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  • Hanström, Neea (2022)
    Heterobasidion genus fungi are the most significant pathogens in Finland causing root rot. These fungi infect Norway spruce (Picea abies), causing wood deficit in the forest industry. Leucoanthosyanidin reductase enzyme encoding gene, PaLAR3, has been linked in to the resistance of Norway spruce against H.parviporum induced root rot infections. The alleles in this locus can be AA, AB or BB, and the enzyme production and (+)-catechin concentrations have been proven to be higher in inoculation experiments in individuals with B allele present in their PaLAR3 locus. Climate change is predicted to increase disturbances in not only on the hydrological cycles, but also on the weather conditions. The drought is predicted to increase in the Northern hemisphere, increasing the risk of pathogens to spread into new areas. Forest breeding programs aim to make the forests more profitable and productive in the future as well. By studying the genetics of Norway spruce, it is possible to add more resilient individuals into the breeding program, to tackle the climate challenges the future might hold. In this Master’s thesis the spreading of the root rot infection under drought stress was studied. The PaLAR3 alleles were determined, and the area of necrosis caused by the fungal infection was compared against the alleles, watering treatments and the fungal strain used in the inoculations. Regarding the results the alleles in an individual’s PaLAR3 locus did not have any effect on the area of the necrosis. There were no statistically significant differences between the watering treatments. The only statistically significant result was that the different fungal strains’ (Hpa1 and Hpa2) infectiveness varied between different watering treatments. This is probably due to the different routes of pathogenesis. Hpa2 strain seems to be more infective in normal watering conditions. However, considering these results the PaLAR3 gene should not be added into the forest breeding program as itself. In the future, the research should focus more on gene interactions, since also other genes (e.g., PaLAC5) have been linked in the resistance against root rot infections in Norway spruce. By studying these genes together, the solutions for the deteriorating situation of the spreading of the fungal diseases could be discovered.
  • Coll Costa, Carla Jr (2021)
    The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a model organism for studies of parallel evolution in the wild; marine stickleback populations have repeatedly colonized and successfully adapted to different brackish and freshwater habitats. During Pleistocene glaciations, three-spined stickleback populations inhabiting high-latitude areas of Europe were eradicated, whereas populations residing in (or moving to) the south persisted in refugia. After the retreat of the ice sheets covering northern Europe, the high-latitude areas became recolonized by migration from south, and hence, today’s northern European populations are relatively young. Population genetic studies of European three-spined sticklebacks have usually been conducted at high-latitude areas where freshwater populations are typically less than 10.000 years old. Few studies have focused on southern populations, where more of the ancestral diversity is likely to reside. These studies have utilized a limited number of microsatellite markers and mtDNA sequence fragments, whereas studies of southern populations focusing on genome-wide diversity, in particular from the edge of the southern distribution limit in the Iberian Peninsula, are still missing. Here, I wanted to cover this gap in knowledge by carrying out an empirical and statistical study with RAD-seq data from southern and northern European populations of three-spined stickleback. The main aims of this study were two-fold. First, to investigate whether the southern European freshwater populations of the three-spined stickleback – which currently lack or have limited connection to ancestral marine populations carrying most of the standing genetic variation (SGV) – have lost genetic diversity due to population bottlenecks and inbreeding as compared to their northern European counterparts. Second, to compare the degree of genetic parallelism in southern vs. northern European populations in genomic regions which have been shown to be consistently associated with freshwater colonization in earlier studies. Under the assumption that the lack of continued access to SGV in the ancestral marine population reduces the likelihood of parallel evolution, I hypothesized that the degree of genetic parallelism in genomic regions subject to positive selection in freshwater environments is lower in the southern than in northern European populations. However, if a reduction in genetic diversity and/or cessation of gene flow between southern European freshwater and marine populations occurred following freshwater adaptation, the opposite pattern could be expected. I paid particular attention to chromosomal inversions associated with marine-freshwater adaptations identified in previous studies. The results confirmed my expectation of reduced genetic diversity in southern as compared to northern European stickleback populations. On the other hand, and contrary to what I expected, analysis of clusters of global parallelism involved in freshwater adaptation revealed that southern European populations exhibit a higher degree of genetic parallelism in response to freshwater colonisation than those from northern Europe. This suggests that the loss of genetic diversity in southern populations has occurred after they had adapted to freshwater environments, explaining the high degree of genetic parallelism in spite of the current low levels of genetic diversity. In addition, it could be that selection pressures in south are more homogenous than in north, which would also explain the higher degree of genetic parallelism observed in southern Europe. The findings presented here, challenge the current paradigm that parallel evolution is unlikely in populations with low genetic diversity and that have experienced recent bottlenecks.
  • Vesterinen, Sami (2022)
    There is continuously more pharmaceuticals ending up in the environment due to the amount of consumption. Wastewatertreatment plants are the largest point source for the pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, because most of the pharmaceuticals are meant for humans. Human pharmaceuticals can end up in the ecosystem as they are or as metabolites. Both pharmaceuticals and their metabolites can cause a similar physiological response in the organisms living in the aquatic ecosystem, than in their originally intended target organism, humans. This is the reason why contamination of pharmaceuticals in the environment can be very harmful for the aquatic organisms. Two breast cancer medication were selected for this experiment, which are tamoxifen and letrozole. Both of these medication are very effective in controlling hormonal functions of humans and other organisms. Third pharmaceutical selected for this experiment was diclofenac, which is commonly used NSAID. Active sampling can be very expensive and time consuming, because many samples have to be collected from the same site and they have to be collected at many occasions, so that the time-weighed average of the concentration studied can be found. Passive samplers are devices or sorbents that are able to absorb substances into them. They can be calibrated in the laboratory with known concentrations of studied chemicals and then can be places in a study location in the nature to calculate time-weighed average concentration of the studied chemical in that location. In this study only diclofenac was found in the fieldstudy and only with SDB-RPS-sampler. SDP-RPS samplers absorb mostly chemicals with lower octanol-water partition coefficient and silicone rubber samplers are more suitable for chemicals with higher octanol-water partition coefficient, this was also shown in this study.
