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  • Colin, Darius Franck Arkadius (2018)
    Parisian cycling increased importantly in the past twenty years. Reviewing fifty years of Parisian transport planning and details of the bike-sharing programme Vélib’, I argue in the background research that municipal biking planning and the public bicycles Vélib’ can explain this development of urban biking (1997-2015). The city also has high ambitions for the biking modal share, aiming for fifteen per cent of all Parisian transport by 2020. I want to discover what the determinants of Parisian biking are, and if the latter can be modelled and predicted; thereby, I can verify if predictions match municipal objectives for 2020. I calculate correlations between the Parisian cycling index and its possible determinants with annual values on biking and other variables from 1997 to 2015 in the first part of the analysis (chapter V). This analysis shows that cycling infrastructure, Vélib’ memberships and gasoline price are the strongest positive biking determinants, while car traffic is the strongest negative determinant. In the second part of the analysis, knowing these determinants, I can find multiple linear regression models with high R-squared values (around 0,97 and 0,98) and low standard errors. The best regression model combines linear infrastructure, car traffic volume and Vélib’ memberships. The predictions in the last part of the analysis chapter reveal that in the current tendencies, the Parisian biking modal share will reach about 7 per cent by 2020, instead of the 15 per cent aimed. But I illustrate how the objective can be accomplished, by either improving drastically one of the determinants or the three of them simultaneously to reach a modal share of 15 per cent. The results and the models found appear to be more satisfactory and accurate than the ones of previous researches, presented in the literature review. The findings may be useful for public authorities and decision-makers during processes of biking planning, and it might contribute to future research in this topic.
  • Keskinen, Matti (2012)
    Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään algebrallisen ryhmän käsite sekä hieman tavallisesta poikkeava tapa ymmärtää permutaatioita. Työn tärkeimpinä kohtina voi pitää Caleyn lausetta, joka yhdistää permutaation ja ryhmän käsitteet, sekä p-ryhmän käsitettä. Työssä käsitellään myös pintapuolisesti suoraan tuloon liittyviä ryhmiä. Varsinaisia esitietovaatimuksia työn ymmärtämiseksi ei ole, mutta tietynlainen matemaattinen yleissivistys on toivottavaa. Kenen tahansa kandidaattitasoisen matematiikan opiskelijan kuitenkin pitäisi pystyä ymmärtämään tämän tutkielman oleellinen sisältö. Esitelmäni perustuu Joseph J. Rotmanin kirjaan An Introduction to the Theory of Groups [2]. Tukena olen käyttänyt Tauno Metsänkylän ja Marjatta Näätäsen teosta Algebra I [1]. Permutaatioita käsittelevässä luvussa olen tukeutunut Pekka Tuomisen Todennäköisyyslaskenta I- kirjaan [3]. Permutaatioita oli tutkittu jo aikaisemminkin, mutta ryhmien teorian tutkimuksen aloitti varsinaisesti Galois (1811-1832). 1800-luvun lopussa ryhmäteoriaa tutkittiin lähinnä kahdessa päähaarassa. Nämä päähaarat olivat algebralliset ryhmät, erityisesti Lien ryhmät, sekä äärelliset ryhmät. 1900-luvulla ilmaantui kuitenkin kolmas päähaara, äärettömät ryhmät. Nykyään ryhmät esiintyvät monilla matematiikan aloilla, esimerkiksi geometriassa, topologiassa ja logiikassa.
