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  • Uuksulainen, Heikki (2021)
    Tämän Pro gradu- tutkielma aiheena on valokuvien tarkentamiseen käytetyt algoritmit. Algoritmien tavoitteena on poistaa valokuvista esimerkiksi liikkeestä tai huonosta tarkennuksesta johtuvia epätarkkuuksia ja kohinaa. Työssä esiteltävissä algoritmeissä ongelmaa käsitellään tilastollisena inversio-ongelmana, jonka parametrien estimointiin käytetään erilaisia numeerisia menetelmiä. Tutkielman rakenne koostuu kolmesta osiosta; yleisestä teoriaosuudesta, työssä käytettävien algoritmien esittelystä sekä algoritmien soveltamisesta data aineistoihin ja tulosten vertailusta. Teoriaosuudessa käydään lyhyesti läpi inversio-ongelmien yleistä teoriaa, keskittyen erityisesti valokuvien tarkentamisen kannalta olennaiseen diskreettiin lineaariseen tapaukseen ja tämän tilastolliseen muotoiluun. Algoritmien puolestaan voidaan ajatella koostuvan kahdesta osasta: (i) tilastollisen mallin määrittämisestä ja (ii) mallin parametrien numeerisesta optimoinnista. Tutkielmassa esitellään kaksi klassista analyyttistä menetelmää nimiltään Richardson-Lucy ja ROF -algoritmit sekä syväoppimista ratkaisussa hyödyntävä iRestNet. Lopuksi algoritmeja sovelletaan kahdelle eri aineistoille: ohjelmallisesti generoidulle datalle ja vuonna 2021 järjestetyn Helsinki Deblur Challenge -haastekilpailun kuva-aineistolle. Tarkoituksena on selvittää algoritmien toteutuksessa tehtävien valintojen vaikutusta lopputuloksiin ja vertailla esiteltyjen algoritmien antamia tuloksia keskenään.
  • Honkala, Jaakko (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää millä tavalla pitkän matematiikan syventävät kurssit esiintyvät ylioppilaskokeen B1-osiossa ja kuinka hyvin kokelaat ovat niihin liittyviin tehtäviin vastanneet. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan mitkä syventävät kurssit ja niiden aiheet esiintyvät ylioppilaskokeen B1-osiossa sekä minkälaista osaamisen tasoa niihin liittyvissä tehtävissä edellytetään. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kuinka hyvin ylioppilaskokelaat ovat tehtäviin vastanneet. Työn tausta Työssä tarkastellaan pitkän matematiikan syventäviä kursseja MAA11 – Lukuteoria ja todistaminen, MAA12 – Algoritmit matematiikassa ja MAA13 – Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskennan jatkokurssi. Tehtävissä vaadittavan osaamisen tason mittarina käytetään Bloomin taksonomian uudistettua versiota. Tarkasteltavat tehtävät ovat kevään 2016 tutkintokerrasta kevään 2022 tutkintokertaan. Menetelmät Tutkimuksessa on käytetty kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Ylioppilastutkintolautakunnalta saatua dataa on käsitelty ja tulkittu määrällisin menetelmin. Tehtäväanalyysin tuloksia on tarkasteltu määrällisin menetelmin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset Pitkän matematiikan syventävät kurssit esiintyvät ylioppilaskokeessa varsin tasapuolisesti. Aiheista voimakkaimmin painottuvat lukuteoria (MAA11) sekä derivoituvuus ja käänteisfunktio (MAA13). Tehtäväanalyysissa MAA11-kurssin tehtävät arvioitiin Bloomin taksonomian (BT) tasoille 3-5. MAA12-kurssin tehtävät arvioitiin tasoille BT3-4 ja MAA13-kursin tehtävät tasoille BT3-5. Kaikkien syventävien kurssien Bloomin taksonomian keskiarvoksi saatiin 3,7, joka on hieman matalampi kuin geometrian (keskiarvo 4,1) ja todennäköisyyslaskennan (keskiarvo 4,3) B1-osion tehtävillä. Pitkän matematiikan ylioppilaskokeen B1-osion MAA12-kurssiin liittyvien tehtävien pistekeskiarvo oli 6,7. MAA13-kurssin tehtävien pistekeskiarvo oli 4,7 ja MAA11-kurssin tehtävien pistekeskiarvo oli 4,1. MAA12-kurssiin liittyvien tehtävien pistekeskiarvo oli vertailun korkein ja selvästi korkeampi kuin geometrian (pistekeskiarvo 5,7) ja todennäköisyyslaskennan (pistekeskiarvo 4,9) B1-osion tehtävillä. Tarkastellut MAA12-kurssin tehtävät näyttäytyvät helpoimpina sekä tehtäväanalyysin että kokelaiden pisteiden tarkastelun pohjalta.