  • Crosier, Brittni Joette (2020)
    Biogeography is a crucial aspect to ecological studies, as an ecosystem is comprised of the physical habitat, the organisms living there, and the interactions of these components. Community structure, and therefore functioning, are inherently of a spatial nature. Spatial structure of populations is often crucial basic knowledge for understanding the evolutionary history, dispersal patterns, and resilience of any given species. One aspect of spatial structure, and the topic covered in this study, is community distance decay, or the rate at which community similarity decreases with physical distance. More of the landscape is constantly being altered by humans on a large scale, so it is increasingly important to understand the effects that these anthroprogenic changes to the environment has on local populations. Studying community distance decay helps form understanding of dispersal and establishment limitations for different organisms, which is necessary for mitigating biodiversity loss. Many studies show that habitat fragmentation and loss has greatly impacted the structure of plant and animal communities, but there has been much less focus on fungal communities. There’s no certainty that fungi is impacted in the same ways, given the different lifestyles and dispersal methods, so the aim of this study is to contribute to the much needed research on fungal community structure at various scales. This aim is addressed by examining fungal community distance decay from small scale of a couple kilometers or less to a fairly large scale encompassing a landscape of primarily urban, forest, and agricultural areas. The five main localities of sampling were in middle and southern Finland: Helsinki, Lahti, Tampere, Jyväskylä, and Joensuu. Sampling locations and plot design were chosen to allow the comparison of communities separated by a mosaic, as well as along a short rural to urban gradient, to assess the effects of habitat type. From each location, six plots were decided, two in urban core, one in urban edge, two in natural core, and one in natural edge. The role of dispersal ability and functional traits in distance decay is also studied by comparing results from two different methods of fungi sampling, which were collecting spores from the air using cyclone samplers, and taking soil cores to gather fungal biomass. All samples were DNA analysed with high-throughput sequencing and the results from the DNA barcoding were used to create OTU clusters, by which the 30 plots could be compared through relative abundances of OTU’s. I determined the similarity of fungal communities using an analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) test in R, where all possible variables (site, habitat type, sample type) were used as a grouping in individual tests, thereby indicating which variable is associated with highest community difference. I also determined the differences in functional groups and major taxonomic levels among locations and sampling method using interactive taxanomic (KRONA) charts. Results showed that there are differences in fungal community structure among habitat type and sampling type. However there was greater difference at the level of plots than site locations, so clear patterns of strong community distance decay with physical distance was not measured in this study. The results suggest that fungal communities can be fairly impacted by human caused habitat change, and individual characteristics, such as dispersal methods or lifestyle, effect the rate of community distance-decay. This provides a valuable early insight into fungal community patterns, which need deeper study to understand the complexities and mechanisms behind them.
  • Sandholm, Laura (2018)
    Peatlands are globally important ecosystems as they have been estimated contain about 40 % of the global soil carbon pool. Therefore, in light of the projected increase in temperatures and possible increase in fire frequencies, it is of great importance to understand how peatlands are expected to develop under changing climate conditions. Currently it is estimated that of western continental Canadas 365 000 km2 peatlands, around 28 % are underlain by permafrost which however store about 38 % of the soil carbon in the area. Climate change is expected to affect these peatlands very quickly, because they are situated at the dry limit of peatland distribution. Peatlands develop in areas where production of new organic material exceeds the decomposition rate, whereby dead plant material will start to accumulate as peat, and thus, atmospheric carbon that has been seized in the plant material will become stored. Peat is stored in the peatland in the order that it accumulates, with the oldest material at the bottom end newest at the top, thereby making it possible to infer the succession of the stored vegetation. Permafrost may aggregate in peatlands due to cold climates and the insulating effect of peat moss. Fires usually cause severe combustion of peat plateaus, because they exhibit a dry and aerated surface and high tree vegetation cover. As fires remove peat through combustion, permafrost may collapse. As the permafrost within the peat plateau collapses it causes the peatland surface to subside, producing collapse areas which exhibit different hydrological conditions from the surrounding plateau. Due to a lack in knowledge about how peat plateaus have developed and reacted under different fire regimes, throughout their developmental history, it is difficult to say how they will react to future changes. Also very little is known about the actual mechanism behind initial peat plateau development or about what factors are important in determining whether permafrost will re-aggregate after collapse. With my thesis I will add to the knowledge about the initiation and developmental history of permafrost containing peatlands within the zone of discontinuous permafrost in continental northwestern Canada. I investigate the initiation patterns and effects of fires on peatland development by examining peat cores from three different peatlands in British Columbia, Canada. Each core is analysed for changes in peat main components and plant species composition throughout the peatland developmental history. As different species have different ecological range for example in regards to moisture and nutrient conditions, one can infer these based on the plant species community. In order to see when the peatlands initiated the bottom of the organic material was dated through radiocarbon dating. All peatlands initiated through onto ground formerly occupied by upland forest vegetation, which however also caused the dated samples from the bottom of the cores not to be very informative in regards to the actual peatland initiation time. The northernmost site, with the thickest peat, shows clear signs of being a permafrost affected peatland, starting from the initial peat accumulation to present day. The two other sites are more diverse in their development as they show signs of both permafrost peatlands and of sites that have undergone permafrost collapse. The peat on the permafrost affected peatlands has accumulated very slowly. Current peat accumulation rates, counted based on tree ring data and correlated to charred layers in the peat, show that the peatland areas that have collapsed, actually accumulate peat more quickly than the peat plateau with permafrost. This may indicate that as long as peatlands are still able to endure under warmer climates, it may be that they will actually accumulate more carbon due to higher production under non-permafrost conditions.
