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  • Hintsanen, Laura (2018)
    Urban forests are typically small and shattered. Still they have important value for citizens as ecosystem services. Many of them are immaterial cultural services like health benefits, aesthetic values and possibilities for relaxation and outdoor activities. Size and biodiversity of forest affect the quality of the ecosystem services it provides. Accessibility has a significant effect on the frequency of visits in forest and therefore also on the possibility to utilize the ecosystem services. It has been discovered that the frequency of visits in forest decreases while distance grows. Therefore, urban forests should be located near residential areas. Densification of urban structure decreases the size and amount of urban forests because infill building is often placed to the last remaining unbuild areas such as urban forests and other green areas. The importance of nearby nature and its biodiversity have although become more and more important concerns in urban planning. Forests are important places for children. Playing in forest has many benefits for physical and mental development. For instance, it develops motoric skills, senses and improves concentration. Nature experiences also build up children’s relationship to nature. Positive experiences enhance respect for nature and encourage to protect its biodiversity. Early childhood education has an important role in guiding children to adopt sustainable way of life and respectful approach to nature and ecosystem services it provides. This is accomplished primarily by offering children nature experiences. The purpose of my thesis is to provide information about the urban forests that kindergartens in Vantaa use. This information can be taken into account in preparing new zoning plan and forest plan. I located the forest areas that kindergartens use on map and examined different qualities of these areas. I also studied which factors are related to the frequency of forest visits and importance of the forests as well as which factors limit the use of forests. I collected materials with GIS–query where kindergartens tagged the forests they use on the map and answered the questions about the areas. In data processing and analyses I used ArcGIS, Excel and SPSS. The methods were GIS and quantitative analysis. According to my results urban forests are very important to kindergartens and they are worried about preservation of the forests. All kindergartens that answered to the query use forests: most of them at least several times per week. Distance and importance of the forests have the strongest relation to the frequency of forest visits. On average the most important forests are bigger and closer to kindergartens than less important forests. Nevertheless, kindergartens do not necessarily use the closest forests at all. Biodiversity, tidiness and naturalness are qualities that kindergartens value in forests. The better a forest meets the needs of kindergartens the more important it is to them. Dog poop, untidiness, insecurity and erosion of the ground are the most common factors that restrict the use of forests. In urban planning it is important to take the needs of early childhood education into consideration. This means saving forests big enough to maintain biodiversity and located close enough to kindergartens. In addition, these forests should be natural and their topography varying. Untidiness should also be paid attention to. Saving urban forests between build environment benefits also other users of the forests.
  • Suhonen, Heli (2016)
    The topic of this Master's thesis (Pro Gradu) is the housing of families with children and their moving desires in the inner city. The objective of this thesis is to find out which factors would explain the increased number of children living in Helsinki inner city in the recent years. In national discussions, it has been considered why families with children stay in the inner city: is it a consequence of the global popularity of urban housing or is it due to the economic recession? In this thesis, these factors are examined through structural and cultural values. The effects of financial resources of families with children as well as the significance of the area's location and services are categorised as structural factors. The values of families with children related to housing and attitudes towards it, relationship with the neighbourhood as well as culture and recreation are counted as cultural factors. This thesis brings up the hopes and wishes of families with children concerning good living environment as well as ideas on what kind of living environment would best meet the children's needs and how it could be implemented through planning and design. Arabianranta is a new residential area favoured by families with children in the eastern inner city. The residents of Arabianranta are middle-class and have higher education. This thesis examines the housing selections, housing satisfaction and moving aspirations of 17 families with children living in Arabianranta through thematic interviews. Families are attracted to Arabianranta residential area by the new, affordable family apartments and the surrounding nature as well as the child-friendly environment of the area. Based on this thesis, families with children are happy with living in Arabianranta. The families who participated in the thesis were divided into three groups based on the research results: Urban residents living in self-owned apartments (47%), urban residents living in rental apartments (36%) and people planning to move elsewhere (17%). Urban families (83%) want to continue living in the inner city. They are willing to make compromises on the apartment's size rather than its location. Based on the research results, it can be stated that urban families feel that smooth day-to-day life and short commute are the most important reasons for living near the city centre. It is important to them that the children's days at day care do not become too long and that the family has time together in the evenings. Based on this thesis, the most significant reasons for the increasing amount of families with children in the inner city are the attractiveness of inner city areas and the popularity of urban way of living. Families with children see the inner city as a very attractive option, and people do not want to move away, if it is financially possible for them to remain in the area.