  • Lahnalammi, Tuukka (2014)
    The concept of terrorism has been used widely in discussion about those actors who threaten the state. In this study I try to clarify how terrorism has been located in databases from the United States and compare those results to the Uppsala university's databases considering battle related deaths and one-sided violence. I try to find out which kind of differences there are among databases considering the number of deaths, the type of the targets and the actors who perform the strikes. The theoretical base of this study lies in the theory of critical geopolitics. Critical geopolitics moves the focus from the existing areas to that how areas are produced. The focus is on that what kind of processes there are influencing when areas and our perspective about them becomes to exist to us. Often there are purposeful intentions to enforce certain images about areas in order to achieve political goals. During the years of the war on terror the United States has changed its foreign politics more to the direction where it considers that it has the right to defend itself from threats even when it means using force outside the US borders without international approval. The threat has been often described as terrorism in the media and in political speeches. In this study I use databases from three different sources. The department of homeland security and the national counterterrorism center are created as results of the war on terror to help the government to deal with the threat. The university of Uppsala has produced its own database for decades about different factors considering conflicts. To the original American databases the material has been accepted with more subjective criteria than to the original Uppsala databases. From the information of these databases I produce several cartographic presentations which have an essential meaning in the production of the results. The most important locations of the terrorism are in the Middle East and in the South Asia. In these areas there are also great numbers of battle related deaths. In the Sub-Saharan Africa one-sided violence is often even more common reason of death than battles. Most of the most important actors of the countries are same ones in the different databases. Al'Queda is the only truly global terrorist organization. In the countries where one-sided violence is most severe the targets are usually civilians and in the countries where the battles are more severe the target is usually the government. Terrorist organizations seem to strike only in few countries in most cases. This indicates that even today most of the organizations have quite local goals. Also only few states are using force outside their own or neighboring country. Especially United states and al'Queda are actors who clearly use force globally. This study suggests that this is a process that enforces the global nature of terrorism and counterterrorism and that this is part of the larger process of globalization. One of the most important conclusions of this study is that terrorism seems to relate more to the battles than to one-sided violence. This is the most important reason for the observation that there is little terrorism in same parts of the world compared to violence. The main example of this is Sub-Saharan Africa. This study suggests that the reasons for this might be the weak role of the States in many countries in the area which appears as one-sided violence done by government and as large number of other groups practicing one-sided violence on the continent.
  • Sjöblom, Sini (2013)
    The use of online travel reviews as a part of consumers' tourism planning processes is a growing phenomenon. Consumers' especially use other travelers' reviews while choosing accommodation for their trip. TripAdvisor is one of the largest tourism related websites on Internet and it contains reviews of hotels around the world. In this thesis the ways in which the hotels in Helsinki are using these reviews in their value creation processes, if they are used at all, are analyzed. Also based on theory and the current use of the reviews by the hotels some suggestions are made for the hotels how they possibly could improve their value creation through the consumer reviews on TripAdivsor. The consumer reviews are important for the tourists in their tourism planning, which is one reason why the amount of consumer reviews online has grown. The information on consumer reviews is available for everyone free of charge and using this source of information also by the hotels can be beneficial in their value creation. The hotels cannot stop the creation of consumer reviews, but they can try to manage it and benefit from it. The theory in this thesis consists of the marketing process, where the consumer reviews can be useful for the hotels in different points. The reviews online can be used as information source and as a tool for managing customer relationships and for promotional messages. The use of the reviews in the hotels in Helsinki was researched through quantitative data, which was collected from TripAdvisor, and through qualitative data collected by interviewing hotel representatives. The results of this thesis are that the use of reviews on TripAdvisor by the hotels in Helsinki is still in the middle of its adoption period, meaning that the hotels are using the reviews in some ways in order to create more value but not in all the possible ways of use are yet used in the hotels. The hotels are also on different stages in the adoption, while some hotels have thought more extensively what their actions regarding the reviews is in different aspects, while some hotels have only very minimal actions regarding the reviews. One of the main reasons for the hotels not to imply more measures regarding the reviews in order to create more value is the lack of knowledge and information about the possibilities and ways of how to use the reviews in their benefit.
  • Hakala, Anna (2021)
    The Master´s thesis examines the conceived value patterns the city officials use in the context of land-use regulation of small forest fragments. As a theoretical framework, the study utilises Boltanski and Thévenot´s theory on the common worlds with complementary literature, such as Thévenot’s cognitive formats and engagements. In light of extensive scientific research, urban greenspaces have multiple positive impacts to both urban structure and wellbeing of the residents. Small greenspaces, so-called forest fragments with no appointed recreational activities are, nevertheless, often presented as potential sites for infill construction. This appears especially in cities where strong population growth causes pressure for urban development. This Master´s thesis complements existing research in this regard by revealing the diversity of valuation that form the basis to differing interests, perspectives and decisions that direct urban land-use policy in these forest fragments. The empirical phase has been conducted among city officials in the City of Espoo (FI), who represent different operative units and positions. The analysis was conducted through an exploratory and semiquantitative Q methodology. In the study, the respondents (N=27) validated statements (Q=35) related to planning decisions on small forest fragments. The factor extraction was conducted by principal component analysis. The seven analysed factors form consistent value patterns, which may be used when describing and interpreting the justification of urban planning regulation in forest fragments. In each individual value pattern, either valuation of the local landscape, public good or personal advantage is emphasised. From the common worlds, argumentation based on the industrial or the market worlds highlight personal affinity, whereas, for instance, the civic or the domestic world form a basis for argumentation on social values and the common good. Human-centred biophilia is the most explanatory of the value patterns. Based on the valuation, forest fragments are seen as an integral part of the urban structure especially due to their cultural ecosystem services, such as recreational possibilities, effect on residents´ environmental consciousness and stability of the local landscape.
