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  • Kaipainen, Tanja (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1999)
    Clostridium perfringes tyyppi A on yleinen ruokamyrkytyksien aiheuttaja etenkin joukkoruokailuihin liittyvissä tapauksissa. Riskitekijöinä on mm. hidas jäähdytys, pitkät tarjoiluajat ja uudelleen lämmitys. Ruokamyrkytyksiä aiheuttavat C. perfringens -kannat tuottavat enterotoksiinia (CPE), jota vapautuu sporulaation yhteydessä ohutsuolessa. Enterotoksiini on n. 35 kDa:n kokoinen polypeptidiketju, jonka tuotantoa koodaa yksi geeni, cpe. Geeni voi sijaita joko bakteerin kromosomissa tai plasmidissa. Ruokamyrkytystapauksista eristetyissä kannoissa sen on todettu sijaitsevan kromosomissa. Geenin olemassaolo voidaan todeta PCR-tekniikalla. PCR eli polymeraasiketjureaktio on reaktio, jossa DNA:ta monistetaan tunnettujen alukkeiden ja polymeraasientsyymin avulla. Reaktiossa on kolme vaihetta (avautuminen, kiinnittyminen ja pidentäminen), jotka muodostavat yhden syklin. Toistamalla sykliä tuotteen määrä kasvaa eksponentiaalisesti. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli 47 elintarvikkeista eristettyä C. perfringens -kantaa, joiden cpe-positiivisuutta tutkittiin PCR-tekniikalla. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta eri PCR-ohjelmaa (CPE 1 ja CPE 2) ja kahta alukeparia (CPE 1 / 2 ja CPE 3 / 4). Saadut tuotteet analysoitiin agaroosigeelielektroforeesilla. Tutkituista kannoista kaksi oli cpe-positiivisia. Muut kannat olivat negatiivisia. Positiivisten kantojen osuus oli 4 % kokonaismäärästä, mikä tukee aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia siitä, että vain osalla C. perfringens -kannoista on cpe-geeni.
  • Suutarinen, Maiju (2019)
    Imbalance of intestinal microbiota is called dysbiosis. Signs of dysbiosis are altered abundance of different bacterial species and reduced diversity together with altered interactions between bacterial species and microbiota and the host. Dysbiosis of intestinal microbiota is connected to many intestinal diseases and today many studies are focused to find so called “next generation” probiotics to be used for the alleviation of dysbiosis instead of traditional antibiotic treatments. The study was made in the Human Microbiome Research Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki. Aim of the study was to isolate spore-forming bacterial species for the treatment of intestinal inflammation and infections with bacterial therapy. For this purpose, feces from a healthy adult who had acted as a donor for fecal microbiota transplantation was used to isolate spore-forming commensal bacteria. The isolated bacteria were identified and their ability to adhere into intestinal epithelium and strengthen it was investigated. Also anti-inflammatory potential of these isolated bacterial strains was investigated. For isolating bacteria three different heat treatments and ethanol and methanol treatments were used as a pre-treatment step. Pre-treated samples were cultivated on YCFA-media and isolates were picked from plates at different growth points for further cultivation. Selected isolates were purified, their DNA was isolated and they were identified by partial 16S rRNA -gene sequencing. From these identified isolates four isolates were chosen for further investigation and their full length 16S rRNA -gene was sequenced. These isolates were studied also by using API and aerotolerance tests. Potential anti-inflammatory and adhesion properties of the isolates were investigated by attenuation, adhesion and TER-experiments. In the isolation, the effect of different pre-treatments on the recovery of isolates was clear and based on sequencing isolates that were spore-forming anaerobic bacteria were selected for further investigation. Three of the isolates were Clostridium butyricum and one Blautia wexlerae species. Anti- and pro-inflammatory properties of these isolates were very different depending on isolate and one of them was potentially anti-inflammatory. Isolates also adhered differentially and two of them possibly strengthened gut epithelial barrier so they are promising for further research and in the future investigation with these isolates continues. Experience and results with different cultivation methods can be used to for further development of cultivation for anaerobic intestinal bacteria.
