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  • Klockars, Stella (2020)
    To handle the pressure and maintain healthy mental wellbeing, employees would benefit from knowing how to manage their work motivation. Autonomously motivated employees do their job because they enjoy it or because of its personal importance. The self-determination theory states that employees, who are autonomously motivated experience positive outcomes, beneficial for both individuals and organizations. In order to be optimally motivated, the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness must be satisfied. Previously, the self-determination theory has mostly focused on how social agents (e.g. managers) can create environments that satisfy these needs. However, employees themselves can also use techniques to self-manage their motivation, such as self-kindness or goal setting. The aims of this thesis are to examine how employees from a public sector organization describe how they manage their work motivation. Moreover, problems in which participants describe using 11 self-motivational techniques are examined. This study uses data from a six-week observational study, where 18 participants responded to brief mobile questionnaires five times during workdays. At the end of the study, individual interviews took place, which will be analysed with thematic analysis. The most frequently used techniques among the participants were goal setting, supporting others and obtaining support. Next, by interpreting different situations for which self-motivational techniques were used, I identified eight themes concerning problems: self-doubt, negative mindset, boring tasks, inability to change tasks, managing chaos, feeling stuck, need of social interaction and negative social interruptions. One technique could be used for solving different problems. The results of the research question, on how the participants describe their use of the techniques, show three main themes: self-management choice guided by self-concept, effects of study participation, and interconnectedness, and five sub-themes. The results show that the participants’ ways of managing their motivation were affected by e.g. their self- concept, their work role and the study participation. Moreover, in some cases, the participants did not separate between self-motivational techniques and regular work behaviour and that some aspects of the techniques led to uncertainty, such as how the participants had interpreted having used them and whether it was done consciously or not. In conclusion, the results shed light on how these techniques have been used and understood, which might have implications for how future research can study how employees can manage their own motivation. This study is among the first qualitative studies to investigate how people use self-enactable techniques to improve their quality of work motivation.
  • Dahlman, Katarina (2017)
    NGO presence is an important factor driving the policy discussion in the field of EU environmental policy, where key legislation on climate is on its way and expected up until 2030 in order to materialise the EU:s climate ambitions. Renewable energy is of the cornerstones of EU climate and energy policy in the transport sector, and the EU biofuel policy has been of topical concern for some time now. A large share of the renewable energy in the transport sector is still expected to come from biofuels, which have raised questions about the sustainability and climate benefits of EU biofuels policy. The sustainability issues of biofuel production are kept topical not least because of active pressure from media and NGOs. Internationally, in the aftermath of the worldwide food price rise of 2007-2008, environmental NGOs were successful in turning political pressure on the topic of biofuels and land grabbing. Similarly, in the EU, environmental NGOs are vocal in this policy field and pressure from them probably played an important role in pushing the European Commission to bring forward the legislative proposal of the ILUC Directive in 2012, which aimed at limiting the negative effects of EU biofuel production and to raise the climate benefits of EU biofuels - a case of high importance for the environmental NGOs. J.L. Austin’s speech act theory outlines that to say something in the right circumstances is not always merely saying or describing, but doing something. Austin’s theory of speech acts provides both the theoretical and methodological frameworks for this thesis, where the aim is to analyse how policy is constructed through language and how environmental NGOs participate in the construction of EU biofuel policy. Rather than asking about the reasonings or possibilities behind the NGOs intentions or possibilities to participate in the shaping of policy, the aim is to show that policy is constructed by certain norms through certain speech acts. The thesis analyses NGO utterances in a set of publications and compares these utterances to the final legislative act in order to see how successful the NGO speech acts were and to what extent they were directly or indirectly reflected in final legislation. The thesis finds that saying something in the right circumstances and in the right way is indeed not only saying or describing something, but doing something. Language and words are used to do things, and the NGOs analysed here are successful in participating in the construction of EU biofuel policy through the use of language and speech acts.
  • Koho, Emil (2022)
    People constantly face environmental stimuli and appraise them as events of potential benefits (challenge appraisal) or events of harm and loss (threat appraisal). The reason why employees react to organisational changes as threats or challenges remains unclear in the literature. With an existing large panel of participants (OnlineResearch Finland), this Master’s thesis aimed to understand how employees’ trust towards their supervisor links with cognitive appraisals. Following previous research, the trust variable was further divided into reliance and disclosure. Based on Transactional Theory of Stress and Coping by Lazarus & Folkman, employee’s trust towards the supervisor was hypothesised to predict employees' reactions to organisational changes, in a way that trust would be positively related to challenge appraisals and negatively related to threat appraisal. Using Gillespie’s 10-item trust inventory, regression analysis indicated that both reliance and disclosure were positively related to challenge appraisal in single time-points, and negatively related to threat appraisal in over-time analysis. The results indicate trust has an important role in employees’ reactions to changes and hypotheses were partly accepted, but it seems employees' initial reactions derive from alternative factors, and further research is needed to better understand causal relations between these variables.