  • Lampsijärvi, Eetu (2020)
    The feasibility of quantitatively measuring ultrasound in air with a Schlieren arrangement has been demonstrated before, but previous work demonstrating calibration of the system combined with computation to yield the 3D pressure field does not exist. The present work demonstrates the feasibility of this both in theory and practice, and characterizes the setup used to gain the results. Elementary ray optical and Schlieren theory is exhibited to support the claims. Derivation of ray optical equations related to quantitative Schlieren measurements are shown step by step to help understand the basics. A numerical example based on the theoretical results is then displayed: Synthetic Schlieren images are computed for a theoretical ultrasonic field using direct numerical integration, then the ultrasonic field is recovered from the Synthetic Schlieren images using the inverse Abel transform. Accuracy of the inverse transform is evaluated in presence of synthetic noise. The Schlieren arrangement, including the optics, optomechanics, and electronics, to produce the results is explained along with the stroboscopic use of the light source to freeze ultrasound in the photographs. Postprocessing methods such as background subtraction and median and Gaussian filtering are used. The repeatability and uncertainty of the calibration is examined by performing repeated calibration while translating or rotating the calibration targets. The ultrasound fields emitted by three transducers (100 kHz, 175 kHz, and 300 kHz) when driven by 5 cycle sine bursts at 400 Vpp are measured at two different points in time. The measured 3D pressure fields measured for each transducer are shown along with a line profile near the acoustic axis. Pressure amplitudes range near 1 kPa, which is near the acoustic pressure, are seen. Nonlinearity is seen in the waveforms as expected for such high pressures. Noise estimates from the numerical example suggest that the pressure amplitudes have an uncertainty of 10% due to noise in the photographs. Calibration experiments suggest that additional uncertainty of about 2% per degree of freedom (Z, X, rotation) is to be expected unless especial care is taken. The worst-case uncertainty is estimated to be 18%. Limitations and advantages of the method are discussed. As Schlieren is a non-contacting method it is advantageous over microphone measurements, which may affect the field they are measuring. As every photograph measures the whole field, no scanning of the measurement device is required, such as with a microphone or with an LDV. Suggestions to improve the measurement setup are provided.
  • Hakala, Jani (2012)
    The most important parameters describing the aerosol particle population are the size, concentration and composition of the aerosol particles. The size and water content of the aerosol particles are dependent of the relative humidity of the ambient air. Hygroscopicity is a measure to describe the water absorption ability of an aerosol particle. Volatility of an aerosol defines how the aerosol particles behave as a function of temperature. A Volatility-Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (VH-TDMA) is an instrument for size-selected investigation of particle number concentration, volatility, hygroscopicity and the hygroscopicity of the particle core, i.e. what is left of the particle after the volatilization. While knowing these qualities of aerosol particles, one can predict their behavior in different atmospheric conditions. Volatility and hygroscopicity can also be used for indirect analysis of chemical composition. The aim of this study was to build and characterize a VH-TDMA, and report the results of its field deployment at the California Nexus (CalNex) 2010 measurement campaign. The calibration measurements validated that with the VH-TDMA one can obtain accurate volatility and hygroscopicity measurements for particles between 20 nm and 145 nm. The CalNex 2010 results showed that the instrument is capable in field measurements at varying measurement conditions; and valuable data about hygroscopicty, volatility and the mixing state of several types of aerosols were measured. The data obtained was in line with the observations based on the data measured with other instruments.
  • Sarapisto, Teemu (2022)
    In this thesis we investigate the feasibility of machine learning methods for estimating the type and the weight of individual food items from images taken of customers’ plates at a buffet- style restaurant. The images were collected in collaboration with the University of Turku and Flavoria, a public lunch-line restaurant, where a camera was mounted above the cashier to automatically take a photo of the foods chosen by the customer when they went to pay. For each image, an existing system of scales at the restaurant provided the weights for each individual food item. We describe suitable model architectures and training setups for the weight estimation and food identification tasks and explain the models’ theoretical background. Furthermore we propose and compare two methods for utilizing a restaurant’s daily menu information for improving model performance in both tasks. We show that the models perform well in comparison to baseline methods and reach accuracy on par with other similar work. Additionally, as the images were captured automatically, in some of the images the food was occluded or blurry, or the image contained sensitive customer information. To address this we present computer vision techniques for preprocessing and filtering the images. We publish the dataset containing the preprocessed images along with the corresponding individual food weights for use in future research. The main results of the project have been published as a peer-reviewed article in the International Conference in Pattern Recognition Systems 2022. The article received the best paper award of the conference.
