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  • Haaro, Niko (2024)
    Globaalin digitalisaation myötä myös Suomessa päätettiin toteuttaa ylioppilaskirjoitusten digitalisoiminen 2010-luvulla. Prosessi kesti monta vuotta, minkä tuloksena kaikki ylioppilaskokeet pystyttiin suorittamaan ensimmäisen kerran digitaalisina vuonna 2019. Kemian ylioppilaskoe järjestettiin ensimmäisen kerran digitaalisessa muodossa vuoden 2018 syksyllä. Tässä tutkielmassa käsitellään digitalisoitumisen vaikutusta kemian ylioppilaskoetehtäviin. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin kahdeksaa ylioppilaskoetta, joista neljä oli järjestetty ennen ylioppilaskokeiden digitalisoitumista ja neljä digitalisoitumisen jälkeen. Tutkimuksella oli kaksi tavoitetta. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka paljon eri tehtävätyyppien esiintyminen kemian ylioppilaskokeissa oli muuttunut ylioppilaskokeiden digitalisoitumisen myötä. Toinen tavoite oli selvittää, miten kemian ylioppilaskokeiden tehtävät sijoittuivat uudistetun Bloomin taksonomian mukaiseen taksonomiataulukkoon ennen ja jälkeen ylioppilaskokeiden digitalisoitumisen. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin tutkimuskirjallisuudesta löydettyjä malleja, joiden avulla koetehtävät luokiteltiin. Käytetyt mallit olivat tehtävätyyppien luokittelumalli ja uudistetun Bloomin taksonomian mukainen taksonomiataulukko. Tehtävätyyppien luokittelumalli jakoi kemian koetehtävät useaan eri luokkaan, joiden pääluokat olivat valintatehtävät ja tuottamistehtävät. Taksonomiataulukko koostui tiedon ja kognitiivisen prosessin dimensioista, jotka muodostivat yhteensä 24 eri yhdistelmäluokkaa. Tutkimustulosten mukaan tehtävätyyppien esiintyminen muuttui useissa eri tehtävätyyppien luokissa. Monivalintatehtävien esiintymismäärät kasvoivat eniten, kun taas symbolisten tehtävien määrät laskivat eniten. Taksonomiataulukossa koetehtävät luokittuivat yhteensä seitsemään yhdistelmäluokkaan. Luokan Arvioida-Menetelmätieto tehtävien esiintymiset laskivat eniten ja luokan Luoda-Menetelmätieto tehtävien esiintymiset kasvoivat eniten. Koska täysin digitaalista ylioppilastutkintoa on järjestetty vasta viisi vuotta, on tärkeää tutkia lisää digitalisoitumisen aiheuttamia vaikutuksia, joita se tuo mukanaan ylioppilaskokeisiin ja kemian opetukseen. Tästä syystä jatkotutkimusmahdollisuudeksi esitetään vastaavan tutkimuksen tekemistä kemian ylioppilaskokeista, jotka on toteutettu uudemman opetussuunnitelman ajanjaksolla.
