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Now showing items 2867-2886 of 4203
(2022)The construction of the Savio railway tunnel caused an unexpectedly large decrease in the groundwater heads in part of the observation points in the vicinity of the railway tunnel after the completion of the tunnel construction work. The study aimed to investigate the ability of the groundwater model to forecast such groundwater drawdown caused by a railway tunnel in the urban areas of East Hakkila, Kaskela and Hakunila. The uncertainty of the groundwater model and its sensitivity to certain parameters were studied and analyzed. The groundwater model was built using the GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) numerical groundwater modeling program. For the groundwater flow model, the bedrock mesh was built in Leapfrog Geo - program based on gravimetric measurements and rotary drilling. The groundwater model was calibrated manually and automatically to correspond to the groundwater heads measured in the area. The circumstances after the construction of the railway tunnel were then simulated. The model-calculated groundwater heads were compared to the observed groundwater heads and the observed tunnel leakage. Sensitivity analysis was performed for the horizontal conductivity parameters and recharge parameters of the model. The groundwater model before the construction of the tunnel mimicked the measured groundwater heads and flow directions in the study area. The simulation of the time after the construction of the tunnel caused groundwater drawdown of 0-16 meters at 0-730 meters from the railway tunnel. In the simulation of the time after tunnel construction, the groundwater heads calculated by the model differed by 0,01-24 meters from measured groundwater heads. According to the results of the sensitivity analysis, the model was most sensitive to changes in the horizontal conductivity of the upper bedrock layer and granite. The recharge parameters and soil layer had a marginal impact on the groundwater model. The uncertainty of the model was affected by the few measurement points in relation to the size of the area and the absence of field measurements of the hydraulic conductivity of the parameters. To reduce the uncertainty, the model should be calibrated based on the measured conductivity values of the bedrock. Despite the uncertainty, computational models give indications of the direction of change and are important tools in questions related to nature and the built environment.
(2022)The construction of the Savio railway tunnel caused an unexpectedly large decrease in the groundwater heads in part of the observation points in the vicinity of the railway tunnel after the completion of the tunnel construction work. The study aimed to investigate the ability of the groundwater model to forecast such groundwater drawdown caused by a railway tunnel in the urban areas of East Hakkila, Kaskela and Hakunila. The uncertainty of the groundwater model and its sensitivity to certain parameters were studied and analyzed. The groundwater model was built using the GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) numerical groundwater modeling program. For the groundwater flow model, the bedrock mesh was built in Leapfrog Geo - program based on gravimetric measurements and rotary drilling. The groundwater model was calibrated manually and automatically to correspond to the groundwater heads measured in the area. The circumstances after the construction of the railway tunnel were then simulated. The model-calculated groundwater heads were compared to the observed groundwater heads and the observed tunnel leakage. Sensitivity analysis was performed for the horizontal conductivity parameters and recharge parameters of the model. The groundwater model before the construction of the tunnel mimicked the measured groundwater heads and flow directions in the study area. The simulation of the time after the construction of the tunnel caused groundwater drawdown of 0-16 meters at 0-730 meters from the railway tunnel. In the simulation of the time after tunnel construction, the groundwater heads calculated by the model differed by 0,01-24 meters from measured groundwater heads. According to the results of the sensitivity analysis, the model was most sensitive to changes in the horizontal conductivity of the upper bedrock layer and granite. The recharge parameters and soil layer had a marginal impact on the groundwater model. The uncertainty of the model was affected by the few measurement points in relation to the size of the area and the absence of field measurements of the hydraulic conductivity of the parameters. To reduce the uncertainty, the model should be calibrated based on the measured conductivity values of the bedrock. Despite the uncertainty, computational models give indications of the direction of change and are important tools in questions related to nature and the built environment.
(2014)In groundwater sites located in Sodankylä, Lumiaho, Taikkomäki and Tullinkangas data has been collected from natural state springs for quality and from groundwater pipes for groundwater level studies. Quality measurements and groundwater level changes has been studied graphically and statistically to understand the variation and the cause and effect phenomena of hydrological processes. Quality parameters and groundwater level results has been compared to a time series study: ‘Groundwater level and quality changes in Finland 1975-1999’ by Finnish Environmental Institute and to the regulation 401/2001 about quality requirements for water in household consumption by Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Groundwater level fluctuation has been compared with changes in precipitation and evaporation rates close to research sites, and with the typical behaviour of groundwater level in related regimes. Precipitation and evaporation data has been measured for each groundwater site from the closest meteorological stations. Evaporation has also been calculated using the Hamon equation. The quality measurements include the following parameters: pH, electrical conductivity, nitrite-nitrate as nitrogen, ammonium as nitrogen, oxygen, phosphate as phosphorus, iron and manganese. Despite the fact that chosen research sites represent natural state areas, human behaviour has had a noticeable effect on groundwater level and quality. In all measurement sites the pH results are in most cases more acidic and conductivity results smaller than they should be in water with good quality. However, these results have improved within last ten years in most cases. The values of nitrite-nitrate and ammonium were mostly good and median values were mostly outstandingly lower than the results measured before. The values of oxygen and phosphate were good. Also, with the exception of Sodankylä, the values of iron and manganese were good. Groundwater levels in research sites followed more or less the water levels related to each regime. In the very Northern site, Sodankylä, the melting of snow and ice every Spring happened earlier in the year within the last ten years compared to period 1975-1999. There were no such significantly noticeable trends at the other station with relation to the other points of comparison. The first evaluation of graphs showed the clearest connection between groundwater level, precipitation and evaporation in the researched moraine soil; Taikkomäki and Lumiaho. The connection was discovered in other sites too, but not as clearly.
(Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2009)Tutkimus suoritettiin Lammin Tullinkankaan pohjavesialueelta. Tutkimusalueelta valittiin kaksi metsikköä, jossa toisessa pohjavesi on noin metrin syvyydellä maanpinnasta (sarja 'vedellinen') ja toisessa noin kahden ja puolen metrin syvyydellä (sarja 'vedetön'). Oletuksena oli, että pohjaveden pinnankorkeus vaikuttaa männyn kasvuun alueella, jossa pohjaveden pinta on lähellä maanpintaa. Sarjoja verrattiin toisiinsa sekä ilmasto- ja pohjavesitietoihin. Molemmilta alueilta otettiin yhteensä n. 20 lustonäytettä, joista muodostettiin omat ristiinajoitetut lustokronologiat. Vedellisen sarjan kronologia kattaa vuodet 1872–2008 (137 vuotta) ja vedettömän sarjan kronologia vuodet 1958–2008 (51 vuotta). Vedellisen alueen männyt korreloivat negatiivisesti touko- ja kesäkuun pohjaveden pinnankorkeuden kanssa sekä positiivisesti kesäkuun sademäärän ja helmikuun lämpötilan kanssa. Vedettömän alueen männyt korreloivat negatiivisesti toukokuun sademäärän ja marraskuun lämpötilan kanssa sekä positiivisesti maaliskuun sademäärän kanssa, mutta eivät ollenkaan pohjaveden pinnankorkeuden kanssa. Vedellisen alueen kronologiaa käytettiin monimuuttujaregressiossa selittävänä tekijänä selittämässä toukokuun pohjaveden pinnankorkeutta. Vedellisen kronologian ja toukokuun pohjaveden pinnankorkeuden välisen mallin korjattu selitysaste oli 0,37 ja korrelaatiokerroin 0,62. Ristiinvalidoidutu rekonstruktiomalli kattaa vuodet 1880– 2002. Rekonstruoidusta pinnankorkeusmallista rekonstruoitiin spektrianalyysin avulla tilastollisesti merkitsevä 23,81 a jaksollisuus.
(2019)Tutkimuskohteena on Lammin Löyttynoja ja Koiransuolenoja, jotka ovat olleet Lammin biologisen aseman tutkimuksen alla jo pitkään. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on kartoittaa purojen kemiallisia ja fysikaalisia ominaisuuksia ja verrata niitä aiempiin tutkimustuloksiin sekä selvittää kuinka pohjavesivaikutteisia purot ovat. Puroista otettiin näytteitä vuoden 2016 maalis- ja heinäkuussa, samalla näytteitä otettiin myös alueen lähteistä, Pääjärvestä sekä Lammin biologisen aseman pohjavesiputkista. Näytteistä analysoitiin pääionit (F-, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), alkaliteetti, liuennut silikaatti (DSi) ja hapen ja vedyn stabiilit isotoopit (18Oja D). Näytteenoton yhteydessä näytepisteiltä mitattiin sähkönjohtavuus, pH ja veden lämpötila sekä heinäkuussa myös sedimentin lämpötila. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin Lammin biologisen aseman keräämää seurantatietoa Löyttynojan ja Koiransuolenojan kemiallisista ominaisuuksista sekä lämpötilan ja virtaaman vaihtelusta Löyttynojan pääionipitoisuudet vastaavat Hämeen alueen puroveden taustapitoisuuksia, mutta Koiransuolenojan Na-, K-, Ca-, Cl-, NO3- ja SO4-pitoisuudet ylittävät tausta-arvojen pitoisuudet. Löyttynojaan verrattuna Koiransuolenojan pääionipitoisuudet ja sähkönjohtavuus ovat lähes kaksinkertaisia ja pitoisuuksien eroja voidaan selittää valuma-alueiden erilaisuudella. Löyttynojan valuma-alueen maalajeista lähes 40 % on soraa ja hiekkaa, kun taas yli puolet Koiransuolenojan maalajeista on hiesua ja hietaa. Lammin alueen hienojakoinen sedimentti, Lammin lössi, sisältää paikoittain melko runsaasti kalsiumia, joka selittää Koiransuolenojan Löyttynojaa korkeampia pitoisuuksia. Hienojakoiset maalajit voivat myös sisältää reliktisiä suoloja, jotka nostavat kloridi- ja natriumpitoisuuksia. Koiransuolenojan valuma-alueella on enemmän peltoja, jolloin sähkönjohtavuuden, kalium- ja nitraattipitoisuuksien koholla olevia arvoja voidaan selittää maatalouden päästöillä. Purojen lämpötiloissa on selkeät erot, kesäisin Löyttynojan lämpötilat ovat Koiransuolenojan lämpötiloja viileämpiä, talvella tilanne on päinvastainen. Tämä viittaa suurempaan pohjavesivaikutukseen Löyttynojassa verrattuna Koiransuolenojaan. Myös Koiransuolenojan korkeammat TOC-pitoisuudet voivat viitata suurempaan pintavalunnan määrään. Liuenneen silikaatin, pH:n ja hapen ja vedyn stabiilien isotooppien arvot ovat samankaltaiset molemmissa puroissa, ja liuenneen silikaatin pitoisuuksien perusteella molemmat purot ovat pohjavesivaikutteisia. Virtaama on Löyttynojassa kautta linjan korkeampi kuin Koiransuolenojassa. Talven alivalumakaudella Löyttynojan virtaama pysyy voimakkaana, kun taas Koiransuolenojan virtaamat ovat alhaisia. Tämä viittaa siihen, että Löyttynojalla on melko suuri pohjavesivarasto toisin kuin Koiransuolenojassa, jossa pohjavesivarasto on selkeästi niukempi ja vesi liikkuu hienojakoisen maa-aineksen läpi hitaammin. Molempien purojen voidaan havaita olevan pohjavesivaikutteisia, mutta Löyttynojassa pohjavesivaikutus on voimakkaampaa kuin Koiransuolenojassa.