  • Kukkola, Johanna (2022)
    Can a day be classified to the correct season on the basis of its hourly weather observations using a neural network model, and how accurately can this be done? This is the question this thesis aims to answer. The weather observation data was retrieved from Finnish Meteorological Institute’s website, and it includes the hourly weather observations from Kumpula observation station from years 2010-2020. The weather observations used for the classification were cloud amount, air pressure, precipitation amount, relative humidity, snow depth, air temperature, dew-point temperature, horizontal visibility, wind direction, gust speed and wind speed. There are four distinct seasons that can be experienced in Finland. In this thesis the seasons were defined as three-month periods, with winter consisting of December, January and February, spring consisting of March, April and May, summer consisting of June, July and August, and autumn consisting of September, October and November. The days in the weather data were classified into these seasons with a convolutional neural network model. The model included a convolutional layer followed by a fully connected layer, with the width of both layers being 16 nodes. The accuracy of the classification with this model was 0.80. The model performed better than a multinomial logistic regression model, which had accuracy of 0.75. It can be concluded that the classification task was satisfactorily successful. An interesting finding was that neither models ever confused summer and winter with each other.
  • Valve, Heikki (2012)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Cantorin joukkoa ja sen soveltamista muutamiin matemaattisiin tarkoituksiin. Cantorin joukon määrittelyssä otetaan huomioon sen monet topologiset ominaisuudet. Tarkoituksena on muotoilla Cantorin joukkoon liittyvät matemaattiset erikoisuudet mahdollisimman ymmärrettävällä tavalla matematiikkaa vain vähän opiskelleelle. Cantorin joukko on hämmentänyt matemaatikkoja sen ensimmäisestä esiintymisestä lähtien. Joukko muodostetaan vaiheittain poistamalla yksikkövälistä [0, 1] avoimia kolmanneksia. Prosessin ensimmäisessä vaiheessa välistä [0, 1] poistetaan väli (1/3, 2/3). Seuraavassa vaiheessa kahdesta välistä [0, 1/3] ja [2/3, 1] poistetaan jälleen niiden keskimmäiset kolmannekset eli välit (1/9, 2/9) ja (7/9, 8/9). Kun tätä prosessia jatketaan loputtomasti, välistä [0, 1] lopulta jäljelle jäävät pisteet muodostavat Cantorin joukon. Cantorin joukkoon kuuluvat ainakin kaikkien poistettujen välien päätepisteet. Yhtenä joukon erikoisuutena on kuitenkin se, että siihen kuuluu vielä ylinumeroituvasti ääretön määrä pisteitä, jotka eivät ole poistettujen välien päätepisteitä. Tämän seurauksena myös Cantorin joukko on siis ylinumeroituvasti ääretön. Topologiset ominaisuudet ovat Cantorin joukolla myös erikoisia. Voidaan osoittaa, että joukolla ei ole sisäpisteitä eli pisteitä, joilla olisi jokin Cantorin joukkoon kuuluva ympäristö. Lisäksi voidaan osoittaa, että jokainen Cantorin joukon piste on kasautumispiste eli piste, jonka jokaisessa ympäristössä on jokin toinen Cantorin joukon piste. Pirunporrasfunktionakin tunnetun Cantorin funktion lähtö- ja maalijoukko on yksikköväli [0, 1] eli gamma : [0, 1] -> [0, 1]. Funktion määrittely aloitetaan kuitenkin usein Cantorin joukon avulla. Nimen pirunporrasfunktio on saanut portaikkoa muistuttavasta kuvaajastaan. Vaikka gamma muistuttaa portaikkoa ja ensisilmäyksellä vaikuttaa katkonaiselta, niin se on kuitenkin jatkuva ja jopa tasaisesti jatkuva. Viimeisenä asiana tässä tutkielmassa esitetään lyhyesti Cantorin joukkoon liittyvä Lebesguen käyrä. Lebesguen käyrää sanotaan avaruuden täyttäväksi käyräksi, koska se kulkee jokaisen maalijoukkonsa, tässä tapauksessa yksikköneliön [0; 1] x [0; 1], pisteen kautta.
