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  • Buchan, Michelle Salkeld (2018)
    Lake sediments from Valkea–Kotinen, a small lake in the Evo area of southern Finland, were analysed to provide a high–resolution reconstruction of the fire episode and vegetation structure histories of the past ca. 1700 years at the site. Mixing of sediment was a problem in approximately the top half of the core, affecting the accuracy of the chronology and the correct interpretation of pollen and charcoal accumulation. Six local fire episodes were identified using the CharAnalysis program with a mean fire return interval of 312 years. None these episodes could be attributed to human activities with the exception of the episode at ca. 15 cal yr BP which may have been due to the controlled burning of forest for regeneration elsewhere in Evo. The vegetation structure was typical for southern Finland with Picea, Pinus, Alnus, and Betula dominating the site. Signals of human activity such as an increase in Cerealia pollen alongside an increase in microcharcoal from ca. 1000 cal yr BP indicate regional slash and burn activity. An episodic Alnus decline is evident from ca. 1400 cal yr BP with a subsequent recovery at around 1000 cal yr BP. The results show that the local fire regime at Valkea–Kotinen is likely natural and the vegetation structure has been consistent with little anthropogenic influence over the last ca. 1700 years.
  • Kuikka, Antti (2013)
    Kalliojärvi, Ania and Erkkilä gold deposits are located in the Pirkanmaa migmatite belt in southern Finland. Nearest city is Tampere, approximately 15 km northeast of the deposits. The native gold occurs with sulphide dissemination in quartz veins and shear zones in hydrothermally altered mica schist, gneiss and granite-pegmatite intrusions and black schist. Black schist is common in Erkkilä deposit. Tourmaline pegmatite is common in Ania deposit. Gold grades are in the range of 0,1-26,7 g/t. The peak of metamorphism has reached upper amphibolite fasies in Erkkilä deposit (K-feldspar + sillimanite isograd). In Kalliojärvi the metamorphic index mineral is staurolite, which indicates middle amphibolite facies conditions. In Ania the metamorphism has progressed to the lower amphibolite facies stability field of garnet. These metamorphic associations indicate pressure of 8 kb to 6 kb and temperature of 790 to 525 °C. The hydrothermal alteration is strong in the mineralized zones, demonstrated by silicification and potassium metasomatism, which altered feldspars to sericite and biotite to chlorite. Plagioclase has also altered to albite and potassium feldspar, epidote and calcite and ilmenite has altered to rutile. In the mineralisation process fluids have enriched in the same ore forming elements in all three deposits. These elements include Fe, Cu, Ni, Co, Au, Ag, Hg, Pb, Bi, Sb, Te, S, Se, As. The major ore minerals are arsenopyrite, löllingite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Other ore minerals are native bismuth, gold, bismuth tellurides, maldonite and oxide minerals. The major ore forming process has been open space filling. The ore minerals have crystallized as disseminations in intergranular spaces between silicates and carbonates, in quartz- and epidote-clinozoisite veins and walls of the fluid channels. The arsenopyrite geothermometry shows crystallization temperature from 438 to 609 °C with pyrrhotite and löllingite. The sulfur activity (logS2) has been from -3,70 to -8,30. Fluids transported gold predominantly as a reduced sulphur complex and a thioarsenide complex. The first generation native gold is intergrown and as inclusions in arsenopyrite and in grain borders of composite löllingite and arsenopyrite grains. The second generation native gold occurs as open space fillings in the gangue fractures, intergranular spaces between silicates and as inclusion in potassium feldspar and sulphides, Bi-, Sb- Te-minerals and metallic bismuth. The main crystallization of native gold and tellurides took place in the epizonal temperature range from 150 to 300 °C. According to the mineral liberation analyses in Ania the grain size of gold, 86,10 wt. %, is from 32 to 106 µm, in Erkkilä 98,22 wt. % is from 32 to 355 µm and in Kalliojärvi 76,02 wt. % is from 32 to 106 µm. In heavy mineral concentrates gold occurs as free grains and also intergrown with arsenopyrite and bismuth. A small portion of gold is as inclusions in other minerals in arsenopyrite and silicates. The mineralisation and crystallization of the ore minerals is epigenetic i.e. it was active after the last metamorphic event in shear zones of the host rock. All three gold deposits have crystallized after a complex, accretionary to collisional orogenic evolution of Svekofennian. The ore mineral crystallization occured in the hypozonal-epizonal temperature range from 600 to 150 °C.
  • Åberg, Susanne (2013)
    The Litorina Sea is the latest Baltic Sea stage, which has dated to begin about 9000−7500 years ago. The sea phase developed after the Ancylus Lake when the straits of Denmark opened, and it is a distinctive phase within the Baltic Sea history. This MSc thesis aims to create a GIS based database about the highest stand of the Litorina Sea in Finland and to reconstruct its extent by interpolating it's shorelines with the resolutions of 10 and 25 meters. The purpose was also to make an updated version of the highest Litorina Sea shoreline map by Eronen and Haila 1992. The highest shoreline of the Litorina Sea can be observed in ancient shoreline relicts such as stone belts, beach ridges, cliffs and terraces. The widest extent of the Litorina Sea's brackish water can be detected from isolation horizons within mire and lake sediments. It can be distinguished as Clypeus limit or physically as a chance where the clays of the Ancylus Lake turn into clays of the Litorina Sea. The highest shoreline of the Litorina Sea is diachronous and its level in different regions of Finland varies due to the uneven uplift and inclining of the shorelines. It is important to note that the highest shoreline of the Litorina Sea has occurred in some regions at the beginning of the Litorina Sea stage like in Ostrobothnia or later by the time of the Litorina transgression in other places like in southern Finland. Depending on the location, the highest shoreline of the Litorina Sea occurred about 8000−6500 year ago due to its diachronity and the impact of transgression. All known shoreline and isolation observations were collected from the literature in the database with the help of LiDAR DEM with a resolution of two meters, and DEM 25. Observations were used to create a database with the information of coordinates and observed altitude. The aim was also to find new shoreline sites. Altogether 564 shoreline observations and 102 isolation observations were collected in the database and they were classified to five classes according to their reliability. The highest shoreline of the Litorina Sea (LI) was reconstructed with the help of the best observation points by using vector based TIN interpolation. Two different resolution LI representing rasters were created by subtracting the formed TIN model from two separate DEM models: DEM 10 and DEM 25. Calculated raster grids represent the relative altitude and the depth of the Litorina Sea at its highest stage in different areas. These rasters were classified into two classes, which other class represents area covered with water and other represents land area, and they were converted into polygons. Modeling was challenging because observations were not evenly distributed among the sphere of influence of the Litorina Sea. The altitude of LI increases in north-west direction from about 21 m in Virolahti area to about 32 m in Helsinki area, 45-52 m in Turku and Pori and to 100 m in Ostrobothnia area. Highest observation altitude of the Litorina Sea is in Ylitornio in the slopes of the Huitaperi at the level of 108.4 m. The results of the modeling resemble earlier maps of the highest shoreline of the Litorina Sea but they are more detailed. On the other hand the 25 m resolution map is still very coarse reflecting the errors of DEM 25 model. However, the 10 m resolution map is rather detailed, but it still needs some enhancement. Ancient Shoreline Database and associated fine-resolution maps are published to facilitate and promote the research related to the highest stage of the Litorina Sea.