(2020)Hallitustenvälinen ilmastonmuutospaneeli IPCC määrittelee Pohjois-Atlantin subpolaaripyörteen ilmaston käänne-elementiksi, joka voi joutua ilmaston muutoksen seurauksena toiseen tilaan. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan ensin tieteellisten artikkelien pohjalta subpolaaripyörrettä ja sen vuorovaikutusta muun meren, sekä ilmakehän kiertoliikkeen kanssa. Sen jälkeen muodostetaan CMIP5-projektin (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5) ilmastomallien pohjalta kaksi malliryhmää. Toisessa on kolme mallia, joissa subpolaaripyörteen syvänveden muodostus romahtaa, toinen on vertailuryhmä. Subpolaaripyörteen romahdus näyttää todennäköisemmältä kuin CMIP5-malliryhmien kokoa vertailemalla voisi päätellä ja romahdus voi tapahtua jo pienimmällä RCP2.6-skenaariolla. Suunnilleen yhtä todennäköistä, kuin yksi romahdus, on useampi nopea subpolaaripyörteen heikkeneminen, joiden välissä subpolaaripyörre voimistuu uudelleen. Tämä ilmiö voi lisätä tulevaisuuden ilmastossa vaikeasti ennakoitavaa vuosikymmenten välistä vaihtelua. Subpolaaripyörteen romahduksen ilmastovaikutukset ovat suurimmat arktisella alueella, Pohjois-Atlantilla ja Euroopassa. Se heikentäisi pohjoisen napa-alueen lämpenemistä, joka muuten on paljon voimakkaampaa kuin maapallon keskimääräinen lämpeneminen. Euroopassa ilmiö hillitsee ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamaa lämpenemistä ja voi muuttaa ilmakehän keskimääräistä kiertoliikettä. Suurimmat vaikutukset keskittyvät kuitenkin subpolaaripyörteen alueelle.
(2016)There has been considerable variation in Finnish winter conditions during the last decade. Especially in Southern Finland, where some winters have been warm, rainy and snowless. On the other hand there have been winters with freezing temperatures and extensive snow cover, even in southern parts of Finland. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the most prominent and important form of climate variability in Europe. It has been previously shown to cause considerable variations to advection of heat and moisture between Atlantic Ocean and adjacent continents, notably during winter. The first objective of this study is to find out if there is dependence between NAO and winter climate indicators in Finland. Secondly, it aims to quantify the variations in mean temperature, mean maximum temperature and mean minimum temperature and precipitation caused by the changes in strength and phase of the NAO. In addition, the regional variability in correlation, in variance explained by the NAO and effects on temperatures and precipitation within Finland is studied. The dependence between NAO-index and temperatures and precipitation in Finland is studied by using correlation analysis. Regression analysis is used to find out how much variation in temperatures and precipitation can be explained by variations in the NAO-index. Furthermore, it estimates the magnitude of change in temperatures and precipitation. The results show that NAO affects temperatures and precipitation in Finland during winter months. There is, however, a notable spatial variation in the effect between Southern and Northern Finland. The effect of NAO on precipitation is smaller and shows greater variation than with temperatures. The findings of this study are in agreement with earlier studies. The phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation affects the properties of the air masses flowing towards Finland and the winter conditions. This study finds that winter temperatures in Finland are more dependent on large scale atmospheric circulation and its variability than on precipitation and its variability, which seems to be more locally determined.