  • El Fellah, Samira (2017)
    In the first part of this thesis the principles of capillary electrophoresis (CE) are presented from the aspects of steroid and sterol analysis focusing mainly on two separation techniques: micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC). Analytes are delineated in steroids, corticosteroids, phytosterols, and cholesterol. Conventional chromatographic methods: gas chromatography (GC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) are somewhat challenging for steroid and sterol analysis, since direct analysis of steroids/sterols and their conjugates is rarely feasible. Hence, alternative separation and analysis methods need to be approached. MEKC and CEC have provided intriguing new opportunities for steroids and sterols, respectively. The experimental part covers the study on finding out the steroid composition and concentrations of wastewater samples collected from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) around Finland. In addition, the efficiencies of the WWTPs were resolved. There were two types of wastewater samples: influent and effluent. Influent is the unclean water and effluent is the cleaned water that has passed through the process steps. The sample pretreatment includes filtering (glass fiber and membrane filters), solid phase extraction (SPE) (with C18 (Strata-X) and quaternary amine (N+) sorbents), and liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) (with diethyl ether). SPE was effective in purifying and concentrating the water samples, with a concentration factor of 20,000. The analysis was performed with partial filling-micellar electrokinetic chromatography, utilizing UV detection. It was found that the method was suitable for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of endogenous steroids and their corresponding metabolites. Androstenedione, testosterone glucuronide, and progesterone were found from the samples. Some notable results are that biological treatment most likely increases the amount of androstenedione, whereas enzymatic processes remove efficiently progesterone. Overall, the lowest steroid concentrations were obtained from the samples of Espoo, Pori, and Uusikaupunki. On the contrary, highest concentrations were in Kajaani, Mikkeli, and Porvoo.
  • Battistuzzi, Cristina (2019)
    The large variety of shapes, functions, and conformations of proteins explains the challenges in protein identification and separation in solution. Gel electrophoresis, and more specifically SDS-PAGE, is an established technique applied to large proteins. Capillary gel electrophoresis offers the advantage of miniaturization coupled with higher speed of analysis and sample throughput. Protein analysis in silica capillaries is affected by the presence of charges on the silica surface, causing absorption, reliability and repeatability issues. Electroosmotic flow may also contribute, requiring buffer additives such as sodium dodecyl sulphate and dynamic or permanent coatings on the capillary wall. Coatings employed in capillary zone electrophoresis can be neutral or charged. They include copolymers such as poly((1-vinylpyrrolidone)-co-(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)), polyacrylamide, diazoresin as a coupling agent to form covalently bound coatings with polyvinyl alcohol, carboxyl fullerene and graphene oxide, and proprietary coatings. Capillary gel electrophoresis offers the advantages of a sieving matrix to enhance the separation of large proteins with similar charge-to-mass ratio. Dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions with or without self-coating properties can be employed, such as polyacrylamide, polydimethyl acrylamide, and hydrophilic cellulose derivatives such as hydroxypropyl cellulose and hydroxyethyl cellulose. UV detection is enhanced by stacking techniques such as field-amplified sample stacking and the addition of sodium chloride to the sample. The focus of experimental laboratory works for this thesis was the identification of BSA, the lipoproteins HDL and LDL, and an apolipoprotein ApoB-100 using capillary gel electrophoresis. The polymer solution employed was cross-linked polyacrylamide. Instrumental factors such as run voltage, injection type, presence of sieving matrix and SDS in the BGE, sample concentration and presence of NaCl in the sample were examined. Repeatability was an issue throughout the study caused by current instability, although SDS in the BGE and addition of NaCl to the sample prior to injection had a positive effect. Stability of the BGE and the sieving matrix, together with addition of NaCl to the sample could be explored further.
  • Savolainen, Valtteri (2019)
    Tässä työssä esitellään klassinen matemaattisen rahoitusteorian aihe, Capital Asset Pricing-malli. Mallista on useita versiota, tässä työssä käsitellään Hilbertin avaruuksiin perustuvaa versiota. Yleisesti, erityisesti taloustieteen puolella, CAP-mallilla tarkoitetaan arvopapereiden hinnoittelumallia. Tässä työssä se kuitenkin määritellään tasapainotilaisten sijoituskohteiden tuottojen ominaisuutena. Hilbertin avaruudet ovat täydellisiä normiavaruuksia, jotka on varustettu sisätulolla. Esitellään Hilbertin avaruudet ja muita funktionaalianalyysin keskeisimpiä käsitteitä, kuten ortogonaalisuus ja Riesz-Frechetin teoreema, jotta CAP-mallin rakentaminen on mahdollista. Lisäksi esitellään arvopaperimarkkinat, sekä niiden toimijat. Tärkeimmät käsitteet ovat arvopapereiden tuotot ja hinnat, sekä toimijoiden kulutus ja utiliteetti. Termiä Capital Asset Pricing-malli käytetään silloin, kun markkinatuotto on odotusarvorintaman tuotto. Tällöin jokaiselle sijoituskohteelle voidaan johtaa arvopaperimarkkinasuoran yhtälö, joka on beta-hinnoittelun erikoistapaus. CAP-mallissa tuottoja mitataan odotusarvon avulla ja riskin mittarina toimii varianssi. Cap-mallin voimassaolo markkinoilla ei ole itsestäänselvyys ja liittyy läheisesti toimijoiden preferensseihin, sekä arvopapereiden voittojen jakaumaan. Lopuksi esitellään faktorimalli, joka on hyvin samankaltainen CAP-mallin kanssa.