  • Kalpio, Aino (2015)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdytään lukion maantieteen opetuksen sähköistämiseen niin yhteiskunnan digitaalisen murroskauden kuin myös ainetta opettavien opettajien kautta. Lukion maantieteen opettajien asema tutkimuksessa on keskeinen, koska heidän vastuullaan on opetussuunnitelman mukaisesti toteuttaa opetusta nykypäivän vaatimusten mukaan. Sähköistäminen on tapahtunut vauhdilla eivätkä opetusmenetelmät ole pysyneet mukana. Nuoret käyttävät usein sähköisiä välineitä paremmin kuin opettajansa. Ero kasvaa, kun opetetaan vanhoilla menetelmillä ja välineillä arjessaan uutta teknologiaa käyttäviä nuoria. Arjen ja tulevaisuuden vaatimukset tulisi saada kunnolla osaksi kouluopetusta. Viimeistään ylioppilaskirjoitusten sähköistäminen syksyllä 2016 herättää siihen, että sähköisiä opetusmenetelmiä ja -välineitä tulisi käyttää jo nyt. Mutta mikä tilanne on nyt ja miten opettajat asiaan suhtautuvat? Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin sähköisen kyselytutkimuksen avulla eri puolella Suomea työskentelevien lukion maantieteen opettajien (n = 96) käyttämiä sähköisiä opetusmenetelmiä ja -välineitä sekä asenteita koko sähköistämistapahtumaan. Kolmantena tutkimuskysymyksenä toimi opetuksen sähköistymisen tulevaisuuden kehitys. Kyselyä täydensi kolmen asiantuntijan haastattelut aihepiiristä. Kyselyn tulokset analysoitiin ja esitettiin tilastokuvioina aina laitekäytettävyydestä oman tietoteknologiseen osaamisen arviointiin. Tulosten analysoinnin yleisenä linjana paljastui lukion maantieteen opettajien myönteinen asenne muutoksia kohtaan teoriassa, mutta uusien menetelmien ja välineiden ottaminen konkreettisesti mukaan opetukseen ei ollut ajan tasalla. Koulutuksen ja ajan puute, vähäiset resurssit ja osaamattomuus nousivat suurimmiksi kompastuskiviksi. Tutkimuksen mukaan opettajat kokivat, että ylioppilaskirjoitusten sähköistäminen tapahtuu liian nopeasti eikä koettu, että siitä olisi tiedotettu tarpeeksi. Perusohjelmat ja sähköiset opetusvälineet olivat käytössä yleisesti, mutta esimerkiksi tilastollisia menetelmiä ja paikkatieto-ohjelmia ei hyödynnetty vielä kaikkialla Suomessa. Tuloksista nousee esiin kysymys sähköisten ylioppilaskirjoitusten ajoituksesta ja siitä, miten maantieteen opetuksen käytännön puoli saataisiin mukaan päättäjätason edellyttämän kehityksen mukaiseksi.
  • Naaranoja, Tiina (2014)
    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is currently being started up after a long shutdown. Another similar maintenance and upgrade period is due to take place in a few years. The luminosity and maximum beam energy will be increased after the shutdowns. Many upgrade projects stem from the increased demands from the changed environment and the opportunity of installation work during the shutdowns. The CMS GEM collaboration proposes to upgrade the muon system in CMS experiment by adding Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) chambers. The new GEM-detectors need new Front-End electronics. There are two parallel development branches for mixed-signal ASICs; one comes with analog signal processing (VFAT3-chip) and another with analog and digital signal processing (GdSP-chip). This Thesis covers the development of the digital signal processing for the GdSP-chip. The design is described on algorithm level and with block diagrams. The signal originating in the triple GEM-detector sets special challenges on the signal processing. The time constant in the analog shaper is programmable due to irregularities in the GEM-signal. This in turn poses challenges for the digital signal processing. The pulse peaking time and signal bandwidth depend on the choice made for the time constant. The basic signal processing techniques and needs are common for many detectors. Most of the digital signal processing has shared requirements with an existing, well-tested Front-End chip. Time pick-off and trigger production was not included in these shared tasks. Several time pick-off methods were considered and compared with simulations. The simulations were performed first using Simulink running on Matlab and then on Cadence tools using Verilog hardware description language. Time resolution is an important attribute determined jointly by the detector and the signal processing. It is related to the probability to associate the measured pulse with the correct event. The effect of the different time pick-off methods on time resolution was compared with simulations. Only the most promising designs were developed further. Constant Fraction Discriminator and Pulse Recognition, the two most promising algorithms, were compared against analog Constant Fraction Discriminator and Time over Threshold time pick-off methods. The time resolutions obtained with noiseless signal were found to be comparable. At least in gas detector applications digital signal processing should not be ruled out of fear for deteriorated time resolution. The proposed digital signal processing chain for GdSP includes Baseline Correction, Digital Shaper, Integrator, Zero Suppression and Bunch Crossing Identification. The Baseline Correction includes options for using fixed baseline removal and moving average filter. In addition it contains a small memory, which can be used as test signal input or as look-up-table et cetera. Pole-zero cancellation is proposed for digital shaping. The integrator filters high frequency noise. The Constant Fraction Discriminator was found optimal for Bunch Crossing Identification.