  • Khryashcheva, Vera (2015)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella, miten ihmisen oleminen ja oppiminen liittyvät yhteen Martin Heideggerin filosofiassa. Tavoitteena on osoittaa, että oppiminen on sama kuin näkökulman ja mielialan muuttuminen. Tutkielman lähtökohta on Heideggerin kritiikki kartesiolaista maailmankatsomusta kohtaan. Kartesiolaisen maailmankuvan mukaan maailma koostuu subjekteista ja objekteista, ihmismielen sisäisestä ja sen ulkopuolisesta maailmasta. Heidegger väittää, että inhimillistä kokemusta ei voida erottaa sisäiseksi ja ulkoiseksi. Ihminen on jo valmiiksi erottamaton osa maailmaa eli sitä, mikä kartesiolaisessa maailmankuvassa mielletään ulkoiseksi maailmaksi. Näitä periaatteita käsitellään Heideggerin Oleminen ja aika -teokseen nojautuen mutta myös käyttäen sen kommentaareja, jotka ovat kirjoittaneet Richard Polt ja Hubert L. Dreyfus. Heideggerin käsite 'aukio' (clearing) tarkoittaa tilaa, jossa maailma näyttäytyy ihmiselle tietynlaisena riippuen siitä, minkä mielialan kanssa ihminen on samalla taajuudella eli toisin sanottuna, mikä näkökulma hänellä on. Oppiminen on mielialan tai näkökulman muutos. Kun ihminen oppii, asiat näyttäytyvät hänelle eri tavalla. Tutkielmassa esitellään Heideggerin totuuskäsitys taideteosesimerkin kautta. Samalla tavalla kuin maalauksen katsominen kertoo ihmiselle totuuden maalauksen kohteen käytöstä tai tarkoituksesta, hänen näkökulmansa kertoo hänelle asioiden totuuden kunakin hetkenä. Tässä määritelmässä totuus tarkoittaa minkä tahansa asian merkitystä. Taideteosesimerkki on peräisin Heideggerin luentokokoelmasta Taideteoksen alkuperä. Oppimisprosessissa maailma näyttäytyy ihmiselle eri tavalla kuin ennen. Opettajan tehtävä on antaa oppilaan oppia eli sallia hänen näkökulmansa muuttua luonnolliseen tahtiin pakottamatta. Tylsyyden tunne on olennainen oppimisessa, koska se sallii näkökulman muutoksen helpommin kuin muut mielialat. Ajatusten perusteluun on käytetty esimerkiksi Jan-Erik Mansikan artikkelia vuodelta 2009. Inhimillisen kokemuksen kokonaisvaltaisuus ja Heideggerin käsitys ihmisen maailmassa-olemisesta tarkoittaa oppimisen kannalta, että kokemuksemme totuudesta muuttuu. Ajattelu on mielialan muutosta ja oppiminen on ajattelua ajassa. Tätä näkemystä voidaan hyödyntää kasvatustieteissä. Esimerkiksi ajan merkitystä oppimisessa ja piilo-opetussuunnitelman roolia voidaan tutkia näistä lähtökohdista käsin.
  • Eloranta, Jaana (2017)
    Food is essential to survival and to one’s well-being. However, as several anthropological studies have shown, food is so much more than just nutrition, ingredients and the factual eating; it is about social relations, ethics, individual choices and self-expression, power, and so much more. This research work examines how a western urban culture reacts to surplus food and food waste, and to their possibilities; how does the society renegotiate by shopping and consuming a new set of rules of their foodways. The main focus here, is to analyze the process of second-hand shopping and to observe how food products, a commodity segment that has traditionally been left outside of the second-hand studies, fit into the world of second-hand. By comparing second-hand food to other commodities in the second-hand world and through exploring the current theoretical discourse of value creation, this work takes part in the anthropological discourse of value creation.