  • Numminen, Kalle (2017)
    Kaupan sijaintilogiikka on johtanut palveluiden keskittymiseen keskustan ulkopuolisiin keskittymiin ja heikentänyt keskustojen palvelutarjontaa tehden autosta ylivertaisen kulkumuodon nopeutensa puolesta. Asetelma on vaikea kaupunkisuunnittelussa asetettujen tavoitteiden, tiiviin kaupunkirakenteen ja kestävien liikkumismuotojen edistämisen kannalta. Kestävien liikkumismuotojen edistäminen ja auton negatiivisten vaikutusten ehkäisy hinnoittelemalla on kuuma puheenaihe liikennepolitiikassa. Tutkimus on painottunut autoilun määrän ja ruuhkien taloustieteellisiin tutkimuksiin, eikä ole ottanut kantaa hinnoittelun tuomiin saavutettavuusvaikutuksiin. Palveluiden saavutettavuudessa tapahtuukin matkojen pidentymisen ja matka-aikamuutosten lisäksi kustannuksiin liittyviä muutoksia. Mitä liikenteen hinnoittelu tarkoittaa palvelujen saavutettavuuden kannalta? Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, 1) millaisia hinta- ja kustannusrakenteita esiintyy palveluiden saavutettavuuden näkökulmasta pääkaupunkiseudulla ja miten ne ovat linjassa kaupunkisuunnittelun tavoitteiden kanssa, 2) miten joukkoliikenteen lippujen hinnoittelu-uudistus vaikuttaa toisaalta palveluiden saavutettavuuteen ja 3) joukkoliikenteen kilpailukykyyn suhteessa yksityisautoiluun. Hinnoittelun vaikutusta saavutettavuuteen selvitettiin kustannussaavutettavuuden käsitteen avulla. Pääkaupunkiseudun kahdeksan suurimman kauppakeskuksen kustannussaavutettavuus laskettiin Metropaccess tutkimusryhmän matka-aikamatriisin perusteella tilastoruuduista lähimpään kauppakeskukseen autolla ja joukkoliikenteellä. Joukkoliikenteessä kokonaiskustannuksiin laskettiin matka-aika ja lipun hinta aikuisten kausilipun ja arvolipun mukaan nykyisessä ja tulevassa hinnoittelumallissa. Automatkan kokonaiskustannuksiin huomioitiin matka-aika, auton kulut kilometrikorvauksen mukaan ja toisessa mallissa polttoainekulujen mukaan sekä mahdollinen pysäköinnin hinta kauppakeskuksen paikoitushallissa 1,5 tunnin asioinnin mukaan. Tulosten perusteella saavutettavuus eroaa merkittävästi kulkumuodoittain. Liikennejärjestelmässä esiintyy hintarakenteita, jotka vaikuttavat saavutettavuuteen matka-ajoista poiketen. Keskustan kauppakeskusten saavutettavuus autolla on huono, kannustaen asiointiin kehäteiden kauppakeskuksissa. Hinnoittelu-uudistuksen myötä joukkoliikenteen saavutettavuudessa tapahtuu muutoksia erityisesti kuntarajojen tuntumassa. Hinnoittelu-uudistuksella ei ole dramaattista vaikutusta kulkutapojen väliseen tasapainoon, vaikka vertailu ei ollutkaan tässä suhteessa yksiselitteistä.
  • Karvinen, Iiris (2017)
    Accessibility has become widely researched topic in the fields of urban planning and urban geography. Along with these studies different kind of accessibility analyses have played an essential role in practical planning. Accessibility analyses offer a tool to investigate service networks. Investigating service networks is considered necessary for example because of economical sustainability of municipalities. Population growth and limited resources of the municipality are creating challenges for future Helsinki. Therefore it is important to investigate service networks and accessibility in a long term. The aim of this study is to explain how the accessibility of chosen sports facilities changes in the long term in Helsinki. The study can be divided into two different parts that are 1) location-allocation analyses to define optimal locations for new sports facilities in 2040 and 2) accessibility calculations where population growth, changes of the public transport network and changes in service network of each type of sports facility are taken into account. This study focuses on five different facility types that are sports park, gymnastics hall, neighborhood sports site, artificial ice rink and swimming facility including swimming halls and outdoor pools. Location-allocation analyses are carried out in ArcGIS with Network Analysis extension using Minimize Impedance tool that is based on solving P-Median problem. The population is based on a population scenario of year 2040. Swimming facilities were examined by minimizing the travel time in car driver’s network and a pedestrian street network was applied in other facility types. The accessibility analyses are carried out by calculating travel times from inhabited statistical grid cells to the nearest sports facilities in 2016 and in 2040. Depending on a sports facility type the accessibility is measured by car, public transport and/or walking. The travel time calculations by car were based on a tool and a dataset working in ArcMap software and developed by Digital Geography Lab -research group. Travel time calculations by public transport were calculated with MetropAccess-Reititin tool and the calculations for walking were conducted in OC-Cost-Matrix tool in ArcMap software. The analyses indicate that the accessibility of sports facilities is relatively good for all the inspected modes of transports. By car the average travel time is between 10-15 minutes and 12-20 minutes by public transport depending on the type of sports facility. By walking the average travel time is between 18-39 minutes. By 2040 the average travel times are increasing but still the accessibility is rather good especially by car and public transport. However there seems to be regional differences in accessibility that are not visible without taking a look at accessibility maps. Areas with poor accessibility differ depending on the type of sports facility. Changing service network with new facilities affects positively to accessibility especially by walking and public transport. However by car the changes are not that significant because the accessibility is very good to begin with. The population growth and changes in service network seem to have more affect to accessibility in the long term compared to the changes of public transportation.
  • Vuola, Marketta (2015)
    Biodiversity conservation, as human activity, is inherently political. Attempts to preserve species and habitats with strict Protected Areas in the Global South often take place in already inhabited regions. Conservation has been often externally imposed on the local, rural communities, resulting in deprivation of their livelihoods and breaking up of their natural resources management traditions, but also in local opposition that threatens conservation outcomes. However, as rural livelihoods depend directly from their surrounding ecosystems, rural communities and conservation planners are argued to have substantial common interests. This study tries to understand the relationship between local communities and conservation authorities in order to create knowledge on how they could form partnerships and work together for natural resources management. This case study took place is Ranomafana National Park in South-Eastern Madagascar where several villages were visited in order to gain knowledge of conservation from the point of view of local communities. The case study follows ethnographic approach using qualitative, semi-structured interviews as the principal method of data collection. Employing a political ecology approach and looking at the institutional arrangements guiding conservation at the local, national and global levels and across formal and informal spheres, this study looks at the power relations in the current forms of co-management and the social impacts they have at the local level. Finally it tries to find out if any form of partnership is formed; if local people are able and willing to manage their natural resources in cooperation with conservation authorities. Although conservation has significant negative impacts on local livelihoods in Ranomafana region, in practice community participation to decision-making is very limited and the local people find it hard to get their voice heard. The results of the case study indicate that the main obstacle for co-management is the failure to respect the rights of local communities to equitable treatment, to recognition as stakeholders, and to participation in decision-making. The feeling of being disrespected creates resentment and mistrust towards conservation authorities. In these circumstances, economic incentives offered do not support community empowerment but rather create dependence from external help. Co-management activities can also enforce the existing inequalities at the local level if only the more powerful segments of communities are included. The case study also shows that local communities are important actors in conservation, able to challenge it – or support it if they view the rules as legitimate – but the actual community self-organising for conservation requires at least some authority over their surrounding ecosystem.
