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  • Uusirantanen, Leila (2020)
    Maatalousympäristön kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuus on vähentynyt maatalouden muuttuessa intensiivisemmäksi. Tämä on vaikuttanut heikentävästi myös muun eliöstön monimuotoisuuteen. Tästä syystä on tärkeää selvittää keinoja kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuden suojelemiseksi. Maatalousluonnon monimuotoisuuden lisääminen auttaa vahvistamaan ekosysteemipalveluita, mikä puolestaan vähentää maanviljelyn ympäristökuormitusta ja riippuvuutta teknis-kemiallisista tuotantopanoksista, jolloin viljelyn ekologinen kestävyys paranee. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten nykyiset maatalouden ympäristökorvaustoimenpiteet vaikuttavat kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuteen kuten kasvilajirikkauteen ja harvinaistuneisiin, suojelun kannalta tärkeisiin lajeihin. Tein tutkielmani kirjallisuuskatsauksena käyttäen apuna Luonnonvarakeskuksen ja Suomen ympäristökeskuksen MYTTEHO-hankkeen tutkimusraportissa olevaa maatalouden ympäristökorvaustoimenpidelistaa. Kyseisessä hankkeessa arvioitiin vuosina 2017–2020 yleisesti ympäristötoimenpiteiden ympäristö- ja kustannustehokkuutta, ja mukana oli myös asiantuntija-arvio toimenpiteiden monimuotoisuusvaikutuksista. Lisäksi selvitin ulkomaisten raporttien sekä tutkimusartikkeleiden avulla muualla Euroopassa käytössä olevia toimenpiteitä, joiden perusteella tein kehitysehdotuksia Suomen ympäristökorvausjärjestelmään. Maatalouden ympäristökorvaustoimenpiteiden vaikutus kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuteen vaihteli neutraalista positiiviseen. Eniten kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuutta ja harvinaistuneiden kasvilajien määrää lisäsivät monimuotoisuuden ja maiseman hoitosopimukseen kuuluvat toimenpiteet. Myös monimuotoisuuspellot, monivuotiset ympäristönurmet ja kosteikon hoito lisäsivät hyvin kasvillisuuden diversiteettiä. Pinta-alaltaan ja rahoitukseltaan suurimpia toimenpiteitä olivat lietelannan sijoittaminen peltoon, kerääjäkasvit ja luonnonhoitopeltonurmi. Edellä mainituista toimenpiteistä luonnonhoitopelloilla oli merkitystä putkilokasvien monimuotoisuudelle, kun taas kahden muun toimenpiteen, erityisesti lietelannan sijoittamisen, vaikutukset monimuotoisuuteen olivat vähäisiä. Ympäristökorvaustoimenpiteet tukivat muun muassa vähemmän kilpailukykyisiä kasvilajeja, niittykasveja sekä siemenpankista taimettuvia lajeja. Suurimmassa osassa toimenpiteitä tämän tutkielman arvio vaikutuksista kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuteen oli sama kuin MYTTEHO-hankkeen asiantuntija-arvioissa. Toimenpiteiden sisällä putkilokasvien monimuotoisuuteen on mahdollista vaikuttaa hoitotoimilla. Kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuutta lisäävät esimerkiksi laidunnus, lohkon suuri koko ja kasvuston pitkäikäisyys. Toimenpiteiden hyödyllisyyttä voidaan lisätä myös vähentämällä torjunta-aineiden ja lannoitteiden käyttöä korvausalueilla, mikäli niiden käyttö on sallittua, sekä niiden läheisyydessä. Muualla Euroopassa käytössä olevista ympäristökorvaustoimenpiteistä Suomessa harkittaviksi ehdotetaan kiviaitojen kunnostusta, haitallisten vieraslajien leviämisen rajoittamista sekä kylvettyjä kukkakaistoja nykyistä joustavammin ja viljelijöitä houkuttelevammin säännöin. Näillä kaikilla olisi potentiaalia edistää kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuutta myös Suomessa. Monesta ympäristökorvaustoimenpiteestä ei ole tutkimusta, tai sitä on hyvin vähän. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan, jotta voidaan paremmin arvioida toimenpiteiden vaikutuksia kasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuteen.
  • Pihlatie, Mari (2001)
    Maaperä on merkittävä dityppioksidi- ja typpimonoksidipäästöjen lähde. Molempia kaasuja syntyy maassa nitrifikaation ja denitrifikaation sivutuotteina. Dityppioksidi (N2O) on voimakas kasvihuonekaasu alailmakehässä ja osallistuu otsonia tuhoaviin kemiallisiin reaktioihin yläilmakehässä. Typpimonoksidi (NO) on reaktiivinen yhdiste, joka osallistuu alailmakehässä otsonia ja happamia yhdisteitä tuottaviin kemiallisiin reaktioihin. Dityppioksidipäästöjä mitattiin kolmelta eri viljelymaalta (turve, hieta, savi), ja NO-päästöjä kahdelta viljelymaalta (turve, savi) touko-marraskuussa 2000. Koekentillä viljeltiin nurmea, ohraa ja perunaa. Dityppioksidipäästöjä mitattiin staattisella kammiomenetelmällä ja NO-päästöjä dynaamiselle kammiomenetelmällä. Viljelymaista mitattiin säännöllisesti myös maan kosteus, lämpötila, pH, mineraalityppipitoisuus ja nitrifioivien bakteerien aktiivisuus. Kenttäkokeiden lisäksi eri viljelymaiden N2O-tuottoprosesseja tutkittiin laboratorio-oloissa. Turvemaan kumulatiiviset N2O-päästöt (6,4 kg N2O-N ha-1) olivat noin kahdeksankertaiset verrattuna hietamaan päästöihin (0,8 kg N2O-N ha-1) ja lähes kuusinkertaiset verrattuna savimaan päästöihin (1,1 kg N2O-N ha-1). Dityppioksidipäästöjen ajallinen vaihtelu oli samansuuntaista kaikilla maalajeilla: N2O-päästöt kasvoivat kesällä toukokuun päästöistä ja saavuttivat maksimin elo-syyskuussa. Tämän jälkeen päästöt laskivat vähitellen ja pysyivät melko tasaisina marraskuun loppuun asti. Kasvilajien välillä ei havaittu suuria eroja N2O-päästöissä millään maalajilla. Typpimonoksidipäästöt ja NO- ja N2O-päästöjen suhde (NO/N2O) oli suurempi savimaalla kuin turvemaalla. Savimaan korkea NO/N2O –suhde oli tunnusomainen nitrifioiville bakteereille. Turvemaalla N2O-päästöt olivat huomattavasti NO-päästöjä suuremmat, jolloin NO/N2O –suhde oli pieni. Siten denitrifikaation arveltiin olevan merkittävämpi N2O- ja NO-kaasujen tuottoprosessi turvemaassa. Turvemaan suuret N2O-päästöt liitettiin maan korkeaan orgaanisten hiiliyhdisteiden ja typen pitoisuuksiin, jolloin maan olosuhteet ovat otolliset denitrifikaatiolle. Turve- ja hietamaalla N2O-päästöt korreloivat positiivisesti maan kosteuspitoisuuden ja maan lämpötilan kanssa. Turvemaalla positiivinen korrelaatio havaittiin myös N2O-päästöjen ja maan nitraatti-pitoisuuden välillä. Inkubaatiokokeet osoittivat, että nitrifikaatio on denitrifikaation ohella merkittävä N2O-päästöjä aiheuttava prosessi kaikissa tutkituissa maissa. Nitrifikaation osuus hapellisten maiden N2O-tuotosta oli savimaalla jopa 37 %, hietamaalla 31 % ja turvemaalla 29 % dityppioksidin kokonaistuotosta.
