
  • Sliepen, Marjolein (2016)
    Self-assembled structures of poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PiPOx) and poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) block copolymers in water were studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV-VIS spectroscopy (UV-VIS). The block copolymers were prepared by azide-alkyne cycloaddition between PiPOx and PLLA homopolymers. The homopolymers were prepared via ring-opening polymerization (ROP) techniques. The kinetics of the cationic ROP of PiPOx was investigated. The self-assembled structures were prepared via four different methods: nanoprecipitation, solvent exchange, dialysis, and thin film rehydration. Self-assembled structures prepared from solvent exchange and dialysis had larger hydrodynamic radii than particles prepared from nanoprecipitation, due to a slower change in solvent quality. According to the Rg/Rh values, spherical structures were formed after nanoprecipitation. When the particles were heated to 50 °C, a sphere-to-rod transition took place. Self-assembled structures prepared via solvent exchange exhibited thermo-responsiveness when the PiPOx block was long enough. Surprisingly, the small structures prepared via nanoprecipitation did not show any thermo-responsiveness.
  • Otaki, Miho (2019)
    In terms of nuclear waste management, the behavior of radionuclides with long half-lives, such as I-129, is of special concern especially for the final depository of nuclear waste. In addition, generally speaking, iodine is highly mobile and easily transferable to the natural environment. Furthermore, because iodine is an essential element for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, it accumulates in the human thyroid. Thus, radioactive iodine can also be the greatest potential danger of dose uptake for humans. Among many kinds of iodine species, it is rather challenging to separate iodate selectively from other anions and thus it is necessary to investigate new materials which can adsorb iodate efficiently for the removal of radioactive iodine. In this study, the iodate adsorption ability of hydrous zirconia has been investigated. Hydrous zirconia has been reported as an anion-exchanger, and because of its stability, this material is a promising candidate for selective iodate removal from radioactive waste solutions. White solid of hydrous zirconia was successfully synthesized with an amorphous structure. Its surface showed a character in between amphoteric and basic. The isotherm indicated that the material has a preference to adsorb iodate and the saturation value of adsorption was estimated to 1.8 mmol/g. The material showed lower uptakes as pH got higher. Among several competing anions tested, divalent sulphate ions suppressed the iodate adsorption to some extent due to higher affinity to the material surface. In a basic environment, boric acid also suppressed strongly the adsorption probably because of the formation of tetrahydroxyborate with hydroxide sites on the material surface. These suppressions of iodate adsorption became stronger as the concentration got higher. Post-heating at 400 °C resulted in the transformation of the material structure to tetragonal and a slight improvement of iodate adsorption rate. As the temperature of post-heating got higher, the structure became more monoclinic and showed the lower uptakes, which may be due to the loss of hydroxide sites. A column setup of the material with simulant of wastewater from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been operating and approximately 11,000 bed-volume of the solution has been gone through, but still, the column is yet to reach a 100% breakthrough. Based on the results presented in this study, it can be concluded that synthesized hydrous zirconia showed clear iodate preference and a possible high performance for the waste treatment from nuclear power plants.