  • Lybeck, Lasse (2015)
    Speech is the most common form of human communication. An understanding of the speech production mechanism and the perception of speech is therefore an important topic when studying human communication. This understanding is also of great importance both in medical treatment regarding a patient's voice and in human-computer interaction via speech. In this thesis we will present a model for digital speech called the source-filter model. In this model speech is represented with two independent components, the glottal excitation signal and the vocal tract filter. The glottal excitation signal models the airflow created at the vocal folds, which works as the source for the created speech sound. The vocal tract filter describes how the airflow is filtered as it travels through the vocal tract, creating the sound radiated to the surrounding space from the lips, which we recognize as speech. We will also present two different parametrized models for the glottal excitation signal, the Rosenberg-Klatt model (RK-model) and the Liljencrants-Fant model (LF-model). The RK-model is quite simple, being parametrized with only one parameter in addition to the fundamental frequency of the signal, while the LF-model is more complex, taking in four parameters to define the shape of the signal. A transfer function for vocal tract filter is also derived from a simplified model of the vocal tract. Additionally, relevant parts of the theory of signal processing are presented before the presentation of the source-filter model. A relatively new model for glottal inverse filtering (GIF), called the Markov chain Monte Carlo method for glottal inverse filtering (MCMC-GIF) is also presented in this thesis. Glottal inverse filtering is a technique for estimating the glottal excitation signal from a recorded speech sample. It is a widely used technique for example in phoniatrics, when inspecting the condition of a patient's vocal folds. In practice the aim is to separate the measured signal into the glottal excitation signal and the vocal tract filter. The first method for solving glottal inverse filtering was proposed in the 1950s and since then many different methods have been proposed, but so far none of the methods have been able to yield robust estimates for the glottal excitation signal from recordings with a high fundamental frequency, such as women's and children's voices. Recently, using synthetic vowels, MCMC-GIF has been shown to produce better estimates for these kind of signals compared to other state of the art methods. The MCMC-GIF method requires an initial estimate for the vocal tract filter. This is obtained from the measurements with the iterative adaptive inverse filtering (IAIF) method. A synthetic vowel is then created with the RK-model and the vocal tract filter, and compared to the measurements. The MCMC method is then used to adjust the RK excitation parameter and the parameters for the vocal tract filter to minimize the error between the synthetic vowel and the measurements, and ultimately receive a new estimate for the vocal tract filter. The filter can then be used to calculate the glottal excitation signal from the measurements. We will explain this process in detail, and give numerical examples of the results of the MCMC-GIF method compared against the IAIF method.
  • Niemi, Lauri (2018)
    First-order phase transitions in the electroweak sector are an active subject of research as they contain ingredients for baryon number violation and gravitational-wave production. The electroweak phase transition in the Standard Model (SM) is of a crossover type, but first-order transitions are possible in scalar extensions of the SM, provided that interactions of the Higgs boson with the new particles are sufficiently strong. If such particles exist, they are expected to have observable signatures in future collider experiments. Conversely, studying the electroweak transition in theories beyond the SM can bring new insight on the cosmological implications of these models. Reliable estimates of the properties of the transition require non-perturbative approaches to quantum field theory due to infrared problems plaguing perturbative calculations at high temperatures. We discuss three-dimensional effective theories that are suitable for lattice simulations of the transition. These theories are constructed perturbatively by factorizing correlation functions so that contributions from light field modes driving the phase transition can be identified. Resummation of infrared divergences is naturally carried out in the construction procedure, and simulating the resulting effective theory on the lattice allows for a non-perturbative phase-transition study that is also free of infrared problems. Dimensionally-reduced theories can thus be used to probe the conditions under which perturbative treatments of the electroweak phase transition are valid. We apply the method to the SM augmented with a real $\text{SU}(2)$ triplet scalar and provide a detailed description of dimensional reduction of this model. Regions of a first-order transition in the parameter space are identified in the heavy triplet limit by the use of an effective theory for which lattice results are known. We provide a rough estimate for the accuracy of our results by considering higher-order operators that have been omitted from the effective theory and discuss future prospects for the three-dimensional approach.