  • Pinola, Hannu (2019)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdytään CMP-luotauksen teoriaan ja käytäntöön maatutkaluotausten profiililinjojen syvyyskalibroinnissa. CMP-luotaus on Suomessa harvoin käytetty nopeusanalyysimenetelmä ja tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää CMP-luotauksen tuomia mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuskohteet sijaitsevat Etelä-Suomessa, Helsingissä ja Hollolassa. Tutkimuskohteet valikoitiin toisistaan poikkeavan geologian vuoksi. Patolassa metsässä maakerrokset olivat pääosin moreenia ja kalliomaata. Tattarisuon pohjavesialueella kerroksissa vaihtelivat hiekkaiset ja saviset kerrosrakenteet. Hollolan deltamuodostumalla maakerrokset vaihtelivat karkeasta sorasta hiekkaan. Sekä Tattarisuolla että Hollolassa saatiin myös aineistoa pohjavesikerroksesta. Kohteissa tehtiin sekä profiililuotaukset että CMP-luotaukset. Tutkimuksissa hyödynnettiin Malå:n ja GSSI:n maatutkalaitteistoja, joita käyttökokemuksen perusteella vertailtiin myös keskenään. CMP-luotauksella saatuja kerrosnopeuksia verrattiin kohteiden referenssiaineistoihin, keskiarvoiseen 0,1 m/ns:n nopeuteen, taulukkoarvoihin sekä Patolassa hyperbelianalyysin tuottamaan tulokseen. Tulokset olivat rohkaisevia, joskin myös poikkeavia arvoja löytyi. Patolassa haasteena oli moreenin ja rikkonaisen kallionpinnan tunnistaminen profiililuotauksista. Tämä aiheutti hajontaa CMP-luotauksella ja muilla referenssiaineistolla saatujen tulosten välillä. Osa tuloksista oli hyvinkin lähellä referenssiaineistoja, mutta moreeni-kallio-rajapinnan tulkinnan haasteellisuuden vuoksi myös huomattavia poikkeamia saatiin. Tattarisuolla tulkinnan haasteena oli monimutkainen kerrosrakenne ja paikoin profiililuotauslinjoja häiritsevät heijasteet. CMP-luotauksen kerrosnopeudet vastasivat hyvin hiekkaisten kerrosten nopeuksia. Lisäksi CMP-luotauksella voitiin varmistaa luotauslinjalla 2 oleva pohjavesikerros ja että luotauslinjalla 1 pohjavettä ei CMP-luotauksella saatujen nopeuksien perusteella ollut. Hollolassa CMP-luotausaineisto kärsi päällisin puolin huomattavasti häiriösignaaleista. Aineiston prosessoinnin jälkeen saadut kerrosnopeudet vastasivat kuitenkin erinomaisesti referenssiaineistojen kerrossyvyyksiä. Kahden maatutkalaitteiston ja useamman antennikonfiguraation hyödyntäminen profiililuotauslinjoissa mahdollistivat hyvän luotausresoluution niin matalammilla kuin paksummilla kerrospaksuuksilla. Malå:n ja GSSI:n luotauslaitteistot toimivat pääosin hyvin eikä kumpikaan laitteisto ollut selkeästi toista parempi. Tässä tutkimuksessa saadun kokemuksen perusteella CMP-luotauksella voidaan saada merkittävää hyötyä maatutkalinjojen tulkintaan. Kun CMP-luotauksen heikkoudet osataan tunnistaa ja aineiston tulkitsija omaa riittävän hyvän kokemuksen, voidaan CMP-luotauksen avulla tehdyillä syvyyskalibroinneilla saada luotettavia tuloksia tutkimusalueen kerrospaksuuksista.
  • Fred, Riikka (2017)
    Earlier field work in the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto AMCG (anorthosite-mangerite-charnokite-granite) complex has revealed mafic and felsic magma interaction between hornblende granite and monzodioritic rocks, but a detailed description of this interaction has not previously been presented. In this study field observations, detailed mapping, petrography, geochemistry, and melt viscosity modeling are utilized to provide a comprehensive description of magma interaction processes and the related rock types. Two major mafic and felsic interaction processes, both also observed in the Ahvenisto complex, are mingling and mixing. Mingling is observed in the form of monzodioritic pillows with finger-like granitic veins protruding in them. Mixing is observed as a hybrid rock with monzodioritic groundmass and K-feldspar phenocrysts. The monzodioritic rocks are presumed to represent the last liquids of the mafic magmas of the complex, and the hornblende granite and the granitic veins are presumed to represent the first felsic melts of the granitic intrusion stage. Observed mixing and mingling indicates that these two magmas were, at least partly, liquids simultaneously at the time of intrusion. Petrography and geochemistry reveals at least three different monzodioritic rock types: olivine monzodiorite, ferrodiorite, and monzodiorite. These types represent partial melts of the monzodioritic magma, olivine monzodiorite being the least evolved and monzodiorite the most evolved. The vein granites originate from a more evolved partial melt of the hornblende granite superheated by the coeval mafic magma. Calculated mixing trends and melt viscosities with liquidus temperatures were used to evaluate the magma interaction styles between different rock types. Volatile contents of the two magmas played an important role: the felsic melts most likely contained higher amount of volatiles whereas the mafic melts were relatively dry. Mixing calculations reveal that the hybrid rock was produced by mixing of monzodioritic and hornblende granitic magmas. Mingling occur between ferrodiorite and the vein granites. The least evolved monzodioritic rock, olivine monzodiorite, shows minor interaction only and is probably a close representative of the 'primary' monzodiorite magma of the Ahvenisto complex.