  • Wu, Qinglu (2023)
    Background: BIM (Building Information Modelling) has helped the construction industry with better workflow and collaboration. To further integrate technologies into the construction industry, research and applications are actively integrating cloud technologies into traditional BIM design workflow. Such integration can be referred to as Cloud BIM, which is considered the second generation of BIM development. Cloud BIM is related to many aspects including technical implementation, workflow improvement, and collaboration of different roles. Aims: In this thesis, we want to find the current situation of Cloud BIM, identifying the benefits and challenges as well as possible technical solutions to the challenges. Methods: We conducted a literature review and analyzed eleven selected papers to gather the necessary data for this thesis. We then did a case study of an integration of two applications, to understand the real challenges in an actual implementation of a cloud-based BIM solution. Results: Cloud BIM can mainly benefit collaboration and information exchange. However, many challenges still exist both in technical and non-technical aspects that require more work. Our integration explored a deeper and more cloud-based solution in a certain process of BIM projects. The main challenge we faced is inconsistent data standards. Conclusions: The results show that the industry is on the way to integrating the cloud into BIM. However, more work needs to be done to overcome the challenges.
  • Kesseli, Henri (2013)
    Embedded systems are everywhere. The variety of different types of embedded systems and purposes are wide. Yet, many of these systems are islands in an age where more and more systems are being connected to the Internet. The ability to connect to the Internet can be taken advantage in multiple ways. One is to take advantage of the resources cloud computing can offer. Currently, there are no comprehensive overviews how embedded systems could be enhanced by cloud computing. In this thesis we study what cloud enhanced embedded systems are and what their benefits, risks, typical implementation methods, and platforms are. This study is executed as an extended systematic mapping study. The study shows that the interest from academia and practice in cloud enhanced embedded systems has been growing significantly in recent years. The most prevalent research area is wireless sensor networks followed by the more recent research area Internet of things. Most of the technology is available for implementing cloud enhanced embedded systems but comprehensive development tools such as frameworks or middlewares are scarce. Results of the study indicate that existing embedded systems and other non-computing devices would benefit from connectivity and cloud resources. This enables the development of new applications for consumers and industry that would not be possible without cloud resources. As an indication of this we see several systems developed for consumers such as remotely controlled thermostats, media players that depend on cloud resources, and network attached storage systems that integrate with cloud access and discovery. The academic literature is full of use cases for cloud enhanced embedded systems and model implementations. However, the actual integration process as well as specific engineering techniques are rarely explained or scrutinized. Currently, the typical integration process is very custom to the application. There are few examples of efforts to create specific development tools, more transparent protocols, and open hardware to support the development of ecosystems for cloud enhanced embedded systems.
  • Pulkkinen, Markku (2020)
    Organizations are adopting cloud technologies at an increasing rate. Significant share of growth of cloud deployments is coming from application migrations to cloud computing. Migrating existing legacy applications to cloud computing platform is not a trivial task. A migration methodology will help migrating applications to cloud more effectively and with lower risk than doing it by trial and error. A part of the cloud migration process is the selection and execution of a migration strategy amongst the possible, situational and commonly used options. The migration strategy defines many of the migration process activities since they depend on cloud architecture and service and deployment models, which are implicitly set by the migration strategy. Many of the existing cloud migration methods don’t specify the factors that lead to migration strategy selection. The migration strategy selection is a critical part of migration planning involving multiple organisations and several individuals. This thesis presents categories of migration strategy factors derived from a cloud migration methodology and process framework review and validates the factors by doing a deductive thematic analysis against qualitative case study interview data. By having a clarity and a way to address the migration strategy factors, will increase the migration success rate and reduce planning time.
  • Kylliäinen, Joonas (2017)
    As the data traffic, as well as the speed demands, increases, the mobile networks require means for economically fulfil these demands. The solution comes from the cloud. In order to move the processing to the cloud, it must be carefully dimensioned to know how much resources each situation requires. This means there must be a way to calculate from the traffic the virtual machines required and the hardware resources the virtual machines need, when the cloud infrastructure used is OpenStack. This thesis provides two methods for calculating the virtual machines from the traffic profile. The first one is based on performance testing of the virtual network functions and the second one is based on machine learning technique called multiple linear regression analysis. Furthermore in this work, approximation algorithms are being used in order to solve multidimensional variates of classical optimization problems such as bin packing problem and subset sum problem. These algorithms are used to dimension required resources from the virtual machines to hardware and vice versa. The algorithms are bundled to a program with a graphical user interface to make as user friendly as possible.
