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Browsing by study line "Ympäristömuutos"

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  • Juurinen, Valtteri (2022)
    Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin olosuhteiden muutosten vaikutusta torjunta-ainepitosuuksiin pilot-mittakaavan sedimenttipylväissä ja suodatinpylväissä. Pilot-mittakaavan pylväissä verrattiin ilmastuksen ja veden virtauksen muutosten vaikutusta pitoisuuksiin. Suodatinpylväissä tarkasteltavina tekijöinä oli orgaanisen aineen ja nollaraudan vaikutus torjunta-ainepitoisuuksiin. Tutkittavina torjunta-aineina olivat atratsiini, simatsiini, heksatsinoni ja diklobeniili, sekä hajoamistuotteet DIA, DEA, DEDIA ja BAM. Kyseisiä torjunta-aineita esiintyy pohjavesissä useissa eri Euroopan maissa mukaan lukien Suomi, vaikka niiden käyttö on lopetettu ja kielletty EU:n alueella useita vuosia sitten. Pylväistä analysoidut ulostulovedet valmisteltiin kaasukromatografia-massaspektrometria (GC-MS) mittausta varten kiinteäfaasiuutolla. Suodatinpylväiden torjunta-aineiden puhdistuskapasiteetti vaihteli testikertojen välillä ja yhdisteet käyttäytyivät eri tavalla suhteessa toisiinsa. Ensimmäisen kuukauden jälkeen talousveden raja-arvo 0,10 µg/l ylittyi heksatsinonin osalta. Toisen kuukauden jälkeen heksatsinonin pitoisuus ylitti jälleen talousveden raja-arvon, niin kuin myös BAM:n. Sitten viimeisellä testikerralla kohonneita yli 0,1 µg/l pitoisuuksia oli atratsiinilla ja heksatsinonilla. BAM:n ja heksatsinonin kulkeutuminen oli odotettavissa yhdisteiden ominaisuuksien perusteella ja niiden hajoaminen on hidasta verrattuna muihin yhdisteisiin. Puolestaan atratsiinin kohonneet pitoisuudet voidaan selittää maaperän kiintoaineksen liikkumisella suodatinpylväästä torjunta-aineiden kanssa. Pelkän hiekan vaikutus suodatinpylväissä aliarvioitiin, mikä vaikutti erityisesti BAM:n ja heksatsinonin pitoisuuksiin.
  • Suppula, Veera (2024)
    The change in land use creates pressure for the remediation of polluted land areas. In Finland, the most common remediation method is soil replacement, which is a reliable, but expensive and emission-rich method. Alternative, more environmentally friendly methods are constantly being developed. In this thesis, the effect of a fractional mixture of organic matter on the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (> C10-C40) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil was studied in pilot-scale experiments. Petroleum hydrocarbons and PAHs are common pollutants, and they are released into the environment as continuous emissions and from accidents. Due to their low volatility and high hydrophobicity, these pollutants degrade slowly in the environment and can be harmful to organisms. Soil organic matter has been found to promote the microbiological and chemical transformation of the pollutants in question, despite its ability to also prevent transformation by retaining the compounds by sorption. The effect of a fractional mixture of organic matter called OrgRemed® on the degradation of hydrocarbons and PAHs was studied for 6 months with two different mixture concentrations (1.25 % and 2.5 %) and the results were compared to natural attenuation and biostimulation with inorganic nutrients. The mixture enhanced the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, with a 2.5 % concentration resulting in the fastest degradation. With the fractional mixture, the total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration decreased 67-73 % in 4 months, while in biostimulation and natural attenuation 73 % and 37 % decrease was observed in 6 months, respectively. Petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations did not decrease further after 4 months with fractional mixture. The concentrations of PAHs in soil were low (11±4,9 mg/kg) and no degradation was detected. The results of petroleum hydrocarbon study are promising, but further research of residual concentrations, existing microbiota, and the effects of the mixture on PAHs degradation is needed.