  • Ehnström, Emil Mattias (2021)
    The number of people belonging to a language minority in Finland is increasing and people are becoming more and more spatially mobile. This has also led to an increase in transnationals and higher rates of cross-border mobility. With new methods involving social media big data, we can map spatial mobility patterns in new ways and deepen the understanding of how people relate to space. Differences in spatial mobility can for example give us an indication of the rate of integration into society. Some claim that a more spatially mobile life is a sign of success, but can we see differences in spatial mobility between people in Finland? The three language minorities considered in this thesis are Swedish, Russian, and Estonian. The history and culture of these groups are different as well as their status in Finnish society. Swedish speakers, with a national language status, have a different role in society, but do this well integrated minority differ from the other ones spatially? By using Twitter data and looking at the spatial mobility within Finland, we see where differences occur between language groups. To understand how strong ties the language groups have with neighbouring countries, we look at cross-border mobility to Estonia, Russia, and Sweden. The results show that there are differences in the spatial mobility of language minorities in Finland. Estonian speakers most frequently visit Estonia, while at the same time they are less mobile within Finland. The variation was large for Russian speakers, with some visiting Russia often and others almost never. Swedish speakers seem to have relatively weak ties to Sweden, compared to the other language groups and have very similar spatial mobility to the majority Finnish speaking population.
  • Erhovaara, Suvi (2023)
    Northern peatlands are important carbon storing ecosystems, contributing to carbon cycle as sinks and sources. The two most important greenhouse gases in the carbon cycle are carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The study area of this work consists of two sloping fens in the Kuusamo area. from which the peat geochemistry and peat properties (peat stratigraphy, ash content, and bulk density) are studied. In addition, the chronology, carbon-nitrogen ratio, carbon content, and carbon accumulation are studied in the Puukkosuo from the three sampling sites. In the characterization of peat geochemistry, Puukkosuo in the dolomitic rock area and Suvisuo in the volcanic rock area were divided into different geochemical zones based on the cluster analysis. The paludification in the Puukkosuo area has started around 10 000 years ago, and the accumulation of peat have been ongoing in the whole peat basin after 1000 years. The geochemical zones in the Puukkosuo can be divided into five different groups, from which the deepest part of the peatland basin can be separated due to the high heavy metal concentrations in the oldest peat. Most of the bulk peat is differentiated into alternating groups, from which the changes in the peat nutrients are recorded. The margins of the Puukkosuo are separated based on the geochemical properties. The top part of the northwestern edge can be characterized as high concentrations of atmospheric origin elements, whereas the effect of the nearby road can be noted in the concentrations of the top part of the southeastern edge. The amount of carbon accumulated has varied throughout the development of Puukkosuo, and the highest rates are recorded in the lower part of the peat profiles in all study sites. Highest carbon-nitrogen -ratios are recorded near the basal peat samples especially in the deepest part of the Puukkosuo. The long-term carbon accumulation differs from the other long-term averages in the boreal zone. The largest differences were recorded in the deepest part of the basin in the long-term carbon accumulation rates during the Early Holocene. The respective value in the Puukkosuo is four times higher (60 g m-2 yr-1) in contrast to others. During the Late Holocene the long-term carbon accumulation rates correspond to the other average values in the boreal peatlands (25 g m-2 yr-1).