  • Laaksonen, Jenniina (2021)
    Understanding customer behavior is one of the key elements in any thriving business. Dividing customers into different groups based on their distinct characteristics can help significantly when designing the service. Understanding the unique needs of customer groups is also the basis for modern marketing. The aim of this study is to explore what types of customer groups exist in an entertainment service business. In this study, customer segmentation is conducted with k-prototypes, a variation of k-means clustering. K-prototypes is a machine learning approach partitioning a group of observations into subgroups. These subgroups have little variation within the group and clear differences when compared to other subgroups. The advantage of k-prototypes is that it can process both categorical and numeric data efficiently. The results show that there are significant and meaningful differences between customer groups emerging from k-prototypes clustering. These customer groups can be targeted based on their unique characteristics and their reactions to different types of marketing actions vary. The unique characteristics of the customer groups can be utilized to target marketing actions better. Other possibilities to benefit from customer segmentation include such as personalized views, recommendations and helping strategy level decision making when designing the service. Many of these require further technical development or deeper understanding of the segments. Data selection as well as the quality of the data has an impact on the results and those should be considered carefully when deciding future actions on customer segmentation.
  • Kekez, Vladimir (2015)
    In the world of globalization immigration processes represent consequence of the search for better life. Every year more immigrants are coming to stay and live in Finland. Understanding patterns of living, spatial locations and clustering of this specific population becomes important and integral step towards integration of immigration population in society. Studies of immigration population conducted in Finland and Helsinki Metropolitan Area are mostly done with descriptive statistical methods mostly employed for describing social patterns and participation of immigrant population within the whole population. Employment of inferential statistical methods, spatial statistical methods, precisely Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA methods), specifically Global and Local Moran's Index is becoming extremely important because of the quantitative and qualitative results which can be gained. This thesis is consisted of analysis of immigrant population patterns, conducted by Global and Local Moran's Index used by ArcGIS and GeoDa software. ArcGIS is a market leading, commercial GIS package for computation, analysis and production of different sorts of GIS analysis and results. Spatial statistic toolbox, as integral part of ArcGIS software package is used for interpretation of spatial statistics results (maps, graphs, reports etc.), which can be obtained, by use of several different methods. GeoDa is non-commercial software, relatively new in GIS practice in Finland, focusing specifically in spatial statistics analysis. It is used for manipulation and operationalization of spatial data analysis, designed for implementation of different and unique (Bivariate Moran's I, etc.) ESDA techniques. Both software are computing comparable but different results, quantitatively and visually. For global measurements of spatial autocorrelation and presence of clustering within analyzed area Global Moran's Index is employed. Local measurements and for mapping of possible cluster and outlier occurrences (Anselin Local Moran's Index) is being used. Employment of weight matrix produced in ArcGIS and GeoDa is allowing creation of conceptualization of spatial weight matrix on the same principles in ArcGIS and GeoDa. Conceptualization of weight matrix in the case of lattice data with shared border is contiguity concept. Contiguity concept is using queen concept for defining neighbors, because it allows bigger analyzing capacity. Both software are using same statistical equations but outcome results are showing variety of differences, because of the differences in computing, presenting and visual displaying of the results. GeoDa is producing more significant statistical and visual results. The task is to test and compare computational, visual and analytical capabilities and possibilities of both software and analyze quality of outcome results (maps, diagrams, box plots, etc.) Data on immigration population is provided by HSY (Helsingin Seudun Ympäristö) with the lattice grid level size (1x1km, 500x500m, 250x250m). Purpose of my thesis is also to analyze lattice data with new square grid sizes (50x50m), which are inputting more specific local area inputs for location of local spatial autocorrelation and hot spot activities. Creation of new lattice size is motivated by conceptualizing of the data which is aggregated on the building level (Pks_vaki). Main motive is to try to detect new trends in development of clustering and clusters of immigrant population in Greater Helsinki, formulate and impose scale and area size from a different perspective. Results are informing about undetected process of clustering in the central areas of Helsinki not noticed in the previous studies of immigration population. They are offering different perspective on the problem of clustering of immigration population in Helsinki Metropolitan area.