  • Joensuu, Matilda (2024)
    In this master’s thesis, linear zwitterionic poly(ethylene imine) methyl-carboxylates (l-PEI-MCs) were synthesized through a four-step synthesis. The synthesis started with the polymerization of 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline (EtOx) monomers into poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (PEtOx) homopolymers with polymerization degree of 50 and 100. Living cationic ring-opening polymerization (LCROP) enabled a good control over the molecular weights. Subsequently, the side chains of PEtOxs were cleaved off by acidic hydrolysis. This resulted in linear poly(ethylene imine)s (l-PEIs) bearing a secondary amine group in repeating units of the polymer chain. These amine units were then functionalized with methyl-carboxylate moieties by first introducing tert-butyl ester functionalities to l-PEI chains, and subsequently cleaving off the tert-butyl groups. The final polymer is a polyzwitterion, featuring both an anionic carboxylate and a cationic tertiary amine group within a single repeating unit. Polymers produced in each step were characterized via 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopy and their thermal properties were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The molecular weights and dispersities (Ð) of PEtOx polymers were additionally estimated by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Via 1H-NMR, the degree of polymerization for PEtOxs and the hydrolysis degree for l-PEIs were determined. FT-IR gave a further insight into the structures of polymers, successfully confirming the ester functionality of modified l-PEI. The disappearance of the tert-butyl proton signal in 1H-NMR spectrum after deprotection verified the successful removal of tert-butyl groups, resulting in the final product with methyl-carboxylate functionalities. By DSC, different thermal transitions, i.e., glass transition (Tg), melting (Tm) and crystallization (Tc), were observed, and the effects of molar mass and polymer modifications on these transitions were being investigated. The state of the art explores the literature regarding synthesis and properties of poly(2-oxazoline)s (POx), poly(ethylene imine)s (PEIs), and polyzwitterions. The theory behind living cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-oxazolines and acidic hydrolysis of POxs is described. Different post-polymerization modification strategies to functionalize PEIs are being discussed. In addition, possible applications for each of these polymer classes are shortly outlined.
  • Xia, Jingwen (2017)
    Hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogels are interesting biomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. Glycidyl ether derivatives have gained much interests due to their thermo-responsive properties. Thermo-responsive random copolymers of glycidyl methyl ether (GME) and epoxyhexane (EH) were synthesized. Once their properties were studied, they were grafted onto hyaluronic acid to obtain gelation at temperatures above the phase transition temperature of poly (GME-EH). PGME is a water-soluble polymer at low temperatures, but phase separates at 57.3oC. The transition temperature of PGME is too high to be utilized in medical applications. Thus a hydrophobic monomer EH was used to decrease the transition temperature of PGME via copolymerization. Several samples of random copolymers poly (GME-EH) were successfully synthesized by anionic ring opening polymerization (AROP). The transition temperature of copolymers was characterized by NMR, turbidimetry and micro-calorimetry respectively to study the phase transition behavior. Tetraoctylammonium bromide was used as initiator resulting with a bromide as the end group. Bromide was substituted by azide group to be used in click chemistry reaction with alkyne-functional HA. The reaction of the azide group on the end of copolymer chain was detected by FT-IR spectroscopy. Grafting was achieved by click chemistry following copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) procedure. Rheology was used to study the gelation of the final product: thermo-responsive hyaluronic acid hydrogel. However, for different reasons the final product failed to form a gel.
  • Jallinoja, Vilma (2018)
    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in male population in the western world. In Finland around 5000 men are diagnosed with it every year. Most patients are diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, when the prognosis is good: the relative 5-year survival is over 90%. The metastasized form of prostate cancer can be considered fatal, since the 5-year survival rate for patients with metastases in distant organs is about 29%. Early diagnosis and clear and definite understanding of patient's tumor profile are fundamental parts of optimized treatment of prostate cancer. Proliferation and antiapoptotic characteristics of prostate cancer tissue is caused by altered androgen receptor signaling. Many treatment forms of prostate cancer are concentrating on inhibiting this signaling pathway. Furthermore expression of androgen receptors is increased in prostate cancer tissue compared to healthy tissue. These factors corroborate that androgen receptor is a good candidate for targeting and imaging prostate cancer. With positron emission tomography tracers it is possible to quantitatively detect receptors in vivo. Selective androgen receptor modulators are class of drug molecules that alter androgen receptor activity. They have high affinity to androgen receptor. The aim of this master's thesis was to produce a fluorine-18 and/or iodine-131 labelled selective androgen receptor modulator derivative that could be used for imaging androgen receptor lesions in metastatic prostate cancer. Two different selective androgen receptor modulators were investigated. The second one, a 4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) benzonitrile derivative was labelled successfully with iodine-131. Its binding to androgen receptor was tentatively shown with LnCapAR cell line. The radiolabelled compound showed binding to androgen receptor with IC50 value of 0.1903 nM.