  • Korolainen, Hanna (2018)
    All aerobic organisms require oxygen, which is taken into the lungs from the outside air during inhalation. From the lungs it travels all the way to the alveoli. The lung surfactant inside the alveoli consists of roughly 90% lipids and 10% proteins. Its primary functions are the reduction of the surface tension of the fluid inside the alveoli and its role as a part of the innate immune defense. The four most abundant proteins in the lung surfactant are called SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and SP-D. The hydrophobic surfactant protein C (or SP-C) is the smallest of the four. It has a primarily α-helical structure with two palmitoylated cysteines attached to the N-terminal, helping SP-C to be bound to the surfactant membranes more tightly. The primary functions of SP-C include the transfer of lipids from lipid monolayers to multilayered structures, the enhancement of the adsorption of surface active molecules into the air-liquid interface, and the maintenance of the integrity of the multilayered structure. Lack of SP-C is known to lead to severe chronic respiratory pathologies. A potential dimerization motif has been suggested to be located near the C-terminus of SP-C. The purpose of this project was to study the possible dimerization of SP-C using the tools of molecular dynamics simulations. In this method Newton's second law is used to calculate the time evolution of the system. The resulted trajectory describes how the positions and velocities of the particles in the system change with time. Both coarse-grained (Martini force field) and atomistic (OPLS force field) models were used in the project. Dimerization was found to occur in coarse-grained simulations of 20 SP-Cs embedded into a bilayer: both aggregation and dissociation of the proteins were observed during a period of 1μs. Excessive aggregation of membrane proteins is known to be a problem when using the Martini force field. However, the dimers in the simulations were not irreversible, which indicates that the usage of the Martini force field was rather well justified. The dimerization motif found in the simulations is largely consistent with the one suggested by experiment. The dimers were also studied through atomistic simulations based on the fine-grained structures of coarse-grained simulations, and the atomistic simulations indicated the dimers to be stable. Altogether, the simulation results are in favor of the view that SP-C exists in a dimeric form. The function of the dimer structure remains to be clarified in future studies.
  • Salokivi, Jouni (2019)
    The aim of this Master’s thesis is to study the local and remote effects of the Arctic sea ice decline on atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere in the Eurasian continent. The climate in the Arctic area has been getting warmer due to global warming and the Arctic Amplification enhancing its effect. This has caused a decline in the Arctic sea ice extent and thickness, and a lengthening of the melting season. Local effects of the sea ice decline have been the rise in surface air temperature, increase in sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean, increase of moisture in the troposphere and therewith increase in cloudiness and precipitation. This has also caused more turbulence and smaller stratification in the lower troposphere, and an increased boundary layer thickness. A warmer Arctic area and a consequent sea ice decline has decreased the meridional pressure field height gradient and thereby the westerly geostrophic wind in the upper troposphere. The jet stream trajectory has become more meridional and meandering, which resembles the negative phase of the NAO/AO index. This has advected in winter warm air to the Pole and cold air to the Eurasian continent. Blocking highs over the Atlantic and Siberia have further advected cold air to the continent with cold and snow-rich winters as a result. In China the effect has been a more stable lower troposphere with less cyclone activity in winter whereas in spring the sea ice decline has brought lower temperatures and a weakening of the East Asian Jet. In summer Europe has experienced higher precipitation and eastern Asia a strengthening of the Eastern Asia Summer Monsoon. Different studies have suggested different mechanisms for this. Effects in autumn have been mainly the same as in winter, with weather patterns similar to the negative phase of the NAO/AO index. As a conclusion, it was found in the study that the decline in Arctic sea ice has had quite expected, better understood local effects. The results on remote effects are still partly controversial and not as well comprehended. A decrease in the meridional pressure gradient seems to have effects in several seasons and geographical regions through changes in tropospheric cold/warm advection and in jet stream strength and trajectories. Longer and more accurate data series and more studies with enhanced models are needed in the future in order to get a better understanding of the mechanisms and to separate them from other sources of atmospheric variability.