  • Kuikka, Jaro (2018)
    The Archean Hattu schist belt in eastern Finland is host to several orogenic gold occurrences. One of these deposits is the Pampalo gold deposit located in Hattu, Ilomantsi. Major and trace element characteristics of biotite and chlorite were analyzed from a representative collection of rock types of different degrees of alteration from the Pampalo deposit. The main aim of this study was identifying possible correlation of changes in the elemental composition of biotite and chlorite with distance to gold ore mineralization and testing the two minerals’ use as proxies for mineralization in Pampalo. Biotite and chlorite were chosen for being represented in altered and unaltered ore and adjacent country rock units. Samples were prepared from half and quarter drill core rocks and analyzed with hyperspectral imaging, electron micro probe analysis (EMPA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS). Hyperspectral imaging and thin section microscopy were used for mineral identification and mineral grain sampling. EMPA and LA-ICP-MS data found weak correlation with distance to mineralization for Mg, Al, Ti, Fe, Zn, Sr and Cs in biotites and Li, B, Mg, Al, Si, P, Sc, Ti, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Ga, As and Sr for chlorite. Moderate correlation was found for Pb and Tl in biotites and Co in chlorites. Strongest correlation was found for Mn, W and Ba in biotites. These three elements all deplete in biotites with decreasing distance to mineralization. Changes in concentrations of manganese are likely variation in host rock chemistry. Tungsten concentrations seem to be linked to fluid flows, but only indirectly related to gold ore mineralization. Barium was found to be the most promising element within biotites due to its high mobility, and its depletion could indicate approaching gold ore mineralization. Changes in As concentrations of chlorites also point to two different types of chlorite grains, one of which indicate an ore mineralization event having taken place.
  • Kähkönen, Aili (2014)
    Puhtaan veden saanti on elinehto. Vesihuolto olisi suunniteltava pahimman skenaarion varalta, koska sen asema keskinäisriippuvaisessa yhteiskunnassa on hyvin keskeinen. Vesihuoltolaitosten toimintavarmuuden parantamisen, pullotetun veden käytön, siirrettävien vesisäiliöiden käytön ja kotitalouskohtaisen pintaveden puhdistuksen lisäksi valmiutta kohotettaessa voitaisiin hyödyntää Suomen ainutlaatuisia pohjavesivaroja. Matalakairauksen avulla tehtyjä havaintoputkikaivoja voidaan käyttää juomavedenhankinnassa. Kairaaminen ulotetaan maksimissaan kuuden metrin syvyyteen, jotta maan pinnalla pidettävän imupumpun teho riittää pohjaveden ottamiseen. Menetelmää on käytetty pääasiassa pohjavesinäytteiden keräämiseen ja antoisuusmittauksien tekemiseen. Sen lisäksi Puolustusvoimat on ottanut matalakairauksen osaksi vesihuollon järjestelyjään kriisiaikana. Ympäristöalalla kerätään runsaasti tietoa erilaisiin paikkatietokantoihin, arkistoihin ja tutkimushankkeisiin. Näiden hyödyntäminen poikkeusolojen vesihuollon suunnittelussa vaatii tiedon poimimista ja yhdistämistä. Ennakkoon erotelluilla aineistoilla voidaan parantaa valmius-suunnittelua ja vähentää asiantuntijoiden tarvetta yhdyskuntien kriisinajan vedenjakelun turvaamisessa. Soranottoalueiden tilaa ja kunnostustarvetta arvioivassa hankkeessa (SOKKA) on koottu maa-aineksen otossa olleita kohteita, jotka ovat pohjavesialueilla. Näissä voitaisiin olettaa löytyvän lähellä maanpintaa olevaa pohjavettä. SOKKA-hanke on valtakunnallinen ja kaikkiin siinä oleviin kohteisiin pääsee ajoneuvoilla. Tässä työssä yhdistettiin olemassa olevaa tietoa Etelä-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskuksen SOKKA-hankkeen paikkatietoihin ja pyrittiin arvioimaan, kuinka hyvin niiden avulla voitaisiin varmistaa kohteiden soveltuvuus matalakairaukseen. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa yksinkertainen tulos, jonka avulla voidaan todeta että näistä kohteista saadaan luotettavasti vettä mahdollisissa poikkeusoloissa. Kohteista pyritään muodostamaan verkosto, joka on kattava, ja joka voitaisiin laajentaa valtakunnalliseksi. Tulokset osoittavat että matalakairaukseen soveltuvien kohteiden verkosto on mahdollista muodostaa olemassa olevan tiedon avulla. Tässä työssä käytettyjen aineistojen avulla kohteet karsiutuvat alkuperäiseen aineistoon verrattuna harvalukuiseksi, mutta verkosto on kuitenkin maantieteellisesti kattava.
