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Browsing by Subject "tapaustutkimus"

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  • Uimonen, Konsta (2022)
    Finnish matriculation examination in biology transitioned into a digital examination from traditional pen-and-paper examination in spring of 2018 as a part of larger process aiming to digitalize the entire matriculation examination. Tthe requirements for the exam have also changed: in addition to subject knowledge, the digital examination also requires the candidate to also be master the digital skills outlined in the Finnish high school curriculum, for example the use of image- and data processing programs. It has been suggested hat candidates from higher socioeconomic background benefit more from digital skill teaching. It has also been shown that some teachers overestimate the digital skills of the students, omitting parts of the teaching process that are integral for learning. Tthis study examines whether the matriculation examination answers requiring digital skills differ from questions that can be answered without advanced digital skills. Statistically significantly worse performance in questions requiring digital skills might indicate digital skill teaching that is insufficient compared to the skill level required in matriculation examination. Insufficient teaching may disproportionately affect those from lower socioeconomic background. The data of this study consists of 30 full-length answers from matriculation examinations of spring 2018, autumn 2018 and spring 2019, for a total of 90 full-length answers. The data was a randomized sample provided by Ylioppilastutkintolautakunta (Finnish Matriculation Examination Board). The differences were analysed with Mann-Whitney U-test and Fisher’s z-transformation. The study found that questions requiring digital skills were statistically significantly more popular than questions that didn’t require digital skills. Although the level of cognitive processing outlined by Bloom’s Taxonomy was lower in questions requiring digital skills, there was no statistically significant difference in the success (measured by attained score) between the answers. According to results, the digital proficiency of the candidates was at a sufficient level to answer to the questions.. The study also speculates on factors that could explain the observed differences in answer popularity, cognitive depth and difficulty level of the questions.
  • Söyrinki, Siiri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Variable electricity production poses challenges for the electricity grid, where demand and production must be balanced at all times. Transition to variable electricity production requires new solutions for grid flexibility. Electricity consumption has traditionally been an inflexible component in the electricity system but technological development enables demand side flexibility. Demand response (DR) is demand side measure, where energy consumption is shifted due to an external incentive. DR has multiple benefits such as improving reliability with high integration of variable energy production and cutting emissions during peak production. Despite years of modelling and analysing DR, there is lack of experience with commercial end-users in real-life context. In recent years, transmission system operator Fingrid has conducted experiments with stakeholders to find new demand response resources outside the traditional industrial end-users. The market models and services have not yet matured and therefore actors experiment to find solutions to resolve demand response barriers. The difficulty of scaling up sustainable innovations is a well-known challenge in energy transition research. In strategic niche management theory experiments are seen as tools for sustainable transition. This qualitative case study examines how piloting demand response in grocery store promotes energy transition. I chose the case of Virtual Service Environment (VIRPA-B) experiment, where participants tested DR in two grocery stores. The data were gathered in eight interviews with stakeholders and experts and through literature review. With theoretical framework I analysed, how the experiment contributes to implementation of demand response through expectations, learning and the ways pilot was scaled up after the experiment. Thesis sheds light to stakeholders’ role in implementing new technology and business model in real-life context. The results indicate that DR does not disturb the functions of the grocery store. The technology is matured, but the instalment practises have not been standardized. The greatest barrier for upscaling seems to be the regulations of the electricity markets, as they do not encourage end-users to invest in DR. VIRPA-B experiment did not lead to a rapid upscaling. However, lessons scaled up through other projects that support the niche development. For actors experiments are a platform to develop expertise and influence the new business models. To overcome the barriers, more attention should be directed at the synergies between the technologies. In VIRPA-B pilot actors noted benefits with solar panels, energy efficiency and DR. Combining technologies can lead to significant electricity savings. Promoting DR as a part of intelligent building automation system could also help overcome DR barriers. The results of thesis indicate that experiments can produce capabilities that promote energy transition.
  • Puistosalo, Jaakko (2024)
    Datakeskukset ovat osaltaan mahdollistamassa vihreää siirtymää, sillä niiden toiminnasta aiheutuvalla hukkalämmöllä voidaan lämmittää kotitalouksia polttoon perustuvan lämmöntuotannon sijaan. Hukkalämpö sitoo kuitenkin yhteen energian tuottajat ja käyttäjät, ja voi siten myös aiheuttaa odottamattomia seurauksia, joita tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Mäntsälässä sijaitsevan Yandexin datakeskuksen tapauksessa. Mäntsälä oli asettanut valtaosan kaukolämmön tuotannostaan Yandexin datakeskuksen hukkalämmön varaan, joka osoittautui kunnalle ongelmalliseksi ratkaisuksi Venäjän hyökättyä Ukrainaan. Tässä tutkielmassa on tapaustutkimuksen keinoin selvitetty, oliko Yandexin datakeskuksen saapuminen Mäntsälään polkuriippuvaisen kehityskulun seurausta. Järjestelmän polkuriippuvuus voi aiheuttaa sen, että järjestelmä päätyy historiallisten päätösten ja tapahtumien seurauksena epätoivottuun lopputilaan, josta on erittäin vaikeaa irrottautua. Näin voidaan katsoa tapahtuneen myös Mäntsälään ja Yandexin datakeskuksen tapauksessa. Aineiston perusteella luodusta aikajanasta havaittiin, että Yandexin Mäntsälään tulon taustalla oli polkuriippuvainen tapahtumaketju. Mäntsälän kaukolämpöverkon polkuriippuvuuden taustalla havaittiin kolme mekanismia: suuret kiinteät kustannukset, mukautuvat olettamukset ja oppimisvaikutukset. Aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta poiketen, tarkasteltavan energiajärjestelmän polkuriippuvuuden taustalla eivät olleet ainoastaan järjestelmän fyysiset tai sen ympärillä vallitsevien markkinoiden ominaisuudet, vaan polkuriippuvuutta oli aiheuttamassa myös energiajärjestelmää hallinnoivassa organisaatiossa opitut kokemukset tietyistä toimintamalleista.