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  • Röman, Linda (2020)
    Intercropping is an old agricultural practise to produce food and could be an interesting option to be utilized today. Use of legumes in mixtures can be a way to produce food more sustainably and minimize negative environmental impacts of current food production. Cultivation area of legumes have declined over recent years, due instability in yields and problems with pests and diseases. Intercropped systems can optimize use of land recourses and reduce issues with pest and disease. Furthermore, legumes could provide a more sustainable source for nitrogen than fossil fuels and more options for both feed and food production, especially for organic farming. Intercropping could also benefit diversity and add more options in crop rotations. In this field experiment intercropping with different mixtures of legumes and other non-legume crops were studied. This experiment by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences was a part of the project Legumes for the agriculture of tomorrow (LEGATO). Project purpose was to promote and find solutions for increased and sustainable production of grain legumes in Europe. The main objectives of this thesis were to compare different crop mixtures and find benefits with intercropping, this thesis focused on peas and faba bean. Does intercropping add yield potential and can it have benefits for yield stability or pest damage. Results showed that intercropping did not benefit pea yields, but instead barley yields. Faba bean Gloria did benefit from intercropping, as did cereals. Yields indicate that more could be produced on the same area of land. Pest damage by pea moth (Cydia nigricana) had some statistical differences between treatments, but there were no similar effects on damage on faba bean by Broad bean weevil (Bruchus rufimanus).
  • Tuominen, Satu (2010)
    The literature review dealed with stunning of poultry. The effects of the stress induced by handling on the physiological and biochemical changes, and how they further affect the meat quality, were discussed. Suitability of different stunning methods for poultry was also reviewed. Methods for measuring the welfare of poultry before slaughtering and the meat quality were described, at the end of the literature review. The aim of the experimental work was to find out the influence of two different types of stunning gases, CO2 and N2, on turkey meat quality. An additional aim of the study was to examine how the chilling rate affects meat quality and also if there are any differences between the stunning methods concerning this. Furthermore, the most suitable gas stunning method for small-scale slaughterhouses, from a meat quality perspective, was hoped to be revealed by the results. Two-phase CO2-stunning was used as a control treatment. The turkeys were stunned using a gas stunning mask designed for the conditions of small-scale slaughterhouse. The post mortem metabolism was controlled with the rate of the pH fall as well as with the glycogen and lactate contents. Drip loss, cooking loss and tenderness were measured to predict the meat quality. The post mortem pH fall was significantly faster in the breast muscles of the nitrogen stunned turkeys than in the breast muscles of the turkeys stunned with other gases. Stunning with N2 could enable the fast chilling of the carcasses without the risk of cold shortening because the meat of the N2 stunned birds was not as tough as the meat of the CO2 stunned birds, when chilled at 0 °C. The pH fall of the CO2 stunned turkeys was similar to the birds stunned with the two-phase method. As a result, CO2 could be a good alternative for gas stunning. On the other hand, CO2 has been stated noxious for poultry to breath in high concentrations. In addition, there is a risk of cold induced toughening when using carbon dioxide if chilled rapidly.
  • Virtanen, Anne (2023)
    This qualitative study was carried out as a semi-structured interview study, which was supplemented with quantitative information from centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland hospital pharmacies and with information about interviewees. Quantitative information was collected using questionnaires. The proportion of centralized cytotoxic preparation units that responded to the background information questionnaire was 95% (19/20) of all centralized cytotoxic preparation units in mainland Finland. In the autumn of 2022, hospital pharmacy employees (n=23) participating in the reconstitution of cancer drugs were interviewed. On average, the interviewees had 14 years of work experience in the reconstitution of anticancer medicines. They represented 75% (15/20) of the centralized cytotoxic preparation units in mainland Finland, covering centralized cytotoxic preparation units of different sizes and locations in different parts of Finland. In 2021, 88% of the anticancer medicines in all centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland were reconstituted at the workplaces of interviewed. According to the interviews, the reconstitution of anticancer medicinal products involves the possibility of an error in several stages of the process. An error can occur when prescribing the medicine, transferring prescription information, when selecting the raw materials, reconstituting of the cancer medicine and during transport. The interviewees identified 24 risks associated with these stages, that could lead to patient safety incidents. Safeguards have been built to avert errors or promote the detection of the errors. Based on the research data, the safeguards were classified into six categories: the development of the technology, guiding work through guidelines, strengthening competence, standardizing practices, controlled working environment and learning from deviations. In Finland, it has not previously been studied or classified with which functions and principles the centralized cytotoxic preparation units have built safeguards to prevent patient safety incidents. This study shows that reconstitution of cancer medicines is a risky process. To improve the quality of reconstituted cancer medicines and patient safety, both the system- and person-focused safeguards have been built into the risk points of the processes of the centralized cytotoxic preparation units, but their utilization varied between centralized cytotoxic preparation units. Based on comprehensive data, the research result can be generalized to centralized cytotoxic preparation units in Finland hospital pharmacies.