  • Lahovuo, Ira (2012)
    Tourism is considered as one of the engines for regional development because of its economic impacts. Nature-based tourism is one of the fastest growing tourism segments in the world. At the same time, visits to National Parks have increased significantly. National Parks have become attractions that have appeal also at the international level. Visitor centers present the natural attractions of Finland. They serve tourist and educational purposes. The tourism function has grown in importance along with the development of the tourist destinations and regions of northern Finland. This study examines the significance and success factors of visitor centers in three case study areas from the tourism point of view. The aim of the study is to create a comprehensive picture of the role and significance of the chosen visitor centers. Also the study aims to understand how the visitor centers have integrated into the tourist region by the collaboration networks and their location and to form an understanding about the key success factors. The theoretical framework is based on the literature concerning nature-based tourism and science of commerce. Above all, the focus is on research that concern National Park tourism, visitor centers and success factors. A model for analysing the operational environment is constructed based on the literature review. The three visitor centers chosen for the case study are Ukko, Oulanka and Kellokas. All are successful considering their visitor numbers, but their operations and operational environment differ from each other. All are located near popular National Parks and tourist destinations. Typical of the case study method, the study combines different types of methods and material. The semi-structured interviews were carried out to get first-hand knowledge. The results of the visitor surveys conducted in National Parks and visitor centers and a development plan for the visitor center network were used in the study. One of the purposes of this study is to offer information for the long-term development of the visitor centers. The subject of the study is agreed with the Natural Heritage Services of Metsähallitus. According to the case studies, the visitor centers are considered by the stakeholders as important parts of the service offering of the tourist destinations. Their significance is emphasized by the National Parks because they operate as gates to National Park both by their location and offering. The visitor centers have an important role in passing information on natural environment both to tourists and locals. The importance of individual customer service is pronounced. The visitor centers are venues for local events and they are creating positive image of Metsähallitus. According to the case studies, the key success factors are the location near a popular National Park, in or near a popular tourist destination and in ideal location considering the flow of tourists, the accessibility, diverse collaboration with the actors of the region, established role, profiling through the region's strenghts and the services surrounding the National Park. The visitor centers are part of the National Park's services. They reach a vast amount of people and because of that they play a role in promoting sustainable nature tourism. In tourist regions, the visitor centers also play a role as one component of the regional competitiveness by the increasing National Park tourism.
  • Vuorensola, Maria (2015)
    The financial crisis has strongly reflected the Finnish industrial structure. The economic downturn and the competition between enterprises has caused major structural reforms in the Finnish business market. Business activities and production facilities have been shut down or moved elsewhere. This has affected extensively the structural change areas, when the number of available jobs and local companies has decreased. The Ministry of Employment and the Economy created in 2007 an abrupt structural change model to help structural change regions, where a large company or industry has suddenly ceased operation and where workers are threatened with unemployment. The thesis has two main aims. The first is to find out, based on five regional case studies, what kind of experience the regional public actors have of the abrupt structural change model. The other aim is to clarify the public sector network and -structure in the structural change areas, as well as their power relationship and task division. As a result, the aim of the thesis is to create development proposals for the abrupt structural change model. The theoretical framework was based on the structural changes in general and on how creative destruction effects the regional and industrial survival in times of economic downturn. This perspective shows that regions and industries have to be innovative enough to survive the structural changes. The main aspect was on how public authorities try to affect the abrupt structural change areas and their industrial development, and how this effects creative destruction. The theoretical framework for regional development was cluster theory, whereby it was understood that regions which had diverse economic structure were able to protect themselves from regional changes better than regions which had one-sided economic structure. The thesis was made with qualitative research, where the methodological aspect was structuralistic regional geography. The material was collected from nine specialist interviews. The collected data was analyzed with qualitative evaluative research as well as with qualitative network analysis. The outcome was that the regional public sector network was based on regional development actors. The city, it's development or business corporation and the center for Economic Development, Transport and Environment, formed the active network for regional developmental work in structural change areas. The divisions of task were based on regional development law. The regional public sector actors' experiments of the abrupt structural change model turned out to be very similar between the five case studies. The expectations and difficulties faced in the experiments were found to be similar between the cases. All in all, the research areas have coped well with the structural change. The regional development activities started in the areas have developed the regions' main industries and also in some cases regional cluster development. The effect of creative destruction occurred in the case regions industries as new innovative production methods.
  • Lapio, Tommi (2018)
    Immigration is a topical and greatly controversial phenomenon. Migration in general is a natural behavior for humankind, something that we have done throughout the history. There is a clear universal consensus about the fact that migration is every man's right and distressed people should get help. Nonetheless immigration is still sometimes being seen as problematic for the receiving societies. This is a discursive turn where originally oppressed people are now being presented as a threat. This research concerns how immigrants are presented as a threat in the Finnish newspapers. My research methods are qualitative. By using discourse analysis, I want to analyze the threats that show up in the Finnish context and also how their existence is explained. I want to discover which agents produce and maintain the threat discourse of immigrants in my data. By rhetorical analysis I will show which intentional strategies and rhetorics are used aiming for convincing the audience about the threat of immigrants for Finland. This research includes also literature review about threat of immigration in the West, which I will compare to the Finnish context to see what similarities and differences there are in this discourse. This research is based on critical theory which works here as a meta theory. I suppose here that immigrants are oppressed in this threat-discourse which is produced and maintained by Finnish media - here the newspapers. This process is about creation of discourses, in which desired image is created by using of power. The actual theory in this research is securitization theory, which is specifically focused on how some phenomenon is created as security issue by intentional choices. As a material I have here newspaper data. It consists of 70 piece of news where immigration is depicted somehow as a threat or challenge. News are from four largest newspapers in Finland which are Helsingin Sanomat, Aamulehti, Turun Sanomat and Kaleva. I have searched the news by using words as "immigrants", "asylum seekers" and "foreigners". I have went through every news before accepting them as a part of the data. With this I have guaranteed that every single piece of news will somehow affect to the results. According to my results, it seems that in Finland immigrants as a threat -discourse follows the one of the West in general. There come up the growing threat of terrorism, criminality in its different forms, unemployment, financial costs and the alienation of the immigrants. It is also essential to notice how much different threats are connected to each other. Many of them are both reasons for and outcomes of each other. In the news about immigrants writers use a lot of quantification. Arguments performed are mainly from specialists hence it is really common to use speaker categories to justify the arguments. In the news it is also common to use a lot of specific details and narratives. To underline the seriousness of many threats, using of different future scenarios is also common. The results of this research support the fact, that also in Finland in the 2010's, immigration has genuinely become a security issue. Certain (even political) actors have targeted it and try to use immigration as an explanatory actor for many societal problems. Some people even consider it as a single greatest threat for Finland. Therefore immigration fits also in Finland very well to the idea of securitization theory.