  • Rahman, Dean (2022)
    There are comprehensive requirements in Finland for procurement by any government organization to go through a tendering process where information about each tender is made available not only to vendors and service providers, but to everyone else in Finland as well. This is accomplished through the website Hilma and should make tenders easy to find. Moreover, in Finnish, variance in domain terminology is not thought to be the problem that it is in English. For instance, the last four years of tenders on Hilma never refer to jatkuva parantaminen as toiminnallinen erinomaisuus whereas “continuous improvement” and “operational excellence” could be used interchangeably in English. And yet, it is considered very difficult for a vendor or service provider to find applicable tenders on Hilma. Rather than lexical variability being the cause as it might be in English, the differences in concept paradigms between the private and public sectors in Finland pose the challenge. Whereas a taxi company representative would be looking for tenders about transportation services, a public officer could be posting a tender about social equity for the disabled. The second difficulty is that the Hilma search engine is purely Boolean with restrictive string match criteria rather than inviting natural language questions. Finally, the Hilma search engine does not account for Finnish being a highly inflecting and compounding language where single words usually morph instead of taking on adpositions, and where compound words are affixed together without hyphenation. Many information retrieval approaches would look outside the corpus for query expansion terms. Natural language processing might also offer the potential to look for paraphrases in existing parallel corpora on tenders throughout the European Union rather than in Hilma. However, this thesis focuses on clustering the tenders posted in Finnish on Hilma, applying the comprehensive workflow of the very recent BERTopic package for Python. All documents in each cluster are concatenated and the highest TFIDF-scoring words in the concatenated document are slated to be “search extension terms.” If one of the terms were to be entered by a Hilma user, the user would be invited to perform parallel searches with the remaining terms as well. The first main contribution of this thesis is to use state of the art models and algorithms to represent the corpus, reduce dimensionality of the representations and hierarchically cluster the representations. Second, this thesis develops analytical metrics to be used in automatic evaluation of the efficacy of the clusterings and in comparisons among model iterations that programmatically remove more and more distractions to the clustering that are discovered in the corpus. Finally, this thesis performs case studies on Hilma to demonstrate the remarkable efficacy of the search extension terms in generating tremendous numbers of additional useful matches, addressing paradigm-based differences in terminology, morphovariance and affixation.
  • Koivisto, Teemu (2021)
    Programming courses often receive large quantities of program code submissions to exercises which, due to their large number, are graded and students provided feedback automatically. Teachers might never review these submissions therefore losing a valuable source of insight into student programming patterns. This thesis researches how these submissions could be reviewed efficiently using a software system, and a prototype, CodeClusters, was developed as an additional contribution of this thesis. CodeClusters' design goals are to allow the exploration of the submissions and specifically finding higher-level patterns that could be used to provide feedback to students. Its main features are full-text search and n-grams similarity detection model that can be used to cluster the submissions. Design science research is applied to evaluate CodeClusters' design and to guide the next iteration of the artifact and qualitative analysis, namely thematic synthesis, to evaluate the problem context as well as the ideas of using software for reviewing and providing clustered feedback. The used study method was interviews conducted with teachers who had experience teaching programming courses. Teachers were intrigued by the ability to review submitted student code and to provide more tailored feedback to students. The system, while still a prototype, is considered worthwhile to experiment on programming courses. A tool for analyzing and exploring submissions seems important to enable teachers to better understand how students have solved the exercises. Providing additional feedback can be beneficial to students, yet the feedback should be valuable and the students incentivized to read it.
  • Linnanvuo, Sami (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2006)
    Online content services can greatly benefit from personalisation features that enable delivery of content that is suited to each user's specific interests. This thesis presents a system that applies text analysis and user modeling techniques in an online news service for the purpose of personalisation and user interest analysis. The system creates a detailed thematic profile for each content item and observes user's actions towards content items to learn user's preferences. A handcrafted taxonomy of concepts, or ontology, is used in profile formation to extract relevant concepts from the text. User preference learning is automatic and there is no need for explicit preference settings or ratings from the user. Learned user profiles are segmented into interest groups using clustering techniques with the objective of providing a source of information for the service provider. Some theoretical background for chosen techniques is presented while the main focus is in finding practical solutions to some of the current information needs, which are not optimally served with traditional techniques.