  • Markkula, Marita (2021)
    The topic of this study is to explore how the senior business leaders construct their attitudes and describe the role of trust in the context of business transformations related to the company's business and organization, for example during mergers or acquisitions (M&A) and hyper-growth. The focus of the study is on attitudes constructed by these leaders and observed through their argumentation when talking about trust. These attitudes and argumentation are examined from the theoretic-methodological approach of qualitative attitude approach, offering a unique angle to trust research, widely dominated by quantitative research. The qualitative attitude approach relies on rhetorical social psychology and constructivist viewpoint, which draws attention to the socially constructed nature of argumentation when examining attitudes. In the qualitative attitude approach, attitude is seen as relationist, where attitude is viewed to be built in argumentation. Examining the argumentation of speech provides new insights into the role of trust in an organization. The research data consisted of five individual interviews of experienced corporate executives in top management positions (members of the company’s executive leadership team or the board of directors). The interviews were conducted in the spring and summer of 2019. These semi-structured interviews consisted of seven attitude prompts to which comments were requested. Five prompts addressed trust within the organization and two addressed leadership. In their speech, the interviewees formed statements and justifications to the questions and topics at hand, substantiating and negotiating their views. The study identified 20 different attitude constructs related to trust and two attitude constructs related to leadership overall. These attitudes were constructed from the classification of statements and justifications that emerged from the interview material. According to the qualitative attitude approach, analysis was conducted on two levels: through classifying and interpretative analysis. Attitudes were interpreted based on six evaluative argumentation patterns when talking about trust, forming six rhetoric versions of trust: Trust as a relational and interactional phenomenon across different organizational levels, Trust as an organizational catalyst, Trust as an outcome of multidimensional elements, Trust as an intentional act, Trust as a collective construct, and Trust-building as a leadership skill. The senior leaders formed these versions of trust from four subject positions - Trustor, Trustee, Observer and Evaluator of Trust, and Active Trust Builder. Positive, conditional, and negative justifications, subject positions, self-reflection, framing, and social influence were used as rhetoric and social resources to form attitudes related to trust. In the trust speech of senior business leaders, trust is described as an atmosphere of common trust, building material, and a bedrock of the company, that must be consciously and collectively built within organizations. Modern leadership was described as a school of fish with collective intelligence, a team jointly creating success. Trust-building needs to be contributed by the whole organization but it’s also seen as a leadership skill just like budgeting. The benefits of trust for organizations are empirically indisputable. Trust helps an organization to bear and share risks, creates psychological safety at all levels of the organization as well as supports risk-taking and decision-making in transformational situations.
  • Zhao, Youxuan (2022)
    Since the 1990s, the international capital flow between countries has shown a sharp rise. Most of the transition economies such as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have adopted new measures to reform their financial systems, which not only brought important sources of overseas capital for their own economic development, but also guided their financial systems to develop in a more rational direction. However, such a model that relies heavily on the foreign capital has also brought serious financial hidden dangers. The declining trend of international capital flows after the financial crisis further confirms the existence of the "Lucas Paradox". Based on the sorting and research of previous literature, this dissertation takes CEE and CIS countries with unique background and status in transition economies as research objects. After summarizing the transition background and characteristics of these two types of transition economies, each aspect of financial development and transition is analyzed (banking, securities, financial regulation). Then, it analyzes the situation of international capital inflow in different stages in detail. In addition, the international capital flow data and financial development data of 19 transition economies from 1995 to 2019 were selected, and macro-control variables were considered. Meanwhile, this dissertation establishes a panel data model rely on FGLS estimation and systematic GMM method to discover the quantitative relationship between financial development and international capital flow. The empirical results show that with the improvement of the level of financial development, direct investment and international loans show a positive inflow, while indirect investment has a reverse outflow phenomenon. At the macroeconomic level, real economic growth rates and real interest rates affect total capital inflows, and the quality of national institutions affects direct and indirect investment inflows. In addition, increased financial development can significantly boost indirect investment and debt-based capital inflows in EU-acceded countries (CEE), but non-EU-acceded countries (CIS) are somewhat unattractive for international indirect investment.