  • Koskela, Reetta (2012)
    The purpose of this study is to take a look at the money transfer services and the social relations of immigrants using these services at the Helsinki Hämeentie area. The social networks are seen from the perspective of transnationalism. The study centers on migrants' social networks and especially the division of these networks into local and transnational relations. The study strives to discuss migration and transnational practices without categorization of state borders or ethnicity. The social life of migrants is examined locally as well as transnationally and their social life before and after the migration will be taken into account. Transnationalism consists of border crossing social formations and flows that create and sustain them. These flows include telephone calls, internet contact, social remittance, emotional ties, visits to the homeland, and regular exchange of remittance and goods. This study focuses on personal social practices maintaining transnational relationships. The number and intensitivity of transnational relations is taken into account in the evaluation of transnationalism's effects on social networks. The study was conducted as a case study in Hämeentie, Helsinki. Area's ethnic services were first explored by observation and discussions with staff. The main data consists of 18 interviews made in three money transfer locations. All customers using money transfer services were asked to participate in the study. The participants have moved to Finland from different countries, at different times and for different reasons. At the end of each interview a figure of interviewees social network was drawn, and these figures were used in the analysis of the interviews. All the participants have social relations in Finland as well as transnationally. On average the participants have more social relationships to friends locally than transnationally and more social relationships to family transnationally than locally. Majority of the participants have social relations also to other countries than Finland or their home country. When discussing about the local social networks the participants often highlighted relationships to ethnic Finns. Many of the participants told that most of their local social relations were with other immigrants and that they hoped for more contact with the Finns. Transnational relationships are maintained mainly by telephone and via the internet. Majority of the participants told that they keep contact at least weekly. For many participants the transnational social relations are part of everyday life. With the help of phone, Facebook, Skype, Twitter and e-mails they are constantly involved in the lives of friends and family living far away. Sending remittance is often regularity to those migrants, whose spouse or other close family member is living in another country. Although all of the participants have transnational contact to friends or family in another countries, only three of them told that they visit these countries. Transnationalism has been discussed in literature often as a community that stretches wider than to just friends and family. The participants from Hämeentie show a different kind of picture. Their social relations extends only to personal networks, mostly of friends and family. The results give a picture of migrants whose social relations to home country and elsewhere in the world are important but not the only or the most important part of their social life. Transnational practices are part of their everyday life but aren't the most important representative of their identity or behaviour.
  • Rand, Camilla (2018)
    MAL-sopimukset ovat Helsingin, Tampereen, Turun ja Oulun kaupunkiseutujen ja valtion välille solmittuja sopimuksia, jolla pyritään edistämään kaupunkiseututasoista strategista suunnittelua ja osapuolien välistä yhteistyötä. MAL-sopimuksiin on liitetty myös erilaisia valtion rahoituksia ja avustuksia liikenneinvestointeihin ja asunnontuotantoon liittyen. Ainoa täysin suoraan MAL-sopimuksesta tuleva rahoitus on MAL-raha, joka on leikattu suoraan perusväylänpidon määrärahasta. MAL-rahalla rahoitetaan pieniä kustannustehokkaita liikennehankkeita, joiden vaikutusten on tarkoitus olla tehokkaita ja laaja-alaisia seudullisten tavoitteita edistäviä. Tutkielma käsittelee maankäytön, asumisen ja liikenteen eli MAL–sopimusmenettelyn ja sopimuksiin liittyvien hankkeiden vaikuttavuutta. Tarkastelu keskittyy erityisesti sopimuskauteen 2016-2019.Pyrin muodostamaan kokonaiskuva siitä, miten MAL-sopimukset ja MAL-sopimuksiin liittyvät hankkeet edistävät kaupunkiseutujen kehitystä kohti tavoitteita ja toimivat yhteistyön työkaluna. Lisäksi tarkastelun huomio kiinnittyy erityisesti pienien kustannustehokkaiden liikennehankkeiden vaikuttavuuden arviointiin. Tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että MAL-sopimusmenettely on todettu toimivaksi kaupunkiseututasoisen suunnittelun edistäjäksi antaen vahvistusta aihepiirin aiemmalle tutkimukselle. Sopimusmenettely on kuitenkin varsin uusi työkalu seudullisessa suunnittelussa ja kehitystarpeita on vielä runsaasti. Tunnistettuja kehitystarpeita ovat muun muassa yhteisymmärrys tavoitteita edistävistä toimenpiteistä, osapuolien aito sitoutuminen ja sopimusmenettelyn jatkumisen turvaaminen. Haastateltujen asiantuntijoiden mukaan MAL-sopimuksiin liittyvien hankkeiden tulee olla vaikuttavuudeltaan sellaisia, jotka edistävät seudullisia tavoitteita. Isot valtion avustamat liikenneinvestoinnit nähtiin tärkeäksi seutujen kehittymisen kannalta ja niiden kirjaamista sopimuksiin pidetään tärkeänä. Suuremmat investoinnit ovat merkittävä osa strategista seudullista kuvaa, sillä niillä on myös suuri merkitys seudun muun maankäytön kehittymisen kannalta. Pienten kustannustehokkaiden liikennehankkeiden vaikutus seudullisiin tavoitteisiin on koettu vähäiseksi, eikä hankekokonaisuutta pidetty varsinaisena työkaluna tavoitteiden edistämiselle. Jotta rahoituksen käyttö ei olisi perusteetonta, MAL-raha tulee suunnata kuitenkin sellaisiin hankkeisiin, mitkä vievät oikeaan suuntaan. Tärkeimpänä MAL-rahan ominaisuutena pidettiin sitä, että se sitouttaa osapuolet yhteistyöhön. Se, että rahoitus tulee suoraan perusväylänpidon määrärahasta, syö hankkeilta vaikuttavuutta. Vaikuttavuuden kannalta olisi tärkeää pystyä suuntamaan MAL-rahoitusta myös kuntien katuverkolle. Toisaalta voidaan vain hyväksyä olemassa olevat reunaehdot ja pyrkiä mahdollisimman suureen vaikuttavuuteen niiden puitteissa. Tällöin MAL-rahan ensisijaisena tarkoituksena voidaan pitää osapuolien sitouttamista yhteistyöhön.