  • Huovinen, Minna (2024)
    Maailmanlaajuisesti kiihtyvä luonnon monimuotoisuuden vähentyminen uhkaa ekosysteemien toimin-taa, ja toimia luontokadon pysäyttämiseksi tarivitaan nyt. Elinympäristöjen häviäminen on yksi luonto-kadon pääasiallisista aiheuttajista. Suomessa niityt kuuluvat monimuotoisimpiin elinympäristöihin, mutta niiden määrä on vähentynyt ja erityisesti perinneniityt ovat uhanalaistuneet 1800-luvun lopulta nykypäivään. Niittyjen muutoshistoriaa on tarkasteltu lähinnä perinnebiotooppien näkökulmasta, vaikka niiden ohella niittylajeja esiintyy myös muunlaisilla niityillä, kuten ilman ihmisen myötävaikutusta syntyneillä alkuniityillä sekä erilaisissa uuselinympäristöissä. Tässä työssä niityt määritellään laajasti, sillä pyrkimyksenä on tarkentaa käsitystä niiden kokonaistilasta sekä niissä tapahtuneista muutoksista, ja tunnistaa uusia mahdollisuuksia niittyjen ja biodiversiteetin suojelemiseksi. Viime vuosina kaupun-geissa onkin herätty niittyjen ja biodiversiteetin suojeluun, ja myös Helsingissä on laadittu niittyjen sel-vitys ja kehittämissuunnitelma. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan pääkaupunkiseudun niittyjen muutoshistoriaa vuosien 1870–1907 ja 2022 vä-lillä paikkatiedon menetelmin. Historiallisten niittyjen määrän arvioimiseen käytettiin niin kutsuttujen Senaatin kartastojen pohjalta tuotettua paikkatietoaineistoa, kun taas nykypäivän niittyalan arvioiden perustana on Syken ja Scalgon tuottama maanpeiteaineisto. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää niittyjen pin-ta-alan ja levinneisyyden muutoksia pinta-aloista laskettujen tilastojen sekä Overlap- ja Optimized hot spot -analyysien avulla, vertailla niitä Helsingin niittyverkoston paikkatietoaineistoon ja lopuksi pohtia, voisivatko työn tulokset tarjota uutta näkökulmaa niittyjen ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojeluun Helsingissä sekä laajemmin. Niittyjen tarkastelu laajemman määritelmän kautta paljasti, että vaikka niittyjen määrä on vähentynyt pääkaupunkiseudulla vuosista 1870–1907 nykypäivään, vähentyminen on ollut aikaisempiin arvioihin verrattuna maltillista ja niittyjä on edelleen runsaasti. Niittylaikkujen keskimääräinen koko oli kuitenkin pienentynyt, ja valtaosa niityistä sijaitsi nykyään eri alueilla kuin vuosina 1870–1907. Kuitenkin löydet-tiin joitain alueita, joilla niittyjä esiintyi molempina ajankohtina. Suurten ja vanhojen niittyjen säilyt-täminen olisi biodiversiteetin suojelun kannalta ensiarvoisen tärkeää, ja ne tulisi huomioida paremmin myös Helsingin niittyverkostostrategiassa. Elinympäristön pinta-alan ohella sen biodiversiteettiin vai-kuttavat keskeisesti kytkeytyneisyys ja laatu, ja lisää tutkimusta tarvittaisiin niiden muutoksista ja ny-kytilasta pääkaupunkiseudun niityillä. Huomattiin myös, että niittyjen määrittelyllä on valtava merkitys niiden tilan arvioinnissa, ja käsitteitä olisikin tarpeen yhdenmukaistaa.
  • Hanström, Neea (2022)
    Heterobasidion genus fungi are the most significant pathogens in Finland causing root rot. These fungi infect Norway spruce (Picea abies), causing wood deficit in the forest industry. Leucoanthosyanidin reductase enzyme encoding gene, PaLAR3, has been linked in to the resistance of Norway spruce against H.parviporum induced root rot infections. The alleles in this locus can be AA, AB or BB, and the enzyme production and (+)-catechin concentrations have been proven to be higher in inoculation experiments in individuals with B allele present in their PaLAR3 locus. Climate change is predicted to increase disturbances in not only on the hydrological cycles, but also on the weather conditions. The drought is predicted to increase in the Northern hemisphere, increasing the risk of pathogens to spread into new areas. Forest breeding programs aim to make the forests more profitable and productive in the future as well. By studying the genetics of Norway spruce, it is possible to add more resilient individuals into the breeding program, to tackle the climate challenges the future might hold. In this Master’s thesis the spreading of the root rot infection under drought stress was studied. The PaLAR3 alleles were determined, and the area of necrosis caused by the fungal infection was compared against the alleles, watering treatments and the fungal strain used in the inoculations. Regarding the results the alleles in an individual’s PaLAR3 locus did not have any effect on the area of the necrosis. There were no statistically significant differences between the watering treatments. The only statistically significant result was that the different fungal strains’ (Hpa1 and Hpa2) infectiveness varied between different watering treatments. This is probably due to the different routes of pathogenesis. Hpa2 strain seems to be more infective in normal watering conditions. However, considering these results the PaLAR3 gene should not be added into the forest breeding program as itself. In the future, the research should focus more on gene interactions, since also other genes (e.g., PaLAC5) have been linked in the resistance against root rot infections in Norway spruce. By studying these genes together, the solutions for the deteriorating situation of the spreading of the fungal diseases could be discovered.