  • Halonen, Viivi (2021)
    During the last century, a decline in the canopy-forming foundation species Fucus vesiculosus has been observed in the Baltic Sea. The widely studied typical form of F. vesiculosus, that lives anchored to hard substrata, is at risk of further declines in the following century due to eutrophication and changes in water temperature and salinity. Fucus vesiculosus also exists in the Baltic Sea as a less common free-living form, which lives deposited in sheltered and shallow bays. This free-living form has been left understudied and little is known about their role in the ecosystem or the potential consequences of its disappearance. However, their occurrence may be equally or more under threat in the event of the aforementioned environmental changes. Additionally, it is currently unknown if mats of F. vesiculosus cause anoxia in the sediment below. This thesis will investigate the macroepifaunal and macroinfaunal communities associated to the presence of free-living F. vesiculosus across different sites in both Finland and Sweden. We will also estimate if F. vesiculosus causes anoxia. For this study, replicate frames of F. vesiculosus, including all vegetation and epifaunal community, were collected using mesh bags. Infaunal samples were randomly collected using benthic cores, both under the mat of F. vesiculosus and the adjacent bare soft bottom. All macroinvertebrates were identified to the lowest possible taxa, counted and weighed. Morphological measurements of F. vesiculosus thalli, such as length of thallus and wet weight, were recorded for every frame. Our results showed that the presence of free-living F. vesiculosus has a consistent effect across the two study locations. We found that increasing wet weight of F. vesiculosus significantly increased the abundance and biomass of the macroepifauna. The highest infaunal animal abundance and biomass were found in the bare sediment with high occurrence of opportunistic taxa. However, we found potential evidence to suggest that the presence of F. vesiculosus mats does not cause anoxia in the sediment. This study provides a much-needed first look into the macrofaunal communities associated to the free-living Fucus vesiculosus. Our study demonstrated that free-living F. vesiculosus is a potential foundation species in shallow, sheltered bays of the Baltic Sea by increasing the number of present taxa compared to adjacent bare sediment. Higher F. vesiculosus biomass directly increased the abundance and biomass of the macroepifaunal community, and the presence of free-living Fucus vesiculosus was not found to have significant negative effects on the associated macroinfaunal community.
  • Ilmarinen, Karoliina (2007)
    The underwater vegetation of the coastal zone has been studied in the Helsinki capital region with comparable methodology since the 1970s. The water framework directive (WFD) which was implemented in 2000 requires that new methodology is applied in the monitoring of underwater vegetation. In this study, the old contamination methodology is compared to the new WFD-compatible methodology based on ecological status classification of the water. This study was also a part of the monitoring of underwater vegetation carried out by the Helsinki Environment Centre. In this study, the occurrence of submerged aquatic vegetation was studied in the summer of 2005 in the sea area stretching from Seurasaarenselkä to Katajaluoto. Twenty sampling sites were included, all situated on rocky and stony shores. With the rake method, a stretch of shoreline was studied to the depth of two meters, and with the diving method a line from the shoreline was mapped downwards to the depth were all vegetation ceased. Based on their vegetation, the areas were placed into classes which are used to describe the state of near-shore waters. The contamination methodology is based on the species composition and relative abundance of several indicator plants, while the WFD-derived ecological status classification at present is based solely on the lowest depth at which bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) L. grows. No significant improvements have occurred in the near shore aquatic vegetation compared to the previous monitoring study (1999) in either Seurasaarenselkä or the eastern shore of Lauttasaari. Bladder wrack has not returned to the area, although several of the sampling sites would suit the species. The turbidity of the water impedes the growth of submerged macrophytes, and the high sedimentation of material derived from the water column prevents the attachment of small plants to the bottom. Internal loading weakens the status of the water in the area and maintains a high number of species which are indicators of eutrophication. The status of Vattuniemi was still worse than that of the other sampling sites on Lauttasaari s eastern shore. The aquatic vegetation of Lauttasaarenselkä has remained only slightly disturbed or in natural state. Towards the outer archipelago area the aquatic vegetation indicates an improved state of the water; almost all the sampling sites were classed as in natural state. At the sampling sites in the Katajaluoto area the improvement in the state of the water is probably due to the reduced nutrient loading. Due to improvements in water purification technology, less nutrients, especially nitrogen, are released through the sewage tunnel. Physical and chemical parameters are used to support the biological indicators in using the ecological status classification. One of the most important physical factors is the exposition of the shore which can be defined by estimating the effect of wind disturbance (fetch). Either of the statistical tests I used (the linear regression analysis and the Spearman s ordinal correlation) gave statistical significance for more than one species; according to these tests only Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kütz. has negative correlation between the fetch and the structure of the vegetation (r2 = 0,076, n = 69 ja p = 0,022). However, the variation in the structure of the C. glomerata is mostly explained with other factors than the fetch. Fewer species were found using the rake method than by diving. According to the Friedman s two-way variance analysis sampling method do has on effect on the contamination index (n = 20, df = 2 ja p = 0,001). A more positive picture of the status of the water was gotten with the diving method than with the rake method. The rake method is not intended for the study of species occurring at more than two meters depth, and thus not suited for determining the lowest depth at which bladder wrack occurs as the WFD requires. The diving method is suitable for both types of classification. Based on this study, the ecological status classification gives on average a worse picture of the status of the water than the contamination method. When only one variable related to only one indicator species is used in the study as postulated in the WFD the result is limited, and does not necessarily give a true picture of the status of the water. It has been observed that the lowest growth depth of the bladder wrack clearly correlate with the eutrophication. That supports its using as the only parameter in the implementation of the WFD. The ecological classification of the state of the water cannot be applied to the inner bays due to the absence of bladder wrack, and the status of the water can there only be estimated using the contamination classification. However the use of the contamination classification is problematic: it s not easy to define the indicator value of the species because there are several environment factors in addition to eutrophication that have an impact on the species.