  • Orre, Tunnu Doris (2022)
    Päivittäistavarakaupat ovat saavuttaneet ruokajärjestelmässä aseman, jossa kaupan myymälä on lähes välttämätön läpikulkupiste alkutuotannosta kulutukseen. Ruoan kulkiessa pellolta pöytään pääasiassa päivittäistavarakaupan kautta, ei kaupan risteysasemaa tuotannon ja kulutuksen välissä voida ohittaa. Päivittäistavarakaupan vallitsevan aseman ja toiminnan lähtökohtien merkitystä, mahdollisuuksia ja mahdollista vastuuta ruokavalion kestävyysmuutoksessa on otettu vasta hiljattain tutkimuskohteeksi ja aiheen kohdalla vallitsee tutkimusaukko. Aiheen tutkiminen on tärkeää, sillä päivittäistavarakauppojen saavuttama asema sekä toiminnan lähtökohdat vaikuttavat siihen mitä ruokaa tuotetaan, mitä tuotteita tarjotaan kuluttajille sekä minkälaisia valintoja kuluttajat myymälässä tekevät. Päivittäistavarakaupat ovat kiinnostuneita edistämään ruokavalion kestävyysmuutosta omien lähtökohtiensa ja tavoitteidensa mukaisesti, mutta yhteinen näkemys roolista, toimintamallista tai mahdollisesta vastuusta puuttuu. Tässä tutkielmassa pyrin tuottamaan tietoa vallitsevaan tutkimusaukkoon, päivittäistavarakaupan asemasta, lähtökohdista sekä keinoista ruokavalion kestävyysmuutoksessa toimimiseksi. EAT-Lancet komission planetaarisen ruokavalion mukaisen muutoksen tavoitteena on kasvisten kulutuksen lisääminen, lihan kulutuksen vähentäminen sekä eläinperäisen proteiinin osittainen korvaaminen kasvisperäisillä vaihtoehdolla. Suomalainen S-ryhmä on ottanut planetaarisen ruokavalion edistämisen osaksi uutta yhteiskuntavastuuohjelmansa ruoan kestävän kuluttamisen edistämisen teemaa, jota tarkastelen tapaustutkimuksena käytännön esimerkkinä päivittäistavarakaupan pyrkimyksistä kestävyysmuutokseen. S-ryhmää koskevan tapaustutkimuksen tutkimusajankohtana ilmenevien tulosten perusteella on mahdollista tulkita, että vaikka S-ryhmällä on halua edistää ruoan kestävän kuluttamisen sekä planetaarisen ruokavalion mukaista kestävyysmuutosta, keinot muutoksen edistämiseksi ovat vielä puutteelliset. S-ryhmän sekä alueosuuskauppojen tulkinta ja tekeminen planetaarisen ruokavalion edistämisestä ei ole suoraan tulkittavissa EAT-Lancet komission mukaiseksi. Tuotevalikoiman kautta tapahtuvan kestävyysmuutoksen avainrooli ja vastuu on jätetty kuluttajalle. Kestävyyttä edistetään ensisijaisesti valikoimaa kasvattamalla, joka voi vaikeuttaa kuluttajien kestävien käytänteiden kehittymistä ja toteutumista. Tulosten perusteella jää epäselväksi pystyykö taloudellisiin näkökulmiin sekä kuluttajalähtöisyyteen pohjaava toiminta edistämään yksilön ruokavalion ohjaamiseen liittyvää tavoitetta.
  • Tähtinen, Saara (2012)
    Kasvava kaupungistuminen pirstoo elinympäristöjä pieniksi laikuiksi vaarantaen niin alueellisen kuin paikallisen luonnon monimuotoisuuden. Kaupunkialueilla on kuitenkin lukuisia erilaisia viheralueita, joilla on potentiaalia ylläpitää ja vahvistaa monimuotoisuutta. Kaupunkien viheralueista golfkentät vievät eniten pinta-alaa, mutta tarjoavat eliöille monipuolisia pienelinympäristöjä ja oikein hoidettuina golfkentillä on potentiaalia vahvistaa monimuotoisuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään maankäytössä tapahtuvan muutoksen vaikutusta maakiitäjäisten (Coleoptera:Carabidae) yhteisökoostumukseen kolmella eri pääkaupunkiseudun golfkentällä, joilla on toteutunut laajennusosa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää miten maankäytössä tapahtuva muutos pellosta golfkentäksi on vaikuttanut maakiitäjäisyhteisöön. Tutkimuksen hypoteesit ovat: (1) maankäytön muutos pellosta golfkentäksi on lisännyt yksilömääriä, mutta pienentänyt lajimäärää, (2) maakiitäjäisten lajiyhteisön koostumus on riippuvainen elinympäristötyypistä ja häirinnän voimakkuudesta, (3) lajiyhteisön koostumus eroaa golfkentän eri osilla (kenttä, laajennus ja lähiympäristö), (4) lähiympäristössä ja laajennusalueilla esiintyy samoja lajeja ja (5) laajennusalueilla esiintyy osittain samoja lajeja kuin ennen maankäytön muutosta. Tutkimus on jatkoa vuonna 2007 aloitetulle selvitykselle, jossa tutkittiin maakiitäjäisten monimuotoisuutta viidellä eri golfkentällä ennen laajennusosien rakennusta. Tutkimusalueiksi valittiin kolme pääkaupunkiseudulla sijaitsevaa golfkenttää, joilla oli toteutumassa/toteutunut laajennusalueet ja joista oli kerätty aineistoa ennen laajennustöiden aloittamista. Helsingistä mukana oli Paloheinä golf, Vantaalta Hiekkaharju golf ja Espoon puolelta Gumböle golf. Pyydysmenetelmänä käytettiin kuoppapyydyksiä, jotka ovat menetelmänä hyvin vakiintuneet hyönteistutkimuksissa. Kaikille golfkentille sijoitettiin alun perin yhteensä 72 kuoppapyydystä kolmelle eri elinympäristötyypille, joita olivat korkea kasvillisuus, väylän reunat ja metsäalueet. Jokaiselle elinympäristötyypille sijoitettiin kolme rinnakkaista kolmen pyydyksen sarjaa. Näytesarjat sijoitettiin vanhalle kenttäosalle, toteutuneelle laajennusalueelle sekä kontrollialueelle eli golfkentän lähiympäristöön. Aineistosta laskettiin Shannon-Wienerin, Simpsonin ja Renkosen diversiteetti-indeksit. Yleistetyn lineaarisen sekamallin (GLMM) avulla arvioitiin pienelinympäristöjen vaikutusta 12 runsaimman lajin esiintymiseen. NMDS-skaalauksella selvitettiin lajikoostumukseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden merkitsevyyttä kolmella eri tasolla. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin yhteensä 3937 yksilöä, jotka kuuluivat 71 eri lajiin. Yleisin laji oli Harpalus rufipes, jonka osuus kokonaisyksilömäärästä oli 25 % (996 yksilöä). Toiseksi yleisin laji oli Pterostichus melanarius ja kolmanneksi yleisin laji oli Pterostichus niger. Maankäytön muutos pellosta golfkentäksi on rikastuttanut laajennusalueiden maakiitäjäislajistoa ja kasvattanut yksilömääriä. Lajiyhteisön koostumus ei eroa merkittävästi golfkentän eri osilla, vaan koostumukseen vaikuttavat eniten pienelinympäristöt sekä häirinnän voimakkuus. Uusilla laajennusalueilla esiintyy yhä osittain samoja lajeja kuin ennen maankäytön muutosta. Maakiitäjäiset ovat levittäytyneet hyvin lähiympäristöstä laajennusalueille. Kaupunkien viheralueet ja virkistysalueet tarjoavat suuren potentiaalin vahvistaa monimuotoisuutta, mutta parhaan mahdollisen tuloksen saavuttamiseksi on osattava yhdistää luonnonsuojelu ja maankäytön suunnittelu toisiinsa. Golfkentillä on mitä parhain potentiaali vahvistaa eliöstön monimuotoisuutta kunhan niiden hoitosuunnitelmat ja sijoitus on oikein toteutettu. Se, kuinka suureksi golfkentän ekologinen merkitys muodostuu, on suurelta osin kiinni siitä, minkälaisen elinympäristön golfkenttä korvaa.
  • Vähäkangas, Eliisa (2020)
    The intestinal epithelium is one of the fastest renewing tissues in mammals. Intestinal stem cells (ISC) are responsible for producing all differentiated cell types of the intestinal epithelium, through transit amplifying generations. ISCs reside in the crypt domain of the intestine which are pit like structures located between villi protrusions. The ISCs are interspersed between Paneth cells, which along with cells of the surrounding mesenchyme act as the stem cell niche. ISCs have been reported to divide symmetrically to produce two identical daughter cells. However, the symmetry of these divisions has been concluded based on mathematical modelling which do not account for the possibility that a very small population of ISCs would divide asymmetrically or for qualitative asymmetry occurring in these divisions. Asymmetric cell division is a process by which daughter cells gain different amounts or different qualities of certain factors which lead to their differing fates. Asymmetric division can include asymmetric segregation of organelles such as mitochondria or peroxisomes, which have both been shown to be asymmetrically apportioned in yeast mitosis. Peroxisomes are single membrane enclosed organelles which function in many metabolic processes, most importantly in lipid and reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism. Mitochondria have been reported to be age selectively apportioned during cell division of mammary epithelial stem like cell. The same has been shown to occur for peroxisomes based on unpublished data from my host lab. This prior research of the lab also indicates that selective peroxisomal apportioning would require peroxisomes to be specifically gathered at the centrosomes from metaphase onwards to control their inheritance. In this thesis I will look into peroxisomal dynamics in the intestinal crypt. The first aim is to verify the Lgr5-EGFP-creERT2 x LSL-SNAP-tag-PTS1 mouse model, by checking that the SNAP-tag-PTS1 fusion protein properly localizes to peroxisomes. Secondly, I aim to look into the ages of peroxisomes in ISCs compared to differentiated cells, concentrating on Paneth cells. The third and final aim is to look into the apportioning of old and young peroxisomes during stem cell division. This aim includes looking into the peroxisomal localization at metaphase and checking how peroxisomes are expected to be inherited in later mitotic cells. The SNAP-tag-PTS1 construct adequately co-localizes with the peroxisomal membrane protein 70, also at the old SNAP labelling time point chosen for the following experiments. The SNAP-tag-PTS1 old labelling does not co-localize with the lysosomal associated protein Lamp1 to a high extent, indicating that the peroxisomes with the labelling are not in autolysosomes in amounts that would hamper with the results of the following experiments. There is no noticeable difference between the age contents of peroxisomes in stem cells versus Paneth cells. However, when moving up from base of the crypt to the transit amplifying zone there seems to be an increasing number of peroxisomes, as would be expected based on previous reports of peroxisomes in the intestinal epithelium. At metaphase it seems that approximately half of the cells have a tendency to gather peroxisomes at one centrosome to a higher extent than elsewhere in the cell. Interestingly this condensation was rarely seen at both centrosomes in a given cell. A large heterogeneity was observed when looking into the apportioning of old and young peroxisomes in anaphase or later on in mitosis. A majority of the dividing cells apportioned approximately equal amount of young and old peroxisomes to both daughter cells. Some divisions apportioned inequal amounts of peroxisomes to the daughter cells, with one daughter getting more peroxisomes overall. The daughter cell getting more peroxisomes was more likely to get significantly more of the old label than its pair. This indicates that there could be a small subpopulation of intestinal stem cells that divide their peroxisomes asymmetrically qualitatively as well as quantitatively, however, to definitively conclude this further research is required.