  • Lehtinen, Oona (2024)
    The particulate phosphorus flux consists of organic and inorganic matter as well as iron-phosphorus compounds, and often forms a significant portion of the total phosphorus flux in hypolimnetic waters. Phosphorus accumulated in hypolimnion can be removed by pumping phosphorus-rich water from areas where total phosphorus concentrations are high. The highest concentrations are typically measured in the hypolimnetic water of eutrophic and stratifying lakes particularly during the summer when anoxia occurs. Phosphorus bound to sediment iron oxides can be released due to changes in redox potential, pH, or resuspension. In hypolimnetic withdrawal, the importance of iron-bound phosphorus is emphasized, as it is essentially labile phosphorus. Therefore, the hypolimnetic withdrawal is not only limited to the removal of soluble phosphorus alone. The mobility of particles in the water column and their interaction with the sediment significantly affect the availability of phosphorus and its ecological impacts. By removing particulate phosphorus, the amount of phosphorus released in a potentially soluble form can be reduced. In this study, the flow of particulate phosphorus, i.e. the gross sedimentation of phosphorus, was investigated using sediment traps, in which the sinking particulate matter, including phosphorus accumulates. The study aimed to 1) examine how particulate phosphorus concentrations varied across three different depth zones (6 m, 9 m, 30 m) and the role of full circulation in the observed differences, 2) understand how iron-bound phosphorus moved between depth zones and the significance of its distribution, and 3) determine the magnitude of particulate phosphorus flow relative to soluble phosphorus flow. It was found that particulate phosphorus flow varied significantly during the full circulations and stratification period across different depth zones and times. The highest phosphorus flows were measured from the thermally stratified deep-water zone, particularly after the onset of spring and autumn full circulations. A similar trend was observed in the middle and shallow depth zones. The mixing during full circulations significantly increased both the rates of gross sedimentation of phosphorus and resuspension of phosphorus in the hypolimnion. Most of the particulate phosphorus in the water column of Lake Enonselkä was in the form of iron-bound phosphorus, although its proportion of the total particulate phosphorus flow did not differ between full circulation and stratification periods across the depth zones. Iron-bound phosphorus moved during full circulations in the water column of Enonselkä. The physical activity of the water body and peak in primary production in the spring after full circulation, supporting the conclusion that full circulations are a significant factor in the spread and release of phosphorus and iron-bound phosphorus, in the water column. Recognizing the proportion of particulate phosphorus is crucial for depleting the hypolimnetic phosphorus reserves, as the study found that particulate phosphorus accounted for over 90% of the total phosphorus flux both during the stratification season and after the onset of full circulations. The high proportions of particulate and iron-bound phosphorus in the total phosphorus flux are possible indicators that there is a connection between shallow and deep areas in terms of nutrient cycling. Additionally, the findings emphasize that considering particulate phosphorus is essential in assessing the theoretical potential of hypolimnetic water removal, especially during stratification and full circulation periods.
  • Vesterinen, Sami (2022)
    There is continuously more pharmaceuticals ending up in the environment due to the amount of consumption. Wastewatertreatment plants are the largest point source for the pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, because most of the pharmaceuticals are meant for humans. Human pharmaceuticals can end up in the ecosystem as they are or as metabolites. Both pharmaceuticals and their metabolites can cause a similar physiological response in the organisms living in the aquatic ecosystem, than in their originally intended target organism, humans. This is the reason why contamination of pharmaceuticals in the environment can be very harmful for the aquatic organisms. Two breast cancer medication were selected for this experiment, which are tamoxifen and letrozole. Both of these medication are very effective in controlling hormonal functions of humans and other organisms. Third pharmaceutical selected for this experiment was diclofenac, which is commonly used NSAID. Active sampling can be very expensive and time consuming, because many samples have to be collected from the same site and they have to be collected at many occasions, so that the time-weighed average of the concentration studied can be found. Passive samplers are devices or sorbents that are able to absorb substances into them. They can be calibrated in the laboratory with known concentrations of studied chemicals and then can be places in a study location in the nature to calculate time-weighed average concentration of the studied chemical in that location. In this study only diclofenac was found in the fieldstudy and only with SDB-RPS-sampler. SDP-RPS samplers absorb mostly chemicals with lower octanol-water partition coefficient and silicone rubber samplers are more suitable for chemicals with higher octanol-water partition coefficient, this was also shown in this study.
  • Lawal, Abib (2024)
    This study investigated the dynamics of pesticide dissipation in groundwater under different flow conditions. The research mainly focused on the dissipation processes and the mobility of some commonly used pesticides, which include atrazine, simazine, deisopropylatrazine (DIA), desethylatrazine (DEA), hexazinone and 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM). Groundwater, as one of the most important sources of fresh water, faces the risk of contamination from mainly agricultural, urban, and other human activities, particularly the use of pesticides. The transportation, dissipation, and persistence of these pesticides in subsoil significantly impact the quality of groundwater and, by extension, pose a danger to both humans and ecosystems [1] [2]. By applying a controlled experimental setup in the Laune groundwater zone, this study observed the pesticide concentrations over 223 days, using solid phase extraction followed by GC-MS analysis. The research hypothesized that changes in the groundwater flow rate significantly affected pesticide dissipation rates. The results of the findings showed distinct dissipation patterns for the observed pesticides with a marked concentration peaking on day 53 and 64, depending on the pesticides, which are then followed by different temporal dynamics after pump adjustments. Remarkably, atrazine, simazine, DIA, DEA, and hexazinone exhibited significant changes in concentration in response to pump adjustments, whereas BAM concentration persisted, suggesting minimal or no impact. These findings highlighted the complex relationship between groundwater flow rates and the pesticide dissipation process. This underscores the importance of environmental behavior in groundwater system. The study was able to contribute to the understanding of pesticides’ fate in groundwater, offering insight into future remediation strategies and regulatory considerations for the safety of groundwater.