  • Sipola, Kirsi (2021)
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by degeneration of motor neurons in brain and spinal cord. The degeneration of motor neurons leads to muscle atrophy and paralysis. Currently there is no cure for ALS. Available drugs for ALS can lengthen the survival time by a couple of months. Several factors involve the pathophysiology of ALS, such as endoplasmic reticulum stress and neuroinflammation. Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) is a protein which has shown neuroprotective effects on animal models of Parkinson disease and brain ischemia. C-terminal fragment of MANF can cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to be administered subcutaneously instead of injected directly into the brain. The experimental part consists of two parts. The aim of the first part was to study the pharmacokinetic properties of next generation MANF (C-MANF). The aim of the second part was to elucidate the effect of twice a week administered subcutaneous injection of C-MANF in genetic SOD1-G93A mouse model and its neuroprotective effects by assessing protection of lumbar motor neurons. Pharmacokinetic properties of C-MANF were determined in wild type mice after a single subcutaneous injection of C-MANF at different time points by using indirect ELISA assay. The effects of C-MANF in SOD1-G93A mouse model were assessed by subcutaneous injection of either C-MANF or PBS twice a week and by monitoring clinical score and motor behavior of mice from 10 weeks of age to clinical endpoint. Hematoxylin eosin staining was used to study neuroprotective effects of C-MANF. C-MANF administered subcutaneously is absorbed into the blood circulation and the highest serum concentration of C-MANF is after 60 minutes of dosing. Subcutaneously injected C-MANF also crosses the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain in 120 minutes. C-MANF did not preserve motor function or ameliorated ALS symptoms in SOD1-G93A mouse model. In this study C-MANF did not increase the survival of SOD1-G93A mice. C-MANF did not significantly protect motor neurons from degeneration even though there was a slight trend between the groups. No beneficial effects were observed with C-MANF in SOD1-G93A mouse model and therefore the dose and frequency of administration of C-MANF were not optimal. Subcutaneously injected C-MANF provides a safer dosing option for neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Pöyry, Outi Irene (2015)
    In the upgraded CMS pixel detector (phase II upgrade), the pixel size will become smaller due to the higher occupancy caused by higher luminosity of the LHC. This means that also the bump bonds between the sensor and the read-out circuit will become smaller, which results in smaller gap between the sensor and the ROC. This will increase the probability for electrical sparking that might destroy the ROC, the sensor or both. Jaakko Härkönen has suggested using alumina passivation on the modules for sparking prevention. In this thesis it was studied whether bonding is applicable on a surface having an alumina passivation. It was also of interest, which parameters of the bonder make stronger bonds. Bonding was tested on metal pads with different layer thicknesses of alumina: 0 nm, 10 nm, 15 nm, 20 nm and 25 nm. The strengths of the bonds were tested using the bond pull test. The results indicate that wire-bonding on alumina does well in pull-strength tests, though the bonds are slightly weaker than on surfaces with no alumina. Increasing bonding force seems to weaken the bonds, increasing bonding power, on the other hand seems to make stronger bonds. The conclusion of this thesis is that alumina is a viable choice for passivation, since it does not seem to have a negative effect on the module wire bonding.