  • Halonen, Sini (2020)
    Laivojen painolastiveden mukana kulkeutuminen on merkittävin väylä vieraslajien leviämiseen Itämerelle. Vieraslajeista voi olla haittaa ympäristölle ja yhteiskunnalle, ja Kansainvälinen merenkulkujärjestö (IMO) onkin hyväksynyt painolastivesien käsittelyä koskevan yleissopimuksen, jonka tarkoituksena on estää haitallisia lajeja leviämästä painolastiveden mukana alueelta toiselle. Sopimuksen mukaan laivan painolastivesi täytyy käsitellä niin, että veden sisältämät eliöt kuolevat, ennen kuin veden voi laskea mereen. Käsittelyn voi kuitenkin jättää väliin poikkeusluvalla, jos haitallisten vieraslajien leviämisen riski katsotaan olevan hyväksyttävällätasolla. Riskin arvioinnissa keskeisessä asemassa ovat niin kutsutut kohdelajit, joiden katsotaan voivan aiheuttaa vahinkoa ympäristölle, ihmisten terveydelle tai taloudelle. Arvioinnissa tarkastellaan näiden kohdelajien mahdollisuuksia siirtyä painolastiveden mukana alueelta toiselle, selvitä vastaanottavalla alueella ja aiheuttaa haittavaikutuksia. Itämeren kohdelajien valintaan kehitetty kriteeristö arvioi eliölajien (1) suhdetta painolastivesiin, (2) mahdollisia vaikutuksia Itämeren eri osien ekosysteemeissä ja ympäröivässä yhteiskunnassa, (3) aiemman leviämisen todisteita ja (4) nykyistä levinneisyyttä. Vallitsevassa luokituslähestymistavassa asiantuntijapaneelin arvioimaan kriteerien täyttymiseen tai täyttymättä jäämiseen ei ajatella liittyvän lainkaan epävarmuutta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kehittää kohdelajien luokitusta varten todennäköisyyspohjainen Bayes-verkkomalli, joka ottaa huomioon kohdelajikriteerien täyttymiseen liittyviä eliölajikohtaisia epävarmuuksia ja laskee luokitukselle todennäköisyysjakauman. Malli rakennettiin noudattamaan kriteeristöä, ja sitä testattiin neljälle esimerkkivieraslajille, jotka kaikki esiintyvät jo joissain osissa Itämerta: vaeltajasimpukalle (Dreissena polymorpha), villasaksiravulle (Eriocheir sinensis), amerikankampamaneetille (Mnemiopsis leidyi) ja sirokatkaravulle (Palaemon elegans). Kahdeksan vieraslajeihin perehtynyttä asiantuntijaa arvioi kyselykaavakkeen avulla eliölajikohtaisesti kuhunkin kriteriin liittyvää tutkimustiedon tasoa, antaen itsenäisen arvionsa jokaisen kriteerin täyttymistodennäköisyydestä. Saadut asiantuntija-arviot syötettiin lajikohtaisiin malleihin, jolloin mallit antoivat tulokseksi kunkin lajin todennäköisyyden kuulua kohdelaji-luokkaan. Näin ollen mallin on tarkoitus vetää yhteen epävarmuutta, joka nousee toisaalta vallitsevasta tieteellisen tiedon tasosta ja toisaalta asiantuntijoiden näkemysten välisestä hajonnasta. Tuloksia voidaan tarkastella asiantuntijakohtaisesti sekä koko asiantuntijajoukon yhteisten keskiarvojakaumien kautta. Tarkasteltaessa asiantuntijajoukon yhdistettyjä keskiarvojaaumia, vaeltajasimpukka kuuluu kohdelajiluokkaan 99,4 %, villasaksirapu 86,9 %, amerikankampamaneetti 84,9 % ja sirokatkarapu 78,3 % todennäköisyydellä, kun tarkastellaan keskiarvojakaumia. Eniten epävarmuutta liittyy lajien vaikutuksiin uudessa ympäristössä, kun taas paras tietotaso ja vähiten epävarmuutta liittyy kriteereihin lajin suhteeseen painolastiveteen ja todisteisiin lajin aiemmasta leviämisestä. Vaikutusten haitallisuutta voi olla vaikea arvioida muun muassa siksi, että vieraslajit eivät vaikuta Itämeren ekosysteemiin yksin, vaan ovat vuorovaikutuksessa muiden lajien kanssa. Asiantuntijoiden välisissä arvioissa oli eroja erityisesti epävarmuutta sisältävissä kriteereissä. Asiantuntijat itse arvioivat kyselyn useammin helpoksi kuin vaikeaksi, mutta silti arviointityöhön liittyi haasteita. Tutkielman mallia rakennettaessa kävi ilmi, että alkuperäisissä kriteereissä on jonkin verran tulkinnanvaraa, mikä saattoi osaltaan vaikuttaa asiantuntijoiden arvioiden eroavaisuuksiin. Kriteerejä onkin syytä muokata selkeämmiksi. Myös kohdelajiluokituksen Bayes-verkkomallia kannattaa kehittää lisää yhteistyössä asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Koska epävarmuus tulee ilmi tutkielmassa käytetyllä Bayes-verkkomenetelmällä, se voidaan ottaa huomioon, kun tehdään päätöksiä eliöiden kohdelajiluokituksesta. Mallista havaitaan, mihin kriteereihin liittyy epävarmuutta ja tätä tietoa voi hyödyntää lisätutkimuksen kohdentamisessa.