  • Pirttinen, Nea (2020)
    Crowdsourcing has been used in computer science education to alleviate the teachers’ workload in creating course content, and as a learning and revision method for students through its use in educational systems. Tools that utilize crowdsourcing can act as a great way for students to further familiarize themselves with the course concepts, all while creating new content for their peers and future course iterations. In this study, student-created programming assignments from the second week of an introductory Java programming course are examined alongside the peer reviews these assignments received. The quality of the assignments and the peer reviews is inspected, for example, through comparing the peer reviews with expert reviews using inter-rater reliability. The purpose of this study is to inspect what kinds of programming assignments novice students create, and whether the same novice students can act as reliable reviewers. While it is not possible to draw definite conclusions from the results of this study due to limitations concerning the usability of the tool, the results seem to indicate that novice students are able to recognise differences in programming assignment quality, especially with sufficient guidance and well thought-out instructions.
  • Kopperi, Heini-Mari (2014)
    Targets. Lately more emphasis than ever before has been given to bringing forth and taking into account children’s perspective in matters that concern them. It is also purpose of this study to give the voice to children and shed light on their perspective. This study is a part of extensive early childhood education development and research project, Orientaatioprojekti, operated by Helsinki University (Department of Teacher Education), ten municipalities in Keski-Uusimaa area and Hämeenlinna. The research is related to the day care quality evaluation (spring 2012). The main interest of the study was to examine things and situations children told they found unpleasant in day care center, also in relation to child’s gender and age. To better understand the results, the narrations and the consistency of the answers as well as children’s general satisfaction towards the day care were also examined. Methods. The research participants were 573 children, ages ranging from 1 to 8. Parents collected the data by interviewing. Two closed and one open-ended questions were analysed in this research and those questions dealt with children’s general satisfaction in day care center and what do they found unpleasant there. Parents recorded the answers to the web form and the data was then transferred to Excel software. Answers of the closed questions were examined through basic descriptive statistics. The unpleasant things and situations in the open-ended question were analysed through qualitative content analysis. Additionally, the appearance of the answers was also analysed. Used methods there were mostly outlined by researcher herself but some features of discourse analyse were also utilized. Results and conclusions. Most of the children stated that they feel mainly comfortable in day care center. The children mentioned different types of unpleasant things and situations and those were explained in various ways. Above all the challenges in peer relationships were on children’s mind. The peer group pointed out significant but the interaction was not always trouble-free. It seems to be important for children to practice and develop their social skills. Besides of these answers many children found the nap time as a single daily routine to be unpleasant. The number of nap time mentions varied a lot between different sexes and ages. There were also some other differences between the answers of children of different sexes and ages. For example, relatively many of the youngest ones did not answer to the open question at all.