  • Johnsson, Ryan (2023)
    A polyoxazine based reversibly crosslinking hydrogel material developed for MEW was modified to increase its resistance to thermal degradation and impart control over its swelling properties. A portion of side chain functionalized Diels-Alder crosslinking moieties was replaced by hydrophobic octyl groups to induce the formation of a dual network hydrogel of equal crosslink density upon swelling. This modification was found to have no negative effects on the processing behavior of the material and was able to produce MEW printed scaffolds with equal stacking accuracy and fiber shape fidelity at processing temperatures 20˚C lower than a fully chemically crosslinked material. The thermal degradation of this dual network crosslinked material was significantly reduced, showing minuscule increases in viscosity when held at processing temperatures for several hours. The swelling of the dual network hydrogel was found to be similar to that of fully chemically crosslinked hydrogels despite consisting of significantly fewer chemical crosslinks, demonstrating another potential avenue of control over this material property. Finally, promising alterations in mechanical properties were observed in the dual-network hydrogel versus chemically crosslinked hydrogels, along with observations of water induced crystallization attributed to the octyl chains.
  • Banks, Aidan (2022)
    The opening segments give a summary of the history of catalysis in general and of frustrated Lewis pairs in particular, where both intra- and intermolecular types are discussed. In addition, the essences of the mechanisms of action of frustrated Lewis pairs are discussed, covering electric field, electron transfer and radical-type mechanisms. There is also a discussion on the activity of frustrated Lewis pairs towards dehydrogenation reactions, in which lies the main scope of this thesis. The background and intended parameters of the experimental aspects of this work are initially defined in the thesis scope, along with the practical considerations concerning the reagents, equipment, and special conditions for synthetic procedures also detailed here. The intention was to attempt to elucidate the extent of the impact of different factors, in this case solvent, Lewis acidity, Lewis basicity, and irradiation by blue LED, on dehydrogenation of various N-substituted pyrrolidine substrates. The subsequent section describes the synthetic procedures used for attempted syntheses of the amino-borane ligands. Not all syntheses of the desired ligands were successful, but there was enough success and enough pre-generated material to proceed to the next stage. Due to use of blue LED causing various potential radical side reactions, it was thought appropriate to describe the behaviour of both the sample and substrate blanks under irradiation, as well as the intended reactions during the screening process. Screening provided preliminary data on reaction determining factors, such as solvent, Lewis acidity of the catalyst, and substrate structure. Despite the relative difficulty and time-consuming nature of the catalyst syntheses, some interesting new modes of reactivity appear to be accessible, which may be worth investigating more in the future.
  • Molina-Gutiérrez, Samantha (2015)
    The strength and directionality of hydrogen bonds have made them very attractive in the engineering of supramolecular units. This has been translated to the design of multiple hydrogen-bond arrays in order to modify and tune the interaction between supramolecular building blocks. In the present work several bifunctionalized compounds equipped with 7-Amino-1H-[1,8]naphthyridin-2-one as DADA binding unit and a variation of linker moieties by including aromatic groups as benzene and naphthalene, heterocycles as 1,2,3-triazoles, and dendron moieties, by means of reactions as Glaser coupling, Sonogashira coupling and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, have been synthesized. Compounds with a dendron structure as linker exhibit adequate solubility in non-polar solvents to execute experiments to study their binding nature. 1H-NMR DOSY experiments suggested that the synthesized dendron compounds were present as dimers and trimers in deuterated dichloromethane.