  • Koskinen, Matilda (2024)
    CNGB1-geenin virheet aiheuttavat verkkokalvon perinnöllistä pigmenttirappeumaa, retinitis pigmentosaa, joka periytyy autosomaalisesti ja peittyvästi. CNGB1-geenin poikkeamaan kytkeytyvä verkkokalvorappeuma alkaa useimmiten lapsuusiässä hämäräsokeutena. Näkökenttäpuutokset kehittyvät myöhemmin ja kaikkien potilaiden näöntarkkuus säilyy normaalina aikuisikään saakka. Tyypillisiä silmänpohjan muutoksia ovat ohentuneet verkkokalvon päävaltimot, verkkokalvon pigmenttiepiteelin ohentuma, vahamainen näköhermon pää sekä verkkokalvon pigmenttimuutokset. Tässä kuvattavaan tutkimukseen osallistui yksitoista potilasta, joilla kaikilla on todettu sama CNGB1-geenin tautia aiheuttava variantti c.2957A>T. Kaikille potilaille on suoritettu laaja silmätautiopillinen kliininen tutkimus. Tutkimusta varten potilastietojärjestelmästä kerättiin potilaiden oireiden alkamisikä sekä laatu niiden alkaessa, lasein korjattu näöntarkkuus, näkökenttien ja silmäpohjakuvien kehitys seurannan aikana, verkkokalvon muutokset valokerroskuvissa sekä autofluoresenssikuvien löydökset. Kaikkien potilaiden ensioire oli hämäräsokeus, joka kymmenellä potilaalla ilmeni jo lapsuudessa. Näöntarkkuuden, näkökentän laajuuden ja iän välillä todettiin olevan yhteys, siten, että sekä näöntarkkuus että näkökentän laajuus pienenivät potilaan vanhetessa. Mediaani-ikä sille, että näkö oli huonompi kuin normaalinäkö, oli 50,8 vuotta (keskihajonta 11,7 vuotta). Mediaani-ikä, jolloin potilaiden näkökenttä supistui oireisesti oli 52,0 vuotta (keskihajonta 13,9 vuotta). Silmänpohjakuvissa todettiin retinitis pigmentosalle tyypillisiä muutoksia, kuten retinopatiaa, atrofiaa, luusoluja, pääsuonikaarten ohenemista sekä kalpeat ja vahamaiset näköhermon päät. Myös näitä muutoksia oli sitä enemmän, mitä vanhemmasta potilaasta oli kyse. CNGB1-geenin variantin c.2957A>T aiheuttamaa verkkokalvon pigmenttirappeumaa sairastavilla potilailla tarkka näkö sekä näkökentän laajuus säilyvät pitkälle aikuisuuteen siitä huolimatta, että ensioireet alkavat jo lapsuudessa. Tauti etenee hitaasti, mahdollistaen laajan aikaikkunan taudin hoidolle.
  • Cavonius, Karin (2021)
    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare but devastating neurodegenerative disease, progressively culminating in severe brain atrophy and death. The disease is caused by an inherited mutation resulting in a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion in the huntingtin gene, leading to the production of a neurotoxic protein, known as mutant huntingtin, with an abnormally long polyglutamine stretch. Even though the genetic background of HD is known, the cellular pathways affected in the disease are complex and not completely understood. Increasing evidence indicates that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress – a condition of disturbances in normal ER activity, leading to accumulation and aggregation of misfolded proteins in the ER lumen – is a central factor in the pathogenesis of HD and other neurodegenerative diseases. In the literature review of this thesis, known pathogenic cellular mechanisms of HD and how these cellular mechanisms are connected to ER stress, are discussed. Unpublished data from previous studies in our laboratory have indicated that the ER luminal protein canopy homolog 2 (CNPY2) could play a role in the regulation of neuronal survival, including the viability of mutant huntingtin expressing neurons. The aim of the experimental part of this study was to gain insight into a possible function of CNPY2 in HD, by examining the levels of the protein in neuronal models of HD under various conditions, such as ER stress, and by searching for potential interacting partners of CNPY2 amongst known ER stress regulators. The obtained results show that the levels of CNPY2 are increased in striatal neurons expressing mutant huntingtin, and that the secretion of CNPY2 is increased by these neurons, compared to control neurons expressing normal huntingtin. Further, we show that CNPY2 interacts with the major ER stress regulator binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP) in human neuroblastoma cells treated with the ER stress inducer tunicamycin, and that the intracellular levels of CNPY2 are altered by tunicamycin treatment. Together, these findings indicate that CNPY2 could be involved in the pathogenesis of HD. However, further research on the functions of CNPY2 and its role in ER stress regulation is required to understand the nature of this involvement.