  • Li, Xiaoyu (2020)
    Urban areas account for 70% of worldwide energy-related CO2 emissions and play a significant role in the global carbon budget. With the enhanced consumption of fossil fuel and the dramatic change in land use related to urbanization, control and mitigation of CO2 emissions in the urban area is becoming a major concern for urban dwellers and city managers. It is of great importance and demand to estimate the local CO2 emissions in urban areas to assess the effectiveness of mitigation regulation. Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme (SUEWS) incorporated with a CO2 exchange module provides an advanced method to model total urban CO2 flux and quantify the different local-scale emission sectors involving transportation, human metabolism, buildings and vegetation. Using appropriate input data such as detailed site information and meteorological condition, it can simulate the local or neighbourhood scale CO2 emissions in a specific period, or even under a future scenario. In this study, the SUEWS model is implemented in an urban region, Jätkäsaari, which is an extension of Helsinki city centre, to simulate anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 emissions in the past and future. The construction of this district started in 2009 and was planned to be completed in 2030. Therefore, this region is a good case to investigate the impacts of urban planning on urban CO2 emissions. Based on the urban surface information, meteorological data, and abundant emission parameters, a simulation in this 1650 × 1400 m area with the spatial resolution of 50 × 50 m and the time resolution of an hour was conducted with the aim to get information on the total annual CO2 emissions, and the temporal and spatial variability of CO2 fluxes from different sources and sink in 2008 and 2030. The positive CO2 fluxes indicate the CO2 sources, while the negative indicate the CO2 sinks. In both of the previous and future case, the spatial variation of net CO2 fluxes in Jätkäsaari is dominated by the distribution of traffic and human activities. From April to September, the vegetation acts as the CO2 sink with negative net ecosystem exchange. In 2008, the modelled cumulative CO2 flux is 3.0 kt CO2 year-1, consisting of 1.9 kt CO2 year-1 from metabolism, 1.9 kt CO2 year-1 from traffic, 0.5 kt CO2 year-1 from soil and vegetation respiration, as well as -1.3 kt CO2 year-1 from photosynthesis. In 2030, the total annual CO2 emissions increase to 11.1 kt CO2 year-1 because of the rising traffic volume and amount of inhabitants. Road traffic became the dominant CO2 sources, accounting for 53% of the total emissions. For the diurnal variation, in 2008, the study area remains the CO2 sources with the exception of summertime morning when the net CO2 flux is negative, while in 2030, the net CO2 flux is positive in the whole day.
  • Martikainen, Noora (2017)
    In the Neoprotezoic Era (1.0Ga – 540Ma) the earth’s climate changed by multiple large glaciations and supercontinent formations and break-ups. Climate changes can be seen from the carbon isotope record, where the steep negative excursions indicate glaciation. The Neoproterozoic Era is known for the Snowball Earth events, when the earth has been covered by snow even in the equator. At the same time, there was Rodinia supercontinent break-up and continent regroup, which led to Mozambique Ocean to form and close during the East African orogen 650 – 620 Ma ago. The Taita Hills is located in South Kenya and lies in the Mozambique Belt. Taita Hills is divided into the Kurase and Kasigau groups. The Kurase group is considered to be metasediments from a continental shelf and the Kasigau group from the continental margin. The Kurase group contains multiple sedimentary carbonate rock layers, which are surveyed by Horkel et al. (1979) and offers a base for this study. The sedimentary carbonate rock samples were analysed with MP-AES for the elemental concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Sr and Mn and for the δ13C and δ18O composition of carbonate. Three of the samples were calcites (Mg/Ca ratio 0.00 – 0.04) and 45 were dolomites (Mg/Ca 0.38 – 0.61). The δ13C values varies from -1.55 to 6.96‰ and the δ18O composition were between -10.2 and -0.66‰. The Mn/Sr ratio indicates that the samples have retained primary δ13C composition. The δ13C composition differs remarkably between the calcite and the dolomite samples, which might indicate that the calcite carbonates have a secondary composition even if the Mn/Sr ratio is low. The positive δ13C values represents the interglacial time. The δ13C compositions of the global δ13C record indicate that the Taita Hills region sedimentary carbonate rocks were precipitated before or after the Sturtian Snowball Earth event.