  • Juopperi, Pasi (2013)
    Tämä pro gradu –tutkielma käsittelee Diofantoksen yhtälöitä. Diofantoksen yhtälöt on nimetty kreikkalaisen matemaatikon Diofantoksen mukaan. Diofantos eli 200 -luvulla ja häntä kutsutaan kreikkalaisen algebran isäksi. Tutkielman tarkoitus on laajentaa ja syventää lukion Lukuteoria ja logiikka -kurssin sisältöjä. Jotta tutkielman asiat voi käsittää, tarvitaan pohjatiedoiksi yllämainitun kurssin tiedot. Tarkoituksena on, että tätä tutkielmaa voi käyttää lisämateriaalina Lukuteoria ja logiikka -kurssilla. Diofanktoksen yhtälöt ovat kokonaislukukertoimisia kahden tai useamman muuttujan polynomiyhtälöitä. Keskeisiä matemaattisia käsitteitä tässä tutkielmassa ovat luonnolliset luvut ja kokonaisluvut, suurin yhteinen tekijä, pienin yhteinen jaettava, Diofantoksen yhtälö ja kongruenssi. Tutkielmassa käydään läpi joitain määritelmiä ja lauseita, joiden avulla Diofantoksen yhtälöitä voidaan ratkaista. Lauseiden teoriaa ja todistuksia selvennetään esimerkkien avulla. Osat todistuksista on hyvin suoraviivaisia ja osat todistuksista voivat olla lukiolaiselle haastavia, mutta esimerkkien kautta kaikki lauseet ovat helposti ymmärrettävissä. Tutkielmassa käydään aluksi läpi joitain määritelmiä, jotka voivat olla jo tuttuja lukio-opinnoista. Määritelmien jälkeen käydään pulmatehtävän avulla läpi Diofantoksen yhtälöihin liittyvää teoriaa ja lauseita, joiden avulla pulmatehtävä lopulta ratkeaa. Lopuksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan lineaarisia kongruensseja ja niiden yhteyttä Diofantoksen yhtälöihin.
  • Holmberg, Manu (2020)
    This thesis considers certain mathematical formulation of the scattering phenomena. Scattering is a common physical process, where some initial wave is disturbed, producing a scattered wave. If the direct problem is to determine the scattered wave from the knowledge of the object that causes the scattering as well and the initial wave, then the inverse problem would be to determine the object from the knowledge on how different waves scatter from it. In this thesis we consider direct and inverse scattering problems governed by Helmholtz equation $\Delta u + k^2 \eta u = 0$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with $d = 3$. The positive function $\eta \in L^\infty(\mathbb{R}^d)$ is considered to be such that $\eta(x) = 1$ outside of some ball. In particular the function $\eta$ models the physical properties of the scattering object and in a certain physical setting, the function $n = +\sqrt{\eta}$ is the index of refraction. The initial motivation for this thesis was the inverse scattering problem and its uniqueness. However, for any inverse problem, one first has to understand the corresponding direct problem. In the end, the balance between treating the direct and inverse problem is left fairly even. This thesis closely follows books by Colton and Kress, and Kirsch. The first chapter is the introduction, in which the overview of the thesis is presented and the working assumptions are made. The second chapter treats the needed preliminaries, such as compact operators, Sobolev spaces, Fredholm alternative, spherical harmonics and spherical Bessel functions. In particular these are needed in various results of chapter three, in which the direct scattering problem is considered. After motivating and defining the direct scattering problem, the main goal is to prove its well-posedness. The uniqueness of the problem is proved by two results, Rellich's lemma and unique continuation principle. The Fredholm alternative is applied to prove existence of the solution on the basis of uniqueness. Equipped with the understanding of the direct scattering problem, the inverse scattering problem can be considered in the fourth chapter. After defining the inverse scattering problem, the uniqueness of the solution is considered. The proof is contrasted to the historically important paper by Calderón considering another kind of inverse problem. The proof consists of three lemmas, from which the second and third are directly used in proving the uniqueness of the inverse problem. The uniqueness of the inverse problem can be considered as the main result of this thesis.