  • Vaittinen, Tiina (2014)
    Dredging of the seafloor is often a prerequisite for keeping seaways and harbours operational in the coastal area of Finland. This leads to a need to transport and dispose of the dredged material, which in turn creates environmental concerns. The influences of sea disposal can usually be clearly observed during the process. There has not been as much research on the long term effects, due to difficulties in observing material at the bottom of the sea and in separating the effects of sea disposal from background conditions and other changes that might have taken place in the area. The objective of this study is to gather research data to help in assessing the effects of sea disposal and defining the preconditions for environmentally sustainable disposal projects. The research focuses on two disposal sites for soft dredged material, located in Naantali and Hamina. The site in Naantali is very close to the mainland and a busy harbour, with heavy sea traffic. The site in Hamina is in a location with markedly calmer current conditions, within a scarce archipelago. The effects of the sea disposal were examined three years after the disposal operation. Special attention was paid to how well the disposed material had remained at the disposal sites. Surface sediment samples were taken from both study areas. Based on sedimentation signals observed in these samples, the study aims to determine how well the disposed material had remained in place. The movements of the material were also assessed by observing the topographical changes that had taken place at the sites over three years. The study additionally utilizes monitoring reports and previous research to assess the identified effects on the environment and the factors that influence them in the context of the Baltic Sea area. According to the results, the disposal site at Hamina is an exemplary one, because the disposed material has settled and become part of the existing seafloor. The material is also physically of a superior quality to the original surface sediment, which suffered from oxygen depletion. Sea disposal has managed to isolate the original, heavily oxygen consuming layer of sulphide mud from the bottom water. At the Naantali site, the disposed material appears to have stabilized rather well, but the result is not as obvious as at Hamina. This is largely due to the strong slipstreams in the area causing resuspension of the surface mud. Furthermore, characterization of the disposed material was relatively difficult at the Naantali site due to the strong physical resemblance between original and disposed sediment. Surface sediment samples and basic physical characterization proved to be a useful method in researching the settling of disposed material. When looking for possible signs of sedimentation, the topmost surface layer of samples is especially important. Depth data can also be used in monitoring disposal sites, although based on depth data alone it is difficult to draw conclusions on the reasons for changes in topography.
  • Palonen, Panu (2019)
    The till geochemistry and the mode of occurrence of metals in till in Katumajärvi and Saajanmäki areas in Kanta-Häme region were studied by geochemical and mineralogical methods. The basis of the studies was to determine the ore potentials in both areas. The samples were taken as near the bedrock surface as possible from the basal till bed. The till samples were dry-sieved into three grain-size fractions: <0,06 mm, 0,06-0,25 mm and >0,25 mm. Total metal contents of fine fraction were determined by AAS after total dissolution. The mode of occurrence of metals in the anomalous samples were determined from the fine fraction by selective partial dissolutions and from the heavy sand fraction by polarized- and stereo microscope, SEM and XRD. Using both geochemical and mineralogical methods in till studies will increase the reliability of mineral exploration studies. The highest metal contents were found in copper and zinc in both areas. The highest Cu-content was 701 ppm and Zn-content 642 ppm in Katumajärvi area while in Saajanmäki area the highest Cu-content was 620 ppm and Zn-content 678 ppm. Copper and Zinc mainly occurred as primary sulphides which altered from non-weathered to slightly weathered. Chalcopyrite was more important ore mineral than sphalerite. Pyrite was the most common sulphide mineral. Clastic glasiogenic dispersion was the main geochemical dispersion in both areas, but hydromorphic dispersion was also noticeable. Zinc was more susceptible to hydromorphic dispersion than copper. The secondary minerals that occurred were goethite and covellite in Katumajärvi area and melanterite and szomolnokite in Saajanmäki area.
  • Uuttu, Petri (2014)
    The Paleoproterozoic volcanically hosted massive sulfide deposits of the Skellefte district, northern Sweden has been subjected to regional metamorphism in greenschist to amphibole facies conditions at 1.84 – 1.82 Ga, resulting in the remobilization of ore minerals and formation of ore-bearing quartz and sulfide veins. The aim of this project is to study the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Storliden VHMS deposit in the Skellefte district and determine the conditions the remobilization of ore minerals took place in. The sulfide-rich remobilization veins in the deposit consist of two types: ones composed mostly of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, and ones composed mostly of galena and bournonite, often as symplectitic intergrowths, with gudmundite and tetrahedrite occurring in notable amounts as well. Arsenopyrite and sphalerite were found in multiple veins of both types. Additionally, sulfide-poor quartz- and calcite veins occur in the deposit. There are also sulfide-bearing calcite veins that post-date the metamorphism, and were not included in this study. Sphalerite and chlorite from the veins both have lower Fe-content than same minerals in the massive ore and the host rock of the ore, respectively. Sphalerite form the veins also has a significantly higher Cd-content compared to the massive ore. The tetrahedrite from the veins also has a clearly different composition than in the massive ore, with considerably lower As-content and higher Fe/(Fe+Zn) ratio. Arsenopyrite geothermometry was used to determine that the remobilization took place at temperature of 325 – 480 °C, with mean T of 425 °C for the massive ore and 412 °C for the remobilization veins. The composition of sphalerite from the massive ore was used to determine that the pressure during metamorphism was 6.3 – 8.5 kbar, with mean of 7.5 kbar. Thermometric data obtained from chlorite in the quartz veins and the host rock of the ore indicates lower temperatures than the data from arsenopyrite, with mean T of around 200 °C or less for the veins and around 300 °C for the host rock (exact temperature depending on the geothermometer used). The lower range of temperatures likely reflects formation or re-equilibration during the retrograde stage of the metamorphism. The δ18O-data for water calculated from the quartz veins range from 4.7 to 8.8 ‰ with mean δ18O of 7.2 ‰, which is within the δ18O-range of metamorphic water. The values for pressure and temperature obtained conform to data reported by other authors from various deposits in the Skellefte district, which mostly fall between temperatures of 300 – 500 °C and pressures of 5 – 8 kbar for the massive ore, and 200 – 450 °C and 0.5 – 5 kbar for the veins. The δ18O-data is likewise within the range reported from quartz veins elsewhere in the Skellefte district (ranging from 3.7 to 11.6 ‰).