  • Vanhanen, Sonja (2021)
    Ympäristöön sopeutuminen on laaja käsite, joka pitää sisällään sekä pitkällä aikavälillä tapahtuvan evolutiivisen sopeutumisen että yksilöissä lyhyellä aikavälillä tapahtuvan fenotyypin sopeutumisen. Evolutiivisessa sopeutumisessa keskeisenä mekanismina toimivan luonnonvalinnan on havaittu olevan monille opiskelijoille haastava käsite ymmärtää, ja siihen tiedetään liittyvän paljon virhekäsityksiä. Kuitenkin suomalaisten opiskelijoiden virhekäsityksiä ja ymmärrystä aiheesta on tutkittu vain vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten peruskoulun yhdeksäsluokkalaisten osaamista liittyen eläinten sopeutumiseen ja evoluution mekanismeihin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin erilaisten tekijöiden, kuten oppikirjasarjan ja oppilaan luontoharrastuneisuuden, yhteyksiä aiheen osaamiseen. Tutkimusaineisto (N=90) kerättiin sähköisen kyselylomakkeen avulla. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhdeksäsluokkalaisia neljästä eri koulusta. Kyselylomake koostui sekä monivalintatehtävistä että avoimista kysymyksistä, ja aineisto analysoitiin kvantitatiivisia sekä kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä käyttäen. Kvantitatiivisessa analyysissä vastaajien kokonais- ja tehtäväkohtaisia pisteitä vertailtiin eri ryhmien, kuten eri sukupuolten ja eri kirjasarjoja käyttäneiden, välillä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin mm. luontoharrastusten ja biologian arvosanan yhteyksiä kyselyssä menestymiseen. Kvalitatiivisessa analyysissä avoimen tehtävän vastauksista eriteltiin oppilaiden virhekäsityksiä luonnonvalinnasta, ja virhekäsitykset luokiteltiin vakavuuden perusteella eri tasoihin. Vain pieni osa yhdeksäsluokkalaisista menestyi evoluutiota ja sopeutumista koskevassa kyselyssä hyvin ja osasi vastata luonnonvalinnan mekanismeja koskevaan avoimeen kysymykseen tieteellisen käsityksen mukaisesti. Suurella osalla tutkittavista havaittiin vakavan tason virhekäsityksiä luonnonvalinnan mekanismeista. Luonnonvalinnan eri osa-alueista oppilaat ymmärsivät heikoiten populaation muutoksen, muuntelun alkuperän ja lajiutumisen. Fysiologiseen sopeutumiseen liittyvissä tehtävissä oppilaat suoriutuivat hieman paremmin kuin evolutiivista sopeutumista koskevissa tehtävissä. Oppilaan viimeisimmän biologian arvosanan ja kyselyssä menestymisen välillä havaittiin positiivinen riippuvuus. Tulosten perusteella opetussuunnitelman keskeiset, evoluutiota koskevat tavoitteet eivät näytä toteutuvan kuin harvojen oppilaiden kohdalla, ja siten peruskoulun evoluutio-opetusta olisi yhä syytä kehittää. Saatuja tietoja evoluution ymmärtämisen ongelmakohdista ja yleisimmistä virhekäsityksistä voidaan hyödyntää opetuksen kehittämisessä. Jatkossa olisi tärkeää kehittää evoluutio-opetukseen uusia, erilaisia opetusmenetelmiä sekä selvittää niiden toimivuutta tämän haastavan aiheen oppimisessa.
  • Lawal, Abib (2024)
    This study investigated the dynamics of pesticide dissipation in groundwater under different flow conditions. The research mainly focused on the dissipation processes and the mobility of some commonly used pesticides, which include atrazine, simazine, deisopropylatrazine (DIA), desethylatrazine (DEA), hexazinone and 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM). Groundwater, as one of the most important sources of fresh water, faces the risk of contamination from mainly agricultural, urban, and other human activities, particularly the use of pesticides. The transportation, dissipation, and persistence of these pesticides in subsoil significantly impact the quality of groundwater and, by extension, pose a danger to both humans and ecosystems [1] [2]. By applying a controlled experimental setup in the Laune groundwater zone, this study observed the pesticide concentrations over 223 days, using solid phase extraction followed by GC-MS analysis. The research hypothesized that changes in the groundwater flow rate significantly affected pesticide dissipation rates. The results of the findings showed distinct dissipation patterns for the observed pesticides with a marked concentration peaking on day 53 and 64, depending on the pesticides, which are then followed by different temporal dynamics after pump adjustments. Remarkably, atrazine, simazine, DIA, DEA, and hexazinone exhibited significant changes in concentration in response to pump adjustments, whereas BAM concentration persisted, suggesting minimal or no impact. These findings highlighted the complex relationship between groundwater flow rates and the pesticide dissipation process. This underscores the importance of environmental behavior in groundwater system. The study was able to contribute to the understanding of pesticides’ fate in groundwater, offering insight into future remediation strategies and regulatory considerations for the safety of groundwater.
  • Ahlblad, Niklas (2021)
    The infection mechanisms between cold-active bacteria and their respective bacteriophages are currently relatively unknown and undocumented. Shewanella sp. 4 is a cold-active bacterium that was recently isolated from Baltic Sea ice along with bacteriophage isolate 1/4. Little is known about this particular isolate, although many Shewanella species have important environmental roles incl. carbon cycling, and they have also been associated with the spoilage of fishery products and bioremediation. Previous studies have shown that an infection caused by bacteriophages may lead to significant changes in transfer RNA (tRNA) modifications in the host cell. Commonly, tRNA modification levels may be altered as a response to different stressors, to which viral infections belong as well. Bacteriophages may take advantage of tRNA modifications during the infection of their host, as changes in tRNA modifications lead to much faster response than affecting only the transcription and translation machineries. Here, the infection cycle and changes in tRNA modifications in Shewanella sp. 4 were investigated, along with using a more defined growth media and comparing it to previously conducted characterization. A multitude of methods were applied, such as transmission electron microscopy and mass spectrometry, to observe both the infection mechanisms and changes in tRNA modifications over the course of the infection. I found that the infection cycle of the phage-host pair is predictable and consistent with previously conducted research, lasting 3 hours until cell lysis. Plaque assay and SDS-PAGE showed the release of virions 2-3 h post-infection (p.i.), and the production of viral proteins within cells starting from 100 min p.i. An intriguing periodic change in cell turbidity was also observed already before cell lysis. Furthermore, the tRNA modifications m1A, m5U, m6t6A, and Cm undergo statistically significant changes or display high variance during the course of the infection when comparing infected and uninfected cells. These may affect tRNA structural stability, translational accuracy, and cleavage in the host cell, showing possible importance during the infection. Understanding the fundamentals of the infection mechanisms involved in this bacterium-bacteriophage pair gives further insight into their role in the Baltic Sea ecosystem. This is especially relevant for establishing Shewanella as a potential laboratory model for studying molecular mechanisms that further cold-active metabolism.