  • Sirkiä, Topi (2023)
    The QCD axion arises as a necessary consequence of the popular Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong CP problem in particle physics. The axion turns out to very naturally possesses all the usual qualities of a good dark matter (DM) candidate. Having the potential to solve two major problems in particle cosmology in one fell swoop makes the axion a very attractive prospect. In recent years, the weakening of the traditional WIMP dark matter paradigm and axion search experiments just beginning to reach the sensitivities required to look for the QCD axion have further increased interest in axion physics. In this thesis, the basics of axion physics are reviewed, and an in-depth exposition of common direct detection experiments and astrophysical and laboratory limits is given. Particular emphasis is placed on direct detection by using the axion-photon coupling as it is the only coupling in which experimental sensitivity is enough to probe the QCD axion. The benchmark experiments of light-shining-through-wall (LSTW), helioscopes and cavity haloscopes are given a thorough theoretical treatment. Other couplings and related experiments are relevant when looking for axion-like particles (ALPs), which are postulated by various extensions of the Standard Model but which do not solve the strong CP problem. A general overview of the prevalent ALP-searches is given. Most of the described experimental setups, with some exceptions, are actually searches for very general weakly interacting particles, WISPs, with a certain coupling. The searches are thus well motivated regardless of the future standing of the QCD axion. A chapter is dedicated to axion dark matter and its creation mechanisms, in particular the misalignment mechanism. Two scenarios are mapped out, depending on whether the Peccei-Quinn symmetry spontaneously breaks before or after inflation. Both cases have experimental implications, which are compared. These considerations motivate an axion dark matter window which should be prioritized by experiments. A significant part of this thesis is dedicated to mapping out the experimental landscape of axions today. The up-to-date astrophysical and laboratory limits on the most prominent axion couplings along with projections of some near-future experiments are compiled into a set of exclusion plots.
  • Al-Adulrazzaq, Aula (2023)
    Dark matter direct detection experiments still have found no evidence of the dark matter WIMPs. The search has therefore been expanded for lighter dark matter candidates. Light dark matter is nearly invisible to current detectors through the elastic nuclear recoils. This thesis is meant to provide understanding on the inelastic atomic scatterings, which are one good way to detect dark matter particles with mχ ∼ GeV. In this thesis we consider spin-independent scatterings. Inelastic scatterings are based on the fact that in an atom, electrons do not follow the motion of the recoil nucleus immediately, but instead it takes time. This results in a small probability of observable ionization or excitation of the atom. This is known as the Migdal effect. We will first study the theoretical framework of dark matter-nucleus scatterings, showing how to get the event rate and how it is factorized into the astrophysical, the particle physics and the target response part. Then we will move to the inelastic processes, Migdal and Bremsstrahlung effects, deriving their event rates. In the first, we try to detect ionized electrons. The latter one, the Bremsstrahlung, is a similar process to the Migdal, but there we try to detect photons emitted from the de-excitations of atoms excited in the inelastic recoils. We will also look into the Migdal in semiconductors. Because of the smaller gap for electron excitations in crystals, we find that the rate for the Migdal effect is much higher in semiconductors than in atomic targets, thus allowing the search for even lighter dark matter particles. The rate can be expressed in terms of the energy loss function of the target material.
  • Varis, Jarno (2013)
    Tutkielmassa käydään läpi Dirichletin ja Bergmanin avaruuksien ominaisuuksia, ja tutkitaan niiden yhteyttä analyyttiseen Poincarén epäyhtälöön. Tämän lisäksi tutkitaan erilaisia yhdesti yhtenäisiä, rajoitettuja alueita, joissa ei päde analyyttinen Poincarén epäyhtälö. Dirichletin avaruus on niiden rajoitetussa alueessa määriteltyjen analyyttisten funktioiden joukko, joiden derivaattafunktion L2 normi kyseisen alueen yli on äärellinen, ja Bergmanin avaruus on niiden analyyttisten funktioiden joukko, joiden L2 normi vastaavan alueen yli on äärellinen. Tutkielman alussa annetaan karakterisaatio sille, milloin Dirichletin avaruus on Bergmanin avaruuden osajoukko yhdesti yhtenäisissä, rajoitetuissa alueissa. Käyttämällä suljetun kuvaajan teoreemaa, ja funktionaalianalyysin perustuloksia, todistetaan, että Dirichletin avaruuden sisältyminen Bergmanin avaruuteen rajoitetussa alueessa on ekvivalenttia sen kanssa, että kyseisessä alueessa pätee analyyttinen Poincarén epäyhtälö. Tämän tuloksen avulla todistetaan, että rajoitetuissa, tähtimäisissä alueissa pätee analyyttinen Poincarén epäyhtälö. Tästä edetään määrittelemällä paloittain tähtimäinen alue, ja todistamalla, että siinä pätee analyyttinen Poincarén epäyhtälö. Tutkielmassa etsitään myös kompleksitason origokeskisen kiekon analyyttiselle Poincarén epäyhtälölle konkreettinen vakio. Seuraavaksi esitetään kompleksitason rajoitettu, yhdesti yhtenäinen alue, jossa ei päde analyyttinen Poincarén epäyhtälö. Konstruktiossa hyödynnetään kompleksianalyysin ja analyyttisen geometrian perusideoita. Tätä aluetta muokkaamalla löydetään yhdesti yhtenäinen, rajoitettu alue, jossa pätee analyyttinen Poincarén (2, 2) epäyhtälö, mutta jos epäyhtälössä korvataan vasemmanpuoleisen funktion L2-normi oleellisella supremum-normilla, niin epäyhtälö ei enää päde. Tutkielman lopuksi esitetään erityisen yksinkertainen konstruktio spiraalimaisesta, rajoitetusta alueesta, jossa analyyttinen Poincarén epäyhtälö ei päde.