  • Lavonen, Emilia (2013)
    The aim of this study was to find out, how newspapers present the Finnish countryside in the texts which tell about climate change. Media's representations affect the mental image of the countryside. That image is part of the rural area's imago and influence people's moving decisions and political resolutions. The methodological framework of the study is constructivism. It is seen that newspaper texts don't only present the world. Instead they also construct it. Previous studies have been done about the countryside's meanings in different medias like in magazines, television programs and films. This work's climate change viewpoint is new. The climate change is a new phenomenon that affects the rural areas directly and also indirectly via for example media. The first research question was how the countryside is seen in the newspaper texts about climate change. The second research question was to consider what kind of impacts those mental images have on the reality of the rural areas. The data consisted of the articles of the newspaper called Helsingin Sanomat in the years 1990–2012. The data was collected with the help of the electric search by using search words 'climate change' and 'countryside'. The proper data consisted of 82 articles. Most of them were published in the years 2005–2011 and there were both opinions and news. The texts were analyzed by the discourse analysis. In this study the discourse is seen as a way to speak or use language that presents the world from a certain viewpoint. Some of the discourses may become a hegemonic discourse and discourses have also potential impacts on the countryside. In this study discourses were searched by exploring the articles and by searching differences and similarities. Especially the inspection of the potential impacts contained much own speculation of the researcher. In the articles can be found five different discourses that are: possibilities of the countryside, the polluting countryside, the defence of the countryside, the ecological countryside and the vulnerability of the countryside. The first three are dominant. The possibilities of the countryside -discourse emphasizes the increasing role of the renewable energy in the rural areas. The polluting countryside -discourse highlights the emissions of the scattered settlement and private cars and questions the legitimacy of living on the countryside. The defence of the countryside -discourse tells that the rural areas are badly hit by the decisions of the climate policy. The ecological countryside -discourse presents that the people of rural areas respect the nature and live ecologically. The vulnerability of the countryside -discourse expresses how defenceless the rural areas are when extreme weather increases. The potential impacts of the hegemonic discourses are very divergent. The possibilities of the countryside -discourse, that is the most dominant, is encouraging relating to countryside's vitality and competitiveness. On the other hand, studies have stated that highlighting the old-fashionedness would create more attractive imago. The polluting countryside -discourse is the most negative. It doesn't create imago that would pull residents or entrepreneurs. The defence of the countryside -discourse justifies the living on the countryside but it also creates a passive imago. All in all, it can be said that the peripheral location may be more like a chance than a burden when climate is changing. The countryside offers space for a sustainable business and possibilities for people to live back-to-nature. On the other side, in the polluting countryside -discourse the matter is seen vice versa.
  • Forss, Kirsi (2019)
    Abstract Land-sea interactions are intensifying and getting more complex. Marine spatial planning (MSP) and integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) are concepts for organising the use of marine space in a sustainable manner. Due to the EU Marine spatial planning directive the European coastal states are required to compile coherent MSP by 2021. Cross-border interactions are needed in order to organize sea management coherently. At the same time interactions on regional level create new regionalized marine spaces. The aim of this thesis is to study construction of the trilateral Wadden Sea region as a common marine space between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, and to explore the dialogue between the trilateral regionalisation and the MSP processes in the area. Transboundary and national construction of the Wadden Sea space are investigated by conducting content analysis to relevant policy documents. 7 experts were interviewed in order to gain deeper understanding of MSP processes taking place in the region. The results show that the Wadden Sea region is constructed in a complex manner and it is characterized by multi-layered regulation. Wadden Sea region consists of the trilateral cooperation, which relies strongly on nature protection discourse. At the same time the Wadden Sea regionalization can be recognized at the national scales as well, as the Wadden Sea provinces and municipalities have created their own cooperation structures. In addition, the Wadden Sea region is recognized by the external parties especially due to the ecological values. EU directives and the UNESCO World Heritage nomination are based on the nature protection discourse, and they direct the construction of the Wadden Sea region. Furthermore, the results show that the Wadden Sea is visible in the MSP processes mainly via its’ physical, environmental understanding. Second, due to the mutual understanding of the ecological values, it the Wadden Sea is perceived as a harmonizing factor in cross-border MSP processes in the southern North Sea. In the light of results there would be more potential to utilize the trilateral Wadden Sea network more efficiently in MSP, but currently the countries prefer to e.g. use their national data.