  • Taskinen, Kalle (2020)
    The number of unskilled workers working in Finnish manufacturing has been declining in recent years. From 2010 to 2017 the total number of workers in Finnish manufacturing declined by roughly 40 000 workers and the number of unskilled workers, as defined in this paper, declined by roughly 30 000 workers during the same time-period. This paper examines the role that outward foreign direct investment has played in the decline of the employment of unskilled workers in Finnish manufacturing over the years 2010-2017 and whether foreign direct investment directed to certain countries has contributed to the decline more than investment directed to other countries. Theories on international fragmentation of production suggest that the most unskilled labour-intensive processes are shifted to countries more abundant in unskilled labour. To estimate the effects of foreign direct investment on the number of unskilled workers working in Finnish manufacturing a dataset containing the average annual wage of all workers in Finnish manufacturing, the value of output, the value of the stock of machinery and the number of employees in foreign affiliates is used. The dataset covers the years 2010-2017.Turnover in foreign affiliates and the value of imported intermediate goods are used as alternative measures for foreign direct investment in separate models. The regression model is a first differences model where the number of unskilled workers is the dependent variable and the other variables mentioned above are the independent variables. The first differences models do not yield any statistically significant results and neither do alternative specifications used in this paper, which are a second differences estimator and a lagged effects estimator where the all other variables are differenced twice and the variable describing foreign direct investment is differenced once. These results do not necessarily mean that foreign direct investment has played no role in the decline of the number of unskilled workers working in Finnish manufacturing but the effects are not significant on an aggregated industry level. This question should be studied more carefully using more specific industry-level data or even firm-level data.
  • Lai, Cheuk Tung (2019)
    This study aims to explore how family influences graduates in higher education and occupation markets, in the processes of opportunity, selection, purpose and motivation and performance in Hong Kong and Helsinki, Finland by applying the economic, cultural and social capitals introduced by Bourdieu and Coleman. Interviews (N=20) have been conducted to analyse the personal experiences of interviewees in both cities. However, results show that only cultural capital is the most influential resource provided by particularly parents in both Hong Kong and Helsinki. And the way of how parents in both cities contribute to and affect graduates is different from the claims of Bourdieu and Coleman. Thus, some sources of errors i.e. interview questions and interviewee’s answers and limitations are identified to support why results are not strong enough when applying Bourdieu’s and Coleman’s ideas of capitals. Also, diploma disease (Dore, 1976) is identified as one of the key problems in the education system, specifically in Hong Kong, which will be discussed at the end of this study.
  • Wenman, Ellen (2024)
    The way the field of Global Development Studies treats the concept of development” is far from consistent. Furthermore, with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals the focus of Global Development Studies has become even more divided. There is particularly a gap in the literature when it comes to examining the current definition of development in Global Development Studies. This thesis tries to bridge this gap by exploring how development is defined in contemporary development studies journals and institutes. This thesis follows the notion that meaning imposed on concepts make a difference, thus, concepts cannot be employed freely without perpetuating some type of mental structures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review how contemporary scholars in Global Development Studies infer meaning on the concept of development through their academic articles. The study was conducted as an integrative literature review and thoroughly explored the implicit meanings given to development. The material used as data for the study were articles published by two institutes, the Global Development Studies research unit at the University of Helsinki and the International Institute of Social Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and in three key journals, Development and Change, Globalizations, and World Development. The analysis was carried out in two stages, a primary deductive analysis on the abstracts of 259 articles, and a secondary inductive analysis on 19 representative articles read in their entirety. Using the theoretical framework of Nightingale (2019) on Narratives of Sustainable Development, eight narratives of development were formulated and utilised as a framework in the primary analysis. The results show that most scholars in Global Development Studies employ the concept of development freely, without explicit consideration given to its meanings. The narrative of development as Freedom is most frequently contributed to in the articles, and a focus on human capabilities is prevalent throughout most of the articles reviewed. Whereas alternatives to development is present as a recurring narrative, the classical approach to development, particularly as something done in favour of the Global South and with a focus on economic factors, is still more salient in the results. Additional studies on this topic with a larger scope and a more open search strategy would be welcomed. Future research should also be conducted on other areas of importance to development, such as the working papers produced by multilateral organisations, to further inform our understanding of how the meaning of development is constructed.
  • Karttunen, Kristiina (2021)
    The premise of this thesis is that neoclassical economics as a particular theory of justice explains the justification of water privatisation. Hence, the aim of the study is to describe how and why water privatisation is justified by asking three research questions: What problems are distinguished in relation to access to safe drinking water? What privatisation measures are proposed as solutions? How are these water privatisation measures justified? These research questions are contextualised by providing a comprehensive account on the history and present status of water privatisation within the neoliberal project and examining the normative basis of neoclassical economics via the concept of Pareto optimality. This is done by analysing 25 Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) that were published by 25 low-income countries under the guidance of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) during 2010-2014. These PRSPs are examined through content analysis and frame analysis in a largely qualitatively manner. In the analysis of PRSPs, the thesis found, first, that although the problems in relation to access to water were highly varied, the uneven and unequal access to water was more prevalent than physical water scarcity issues. Secondly, three strategies of privatisation measures were identified in PRSPs: strategy of privatisation, strategy of commercialisation and strategy of liberalisation of governance. Finally, the study found four principal frames justifying water privatisation in PRSPs. These frames were development frame, economic good frame, anti-government frame and right frame. The results suggest that water privatisation measures increasingly blur the distinction between ‘public’ and ‘private’. This implies that the ‘public’ is largely guided by the market logic, and thus the difference between water privatisation and public sector control is increasingly irrelevant. These privatisation measures are justified by drawing on neoclassical economics as a theory of justice that is based on Pareto optimality. This way, international financial institutions (IFIs) and states can paradoxically allow for privatisation measures in water supply systems since it can ideally create the conditions for perfect competition whereby water resources become allocated in the most efficient, and thus in the most just way.