  • Meriläinen, Kati (2020)
    In this thesis, synthesis and solution properties of the polyampholyte poly(acrylic acid)-b-poly[(vinylbenzyl)trimethylammonium chloride], PAA-PVBTMA-Cl, were investigated in aqueous solutions. First, the diblock copolymer was synthesized via RAFT polymerization where poly(acrylic acid), PAA was used as a chain transfer agent (CTA). In addition, the homopolymer poly[(vinylbenzyl)trimethylammonium chloride], PVBTMA-Cl, was synthesized via RAFT polymerization to compare the solution properties with the block copolymer. Molar masses of the polymers were determined using several methods such as NMR, UV-Vis spectroscopy and SEC. The experimental molar masses were close to theoretical values and block ratio in diblock copolymer from NMR was 30% of AA and 70% of VBTMA-Cl. Furthermore, the solution properties of the polyampholyte were studied under external stimuli such as pH and temperature. UCST type of behaviour was observed for aqueous PAA-PVBTMA-Cl solutions when the hydrophobic trifluoromethanesulfonate (OTf) anion was introduced. In addition, self-assembly of the diblock copolymer was confirmed by zeta potential measurements in different pH conditions. The expected reverse of the micelle structure with changing pH was not observed. However, aqueous PAA-PVBTMA-Cl showed UCST behaviour and micellization induced by the hydrophobic counterion.
  • Parviainen, Riku (2022)
    The literature section of this thesis provides an overview of modern ion-mobility spectrometry techniques in context with recent applications in analytical chemistry. While ion-mobility spectrometry is an “old” separation technique, it has received in recent years increasing attention for its unique ability to achieve separation of isomeric molecular species. Ion-mobility spectrometry can be readily hyphenated with chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, introducing an additional separation dimension with the unique capability of differentiating isobaric analyte ions based on their collision cross sections. After a brief introduction into the theory of ion-mobility spectrometry, most recent applications in the field are presented with the focus being on the discrimination of small isomeric molecules. The research project section of the thesis reports the synthesis of isomerically pure standard materials of the commercially unavailable pepper alkaloids piperettine and piperettyline, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of piperettine in selected pepper fruit samples. Strategies for the synthesis of piperettine reported in the literature are reviewed, and critically evaluated in terms of practicability and overall yields. A new, expedient, and operationally convenient synthetic approach to isomerically pure piperettine and piperettyline from inexpensive starting materials is described. In course of stability studies, both alkaloids were found to be stable in the crystalline states and as solutions in a range of organic solvents under exclusion of ambient light. However, diluted solutions of both compounds proved extremely photosensitive, with extensive double bond isomerization occurring within seconds upon sunlight exposure. An analytical method for the quantification of piperettine in pepper fruit samples was developed, involving liquid extraction, extract clean-up by solid-phase extraction, and HPLC-UV analysis. The use of a chiral stationary phase (Chiralpak IB) under optimized reversed phase condition allowed for the first time clean separation of piperettine from its naturally co-occurring isomers, and thus for its unambiguous quantification. Subsequently, this method was employed to quantify piperettine in black, green, white, and red long pepper samples. The observed piperettine content were 1.4 – 3.7 mg/g in the pepper fruit samples, representing 46 – 69% of the total sum of isomers.
  • Jaidzeka, Rene Burinyuy (2017)
    It is quite rare to find 6-substituted pyrimidines in nature due to the difficulty involved in directly introducing a substituent to the 6-position whereas other synthetic analogues of naturally occurring nucleosides like 5-substituted derivatives are more common. The aim was to synthesize 3',5'-O,O-bis(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-6-phenyl-2'-deoxyuridine by carrying out a direct nucleophilic substitution of 3',5'-O,O-bis(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-6-cyano-2'-deoxyuridine with the Grignard reagent: phenyl magnesium bromide in the presence of zinc (II) chloride catalyst. The first step was silylation of commercially available 2'-deoxyuridine and subsequent bromination at the 5-position to give 3',5'-O,O-bis(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine. This was reacted with the nucleophile KCN to yield a product with the cyano substitute at the 6-position via intramolecular nucleophilic substitution. The final step was to introduce an aryl substituent to the 6-position to yield the target molecule.