  • Hicks, Matthew (2015)
    The late Archean Hattu schist belt, located within the Ilomantsi greenstone belt, formed at approximately 2750 Ma and is composed of felsic volcanic and epiclastic deposits and hosts multiple diverse orogenic-style gold deposits. The Korvilansuo prospect is located within the southern portion of the schist belt and is situated between the Kuittila tonalite and the Silvevaara granodiorite intrusions. The deposit hosts hydrothermally-altered gold-bearing quartz-tourmaline veins located near the Korvilansuo shear zone. Korvilansuo is enriched in important ore minerals and metals such as gold, sulfides, and tellurides. A combination of structural, metamorphic and hydrothermal events occurring within the region contributed to mineralization of the deposit. The metamorphic grade of the deposit reached the upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies based garnet-biotite geothermometry indicating peak temperatures of 570 ± 30 °C. Pressures of 2.9 – 4.2 kbar occurred at Korvilansuo at peak conditions. Hydrothermal alteration is highly prevalent within tonalite and mica schists. Extensive structural deformation is visible as the deposit lies within the brittle-ductile transition zone. Gold appears throughout the deposit, occurring in fractures of tourmaline-quartz veins, as well as disseminated throughout the mica schist samples alongside sulfides and as telluride compounds. Sulfides encountered in the Korvilansuo area include: pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, gersdorffite, arsenopyrite, and other minor phases. Tellurides occur primarily as tsumoite and other telluride minerals occur as residual disseminated phases within pore spaces. Three main fluid types are found within the deposit consisting of high-vapor, high salinity (approximately 27.7 wt. % NaCl), and low-salinity, aqueous-carbonic fluids. Vapor-rich fluids are the oldest, while the NaCl-rich inclusions were determined to be older than aqueous-carbonic fluids and may be responsible for transporting ore. Homogenization temperatures of the late low-salinity, aqueous-carbonic fluids are approximately 323 °C, with hydrothermal chlorites recording mineralization temperatures of up to 450 °C. Temperatures therefore suggest that mineralization occurred after peak metamorphic conditions.
  • Luoto, Toni (2018)
    Yeniyaylacık and Sofular localities in southeast of Central Anatolia are yielded with rich and wellpreserved late Neogene mammal fossils including bovids, equids, suids and rhinos. Faunal compositions of these sites are distinct from each other and biostratigraphy is still under study. The age and correlation of the Sofular ignimbrite underlying the studied Sofular section has been contentious in previous studies. For Yeniyaylacık section there are no previous detailed ages published. In this study, the magnetostratigraphic results are presented for the Yeniyaylacik and Sofular sites. The sampled Sofular section (located in 38°43’35” N, 35°00’30” E) is overlaying the Sofular Ignimbrite. In total 83 samples were taken from this ca. 51-meters-thick section, which is composed of thinly bedded and laminated siltstones and siliceous claystones with a few sandstone intercalations. Upper parts are more calcareous and dominated with limestone and claystone beds containing gypsum crystals. In total 32 samples were taken from ca. 8-meters-thick Yeniyaylacık section (located in 38°45’35” N, 34°37’04” E), comprised of muddy-clayey sediments with few thin limestone-sandstone units interbedded in the succession. Grain size of the samples was estimated based on Udden-Wentworth scale and color based on Munsell color chart. Carbonate content of the samples was estimated using 10 % hydrochloric acid. Magnetic susceptibility of each sample was measured using SM 150 susceptibility meter. 2G SQUID magnetometer was used to stepwisely demagnetize the samples. Thermomagnetic analyses were done using KLY-3S kappabridge for selected samples to identify magnetic mineralogy of the sections. Rock magnetic studies revealed that samples located at higher levels were clearly less magnetic in both of the sections, which correlates well with the increased carbonate content. Magnetic mineralogy of the samples consists mostly of Ti-poor titanomagnetite, but some of the samples also contained some hematite. AF-demagnetization results indicated that reversed polarity dominates the lower ca. 15 m in the Sofular section. The upper 35 m of the section is dominated by normal polarity. In the Yeniyaylacık section, reversed polarity dominates the whole section. Based on earlier studies and paleomagnetic results from this study, correlation with chron C4n.2n (8,1–7,7 Ma) or C3An.2n (6,7–6,4 Ma) is suggested for the long period of normal polarity in Sofular section. Less derived morphology of the Yeniyaylacık fauna suggests older age for the Yeniyaylacık fauna, so correlation with chron C4r (8,8–8,1 Ma) is suggested for long period of reversed polarity in the Yeniyaylacık section.
  • Turunen, Sanni (2015)
    This study describes a series of picritic lavas from the Luenha River, Mozambique, related to the Karoo large igneous province. The reservoirs for the African Karoo-related flood basalts are not well known. There are no previously documented primitive volcanic rocks related to them. In this study, picritic lavas from the Luenha River are found to be primitive and to exhibit a HREE-undepleted trace element signature, similar to those of African flood basalts. Significant within-series variation is observed in REE concentrations and Sr isotopic compositions, and can be modelled as a result of crustal contamination of a primitive melt. The high deltaNb values (0,4–0,6), low TiO2 concentrations (0,3–1,0 wt. %), high-Al spinel cores, chondritic isotopic ratios in the most primitive samples and smooth, HREE-undepleted PM-normalized trace element compositions could be derived by high-degree, shallow depth partial melting of a source other than depleted upper mantle. Luenha picrites might represent a parental melt for the Karoo shallow source lavas and may facilitate characterization of their mantle sources. Major element compositions were analysed by X-ray fluorescence method (XRF), trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), mineral chemistry by electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and isotopic ratios for Sr and Nd were measure with thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS). A polarization microscope was used for petrography.