  • Skogberg, Mikko (2020)
    Static floating chamber (FC) measurements of CH₄ and CO₂ fluxes from northern boreal river Kitinen were analyzed for this thesis. Measurements were carried out in summer 2018. Spatiotemporal variability was measured in the fluxes by comparing three chamber measuring locations: the opposite river banks and the middle of the river. Mean CO₂ flux estimate was 0.83±0.54 μmol CO₂ m⁻² s⁻¹ (mean ± SD, n = 73), consistent with other estimates for similar systems, with a corresponding k₆₀₀ CO₂ gas transfer velocity estimate of 17±9 cm h⁻¹ . Nonlinear modelling of CO₂ flux was found useful for analyzing floating chamber data from a river. The mean CH₄ flux was 0.0084±0.0047 μmol CH₄ m⁻² s⁻¹ , slightly lower than the median for different river systems in literature. The flux estimates were compared with eddy covariance measurements (EC). FC measurements are expected to give larger results, but additionally chambers are known to overestimate fluxes in flowing water. The comparison yielded chamber fluxes 3.3 and 2.9 times the EC median values for CO₂ and CH₄ respectively. Fluxes were similar between the three locations, and they peaked in late July for both gases in all loca- tions. Some differences over the river cross-section were observed. Discharge was significantly correlated to fluxes in the middle of the river, which could be explained by inhomogeneous flow. On two measuring days in early August, the mid-river CO₂ fluxes were three times those observed near the banks. The difference was also measured in methane. No clear cause was determined, but measuring spatial variation in surface water gas concentrations and flow could clarify the causes of similar observations in further studies.
  • Mulari, Harri (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa on selvitetty aiempien tutkimusten perusteella kaasutainnutuksen ja sähkötainnutuksen vaikutusta vertymien syntyyn, on myös tutkittu mm. aiheeseen liittyviä hyvinvointi asioita. Verenpurkauma syntyy verisuonten ylipaineen vuoksi lihakseen, ylipaineen tässä tapauksessa aiheuttaa tainnutus. Verenpurkaumat tainnutuksen yhteydessä aiheuttavat lihan laatuongelmia ja ovat eläimen kohtelukriteerinä ei toivottu ilmiö. Verenpurkaumia esiintyy enemmän sähkötainnutuksessa kuin kaasutainnutuksessa. Kaasutainnutus puolestaan on kyseenalaistettu useaan otteeseen tainnutusmenetelmänä eettisistä syistä, mutta teollisuus käyttää lähinnä CO2-tainnutusta sen nopeuden takia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahden erilaisen kaasutainnutusmenetelmän vaikutuksia vertymiin ja vertailtiin niitä. Samalla tutkittiin eri SEUROP-luokkien eroja sikojen vertymien esiintymiseen samalla aineistolla. Ruhon koostumuksella ja SEUROP-luokituksella on myös vaikutusta vertymiin aiemmin tehdyissä tutkimuksissa sähkötainnutuksessa, mutta kaasutainnutuksessa ei ole vastaavia tuloksia. Jalostustyön on arveltu olevan yhtenä selittävänä tekijänä, vähärasvaisuus ruhossa on korreloinut vertymiin. Verenpurkaumien esiintymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä joita kaasutainnutuksessa on mainittu aiemmissa tutkimuksissa mahdollisina syinä ovat stressi, väärä kohtelu, huono tilojen suunnittelu, jalostus, rotu, sukupuoli, pistoon kulunut aika ja tainnutus, joita ei voitu tässä tutkimuksessa sulkea pois. Kokeellisen tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella ei saatu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa hiilidioksidiryhmätainnutus- ja karusellitainnutussysteemin välille. Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella on huomattu, että on myös hankala kalibroida kaikki tekijät, jotka ovat mahdollisesti vaikuttavat vertymien syntymiseen.
  • Stenvall, Kim (2020)
    The aim of this study is to examine coaching from an adult learning perspective and to form an understanding what kind of adult learning processes are involved in coaching. In addition, the purpose is also to form an understanding of potential elements that contribute to learning and elements that can slow down, or even hinder learning. Related to this is the exploration of methods and tools used by coaches to facilitate the learning experience. The research data for this qualitative research was collected by interviewing seven ICF coach practitioners. Theory-guided content analysis was used to analyse the interview mate-rial. Andragogy, experiential learning and transformative learning were used as reference theories that could possible explain the findings from the research material. The findings show that the adult learning processes that are at play in coaching are related to reflective activity, which create awareness that then trigger action. An action with successful outcome, a tested hypothesis proves effective, creates a durable and concrete change, or transformation, in the way of thinking and or acting in the person. All three adult learning theories, that provided the framework for this study, were found to be relevant in one way or the other. None of the theories could alone explain the learning processes that happen in coaching. Andragogy provides a good framework for the overall practical process steps in coaching. Experiential learning provides a good framework in explaining the process of reflective thought, hypothesis testing and action. Transformative learning, on the other hand, provide an understanding of the processes that happen when the testing of hypothesis succeed and transformation occurs in the learner. The fundamentals elements contributing to a positive coaching experience were found to be several. Client’s aptitude for coaching, coach's professionality, a good dyadic relation based on trust and external support from manager and organization were among the important contributing factors.