Pohjoisboreaalisen järven ja sen valuma-alueen puron metaanivuon alueellinen ja ajallinen vaihtelu (2021)Methane is an important greenhouse gas in the global atmosphere and its concentration has more than doubled compared to preindustrial times. Fresh water lakes and streams are substantial sources of methane. However, the estimations of their role in the global methane budget vary significantly and not until the 21st century has the understanding of their role as substantial methane sources increased. In the boreal zone, lakes produce as much as 30 % of the methane emissions. In this study, we examine spatial and temporal changes in methane fluxes from northern boreal lake Pallasjärvi and from a small stream located in its catchment area between June and November of 2020. We also examine the factors that explain the spatial and temporal changes in the methane fluxes, both lake and stream. Lake and stream methane fluxes were measured every other week between June and August, once a week in September, and once in the beginning of November using the chamber method. During the chamber measurements we also measured water surface temperature. Furthermore, at the stream sites we measured the water flow rate. At the lake measurement points we measured the water depth in November, which we calibrated to apply to the entire measurement period using water pressure logger. In March 2021, we measured the depth of the sediment layer at the lake sites. We also used CORINE-landcover data to model stream methane fluxes and for the lake, we used Finnish Meteorological Institute’s wind speed and direction dataset. We used these variables in order to explain the spatial and temporal variation of the lake and the stream methane fluxes using correlation analysis and linear mixed models. In this study, we find that water surface temperature, water depth, and wind were significant variables in explaining the lake methane fluxes. Respectively, landcover and surface water temperature explained the stream methane flux. From a temporal perspective, the strongest fluxes were measured between June and July at the lake sites and August and the beginning of September at the stream sites. Methane fluxes were divided spatially in two different groups at both lake and stream sites. At the lake sites, the strongest fluxes were measured in the shallow Pallaslompolo area and the weakest at the larger and deeper main basin of the lake. At the stream sites, the fluxes were also divided in two groups, the upstream’s weak fluxes and the downstream’s strong fluxes. According to the results, the temporal change of flux in the lake area is controlled by the changes in the factors underlying the methane production, and the differences in the lake basin depth control the spatial change of flux. The temporal change of stream methane flux depends on the changes in the methane production in the stream and its catchment area, while the spatial change depends on the changes in the landcover along the stream. However, more research and data are needed about the lake sediment layer temperature and oxygen levels, the water methane concentration, and stream catchments with different landcovers, which all impact the methane fluxes.
(2014)Tutkielmassa käsitellään klassisen Poincarén epäyhtälön voimassaoloa euklidisen avaruuden rajoitetuissa alueissa. Epäyhtälön toteutuminen riippuu paitsi integrointialueesta D myös eksponentista p. Oleellista on, että epäyhtälössä esiintyvä vakio ei ole riippuvainen integroitavasta funktiosta. Epäyhtälössä esiintyy lisäksi funktion u integraalikeskiarvo yli alueen D. Työssä käsiteltävät alueet ovat rajoitettuja sekä funktiot Lebesgue-integroituvia näissä alueissa. Luvussa 3 todistetaan Poincarén epäyhtälön voimassaolo konvekseissa alueissa eksponentilla 1 < p < 1. Työn neljännessä luvussa todistetaan Poincarén epäyhtälön voimassaolon pisteen suhteen tähtimäisissä alueissa eksponentilla 1 < p < 1. Lopuksi luvussa 5 tutustumme 'Huoneita ja käytäviä' -tyyppiseen alueeseen, jossa Poincarén epäyhtälö ei ole voimassa eksponentin p > 1 ollessa kyllin pieni. Epäyhtälöä tutkitaan ja esitetyt tulokset ovat voimassa Sobolev avaruuksien funktioilla, vaikka tässä työssä tarkastellaan kerran jatkuvasti derivoituvia funktioita. Epäyhtälöllä on lukuisia sovelluksia osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöiden teoriassa.