  • Rantamäki, Olli (2022)
    Subarktisten lampien vesikemia on muuttunut nopeasti viime vuosikymmeninä ympäristössä tapahtuneiden voimakkaiden muutosten johdosta. Subarktisten alueiden vesistötutkimuksissa on oltu erityisesti kiinnostuneita valuma-alueen kasvillisuuden muutoksista ilmaston lämpenemisen seurauksena. Maankamaran osalta huomio on ollut kallioperän kemiallisessa koostumuksessa. Tämän lopputyön keskiössä oli valuma-alueen tekijöistä maaperä. Lopputyön tavoitteena oli tarkastella, kuinka hyvin maaperämuuttujat selittävät lampien vesikemiaa. Maaperän kemiallisia ominaisuuksia kuvasi ICP-massaspektrometrillä määritetyt maaperänäytteiden helposti liukenevien alkuaineiden pitoisuudet. Lisäksi hehkutushäviömenetelmällä (LOI) määritettiin maaperän orgaanisen aineksen määrä. Maaperän rakennetta tarkasteltiin valuma-alueen maalajin ja maanpeiteluokkien peittävyysprosenttien avulla ja pohjavesivaikutteisuudella. Pääkomponenttianalyysin (PCA) mukaan vesikemian muuttujat eivät vaihdelleet kovinkaan yhdenmukaisesti; liuenneiden ionien kokonaismäärä ja runsaina esiintyneiden ionien pitoisuudet olivat kohtalaisen yhdenmukaisesti vaihtelevia. Valuma-aluetta kuvaavat muuttujat eivät sen sijaan PCA-analyysin mukaan olleet yhdenmukaisesti vaihtelevia. Yleistetyssä lineaarisessa mallissa (GLM) vesikemiaa kuvaavista muuttujista rinnejyrkkyys, varvikkojen ja heinikkojen laajuus sekä pohjavesivaikutteisuus selittivät tilastollisesti merkitsevästi lammen veden kemiaa. Pohjavesivaikutteisuus, jota mitattiin haihtuneisuutta kuvaavalla D-excess-arvolla, selitti ainoana muuttujana laajasti veden kemiallista vaihtelua. Se selitti pH:n sekä Al:n, Mn:n, Fe:n, Si:n ja TP:n vaihtelua. Yleisesti GLM-mallit olivat kuitenkin selitysvoimaltaan heikkoja. Ainoastaan veden Al:n ja Si:n pitoisuuksia selittävät mallit olivat selitysasteiltaan kohtalaisia. Tässä lopputyössä tutkittiin lisäksi sedimenttikivistä koostuvan Mallatunturien ja magmakivistä koostuvan Ailakkavaaran alueiden eroa lampien vesikemioissa. Samankaltaisuusanalyysissä (ANOSIM) löydettiin pieni ero alueiden välillä vesikemiassa. Maaperäominaisuuksien välillä ANOSIM-testissä löytyi myös heikko eroavaisuus alueiden välillä. Maaperissä oli yleisesti valuma-alueiden sisällä suurta vaihtelua, sillä maaperän alkuainepitoisuudet vaihtelivat merkittävästi eri puolilla lampea. Yleisesti tilastonanalyysien tulokset viittasivat siihen, että maaperä on tärkeä vesikemiaan vaikuttava tekijä valunnan tapahtuessa pohjavesikerroksen kautta. Lisäksi maaperän mineraaliaineksen koostumus selittää analyysin mukaan jonkin verran lampien vesikemian vaihtelua.
  • Galkin, Annukka (2015)
    The arctic region is sensitive to climate change impacts. Arctic lakes are typically transparent and shallow. Environmental changes occurring in the catchment reflect to DOC (dissolved organic carbon) and nutrients concentration of arctic lakes. Furthermore, productivity of lakes, organic matter transport and mineralization will change. This thesis examines how the catchment characteristics currently impact the limnology of arctic lakes and assess future changes when temperature and precipitation will increase. Special attention is given to DOC due to its strong impact on the lake ecosystem. Water and sediment samples were collected from 31 lakes from Ivalo to Utsjoki (68°47' and 69°55') at the end of July 2014. pH was measured in situ and the vegetation type of catchment was observed. LOI 550- % (loss-on-ignition) and chlorophyll-a-sediment were measured from surface sediment (0-2 cm). DOC, TP (total phosphorus), TN (total nitrogen), chl-a-water (chlorophyll-a-water), CDOM (colored dissolved organic carbon) components C1-C4,C6, SUVA (specific UV-absorbance), FI-index (fluorescence index) and HI-index (humification index) were measured from water samples from the epilimnion. Catchment variables were analyzed by using GIS (geographical information system) to determine boundaries, area, topography and altitude of catchments. Based on general map raster of National land survey of Finland © wetland- %, forest- %, tundra- % and lake- % were digitized. Vegetation type was determined based on general map raster and field observations. The July mean temperature during 1984–2013 was calculated based on mean temperature raster of Finnish meteorological institute ©. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine catchment variables which most impact the limnology. Based on principal component analysis results the most effective catchment variable is wetland -% which has a strong impact on DOC, nutrients, chlorophyll-a-water, CDOM components C1-C4, C6 and HI-index. Wetlands are important source of DOC and nutrients to the lakes and the impact of wetland- % is stronger than vegetation type hence DOC-gradient follows wetland- %. On the other hand, tree line and dwarf birch catchments without wetlands are seen clearly in results as lakes with low DOC and nutrient concentrations. Climate change affects catchments and is assumed that release of DOC and nutrients from wetlands and forested areas will increase. Longer ice-free period increases the length of the growing season and will likely, together with increased nutrients, result in a higher water column production in arctic lakes. On the other hand, increased DOC in water column will decrease the amount of light and the production will decrease. Thus, we can expect that the area of tundra vegetation will decrease and dwarf birch will spread to tundra. In addition, the density of trees in forested areas will increase and the tree line will shift northward and higher up the fjells. Environmental changes have substantial impact on the lakes and catchments studied in this thesis. DOC, nutrients and production will probably increase in the studied lakes.