  • Suominen, Jouni (2012)
    The west metro project has been one of the most controversial traffic issues in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The extension of the metro line to Espoo has been on the table ever since the metro was introduced in Helsinki. The first part of the Helsinki metro was completed in 1982 and the line has been expanded various times since. However, plans to expand the metro line westward Espoo didn’t realised until 2006 when the traffic system decision was made by Espoo city council. The building of the west metro began in 2010. The aim of this master's thesis has been to study what kind of challenge has the west metro been in a regional land use and transport planning context. In addition, the objective of the research is to demonstrate what sort of development possibilities the west metro creates in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. West metro represents a case study that enables us to understand the complex interaction between transport and land use. The research method was based on analysis of qualitative data including literacy and theme interviews. The main objective of the theme interviews has been to demonstrate the difference of perception between Helsinki and Espoo in connection with the west metro. Moreover, the objective of the interviews has also been to sum up the strategic goals in local and regional context. Five interviews were performed which involved altogether seven persons. In addition, there were two professionals who sent their answers by email. According to the interviews and literature study it can be noted that the problematic of the west metro springs from different targets of city politics and urban planning between Helsinki and Espoo. Helsinki has preferred regional cooperation in favour of prosperous metropolitan area whereas Espoo has valued its independence and autonomy. The public transport in Espoo has been carried preferably by bus traffic. Metro, causing the notable intensification of land use, has seen undesirable in Espoo. Lack of political will and unclarity in state's portion to be financed for metro's building costs have also delayed the development of west metro. West metro is an important traffic project for the competitiveness of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. West metro promotes competition of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and facilitates to control competition disadvantages caused by growth. West metro is linked to many development targets of land use, housing and transport: densifying land-use, intensifying housebuilding, enabling better accessibility to services and jobs, strengthen of business, improving public transport and reducing car traffic. West metro can be viewed as an example of the improvement in the regional co-operation between municipalities as well as an example of vulnerability of the cooperation based on voluntariness. In a symbolic way west metro can be seen as a sign of metropolis thinking which at its best ties different players to share a common target.
  • Kosonen, Petteri (2014)
    Kaupunkien kehitystä koskevassa keskustelussa on viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana vakiintunut käsitys kaupunkien muutoksesta, joka on ilmennyt erityisesti kaupunkirakenteen hajoamisena ja uudenlaisena monikeskuksisuutena. Perinteisesti säteittäisesti järjestetyt joukkoliikenteen runkoyhteydet eivät ole pystyneet vastaamaan tähän kehitykseen yhtä hyvin kuin kehäteiden ja sisääntuloväylien muodostama moottoriväylien verkosto. Poikittaisliikenteen merkitystä osana kaupunkikehitystä ei kuitenkaan ole juuri tutkittu. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin pääkaupunkiseutua, jossa saavutettavuutta ja ihmisten liikkumista on tutkittu paljon eri näkökulmista. Tutkimusta, jossa keskityttäisiin nimenomaan poikittaismatkoihin, ei kuitenkaan ole tehty. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli hahmottaa, miten poikittaisliikennettä pitäisi pääkaupunkiseudulla kehittää ja miten poikittaisliikenne kytkeytyy yleiseen suurkaupunkien kehitykseen. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestyttiin Pääkaupunkiseudun yhteistyövaltuuskunnan (YTV) vuosina 2007–2008 keräämän matka-aineiston avulla. Aineiston matkat jaoteltiin erilaisiin ryhmiin niiden alku- ja päätepisteiden perusteella. Näin aineistosta oli mahdollista poimia poikittaismatkat, visualisoida ne kartalle ja verrata niitä muuntyyppisiin matkoihin. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää poikittaisliikenteen merkitys, sen alueelliset erot ja erityispiirteet. Poikittaismatkat muodostavat 16 prosenttia kaikista pääkaupunkiseudun matkoista, mutta pitkistä matkoista ne muodostavat yli kolmanneksen. Poikittaismatkojen päätepisteitä tarkasteltaessa painottuvat monet alakeskukset, mutta myös suuret työpaikkakeskittymät. Poikittaisliikenteen suhteellinen merkitys on hieman suurempi pääkaupunkiseudun länsipuolella kuin itäpuolella. Poikittaismatkoissa joukkoliikenteen kulkutapaosuus on suhteellisen matala, mutta esimerkiksi matkan keston, tarkoituksen ja ajankohdan perusteella ne muistuttavat paljon esikaupungin ja keskusten välisiä matkoja. Poikittaisten joukkoliikenneyhteyksien kehittäminen on väistämättä yksi keino, jolla pääkaupunkiseudun ja suurkaupunkien kehitystä voitaisiin ohjata nykyistä kestävämpään suuntaan. Poikittaisliikenteen kehittäminen tulisi kuitenkin kytkeä osaksi muita suunnitelmia ja olemassa olevaa liikennejärjestelmää.
  • Rintamäenpää, Erika (2017)
    During the past few decades, online shopping has grown steadily and increased its share of all retail sales. As internet connections have become more common and the selection of available online services has diversified, an increasing number of consumers have started to purchase different products online. Buying online has many time-related benefits compared to traditional retail as it enables the consumer to make purchases whenever and wherever. Yet, online grocery retailing has been relatively small-scale in both Finland and abroad compared with other product categories. In the past few years, however, the competition has become more intense as the few dominant Finnish grocery retailers and several smaller businesses have developed their online business models. In this study, I focused on one of Finland's leading grocery retailers, Kesko, and the customers and spatial characteristics of its online grocery services. The aim of this study was to find out 1) whether the accessibility of services affects the choice between an online store and a physical retail outlet in the case of grocery retail, 2) whether the widely accepted socio-economic characteristics of typical online shoppers find evidence in the case of choosing online grocery retail over a physical store or the frequency of online purchases and 3) how Kesko's online grocery retail has spread in the Helsinki region during the couple of years it has been in operation and where its potential new market areas in the region are. The MetropAccess time-cost-matrix for the Helsinki Region was used for the accessibility calculations. Travel times were calculated from all inhabited cells in the area and only from Kesko's online store's customer cells to the closest Kesko grocery store and separately to the closest store when all grocery stores were taken into account in the Helsinki Region. In some previous studies, urban living environment and dense service network have been observed to increase the probability of being an online shopper whereas poor accessibility to services increases the intensity of online shopping. In other studies and national statistics data, a variety of socio-economic attributes have stood out as prominent characteristics of e-shoppers. These include: young age (age groups 25-34 and 35-39), higher education, student status and high income. In addition, I have included the percentage of underage children of a cell's inhabitants in the analyses as Kesko's own data points very clearly in the direction that families with children are an important customer group to online groceries. The socio-economic variables of the region's inhabitants were mostly drawn from HSY's SeutuCD 2015 and Tilastokeskus' Paavo zip code data. I made correlation analyses on the YKR-grid level where the other variables were 1) the percentage of online customer households proportioned to cell's population in the whole region and 2) the intensity of online shopping in customer cells proportioned to population, and the other variables were the socio-economic variables of the population and the travel-time accessibility of grocery stores. The statistically significant Spearman's correlation coefficients were not very high, but weak connections between variables could be found. Customership of the online grocery store correlates negatively with travel time accessibility and the intensity of online shopping correlates positively with accessibility, which is in line with previous findings in the literature. Of the socio-economic variables chosen for this study, the ones that correlate the most with online shopping are income (with shopping intensity) and the percentage of 25-34- year olds (with customership). Finally, I analysed some potential future areas for growth for Kesko's online grocery business in the Helsinki Region based on the previously mentioned socioeconomic variables and accessibility of grocery stores in the study area. One weakness of the study was the availability of detailed enough socio-economic data when compared to Kesko's own YKR grid-level customer data. Some of the socioeconomic variables where derived from larger spatial units such as zip codes, which weakens the reliability of the correlation analyses. However, the grid-level examination is quite coarse for the capital region as well, and especially in this case, when the customer dataset itself was quite small. The accessibility of grocery stores is relatively good in the whole study area, so the study might not bring out the impacts of accessibility of physical services to online shopping as explicitly as might really be the case if the study was carried out in an area or with product categories where physical accessibility varies more. Moreover, the study may not have sufficiently considered the special characteristics of online grocery retailing when compared with other product types. Due to the marginal status of online grocery retailing, it has not yet been studied extensively in research literature. The results, however, do partly support previous findings of the connections between specific socioeconomic variables and the accessibility of services, and the customership of online stores and the intensity of online shopping activities.