  • Syrjänen, Aino (2023)
    Human-induced nutrient enrichment has led to eutrophication, which is globally a severe environmental problem in aquatic ecosystems. Eutrophication has a variety of deteriorating effects on marine ecosystems in the form of e.g., cyanobacterial blooms, bottom water hypoxia and anoxia, as well as increased fish and benthos mortality. The Baltic Sea is especially prone to eutrophication due to the combined effects of restricted water exchange and extensive nutrient loads. Nutrient enrichment reinforces primary production which further enhances organic matter remineralisation in the sediment – water interface, leading to oxygen depletion in the bottom waters. Decreased oxygen concentrations on the seafloor can lead to the release of phosphorus bound to reducible iron oxides. The so-called ‘vicious circle’ of internal loading is formed through the further enhanced nutrient release from the sediments into the water column due to the reduced bottom water conditions resulting from increased supply of organic matter into the system. However, the processes controlling phosphorus transport from land to sea through the ‘coastal filter’ remain poorly understood. In this study, sediments from Paimionlahti estuary were examined for phosphorus content and bulk elemental composition. Sedimentary phosphorus contents were determined through chemical extractions. The extracted fractions of phosphorus (P) include Fe oxide bound P (Fe-P), authigenic apatite P (Ca-P I), detrital apatite P (Ca-P II), and organic P (org-P). The fraction of Fe-P dominated in the upper sediment layers in most sites, whereas more unreactive fractions associated with P burial remained constant through sediment depth. The generally unreactive forms of P illustrated increasing trends towards open sea areas, partly explained by changes in the overall sediment composition as well as by potential differences in environmental conditions among sampling sites. The highest amounts of Fe-P were recorded in sites with the highest sediment accumulation. The results demonstrate that P from rivers is transformed and processed in the coastal zone, delaying its transport to the open sea.
  • Ghazi, Mubina (2024)
    Conventional fossil fuel-based plastics have become an indispensable part of our lives. However, their widespread usage has resulted in a substantial rise in plastic waste generation. Given these circumstances, there is an increasing urge to explore alternate options, particularly bio-based plastics, which are sourced from renewable natural resources. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are microbial-derived polymers that stand out for their sustainability and biodegradability. Microbial PHA production from industrial wastes, particularly using activated sludge, has gained interest recently. Wastewater treatment plants generate a substantial amount of sewage sludge that requires innovative disposal methods. Hence, recycling organic materials from sewage sludge into biodegradable plastics is a potential option. The study aimed to develop bacterial inoculum cultivation for a pilot-scale bioreactor (500-1000 L). The study investigated the effect of phosphorus limitation, potentially preventing the hydrolysis stage and enhancing PHA accumulation. The effects of 3-fold concentrated activated sludge on PHA-accumulating bacteria were evaluated. Three fermentations were conducted in a 5 L bioreactor utilizing activated sludge from the Ali-Juhakkala wastewater treatment plant in Lahti. Each bioreactor experiment was carried out under different operational conditions, including pH, and phosphorus concentration. The results showed that fermentation conducted at a high pH of 7.0-7.8 with phosphorus limitation did not show PHA accumulation. However, fermentation carried out at a slightly acidic pH of 5.6-6.4 with limiting phosphorus showed the best PHA accumulation after 5 days. The microbial community was dominated by Gram-negative and actinobacteria. A third fermentation conducted in the same pH range of 5.4-6.4 without phosphorus limitation showed no PHA accumulation. Overall, the results suggest that the PHA content was highest at 63.6 mg/g VS in fermentation under phosphorus limitation at slightly acidic pH, which provided optimal bacterial inoculum cultivation.
  • Tuominen, Adele (2020)
    Tekstiiliteollisuudessa käytetään merkittäviä määriä kemikaaleja, joista osa on ympäristölle ja terveydelle haitallisia. Tekstiiliteollisuuskehityksen kasvaessa ja kulutuskäytäntöjen kiihtyessä pois heitettävän tekstiilin määrä lisääntyy. Samalla haitalliset kemikaalit vapautuvat saastuttamaan ihmistä ja ympäristöä. Tämä käy ilmi aiemmasta tutkimuksesta, vaikka poistotekstiilien ympärillä tehty tutkimus on muutoin vähäistä. Tämä tutkimus tehdään yritysyhteistyössä Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy:n kanssa määrittämään poistotekstiilien lajittelutyön yhteydessä ilmeneviä terveysvaikutuksia ja sovellettavia testimenetelmiä yrityksen tarpeisiin. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli ensisijaisesti selvittää kemikaalien, pölyn ja homeen terveysvaikutukset ja ne testimenetelmät, joita tulisi terveysvaikutusten vähentämiseksi tehdä. Muiden tutkimuskysymysten osalta tarkoituksena oli selvittää poistotekstiilien sisältämät merkittävimmät haitalliset kemikaalit ja niiden enimmäisraja-arvot. Näitä tutkittiin tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullista tutkimussuuntausta ja sen menetelmiä. Aineiston keruumenetelmänä oli asiantuntijahaastattelu, jossa tietoja kerättiin puolistrukturoidun kysymyksenasettelun kautta neljältä asiantuntijataholta: Turun ammattikorkeakoululta, Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinninlaitokselta, Työterveyslaitokselta ja Aalto-yliopistolta. Haastattelut toteutettiin puhelinhaastatteluina. Aineistoa analysoitiin temaattisen sisällönanalyysin avulla, jossa aineisto luokiteltiin tutkimuksen kannalta merkittävimpiin teemoihin. Saatuja tuloksia verrattiin olemassa olevaan tutkimuskirjallisuuteen. Hengitystievälitteinen altistuminen yksistään pölylle nähtiin merkittävimmäksi terveysriskiksi laitosolosuhteissa. Kemikaalien, pölyn ja homeen aiheuttamien terveysvaikutusten vähentämiseksi soveltuvimpina testimenetelminä nähtiin erilaisten keräävien menetelmien käyttö ja biomonitorointi. On selvää, että poistotekstiilit sisältävät ihmisen terveydelle ja ympäristölle haitallisia kemikaaleja, pölyä ja homeita. Testimenetelmiä hyödyntämällä voidaan terveysriskejä paikantaa ja niiden osuutta työperäisessä altistumisessa vähentää. Tutkimustulosten tieteellisen luotettavuuden lisäämiseksi on suositeltavaa, että laitoksella otetaan käyttöön kokeelliset testausmenetelmät.