  • Hotulainen, Aino Henriikka (2018)
    Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa on haluttu selventää juurihoidetun hampaan restauraatiomenetelmien vaikutusta hampaan pitkäaikaisennusteessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä restauraatiomateriaali ja minkä tyyppinen restauraatio on optimaalisin ratkaisu juurihoidetun hampaan hoidossa missäkin tapauksessa. Kun kliinikko tuntee materiaalin ja tekniikan valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät, hän osaa suositella parasta ratkaisua potilaalle. Kirjallisuuskatsausta varten on haettu artikkeleita, joissa esitellään eri restauraatiomenetelmiä ja vertaillaan sekä juurihoidon laadun ja restauraation merkitystä hampaan ennusteelle, että eri menetelmillä restauroituja hampaita. Kirjallisuuskatsaus koostuu kahdesta osasta. Ensin selvennetään erilaiset juurihoidetun hampaan restauraatiomenetelmät. Sen jälkeen tarkastellaan tarkemmin tutkimustuloksia edellä esitellyistä aiheista. Viimeisessä kappaleessa pohditaan tutkimusten tuloksia, ja tehdään yhteenveto. Artikkeleita läpikäydessä korostuu, että aiheesta ei ole tehty riittävästi laadukasta tutkimusta. Tutkimusten otokset, seuranta-ajat, kriteerit, sekä hoitotekniikat, -materiaalit ja – ympäristöt vaihtelivat runsaasti. Muutamia johtopäätöksiä voidaan kuitenkin esittää. Adekvaatti juurihoito on merkittävin hampaan pitkäaikaisennustetta parantava tekijä. Adekvaatin juurihoidon lisäksi adekvaatisti toteutettu restauraatio parantaa hampaan ennustetta edelleen, ja parhaat ennusteet saadaankin sekä adekvaatilla juurihoidolla, että restauraatiolla varustetuille hampaille. Juurihoidetussa hampaassa 1-2 pinnalle ulottuvat kaviteetit voidaan yleensä restauroida yhdistelmämuovilla. Kun juurihoidetun hampaan kaviteetti ulottuu kolmelle pinnalle tai yli, voikin olla mielekästä harkita onlay-tyyppisen täytteen, endo-kruunun tai perinteisen kruunun valmistusta. 4-5 pinnan kaviteeteille paras ja kestävin vaihtoehto lienee proteettinen hammaskruunu epäsuoralla menetelmällä valmistettuna.
  • Mäkinen, Ida (2015)
    Aims. The goal of the research is to open the differences between Swedish speaking and Finnish speaking kindergartengroups and their quality. The aim of the study is to find out whether there are differences in Swedish speaking and Finnish speaking kindergarten groups. Previous studies have shown that learning environments affect on the child's motivation, the way the child commits to the task and the child's performance. The quality of the classroom environment also affects on the child's well-being and development. Data and methods. A quantitative study consisted of Swedish speaking kindergarten groups (N=48) and Finnish speaking kindergarten groups (N=38). The survey consisted of respondents from Finland (N=86). The analysis was done with the SPSS-software and included examination of t-tests. The results were compared between language groups. The results and discussion. The learning environments were of better quality in Finnish speaking kindergartens. The arrangements of the environment had more quality in Finnish speaking kindergartens. The differences between Finnish speaking and Swedish speaking kindergartens were statistically significant (p<.03). Differences between Finnish speaking and Swedish speaking kindergartens were statistically significant (p<.00) in activity and transitions. Finnish speaking kindergartens also had better quality in classroom activities (p<.00). Finnish speaking kindergartens exceeded the Swedish speaking kindergartens in instructing the child's behavior (p<.00). The early childhood care takers ways to plan the work was also of better quality in Finnish speaking kindergartens as opposed to Swedish speaking kindergartens. The results were statistically significant (p<.04) The need of more research is obvious, because of the lack of studies about Swedish speaking early childhood education. The results also raised some ideas for further study, for example a study about the administrative differences between Finnish speaking and Swedish speaking early childhood education.
  • Pietarila, Päivikki (2004)
    The aim of the study was to find out what kind of view on product quality dressmaker and customer have, how the views differ from each other and how the difference affects dressmaker's work as an entrepreneur. The research data consists of eight thematic interviews: four dressmakers and four customers were interviewed for the study. In the core of customised dressmaking is a relationship between a maker and a client. The product of a dressmaker, a unique dress, is created in an immediate interaction between a dressmaker and a client. Also the quality of a unique dress derives from this interaction. In the results of this study, the views on quality are linked with six themes: dress, process, dressmaker, customer, interaction and enterprise. The dressmakers and the customers agree that the quality of a custom-made dress is based on unique fit. Describing the process the dressmakers insist on the quality of manufacturing. The clients' view on process insists on those phases where they themselves take part: designing and fitting. The personality of the dressmaker is part of quality in both the dressmakers' and the customers' points of view. The dressmakers and the customers are also aware of the customers impact on fulfilling the expectations. The immediate interaction between dressmaker and customer is a key to the unique dressmaking. At its best the interaction is followed by a trusting relationship. Entrustment derives also from a good reputation, which is essential in dressmaker-entrepreneurs marketing strategy. The dressmakers' views on quality are product- and manufacturing-based. According to the results of the study there can be seen different types of dressmakers, that emphasise different aspects of quality. At the other end is a manufacturing-based, even transcendent view on quality, which rests on the values of the dressmaker. At the other end lies a customer- and value-based approach, which is founded on fulfilling the expectations and needs of the customer. In their views on quality the customers emphasise the immediate interaction between dressmaker and client.