  • Könönen, Nina (2013)
    Ruka-Kuusamo is a tourist are in northern Ostrobotnia. Ruka ski resort has been the driving force of the development of the area since the 1950's. This has made winter as the main season of the year. Summer and spring haven't developed in the same way as the main focus has been on winter. Ski resorts need to be developed as a year-round tourist area. Seasonality creates problems in staff, customer service as well as production chains. Butlers life cycle model is used in this thesis to analyse the different stages of development in a tourist resort. Ruka-Kuusamo area has reached its first stagnation in the mid 1990's. The stagnation was only visible in the winter season. The season reached a new growth in the beginning of the 2000's, but the summer and fall season did not follow. The tourists in the summer season are mostly finnish. The winter season has been able to get international tourists to the area as well. The flight traffic is important for the foreigners as Finland and Lapland are far away. Russian tourists can come by car and can travel more flexibly to the area. This means that the amount of international tourists in the area is dependant on the amount of flights. The summer season has hardly any foreign flight connections which makes it difficult to increase the amount of international tourists. The winter season has been able to increase the amount of international tourists when the finnish tourists were getting fewer in the end of the 1990's. The amount if finnish tourists increased once again when we passed the year 2000. The summer tourism has benefited from this rise as well and the numbers have been going up steadily even in the 2010's. It is possible to continue in the same direction but it does require new measures from the companies in the area. It is important to develop the area so that there are reasons for the tourist to come to Kuusamo. This means that the area should differ from other finnish nature resorts to increase tourism.
  • Hellén, Anna (2017)
    Traditional city planning has concentrated on auto-mobile flows since the 1930’s making urban areas sprawled and pedestrians as “second citizens”. This has led to widespread popular protests especially from the crowds of persons with impairments residing in cities. However, in recent decades, many cities around the world have shifted their infrastructure development to create better conditions for pedestrians and city life. One of the examples, where the urban environment is enhanced to enable the persons with impairments to fully be integrated in city life, is the Helsinki for all –project in the City of Helsinki. The aim in this research is to create a model for assessing the level of physical accessibility in urban environments. At the same time, the usability of the existing spatial data is evaluated. The aim is also to critically discuss social equality in urban context, and especially from the point of view of the rights of persons with mobility or functionality impairments. Therefore, the model is performed for three different pedestrian user groups to find out, if the level of physical accessibility differs between these groups. The aim is also to research the impact which various physical accessibility criteria have had in making the aspect of physical accessibility a more natural part of the planning process. The created Physical Accessibility Index, by which the current level of physical accessibility is assessed, is derived from the so-called 3D- and 6D models of Urban Structure. These models, and the physical accessibility criteria created by the Helsinki for all –project, are used as a theoretical framework in formulating the model for assessing the level of physical accessibility in the City of Helsinki. The 3D- and 6D models have been modified to take the aspect of physical accessibility into consideration, and the 8D model of physically accessible urban structure has been developed. This model includes the dimensions Density, Diversity, Design, Destination accessibility, Distance to transit, Demand, Declination and Discovery. Various methods have been used when analyzing the 8 dimensions in this 8D model. The analysis is performed for three areas in the City of Helsinki: Lauttasaari, Itäkeskus and Keski-Pasila. The research areas have been chosen to represent areas in which the aspect of physical accessibility has been considered in different phases in the development of these areas. Lauttasaari and Itäkeskus have been built during a time when there was not yet a comprehensive amount of physical accessibility criteria. In Keski-Pasila, on the contrary, the aspect of physical accessibility has been considered already in the local detailed land use plan. Out of these research areas, Lauttasaari and Itäkeskus provide existing spatial data, which has been acquired from open data sources and directly from the City of Helsinki. In the case of Keski-Pasila, which is currently under construction, the required data has been digitized from planning documents. The results show that the centers of the research areas in Lauttasaari and Itäkeskus have been developed and are built well from a physical accessibility point of view. The results show also that Keski-Pasila will in the future have a very good level of physical accessibility in all the new planned areas, if the areas are constructed according to the plans. There are big differences between the different pedestrian user groups in Lauttasaari and in Itäkeskus, but no visible differences between the groups were found in Keski-Pasila. It became clear when performing the analysis that the acquired data was not precise enough for making this kind of analysis. Big updates to the spatial data that the City of Helsinki administrates are therefore needed. Also, criteria for physical accessibility could not be found from literature or previous studies for every dimension, which influenced both the chosen methods and in results. Therefore, an expert group should define thresholds to special and basic level accessibility for each of the dimensions. However, the method itself seems to be suitable in analyzing the level of physical accessibility.