  • Kerpo, Maija-Stiina (2024)
    Plastic industry has been a great success story, and plastics are used everywhere around us. They are of low cost, durable, and they have good mechanical and thermal properties. However, there is a growing concern over the use of these conventional plastics produced from hydrocarbons, disposal being the major problem. These petroleum derived plastics take several years to decompose, and they produce harmful toxic compounds during degradation. Therefore, an alternative is needed for future economical and ecologically safe polymers. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are one such alternative. They are bio-based, fully biodegradable and biocompatible polymers produced by various microorganisms. PHAs have comparable properties to conventional plastics like polypropylene and polyethylene, but they can be biosynthesized from renewable resources. However, the production of PHA has been limited especially due to its high production cost, caused by the use of pure cultures and sterilized media. Therefore, there is a great interest to use mixed cultures and waste streams like wastewater treatment sludge to produce PHAs. Economic evaluation has shown that the production costs of PHA can be reduced over half if renewable waste materials and activated sludge is used. In this study mixed microbial consortia (MMC) in wastewater sludge was used with feast and famine method to produce PHAs in laboratory scale. This study aimed to find the optimal process parameters and conditions for PHA production. The first three feast and famine fermentations with oxygen limitation showed no PHA accumulation, so the remaining two fermentations were performed in aerobic conditions. When keeping the fermentation aerobic, phosphorus will limit the bacterial growth eventually, since the phosphorus level in wastewater sludge is very low. As a result, a notably high PHA yield was gained with aerobic fermentation in room temperature and pH varying between 6.0 – 7.5. According to this study, PHA production from wastewater sludge requires aerobic conditions throughout the fermentation. However, there are still some points to consider for future experiments; dilute wastewater sludge could be concentrated before fermentation to get higher PHA yield per volume, as well as sludge feedings could be combined to only one feeding to accelerate the process. How to opt out the hydrolysis part from the beginning of the fermentation would also be worth studying in the future. Nevertheless, PHA production from activated wastewater sludge using MMC could be possible in a larger scale. This would be beneficial from the circular economy point of view, transforming waste into a valuable raw material, while reducing emissions, the use of feedstock, and energy in the process.
  • Myllärniemi, Joona (2024)
    The circular economy has gained popularity as an alternative to the linear consumption and production practices that have accelerated various urgent environmental issues. Repair businesses are vital for an efficient transition to the circular economy, due to their capacity to keep materials and energy embedded in products in circulation for longer periods. The decreasing number of repair businesses can hinder consumer access to repair services, especially in a sparsely populated country like Finland. Moreover, repair plays a significant role in the circular economy strategies of Finland and the EU. However, there is little knowledge available about the barriers and enablers facing Finnish repair businesses. With this thesis, I aim to contribute to filling this knowledge gap and outline supportive measures for promoting Finnish repair businesses. To achieve this goal, I conducted interviews with eight repair businesses, four unions of repair businesses, one insurance company, and one spare part recycling centre. In addition, I conducted a literature review to understand the state-of-the-art knowledge about various factors affecting repair and repair businesses. The results from the interviews were largely in line with the current literature in terms of many barriers, enabling factors, and policy recommendations. However, the interviews revealed variation between different product categories, as well as in the prevalence and importance of barriers. Furthermore, the interviews highlighted several barriers for repair businesses in Finland that were not apparent in the literature review. To address these barriers, various supportive measures based on the literature and interviews were proposed. Further research should be conducted to assess the viability and effectiveness of these supportive measures.
  • Pulli, Launo (2020)
    In many Fennoscandian lakes, diatoms account for majority of phytoplankton biomass during the spring and autumn maximum. Autumnal blooms of filament-forming diatoms are known to cause fishing net fouling in several boreal lakes. Observations of such net sliming diatom blooms in the northern part of Lake Vesijärvi have increased during 2010’s. This thesis was done in collaboration with Lake Vesijärvi Foundation. The goal was to determine the starting time of the autumnal diatom bloom of 2018 and reveal the species that causes net sliming. Additionally, differences in water quality and phytoplankton composition between Enonselkä and Kajaanselkä basins were examined. Fishing net sliming was studied with netting experiments. Their results were complemented with water quality sampling and observing water column mixing conditions. Local fishermen reported net sliming to begin at week 40 (starting 1.10.2018) in Kajaanselkä basin during autumnal turnover. Results of netting experiments and water quality sampling revealed simultaneous increase in diatom abundance in the area, although no visible sliming occurred during sampling. Based on fishers’ reports and sampling results, fishing net sliming was caused by filament-forming diatom Aulacoseira islandica, that increased in abundance as water temperature reached ca. 11 °C. In Enonselkä, no similar net sliming was observed, and phytoplankton was dominated by cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii. Both basins of the lake are affected by eutrophication, but Enonselkä basin more so than Kajaanselkä. Although no clear explanation for differing phytoplankton composition between the two basins was discovered, it’s possible that Aulacoseira islandica receives competitive edge over cyanobacteria in mildly eutrophic waters of Kajaanselkä basin. The fact that Planktothrix agardhii seems to thrive in higher nutrient concentrations might explain its domination over diatoms in phytoplankton community of Enonselkä basin. Future research on net sliming would ideally be conducted as a combination of sliming accounting done by local fishermen and spatially and temporally more comprehensive netting experiments. Furthermore, studying the effects of wind and currents to diatom distribution in lakes could provide useful information for sampling setup.