  • Lankinen, Tuuli (2020)
    Our hearing perception is based on the ability to discriminate mechanical sound waves and to amplify and transduce them into electrical stimuli.This function is based on the complex cellular organization of the cochlea, the hearing organ. The sensory epithelium in the organ of Corti spirals along the cochlear duct in a tonotopic arrangement: every sound frequency elicits the strongest response at allocation along this duct. Sound stimulus is detected by three rows of outer hair cells (OHCs) which amplify- and tone-discriminate the sound stimulus, and by one row of inner hair cells (IHCs), which transduce the mechanical stimulus into electric impulses. Basal regions of the cochlea detect high- frequency sounds and apical regions detect low- frequency sounds. The complexity and sensitivity of the cochlea is linked with its vulnerability to various traumas. Most kinds of damage to the mammalian hair cells is irreversible, because these cells are not capable of regeneration. Hearing impairment has many etiologies. Common to them is that damage is permanent and no pharmacotherapy is available. Hearing impairment is often a disabling condition and it has vast societal consequences. The number of hearing impaired people is constantly increasing and the WHO has estimated that 10% of the world`s population will suffer from disabling hearing loss in 2050. Mesencephalic astrocyte- derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) is an unconventional, ER-resident protein that promotes ER- homeostasis. It has been associated with cytoprotective functions in many neurodegenerative disease- models and shown to promote recovery after ischemic trauma. MANF expression has been previously found in many cell-types in the cochlea, including OHCs and IHCs. Its deficiency in a mouse model led to upregulation of ER-stress markers and a robust, tonotopic base –to apex gradient loss of outer hair cells and severe hearing loss. This study examines the role of MANF in noise-induced trauma in the hair cells of the cochlea. In a conditionally inactivated (Manf -/- cKO) mouse model in the C57BL/6J – background, where Manf has been inactivated from most of the cochlear cells, I studied, if Manf -deficiency sensitizes the cells to noise-induced cell death in two age-groups. I also examined the basic and noise- induced MANF expression, using two mouse- strains, C57BL/6J and CBA/Ca. I also examined OHC stereociliary bundle morphology to find out if noise induces morphological changes in Manf cKO-mice that differ from noise-exposed C57BL/6j wild type mice. This study found that OHCs have a low MANF- expression, whereas in IHCs the expression is strong. MANF is expressed in a base- to apex gradient in the OHCs of the two mouse-strains examined, in a uniform pattern, that correlates with vulnerability, implicating that low levels of MANF predispose basal OHCs to vulnerability. MANF expression in the IHCs was non-gradiental. Noise did not induce upregulation, as was expected, but instead noise induced downregulation of MANF in the basal region of the OHCs by an unknown mechanism in both mouse-strains.This suggests that noise-induced trauma induces ER dyshomeostasis, possibly independent of ER stress response pathways ,unfold protein response (UPR). This study also demonstrates that MANF deficiency sensitizes the OHCs to noise- induced trauma, resulting in more elevated OHC loss and hearing thresholds. This sensitization is mainly caused by a progressive degenerative changes seen in the OHC stereociliary bundles of Manf cKO-mice, and is associated with more severe noise-induced hearing loss. The results of my study suggest that MANF has an important, yet unknown, protective role in noise-induced trauma in OHCs. These results support the possible role of MANF as a therapeutic agent in a noise-induced trauma.
  • Haapala, Anu Johanna (2023)
    Introduction: Oxidative stress occurs in cells when reactive oxygen species are generated as a by-product of oxygen metabolism and start to accumulate excessively. While extensive oxidative stress is highly detrimental to the cells, trophic factors help them survive. Trophic factor MANF has interested especially Parkinson’s disease researchers, but recent findings suggest that MANF plays a role in many diseases, also ones with an early childhood-onset. For this reason, it is important to investigate MANF function in different cell types. We have studied how MANF-knockout human embryonic stem cells react to oxidative stress compared to wild-type human embryonic stem cells, by exposing the cells to hydrogen peroxide and ethanol. Results: MANF-knockout human embryonic stem cells were more sensitive to oxidative stress than wild-type cells, but the variation between measurements was remarkable and the differences were statistically insignificant. We found that a transcription factor of our interest localized in the cell nuclei of MANF-knockout cells upon oxidative stress exposure. Such a nuclear translocation did not occur in wild-type cells. Moreover, we found that high concentrations (>2%) of ethanol reduced the viability of cells in only four hours. Discussion: Our findings suggest that MANF-knockout human embryonic stem cells react to oxidative stress differently than wild-type cells. Additional studies are necessary to clarify whether MANF-knockout human embryonic stem cells are indeed more sensitive to oxidative stress than wild-type cells. In the future, it would be interesting to inspect whether MANF protects human embryonic stem cells when the cells are exposed to physiologically relevant ethanol concentrations for longer periods of time.
  • Hyypiä, Iisa (2022)
    More meat is consumed in the world than ever before causing an intensifying number of social, environmental, and economic problems. Lately, consumers’ willingness for change has been examined by several scholars. Plenty of hope is placed on the consumers’ role as active participants in the sustainable nutrition transition. Therefore, many consumer-based strategies have been conceptualized to reduce meat consumption and thus enhance the transition to less animal-based proteins without taking it to the extreme (no meat/vegan ideology). “Less and better” is one of these strategies. It encourages, not only to eat less meat but also to replace the remaining meat with “better” meaning meat with positive outcomes and smaller negative environmental and social impacts. In this context “better meat” refers to extensively produced natural pasture-raised beef (luonnonlaidunliha) which has positive impacts on for instance animal wellbeing, biodiversity, and farmers’ livelihoods. This research aims to understand if buyers of “better meat” make linkages between “less” and “better” and whether they perceive the need for a sustainable protein transition. Being a relatively new approach, “less and better” has not been studied before from the perspective of consumers who already choose “better”. The data were collected in cooperation with Bosgård farm, which produces natural pasture-raised beef. Firstly, an email survey was sent out to the customers of the farm receiving 126 responses and secondly, six consumers were interviewed to gather a more in-depth understanding of the consumer perspectives. The results suggest that while a clear linkage between buying better and eating less exist, it also has a reverse side; many consumers are consuming more meat due to the access to what they perceive as better. The motives for meat reduction vary widely yet environmental and climate change reasons have not reached a significant position. It seems that meat reduction amongst the buyers of “better” meat is shadowed by pleasure orientation, lack of understanding of the scope of negative impacts of meat production and of the message “less meat”, high trust in Finnish meat production as such, and resistance to change caused by polarized information and attitudes. Even though many participants had found ways to incorporate more sustainable eating habits into their everyday lives and meat's position at the top of the food hierarchy is slowly changing, the results do not seem to correspond to high expectations held by the proponents of the concept. Though this is a small study, it questions a validity of the claim that “less and better” can be a sufficiently strong solution to support a sustainable nutrition transition in the way it is currently being presented.