  • Iinatti, Jussi (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2012)
    Tutkielmassa arvioidaan tapaustutkimuksen avulla ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin soveltuvuutta vanhan järjestelmän vaiheittaiseen korvaamiseen. Esimerkkitapauksena on eräässä ohjelmistoyrityksessä toteutettu vanhan ohjelmistojärjestelmän modernisointi. Ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin soveltuvuuden arviointiin käytetään skenaariopohjaista ATAM -analysointimenetelmää. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, antaako suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri riittävän hyvät mahdollisuudet laadullisten vaatimusten toteutumiselle ja voidaanko arkkitehtuuria arvioimalla tukea modernisointiprojektin liiketoiminnallisten tavoitteiden saavuttamista. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): D.2.1 [Requirements/Specifications], D.2.9 [Management] - Software quality assurance (SQA), D.2.11 [Software Architectures] - Patterns, K.6.4 [System Management] - Quality assurance
  • Bayar, Jasmin (2021)
    The aim of this study is to examine housing preferences among households in the city of Vantaa. Research interest lies in the different household groups and their valuations associated with housing. The purpose is to find out what kind of housing preferences different households have and to examine whether there can be found differences within the city. Housing preferences are examined through revealed and stated preferences. The revealed preferences are determined by analyzing the current housing choices of the households. Preferred choices for future housing as well as valuations associated with housing are analyzed in order to study the stated preferences. The study is quantitative in nature. The residential survey data has been provided by the city of Vantaa. The survey data has been collected at the turn of the year 2018-2019. The most important methods used are descriptive statistics, factor analysis and regression analysis in SPSS statistics. In addition, the City of Vantaa’s open data spatial datasets are used as background material for the spatial examination of both revealed and stated housing preferences with QGIS 3.4 application. The most important findings of this study confirm that there exists a connection between different life stages, and both revealed and stated preferences. The most common revealed preference among the households in Vantaa according to tenure type is owner occupied housing and, according to the type of house, an apartment building. The revealed preference for rental housing is emphasized among the youngest and one-person household respondents. The preference for living in an apartment building is most common among the youngest, older, and one-person household respondents. Majority of the households live in accordance with their preferences according to the analyzed survey data. From the point of view of the stated preferences, the future housing aspirations of households emphasize the popularity of owner-occupied housing: the majority of the respondents want to live in owner-occupied apartment in the future. Hopes for the desired size of the apartment in the future are related to the size and the stage of life of the households. Younger, older, and one-person household respondents are more urban-oriented than other residents in the light of the survey data.
  • Edasi, Anna (2020)
    Helsingin kaupunki on pohtinut Vanhankaupunginkosken padon mahdollista purkamista, jotta Vanhankaupungin koski voitaisiin kunnostaa virkistäytymiskäyttöön. Padon purkamisella olisi positiivinen vaikutus alueen luonnolle sillä koskissa viihtyvät kalat saisivat suuremman lisääntymisalueen käyttöönsä. Vantaanjoki on vahvasti kuormittunut ihmistoiminnasta ja koko valuma-alueella on harjoitettu maataloutta ja teollisuutta. Tämän takia padon taakse kertyneet pohjasedimentit voivat sisältää pilaantuneen maan metalleja, jotka vapautuisivat Vanhankaupunginlahteen padon purkamisen myötä. Sedimenttinäytteitä kerättiin 14 kohteesta padon pohjoispuolelta Vantaanjoen yläjuoksulta. Seitsemässä sedimenttisarjassa pohjasedimentin paksuus vaihteli 70 ja 196 senttimetrin välillä. Kahdessa pohjoisimmassa sedimenttisarjassa oli nähtävissä jokisedimenttien vaihettuminen litoraalisiksi sedimenteiksi. Viikintien eteläpuolella patoaltaassa ei havaittu sedimentaatiota. Sedimenttinäytteet analysoitiin pilaantuneen maan metallien tutkimiseksi induktiivisesti kytketyllä massaspektrometrillä. Analyysi suoritettiin 113 näytteelle, jotka valmistettiin seitsemän sedimenttisarjan jokaisesta kerroksesta. ICP-MS-analyysissa mitattuja PIMA-pitoisuuksia verrattiin Suomen Valtioneuvoston PIMA-asetuksessa (214/2007) säädettyihin pitoisuuksiin. Asetuksessa jokaiselle PIMA-metallille on asetettu kynnysarvo sekä alempi ja ylempi ohjearvo. ICP-MS-analyysin tuloksista kynnysarvo ylittyi mitatuista 113 näytteestä arseenilla 93, kadmiumilla 14, koboltilla 4, kromilla 33, kuparilla 4, lyijyllä 38, nikkelillä 7 ja sinkillä 18 näytteellä. Alempi ohjearvo ylittyi kromilla kuudessa, lyijyllä kahdeksassa ja sinkillä 20 näytteessä. Ylemmän ohjearvon ylityksiä ei havaittu millään metallilla. Kohonneet pitoisuudet sijaitsivat pienellä alueella lähellä kohtaa, jossa Vantaanjoki haarautuu itäiseen ja läntiseen uomaan. Pilaantuneen maan metallien pitoisuudet ylittivät kynnysarvon monilla metalleilla ja alempi ohjearvo ylittyi kromilla, lyijyllä ja sinkillä. Vanhankaupunginkosken patoaltaasta mitatut metallipitoisuudet eivät kuitenkaan eroa Töölönlahdesta ja Laajalahdesta mitatuista metallipitoisuuksista. Hieman kohonneiden pitoisuuksien takia alueen pilaantuneisuutta ja puhdistuksen tarvetta tulisi kuitenkin arvioida.