  • Togno, Francesca (2020)
    This thesis attempts to examine how much a representative consumer per each country is willing to pay to avoid global warming by analysing their welfare gains from having a smoother consumption path. Temperature variations affect economic activity, and consumption is subject to shocks related to global warming. I start by reviewing the economic literature that studied the relationship between temperatures and economic activity. I highlight which are the main effects on the economy that are correlated to rising temperatures and I review the methods that are usually employed by economists to assess environmental damages. I then take a sample of 163 countries and compute the welfare gains for each country for having a smoother consumption path, following the method used by Lucas (2003). To do this, I use country-level household consumption data and I set values for the risk aversion coefficient following the suggestions of the previous economic literature. I repeat the experiment with a smaller sample of 72 countries, this time using country-specific risk aversion coefficients retrieved from Gandelman and Hernández-Murillo (2015). In both cases, I obtain that most of the countries have welfare gains lying in the order of 10^-2 and 10^-3. Using annual temperature data, I test the Spearman correlation coefficient between welfare gains and average temperatures. Although the previous literature stressed the adverse effects of global warming on the economy, I find no significant correlation between these two variables. Countries that are more at risk do not display higher welfare gains than countries with a lower risk of imminent climate damages. To explain my results, I then consider determinants of risk aversion other than temperature and conclude that risk aversion, and consequently the value of welfare gains, can depend on several other factors.
  • Sa, Haoxuan (2013)
    Chinese online nationalism is an intensively discussed issue in academia, and Chinese microblogging (Weibo) has now become the third most important information resources for Chinese netizens. However, little research has been done on the performance of Chinese online nationalism, especially on the Sino-Japanese relationship. In this thesis, an empirical study has been done to analyze online nationalism on the Sina microblogging platform. A case that has been chosen for analysis is a heavy earthquake that hit Japan on March 2011, when the Chinese government sent rescue teams to Japan to take part in the rescue activities. A lot of discussion on microblogging was related to this issue. This case is used to analyze how the discussion reflected online nationalism among the users of microblogging. Using 'Japanese earthquake' and ' China sent rescue team' as key words during 12 March 2011 to 21 March 2011, a random selection method is applied to get a sample for this study, and 584 postings are selected as a sample to analyze. The findings in this study indicate that microblogging provides a flexible platform for ordinary people to express their emotions on nationalist issues, but most of the discussions are not rational. Chinese Online nationalism is not only limited in a bottom-up model, but in this case, elite class supplies the views and arguments to masses, and masses spread them. The shared national identity of China as a victim in the past and a superpower in the world today in microbloggers’ minds helps to sustain Chinese nationalism on microblogging. What is more, national pride is another important element that constitutes Chinese online nationalism. However, several microbloggers clearly distinct the Chinese government from the Chinese nation. The findings also show that Internet plays a positive role in formulating public spheres. However, online platforms like microblogging cannot be easily regarded as public spheres.
  • Sadeoja, Samuli (2018)
    Small number of firms with substantially high growth create most new jobs. These firms have caught lots of attention, but little is known about the persistence of their fast growth. In this thesis I investigate the growth persistence of high-growth firms in Finland during 2001-2010. High-growth firms are identified as the fastest growing on percent of all firms and growth is indicated by growth in employees and growth in sales. Results show that high-growth firms tend to have low growth rates in the following period and the probability of repeating fast growth is small. The rapid growth thus does not predict high growth in the future.
  • Orengo, Johanan (2013)
    Sun Zi’s Art of War is the oldest military treatise in the world and still the most relevant. It can be applied to any area of human experience that involves conflict of some sort and has been applied to a variety of problems by everyday practitioners and academic scholars alike. Despite its importance, it is mostly ignored by the social scientific community at large. In an attempt to rectify this situation, I examine the Art of War as data from a sociological perspective, namely, that of Cultural Theory, which is used to comprehend sociocultural reality. Furthermore, I invert what might be an ‘intellectually imperialist’ relationship and examine Cultural Theory from the perspective of the Sun Zi. The overall goal is to discover how their mutual interaction might be utilized by scholars in studies of the Sun Zi, Cultural Theory, and related topics as well as how it might allow people to view how they live differently. The results of these close readings demonstrate that the Art of War is rooted in two intertwining cultures, the hierarchic and the individualist—the better for a general to manipulate his enemy and emerge victorious in battle. Cultural Theory, on the other hand, can be fruitfully applied to the issues that concern the Art of War such as knowing one’s enemy and deception, and, thus, used to win.