  • Männistö, Sameli (2020)
    As a result of urbanization and climate change, cities are facing various ecological and social challenges. For instance, flooding, pollution, urban heat island, decreased biodiversity, and mental stress of city dwellers are well recognized challenges of urban spaces. Urban green spaces are increasingly important in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, such as flooding due to precipitation extremes, and also providing various other ecosystem services. In order to ensure sustainable land use and provision of ecosystem services, it is essential to develop methods for effective urban green space mapping. As a result, there is a growing demand for micro-scale land cover maps for urban areas. Emerging technologies, such as Object Based Image Analysis, OBIA, and light detection and ranging, LiDAR, offer promising possibilities for efficient mapping of green spaces in the urban environment. The aim of this thesis was to develop a semi-automatic method for urban green space mapping and classification. The other major task was to study the added benefits of light detection and ranging technology. Three research sites of varying degree of urbanization from the city of Helsinki were chosen for the study; from the city core in Itä-Pasila to appartment area with blocks of flats in Pihlajamäki and small-house residential area in Veräjämäki. The classification process was executed with an image analysis program called Definiens Developer. Main input data for classification was LiDAR data and VHR (very high resolution) aerial images. In the classification process, normalized vegetation index (NDVI) was used to detect live vegetation; assignation to different classes was based on height information derived from LIDAR data. Finally, an accuracy assessment was performed on the classified images to determine how well the classification process accomplished the task. The accuracy was assessed by comparing the classification images to the reference images of each catchment. Results demonstrate well the potential of OBIA for extracting urban green spaces. The downtown area of high land use intensity (Itä-Pasila) had the smallest green space coverage (31%), consisting mostly of urban parks and planted trees along the streets. The small-house area of low land use intensity (Veräjämäki) had the highest proportion (65%) of green spaces, consisting of forests and gardens. In the intermediate land use intensity with block of flats (Pihlajamäki)ts, a little under half of the coverage is green spaces. The highest accuracy of detecting green spaces was reached in low land use intensity area (92%), followed by the high and intermediate land use areas with 82% and 78%, respectively. The most common problem for classification was shaded areas, which reflect only limited spectral information and therefore the calculating of NDVI index becomes impossible. I found the object-based image analysis together with LiDAR data fusion to provide good means for urban green space mapping and classification. The presented method allowed a quick data acquisition with good overall accuracy, while avoiding the problems previously related to more traditional pixel-based methods. The addition of LiDAR data created the possibility of extracting vegetation height and using it in the classification process in order to divide vegetation into four different classes.
  • Mäkelä, Meri (2021)
    The present retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet will increase the amount of fjords surrounded only by land-terminating glaciers in the future. As in the Arctic, productivity is generally lower at these kinds of fjord systems than in the ones surrounded by marine-terminating glaciers, this will most likely affect the productivity and ecosystem structure of coastal marine areas. Paleorecords of past coastal ecosystems can improve our understanding of the drivers of Arctic coastal ecosystem change and provide possible future scenarios. At present, there are not many high-resolution marine ecosystem reconstructions from the Arctic near-shore areas, and in particular those, which take into account land-derived inputs are lacking. To provide a detailed reconstruction of coastal marine ecosystem change over the Holocene and study its linkages to climate and terrestrial freshwater inputs, organic-walled palynomorphs (including e.g. dinoflagellate cysts and pollen) and some basic geochemistry (including e.g. total organic carbon, C:N ratio, biogenic silica and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen) were examined from two radiometrically dated sediment cores from Young Sound fjord, Northeast Greenland. The results indicate that the near-shore marine ecosystem in Young Sound is clearly influenced by local forcings, such as terrestrial freshwater and organic matter inputs, during the Holocene. The results also illustrate that these terrestrial inputs affect the ecosystem structure and at least some dimension of ecosystem productivity. This study demonstrates that increasing number of fjords with only land-terminating glaciers in the future will affect marine productivity and ecosystem structure in Greenland’s fjord systems, with potential impacts on biodiversity and important fisheries. Studying past ecosystem changes in different fjord systems, and complementing marine records with proxies for terrestrial inputs, would further help constrain the future scenarios along the Greenland shore.
  • Bhalke, Monika (2020)
    Lipoproteins are biochemical carriers of the insoluble lipids. They are complexes combining lipids and proteins for the transport of lipids. Amongst the type of lipoproteins are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) which are prevalent in various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that are essential components of lipid metabolism and play a significant role in the human diet. Omega-3 PUFAs such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are derived from fish and are necessary for proper cardiovascular functioning. Because the human body is unable to produce enough quantities of some omega-3, diet is an important source for its availability. When a diet is rich in saturated fats, the above-mentioned diseases transpire. This study investigated how consumption of two fish diets, Lean fish and Fatty fish, influence the lipid species of human LDL particles. The lipid species analysed in this study are phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM), and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), and cholesteryl esters (CE), and triacylglycerols (TAG). A total of 42 volunteers with a history of impaired fasting glucose had randomly been divided into two groups: fatty fish (4 fish meals/week) and lean fish (4 fish meals/week) for 12 weeks. Blood samples had been collected from the volunteers before and after consumption of the fish meals and LDL particles had been isolated from the blood samples by ultracentrifugation. In this study, the lipids were extracted by Folch method, and the extracted lipids were analysed using Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. The lipid class profile did not change due to the two fish type diets. However, the consumption of fatty fish diet increased the levels of lipid species of PC, LPC, and CE containing EPA and DHA acyl chains, while decreasing levels of several TAG species. Lean fish induced minor changes in the lipid composition of LDL particles. Based on these results, fatty fish diet alters the plasma LDL lipidome profile with changes induced to both the surface and the core composition of the LDL particles in a positive way regarding cardiovascular health.