(2013)Schwarzin lemman mukaan jokainen origon kiinnittävä analyyttinen yksikkökiekon D itsekuvaus f on joko kierto tai se kutistaa pisteen z \neq 0 etäisyyden origoon. Kun D tulkitaan hyperbolisen geometrian mallina ja f tämän mallin mukaisena kuvauksena, saadaan hieman heikommilla oletuksilla vahvempi tulos: hyperbolisen metriikan suhteen jokainen analyyttinen yksikkökiekon itsekuvaus on joko isometria tai kutistus. Tulos tunnetaan Schwarzin-Pickin lemmana, joka todistetaan tässä tutkielmassa. Ennen Schwarzin-Pickin lemmaa tutkielmassa määritellään Poincarén kiekkomalli hyperboliselle geometrialle ja osoitetaan sen toteuttavan hyperbolisen version Eukleideen paralleeliaksioomasta. Lisäksi määritellään tarvittava hyperbolinen metriikka, osoitetaan sen indusoiman etäisyyskäsitteen ominaisuuksia sekä havainnollistetaan niitä esimerkein. Tutkielman tärkeinä apuvälineinä käytetään Möbius-kuvauksia, jotka kuvaavat hyperboliset suorat hyperbolisiksi suoriksi. Erityisesti osoitetaan, että kiekon D konformiset automorfismit ovat tunnettua muotoa olevia Möbius-kuvauksia, jotka muodostavat ryhmän kuvausten yhdistämisen suhteen. Automorfismien osoitetaan myöhemmin olevan täsmälleen samoja kuin hyperboliset isometriat, minkä avulla saadaan helposti osoitettua useita etäisyyttä koskevia väitteitä. Schwarzin-Pickin lemma todistetaan yhdistämällä kuvaus f kahden sopivat ehdot täyttävien automorfismien kanssa ja soveltamalla Schwarzin lemmaa saatuun yhdisteeseen. Tutkielman lopuksi todistetaan kaksi Schwarzin-Pickin lemmalla saatavaa tulosta, joista ensimmäisen mukaan aiemmin määritelty hyperbolinen metriikka on vakiokerrointa vaille ainoa, jonka suhteen automorfismit ovat isometrioita. Toinen tulos on Schwarzin-Pickin lemman eräs vahvempi muoto, joka antaa tiukemman ylärajan kuvauksen f kuvapisteiden väliselle hyperboliselle etäisyydelle.
(2023)Let L_N denote the maximal number of points in a rate 1 Poisson process on the plane which a piecewise linear increasing path can pass through while traversing from (0, 0) to (N, N). It is well-known that the expectation of L_N / N converges to 2 as N increases without bound. A perturbed version of this system can be introduced by superimposing an independent one-dimensional rate c > 0 Poisson process on the main diagonal line {x = y} of the plane. Given this modification, one asks whether and if so, how, the above limit might be affected. A particular question of interest has been whether this modified system exhibits a nontrivial phase transition in c. That is, whether there exists a threshold value c_0 > 0 such that the limit is preserved for all c < c_0 but lost outside this interval. Let L^c_N denote the maximal number of points in the system perturbed by c > 0 which an increasing piecewise linear path can pass through while traversing from (0, 0) to (N, N). In 2014, Basu, Sidoravicius, and Sly showed that there is no such phase transition and that, for all c > 0, the expectation of L^c_N / N converges to a number strictly greater than 2 as N increases without bound. This thesis gives an exposition of the arguments used to deduce this result.
(2017)Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) and heavy metals are common soil contaminants, which when released in the environment have the potential to damage plants as well as endanger the health of both humans and animals. Investigating these contaminations for cleanup purposes is therefore important, and developing new rapid techniques to aid in this process would be beneficial. VNIR-SWIR (350–2500 nm) reflectance spectroscopy is a well-known method that has been shown to be a promising tool for the rapid and costeffective mapping and monitoring of various soil contaminations. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the spectral features of soil contaminants; the anisotropic nature of reflectance and polarization have been largely ignored. Characterization of these reflectance properties has the potential to provide valuable additional information, that can be used to improve remote-sensing methods and help develop reflectance models for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of contaminants in soil. To study the bidirectional reflectance and polarization properties of petroleum hydrocarbons and lead, the Finnish Geodetic Institute Field Goniospectrometer (FIGIFIGO) was used to measure samples artificially contaminated with diesel, motor oil and lead in the laboratory as well as lead contaminated soil and vegetation at Suomenlinna, Finland. In total, 23 samples were measured. It was confirmed that petroleum hydrocarbons can be detected from their characteristic absorption bands, and that the 1730 nm band is the most significant for this purpose. However, clay minerals appeared to considerably lower the intensity of these bands and affect the reflectance. Despite this, hydrocarbon absorption features were successfully detected from all samples at a lowest measured concentration of 0.5 wt.%. The polarization in the backward direction was found to decrease when diesel or motor oil was added, while the polarization increased in the forward direction on low zenith angles. In order to better understand the relationships between clay, water, hydrocarbon and quartz contents and their combined effects on the reflectance, more studies are needed. The reflectance and polarization of the laboratory Pb samples were found to increase significantly in the forward direction, while the polarization decreased in the backward direction in the SWIR region. This characteristic, if investigated further, could prove useful for the detection of heavy metals in soil. Lead was not reliably detected from the field samples, but more controlled studies on the relationship between soil contaminations and polarization properties of vegetation should be considered.