  • Nyfors, Carmina (2024)
    Carbon pricing is gaining momentum across developing countries such as the Philippines. Along with its strong commitment to increase the shares of renewable energy sources and excise taxes on fuels already in place, the government passed the House Bill No. 4939 aiming to tax households Php 1 for every kilogram of $CO_2$ emission per kilowatt hour (kWh) of power consumption. This raises varying opinions in the public if carbon tax is necessary compared to the amount of emissions of the country as a whole, amounting only to .48\% of total global emissions. Existing literature yields diverse results on the progressiveness of carbon tax in terms of its distributional effects. Most developed countries with active carbon taxation prove it to be progressive across different income groups. However, in developing countries such as the Philippines, studies show varying outcomes -- some argue that carbon tax would be regressive and would hurt the most vulnerable populations. Others also say that it would most affect the middle class, while few conclude that it can progressive in some developing countries. The Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) is used in this thesis to determine the change in household consumption across different income groups in the Philippines. The results show a regressive reaction to the increase in the price of electricity. The simulation resulted to a nearly similar pattern in the overall changes in consumption by varying degrees. The changes are most substantial in the poorest and richest households, meanwhile slight changes in the middle groups. However, by taking the income and cross-price elasticity of demand, the commodities are determined to be whether a necessity or luxury good and a complement or substitute good. The maximizing household then decides from which commodities to cut back in order to compensate to the carbon tax on electricity. The lowest income has the most percentage increase in the consumption of electricity, compensating from the necessities such as food. The middle groups follow by less percentage increase. Meanwhile, the highest income decreases its budget share for electricity, making way to increase on its other more important expenses. The elasticity of demand for carbon-intensive goods plays a role in determining the distributional effects of a carbon tax. In this thesis, the Php 1 carbon tax would affect the lowest income household in substantial amount compared to their actual energy consumption. This concerns policy makers of the social equity, and fairness of carbon tax. The House Bill No. 4939, when approved, takes the first step to adapting carbon tax in the Philippines.
  • Tanrikulu, Bengü (2017)
    The rise of the political Islam has been affecting every sphere of life in Turkey during the last decade. The policies of the Turkish government and the discourses of the current Turkish president, Erdoğan aim to control the female participation in public space. However, the change in gender roles in space does not always evolve simultaneously with the political trend. This situation can be seen among the female artisans and artists of the Samanpazarı district of Ankara. Women are the main social actors who transform the area with the participation in the district and with the work they do. This thesis analyzes the everyday life of the female artisans and artists in the Samanpazarı district of Ankara, Turkey. The data was collected during a period of three months of ethnographic fieldwork. Different methods were used during this period. Participant observation and interviews were the main methods. In addition to these, gender map was sketched to understand the gendered use of space. The historical background of the area was also investigated. The aim of the thesis is to examine how female artisans and artists started to participate and to create businesses in the abandoned trading center of Ankara. The thesis also aims to investigate the period after female artisans moved in the district, because this is the period during which the area has gained a new identity and, the social and economic relations have changed. The main result of this thesis is that women used traditional craft skills and the history of the area to create a space for themselves and to participate in Samanpazarı. After they moved in, they started to gain more control in the area through the social and economic relations they created.