  • Frosti, Miika (2022)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee C^2:n hyperbolisessa yksikkökuulassa asetettuja Dirichlet'n ongelmia. Työn tavoitteena on löytää ongelman ratkaisujen joukosta ne funktiot, jotka ovat sileitä, eli rajattomasti derivoituvia. Tätä varten kuvaillaan aluksi R^2:n yksikköympyrässä ja puoliavaruudessa määritellyt Dirichlet'n ongelmat ja miten muodostaa niille ratkaisut. Molempien alueiden ongelmia varten luodaan aluekohtaiset Greenin funktiot, joiden avulla johdetaan Poissonin ydin. Tämän ytimen avulla saadaan sileä ratkaisu Dirichlet'n ongelmaan. Tämän jälkeen tutustutaan C^2:n hyperboliseen yksikkökuulaan, ja miten siinä määritellyt Dirichlet'n ongelmat eroavat R^2:n yksikkökuulan ongelmista. Aiheen kannalta merkittävintä on ero euklidisen ja hyperbolisen Laplace-Beltramin operaattorin ominaisuuksissa. Kun tärkeimmät eroavaisuudet ovat selvitetty, voidaan todistaa, että Poisson-Szegön ytimen avulla määritelty funktio ratkaisee Dirichlet'n ongelman. On kuitenkin mahdollista näyttää esimerkillä, että ratkaisut eivät ole välttämättä sileitä. Jotta näistä ratkaisuista voidaan erottaa sileät funktiot, on hyödynnettävä palloharmonisia funktioita. Näiden tärkeimpiä piirteitä kuvaillaan sekä reaaliavaruudessa että kompleksiavaruudessa. Näiden funktioiden ja hypergeometristen funktioiden avulla voidaan määritellä uusi muoto Poisson-Szegön ytimelle, josta voidaan puolestaan johtaa tutkielman lopputulos. Kyseiseksi lopputulokseksi saadaan se, että yksikkökuulan Dirichlet'n ongelmien ratkaisut ovat sileitä jos ja vain jos ratkaisut ovat pluriharmonisia.
  • Pehkonen, Jussi Ilmari (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 1996)
  • Joosten, Rick (2020)
    In the past two decades, an increasing amount of discussions are held via online platforms such as Facebook or Reddit. The most common form of disruption of these discussions are trolls. Traditional trolls try to digress the discussion into a nonconstructive argument. One strategy to achieve this is to give asymmetric responses, responses that don’t follow the conventional patterns. In this thesis we propose a modern machine learning NLP method called ULMFiT to automatically detect the discourse acts of online forum posts in order to detect these conversational patterns. ULMFiT finetunes the language model before training its classifier in order to create a more accurate language representation of the domain language. This task of discourse act recognition is unique since it attempts to classify the pragmatic role of each post within a conversation compared to the functional role which is related to tasks such as question-answer retrieval, sentiment analysis, or sarcasm detection. Furthermore, most discourse act recognition research has been focused on synchronous conversations where all parties can directly interact with each other while this thesis looks at asynchronous online conversations. Trained on a dataset of Reddit discussions, the proposed model achieves a matthew’s correlation coefficient of 0.605 and an F1-score of 0.69 to predict the discourse acts. Other experiments also show that this model is effective at question-answer classification as well as showing that language model fine-tuning has a positive effect on both classification performance along with the required size of the training data. These results could be beneficial for current trolling detection systems.