(2018)Cribbage is a card game involving multiple methods of scoring which each receive varying emphasis over the course of a typical game. Reinforcement learning is a machine learning strategy in which an agent learns to accomplish a task via direct experience by collecting rewards based on performance. In this thesis, reinforcement learning is applied to the game of cribbage, improving an agent’s policy of combining multiple basic strategies, according to the needs of the dynamic state of the game. From inspection, a reasonable policy is learned by the agent over the course of a million games, but an increase in performance was not demonstrated.
Politiikan ekologisoituminen liito-oravakonfliktissa : Tapaustutkimuksena Tampereen raitiotiehanke (2019)In the 21st century, there is an intensified social-political mindset, where people are no longer separated from nature. As a result concepts and theories of ecological research become part of regional policy and spatial planning. At the same time, ecological knowledge, technology orienta- tion and the economic potential created by them form an equilibrium between them. It may, depending on the context, turn to the barrier or benefit of the economy. Talking about the ecologicalization of politics which affecting all spatial planning levels in Finland. It has caused to conflicts in land use planning, when you try to take into account the importance of the nature of knowledge and to protect the directive species, such as flying squirrels. The aim of the study is to find out about the written material and the interviews with the peasants: what the flying squirrel conservation is all about and how it related to the ecologicalization of politics and what are the reasons for the species's conservation zoning conflicts and how can they be solved? As a case study, I will look at the Tramway project in Tampere, from the point of view of the flying squirrel’s conflict and ecologicalization of politics. At the same time, the aim is to develop the concept of ecologicalization of politics and to produce new information about the prevailing greenish social change. Flying squirrel is protect by a politically determined decision in the European Union area and it’s the small-scale night-life mammal which occurs grown up in mixed forests. In the EU, species occur in Finland and small quantities in Estonia and possibly in Latvia. Given that the EU is responding to the problem of state protection, the common species in Finland is the directive specie which requires special protection. The Habitats Directive has been implemented in Finland's National Nature Conservation Act at the end of the 1990s and the directive prohibits the eradication and deterioration of breeding and resting places of the species. In addition, the guiding regulation of the protection of the flying squirrel is included in the Land Use and Building Act, Land Act and Forest Law. Despite the protection of the flying squirrel population is estimated declined from the period after the Second World War in Finland, but the species is classified as held for an eye only. The calculation of population classification has been criticized. The entry into force of the Land Use and Building Act in 2000 was an important legal reform for the protection of the flying squirrel. A key change in the law had made land use planning objectives addition of "conservation of biodiversity and other natural values". In addition, the sections on increasing interaction and impact assessment of zoning have made the planning process more transparent and added the importance of nature enthusiasts. Influencing people often involves complaining about patterns, which is unfortunate. It offers residents the opportunity to influence the surrounding environment and protect nature, such as flying squirrels. Grown up in mixed forests of the flying squirrel favored often set in the cities, because the mixed forests have reduced and fragmented due to forestry in outside the cities. Urban forests directed to a plurality of user requirements, because it can be flying squirrel homeforests, residents recreational use, commercial forest and zoning residences area. Flying squirrel in the comfort of urban forests is challenging because growing cities expand and condense. The protection of the flying squirrel has caused conflict’s situations in many cities. An example of this is Pirkanmaa long flying squirrel conflict history and its recent case in Tampere’s tram project. The tramway is a matter of valuing of the political decision-making, where the construction the tram means ignoring another environmental value, nature conservation. The flexible nature of ecologicalization of politics is manifested in a tramway project, when ecological knowledge of the flying squirrel turns against economic goals and co-operation between actors. For people who benefit from economic growth and for the city's growth, the flying squirrel is a financial slowdown which complicates regional cooperation in Tampere urban area. Although the protection of flying squirrel is not just a matter of protecting the city's local level, but also regional co-operation, as the dynamic species moves away from the municipal boundaries.