  • Paajanen, Antti (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2011)
    Nanorypään ominaisuuksien ymmärtämisen ja ennustamisen kannalta on keskeistä tuntea tekijät, joiden perusteella rypään tasapainorakenne määräytyy. Nämä tekijät voidaan jakaa energeettisiin, termodynaamisiin ja kineettisiin tekijöihin. Energeettisiin tekijöihin kuuluvat rypään sidosenergia ja elektronirakenne. Termodynaamisia tekijöitä ovat rypään erilaiset entropiatermit. Kineettiset tekijät puolestaan liittyvät rypään muodostumisprosessin kulkuun. Tässä työssä tutkittiin värähtelyentropian vaikutusta vapaiden kuparinanorypäiden tasapainorakenteeseen atomistisilla simulointimenetelmillä 10 - 6525 atomin kokoluokassa 0 K - 600 K lämpötila-alueella. Tarkasteltaviksi valittiin kahdeksan ideaalista rakennetyyppiä: Mackayn ikosaedri, täydellinen oktaedri, katkaistu oktaedri, säännöllinen katkaistu oktaedri, kuboktaedri, säännöllinen dekaedri, Marksin dekaedri ja Inon dekaedri. Näiden lisäksi tarkasteltavina oli kaasukondensaatiosimulaatioilla tuotettuja rypäitä. Tarkasteltaville rypäille laskettiin ominaisvärähtelytaajuuksien tilatiheysfunktiot harmoniseen approksimaatioon perustuen. Tilatiheysfunktioiden perusteella laskettiin kullekin rypäälle Helmholtzin vapaan energian lämpötilariippuvuus, josta edelleen rypään stabiiliutta kuvaava delta-parametri. Tasapainotilassa olevan rypään potentiaalifunktion anharmonisuus huomioitiin kvasiharmonisen approksimaation avulla. Atomien välistä vuorovaikutusta kuvaamaan käytettiin EAM-potentiaalimallia kuparille. Eri rakennetyyppien välistä kilpailuasemaa verrattiin delta-parametrin avulla. Tulosten perusteella Mackayn ikosaedri on edullisin rakenne alle 2000 atomin kokoluokassa, kun lämpötila on 0 K. Atomimäärän kasvaessa katkaistu oktaedri -rakenteet ottavat edullisimman rakenteen paikan. Lämpötilan noustessa ikosaedrirakenne pysyy edullisimpana yhä suurempiin kokoluokkiin, ja 600 K lämpötilassa se on edullisin rakenne lähes 4000 atomin kokoon saakka. Kaasukondensaatiosimulaatioilla tuotettujen rypäiden delta-parametreja verrattiin ideaalisiin rakennetyyppeihin. Anharmonisten korjausten ei havaittu vaikuttavan tuloksiin tarkasteltavalla koko- ja lämpötila-alueella.
  • Palomäki, Katja (2013)
    Ilman fysiikan ja sähkömagnetismiin liittyvien asioiden osaamista, eivät ihmiset osaisi jatkuvasti kehittää uusia sovelluksia, kuten esimerkiksi langattomasti tietoa siirtäviä laitteita. Siksi on erittäin tärkeää, että lukiolaiset oppivat sähkömagneettisten ilmiöiden ja sovellusten merkityksiä. Myös lukion opetussuunnitelmassa (LOPS 2003) määritellään sähkömagneettista säteilyä tuottava värähtelypiiri yhdeksi keskeisistä sisällöistä. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan voiko värähtelypiiri tukea oppilasta ymmärtämään miten etenevä sähkömagneettinen aalto eli sähkömagneettiset kentät etenevät. Tutkielmassa perehdytään myös siihen mitä käsitteitä lukiolaisen on pitänyt opiskella aiemmin voidakseen ymmärtää värähtelypiirin toiminnan ja sen aiheuttaman käänteisinduktioilmiön. Kokeellisten töiden suunnittelu ja käytännön toteutus tuo esille sen, miten värähtelypiiri rakennetaan ja esimerkin siitä mitä töitä oppilaiden kanssa kannattaisi tehdä, missä järjestyksessä ne kannattaisi tehdä. Töiden ohjeistuksen yhteydessä tuodaan hahmottavan lähestymistavan mukaisesti tuodaan esille millaisia kvalitatiivisiä havaintoja ja merkityksiä ja millainen käsiterakenne oppilaille voi töiden teosta muodostua. Koska tutkimuksessa tuli esille, että värähtelypiirityö tukee vain osittain oppilaita ymmärtämään etenevää sähkömagneettista aaltoa ja on hyödyllinen yksittäisiä käsitteitä yhteenkokoavana tekijänä. Osa ilmiön opetuksesta jää edelleen abstraktille pohjalle ja sen varaan miten opettaja sen osaa selittää. Tämän vuoksi tutkielmassa pohditaan alussa myös ontologisia ja episteemisia näkökulmia.