  • Karvinen, Simo (2012)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella uintiseurojen valmennusorganisaatioita liikunta- ja urheilupolitiikan toimeenpanijoina. Taustalla on liikunnan ja urheilun kansainvälisessä yhteiskunnallisessa teoreettisessa keskustelussa esiin noussut vastakkainasettelu kilpa- ja huippu-urheilun kehittämisen ja mahdollisimman monille kansalaisille liikunta- ja urheilumahdollisuuksien tarjoamisen välillä. Jälkiperustahakuisen tutkimusotteen avulla on tarkoituksena analysoida tämän vastakkainasettelun tuottamisprosessia liikunnan ja urheilun keskusjärjestötason rakenneuudistuksesta (1993) tähän päivään. Toinen keskeinen taustatekijä on tällä hetkellä käynnissä oleva Suomen Olympiakomitean koordinoima huippu-urheilun muutostyö. Tämän tarkoituksena on tuottaa huippu-urheilun suomalainen malli, joka on eettisiltä periaatteiltaan kestävä ja mahdollistaa suomalaisten urheilijoiden menestymisen kansainvälisissä arvokilpailuissa. Valmennusorganisaatioiden diskursiivista toimintaympäristöä tarkastellaan Ernesto Laclaun kehittämän ideologia- ja diskurssianalyysin avulla. Tätä käytetään myös tutkielman analyysimenetelmänä, tarkasteltaessa kelluvien merkitsijöiden kiinnittymistä diskursseihin. Diskursiivista toimintaympäristöä analysoidaan liikunnan ja urheilun yhteiskunnallisella toimintakentällä tuotetun liikuntaa ja urheilua kaikille -diskurssin ja kilpa- ja huippu-urheiludiskurssin vastakkain asettelun avulla. Liikuntaa ja urheilua -diskurssin vaikutusta valmennusorganisaatioihin tutkitaan kulttuuris-kognitiivisen institutionalismin mukaisen institutionalisaation avulla, jossa keskeistä on jaettujen uskomusten objektifikaation kasvu. Huippu-urheilun muutostyön toimeenpanoa analysoidaan alhaalta ylöspäin suuntautuvan John Campbellin translation -toimeenpanomallin avulla. Tässä mallissa keskeistä on, että politiikan toimeenpanossa olemassa olevilla rakenteilla, käytännöillä ja merkityksillä on aina väliä.Tutkimuksessa hahmotetaan huippu-urheilun muutostyön toimeenpanoa uinnissa tämän prosessin kannalta keskeisen Huipulle tähtäävän uimarin urapolun avulla. Vertaan valmennusorganisaatioiden paikallista kiinnittymistä diskursseihin urapolun kriteereihin ja analysoin tämän vaikutusta toimeenpanoon. Tutkielman keskeisiä tuloksia olivat, että kahtiajaottelun takia valmennusorganisaatioissa on käynnissä jatkuva kamppailu merkityksenannoista. Jatkuva kamppailu on johtanut siihen, että kummankaan diskurssin merkityksenannot eivät ole täysin institutionalisoituneet valmennusorganisaatioiden toimijoiden asenteisiin, eikä toimintatapojen merkityksenantoihin. Ne näyttäytyvät limittäisinä diskursseina paikallisesti valmennusorganisaatioissa. Tällä tutkimuksessa nähdään olevan väliä huippu-urheilun toimeenpanon kannalta, joissain valmennusorganisaatioissa mahdollistavasti ja joissain tuoden toimeenpanolle merkittäviä haasteita.
  • Saarinen, Minna (2014)
    Suomalaista susipolitiikkaa voi luonnehtia konfliktiseksi. Tämä konflikti näkyy myös mediassa, jossa susiaiheinen keskustelu on eritoten viimeaikoina ollut vilkasta. Myös kulttuurisesta perimästä ammentava susipelko on saanut roolin tässä keskustelussa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tehdä selkoa mediavälitteisestä susikeskustelusta ja selvittää, millaisen roolin pelko tässä keskustelussa saa. Tutkimusaineistona on vuoden 2013 Helsingin Sanomissa julkaistut susiaiheiset uutiset ja mielipidekirjoitukset. Aineisto koostuu yhteensä 57 tekstistä, joista 16 on mielipidekirjoituksia, loput toimituksellista sisältöä. Helsingin Sanomien susikeskustelua tarkastellaan diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Kriittisen diskurssianalyysin keskiössä on kielenkäyttö, jossa kieli mielletään sekä yhteiskunnallisesti tuotettuna että yhteiskunnallisena vaikuttajana. Kieli ei piirrä kuvaa kielen takana olevasta objektiivisesta todellisuudesta, vaan se rakentaa tietynlaista kuvaa siitä. Tekstien sisältämien merkityspotentiaalien tulkinnan lisäksi diskurssien tarkastelu susikonfliktin lehtiaineistossa tuottaa myös havaintoja median tavasta jäsentää todellisuutta ja puhutella yleisöään. Aineiston diskurssianalyyttinen tarkastelu tarjoaa selkeän näkökulman siihen, miksi joistain susikonfliktin asioista uutisoidaan, mutta joistain ei ja miksi jotkut toimijat pääsevät sanomineen esille, mutta toiset eivät. Vuoden 2013 Helsingin Sanomien sutta käsittelevistä sisällöistä voi erottaa kolme diskurssia: uutisdiskurssin, oikeellisuusdiskurssin ja kyseenalaistavan diskurssin. Näiden diskurssien lisäksi aineistoa läpileikkaa pelon diskurssi, jonka ominaispiirteinä voi pitää seuraavia: epäluottamus sekä kanssaihmisiä että auktoriteetteja kohtaan, tunteisiin vetoavat kerronnalliset keinot, harhaanjohtaminen, trendiyttäminen, jonkun asian riskien