  • Haapanen, Eemil (2024)
    Cartographic interaction, the dialogue between a human and a map, is a process enabling indispensable ways of reasoning with spatial information. Interactive maps are digital applications, increasingly often made with web technologies. Studying and crafting cartographic interaction calls for user-inclusive studies designed around interactive map use, also necessitating the assessment of the rapidly evolving technologies enabling interactive maps. This study combines the technology- and user-centric aspects of cartographic interaction. I ask what the performance bottlenecks of a web map application are, and how different web mapping libraries compare as a platform for real-time cartographic interaction. I also ask how users interact with a highly interactive map interface, and whether cartographic interaction changes the way they perceive the mapped phenomenon. Developing a web map application, a map interface to a massive dataset on spatial accessibility (the Helsinki region Travel Time Matrix), is central to this study. I answer my technology-centric questions by assessing the technological aspects of interactive maps through the development process. To answer my user-centric questions, I carry out a user survey (n=31) by combining the web map application with an online questionnaire. My results show that the geometrical complexity of data, i.e. the number and detail of geometries to render, was the main factor limiting map responsiveness. Notable differences between web mapping libraries existed in the context of dynamic real-time interaction. Survey participants preferred to use the most dynamic mode of map interaction, and perceived the mapped phenomenon differently depending on how they interacted with the map. These results illustrate the dependence between map interface capabilities and technological design choices such as data simplification and software selection. The results also support the wider call for more dynamic map interfaces, indicating that real-time cartographic interaction can be a functional approach to exploring complex data. As a whole, the results highlight the need for the ongoing study of both mapping technologies and map use in order to discover and utilize the potential of cartographic interaction.
  • Garmuyev, Pavel (2022)
    RESTful web APIs have gained significant interest over the past decade, especially among large businesses and organizations. However, an important part of being able to use these public web APIs is the knowledge on how to access, consume, and integrate them into applications. Since developers are the primary audience that will be doing the integration it is important to support them throughout their API adoption journey. For this, many of today's companies that are heavily invested in web APIs provide an API developer portal as part of their API management program. However, very little accessible and comprehensive information on how to build and structure API developer portals exist yet. This thesis presents a conducted exploratory multi-case case study of three publicly available API developer portals of three different commercial businesses. The objective of the case study was to identify the developer (end-user) oriented features and capabilities present on the selected developer portals, in order to understand the kinds of information and capabilities API developer portals could provide for developers in general. The exploration was split into three key focus areas: developer onboarding, web API documentation, and developer support and engagement. Based on these, three research questions were formulated respectively. The data consisted of field notes that described observations about the portals. These notes were grouped by location and action, and analyzed to identify a key feature or capability as well as any smaller, compounding features and capabilities. The results describe the identified features and capabilities present on the studied API developer portals. Additionally, some differences between the portals are noted. The key contribution of this thesis are the results themselves, which can be used as a checklist when building new API developer portal. However, the main limitation of this study is that its data collection and analysis processes were subjective and the findings are not properly validated. Such improvements will remain for future work.
  • Tuppi, Lauri (2017)
    Nowadays even medium-range (~6 days) forecasts are mostly reliable but occasionally the quality of the forecasts collapses suddenly. During a collapse or a bust, the actual forecast is worse than a ‘forecast’ made by using climatological mean values. In this study sudden collapse of predictability will be investigated by using one example case from April 2011. OpenIFS NWP model and ERA-Interim reanalysis were used as primary tools. 13 deterministic forecasts with the best available initial conditions were run but one forecast initialized on the worst day is particularly concentrated on. One ensemble forecast of five members also initialized on the worst day is also investigated in this study. Output of OpenIFS was compared to ERA-Interim. Previous studies have shown that the reasons for European forecast busts can be found in North America. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine if the incorrect representation of convection over North America lead to a forecast bust over Europe. Besides the main goal, this study discusses how the errors originating from North American convection lead to a forecast bust in Europe 6 days later and this study will also be looking for cause of the forecast bust from initial conditions of ensemble forecast. In this case the sudden collapse of predictability in Europe is caused by NWP models predicting change of weather regime wrong. Also OpenIFS predicts formation of a blocking high over Northern Europe although there are no signs of blocking in reanalysis. In Northern America, where the source of the error is, forecast of evolution of a cluster of thunderstorms fails so also convective forcing to large scale dynamics fails. The error grows and is transported to Europe by Rossby waves. Although none of the members of the ensemble forecast was able to forecast the weather properly in Europe, so much deviation was obtained in the outcomes that comparison of the initial conditions was meaningful. The most important finding was that deeper trough over the Rocky Mountains improves the forecast in Europe. This study was able to show evidence that misrepresented convection over North America caused the forecast to fail in Europe. Moreover, this study was able to clarify how the errors caused by misrepresented convection evolved and lead to the forecast bust in Europe. The error at the beginning of the forecast in North America grows so fast that it is unlikely that it would be due to model parameterizations but the initial conditions must contain errors. These failed forecast are difficult to avoid completely but the easiest way to reduce them is to improve quality of the observations in the Rocky mountains.