  • Tentke, Annika (2014)
    This project was about the molecular mechanisms involved in the generation of eicosanoids in human mast cells with particular emphasis on lipid bodies as a source and/or site of lipid mediator biogenesis. The cells to be used are isolated from human peripheral blood provided by Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service and collected from healthy donors. Human mast cells are found in connective tissue. They contain granules filled with histamine, heparine and proteases. Human mast cells are potent effector cells in host-defense mechanisms of innate immunity, including inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. Activation of mast cells by different stimuli triggers the release of a huge range of mediators, including de-novo synthesized eicosanoids, which are highly biologically active lipid mediators. The major eicosanoid released by activated mast cells is prostanoid prostaglandin D2 (PGD2). The aim of this project was to find out whether mast cell lipid bodies are the cellular compartments of PGD2 synthesis, what are the enzymes involved in AA liberation from TGs, and whether TG-derived AA is a source for PGD2 production. The enzymes of special interest were hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). We were also interested about hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase (HPGDS), the key enzyme in the production of D and J series of prostanoids. Methods used in this pro gradu work include siRNA transfections, RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, qPCR, immunoblotting, ELISA and conventional fluorescence microscopy. Immediate increase in the amount of PGD2 released from mast cells sensitized with human IgE (1 µg/ml) and activated by polyclonal rabbit anti-human IgE (1 µg/ml) was observed. The increase was most prominent after one hour of activation, and slowly decreased to basal levels at 48 h post-activation. siRNA transfection affected the amount of enzyme DNA in mast cells and the amount of PGD2 released. HSL, ATGL and HSL+ATGL double knockdowns all reduced the amount of PGD2 released in acute (5 to 30 minutes) term activation compared to control cells. However, no significant changes were observed in the mRNA expression levels of ATGL, HSL, CGI-58, HPGDS or COX-1 under mast cell activation. The only significant changes in mRNA expression levels were observed with COX-2. However, the relative expression of HPGDS increased in IgE treated mast cells compared to control treated cells and the expression was even greater in mast cells treated with αIgE also. Both ATGL and HPGDS were recognized throughout the cytosolic area in the non-activated Ctrl cells. Although HPGDS located also in the circumference of mast cells, no clear localization of HPGDS was observed in the circumference of mast cell lipid droplets. The experiments carried out at the Wihuri Research Institute, including those presented here, have established that, in addition to phospholipids, the triglycerides present in mast cell lipid droplet core are also an important source of eicosanoids, and that also ATGL and HSL, not just cPLA, can release arachidonic acid for eicosanoid production. The ramifications of this study include the possibility that arachidonic acid release from triglycerides for the formation of eicosanoids could take an indirect or a direct route to supply precursors for cellular eicosanoid biosynthesis. The key is the pathway of AA release. In the direct pathway, AA is released from LD TGs by ATGL or HSL and this free AA is used for the generation of PGs by either COX-1 or COX-2, depending on the status of the cell. In the indirect pathway, AA is liberated from LD TGs by ATGL or HSL and then further re-esterified into phospholipids from where AA is then finally released by cPLA2 for the generation of eicosanoids.
  • Lindgren, Susan (2023)
    Artificial light at night (ALAN) is an emerging environmental problem, originating from e.g. street lightning and infrastructure. It has been found to alter the behavior of many organisms and thereby influence community composition and ecosystem functions. However, most studies on the impact of ALAN on wildlife and the environment have focused on terrestrial ecosystems, while aquatic ecosystems have received less attention, yet are increasingly exposed to artificial light. Gammarus species are amphipods commonly found in freshwater and estuarian ecosystems across Eurasia and North America. They are key components of ecosystems in recycling nutrients and serving as a food source for other species. They are night active and, hence, vulnerable to ALAN. Earlier studies show that ALAN increases their predation risk and induces physiological stress. However, no study has assessed the impact of ALAN on mating behavior, although mating success is a key fitness component that influences population dynamics. Gammarus pulex is a common freshwater detritivore where females are receptive for a short period and males compete for females and then guard them through amplexus, precopulatory guarding. The aim of this master’s thesis was to study if and how ALAN affects the mating behavior of the G. pulex, and if this depends on the presence of male-male competition for females. G. pulex, individuals were collected from a stream in Helsinki and exposed to control (natural light conditions) or ALAN in the absence or presence of male competition, eight treatment combinations in total, for one week under laboratory conditions. In each trial, one female and either one or two males were placed into a tank – in the absence or presence of ALAN – and their behavior recorded for ten minutes, including active time, contact between the sexes, and pair formation and separation. The results show that ALAN influences both night and day mating behaviour, but that the effect depends on the presence of male competition. ALAN had no impact on activity during the night, while male competition decreased it. During the day, ALAN decreased activity, but male competition counteracted and increased activity. Number of contacts between female and male(s) was only impacted by male competition during the night, but by both ALAN and male competition during the day; ALAN reduced contact time during the day in the absence of male competition, while male competition increased contact time. Pair formation was negatively affected by ALAN during the night, while male competition increased formation. Pair separation was higher under ALAN during the day, independent of male competition, but unaffected at night. These results indicate that ALAN causes a carry-over effect, with light conditions during the night influencing mating behaviour during the day. This is most likely through physiological changes incurred during the night because of the artificial light, such as increased stress levels. Further studies should assess how ALAN impacts mating behavior when many individuals are present, as G. pulex is more choosy in mate selection at higher population densities. Follow up studies are also needed to determine if the effect of ALAN depends on the colour of the light, as found for other organisms, as such information is needed in conservation work aiming to reduced negative effects of ALAN on ecosystems through the development of environment friendly lighting systems. Regarding the consequences of the change in mating behaviour when exposed to ALAN, this could alter population dynamics. Given the key ecological role of the species in ecosystems, this could lead to changes in nutrient recycling and the structure of food webs. Considering that the presence and intensity of ALAN is expected to increase in the future, it is of great importance to assess its effects on organisms, not only during the night but also during the day through carry-over effects, as indicated by the present study.
  • Metsola, Saana (2023)
    Ilmastonmuutos on yksi aikamme viheliäistä ongelmista, jonka yhtenä ratkaisukeinona pidetään kiertotaloutta. Kaupungit ovat ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa avainasemassa muun muassa suuren asukaslukunsa ja hiilijalanjälkensä takia. Kiertotalouskaupunkeja syntyy enenevissä määrin, ja myös Helsingin kaupunki on julistautunut kiertotalouskaupungiksi. Matka lineaarisesta kaupungista kohti kiertotalouskaupunkia on kuitenkin pitkä, ja siinä matkalla tarvitaan myös muita toimijoita kaupungin lisäksi. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden mukaan yhteistyö on avainasemassa niin itse kiertotaloudessa kuin kiertotalouskaupungeissakin. Myös Helsingin kaupunki on tunnistanut tarpeen toimia yhteistyössä muiden toimijoiden kanssa kiertotalouskaupungin rakentamisessa. Avainasemassa olevia yhteistyön osapuolia ovat niin yritykset kuin kaupunkilaisetkin. Helsingin kaupunki on lanseerannut Kiertotalousvahti- palvelun, jossa on 31 kiertotalouteen liittyvää toimenpidettä. Näitä toimenpiteitä voidaan pitää Helsingin kärkihankkeina kiertotalouden saralla. Näissä hankkeissa uskoisi siis myös yhteistyön näkyvän kaupunkilaisten ja yritysten kanssa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida teorialähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla Kiertotalousvahdin 31 toimenpidettä ja etsiä toimenpiteistä yhteistyötä. Tarkempaan syynäykseen otettiin yhteistyö kaupunkilaisten ja yritysten kanssa. Tutkimuksessa oli tarkoitus selvittää myös kaupungin, kaupunkilaisten ja yritysten rooleja yhteistyön saralla. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että Helsingin kiertotalouden kärkihankkeissa yhteistyötä näkyy yllättävän vähän. Yhteistyö kaupunkilaisten kanssa on lähes olematonta, ja yritystenkin kanssa vähänlaista. Yhteistyön avulla kiertotalous saataisiin leviämään laajemmalle ja sen vaikutukset olisivat laajempia. Kaupunki jättää paljon potentiaalia käyttämättä kiertotalouden suhteen.