tai vaarallisuuden korostaminen tai vaihtoehtoisesti turvallisuusnäkökulman hakeminen sekä toiseuttaminen jakamalla ihmiset meihin ja muihin. Diskurssit eivät suoraan asetu hierarkkiseen suhteeseen, vaan kamppailua merkityksellistämisen valta-asemasta käydä jokaisen diskurssin representoiman asian kohdalla erikseen. Uutiskonteksti on yksi tekijä, joka muokkaa sutta ja susipolitiikkaa sekä niiden representaatioita yhteiskunnassa. Diskurssien kaksisuuntaisesta logiikasta johtuen voi susipolitiikan vallitsevien yhteiskunnallisten rakenteiden mahdollistavan Helsingin Sanomien susiuutisoinnin diskurssit, mutta toisaalta nämä diskurssit myös tuottavat uudelleen vallitsevia yhteiskunnallisia rakenteita. Diskurssit siis tuottavat ja ylläpitävät jatkuvasti käsitystä siitä, kuka tai ketkä ovat susipolitiikassa oikeutettuja toimijoita, miten susikonflikti ymmärretään ja miten sen voisi ratkaista. Samalla kun diskurssit osallistuvat susikonfliktin määrittämiseen mediassa ne myös ruokkivat pelon kulttuurin kasvua Suomessa. Uhka on uutisnäkökulmasta kiinnostava aihe ja sitä, miten suden aiheuttamaa uhkaa Helsingin Sanomien susiteksteissä rakennetaan, voi kutsua pelon diskurssiksi. Pelon diskurssin avaamia näkökulmia susitilanteeseen voi käyttää edelleen hyödyksi myös ymmärryksen tuottamisessa konfliktista.
  • Erämaja, Elias (2015)
    Migration has been increasing steadily during the past decades and it has become an important phenomenon around the globe. It affects both the developed and the developing world and most of the migration still happens from a poorer country to a richer one (South-North migration). Migration can have both positive and negative effects for the source country’s economy. On one hand, the so-called 'brain drain', where the much-needed talent flows away, can be considered as a bad phenomenon. On the other hand, this negative effect can be mitigated i.e. by the resulting intra-family remittances that contribute to the economy of the source country. Nowadays, the amount of remittances is over three times the amount of the Official Development Aid (ODA). The possibility for migration could also potentially build an incentive for the source country’s individuals to gain education. The purpose of this thesis is to explain these effects in the context of the Least Developed Countries. In this thesis, a model is being built, which explains both the education investments and the remittance decision-making in among the families in the LDCs. The starting point is a two-sided altruistic OLG-model between the parent and the child. It explains the parent’s incentive to invest in her child’s education and also her child’s incentive for remitting money to his parent. The model is first derived in a closed country after which it is compared to a model that is open for migration. It is assumed that both the educated and non-educated worker’s can migrate. When the wage ratio between the educated and non-educated workers’ is smaller in the country of destination than in the source country, the educational attainment level doesn’t increase. Another important issue is the fact that the poor families are liquidity constrained. These assumptions, together with the symmetric information of the true ability of the migrants, are found to decrease the educational attainment level in the source country. Hence, migration seems to benefit the economies of the LDCs only from remittances. If the model assumes asymmetric information between the employer of the destination country and the migrant worker, it is possible to derive a result where the educational attainment level of the source country increases. This is because the workers with lower productivity can benefit from the higher output of the high-productivity workers. The effect is, however, temporary and if the workers are able to signal their true ability with low enough costs, the effect is also relatively small. Asymmetric information might, however, explain the discrimination that the higher than average ability migrants face and thus also explain the high proportion of entrepreneurs among the migrants compared to the destination country’s population. This thesis doesn’t take into account the effects of remittances to the economic growth. The results of the model, however, suggest that at least the LDCs may suffer from the migration due to the decreased attainment level of education and thus the resulting lower per capita output. Migration can hence deepen the poverty trap that the poor countries already face. If, however, the received remittances are used in education or other investments that helps the economy grow, the migration can still be positive also for the poor countries. The remittances may at least help to reduce the poverty of the LDCs in absolute terms.