(2014)Path erosion is one of the most visible impacts of hiking and in addition to ecological problems, it reduces visitors's possibilities to enjoy surrounding nature. As a part of path management, it is important to understand what factors will affect erosion. This study tries to find the factors that are responsible of path erosion in Sipoonkorpi area, near Helsinki, Finland. The foundation of Sipoonkorpi National Park in 2011 has increased the need for new marked paths and other services. Since the current services are still scarce, it is yet possible to effectively affect their placement and number. Path erosion was measured in 387 points that were placed randomly along paths. The data collected from every measuring point included the width of a path, the depth of a path, slope steepness, forest type and soil type. Furthermore, digital dataset was used to calculate the distance between every measuring point and the nearest parking area or densely build area. The effect of independent variables to width and depth was tested with generalized linear models (GLM), generalized additive models (GAM) and hierarchical partitioning. Both the width of a path and the depth of a path was best explained by a generalized additive model that included soil type, slope steepness and distance. According to hierarchical partitioning, distance, soil type and sidehill steepness have the greatest impact on the width of a path, and soil type, sidehill steepness and forest type have the greatest impact on the width of a path. In general, generalized additive models explained deviance better than generalized linear models and independent variables managed to explain width better than depth. Based on these results, the widest paths are located in sidehills with exposed rock. It is difficult to keep a balance on a sloping terrain and as a result, slipping feet will destroy vegetation, especially lichen, and widen the path. High hills with exposed rock tops are particularly fragile to trampling because their vegetation is usually fragile and hikers tend to wander around when searching the best view or trying to find their way back to the path. The impact of distance on erosion is evident, as the widest paths are located near parking areas or residental areas. The impact of distance is similar than the impact of visitor numbers investigated in previous studies. Differing from previous studies, fall line steepness explained very poorly width or depth.
(2020)Ocular drug delivery is a complex field of pharmaceutics due to the unique conditions on the eye surface. Currently used drug carriers have disadvantages like irritation and blurred vision, and moreover, the bioavailability of drug formulations is low. This research aimed to synthesize novel and safe drug carriers for ocular drug delivery that could prolong retention on the eye and resist a tear washout effect. The drug carrier consists of a gellan gum that is an anionic polysaccharide having a property for in situ gelling. Gellan gum was modified with short poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) grafts that have shown to have minimal unspecific organ deposition and rapid renal excretion. The choice of synthetic procedure, solvents, and reagents was dictated by biocompatibility of the materials and possible medical application. Graft copolymers were synthesized in a two-step synthetic procedure in which at first 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline was polymerized via cationic ring-opening polymerization. Next, living polymer chains were combined with deprotonated gellan gum to attach grafts onto the gellan backbone. Grafting was performed in three different degrees of grafting by changing poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-to-gellan mass ratio in the feed. Grafted copolymers were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) and by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In addition, the molecular weights of PEtOx grafts were determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Based on the results, synthesized copolymers had different degrees of grafting. The thermogravimetric analysis demonstrated a two-step degradation process for copolymers, in which the steps and weight losses correlated well with the grafts content. The diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) proved that the grafting had actually taken place, but a lower diffusion coefficient for copolymer in relation to the diffusion of a native gellan revealed degradation of the backbone.
(2022)In this project, poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-block-poly(2-n-butyl-2-oxazine)-block-poly(2-methyl-2- oxazoline) (PMeOx-b-PnBuOzi-b-PMeOx) and poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-block-poly(2-n-propyl-2- oxazine) (PMeOx-b-PnPrOzi) with block lengths of 35-20-35 and 100-100, respectively, were synthesized. When dispersed in water these thermoresponsive polymers aggregate into micellar aggregates or form hydrogels. Polymers were characterized with 1H-NMR, GPC, and DLS. Age-related macular edema and diabetic macular edema are the most common reasons for blindness in industrialized countries. The triamcinolone acetonide, a corticosteroid used to treat both of these macular edemas, was loaded into the polymeric micelles or hydrogel of synthesized polymers using the thin film method. The loading efficiency for a triblock copolymer ((PMeOx35-b-PnBuOzi20- b-PMeOx35) polymeric micelles was 4 % at the polymer/drug ratio of 10/4 and for a hydrogel (PMeOx100-b-PnPrOzi100) it was 48 % with the same polymer/drug ratio. The properties of the PMeOx100-b-PnPrOzi100 hydrogel formulations with the drug were studied with rheological measurements, DSC, DLS, and GPC of formulations. The formulation showed storage modulus of 3 kPa and the gelation temperature at 16 °C. From the DSC two glass transition temperatures were obtained, Tg1 at around 12 °C and Tg2 at around 74 °C. The particle size distribution of the formulation obtained with DLS showed that there were assumingly micelles or vesicles with a hydrodynamic radius between 20 and 80 nm. The drug release from the hydrogel formulation was studied with the dialysis membrane method and all the drug was released within 24 hours. Both copolymers formed quite unstable formulations with the drug. The results from this study gives information how polyoxazoline- and polyoxazine-based materials can be used to encapsulate and release corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone acetonide. To increase the drug loading capacity and to stabilize formulations, some surfactants for the drug could be tested in the future.