  • Syrjänen, Aino (2023)
    Human-induced nutrient enrichment has led to eutrophication, which is globally a severe environmental problem in aquatic ecosystems. Eutrophication has a variety of deteriorating effects on marine ecosystems in the form of e.g., cyanobacterial blooms, bottom water hypoxia and anoxia, as well as increased fish and benthos mortality. The Baltic Sea is especially prone to eutrophication due to the combined effects of restricted water exchange and extensive nutrient loads. Nutrient enrichment reinforces primary production which further enhances organic matter remineralisation in the sediment – water interface, leading to oxygen depletion in the bottom waters. Decreased oxygen concentrations on the seafloor can lead to the release of phosphorus bound to reducible iron oxides. The so-called ‘vicious circle’ of internal loading is formed through the further enhanced nutrient release from the sediments into the water column due to the reduced bottom water conditions resulting from increased supply of organic matter into the system. However, the processes controlling phosphorus transport from land to sea through the ‘coastal filter’ remain poorly understood. In this study, sediments from Paimionlahti estuary were examined for phosphorus content and bulk elemental composition. Sedimentary phosphorus contents were determined through chemical extractions. The extracted fractions of phosphorus (P) include Fe oxide bound P (Fe-P), authigenic apatite P (Ca-P I), detrital apatite P (Ca-P II), and organic P (org-P). The fraction of Fe-P dominated in the upper sediment layers in most sites, whereas more unreactive fractions associated with P burial remained constant through sediment depth. The generally unreactive forms of P illustrated increasing trends towards open sea areas, partly explained by changes in the overall sediment composition as well as by potential differences in environmental conditions among sampling sites. The highest amounts of Fe-P were recorded in sites with the highest sediment accumulation. The results demonstrate that P from rivers is transformed and processed in the coastal zone, delaying its transport to the open sea.
  • Ghazi, Mubina (2024)
    Conventional fossil fuel-based plastics have become an indispensable part of our lives. However, their widespread usage has resulted in a substantial rise in plastic waste generation. Given these circumstances, there is an increasing urge to explore alternate options, particularly bio-based plastics, which are sourced from renewable natural resources. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are microbial-derived polymers that stand out for their sustainability and biodegradability. Microbial PHA production from industrial wastes, particularly using activated sludge, has gained interest recently. Wastewater treatment plants generate a substantial amount of sewage sludge that requires innovative disposal methods. Hence, recycling organic materials from sewage sludge into biodegradable plastics is a potential option. The study aimed to develop bacterial inoculum cultivation for a pilot-scale bioreactor (500-1000 L). The study investigated the effect of phosphorus limitation, potentially preventing the hydrolysis stage and enhancing PHA accumulation. The effects of 3-fold concentrated activated sludge on PHA-accumulating bacteria were evaluated. Three fermentations were conducted in a 5 L bioreactor utilizing activated sludge from the Ali-Juhakkala wastewater treatment plant in Lahti. Each bioreactor experiment was carried out under different operational conditions, including pH, and phosphorus concentration. The results showed that fermentation conducted at a high pH of 7.0-7.8 with phosphorus limitation did not show PHA accumulation. However, fermentation carried out at a slightly acidic pH of 5.6-6.4 with limiting phosphorus showed the best PHA accumulation after 5 days. The microbial community was dominated by Gram-negative and actinobacteria. A third fermentation conducted in the same pH range of 5.4-6.4 without phosphorus limitation showed no PHA accumulation. Overall, the results suggest that the PHA content was highest at 63.6 mg/g VS in fermentation under phosphorus limitation at slightly acidic pH, which provided optimal bacterial inoculum cultivation.
  • Leino, Sara (2023)
    The above-ground surfaces of plants (the phyllosphere) are inhabited by a diverse variety of microbes that interact with the host plant affecting its health and growth. One of the predominant factors influencing the composition and formation of the phyllosphere microbial community is the species and genotype of the plant. In my thesis, I investigated whether three different Rubus species (R. arcticus, R. saxatilis, and R. chamaemorus) form similar phyllosphere microbial communities, and whether the genotype of the host plant has more impact on the community composition than the microbiota that the plants are exposed to. I also tested how different microbiota treatments would affect Rubus plant growth. The experiment was conducted with micropropagated plants of the three aforementioned Rubus species. The plants were treated with different microbiota collected from the leaves of wild plants of the three Rubus species and the growth of the plants was observed. The phyllosphere fungal and bacterial communities of the plants were sequenced from leaf samples and analyzed to inspect the overall diversity and difference of the communities (using Kruskal-Wallis test and PERMANOVA) and to identify possible core microbes within the Rubus species’ phyllosphere communities. I found that Rubus phyllosphere microbiota was dominated by bacteria classes Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, and fungal classes Eurotiomycetes, Sordariomycetes, Agaricomycetes, and Dothideomycetes. The host plant genotype had more significance on the composition of phyllosphere microbiota than the origin of the microbiota. The different microbiota treatments had no significant effect on the plant leaf growth. My thesis shows how host plant genotype influences the shaping of the phyllosphere communities as well as how transferable the microbial communities are between species from the same genus. Understanding of the phyllosphere microbiota can have potential applications in the promotion of plant health and fitness.