  • Liutu, Aino (2017)
    Kun vakuutusyhtiön alkupääoma ja vakuutusmaksut korkoineen eivät riitä vahinkojen korvaamiseen, tapahtuu vararikko. Vararikkotodennäköisyyksien laskeminen täsmällisesti on haastavaa, mutta tekemällä oletuksia vakuutuskannasta vararikkotodennäköisyydelle on pystytty johtamaan arvioita. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on löytää arvio äärettömän aikajänteen vararikkotodennäköisyydelle siinä tilanteessa, kun paras jakauma vahinkojen suuruuksien arvioimiselle on paksuhäntäinen ja kun vakuutusyhtiön on mahdollista saada varoillensa riskitöntä sijoitustuottoa. Tarkastelu on rajattu niihin paksuhäntäisiin jakaumiin, joiden häntä on säännöllisesti vaihteleva. Tutkielmassa on pyritty esittämään esimerkkejä aiheen selventämiseksi ja lisäksi päätulosta havainnollistetaan simuloimalla vararikkotodennäköisyyttä eräässä esimerkkitapauksessa. Kokonaisvahinkomäärän arvioimisessa käytetään yleisesti Cramér-Lundbergin mallia. Siinä vahinkojen tapahtumishetkiä ja niiden suuruuksia käsitellään erillisinä, toisistaan riippumattomina prosesseina. Vahinkojen suuruuksia voidaan mallintaa erilaisten jakaumien avulla riippuen vakuutuskannan erityispiirteistä. Monissa vakuutuslajeissa suurten vahinkojen tapahtuminen on normaalia todennäköisempää. Tällöin vahinkojen suuruuksia voidaan mallintaa paksuhäntäisten jakaumien avulla, koska niissä ääriarvojen sattumistodennäköisyys on suhteellisen suuri. Osa paksuhäntäisistä jakaumista on säännöllisesti vaihtelevia eli niiden häntäfunktiot käyttäytyvät rajalla samoin. Tässä tutkielmassa paksuhäntäisyyden tarkastelussa käytetään hyväksi säännöllisen vaihtelun käsitettä. Perusesimerkkinä paksuhäntäisestä ja säännöllisesti vaihtelevasta jakaumasta käytetään Pareto-jakaumaa. Tutkielman päälähde on Claudia Klüpperbergin ja Ulrich Stadtmüllerin artikkeli Ruin Probabilities in the Presence of Heavy-Tails and Interest Rates (1998), jossa todistus vararikkotodennäköisyyden arviolle tutkielmassa tehdyin oletuksin on alun perin esitetty.
  • Laatikainen, Tiina (2012)
    The aim of this study was to explore adolescents' free-time activities around Greater Helsinki. There has been a growing interest towards studying children and youth but few have focused on adolescents free-time activities from a regional perspective. The study took place in greater Helsinki region and consisted of SofGIS data collected from and focus group discussions made with 11- and 14- years old youth. Respondents of the SoftGIS study were asked to tell what they think of the places in their environment and to mark to a map places they spend their free-time. The GIS data was comprised of 919 free-time place points located by the young people. The underlying theoretical framework of the study rests on environmental psychology's affordance theory and current place and location theories from the field of geography. The theory of affordances by J.J Gibson states that environmental perception is a direct process and that perception takes the form of the individual perceiving affordances in the environment. Affordances are the possibility for action afforded to an observer by an object in the environment. Another theoretical concept, theory of assemblage, was adopted to study the multidimensional free-time places of youth. The assemblage is thus a conceptual framework that potentially connects both the feel and the form but also the social and the physical dimensions of place. The concept of place through the lens of assemblage theory can be seen not as bounded location but as an assemblage of connections. The results of the study indicate similar results of valued places found around the world among youth. Young people value free-time places where there is strong social coherence but that are away from parental and adult control. Yet there seems to be a strong wish for places that feel safe and are diverse with the activity possibilities. Hanging out, meeting friends, positive and safe atmosphere and adult free control were most often found affordances in the most popular free-time places. The most popular place clusters around greater Helsinki region were fulfilled with social, emotional and functional location points. Home environments and neighborhoods are very much valued free-time environments for the respondents. Homes and neighborhoods are especially emotionally and socially important places to spend free-time. School surroundings stood out as socially important places even outside school hours. Indoor and outdoor sports facilities play an important role among the respondent's free-time activities. Most versatile free-time environments were found around suburban areas while the urban area studied was most plain and the rural area studied was in between the two. Main themes of the valued places were found within all of the three different areas studied.