  • Duong, Quoc Quan (2021)
    Discourse dynamics is one of the important fields in digital humanities research. Over time, the perspectives and concerns of society on particular topics or events might change. Based on the changing in popularity of a certain theme different patterns are formed, increasing or decreasing the prominence of the theme in news. Tracking these changes is a challenging task. In a large text collection discourse themes are intertwined and uncategorized, which makes it hard to analyse them manually. The thesis tackles a novel task of automatic extraction of discourse trends from large text corpora. The main motivation for this work lies in the need in digital humanities to track discourse dynamics in diachronic corpora. Machine learning is a potential method to automate this task by learning patterns from the data. However, in many real use-cases ground truth is not available and annotating discourses on a corpus-level is incredibly difficult and time-consuming. This study proposes a novel procedure to generate synthetic datasets for this task, a quantitative evaluation method and a set of benchmarking models. Large-scale experiments are run using these synthetic datasets. The thesis demonstrates that a neural network model trained on such datasets can obtain meaningful results when applied to a real dataset, without any adjustments of the model.
  • Sandoval Zárate, América Andrea (2015)
    Personalised medicine involves the use of individual information to determine the best medical treatment. Such information include the historical health records of the patient. In this thesis, the records used are part of the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register. This information is utilized to identify disease trajectories for individuals for the FINRISK cohorts. The techniques usually implemented to analyse longitudinal register data use Markov chains because of their capability to capture temporal relations. In this thesis a first order Markov chain is used to feed the MCL algorithm that identifies disease trajectories. These trajectories highlight the most prevalent diseases in the Finnish population: circulatory diseases, neoplasms and musculoskeletal disorders. Also, they defined high level interactions between other diseases, some of them showing an agreement with physiological interactions widely studied. For example, circulatory diseases and their thoroughly studied association with symptoms from the metabolic syndrome.
  • Haiminen, Niina (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2004)
  • Aalto, Iiro (2020)
    Slack is an instant messaging platform intended for the internal communications of companies and other organizations. For organizations that use Slack extensively it may provide an interesting source of insight, but as such the data is difficult to analyze. Topic modeling, primarily latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), is commonly used to summarize textual data in a meaningful way. Instant messages tend to be very short, which causes problems for conventional topic modeling methods such as LDA. The data sparsity problem can be tackled with data expansion and data combination techniques. For instant messages, data combination is particularly attractive as the messages are not independent of each other, but form implicit, and sometimes expicit, threads as the participants reply to each other. Most of the threads in the Slack data are not explicit, but must be ’untangled’ from the message stream if they are to be used as a basis for a data combination scheme. In this thesis we study the possibility of detecting implicit threads from a slack message stream and leveraging the threads as a data combination scheme in topic modeling. The threads are detected using a hierarchical clustering algorithm which uses word mover’s distance, latent semantic analysis, and metadata to compute the distances between messages. The clusters are then concatenated and used as the input for LDA. It is shown that on a dataset gathered from the Gofore Oyj Slack workspace, the cluster-based model improves on the message-based model, but falls short of being practical.
  • Mikkola, Petrus (2020)
    This thesis examines discrete complex analysis and potential theory on isoradial graphs. Isoradial graphs form a general class of graphs where all faces of the graph can be inscribed into circles of equal radii. For instance, the square, the honeycomb, and the triangular lattices belong to this family. Discrete analogues (on isoradial graphs) of the classical complex analysis objects such as holomorphic and harmonic functions are considered. The focus is on two fundamental operators: the discrete Cauchy-Riemann and the discrete Laplace operator. Their inverses are studied as well: the discrete Cauchy kernel and the discrete Green’s function. The latter part of the thesis deals with discrete multiplicatively multivalued functions such as discrete complex power functions. Discrete multivalued functions are not extensively studied in general, but instead from a viewpoint of two special functions: the discrete multivalued Cauchy kernel and the discrete multivalued Green's function. These functions have relevance, for instance, when studying the asymptotics of the electric correlators of the dimer model. The dimer model is a classical model of statistical mechanics. The thesis is based on the following articles: "Discrete complex analysis on isoradial graphs" by Chelkak and Smirnov (2011), "Dimers and families of Cauchy-Riemann operators" by Dubédat (2015), and "The Laplacian and Dirac operators on critical planar graphs" by Kenyon (2002). The latter part of the thesis that deals with discrete multivalued functions, is built upon the Dubédat’s work (2015).