  • Maamela, Katja (2021)
    In teleost fish, various egg traits play a crucial role in the development, growth, and survival of the offspring and thus affect maternal reproductive success. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a species where age at maturity, an important life-history trait influencing reproductive success, is under environmental and genetic control. In this study, I assessed how genetics of the vgll3 genotype and the dietary energy content affect egg traits and female maturation rate. The fish used in this study were lab-bred, three-year- old female Atlantic salmon with different vgll3 genotypes fed on one of two diets differing in energy content. The eggs traits included in the study were egg size, lipid, and protein content. Female maturation rate was not affected by the energy level of the diet or the vgll3 genotype. Egg size expressed as egg dry weight differed between females in the two feed treatments. These differences may be attributed to the increased lipid content of the eggs due to the higher fat content of the maternal diet. Females receiving high energy feed had a significantly higher egg lipid content compared to the low energy feed treatment. Females homozygous for the vgll3 allele associated with early maturity had a significantly lower egg lipid content in comparison to the females homozygous for the vgll3 late maturity allele indicating a potential reproductive fitness cost associated with early maturity. No effect of diet or vgll3 was found in egg protein content. This study provides the first evidence of vgll3 not only affecting Atlantic salmon age at maturity, as found in previous studies, but also egg lipids through maternal provisioning of nutrients.
  • Stendahl, Annie (2022)
    Abstract Faculty: Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences Degree programme: Genetics and Molecular Biosciences Study track: Molecular and Analytical Health Biosciences Author: Annie Stendahl Title: Measurement repeatability of flow cytometry and nanoparticle tracking analysis for optimization of extracellular vesicle measurements Level: Master’s thesis Month and year: 11/2022 Number of pages: 92 Keywords: extracellular vesicles, repeatability measurements, metrology, traceability, flow cytometry, nanoparticle tracking analysis, reference material, METVES Supervisor or supervisors: Virpi Korpelainen, Katariina Maaninka and Pia Siljander Collaborative partner: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. Where deposited: E-thesis Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-enclosed vesicles secreted by all cells, containing variable cargo from nucleic acids and proteins to carbohydrates, metabolites, and lipids. EVs are considered to be involved in many physiological and pathological cell functions. Due to their presence in biofluids hence enabling semi-invasive liquid biopsies, EVs have indicated great promise for utilization as biomarkers in clinical settings. The innate properties of EVs and their cargo could also be harnessed into therapeutic use. However, the current methods and reference materials for determining EV concentration and size have not yet achieved the metrological level of repeatability and traceability, which is needed for EV measurements to be utilized in clinical settings. The aim of this thesis project was to evaluate repeatability of the methods typically used for EV quantification and size determination, flow cytometry (FCM) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). The repeatability was analyzed with reference material made of hollow organosilica beads and biological EV test samples, both developed in an ongoing EU metrology-project METVES II for EVs. A similar biological EV test sample was also prepared as part of the thesis project. Finally, the repeatability measurements were conducted with calibration beads recommended by the instrument manufacturers. The calibration beads gave repeatable results with FCM and one of the two NTA instruments tested, but neither the reference beads nor the biological EV test samples produced repeatable results to enable determination of repeatability. However, valuable understanding was gained on what can be optimized during the measurements and operation of the instruments to generate more repeatable results with FCM and NTA in EV analysis. Prior knowledge of both the sample type and method used for measuring would enable optimization of the measurement and instrument operation. Whether the aim is EV quantification or size determination, instrument errors and bias could then be minimized by adjusting the settings according to sample type. Furthermore, EV quantification and size determination would benefit from combining different methods to ensure more reliable and repeatable results. It is clear that more research needs to be done, for i.e., the tested reference beads need to be further developed to be established as EV reference material and enabling standardization of EV measurements. Standardizing EV quantification and size determination is required to achieve metrological repeatability and ultimately, traceability, and thus for EVs to be utilized in clinical settings as biomarkers or therapeutic use.
  • Jakkli, Meera (2020)
    Neural Oscillations at large-scale local and global neural synchrony levels can be detected at the scalp using electroencephalography. This neural activity presents itself in a varied range of frequencies referred to as ‘Brain Waves’. These frequency bands have cognitive significance and have been implicated in several neural functions due to its important role in communicating with functionally-similar but spatially-distinct brain regions. Frontal Asymmetry is the difference in activity between the right and left hemispheres in frontal areas of the brain recorded via EEG and is seen to be a strong indicator of emotional states. Specifically, approach and withdrawal motivation which have been associated with positive and negative emotions respectively. Using a combination of behavioural and physiological methods in measuring preference and responses gives us an accurate representation of the participant responses. In this study, three tests were conducted during a continuous EEG recording. Test 1: The implication of inducing a positive mood before the onset of stimulus line-up and the extent of its effect on emotions and alpha asymmetry is not extensively studied. In this test, we employed the use of an instrumental soundscape for one experimental group before beginning the stimulus presentation to test this effect against a ‘silent’ control group. Test 2: This test aims to compare the participants’ physiological measures (EEG) and behavioural self-reports to audio advertisement stimuli consisting of different categories of music: ‘Brand music’ vs. ‘Campaign’ music or ‘No music’ Controls. Test 3: There is ambiguity in research regarding how frontal alpha asymmetry as measured by EEG and self-report preferences might change with changing the format of the advertisement to: only Audio, Audiovisual and Silent videos. There has been contradictory evidence regarding the impact of music on an individual’s emotions and consequent memory and decision-making. This thesis delves into these questions through the post-study behavioural test and simple binary choice paradigm that measure the above-mentioned in relation with the stimuli presented to participants. Our results did not show a significant difference in frontal asymmetry in the stimulus presentation across the three tests conducted during EEG recording. The behavioural data however indicated significant preference in behavioural self-report ratings for Brand Music- associated stimuli in Test 2 and for Audiovisual advertisement stimuli in Test 3. Results also revealed a significant correlation between ratings given to a stimulus and post-study memorability. The final binary choice paradigm test indicated higher preference to products related to stimulus presentation (‘advertised’ brand) vs similar products not related to the presented stimulus (‘non-advertised’ brand). We anticipate that these results will further help us understand and predict general preferences that can help companies, government policy-makers and the general public be more aware and better equipped to manage their valuable resources of money, time, attention and memory.