(2024)4D printing is becoming increasingly investigated as it is emerging as a pioneering method for biofabrication. By implementing programmable shape changing thermoresponsive hydrogels in bioink formulations, a 4D response can be achieved, which can be manipulated to print artificial organs and tissues. The limited selection of biocompatible thermoresponsive hydrogels, accompanied by the mechanical weakness of hydrogels have restricted the mainstream application of this technology in the field of bioprinting. The most commonly studied thermoresponsive polymer is poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), but it is understood that the monomer N-isopropylacrylamide exhibits cytotoxicity at low concentrations. The primary goal of this study is to investigate poly(2-substituted-2-oxazoline) macromonomers as potential alternatives to poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), and the secondary goal is to investigate microgels as an additive in crosslinked networks to enhance hydrogel mechanical strength. The results in this work indicate that poly(2-n-propyl-2-oxazoline-co-2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) is a promising candidate for 4D printing, because it’s LCST can be fine-tuned by altering the monomer ratio. However, it still requires further investigation as it requires an acrylamide comonomer to crosslink, and it also has compatibility issues with commercial printing additives like Pluronic F127. The addition of 2 wt.% microgel also showed promise as it enhanced the hydrogels mechanical strength over threefold.
(2022)Pólyan lauseen mukaan verkon Z^d symmetrinen satunnaiskävely on palautuva, jos d < 3 ja poistuva, jos d ≥ 3. Alunperin Georg Pólyan todistamalle lauseelle on ajan kuluessa muodostunut erilaisia todistusmenetelmiä. Tässä tutkielmassa syvennytään näistä kahteen toisiaan täydentävään menetelmään ja todistetaan Pólyan lause niiden avulla. Luvussa 5.1 Pólyan lauseelle esitetään laskennallinen todistus, joka tarjoaa yksinkertaisen ja konkreettisen tavan tutkia säännöllisen verkon satunnaiskävelyn käyttäytymistä. Luvussa 5.2 esitettävän virtauksen teorian avulla voidaan Pólyan lauseen lisäksi tutkia satunnaiskävelyn käyttäytymistä laajemmin eri verkoissa. Tarvittavat taustatiedot verkosta, Markovin ketjusta ja satunnaiskävelystä esitetään luvuissa 2 ja 3. Pólyan lauseen todistus on jaettu kahteen eri lukuun. Lauseen todistus alkaa luvusta 5.1, jossa verkon syklien ja polkujen lukumääriä tutkimalla Pólyan lause osoitetaan verkolle Z^d, missä d ≤ 3. Kombinatorinen todistus on idealtaan yksinkertainen, mutta siinä tehtävä arvio vaatii syvällisempää perustelua. Tutkielmassa tämä arvio toteutetaan Robbinsin kaavalla, joka on tarkempi arvio kirjallisuudessa useammin käytetylle Stirlingin kaavalle. Robbinsin kaava osoitetaan luvussa 4. Luvussa 5.2 esitetään verkon virtauksen teoria, jonka avulla Pólyan lause todistetaan verkolle Z^d, missä d > 3. Verkon virtauksen ja satunnaiskävelyn yhteys löytyy virtaukseen liittyvästä energian käsitteestä. Osoittautuu, että verkon virtauksista energialtaan pienimmän virtauksen energia riippuu verkon satunnaiskävelyn käyttäytymisestä. Tulos osoitetaan ensin äärelliselle verkolle, josta se johdetaan koskemaan ääretöntä verkkoa verkkoon liittyvän kontraktion käsitteen avulla. Luvussa 6 Pólyan lauseen merkitys korostuu, kun virtauslauseen avulla osoitetaan, että satunnaiskävelyn poistuvuus säilyy verkkojen kvasi-isometriassa. Tätä varten esitetään virtauslauseen seurauksia ja tarvittavat taustatiedot kvasi-isometriasta
(2015)This thesis presents and proves Pólya's enumeration theorem (PET) along with the necessary background knowledge. Also, applications are presented in coloring problems, graph theory, number theory and chemistry. The statement and proof of PET is preceded by detailed discussions on Burnside's lemma, the cycle index, weight functions, configurations and the configuration generating function. After the proof of PET, it is applied to the enumerations of colorings of polytopes of dimension 2 and 3, including necklaces, the cube, and the truncated icosahedron. The general formulas for the number of n-colorings of the latter two are also derived. In number theory, work by Chong-Yun Chao is presented, which uses PET to derive generalized versions of Fermat's Little Theorem and Gauss' Theorem. In graph theory, some classic graphical enumeration results of Pólya, Harary and Palmer are presented, particularly the enumeration of the isomorphism classes of unlabeled trees and (v,e)-graphs. The enumeration of all (5,e)-graphs is given as an example. The thesis is concluded with a presentation of how Pólya applied his enumeration technique to the enumeration of chemical compounds.
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