  • Hirvensalo, Kitta Milla (2012)
    Recently, the world has begun to recognize China as an important aid donor, and with the rising popularity of the Chinese aid model in Africa, it has become a possible alternative to the traditional Western aid. Growing Chinese influence on the African continent has resulted in a biased discussion about Chinese aid, portrayed best by the overly positive Chinese narrative and the negatively inclined Western narrative. This thesis examined the bias present in news articles retrieved from Chinese, Western as well as African sources in relation to Chinese African aid by utilizing content analysis as the main method. The objective was to identify variation within each news source and to place the narratives they represented into respective regional socio-cultural contexts. The research identified a pattern of increasing bias in both the Chinese and Western news sources. The overall tone of the Chinese news articles was mainly positive, whereas the Western news source portrayed a critical and dominantly negative bias in relation to Sino-African cooperation and aid. Both African news sources selected for this research were predominantly neutral. The findings of the research supported the hypothesis that socio-culturally embedded narratives reflect their regional contexts providing varying views towards Chinese aid. Especially in the context of Chinese African aid, the narratives have become increasingly polarized ranging in the far realms of reality, possibly hindering the future of international aid and the development of the African continent.
  • Rahman, Muhammad Sajjadur (2017)
    This article explores mode of gentrification in Bangladesh with specific focus on new-build gentrification in Chittagong city, from the perspective of gentrification in Asian cities. This research is the opening work in this study area as well in Bangladesh, where an overall image of gentrification has been depicted. Gentrification has been one of the long-debated issues of urban studies, though, most of these debates have been taken place regarding Anglo-American cities. While emerging literature indicates a ‘planetary gentrification’, most of them focused on Anglo-American cities, a very few researches have been conducted on many urban centers all over Asia, Africa, Latin America, and even in Eastern Europe. In case of southern gentrification, especially in Asian cities, new-build gentrification is very significant. Thus, the case study of this article is based on Bangladesh, and more specifically, a newly build luxurious area known as Khulshi Residential area of Chittagong metropolitan city. However, this work has also brought the issues being discussed in classical gentrification literature. This research used explorative studies and qualitative methods mainly. Additionally, quantitative analysis has also been used in minor extent. Qualitative part of the research was based on visual analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview where, quantitative part includes the analysis of census and survey data, and graphical presentation of those data. From the analysis, it is strongly evident that the case study area is facing the gentrification process rapidly, where most of the notions of it indicate that new-build gentrification is prominent. Both state and private sector act jointly in gentrification process. State lay the foundation through road construction, provision of better service and other infrastructure and through the gentrification friendly policy. After that, private actors utilize those facilities and push the process further. The case study shows certain common characteristics of the main stream gentrification theory, which include intrusion of a new social class with higher economic power, an influx of investment in the real estate and luxury service sector in the selected area, the production of exclusive places for wealthy population in those areas, and so forth. Compared with other Asian cities, regional similarities - for instance, state-led gentrification and eviction, rapid privatization, use of public property for private use, highly influenced public policy by social elite, etc. are also visible. Additionally, Socio-spatial inequality is highly manifested in the gentrified area. Thus, certain localized characteristics are also evident. Both displacement and replacement are evident in the case study; however, displacement and eviction are more prominent than replacement. Economic capability is crucial to be the gentrifier than socio-demographic characteristics (for instance, age, family structure, social class, education etc.). Loss of public places and conversion of it into private use to benefit certain wealthy community is visible in the area. Along with that, segregation, in terms of social and economic, is the common feature with an emergence of gated community is in the area. However, since this research is the initial study in Bangladesh perspective, further in-depth study is required.
  • Kajosaari, Anna (2016)
    This master's thesis discusses the applicability of the concept of new-build gentrification in the context of Helsinki. The aim is to offer new ways to structure the framework of socio-economic change in Helsinki through this theoretical perspective and to explore the suitability of the concept of new-build gentrification in a context where the construction of new housing is under strict municipal regulations. The conceptual understanding of gentrification has expanded since the term's coinage, and has been enlarged to encompass a variety of new actors, causalities and both physical and social outcomes. New-build gentrification on its behalf is one of the manifestations of the current, third-wave gentrification. Over the upcoming years Helsinki is expected to face growth varying from moderate to rapid increase of the population. The last decade has been characterized by the planning of extensive residential areas in the immediate vicinity of the Helsinki CBD and the seaside due to the relocation of inner city cargo shipping. Accompanied with characteristics of local housing policy and existing housing stock, these developments form the framework where the prerequisites for the existence of new-build gentrification are discussed. The empirical part of this thesis concentrates on exploring the socio-economic and demographic structure of the resident base of Helsinki's new-build housing areas. The main research method is a GIS- analysis based on the appliance of the YKR Database by SYKE and the Grid Database by Statistics Finland. Besides the quantitative analysis, the existence of new-build gentrification in Helsinki is discussed in the context of general argumentation for the phenomenon's applicability by the critical gentrification research perspective. The results of the study lead to the conclusion, that new-build gentrification does not occur in the chosen case areas as the process described in international case-studies suggest, but several of the characteristics of the phenomenon are however present in the local housing policies, housing market and development of new residential areas. In Helsinki the regulation of the tenure structure concerning the new-build housing stock has led to a situation, where the difference between new-build housing developments' and the surrounding areas' socio-economic status varies between the inner-and outer parts of the city. These results bear close resemblance to the outcomes of recent Western European studies highlighting the importance of comprehensive understanding of the local context in the contemporary gentrification research. The development of new-build housing areas in Helsinki is to some extent in line with international trends, but the specificities of national and local policy practices have led to distinct socio-cultural outcomes. The results support the notion that the concept of new-build gentrification becomes purposeful when accompanied with a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the local processes of urban change.