  • Rantanen, Sanni (2024)
    Entiselle turvetuotantoalueelle rakennetun osittain avovesipintaisen kosteikon metaani- ja nettohiilidioksidinvaihtoa (NEE) mitattiin kahden kasvukauden ajan. Kaasuvoihin vaikuttavia ympäristötekijöitä selvitettiin, ja kaasunvaihto rekonstruoitiin kasvukausien yli. Lämpötila ja vihreän kasvillisuuden määrä selittivät paitsi NEE:n osatekijöitä hengitystä ja yhteytystä, myös metaanipäästöä. Vedenpinnankorkeus selitti yhteytystä. Dronekuvaamalla selvitettiin erilaisten kasvillisuuspintojen pinta-alojen muutokset kasvukausien aikana ja niitä hyödynnettiin kosteikon kaasunvaihdon kokonaisvaikutuksen laskemisessa. Pintatyypin todettiin vaikuttavan kaasunvaihdon tasoon, sillä kasvittuneet pintatyypit (VEG1 ja VEG2) toimivat CO2-nieluina ja avovesipinnat CO2-päästöinä. Suurimmat metaanipäästöt aiheutuivat märältä, kasvittuneelta rantavyöhykkeeltä (VEG2). Kokonaisvaikutukseltaan Pikku Saarisuo oli hiilidioksidin lähde molempina mittauskausina (151,4 g ja 206,1 g CO2 m2 kasvukausi-1). Kosteikon metaanipäästö kasvukausilta 2022 ja 2023 oli kokonaisarviossa 4,9 g ja 4,4 g CH4 m2 kasvukausi-1.
  • Kuuri-Riutta, Olivia (2021)
    Global warming is changing the ecohydrology and carbon fluxes of northern peatlands. If the soil moisture level remains high enough, peatland carbon sequestration may increase under longer and warming growing seasons, enhancing the cooling climate impact of peatlands. However, in case the evaporation overcomes precipitation, peatlands will dry. This leads to increased carbon dioxide emissions and the weakening of the cooling climate effect of peatlands. In addition, peatland methane fluxes are regulated by temperature and moisture conditions. What remains unknown, is which changes will be the most prominent and to which direction the climate impact of peatlands will develop in the future. The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the peatland climate responses by investigating the recent vegetation development of a subarctic aapa mire. In August 2020, four surface peat cores were collected from the margin of Lompolojänkkä fen in Finnish Lapland. Recent changes in plant communities and carbon accumulation rates were investigated. Pb-210 dating method was applied to establish the chronology. A shift from a Cyperaceae-dominated community into a Sphagnum-dominated community in the beginning of the 1960s was detected. The shift indicates drying habitat conditions. Recent drying has been reported from several other northern peatlands. On the other hand, a similar expansion of Sphagna has been interpreted to be caused not only by hydrological changes but also directly by increasing temperatures, which cannot be ruled out in Lompolojänkkä either. Carbon accumulation in Lompolojänkkä seems to have increased following the change in the vegetation. However, the inferred increase might largely reflect an incomplete level of decomposing characteristic to surface peat. In contrast to the peatland margins, no drying signals or vegetation changes were observed in the central parts of Lompolojänkkä. This variation within a single peatland highlights the heterogeneous nature of peatland climate responses and carbon dynamics.
  • Sigg, Milla (2024)
    The Baltic Sea is a sensitive brackish waterbody, which is facing several disturbances. These stressors include land-use changes, over-fishing, climate change, pollution, alien species and eutrophication. Eutrophication causes increased primary production of opportunistic macroal-gae. These macroalgal mats cover the seafloor and cause light and oxygen depletion as well as mortality of benthic plants and fauna. Aquatic macrophytes provide important ecosystem ser-vices and food and shelter for macrofauna. The depletion of the benthic community may have large consequences to ecosystem functioning. In this master’s thesis, I studied the recovery of a macrophyte-associated macrofauna community after disturbance in a vegetated aquatic habitat. The disturbance was mimicking drifting algal mats, and it was induced in 2017. My thesis was a part of a larger project conducted at Tvärminne Zoological station in Hanko, Finland, studying the recovery of macrophyte communities of different functional diversity and their associated macrofauna. The samples were taken annually from 2017 to 2021. I examined which factors affected the recovery. In my analyses, I focused on the communities of animal species. Additionally, I assessed if there was an edge-effect in recovery and if opportunistic species were the first to recover, i.e., return to the site. The recovery was studied statistically using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), similarity percentage i.e., SIMPER and analysis of similarities i.e., ANOSIM. Results of the experiment showed that the site recovered in 2020 the latest. There was not a clear edge effect in recovery. A gradual re-introduction of common species happened, not a replacement of species. Some of the most common species possessed opportunistic traits. These results show that the recovery of systems is not linear but complex, and several factors affect their resilience.