  • Lönnberg, Kerstin (2015)
    The purpose of this thesis was to explore the relationships between phytoplankton biomass in lake Pääjärvi and environmental factors. These factors were divided into two categories: external phosphorus loading (total phosphorus, PO4 and organic phosphorus) and thermal conditions (Schmidt stability, heat volume and parent thermocline depth). The data sets at my disposal spanned the years 1994-2010 and contained phytoplankton observations, measurements of lake water temperature and measurements of phosphorus loading from the main rivers and streams flowing into lake Pääjärvi. Heat volume and stability were calculated based on the provided temperature data using a macro for Microsoft Office. The same data were used to calculate parent thermocline depth using LakeAnalyzer. The main statistical analysis performed on these data sets was Redundancy Analysis (RDA) in Canoco for Windows. The data were divided into three different periods: June, July-August and September-October. Each period was examined separately. In addition to total phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton main groups and selected diatom and flagellate taxa were also examined in relation to the environmental factors. Heat volume proved statistically significant in June in the analysis of total biomass and the main groups and in September-October in the analysis of selected diatom taxa. A statistically significant relationship between PO4 loading and phytoplankton biomass was only detected for Peridinium sp, Rhodomonas lacustris and Mallomonas caudata for July-August. The lack of significance for phosphorus loading in the other contexts may in part be attributed to the distances between the phytoplankton sampling location and the loading measurement sites. The loading would have to drift some time in the lake to traverse these distances before it would come into contact with the measured phytoplankton. During that time, the loading would be susceptible to variations in weather or hydrological conditions as well as susceptible to uptake by other organisms. This may be the reason, or a contributing reason, why phosphorus loading was not significant for most of the contexts explored. However, since phosphorus loading was significant in at least one context, it clearly exerts some influence on the phytoplankton in Pääjärvi. The greater significance for heat volume could be attributed to the cumulative nature of the variable as well as the lack of spatial distance between the temperature sampling distance and phytoplankton sampling location.
  • Pehkonen, Teresa (2010)
    Biologisesti aktiivisilla oligosakkarideilla on vaikutuksia kasvin kasvuun ja kehittymiseen. Tietyn tyyppiset oligosakkaridit voivat myös indusoida puolustusreaktion valikoivasti oligosakkaridista riippuen. Useat biologisesti aktiiviset oligosakkaridit on löydetty kasvien soluseinää keinotekoisesti hajottamalla. Pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli karakterisoida kuusen (Picea abies) solukkolinjan A3/85 solususpensiokasvatukseen erittämiä oligosakkarideja. Kuusisolukko A3/85 on otollinen kandidaatti tutkimukseen, sillä sen on todettu erittävän solunulkoista ligniiniä suspensioliuokseen. Oligosakkarideja karakterisoitiin yhden ja neljän vuorokauden kasvatuksista. Alustan sokeripitoisuutta alennettiin neljän vuorokauden kasvatuksissa karakterisoinnin helpottamiseksi. Oligosakkaridien pitoisuudet voivat olla hyvin alhaisia, joten solujen tuottamia yhdisteitä seurattiin myös radioaktiivisen D-[U-14C]-glukoosin avulla. Kasvien soluseinässä yleiset glukuronihappo, galakturonihappo, ksyloosi, arabinoosi ja apioosi valmistetaan glukoosi-6-fosfaatista, joko myo-inositolihapetusreitin tai sokerihapetusreitin kautta. Lisäksi tutkittiin, muuttuuko radioaktiivisen leiman jakautuminen näytteissä, kun kasvatusliuoksessa on tai ei ole myo-inositolia. Kasvatusliuos fraktioitiin geelisuodatuskromatografialla. Fraktioiden sisältämät yhdisteet eroteltiin paperikromatografialla ja värjättiin hopeanitraatilla, aniliinivetyftalaatilla tai ninhydriinillä. Hopeanitraatti on hyödyllinen monosakkaridien, oligosakkaridien ja alditolien värjäyksessä. Radioaktiivisuuden kertymistä yhdisteisiin seurattiin nestetuikelaskimella ja autoradiografialla. Paperikromatografialla erotelluista yhdisteistä valittiin mielenkiintoiseksi koetut yhdisteet, jotka eristettiin preparatiivisella paperikromatografialla. Eristetyille yhdisteille tehtiin happohydrolysointi, borohydridikäsittely tai entsymaattinen Driselaasi -käsittely. Happohydrolysointi avaa sokeriyksiköiden väliset glykosidiset sidokset. Natriumborohydridipelkistys muuttaa oligosakkaridiketjun pelkistävän sokerin sokerialkoholiksi ja Driselaasi -käsittely avaa isoprimeveroosin Xyl-α-(1 –> 6)-Glc -sidosta lukuun ottamatta muut glykosidiset sidokset. 14C-leima on jakautunut myo-inositolin kanssa kasvatetun näytteen fraktioinnissa vahvemmin suurimolekyylisiin yhdisteisiin, kun taas ilman myo-inositolia kasvatetussa näytteessä suurin aktiivisuus D-[U-14C]-glukoosin jälkeen on trisakkaridien alueella. Suspensioliuoksista analysoitiin useita oligosakkarideja polymerisaatioasteella 1-4. Analysoiduista yhdisteistä kolme sisälsivät ksyloosia, jota solut voivat syntetoida joko myo-inositolin hapetusreitin tai glukoosin hapetusreitin kautta. Myo-inositolin puuttuminen alustasta lisäsi näiden leimattujen yhdisteiden pitoisuutta. Alustan myo-inositoli ei ole radioaktiivista, joten myo-inositolihapetusreitin kautta valmistetut monosakkaridit eivät näy autoradiografiassa. Vaikuttaisi siis siltä, että myo-inositolihapetusreitti on aktiivinen ainakin, jos solukolle tarjotaan myo-inositolia. Lisätty myo-inositoli vähentää sokerihapetusreitin aktiivisuutta. Työn aikana onnistuttiin eristämään ja osittain tunnistamaan useita kuusen suspensioliuoksen yhdisteitä. Myo-inositolihapetusreitti todettiin aktiiviseksi solukkokasvatuksessa, kun ravintoalustassa on myo-inositolia.