  • Pinomaa, Anni (2016)
    Protected cultivation of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) has increased its popularity in Finland. One reason is that the fruit is extremely sensitive to rainy weather during its development. The raspberry plant itself is sensitive to wind and low temperatures, which can reduce growth. In Europe most of the raspberry is grown in protected cultivation, and this technology is now becoming popular in Finland. A high tunnel is a cost-efficient way to protect the plants against rainy weather and extend the harvest season. The protected cultivation has been shown to increase the yield and cropping potential of raspberry and reduce the gray mold in the berries. In human diet, berries are among the richest sources of antioxidants. In raspberry, the most important antioxidants are vitamin C (20 %) and phenolic compounds (80 %). Among phenolic compounds, ellagitannins and anthocyanins give the greatest contribution to antioxidant activity. The aim of this thesis was to study the yield, sensory quality, nutritional quality and shelf life of three floricane fruiting raspberry cultivars grown in high tunnel and open field. Cultivars ’Glen Ample, ’Glen Dee’ and ’Maurin Makea’ were used in the study. Sugar and acid content of raspberry were examined to get an overview of sensory quality. The nutritional quality was studied with an antioxidant activity assay (using FRAP method) and total phenolics assay (using Fast Blue BB method). The shelf life was tested both in +5 °C and in room temperature. The average total yield per cane was 99 % greater in tunnel than in the open field, whereas both sugar and acid content of the berry were greater in open field. Berry weight and total phenolics content were strongly cultivar dependent characteristics. The results of the antioxidant activity assay did not show significant differences between either growing conditions or the cultivars. The shelf life in room temperature was equally weak for all samples, but in +5 °C storage the open field raspberries developed symptoms of gray mold earlier than those picked from the tunnel. The conclusion is that contents of health beneficial compounds in berries were not affected in tunnel cultivation, but berry taste may be affected, as differences in sugar and acid contents were observed.
  • Krannila, Elina (2012)
    In pharmaceutical industry GMP compliance and quality of operations can be ensured with quality management system (QMS). QMS is an operational system, which consist of multiple different elements depending on the size of the company and nature and complexity of its operations. For the QMS to be functional, documented and defined operations need to be managed and monitored systematically. Conducting internal audits has been considered necessary with regard to QMS, though it has not always been perceived as adding value or seen as an opportunity to utilise more fully. Internal audits are mainly utilized to control compliance to requirements. However, there are possibilities to utilise it more in improving and developing operations, preparation to external audits, quality risk assessment, finding out the best practices, basis for decision making, learning experience as well as the assessment of functionality and effectiveness of the QMS. The aim of this study was to examine the utilisation of internal audits in Orion (Espoo) and find solutions to improve the utilisation of internal audits with QMS. The focus was on how internal audits can monitor and guide QMS and what is required from internal audits for monitoring and guidance of QMS. These aims were approached qualitatively by conducting semi-standardized open-ended interviews. Interviewees (n=9) were selected from both auditor and auditee side and they had their background in quality assurance or production. Data compiled from these interviews was analysed mainly by qualitative methods, using also some quantitative analysis. Monitoring of the QMS can be looked at as the starting point to guide QMS. Valuable information can be gathered with internal audits with regard to QMS. By utilising this information, internal audit process and QMS can be improved and the quality of operations can be ensured. Based on this work internal audits can be utilised to monitor and have the potential to guide QMS under certain conditions. Internal audit topics need to be systematically selected, QMS needs to be monitored and guided based on the internal audit findings, flow and distribution of information needs to be efficient and flexible, and internal audits should be better utilised and managed. Further research is needed on the development and deployment of tools to aid better utilisation of internal audits in the control of QMS. Also ways to measure the effects of internal auditing should be further investigated.