  • Roselius, Alisa (2023)
    Effective utilization of organic materials can advance the transition away from fossil dependency which is critical in order to restrict the global increase in temperature. Household biowaste can be reutilized through anaerobic digestion to produce organic nitrogen fertilizers for agriculture, which reduces the large, often fossil-based, energy inputs required in the production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. Properly recycled biowaste can additionally be used as a raw material for biogas, which can be used as an alternative for fossil-based energy sources. Regardless of these considerable opportunities, large amounts of household biowaste remains unrecycled. Though previous research has shown that recycling behavior is a result of several factors and cannot be depicted entirely accurately, different interventions have demonstrated their capability to improve recycling performance. These interventions have the ability to change either one or more of the three domains that have been theorized to be critical for any behavior to happen: capability, opportunity and motivation. This thesis strives to understand behavioral barriers for biowaste recycling in households and propose targeted behavioral change interventions in Helsinki metropolitan region where nearly 40% of the household mixed waste was unrecycled biowaste in 2021. This is done by analyzing the data derived from an external consumer behavior survey commissioned by Helsinki Region Environmental Services and conducted by Innolink. This research focuses on evaluating the suitability of nudges, enablement, incentives and communication/marketing through social media as means to enhance biowaste recycling performance in Helsinki metropolitan region based on the results from the data-analysis. Area specific research on behavior barriers is required to introduce suitable interventions as recycling behavior is complex and behavior barriers might vary between different groups. Results from this research show that household biowaste recycling performance can be enhanced by using nudges to improve social opportunity as well as automatic motivation, service provision to improve physical opportunity, fiscal measures to improve automatic-, and reflective motivation, and social media to improve reflective motivation. Successful delivery of these interventions can advance the fulfillment of the requirement in the HSY area that oblige biowaste separation in residential properties.
  • Pursiainen, Annie (2020)
    Introduction: High anthropogenic pressure exercised on the Baltic Sea causes a decline in valuable reproduction areas of coastal fish, such as the northern pike (Esox lucius L.). Hence, the conservation and restoration of the reproduction areas of pike are increasingly of importance. The Kvarken Archipelago, located in the Gulf of Bothnia, presents valuable reproduction habitats for fish. The pre-flads, flads, glo-flads and glo-lakes provide warm and sheltered areas that are preferred by spring-spawning fish, such as pike. However, the precise environmental factors influencing pike reproduction in the region have not yet been identified. In this study, different environmental factors influencing pike reproduction in the Kvarken Archipelago were assessed. Furthermore, as technology advances, there is a need to evaluate the use of new techniques alongside the generally time consuming and expensive traditional research methods applied for surveying the pike reproductive areas. Henceforth, the present study assessed the suitability of the high-resolution aerial photography for identifying potential reproduction areas of northern pike. Methods: The data of pike fry density, the vegetation, the abiotic and biotic environmental factors, as well as the aerial images of the 45 sampling sites were collected by Natural Resources Institute Finland and Metsähallitus Parks and Wildlife Finland as part of the Kvarken Flada -project. Pike fry were sampled with a flat dipnet amongst vegetation along a 100 m sampling line during spring. Concurrently, the vegetation, the occurrence of sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae) and the abiotic factors affecting water quality, including salinity, pH, oxygen content and turbidity were determined. The temperature was recorded with temperature loggers from early spring until late summer. The temperature sum for June showed the greatest effect on pike fry densities and was thus used in the analyses. The archipelago zones, which are based on previously modelled temperature sums, were defined for the sampling sites in the geographic information system (QGIS). Additionally, factors describing the morphology, the vegetation and bottom substrate coverage of the sampling sites were utilized in the analyses. The presence of pike fry was analysed with binary logistic regression. The pike fry densities were studied using non-parametric analyses due to the high number of zero observations in the data. The aerial images were taken in late summer of 2017 and 2018, when the vegetation was fully developed. The vegetation types, i.e. reed, fallen reed, wetland grasses, submerged vegetation and filamentous algae, identified in the images were compared to the vegetation data gathered during field survey in QGIS. The performance of the aerial images was assessed by calculating the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for the different vegetation classes, first for the whole dataset and then for the sampling points with pike fry observations. Results and conclusions: This study determines two key factors defining suitable reproduction areas of pike, the temperature sum for June and the morphology of the sampling site. The results indicate that pike prefer warm and sheltered areas with suitable vegetation, such as reed and wetland grasses. In particular, glo-lakes provide favorable conditions for pike and the temperature sum for June was significantly higher in the glo-lakes compared to the pre-flads. The temperatures of the glo-lakes were constant throughout the archipelago, providing suitable conditions for pike reproduction also in the outermost archipelago. In all of the glo-lakes pike fry were observed and generally the highest pike fry densities were found in glo-lakes. However, the year class strength of pike can be affected by the possibility of the juvenile pike to emigrate from the enclosed glo-lakes back to the sea. Salinity reflects the connectivity of the site to the surrounding sea and had a significant negative effect on pike fry density. Additionally, the presence of sticklebacks affected negatively the presence of pike fry, which might be traced back to the different use of the archipelago zones and site morphologies of these species. Increasing pH negatively influenced the pike fry density. However, pike fry were observed also in the highest pH conditions and therefore pH alone is not sufficient to explain the presence and density of pike fry. Due to the small sample size of the dataset, it can be assumed that not all of the factors influencing pike reproduction were identified and thus the use of a larger dataset is recommendable in future studies. This study provides new methodological information on reproduction area surveying of pike with high-resolution aerial photography. The different vegetation classes were successfully identified from the aerial images. The seasonal differences were noticeable in the results, as in the aerial photographs taken in late summer, the vegetation was fully developed compared to the field study in early spring. Nevertheless, aerial photography proved to be an effective method for identifying reproduction areas of pike based on the vegetation. Furthermore, reproduction areas in need of restoration could be assessed with aerial photography.