  • Smalén, Mirjami (2012)
    Valtaosa maapallon eliölajeista odottaa yhä tieteellistä kuvausta. Perinteisten menetelmien soveltaminen miljoonien nimeämättömien lajien kuvaamiseen on kuitenkin hidasta ja edellyttää enemmän taksonomista työvoimaa, kuin mitä todellisuudessa lienee koskaan saatavilla. Uutena ongelmana morfologisin menetelmin kuvattujen lajien sisältä on yhä enenevässä määrin paljastunut jopa useita piileviä eli kryptisiä lajeja, jotka eroavat merkittävästi muilta kuin ulkoisilta ominaisuuksiltaan. Ratkaisuksi näihin haasteisiin on ehdotettu DNA-taksonomiaa; lyhyiden, vakioitujen DNA-sekvenssien käyttöä uusien lajien tunnistamiseksi ja kryptisten lajien erottamiseksi. Tähän tarkoitukseen soveltuvaksi alueeksi eläimille on osoittautunut osa sytokromi c oksidaasi I (COI) -geeniä. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen DNA-taksonomian soveltuvuutta vastikään kuvatun, ulkoisin tuntomerkein vaikeasti eroteltavan lajiparin Aphodius fimetarius (pihalantiainen) ja Aphodius pedellus (salalantiainen) lajinmääritykseen. Kysyn: Onko näiden kromosomituntomerkein erotettujen lajien tunnistaminen mahdollista COI -geenin sekvenssierojen avulla? Voiko lajit tunnistaa aiemmin esitetyin ulkoisin tuntomerkein? Mikä on tutkimuslajien maailmanlaajuinen levinneisyys? Kumpi lajeista esiintyy Suomessa, ja millainen on tämän lajin geneettinen populaatiorakenne? Selvittääkseni tutkimieni lantakuoriaisyksilöiden lajin käytin kahta geneettistä menetelmää: kromosomipreparaatteja ja COI-geenin sekvenssejä, sekä vähäisiin ulkoisiin tuntomerkkeihin perustuvaa määrityskaavaa. Selvitykseni salalantiaisen esiintymisestä Suomessa perustui kahteen koko maan kattavaan lantakuoriaisaineistoon, sekä itse Etelä- ja Länsi-Suomesta keräämääni aineistoon. Käytössäni oli myös museonäytteitä maailmalta, sekä GenBankissa julkaistuja COIsekvenssejä. COI-sekvensseissä havaitsemani erot jakoivat aineiston kahdeksi toisistaan merkittävästi eroavaksi lajiksi: lajien välillä oli 8,1 % ero emäsjärjestyksessä, mutta lajien sisältä löytyi vain vähän muuntelua (0,2–0,7 %). Sekvenssituntomerkit erottelivat salalantiaisen ja pihalantiaisen samoiksi lajeiksi kuin aiemmin kuvatut kromosomituntomerkit. Määrityskaava sijoitti yli puolet yksilöistä samoihin ryhmiin kuin sekvenssitkin, mutta monilla yksilöillä oli kummankin lajin tuntomerkkejä. Kehittämäni DNA-lajitunnisteet osoittivat, että Suomessa esiintyy tutkituista lajeista vain salalantiainen, ei pihalantiainen. COI-tuntomerkein tunnistin salalantiaisen ensimmäisenä täysin varmana havaintona myös Pohjois-Amerikasta sekä Nepalista. Suomessa tavatuista salalantiaisen 27 COI-haplotyypistä yksi on yleinen ja laajalle levinnyt, muut harvinaisempia jalevinneisyydeltään paikallisia. Suomalaisen haplotyyppiverkoston tähtimäinen muoto viittaa siihen, että salalantiainen olisi vastikään nopeasti levittäytynyt uusille alueille. Kokonaisuudessaan tulokset osoittivat DNA-lajitunnisteet tarkaksi työkaluksi piha- ja salalantiaisen erottelemiseksi. DNA-tuntomerkkien toimivuus perustuu siihen, että lajien välinen sekvenssivaihtelu on merkittävästi lajinsisäistä vaihtelua runsaampaa. Soveltamalla uutta tunnistustyökalua laajaan aineistoon osoitin yhden maamme yleisimmän kovakuoriaisen kuuluvan eri lajiin kuin aiemmin on oletettu, ja tämän lajin olevan maailmalla laajalle levinnyt. Ilman COIsekvenssien tarjoamaa erottelukykyä morfologiset tuntomerkit eivät olisi riittäneet asian selvittämiseen. Tulevaisuudessa olisi kiinnostavaa solveltaa kehittämiäni tuntomerkkejä näiden lajien maailmanlaajuisen levinneisyyden entistä tarkempaan selvittämiseen. Vertailu kotimaiseen museoaineistoon voisi valaista, onko pihalantiainen kuitenkin joskus asuttanut maatamme ja kenties joutunut väistymään nopeasti levittäytyvän sisarlajinsa tieltä. Tähän lajitunnisteet tarjoavat nopean ja varman keinon.
  • Rinne, Hanna (2019)
    The purpose of the study was to find out what environmental effects would soil remediation in a waste treatment centre in Southern Finland have. Of particular interest were the cross-impacts caused by remediation, because there are both uncertainties and work-phases that cause environmental effects perse associated with remediation activities. Using a method derived from life-cycle assessment environmental effects of bioremediation with composting, vapour extraction and landfilling of slightly contaminated soil were examined. The method used was a qualitative life-cycle management method, that has been designed to address the contaminated soil remediation life-cycle assessments. The results highlight the many phases of remediation activities requiring transport and machinery and environmental effects caused by these, and on the other hand the risks associated with landfilling. The method used was not able to find many differences in the environmental effects of composting and vapour extraction. The risk of toxic contaminants to air was evaluated higher in vapour extraction than in composting and results mainly from the qualities of soil that is suitable for remediation with vapour extraction. The evaluation of the environmental impacts of landfilling of contaminated soil is associated with difficulties of assessing risk over a prolonged time frame. The possibility to reduce the consumption of virgi n soil and transport could make composting and vapour extraction superior to landfilling as remediation options. According to the results contaminated soil should be remediated with a suitable treatment option first, and then be utilised as backfilling or landfill structure. The uncertainties and need of further study are associated with the qualitative and subjective nature of the method used and the comparing of the results of different life-cycle assessments. It would be beneficial to study further the quantitative secondary and tertiary environmental effects of the remediation options.