  • Karvonen, Anni (2023)
    Growing population in cities increases the share of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions coming from urban areas. To understand the energy, water and GHG emission exchanges between urban surface and the atmosphere, modelling is a necessary tool. This is because measurements are not always available from all the different urban environments. In the case of carbon dioxide CO2 exchange, modelling is needed to provide new information on the different anthropogenic and biogenic components over various land uses. In this thesis, the aim was first to compare energy and CO2 fluxes from an urban land surface model called Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme (SUEWS) against measurements from suburban neighbourhood in Minneapolis, USA. The second aim was to study differences in the fluxes between years in the area. The model is parameterized with surface information about the study area, which is divided into two grids, residential and recreational area. The meterological forcing data are derived from ERA5. In the first part of the study, SUEWS is run in the area from June 2006 to April 2009, and the fluxes of latent QE and sensible QH heat and CO2 are compared against eddy covariance (EC) measurements conducted in the same area in the same time period. The diurnal cycles of CO2 show that the model is able to catch the daytime values well in every season for both study area grids, but night-time positive values are difficult especially for recreational area in autumn and winter. The model also underestimates the emissions in every season in the morning and evening rush hour peaks, which are caused by traffic. Overall, CO2 flux is simulated reasonably well. The model performs very well against QE measurements, but more poorly against QH. The second part of the study extended time period from January 1995 to April 2009 to analyze the long-term variation of fluxes. These were studied independently without the measurement comparisons. Annual cumulative sum of CO2 showed great variation between the years, and the highest value was emissions of 1135 gCm-2year-1 in 2001 and the lowest 600 gCm-2year-1 in 2005 from the residential area. Annual cumulative sums of QE did not show so much variation. The reason behind the differences between these two years was the great variation of photosynthesis. In 2001 air temperature restrained photosynthesis when surface conductance and its environmental factors were further studied. No statistical difference between the years 2001 and 2005 was though found.
  • Kartau, Joonas (2024)
    A primary goal of human genetics research is the investigation of associations between genetic variants and diseases. Due to the high number of genetic variants, sophisticated statistical methods for high dimensional data are required. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) is the initial analysis used to measure the marginal associations between genetic variants and biological traits, but because it ignores correlation between variants, identification of truly causal variants remains difficult. Fine-mapping refers to the statistical methods that aim to identify causal variants from GWAS results by incorporating information about correlation between variants. One such fine-mapping method is FINEMAP, a widely used Bayesian variable selection model. To make computations efficient, FINEMAP assumes a constant sample size for the measured genetic variants, but in a meta-analysis that combines data from several studies, this assumption may not hold. This results in miscalibration of the FINEMAP model with meta-analyzed data. In this thesis, a novel extension for FINEMAP is developed, named FINEMAP-MISS. With an additional inversion of the variants' correlation matrix and other less demanding computational adjustments, FINEMAP-MISS makes it possible to fine-map meta-analyzed GWAS data. To test the effectiveness of FINEMAP-MISS, genetic data from the UK Biobank is used to generate sets of simulated data, where a single variant has a non-zero effect on the generated trait. For each simulated dataset, a meta-analysis with missing information is emulated, and fine-mapping is performed with FINEMAP and FINEMAP-MISS. The results verify that with missing data FINEMAP-MISS clearly performs better than FINEMAP in identification of causal variants. Additionally, with missing data the posterior probability estimates provided by FINEMAP-MISS are properly calibrated, whereas the estimates by FINEMAP exhibit miscalibration. FINEMAP-MISS enables the use of fine-mapping for meta-analyzed genetic studies, allowing for greater power in the detection of causal genetic variants.
  • Koch, Bradley (2024)
    Renewable energy is the key for a sustainable future in a world currently run by coal and oil, and one of these sources could be bioelectrochemical systems [McCormick et. al., Energy Environ. Sci, 2015]. This is very different from traditional renewable energy sources, in that traditionally the process for generating the solar cells requires exotic material, or has a relatively extensive manufacturing process [Ren et. al., Solar Energy, 2020]. One type of these bioelectrochemical systems are biophotovoltaic systems, which utilize solar energy and water to produce electrons or other reducing agents outside of the organism, which can then be harvested for external usage [McCormick et. al., Energy Environ. Sci, 2015]. This type of system has many different focuses to improve efficiency, including substrate design, reactor design, and electrode properties [Anam et. al., Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021]. While these are important, there is another avenue to be explored, namely the exoelectrogenesis pathway itself [Okedi et. al., bioRxiv, 2021]. This pathway analysis has been explored briefly with Hilbert-Huang transforms to figure out their oscillatory components, which has been partially mapped to photosystem II core expression [Okedi et. al., bioRxiv, 2021]. In my analysis, I will be using generated data from cyanobacteria which exhibit enhanced photosystem II and see if the exact mechanisms for this phenomenon can be captured. The data provided by the sequencing vendor comes in a FASTA Extension format, so the process and tools to translate this data into usable variant calling format files will be described. I will then iterate the additional analysis in the way of variant comparisons through strain concordance with gene comparisons, as well as phylogenetic trees. The first analysis is to compare a wild type to a mutated strain, with subsequent analysis being to compare multiple wild type strains to each other. Further analysis on phenotype expression compared to the variant calling will also be explored.