  • Tuoriniemi, Iiris (2019)
    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a promising processing method for the next generation semiconductor devices. Major advantages of ALD include conformality, uniformity over large areas, precise thickness control, repeatability and high quality of films produced. ALD thin film deposition is done inside an ALD reactor. Typical construction materials of ALD reactors include metal alloys such as stainless steel, aluminum and titanium. These materials contain multiple metallic elements that can be detrimental to the performance, reliability and yield of semiconductor devices. In order to process semiconductor devices with ALD, metal impurity levels originating from the ALD reactor must be controlled. Allowed levels of metal impurities in semiconductor processing are stringent and showing a tightening trend. This has led into the development of new methods for contamination control together with the adoption of more sensitive and robust detection methods for metallic impurities, such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This master thesis focuses on the metallic impurities originating from an ALD reactor and their prevention with ALD coatings. Three typical construction materials, aluminum, titanium and stainless steel were examined. The studied coatings were ALD deposited aluminum oxide (Al2O3), hafnium oxide (HfO2) and their nanolaminate (Al2O3/HfO2). The ability of the coatings to prevent metal impurity transfer from the metals to silicon substrates through the gas phase was studied by exposing the coated metals to two ALD precursors, trimethyl aluminum (TMA) and tris(dimethylamino) cyclopentadienyl hafnium (CpHf(NMe2)3). Metal impurity concentrations on silicon were measured with ICP-MS. Since academic literature concerning control of metal contamination from ALD reactors does not directly exist, the literature part of this thesis was based on relevant related topics. The selected topics included the development of semiconductor industry, role of ALD in this development and new ALD materials and chemistries required. Additionally, protective ALD films and the effects of metal impurities in semiconductor products were reviewed. The overall conclusion of this study was that the ALD coatings provide a worthy solution for metal contamination control. Some differences between the passivation efficiencies of different metal – coating systems were found.
  • Malkamäki, Henriikka (2023)
    Tropical coral reefs are amongst the most biodiverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. In recent decades, coral reefs have suffered an unprecedented decline in habitat-forming hard coral cover due to anthropogenic stressors, with severe impacts on ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services. Some of the pressing issues that coral reefs are facing can be mitigated through active reef restoration, such as coral transplantation, which aims to increase the hard coral cover, biodiversity, and structural complexity of a reef site. Studies on the passive benefits that increase the natural recovery potential and resilience of coral reefs following active restoration efforts remain scarce. In collaboration with Indo Ocean Project, this study aimed to compare benthic recruitment patterns between three coral sites located within the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area, Indonesia. The reef sites included a restoration site with gardened Acropora corals, a natural site, and a rubble site that could serve as a restoration site. The experiment was conducted using standardized settlement tiles to measure and observe various response variables as indicators for the natural recovery potential and resilience capacity of the reef. The sites were also surveyed for their benthic reef cover, structural complexity, and fish abundance and community composition. The research objective was to find out how benthic recruitment patterns differ between restoration and natural reef sites, and why. The results confirm that active coral reef restoration efforts induce co-benefits in the benthic environment through enhanced structural complexity, leading to subsequent increases in overall fish abundance and particularly the number of herbivorous fish, and thus to a lower density of turf algae. These are promising findings for the later development of the reef site. The results do not imply that restoration efforts directly translate into enhanced coral recruitment or increases in crustose coralline algae abundance. However, the plentiful supply of spats observed at the restoration site indicates that local coral recruitment can improve over time after the transplanted corals have healed from transplantation stress and become fecund. Finally, the current rubble area can be expected to function as a restoration area in the future, as it appears to be within the reach of coral recruits. This study demonstrates that active coral reef restoration can yield benefits for the whole benthic ecosystem, and thereby aid recovery and strengthen resilience at localized scales. Given the accelerated rate of coral reef degradation, regular monitoring of restoration success is crucial to avoid loss of information regarding the benefits of active coral reef restoration for the fragile benthic ecosystem.