  • Karinen, Jouko (2013)
    Mustaliuskeet ovat tummia ja helposti rapautuvia sedimenttikiviä, jotka sisältävät runsaasti hiiltä ja metallisulfideja. Niiden rapautuessa ympäristöön vapautuu metalleja ja vetyioneja. Turpeen on todettu sitovan tehokkaasti eri alkuaineita ja läheisestä kallioperästä rapautuneet metallit pidättyvät usein turpeeseen. Talvivaaran mustaliuskeisiin on rikastunut Co, Cu, Mn, Ni ja Zn, ja esiintymälle on tunnusomaista kohonnut Ni-pitoisuus. Mustaliuskealueiden moreeneista on mitattu korkeita Cu- ja Zn-pitoisuuksia, ja pintavesille on tyypillistä alhainen pH ja kohonneet Cd-, Cu-, Mn-, Ni- ja Zn-pitoisuudet. Liuskealueilla myös kaivovesistä ja purosedimenteistä on mitattu kohonneita pitoisuuksia samojen alkuaineiden osalta. Tähän tutkimukseen koealoilta otettiin turvenäytteitä, joista määritettiin turvelaji, maatuneisuus ja sähkönjohtavuus. Laboratoriossa näytteistä määritettiin tuhkapitoisuus TGA-menetelmällä ja kokonaishiilen määrä CHN-menetelmällä. Näytteille tehtiin myös monialkuaineanalyysit ICP-MS (503M)- ja ICP-AES (503P)- menetelmillä, ja Hg- pitoisuus määritettiin CVAFS-analyysillä. Tuloksista laskettiin pistekohtaisesti painotetut keskiarvot ja -hajonnat, sekä koealakohtaisesti Spearmanin korrelaatiokertoimet PASW Statistics 18-ohjelmalla. Osalle aineistosta tehtiin regressioanalyysi. Kartat tehtiin ArcGIS10-ohjelmistolla Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen ja Maanmittauslaitoksen kartta-aineistojen pohjalta. Mustaliuskealueilla turpeiden keskimääräiset Al-, As-, Cd-, Co-, Fe-, Mn-, Ni-, S-, Zn- ja tuhkapitoisuudet ovat huomattavasti korkeammat kuin granitoidi- ja kvartsiittialueilla, kun taas Cu- ja U-pitoisuudet ovat mustaliuskealueilla huomattavasti alhaisemmat. Tuhka- ja alkuainepitoisuudet ovat kvartsiitti- ja granitoidialueilla kohonneita lähinnä pohjanäytteissä, kun taas mustaliuskealueilla monien alkuaineiden pitoisuudet ovat korkeita myös pintanäytteissä. Parhaimmat riippuvuudet havaittiin Cu- ja U-pitoisuuksien, sekä Cr- ja tuhkapitoisuuksien välillä. Mustaliuskealueilla merkittäviä riippuvuuksia oli havaittavissa As-, Fe-, S- ja tuhkapitoisuuksien välillä, mikä voisi olla yhteydessä mustaliuskeiden rautasulfideihin. Poikkeuksellisesti yhdellä kvartsiittialueen koealalla alkuainepitoisuudet muistuttivat mustaliuskepisteitä. Tämä saattaa johtua osaltaan voimakkaasta reunavaikutuksesta, mutta koealalle on myös saattanut kulkeutua mustaliuskepitoista materiaalia jäätikkökuljetuksen seurauksena. Eräällä mustaliuskekoealalla alkuainepitoisuudet ovat sitä vastoin poikkeuksellisen alhaisia. Tämä johtunee turpeen rahkavaltaisuudesta, heikosta kontaktista kallioperään tai sijainnista vedenjakaja-alueella. Mustaliuskealueilla turpeiden alkuainepitoisuudet näyttäisivät olevan suurelta osin yhteydessä Talvivaaran mustaliuske-esiintymän koostumukseen, ja joillakin tutkimuspisteillä erilaiset mustaliuskeiden mineralisaatiot voisivat kuvastua anomaalisina Mn-, Ni-, Zn- ja Fe-pitoisuuksina. Turpeen kemialliseen koostumukseen saattaa kallioperän lisäksi vaikuttaa erilainen turvelajikoostumus mustaliuske- ja granitoidipisteiden välillä, voimakkaampi reunavaikutus mustaliuskekoealoilla, tulvavaikutus tai tien läheisyys. Lisäksi joillakin alkuaineilla epävarmuutta voi aiheuttaa niiden geokemiallinen luonne. Ympäristössä Cu lähtee heikosti liikkeelle ja se pidättyy nopeasti humukseen. Siten Cu ei välttämättä ehdi kulkeutua kallioperästä turpeeseen asti. Zn sitä vastoin on hyvin liikkuva, mutta se pidättyy heikosti turpeeseen. Jatkotutkimuksissa kannattaisi tarkastella keskenään mahdollisimman samankaltaisia turvemaita, jotka eivät ole altistuneet ihmistoiminnalle, tulville tai muille ulkoisille häiriötekijöijlle.
  • Aksola, Aleksanteri Mitja (2016)
    The research material consists of 21 dolomite samples taken from the Kalvberget formation in western Sweden. δ13C and δ18O values were analysed from these samples, as well as trace elements and REE composition. Analysis was performed using IRMS, XRD and ICP-MS methods. Main function of trace elemental analysis was to conclude if the isotopical values represented primary marine values or if these values were changed during metamorphical processes. Main question in this thesis was to find out if these samples represented Neoproterozoic cap carbonates and how these samples fit in the global Neoproterozoic δ13C graph. The samples had undergone a green schist-amphibolite facies metamorphosis. The samples were gathered around the Kalvberget formation, representing approx. 30 m of the outcrop. Samples represented thickness of 15 m from the outcrop. Samples K1-K6 had metamorphosed more clearly than samples K7-K21. This was found out from the trace elemental composition. Samples K1-K6 had reacted with silicates, thus changing their primary composition of δ13C and δ18O towards a more negative value. δ13C values of samples K1-K6 were between -3,07 ... -3,34‰ and δ18O values were between -12,04 ... -12,59‰. Samples K7-K21 had δ13C values between +2,07 ... +4,42‰ and δ18O values between -5,94 ... -8,59‰. Indication of metamorphosis affecting the isotopic values in samples K1-K6 led to removal of these samples from the isotopic examination. Samples K7-K21 thus represent primary marine values better. Samples K7-K21 had signs of δ18O values changing because of the interaction with fluids, but the δ13C values represented almost constant values. REE composition showed some signs of detrital matter in the silicate rich samples. Part of the samples were left out from the REE composition examination, as they represented more PAAS content and not primary marine values. Because silicate concentration clearly affected the REE concentrations, all samples with less than 85% carbonate were left out from the REE examination. With these restrictions only samples K7, K11-K16, K18 and K20 were left from examination. REE plots of these samples resembled modern seawater REE plots, although the samples were depleted in HREE compared to modern seawater. From the Ce/Ce* anomaly it was concluded that these samples formed in anoxic environment. Mean value for Ce/Ce* anomaly was 0,94, which differed greatly from modern values. Samples K7-K21 were plotted in global Neoproterozoic δ13C plot. In the plot they placed between the Marinoan and Sturtian iceages 700 – 650 Ma. Conclusion from these results is that these samples do not represent typical cap carbonates formed in Neoproterozoic glaciations, but they are carbonate sediments formed in marine environment between the iceages.