  • Raza, Shaffaq (2020)
    Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15), a member of TGF-β super family is a soluble cytokine that is associated with different pathological conditions including cancer, cardiac and renal failure and obesity. Its high serum levels are linked with symptoms like cachexia/anorexia in cancer patients and can be used as a marker for these diseases. Its crucial role in weight regulation and energy homeostasis has been demonstrated by treating obese mice with GDF15, which results in weight lose along with improved glucose metabolism and increased insulin tolerance. It is now known that GDF15 exerts its metabolic effect by binding to a GDNF receptor -α-Like (GFRAL) receptor along with co-receptor RET. Interestingly, these two receptors co-localize only in the brain stem area of mice and humans indicating involvement of a neuronal circuit in GDF15 mediated effects. Despite its implications in major health disorders, little is known about the interaction of GDF15 with its receptors and how this interaction in turn modulates different cellular signalling and functions. The aim of the thesis was to study the mechanism and factors involved in endocytosis of GDF15. I employed high content imaging and flow cytometry techniques to visualize and analyse the internalization of ligand-receptor complex and investigate the role of actin, dynamin and phosphoinositide 3 kinase in the process. The results suggest that similar to the internalization of other cellular growth factors, the uptake of GDF15 is affected by disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. The role of dynamin is still unclear. I also discovered that the internalization of GDF15 was inefficient even in cells that expressed the receptor GFRAL, with large cell-to-cell variation. By following the intracellular localization of the receptor GFRAL, my results revealed that the receptor GFRAL is not efficiently exported to the plasma membrane and most of the protein is retained in the Golgi compartment of cells. This phenomenon was stronger in murine fibroblast cells, where the receptor was almost exclusively trapped in the secretory compartment, explaining why the uptake of the ligand GDF15 is so inefficient in these cells. The system developed during this project will now be used to analyse different factors involved in the uptake of GDF15 and eventually uncover the possible endocytic pathway. Moreover, the Golgi retention of the receptor opens up new questions to investigate like whether the physiological function of GDF15 is regulated by receptor export signals. This will help deciphering the complex and mysterious interaction of GDF15 with its receptor GFRAL.
  • Nurmi, Aino (2023)
    The 2022 energy crisis heightened concerns about energy sufficiency. In response, Finland launched a nationwide energy-saving campaign, Astetta alemmas, to encourage Finns to take concrete and effortless energy-saving actions in their daily lives. The aim of this thesis was to analyze which energy-saving behaviors the media emphasize in the campaign and how the campaign messages are framed in the media. The analysis of media response was chosen because there is a lack of this type of study related to energy-saving campaigns. The data consisted of 94 news articles collected from the five national online news media from October 1st to December 31st, 2022. The data was analyzed using frame and content analysis. The analysis was based on a pre-determined theoretical framework consisting of nine energy-saving and general news frames: economic, social, environmental, personal, moral, health, conflict, responsibility, and human-interest frames. In addition, two new frames were recognized from the data. The energy-saving behaviors found were classified as curtailment and efficiency behaviors. The campaign was portrayed as an opportunity to save money through effortless energy-saving measures such as lowering the room temperature. Most of these actions were categorized as curtailment behaviors. The media showed the importance of individuals’ efforts to save energy in a society by emphasizing that saving energy has paid off and that new saving habits have become a routine part of daily life. On the other hand, energy-saving actions led to compromises in living standards, resulting in suffering and high electricity bills. The media portrayed the negative consequences by emphasizing conflicts and showing how far people are willing to go to save energy while risking their health. The impact on the environment was seen as a secondary principle. The crisis was a suitable moment for the media to highlight the importance of energy conservation. The campaign was well justified as a campaign of the whole nation, highlighted by solidarity and shared responsibility to save energy. Nevertheless, some of the tips given were targeted at specific households. The media raised a dichotomy by highlighting individuals as heroes or sufferers through their experiences. This is a novel contribution to previous studies. This dichotomy provides room for further studies that could focus on the people behind the news stories and the long-term effects of post-campaign energy-saving measures. This thesis provides initial insights into the media response to the Astetta alemmas campaign during the first three months and in specific news media, but the results cannot be generalized to the response of all news media during the campaign.
  • Uotila, Iiro (2021)
    Evolving societies force universities to transform from the producers of new information sat in their ivory towers towards the role of entrepreneurial universities. The theme of entrepreneurial universities is widely studied internationally, but studies concerning the University of Helsinki (UH) are scarce. The aim of this thesis is to map the current UH bioentrepreneurship ecosystem and the services it provides. The services were mapped and assessed based on how they match the needs of academic bioentrepreneurs. Measures are also suggested on how to develop the ecosystem. This thesis links strongly to the previous literature on entrepreneurial universities and academic entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial university as a term encompasses an organisation, which strongly supports and encompasses entrepreneurial action in its different functions. Strong technology transfer and commercialization of research via licensing and spinout company formation, is usually linked to entrepreneurial universities. University spinouts are strongly linked to academic entrepreneurship. In spinouts research results and academic tacit knowledge are transformed into enterprises to produce value. The thesis was conducted as a qualitative case study. For the study UH affiliated entities offering entrepreneurship services and bioentrepreneurs originating from within the university were interviewed. The data was analysed with content analysis methods. The results show that UH bioentrepreneurship ecosystem is just in the beginning with multiple useful services but also with some significant flaws. The most significant obstacles preventing the growth of the ecosystem are the university’s negative culture towards entrepreneurship, non-existent communication about the subject and the absence of relevant supportive networks for academic entrepreneurs. Via changing these the critical mass to enable sustainable ecosystem can be achieved.