  • Walve, Riku (2017)
    Although recent developments in DNA sequencing have allowed for great leaps in both the quality and quantity of genome assembly projects, de novo assemblies still lack the efficiency and accuracy required for studying individual genomes. Thus, efficient and accurate methods for calling and genotyping structural variations are still needed. Structural variations are variations between genomes that are longer than a single nucleotide, i.e. they affect the structure of a genome as opposed to affecting only the content. Structural variations exist in many different types. By finding the structural variations between a donor genome and a high quality reference genome, genotyping the variations becomes the only required genome assembly step. The hardest of the structural variations to genotype is the insertion variant, which requires assembly to genotype; genotyping the other variants require different transformations of the reference genome. The methods currently used for constructing insertion variants are fairly basic; they are mostly linked to variation calling methods and are only able to construct small insertions. A subproblem in genome assembly, the gap filling problem, provides techniques that are very applicable to insertion genotyping. Yet there are currently no tools that take full advantage of the solution space. Gap filling takes the context and length of a missing sequence in a genome assembly and attempts to assemble the sequence. This thesis shows how gap filling can be used to assemble the insertion variants by modeling the problem of insertion genotyping as finding a path in de Bruijn graph that has approximately the estimated length of the insertion.
  • Aarnio, Sonja (2018)
    Species are distributed to small-scale local communities by an interplay of environmental and spatial factors. As microbial species with efficient passive dispersal capacity and thus mainly under local environmental control, diatom communities nevertheless consistently show a strong spatial structuring as well. Different metacommunity perspectives have been developed to describe the relationship between environmental and spatial factors and their relative role for local communities. This study aims to examine the relative roles of environmental and spatial factors for diatom species composition and community similarity for defining the dominating metacommunity type among coastal rock pool communities. Factors affecting local species richness are also studied. Rock pools are granitic water-filled depressions occurring in high numbers on coastal rocky outcrops. Due to their clearly delineated borders, hierarchical spatial structure and interacting biota, rock pools are well suited for ecological metacommunity studies. In this study, 30 brackish-watered rock pools located on the coast of the northern Baltic Sea were studied over a three-month period from May to July in the summer of 2016. The data consisted of benthic diatom samples, estimated pool spatial coordinates and relative isolation, and water physiochemical characteristics. Environmental and spatial factors most responsible for variation in species richness and community composition were determined with generalized linear models and redundancy analysis, respectively. The relative roles of environmental and spatial factors for community composition were quantified with variation partitioning. Distance decay in community similarity was further determined with Mantel and partial Mantel tests. According to the results of monthly GLMs, diatom species richness was best explained by water conductivity and rock pool spatial location. Specifically, the distance from the sea had a clear role in regulating pool water physiochemistry and species richness. Variation partitioning revealed that diatom community composition was significantly explained by both environmental and spatial variables in each month. The joint effect of these factors was consistently larger than the pure effects of neither variable group. Environmental and spatial variables most in charge of diatom community composition in RDAs were water conductivity and pool distance from the sea, with a lesser impact of water pH, total phosphorus concentration, temperature and pool isolation. According to Mantel tests, community similarity was significantly related to both environmental and spatial distance between the pools. The influence of environmental factors increased during the summer, accounting for the largest share of the variation in community composition and distance decay of community similarity in June and July. In the light of these findings, the significant role of both environmental ans spatial factors and the overall metacommunity organization in the studied rock pools are best explained by mass effect. It seems that while the variable physiochemical conditions maintain strong environmental control over the local diatom communities consisting of mainly highly specialized species, efficient passive dispersal acts as a continuous supply of more generalist species. This pattern, accompanied with significant distance decay of community similarity eventually leads to spatially heterogeneic and diverse communities with weaker yet significant spatial control.
  • Niskanen, Annina (2013)
    This thesis examines the distribution and growth of nordic crowberry (Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum) in relation to climate and local environmental conditions. The aim of the research was to improve the understanding of how environmental variables affect plant distribution and growth. Nordic crowberry has a dominant role in arctic-alpine ecosystems, but detailed study of its responses to environmental variables is lacking. Understanding the drivers and interactions behind nordic crowberry distribution is exceedingly important in a changing environment. Research was carried out on three different spatial scales, allowing for in-depth analysis of the variables and processes affecting nordic crowberry. Climate and field data were modeled with generalized linear models (GLM) and generalized estimating equations (GEE) to demonstrate the effects of the environment on the distribution, coverage, height and reproduction of nordic crowberry. On larger spatial scales the distribution of nordic crowberry can be explained by climatic factors. The species distribution is also affected locally by topography, biotic and abiotic disturbance and prevailing soil conditions. The variation of the factors on different scales reveals complex and often scale dependent causal connections behind the distribution of nordic crowberry. The results are in line with previous nordic crowberry studies and emphasize the importance of scale and response variable selection in biogeographical research. The effects of climate change on vegetation are believed to be most prominent in arctic and alpine areas. The sensitivity or persistence of nordic crowberry is site-specific due to the wide array of climatic and environmental conditions within its range of distribution. The prospects of its future distribution depend on the impacts of environmental change on climate, soil, topography and disturbance. The tolerance, morphology and dominance of nordic crowberry are key factors when considering changes happening in the environment.