  • Lammi, Hannu (2015)
    This work explores the lateral spreading of hot, thick, Paleoproterozoic crust via a series of 2D thermomechanical numerical models based on two geometrical a priori models of the thickened crust: plateau and plateau margin. High Paleoproterozoic radiogenic heat production is assumed. The material viscosity is temperature-dependent following the Arrhenius law. The experiments use two sets of rheological parameters for the crust: dry (granite/felsic granulite/mafic granulite) and wet (granite/diorite/mafic granulite). The results of the modeling are compared to seismic reflection sections and surface geological observations from the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogen. Numerical modelling is performed with Ellipsis, a particle-in-cell finite element code suitable for 2D thermo-mechanical modelling of lithospheric deformation. It uses Lagrangian particles for tracking material interfaces and histories, which allow recording of material P-T-t paths. Plateau-models are based on a 480 km long section of 65 km-thick three-layer plateau crust. In the plateau margin-models, a transition from 65 km thick plateau to 40 km thick foreland is imposed in the middle of the model. The models are extended symmetrically from both ends with slow (1.9 mm/a) and fast (19 mm/a) velocities. Gravitational collapse is simulated with an additional set of fixed boundary plateau margin models. The models are studying the effect of free moving boundaries on the crustal structure and the conditions for mid-crustal flow. Strong mid-crustal channel flow is seen in plateau margin models with dry rheology and slow extension or with fixed boundaries. With fast extension or wet rheology channel flow grows weaker/diminishes. In models with slow extension or fixed boundaries, partial melting controls the style of deformation in the middle crust. Vertical movement of the partially molten material destroys lateral flow structures in plateau regions. According to P-T-t paths, the model materials do not experience high enough temperatures to match HT-LP metamorphic conditions typical for Svecofennian orogenic rocks. Metamorphic conditions in the dry rheology models have counterparts in the LT-LP (>650 °C at ≤600 MPa) amphibolite facies rocks of the Pielavesi area. Plateau margin models with dry rheology and slow extension or fixed boundaries developed mid-crustal channel flow, thinning of middle crust, exhumation of mid-crustal domes and smooth Moho, all of which are found in crustal scale reflection sections. Results of this work suggest plateau margin architecture prior to extension that took place at slow velocities or through purely gravitational collapse, although peak temperature of Svecofennian HT-LP metamorphism was not attained.
  • Kähkölä, Noora (2015)
    Peatlands influence the atmospheric circulation of carbon dioxide and methane. Because of changing climate, there is a growing interest to study northern peatlands, because they contain up to one-third of the total pool of soil carbon. Climate change is expected to be strongest in the high-latitudes. The prediction is that in the north a rise in the temperature is highest and the changes in precipitation are most pronounced. The purpose of this study was to examine mire development and carbon dynamics of one forestry-drained ombrotrophic mire. The aim was to determine vegetation history, changes in peat and carbon accumulation patterns and the effects of drainage on mire development. The research material consisted of peat samples collected from Kalevansuo. The vegetation development was examined by using macrofossil analysis and correspondence analysis (CA). Peat properties, such as LOI and bulk density, were also studied. The studied peat cores were radiocarbon dated. Flux measurement data on greenhouse gases were also used to interpret data. Kalevansuo started to develop more than 10,000 years ago through terrestrialisation. The development includes an initial fen phase followed by a cotton grass phase which changed further to a Sphagnum phase. The top peat layers represent drainage-affected phase. The fen-bog transition occurred around 4,100 years ago. Kalevansuo expanded to its southern margins about 5,200 years ago whereas lateral expansion in the east has been an ongoing process even after 1950. Peat and carbon accumulation has been slow when compared to some other bogs in the southern Finland. As a result of drainage Kalevansuo now functions as a significant CO2 sink, a small sink of CH4 and a small source of N2O. According to the flux measurement data it can be concluded that the forest-drainage did not have a positive climate warming feedback impact. A combination of autogenic and allogenic factors such as climate, fires and human disturbance have affected Kalevansuo development. The development was slow lasting for thousands of years, but also rapid, fire-induced changes occurred. This study agrees with the theory that climate change may strengthen the carbon sink feedback effect of boreal bogs, if forest-drainage simulates the effect of a warming climate on northern bogs.
  • Kokko, Sini-Maaria (2013)
    The Cu-Rautuvaara iron-oxide copper gold (IOCG) deposit is located in the western part of the Central Lapland Greenstone belt. Cu-Rautuvaara and several other IOCG deposits are located next or within of the SSW-NNE trending Kolari-Pajala Shear Zone. Deposits are formed in the contacts of the ca. 1860 Ma Haparanda Suites monzonite-diorite intrusions and the >2050 Ma Savukoski Group supracrustal rocks. At Cu-Rautuvaara deposit Cu-Au ore is hosted by magnetite-disseminated albitite. Host rocks for the other deposits in the Kolari area are skarns and ironstones. The wall and the host rocks are hydrothermally altered. Alterations can be roughly divided to proximal and distal zones which are displaying widespread and irregular alteration zones. The distal alteration is characterized by albite ± biotite ± K-feldspar and the proximal alteration albite + magnetite ± phlogopite ± gedrite ± amphibolite ± sulphides ± clinopyroxene. Based on the mass balance calculations Zr, TiO2 and Al2O3 were immobile during the alteration. Calculations indicated that main gains for albitites were Na2O, Fe2O3, Cu and Ni. For diorites and metavolcanites gains were CaO, K2O, Ce and Ba. Albitite protolith determination by its texture and mineral assemblage is unreliable because of the intense hydrothermal alteration. Based on immobile element correlation data suggest that metavolcanites are the most preferential protolith for albitites. The main oxide in the deposits is magnetite, which locally has accessory ilmenite exsolved from it. The main sulphides are chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. Oxides and sulphides element contents were determined by electron microprobe analyses. Based on analyses Au occurs as native Au-Ag grains in chalcopyrite. Major trace element in pyrrhotite is Ni (0.1– 0.8 wt. %). Based on major trace elements there are two types of pyrites with Co (<3 wt. %) and Ni (<3.5 wt. %). Major trace elements in magnetites are Al2O3 (0.01 – 0.71 wt. %), V2O (<0.23 wt. %) and Cr2O3 (<0.27 wt. %). Some magnetites have also MnO (<0.18 wt. %) as trace element. The trace element contents and ore mineral textures suggest that there were two stages of mineralization events for both sulphides and oxides.