  • Harmanen, Janina (2024)
    The objective of this thesis is to study resilient urban housing business ecosystems and the role and use of nature-based solutions (NBS) in these ecosystems. Thesis aims to gather knowledge on how nature-based solutions are perceived in urban residential building and planning regime and how these solutions are valued to increase urban resilience. Thesis aims to provide knowledge on who are the actors in key role in designing, implementing, or using nature-based solutions in the case cities urban built environment and residential buildings of the business ecosystem. The benefits from nature-based solutions are presented and challenges hindering the mainstreaming of nature-based solutions as well as ways to overcome them are addressed. This thesis is a qualitative study with an empirical research approach. The empirical part of the study consists of data collected from 11 expert interviews, and two expert workshops. Altogether the empirical data corpus consisted of 15 transcripts. The interviews were semi-structured, thematic interviews where experts from different organizations of urban planning and construction industry were interviewed. Two separate workshops were held during August of 2023 in both case cities Helsinki and Turku. Workshops consisted of researcher presentations and focus group work, and the expert participants represented versatility of the field. Study applies reflexive thematic analysis method for qualitative data analysis. It is a systematic and flexible method that is used for identifying, analysing, and reporting meaning-based multifaceted and conceptual patterns within data by generating codes and themes. Several actor groups and key actors were identified based on the analysis. Also, an open role for a champion was recognized from the analysis. Several benefits derived from NBS and barriers for mainstreamed use were identified. Multiple solutions such as land use planning, urban governance practices including green factor, and economical incentives help to increase use of NBS in urban settings, and to answer the future of more resilient city. Urban resilience can be increased through inclusion of NBS and the associated delivery of ecosystem services in urban areas. Urban greenery and green spaces are highly relevant for well-being of residents. A holistic approach for urban planning and residential housing building is called for with increase in implementation of NBS. City should be designed for people as well as to other species. Experts share a vision of greener and more sustainable city where nature becomes one with the city, and city with the nature. There is still need for more research on long-term review of follow-ups and next steps taken from pilot projects to answer how nature-based solutions could be transferred from experimentations for everyday use and how this knowledge could be transferred for wider audiences.
  • Rajala, Salla (2022)
    Tiivistelmä * Referat * Abstract Brownification is a serious environmental problem, which means a substantial increase in water color. Suggested reasons for brownification are soil recovery from acidification, land-use change, especially ditching, climate change. Brownification changes the light conditions in the lakes, increases thermal stratification, and sedimentation. Despite the considerable effects of brownification on lake ecosystem, currently in the EU Water Framework Directive, there is no sufficient biological indicator for lake browning. Biological indicators of the Water Framework Directive are mainly targeted to eutrophication, and thus are not sufficient for measuring the effects of brownification. Macrophyte chlorophyll a:b ratio has been shown to decrease with decreasing light conditions, thus making it a potential indicator for browning. The seasonal variation of macrophyte chlorophyll content is not well studied. This master’s thesis aims to find out, how the chlorophyll content of yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) changes during the growing season in lakes with variable water quality. N. lutea was chosen as a study species, as it is very common in different lakes in Finland. It is important to study the seasonal variation of the macrophyte chlorophyll content, because if the chlorophyll content reacts rapidly for example changes in the weather, it might be too sensitive to be used as a long-term indicator for lake browning. It is also needed to study, if the seasonal variation is different in lakes with variable water quality, so that in the future, the possible sampling can be timed right in different lakes. The study lakes were clear water lakes, humic and eutrophic lake, and their water quality and the chlorophyll content of N. lutea were examined with two weeks intervals from June to September. The concentration of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were measured from the floating leaf and from the petiole at 10 cm intervals. Based on these, the total chlorophyll concentration (CHL a+b) and CHL a:b ratio was calculated. In addition to macrophyte samples, water samples were taken from each lake from both epilimnion and hypolimnion. From the water samples, dissolved organic carbon, water color, iron concentration and specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm were measured. In addition, water temperature, light intensity, oxygen concentration and water turbidity were measured at each sampling time. The results of this thesis showed, that the CHL a:b ratio, and total CHL concentration (a+b) were significantly lower in the humic than in the clear water lake. In the eutrophic lake, CHL a:b ratio and CHL a+b concentration was higher than in the humic lake but lower than in the clear water lake. In each lake, the CHL a:b ratio increased during the growing season, together with the increasing water clarity. The change in the CHL a:b ratio was detected best in the 10-30 cm petiole depth. In the floating leaf, CHL a:b ratio and CHL a+b concentration varied a lot, meaning that the floating leaf is not a sufficient indicator for brownification. The change in CHL a:b ratio took approximately 5 to 7 weeks, and the seasonal variation was similar in each lake. Based on the results of this thesis, the CHL a:b ratio of the N. lutea petiole seems to be a very promising long-term indicator for lake browning. In the future, it would be, however, important to study, how the carbon sequestration changes as a result of brownification, if the macrophyte chlorophyll concentration decreases, since this might have considerable effects on lake carbon sequestration. Also, the eutrophic study lake of this thesis had a water color over 100 mg Pt l-1, so it would be important to study, what is the macrophyte chlorophyll content in clear, but eutrophic lakes.