  • Karikoski, Antti (2019)
    Data compression is one way to gain better performance from a database. Compression is typically achieved with a compression algorithm, an encoding or both. Effective compression directly lowers the physical storage requirements translating to reduced storage costs. Additionally, in case of a data transfer bottleneck where CPU is data starved, compression can yield improved query performance through increased transfer bandwidth and better CPU utilization. However, obtaining better query performance is not trivial since many factors affect the viability of compression. Compression has been found especially successful in column oriented databases where similar data is stored closely in physical media. This thesis studies the effect of compression on a columnar storage format Apache Parquet through a micro benchmark that is based on the TPC-H benchmark. Compression is found to have positive effects on simple queries. However, with complex queries, where data scanning is relatively small portion of the query, no performance gains were observed. Furthermore, this thesis examines the decoding performance of the encoding layer that belongs to a case database, Fastorm. The goal is to determine its efficiency among other encodings and whether it could be improved upon. Fastorm's encoding is compared against various encodings of Apache Parquet in a setting where data is from a real world business. Fastorm's encoding is deemed to perform well enough coupled with strong evidence to consider adding delta encoding to its repertoire of encoding techniques.
  • Valentine, Nicolas (2023)
    A case study that studied the performance impact of a node.js component when it was refactored from monolith environment into independent service. The performance study studied the response time of the blocking part of JavaScript code in the component. The non blocking part of the code and the added network overhead from the refactoring were excluded from the performance review. Literature review didn’t show any related research that studied the performance impact of a node.js component when it was refactored from monolith into microservices. Many found studies were found that studied the response time and throughput of REST API build with node.js with comparisons to other programming languages. A study were found that related to refactoring an application from monolith into microservices. None of the found studies were directly related to the studied case. It was noted that the response time of the component improved by 46.5% when it was refactored from monolith into microservice. It is possible that when a node.js monolith application grows it starts to affect the throughput of the event loop affecting performance critical components. For the case component it was beneficial to refactor it into independent service in order to gain the 92.6ms in the mean response time.
  • Virtanen, Jussi (2022)
    In the thesis we assess the ability of two different models to predict cash flows in private credit investment funds. Models are a stochastic type and a deterministic type which makes them quite different. The data that has been obtained for the analysis is divided in three subsamples. These subsamples are mature funds, liquidated funds and all funds. The data consists of 62 funds, subsample of mature funds 36 and subsample of liquidated funds 17 funds. Both of our models will be fitted for all subsamples. Parameters of the models are estimated with different techniques. The parameters of the Stochastic model are estimated with the conditional least squares method. The parameters of the Yale model are estimated with the numerical methods. After the estimation of the parameters, the values are explained in detail and their effect on the cash flows are investigated. This helps to understand what properties of the cash flows the models are able to capture. In addition, we assess to both models' ability to predict cash flows in the future. This is done by using the coefficient of determination, QQ-plots and comparison of predicted and observed cumulated cash flows. By using the coefficient of determination we try to explain how well the models explain the variation around the residuals of the observed and predicted values. With QQ-plots we try to determine if the values produced of the process follow the normal distribution. Finally, with the cumulated cash flows of contributions and distributions we try to determine if models are able to predict the cumulated committed capital and returns of the fund in a form of distributions. The results show that the Stochastic model performs better in its prediction of contributions and distributions. However, this is not the case for all the subsamples. The Yale model seems to do better in cumulated contributions of the subsample of the mature funds. Although, the flexibility of the Stochastic model is more suitable for different types of cash flows and subsamples. Therefore, it is suggested that the Stochastic model should be the model to be used in prediction and modelling of the private credit funds. It is harder to implement than the Yale model but it does provide more accurate results in its prediction.