  • Lähteenmäki, Tanja (2016)
    Orijärvi mine was the first coppermine in Finland and it's located in Kisko area (Varsinais-Suomi, Salon Seutukunta). Orijärvi mine was operating in years 1757–1956 and during that time sulfide ore (Cu, Pb, Zn) was exploit. Mine was closed without any after treatment done on its operating areas. Studies concerning heavy metal analysis and diatom analysis has been carried out earlier from lake sediments of nearby Lake Orijärvi. Results of these studies reach out up to year 2000. Previous studies testify that acid mine drainage leaching from Orijärvi mine area has affected harmfully to lake Orijärvi during the mining and especially after the closure of the mine. Even though significant environmental impacts of the mine area are demonstrated, there is still no reclamation plan to take care of the mining area. Environmental research of present effect of Orijärvi mine tailing area to lake Orijärvi and to its diatom communities was carried out by diatom analysis from the lake sediment core, by investigating locations of all the mining operations and surveying the loading routes from mine to Lake Orijärvi. Some reclamation options for the tailing area are proposed in this study. In autumn 2014 a lake sediment core was taken from Orijärvi and diatom analysis was carried out to observe diatom taxa representing years 2000–2014. Lake Orijärvi water quality was observed using water quality information from Hertta-database and from previous studies. The functionality of peat covered dam witch partly blocks tailing area was also estimated. Loading routes were detected by using previous studies, stream diatom analysis and watershed modeling. The results reveals that the mining area still affects harmfully lake Orijärvi. Based on the water quality and diatom analysis, biological status of Lake Orijärvi is poor. There are no signs of recovery in diatom communities and heavy metal concentration are high in the lake water. Two loading routes from Orijärvi mine to Lake Orijärvi were identified. One route transports pollution from northern part of the mine and the other route transports pollution from the tailing area to Lake Orijärvi. There was insufficient evidence to properly evaluate functionality of the dams. In situ -cleaning options and passive water treatment options are recommended for reclamation options of the tailing area. Orijärvi mine has a significant environmental effect on nearby areas and Lake Orijärvi and therefore whole mining environment should be restored.
  • Ridaskoski, Timo (2014)
    Gold from orogenic deposits represents one third of the world's total gold production. Most orogenic gold ores contain significant amounts of barren waste rocks that are costly to process. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of sensor-based sorting (SBS) of quartz vein hosted orogenic gold ores. Jokisivu is an orogenic gold deposit operated by Dragon Mining Oy. A diorite to gabbro intrusion host the ore body that is located in Häme-belt near to Pirkanmaa belt, which are characterized by metamorphic sedimentary and igneous rocks. The deformed and boudinaged quartz vein ore zone thickness varies from centimeters to few meters and is constrained to a shear zone in WNW-ESE- and WSW-ENE- directions. Variably thick pegmatite veins occur often in close contact within the ore zone. The statistical diamond drill core database evaluation showed a clear correlation between gold and quartz veins. According to the drill cores photos auriferous quartz veins and barren host rocks have sharp visually observable contacts. The quartz rocks are white and diorite waste rocks are black. From the two development ores bulk samples were collected: one 18-ton marginal-grade sample from the Arpola ore body and 29-ton high-grade sample from the Kujankallio ore body. A jaw crusher was used for primary crushing. The bulk samples were crushed and screened, which resulted in an approximately 50/50 coarse to fine particles ratio. Over 1.5 tons of screen overflow (> 30 mm) was sampled for SBS tests. Additionally 900 kg of underflow were collected for a secondary sorting study. The SBS tests were done at Tomra in Germany. PRO (Processing) series chute-type optical sorter was used. It divides a conditioned materials feed to ore and waste rocks by color difference. A rock was sorted waste if its surfaces contained less than two percent white pixels. Similarly five percent sorting threshold was tested. Results showed that 41 – 61 wt% of waste was removed from the marginal-grade Arpola ore with 96 % to 93 % gold recovery. In addition, the gold grade improved from 5.1 ppm to 8.2 – 12.0 ppm. The high-grade Kujankallio ore showed 15 – 31 wt% waste rock removal and 97 to 92 % gold recoveries. The gold grade rose from 7.2 ppm to 8.2 – 9.6 ppm. In addition, the quality of the products improved when harmful minerals such as arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite were reduced. Hand sorting was used for evaluation of the SBS results. Approximately 1.5 tons of sorted rocks were classified according to increasing quartz-vein content and the rock type features. The hand sorting showed that optical sorting is sensitive and adjustable even to subtle materials features. The diorite waste, altered rocks and low-grade quartz rocks were easily separated from the sorting feed material. The gold concentration in the waste rocks was low in the Arpola SBS sample (0.5 – 0.6 ppm) and slightly higher in the Kujankallio sample (0.8 – 1.7 ppm) Economic evaluation of SBS is challenging, because a valid calculation needs to account for the entire production chain from mining to tailings handling. Decreased waste rock dilution (WRD) has the most significant impact on economy as it reduces milling, transportation and tailings costs. More importantly, a significant reduction in mill capacity requirements is achievable by SBS. Numerous positive effects of sorting are significant increment in head grade, homogenous feed, various environmental aspects, decreased chemicals and water usage. The SBS is suitable for marginal- and low-grade orogenic gold ores where sharp and detectable contact between the ore and waste rocks exists. The results indicate that certain low-grade deposits, which were previously considered uneconomic mineralizations, are convertible to ore by SBS. In Brownfield mines, SBS can allow the utilization of the marginal mineral resources more accurately. Greenfield projects may benefit from smaller concentrator sizes and time related savings, which reduce CAPEX costs. The economic benefits are always case dependent.